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Writing An Essay For Scholarships
Embarking on the task of composing an essay on the subject of "Writing An Essay For
Scholarships" may initially appear deceptively straightforward, but as one delves into the
intricate layers of this process, the complexity becomes increasingly apparent. Crafting an essay
that not only encapsulates one's achievements, aspirations, and uniqueness but also aligns
seamlessly with the expectations of scholarship committees is a multifaceted challenge.
To begin with, the writer must grapple with the dual challenge of self-promotion and humility.
Balancing the depiction of personal accomplishments without veering into self-aggrandizement
requires a delicate touch. The task involves introspection, self-awareness, and the ability to
convey one's strengths convincingly. Striking this balance can be particularly challenging, as it
requires a nuanced understanding of one's achievements and their relevance to the scholarship's
Moreover, the essay demands a keen understanding of the specific scholarship's requirements.
Each opportunity may have distinct criteria, values, or expectations that necessitate tailored
responses. Consequently, the writer must meticulously research each scholarship, aligning their
essay with the unique qualities sought by the granting organization. This not only demands time
but also a high level of attention to detail.
The challenge extends to the creative aspect of writing as well. Crafting a narrative that is not
only compelling but also authentic requires a deep dive into one's personal experiences. This
process is inherently introspective and may evoke emotions that add to the difficulty of
maintaining an objective and coherent narrative.
Time management is yet another hurdle. Juggling the demands of daily life, academic
commitments, and the scholarship essay can be an arduous task. Meeting deadlines without
compromising the quality of the essay is a constant struggle, demanding effective planning and
organizational skills.
In conclusion, writing an essay for scholarships is a formidable task that encompasses a myriad
of challenges. From striking the delicate balance between self-promotion and humility to
tailoring responses to the specific requirements of each scholarship, the process demands a
combination of introspection, research, creativity, and time management. It is an intricate dance
that requires a writer's utmost dedication and perseverance.
For those seeking assistance in navigating this challenging terrain, it's worth noting that similar
essays and much more can be ordered on, providing a valuable resource for
individuals looking to enhance their chances in the competitive realm of scholarship applications.
Writing An Essay For ScholarshipsWriting An Essay For Scholarships
Themes In Things Fall Apart s Things Fall Apart
Things Fall Apart is a
The title Things Fall Apart is foreshadowing many themes in the book. Some of the
themes are about what exactly has fallen apart: his family, his culture, his own
morals and way of thinking, and just his life in general. To elaborate, his family was
a mess, to begin with, the father, Unoka. To some Unoka seems like an outgoing
person but in this culture, he was the black sheep of the family. Unoka to his family
and to his culture was very lazy he didn t have any ambition he didn t make a name
for himself at all, in fact, his culture didn t have a title for him because he was so
lazy to them Unoka should have any responsibility for himself or for his family. And
because of all of this Okonkwo didn t think highly of his father he thought that he was
a failure just like the rest of his tribe he never wanted to be like him.
So as you can see the first thing that has fallen apart was Okonkwo s family before
he even had a chance to comprehend why it was falling apart. The next person and
his family were his son Nyowe Although Okonkwo tries to control Nyowe, He
tended to be like Okonkwo father. because of this Okonkwo thought he was lazy and
a failure to this is the first way that Nyowe has made Okonkwo s Family Fall Apart.
Another person who contributes to the family falling apart would be Ezinma. she was
the Sun that Okonkwo never had even though she was a girl. she understood him and
because she understood him she loved him more than his
The Science Of A Memory
Memory is something that is essential to our daily lives. Creating and retrieving
memories is something that happens without us knowing; subconscious
remembrance of events allows us to remember our friend s name, a favorite baseball
or football team, or what city we live in without needing to ask others or consult the
internet. Even if we were to ask others a question about something, without memory
we would forget the answer to the question we had asked immediately after they
had told us, which would be quite a confusing and annoying situation for both
parties involved. Without memory, we would have no concept of what is the past
and what is the future, which would lead to a very different perception of reality
than what we are used to. It should be noted; however, that there is a definite
science for memory. As previously mentioned, memories can be encoded
subconsciously (without our awareness), and also consciously. This paper will focus
on the science of increasing the effectiveness of conscious memory, that is, memory
that we intentionally try to encode into our minds with the purpose of a later
retrieval. The main idea from Chapter 6 Tips from the Science of Memory for
Studying and for Life is that people at the individual level need to optimize
memorization techniques that best work for themselves. According to the textbook,
the most effective way to memorize, regardless of memory model, is by thinking
deeply about the material of life and connecting the
Characterization Of Hannibal Lecter
Dr. Hannibal Lecter. It is a name that strikes terror in the hearts of all readers and
movie watchers alike. Said to be the most widely feared and awed fictional
psychopaths of all times, he is a highly qualified psychiatrist who eats people for the
sake of amusement. But even with his cannibalistic nature, the author Thomas Harris
does not portray Dr. Lecter as the antagonist of his book, The Silence of the Lambs;
he is more of a middleman, who though imprisoned hasn t lost his impeccably polite
ways, his mannerisms sometimes making you question whether he is actually crazy
at all. He makes eating another man s liver sound as though he were just eating
another delicacy from his favorite restaurant. He is a man capable of creating
headlines... Show more content on ...
They signify the metamorphosis of his character into that of a woman with each
skinning and the death of his older self whom he had grown to hate. His obsession
with changing himself provides great insight into what drove him to such madness.
Thomas Harris s latest introduction to the book featuring in the 25th year edition
gives us a glance into the creation of the character of Hannibal Lecter, inspired from a
man that he met in a mental institution years earlier. He also further explains how his
childhood memories influenced the building of Clarice Starling s personality.
A book that maintains suspense throughout with two frightening, evil and inhuman
villains and a flawed, human and yet extremely idealistic female protagonist with the
perspective of no one in particular makes it an extremely great read, even for those
who have watched the movie and can t get Anthony Hopkins superb portrayal of the
mad doctor out of their head. It definitely improved my perception of the human mind
and broadened my outlook on the
Lorraine Hansberry Essay
Her first play, A Raisin In the Sun, is based on her childhood experiences of
desegregating a white neighborhood. It won the New York Drama Critic s Circle
Award as Best Play of the Year. She was the youngest American, the fifth woman
and the first black to win the award. Her success opened the floodgates for a
generation of modern black actors and writers who were influenced and encouraged
by her writing.
Hansberry was born in 1930, the youngest of four children of Carl and Nannie
Hansberry, a respected and successful black family in Chicago, Illinois. Nannie was
the college educated daughter of an African Methodist Episcopal minister, and Carl
was a successful real estate businessman, an inventor and a politician who ran for
congress ... Show more content on ...
Cover of A Raisin in the Sun
Hansberry used the success of A Raisin In the Sun as a platform to speak out for the
American Civil Rights Movement and for the African struggle to free itself from
white rule. She helped raise money, gave impassioned speeches and took part in
panels and interviews to further these causes.
After her initial success she lived only six years and was able to complete only one
more play, a movie and a television script which was too racially controversial to be
aired. Her second play, The Sign in Sidney Brustein s Window, was received with
mixed reviews and kept open for 101 performances only by the contributions and
support of the theatre community. It closed the night she died at 34 from cancer.
After her death Nemiroff finished and produced her final work, Les Blancs, a play
about African liberation.
Hansberry had begun to claim her identity as a lesbian in a 1957 letter to a lesbian
periodical, The Ladder. This information and her 1964 divorce from Nemiroff was
not widely known at the time of her death. In 1965 the Gay Liberation Movement did
not exist and a woman could not claim such an identity without major reprisals. It was
not until the 1980s that feminist scholars began connecting
Pet Food Recall Of Pet Pets
I remember the first night the news announced the pet food recall. I jumped up and
got online quickly to make sure the food I feed my pets was not on the list. Thank
goodness it wasn t. But that doesn t mean that I don t still worry about it. I m still
feeding them the same food, but I am watching my pets very closely for any
abnormal behavior at all. I m sure many pet owners are doing the same. But I did
decide I could do one thing for my dogs and that is to make them some dogbiscuits
myself. That way, I know what is going into the ingredients and if anything is tainted,
it will make me sick, too. Most of the ingredients for these homemade dog biscuits
are items already in my kitchen. A few years ago, my sister had given me a dog
biscuit set. I ve used it a couple of times, then put it up and forgot about it. Now, I ve
pulled it out again. The company s name is You Bake Em Dog Biscuits with P.C.
Edge s World Famous Recipes . It came with three cookie cutters: a fire hydrant, a
bone and of course a cat. It also included a mini book with tips on caring for your dog
and several recipes. Making them is simple and quick, so I thought I d share a few of
the recipes. Dog Treat Special (10 bark rating) 1 lb. raw beef liver, sliced 3 cups
water 1 cup self rising cornmeal mix or rice flour 1/4 cup quick cooking oatmeal 1/2
cup whole wheat flour 1/2 cup all purpose flour 1 tsp. garlic powder 1 tbsp. brown
sugar 2 tbsp. canola oil 1 egg,
Mkts Strategy
MARKET LEADER STRATEGIES 1. Expand total market 2. Defend market share 3.
