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01-07. sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun
düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
1. How Monet made his ______ from a cartoonist
to a brilliant artist is not known.
a. transition
b. precision
c. intensity
d. conclusion
e. title
2. Fifteen authors were ______ this week on the
judges’ list of contenders for the second Man
Booker International Prize.
a. awarded
b. founded
c. conducted
d. named
e. reminded
3. Gerald Alpino plans to ______ as artistic
director of the Joffrey Ballet this summer, more
than 50 years after he co-founded the troupe.
a. look up
b. step down
c. take off
d. rule out
e. hang on
4. European companies are market leaders in the
biodiesel sector, with more than seven million
tons of ______ productive capacity.
a. sacrificial
b. annual
c. instructive
d. elaborate
e. beneficial
5. Mergers that are _____ timed do little for the
a. poor
b. too poor
c. as poorly
d. poorly
e. so poor that
6. Bill Gates _____ to wade into one of Europe’s
longest -running, most fruitful debates when he
_____ Brussels on Thursday.
a. has planned / visited
b. planned / had visited
c. had planned / would visit
d. would plan / has visited
e. plans / visits
7. Many people with whom I spoke _____ that the
Pakistani state and society _____ beyond
a. fear / had fractured
b. feared / would fracture
c. would fear / fractured
d. have feared / fracture
e. had feared / will fractured
08-14. sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun
düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
8. The world and Europe _____ particular are
waching the presidential race here _____ keen
a. in / with
b. as / through
c. to /by
d. for / under
e. of / at
9. Chancellor Angela Merkel’s coalition is often
accused ______ pursuing a slow-moving zig-
zag course ______ a recognizable strategy.
a. for / of
b. by / upon
c. of / without
d. at / for
e. over / after
10. Zoological societies observe and gather
important data on, for instance, _____rare
species there are and their distribution.
a. why
b. where
c. when
d. how many
e. whose
11. CD sales climbed across the world _____
parents ran to Mozart's masterpieces for babies’
a. where
b. so that
c. even if
d. in case
e. as
12. Bottlenose dolphins in Australian waters have
been seen carrying pieces of sponge, _____ to
help with food finding _____ to defend against
a. both / so
b. either / or
c. neither / for
d. so / but
e. not only / and
13. The clue made everyone think _____ the butler
was the murderer.
a. where
b. what
c. when
d. who
e. that
14. You act _____ you were in charge of this place,
which annoys me.
a. though
b. as if
c. no matter how
d. just as
e. since
15–19. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada
numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya
da ifadeyi bulunuz.
Gallaudet University (15) _____ does not allow
students to keep pets in their dorm rooms.
(16) Exceptions _____only for service animals
(17) _____ guide dogs and hearing dogs. These
working dogs provide services that benefit their
student owners. But (18) _____ kinds of pets can be
beneficial to the students too. Pets should be
allowed to live in the dorms because they can help
students (19) _____ their stress levels and learn
about responsibility.
a. currently
b. recently
c. especially
d. randomly
e. readily
a. have made
b. are made
c. make
d. are making
e. may make
a. so as
b. similar to
c. such as
d. likely
e. as well
a. the others
b. much
c. many of
d. a lot
e. other
a. reducing
b. to be reduced
c. being reduced
d. reduce
e. be reducing
NASA’s Phoenix spacecraft is (20) _____ good
health after making the first successful landing in
the north polar region of Mars. Images sent back
show a flat valley floor with polygonal features
(21) _____ give the ground a "paved" appearance.
These (22) _____ to be a sign of the water-ice that
lies just beneath the surface at these high latitudes.
The ice should be (23) _____ the probe's 2.35m-
long robotic arm, which (24)_____ to be deployed
this week. The arm can dig through the topsoil to
the ice beneath.
20. A) at
B) of
C) on
D) in
E) for
21. A) that
B) where
C) whom
D) what
E) whose
22. A) believe
B) believed
C) have believed
D) had believed
E) are believed
23. A) at the heart of
B) within reach of
C) in favour of
D) for the sake of
E) by means of
24. A) is obliged
B) was likely
C) is due
D) happens
E) was about
25. – 34. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun
şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
25. Both men and apes have large brains
compared to their body size, _____.
a. which helps to distinguish them from other
species of animals
b. even though an ape can use tools just like
a man
c. neither apes nor any other animals
possess man’s secret of firemaking
d. as a man’s brain is four times as large as
that of a chimpanzee
e. since mankind was interested in apes
26. In view of all the difficulties arising from the
building of dams, _____.
a. there is no reason to take a gloomy view
concerning the future
b. people might be tempted to ask whether
they should ever be built at all
c. damming a river means creating a huge
reservoir of water
d. they foresee a tremendous improvement in
the living conditions
e. there are other ways in which dams may do
27. _____, the fossil record strongly indicates that
organisms much like certain modern algae lived
more than 3 billion years ago.
a. However, the fossil record is incomplete
and will always remain so
b. That algae provide elegant material for
laboratory demontrations
c. It is not possible to state that algae were
the earliest living organisms
d. Although no one can describe the
organisation of primitive life
e. Because of the relative simplicity of most
28. Even as recently as ten years ago, men with
long hair were considered effeminate _____.
a. whether sex discrimination remains to be
illegal or not
b. only artists used to make an effort to
understand the secret of the face
c. and women with short hair were regarded
as mannish
d. until there is scientific backing to spot a
criminal by his appearance
e. because having the classic all-action hero
look can be an advantage
29. Boredom, very prevalent among teenagers all
over the world, is thought to be part of the
restlessness _____.
a. so today’s kids are getting a better deal
than those of the 1970s
b. if parents can drag their kids out of their
c. that all teenagers undergo during their
d. the more sophisticated they are in time
e. when computer games are seen as
academically trivial
30. Growing up in the 1950s, _____.
a. Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel had made
magnificent albums
b. Paul Simon was naturally attracted to Elvis
Presley of those years
c. a dozen Grammy Awards were awarded to
Paul Simon
d. the theme throughout Paul Simon's songs
is estrangement
e. Paul Simon’s early recordings with Art
Garfunkel came out under the name Tom
and Jerry
31. _____ who invented the aspirin, the airship, the
printing press and the diesel engine.
a. Germany calls itself the "Land of Ideas"
b. Discover German originality
c. Germany has you covered from head to toe
d. Germany’s reputation is global
e. It was Germans
32. If the United nations had not sent food, _____.
a. the first commission of which was the ECE,
the Economic Commission for Europe
b. several African countries depended heavily
on the UN for aid and protection
c. there would have been starvation on a
massive scale
d. stability and well-being were necessary for
friendly relations
e. its task would essentially be to act as an
33. _____ until the investigation lasted.
a. The jury was asked to announce their final
b. The suspect was not allowed to leave the
c. The police will have to ask you several
d. From time to time we may have to identify
some people
e. It is the duty of the press to follow a
34. _____ is why some argue New York subway is
not safe enough.
a. As it runs 24 hours a day, seven days a
b. Being also one of the most well-connected
underground networks
c. Though barries have been installed along
the platforms
d. The fact that over 50 people died on the
tracks last year
e. If driverless trains remove human error and
enhance safety
35- 40. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümlenin
Türkçe, Türkçe cümlenin İngilizce dengini
35. This month’s exhibition contains a wide variety
of three-dimensional art objects and goes far
beyond mere sculpture.
a. Bu ayın sergisi, pek çok üç boyutlu sanat
eserini kapsamakta olup, heykelden de çok
öteye gitmektedir.
b. Bu ay sergide büyük oranda üç boyutlu
sanat eserleri bulunmakta ve sergi yalnızca
heykel içermemektedir.
c. Üç boyutlu sanat eserlerinin ağırlıklı olduğu
bu ayın sergisinde sadece heykeller yoktur.
d. Bu ayki sergide üç boyutlu sanat eserleri
ağırlık kazanmış olup, sergi heykel dışında
başka eserler de sunmaktadır.
e. Bu ayki geniş kapsamlı serginin üç boyutlu
eserleri, heykel olmaktan çıkmışlardır.
36. Our culture has thus far produced only one
writer whose work is significant enough to
warrant an entire course.
a. Kültürümüzün şimdiye dek yetiştirdiği bir
tek yazarın sadece bir eseri tüm bir derse
yetecek kadar önemlidir.
b. Kültürümüzün şimdiye kadar çıkardığı
yazarlardan sadece birinin eserleri bir
döneme yetecek kadar öneme sahiptir.
c. Kültürümüz, şimdiye kadar, eserleri bir
dönemin tamamını kapsayacak kadar
önemli olan sadece bir yazar yetiştirmiştir.
d. Kültürümüzün çıkardığı yazarlar arasından
sadece ve sadece bir kişinin eserleri ancak
bir sömestrde incelenebilir.
e. Kültürümüz, eserleriyle başlıbaşına bir ders
konusu olabilecek nitelikte sadece bir
yazar yetiştirebilmiştir.
