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• TC39 - Ecma Technical Committee 39. Evolving JavaScript
• ECMAScript - Official name of the language. ECMA-262 spec
• JavaScript - Implementation of the language
• Harmony - Consensus specs from ECMAScript 5 onwards
• ES6 - - Code name for current version ECMAScript 6
• ECMAScript 2015 - ES6
• ECMAScript 2016 - ES7
• etc.
• .some
• .every
var employees = [{!
name: 'Bob', !
technical: true!
}, {!
name: 'Peter', !
technical: false!
if (hasTechDepartment(employees)) {!
// ...!
// ES3!
function hasTechDepartment(team) {!
var i,!
length = team.length,!
found = false;!
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {!
if (team[i].technical === true) {!
found = true;!
return found;!
var employees = [{!
name: 'Bob', !
technical: true!
}, {!
name: 'Peter', !
technical: false!
if (hasTechDepartment(employees)) {!
// ...!
var employees = [{!
name: 'Bob', !
technical: true!
}, {!
name: 'Peter', !
technical: false!
if (hasTechDepartment(employees)) {!
// ...!
// ES5 .forEach!
function hasTechDepartment(team) {!
var found = false;!
team.forEach(function (employee) {!
if (employee.technical === true) {!
found = true;!
return found;!
var employees = [{!
name: 'Bob', !
technical: true!
}, {!
name: 'Peter', !
technical: false!
if (hasTechDepartment(employees)) {!
// ...!
// ES5 .some!
function hasTechDepartment(team) {!
return team.some(function (employee) {!
// Exits iteration and returns true if found, otherwise false!
return employee.technical === true;!
var employees = [{!
name: 'Bob', !
technical: true!
}, {!
name: 'Peter', !
technical: false!
// ES5 .some functional style!
if (employees.some(isTech)) { // true!
// ...!
// ES5 .every functional style!
if (employees.every(isTech)) { // false!
// ...!
function isTech (employee) {!
return employee.technical === true;!
• Object literal extensions
• Destructuring assignment
• Template strings
• Iterators, generators & for…of
• Modules
• proxies
• map, set, weakmap, weakset
Enhanced Object Literals
Computed properties (ES5)
// Computed property names (ES5)!
var myObject = {},!
i = 0;!
myObject['prop' + ++i] = 'hello';!
myObject['prop' + ++i] = 'world';!
myObject['prop' + ++i] = '!';!
console.log(myObject.prop1); // hello!
console.log(myObject.prop2); // world!
console.log(myObject.prop3); // !!
Computed properties (ES6)
// Computed property names (ES6)!
var i = 0,!
myObject = {!
['prop' + ++i]: 'hello',!
['prop' + ++i]: 'world',!
['prop' + ++i]: '!'!
console.log(myObject.prop1); // hello!
console.log(myObject.prop2); // world!
console.log(myObject.prop3); // !!
Property definition (ES5)
var x = 1,!
y = 10,!
z = 3;!
// Property definition (ES5)!
var point = {!
x: x, !
y: y,!
z: z!
Property definition shorthand (ES6)
var x = 1,!
y = 10,!
z = 3;!
// Property definition shorthand (ES6)!
var point = {x, y, z};!
console.log(point.x); // 1!
console.log(point.y); // 10!
console.log(point.z); // 3!
Method definition (ES5)
// Method definition (ES5)!
var object = {!
value: 42,!
toString: function() {!
return this.value;!
// ES5 property getter!
get isLarge() {!
return (this.value >= 50) ? true : false;!
console.log(object.toString()); // 42!
console.log(object.isLarge); // false!
Method definition shorthand (ES6)
// Method definition shorthand (ES5)!
var object = {!
value: 42,!
toString() {!
return this.value;!
// ES5 property getter!
get isLarge() {!
return (this.value >= 50) ? true : false;!
console.log(object.toString()); // 42!
console.log(object.isLarge); // false!
Computed method shorthand
// Computed method definition shorthand!
let index = 1,!
myObject = {!
['getListItem' + index] () { !
return this.list[index];!
list: ['hello', 'world', '!']!
console.log(myObject.getListItem1()); // "world"!