Expand market share
MARKET CHALLENGER STRATEGIES 1. Define strategic objective and
opponents 2. Choosing an attack strategy
MARKET New Users E.g.: perfume: non users (mkt penetration strat) men (new
market strat) other countries (geo expan strat) E.g.: J J Baby shampoo: birthrate
declining ads target adults leading brand New uses Cereals: as snacks increase
frequency of use OJ: not for breakfast anymore Du Pont nylon: parachute pantyhose
blouses shirts auto tires seat belts ... Show more content on ...
provoking antitrust action or anti dumping charge b. economic cost beyond optimal
MS ,i.e. inverted U curve WHY: legal costs, fight off competitors losing MS, PR
problems, legal problems c. wrong marketing mix strategy
Recent case: UPS strike reveals vulnerability buyers want multiple vendors
unattractive mkt segments strategy: selectively decrease MS in weaker areas
Conditions when MS and P go together: a. Unit costs fall with increased MS real
gains in economies of scale cost/experience curves, Intel: significant improvements in
both product and process innovations, and large capital investment in new plants b.
Target Premium segment: premium price covers cost of offering higher quality MB
/BMW strategy
Targets of attack: conditions for success 1. Mkt leader not in tune with mkt:
vulnerable dissatisfied customers technology shifted Intel Microsoft Vs IBM 2.
firm its own size underfinanced, not doing job 3. small and regional firms
underfinanced Attack strategies: 1. Frontal attack: head on attack: condition : the
principleof force 3:1 advantage attacker matches opponent along all parts of MM
Cases: Shampoo/conditioner mkt 1977 SCJohnson s entry in shampoo mkt with
Agree: raided Colgate others for exper executives $14M promo blitz; 30M sample
bottles of conditioner too Results: 1978 MS=15%; 1979 MS=20%
The Ethical Implications Of Eating Meat
What is the ideal doneness of a burger? Some may claim that well done is the best,
others may like medium rare. While this is one of the most common questions asked
in regards to meat eating, there is an even more important one that everyone should
be asking. What are the ethical implications of eating meat? This oft debated question
has been obscured, especially in recent years, by the outcry for the humane treatment
of animals being raised for food. There have been many recent documentaries, books,
and debates about how these animals sometimes never see sunlight before they are
slaughtered, among many other abusive treatments. In his essay, Animal, Vegetable,
Miserable, Gary Steiner raises this issue of the morality of meat eating and
challenges the readers to question their own views on this topic. Regardless of the
morality of eating meat or using animal products, Steiner does not support his claim
strongly enough to be accepted. In Animal, Vegetable, Miserable, Gary Steiner
argues against the eating, or using, of animals and animal products. Steiner is the
author of multiple books on topics similar to this, and a dedicated vegan of fifteen
years at the time of this article. The author begins with an allusion to the recent
outcries for the humane treatment of animals being raised for food. However, he
points out, no one seems to be concerned about the animalsbeing slaughtered, merely
that they were not abused beforehand. Steiner then goes on to explain the two main
Nuclear Warheads Research Paper
Today on Earth there are all kinds of destruction that people play in today s society
that could lead to a total global breakdown of are civilization. Today there are all
kinds of different ways that it could happen; every country has nuclear warheads,
are farmland is depleting rapidly because they are being used to house are growing
population. And the Doomsday Clock says it all. One thing that could lead are
plaint to Doomsday is that ever single county has conformed to have nuclear
warheads that can be shot and kill millions of people that have done nothing wrong.
One of the big story s about all the nuclear problem is the leader of North Korea,
Kim Jong Um. Kim has calmed that his country has the nuclear power to reach from
A Contemporary Healthcare Issue Of America
Each of the minorities showed some type of a Contemporary Healthcare Issue.
From the America Indian/Alaska Native Tribe who felt as though they were being
underserviced, to African Americans who were receiving less or no healthcare
service because of the color of their skin and whether or not whites receive better
care than minorities when it came to receiving proper healthcare when admitted to a
hospital for services.
American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) Tribes It has been over 110 years since
the United States entered into a treaty agreement with the Native Indian and Alaska
Native Tribes. The reason for this treaty agreement was so that the United States
could gain access to their land in return of receiving certain services.
Initially the treaty was set up to provide these individuals with adequate housing,
education and healthcare. This was considered a legal binding agreement between the
federal government and the tribal nation. Congress enacted the Snyder Act to comply
with the treaty in 1921 before initiating this act the American Indian and Alaska
Native tribe had a program called the Indian health program which was an agency
under the Department of Interior.
Indian health program was replaced by the Snyder Act that became the first law that
was set in place to allocate funds to these tribal groups to cover all aspects of
healthcare on a recurring basis. Overall these years there has been improvements to
this treaty. In 1954 the Public Health Service took
Vegans Are People Who Shun All Animal Products From
Vegans are people who shun all animal products from their clothes, diet, and even
other personal items they may use. Finding animal friendly related gifts can be
hard to find at times, but have no fear here are some ideas listed below. 1. Shoes A
good place to order shoes for vegans would be to visit They
have saved the Vegan shopper the confusion of sifting through hundreds of shoes
that may not include leather, but are not explicitly Vegan. Also by using modern
technology they given vegans the privilege of offering these animal free
substitutes without sacrificing longevity or performance. 2.Veglife If your friend
is a health nut you can get him or her a vegan supplement called Veglife. It is a
supplement that is suitable for even the most strictest vegan and contains no
gelatin. To find Veglife related products go to
3. Smore Pies Yep smore pies these tasty treats have vegan marshmallow inside of
them and the chocolate in the pie is just heavenly if your friend has a sweet tooth
then check out this treat at 4.Lip Balm The best
vegan lip balm I have tried so far would be from Merry Hempsters. The Lip Balms
are made from organic hempseed oil that is a great relief for parched lips. 5. Body
Shimmers Herbs Of Grace Mineral Makeup Body Shimmers add extra sparkle to
your skin with just a light dusting and is easy to apply. This is one fantastic vegan
friendly make up product. 6. Herb Hair
Symptoms And Treatment Of Psoriasis
Psoriasis is a common (2% to 3% of the population), benign and life long chronic
inflammatory skin condition involving the skin, scalp, nails and sometimes joints
(Mahajan Handa, 2013). It is genetically transmitted with a 30% increased risk of
first degree relatives developing psoriasis and a 72% concordance between
monozygotic twins (Habif, 2010; Mahajan Handa, 2013). A genetic and hereditary
(autosomal dominant with 60% penetration) basis for psoriasis is supported by the
presence of certain major histocompatibility complex antigens, HLAs A1, B13,
B17, B37, DR7, in certain psoriasis patients (Mahajan Handa, 2013). Genetically, two
forms of psoriasis [Type I and II] have been proposed: HLA Cw6, the strongest of the
histocompatibility complexes, is found in approximately 85% of Type I (hereditary,
age onset of 16 to 22 years, follows an irregular course before generalizing) and in
approximately 15% of Type II (sporadic, peak incidence of 60 years old) psoriasis
patients (Mahajan Handa, 2013).
Known environmental factors modify the course and severity of the disease:
Psysocial stress, obesity, HIV, physical trauma (Koebner phenomenon), streptococcus
and candida infections, dyslipidemia, medications (lithium, beta blocking agents,
antimalarial agents, corticosteroid withdrawal, NSAIDs and tetracyclines), winter
season, alcohol abuse and tobacco use can all exacerbate or trigger psoriasis in a
genetically predisposed person (Habif et al., 2011; Habif,
Human Improduction And The Process Of The Human...
Human Reproduction is a process in which a new human is created. It is essential
because it is needed in order to sustain our population and ensure our species
survival. The male reproductive system contributes sperm, the male sex cell, this
sex cell contains 23 chromosomes. The male reproductive system is also in charge
of releasing the sperm into the female s vagina and make sure that it reaches the
female s egg. The female reproductive system is in charge of creating egg cells, the
female reproductive sex cell containing 23 chromosomes. The female reproductive
system is also in charge of making sure fertilization, implantation and that the
embryo successfully develops and is born. The male reproductive system is in
charge of making healthy sperm(male sex cell) and making sure that it successfully
reaches the egg of the female. As most systems are, the male reproductive system is a
combination of many components. It all starts at the seminiferous tubules within the
testes, where the sperm is created, however, the testes create hormones that regulate
the production of sperm. Surrounding the testes is the scrotum, a sac of skin that
keeps the sperm at about 3 degrees Celsius below body temperature. After the sperm
matures, it is stored in the epididymis until ejaculation occurs, during ejaculation, the
epididymis contracts, releasing the sperm into the vas deferens, a long tube that
connects the urethra and the epididymis. The sperm then passes by 3 glands, the
seminal vesicle which provides sugars, the prostate gland which provides an
alkaline fluid for protection and finally the Cowper s gland which provides a
lubricant for the sperm to travel in. This mixture of substances, called semen is
ejaculated out the urethra and finally the penis and hopefully into the female s
reproductive system. However the penis must be erect for the sperm to successfully
enter the female s vagina, this is where erectile tissue comes in, the tissue is inflated
with blood, keeping the penis erect and ensuring that the sperm enters the vagina. The
female reproductive system is in charge of creating eggs and ensuring the
development of the embryo into a fully grown fetus. Just like the male reproductive
system, the female
The Gamble, John Sides And Lynn Vavreck
Political campaigning is now the full fledged live version of chess, with pawns,
queens and kings, but is all this parading and strategizing actually important? What
is even the purpose behind political campaigns; is it to inform the public about a
candidate or through clever means to win an election at all costs? The truth of the
matter is that campaigns do actually serve an important purpose in the political
world of America. Its purpose is to help inform voters about candidates and to
improve the number of voters at the polling place. In order for these goals to be
achieved there needs to be a clear platform upon which the campaign is built. In the
book The Gamble, John Sides and Lynn Vavreck write that a successful campaign
takes advantage of the fundamentals, national conditions that set the stage for the
campaign, (2). These fundamentals are conditions that the candidate has no control
over, like the economy, their opponent, obstacles or opportunities, and how the
candidate reacts to them affect their ability to be elected (Sides and Vavreck 2). It is
upon these fundamentals that a campaign is built. They inform political stances and
future decisions of the campaign, which makes them an important foundation.
