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Mierza Miranti
+6281 693 72 33 |  | Skype: klastulistiwa
Writing Portfolio of Mierza MIranti Page 1
ME .................................................................................................................................................................... 4
EDUCATION BACKGROUND...............................................................................................................................4
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCES .......................................................................................................................... 4
THE QUEST FOR A SAFE SCHOOL (THE JAKARTA POST) ....................................................................................5
PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER, SIAPKAH? (LAMPUNG POST)…..............................................................................…. 6
WHY PARENTS OPT FOR INT’L SCHOOL (THE JAKARTA POST) ........................................................................ 7
WHY PARENTS OPT FOR HOMESCHOOLING (THE JAKARTA POST) ……............................................................ 8
SENSING THE HISTORY (Universitas Negeri Surabaya)...............................................…................................. 10
INCORPORATING GLOBAL WARMING ISSUES IN KTSP BASED ELT (UPI) ...................................................... 13
KLASTULISTIWA 2015 .................................................................................................................................... 15
KLASTULISTIWA ANTHOLOGY ...................................................................................................................... 15
ASIA CREATIVE WRITINGS CONFERENCE PRODUCTS .................................................................................... 16
KETIKA ISTIQOMAH BERHIJAB ITU DIUJI ....................................................................................................... 17
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ..................................................................................................................... 19
REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................................... 19
REFERENCE LETTERS ..................................................................................................................................... 20
FORMAL EDUCATION CERTIFICATES ............................................................................................................ 21
INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH TEACHING CERTIFICATES .................................................................................... 22
Writing Portfolio of Mierza MIranti Page 2
I am a 32-years old mother who currently homeschool my three children in the morning.
I casually write for my blog and an educational website under Flipper Ltd. I am also
actively engaged to social media connected to them as means of sharing and promoting. Thus, the
activities leave me available to write professionally from afternoon to evening. Kindly email me to, call +628169372335, tweet @klastulistiwa, Line/IG aishahomeschool, or Skype
(klastulistiwa) and let‘s create opportunities.
 BACHELOR OF ART, English Literature. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, GPA 3,4 out of 4, Bandung. (2004)
 MASTER OF MANAGEMENT, Open University, GPA 3,78 out of 4, Jakarta. (2014)
 TEACHING KNOWLEDGE TEST, University of Cambridge ESOL Examination. (2006)
Freelance English Educational Content Writer: creating educational content of English lessons for the e-
learning portal based on the quidelines and strands provided .
Founder, Writer, Administrator: sharing her stories in the real life from witty to serious. Most of her writings are
in the field ef education along with her role as a mother, wife, educator, global citizen, and a lifetime learner.
Secondary School Teacher,: teaching Cambridge Checkpoint, A-Level English, & AusVELS Social Studies*.
Assistant to Vice Principal: Creating 360
Evaluation for appraisal tool for talent management system,
managing education Quality Assurance, providing customized workshops, overseeing curriculum development,
organizing school system, templates, workflows, policies, and deciding appropriate managerial strategies
Secondary School Teacher: teaching English using the national curriculum and integrated studies*
Professional Development Manager: designing a continuous professional development (PD) scheme for
teachers, organizing PD sessions, and providing customized workshops.
Teaching Bahasa Indonesia, Civics, Values Education, Visual Arts, and Science to PYP 5-6*
Teaching English to Year 7 and 8 and preparing them to perform in a drama festival *
Teaching Business Studies, English for Specific Purposes, Test Preparation, conversation class, etc.
 Interpreter. Australian Business Volunteer – ‘Mitra Dialog’ Daily, Cirebon. Oct-Nov 2004.
 Translator . ADI Computer, Bandung. June 2003 – May 2004.
 Admission Officer. ELS Language Center, Bandung. August 2002 – June 2003.
* My tasks a teacher also involved managing events, extra curricular activity, and homeroom assignments.
Writing Portfolio of Mierza MIranti Page 3
Mierza Miranti | The Jakarta Post | Opinion | April 29, 2014
With the new school year looming, now is the time for most
parents in Indonesia to search for the best schools for their children.
The issue of school safety has given parents an extra item on their
checklist on how to find a safe and supportive school environment,
particularly following reports of sexual abuse at prestigious school in
As supervision shifts from home to school at certain periods of
time, parents certainly do not want their children to worry about their
own safety as it may affect the learning process. Thus, as a teacher
who has been teaching at international schools for years and enrolling
her children in the same place, I have put together a checklist for
parents to go through before making any decision.
First, come to the school‘s open house. Use the opportunity to observe teachers‘ interaction with their students and
how they manage their behavior.
Yet, if students are not involved in the program, parents can inspect the school‘s physical surroundings as a start.
See whether it is a school that can ensure hygiene as well as handle vandalism.
Yet, since it is a marketing program, it would be wise to only use it merely to narrow down the choices. Additional
school visits are strongly suggested with regards to making the best decision.
Second, at the next school visit, find out how the school supervises their students during learning periods. A safe
school might have two options: duty roster arrangements or a CCTV monitoring system.
If it is based on roster, ask for the contingency plan if the person-on-duty is absent. Seek clarification if one happens
to see a group or lone student passing through an empty hall with no supervision.
Yet, if the school uses CCTV, parents can ask whether the screen is fully supervised or not because, if the CCTV is
intended to ―spot‖ a fault it has failed its control function — especially when it is not combined with the teacher roster.
Second, observe the interactions between those at the school. The best time to do this is before and during recess.
Visitors can observe whether the staff and students are engaged and respectful.
If possible, observe the relationship between the principal and faculty. A safe school will ensure a healthy
relationship among their staff members and students.
Third, observe for the campus‘ cleanliness during school hours. Doing it during and a while after recess can be the
best time to find out how successful school instills the habit to their students. Afterward, parents can see firsthand the
standard of the school‘s cleaning service.
Fourth, ask information about bullying, harassment and other daily management and intervention programs with
regards to student behavior. A safe school is not an impulsive school that treats students‘ behavior after it occurs. It has a
well-planned and structured program that also involves the student to raise awareness.
Fifth, ask for data of students‘ leave and staff turnover. Yet, do not rely too much on these statistics. A high level of
expulsion may indicate that the school has a high regard for discipline. On the contrary, it can also show their inability to
improve the students‘ behavior.
Yet, a high staff turnover can lead you to other questions to ask on the quality of staff recruitment and development
system of the school. Since for the students, a high staff turnover might influence the learners‘ sense of security,
especially during secondary school years.
Sixth, find out about the school‘s policy of students‘ use of electronic devices. Does the school ask their students to
hand them over? If they require the students to bring a laptop, find out whether the school has a solid Internet filtering
system. Remember that cyberbullying is as dangerous as the physical act.
Finally, request for a sit-in session in the classroom, remember that it is the child that will undergo everything at
school. Ask for two days to one week, if possible. Otherwise, one day might be fine to seek for the child‘s opinion about
the school. Take it as part of the consideration.
These checklist items are actually very basic ones that every school must have. A good school might have a long list
of policies but a safe school is the one that really applies it. A safe school also requires involvement of the whole school,
not merely the security division. Hopefully, the chosen school can be a second home that ensures equal security to that
provided at home.
Writing Portfolio of Mierza MIranti Page 4
Mierza Miranti | Lampung Post | July 26, 2011
Kurikulum pendidikan karakter telah diluncurkan
oleh Depdiknas untuk diterapkan di sekolah.
Keadaan ini memicu pertanyaan yang amat
mendasar yaitu: Sudah siapkah sekolah dan
tenaga pendidik untuk menerapkannya?
Munculnya pertanyaan ini tidaklah
mengherankan mengingat hingga saat ini pun
beberapa – jika tidak mengatakan banyak – guru
masih bingung dengan KTSP. Terlebih lagi jika
ditambah hal baru yaitu integrasi pendidikan
karakter di dalamnya. Namun siap atau tidak
siap, sekolah – dan guru tentunya – sebagai
pelaksana di lapanganlah yang nantinya akan
menjadi pihak yang dituntut kesiapannya.
Sesungguhnya sekolah dan guru tidaklah harus tergagap-gagap setiap kali menghadapi perubahan kurikulum di
setiap tahun jika para staf pendidik dapat membekali diri dengan informasi terkini mengenai pendidikan.
Pengetahuan itu bisa didapatkan dari media cetak dan elektronik. Lebih baik lagi jika setiap guru memiliki akses ke
internet dan terhubung dengan mailing list pendidikan semacam IGI (Ikatan Guru Indonesia), Guru Indonesia, dan
CFBE (Center for Betterment of Education). Melalui media internet, sekolah dan guru bahkan dapat berkontribusi
jika terdapat surel yang dikirim oleh peramu kebijakan.
Setelah mendapatkan informasi yang cukup, sekolah dapat merancang program pengembangan profesionalisme
guru untuk mendapatkan pembekalan yang memadai melalui program pengembangan karakter yang dipersiapkan
sesuai dengan kondisi komunitas sekolah.
Program pengembangan karakter dapat dimulai dengan pembentukan tim inti yang memiliki tugas untuk
mengembangkan karakter yang sesuai dengan kondisi riil komunitas sekolah mulai dari pendidik, siswa, hingga
orang tua berdasarkan atas panduan yang telah diberikan oleh Depdiknas. Karakter yang telah dirumuskan lalu
ditinjau ulang manajemen sekolah untuk memastikan kesesuaiannya dengan visi dan misi sekolah.
Setelah daftar karakter sekolah dibuat, tugas selanjutnya yaitu memberikan lokakarya bagi guru untuk membekali
mereka dengan kemampuan merancang desain pembelajaran yang berkarakter hingga menerapkannya di dalam
kelas. Lokakarya dilakukan seintensif mungkin hingga guru benar-benar memahami cara penerapannya di dalam
kelas dan tidak hanya tercetak indah di atas rencana pembelajaran semata. Karenanya, pendampingan oleh tim inti
terus dilakukan selama penerapannya untuk memastikan pembelajaran benar-benar sampai kepada tujuan akhir.
Selain di dalam pelajaran, sesi khusus yang mempertemukan wali kelas dengan siswanya juga dibuat paling sedikit
seminggu sekali. Disini peserta melakukan kegiatan yang bermakna seperti permainan, refleksi, maupun
pembekalan dengan satu jenis karakter di setiap pertemuannya. Hal ini dilakukan untuk memastikan siswa benar-
benar tahu karakter apa yang diharapkan untuk mereka miliki sebagai soft skill yang berguna hingga kemudian hari.
Hal yang tentunya diharapkan sekolah setelah menerapkan langkah-langkah yang telah diprogramkan tidak lain
agar pendidikan karakter ini benar-benar membawa dampak positif bagi siswa. Tidak hanya nilai-nilai ideal yang
tercetak di atas peraturan pemerintah dan rencana pembelajaran para guru. Jika semua sekoah diberi kesempatan
yang sama untuk mengembangkan diri, niscaya generasi selanjutnya akan menjadi generasi berkarakter yang
membawa perbaikan bagi bangsa ini. Semoga.
Writing Portfolio of Mierza MIranti Page 5
Mierza Miranti | The Jakarta Post | Opinion | September 06 2008
Parents nowadays are quite selective in determining the schools in
which their children will study and inquire knowledge from. The reasons
for choosing one go beyond merely having their children taught and
raised in formal institutions.
One of them is to nurture their skills and competence which are of
course different from one child to another. The so-called international
school -- whether realized by the parents or not -- applies different kinds
of systems.
