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Volume 1
July, 2018
« Actors for development»
Community Projects
Nyukechen Henry Tambe
CEO and Board Chair
Editorial Board
Nyukechen Henry Tambe
Djeumo Cyrille Eugene
Desk Editor, Design and Layout
Djeumo Cyrille Eugene
Tchalima Nchurike and Bi Veroline
Facebook: /YEA
Youth Empowerment Actors.
dynamic youth association for community development.
The vision was caught by one Cameroonian humble
leader, Nyukechen Henry Tambe in October 2015, to bring
passionate young leaders together through the media. The
vision started in the university of Buea and today it has ex-
tended to the community. Some pioneer members include; In-
tong Ivo Nyoh who served as pioneer president. Awoh Issac
the Secretary General. Culbert Waltong, the program coordi-
nator. Others like Neola Lyonga, Culbert Waltong and Lucy
Mbu also acted as hosts for the TV program at CMTV.
After a year of hard work, a new board was formed on the 4th
of January 2018. It involved personalities like; Nyukechen
Henry Tambe who is currently the CEO, Djeumo Cyrille Eu-
gene the president, Emerincia Awung the program coordina-
tor, Echari Lisa the Secretary General. Tchalima Nchurike
and Bi Veroline are PRO 1&2.
Youth Empowerment Actors now runs programs in different
media houses. The main program, Youth Empowerment Ac-
tors is showcase on Hitv every Saturday from 1-2 PM hosted
by Nyukechen Henry. The second program, “Talk to the
Youth”, runs every Saturday from 12:30 -1PM, which has as
objective being to motivate young people using success sto-
ries hosted by Djeumo Cyrille Eugene. The third program is
the Youth Empowerment Forum on mediafrique radio FM
89.6 in Buea hosted by Emerincia Awung. This program
takes place every Sunday from 3-4 PM with the objective of
leading young people from the classrooms to the job market.
God has bless us tremendously, we want to bless other
young people as well in diverse ways. It is in this regards that
we are introducing this monthly magazine to encourage
works of young active citizens. We plead with you to discover
our partners, and participate during the next edition in August
Enjoy !
Civil Society Persons Brainstormed
on Peace in Action & Advocacy.
Can Religious Bodies Mediate In Came-
roon’s Secession War?
Agribusiness, a tool for empow-
erment and poverty alleviation".
Coupe zonal des Enfants de Choeur
FIED encouraged young people to be-
come job creators and not job seekers.
Go– Africa Initiative Cameroon
(GAICAM) honors her promises
Youth advises peers to join politics and Vote!
YEA WEB Mag . No 00003
Civil Society Organization (CSO) in their early and mid
career have been called to embrace the courage to ad-
vocate peace in the ongoing Anglophone crisis in order
to restore Cameroon CSO's integrity.
The call came during a one day round table discussion
on pathways to peace from "Dialogue rhetoric to Ac-
tion" at Marithon Hotel in Buea. Participants came
from a cross-section of CSO from Limbe, Tiko, Mile 18
and Buea to enrich their knowledge on peace. This talk
was organized by the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial
Foundation Cameroon (LUKMEF), A NON PROFIT
ORGANISATION who has been promoting peace, non
violence, social justice and sustainable Development
since 1999.
Such talk is said to be timely by Christians (CEO -
LUKMEF), as it comes at a time when Cameroon's
much needed peace is faking away leaving room to in-
By Djeumo Eugene .
676 34 20 30
Page 4
Civil Society Persons Brainstormed on Peace in Action
& Advocacy.
YEA WEB Mag . No 00003
These actors for development engage on the path-
ways to peace in action through thematic discussion
on Peace, Conflict and Dialogue; group analysis on the
Anglophone conflict using the Tree, Onion and Stake-
holders Mapping Techniques. They ended with joint
resolutions on subsequent sectoral meetings in other
parts of the country.
The workshop was graced by the presence of Rever-
end Ntah Williams of PCC peace Office who en-
lightened the participants on the role of the church
since the beginning of the open crisis in 2016, along-
side Mr. Ntui Oben who facilitated the session on On-
ion analysis.
At the end of the round table discussion, LUKMEF
boss and Francis Mbagna, the coordinator of Forum
Cameroun thank the participants for gathering courage
to make it at the event ground despite the sociopolitical
upheavals in Buea. Participants on their part appreciat-
ed the event organizers on the topic handled, with the
knowledge gained, they hope to better advocate the
current socio political crisis plaguing the North West
and South West Regions.
Can Religious Bodies Mediate
In Cameroon’s Seces-
sion War?
The PEACE Journalist’s Diary
ince the beginning of existence, human beings have
been on a constant search of peaceful living. This can
be established from the fact that several communities,
ethnic groups, early kingdoms and even nations have used
warring situations to search for freedom, good governance,
emancipation, human/ownership rights and the rule of law.
In Africa, the Mau Mau Resistance was a move to be free
from colonial imperialism; while Gandhi’s Non Violent Strug-
gle was to promote peace and to free Indians from British
harsh colonial systems. In Europe, the 1884 French Revolu-
tion and others were for freedom and peace from authoritari-
an rule. Also in America, the American War of Independence
was still a fight for freedom and self-rule.
The situation in the earlier centuries isn’t different from what
obtains in most countries today. There are still a lot of strug-
gles and conflicts staring several communities and nations
that beg for the return to peace. So, what is being recom-
mended by Non-Violence Peace Advocates is to cause a par-
adigm shift from violent conflict as a method of resolv-
ing issues, to Non-Violent ways of enforcing
Peace Building and Conflict Transformation.
From time immemorial, Religious bodies have
always been inspirations to Non-Violent attitudes
and Campaigners of peaceful living. For in-
stance, in Islam, Abbu Hurriera narrated that the
Prophet of Allah, (may the peace of Allah be up-
on him) said “None of you truly believes until you
love for your brother what you love yourself,” re-
ported by Buhari and Muslim. While in Christiani-
ty, Apostle Paul emphasizes that, “we have been
called into the Ministry of Reconciliation,” also be-
fore going back to Heaven, Jesus Christ said,
“Peace I live with you. My peace I give to you, not
as the world gives do I give. Let not your heart be
Should people appropriate themselves with these
teachings, conflict will never be a worrying issue and there
would be great prospects for peaceful living in the world. It is
for this reason that the potentials and role of Religious bodies
in mediating for a peaceful resolve in the ongoing killing crisis
in Cameroon has been evoked in this Peace Commentary.
Can religious bodies mediate for the return to peace in Cam-
eroon’s current escalating crisis?
It is in this light that the leaders of the Presbyterian Church in
Cameroon, PCC and the Roman Catholic Church have ex-
pressed their wish and commitment to mediate in the im-
passe currently frustrating the progress of Cameroon.
Now, the PCC with a Christian population of about two million
Christian population; with an estimated 90% of it being Anglo-
phone Cameroonians, surely has the potentials to effectively
act as mediator in the present status quo. The PCC also has
a significant representation in the Diaspora. The PCC Moder-
ator, Rt Rev Fonki Samuel Forba who has just recently been
entrusted the leadership position of CEPCA is also the leader
of over 9million Cameroonians who make up the organiza-
tion, can definitely lead his Church to playing a key role in
mediating the divides in Cameroon.
The PCC undoubtedly has the greatest influence in Men, Women and Youth
works in the country through its three main movements: The Christian Men
Followership, CMF which membership stands at over 20.539; Christian
Women Fellowship with over 48.254 members and Christian Youth Fellow-
ship with membership of above 19.921. These movements all have signifi-
cant membership within their Diaspora groups. (Note that the figures quoted
here are per the 2017 registered membership counts. The figures must have
increased as at now).