Though these fundamentals are key to the survival of a campaign, equally if not
more so, as Professor David Parker has stated, unless the candidate has name
recognition the campaign is a lost cause (Parker, 2016). A successful candidate that
isn t already
Analysis Of The Film Kung Fu Panda
Brayan Hernandez SBVC F17 Soc 100 ALTERNATIVE MOVIE term paper
Sociology has caused a major impact in all types of things varying from books to
movies and much more throughout the years. The main focus on this paper will
be on the film Kung Fu Panda and how it demonstrates tons of sociological aspects
that benefit the audience in understanding society. During the film Kung Fu Panda
statuses and roles (OSW, Pg.132) were introduced and given to each individual. A
status is a type of position or place and a role is how you act or are supposed to act,
these terms are seen in all types of groups. During the beginning of the film KFP
the main character was apart of the out group not being accepted and feeling a
sense of unbelonging (OSW, Pg. 137) towards The Awesome Five warriors group
who live together with the same purpose in mind of protecting the village from all
threats a classic example of an in group, where the warriors feel loyalty and
belonging with one another (OSW, Pg. 137). Over an extensive amount of training
the TAF warriors gained a high status and an important role for the village with each
individual possessing unique talents / abilities. The group being so prestigious and
noble does not allow any new members and for this reason it s virtually impossible for
the anyone to get in. In addition to the unwillingness of acceptance of any new
member trying to enter the group they train nonstop to eliminate threats like Tai Lung
the main antagonist. Po Ping the main
Wisdom According to the Bible Essay
Wisdom According to the Bible
What does it mean to have wisdom? Some may say to be wise is to have enough
knowledge and good judgment to make well thought out life decisions. Wisdom is a
common term mentioned throughout out the New Testament Epistles and the entire
Bible. The Bible has a lot to say about wisdom and knowledge. It talks about ways to
be wise and ways to be foolish. Through out the Bible there seems to be different
types of wisdom and it is described in different ways. Analyzing all types of wisdom
and knowledge will help us decide what the Bible means to be wise.
First let us look at what the Old Testamenthas to say about wisdom. The book of Job
says that wisdom can not be found on land or in the sea. It can ... Show more content
on ...
The foolish do not disperse (or give) knowledge and instruction to others. They do
not raise their children in Godly ways. In all understanding the Old Testament tells
us that the basic foolish man does not want or give knowledge and delights in
disobeying the teaching s of God s word.
So what does the New Testament have to say about wisdom? Jesus spoke about
wisdom with some of his parables. The parable of the wise and foolish builders is
interpreted to be about obeying the word of the Lord. The wise man who builds
his house on the rock with a foundation is the one who listens and obeys God s
word. The foolish builder does not listen to God s word and he builds his house on
the sand with no foundation. The parable of the rich fool tells us to avoid
greediness and be giving and store up heavenly treasures rather than earthly ones.
Lastly there is the parable of the 10 virgins. Some of them were not wise enough to
bring enough lamp oil for the night. So when the bridegroom came, the virgins were
away to find more oil. Meaning that a wise man will be ready for Christ s return.
The Epistles talk about wisdom in other ways too. In the letters to the Corinthians
we lean much about wisdom and knowledge. They say the wisdom of God is a
mystery. It being so great that man cannot understand the amount. It tells us to be
wise in the knowledge of God s word because Satan will take advantage of our
ignorance of his ways. If a foolish
Descriptive Essay On Rain
As I sat on the damp earth of the woods and watched the first few raindrops of the
day fall, a realization struck me there is absolutely nothing I can do about the
weather. I referenced the weather forecast and planned my outfit the night before; I
wore a raincoat and plenty of layers. Nonetheless, I quickly found myself shivering. I
could not add layers in the woodsof course, so instead I focused on my surroundings
to distract myself from the cold. I noticed that as the rainfell, the potomac continued
to run. The leaves of the plants around me did not try to resist the rain, instead they
dipped and gracefully returned to their proud stance with each raindrop, as though
the plants were respectfully bowing to the flat white sky above. The forest floor
embraced the rain with a quiet rhythm. The rain fell heavier, and with it the whole
park seemed to come alive. It became difficult to open my eyes with the rain so I
started to squint. Then, when I was comfortable enough, I closed my eyes completely
and leaned into the smell of fresh earth and the sound of the rainy symphony.
If I had not taken notice of my surroundings the field trip would have ended right
there for me. Not simply because it is unpleasant to be cold and wet, but because I
would have been so focused on the shift in plans that I would not have truly
experienced the solo time. This school year has demanded a lot more from me than
others in terms of time management. I have to plan out every detail of every day
The Discovery Of Gene Therapy
The word science comes from the Latin word to know (Science Made Simple, 2014).
1953, Watson and Crick discovered one of the biggest mysteries of the human
body; the DNA double helix (Nobel, 2014). The discovery reshaped
biology and the way scientists viewed how biological information was stored and
processed (Nobel Prize. org, 2014). Once the double helix was discovered new
information about genes and protein synthesis quickly followed
(NLM, 2014). This new knowledge about genes made scientists look at the
biological processes in new ways (Nobel, 2014). One of the biggest
breakthroughs was the development
Gene Therapy. This paper will demonstrate how Gene Therapyis an important step in
revolutionizing medicine and treating disease. It is believed that Gene Therapy holds
the key to permanently curing disease.
Gene Therapy Researchers have been trying to find new ways to cure disease for
centuries. Gene Therapy seems to hold the key to make this a reality. Gene
Therapy is still in its early stages and is still considered an experimental technique
(NLM, 2014). Yet it holds the ability to treat and prevent disease (NLM, 2014). The
procedure uses a corrected gene and inserts it into a person instead of using drugs or
surgery (NLM, 2014). There are different techniques of Gene Therapy which could
include replacing mutated genes with healthy genes or even introducing new genes
into the body to help fight disease
Sony Tries to Battle Its Way Back Up After a Huge
Executive Summary
At the beginning of XXI century leading Japanese electronics manufacturer Sony
Corporation faced operational and financial stagnation. Reported losses were huge
even for such a big conglomerate as Sony, net income in 1999 fell to 121.83$
billion from 179$ billion in 1998 and following decrease continued till record 16.75$
billion in 2001. Shareholders worried as the stock price was falling down even
though top management made some structural changes: assets were sold, work force
was reduced by 17,000. Sony had the only choice to do some reformations in
structure, strategy and innovative products because it was losing the war to its
competitors in the market. Therefore, Transformation 60 was launched as a
restructuring ... Show more content on ...
Results of the report show that Sony is facing huge problems with integration of
newly chosen strategy, synchronizing divisions of the company so they can operate
based on internal information not rashly and financial problems due to loss of the
leading position in the market and impossibility of future competition with other
companies as they are always one step ahead. Considering restructure mode and
newly chosen management company needs time to operate in line with its goals
because current position can be described as lack of synchronization, communication
and vision.
After making SWOT analysis of Sony business model and reviewing whole current
position, it is suggested Sony to create more precisely its future market strategy
considering more production of more profitable products. Furthermore, company has
to rely on its partners in creating innovative technologies because as it s known the
only product ( CELL ) that could return Sony to the market was produced in jointly
with Toshiba and IBM. Emphasizing on innovations such as convergence of
entertainment and games can be profitable due to absence of such a product in the
market but company has to hedge all its further risks because market is very dynamic
and it cannot be predicted whether new product will bring profit or fail. In addition,
progress in innovations along with reducing their manufacturing costs, acquire of
new patents and improve of quality may return Sony to its
Kelly Gadol Essay
Almost immediately in her work she addresses Kelly Gadol s argument and its
effects on the conclusions even in the early 2000s. Generally, she argues, the field
of gender history agrees upon four tenets: the lack of a unified experience of early
modern; temporalities and locations honed distinct gender roles; the call for each
question posed for females to be answered for males rather than discussing the history
of man outside of genderand as men ; and, quoting Joan Scott, gender is a primary
way of signifying relationships of power . With these field wide conclusions
established, she explores the three avenues of power surrounding the form to show
students a world of early modern women and the field s state even with few sources
extant.... Show more content on ...