37. The chemistry department is the only science
department not to have had representatives win
awards in national science competitions.
a. Uluslar arası yarışmalarda temsilcileri hiç
ödül kazanamayan tek bölüm kimya
b. Kimya bölümü, temsilcileri ulusal bilim
yarışmalarında ödül kazanamamış olan tek
fen bölümüdür.
c. Kimya bölümü ve temsilcileri, ulusal bilim
yarışmalarında şimdiye dek tek bir ödül bile
d. Kimya bölümünün temsilcileri, uluslar arası
yarışmalarda ödül alamamış olan tek fen
bölümünde çalışmaktadır.
e. Ulusal bilim yarışmalarının ödülsüz
temsilcilere sahip olan tek fen bölümü
kimya bölümüdür.
38. Bir ülkede endüstrileşme yayıldıkça, insanlar
boğucu atmosferden kurtulma isteği ile
taşradaki küçük şehirlerden kaçarlar.
a. Since industrialisation spreads in the
country, people who are eager to escape
from the choking atmosphere flee from
small rural cities.
b. As industrialisation spreads in a country,
people flee from small rural cities, eager to
escape the stifling atmosphere.
c. While industrialisation is spreading in a
country, the polluted atmosphere of small
rural cities makes people eager to escape.
d. Parallel to the spreading industrialisation in
the country, people try to flee from the
stifling atmosphere of small rural cities.
e. The more industrialisation spreads in a
country, the more people are eager to flee
from polluted small rural cities.
39. Fakir ülkelerin fakir kalmasına neden olan
faktörler listesinde önemli bir yeri, hastalıklara
ayırmak gerekir.
a. Among the factors that lead to poverty, a
significant place goes to disease of course.
b. Of the factors listed, disease does have a
prominent place in keeping poor countries
c. We should admit that disease is in the list
of factors causing even more poverty in
poor countries.
d. In the list of factors keeping poor countries
poor, a prominent place must go to
e. One of the factors making already poor
countries even poorer is beyond doubt
40. Yılın bu döneminde çoğu insan, yaz aylarının
önlerinde olduğu düşüncesiyle neşe dolar.
a. At this time of year most people are filled
with joy at the thought of the summer
months stretching before them.
b. What fills people with joy at this time of
year is the thought that the summer
months are actually quite near.
c. It is the thought that the summer months
are before them that fills people with joy at
this time of year.
d. Thinking that the summer months stretch
before them fills most people with joy at
this time of year.
e. With the thought that the summer months
are ahead, most people are filled with joy
at this time of year.
41.–44. sorularda, parçada boş bırakılan yere
uygun düşen ifadeyi bulunuz.
41. _____. Television shows are judged successful
not by the numbers but by the age of the people
watching. Those flogging products want viewers
to be in the lower age bracket, on the
assumption that the younger you are, the more
money you will spend. There is nothing but
adoration for teenagers. The belief in business
is that this segment of the population is what
makes the economy go round.
a. While it is true that the youth market is
priority one, what the advertisers don’t
acknowledge is where the money comes
b. What hurts more than anything is that the
big spenders have no idea what it costs to
raise a family
c. Television commercials aren’t as great as
they are cracked up to be
d. The people who finance the youth market,
as far as the advertisers are concerned,
don’t exist
e. As the average age of the population rises,
the nation’s advertisers insist on appealing
to the younger buyer
42. The large social and political trends of the
nineteenth century were rooted in a
homogeneous and extremely contrast-marked
social milieu. _____. The pillars of the socialist
movement were a typical example, fulfilling the
basic functions of active community and
economic and political interest representation.
a. This milieu, which integrated ideology and
lifestyle, was a fertile ground for systems of
interest mediation which were
sophisticated and based on the principle of
division of labour
b. Their place is being taken only by new and
lifestyle determined milieus
c. Whereas this trend is undeniable in the
case of associations and parties,
movements only partially follow this pattern
d. The term ‘nationalisation of parties’
illustrates a similar phenomenon
e. The question whether a competition among
different ideological groups within the party
could actually boost the intra-party
participation of members was rather
43. Altruism is a kind of behaviour in which an
animal sacrifices its own interest for that of
another animal or group of animals. _____.
Unselfish acts among humans range from the
sharing of food with strangers to the donation of
body organs. Many species of animals appear
willing to sacrifice food, or even their life, to
assist other members of their group. The
meerkat, an African mammal, is often cited as
an example.
a. So altruistic behaviour helps ensure the
survival of other members of the group
b. Examples of altruism abound, both among
humans and among other mammals
c. The meerkat will typically distract a
predator to save another meerkat
d. It can be said that humans are far more
altruistic than mammals
e. Altruistic behaviour is hard to find in this
day and age
44. Now that the mouse’s genome has been
decoded, the 25 million mice working in
laboratories throughout the world may be
demanding more respect. It is the close
cousinship that makes this vast labour force so
useful for exploring the human genome. _____.
a. Only last month a group of scientists
discussed whether human embryonic stem
cells should be tested according to those of
the mouse
b. Many of the ills that humans inherit occur
or can be generated in mice, making them
models for studying how disease works in
c. The disputes over human embryonic stem
cells perplexed the Clinton and Bush
d. In exchange for free board and lodging and
excellent medical care, the mice have to
submit to a number of genetic indignities
e. No one knows what kind of creature might
result from a mixture of mouse and human
embryonic stem cells
45. Japan and India share a global vision of peace,
stability and shared prosperity, based on
sustainable development. They view each
other as partners that have responsibility for
responding to global and regional challenges in
keeping with their global partnership. ____.
a. Therefore a strong, prosperous and
dynamic India is in the interest of Japan
and vice versa
b. In fact, a new surge of change, creativity
and vitality is transforming Asia
c. The two leaders recognize the importance of
regular dialogue and mutual understanding
d. The Government of Japan is also prepared
to explore the possibility to be a partner
e. However, India is the largest recipient of the
Japanese Official Development Assistance
46.-50. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla
okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü
bozan cümleyi bulunuz.
46. (I) A good stage performance is like heightened
living; it’s over before we realize, before we’ve
really absorbed some of the lines and action.
(II) When we read novels and short stories, we
sometimes learn as much about the characters
from the author’s comments as from the speech
and actions of the characters. (III) The reading
of a play, on the other hand, is as leisurely, and
as deliberate, as we want to make it. (IV) We
are comfortable and unhurried; we have plenty
of time to re-read, and to make notes. (V) Yes,
plays should be read at least twice; in every
play, as in as iceberg, what’s on the surface is
often nothing to what’s beneath it.
47. (I) There is no single way to define democratic
governments. (II) Mankind has produced
different systems, different mechanisms of
government. (III) In the economic domain, the
most acceptable is the market economy. (IV) All
those who refused to adopt that economic
system condemned their economies to
destruction, and created obstacles for their
development of science and production, such
as we see in the communist countries. (V)
Similarly, countries that were not governed
democratically condemned their populations to
backwardness and created deep social
inequities and injustices.
48. (I) The differences of opinion in defining the
subject of aesthetics are reflected first and
foremost in two opposed points of departure.
(II) According to one, aesthetics constitutes a
science concerned solely with the laws of
artistic development and the nature of artistic
creativity. (III) Viewed from that angle,
aesthetics is no more than the general theory of
art. (IV) The growing importance of literature
and art in the life of society links it with other
related spheres of scientific knowledge.
(V) Those who approach it from the other angle
prefer the view that aesthetics and the general
theory of art are two separate sciences.
49. (I) Our intellectual life since the nineteeth
century reforms had borne no resemblance to
the historical, philosophical and scientific
antecedents of the men who made the French
Revolution. (II) Ours was a superficial reformist
literature with no economic or social content.
(III) As far as they were concerned, there was a
constant struggle for freedom and the
Constitution. (IV) Right down to the Turkist
movement in the years before 1908, we can
point to no artists or writers who gave direction
to our thinking. (V) The literature produced
some enlightened patriots and some would-be
Europeans who despised their country and their
50. (I) Oil and wildlife aren’t usually a good mix; just
look at the many ecological disasters around
the world triggered by oil spills. (II) Tens of
thousands of seabirds were killed by a spill from
the Erika off the coast of France in 1999, or the
tanker Prestige polluted 400 km of coastline
when it sank off north-west Spain three years
later. (III) The petroleum fly has long been a
source of interest for researchers intrigued by
its ability to survive amid toxic fumes that would
kill off other species. (IV) In light of such events,
“oil ecology” sounds like an oxymoron, and yet
there is life in oil, and some species of insect
even seem to thrive in the stuff. (V) The most
remarkable of these is the petroleum fly,
Halaeomiyia petrolei, which feeds on insects
that get stuck to the surface of oil or tar pools.
51.-55. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca en
yakın olan cümleyi bulunuz.