The PCC is already working hard to promote peace and checking conflict in
Cameroon through its Peace Office services and Civil Peace Service under
the PCC Communication Department headed by Rev Mokoko Mbue Thom-
as. Presently, there are series of
Peace Workshops and Peace Educa-
tion Programmes being organized by
these services with the watchtower;
Also, the Roman Catholic Church with
an estimated 4million fateful in the
country stands a good chance to act
as a mediator in the situation too. Its
role in building lives and development
in Cameroon cannot be undermined.
Through its active Peace and Justice
Commission, the Roman Catholic
Church has helped in resolving
conflicts and wars in the country.
If it has effectively done this at
local levels in Cameroon then it
can do more if given a chance to
mediate in the ALL INCLUSIVE DIALOGUE widely called for to address the
warring situation in Cameroon.
I will like to cite His Eminent Cardinal Tumi of great reputes and virtue as
one that can commendably represent the Roman Catholic Church in the
event of an all inclusive dialogue to help resolve the crisis.
Equally, the Cameroon Baptist Convention, CBC and other credible Christian
organizations in the country should be considered as well in forming a trust-
ed team of mediators.
Another invaluable religious body to play a key role in the dialogue is the
Muslim Community. Islam has a great membership in Cameroon with very
intelligent and trusted Imams. With such credibility and influence, this reli-
gious body is an important stakeholder in resolving the tension and killings.
This Muslim community has good population following in the North West and
South West regions who equally feel the impact of the war. Let the dialogue
be organized, there are trusted leaders to play the role of mediators.
There Is No Way To Pecce, PEACE is the only way!
Peace Journalist, CBS Bamenda
Coordinator, Peace Ambassadors’ Initiative, (PAI)
Tel.: +237 677090683, 694747859
YEA WEB Mag . No 00003
Page 8
Volume 1
Don't make mistakes some of
our Fathers or Senior Broth-
ers made.
OF 25 TO 30.
Marry now with the little
you have. Don't wait to
be a millionaire, Have
kids early so you can
grow with them. Grow
with your kids and suc-
ceed with your wife. You
will never finish making
money or achieving your
plans. You might still not
succeed at your target
year. So start your life
early, with consistency
you will grow.
My father said this to me:
When i was 25, i was
talking about making bil-
lions before i marry. Many
years later, billions didn't
come, yet no kid no
wife... I had an opportunity to marry
the most beautiful love of my life
very early, But my fear was, can I re-
ally take care of her? But right now
She's married with Four grown up
The guy that married her was still
schooling then, but had the courage.
They worked hard and
succeeded together. So
please if you can feed
yourself, you can feed your
wife. You have to believe
it, marry early, don't wait.
Stay away from abortion.
Don't make our mistakes, I
see my childhood friends
play with their kids.. Most
of them are not doing as
well as me.. But they are
happier with their fami-
Trust me it isn't money on-
ly, but Rather your Maturi-
ty, your happiness de-
pends entirely on your
wisdom and the way you
Handle Life. With a well
planned life they are hap-
Trust me it isn't money,
What is our problem?
Build mansion? buy the
latest Car in Town? marry
Sharon stone type? but
still we don't have those
things we dreamt of, and
of course the years we
wasted, we can never
have them !!!_Please don't
be 60yrs old and your kids
will still be in their
20's..What are you sup-
posed to be at that age?
Their grand father. Please
young men, take my ad-
vice seriously.
Marry, don't be afraid, that
girl you are finding too
many fault in has many
good qualities if you look
well. Don't think you will
get every thing before you
settle down. With a good
determination and focus
with your wife by your
side, we will succeed by
God grace....Amen
Arrey Lord
a dynamic 21st Century marketer with HIBMAT -BUEA, member of the batch
YEA WEB Mag . No 00003
YEA WEB Mag . No 00003
The clouds turned dark yesterday in
Buea, Facebook and WhatsApp pages
stormed with the news of the death of
Reverend Alexander Sob. Yes he is
death. The lifeless body is in the mor-
tuary. Mourners from all works of life,
Parishioners, family and friends crying
out loud calling on God to come to our
rescue. Yes our country is bad.
In my little corner and as someone
who knows Rev Sob, not only knowing
but saw him the day before and hear-
ing friends and colleagues referring to
him today as corps, I shouted.
Was I hallucinating?
What went over me?
Am I dreaming?,
So many questions came to mind. But
the truth is, I wasn't thinking
about the death of Rev Sob, I
was thinking about me, think-
ing about how much time and
energy I invest in education to
be a better person tomorrow,
how much time I invest to my
daily activities. I wondered
again loud, what this life is. I
came to this. "Yesterday was
Rev Sob, today could be you or
I, Human being is nothing.
" Every soul shall taste of death
and we try you with evil and
good for a testing, and unto us
you shall be returned "
Suratul Anbiya verse 35
The same plans every death
person had, we all have them
today, Great minds and million-
aires are in the grave yards.
God is testing us through out
our lives with evil and good
but remember we shall all
return to HIM.
Our country has become a
grave yard, people buried
day in day out, many have
lost their lives in what is now
commonly called the Anglo-
phone Crisis. Our leaders
have closed their eyes, fold-
ed their hands and pretend-
ing as if nothing is happen-
ing. Humanity have been re-
duced to zero, deaths are
recorded everyday like ani-
mal, many internally dis-
placed and many losing her-
itage of their cultures.
When will this end?
How did it come this far?
The response is to stay
steadfast and look up to
God. This is just based on
self reflection.
#Rest in peace Rev and to
every soul that have passed
away as a result of the un-
rest in the northwest and
By Aishatu fabani
Aishatu fabani
Late Fr Alexander Sob
YEA WEB Mag . No 00003
"Agribusiness, a tool for
empowerment and poverty alleviation".
YEA WEB Mag . No 00003
t was a great suc-
cess on saturday
7th of July 2018 in
Buea, as Isabelle
Manya Teghen after 4
months from her inter-
national training in Isra-
el brought together 74
young person and pas-
sionate agripreneur ,
for a one day seminar
on "agribusiness, a tool
for empowerment and
poverty alleviation".
At the end of the semi-
nar, participants were
given certificates of
empowerment and poverty alleviation".
Group Pictures with participants
La finale de la coupe zonal des Enfants de Choeur de la
zone pastorale Wouri 9 sous l'organisation de Franck Minsi
Bikoué à eu lieu ce samedi 14 Juillet 2018 au collège
Malangué de Béedi.
C'est une pluie de monde qui était présent a cette grande initiative d'un jeu-
ne donc l'age attein apène la maturité. Comme l'avait dit le chef de l'Etat
Paul Biya , le jeune Franck Minsi Bikoue a valablement retenu le message
du père de la nation. C'est une ambiance de folie, un spectacle de grand
jour, un public qui a massivement repondu présent a cette grande fête du
football . Les archives se sont fermés et s'ouvriront encore l'année pro-
chaine pour une autre édition....
Chers jeunes je n'avait pas d'argent, ni de sponsor, je n'avait personne mais
avec mon courage et mes multiples formations de la JCI je suis arrivé a mon
objectif. Quand je regarde ses images etc... Je pleure de joie.. C'est moi le
petit Franck Minsi Bikoue qui a organisé cette grande activité? Jusqu'ici je
n'en revient pas.. Alors que c'est vraiment moi. Toi aussi avec tes 20 ans
comme moi tu peux et peut être même plus..
