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Yet Another Conference 2013


Mobile Web Developer @ Badoo
<!doctype html>!
<title>My Awesome App</title>!
<script src="App.js"></script>!
What is
In engineering, maintainability is the ease with
which a product can be maintained in order
In engineering, maintainability is the ease with
which a product can be maintained in order
isolate defects or their cause
In engineering, maintainability is the ease with
which a product can be maintained in order
correct defects or their cause
In engineering, maintainability is the ease with
which a product can be maintained in order
prevent unexpected breakdowns
In engineering, maintainability is the ease with
which a product can be maintained in order
make future maintenance easier
It's about making
our lives easier
It's about making
our work pass the
test of time
"OJNMLK IDHGFE".charCodeAt(y++)-64:7);function X(c,h,e,s){c^=8;for(var o,!
(G=o^c)<7){A=G--&2?8:4;C=o-9?l[61+G]:49;do if(!(R=I[T+=l[C]])&&!!G|A<3||!
(R+1^c)>9&&G|A>2){if(!(R-2&7))return K;n=G|(c?T>29:T<91)?o:6^c;S=!
{I[T]=n;I[O]=0;S-=X(c,h+1,e,S-N);if(!(h||e-1|B-O|T-b|S<-1e4))return W(),!
(G||A>2|(c?O>78:O<41)&!R)&&++C*--A))}return-K+768<N|d&&N}function W(){!
"<th width=60 height=60 onclick='I[b="+u+"]>8?W():X(0,0,1)'style='font-size:50px'bgcolor=#"!
•  Mobile Web Team - 4 developers
•  Mobile Web Team - 4 developers
•  JavaScript, jsDoc, JSHint, Closure Compiler, JsTestDriver
•  Mobile Web Team - 4 developers
•  JavaScript, jsDoc, JSHint, Closure Compiler, JsTestDriver
•  60,000+ lines of JavaScript
•  Mobile Web Team - 4 developers
•  JavaScript, jsDoc, JSHint, Closure Compiler, JsTestDriver
•  60,000+ lines of JavaScript
•  ~500,000 daily active users
•  Mobile Web Team - 4 developers
•  JavaScript, jsDoc, JSHint, Closure Compiler, JsTestDriver
•  60,000+ lines of JavaScript
•  ~500,000 daily active users
•  Code maintainability is key!
var topics = [!
'Type Checking',!
'Classes and Inheritance’,!
'Asynchronous Code',!
" 19"
"Type Checking"!
<!doctype html>!
<title>My Awesome App</title>!
<script src="App.js"></script>!
Api.get('/conversations', function (conversations) {!
var intros = (c) {!
var name = c.theirName;!
var mostRecent = c.messages[0].text.substring(0, 30);!
return name + ': ' + mostRecent;!
Api.get('/conversations', function (conversations) {!
var intros = (c) {!
var name = c.theirName;!
var mostRecent = c.messages[0].text.substring(0, 30);!
return name + ': ' + mostRecent;!
Api.get('/conversations', function (err, conversations) {!
var intros = (c) {!
var name = c.theirName;!
var mostRecent = c.messages[0].text.substring(0, 30);!
return name + ': ' + mostRecent;!
A lot of things have to go right here
if (data.value) {!
TypeError: Cannot read property 'value' of null!
" 26"
if (data && data.callback) {!
var result = data.callback();!
TypeError: Property 'callback' of object #<Object>
is not a function"
if (data && data.value) {!
var index = data.value.indexOf('something');!
TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method ‘indexOf’
! 28"
typeof {};!
typeof 'hello';!
typeof 5;!
typeof function () {};!
typeof undefined;!
typeof true;!
! 29"
typeof [];!
typeof null;!
typeof new Date();!
typeof /jsconf/;!
typeof document.body;!
typeof NaN;!
! 30"
•  If the this value is undefined, return "[object
•  If the this value is undefined, return "[object
•  If the this value is null, return "[object Null]".!
•  If the this value is undefined, return "[object
•  If the this value is null, return "[object Null]".!
•  Let class be the value of the [[Class]] property of this.
•  If the this value is undefined, return "[object
•  If the this value is null, return "[object Null]".!
•  Let class be the value of the [[Class]] property of this.
•  Return the String value that is the result of concatenating
the three Strings "[object ", class, and "]".
•  If the this value is undefined, return "[object
•  If the this value is null, return "[object Null]".!
•  Let class be the value of the [[Class]] property of this.
•  Return the String value that is the result of concatenating
the three Strings "[object ", class, and "]".
var toString = Object.prototype.toString;!
var regex = /[object (.*?)]/;!
var type = function (o) {!
var match =;!
return match[1].toLowerCase();!
var toString = Object.prototype.toString;!
var regex = /[object (.*?)]/;!
var type = function (o) {!
var match =;!
return match[1].toLowerCase();!
this === o"
type(function () {});!
type(new Date());!
type(new Date());!
var toString = Object.prototype.toString;!
var regex = /[object (.*?)]/;!
var type = function (o) {!
if (o && o.nodeType === 1) {!
return 'element';!
var match =;!
var _type = match[1].toLowerCase();!
if (_type === 'number' && isNaN(o)) {!
return 'nan';!
return _type;!
};! 43"
var toString = Object.prototype.toString;!
var regex = /[object (.*?)]/;!
var type = function (o) {!
if (o && o.nodeType === 1) {!
return 'element';!
var match =;!
var _type = match[1].toLowerCase();!
if (_type === 'number' && isNaN(o)) {!
return 'nan';!
return _type;!
};! 44"
Special case for DOM elements
var toString = Object.prototype.toString;!
var regex = /[object (.*?)]/;!
var type = function (o) {!
if (o && o.nodeType === 1) {!
return 'element';!
var match =;!
var _type = match[1].toLowerCase();!
if (_type === 'number' && isNaN(o)) {!
return 'nan';!
return _type;!
};! 45"
Special case for NaN
Now what?
Api.get('/conversations', function (conversations) {!
if (type(conversations) !== 'array') {!
var intros = (c) {!
if (type(c) !== 'object') {!
return '';!
var name = type(c.theirName) === 'string' ? c.theirName : '';!
var mostRecent = '';!
if (type(c.messages) === 'array' ||!
type(c.messages[0]) === 'object' ||!
type(c.messages[0].text) === 'string') {!
mostRecent = c.messages[0].text.substring(0, 30);!
return name + ': ' + mostRecent;!
t=e.theirName;var n=e.messages[0].text.substring(0,30);return t+":
=="object"){return""}var t=type(e.theirName)==="string"?
e.theirName:"";var n="";if(type(e.messages)==="array"||
{n=e.messages[0].text.substring(0,30)}return t+":
+ 137%
How does this
Prevents unexpected breakdowns
Prevents unexpected breakdowns