51. The foreigners who have come here without
permission will have no alternative but to die in
our defensive or return to their country.
a. Those that leak into our country will be
killed by the armed forces before they find
the chance to flee to their motherland.
b. Refugees tend to lose their lives while
defending themselves, or trying to return to
their country.
c. Either killed by those in our defensive or
forced to go back home, the refugees have
no chance in this country.
d. The illegal immigrants stand no chance in
that they will either have to lose their lives
in our defensive or go back home.
e. Doomed to die or flee back to where they
have come from, the immigrants have very
little chance here.
52. Led by a better-educated, better integrated
younger generation, many of the Chinese have
begun to seek a new, more active place in the
a. Now that they have a better-educated and
better-integrated younger generation
guiding them, many Chinese people are
already in pursuit of new and more active
places in the society.
b. Many of the Chinese that have already
started to go after a new and more active
place in the society are part of the better-
educated and better-integrated younger
generation leading the nation.
c. The better-educated and better-integrated
younger generation in China leads many of
the people to seek a new and more active
role in the society.
d. China’s better-educated and better-integrated
young generation encourages many of the
people to begin to take on new and more
active roles in the society.
e. There are so many better-educated and
better-integrated young people in China
that even the elderly can crave for newer
and more active parts in the society.
53. As spacecrafts go, Triana is small, inexpensive
and normally would hardly stand out among the
dozens of satellites and probes NASA is
planning to send into space.
a. Compared with the other satellites and
probes NASA is planning to send into
space, Triana is on the whole too small,
too cheap and too ordinary to stand out
among the others.
b. Being small and inexpensive, Triana
cannot stand out among the other NASA
satellites and probes planned to be sent
into space soon.
c. The satellites and probes to be sent into
space by NASA are huge and costly,
whereas Triana is small and cheap, and so
fails to be recognized.
d. NASA is planning to send several satellites
and probes into space, and among them
Triana is not only the cheapest and
smallest, but also the least efficient.
e. Triana, as far as spacecrafts are
concerned, is small and cheap, and would
ordinarily just not stand out among the
numerous satellites and probes that NASA
is aiming to send into space.
54. In a major step toward approving the birth
control pill, the top medical advisory council in
Japan suddenly reversed its position and
recommended allowing the pill to be sold.
a. Approving the birth control pill was a major
step for the Japanese government, which,
after having received medical advice,
decided to allow it to be sold.
b. It came as a surprise when the top medical
advisory council in Japan gave up the idea
of allowing the birth control pill to be sold
over the counter.
c. The top medical council in Japan
unexpectedly altered its former decision
and advised that the birth control pill be
allowed to be sold, which was a significant
step toward its approval.
d. Japan’s top medical advisory council
decided that the birth control pill should be
allowed to be sold, a step that suddenly
revolutionized the world of medicine.
e. The approval of the medical council in
Japan is so significant that it has rightly put
the birth control pill among the pills to be
allowed to be sold.
55. Social systems are, among other aspects,
characterised by the fact that their membership
groups are distinctly recognisable from outside
and that they have their own clearly visible
system goals.
a. Two of the features of social systems are
that their members can easily be identified
and that their exclusive system goals are
easy to recognise.
b. What marks social systems is that their
members are different; furthermore, their
goals are systematic and so clearly visible.
c. It is a fact that membership groups of
social systems are readily recognised as
they have very specific system goals.
d. On the whole, social systems can be
described as having members and system
goals easily noticeable from outside.
e. Social systems are typical as far as their
membership groups, which are distinctly
recognisable, and system goals are
56.–60. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş
bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi
56. Harry: Hello. May I leave a message here
for Dr. Owada?
Woman: Yes, I can give her a message, or if
you’ve written her a note, you can
put it in her mailbox over there.
Harry: _____
Woman: Sure. Oh, I just realised that Dr.
Owada isn’t on campus today,which
means she’ll get the message
tomorow, the earliest.
a. I haven’t, but I can. May I sit here and do
b. I was going to tell her that I wouldn’t be in
class today.
c. Is her two o’clock class cancelled?
d. Professor Strong has given the lecture
e. Maybe I don’t need to now.
57. Marlin: I can’t believe how much my books
cost this semester! I just spent over
$100 for only four books.
Eddie: I don’t think you got the book for
chemistry. That one costs $55.
Marlin: _____
Eddie: Try the bookstores in the Pioneer
District, where they have used
a. Where did you say that was?
b. It’s a little more than my budget can handle
at the moment.
c. You can sell any kind of book as well.
d. Science books are always out of sight.
e. I wonder if they’d have my chemistry book-
the third edition.
58. Prof. Martin: _____
Harrison: I’m having trouble coming up with a
good idea. I’m supposed to describe
the cultural characteristics of a
group, but I don’t know much about
any one cultural group.
Prof. Martin: That’s ridiculous. Everyone has a
culture. What about the culture of
your hometown, for instance?
Harrison: I never thought of that. It’s
something I know a lot about.
a. Did you use to live in a small town where
everybody knows everybody else?
b. Any group you can think of would seem too
c. Have you finished your paper for
anthropology yet?
d. Write about the culture of your orchard
e. Why do you keep missing classes these
59. Ronald: Have you heard that Russia,
Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan have
agreed to build a natural gas
pipeline around the Caspian Sea?
Douglas: _____
Ronald: But it wouldn’t be good for Europe.
Douglas: Then Europeans will have to adjust
their response accordingly.
a. The new pipeline is expected to upgrade
existing infrastructure.
b. Europe hopes to pry the flow of Central
Asian gas out of Russian hands.
c. This will definitely bolster Russia’s
dominance over the region’s gas exports.
d. Russia is using its vast energy and other
natural resources to assert influence
across Asia.
e. The West has expressed fears but the
Kremlin rejects the accusations.
60. Debora: Which features play the most
important role in allowing us to
recognise each other?
Lauri: The eyes, perhaps, or the nose. I’ve
never thought about that before.
Debora: ______
Lauri: They do not actually resemble the
real face, yet the cartoon is instantly
recognisable because it retains and
exaggerates the face’s peculiarities.
a. The problem is that two faces can have
closely similar masurements and yet look
markedly different
b. The body mass, eye and gender of each
person of course.
c. Then think about the wildly distorted
cartoons of public figures and celebrities.
d. Neither have I; plus I’m bad at matching up
pictures of faces.
e. On the other hand, researchers are trying
to make it possible to compare faces to
see which elements are crucial to
61.-64. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçaya göre
Over furious objections from China, the US
Congress bestowed its highest civilian honor
Wednesday on the Dalai Lama, the exiled Tibetan
spiritual leader whom Beijing considers a
troublesome voice of separatism. Dressed in flowing
robes of burgundy and orange, Tenzin Gyatso, the
14th Dalai Lama, bowed as President George W.
Bush and members of Congress gave him a
standing ovation upon his arrival at the Capitol.
Lawmakers praised him as a hero of the Tibetan
struggle. The Dalai Lama said that he felt "a sense
of regret" over the sharp tensions with China
unleashed by his visit and the honors conferred
upon him. In gentle language and conciliatory tones,
he congratulated China on its dynamic economic
growth, recognized its rising role on the world stage,
but he also gently urged it to embrace
"transparency, the rule of law and freedom of
information." The 72-year-old spiritual leader made
it clear that he was not seeking independence from
China; what he wanted was "meaningful autonomy
for Tibet." After speeches by the president and the
top leaders of each party as well as by the
Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel, another Nobel
Peace Prize laureate and Congressional Gold
Medal winner, the Dalai Lama accepted the medal,
drawing a standing ovation from a crowd that
included such Tibet sympathizers as the film
director Martin Scorsese and the actor Richard
61. It is obvious from the passage that the 72-year-
old Dalai Lama, while referring to China, _____.
a. refused to make any comments
b. expressed his sincerest love for China
c. was careful with the words he chose
d. refrained from making references to Tibet
e. used a very ironic language
62. One point emphasized in the passage is that
China _____.
a. is planning to disrupt its relationship with
the USA
b. does not consider Tibet as part of China
c. does not feel any pressure regarding the
Congressional Gold Medal
d. will not accept any American-origin
e. is against the Dalai Lama’s being awarded
the Congressional Gold Medal
63. We know from the passage that in China,
Tenzin Gyatso _____.
a. has been viewed as a separatist
b. will be hailed as a hero
c. stands no chance of receiving an honor
d. symbolizes ‘independence’
e. holds the Dalai Lama title no longer
64. According to the passage, it is the Tibetan
spiritual leader’s hope that China will _____.
a. grant Tibet full independence
b. reconsider freedom of speech for
c. try to be less transparent
d. observe the code of the rule of law
e. be more objective regarding basic human
65.-68. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçaya gore
The residents of this village, founded almost three
centuries ago by runaway slaves in the jungle of
northern Colombia, eke out their survival from plots
of manioc. Pigs wander through dirt roads. The
soldier on patrol peeks into houses made of straw
and mud. On the surface, it resembles any other
impoverished Colombian village. But when adults
here speak with one another, their language draws
inspiration from as far away as the Congo River
Basin in Africa. The language is known along
Colombia's Caribbean coast as Palenquero.