Destructuring assignment
Array destructuring
• Extract data from arrays or objects using a syntax that mirrors
the construction of its literals.
var list = ["one", "two", "three"];!
// without destructuring!
var one = list[0];!
var two = list[1];!
var three = list[2];!
// Array destructuring!
var [one, two, three] = list;!
Ignoring returned values
var list = ["one", "two", "three"];!
// Array destructuring!
var [one, , two] = list;!
console.log(one); // one!
console.log(two); // three!
Object destructuring
var object = {!
prop: 42, !
more: true!
// Simple object destructuring!
var {prop, more} = object;!
console.log(prop); // 42!
console.log(more); // true !
// Assign new variable names!
var {prop: newProp, more: newMore} = object;!
console.log(newProp); // 42!
console.log(newMore); // true!
Nested object
// Nested object!
var metadata = {!
title: "Scratchpad",!
translations: [{!
locale: "de",!
localization_tags: [ ],!
last_edit: "2014-04-14T08:43:37",!
url: "/de/docs/Tools/Scratchpad",!
title: "JavaScript-Umgebung"!
url: "/en-US/docs/Tools/Scratchpad"!
var { title: englishTitle, translations: [{ title: localeTitle }] } = metadata;!
console.log(englishTitle); // "Scratchpad"!
console.log(localeTitle); // "JavaScript-Umgebung"!
Template strings
Template strings
• Provides string interpolation sugar. Use back-ticks
// Basic string substitution usage!
var person = 'Nacho';!
console.log(`Yo! My name is ${person}!`);!
console.log('Yo! My name is ' + person + '!'); // ES5 equivalent!
Template strings
• Arbitrary JavaScript expressions
// Expression interpolation!
var a = 10,!
b = 10;!
console.log(`The number of libs is ${2 * (a + b)} and not ${10 * (a + b)}.`); !
console.log('The number of libs is ' + (2*(a + b)) + ' and not ' + (10*(a + b)) + ‘.');!
// Functions inside expressions!
function getContact() {!
return {name: 'Nacho', surname: 'Gil'};!
console.log(`Hello, ${getContact().name.toUpperCase()}!`); // Hello, NACHO!!
console.log('Hello, ' + getContact().name.toUpperCase() + '!'); // ES5 equivalent!
Template strings
• Multi-lined strings
// Multi-line strings without needing n!
console.log(`string text line 1!
string text line 2`);!
console.log('string text line 1nstring text line 2'); // ES5 equivalent!
console.log('string text line 1n!
string text line 2'); // ES5 equivalent, with n!
Tagged template strings
• Transform a Template String by a function
var you = 'John',!
adjective = 'great',!
taggedFn = (literalSections, ...interpolations) => {!
// transform template!
// Tagged Template!
taggedFn`Hello ${you}! You are looking ${adjective} today!`!
taggedFn(["Hello ", "! You are looking ", " today!"], you, adjective); // equivalent!
Use cases
• Contextual auto-escaping
• Localisation and formatting
safehtml`<a href="${url}?q=${query}" onclick="alert('${message}')">${message}</a>`;!
i18n`Hello ${name}! You have ${money}:c in your account!`!
ES6 Modules
• Compact syntax similar to CommonJS
• Preference for single/default exports
• Support for cyclic dependencies
• Support for synchronous & asynchronous loading
• Configurable module loading
Named exports (ES6)
// ---- math.js ----!
export function sum(x, y) {!
return x + y;!
export const pi = 3.141593;!
// ---- app.js ----!
import * as math from "math"; // import all!
alert("2π = " + math.sum(math.pi, math.pi)); // 2π = 6.283186!
// ---- app.js ---- !
import {sum, pi} from "math"; // object destructuring!
alert("2π = " + sum(pi, pi)); // 2π = 6.283186!
// ---- math.js ----!
var pi = 3.141593;!
function sum(x, y) {!
return x + y;!
module.exports = {!
sum: sum,!
pi: pi!
// ---- app.js ----!
var math = require('math');!
alert('2π = ' + math.sum(math.pi, math.pi)); // 2π = 6.283186!
// ---- app.js ---- !
var sum = require('math').sum,!
pi = require('math').pi;!
alert("2π = " + sum(pi, pi)); // 2π = 6.283186!