Makes future maintenance easier
"Classes and Inheritance"!
Why classes?
var Controller = {!
init: function () {!
// do some initialization!
loadView: function () {!
// somewhere else in the app!
var Controller = {!
init: function () {!
// do some initialization!
loadView: function () {!
// somewhere else in the app!
Feels messy
var ChatController = {};!
for (var key in Controller) {!
ChatController[key] = Controller;!
ChatController.loadView = function () {!
Controller.loadView.apply(this, arguments);
// do some additional stuff!
var ChatController = {};!
for (var key in Controller) {!
ChatController[key] = Controller;!
ChatController.loadView = function () {!
Controller.loadView.apply(this, arguments);
// do some additional stuff!
Not proper inheritance
What do we
class Controller {!
public Controller () {!
// do some initialization!
! public void loadView () {!
! !!
! }!
class ChatController extends Controller {!
! public void loadView () {!
! ! super.loadView();!
! ! // do some additional stuff!
! }!
}" 59"
class Controller {!
constructor () {!
// do some initialization!
loadView () {!
class ChatController extends Controller {!
loadView () {!
// do some additional stuff!
}" 60"
class Controller!
constructor: () ->!
# do some initialization!
loadView: () ->!
class ChatController extends Controller!
loadView: () ->!
# do some initialization"
var ChatController, Controller, _ref,!
__hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,!
__extends = function(child, parent) {!
for (var key in parent) {!
if (, key))!
child[key] = parent[key];!
function ctor() {!
this.constructor = child;!
ctor.prototype = parent.prototype;!
child.prototype = new ctor();!
child.__super__ = parent.prototype;!
return child;!
Controller = (function() {!
function Controller() {}!
Controller.prototype.loadView = function() {};!
return Controller;!
ChatController = (function(_super) {!
__extends(ChatController, _super);!
function ChatController() {!
_ref = ChatController.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);!
return _ref;!
ChatController.prototype.loadView = function() {!
return ChatController.__super__.loadView.apply(this, arguments);!
return ChatController;!
})(Controller);" 62"
var ChatController, Controller, _ref,!
__hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,!
__extends = function(child, parent) {!
for (var key in parent) {!
if (, key))!
child[key] = parent[key];!
function ctor() {!
this.constructor = child;!
ctor.prototype = parent.prototype;!
child.prototype = new ctor();!
child.__super__ = parent.prototype;!
return child;!
Controller = (function() {!
function Controller() {}!
Controller.prototype.loadView = function() {};!
return Controller;!
ChatController = (function(_super) {!
__extends(ChatController, _super);!
function ChatController() {!
_ref = ChatController.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);!
return _ref;!
ChatController.prototype.loadView = function() {!
return ChatController.__super__.loadView.apply(this, arguments);!
return ChatController;!
})(Controller);" 63"
Utility method
var ChatController, Controller, _ref,!
__hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,!
__extends = function(child, parent) {!
for (var key in parent) {!
if (, key))!
child[key] = parent[key];!
function ctor() {!
this.constructor = child;!
ctor.prototype = parent.prototype;!
child.prototype = new ctor();!
child.__super__ = parent.prototype;!
return child;!
Controller = (function() {!
function Controller() {}!
Controller.prototype.loadView = function() {};!
return Controller;!
ChatController = (function(_super) {!
__extends(ChatController, _super);!
function ChatController() {!
_ref = ChatController.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);!
return _ref;!
ChatController.prototype.loadView = function() {!
return ChatController.__super__.loadView.apply(this, arguments);!
return ChatController;!
})(Controller);" 64"
Class Definitions
var Controller = function () {!
// do some initialization!
Controller.prototype.loadView = function() {!
var ChatController = function (name) {!
Controller.apply(this, arguments);!
ChatController.prototype.loadView = function () {!
ChatController._super.loadView.apply(this, arguments);!
// do some additional stuff!
extends(ChatController, Controller);"
var Controller = function () {!
// do some initialization!
Controller.prototype.loadView = function() {!
var ChatController = function (name) {!
Controller.apply(this, arguments);!
ChatController.prototype.loadView = function () {!
ChatController._super.loadView.apply(this, arguments);!
// do some additional stuff!
extends(ChatController, Controller);"
The magic bit
There is no such
thing as magic.
var extends = function(child, parent) {!
for (var key in parent) {!
if (parent.hasOwnProperty(key)) {!
child[key] = parent[key];!
function ctor() { !
this.constructor = child; !
ctor.prototype = parent.prototype;!
child.prototype = new ctor();!
child._super = parent.prototype;!
return child;!
};" 68"
var extends = function(child, parent) {!
for (var key in parent) {!
if (parent.hasOwnProperty(key)) {!
child[key] = parent[key];!
function ctor() { !
this.constructor = child; !
ctor.prototype = parent.prototype;!
child.prototype = new ctor();!
child._super = parent.prototype;!
return child;!
};" 69"
Copy static properties / methods
var extends = function(child, parent) {!
for (var key in parent) {!
if (parent.hasOwnProperty(key)) {!
child[key] = parent[key];!
function ctor() { !
this.constructor = child; !
ctor.prototype = parent.prototype;!
child.prototype = new ctor();!
child._super = parent.prototype;!
return child;!
};" 70"
Set up prototype chain
var extends = function(child, parent) {!
for (var key in parent) {!
if (parent.hasOwnProperty(key)) {!
child[key] = parent[key];!
ctor.prototype = Object.create(parent.prototype);!
child._super = parent.prototype;!
return child;!
};" 71"
ECMAScript 5
var extends = function(child, parent) {!
for (var key in parent) {!
if (parent.hasOwnProperty(key)) {!
child[key] = parent[key];!
function ctor() { !
this.constructor = child; !
ctor.prototype = parent.prototype;!
child.prototype = new ctor();!
child._super = parent.prototype;!
return child;!
};" 72"
Add shorthand to super
var controller = new Controller();!
var chat = new ChatController();!
controller instanceof Controller; // true!
chat instanceof Controller; // true!
chat instanceof ChatController; // true"
The rest is about
good practice
Use getter and setter methods
alert(;! = 'John';!
jon.set('name', 'John');" 75"
Define all properties on the
prototype, even if they are null.