The first and probably the most important reason that international
schools are the favorite option is the language of instruction used: English! It is known that in national schools,
students learn English at the junior high level or year seven (some schools begin at the elementary level).
Acquiring and applying the language seems to be a daunting task for both teachers and students. Parents, the ones
who get them into the schools, end up spending more money as they have their children in language courses or
tutorials in order to overcome the language difficulty. Having them accepted in an international school where
English is the language of instruction seems the best choice to take.
The next reason is the facilities the schools offer. Parents want their children to be exposed to various kinds of
options which are beneficial for their learning and then to easily do these activities outside the classroom. This
requires facilities such as gymnasiums, computer labs or music rooms. Thus, ease in not having the burden of
bringing other things to school (besides books) supports this reason; i.e., having to take their guitar from home for
music lessons or going to a public place to do sports such as a swimming pool or tennis court.
Higher academic standards applied in the school is the next reason why parents opt for this type of school. Most
parents want their children to meet and even exceed the requirements set by the government for their children's
further education. In the mind of the parents, failure in meeting this expectation could mean a failure in the entire
academic process, and even more -- the future of their children.
The next reason is because of the curriculum. National schools, both private and public, apply the curriculum set by
the government which has a variety of lessons that should be absorbed by the students at the same time. Of
course, the lessons given are necessary to ensure the enhancement of the students' knowledge according to
Nevertheless, the way they are conveyed in practice seems to burden the students. Instead of developing and
nurturing them, the system treats the students as if they are robots, requiring them to memorize everything. They
are not seen anymore as human beings who need to be given useful skills and knowledge for the sake of their
The quality of educators and staff in the school is also one of the main reasons taken into account by the parents
before choosing which school their children should attend. It is important since most schools in Indonesia are now
facing an issue of teacher accreditation to counter the problem of unqualified teachers.
Unfortunately, untrained teachers have already entered the battlefield of teaching and have received their
experience and "training" there -- not from any training the schools give, but from the real teaching situation. Indeed,
parents who are aware of this issue do not want their children to be the experiment. Therefore, they choose the
international schools which promise to give their children qualified and committed teachers who are also given
professional development.
Writing Portfolio of Mierza MIranti Page 6
The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Opinion | Sat, September 23 2006
Homeschooling is a viable education alternative to institutional
schooling. This kind of education requires children to learn under the
general supervision of their parents. It is believed to be a complete
substitute for institutional schooling.
If you were to ask 10 parents why they schooled their children at
home, you would get a variety of responses.
Among the reasons for homeschooling is the long-standing belief that
home is the best environment to teach religion, ethics and norms.
Some parents worry about the spiritual upbringing of their children,
particularly in Indonesia, where the study of religion only takes a
couple of hours and is considered insufficient to teach their children
the real value of their religion. Homeschooling, on the other hand,
allows them to design their own curriculum.
Homeschooling also gives families the opportunity to become closer. Sending children to school takes about a
quarter or half their time on a school day, forcing parents to work harder to maintain a close relationship.
Homeschooling brings families closer together. Children thrive under parental supervision, and parents really get to
know their children. Homeschooled siblings tend to be more kind and helpful to each other too.
Greater flexibility to question the curriculum is another reason why homeschooling is chosen over formal education.
Indonesia is a country in which students are expected to have a grasp -- or at least an understanding -- of every
subject taught at school. The national curriculum, of course, cannot satisfy every parent. This kind of education also
prepares children for the national exams designed for students educated outside the formal education system,
which is known as Kejar Paket A, B or C.
Some parents believe homeschooling is more able to meet special needs. They say conventional schools only
facilitate one way of learning: sitting in class and following the teacher's instructions. Some children, however, have
a ""different"" way of learning and, unfortunately, in the case of children who cannot sit ""nicely"" in class, some
teachers believe they disturb the other students.
Homeschooling enables parents to supervise the content and progress of lessons in a more satisfactory way. Some
parents are not satisfied by the information and services provided by their children's school. They feel they have
""lost"" their children. They have no knowledge of the teacher's targets for their children. They only become aware
of their children's ""weaknesses"" when they get a report card at the end of the semester. Thus, homeschooling
gives parents the opportunity to monitor their children's development.
Parents who practice homeschooling say their children are spared from schoolyard bullying and peer pressure.
Emotional bullying -- name calling, mockery and humiliation -- can be just as devastating as physical bullying. Smart
children, special needs children, and anyone unlucky enough to appear ""different"" can expect a steady diet of this
negative emotional input in a typical school. Since research has shown that children need to feel safe in order to
learn, simply removing a child from a stressful situation may produce enormous learning gains all by itself.
Flexible school hours is another advantage. Homeschoolers can learn by reading a book in the garden, having a
debate in the car or socializing while shopping in a traditional market, and even more if they have access to the
In the virtual world, a homeschooler can visit The Louvre, create a vaccine in a virtual lab, interact with astronauts at
their space station, and even talk to Robert Ballad -- a Titanic explorer -- in a submersible.
There are many reasons why parents school their children at home, but they all agree on one thing: ""It's the best
thing for our child!""
Writing Portfolio of Mierza MIranti Page 7
Mierza Miranti | Graduate Thesis Abstract at Universitas Terbuka | 11 November 2014
In an educational institution, teachers are the human capital that determines the competitive advantage of the
institution. However, the dynamic and intangible nature of human capital require an assessment tool to evaluate
teachers‘ performance before taking the steps of further development by the teachers and investment by the
institution. Therefore, the performance appraisal should be holistic to achieve the vision and mission of the school.
This research takes place at Al Taqwa College Indonesia that started applying the 360-degree feedback as the
performance appraisal in the 2013-2014 academic year. The process of application as well as the challenges and
solutions are the focus of the research. The research design takes case study with qualitative method within the
critical science paradigm focusing on the changes occurred during the phenomena. The primary data is sought
through in-depth interview and participative observation. The findings show that the feedback becomes the solution
of the previous performance appraisal Yet, the process indeed requires some additional steps to guarantee the
success. Within the planning stage, for example, steps as to asking for the approval, involvement, and commitment
of the school committee are needed, as well as meeting making sure that number of appraised persons, data
collecting, and anonymity are well kept. Besides, there is an emergence of effective ways to conduct the process
within this type of institution, such as by having group meetings, taking the assessment from one specific unit of
work, and directly do the data input on the application. As for giving a chance of development, the feedback need to
be taken twice by considering the proper time, place, ways of delivery. It is also found that there is an improvement
of performance after the first feedback process. Thus, it is expected that any institutions wishing to apply the 360-
degree feedback as performance appraisal need to ensure their compliance to the requirements, involvement of
related parties, and make it inline with the institution‘s vision and mission in order the achieve the expected human
Keywords: performance appraisal, 360-degree feedback, human capital, competitive advantage
Dalam sebuah institusi pendidikan, guru merupakan modal insani yang menentukan keunggulan kompetitif institusi
tersebut. Namun, sifat modal insani yang dinamis dan intangible memerlukan suatu alat penilaian yang sesuai
untuk dapat mengukur kinerja guru sebelum mengambil langkah pengembangan dan penanaman modal
setelahnya. Karenanya, penilaian kinerja juga harus bersifat menyeluruh agar seluruh visi misi sekolah dapat
tercapai. Penelitian mengambil tempat di Al Taqwa College Indonesia yang mulai menerapkan umpan balik 360-
derajat sebagai penilaian kinerja pada tahun ajaran 2013-2014. Proses penerapan penilaian kinerja beserta
tantangan dan solusi pemecahannya inilah yang menjadi fokus penelitian. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi
kasus dengan metode kualitatif dengan paradigma critical science dengan fokus mencari tahu perubahan yang
dibawa dengan adanya fenomena ini. Data primer didapatkan melalui wawancara mendalam dengan subyek
penelitian dan obeservasi partisipatif. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa umpan balik 360-derajat ini merupakan
solusi dari penilaian kinerja sebelumnya. Namun, memang prosesnya memerlukan beberapa langkah tambahan
agar bisa terlaksana dengan baik. Pada tahap perencanaan misalnya, perlu dilakukan langkah-langkah seperti
meminta persetujuan, keterlibatan, dan komiten komite sekolah untuk menjaga ketepatan waktu proses,
memastikan kesesuaian jumlah responden dan anonimitas, serta cara pengumpulan. Selain itu, ditemukan juga
bahwa cara efektif untuk karakter lembaga pendidikan seperti ini adalah dengan rapat kelompok, mengambil
penilaian dari unit masing-masing, dan langsung menggunakan mesin pengolah data. Sedangkan utuk memberikan
kesempatan mengembangkan diri, proses penilaian perlu dilakukan sebanyak dua kali, yang ternyata kurang
maksimal karena kurangnya konsistensi manajemen, meski ditemukan terjadinya peningkatan kinerja setelah
umpan balik yang pertama. Temuan penting lainnya adalah dengan dilakukannya sistem ini, manajemen juga
mendapatkan masukan mengenai tingkat kepercayaan serta tingginya beban kerja yang memengaruhi kinerja.
Diharapkan bahwa institusi yang berniat menerapkan umpan balik 360-derajat ini perlu mengikuti rambu-rambu
yang ditentukan, melibatkan seluruh pihak, dan menyelaraskannya dengan visi dan misi institusi agar bisa
mengembangkan modal insani yang diinginkan.
Kata kunci: penilaian kinerja, umpan balik 360-derajat, modal insani, keunggulan kompetitif.
Writing Portfolio of Mierza MIranti Page 8
Mierza Miranti | Presented at Universitas Negeri Surabaya | 18 – 22 March 2014
Abstract – Composing narratives in second language, i.e. English, can sometimes be a daunting task for students.
Different capacity in writing and vocabulary mastery have often been accused to be the cause of the ‗writer‘s block‘.
Therefore, this workshop is designed to help teachers in assissting students to explore their five-senses and
vocabulary to be employed in their writing. One of the ways is by introducing simple creative writing poems (Five-
Senses Poetry, Cinquain, and Diamante) as pre-writing process that can make their work come alive. At the same
time, they will also revisit the history by being the ‗witness‘ of the event. Thus, the 50-minutes workshop is
anticipated to have the following sequence: (1) introducing the participants to the use of the three poems in
language classroom; (2) composing the work after watching a historically-related video; (3) Asking the participants
to sit in groups to compose the poems; and finally (4) sharing the works and discussing ideas for further application.
Hopefully, by having the session, the participants will not only be enlightened to employ the method but also
inspired to find other possibilities of unlocking their students‘ imagination.
Keywords: five-senses poem, cinquain, diamante, narrative.
Writing Portfolio of Mierza MIranti Page 9
Mierza Miranti | Presented at NEC Organized by SSE, Mien R. Uno Foundation, and World Bank. (11 - 12 December 2012)
Full paper is available on
Abstract – Entrepreneurship education has been widely discussed in terms of its chances of being integrated into a
curriculum, even as the basis of it. As for KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan) or literally translated to
Learning-Unit Based Curriculum, the currently applied curriculum in Indonesia, it seems that the issue does not
take a considerable portion. However, the possibility of integrating the values, topic, business skills, and even
projects is opened in the field of English Language Teaching or ELT that has flexible nature in the curriculum. Thus,
in this paper, the integration of business skills is further discussed from the planning to possible practices applied
in secondary 12 ELT process. It is ended with evaluation and further example of integration that can be done in
ELT for the other levels.