With heavy primary source research and her unique concept of early modern
feminism, she allows for women and their supporters to interact with ideas of equality
on an intellectual level comparable to women living in 2009 when the work
published. Covering the likes of Pizan, Roper, and Mary Basset s educations in
household academies in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. While Italian women
generally wrote earlier than English women, Ross situates comparable situations in
each subchapter to allow easier comparison and contrast. This layout provides an
interesting look at the developmental and philosophical differences in the two
countries and their world
Examples Of Dysfunctional Relationships
Dysfunctional People in Relationships
Have you ever wondered why some people stay in a dysfunctional relationship?
Dysfunctional relationships are relationships that do not perform their appropriate
function. In The Yellow Wallpaper, The narrator is a doctor who although probably
filled with good intentions, comes off seeming domineering. The narrator and her
husband move into a manor for the summer to help her with her temporary nervous
depression a slight hysterical tendency. Female patients were not to listened to by
male patients, but because back then women were not in positions of power. The two
main reasons why their relationship is dysfunctional is the way John treats the
narrator and the fact that she has postpartum depression so she is not herself.
The medical world has changed a lot since back then. For instance, there were no
female doctors at that time. In the 1800 s, much was unknown in the terms of
health. The mortality rate was high and life expectancy was low. Parents, rich or
poor, had no way of combating the deadly diseases and infections that often took
their children s lives. Deadly outbreaks of cholera ( an infection in the small
intestine) to the flu were, understandably, a leading cause of death in children at the
time. After all, children s immune systems are not fully developed and are therefore
weaker in the terms of fighting off these fatal diseases. Medicine has advanced
dramatically from the 1800 s to the present.Today, although not all children are
healthy if any, foods available to them, the overall diet of children has improved.
Also, with what is known
about diseases and transmission, many deadly diseases are under control. Luckily,
today it is much more common for people also have regular checkups with the doctor,
from the time they are in the womb through adulthood.
One reason why John and the narrator s relationship is dysfunctional is that John
treats the narrator like a child. The relationship between the narrator and John is not
overly loving, but unlike many people, I do not believe that John was intentionally
trying to hurt her. John cares about his wife, he just refuses to admit that his own
prescribed treatment may, in fact, be the wrong treatment. John
Why Do Good People Do Bad Things
Why do good people do bad things? (750 words) In this essay I will talk about the
torturing of prisoners in Abu Ghraib. I will also write about the Stanley Milgrim
Experiment and the Stanford Prison Experiment. All of these relate to one of the
topics we have covered this term. There is an excellent example of uniforms
influencing power in the Stanford Prison experiment which took place in1971, it
was lead by Prof Zimbardo1 (see footnote) in which a group of students were
selected to act as prison guards and prisoners in a fake prison. Even though the
students who were selected to take part were completely aware it was a simulation,
the experiment descended into chaos, the guards had started to torture the prisoners
and even made the... Show more content on ...
Overall I think that the Abu Ghraib incident was a seriously inhumane and unethical
thing to do and I think the people that committed that crime were let off to easily and
that the people that had it done to them should have some sort of compensation. With
the Stanley Milgrim Experiment I think it shows that most people are willing to give
people pain but not lots of pain and certainly not enough to inflict serious injury on
someone. With the Stamford Prison Experiment I think it was right to be pulled off
early as it could of progressed to something much
Essay about Don t Touch My Mama
Don t touch my Doritos. For the 2010 Super Bowl, Doritos put out a commercial that
was titled House Rules . In this commercial a young man comes to take a beautiful
young, single mother out for their first date. While the mother is out of the room
putting up the flowers the man brought, the man sits down to socialize with the son.
As the mansits down he picks up one of the son s Doritos, and just as he is about to
put the chip in his mouth the son slaps him. After slapping the man the son says, Don
t touch my mama, and don t touch my Doritos. This 2010 Super Bowl Doritos
commercial is an example of visual rhetoric, because it appeals to the audience using
pathos, ethos, and what the camera focuses to not just persuade the viewers... Show
more content on ...
Another technique this commercial uses is what the camera focuses on. When the
camera is focused on the mother s back side from the mans point of view the
creators are telling the audience what is really on the man s mind, and why the son
says don t touch my mama. The creators do the same thing with the bowl of Doritos.
The camera also zooms in on the game controller in the boy s hand. Through putting
the focus on the boy dropping the game controller, the creators lets the audience
know that things have just gotten serious and that something is about to happen.
Aside from the different types of appeals, pathos and ethos, and camera focus; the
creators are sending a couple of messages with the son s actions. The first message
is to get your own Doritos and not take someone else s. This message comes across
when the boy slaps the man and tells him to put his Dorito chip back in the bowl.
By the son not being willing to share even one of his Doritos, the creators are
telling the viewers not to share their Doritos with any one. The second message is
that Doritos are just as important as mothers. The viewers can see this as the boy
not only tells the man not to touch his mother but also to keep his hands off the boys
Doritos. By doing this the boy in a way puts the Doritos on the same level of is
mother making the chips just as import as the woman who gave birth to him. These
techniques and hidden messages of the commercial make the commercial
Vernon Project Proposal Sample
MOUNT VERNON, Ky. Christian Appalachian Project (CAP) has partnered with a
group of youth from 10 different LDS congregations in the Lexington area for the
first time to serve in Rockcastle County. The youth conference consists of kids ages
14 18 doing various projects around CAP such as commodity distribution at Grateful
Bread Food Pantry, preparing disaster relief bags on Williams St., sorting/steaming
clothing donation for Grateful Threadz, and constructing ramps/benches at the
housing barn in Mount Vernon. Once a year there is a conference like this to
strengthen the kid s faith in Christ, allowing the kids to build important friendships,
and serve the larger community.
Having this youth conference with 80 100 kids exposes them to tasks they can do in
their community to help out ... Show more content on ...
Witnessing the youth give their time and effort to make sure that they finish each
and every task they were assigned really showed their dedication and drive to helping
people in need.
I want to help change the lives of people in need, build relationships with my group
members, and serving brings joy to my heart because I get to bring joy and peace to
the lives of others, said Waveney Brooks, a volunteer from The Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter day Saints. This isn t my first service trip, I have been on other
service trips with my church like two years ago, and I went to Guatemala to help in
their medical clinic and helped build a school.
Grace Brooks, a volunteer from Tates Creek High School, expressed her impact on
serving in Mount Vernon. I just want to help people that are in need. She helped her
group as they put together ramps in the housing barn in Mount Vernon. Grace
Brooks is the sister of Waveney Brooks, they both were a part of this service trip for
the LDS youth
Disadvantages Of Distilled Drinks
Spirits or distilled beverages are types of alcoholic drinks which are produced by
distillation of a mixture produced from alcoholic fermentation. Spirits are often called
hard liquor or simply liquor . The distillation process of spirits excludes the diluting
water component results in increasing the alcohol content in the drinks. Unlike, beer
and wine, distilled spirits contain no added sugar and their ABV content is ~20%.
Distilled spirits are the types of alcoholic beverages where the concentration of ethyl
alcohol has been increased over and above that of the original fermented mixture.
This is because yeast (the main component in fermentation) will not be able to
survive higher alcohol levels and in order to create stronger spirits,... Show more
content on ...
It is a spirit produced by distilling wine, and is generally taken as an after dinner
drink, or to warm the body during cold temperatures. Some of its varieties are
allowed to age in wooden casks, or some are colored with caramel coloring to
replicate the effect of aging, while others are produced as an outcome of these two
processes. ABV ranges between 35% and 60%.
Cognac is a variety of brandy which is made from the most expensive fruit plucked
from Grande Champagne, Petite Champagne and Borderies, in France. The spirit is
allowed to age in oak barrels. ABV ranges between 40% and 45%.
Liqueurs are distilled alcoholic drinks which derives their flavor from fruits, cream,
herbs, spices, flowers or nuts, and bottled with added sugar or other sweetener
which may include high fructose corn syrup. Unlike brandy, liqueurs are not
allowed to age for longer periods, but are allowed to rest for the ingredients to blend
in. ABV ranges between 15% and 55%.
Whiskey is merely beer which has been distilled. It is a distilled alcoholic beverage
which is obtained from the fermented mash of grain, distilled at lower than 190
proof, and then allowed to age in oak containers. It ranges from Bourbon to rye to
Canadian to Irish to Scotch, and others. ABV is quite high, ranging from
John In Brave New World
Try to imagine yourself in a utopian society where people are drugged to feel happy
and you have no clue what is going on in the outside world around you. John also
known as Savage tries to imagine what life would be like if he lived in the utopian
society instead of the real world only to realize it isn t all that it seems. O brave new
world, he repeated. O brave new world that has so much people in it. Let s start at
once. (Huxley 139) John was born in the outside world, he wasn t born from a tube
he came from a whomp, yet people didn t like him because his mother did come
from a tube she was a part of the utopian society at one point. Along most of the story
John is an outsider, he wasn t allowed to join in on the indian cultural... Show more
content on ...
In fact , said Mustapha Mond, you re claiming the right to be unhappy. All right
then, said the Savage defiantly, I m claiming the right to be unhappy. (Huxley 240)
John went to Mustapha Mond and requested to leave with Bernard to iceland and
Mustapha Mond replied saying that was like asking to have the right to be
unhappy so John said he wants them all. Even though Mustapha denied his request
to go to iceland with Bernard John left in the helicopter and was dropped off at an
abandoned lighthouse. John was discovered one day whipping himself by
reservation guards they tried to stop him from whipping himself but he frightened
them so they left but sent a reporter, John kicked the reporter and ended up in the
paper giving away where he was staying so one day dozen of people showed up
chanting for him to do the whip stunt again and to whip himself. What do you want
with me? The whip, replied a hundred voices confusedly. Do the whipping stunt.