Theories about its origins vary, but one thing is
certain: it survived for centuries in this small
community, now struggling to keep it from perishing.
Today, fewer than half of the community's residents
speak Palenquero, although many children and
young adults can understand it. It is thought to be
the only Spanish-based language in Latin America.
But its grammar is so different that Spanish
speakers can understand almost nothing of it. The
survival of Palenquero points to the extraordinary
resilience of San Basilio de Palenque, part of whose
very name - Palenque - is the Spanish word for a
fortified village of runaway slaves. Different from
dozens of other palenques, this community has
successfully fended off threats to its existence to
this day. Colonial references to its origins are
scarce, but historians say San Basilio de Palenque
was probably settled sometime after revolts led by
Benkos Biohó, a 17th-century African resistance
leader who organized guerrilla attacks on the
nearby port of Cartagena.
65. The passage emphasizes that the people of
San Basilio de Palenque _____.
a. deserve the appreciation of the Spanish
b. have managed to survive so far
c. are not keen on an autonomy of some kind
d. are all multi-lingual today
e. are the descendents of Spanish invaders
66. According to the passage, though there are
various rumors about it, Palenquero _____.
a. is spoken by a small number of people only
b. is the only Spanish-based language in the
c. has a grammar harder than that of Spanish
d. used to be Colombia’s official language
e. may have its roots back in Africa
67. We learn from the passage that the phrase ‘San
Basilio de Palenque’ _____.
a. reminds them of the defeat of several other
similar villages
b. means ‘Congo River Basin’ in old Spanish
c. describes the village itself and its founders
d. celebrates a colonial defeat of the Spanish
e. was coined in the late 17th century
68. According to the passage, what distinguishes
San Basilio de Palenque from other villages is
the _____.
a. language spoken there
b. way it was established
c. origin of the people
d. determination of the residents
e. people’s combative nature
69.-72. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçaya göre
Both fossil and genetic data show that modern
humans evolved around 200,000 years ago. From
what was previously learned, it appeared that
human ancestors had for ages depended solely on
terrestrial plants and animals. Today, it seems
humans headed for the shore to get away from the
cares at home almost from the start. However this
was no holiday for them, but a matter of survival at a
perilous time of climate change throughout Africa
164,000 years ago. By then, Homo sapiens had
developed a taste for shellfish, out of necessity and
much earlier than previously thought, while adapting
to life in caves on the craggy coast of southern
Africa. Exploring a cave in a steep cliff overlooking
the ocean, an international team of scientists found
deposits of shellfish remains, hearths, small stone
blades and fragments of hematite, some of which
had been ground apparently for use as the coloring
agent red ocher, which sometimes had symbolic
meaning. "The shellfish," the researchers
concluded, "may have been crucial to the survival of
these early humans as they expanded their home
ranges," in response to the cooler and drier
conditions that had prevailed for thousands of years
in the interior of Africa.
69. The passage makes it clear that mankind,
contrary to what was earlier thought, _____.
a. originated about 200,000 years ago
b. lived in caves for a relatively short time
c. has, to a large extent, been land-bound
d. has met his needs better in the seas
e. has been marine-dependent for almost all
his history
70. We learn from the passage that mankind’s initial
interest in the sea _____.
a. emerged when he ran out of land
b. arose with the need for more land
c. was not for leisure purposes
d. did not prove to be very fruitful
e. led to the discovery of other lands
71. According to the researchers mentioned in the
passage, for the early humans, _____.
a. the establishment of permanent
settlements was vital
b. the shellfish is likely to have played an
important role
c. the sea was the number one source of
d. what really mattered was extending their
e. climate was the thing that shaped their way
of living
72. It is possible to conclude from the passage that
these researchers, while making their claims,
a. did not take any unreliable evidence into
b. had to rely on extensive international
c. dismissed all of the previous theories
d. based their conclusions on various pieces
of evidence
e. did not know anything about the possible
implications of their ideas
73. – 76. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçaya gore
Is the Caspian a sea or a lake? The answer has
immense consequences for the energy industry. If it
is a lake, there are no obligations by countries that
flank it to grant permits to foreign vessels or drilling
companies. But if it is a sea, there are international
treaties obliging those countries to an array of
permits. The Caspian's status has been in dispute
since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Over
the past few years, the United States has been
trying to establish alternative energy routes that
would weaken the regional dominance of Russia
and Iran. In addition to Iran and Russia, Azerbaijan,
Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan also have Caspian
coastlines. Russia and Iran, historically, had agreed
that the sea was a lake and that it should be shared
equally between the two of them. That all changed
after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Iran
and Russia wanted earlier agreements, signed in
1921 and in 1940, to continue. Moscow had
obtained consent from the newly independent
republics of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and
Turkmenistan that they would be bound by any
agreements signed by the Soviet Union, of which
they had been a part. But in 1998, Azerbaijan
declared that since the Caspian is an international
lake, it should be recognized as such. In practice,
this would mean that the surface and seabed would
be divided into five sectors determined by the length
of each country's shoreline.
73. It is obvious from the passage that the Caspian
a. is, according to international laws, neither a
lake nor a sea
b. is supposed to have vast energy reserves
under its depths
c. has become the center of a power game
d. was an insignificant body of water until
e. has a status unlike any other body of water
74. One knows from the passage that before the
collapse of the Soviet Union, the Caspian
a. was surrounded by two countries only
b. was lying almost totally unexplored
c. was mostly mined by the United States
d. had a status similar to today’s
e. had no attraction to the western world
75. One can infer from the passage that if the
Caspian is an international lake, _____.
a. the old agreements of 1921 and 1940 will
be valid
b. there is a lot for Russia and Iran to lose
c. the United States has the right to lay
claims too
d. the new republics have no say in the
distribution of its resources
e. it should be administered by an
international instutition
76. The passage makes it clear that the new
republics, except Azerbaijan, with a coastline
along the Caspian _____.
a. have rather modest claims regarding the
b. do not have the means to explore the
Caspian on their own
c. will have to make do with what Russia
grants them, if it ever does
d. have decided to go back on their former
agreement with Russia
e. were part of a second agreement before
the Soviet Union dissolved
77. – 80. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçaya gore
Earlier in October last year, on what Parisians call
White Night, when thousands of people cavort in the
streets until dawn, a bunch of intruders broke into
the Musée d'Orsay in Paris and punched a hole in a
Monet. Then, from the obscure and formerly bucolic
university town of Lund, in southern Sweden, came
news that a group of hooded vandals with crowbars
and axes stormed into an art gallery and, to the
accompaniment of death-metal music, destroyed
several sexually explicit photographs by Andres
Serrano. While the Parisian hooligans were undone
partly because they were caught on the museum's
security cameras, the Swedish gang went one
better, proudly advertising their crime on YouTube.
So the other day I stopped into the Reina Sofía in
Madrid to check on Picasso's Guernica. The threat
of violence is nothing new in Spain, where Muslim
terrorists blew up commuter trains a few years ago,
killing many, and where the threat of killings by
Basque extremists (there was a bomb attack in
Bilbao last week, a truce with the government
having broken down in June) has again become
part of the daily background noise of life. Only a
simple stanchion, and a discreet alarm, as I
discovered when leaning too close, separates the
public from Picasso's famous mural about a mid-
century act of terror: the German bombing of the
ancient Basque town of Guernica in 1936. The
picture presides over a big gallery of related
Picassos, each a target, I suppose, if you adopt the
mindset that terrorists, and those who would exploit
terrorism, like to foster.