Default exports (ES6)
• Modules that only export single values are very common
// ---- myFunc.js ----!
export default function () { /* ... */ };!
// ---- MyClass.js ----!
export default class { /* ... */ };!
// ---- main.js ----!
import myFunc from 'myFunc';!
import { default as MyClass } from 'MyClass';!
let instance = new MyClass();!
Default + named exports (ES6)
// ---- underscore.js ----!
export default function (obj) {!
// ...!
export function each(obj, iterator, context) {!
// ...!
export { each as forEach }; // Export under different name!
// ---- main.js ----!
import _, { each } from 'underscore'; // Default and named exports!
// ---- underscore.js ----!
var _ = function (obj) {!
// ...!
var each = _.each = _.forEach = function (obj, iterator, context) {!
// ...!
module.exports = _;!
// ---- main.js ----!
var _ = require('underscore'),!
each = _.each;!
Why named exports?
•Static module structure
		 - ES6 imports and exports determined at compile time
		 - CommonJS design (flexibility) requires the code to be run
		 - CommonJS property look up is dynamic, hence slow
		 - ES6 ready for static type
		 - ES6 Enables asynchronous loading before running the code
Cyclic dependencies (ES6)
• To be possible, ES6 modules export bindings, not values.
// ---- lib.js ----!
export let counter = 0;!
export function inc() {!
// ---- main.js ----!
import { inc, counter } from 'lib';!
console.log(counter); // 0!
console.log(counter); // 1!
Module loader API (ES6)
• Programmatically work with modules and scripts
• Load modules conditionally
// Delivered asynchronously via ES6 promises!
.then( some_module => { ... } )!
.catch( error => { ... } );!
// Import several modules!
Promise.all( ['module1', 'module2', 'module3'].map(x => System.import(x)) )!
.then( ([module1, module2, module3]) => {!
// Use module1, module2, module3!
ES6 Module standard benefits
• No more UMD (Universal Module Definition)
• End of system fragmentation
• Browser APIs will become modules instead of global variables
• No more objects as namespaces such as Math or JSON!
• Static module structure: performance & optimisations
Iterators & Generators
for..of statement
• Loop that iterates over property values
• Iterable objects like Array, arguments, NodeList, Map, Set,…
// if implemented NodeList.prototype[Symbol.iterator]!
let articleParagraphs = document.querySelectorAll("article > p");!
for (let paragraph of articleParagraphs) {!
Symbol object
• May be used as a unique identifier for object properties to
describe particular behaviours
• Symbol.iterator returns the default iterator for an object
Expose iterator behaviour
• Symbol.iterator returns the iterator
var myArray = [1, 2],!
myArrayIterator = myArray[Symbol.iterator]();!
!; // Result: Object {value: 1, done: false}!; // Result: Object {value: 2, done: false}!; // Result: Object {value: undefined, done: true}!
// Object that iterates over words!
function Words(str) {!
this._str = str;!
// The iterator factory!
Words.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function() {!
// ... !
return {!
next: function() {!
// ... !
return {value: match, done: false};!
// for..of iteration!
for ( let word of new Words('Hello world') ) {!
console.log(word); // => 'Hello', => 'world'!
• function* with the ability to stop running and yield values
• Convenient way to create iterators
Words.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function* () {!
var re = /S+/g;!
var str = this._str;!
var match;!
while (match = re.exec(str)) {!
yield match[0];!
// for..of iteration!
for (var word of new Words('Hello world')) {!
console.log(word); // => "Hello", => "world"!
Infinite Generators
// generator function!
function* fibonacci() {!
let [prev, curr] = [0, 1];!
for (;;) {!
[prev, curr] = [curr, prev + curr];!
yield curr;!
for (let n of fibonacci()) {!
// Make sure you break at some point!!!
if (n > 1000) {!
• Define object custom behaviour for fundamental operations
• Define getters/setters for any arbitrary object property or method
// MongoDB save operation for arbitrary collections would throw error if not defined!{ a: 1, b: 2})!{ a: 1, b: 2})!
// Proxies can implement an API for this problem!
var db = new Proxy({}, {!
get: function(receiver, name) {!
return MongoDB.getOrCreateCollection(name);!