* The persons age.!
* @type {Number}!
Person.prototype.age = null;"
Mark private methods with a
leading or trailing underscore

// somethings are best kept private :)!
Person.prototype._singInShower = function () {!
Use static methods / properties
Person.prototype.EVENTS = {!
Person.EVENTS = {!
How does this
Correct defects or their causes
Correct defects or their causes

Makes future maintenance easier
"Asynchronous Code"!
The big

•  Requires a library to provide the functionality

•  Requires a library to provide the functionality
•  Different implementations
•  jQuery Deferred
•  rsvp.js
•  when.js
•  promise.js

•  Requires a library to provide the functionality
•  Different implementations
•  jQuery Deferred
•  rsvp.js
•  when.js
•  promise.js
•  Kind of complicated…
But that must
Hell 91"
load: function () {!
Api.get('/profile/own', _.bind(function (ownProfile) {!
this.ownProfile = ownProfile;!
Api.get('/profile/' + id, _.bind(function (theirProfile) {!
this.theirProfile = theirProfile;!
Api.get('/chatMessages', _.bind(function (messages) {!
this.messages = messages;!
}, this), _.bind(function (err) {!
}, this));!
}, this), _.bind(function (err) {!
}, this));!
}, this), _.bind(function (err) {!
}, this));!
load: function () {!
Api.get('/profile/own', _.bind(function (ownProfile) {!
this.ownProfile = ownProfile;!
Api.get('/profile/' + id, _.bind(function (theirProfile) {!
this.theirProfile = theirProfile;!
Api.get('/chatMessages', _.bind(function (messages) {!
this.messages = messages;!
}, this), _.bind(function (err) {!
}, this));!
}, this), _.bind(function (err) {!
}, this));!
}, this), _.bind(function (err) {!
}, this));!
load: function () {!
Api.get('/profile/own', _.bind(function (ownProfile) {!
this.ownProfile = ownProfile;!
Api.get('/profile/' + id, _.bind(function (theirProfile) {!
this.theirProfile = theirProfile;!
Api.get('/chatMessages', _.bind(function (messages) {!
this.messages = messages;!
}, this), _.bind(function (err) {!
}, this));!
}, this), _.bind(function (err) {!
}, this));!
}, this), _.bind(function (err) {!
}, this));!
Error Handling
“I’ve come to the conclusion
that callback hell is a design
choice and not an inherent flaw
in the concept of asynchronous
function and callback” 96"
doSomething(function (err, response) {!
var handler = function (err, response) {!
load: function (id) {! = id;!
Api.get('/profile/own', this.onOwnProfile);!
onOwnProfile: function (err, ownProfile) {!
if (err) return this.onError();!
this.ownProfile = ownProfile;!
Api.get('/profile/' +, this.onTheirProfile);!
onTheirProfile: function (err, theirProfile) {!
if (err) return this.onError();!
this.theirProfile = theirProfile;!
Api.get('/chatMessages', this.onMessages);!
onMessages: function (err, messages) {!
if (err) return this.onError();!
this.messages = messages;!
load: function (id) {! = id;!
Api.get('/profile/own', this.onOwnProfile);!
onOwnProfile: function (err, ownProfile) {!
if (err) return this.onError();!
this.ownProfile = ownProfile;!
Api.get('/profile/' +, this.onTheirProfile);!
onTheirProfile: function (err, theirProfile) {!
if (err) return this.onError();!
this.theirProfile = theirProfile;!
Api.get('/chatMessages', this.onMessages);!
onMessages: function (err, messages) {!
if (err) return this.onError();!
this.messages = messages;!
load: function (id) {! = id;!
Api.get('/profile/own', this.onOwnProfile);!
onOwnProfile: function (err, ownProfile) {!
if (err) return this.onError();!
this.ownProfile = ownProfile;!
Api.get('/profile/' +, this.onTheirProfile);!
onTheirProfile: function (err, theirProfile) {!
if (err) return this.onError();!
this.theirProfile = theirProfile;!
Api.get('/chatMessages', this.onMessages);!
onMessages: function (err, messages) {!
if (err) return this.onError();!
this.messages = messages;!
load: function (id) {! = id;!
Api.get('/profile/own', this.onOwnProfile);!
onOwnProfile: function (err, ownProfile) {!
if (err) return this.onError();!
this.ownProfile = ownProfile;!
Api.get('/profile/' +, this.onTheirProfile);!
onTheirProfile: function (err, theirProfile) {!
if (err) return this.onError();!
this.theirProfile = theirProfile;!
Api.get('/chatMessages', this.onMessages);!
onMessages: function (err, messages) {!
if (err) return this.onError();!
this.messages = messages;!
Avoid anonymous functions
Avoid anonymous functions
Useless stack traces
Avoid anonymous functions
Useless stack traces