77. One can understand from the passage that
European museums or art galleries _____.
a. are open until early morning
b. have specialized in different schools
c. have decided to increase security measures
d. are vulnerable to vandalism
e. are like breadbaskets for robbers
78. According to the writer of the passage, Spain
a. is accustomed to violence of varying kinds
b. has very few museums to take pride in
c. attaches relative importance to security
d. has always been a target for racists
e. is where terrorism is taken for granted
79. In the passage, the writer tells the reader how
he _____.
a. sees the European’s approach towards
modern art
b. thinks vandalism towards art can be
c. himself once tried to damage a
masterpiece by Picasso
d. feels about sexual expressions in art
e. has personally tested the security
measures in an art gallery
80. One learns from the passage that Guernica
a. reflects Picasso’s views on war
b. is a work in praise of war
c. depicts a war scene
d. pictures a scene of life in the 1930s
e. is a vivid account of the Spanish Civil War
1. A 2. D 3. B 4. B 5. D 6. E 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. D
11. E 12. B 13. E 14. B 15. A 16. B 17. C 18. E 19. D 20. D
21. A 22. E 23. B 24. C 25. A 26. B 27. D 28. C 29. C 30. B
31. E 32. C 33. B 34. D 35. A 36. C 37. B 38. B 39. D 40. E
41. E 42. A 43. B 44. B 45. A 46. B 47. A 48. D 49. C 50. C
51. D 52. A 53. E 54. C 55. A 56. A 57. B 58. C 59. C 60. C
61. C 62. E 63. A 64. D 65. B 66. E 67. C 68. A 69. E 70. C
71. B 72. D 73. C 74. A 75. B 76. D 77. D 78. A 79. E 80. C

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Yds 1

  • 1. KARACA EĞİTİM MERKEZİ – YDS-1 1 01-07. sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. 1. How Monet made his ______ from a cartoonist to a brilliant artist is not known. a. transition b. precision c. intensity d. conclusion e. title 2. Fifteen authors were ______ this week on the judges’ list of contenders for the second Man Booker International Prize. a. awarded b. founded c. conducted d. named e. reminded 3. Gerald Alpino plans to ______ as artistic director of the Joffrey Ballet this summer, more than 50 years after he co-founded the troupe. a. look up b. step down c. take off d. rule out e. hang on 4. European companies are market leaders in the biodiesel sector, with more than seven million tons of ______ productive capacity. a. sacrificial b. annual c. instructive d. elaborate e. beneficial 5. Mergers that are _____ timed do little for the shareholders. a. poor b. too poor c. as poorly d. poorly e. so poor that 6. Bill Gates _____ to wade into one of Europe’s longest -running, most fruitful debates when he _____ Brussels on Thursday. a. has planned / visited b. planned / had visited c. had planned / would visit d. would plan / has visited e. plans / visits 7. Many people with whom I spoke _____ that the Pakistani state and society _____ beyond repair. a. fear / had fractured b. feared / would fracture c. would fear / fractured d. have feared / fracture e. had feared / will fractured 08-14. sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. 8. The world and Europe _____ particular are waching the presidential race here _____ keen interest. a. in / with b. as / through c. to /by d. for / under e. of / at 9. Chancellor Angela Merkel’s coalition is often accused ______ pursuing a slow-moving zig- zag course ______ a recognizable strategy. a. for / of b. by / upon c. of / without d. at / for e. over / after 10. Zoological societies observe and gather important data on, for instance, _____rare species there are and their distribution. a. why b. where c. when d. how many e. whose 11. CD sales climbed across the world _____ parents ran to Mozart's masterpieces for babies’ consumption. a. where b. so that c. even if d. in case e. as
  • 2. KARACA EĞİTİM MERKEZİ – YDS-1 2 12. Bottlenose dolphins in Australian waters have been seen carrying pieces of sponge, _____ to help with food finding _____ to defend against enemies. a. both / so b. either / or c. neither / for d. so / but e. not only / and 13. The clue made everyone think _____ the butler was the murderer. a. where b. what c. when d. who e. that 14. You act _____ you were in charge of this place, which annoys me. a. though b. as if c. no matter how d. just as e. since 15–19. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. Gallaudet University (15) _____ does not allow students to keep pets in their dorm rooms. (16) Exceptions _____only for service animals (17) _____ guide dogs and hearing dogs. These working dogs provide services that benefit their student owners. But (18) _____ kinds of pets can be beneficial to the students too. Pets should be allowed to live in the dorms because they can help students (19) _____ their stress levels and learn about responsibility. 15. a. currently b. recently c. especially d. randomly e. readily 16. a. have made b. are made c. make d. are making e. may make 17. a. so as b. similar to c. such as d. likely e. as well 18. a. the others b. much c. many of d. a lot e. other 19. a. reducing b. to be reduced c. being reduced d. reduce e. be reducing
  • 3. KARACA EĞİTİM MERKEZİ – YDS-1 3 20.-24. SORULARDA, AŞAĞIDAKİ PARÇADA NUMARALANMIŞ YERLERE UYGUN DÜŞEN SÖZCÜK YA DA İFADEYİ BULUNUZ. NASA’s Phoenix spacecraft is (20) _____ good health after making the first successful landing in the north polar region of Mars. Images sent back show a flat valley floor with polygonal features (21) _____ give the ground a "paved" appearance. These (22) _____ to be a sign of the water-ice that lies just beneath the surface at these high latitudes. The ice should be (23) _____ the probe's 2.35m- long robotic arm, which (24)_____ to be deployed this week. The arm can dig through the topsoil to the ice beneath. 20. A) at B) of C) on D) in E) for 21. A) that B) where C) whom D) what E) whose 22. A) believe B) believed C) have believed D) had believed E) are believed 23. A) at the heart of B) within reach of C) in favour of D) for the sake of E) by means of 24. A) is obliged B) was likely C) is due D) happens E) was about 25. – 34. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. 25. Both men and apes have large brains compared to their body size, _____. a. which helps to distinguish them from other species of animals b. even though an ape can use tools just like a man c. neither apes nor any other animals possess man’s secret of firemaking d. as a man’s brain is four times as large as that of a chimpanzee e. since mankind was interested in apes 26. In view of all the difficulties arising from the building of dams, _____. a. there is no reason to take a gloomy view concerning the future b. people might be tempted to ask whether they should ever be built at all c. damming a river means creating a huge reservoir of water d. they foresee a tremendous improvement in the living conditions e. there are other ways in which dams may do harm 27. _____, the fossil record strongly indicates that organisms much like certain modern algae lived more than 3 billion years ago. a. However, the fossil record is incomplete and will always remain so b. That algae provide elegant material for laboratory demontrations c. It is not possible to state that algae were the earliest living organisms d. Although no one can describe the organisation of primitive life e. Because of the relative simplicity of most algae 28. Even as recently as ten years ago, men with long hair were considered effeminate _____. a. whether sex discrimination remains to be illegal or not b. only artists used to make an effort to understand the secret of the face c. and women with short hair were regarded as mannish d. until there is scientific backing to spot a criminal by his appearance e. because having the classic all-action hero look can be an advantage
  • 4. KARACA EĞİTİM MERKEZİ – YDS-1 4 29. Boredom, very prevalent among teenagers all over the world, is thought to be part of the restlessness _____. a. so today’s kids are getting a better deal than those of the 1970s b. if parents can drag their kids out of their bedrooms c. that all teenagers undergo during their adolescence d. the more sophisticated they are in time e. when computer games are seen as academically trivial 30. Growing up in the 1950s, _____. a. Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel had made magnificent albums b. Paul Simon was naturally attracted to Elvis Presley of those years c. a dozen Grammy Awards were awarded to Paul Simon d. the theme throughout Paul Simon's songs is estrangement e. Paul Simon’s early recordings with Art Garfunkel came out under the name Tom and Jerry 31. _____ who invented the aspirin, the airship, the printing press and the diesel engine. a. Germany calls itself the "Land of Ideas" b. Discover German originality c. Germany has you covered from head to toe d. Germany’s reputation is global e. It was Germans 32. If the United nations had not sent food, _____. a. the first commission of which was the ECE, the Economic Commission for Europe b. several African countries depended heavily on the UN for aid and protection c. there would have been starvation on a massive scale d. stability and well-being were necessary for friendly relations e. its task would essentially be to act as an administrator 33. _____ until the investigation lasted. a. The jury was asked to announce their final decision b. The suspect was not allowed to leave the town c. The police will have to ask you several questions d. From time to time we may have to identify some people e. It is the duty of the press to follow a celebrity 34. _____ is why some argue New York subway is not safe enough. a. As it runs 24 hours a day, seven days a week b. Being also one of the most well-connected underground networks c. Though barries have been installed along the platforms d. The fact that over 50 people died on the tracks last year e. If driverless trains remove human error and enhance safety