Use case: Validation with Proxy
let person = new Proxy({}, {!
set: function(obj, prop, value) {!
if (prop === 'age') {!
if (!Number.isInteger(value)) {!
throw new TypeError('The age is not an integer');!
if (value > 200) {!
throw new RangeError('The age seems invalid');!
// The default behaviour to store the value!
obj[prop] = value;!
person.age = 100;!
console.log(person.age); // 100!
person.age = 'young'; // Throws => The age is not an integer!
person.age = 300; // Throws => The age seems invalid!
• Object.observe
• async functions
• Asynchronously observe the changes to an object
• Data binding revolutions
var obj = { foo: 0, bar: 1 };!
Object.observe(obj, function(changes) {!
// Array of objects each representing a change!
obj.baz = 2; // [{name: 'baz', object: <obj>, type: 'add'}]!
! = 'hello'; // [{name: 'foo', object: <obj>, type: 'update', oldValue: 0}]!
delete obj.baz; // [{name: 'baz', object: <obj>, type: 'delete', oldValue: 2}]!
ES7 async functions
• Function can await on a promise. Halts and resumes when ready
• catch can be used to deal with a rejected promise
async function loadStory() {!
try {!
let story = await getJSON('story.json');!
addTextToPage("All done");!
} catch (err) {!
addTextToPage("Argh, broken: " + err.message);!
document.querySelector('.spinner').style.display = 'none';!
(async function() {!
await loadStory();!
console.log("Yey, story successfully loaded!");!
• ES6 Compatibility table
• ES6 support in Mozilla - MDN
• Modules: the final syntax - @ality
• ECMAScript 6 equivalents in ES5
• Template Strings - Addy Osmani
• Iterators gonna iterate - Jake Archibald
• The Basics Of ES6 Generators
• ES7 async functions - Jake Archibald

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  • 2. Terminology • TC39 - Ecma Technical Committee 39. Evolving JavaScript ! • ECMAScript - Official name of the language. ECMA-262 spec ! • JavaScript - Implementation of the language ! • Harmony - Consensus specs from ECMAScript 5 onwards ! • ES6 - - Code name for current version ECMAScript 6
  • 3. Terminology • ECMAScript 2015 - ES6 ! • ECMAScript 2016 - ES7 ! • etc.
  • 4. ES5
  • 6. var employees = [{! name: 'Bob', ! technical: true! }, {! name: 'Peter', ! technical: false! }];! ! if (hasTechDepartment(employees)) {! // ...! }!
  • 7. // ES3! function hasTechDepartment(team) {! var i,! length = team.length,! found = false;! ! for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {! if (team[i].technical === true) {! found = true;! break;! }! }! return found;! }! var employees = [{! name: 'Bob', ! technical: true! }, {! name: 'Peter', ! technical: false! }];! ! if (hasTechDepartment(employees)) {! // ...! }!
  • 8. var employees = [{! name: 'Bob', ! technical: true! }, {! name: 'Peter', ! technical: false! }];! ! if (hasTechDepartment(employees)) {! // ...! }! // ES5 .forEach! function hasTechDepartment(team) {! var found = false;! ! team.forEach(function (employee) {! if (employee.technical === true) {! found = true;! }! });! return found;! }!
  • 9. var employees = [{! name: 'Bob', ! technical: true! }, {! name: 'Peter', ! technical: false! }];! ! if (hasTechDepartment(employees)) {! // ...! }! // ES5 .some! function hasTechDepartment(team) {! return team.some(function (employee) {! // Exits iteration and returns true if found, otherwise false! return employee.technical === true;! });! }!
  • 10. var employees = [{! name: 'Bob', ! technical: true! }, {! name: 'Peter', ! technical: false! }];! ! ! ! ! // ES5 .some functional style! if (employees.some(isTech)) { // true! // ...! }! ! // ES5 .every functional style! if (employees.every(isTech)) { // false! // ...! }! ! function isTech (employee) {! return employee.technical === true;! }!
  • 11. ES6
  • 12. ES6 • Object literal extensions • Destructuring assignment • Template strings • Iterators, generators & for…of • Modules • proxies • map, set, weakmap, weakset
  • 14. Computed properties (ES5) // Computed property names (ES5)! var myObject = {},! i = 0;! ! myObject['prop' + ++i] = 'hello';! myObject['prop' + ++i] = 'world';! myObject['prop' + ++i] = '!';! ! console.log(myObject.prop1); // hello! console.log(myObject.prop2); // world! console.log(myObject.prop3); // !!