Let s see the whipping stunt. (Huxley 256) John ended up doing it and in the end
he killed himself, he was different than everyone else, he saw things people didn t
dare to see for themselves. In conclusion John was just an outsider, left alone, no
one included him in things because he was different but at the same time he was
just like everyone else. John was born like everyone else at the reservation but they
still didn t accept him because of his family. All John had was his mother Linda.
John was like everyone else externally but internally he was diverse and that s what
made John
Controlled Fire During The Paleolithic Period
Controlled Fire in the Paleolithic Period (2.6 million B.C. 10,000 B.C.)
The origins of controlled fire go back to the Paleolithic Period, by early humans
some of the evidence takes us all the way back to East Africa. The use of controlled
fire was a big and important development for these early humans, this tool could be
handled in so many ways not only provided them food but also shelter, and protection.
The development of controlled fire meant that food could be haunted and cooked
immediately so meat wouldn t rot. Because there were many hominids scared
across the world controlled fire allowed them to defrost frozen meat in cold regions,
this provided a more sterilized as well as nutritious diet. It could not only be used for
meats ... Show more content on ...
Clothing was part of these new developments, prehistoric clothing consisted of fur,
grass, leaves and leather that were wrapped or tied to the body in order to protect
from elements of the time. Archeologist have seen objects like handmade needles
that were used to sew these clothing s in order to create different items to keep
them warm and dry. A main disadvantage of most prehistoric clothing was that the
materials would deteriorate quite fast, later on the next generation of humans found
themselves creating more durable and wearable pieces of clothing. Neanderthals
faced harsh climates there were parts of Northern Asia and Europe that had series
of Ice ages, because of this man had to step up and create something to keep their
body heat. With the creation of tools in order to hunt they found themselves hunting
deer, mammoths and bears which provided large, thick and furry coats for them. At
first their clothing tended to be simple by making holes in the head and arm area
letting them drape all over their bodies. Later on it can be seen that they grew more
and more sophisticated by creating strips to wrap their clothing in place sort of like
After Neanderthals there came the invention of the tunics by the Cro Magnon people
they mainly consisted of skin from a given animal and it
Terry Fox Short Biography
Thirty two streets, one mountain, one thousand one hundred and sixty four cancer
research grants and a colossal $451 737 662 have been invested in cancer research
(Scrivener, 1.) However, Terry Fox is conquering the biggest mountain of them all:
cancer. Terry hopes to raise awareness for a worthy but neglected cause and has now
decided to run across Canada to fund a cure for cancer. Terry ran his marathon of
hope with a prosthetic leg after receiving news that his right leg needed to be
amputated fifteen centimeters above his right knee. Through his tremendous physical
challenge, he has overcome the discomfort caused by his prosthetic leg. While
running this marathon, Terry gives hope and inspiration to youth and adults
combating cancer while... Show more content on ...
He has truly conquered one of the greatest mountains of a lifetime, not homework, but
cancer, although ultimately defeated at the end he never lost hope, passion and grace
(Scrivener,1.) We now idolize the famous Canadian runner, a humanitarian and hero,
Terry Fox. This report examined what made Terry Fox famous, how he effected
Canadian society and how he contributes to the Canadian identity and how he shapes
Canadian society. Our future as a nation looks brighter than ever before thanks to the
Famous Canadian, Terry
Susquehanna River Essay
The health of the Susquehanna River and Chesapeake Bay was found based on
Biological (macroinvertebrates and wildlife) and Chemicals characteristics (pH,
dissolved oxygen, phosphates, nitrates, etc.) as well as physical observations (amount
of forested buffers, wetlands, etc.) Overall it was concluded that the health of the
water was good to excellent. What was found was that many of the
macroinvertebrates found in the water were sensitive or facultative, meaning the
water quality was good enough for them to live in. Also, the level of ph, temperature,
dissolved oxygen, phosphates, nitrates, and turbidityshowed that the water quality
was good. Finally, while we were canoeing down the Susquehanna River,
observations were made on the land... Show more content on ...
Underwater grasses, or Elodea, was observed as well. This wide variety of life is a
good indicator of the water s health.
The chemical characteristics observed and documented were pH, temperature,
phosphate, nitrate, turbidity, and dissolved oxygen. Each of these chemical levels
were documented and found differently. Most were found using a kit or a device.
The numbers found, would tell us how polluted the stream was and how much
nutrients were in the water. Each chemical has a scale for telling what a good level
is and what a bad level is. If an excess amount of nutrients was found in the water,
algae could be formed. When algae is formed it blocks sunlight from shining into the
water, which creates dead zones. This is called eutrophication. A dead zone is an area
where there is no life. This can cause major problems like population issues and
more. If the algae continues to grow in the river, the whole body of water can die
out, and people as well as other organisms are very dependent on the Susquehanna.
While on the river though, there was an absence of algae, so sunlight is able to get
through the water, which is very good.
Physical characteristics are important as well. While canoeing, many things were
observed and notices. Tires were seen at the bottom of the river. This is most likely
because of the highway that runs on both sides or the river, and over it on bridges
too. Because of the highway, there is a high risk
Database Theory Assignment 1 Essay
1)How many records does the file contain? How many fields are there per record?
There are 7 records (21 5Z through 31 7P) and each record contains 5 fields
(PROJECT_CODE through PROJECT_BID_PRICE). 2)What problem would you
encounter if you wanted to produce a listing by city? How could you solve this
problem by altering the file structure? There is not a field for city, only manager s
address. In order to get a listing by city, you would have to break up the address
into address, city, state, zip, file format. You can do an internal string search, but it
is difficult to write and takes longer to execute. 3)If you wanted to produce a listing
of the file contents by last name, area code, city, state, or zip code, how would you...
Show more content on ...
6)Looking at the EMP_NAME and EMP_PHONE contents in Figure P1.5, what
change(s) would you recommend? I would have the fields set up as first name
(EMP_FIRST), middle initital, (EMP_INITIAL), last name (EMP_LAST), area
code (EMP_AREACODE), phone (EMP_PHONE). 7)Identify the various data
sources in the file you examined in Problem 5. Employee data (names and phone
numbers), project data (project name), and job data (charge per hour and project
hours). 8)Given your answer to Problem 7, what new files should you create to
help eliminate the data redundancies found in the file shown in Figure P1.5?
Project file should contain project characteristics (name, manager/coordinator,
budget), employee file should contain employee information (name, phone
number, address, employee number), job file should contain billing charges per
hour for each job type , and a charge file should keep track of the number of hours
by job type being billed for each employee who worked on the project. 9)Identify
and discuss the serious data redundancy problems exhibited by the file structure
shown in Figure P1.9. (This file is meant to be used as a teacher class assignment
schedule. One of the many problems with data redundancy is likely occurrence of
data inconsistencies two different initials have been entered for the teacher Maria
Cordoza.) There are multiple entries for every teacher. If any person
My Day The Worst Winter Of My Life
I could feel the pain in my chest, the first day the worst winter of my life would
approach me. It was October 31st, Halloween, a time to dress up, eat candy, and
joke around with your friends, but not for me and my grade school classmates.
That was the day a kid in my grade school class committed suicide. As I walked to
my friends house, I could feel my heart pounding, my mind roaming through all
different emotions like, he must have been in so much pain, I wish I knew, I never
really got to say goodbye. I approached my friends front door, she opened and I could
see the pain in her eyes, we were devastated. As the night went on, we would see all
our other grade school friends at a party. When we saw each other it was different, it
was... Show more content on ...
Her eyes looked like she had been crying for days, which she probably had. And his
little brothers. They had a scared look on their face. They both looked at their
mom and saw her at her lowest point. They had seen the most important person to
them, crying, broken. His dad was lost, and in dismay. After the funeral my life
had changed. First, I didn t know how to take it. I was in such denial. I couldn t
accept a kid I had known for 10 years was so sad he needed to end his life. I kept
going through my head asking these questions. What if I knew? What if I could
have helped? What was the last thing we talked about? Why didn t I see him more
often? I had finally realized what had happened when I had arrived back at school
to go to basketball practice. I walked into the gym outraged. I was ready to do my
thing at practice and get in the zone when it hit me. My friend took his life... My
friend is gone... We had just huddled up and I just started to sob my eyes out. I ran
out of the gym and stood in the locker room for 10 minutes, asking God to guide
me the right way. Tell him to help me get through practice. I washed my eyes out,
put my game face on, and sprinted to the gym. That day, I dominated in practice, I
was mad at myself and God for letting my friend go. A couple weeks later my best
friend s step dad died from brain cancer. With my best friend, Brooke, we had
experienced San Antonio, Florida,
Personal Communication Styles Paper
Good communication is key to having successful personal and professional
relationships. In some situations it can be necessary to adjust communication styles
in order to communicate more successfully (B. Reece Reece, 2017). In this journal
entry I will discuss the dominance, and sociability scales, as well as my own personal
When looking at my coworkers the person that I think of that is most dominant is
Lisa. A person who is considered high on the dominance scale gives advice freely
and frequently initiate demands. They are more assertive and tend to seek control
over others. (B. Reece Reece, 2017, p. 54). At times, because of where she falls on
the dominance chart, she can come across as being bossy or demanding. This can
make it difficult to communicate effectively with her. On the other side of the
dominance scale, is my coworker Kelli. Unlike those that tend to rate high on the
dominance scale, those with low dominance are more restrained and tend to be
followers (B. Reece Reece, 2017). This creates a barrier to interpersonal relationships
when she is given the responsibility of being in charge of the other nurses. She has a
difficult time delegating ... Show more content on ...