Sign of poor structure
Keep things shallow

Keep things shallow

Means you are probably
using anonymous functions
Keep things shallow

Means you are probably
using anonymous functions

Everyone will hate you
How does this
Isolate defects or their causes
Isolate defects or their causes

Makes future maintenance easier
Isolate defects or their causes

Makes future maintenance easier

Prevent unexpected breakdowns
var i = 0;!
var thing;!
for (; i < things.length; i++) {!
thing = things[i];!
things.forEach(function (thing, i) {!
24x faster
13x faster
13x Faster
350,000 operations per second
$('a').on('click', function (e) {!
$('#container').on('click', 'a', function (e) {!
21x faster
19x faster
21x Faster
Only 1000 operations per second
for (var i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) {!
.append('<li>' + messages[i].text + '</li>');!
var html = '<ul>';!
for (var i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) {!
html += '<li>' + messages[i].text + '</li>';!
html += '</ul>';!
48x Faster
44x faster
15x faster
Less than 200 operations per second!
DOM operations
DOM operations

Iteration / function calls
Beware of
var cache = {!
get: function (key) {!
return localStorage.getItem(key);!
set: function (key, value) {!
localStorage.setItem(key, value);!
var cache = {!
get: function (key) {!
return localStorage.getItem(key);!
set: function (key, value) {!
localStorage.setItem(key, value);!
Disc IO
var cache = {!
data_: {},!
get: function (key) {!
if (this.data_.hasOwnProperty(key)) {!
return this.data_[key];!
var value = localStorage.getItem(key);!
if (value !== null) {!
this.data_[key] = value;!
return value;!
return null;!
set: function (key, value) {!
this.data_[key] = value;!
localStorage.setItem(key, value);!
var cache = {!
data_: {},!
get: function (key) {!
if (this.data_.hasOwnProperty(key)) {!
return this.data_[key];!
var value = localStorage.getItem(key);!
if (value !== null) {!
this.data_[key] = value;!
return value;!
return null;!
set: function (key, value) {!
this.data_[key] = value;!
localStorage.setItem(key, value);!
var cache = {!
data_: {},!
get: function (key) {!
if (this.data_.hasOwnProperty(key)) {!
return this.data_[key];!
var value = localStorage.getItem(key);!
if (value !== null) {!
this.data_[key] = value;!
return value;!
return null;!
set: function (key, value) {!
this.data_[key] = value;!
localStorage.setItem(key, value);!
Quicker reading
var cache = {!
data_: {},!
get: function (key) {!
if (this.data_.hasOwnProperty(key)) {!
return this.data_[key];!
var value = localStorage.getItem(key);!
if (value !== null) {!
this.data_[key] = value;!
return value;!
return null;!
set: function (key, value) {!
this.data_[key] = value;!
localStorage.setItem(key, value);!
Saving for later
3x faster
About the same
How does this
Makes future maintenance easier
Makes future maintenance easier

Prevent unexpected breakdowns
What is
It's about making
our lives easier
It's about making
our work pass the
test of time
Thank you!
Yet Another Conference 2013


Mobile Web Developer @ Badoo

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Usability и дизайн - как не помешать пользователю, Алексей Иванов, лекция в Ш...
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"Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