  • 15. Computed properties (ES6) // Computed property names (ES6)! var i = 0,! myObject = {! ['prop' + ++i]: 'hello',! ['prop' + ++i]: 'world',! ['prop' + ++i]: '!'! };! ! console.log(myObject.prop1); // hello! console.log(myObject.prop2); // world! console.log(myObject.prop3); // !!
  • 16. Property definition (ES5) var x = 1,! y = 10,! z = 3;! ! // Property definition (ES5)! var point = {! x: x, ! y: y,! z: z! };!
  • 17. Property definition shorthand (ES6) var x = 1,! y = 10,! z = 3;! ! // Property definition shorthand (ES6)! var point = {x, y, z};! ! console.log(point.x); // 1! console.log(point.y); // 10! console.log(point.z); // 3!
  • 18. Method definition (ES5) // Method definition (ES5)! var object = {! value: 42,! toString: function() {! return this.value;! },! // ES5 property getter! get isLarge() {! return (this.value >= 50) ? true : false;! }! };! ! console.log(object.toString()); // 42! console.log(object.isLarge); // false!
  • 19. Method definition shorthand (ES6) // Method definition shorthand (ES5)! var object = {! value: 42,! toString() {! return this.value;! },! // ES5 property getter! get isLarge() {! return (this.value >= 50) ? true : false;! }! };! ! console.log(object.toString()); // 42! console.log(object.isLarge); // false!
  • 20. Computed method shorthand // Computed method definition shorthand! let index = 1,! myObject = {! ['getListItem' + index] () { ! return this.list[index];! },! list: ['hello', 'world', '!']! };! ! console.log(myObject.getListItem1()); // "world"!
  • 22. Array destructuring • Extract data from arrays or objects using a syntax that mirrors the construction of its literals. var list = ["one", "two", "three"];! ! // without destructuring! var one = list[0];! var two = list[1];! var three = list[2];! ! // Array destructuring! var [one, two, three] = list;! !
  • 23. Ignoring returned values var list = ["one", "two", "three"];! ! ! // Array destructuring! var [one, , two] = list;! ! console.log(one); // one! console.log(two); // three!
  • 24. Object destructuring var object = {! prop: 42, ! more: true! };! ! // Simple object destructuring! var {prop, more} = object;! ! console.log(prop); // 42! console.log(more); // true ! ! ! // Assign new variable names! var {prop: newProp, more: newMore} = object;! ! console.log(newProp); // 42! console.log(newMore); // true!
  • 25. Nested object // Nested object! var metadata = {! title: "Scratchpad",! translations: [{! locale: "de",! localization_tags: [ ],! last_edit: "2014-04-14T08:43:37",! url: "/de/docs/Tools/Scratchpad",! title: "JavaScript-Umgebung"! }],! url: "/en-US/docs/Tools/Scratchpad"! };! ! var { title: englishTitle, translations: [{ title: localeTitle }] } = metadata;! ! console.log(englishTitle); // "Scratchpad"! console.log(localeTitle); // "JavaScript-Umgebung"!
  • 27. Template strings • Provides string interpolation sugar. Use back-ticks // Basic string substitution usage! var person = 'Nacho';! ! console.log(`Yo! My name is ${person}!`);! console.log('Yo! My name is ' + person + '!'); // ES5 equivalent!
  • 28. Template strings • Arbitrary JavaScript expressions // Expression interpolation! var a = 10,! b = 10;! ! console.log(`The number of libs is ${2 * (a + b)} and not ${10 * (a + b)}.`); ! console.log('The number of libs is ' + (2*(a + b)) + ' and not ' + (10*(a + b)) + ‘.');! ! ! // Functions inside expressions! function getContact() {! return {name: 'Nacho', surname: 'Gil'};! }! ! console.log(`Hello, ${getContact().name.toUpperCase()}!`); // Hello, NACHO!! console.log('Hello, ' + getContact().name.toUpperCase() + '!'); // ES5 equivalent!