Keyword: business skills, integration, ELT, KTSP
Writing Portfolio of Mierza MIranti Page 10
Mierza Miranti | Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta | ISBN 979-26-1909-7 | 8-9 November 2011
Full paper is available on
ABSTRACT – The character education based
curriculum launched by Depdiknas through a
regulation No 20/2003 about the National Education
System. Thus, schools, as the subject mentioned in
the regulation, is demanded to be able to apply it.
The system, however, generates some very basic
questions especially in the classroom to the school
management level. In the scope of school
management, the issue emerged is on the integration
of the formula into the school system. As for the
classroom level, the questions dealt mostly with the
lesson planning. This paper, however, focuses on the
analysis of the application in English Language
Teaching (ELT) which still uses KTSP (Kurikulum
Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan or literally translated to
Curriculum of Independent Education Unit). It
integrates the expanded values taken from DIKNAS
marked as the Sugar Group Schools‘ Pillars of
Characters. It discusses, at a glance, a thorough
school system of character education that is
established at the school as well as a thinking
foundation. The integrated lesson plan is to be taught
to the classes of grade twelve students. It starts on the planning in which the teacher should carefully find
meaningful activities in line with the issue discussed, i.e. poverty, as well as the integrated character. Each activity
will expectantly evoke the students‘ affective aspects since the exposures given to the students are factual and
distinctive i.e. by using creative writing to help students exposing their sense on the experience in which goes
beyond the curriculum of language teaching. They are taken from what the students see everyday, but might not
pay attention to. It also reports on the flows of activities conducted in the classroom. Finally, it is continued with the
teacher‘s reflection and concluded by suggestions for further research. Hopefully, the stages from the design to
practice will encourage students to go beyond what is taught: better character.
Keywords: character education, ELT, poverty, Sugar Group Schools’ Pillars of Characters
Writing Portfolio of Mierza MIranti Page 11
Mierza Miranti | The 57
TEFLIN Int‘l Conference – Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | .1-3 November 2010
Abstract - Teaching English based on KTSP can be made to be more meaningful by integrating issues that
hopefully will make students having more than the knowledge about it but also an awareness on what happens
worldwide. This paper, therefore, describes the steps of integrating the issue of global warming into the lesson
by not only taking one side but both sides, i.e. ones believing that global warming is coming and the others
who believe that the global warming cannot be proven scientifically. The students, who belong to science major,
will take a stand after having themselves exposed to a lot of research and literatures that will support them to
support their opinion and argue others in a debate using the expressions learnt. It is expected that they will
also develop their critical mind since the activities are selected to encourage students to discover, explore,
extend, and communicate their own values, adjustments, opinions, and even arguments, while listening to other
people‘s point of view as a practice of respect. Finally, a teaching reflection is put at the end of the paper to be
considered for the next teaching practice.
Keyword: Global Warming issues, KTSP, ELT
Writing Portfolio of Mierza MIranti Page 12
Mierza Miranti | Ma-Chung University | ISBN 978-979-17959-6-8 | 12 June 2010
Abstract – Globalization coming with the benefits and impacts it brings challenges education practitioners to
raise the awareness of the future leaders namely today‘s students. Teachers are actually capable of being
the agents that can take part in bringing globalization issue into the classroom by integrating them along with
the lesson. Thus, this paper analyzes the practice on the application of integrating renewable energy issues in
English lesson based on the national curriculum set by the government. Hopefully, the incorporation will
encourage students to have awareness and think critically toward the impact of globalization on
environmental sustainability as a part of sustainable development. The paper also reports on the planning
and flows of activities conducted in the classroom for nine activities in ten sessions covering all learning
aspects: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Finally, it is continued with the teacher reflection on the
practice and concluded by the suggestions for further works in the other scopes of issues as well teaching
subjects. Keyword: environmental sustainability, awareness, renewable energy, KTSP
Writing Portfolio of Mierza MIranti Page 13
• Incorporating Global Warming Issues in KTSP Based ELT. Best Presented Paper at the 57th TEF LIN Inter national Conference – Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung.(1-3 Nov 2010)
Anthology Book Published by Leutika Prio, ISBN 978-602-371-049-2. (Juni 2015)
Mierza Miranti – Creative Writing – Page 4 and 5
I‘ve done my school holiday
And then there comes another Monday
But you know, it‘s always the students
Who changed my mood and made me okay
There is Ocean who‘s getting smarter
And Fadel that learns to be better
Or Odi whose jokes make you younger
With Idan who loves to remember
Have you met Nissa who dislikes bombay?
Or Farah who will always obey
Say Hi to Abil, she will say ―Huray!‖
Try to poke Nurma, she will make your day
Ghozi is a nice guy from Monday to Friday
Zikri too, especially on Sunday
Leon always say ―No to Wi-Fi, Yaay!‖
But Kautsar will definitely say ―Mayday!‖
Wait, there‘s Hilmi, now he got faster
As Nicky‘s approaching to give him a letter
Leaving Rizza who was running closer
As well as Mujahid who questioned to wonder
The girls, Cut and Nada, they do lead the way
And Salsabila who prefers to play
As Tsabita, she never turns away
From being with Rizna who‘s good in essay
Have you seen Bulan or Shafa as a debater?
As well as Shali who‘s trapped in it forever
And Vica said it‘s good to be so clever
Rani & Devina agreed whatsoever
Atifa, Putri, & Pristina are good in barter
Kyla, Tsamara claimed they don‘t like Bieber
Raissa, Indah, Zahra – each is a good sister
Angela and Fatimah – each is to be called a calmer
Erdi & Ganes really try to serve the tray
Farrel & & Ulhaq always have something to say
There goes Ihsan whose wit just like a sun ray
As well as Nauval who has ideas when things get gray
Hey look, here come the highschoolers
Asis, Elfin, El, Zaki the boys from the bunkers
Only Amiram, one from many survivors
Four boys and a lady without any armors
The last three students , let‘s just say ―Hey!‖
Via & Nadia look great every weekday
Sometimes Dimas look fowrard to really splay
But that‘s the story of them, who could unsay
And there you go the story of each klastulistiwa writer
The ones I‘ll miss everywhere I‘ll wonder
The Islamic brother and sisterhood will stay forever
For better, for worse, and ever after...
A Collaborative Work with the Al Taqwa College Indonesia Students
Anthology Book Published by Leutika Prio, ISBN: 978-602-225-864-3 (12 June 2014)
No Farewell in Ukhuwah – Mierza Miranti – P. 51
Hold your tears, Dear.
It‘s not good bye.
You have nothing to fear,
you may ask me why.
Don‘t let farewell make you sad
Because mortals are always tested.
It‘s ourselves that should be led,
the days before the earth got jaded
Our goal is Jannah
Firdaus, aamiin.
Glad to have this ukhuwah,
I‘m more than just keen
Writing Portfolio of Mierza MIranti Page 14
As a Part of Asian Creative Writing Group at Universitas Negeri Surabaya (19 - 22 March 2014)
When pride knocks on your door
Don't let it in
Once it gets into your room
It'll sit on your mindset and drive it somewhere
When pride knocks on your door
Don't let it in
Once it borrows in your kitchen
It'll cook your brain to think of the worse thing
When pride knocks on your door
Don't let it in
Once it uses your bathroom
It'll wash away your objectivity toward yourself
When pride knocks on your door
Don't let it in
Once it enjoys your garden
It will mow your affection
When pride knocks on your door
Don't let it in
Once it occupies your house
You will change your family name into The Proud
FAILURE – Mierza Miranti
Failure is not a dreadful darkness.
It tastes like overcooked but edible pizza
It sounds like the voices of happy children
It smells like the morning dew
It looks like the rainbow coming after the rain
It feels like new challenges by the next sun rise
Failure is just mini steps to victory
I’M MY CINDERELLA – Mierza Miranti
So, here I am.
Beautiful, so you can adore me
Vulnerable, so you can help me
Gentle, so you treat me carefully
Affectionate, so you can shower me love
You choose me for those qualities
Well, that is what you think.
Mierza Miranti
That button is so tempting
Displaying the corner of soul
Exhibiting the curve of mind
Selling the border of hope
That button that says tweet
But the gossip says…
Feeling is not a feeling
Thinking is not thinking
Saying is not saying
Hoping is not hoping
When you don‘t tweet
But the gossip says…
A criminal can look pious
An angel can be notorious
A commoner can be a celebrity
When you get that precise tweet
Stop and listen
This is what I think
I am Cinderella
I am beautiful after I speak my mind
I am vulnerable seeing injustice and poverty
I am gentle in treating the ones I love
I am affectionate to people in need
But I am strong enough to choose
To say no even after you decide
So ignore me
If your chosen qualities are your reason
If the inequality is your justification
If my defenseless is your victory
Say, I am not your Cinderella
I am now,
My Cinderella.
Writing Portfolio of Mierza MIranti Page 15
“Sungguh, Hanya Karena Engkau Aku Berhijab!”
Anthology Book Published by Qultum Media ISBN 979-017-234-6 (2012)
Dengan mantap kuserahkan surat pengunduran diriku kepada ibu Kepala HRD yang duduk memegang surat
keputusan pengangkatan yang urung diberikan. Raut wajahnya menyiratkan kebingungan. Bingung karena
pasalnya orang yang duduk di hadapannya tidak jadi diberi berita bahwa apa yang ditunggu-tunggu kebanyakan
karyawan kontrak di yayasan itu– diangkat menjadi guru tetap yayasan – akhirnya menjadi kenyataan.
―Kenapa bu Mierza?‖ tanyanya.
―Ibu sudah tahu jawabannya.‖ aku hanya tersenyum mengangguk.
―Tolong pikirkan lagi, bu. Tahun depan ibu akan menjadi guru tetap yayasan dengan gaji dua kali lipat.‖
Kembali ia sodorkan surat yang sedari tadi dipegangnya.
Pikiranku seketika menerawang ke masa-masa pergumulanku selama menjadi guru di yayasan perguruan
Islam yang terkenal di ibu kota itu. Betapa bahagianya ketika aku diterima mengajar disana. Saat itulah aku mantap
menggunakan hijab. Aku adalah guru yang digugu dan ditiru, batinku saat itu. Namun, betapa terkesiapnya aku
ketika hijab yang menjadi kewajiban seorang muslimah tidak menjadi seragam wajib bagi remaja putri sekolah
berembel-embel Islam tersebut. Lalu, kusiapkan tekad untuk mengubah keadaan. Siapa tahu aku mampu,
Perjuangan-perjuangan kecil yang coba kumunculkan ternyata seperti buih di samudera yang luas. Semua
dalil yang coba kuungkapkan mengenai hijab, dimentahkan lagi oleh organisasi yang sangat terstruktur itu. Kamu
hanya anak kemarin sore, Mierza, katanya.
Ternyata benar apa yang dikatakan Ali bin Abi Thalib bahwa kebatilan yang terorganisir akan mampu
mengalahkan kebaikan yang tidak terorganisir. Bahteraku semakin oleng di tengah hempasan gelombang laut yang
berusaha membawaku serta. Hatiku yang lelah tak sanggup untuk bertarung dan semua berakhir di ruangan ini.
―Insya Allah keputusan ini sudah saya pikirkan masak-masak, bu. Terima kasih atas pembelajarannya selama
Aku menjabat tangan wanita yang kutemui dua tahun lalu menawariku posisi mengajar di tempat ini. Ah, waktu
cepat sekali berlalu.
Kulangkahkan kaki keluar dari ruangan tersebut setelah berbincang sejenak. Detik itu juga, aku resmi menjadi
seorang pengangguran.