Vive le football au Cameroun. 2019 nous parle déjà. Merci
Coupe zonal des Enfants de Choeur... initiative d'un jeune
donc l'age attein apène la maturité (Franck Minsi Bikoué)
YEA WEB Mag . No 00003
////////////////////////////////////////////GIACAM 2018
Go– Africa Initiative Cameroon (GAICAM) honors her promises
If event success was only about pictures, the leadership and entrepreneurial fellowship would have been
one already. The pictures of day one of this annual program which started on the 17th of July 2018 at the
Buea Council Hall. Despites all odds imposed by the ongoing crisis in the North West and South West Re-
gions of Cameroon, the series of trainings would certainly shape the minds of participant selected for this
edition to be better citizens.
ver 25 young leaders gathered at the Buea council Hall have been drill
on event planning and report writing skills. This training came in at the
start of a one week capacity building fellowship on leadership and entre-
preneurship organized by Go Africa Innitiave Cameroon (GAICAM), a Non Govern-
mental Organisation with head office in Buea, Southwest region of Cameroon.
Djeumo Eugene Cyrille, the Manager of Help Hospitality Services and facilitator of
a one hour, thirty minutes (1h30) training session through series of group works
successfully shared his experience on event organization and reports writing which
can be summarized as follow; A proper event plan:
IS ORGANIZED. A good plan must be very well organized and easy to
understand. Clearly define the different stages, establish the strategies and
actions, and state the responsibilities for the completion of each action. .
satisfy the needs and expectations of the members of the group. If you want the
plan to be successful, the members must receive some benefit for themselves; it
could be learning new skills or simply enjoying the satisfaction of helping others.
Each member must be able to identify some activities in the plan
to which he can contribute his particular talents. All tasks must be
divided among the members according their abilities, skills and
desires. Avoid overloading some skilled members and leaving
others who want to help without anything to do.
IS ACHIEVABLE. A good plan must be practicable and indi-
cate that it is achievable. Members of the group must believe in
the possibilities and success of the plan. They must be able to
see the goals and the final results they will help to achieve.
IS SIMPLE. The language used in the plan must be simple to
be readily understood by every member of the team without con-
sulting a specialist.
IS CLEAR, SPECIFIC AND PRECISE. The plan must indicate
quantities, deadlines, quality, specifications, responsibilities,
costs, etc.
YEA WEB Mag . No 00003
IS FLEXIBLE. Things may change
after the plan is completed. The plan
must be flexible to adapt to changes.
plan must have a balanced program
of activities distributed among all
members and spread throughout the
time allotted for its execution. This
approach will avoid an overload of
work at any given time and unfair de-
mands on certain members.
plan must have a budget, and every
action must state its cost. All mem-
bers must clearly see where the mon-
ey comes from and where it goes. A
budget must be realistic, not overesti-
mated. All sponsorships must be con-
firmed before being included in the
must include all possible details. Noth-
ing should be left to the imagination or
chance. All circumstances must be
considered, and nothing unexpected
should happen. After the plan is com-
pleted, somebody should review it
with critical eyes and search for errors
or omissions.
oncerning reports writing
skills, he recommended
them to focus on recom-
mendations and not chal-
lenges but most importantly to use
tables and figures to be more accu-
rate in their feedbacks.
he session ended with a
questions and answer forum
where some doubts where
clarified and finally a photo session to
end the meeting.
YEA WEB Mag . No 00003 Page 15
ollowing the closure of the candidatures on the 19/07/2018 for
the presidential election of October 07th 2018 and without
having to wait for the decision of the Constitutional Council,
there are really 07 (seven) candidacies that will focus the attention
after exclusion of Zealous nominations of independents or parties
without elected officials and without the 300 signatures required, that
of Olivier Bile who acknowledges that he has not deposited bail or
that hollow of Garga Haman Adji who could never convince. The ap-
plications worthy of interest are in alphabetical order;
1- Adamou Ndam Njoya
2- Akéré Muna
3- Biya Paul
4- Kamto Maurice
5- Libih Cabral
6- Matomba Serge Hope
7- Osih Joshua
Halfway through this campaign, which began in 2017, three strong
trends are emerging per alphabetical order. They are the ones who
fight the most in the field:
1 - Biya Paul from the Rdpc
2 - Kamto Maurice from Crm
3 - Libih Cabral of the Universe party and 11 million movement .
In this handkerchief to 3, two camps are engaged in a tough battle:
the CPDM and the CRM.
The incidents of t-shirts and gadgets burned in the far north followed
by the filing of a complaint by the CRM against the President of the
National Assembly and certain members of the government from the
CPDM are a good illustration.
Clearly and all these candidates, the one that the CPDM fears the most
in the state, I specify well in the state, is the CRM of Maurice KAMTO.
The CRM is currently for the CPDM, the SDF of the 1990s.
From this diagram, it emerges that the radical opposition could be
formed around the candidate of Kamto who according to some infor-
mation is seeking a consensus with the electorate of the great north near
Marafa Hamidou Yaya, Vamoulke and other opponents policies in open
conflict or disgrace with CPDM pundits. If Maurice Kamto makes a good
breakthrough in the North, he would offer presidential guarantees to oth-
er opponents such as Adamou Ndam Njoya, Akéré Muna, Matomba
Serge Espoir he met and certainly open to a coalition government.
On the other hand the SDF of Joshua OSIH will hardly join a coalition
against the CPDM. The SDF has always considered that rallying will be
done around him. Except obviously a personal suicidal act of Joshua
OSIH. Rallying the opposition around an English-speaking bid would
have been possible if the northwestern and southwestern regions would
accept to play the game. But they obviously do not want to participate in
this election. Except obviously extraordinary lull.
As for what is the candidacy of Cabral Libih .. Contrary to certain analyz-
es, he is not a candidate against the CRM, but against CPDM which he
erodes the most important part of the young electorate across the coun-
try, activist cities aspiring to alternation and coastal areas and militant
center of the UPC. It is a candidate who can easily get a postponement
of the voices of CPDM activists muted in alternation. It is CPDM -
compatible. Through Cabral LibIh, the CPDM will face its long-
suppressed wing.
Candidate Paul Biya, beyond his posture that wants to be serene and
reassuring, will have to face his own party which thousands of militants
had wished internally a passage of witness at an investiture congress.
Nevertheless, it continues to benefit from its rural electorate in the Cen-
ter, South and East regions, and especially its alliances with parties such
as UNDP, MDR and also some of the pundits and traditional chiefs of
the north who will call for vote for him in the north.
To your analyzes now dear conformists. To you the debate!
Respect for the opinions of one and the other in dignity is the rigueur.
Politics is posture.
<<News flies like wind, we shoot with concern.>>
YEA WEB Mag . No 00003
Coupe zonal des Enfants de Choeur... initiative d'un jeune
donc l'age attein apène la maturité (Franck Minsi Bikoué)
YEA WEB Mag . No 00003
FIED encouraged young people to become
job creators and not job seekers.
ew days after the results of the Cameroon Government Certificate Examination
(CGCE ) Ordinary Level (O/L) an Advanced Level (A/L) together with the Bacca-
laureate result of the Francophone sub system of Education. A civil society organ-
ization encourages recent graduate and final year student in the university to harness
their soft skills in order to unlock the mystery of the job market.
This call came in during a two hours exchange on Wednesday 25/07/2018 at the char-
tered University Institute Campus B, university junction, Molyko Buea. Organized by
the *Foundation for Inclusive Education* (FIED) led by *Mr. Nkegoah Ebenezer* in
partnership with the *United States Embassy* who intervene through video screaming
represented by *Madame Prescilia Mbiandja* who motivated participants to conduct
research on *United State of America* (USA) Universities scholarship opportunities,
further mentioned the necessity to start early and make available enough funds as the
process might be long for some programs. This channel of communication was effec-
tive with the help of *Goddman Computers.*
The event was graced by the presence of *Dr. John Teneng Awa* (International Exami-
nation officer in the CGCE Board) who remind participants the choice of a career that
come from within and to always stand for ones right (Advocacy). Alongside *Mr. Fru
Che Terrence* (Leadership Coach) who reminded participants that self confidence is
the live blood of success.