Reece Reece, 2017). My coworker Amy has many of these characteristics. Amy is
very talkative and open about her personal life. This can be a barrier to
interpersonal relationships because sometimes she can revel too much of her
personal life, which in a professional setting can come across as inappropriate.
Those considered low on the sociability scale tend to be reserved and formal in
social relationships (B. Reece Reece, 2017, p.57). One of the doctors that I work
with tends to be very serious, reserved, and does not engage in personal
conversations. This can make him come across as unfriendly and cold, which makes
him difficult to communicate
Marcel Proust s Remembrance Of Things Past
In Marcel Proust s classic novel Remembrance of Things Past, tasting a sponge
cake dipped in tea triggers a sea of memories by which the narrator explores how the
past, and our recalling of it, make us who we are.
But what if you had no memories? Would you be any less you ? Would you be
somehow less human? These are the questions writer Daniel Levitin had to wrestle
Writing in the Atlantic Monthly, Levitin told a story that began when he was in
college. A psychology professor told the class about a friend and colleague who d
recently been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. Before the tumor killed him,
it would rob him of his long term memory. For the professor, this was a fate worse
than death. In his estimation, who you are is the sum total of all that you ve
experienced. His friend agreed: Faced with the prospect of losing his identity and
sense of self, he committed suicide. Levitin recalled that the only dissent to this link
between memory and identity came from his classmate, Tom.... Show more content
on ...
Several decades later, Levitin learns that Tom has been diagnosed with an
inoperable brain tumor and, like the professor s friend, he will lose all of his
memories before he dies. Levitin s account of his visit is sad and touching in its
honest depiction of an unimaginably awkward conversation. But what isn t sad is his
realization that Tom was right, after all. Despite the loss of his memories, something
fundamentally Tom was still there. Some of us call it personality, or essence. Some
call it the soul. Whatever it is, the tumor that took Tom s memory had not touched
How Empathetic Can Improve Relationships
There are many ways that being empathetic can improve relationships between people
and nations. Empathy gives people the ability to understand other people feelings.
People who share empathy with others are understanding, helpful and open minded.
Understanding each other s emotions can help keep a relationship strong and healthy.
One way that empathetic can improve relationships between people is putting
themselves in the other persons situation. When you put yourself in someone s shoes,
you start to understand where they are coming from. Which will avoid arguments and
turmoil in that relationship. As for nations, that can be a great way to avoid wars.
Empathygives people the chance to help others because it gives them a clear
Informative Essay On Club Calves
With a combination of big bone, big toplines, big hair, long pretty clean necks, and
structure soundness on there feet and legs. They are cardboard cutout cattle. They are
not practical cattle. Based on appearance, they are extremely powerful and over the
top. Big boned and deep bodied yet still attractive through the front end. (Macarthur)
Gonnet, from Canada raises, shows sells and promotes club calves. He first got
involved by showing cattle himself in his local 4 H club in 1998. There he had seen
beauty queen calves which had intrigued him and in 2004 he teamed up with Dustin
Lamb to raise them (Macarthur).
They re designed to get you interested to get you interested in showing cattle. A
plain jane from your neighbor s pasture is not exited as the named calves. Named
calves come from club calf sires and can make bull owners millions of dollars. Last
years winner of the Calgary Stampede, was from the bull Eye Candy. A popular club
calf bull can easily sell 10,000 to 20,000 straws of semen at $25 to $250 a straw. Your
making bankroll , ... Show more content on ...
Today s competitions heifers and steers are specifically bred for shows. More than
likely they are from breeders of club cattle. There is obviously a huge difference in
club calves and commercial cattle. We are trying to put basically most of the traits
you need in good commercial cattle, but then you add a little show ring pizzazz in
them. They need that extra balance,quality, and eye appeal. The difference is the
hair and muscle they have in them, said Jerry Riley of JDR cattle. For breeding
purposes I am going after that hair, that muscle, that bone that it takes to be a club
calve compared to just a commercial cow. Mark Beauprez of Beauprez cattle stated,
There is a lot more of a show cattle look to these cattle. The lines are a lot straighter
and they are prettier fronted, bigger boned, and a lot thicker of an animal
The Importance Of Income Statements And The Types Of
Introduction Firm managers, owners, and lenders, keep track of the firm s
performance by reviewing financial statements, income statement, balance sheet, and
statement of cash flows. This portfolio will explain the purpose of income statements
and the types of expenses that are shown on an income statement. Also, clarify types
of assets and claims of creditors and owners shown on a balance sheet. As well as
define the three different accounts that comprise the owners equity section on a
corporate balance sheet. Furthermore, describe a statement of cash flows and the
three standard sections contained within it. Finally, identify the three categories of
ratios that a business may use in an analysis of its financial statements and the
benefits of calculating these ratios.
Financial and Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and Statement of Cash Flows
Income Statement The purpose of the income statement is provides a record of a
company s revenues and expenses for a given period of time and can be used as a
measuring stick of profitability. This document provides important financial
information to business managers, investors, lenders, and analysts. It is also one of
the three major financial statements that all publicly held firms are required to
prepare annually. Types of expenses that are shown on a typical income statement are
accounts, office supplies, delivery truck, amounts charged to customers for services
and products, employees paychecks,
A Short Note On The De Notre Jours
L accГЁs Г l internet est devenu de notre jours ouvert et facile Г tous. Les
adolescents vivent dans un monde oГ№ la plupart d entre eux possГЁdent des
tГ©lГ©phones portables qui font une consommation massive d Г©crans en tous
genres. Cette intГ©gration a impliquГ© un bouleversement dans sa vie quotidienne,
sur son comportement et sur sa maniГЁre de vivre, de rГ©agir et de s Г©duquer. La
pratique quotidienne des technologies numГ©riques a embauchГ© des dangers et des
impacts nГ©gatifs. Ces impacts ont affectГ©s plusieurs champs : Г©ducatif, de
santГ©, mentale...
En parallГЁle, le numГ©rique a offert des bГ©nГ©fices Г l adolescent. Ces
bГ©nГ©fices ont aidГ© dans l Г©ducation ainsi elle a pu intГ©grer l enfant dans un
monde d interaction et de communication. Des nouveaux services et usages ont
Г©tГ© offerts. Mais, malheureusement, les dangers et les impacts nГ©gatifs presque
dominent. Une prГ©vention est toujours nГ©cessaire.
Le choix du sujet est justifiГ© par son importance actuelle. En fait, un danger est
prГ©sent de nos jours grГўce au mauvais usage du numГ©rique et des nouveaux
technologies et ceci a influencГ© sur l adolescent et ses pratiques dans sa vie
quotidienne. Ainsi que des troubles et des dangers menacent la santГ© de nos enfants
et le risque d Г©chec scolaire augmente.
Dans ce contexte, quelles sont les consГ©quences problГ©matiques des
consommations d Г©crans non interactifs chez les jeunes adolescents ? Quels sont
les risques d addictions et les impacts nГ©gatifs ? Quels sont les impacts sur
An Analysis of Dickinson’s I Felt a Funeral in My
An Analysis of Dickinson s I Felt a Funeral in My Brain
Emily Dickinson was a poet who used many different devices to develop her poetry,
which made her style quite unique. A glance at one of her poems may lead one to
believe that she was quite a simple poet, although a closer examination of her verse
would uncover the complexity it contains.
Dickinson s poem I felt a Funeral, in my Brain , is a prime example of complicity
embodied by simple style and language. In this piece, Dickinson chronicles psychic
fall. The use of many different devices such as sound, repetition, and metaphors, all
help to develop the theme of the poem.
Perhaps the best way for the reader to uncover ... Show more content on ...
The repetition presents the reader with a sense of both order and chaos at once, which
in turn illustrates the subject s mental state.
In the second stanza of the poem the poet presents the reader with a funeral setting.
The mourners are all seated, and a service begins. The poet describes this service as
being quite intense ( like a Drum (that) Kept beating beating ). The intensity of the
service causes the poet s mind to go numb. The numbness represents the death of her
In the third stanza a box is introduced. It can be assumed that this box is a coffin.
The box is being lifted into the ground and the Boots of Lead creaking across the
poets soul symbolize the mourners walking on the fresh grave. The tolling of space
mimics the church bell that is introduced in the following stanza.