  • 29. Template strings • Multi-lined strings // Multi-line strings without needing n! console.log(`string text line 1! string text line 2`);! ! console.log('string text line 1nstring text line 2'); // ES5 equivalent! console.log('string text line 1n! string text line 2'); // ES5 equivalent, with n!
  • 30. Tagged template strings • Transform a Template String by a function var you = 'John',! adjective = 'great',! taggedFn = (literalSections, ...interpolations) => {! // transform template! };! ! // Tagged Template! taggedFn`Hello ${you}! You are looking ${adjective} today!`! taggedFn(["Hello ", "! You are looking ", " today!"], you, adjective); // equivalent!
  • 31. Use cases • Contextual auto-escaping ! ! ! • Localisation and formatting safehtml`<a href="${url}?q=${query}" onclick="alert('${message}')">${message}</a>`;! i18n`Hello ${name}! You have ${money}:c in your account!`!
  • 33. ES6 Modules • Compact syntax similar to CommonJS ! • Preference for single/default exports ! • Support for cyclic dependencies ! • Support for synchronous & asynchronous loading ! • Configurable module loading
  • 34. Named exports (ES6) // ---- math.js ----! export function sum(x, y) {! return x + y;! }! export const pi = 3.141593;! ! ! // ---- app.js ----! import * as math from "math"; // import all! alert("2π = " + math.sum(math.pi, math.pi)); // 2π = 6.283186! ! ! // ---- app.js ---- ! import {sum, pi} from "math"; // object destructuring! alert("2π = " + sum(pi, pi)); // 2π = 6.283186!
  • 35. CommonJS // ---- math.js ----! var pi = 3.141593;! function sum(x, y) {! return x + y;! }! module.exports = {! sum: sum,! pi: pi! };! ! // ---- app.js ----! var math = require('math');! alert('2π = ' + math.sum(math.pi, math.pi)); // 2π = 6.283186! ! // ---- app.js ---- ! var sum = require('math').sum,! pi = require('math').pi;! ! alert("2π = " + sum(pi, pi)); // 2π = 6.283186!
  • 36. Default exports (ES6) • Modules that only export single values are very common // ---- myFunc.js ----! export default function () { /* ... */ };! ! ! // ---- MyClass.js ----! export default class { /* ... */ };! ! ! // ---- main.js ----! import myFunc from 'myFunc';! import { default as MyClass } from 'MyClass';! ! let instance = new MyClass();! myFunc();!
  • 37. Default + named exports (ES6) // ---- underscore.js ----! export default function (obj) {! // ...! }! export function each(obj, iterator, context) {! // ...! }! export { each as forEach }; // Export under different name! ! ! // ---- main.js ----! import _, { each } from 'underscore'; // Default and named exports!
  • 38. CommonJS // ---- underscore.js ----! var _ = function (obj) {! // ...! };! var each = _.each = _.forEach = function (obj, iterator, context) {! // ...! };! ! module.exports = _;! ! ! // ---- main.js ----! var _ = require('underscore'),! each = _.each;!
  • 39. Why named exports? •Static module structure - ES6 imports and exports determined at compile time - CommonJS design (flexibility) requires the code to be run - CommonJS property look up is dynamic, hence slow - ES6 ready for static type - ES6 Enables asynchronous loading before running the code
  • 40. Cyclic dependencies (ES6) • To be possible, ES6 modules export bindings, not values. // ---- lib.js ----! export let counter = 0;! export function inc() {! counter++;! }! ! ! // ---- main.js ----! import { inc, counter } from 'lib';! ! console.log(counter); // 0! ! inc();! console.log(counter); // 1!
  • 41. Module loader API (ES6) • Programmatically work with modules and scripts • Load modules conditionally // Delivered asynchronously via ES6 promises! System.import('some_module')! .then( some_module => { ... } )! .catch( error => { ... } );! ! ! // Import several modules! Promise.all( ['module1', 'module2', 'module3'].map(x => System.import(x)) )! .then( ([module1, module2, module3]) => {! // Use module1, module2, module3! });!