  • 5. KARACA EĞİTİM MERKEZİ – YDS-1 5 35- 40. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümlenin Türkçe, Türkçe cümlenin İngilizce dengini bulunuz. 35. This month’s exhibition contains a wide variety of three-dimensional art objects and goes far beyond mere sculpture. a. Bu ayın sergisi, pek çok üç boyutlu sanat eserini kapsamakta olup, heykelden de çok öteye gitmektedir. b. Bu ay sergide büyük oranda üç boyutlu sanat eserleri bulunmakta ve sergi yalnızca heykel içermemektedir. c. Üç boyutlu sanat eserlerinin ağırlıklı olduğu bu ayın sergisinde sadece heykeller yoktur. d. Bu ayki sergide üç boyutlu sanat eserleri ağırlık kazanmış olup, sergi heykel dışında başka eserler de sunmaktadır. e. Bu ayki geniş kapsamlı serginin üç boyutlu eserleri, heykel olmaktan çıkmışlardır. 36. Our culture has thus far produced only one writer whose work is significant enough to warrant an entire course. a. Kültürümüzün şimdiye dek yetiştirdiği bir tek yazarın sadece bir eseri tüm bir derse yetecek kadar önemlidir. b. Kültürümüzün şimdiye kadar çıkardığı yazarlardan sadece birinin eserleri bir döneme yetecek kadar öneme sahiptir. c. Kültürümüz, şimdiye kadar, eserleri bir dönemin tamamını kapsayacak kadar önemli olan sadece bir yazar yetiştirmiştir. d. Kültürümüzün çıkardığı yazarlar arasından sadece ve sadece bir kişinin eserleri ancak bir sömestrde incelenebilir. e. Kültürümüz, eserleriyle başlıbaşına bir ders konusu olabilecek nitelikte sadece bir yazar yetiştirebilmiştir. 37. The chemistry department is the only science department not to have had representatives win awards in national science competitions. a. Uluslar arası yarışmalarda temsilcileri hiç ödül kazanamayan tek bölüm kimya bölümüdür. b. Kimya bölümü, temsilcileri ulusal bilim yarışmalarında ödül kazanamamış olan tek fen bölümüdür. c. Kimya bölümü ve temsilcileri, ulusal bilim yarışmalarında şimdiye dek tek bir ödül bile kazanamamıştır. d. Kimya bölümünün temsilcileri, uluslar arası yarışmalarda ödül alamamış olan tek fen bölümünde çalışmaktadır. e. Ulusal bilim yarışmalarının ödülsüz temsilcilere sahip olan tek fen bölümü kimya bölümüdür. 38. Bir ülkede endüstrileşme yayıldıkça, insanlar boğucu atmosferden kurtulma isteği ile taşradaki küçük şehirlerden kaçarlar. a. Since industrialisation spreads in the country, people who are eager to escape from the choking atmosphere flee from small rural cities. b. As industrialisation spreads in a country, people flee from small rural cities, eager to escape the stifling atmosphere. c. While industrialisation is spreading in a country, the polluted atmosphere of small rural cities makes people eager to escape. d. Parallel to the spreading industrialisation in the country, people try to flee from the stifling atmosphere of small rural cities. e. The more industrialisation spreads in a country, the more people are eager to flee from polluted small rural cities. 39. Fakir ülkelerin fakir kalmasına neden olan faktörler listesinde önemli bir yeri, hastalıklara ayırmak gerekir. a. Among the factors that lead to poverty, a significant place goes to disease of course. b. Of the factors listed, disease does have a prominent place in keeping poor countries poor. c. We should admit that disease is in the list of factors causing even more poverty in poor countries. d. In the list of factors keeping poor countries poor, a prominent place must go to disease. e. One of the factors making already poor countries even poorer is beyond doubt disease. 40. Yılın bu döneminde çoğu insan, yaz aylarının önlerinde olduğu düşüncesiyle neşe dolar. a. At this time of year most people are filled with joy at the thought of the summer months stretching before them. b. What fills people with joy at this time of year is the thought that the summer months are actually quite near. c. It is the thought that the summer months are before them that fills people with joy at this time of year. d. Thinking that the summer months stretch before them fills most people with joy at this time of year. e. With the thought that the summer months are ahead, most people are filled with joy at this time of year.
  • 6. KARACA EĞİTİM MERKEZİ – YDS-1 6 41.–44. sorularda, parçada boş bırakılan yere uygun düşen ifadeyi bulunuz. 41. _____. Television shows are judged successful not by the numbers but by the age of the people watching. Those flogging products want viewers to be in the lower age bracket, on the assumption that the younger you are, the more money you will spend. There is nothing but adoration for teenagers. The belief in business is that this segment of the population is what makes the economy go round. a. While it is true that the youth market is priority one, what the advertisers don’t acknowledge is where the money comes from b. What hurts more than anything is that the big spenders have no idea what it costs to raise a family c. Television commercials aren’t as great as they are cracked up to be d. The people who finance the youth market, as far as the advertisers are concerned, don’t exist e. As the average age of the population rises, the nation’s advertisers insist on appealing to the younger buyer 42. The large social and political trends of the nineteenth century were rooted in a homogeneous and extremely contrast-marked social milieu. _____. The pillars of the socialist movement were a typical example, fulfilling the basic functions of active community and economic and political interest representation. a. This milieu, which integrated ideology and lifestyle, was a fertile ground for systems of interest mediation which were sophisticated and based on the principle of division of labour b. Their place is being taken only by new and lifestyle determined milieus c. Whereas this trend is undeniable in the case of associations and parties, movements only partially follow this pattern d. The term ‘nationalisation of parties’ illustrates a similar phenomenon e. The question whether a competition among different ideological groups within the party could actually boost the intra-party participation of members was rather controversial 43. Altruism is a kind of behaviour in which an animal sacrifices its own interest for that of another animal or group of animals. _____. Unselfish acts among humans range from the sharing of food with strangers to the donation of body organs. Many species of animals appear willing to sacrifice food, or even their life, to assist other members of their group. The meerkat, an African mammal, is often cited as an example. a. So altruistic behaviour helps ensure the survival of other members of the group b. Examples of altruism abound, both among humans and among other mammals c. The meerkat will typically distract a predator to save another meerkat d. It can be said that humans are far more altruistic than mammals e. Altruistic behaviour is hard to find in this day and age 44. Now that the mouse’s genome has been decoded, the 25 million mice working in laboratories throughout the world may be demanding more respect. It is the close cousinship that makes this vast labour force so useful for exploring the human genome. _____. a. Only last month a group of scientists discussed whether human embryonic stem cells should be tested according to those of the mouse b. Many of the ills that humans inherit occur or can be generated in mice, making them models for studying how disease works in people c. The disputes over human embryonic stem cells perplexed the Clinton and Bush administrations d. In exchange for free board and lodging and excellent medical care, the mice have to submit to a number of genetic indignities e. No one knows what kind of creature might result from a mixture of mouse and human embryonic stem cells 45. Japan and India share a global vision of peace, stability and shared prosperity, based on sustainable development. They view each other as partners that have responsibility for responding to global and regional challenges in keeping with their global partnership. ____. a. Therefore a strong, prosperous and dynamic India is in the interest of Japan and vice versa b. In fact, a new surge of change, creativity and vitality is transforming Asia c. The two leaders recognize the importance of regular dialogue and mutual understanding d. The Government of Japan is also prepared to explore the possibility to be a partner country e. However, India is the largest recipient of the Japanese Official Development Assistance
  • 7. KARACA EĞİTİM MERKEZİ – YDS-1 7 46.-50. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz. 46. (I) A good stage performance is like heightened living; it’s over before we realize, before we’ve really absorbed some of the lines and action. (II) When we read novels and short stories, we sometimes learn as much about the characters from the author’s comments as from the speech and actions of the characters. (III) The reading of a play, on the other hand, is as leisurely, and as deliberate, as we want to make it. (IV) We are comfortable and unhurried; we have plenty of time to re-read, and to make notes. (V) Yes, plays should be read at least twice; in every play, as in as iceberg, what’s on the surface is often nothing to what’s beneath it. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E)V 47. (I) There is no single way to define democratic governments. (II) Mankind has produced different systems, different mechanisms of government. (III) In the economic domain, the most acceptable is the market economy. (IV) All those who refused to adopt that economic system condemned their economies to destruction, and created obstacles for their development of science and production, such as we see in the communist countries. (V) Similarly, countries that were not governed democratically condemned their populations to backwardness and created deep social inequities and injustices. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E)V 48. (I) The differences of opinion in defining the subject of aesthetics are reflected first and foremost in two opposed points of departure. (II) According to one, aesthetics constitutes a science concerned solely with the laws of artistic development and the nature of artistic creativity. (III) Viewed from that angle, aesthetics is no more than the general theory of art. (IV) The growing importance of literature and art in the life of society links it with other related spheres of scientific knowledge. (V) Those who approach it from the other angle prefer the view that aesthetics and the general theory of art are two separate sciences. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E)V 49. (I) Our intellectual life since the nineteeth century reforms had borne no resemblance to the historical, philosophical and scientific antecedents of the men who made the French Revolution. (II) Ours was a superficial reformist literature with no economic or social content. (III) As far as they were concerned, there was a constant struggle for freedom and the Constitution. (IV) Right down to the Turkist movement in the years before 1908, we can point to no artists or writers who gave direction to our thinking. (V) The literature produced some enlightened patriots and some would-be Europeans who despised their country and their people. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E)V 50. (I) Oil and wildlife aren’t usually a good mix; just look at the many ecological disasters around the world triggered by oil spills. (II) Tens of thousands of seabirds were killed by a spill from the Erika off the coast of France in 1999, or the tanker Prestige polluted 400 km of coastline when it sank off north-west Spain three years later. (III) The petroleum fly has long been a source of interest for researchers intrigued by its ability to survive amid toxic fumes that would kill off other species. (IV) In light of such events, “oil ecology” sounds like an oxymoron, and yet there is life in oil, and some species of insect even seem to thrive in the stuff. (V) The most remarkable of these is the petroleum fly, Halaeomiyia petrolei, which feeds on insects that get stuck to the surface of oil or tar pools. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E)V 51.-55. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın olan cümleyi bulunuz. 51. The foreigners who have come here without permission will have no alternative but to die in our defensive or return to their country. a. Those that leak into our country will be killed by the armed forces before they find the chance to flee to their motherland. b. Refugees tend to lose their lives while defending themselves, or trying to return to their country. c. Either killed by those in our defensive or forced to go back home, the refugees have no chance in this country. d. The illegal immigrants stand no chance in that they will either have to lose their lives in our defensive or go back home. e. Doomed to die or flee back to where they have come from, the immigrants have very little chance here.