Stanza four introduces the Bell as a metaphor for the heavens, and goes on to say
that Being (is), but an Ear . The bell is representative of a church bell, and all the
mourners (Beings) are listening to its ring. The use of the word bell in the poem s
context forms a vision of a slow ringing church bell, characteristic to a funeral. The
next line, of the fourth stanza, pairs up the poet and silence as castaways. They are
strangers in a foreign place, and are all alone. One could infer from the poem that
here represents purgatory. This
Gascogne Research Paper
Of the many regions of France, Gascogne is a very prominent one. Gascogne has very
interesting history, geography, people and food, plus many fun places to visit. Firstly,
Gascogne has very interesting history. Before the French revolution, the area was
called Gascony, part of the Province of Guyenne and Gascony. In pre Roman times,
the inhabitants of Gascony were the Aquitanians who spoke a language very similar
the modern language of Basque. The Aquitanians inhabited a territory limited to the
Northeast of the Garonne River, to the south by the Pyrenees mountain range, and to
the west by the Atlantic Ocean, the Romans named this territory Aquitania. In the 50s
BC lieutenants of Julius Caesar conquered the land and it became part of the
How Analytics Helps An Organization Optimize Their...
Analytics is defined, according to online, as the process of obtaining
an optimal or realistic decision based on existing data. [1]. Davenport and Harris
(2007), defined analytics, as the extensive use of data, statistical and quantitative
analysis, explanatory and predictive models, and fact based management to drive
decisions and actions. [2]. An article titled Outsmart the Competition by Jackie Zack
in Teradata Online magazine states that analytics can help an organization optimize
their business processes to make them effective as possible. [3]. It is a proven fact
that proper use of analytics can lead an organizations to success, providing them with
that distinctive advantage over their competitors. In this essay, details will be
provided on how analytics has helped my organization to compete in their business
segment. Ability to compete on analytics Digicel Group is a total communications
and entertainment company. The company s objective is to bring our customers
never ending possibilities and change the world around us by offering affordable and
innovative mobile services, enterprise solutions, cloud computing, cable TV,
broadband and engaging content. [4]. The company was founded on a commitment
to providing the best networks, services, values and to giving back to the community.
[4]. The company is currently present in 31 markets across the Caribbean, Central
America and Asia Pacific and employs around 6,000 people. Digicel Group currently
The Cruelty Of Animal Overpopulation
in cages for long time and sometimes for a year so they are being forced to euthanize
the animals.( Animal Rights Uncompromised: No Kill Shelters, n.d.). Large numbers
of animals are simply abandoned in the streets suffering from a lack of basic care
such as food water shelter and veterinary care.( Companion Animal Overpopulation,
There is a cruel contribution to the animal overpopulation of companion pets,
specially the ones living on the streets. People are well known to always be
dissatisfied with their pets for many reasons so it is easy to find animals left in the
shelters just because they are unwanted. The continued suffering of animals that are
left on the streets causing the uncontrol of many diseases and more proliferation is
in fact a people responsability. Many unwanted companion pets with a good health
are killed every day just as a results of the pet overpopulation. Starvation, disease,
freezing and roadkill are some of the consequences of the cruelty through animal
overpopulation. Abandonment and neglect is one form of animal cruelty. Dogs and
cats abandon are experiencing continue suffering for days or weeks and sometimes
they can die; therefore, in broward county animal cruelty is against the law
(Reporting Animal Issues, n.d.). Another way of cruelty is the pet cloning.The
protection animal and welfare is against the pet cloning whose every day is given
arguments on why people wants to do a reproduction of an animal companion.There
Research Paper On Mars Exploration Rover
ESS 102 Research Paper
Bo Wang In 2017, scientists discovered a planet hidden beyond Pluto, they named it
planet X. Twenty years has passed. In 2037, NASA decided to launch a robotic
mission on planet X. The goal of the mission is to find the existence of water and
detecting the major components of atmosphere and soil. The ultimate goal is to
determine whether planet X can become our second Earth. The science fiction paper
will be in the form of a log in the perspective of the space rover landed on Planet X.
Opportunity was launched in July 2003 for an exploration on Mars. Its mission was to
search for signs of past life on Mars [1]. In particular it was searching for geological
clues about the existence of water on Mars and whether Mars was wet enough to be
hospitable to life [2]. Opportunity was lucky that it landed close to a thin out crop of
rocks and it was able to find the evidence of existence of deep salty water flowed
over the area from those rocks [2]. Moreover, those rocks could also ... Show more
content on ...
Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity . NASA. RetrievedFebruary 2, 2014.
[2] California, United States. NASA. Jet Propulsion Laboratory. NASA Facts: Mars
Exploration Rover. NASA: Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of
Technology, Oct. 2004. Web. 29 Jan. 2016.
[3] Showstack,R., (2011), Mars Opportunity rover finds gypsum veins, Eos Trans.
AGU, 92(51), 479.
[4] Hamran, S. E., et al. The RIMFAX Ground Penetrating Radar on the Mars 2020
Rover. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. Vol. 1. 2014.
[5] Berthling, Ivar, et al. Rock glaciers on Prins Karls Forland. II: GPR soundings
and the development of internal structures. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 11.4
(2000): 357 369.
[6] Rapp, Donald, et al. The Mars oxygen ISRU experiment (MOXIE) on the Mars
2020 rover. Space forum. 2015.
[7] Beegle, Luther, et al. SHERLOC: scanning habitable environments with raman
luminescence for organics chemicals. Aerospace Conference, 2015 IEEE. IEEE,
Comparing Comparison And Contrast Of Alfred Hitchcock
Comparison and Contrast
Recently while watching two old film classics, Vertigo and Notorious, I found
myself thinking of other movies directed by Alfred Hitchcock. Most of his movies
have many things in common, while remaining completely independent of each other.
These two films have different plots, actors, and most obvious one is filmed in color
the other black and white. Which leads me to believe that Alfred Hitchcock really
knew what he was about; as a result his films all a have a distinctive theme about
them. Both films keep you in a state of anticipation as the stories unfold and reveal
the twist and turns that Alfred Hitchcock was famous for. Notorious was written in
1946 a year after World War II came to an end and the... Show more content on ...
The cinematography of each film was thought out and tells us the story. So dialogue
was not really needed, you could read the movies by listening to the music and
watching the shifting patterns of light and shadow. Alfred Hitchcock was famous
for using point of view shot, it is most noticeable in Notorious where Alicia in
lying in bed after a night of drinking and the camera follows her upside down, so
you feel a little unbalanced yourself while the scene is taking place. During the
movie Vertigo the way the camera angles, scenes, point of view shots and the story
itself creates the effect of the viewer having vertigo themselves. The music tells the
story in Vertigo, you know when something new happens or is about to, it was well
timed and must have taken awhile to get it right, timing must have been everything.
In Notorious the camera tells the story, the anticipation, you can feel the anxiety
mount in the scene where Alicia and Alex have a party, they invite T.R.Devlin
(played by Cary Grant) to attend. Before the party Alicia steals the key to the wine
cellar where the secret the German s are hiding is purported to be. The scene where
she is holding the key clutched in her hand, the camera zooms in, you can almost
see the sweat building in her palm as her body head heat sup the key and I am sure
the anxiety building in her heightens her awareness of that key. The camera zooms
totally into her hand, it s an amazing
Affluenz The All Consuming Epidemic By John De Graaf
Affluenza is defined as the need to consume and pursuit a high status in society. In
the book Affluenza: The All Consuming Epidemic by John de Graaf, David Wann,
and Thomas H. Naylor, the authors explain affluenza, and how it causes overwork,
personal stress, the erosion of family and community, high debt, and the growing
dissatisfaction for current living. A large contributor to affluenza is advertisement, a
tactic that encourages over consumption by purchasing items irrationally. The sports
industry has been taken over by advertisement, allowing corporations to take full
advantage of the satisfaction that sports entertainment brings to the fans.
The Super Bowl, an annual championship game of the National Football League
between the two best teams, one from the AFC and NFC division. This needs to be
explained because most would see the Super Bowl as a time slot for entertaining
commercials and an ad sponsored halftime show. According to Affluenza thirty
second slots during the Super Bowl have sold for much as $1.6 million each (155).
Of course this book is out dated, so the number has increased throughout the years.
The idea is still same; companies spend a fortune to buy all possible ad space. The
reason, the Super Bowl, frequently is the most watched American televised
broadcast of the year. Companies will continue to find ways to fit ads into the Super
Bowl by taking bits and pieces away from the game. Examples like the pre game,
halftime and post game shows, the
Essay On Margaret T. Canby Diary Entry
Diary Entry #9 (1892) This winter has really taken a toll on me and my life. For a
long time have I not been able to find the joy and happiness in my heart. I have
tried to read books but their special effect has evaded me. I feel that I am living in a
world of dread anxiety and doubt. At the source of this dread was a story I wrote
and sent to Mr. Anagnos of the Perkins Institution for the blind. The story was
titled, The Frost King and I wrote it for his birthday. Mr. Anagnos enjoyed his
present so much that he published it in a report at Perkins Institution.
Unfortunately when my story was read, it was almost identical to a story called
The Frost Fairies written by an author by the name of Margaret T. Canby who had
written the story years before I was born. The two stories were so alike that i was
sure it had been read to me and that my story was in fact a plagiarism. I was
devastated and I couldn t get past the fact that I had disgraced myself. Mr. Anagnos
was suspicious and was under the impression that Miss Sullivan and I had
purposely stolen someone else s work to win over his favor. I was brought before a
court made up of teachers and administration stalking my every move. They separated
me from Miss Sullivan and questioned me. With every question asked i could feel the
suspicion and disappointment in... Show more content on ...