  • 42. ES6 Module standard benefits • No more UMD (Universal Module Definition) • End of system fragmentation • Browser APIs will become modules instead of global variables • No more objects as namespaces such as Math or JSON! • Static module structure: performance & optimisations
  • 44. for..of statement • Loop that iterates over property values • Iterable objects like Array, arguments, NodeList, Map, Set,… // if implemented NodeList.prototype[Symbol.iterator]! let articleParagraphs = document.querySelectorAll("article > p");! ! for (let paragraph of articleParagraphs) {! paragraph.classList.add('read');! }!
  • 45. Symbol object • May be used as a unique identifier for object properties to describe particular behaviours ! • Symbol.iterator returns the default iterator for an object
  • 46. Expose iterator behaviour • Symbol.iterator returns the iterator var myArray = [1, 2],! myArrayIterator = myArray[Symbol.iterator]();! !; // Result: Object {value: 1, done: false}!; // Result: Object {value: 2, done: false}!; // Result: Object {value: undefined, done: true}!
  • 47. Iterators // Object that iterates over words! function Words(str) {! this._str = str;! }! ! // The iterator factory! Words.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function() {! // ... ! return {! next: function() {! // ... ! return {value: match, done: false};! }! };! };! ! // for..of iteration! for ( let word of new Words('Hello world') ) {! console.log(word); // => 'Hello', => 'world'! }!
  • 48. Generators • function* with the ability to stop running and yield values • Convenient way to create iterators Words.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function* () {! var re = /S+/g;! var str = this._str;! var match;! while (match = re.exec(str)) {! yield match[0];! }! };! ! // for..of iteration! for (var word of new Words('Hello world')) {! console.log(word); // => "Hello", => "world"! }!
  • 49. Infinite Generators // generator function! function* fibonacci() {! let [prev, curr] = [0, 1];! for (;;) {! [prev, curr] = [curr, prev + curr];! yield curr;! }! }! ! for (let n of fibonacci()) {! console.log(i);! // Make sure you break at some point!!! if (n > 1000) {! break;! }! }!
  • 51. Proxy • Define object custom behaviour for fundamental operations • Define getters/setters for any arbitrary object property or method // MongoDB save operation for arbitrary collections would throw error if not defined!{ a: 1, b: 2})!{ a: 1, b: 2})! ! // Proxies can implement an API for this problem! var db = new Proxy({}, {! get: function(receiver, name) {! return MongoDB.getOrCreateCollection(name);! }! });!
  • 52. Use case: Validation with Proxy let person = new Proxy({}, {! set: function(obj, prop, value) {! if (prop === 'age') {! if (!Number.isInteger(value)) {! throw new TypeError('The age is not an integer');! }! if (value > 200) {! throw new RangeError('The age seems invalid');! }! }! // The default behaviour to store the value! obj[prop] = value;! }! });! ! person.age = 100;! console.log(person.age); // 100! person.age = 'young'; // Throws => The age is not an integer! person.age = 300; // Throws => The age seems invalid!
  • 55. Object.observe() • Asynchronously observe the changes to an object • Data binding revolutions var obj = { foo: 0, bar: 1 };! ! Object.observe(obj, function(changes) {! // Array of objects each representing a change! console.log(changes);! });! ! obj.baz = 2; // [{name: 'baz', object: <obj>, type: 'add'}]! ! = 'hello'; // [{name: 'foo', object: <obj>, type: 'update', oldValue: 0}]! ! delete obj.baz; // [{name: 'baz', object: <obj>, type: 'delete', oldValue: 2}]!
  • 56. ES7 async functions • Function can await on a promise. Halts and resumes when ready • catch can be used to deal with a rejected promise async function loadStory() {! try {! let story = await getJSON('story.json');! addHtmlToPage(story.html);! addTextToPage("All done");! } catch (err) {! addTextToPage("Argh, broken: " + err.message);! }! document.querySelector('.spinner').style.display = 'none';! }! ! (async function() {! await loadStory();! console.log("Yey, story successfully loaded!");! }());!
  • 58. Resources • ES6 Compatibility table • ES6 support in Mozilla - MDN • Modules: the final syntax - @ality • ECMAScript 6 equivalents in ES5 • Template Strings - Addy Osmani • Iterators gonna iterate - Jake Archibald • The Basics Of ES6 Generators • ES7 async functions - Jake Archibald