Seperti beberapa orang yang baru kehilangan pekerjaan, aku mencoba mencari kesempatan kesana kemari.
Akhirnya, datanglah beberapa tawaran pekerjaan yang kutunggu-tunggu. Jiwa mudaku sempat membuatku
memilih-milih apa yang cocok untukku. Diantara pilihan yang datang, terdapat satu yang sangat mengiurkan.
Tawaran itu datang dari sebuah hotel berbintang lima di Jakarta. Disana, aku ditawari menjadi trainer bahasa
Inggris bagi semua staff hotel. Gajinya? Jangan ditanya. Mereka menawariku lima kali lipat dari apa yang kuterima
di tempat sebelumnya. Kenapa tidak, batinku.
Kujalani semua proses perekrutan dengan sabar dari mulai uji kompetensi, tes psikologi, micro teaching,
hingga akhirnya aku terus melaju ke fase terakhir, yaitu wawancara. Ini yang ditunggu-tunggu, pikirku ketika
melangkah masuk dan dipersilahkan duduk di depan sang ibu Manajer HRD hotel tersebut. Beberapa pertanyaan
Writing Portfolio of Mierza MIranti Page 16
standar wawancara pun diajukan. Seperti biasa, aku melayani semuanya. Akhirnya, tibalah saat pertanyaan
―Kami sangat tertarik meng-hire
anda.‖ Ucap wanita itu yang sempat membuat hidungku kembang kempis. Ini
artinya positif, Mierza! Kamu pasti diterima, aku berteriak girang dalam hati.
―Tapi, you know, di hotel ini para karyawan mengenakan simbol-simbol agama.‖ batinku terkesiap. Sepertinya
aku tahu kemana perbincangan ini akan berakhir.
―Simbol agama?‖ tanyaku mecoba mengkonfirmasi.
―Ya, you know, your headscarf. Jangan kuatir, kamu punya banyak teman kok. Ada beberapa karyawan juga
yang melepaskan kerudung ketika masuk kantor dan mengenakan lagi ketika pulang.‖ Senyumnya kini nampak
seperti seringai bagiku.
―But it’s not a headscarf, ma’am. It’s a veil. Jilbab. Hijab.‖ aku seakan menterjemahkan untuk diriku sendiri
berulang-ulang. Aku tidak percaya bahwa aku mengatakan hal itu di waktu wawancara.
―Fine, you name it. Jadi, berkenankah anda melakukannya demi profesionalisme?‖ jiwaku bergolak.
Profesionalisme kulit, batinku. Apa hubungannya kemampuanku dengan jilbab? Pertanyaan-pertanyaan aneh terus
memborbardir kepalaku dalam hitungan detik. Aku usahakan terus tersenyum menghadapi pergulatan jiwaku.
―Anda tahu bahwa saya telah mengenakan jilbab ini dari mulai proses perekrutan awal. Kenapa baru
sekarang, bu?‖ tanyaku heran.
―Saya tahu. I continued the process because you’re very qualified dan ayolah… ini kan hanya masalah
kerudung, bukan? Atau… apakah yang kami tawarkan tidak sesuai?‖ ia seperti melihat kegamangan di wajahku.
Aku tercenung. Sempat terlintas sejumlah nominal di kepalaku. Subhanallah, Mierza! Hentikan! Ini bukan soal
uang! Batinku terus bergulat untuk memilih. Lalu aku teringat alasan kenapa aku keluar dari yayasan itu. Wajah-
wajah remaja yang seharusnya dididik dalam koridor Islam berkelebat di benakku. Astaghfirullahal'adziim.
―Saya minta maaf kalau begitu, bu.‖ ucapku sambil terus tersenyum.
―Saya bukan orang yang anda cari karena saya sudah satu paket dengan hijab ini.‖ Kusodorkan tanganku
untuk menyalaminya sebelum setan mengubah pikiranku lagi.
―Terima kasih atas kesempatan yang ibu berikan. Wassalaamu ‘alaikum.‖ Aku beranjak keluar dari ruangan
itu. Subhanallah, hampir saja syaithan berhasil membisikkan bujuk rayunya. Alhamdulillah... terima kasih ya Rabb.
Saat ini, lima tahun setelah itu, aku sudah berada di pelosok Lampung. Tiga tahun yang lalu, aku dan suamiku
memutuskan untuk hijrah meninggalkan Jakarta yang sumpek dan penat menuju bagian lain bumi Allah yang luas
Disini, aku diberi amanah untuk mengajar anak-anak buruh di sekolah gratis milik perusahaan pengolah tebu.
Selain itu, aku diberi sebuah posisi sebagai Manajer Professional Development. Sungguh suatu pekerjaan yang
menantang untuk terus memutakhirkan ilmu untuk kubagi dengan kolega sesama guru.
Memang sekolah ini bukanlah sekolah Islam. Namun, subhanallaah, solidaritas dan religiusitas sungguh
terasa di setiap helaan nafas. Hal ini terbukti dengan pilihan yang diambil para guru dan murid yang mayoritas
beragama Islam untuk memutuskan mengenakan hijab.
Pencarian panjang dan doa-doa yang kupanjatkan untuk menjaga hati agar terus istiqomah menjaga
hijabku memang tidak berakhir disini. Namun, aku bersyukur Allah berkenan memberiku tempat yang sesuai fitrah
dimana aku merasa nyaman berhijab.
Semoga hati ini akan terus kau jaga ya, Rabb. Seperti telah kau jaga niat suci ini untuk menjadi pilihan
hamba yang insya Allah hingga masa hamba berakhir sebagai khalifahmu di muka bumi ini. Amiin ya rabbal
Writing Portfolio of Mierza MIranti Page 17
 Montessory Method Preliminary Course. Rumah Montessori, Tangerang. May 14 – 17, 2015.
 Perangkat Mengajar yang Memberdayakan (as an invited speaker), An Islamic School, Tangerang. June 3,
 Lesson Planning & Assessment (as an invited speaker) . An Islamic School, Tangerang. August 12, 2014.
 Achieving Multiple Intelligence with Creative Writing (as an invited speaker), Al Taqwa College Indonesia,
Bogor. June 19, 2014.
 BEI for Islamic School’s Managers (as an invited speaker). Al Taqwa College Indonesia, Bogor. April 19, 2014
 Waking Up The Consciousness To Local Issues With Creative Writing (as an invited speaker). Asian
Creative Writers Core Group at UNESA, Surabaya. March 20, 2014
 Integrating Islamic Value in Teaching (as an invited speaker). Al Taqwa College Indonesia, Bogor. February
22, 2104
 Creating Report Bank (as an invited speaker). Al Taqwa College, Bogor. December 6, 2013
 Teachnology (as an invited speaker), Al Taqwa College Indonesia, Bogor. October 22, 2013
 Creating Podcasts with Audacity (as an invited speaker), Sugar Group Schools, LamTeng. March 13, 2013
 An Awesome Lecture (as an invited speaker), Sugar Group Schools, Lampung Tengah. Feb13, 2013
 Teaching Technique Workshop (as an invited speaker), Sugar Group Schools, LamTeng. Sep 1, 2012.
 Internet Ethics In Da’wah. Ibnu Hajar Boarding School, Jakarta. January 26, 2015
 Asia Creative Writings Conference (invited speaker), Creative Writing Group & Universitas Negeri Surabaya
(UNESA), Surabaya. March 19-22 , 2014.
 First Aid for Children. dr. Lelitasari, MKK. – 4Life, Bogor. December 13, 2013.
 National Education Conference (invited speaker) – Sampoerna School of Education, Mien R. Uno Foundation,
and World Bank, Jakarta. 11-12 December 2012.
 The 2
Winner of Instructional Video Design Competition held by Sampoerna School of Education and
Microsoft Partner for Learning with a video titled ―Review Monolog Skimming Activity: Identifying Rhetorical
Stages” on March 8, 2012.
 International Conference on Character Education (invited speaker), Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY),
Yogyakarta. 8 – 9 November 2011.
 Seminar “Sekolah dan Gurunya Manusia”. Sekolah Global Mandiri, Bandar Lampung. October 8, 2011.
 57
TEFLIN International Conference (invited speaker) – Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI), Bandung.
1 – 3 November, 2010.
 First National Conference on Literature and Language Teaching (invited speaker)– Ma-Chung University,
Malang. June 12,2010.
 8
International Conference of Internationalization in Education: Implications for ELT in Indonesia. Institut
Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Bandung. April 20 – 22, 2010.
 Pembinaan dan Pelatihan Guru Unit Kesehatan Sekolah. Pemerintah Kabupaten Lampung Tengah, Lampung.
February 26, 2010.
 Creative Writing Workshop (as an invited speaker). Sugar Group Schools, Lampung Tengah. Nov 7 – 9, 2009.
 International Workshop on Creative Writing. SEAMOLEC – PPPTK Bahasa – SEAMEO QITEP, Jakarta.
November 7 – 9, 2009.
 The Annual Teachers’ Conference. Association of National Plus School (ANPS) – Sekolah Global Jaya,
Tangerang. February 28, 2009.
 Teach English in a more Fun and Inspirational Way Seminar. EF Education, Jakarta. November 25, 2005.
 Teaching IELTS Workshop. The British Institute, Jakarta. October 21, 2005.
 Broadcasting Course. Ira Communications, Bandung. September - November , 2001.
 French Course – Vrai Debutant. Le Parisien, Bandung. April – June, 2001
Omar Hallak – Al Taqwa College Principal
Muslimah Triwahyuningsih – Advisor at Al Taqwa College Otong Jaelani –Kepala Sekolah of SMPI Al-
Arif Nurcahya (Curriculum Development Manager)
& Joko M. Nur (Principal) at Sugar Group Schools Shanty Aryani (IB PYP Coordinator) &
Frances Hazle (Principal) at Tunas Muda IB
World SchoolAsdina Ratnawati - Former Supervisor at FEC
*Some of above reference details are available upon request.