  • 1. WRITING MAINTAINABLE JAVASCRIPT Yet Another Conference 2013 @jonbretman Mobile Web Developer @ Badoo @BadooTech 1"
  • 2. 2"
  • 3. <!doctype html>! <html>! <head>! <title>My Awesome App</title>! <script src="App.js"></script>! </head>! <body>! </body>! </html>" 3"
  • 5. 5" In engineering, maintainability is the ease with which a product can be maintained in order to... h(p://"
  • 6. 6" In engineering, maintainability is the ease with which a product can be maintained in order to... isolate defects or their cause h(p://"
  • 7. 7" In engineering, maintainability is the ease with which a product can be maintained in order to... correct defects or their cause h(p://"
  • 8. 8" In engineering, maintainability is the ease with which a product can be maintained in order to... prevent unexpected breakdowns h(p://"
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  • 11. 11" It's about making our work pass the test of time
  • 12. 12" for(B=i=y=u=b=i=5-5,x=10,I=[],l=[];B++<304;I[B-1]=B%x?B/x%x<2|B%x<2?7:B/x&4?! 0:l[i++]="ECDFBDCEAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIMKLNJLKM@G@TSb~?A6J57IKJT576,+-48HLSUmgukgg " +! "OJNMLK IDHGFE".charCodeAt(y++)-64:7);function X(c,h,e,s){c^=8;for(var o,! S,C,A,R,T,G,d=e&&X(c,0)>1e4,n,N=-1e8,O=20,K=78-h<<9;++O<99;)if((o=I[T=O])&&! (G=o^c)<7){A=G--&2?8:4;C=o-9?l[61+G]:49;do if(!(R=I[T+=l[C]])&&!!G|A<3||! (R+1^c)>9&&G|A>2){if(!(R-2&7))return K;n=G|(c?T>29:T<91)?o:6^c;S=! (R&&l[R&7|32]*2-h-G)+(n-o?110:!G&&(A<2)+1);if(e>h||1<e&e==h&&S>2|d)! {I[T]=n;I[O]=0;S-=X(c,h+1,e,S-N);if(!(h||e-1|B-O|T-b|S<-1e4))return W(),! c&&setTimeout("X(8,0,2),X(8,0,1)",75);I[O]=o;I[T]=R}if(S>N||!h&S==N&&! Math.random()<.5)if(N=S,e>1)if(h?s-S<0:(B=O,b=T,0))break}while(!R&G>2||(T=O,! (G||A>2|(c?O>78:O<41)&!R)&&++C*--A))}return-K+768<N|d&&N}function W(){! i="<table>";for(u=18;u<99;document.body.innerHTML=i+=++u%x-9?! "<th width=60 height=60 onclick='I[b="+u+"]>8?W():X(0,0,1)'style='font-size:50px'bgcolor=#"! +(u-B?u*.9&1||9:"d")+"0f0e0>&#"+(I[u]?9808+l[67+I[u]]:160):u++&&"<tr>")B=b}W()" h(p://"
  • 13. 13"
  • 14. 14" •  Mobile Web Team - 4 developers
  • 15. 15" •  Mobile Web Team - 4 developers •  JavaScript, jsDoc, JSHint, Closure Compiler, JsTestDriver
  • 16. 16" •  Mobile Web Team - 4 developers •  JavaScript, jsDoc, JSHint, Closure Compiler, JsTestDriver •  60,000+ lines of JavaScript
  • 17. 17" •  Mobile Web Team - 4 developers •  JavaScript, jsDoc, JSHint, Closure Compiler, JsTestDriver •  60,000+ lines of JavaScript •  ~500,000 daily active users
  • 18. 18" •  Mobile Web Team - 4 developers •  JavaScript, jsDoc, JSHint, Closure Compiler, JsTestDriver •  60,000+ lines of JavaScript •  ~500,000 daily active users •  Code maintainability is key!
  • 19. var topics = [! 'Type Checking',! 'Classes and Inheritance’,! 'Asynchronous Code',! 'Performance'! ];! " 19"
  • 21. <!doctype html>! <html>! <head>! <title>My Awesome App</title>! <script src="App.js"></script>! </head>! <body>! </body>! </html>" 21"
  • 22. Api.get('/conversations', function (conversations) {! ! var intros = (c) {! var name = c.theirName;! var mostRecent = c.messages[0].text.substring(0, 30);! return name + ': ' + mostRecent;! });! ! App.renderMessages(intros);! ! });! 22"
  • 23. Api.get('/conversations', function (conversations) {! ! var intros = (c) {! var name = c.theirName;! var mostRecent = c.messages[0].text.substring(0, 30);! return name + ': ' + mostRecent;! });! ! App.renderMessages(intros);! ! });! 23"
  • 24. Api.get('/conversations', function (err, conversations) {! ! var intros = (c) {! var name = c.theirName;! var mostRecent = c.messages[0].text.substring(0, 30);! return name + ': ' + mostRecent;! });! ! App.renderMessages(intros);! ! });! A lot of things have to go right here 24"
  • 26. if (data.value) {! callback(data.value);! }! ! ! TypeError: Cannot read property 'value' of null! ! ! ! ! " 26"
  • 27. if (data && data.callback) {! var result = data.callback();! }! ! ! TypeError: Property 'callback' of object #<Object> is not a function" " 27"
  • 28. if (data && data.value) {! var index = data.value.indexOf('something');! }! ! ! TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method ‘indexOf’ ! ! ! ! ! 28"
  • 29. typeof {};! "object"! ! typeof 'hello';! "string"! ! typeof 5;! "number”! typeof function () {};! "function"! ! typeof undefined;! "undefined"! ! typeof true;! "boolean"! ! 29"
  • 30. typeof [];! "object"! ! typeof null;! "object"! ! typeof new Date();! "object"! typeof /jsconf/;! "object"! ! typeof document.body;! "object"! ! typeof NaN;! "number"! ! 30"
  • 33. •  If the this value is undefined, return "[object Undefined]".! ! 33"
  • 34. •  If the this value is undefined, return "[object Undefined]".! •  If the this value is null, return "[object Null]".! ! 34"
  • 35. •  If the this value is undefined, return "[object Undefined]".! •  If the this value is null, return "[object Null]".! •  Let class be the value of the [[Class]] property of this. ! 35"
  • 36. •  If the this value is undefined, return "[object Undefined]".! •  If the this value is null, return "[object Null]".! •  Let class be the value of the [[Class]] property of this. •  Return the String value that is the result of concatenating the three Strings "[object ", class, and "]". 36"
  • 37. •  If the this value is undefined, return "[object Undefined]".! •  If the this value is null, return "[object Null]".! •  Let class be the value of the [[Class]] property of this. •  Return the String value that is the result of concatenating the three Strings "[object ", class, and "]". 37"! or! Function.prototype.apply()!
  • 38. var toString = Object.prototype.toString;! var regex = /[object (.*?)]/;! ! var type = function (o) {! var match =;! return match[1].toLowerCase();! };! 38"
  • 39. var toString = Object.prototype.toString;! var regex = /[object (.*?)]/;! ! var type = function (o) {! var match =;! return match[1].toLowerCase();! };! 39" this === o"