Over 30 people took part in this seminar coming from various background amongst
which; *Student, Activist, Teachers, High Tech, Lawyers* who thanked and made rec-
ommendations to the organising committee (OC) to increase the session duration
from two to three hours next time, and to the OC who promised to further networking
session over *social media* but also with the *USA Embassy in Yaoundé.*
The hard skills can take us to the employer and soft skills will open the door.
Cyrille for YEA web mag No. 00003.
YEA WEB Mag . No
Who is Mr. Busi Ernest?
r. Busi Ernest a PhD student in the University of Buea
studying Educational Psychology, started as a primary
school teacher immediately when he graduated from
the Teachers’ Training College. He has always aimed high
and this has been a motivating factor to him. Due to the fact
that he never wanted to end at the primary level, he said “
true resilient comes from struggling, you have to know your-
self esteem, and to know who you are because if you don’t
know, you are a failure”.
He continued by saying that as a youth, you are bound to
face several challenges from your environment which are not
enabling and stimulating to enhance self development.
Topic: Being resilient in times of vulnerability.
On a panelist discussion on HI TV moderated by Tambe Henry,
Guest included Mr. Busi Ernest , Mr Fru Che, Miss Awung Emerin-
cia and Mr. Kadia Robert.
@ Write-up by Bi Veroline and Tchalima Nchurike
for YEA web mag No. 00003.
YEA WEB Mag . No 00003
He reiterated that as youths we should be en-
thusiastic, have a positive self esteem, know
our identity, self awareness and being able to
deal with issues. As evidence of being resilient.
Mr. Busi Ernest had a positive peer pressure,
self confidence and self efficacy and was hard
working and today he is a lecturer in the Uni-
versity of Buea.
Mr. Busi Ernest identified some of these vulner-
able issues that hampers the youths such as
poverty, hardship, low standard of living and un-
employment. According to him, to be a resilient
youth we have to show abilities to bounce back
to these issues.
Mr. Fru says that “most youths lack ca-
reer orientation toward their passion,
they are suffering from career purgato-
ry”. He emphasizes that for every youth
to grow, they need humility, mentorship
and training and that hard work helps
them to be innovative and pushful. Ac-
cording to him youths should avoid com-
plaining and use their skills to make it in
life. Finally, he recommends the youths
to be a “rainbow in our brothers’ cloud”
and let us make a change by encourag-
ing each and everyone.
Topic: Being resilient in times of vulnerability.
On the contrary, Robert believes
that “Greatness is all about luck
and that luck helps those young
peo in the society who were
born with golden spoons”.
Miss Awung Emerincia on her
part believes that humanity
pays in every situation and that
God is the ultimate to achieve
success; that God gives you the
direction toward your vision to
achieve your mission.
YEA WEB Mag . No 00003
Never wonder why the
bird flies,
Or the sea tides,
Shaken at your feet,
Anol calls you master,
Never wonder why.
Never wonder why the
day ceases,
And if the night heals,
Although fainted,
Never wonder why.
Never wonder why Sha-
lom exceeds,
Why she spreads her
Why they grow in bits,
Why it's hard to see,
Never wonder why,
Never cry,
Just sit and let her prevail,
Her soft and gentle
breezed words in your
Always fancy about her,
Always dream about her,
Always have her close,
Never wonder to let her
Ameh Chantal.
17YEA WEB Mag . No 00003
18YEA WEB Mag . No 00003
Mr Dibwende Ndike Henri Stephane, founder and CEO of 237 CTPI (An international Promoting agency)
which thus the promotion of;
 Artist both national and international
 Street Promotion
 media Promotion (Radio, TV and Social Media)
 IT consultancy
 General advertisement in all aspect of the economy.
237CTPI is a 100% advertising House founded by a young Cameroonian Dibwende and Samuel Spora
who currently serves as General Manager. 237 CTPI composes of about 192 persons both home and
abroad, promoters of all types from bloggers, TV host, Radio animator etc. After the last award grabbed on
June 29th 2018 at TADAYS 2018 Best Promoting structure without forgetting that of best Central Africa
Promoting structure, 237CTPI ensures both national and international arts to put their work to the best level
of exposure. 237CTPI encourages young people to be more creative and determined for the future is
bright. And believes that no one should ever hesitate to contact her for what ever service at all time.
237 CTPI has gone further to create another structure BTO - A (Background Task Observers - Awards)
which from its name, is a team which shall be observing from a hidden stand point the real effort of individ-
ual and organization not doing eye servants before working and their levels of creativity to help the country
grow towards emergence. BTO - A will be taking part in all awards to the level of the Diaspora so as to rec-
ognize such efforts. Her reason being that, from the ups and down noticed where some persons are eye
servants, some going to the extend of buying awards and not the meritorious person get the recognitions.
We also believe that if almost all works from the lowest to highest level of the society are being recog-
nized / awarded, it will help boost the economy at all levels where every one will work harder to yeal the
best. So as soon as we get the legal administrative authorization, BTO- A
will effectively start from news channeled to all medias.
237 CTPI therefore calls on the massive collaboration of all in the society
pointing out that there is alot of disunity among youth which accounts to
about 80% root caused of the slow growth in our economy.
Mr Dibwende Ndike Henri Stephane,
Founder and CEO of 237 CTPI (An international Promoting agency)
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter
Tel: (+237) 680501819, 690041528
“ I rather prefer to die advocating peace than
to perish out of stray bullet. In a battle ground,
no live is safe”.
the day of his death”
his strength to withstand
Youth advises peers to join politics and Vote!
In the heart of the current Anglophone crisis rock-
ing the North West and South West Regions, a
young talented political hopeful in Buea has mus-
tered the courage to advice his peers to go and
vote in the upcoming presidential election in
Cameroon if they need change.
The National Secretary in charge of Translation
for the Youth Wing of the Cameroon Renais-
sance Movement (CRM), Djeumo Eugene Cyrille was speaking in Buea recently during a one day round ta-
ble discussion aimed at proposing lasting solutions to the current crisis in Cameroon. The energetic an am-
bitious young man fondly referred to as 'Mayor' noted that, rather than dying on his bed, he would better die
advocating Peace.
The Junior Chambered International (JCI) Cameroon legal counsel, told the press that he is actively in-
volved in politics. " I am actively involved in politics and I believe that to be a young person is not a crime,
rather I am full of positive energy, dynamic and this is the only age I can go about my activities with relative
ease and let people know my conviction". Djeumo said. He added that as a young person his message to
the youth is to get involve in politics, armed with their vote's so that " at least you will do your part by voting
and the others can keep cheating but the only thing constant is change".
He also promised to keep advocating for peace and also lure some other young people to get involved in
politics. This call come at a time when youth involvement rate in politics in Cameroon is still low because
youth stigmatized politics as a "dirty game" meant for the aged.
Awungnkeng Chanceline
Financial Secretary
Henrietta Mbain
Secretary General.
Echari Lisa
Djeumo Eugene Cyrille
CEO and Board Chair:
Nyukechen Henry Tambe
Program coordinator
Emerincia Awung F.
Public Relation Officer 1
Tchalima Nchurike
Public Relation Officer 2
Bi Veroline
OUr team
Page 19
By Fabrics Kehdinga, The Guardian Post No.1454.