Writing Portfolio of Mierza MIranti Page 18
Writing Portfolio of Mierza MIranti Page 19
Writing Portfolio of Mierza MIranti Page 20

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Writing Portfolio of Mierza Miranti

  • 1. Mierza Miranti +6281 693 72 33 |  | Skype: klastulistiwa
  • 2. Writing Portfolio of Mierza MIranti Page 1 WHAT’S IN THE PORTFOLIO ABOUT ME .................................................................................................................................................................... 4 EDUCATION BACKGROUND...............................................................................................................................4 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCES .......................................................................................................................... 4 PUBLISHED ARTICLES THE QUEST FOR A SAFE SCHOOL (THE JAKARTA POST) ....................................................................................5 PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER, SIAPKAH? (LAMPUNG POST)…..............................................................................…. 6 WHY PARENTS OPT FOR INT’L SCHOOL (THE JAKARTA POST) ........................................................................ 7 WHY PARENTS OPT FOR HOMESCHOOLING (THE JAKARTA POST) ……............................................................ 8 RESEARCH PAPER THE PROCESS OF APPLYING 360-DEGREE FEEDBACK AS PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL (GRADUATE THESIS) …. 9 SENSING THE HISTORY (Universitas Negeri Surabaya)...............................................…................................. 10 INTEGRATING BUSINESS SKILLS INTO KTSP (NEC-MIEN R. UNO Foundation–WORLD BANK) ..………………….. 11 PROMOTING CHARACTER EDUCATION BY UTILIZING POVERTY ISSUE IN ELT (UPI).……………………………. 12 INCORPORATING GLOBAL WARMING ISSUES IN KTSP BASED ELT (UPI) ...................................................... 13 PROMOTING ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY IN THE CLASSROOM (MA CHUNG UNIVERSITY) .............. 14 CREATIVE WRITING KLASTULISTIWA 2015 .................................................................................................................................... 15 KLASTULISTIWA ANTHOLOGY ...................................................................................................................... 15 ASIA CREATIVE WRITINGS CONFERENCE PRODUCTS .................................................................................... 16 KETIKA ISTIQOMAH BERHIJAB ITU DIUJI ....................................................................................................... 17 FURTHER INFORMATION PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ..................................................................................................................... 19 REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................................... 19 REFERENCE LETTERS ..................................................................................................................................... 20 FORMAL EDUCATION CERTIFICATES ............................................................................................................ 21 INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH TEACHING CERTIFICATES .................................................................................... 22
  • 3. Writing Portfolio of Mierza MIranti Page 2 I am a 32-years old mother who currently homeschool my three children in the morning. I casually write for my blog and an educational website under Flipper Ltd. I am also actively engaged to social media connected to them as means of sharing and promoting. Thus, the activities leave me available to write professionally from afternoon to evening. Kindly email me to, call +628169372335, tweet @klastulistiwa, Line/IG aishahomeschool, or Skype (klastulistiwa) and let‘s create opportunities.  BACHELOR OF ART, English Literature. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, GPA 3,4 out of 4, Bandung. (2004)  MASTER OF MANAGEMENT, Open University, GPA 3,78 out of 4, Jakarta. (2014)  TEACHING KNOWLEDGE TEST, University of Cambridge ESOL Examination. (2006) QUIPPER.LTD (JULY 2015 – CURRENT) Freelance English Educational Content Writer: creating educational content of English lessons for the e- learning portal based on the quidelines and strands provided . KLASTULISTIWA.COM (JULY 2010 – CURRENT) Founder, Writer, Administrator: sharing her stories in the real life from witty to serious. Most of her writings are in the field ef education along with her role as a mother, wife, educator, global citizen, and a lifetime learner. AL TAQWA COLLEGE, INDONESIA. (JUNE 2013 – JUNE 2014) Secondary School Teacher,: teaching Cambridge Checkpoint, A-Level English, & AusVELS Social Studies*. Assistant to Vice Principal: Creating 360 O Evaluation for appraisal tool for talent management system, managing education Quality Assurance, providing customized workshops, overseeing curriculum development, organizing school system, templates, workflows, policies, and deciding appropriate managerial strategies SUGAR GROUP SCHOOLS & POLYTECHNIC, LAMPUNG. (JULY 2009- JUNE 2013) Secondary School Teacher: teaching English using the national curriculum and integrated studies* Professional Development Manager: designing a continuous professional development (PD) scheme for teachers, organizing PD sessions, and providing customized workshops. TUNAS MUDA IB WORLD SCHOOL , JAKARTA. (JULY 2008 – JUME 2009) Teaching Bahasa Indonesia, Civics, Values Education, Visual Arts, and Science to PYP 5-6* AL IZHAR PONDOK LABU , JAKARTA. (JULY 2005 – JUNE 2007) Teaching English to Year 7 and 8 and preparing them to perform in a drama festival * FUN ENGLISH CENTER, JAKARTA. (DECEMBER 2004 – JULY 2005). LEMBAGA PENDIDIKAN & PELATIHAN CINTA BUANA, SMART CENTER, CENTER FOR ENGLISH LEARNING & PSC LEARNING CONSULTANT, BANDUNG. (JULY 2003 – DECEMBER 2004 – DURING UNDERGRADUATE STUDY) Teaching Business Studies, English for Specific Purposes, Test Preparation, conversation class, etc. PART TIME WORKS DURING UNDERGRADUATE STUDY  Interpreter. Australian Business Volunteer – ‘Mitra Dialog’ Daily, Cirebon. Oct-Nov 2004.  Translator . ADI Computer, Bandung. June 2003 – May 2004.  Admission Officer. ELS Language Center, Bandung. August 2002 – June 2003. * My tasks a teacher also involved managing events, extra curricular activity, and homeroom assignments. EDUCATION BACKGROUND PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCES ABOUT ME
  • 4. Writing Portfolio of Mierza MIranti Page 3 THE QUEST FOR A SAFE SCHOOL Mierza Miranti | The Jakarta Post | Opinion | April 29, 2014 With the new school year looming, now is the time for most parents in Indonesia to search for the best schools for their children. The issue of school safety has given parents an extra item on their checklist on how to find a safe and supportive school environment, particularly following reports of sexual abuse at prestigious school in Jakarta. As supervision shifts from home to school at certain periods of time, parents certainly do not want their children to worry about their own safety as it may affect the learning process. Thus, as a teacher who has been teaching at international schools for years and enrolling her children in the same place, I have put together a checklist for parents to go through before making any decision. First, come to the school‘s open house. Use the opportunity to observe teachers‘ interaction with their students and how they manage their behavior. Yet, if students are not involved in the program, parents can inspect the school‘s physical surroundings as a start. See whether it is a school that can ensure hygiene as well as handle vandalism. Yet, since it is a marketing program, it would be wise to only use it merely to narrow down the choices. Additional school visits are strongly suggested with regards to making the best decision. Second, at the next school visit, find out how the school supervises their students during learning periods. A safe school might have two options: duty roster arrangements or a CCTV monitoring system. If it is based on roster, ask for the contingency plan if the person-on-duty is absent. Seek clarification if one happens to see a group or lone student passing through an empty hall with no supervision. Yet, if the school uses CCTV, parents can ask whether the screen is fully supervised or not because, if the CCTV is intended to ―spot‖ a fault it has failed its control function — especially when it is not combined with the teacher roster. Second, observe the interactions between those at the school. The best time to do this is before and during recess. Visitors can observe whether the staff and students are engaged and respectful. If possible, observe the relationship between the principal and faculty. A safe school will ensure a healthy relationship among their staff members and students. Third, observe for the campus‘ cleanliness during school hours. Doing it during and a while after recess can be the best time to find out how successful school instills the habit to their students. Afterward, parents can see firsthand the standard of the school‘s cleaning service. Fourth, ask information about bullying, harassment and other daily management and intervention programs with regards to student behavior. A safe school is not an impulsive school that treats students‘ behavior after it occurs. It has a well-planned and structured program that also involves the student to raise awareness. Fifth, ask for data of students‘ leave and staff turnover. Yet, do not rely too much on these statistics. A high level of expulsion may indicate that the school has a high regard for discipline. On the contrary, it can also show their inability to improve the students‘ behavior. Yet, a high staff turnover can lead you to other questions to ask on the quality of staff recruitment and development system of the school. Since for the students, a high staff turnover might influence the learners‘ sense of security, especially during secondary school years. Sixth, find out about the school‘s policy of students‘ use of electronic devices. Does the school ask their students to hand them over? If they require the students to bring a laptop, find out whether the school has a solid Internet filtering system. Remember that cyberbullying is as dangerous as the physical act. Finally, request for a sit-in session in the classroom, remember that it is the child that will undergo everything at school. Ask for two days to one week, if possible. Otherwise, one day might be fine to seek for the child‘s opinion about the school. Take it as part of the consideration. These checklist items are actually very basic ones that every school must have. A good school might have a long list of policies but a safe school is the one that really applies it. A safe school also requires involvement of the whole school, not merely the security division. Hopefully, the chosen school can be a second home that ensures equal security to that provided at home. ARTICLES