  • 43. var toString = Object.prototype.toString;! var regex = /[object (.*?)]/;! ! var type = function (o) {! ! if (o && o.nodeType === 1) {! return 'element';! }! ! var match =;! var _type = match[1].toLowerCase();! ! if (_type === 'number' && isNaN(o)) {! return 'nan';! }! ! return _type;! };! 43"
  • 44. var toString = Object.prototype.toString;! var regex = /[object (.*?)]/;! ! var type = function (o) {! ! if (o && o.nodeType === 1) {! return 'element';! }! ! var match =;! var _type = match[1].toLowerCase();! ! if (_type === 'number' && isNaN(o)) {! return 'nan';! }! ! return _type;! };! 44" Special case for DOM elements
  • 45. var toString = Object.prototype.toString;! var regex = /[object (.*?)]/;! ! var type = function (o) {! ! if (o && o.nodeType === 1) {! return 'element';! }! ! var match =;! var _type = match[1].toLowerCase();! ! if (_type === 'number' && isNaN(o)) {! return 'nan';! }! ! return _type;! };! 45" Special case for NaN
  • 47. Api.get('/conversations', function (conversations) {! ! if (type(conversations) !== 'array') {! App.renderMessages([]);! return;! }! ! var intros = (c) {! ! if (type(c) !== 'object') {! return '';! }! ! var name = type(c.theirName) === 'string' ? c.theirName : '';! var mostRecent = '';! ! if (type(c.messages) === 'array' ||! type(c.messages[0]) === 'object' ||! type(c.messages[0].text) === 'string') {! mostRecent = c.messages[0].text.substring(0, 30);! }! ! return name + ': ' + mostRecent;! });! ! App.renderMessages(intros);! ! });" 47"
  • 48. Api.get("/conversations",function(e){var{var t=e.theirName;var n=e.messages[0].text.substring(0,30);return t+": "+n});App.renderMessages(t)})! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Api.get("/conversations",function(e){if(type(e)!=="array") {App.renderMessages([]);return}var{if(type(e)! =="object"){return""}var t=type(e.theirName)==="string"? e.theirName:"";var n="";if(type(e.messages)==="array"|| type(e.messages[0])==="object"||type(e.messages[0].text)==="string") {n=e.messages[0].text.substring(0,30)}return t+": "+n});App.renderMessages(t)})" + 137% 48"
  • 51. 51" Prevents unexpected breakdowns Makes future maintenance easier
  • 54. 54" var Controller = {! ! init: function () {! // do some initialization! },! ! loadView: function () {! ! }! ! };! ! // somewhere else in the app! Controller.init();! Controller.loadView();"
  • 55. 55" var Controller = {! ! init: function () {! // do some initialization! },! ! loadView: function () {! ! }! ! };! ! // somewhere else in the app! Controller.init();! Controller.loadView();" Feels messy
  • 56. 56" var ChatController = {};! ! for (var key in Controller) {! ChatController[key] = Controller;! }! ! ChatController.loadView = function () {! ! Controller.loadView.apply(this, arguments); // do some additional stuff! ! };! "
  • 57. 57" var ChatController = {};! ! for (var key in Controller) {! ChatController[key] = Controller;! }! ! ChatController.loadView = function () {! ! Controller.loadView.apply(this, arguments); // do some additional stuff! ! };! " Not proper inheritance
  • 59. class Controller {! !! public Controller () {! // do some initialization! }! !! ! public void loadView () {! ! !! ! }! ! }! ! class ChatController extends Controller {! !! ! public void loadView () {! ! ! super.loadView();! ! ! // do some additional stuff! ! }! !! }" 59"
  • 60. class Controller {! ! constructor () {! // do some initialization! }! ! loadView () {! ! }! ! }! ! class ChatController extends Controller {! ! loadView () {! super.loadView();! // do some additional stuff! }! ! }" 60"
  • 61. class Controller! ! constructor: () ->! # do some initialization! ! loadView: () ->! ! ! class ChatController extends Controller! ! loadView: () ->! super! # do some initialization" 61"
  • 62. var ChatController, Controller, _ref,! __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,! __extends = function(child, parent) {! for (var key in parent) {! if (, key))! child[key] = parent[key];! }! function ctor() {! this.constructor = child;! }! ctor.prototype = parent.prototype;! child.prototype = new ctor();! child.__super__ = parent.prototype;! return child;! };! ! Controller = (function() {! function Controller() {}! Controller.prototype.loadView = function() {};! return Controller;! })();! ! ChatController = (function(_super) {! __extends(ChatController, _super);! ! function ChatController() {! _ref = ChatController.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);! return _ref;! }! ! ChatController.prototype.loadView = function() {! return ChatController.__super__.loadView.apply(this, arguments);! };! ! return ChatController;! })(Controller);" 62"
  • 63. var ChatController, Controller, _ref,! __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,! __extends = function(child, parent) {! for (var key in parent) {! if (, key))! child[key] = parent[key];! }! function ctor() {! this.constructor = child;! }! ctor.prototype = parent.prototype;! child.prototype = new ctor();! child.__super__ = parent.prototype;! return child;! };! ! Controller = (function() {! function Controller() {}! Controller.prototype.loadView = function() {};! return Controller;! })();! ! ChatController = (function(_super) {! __extends(ChatController, _super);! ! function ChatController() {! _ref = ChatController.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);! return _ref;! }! ! ChatController.prototype.loadView = function() {! return ChatController.__super__.loadView.apply(this, arguments);! };! ! return ChatController;! })(Controller);" 63" Utility method