YEA WEB Mag . No 00003
YEA WEB Mag . No 00003

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Youth Empowerment Actors web Magazine - July 2018

  • 1. 1 Volume 1 July, 2018 MAGAZINE YOUTH EMPOWERMENT ACTORS « Actors for development» THE MOST AMAZING Politics Community Projects BUSINESS IDEA IN BUEA
  • 2. 2 Nyukechen Henry Tambe CEO and Board Chair Editorial Board Publisher Nyukechen Henry Tambe Editor-In-Chief Djeumo Cyrille Eugene Desk Editor, Design and Layout Djeumo Cyrille Eugene Reporters Tchalima Nchurike and Bi Veroline Facebook: /YEA Email: Youth Empowerment Actors. dynamic youth association for community development. The vision was caught by one Cameroonian humble leader, Nyukechen Henry Tambe in October 2015, to bring passionate young leaders together through the media. The vision started in the university of Buea and today it has ex- tended to the community. Some pioneer members include; In- tong Ivo Nyoh who served as pioneer president. Awoh Issac the Secretary General. Culbert Waltong, the program coordi- nator. Others like Neola Lyonga, Culbert Waltong and Lucy Mbu also acted as hosts for the TV program at CMTV. After a year of hard work, a new board was formed on the 4th of January 2018. It involved personalities like; Nyukechen Henry Tambe who is currently the CEO, Djeumo Cyrille Eu- gene the president, Emerincia Awung the program coordina- tor, Echari Lisa the Secretary General. Tchalima Nchurike and Bi Veroline are PRO 1&2. Youth Empowerment Actors now runs programs in different media houses. The main program, Youth Empowerment Ac- tors is showcase on Hitv every Saturday from 1-2 PM hosted by Nyukechen Henry. The second program, “Talk to the Youth”, runs every Saturday from 12:30 -1PM, which has as objective being to motivate young people using success sto- ries hosted by Djeumo Cyrille Eugene. The third program is the Youth Empowerment Forum on mediafrique radio FM 89.6 in Buea hosted by Emerincia Awung. This program takes place every Sunday from 3-4 PM with the objective of leading young people from the classrooms to the job market. God has bless us tremendously, we want to bless other young people as well in diverse ways. It is in this regards that we are introducing this monthly magazine to encourage works of young active citizens. We plead with you to discover our partners, and participate during the next edition in August 2018. Enjoy ! A
  • 3. 3 Featuring Civil Society Persons Brainstormed on Peace in Action & Advocacy. Can Religious Bodies Mediate In Came- roon’s Secession War? DEATH Agribusiness, a tool for empow- erment and poverty alleviation". Coupe zonal des Enfants de Choeur FIED encouraged young people to be- come job creators and not job seekers. Go– Africa Initiative Cameroon (GAICAM) honors her promises Youth advises peers to join politics and Vote! 11 4 18 9 14 10 8 5 YEA WEB Mag . No 00003
  • 4. 4 Civil Society Organization (CSO) in their early and mid career have been called to embrace the courage to ad- vocate peace in the ongoing Anglophone crisis in order to restore Cameroon CSO's integrity. The call came during a one day round table discussion on pathways to peace from "Dialogue rhetoric to Ac- tion" at Marithon Hotel in Buea. Participants came from a cross-section of CSO from Limbe, Tiko, Mile 18 and Buea to enrich their knowledge on peace. This talk was organized by the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Foundation Cameroon (LUKMEF), A NON PROFIT ORGANISATION who has been promoting peace, non violence, social justice and sustainable Development since 1999. Such talk is said to be timely by Christians (CEO - LUKMEF), as it comes at a time when Cameroon's much needed peace is faking away leaving room to in- surrection. By Djeumo Eugene . 676 34 20 30 Page 4 Civil Society Persons Brainstormed on Peace in Action & Advocacy. YEA WEB Mag . No 00003 These actors for development engage on the path- ways to peace in action through thematic discussion on Peace, Conflict and Dialogue; group analysis on the Anglophone conflict using the Tree, Onion and Stake- holders Mapping Techniques. They ended with joint resolutions on subsequent sectoral meetings in other parts of the country. The workshop was graced by the presence of Rever- end Ntah Williams of PCC peace Office who en- lightened the participants on the role of the church since the beginning of the open crisis in 2016, along- side Mr. Ntui Oben who facilitated the session on On- ion analysis. At the end of the round table discussion, LUKMEF boss and Francis Mbagna, the coordinator of Forum Cameroun thank the participants for gathering courage to make it at the event ground despite the sociopolitical upheavals in Buea. Participants on their part appreciat- ed the event organizers on the topic handled, with the knowledge gained, they hope to better advocate the current socio political crisis plaguing the North West and South West Regions.
  • 5. 5 //////////////////////////////// Can Religious Bodies Mediate In Cameroon’s Seces- sion War? The PEACE Journalist’s Diary ” “ ince the beginning of existence, human beings have been on a constant search of peaceful living. This can be established from the fact that several communities, ethnic groups, early kingdoms and even nations have used warring situations to search for freedom, good governance, emancipation, human/ownership rights and the rule of law. In Africa, the Mau Mau Resistance was a move to be free from colonial imperialism; while Gandhi’s Non Violent Strug- gle was to promote peace and to free Indians from British harsh colonial systems. In Europe, the 1884 French Revolu- tion and others were for freedom and peace from authoritari- an rule. Also in America, the American War of Independence was still a fight for freedom and self-rule. The situation in the earlier centuries isn’t different from what obtains in most countries today. There are still a lot of strug- gles and conflicts staring several communities and nations that beg for the return to peace. So, what is being recom- mended by Non-Violence Peace Advocates is to cause a par- adigm shift from violent conflict as a method of resolv- ing issues, to Non-Violent ways of enforcing Peace Building and Conflict Transformation. From time immemorial, Religious bodies have always been inspirations to Non-Violent attitudes and Campaigners of peaceful living. For in- stance, in Islam, Abbu Hurriera narrated that the Prophet of Allah, (may the peace of Allah be up- on him) said “None of you truly believes until you love for your brother what you love yourself,” re- ported by Buhari and Muslim. While in Christiani- ty, Apostle Paul emphasizes that, “we have been called into the Ministry of Reconciliation,” also be- fore going back to Heaven, Jesus Christ said, “Peace I live with you. My peace I give to you, not as the world gives do I give. Let not your heart be troubled” Should people appropriate themselves with these teachings, conflict will never be a worrying issue and there would be great prospects for peaceful living in the world. It is for this reason that the potentials and role of Religious bodies in mediating for a peaceful resolve in the ongoing killing crisis in Cameroon has been evoked in this Peace Commentary. Can religious bodies mediate for the return to peace in Cam- eroon’s current escalating crisis? It is in this light that the leaders of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon, PCC and the Roman Catholic Church have ex- pressed their wish and commitment to mediate in the im- passe currently frustrating the progress of Cameroon. Now, the PCC with a Christian population of about two million Christian population; with an estimated 90% of it being Anglo- phone Cameroonians, surely has the potentials to effectively act as mediator in the present status quo. The PCC also has a significant representation in the Diaspora. The PCC Moder- ator, Rt Rev Fonki Samuel Forba who has just recently been entrusted the leadership position of CEPCA is also the leader of over 9million Cameroonians who make up the organiza- tion, can definitely lead his Church to playing a key role in mediating the divides in Cameroon. The PCC undoubtedly has the greatest influence in Men, Women and Youth works in the country through its three main movements: The Christian Men Followership, CMF which membership stands at over 20.539; Christian Women Fellowship with over 48.254 members and Christian Youth Fellow- ship with membership of above 19.921. These movements all have signifi- cant membership within their Diaspora groups. (Note that the figures quoted here are per the 2017 registered membership counts. The figures must have increased as at now). The PCC is already working hard to promote peace and checking conflict in Cameroon through its Peace Office services and Civil Peace Service under the PCC Communication Department headed by Rev Mokoko Mbue Thom- as. Presently, there are series of Peace Workshops and Peace Educa- tion Programmes being organized by these services with the watchtower; PEACE IS POSSIBLE! Also, the Roman Catholic Church with an estimated 4million fateful in the country stands a good chance to act as a mediator in the situation too. Its role in building lives and development in Cameroon cannot be undermined. Through its active Peace and Justice Commission, the Roman Catholic Church has helped in resolving conflicts and wars in the country. If it has effectively done this at local levels in Cameroon then it can do more if given a chance to mediate in the ALL INCLUSIVE DIALOGUE widely called for to address the warring situation in Cameroon. I will like to cite His Eminent Cardinal Tumi of great reputes and virtue as one that can commendably represent the Roman Catholic Church in the event of an all inclusive dialogue to help resolve the crisis. Equally, the Cameroon Baptist Convention, CBC and other credible Christian organizations in the country should be considered as well in forming a trust- ed team of mediators. Another invaluable religious body to play a key role in the dialogue is the Muslim Community. Islam has a great membership in Cameroon with very intelligent and trusted Imams. With such credibility and influence, this reli- gious body is an important stakeholder in resolving the tension and killings. This Muslim community has good population following in the North West and South West regions who equally feel the impact of the war. Let the dialogue be organized, there are trusted leaders to play the role of mediators. There Is No Way To Pecce, PEACE is the only way! By Gilbert NYONGAMSEN NDASI Peace Journalist, CBS Bamenda Coordinator, Peace Ambassadors’ Initiative, (PAI) Tel.: +237 677090683, 694747859 Email: YEA—ACTORSFORDEVELOPMENTmagazine YEA WEB Mag . No 00003 Page 8 S Gilbert NYONGAMSEN