  • 5. Writing Portfolio of Mierza MIranti Page 4 PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER, SIAPKAH? Mierza Miranti | Lampung Post | July 26, 2011 Kurikulum pendidikan karakter telah diluncurkan oleh Depdiknas untuk diterapkan di sekolah. Keadaan ini memicu pertanyaan yang amat mendasar yaitu: Sudah siapkah sekolah dan tenaga pendidik untuk menerapkannya? Munculnya pertanyaan ini tidaklah mengherankan mengingat hingga saat ini pun beberapa – jika tidak mengatakan banyak – guru masih bingung dengan KTSP. Terlebih lagi jika ditambah hal baru yaitu integrasi pendidikan karakter di dalamnya. Namun siap atau tidak siap, sekolah – dan guru tentunya – sebagai pelaksana di lapanganlah yang nantinya akan menjadi pihak yang dituntut kesiapannya. Sesungguhnya sekolah dan guru tidaklah harus tergagap-gagap setiap kali menghadapi perubahan kurikulum di setiap tahun jika para staf pendidik dapat membekali diri dengan informasi terkini mengenai pendidikan. Pengetahuan itu bisa didapatkan dari media cetak dan elektronik. Lebih baik lagi jika setiap guru memiliki akses ke internet dan terhubung dengan mailing list pendidikan semacam IGI (Ikatan Guru Indonesia), Guru Indonesia, dan CFBE (Center for Betterment of Education). Melalui media internet, sekolah dan guru bahkan dapat berkontribusi jika terdapat surel yang dikirim oleh peramu kebijakan. Setelah mendapatkan informasi yang cukup, sekolah dapat merancang program pengembangan profesionalisme guru untuk mendapatkan pembekalan yang memadai melalui program pengembangan karakter yang dipersiapkan sesuai dengan kondisi komunitas sekolah. Program pengembangan karakter dapat dimulai dengan pembentukan tim inti yang memiliki tugas untuk mengembangkan karakter yang sesuai dengan kondisi riil komunitas sekolah mulai dari pendidik, siswa, hingga orang tua berdasarkan atas panduan yang telah diberikan oleh Depdiknas. Karakter yang telah dirumuskan lalu ditinjau ulang manajemen sekolah untuk memastikan kesesuaiannya dengan visi dan misi sekolah. Setelah daftar karakter sekolah dibuat, tugas selanjutnya yaitu memberikan lokakarya bagi guru untuk membekali mereka dengan kemampuan merancang desain pembelajaran yang berkarakter hingga menerapkannya di dalam kelas. Lokakarya dilakukan seintensif mungkin hingga guru benar-benar memahami cara penerapannya di dalam kelas dan tidak hanya tercetak indah di atas rencana pembelajaran semata. Karenanya, pendampingan oleh tim inti terus dilakukan selama penerapannya untuk memastikan pembelajaran benar-benar sampai kepada tujuan akhir. Selain di dalam pelajaran, sesi khusus yang mempertemukan wali kelas dengan siswanya juga dibuat paling sedikit seminggu sekali. Disini peserta melakukan kegiatan yang bermakna seperti permainan, refleksi, maupun pembekalan dengan satu jenis karakter di setiap pertemuannya. Hal ini dilakukan untuk memastikan siswa benar- benar tahu karakter apa yang diharapkan untuk mereka miliki sebagai soft skill yang berguna hingga kemudian hari. Hal yang tentunya diharapkan sekolah setelah menerapkan langkah-langkah yang telah diprogramkan tidak lain agar pendidikan karakter ini benar-benar membawa dampak positif bagi siswa. Tidak hanya nilai-nilai ideal yang tercetak di atas peraturan pemerintah dan rencana pembelajaran para guru. Jika semua sekoah diberi kesempatan yang sama untuk mengembangkan diri, niscaya generasi selanjutnya akan menjadi generasi berkarakter yang membawa perbaikan bagi bangsa ini. Semoga. ARTICLES
  • 6. Writing Portfolio of Mierza MIranti Page 5 WHY PARENTS OPT FOR INT’L SCHOOL Mierza Miranti | The Jakarta Post | Opinion | September 06 2008 Parents nowadays are quite selective in determining the schools in which their children will study and inquire knowledge from. The reasons for choosing one go beyond merely having their children taught and raised in formal institutions. One of them is to nurture their skills and competence which are of course different from one child to another. The so-called international school -- whether realized by the parents or not -- applies different kinds of systems. The first and probably the most important reason that international schools are the favorite option is the language of instruction used: English! It is known that in national schools, students learn English at the junior high level or year seven (some schools begin at the elementary level). Acquiring and applying the language seems to be a daunting task for both teachers and students. Parents, the ones who get them into the schools, end up spending more money as they have their children in language courses or tutorials in order to overcome the language difficulty. Having them accepted in an international school where English is the language of instruction seems the best choice to take. The next reason is the facilities the schools offer. Parents want their children to be exposed to various kinds of options which are beneficial for their learning and then to easily do these activities outside the classroom. This requires facilities such as gymnasiums, computer labs or music rooms. Thus, ease in not having the burden of bringing other things to school (besides books) supports this reason; i.e., having to take their guitar from home for music lessons or going to a public place to do sports such as a swimming pool or tennis court. Higher academic standards applied in the school is the next reason why parents opt for this type of school. Most parents want their children to meet and even exceed the requirements set by the government for their children's further education. In the mind of the parents, failure in meeting this expectation could mean a failure in the entire academic process, and even more -- the future of their children. The next reason is because of the curriculum. National schools, both private and public, apply the curriculum set by the government which has a variety of lessons that should be absorbed by the students at the same time. Of course, the lessons given are necessary to ensure the enhancement of the students' knowledge according to stages. Nevertheless, the way they are conveyed in practice seems to burden the students. Instead of developing and nurturing them, the system treats the students as if they are robots, requiring them to memorize everything. They are not seen anymore as human beings who need to be given useful skills and knowledge for the sake of their future. The quality of educators and staff in the school is also one of the main reasons taken into account by the parents before choosing which school their children should attend. It is important since most schools in Indonesia are now facing an issue of teacher accreditation to counter the problem of unqualified teachers. Unfortunately, untrained teachers have already entered the battlefield of teaching and have received their experience and "training" there -- not from any training the schools give, but from the real teaching situation. Indeed, parents who are aware of this issue do not want their children to be the experiment. Therefore, they choose the international schools which promise to give their children qualified and committed teachers who are also given professional development. ARTICLES
  • 7. Writing Portfolio of Mierza MIranti Page 6 WHY PARENTS OPT FOR HOMESCHOOLING The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Opinion | Sat, September 23 2006 Homeschooling is a viable education alternative to institutional schooling. This kind of education requires children to learn under the general supervision of their parents. It is believed to be a complete substitute for institutional schooling. If you were to ask 10 parents why they schooled their children at home, you would get a variety of responses. Among the reasons for homeschooling is the long-standing belief that home is the best environment to teach religion, ethics and norms. Some parents worry about the spiritual upbringing of their children, particularly in Indonesia, where the study of religion only takes a couple of hours and is considered insufficient to teach their children the real value of their religion. Homeschooling, on the other hand, allows them to design their own curriculum. Homeschooling also gives families the opportunity to become closer. Sending children to school takes about a quarter or half their time on a school day, forcing parents to work harder to maintain a close relationship. Homeschooling brings families closer together. Children thrive under parental supervision, and parents really get to know their children. Homeschooled siblings tend to be more kind and helpful to each other too. Greater flexibility to question the curriculum is another reason why homeschooling is chosen over formal education. Indonesia is a country in which students are expected to have a grasp -- or at least an understanding -- of every subject taught at school. The national curriculum, of course, cannot satisfy every parent. This kind of education also prepares children for the national exams designed for students educated outside the formal education system, which is known as Kejar Paket A, B or C. Some parents believe homeschooling is more able to meet special needs. They say conventional schools only facilitate one way of learning: sitting in class and following the teacher's instructions. Some children, however, have a ""different"" way of learning and, unfortunately, in the case of children who cannot sit ""nicely"" in class, some teachers believe they disturb the other students. Homeschooling enables parents to supervise the content and progress of lessons in a more satisfactory way. Some parents are not satisfied by the information and services provided by their children's school. They feel they have ""lost"" their children. They have no knowledge of the teacher's targets for their children. They only become aware of their children's ""weaknesses"" when they get a report card at the end of the semester. Thus, homeschooling gives parents the opportunity to monitor their children's development. Parents who practice homeschooling say their children are spared from schoolyard bullying and peer pressure. Emotional bullying -- name calling, mockery and humiliation -- can be just as devastating as physical bullying. Smart children, special needs children, and anyone unlucky enough to appear ""different"" can expect a steady diet of this negative emotional input in a typical school. Since research has shown that children need to feel safe in order to learn, simply removing a child from a stressful situation may produce enormous learning gains all by itself. Flexible school hours is another advantage. Homeschoolers can learn by reading a book in the garden, having a debate in the car or socializing while shopping in a traditional market, and even more if they have access to the Internet. In the virtual world, a homeschooler can visit The Louvre, create a vaccine in a virtual lab, interact with astronauts at their space station, and even talk to Robert Ballad -- a Titanic explorer -- in a submersible. There are many reasons why parents school their children at home, but they all agree on one thing: ""It's the best thing for our child!"" ARTICLES
  • 8. Writing Portfolio of Mierza MIranti Page 7 THE PROCESS OF APPLYING 360-DEGREE FEEDBACK AS PA Mierza Miranti | Graduate Thesis Abstract at Universitas Terbuka | 11 November 2014 In an educational institution, teachers are the human capital that determines the competitive advantage of the institution. However, the dynamic and intangible nature of human capital require an assessment tool to evaluate teachers‘ performance before taking the steps of further development by the teachers and investment by the institution. Therefore, the performance appraisal should be holistic to achieve the vision and mission of the school. This research takes place at Al Taqwa College Indonesia that started applying the 360-degree feedback as the performance appraisal in the 2013-2014 academic year. The process of application as well as the challenges and solutions are the focus of the research. The research design takes case study with qualitative method within the critical science paradigm focusing on the changes occurred during the phenomena. The primary data is sought through in-depth interview and participative observation. The findings show that the feedback becomes the solution of the previous performance appraisal Yet, the process indeed requires some additional steps to guarantee the success. Within the planning stage, for example, steps as to asking for the approval, involvement, and commitment of the school committee are needed, as well as meeting making sure that number of appraised persons, data collecting, and anonymity are well kept. Besides, there is an emergence of effective ways to conduct the process within this type of institution, such as by having group meetings, taking the assessment from one specific unit of work, and directly do the data input on the application. As for giving a chance of development, the feedback need to be taken twice by considering the proper time, place, ways of delivery. It is also found that there is an improvement of performance after the first feedback process. Thus, it is expected that any institutions wishing to apply the 360- degree feedback as performance appraisal need to ensure their compliance to the requirements, involvement of related parties, and make it inline with the institution‘s vision and mission in order the achieve the expected human capital. Keywords: performance appraisal, 360-degree feedback, human capital, competitive advantage PROSES PELAKSANAAN UMPAN BALIK 360-DERAJAT SEBAGAI BAGIAN SISTEM PENILAIAN KINERJA Dalam sebuah institusi pendidikan, guru merupakan modal insani yang menentukan keunggulan kompetitif institusi tersebut. Namun, sifat modal insani yang dinamis dan intangible memerlukan suatu alat penilaian yang sesuai untuk dapat mengukur kinerja guru sebelum mengambil langkah pengembangan dan penanaman modal setelahnya. Karenanya, penilaian kinerja juga harus bersifat menyeluruh agar seluruh visi misi sekolah dapat tercapai. Penelitian mengambil tempat di Al Taqwa College Indonesia yang mulai menerapkan umpan balik 360- derajat sebagai penilaian kinerja pada tahun ajaran 2013-2014. Proses penerapan penilaian kinerja beserta tantangan dan solusi pemecahannya inilah yang menjadi fokus penelitian. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi kasus dengan metode kualitatif dengan paradigma critical science dengan fokus mencari tahu perubahan yang dibawa dengan adanya fenomena ini. Data primer didapatkan melalui wawancara mendalam dengan subyek penelitian dan obeservasi partisipatif. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa umpan balik 360-derajat ini merupakan solusi dari penilaian kinerja sebelumnya. Namun, memang prosesnya memerlukan beberapa langkah tambahan agar bisa terlaksana dengan baik. Pada tahap perencanaan misalnya, perlu dilakukan langkah-langkah seperti meminta persetujuan, keterlibatan, dan komiten komite sekolah untuk menjaga ketepatan waktu proses, memastikan kesesuaian jumlah responden dan anonimitas, serta cara pengumpulan. Selain itu, ditemukan juga bahwa cara efektif untuk karakter lembaga pendidikan seperti ini adalah dengan rapat kelompok, mengambil penilaian dari unit masing-masing, dan langsung menggunakan mesin pengolah data. Sedangkan utuk memberikan kesempatan mengembangkan diri, proses penilaian perlu dilakukan sebanyak dua kali, yang ternyata kurang maksimal karena kurangnya konsistensi manajemen, meski ditemukan terjadinya peningkatan kinerja setelah umpan balik yang pertama. Temuan penting lainnya adalah dengan dilakukannya sistem ini, manajemen juga mendapatkan masukan mengenai tingkat kepercayaan serta tingginya beban kerja yang memengaruhi kinerja. Diharapkan bahwa institusi yang berniat menerapkan umpan balik 360-derajat ini perlu mengikuti rambu-rambu yang ditentukan, melibatkan seluruh pihak, dan menyelaraskannya dengan visi dan misi institusi agar bisa mengembangkan modal insani yang diinginkan. Kata kunci: penilaian kinerja, umpan balik 360-derajat, modal insani, keunggulan kompetitif. RESEARCH PAPER