  • 8. KARACA EĞİTİM MERKEZİ – YDS-1 8 52. Led by a better-educated, better integrated younger generation, many of the Chinese have begun to seek a new, more active place in the society. a. Now that they have a better-educated and better-integrated younger generation guiding them, many Chinese people are already in pursuit of new and more active places in the society. b. Many of the Chinese that have already started to go after a new and more active place in the society are part of the better- educated and better-integrated younger generation leading the nation. c. The better-educated and better-integrated younger generation in China leads many of the people to seek a new and more active role in the society. d. China’s better-educated and better-integrated young generation encourages many of the people to begin to take on new and more active roles in the society. e. There are so many better-educated and better-integrated young people in China that even the elderly can crave for newer and more active parts in the society. 53. As spacecrafts go, Triana is small, inexpensive and normally would hardly stand out among the dozens of satellites and probes NASA is planning to send into space. a. Compared with the other satellites and probes NASA is planning to send into space, Triana is on the whole too small, too cheap and too ordinary to stand out among the others. b. Being small and inexpensive, Triana cannot stand out among the other NASA satellites and probes planned to be sent into space soon. c. The satellites and probes to be sent into space by NASA are huge and costly, whereas Triana is small and cheap, and so fails to be recognized. d. NASA is planning to send several satellites and probes into space, and among them Triana is not only the cheapest and smallest, but also the least efficient. e. Triana, as far as spacecrafts are concerned, is small and cheap, and would ordinarily just not stand out among the numerous satellites and probes that NASA is aiming to send into space. 54. In a major step toward approving the birth control pill, the top medical advisory council in Japan suddenly reversed its position and recommended allowing the pill to be sold. a. Approving the birth control pill was a major step for the Japanese government, which, after having received medical advice, decided to allow it to be sold. b. It came as a surprise when the top medical advisory council in Japan gave up the idea of allowing the birth control pill to be sold over the counter. c. The top medical council in Japan unexpectedly altered its former decision and advised that the birth control pill be allowed to be sold, which was a significant step toward its approval. d. Japan’s top medical advisory council decided that the birth control pill should be allowed to be sold, a step that suddenly revolutionized the world of medicine. e. The approval of the medical council in Japan is so significant that it has rightly put the birth control pill among the pills to be allowed to be sold. 55. Social systems are, among other aspects, characterised by the fact that their membership groups are distinctly recognisable from outside and that they have their own clearly visible system goals. a. Two of the features of social systems are that their members can easily be identified and that their exclusive system goals are easy to recognise. b. What marks social systems is that their members are different; furthermore, their goals are systematic and so clearly visible. c. It is a fact that membership groups of social systems are readily recognised as they have very specific system goals. d. On the whole, social systems can be described as having members and system goals easily noticeable from outside. e. Social systems are typical as far as their membership groups, which are distinctly recognisable, and system goals are concerned.
  • 9. KARACA EĞİTİM MERKEZİ – YDS-1 9 56.–60. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz. 56. Harry: Hello. May I leave a message here for Dr. Owada? Woman: Yes, I can give her a message, or if you’ve written her a note, you can put it in her mailbox over there. Harry: _____ Woman: Sure. Oh, I just realised that Dr. Owada isn’t on campus today,which means she’ll get the message tomorow, the earliest. a. I haven’t, but I can. May I sit here and do so? b. I was going to tell her that I wouldn’t be in class today. c. Is her two o’clock class cancelled? d. Professor Strong has given the lecture today. e. Maybe I don’t need to now. 57. Marlin: I can’t believe how much my books cost this semester! I just spent over $100 for only four books. Eddie: I don’t think you got the book for chemistry. That one costs $55. Marlin: _____ Eddie: Try the bookstores in the Pioneer District, where they have used copies. a. Where did you say that was? b. It’s a little more than my budget can handle at the moment. c. You can sell any kind of book as well. d. Science books are always out of sight. e. I wonder if they’d have my chemistry book- the third edition. 58. Prof. Martin: _____ Harrison: I’m having trouble coming up with a good idea. I’m supposed to describe the cultural characteristics of a group, but I don’t know much about any one cultural group. Prof. Martin: That’s ridiculous. Everyone has a culture. What about the culture of your hometown, for instance? Harrison: I never thought of that. It’s something I know a lot about. a. Did you use to live in a small town where everybody knows everybody else? b. Any group you can think of would seem too artificial. c. Have you finished your paper for anthropology yet? d. Write about the culture of your orchard community. e. Why do you keep missing classes these days? 59. Ronald: Have you heard that Russia, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan have agreed to build a natural gas pipeline around the Caspian Sea? Douglas: _____ Ronald: But it wouldn’t be good for Europe. Douglas: Then Europeans will have to adjust their response accordingly. a. The new pipeline is expected to upgrade existing infrastructure. b. Europe hopes to pry the flow of Central Asian gas out of Russian hands. c. This will definitely bolster Russia’s dominance over the region’s gas exports. d. Russia is using its vast energy and other natural resources to assert influence across Asia. e. The West has expressed fears but the Kremlin rejects the accusations. 60. Debora: Which features play the most important role in allowing us to recognise each other? Lauri: The eyes, perhaps, or the nose. I’ve never thought about that before. Debora: ______ Lauri: They do not actually resemble the real face, yet the cartoon is instantly recognisable because it retains and exaggerates the face’s peculiarities. a. The problem is that two faces can have closely similar masurements and yet look markedly different b. The body mass, eye and gender of each person of course. c. Then think about the wildly distorted cartoons of public figures and celebrities. d. Neither have I; plus I’m bad at matching up pictures of faces. e. On the other hand, researchers are trying to make it possible to compare faces to see which elements are crucial to recognition.
  • 10. KARACA EĞİTİM MERKEZİ – YDS-1 10 61.-64. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. Over furious objections from China, the US Congress bestowed its highest civilian honor Wednesday on the Dalai Lama, the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader whom Beijing considers a troublesome voice of separatism. Dressed in flowing robes of burgundy and orange, Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama, bowed as President George W. Bush and members of Congress gave him a standing ovation upon his arrival at the Capitol. Lawmakers praised him as a hero of the Tibetan struggle. The Dalai Lama said that he felt "a sense of regret" over the sharp tensions with China unleashed by his visit and the honors conferred upon him. In gentle language and conciliatory tones, he congratulated China on its dynamic economic growth, recognized its rising role on the world stage, but he also gently urged it to embrace "transparency, the rule of law and freedom of information." The 72-year-old spiritual leader made it clear that he was not seeking independence from China; what he wanted was "meaningful autonomy for Tibet." After speeches by the president and the top leaders of each party as well as by the Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel, another Nobel Peace Prize laureate and Congressional Gold Medal winner, the Dalai Lama accepted the medal, drawing a standing ovation from a crowd that included such Tibet sympathizers as the film director Martin Scorsese and the actor Richard Gere. 61. It is obvious from the passage that the 72-year- old Dalai Lama, while referring to China, _____. a. refused to make any comments b. expressed his sincerest love for China c. was careful with the words he chose d. refrained from making references to Tibet e. used a very ironic language 62. One point emphasized in the passage is that China _____. a. is planning to disrupt its relationship with the USA b. does not consider Tibet as part of China c. does not feel any pressure regarding the Congressional Gold Medal d. will not accept any American-origin awards e. is against the Dalai Lama’s being awarded the Congressional Gold Medal 63. We know from the passage that in China, Tenzin Gyatso _____. a. has been viewed as a separatist b. will be hailed as a hero c. stands no chance of receiving an honor d. symbolizes ‘independence’ e. holds the Dalai Lama title no longer 64. According to the passage, it is the Tibetan spiritual leader’s hope that China will _____. a. grant Tibet full independence b. reconsider freedom of speech for everybody c. try to be less transparent d. observe the code of the rule of law e. be more objective regarding basic human rights