  • 6. 6 Volume 1 YOUNG PEOPLE & MARRIAGE Don't make mistakes some of our Fathers or Senior Broth- ers made. DEAR YOUNG GUYS AT THE AGE OF 25 TO 30. Marry now with the little you have. Don't wait to be a millionaire, Have kids early so you can grow with them. Grow with your kids and suc- ceed with your wife. You will never finish making money or achieving your plans. You might still not succeed at your target year. So start your life early, with consistency you will grow. My father said this to me: When i was 25, i was talking about making bil- lions before i marry. Many years later, billions didn't come, yet no kid no wife... I had an opportunity to marry the most beautiful love of my life very early, But my fear was, can I re- ally take care of her? But right now She's married with Four grown up children. The guy that married her was still schooling then, but had the courage. They worked hard and succeeded together. So please if you can feed yourself, you can feed your wife. You have to believe it, marry early, don't wait. Stay away from abortion. Don't make our mistakes, I see my childhood friends play with their kids.. Most of them are not doing as well as me.. But they are happier with their fami- lies.. Trust me it isn't money on- ly, but Rather your Maturi- ty, your happiness de- pends entirely on your wisdom and the way you Handle Life. With a well planned life they are hap- pier. Trust me it isn't money, What is our problem? Build mansion? buy the latest Car in Town? marry Sharon stone type? but still we don't have those things we dreamt of, and of course the years we wasted, we can never have them !!!_Please don't be 60yrs old and your kids will still be in their 20's..What are you sup- posed to be at that age? Their grand father. Please young men, take my ad- vice seriously. Marry, don't be afraid, that girl you are finding too many fault in has many good qualities if you look well. Don't think you will get every thing before you settle down. With a good determination and focus with your wife by your side, we will succeed by God grace....Amen Gilbert NYONGAMSEN NDASI Arrey Lord a dynamic 21st Century marketer with HIBMAT -BUEA, member of the batch of "EXCELLENT MARKETERS" YEA WEB Mag . No 00003
  • 7. 7 YEA WEB Mag . No 00003 WHEN A BOY DECIDE TO BE A MAN
  • 8. 8 The clouds turned dark yesterday in Buea, Facebook and WhatsApp pages stormed with the news of the death of Reverend Alexander Sob. Yes he is death. The lifeless body is in the mor- tuary. Mourners from all works of life, Parishioners, family and friends crying out loud calling on God to come to our rescue. Yes our country is bad. In my little corner and as someone who knows Rev Sob, not only knowing but saw him the day before and hear- ing friends and colleagues referring to him today as corps, I shouted. Was I hallucinating? What went over me? Am I dreaming?, So many questions came to mind. But the truth is, I wasn't thinking about the death of Rev Sob, I was thinking about me, think- ing about how much time and energy I invest in education to be a better person tomorrow, how much time I invest to my daily activities. I wondered again loud, what this life is. I came to this. "Yesterday was Rev Sob, today could be you or I, Human being is nothing. " Every soul shall taste of death and we try you with evil and good for a testing, and unto us you shall be returned " Suratul Anbiya verse 35 The same plans every death person had, we all have them today, Great minds and million- aires are in the grave yards. God is testing us through out our lives with evil and good but remember we shall all return to HIM. Our country has become a grave yard, people buried day in day out, many have lost their lives in what is now commonly called the Anglo- phone Crisis. Our leaders have closed their eyes, fold- ed their hands and pretend- ing as if nothing is happen- ing. Humanity have been re- duced to zero, deaths are recorded everyday like ani- mal, many internally dis- placed and many losing her- itage of their cultures. When will this end? How did it come this far? The response is to stay steadfast and look up to God. This is just based on self reflection. #Rest in peace Rev and to every soul that have passed away as a result of the un- rest in the northwest and southwest. By Aishatu fabani ///////////////////////////////////////////// ISSUES Aishatu fabani Late Fr Alexander Sob YEA WEB Mag . No 00003 DEATH
  • 9. 9 "Agribusiness, a tool for empowerment and poverty alleviation".  AFTER THE INTERNATIONAL TRAINING IN ISRAEL, ISABELLE M. TEGHEN IN COLLABORATION WITH: -FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE AND VETERINARY MEDICINE STUDENTS ASSO- CIATION (FAVMSA) UNIVERSITY OF BUEA -EMBASSY OF ISRAEL YAOUNDÉ -MASHAV- ISRAEL -AFRICAN YOUTHS IN AGRIBUSINESS -DENIS MIKI FOUNDATION YEA WEB Mag . No 00003 t was a great suc- cess on saturday 7th of July 2018 in Buea, as Isabelle Manya Teghen after 4 months from her inter- national training in Isra- el brought together 74 young person and pas- sionate agripreneur , for a one day seminar on "agribusiness, a tool for empowerment and poverty alleviation". At the end of the semi- nar, participants were given certificates of participation empowerment and poverty alleviation". Group Pictures with participants I
  • 10. 10 La finale de la coupe zonal des Enfants de Choeur de la zone pastorale Wouri 9 sous l'organisation de Franck Minsi Bikoué à eu lieu ce samedi 14 Juillet 2018 au collège Malangué de Béedi. C'est une pluie de monde qui était présent a cette grande initiative d'un jeu- ne donc l'age attein apène la maturité. Comme l'avait dit le chef de l'Etat Paul Biya , le jeune Franck Minsi Bikoue a valablement retenu le message du père de la nation. C'est une ambiance de folie, un spectacle de grand jour, un public qui a massivement repondu présent a cette grande fête du football . Les archives se sont fermés et s'ouvriront encore l'année pro- chaine pour une autre édition.... Chers jeunes je n'avait pas d'argent, ni de sponsor, je n'avait personne mais avec mon courage et mes multiples formations de la JCI je suis arrivé a mon objectif. Quand je regarde ses images etc... Je pleure de joie.. C'est moi le petit Franck Minsi Bikoue qui a organisé cette grande activité? Jusqu'ici je n'en revient pas.. Alors que c'est vraiment moi. Toi aussi avec tes 20 ans comme moi tu peux et peut être même plus.. Vive le football au Cameroun. 2019 nous parle déjà. Merci Coupe zonal des Enfants de Choeur... initiative d'un jeune donc l'age attein apène la maturité (Franck Minsi Bikoué) YEA WEB Mag . No 00003
  • 11. 11 ////////////////////////////////////////////GIACAM 2018 Go– Africa Initiative Cameroon (GAICAM) honors her promises If event success was only about pictures, the leadership and entrepreneurial fellowship would have been one already. The pictures of day one of this annual program which started on the 17th of July 2018 at the Buea Council Hall. Despites all odds imposed by the ongoing crisis in the North West and South West Re- gions of Cameroon, the series of trainings would certainly shape the minds of participant selected for this edition to be better citizens. ver 25 young leaders gathered at the Buea council Hall have been drill on event planning and report writing skills. This training came in at the start of a one week capacity building fellowship on leadership and entre- preneurship organized by Go Africa Innitiave Cameroon (GAICAM), a Non Govern- mental Organisation with head office in Buea, Southwest region of Cameroon. Djeumo Eugene Cyrille, the Manager of Help Hospitality Services and facilitator of a one hour, thirty minutes (1h30) training session through series of group works successfully shared his experience on event organization and reports writing which can be summarized as follow; A proper event plan: IS ORGANIZED. A good plan must be very well organized and easy to understand. Clearly define the different stages, establish the strategies and actions, and state the responsibilities for the completion of each action. . FULFILLS THE NEEDS OF THE MEMBERS OF THE GROUP. The plan must satisfy the needs and expectations of the members of the group. If you want the plan to be successful, the members must receive some benefit for themselves; it could be learning new skills or simply enjoying the satisfaction of helping others. O OFFERS THE OPPORTUNITY TO EACH MEMBER OF THE GROUP TO CONTRIBUTE WITH HIS SKILLS. Each member must be able to identify some activities in the plan to which he can contribute his particular talents. All tasks must be divided among the members according their abilities, skills and desires. Avoid overloading some skilled members and leaving others who want to help without anything to do. IS ACHIEVABLE. A good plan must be practicable and indi- cate that it is achievable. Members of the group must believe in the possibilities and success of the plan. They must be able to see the goals and the final results they will help to achieve. IS SIMPLE. The language used in the plan must be simple to be readily understood by every member of the team without con- sulting a specialist. IS CLEAR, SPECIFIC AND PRECISE. The plan must indicate quantities, deadlines, quality, specifications, responsibilities, costs, etc. YEA WEB Mag . No 00003