  • 9. Writing Portfolio of Mierza MIranti Page 8 SENSING THE HISTORY IN NARRATIVE PRE-WRITING ACTIVITY Mierza Miranti | Presented at Universitas Negeri Surabaya | 18 – 22 March 2014 Abstract – Composing narratives in second language, i.e. English, can sometimes be a daunting task for students. Different capacity in writing and vocabulary mastery have often been accused to be the cause of the ‗writer‘s block‘. Therefore, this workshop is designed to help teachers in assissting students to explore their five-senses and vocabulary to be employed in their writing. One of the ways is by introducing simple creative writing poems (Five- Senses Poetry, Cinquain, and Diamante) as pre-writing process that can make their work come alive. At the same time, they will also revisit the history by being the ‗witness‘ of the event. Thus, the 50-minutes workshop is anticipated to have the following sequence: (1) introducing the participants to the use of the three poems in language classroom; (2) composing the work after watching a historically-related video; (3) Asking the participants to sit in groups to compose the poems; and finally (4) sharing the works and discussing ideas for further application. Hopefully, by having the session, the participants will not only be enlightened to employ the method but also inspired to find other possibilities of unlocking their students‘ imagination. Keywords: five-senses poem, cinquain, diamante, narrative. RESEARCH PAPER
  • 10. Writing Portfolio of Mierza MIranti Page 9 INTEGRATING BUSINESS SKILLS INTO KTSP - BASED ELT OF SECONDARY 12 Mierza Miranti | Presented at NEC Organized by SSE, Mien R. Uno Foundation, and World Bank. (11 - 12 December 2012) Full paper is available on Abstract – Entrepreneurship education has been widely discussed in terms of its chances of being integrated into a curriculum, even as the basis of it. As for KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan) or literally translated to Learning-Unit Based Curriculum, the currently applied curriculum in Indonesia, it seems that the issue does not take a considerable portion. However, the possibility of integrating the values, topic, business skills, and even projects is opened in the field of English Language Teaching or ELT that has flexible nature in the curriculum. Thus, in this paper, the integration of business skills is further discussed from the planning to possible practices applied in secondary 12 ELT process. It is ended with evaluation and further example of integration that can be done in ELT for the other levels. Keyword: business skills, integration, ELT, KTSP RESEARCH PAPER
  • 11. Writing Portfolio of Mierza MIranti Page 10 PROMOTING CHARACTER EDUCATION BY UTILIZING POVERTY ISSUE IN ELT Mierza Miranti | Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta | ISBN 979-26-1909-7 | 8-9 November 2011 Full paper is available on utilizing-poverty-issue-in-eltmierza-mirantiicce2011 ABSTRACT – The character education based curriculum launched by Depdiknas through a regulation No 20/2003 about the National Education System. Thus, schools, as the subject mentioned in the regulation, is demanded to be able to apply it. The system, however, generates some very basic questions especially in the classroom to the school management level. In the scope of school management, the issue emerged is on the integration of the formula into the school system. As for the classroom level, the questions dealt mostly with the lesson planning. This paper, however, focuses on the analysis of the application in English Language Teaching (ELT) which still uses KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan or literally translated to Curriculum of Independent Education Unit). It integrates the expanded values taken from DIKNAS marked as the Sugar Group Schools‘ Pillars of Characters. It discusses, at a glance, a thorough school system of character education that is established at the school as well as a thinking foundation. The integrated lesson plan is to be taught to the classes of grade twelve students. It starts on the planning in which the teacher should carefully find meaningful activities in line with the issue discussed, i.e. poverty, as well as the integrated character. Each activity will expectantly evoke the students‘ affective aspects since the exposures given to the students are factual and distinctive i.e. by using creative writing to help students exposing their sense on the experience in which goes beyond the curriculum of language teaching. They are taken from what the students see everyday, but might not pay attention to. It also reports on the flows of activities conducted in the classroom. Finally, it is continued with the teacher‘s reflection and concluded by suggestions for further research. Hopefully, the stages from the design to practice will encourage students to go beyond what is taught: better character. Keywords: character education, ELT, poverty, Sugar Group Schools’ Pillars of Characters RESEARCH PAPER
  • 12. Writing Portfolio of Mierza MIranti Page 11 INCORPORATING GLOBAL WARMING ISSUES IN KTSP BASED ELT Mierza Miranti | The 57 th TEFLIN Int‘l Conference – Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | .1-3 November 2010 Abstract - Teaching English based on KTSP can be made to be more meaningful by integrating issues that hopefully will make students having more than the knowledge about it but also an awareness on what happens worldwide. This paper, therefore, describes the steps of integrating the issue of global warming into the lesson by not only taking one side but both sides, i.e. ones believing that global warming is coming and the others who believe that the global warming cannot be proven scientifically. The students, who belong to science major, will take a stand after having themselves exposed to a lot of research and literatures that will support them to support their opinion and argue others in a debate using the expressions learnt. It is expected that they will also develop their critical mind since the activities are selected to encourage students to discover, explore, extend, and communicate their own values, adjustments, opinions, and even arguments, while listening to other people‘s point of view as a practice of respect. Finally, a teaching reflection is put at the end of the paper to be considered for the next teaching practice. Keyword: Global Warming issues, KTSP, ELT RESEARCH PAPER
  • 13. Writing Portfolio of Mierza MIranti Page 12 PROMOTING ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY IN THE CLASSROOM: INTEGRATING RENEWABLE ENERGY ISSUES IN ENGLISH LESSONS Mierza Miranti | Ma-Chung University | ISBN 978-979-17959-6-8 | 12 June 2010 Abstract – Globalization coming with the benefits and impacts it brings challenges education practitioners to raise the awareness of the future leaders namely today‘s students. Teachers are actually capable of being the agents that can take part in bringing globalization issue into the classroom by integrating them along with the lesson. Thus, this paper analyzes the practice on the application of integrating renewable energy issues in English lesson based on the national curriculum set by the government. Hopefully, the incorporation will encourage students to have awareness and think critically toward the impact of globalization on environmental sustainability as a part of sustainable development. The paper also reports on the planning and flows of activities conducted in the classroom for nine activities in ten sessions covering all learning aspects: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Finally, it is continued with the teacher reflection on the practice and concluded by the suggestions for further works in the other scopes of issues as well teaching subjects. Keyword: environmental sustainability, awareness, renewable energy, KTSP RESEARCH PAPER
  • 14. Writing Portfolio of Mierza MIranti Page 13 • Incorporating Global Warming Issues in KTSP Based ELT. Best Presented Paper at the 57th TEF LIN Inter national Conference – Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung.(1-3 Nov 2010) KLASTULISTIWA 2015 A COLLABORATIVE WORK WITH TEENAGE FEMALE WRITERS Anthology Book Published by Leutika Prio, ISBN 978-602-371-049-2. (Juni 2015) THEY’RE MY KLASTULISTIWA Mierza Miranti – Creative Writing – Page 4 and 5 I‘ve done my school holiday And then there comes another Monday But you know, it‘s always the students Who changed my mood and made me okay There is Ocean who‘s getting smarter And Fadel that learns to be better Or Odi whose jokes make you younger With Idan who loves to remember Have you met Nissa who dislikes bombay? Or Farah who will always obey Say Hi to Abil, she will say ―Huray!‖ Try to poke Nurma, she will make your day Ghozi is a nice guy from Monday to Friday Zikri too, especially on Sunday Leon always say ―No to Wi-Fi, Yaay!‖ But Kautsar will definitely say ―Mayday!‖ Wait, there‘s Hilmi, now he got faster As Nicky‘s approaching to give him a letter Leaving Rizza who was running closer As well as Mujahid who questioned to wonder The girls, Cut and Nada, they do lead the way And Salsabila who prefers to play As Tsabita, she never turns away From being with Rizna who‘s good in essay Have you seen Bulan or Shafa as a debater? As well as Shali who‘s trapped in it forever And Vica said it‘s good to be so clever Rani & Devina agreed whatsoever Atifa, Putri, & Pristina are good in barter Kyla, Tsamara claimed they don‘t like Bieber Raissa, Indah, Zahra – each is a good sister Angela and Fatimah – each is to be called a calmer Erdi & Ganes really try to serve the tray Farrel & & Ulhaq always have something to say There goes Ihsan whose wit just like a sun ray As well as Nauval who has ideas when things get gray Hey look, here come the highschoolers Asis, Elfin, El, Zaki the boys from the bunkers Only Amiram, one from many survivors Four boys and a lady without any armors The last three students , let‘s just say ―Hey!‖ Via & Nadia look great every weekday Sometimes Dimas look fowrard to really splay But that‘s the story of them, who could unsay And there you go the story of each klastulistiwa writer The ones I‘ll miss everywhere I‘ll wonder The Islamic brother and sisterhood will stay forever For better, for worse, and ever after... KLASTULISTIWA ANTHOLOGY A Collaborative Work with the Al Taqwa College Indonesia Students Anthology Book Published by Leutika Prio, ISBN: 978-602-225-864-3 (12 June 2014) No Farewell in Ukhuwah – Mierza Miranti – P. 51 Hold your tears, Dear. It‘s not good bye. You have nothing to fear, you may ask me why. Don‘t let farewell make you sad Because mortals are always tested. It‘s ourselves that should be led, the days before the earth got jaded Our goal is Jannah Firdaus, aamiin. Glad to have this ukhuwah, I‘m more than just keen CREATIVE WRITING