  • 11. KARACA EĞİTİM MERKEZİ – YDS-1 11 65.-68. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçaya gore cevaplayınız. The residents of this village, founded almost three centuries ago by runaway slaves in the jungle of northern Colombia, eke out their survival from plots of manioc. Pigs wander through dirt roads. The soldier on patrol peeks into houses made of straw and mud. On the surface, it resembles any other impoverished Colombian village. But when adults here speak with one another, their language draws inspiration from as far away as the Congo River Basin in Africa. The language is known along Colombia's Caribbean coast as Palenquero. Theories about its origins vary, but one thing is certain: it survived for centuries in this small community, now struggling to keep it from perishing. Today, fewer than half of the community's residents speak Palenquero, although many children and young adults can understand it. It is thought to be the only Spanish-based language in Latin America. But its grammar is so different that Spanish speakers can understand almost nothing of it. The survival of Palenquero points to the extraordinary resilience of San Basilio de Palenque, part of whose very name - Palenque - is the Spanish word for a fortified village of runaway slaves. Different from dozens of other palenques, this community has successfully fended off threats to its existence to this day. Colonial references to its origins are scarce, but historians say San Basilio de Palenque was probably settled sometime after revolts led by Benkos Biohó, a 17th-century African resistance leader who organized guerrilla attacks on the nearby port of Cartagena. 65. The passage emphasizes that the people of San Basilio de Palenque _____. a. deserve the appreciation of the Spanish community b. have managed to survive so far c. are not keen on an autonomy of some kind d. are all multi-lingual today e. are the descendents of Spanish invaders 66. According to the passage, though there are various rumors about it, Palenquero _____. a. is spoken by a small number of people only b. is the only Spanish-based language in the Americas c. has a grammar harder than that of Spanish d. used to be Colombia’s official language e. may have its roots back in Africa 67. We learn from the passage that the phrase ‘San Basilio de Palenque’ _____. a. reminds them of the defeat of several other similar villages b. means ‘Congo River Basin’ in old Spanish c. describes the village itself and its founders d. celebrates a colonial defeat of the Spanish e. was coined in the late 17th century 68. According to the passage, what distinguishes San Basilio de Palenque from other villages is the _____. a. language spoken there b. way it was established c. origin of the people d. determination of the residents e. people’s combative nature
  • 12. KARACA EĞİTİM MERKEZİ – YDS-1 12 69.-72. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. Both fossil and genetic data show that modern humans evolved around 200,000 years ago. From what was previously learned, it appeared that human ancestors had for ages depended solely on terrestrial plants and animals. Today, it seems humans headed for the shore to get away from the cares at home almost from the start. However this was no holiday for them, but a matter of survival at a perilous time of climate change throughout Africa 164,000 years ago. By then, Homo sapiens had developed a taste for shellfish, out of necessity and much earlier than previously thought, while adapting to life in caves on the craggy coast of southern Africa. Exploring a cave in a steep cliff overlooking the ocean, an international team of scientists found deposits of shellfish remains, hearths, small stone blades and fragments of hematite, some of which had been ground apparently for use as the coloring agent red ocher, which sometimes had symbolic meaning. "The shellfish," the researchers concluded, "may have been crucial to the survival of these early humans as they expanded their home ranges," in response to the cooler and drier conditions that had prevailed for thousands of years in the interior of Africa. 69. The passage makes it clear that mankind, contrary to what was earlier thought, _____. a. originated about 200,000 years ago b. lived in caves for a relatively short time c. has, to a large extent, been land-bound d. has met his needs better in the seas e. has been marine-dependent for almost all his history 70. We learn from the passage that mankind’s initial interest in the sea _____. a. emerged when he ran out of land resources b. arose with the need for more land c. was not for leisure purposes d. did not prove to be very fruitful e. led to the discovery of other lands 71. According to the researchers mentioned in the passage, for the early humans, _____. a. the establishment of permanent settlements was vital b. the shellfish is likely to have played an important role c. the sea was the number one source of food d. what really mattered was extending their terrain e. climate was the thing that shaped their way of living 72. It is possible to conclude from the passage that these researchers, while making their claims, _____. a. did not take any unreliable evidence into consideration b. had to rely on extensive international cooperation c. dismissed all of the previous theories d. based their conclusions on various pieces of evidence e. did not know anything about the possible implications of their ideas
  • 13. KARACA EĞİTİM MERKEZİ – YDS-1 13 73. – 76. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçaya gore cevaplayınız. Is the Caspian a sea or a lake? The answer has immense consequences for the energy industry. If it is a lake, there are no obligations by countries that flank it to grant permits to foreign vessels or drilling companies. But if it is a sea, there are international treaties obliging those countries to an array of permits. The Caspian's status has been in dispute since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Over the past few years, the United States has been trying to establish alternative energy routes that would weaken the regional dominance of Russia and Iran. In addition to Iran and Russia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan also have Caspian coastlines. Russia and Iran, historically, had agreed that the sea was a lake and that it should be shared equally between the two of them. That all changed after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Iran and Russia wanted earlier agreements, signed in 1921 and in 1940, to continue. Moscow had obtained consent from the newly independent republics of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan that they would be bound by any agreements signed by the Soviet Union, of which they had been a part. But in 1998, Azerbaijan declared that since the Caspian is an international lake, it should be recognized as such. In practice, this would mean that the surface and seabed would be divided into five sectors determined by the length of each country's shoreline. 73. It is obvious from the passage that the Caspian _____. a. is, according to international laws, neither a lake nor a sea b. is supposed to have vast energy reserves under its depths c. has become the center of a power game d. was an insignificant body of water until recently e. has a status unlike any other body of water 74. One knows from the passage that before the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Caspian _____. a. was surrounded by two countries only b. was lying almost totally unexplored c. was mostly mined by the United States d. had a status similar to today’s e. had no attraction to the western world 75. One can infer from the passage that if the Caspian is an international lake, _____. a. the old agreements of 1921 and 1940 will be valid b. there is a lot for Russia and Iran to lose c. the United States has the right to lay claims too d. the new republics have no say in the distribution of its resources e. it should be administered by an international instutition 76. The passage makes it clear that the new republics, except Azerbaijan, with a coastline along the Caspian _____. a. have rather modest claims regarding the Caspian b. do not have the means to explore the Caspian on their own c. will have to make do with what Russia grants them, if it ever does d. have decided to go back on their former agreement with Russia e. were part of a second agreement before the Soviet Union dissolved
  • 14. KARACA EĞİTİM MERKEZİ – YDS-1 14 77. – 80. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçaya gore cevaplayınız. Earlier in October last year, on what Parisians call White Night, when thousands of people cavort in the streets until dawn, a bunch of intruders broke into the Musée d'Orsay in Paris and punched a hole in a Monet. Then, from the obscure and formerly bucolic university town of Lund, in southern Sweden, came news that a group of hooded vandals with crowbars and axes stormed into an art gallery and, to the accompaniment of death-metal music, destroyed several sexually explicit photographs by Andres Serrano. While the Parisian hooligans were undone partly because they were caught on the museum's security cameras, the Swedish gang went one better, proudly advertising their crime on YouTube. So the other day I stopped into the Reina Sofía in Madrid to check on Picasso's Guernica. The threat of violence is nothing new in Spain, where Muslim terrorists blew up commuter trains a few years ago, killing many, and where the threat of killings by Basque extremists (there was a bomb attack in Bilbao last week, a truce with the government having broken down in June) has again become part of the daily background noise of life. Only a simple stanchion, and a discreet alarm, as I discovered when leaning too close, separates the public from Picasso's famous mural about a mid- century act of terror: the German bombing of the ancient Basque town of Guernica in 1936. The picture presides over a big gallery of related Picassos, each a target, I suppose, if you adopt the mindset that terrorists, and those who would exploit terrorism, like to foster. 77. One can understand from the passage that European museums or art galleries _____. a. are open until early morning b. have specialized in different schools c. have decided to increase security measures d. are vulnerable to vandalism e. are like breadbaskets for robbers 78. According to the writer of the passage, Spain _____. a. is accustomed to violence of varying kinds b. has very few museums to take pride in c. attaches relative importance to security d. has always been a target for racists e. is where terrorism is taken for granted 79. In the passage, the writer tells the reader how he _____. a. sees the European’s approach towards modern art b. thinks vandalism towards art can be overcome c. himself once tried to damage a masterpiece by Picasso d. feels about sexual expressions in art e. has personally tested the security measures in an art gallery 80. One learns from the passage that Guernica _____. a. reflects Picasso’s views on war b. is a work in praise of war c. depicts a war scene d. pictures a scene of life in the 1930s e. is a vivid account of the Spanish Civil War
  • 15. KARACA EĞİTİM MERKEZİ – YDS-1 15 YDS-1 1. A 2. D 3. B 4. B 5. D 6. E 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. D 11. E 12. B 13. E 14. B 15. A 16. B 17. C 18. E 19. D 20. D 21. A 22. E 23. B 24. C 25. A 26. B 27. D 28. C 29. C 30. B 31. E 32. C 33. B 34. D 35. A 36. C 37. B 38. B 39. D 40. E 41. E 42. A 43. B 44. B 45. A 46. B 47. A 48. D 49. C 50. C 51. D 52. A 53. E 54. C 55. A 56. A 57. B 58. C 59. C 60. C 61. C 62. E 63. A 64. D 65. B 66. E 67. C 68. A 69. E 70. C 71. B 72. D 73. C 74. A 75. B 76. D 77. D 78. A 79. E 80. C