  • 12. 12 IS FLEXIBLE. Things may change after the plan is completed. The plan must be flexible to adapt to changes. HAS A BALANCED PROGRAM. The plan must have a balanced program of activities distributed among all members and spread throughout the time allotted for its execution. This approach will avoid an overload of work at any given time and unfair de- mands on certain members. MUST BE WELL FINANCED. The plan must have a budget, and every action must state its cost. All mem- bers must clearly see where the mon- ey comes from and where it goes. A budget must be realistic, not overesti- mated. All sponsorships must be con- firmed before being included in the budget. MUST BE COMPLETE. The plan must include all possible details. Noth- ing should be left to the imagination or chance. All circumstances must be considered, and nothing unexpected should happen. After the plan is com- pleted, somebody should review it with critical eyes and search for errors or omissions. oncerning reports writing skills, he recommended them to focus on recom- mendations and not chal- lenges but most importantly to use tables and figures to be more accu- rate in their feedbacks. he session ended with a questions and answer forum where some doubts where clarified and finally a photo session to end the meeting. C T YEA WEB Mag . No 00003 Page 15
  • 13. 13 SPECIAL PRESIDENTIALS 2018: AS IN 1992 A HIGH INTENSITY ELECTION IS DRAWN. BIYA AND THE CPDM NOT IN SERENE ollowing the closure of the candidatures on the 19/07/2018 for the presidential election of October 07th 2018 and without having to wait for the decision of the Constitutional Council, there are really 07 (seven) candidacies that will focus the attention after exclusion of Zealous nominations of independents or parties without elected officials and without the 300 signatures required, that of Olivier Bile who acknowledges that he has not deposited bail or that hollow of Garga Haman Adji who could never convince. The ap- plications worthy of interest are in alphabetical order; 1- Adamou Ndam Njoya 2- Akéré Muna 3- Biya Paul 4- Kamto Maurice 5- Libih Cabral 6- Matomba Serge Hope 7- Osih Joshua Halfway through this campaign, which began in 2017, three strong trends are emerging per alphabetical order. They are the ones who fight the most in the field: 1 - Biya Paul from the Rdpc 2 - Kamto Maurice from Crm 3 - Libih Cabral of the Universe party and 11 million movement . In this handkerchief to 3, two camps are engaged in a tough battle: the CPDM and the CRM. The incidents of t-shirts and gadgets burned in the far north followed by the filing of a complaint by the CRM against the President of the National Assembly and certain members of the government from the CPDM are a good illustration. Clearly and all these candidates, the one that the CPDM fears the most in the state, I specify well in the state, is the CRM of Maurice KAMTO. The CRM is currently for the CPDM, the SDF of the 1990s. From this diagram, it emerges that the radical opposition could be formed around the candidate of Kamto who according to some infor- mation is seeking a consensus with the electorate of the great north near Marafa Hamidou Yaya, Vamoulke and other opponents policies in open conflict or disgrace with CPDM pundits. If Maurice Kamto makes a good breakthrough in the North, he would offer presidential guarantees to oth- er opponents such as Adamou Ndam Njoya, Akéré Muna, Matomba Serge Espoir he met and certainly open to a coalition government. On the other hand the SDF of Joshua OSIH will hardly join a coalition against the CPDM. The SDF has always considered that rallying will be done around him. Except obviously a personal suicidal act of Joshua OSIH. Rallying the opposition around an English-speaking bid would have been possible if the northwestern and southwestern regions would accept to play the game. But they obviously do not want to participate in this election. Except obviously extraordinary lull. As for what is the candidacy of Cabral Libih .. Contrary to certain analyz- es, he is not a candidate against the CRM, but against CPDM which he erodes the most important part of the young electorate across the coun- try, activist cities aspiring to alternation and coastal areas and militant center of the UPC. It is a candidate who can easily get a postponement of the voices of CPDM activists muted in alternation. It is CPDM - compatible. Through Cabral LibIh, the CPDM will face its long- suppressed wing. Candidate Paul Biya, beyond his posture that wants to be serene and reassuring, will have to face his own party which thousands of militants had wished internally a passage of witness at an investiture congress. Nevertheless, it continues to benefit from its rural electorate in the Cen- ter, South and East regions, and especially its alliances with parties such as UNDP, MDR and also some of the pundits and traditional chiefs of the north who will call for vote for him in the north. To your analyzes now dear conformists. To you the debate! Respect for the opinions of one and the other in dignity is the rigueur. Politics is posture. <<News flies like wind, we shoot with concern.>> YEA WEB Mag . No 00003 F
  • 14. 14 Coupe zonal des Enfants de Choeur... initiative d'un jeune donc l'age attein apène la maturité (Franck Minsi Bikoué) YEA WEB Mag . No 00003 FIED encouraged young people to become job creators and not job seekers. ew days after the results of the Cameroon Government Certificate Examination (CGCE ) Ordinary Level (O/L) an Advanced Level (A/L) together with the Bacca- laureate result of the Francophone sub system of Education. A civil society organ- ization encourages recent graduate and final year student in the university to harness their soft skills in order to unlock the mystery of the job market. This call came in during a two hours exchange on Wednesday 25/07/2018 at the char- tered University Institute Campus B, university junction, Molyko Buea. Organized by the *Foundation for Inclusive Education* (FIED) led by *Mr. Nkegoah Ebenezer* in partnership with the *United States Embassy* who intervene through video screaming represented by *Madame Prescilia Mbiandja* who motivated participants to conduct research on *United State of America* (USA) Universities scholarship opportunities, further mentioned the necessity to start early and make available enough funds as the process might be long for some programs. This channel of communication was effec- tive with the help of *Goddman Computers.* The event was graced by the presence of *Dr. John Teneng Awa* (International Exami- nation officer in the CGCE Board) who remind participants the choice of a career that come from within and to always stand for ones right (Advocacy). Alongside *Mr. Fru Che Terrence* (Leadership Coach) who reminded participants that self confidence is the live blood of success. Over 30 people took part in this seminar coming from various background amongst which; *Student, Activist, Teachers, High Tech, Lawyers* who thanked and made rec- ommendations to the organising committee (OC) to increase the session duration from two to three hours next time, and to the OC who promised to further networking session over *social media* but also with the *USA Embassy in Yaoundé.* The hard skills can take us to the employer and soft skills will open the door. Cyrille for YEA web mag No. 00003. F
  • 15. 15 YEA WEB Mag . No Who is Mr. Busi Ernest? r. Busi Ernest a PhD student in the University of Buea studying Educational Psychology, started as a primary school teacher immediately when he graduated from the Teachers’ Training College. He has always aimed high and this has been a motivating factor to him. Due to the fact that he never wanted to end at the primary level, he said “ true resilient comes from struggling, you have to know your- self esteem, and to know who you are because if you don’t know, you are a failure”. He continued by saying that as a youth, you are bound to face several challenges from your environment which are not enabling and stimulating to enhance self development. M YEA TV DEBATE Topic: Being resilient in times of vulnerability. On a panelist discussion on HI TV moderated by Tambe Henry, Guest included Mr. Busi Ernest , Mr Fru Che, Miss Awung Emerin- cia and Mr. Kadia Robert. @ Write-up by Bi Veroline and Tchalima Nchurike for YEA web mag No. 00003. YEA WEB Mag . No 00003 He reiterated that as youths we should be en- thusiastic, have a positive self esteem, know our identity, self awareness and being able to deal with issues. As evidence of being resilient. Mr. Busi Ernest had a positive peer pressure, self confidence and self efficacy and was hard working and today he is a lecturer in the Uni- versity of Buea. Mr. Busi Ernest identified some of these vulner- able issues that hampers the youths such as poverty, hardship, low standard of living and un- employment. According to him, to be a resilient youth we have to show abilities to bounce back to these issues.