  • 15. Writing Portfolio of Mierza MIranti Page 14 ASIA CREATIVE WRITINGS CONFERENCE PRODUCTS As a Part of Asian Creative Writing Group at Universitas Negeri Surabaya (19 - 22 March 2014) THE PRIDE IS AT THE DOOR – Mierza Miranti When pride knocks on your door Don't let it in Once it gets into your room It'll sit on your mindset and drive it somewhere When pride knocks on your door Don't let it in Once it borrows in your kitchen It'll cook your brain to think of the worse thing When pride knocks on your door Don't let it in Once it uses your bathroom It'll wash away your objectivity toward yourself When pride knocks on your door Don't let it in Once it enjoys your garden It will mow your affection When pride knocks on your door Don't let it in Once it occupies your house You will change your family name into The Proud FAILURE – Mierza Miranti Failure is not a dreadful darkness. It tastes like overcooked but edible pizza It sounds like the voices of happy children It smells like the morning dew It looks like the rainbow coming after the rain It feels like new challenges by the next sun rise Failure is just mini steps to victory I’M MY CINDERELLA – Mierza Miranti So, here I am. Beautiful, so you can adore me Vulnerable, so you can help me Gentle, so you treat me carefully Affectionate, so you can shower me love You choose me for those qualities Well, that is what you think. THE TWEET GOSSIP Mierza Miranti That button is so tempting Displaying the corner of soul Exhibiting the curve of mind Selling the border of hope That button that says tweet But the gossip says… Feeling is not a feeling Thinking is not thinking Saying is not saying Hoping is not hoping When you don‘t tweet But the gossip says… A criminal can look pious An angel can be notorious A commoner can be a celebrity When you get that precise tweet Stop and listen This is what I think I am Cinderella I am beautiful after I speak my mind I am vulnerable seeing injustice and poverty I am gentle in treating the ones I love I am affectionate to people in need But I am strong enough to choose To say no even after you decide So ignore me If your chosen qualities are your reason If the inequality is your justification If my defenseless is your victory Say, I am not your Cinderella I am now, My Cinderella. CREATIVE WRITING
  • 16. Writing Portfolio of Mierza MIranti Page 15 “Sungguh, Hanya Karena Engkau Aku Berhijab!” Anthology Book Published by Qultum Media ISBN 979-017-234-6 (2012) KETIKA ISTIQOMAH BERHIJAB ITU DIUJI Dengan mantap kuserahkan surat pengunduran diriku kepada ibu Kepala HRD yang duduk memegang surat keputusan pengangkatan yang urung diberikan. Raut wajahnya menyiratkan kebingungan. Bingung karena pasalnya orang yang duduk di hadapannya tidak jadi diberi berita bahwa apa yang ditunggu-tunggu kebanyakan karyawan kontrak di yayasan itu– diangkat menjadi guru tetap yayasan – akhirnya menjadi kenyataan. ―Kenapa bu Mierza?‖ tanyanya. ―Ibu sudah tahu jawabannya.‖ aku hanya tersenyum mengangguk. ―Tolong pikirkan lagi, bu. Tahun depan ibu akan menjadi guru tetap yayasan dengan gaji dua kali lipat.‖ Kembali ia sodorkan surat yang sedari tadi dipegangnya. Pikiranku seketika menerawang ke masa-masa pergumulanku selama menjadi guru di yayasan perguruan Islam yang terkenal di ibu kota itu. Betapa bahagianya ketika aku diterima mengajar disana. Saat itulah aku mantap menggunakan hijab. Aku adalah guru yang digugu dan ditiru, batinku saat itu. Namun, betapa terkesiapnya aku ketika hijab yang menjadi kewajiban seorang muslimah tidak menjadi seragam wajib bagi remaja putri sekolah berembel-embel Islam tersebut. Lalu, kusiapkan tekad untuk mengubah keadaan. Siapa tahu aku mampu, tekadku. Perjuangan-perjuangan kecil yang coba kumunculkan ternyata seperti buih di samudera yang luas. Semua dalil yang coba kuungkapkan mengenai hijab, dimentahkan lagi oleh organisasi yang sangat terstruktur itu. Kamu hanya anak kemarin sore, Mierza, katanya. Ternyata benar apa yang dikatakan Ali bin Abi Thalib bahwa kebatilan yang terorganisir akan mampu mengalahkan kebaikan yang tidak terorganisir. Bahteraku semakin oleng di tengah hempasan gelombang laut yang berusaha membawaku serta. Hatiku yang lelah tak sanggup untuk bertarung dan semua berakhir di ruangan ini. ―Insya Allah keputusan ini sudah saya pikirkan masak-masak, bu. Terima kasih atas pembelajarannya selama ini.‖ Aku menjabat tangan wanita yang kutemui dua tahun lalu menawariku posisi mengajar di tempat ini. Ah, waktu cepat sekali berlalu. Kulangkahkan kaki keluar dari ruangan tersebut setelah berbincang sejenak. Detik itu juga, aku resmi menjadi seorang pengangguran. *** Seperti beberapa orang yang baru kehilangan pekerjaan, aku mencoba mencari kesempatan kesana kemari. Akhirnya, datanglah beberapa tawaran pekerjaan yang kutunggu-tunggu. Jiwa mudaku sempat membuatku memilih-milih apa yang cocok untukku. Diantara pilihan yang datang, terdapat satu yang sangat mengiurkan. Tawaran itu datang dari sebuah hotel berbintang lima di Jakarta. Disana, aku ditawari menjadi trainer bahasa Inggris bagi semua staff hotel. Gajinya? Jangan ditanya. Mereka menawariku lima kali lipat dari apa yang kuterima di tempat sebelumnya. Kenapa tidak, batinku. Kujalani semua proses perekrutan dengan sabar dari mulai uji kompetensi, tes psikologi, micro teaching, hingga akhirnya aku terus melaju ke fase terakhir, yaitu wawancara. Ini yang ditunggu-tunggu, pikirku ketika melangkah masuk dan dipersilahkan duduk di depan sang ibu Manajer HRD hotel tersebut. Beberapa pertanyaan CREATIVE WRITING
  • 17. Writing Portfolio of Mierza MIranti Page 16 standar wawancara pun diajukan. Seperti biasa, aku melayani semuanya. Akhirnya, tibalah saat pertanyaan terakhir, ―Kami sangat tertarik meng-hire 1 anda.‖ Ucap wanita itu yang sempat membuat hidungku kembang kempis. Ini artinya positif, Mierza! Kamu pasti diterima, aku berteriak girang dalam hati. ―Tapi, you know, di hotel ini para karyawan mengenakan simbol-simbol agama.‖ batinku terkesiap. Sepertinya aku tahu kemana perbincangan ini akan berakhir. ―Simbol agama?‖ tanyaku mecoba mengkonfirmasi. ―Ya, you know, your headscarf. Jangan kuatir, kamu punya banyak teman kok. Ada beberapa karyawan juga yang melepaskan kerudung ketika masuk kantor dan mengenakan lagi ketika pulang.‖ Senyumnya kini nampak seperti seringai bagiku. ―But it’s not a headscarf, ma’am. It’s a veil. Jilbab. Hijab.‖ aku seakan menterjemahkan untuk diriku sendiri berulang-ulang. Aku tidak percaya bahwa aku mengatakan hal itu di waktu wawancara. ―Fine, you name it. Jadi, berkenankah anda melakukannya demi profesionalisme?‖ jiwaku bergolak. Profesionalisme kulit, batinku. Apa hubungannya kemampuanku dengan jilbab? Pertanyaan-pertanyaan aneh terus memborbardir kepalaku dalam hitungan detik. Aku usahakan terus tersenyum menghadapi pergulatan jiwaku. ―Anda tahu bahwa saya telah mengenakan jilbab ini dari mulai proses perekrutan awal. Kenapa baru sekarang, bu?‖ tanyaku heran. ―Saya tahu. I continued the process because you’re very qualified dan ayolah… ini kan hanya masalah kerudung, bukan? Atau… apakah yang kami tawarkan tidak sesuai?‖ ia seperti melihat kegamangan di wajahku. Aku tercenung. Sempat terlintas sejumlah nominal di kepalaku. Subhanallah, Mierza! Hentikan! Ini bukan soal uang! Batinku terus bergulat untuk memilih. Lalu aku teringat alasan kenapa aku keluar dari yayasan itu. Wajah- wajah remaja yang seharusnya dididik dalam koridor Islam berkelebat di benakku. Astaghfirullahal'adziim. ―Saya minta maaf kalau begitu, bu.‖ ucapku sambil terus tersenyum. ―Saya bukan orang yang anda cari karena saya sudah satu paket dengan hijab ini.‖ Kusodorkan tanganku untuk menyalaminya sebelum setan mengubah pikiranku lagi. ―Terima kasih atas kesempatan yang ibu berikan. Wassalaamu ‘alaikum.‖ Aku beranjak keluar dari ruangan itu. Subhanallah, hampir saja syaithan berhasil membisikkan bujuk rayunya. Alhamdulillah... terima kasih ya Rabb. *** Saat ini, lima tahun setelah itu, aku sudah berada di pelosok Lampung. Tiga tahun yang lalu, aku dan suamiku memutuskan untuk hijrah meninggalkan Jakarta yang sumpek dan penat menuju bagian lain bumi Allah yang luas ini. Disini, aku diberi amanah untuk mengajar anak-anak buruh di sekolah gratis milik perusahaan pengolah tebu. Selain itu, aku diberi sebuah posisi sebagai Manajer Professional Development. Sungguh suatu pekerjaan yang menantang untuk terus memutakhirkan ilmu untuk kubagi dengan kolega sesama guru. Memang sekolah ini bukanlah sekolah Islam. Namun, subhanallaah, solidaritas dan religiusitas sungguh terasa di setiap helaan nafas. Hal ini terbukti dengan pilihan yang diambil para guru dan murid yang mayoritas beragama Islam untuk memutuskan mengenakan hijab. Pencarian panjang dan doa-doa yang kupanjatkan untuk menjaga hati agar terus istiqomah menjaga hijabku memang tidak berakhir disini. Namun, aku bersyukur Allah berkenan memberiku tempat yang sesuai fitrah dimana aku merasa nyaman berhijab. Semoga hati ini akan terus kau jaga ya, Rabb. Seperti telah kau jaga niat suci ini untuk menjadi pilihan hamba yang insya Allah hingga masa hamba berakhir sebagai khalifahmu di muka bumi ini. Amiin ya rabbal alamiin.
  • 18. Writing Portfolio of Mierza MIranti Page 17  Montessory Method Preliminary Course. Rumah Montessori, Tangerang. May 14 – 17, 2015.  Perangkat Mengajar yang Memberdayakan (as an invited speaker), An Islamic School, Tangerang. June 3, 2014.  Lesson Planning & Assessment (as an invited speaker) . An Islamic School, Tangerang. August 12, 2014.  Achieving Multiple Intelligence with Creative Writing (as an invited speaker), Al Taqwa College Indonesia, Bogor. June 19, 2014.  BEI for Islamic School’s Managers (as an invited speaker). Al Taqwa College Indonesia, Bogor. April 19, 2014  Waking Up The Consciousness To Local Issues With Creative Writing (as an invited speaker). Asian Creative Writers Core Group at UNESA, Surabaya. March 20, 2014  Integrating Islamic Value in Teaching (as an invited speaker). Al Taqwa College Indonesia, Bogor. February 22, 2104  Creating Report Bank (as an invited speaker). Al Taqwa College, Bogor. December 6, 2013  Teachnology (as an invited speaker), Al Taqwa College Indonesia, Bogor. October 22, 2013  Creating Podcasts with Audacity (as an invited speaker), Sugar Group Schools, LamTeng. March 13, 2013  An Awesome Lecture (as an invited speaker), Sugar Group Schools, Lampung Tengah. Feb13, 2013  Teaching Technique Workshop (as an invited speaker), Sugar Group Schools, LamTeng. Sep 1, 2012.  Internet Ethics In Da’wah. Ibnu Hajar Boarding School, Jakarta. January 26, 2015  Asia Creative Writings Conference (invited speaker), Creative Writing Group & Universitas Negeri Surabaya (UNESA), Surabaya. March 19-22 , 2014.  First Aid for Children. dr. Lelitasari, MKK. – 4Life, Bogor. December 13, 2013.  National Education Conference (invited speaker) – Sampoerna School of Education, Mien R. Uno Foundation, and World Bank, Jakarta. 11-12 December 2012.  The 2 nd Winner of Instructional Video Design Competition held by Sampoerna School of Education and Microsoft Partner for Learning with a video titled ―Review Monolog Skimming Activity: Identifying Rhetorical Stages” on March 8, 2012.  International Conference on Character Education (invited speaker), Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY), Yogyakarta. 8 – 9 November 2011.  Seminar “Sekolah dan Gurunya Manusia”. Sekolah Global Mandiri, Bandar Lampung. October 8, 2011.  57 th TEFLIN International Conference (invited speaker) – Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI), Bandung. 1 – 3 November, 2010.  First National Conference on Literature and Language Teaching (invited speaker)– Ma-Chung University, Malang. June 12,2010.  8 th International Conference of Internationalization in Education: Implications for ELT in Indonesia. Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Bandung. April 20 – 22, 2010.  Pembinaan dan Pelatihan Guru Unit Kesehatan Sekolah. Pemerintah Kabupaten Lampung Tengah, Lampung. February 26, 2010.  Creative Writing Workshop (as an invited speaker). Sugar Group Schools, Lampung Tengah. Nov 7 – 9, 2009.  International Workshop on Creative Writing. SEAMOLEC – PPPTK Bahasa – SEAMEO QITEP, Jakarta. November 7 – 9, 2009.  The Annual Teachers’ Conference. Association of National Plus School (ANPS) – Sekolah Global Jaya, Tangerang. February 28, 2009.  Teach English in a more Fun and Inspirational Way Seminar. EF Education, Jakarta. November 25, 2005.  Teaching IELTS Workshop. The British Institute, Jakarta. October 21, 2005.  Broadcasting Course. Ira Communications, Bandung. September - November , 2001.  French Course – Vrai Debutant. Le Parisien, Bandung. April – June, 2001 Omar Hallak – Al Taqwa College Principal Muslimah Triwahyuningsih – Advisor at Al Taqwa College Otong Jaelani –Kepala Sekolah of SMPI Al- Izhar Arif Nurcahya (Curriculum Development Manager) & Joko M. Nur (Principal) at Sugar Group Schools Shanty Aryani (IB PYP Coordinator) & Frances Hazle (Principal) at Tunas Muda IB World SchoolAsdina Ratnawati - Former Supervisor at FEC *Some of above reference details are available upon request. REFERENCES* PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT
  • 19. Writing Portfolio of Mierza MIranti Page 18 REFERENCE LETTERS
  • 20. Writing Portfolio of Mierza MIranti Page 19 FORMAL EDUCATION CERTIFICATES
  • 21. Writing Portfolio of Mierza MIranti Page 20 INTERNATIONAL TEACHING CERTIFICATES