  • 64. var ChatController, Controller, _ref,! __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,! __extends = function(child, parent) {! for (var key in parent) {! if (, key))! child[key] = parent[key];! }! function ctor() {! this.constructor = child;! }! ctor.prototype = parent.prototype;! child.prototype = new ctor();! child.__super__ = parent.prototype;! return child;! };! ! Controller = (function() {! function Controller() {}! Controller.prototype.loadView = function() {};! return Controller;! })();! ! ChatController = (function(_super) {! __extends(ChatController, _super);! ! function ChatController() {! _ref = ChatController.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);! return _ref;! }! ! ChatController.prototype.loadView = function() {! return ChatController.__super__.loadView.apply(this, arguments);! };! ! return ChatController;! })(Controller);" 64" Class Definitions
  • 65. var Controller = function () {! // do some initialization! };! ! Controller.prototype.loadView = function() {! ! };! ! var ChatController = function (name) {! Controller.apply(this, arguments);! };! ! ChatController.prototype.loadView = function () {! ChatController._super.loadView.apply(this, arguments);! // do some additional stuff! }! ! extends(ChatController, Controller);" 65"
  • 66. var Controller = function () {! // do some initialization! };! ! Controller.prototype.loadView = function() {! ! };! ! var ChatController = function (name) {! Controller.apply(this, arguments);! };! ! ChatController.prototype.loadView = function () {! ChatController._super.loadView.apply(this, arguments);! // do some additional stuff! }! ! extends(ChatController, Controller);" 66" The magic bit
  • 67. 67" There is no such thing as magic.
  • 68. var extends = function(child, parent) {! for (var key in parent) {! if (parent.hasOwnProperty(key)) {! child[key] = parent[key];! }! }! function ctor() { ! this.constructor = child; ! }! ctor.prototype = parent.prototype;! child.prototype = new ctor();! child._super = parent.prototype;! return child;! };" 68"
  • 69. var extends = function(child, parent) {! for (var key in parent) {! if (parent.hasOwnProperty(key)) {! child[key] = parent[key];! }! }! function ctor() { ! this.constructor = child; ! }! ctor.prototype = parent.prototype;! child.prototype = new ctor();! child._super = parent.prototype;! return child;! };" 69" Copy static properties / methods
  • 70. var extends = function(child, parent) {! for (var key in parent) {! if (parent.hasOwnProperty(key)) {! child[key] = parent[key];! }! }! function ctor() { ! this.constructor = child; ! }! ctor.prototype = parent.prototype;! child.prototype = new ctor();! child._super = parent.prototype;! return child;! };" 70" Set up prototype chain
  • 71. var extends = function(child, parent) {! for (var key in parent) {! if (parent.hasOwnProperty(key)) {! child[key] = parent[key];! }! }! ! ! ctor.prototype = Object.create(parent.prototype);! ! ! child._super = parent.prototype;! return child;! };" 71" ECMAScript 5
  • 72. var extends = function(child, parent) {! for (var key in parent) {! if (parent.hasOwnProperty(key)) {! child[key] = parent[key];! }! }! function ctor() { ! this.constructor = child; ! }! ctor.prototype = parent.prototype;! child.prototype = new ctor();! child._super = parent.prototype;! return child;! };" 72" Add shorthand to super
  • 73. var controller = new Controller();! var chat = new ChatController();! ! controller instanceof Controller; // true! ! chat instanceof Controller; // true! chat instanceof ChatController; // true" 73"
  • 74. 74" The rest is about good practice
  • 75. Use getter and setter methods alert(;! = 'John';! ! ! alert(jon.getName());! jon.setName('John');! jon.set('name', 'John');" 75"
  • 76. Define all properties on the prototype, even if they are null. /**! * The persons age.! * @type {Number}! */! Person.prototype.age = null;" 76"
  • 77. Mark private methods with a leading or trailing underscore // somethings are best kept private :)! Person.prototype._singInShower = function () {! ! };" 77"
  • 78. Use static methods / properties Person.prototype.EVENTS = {! WALK: 'WALK',! TALK: 'TALK'! };! ! Person.EVENTS = {! WALK: 'WALK',! TALK: 'TALK'! };" 78"
  • 80. 80" Correct defects or their causes
  • 81. 81" Correct defects or their causes Makes future maintenance easier
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  • 86. Promises •  Requires a library to provide the functionality •  Different implementations •  jQuery Deferred •  rsvp.js •  when.js •  promise.js 86"
  • 87. Promises •  Requires a library to provide the functionality •  Different implementations •  jQuery Deferred •  rsvp.js •  when.js •  promise.js •  Kind of complicated… 87"
  • 92. 92" load: function () {! ! Api.get('/profile/own', _.bind(function (ownProfile) {! ! this.ownProfile = ownProfile;! ! Api.get('/profile/' + id, _.bind(function (theirProfile) {! ! this.theirProfile = theirProfile;! ! Api.get('/chatMessages', _.bind(function (messages) {! ! this.messages = messages;! this.render();! ! }, this), _.bind(function (err) {! this.onError();! }, this));! }, this), _.bind(function (err) {! this.onError();! }, this));! }, this), _.bind(function (err) {! this.onError();! }, this));! }!
  • 93. 93" load: function () {! ! Api.get('/profile/own', _.bind(function (ownProfile) {! ! this.ownProfile = ownProfile;! ! Api.get('/profile/' + id, _.bind(function (theirProfile) {! ! this.theirProfile = theirProfile;! ! Api.get('/chatMessages', _.bind(function (messages) {! ! this.messages = messages;! this.render();! ! }, this), _.bind(function (err) {! this.onError();! }, this));! }, this), _.bind(function (err) {! this.onError();! }, this));! }, this), _.bind(function (err) {! this.onError();! }, this));! }!
  • 94. 94" load: function () {! ! Api.get('/profile/own', _.bind(function (ownProfile) {! ! this.ownProfile = ownProfile;! ! Api.get('/profile/' + id, _.bind(function (theirProfile) {! ! this.theirProfile = theirProfile;! ! Api.get('/chatMessages', _.bind(function (messages) {! ! this.messages = messages;! this.render();! ! }, this), _.bind(function (err) {! this.onError();! }, this));! }, this), _.bind(function (err) {! this.onError();! }, this));! }, this), _.bind(function (err) {! this.onError();! }, this));! }! Action Error Handling