  • 16. 16 YEA Mr. Fru says that “most youths lack ca- reer orientation toward their passion, they are suffering from career purgato- ry”. He emphasizes that for every youth to grow, they need humility, mentorship and training and that hard work helps them to be innovative and pushful. Ac- cording to him youths should avoid com- plaining and use their skills to make it in life. Finally, he recommends the youths to be a “rainbow in our brothers’ cloud” and let us make a change by encourag- ing each and everyone. YEA TV DEBATE Topic: Being resilient in times of vulnerability. On the contrary, Robert believes that “Greatness is all about luck and that luck helps those young peo in the society who were born with golden spoons”. Miss Awung Emerincia on her part believes that humanity pays in every situation and that God is the ultimate to achieve success; that God gives you the direction toward your vision to achieve your mission. YEA WEB Mag . No 00003 "NEVER WONDER" Never wonder why the bird flies, Or the sea tides, Shaken at your feet, Anol calls you master, Never wonder why. Never wonder why the day ceases, And if the night heals, Although fainted, Never wonder why. Never wonder why Sha- lom exceeds, Why she spreads her seeds, Why they grow in bits, Why it's hard to see, Never wonder why, Never cry, Just sit and let her prevail, Her soft and gentle breezed words in your ears. Always fancy about her, Always dream about her, Always have her close, Never wonder to let her go. By Ameh Chantal. POEM
  • 17. 17YEA WEB Mag . No 00003
  • 18. 18YEA WEB Mag . No 00003 Mr Dibwende Ndike Henri Stephane, founder and CEO of 237 CTPI (An international Promoting agency) which thus the promotion of;  Artist both national and international  Street Promotion  media Promotion (Radio, TV and Social Media)  IT consultancy  General advertisement in all aspect of the economy. 237CTPI is a 100% advertising House founded by a young Cameroonian Dibwende and Samuel Spora who currently serves as General Manager. 237 CTPI composes of about 192 persons both home and abroad, promoters of all types from bloggers, TV host, Radio animator etc. After the last award grabbed on June 29th 2018 at TADAYS 2018 Best Promoting structure without forgetting that of best Central Africa Promoting structure, 237CTPI ensures both national and international arts to put their work to the best level of exposure. 237CTPI encourages young people to be more creative and determined for the future is bright. And believes that no one should ever hesitate to contact her for what ever service at all time. 237 CTPI has gone further to create another structure BTO - A (Background Task Observers - Awards) which from its name, is a team which shall be observing from a hidden stand point the real effort of individ- ual and organization not doing eye servants before working and their levels of creativity to help the country grow towards emergence. BTO - A will be taking part in all awards to the level of the Diaspora so as to rec- ognize such efforts. Her reason being that, from the ups and down noticed where some persons are eye servants, some going to the extend of buying awards and not the meritorious person get the recognitions. We also believe that if almost all works from the lowest to highest level of the society are being recog- nized / awarded, it will help boost the economy at all levels where every one will work harder to yeal the best. So as soon as we get the legal administrative authorization, BTO- A will effectively start from news channeled to all medias. 237 CTPI therefore calls on the massive collaboration of all in the society pointing out that there is alot of disunity among youth which accounts to about 80% root caused of the slow growth in our economy. Mr Dibwende Ndike Henri Stephane, Founder and CEO of 237 CTPI (An international Promoting agency) Contact: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter @237CTPI Tel: (+237) 680501819, 690041528 Email:
  • 19. 19 ////////////////////////////////// “ I rather prefer to die advocating peace than to perish out of stray bullet. In a battle ground, no live is safe”. POLITICS “MAN IS NOT MASTER OF the day of his death” his strength to withstand Youth advises peers to join politics and Vote! In the heart of the current Anglophone crisis rock- ing the North West and South West Regions, a young talented political hopeful in Buea has mus- tered the courage to advice his peers to go and vote in the upcoming presidential election in Cameroon if they need change. The National Secretary in charge of Translation for the Youth Wing of the Cameroon Renais- sance Movement (CRM), Djeumo Eugene Cyrille was speaking in Buea recently during a one day round ta- ble discussion aimed at proposing lasting solutions to the current crisis in Cameroon. The energetic an am- bitious young man fondly referred to as 'Mayor' noted that, rather than dying on his bed, he would better die advocating Peace. The Junior Chambered International (JCI) Cameroon legal counsel, told the press that he is actively in- volved in politics. " I am actively involved in politics and I believe that to be a young person is not a crime, rather I am full of positive energy, dynamic and this is the only age I can go about my activities with relative ease and let people know my conviction". Djeumo said. He added that as a young person his message to the youth is to get involve in politics, armed with their vote's so that " at least you will do your part by voting and the others can keep cheating but the only thing constant is change". He also promised to keep advocating for peace and also lure some other young people to get involved in politics. This call come at a time when youth involvement rate in politics in Cameroon is still low because youth stigmatized politics as a "dirty game" meant for the aged. #PeaceIsPossible Treasurer Awungnkeng Chanceline Financial Secretary Henrietta Mbain Secretary General. Echari Lisa President: Djeumo Eugene Cyrille CEO and Board Chair: Nyukechen Henry Tambe Program coordinator Emerincia Awung F. Public Relation Officer 1 Tchalima Nchurike Public Relation Officer 2 Bi Veroline YEA—ACTORS FOR DEVELOPMENT OUr team Page 19 Page 19YOUNG PEOPLE & MARRIAGE By Fabrics Kehdinga, The Guardian Post No.1454. YEA WEB Mag . No 00003
  • 20. 20 ISSUES YEA WEB Mag . No 00003