  • 96. “I’ve come to the conclusion that callback hell is a design choice and not an inherent flaw in the concept of asynchronous function and callback” 96"
  • 98. 98" var handler = function (err, response) {! ! };! ! doSomething(handler);"
  • 99. 99" ! load: function (id) {! = id;! Api.get('/profile/own', this.onOwnProfile);! },! ! onOwnProfile: function (err, ownProfile) {! if (err) return this.onError();! this.ownProfile = ownProfile;! Api.get('/profile/' +, this.onTheirProfile);! },! ! onTheirProfile: function (err, theirProfile) {! if (err) return this.onError();! this.theirProfile = theirProfile;! Api.get('/chatMessages', this.onMessages);! },! ! onMessages: function (err, messages) {! if (err) return this.onError();! this.messages = messages;! this.render();! }!
  • 100. 100" ! load: function (id) {! = id;! Api.get('/profile/own', this.onOwnProfile);! },! ! onOwnProfile: function (err, ownProfile) {! if (err) return this.onError();! this.ownProfile = ownProfile;! Api.get('/profile/' +, this.onTheirProfile);! },! ! onTheirProfile: function (err, theirProfile) {! if (err) return this.onError();! this.theirProfile = theirProfile;! Api.get('/chatMessages', this.onMessages);! },! ! onMessages: function (err, messages) {! if (err) return this.onError();! this.messages = messages;! this.render();! }!
  • 101. 101" ! load: function (id) {! = id;! Api.get('/profile/own', this.onOwnProfile);! },! ! onOwnProfile: function (err, ownProfile) {! if (err) return this.onError();! this.ownProfile = ownProfile;! Api.get('/profile/' +, this.onTheirProfile);! },! ! onTheirProfile: function (err, theirProfile) {! if (err) return this.onError();! this.theirProfile = theirProfile;! Api.get('/chatMessages', this.onMessages);! },! ! onMessages: function (err, messages) {! if (err) return this.onError();! this.messages = messages;! this.render();! }!
  • 102. 102" ! load: function (id) {! = id;! Api.get('/profile/own', this.onOwnProfile);! },! ! onOwnProfile: function (err, ownProfile) {! if (err) return this.onError();! this.ownProfile = ownProfile;! Api.get('/profile/' +, this.onTheirProfile);! },! ! onTheirProfile: function (err, theirProfile) {! if (err) return this.onError();! this.theirProfile = theirProfile;! Api.get('/chatMessages', this.onMessages);! },! ! onMessages: function (err, messages) {! if (err) return this.onError();! this.messages = messages;! this.render();! }! Reusable
  • 105. Avoid anonymous functions 105" Useless stack traces Sign of poor structure
  • 107. Keep things shallow 107" Means you are probably using anonymous functions
  • 108. Keep things shallow 108" Means you are probably using anonymous functions Everyone will hate you
  • 110. 110" Isolate defects or their causes
  • 111. 111" Isolate defects or their causes Makes future maintenance easier
  • 112. 112" Isolate defects or their causes Makes future maintenance easier Prevent unexpected breakdowns
  • 114. var i = 0;! var thing;! for (; i < things.length; i++) {! thing = things[i];! }" things.forEach(function (thing, i) {! ! });" 114" or…
  • 115. 115" 24x faster 13x faster 13x Faster 350,000 operations per second
  • 116. $('a').on('click', function (e) {! ! });! ! ! ! ! ! $('#container').on('click', 'a', function (e) {! ! });" or… 116"
  • 117. 117" 21x faster 19x faster 21x Faster Only 1000 operations per second
  • 118. 118" $('#container').append('<ul></ul>');! for (var i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) {! $('#container')! .find('ul')! .append('<li>' + messages[i].text + '</li>');! }" ! ! ! ! var html = '<ul>';! for (var i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) {! html += '<li>' + messages[i].text + '</li>';! }! html += '</ul>';! $('#container').html(html);! or…
  • 119. 119" 48x Faster 44x faster 15x faster Less than 200 operations per second!
  • 121. DOM operations Iteration / function calls 121"
  • 124. var cache = {! ! get: function (key) {! return localStorage.getItem(key);! },! ! set: function (key, value) {! localStorage.setItem(key, value);! }! ! };" 124"
  • 125. var cache = {! ! get: function (key) {! return localStorage.getItem(key);! },! ! set: function (key, value) {! localStorage.setItem(key, value);! }! ! };" 125" Disc IO
  • 126. var cache = {! ! data_: {},! ! get: function (key) {! ! if (this.data_.hasOwnProperty(key)) {! return this.data_[key];! }! ! var value = localStorage.getItem(key);! ! if (value !== null) {! this.data_[key] = value;! return value;! }! ! return null;! },! set: function (key, value) {! this.data_[key] = value;! localStorage.setItem(key, value);! }! };" 126"
  • 127. var cache = {! ! data_: {},! ! get: function (key) {! ! if (this.data_.hasOwnProperty(key)) {! return this.data_[key];! }! ! var value = localStorage.getItem(key);! ! if (value !== null) {! this.data_[key] = value;! return value;! }! ! return null;! },! set: function (key, value) {! this.data_[key] = value;! localStorage.setItem(key, value);! }! };" 127" Memory
  • 128. var cache = {! ! data_: {},! ! get: function (key) {! ! if (this.data_.hasOwnProperty(key)) {! return this.data_[key];! }! ! var value = localStorage.getItem(key);! ! if (value !== null) {! this.data_[key] = value;! return value;! }! ! return null;! },! set: function (key, value) {! this.data_[key] = value;! localStorage.setItem(key, value);! }! };" 128" Quicker reading
  • 129. var cache = {! ! data_: {},! ! get: function (key) {! ! if (this.data_.hasOwnProperty(key)) {! return this.data_[key];! }! ! var value = localStorage.getItem(key);! ! if (value !== null) {! this.data_[key] = value;! return value;! }! ! return null;! },! set: function (key, value) {! this.data_[key] = value;! localStorage.setItem(key, value);! }! };" 129" Saving for later
  • 133. 133" Makes future maintenance easier Prevent unexpected breakdowns
  • 136. 136" It's about making our lives easier
  • 137. 137" It's about making our work pass the test of time
  • 138. Thank you! 138" Yet Another Conference 2013 @jonbretman Mobile Web Developer @ Badoo @BadooTech