We talk often in German about everyday things with ease. I have even been able to
read a full Novel, Wilhelm Tell in German this year with the highest Satisfaction. I
have progressed in German far greater than any other subject here at Wright
Humason. French on the other hand has been much more challenging to me as I
have studied with a french lady who did not know the manual alphabet which has
been a challenge. I have not been able to easily read her lips that is why my progress
has been much slower than any other
Mr. Brocklehurst In Charlotte Bronte s Jane Eyre
After Janes experiences with Mrs Reed and Master John Reed, Jane has gradually
learnt to have respect for herself and she discovers that those around her should
treat her no different. This skill is carried on into Lowood when she encounters
Helen Reed, Miss Temple and Mr Brocklehurst. Janes personal turning point is at
the time when she stands up for herself over Mrs Reed s false accusation that and
exclaims to Mrs Reed how much of a cruel and deceitful person she is. At her time
at Gateshead, Jane encounters a man who will indeed change her life in the near
future; this man is known as Mr Brocklehurst. A black pillar! such, at least,
appeared to me, at first sight, the straight, narrow, sable clad shape standing erect on
the rug; the grim face at the top was like a carved mask. Jane Eyre(Chapter 4, Page
53) The carved mask of his face suggest his inhumanity, as does jane s later
reference to him as the stony stranger. Unlike Jane who is associated with fire and
energy, Brocklehurst is cold and aloof at stone, someone with no passion and even
less compassion.... Show more content on ...
The interaction between both Mr Brocklehurst and Jane remind the readers of Jane s
general lack of respect for tyrannous authority figures; especially Mrs Reed. Jane s
inability to quietly accept fair treatment becomes pronounced in her interaction with
Mrs Reed. The cruel, hypocritical master of the Lowood Institute, Mr Brocklehurst
preaches a doctrine or privation, while stealing from the school to support his
luxurious lifestyle. After a typhus epidemic sweeps Lowood, Brocklehurst s shifty
and dishonest practices are brought to light and he is publicly discredited. Mr
Brocklehurst becomes a very controversial and important character that Jane
encounters early in the
The Importance Of Physical Activity On Academic
The focus of this literature review is upon the whether the physical activity of a
student has any impact on their academic performance. The reason I have chosen this
topic is because I aim to be heavily involved within extracurricular sports teams
during my career as a teacher, and therefore have an interest within this field. The
importance of living a healthy and active lifestyle is often reiterated within the media,
with current government recommendations suggesting that adults (19 65) should
participate in at least 30 minutes of moderate activity daily, while it is suggested
children youth (5 17) partake in at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity
physical activity daily (, 2017). However recent years have seen a decline in
the amount of physical activity undertaken by the youth of today, with this often
being attributed to the expansion of television and the development of computers and
video games (Epstien et al., 2008) Within the United Kingdom, it is up to individual
schools to determine how much time each student is allocated to Physical Education,
with 2 hours being the recommendation from KS1 KS4. The heavy pressures placed
on schools by national league tables and examinations have often resulted in these
allocated times for physical activity being replaced by Instructional English,
Mathematics and Science lessons (Wilkins et al., 2003) to improve the school s
national standings results. Individual children, often of secondary school
Procedural Knowledge From Bloom s Taxonomy
The objective that I have chosen is procedural knowledge. Procedural knowledge
involves how to do something, methods of inquiry, and criteria for using skills,
algorithms, techniques, and methods (Billings Halstead, 2016, p. 252). The
procedural addresses how to do something, allows for questions and addresses criteria
for skills, algorithms, techniques and methods (Center for Innovation in Teaching
Learning, 2014). Having a studentfrom Molloy College for the next five weeks, the
procedural objective from Bloom s taxonomy would be appropriate. The student will
learn using demonstration of the task, algorithms, procedure manuals, college
requirements and hospital policies. Bloom has three areas of learning and they
consist of
The Fusion Of Spinal Fusion
Spinal fusion is categorized into three different categories: cervical, thoracic, and
lumbar, in conjunction with the different segments of the spine. Each type of spinal
fusion has a different goal depending on the purpose of the surgery. Most surgeries
involve fusing vertebrae together to limit its range of motion, thereby hopefully
reducing the pain or correcting any physical deformities. Depending on the levels of
fusion, spinal fusion surgeries tend to last a few hours. Complications may arise
during surgery, and they greatly increase depending the location of the fusion,
levels of fusion, and if the surgery crosses any important nerve sites. Levels of
spinal fusion are known as the fusion between two different vertebrae. If there is a
fusion between L1 and L2, that is known as one level of fusion. If there is another
site of fusion at L3 and L4, than there will be two levels of spinal fusion. Lumbar
fusion are further complicated when more then one level of performed. By limiting
one segment s range of motion, other segments of the spine will have to compensate
and create greater range of motion. With lumbar fusion, most doctors will need to be
able to identify why a patient needs lumbar fusion, and being able to identify if
lumbar fusion will help alleviate the pain. Most cases of lumbar fusion involve
spondylolisthesis, fractures, spinal stenosis, scoliosis, and possibly herniated disk if
no other further treatment has proven successful. Most physicians will order an
Why Did Magellan Voyage Dbq
Ferdinand Magellan is the son of Portuguese nobility and a student of cartography
and astronomy. Magellan had a goal to discover a western sea route through the
Americans that led to the Spice Islands. Throughout this voyage Magellan wanted
more such as his own fleet which was refused to be given by the King of Portugal.
Instead, the Spanish king provided an armada or fleet or ships of five. Magellan
employed a group of men in their teenage years and twenties which later staged a
mutiny. Within the armada Magellan was the oldest in the group he was about the
age of forty, most men did not live past fifty. Magellan had a simple plan. His plan
was to sail out south and then west across the Atlantic, find a narrow passage of water
connecting... Show more content on ...
Magellan had clever navigational skills to guide the fleet as expressed in
Document C, Magellan even relied on the taste of seawater to guide his fleet. As
the water became fresher, he knew he was traveling inland, and once it turned
salty, he realize he was approaching the Pacific on the western side of the strait. As
far as Magellan s voyage to discover a western sea route to Spice Islands, he was
shrewd to be able to develop such navigational skills to determine which direction
the fleet was flowing. As stated in Document C, In addition, he regularly sent
small scouting parties in long boats. Sending out small leagues in long boats and
small boats were beneficial because the process of getting through straits was
quicker. In order to prepare for any obstacle, Magellan was always prepared. As
presented in Document C, He ordered lookouts scrambling to the highest perch on
the ships, where they could see the waterways and obstacles that lay ahead.
Magellan sending of his crew members to the highest perch on the ship is yet risky,
but also has an advantage so the helmsman can be prepared for difficult obstacles
along way of their destination. Some of these obstacles included diseases like scurvy.
Document D states, Magellan and his officers seemed immune to scurvy, a
Essay on ARC model in euro crisis
The total numbers of words: 3037
Accountability Representation control in Euro Crisis
Compared with the worldwide financial crisis happened since 2008, the European
sovereign debt crisis has been the most serious problem for the ECM. This crisis,
also called the Euro Crisis , has been regarded as the most serious financial crisis at
least since 1930s. This crisis began with the Greek fiscal crisis in the autumn of
2009, and then it evolved into the PIIGS Crisis five main European countries
namely Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain were not able to gain enough
economic growth in order to pay their debt obligations, and this is why it s called ...
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According to William. G. Ouchi (1980), control has three mechanisms market,
bureaucracy and clan; market controls are based on prices, demands and supplies to
assess equilibrium. Bureaucracy controls involve acts of bureaucracy mechanism
such as policies, rules to evaluate performance; and clan controls control behavior
through social values and beliefs. Thus looking at the above classification, accounting
control should be bureaucracy control.
Euro Crisis
The intricacy of European sovereign debt crisis is about the euro system. In 1991,
there was a proposal among European countries (ECM) for common currency in
order to benefit the entire development of these countries and even compete with the
increasingly powerful America. Finally in 1999, 11 euro area countries adopted a
single currency the Euro, which means the birth of Euro system.
The Euro system s main function is to define and implement the euro area s monetary
policy. Its basic tasks include achieving price stability; holding foreign exchange
operations; managing the official foreign reserves of participating EU countries;
driving on the operation of payment systems; and conducting the policies of
governmental responsible for the prudential supervision of credit institutions and the
stability of the
Restricted Free Agent Fever Case Study
With all the free agent fever that spreads among basketball enthusiasts this time of
year, it is important to make sure we understand how the process works. A casual fan
probably knows the term free agent , but may not know the different layers within the
free agent pool.
An unrestricted free agent is able to sign with any team he chooses, hence the term
unrestricted. While a restricted free agent s original team has the opportunity to
keep the player by matching other teams offer. Teams in pursuit of a restricted free
agent can sign that player to an offer sheet. If he signs it, the original team has seven
days to match the offer and keep the player.
So in short, the teams have the power to control a restricted free agent s future. This
makes the process that much more intriguing, because it shows how valuable a ...
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But throughout his career, Jackson has struggled to get to the free throw line (1.8
attempts per game) and hit threes (career 29.4 percent shooter). Though it was a
small sample size, he thrived with the Detroit Pistons as their full time point guard.
They seem intent on matching any offers for the 25 year old point guard, as reports
are Brandon Jennings is on the trade block. I d be surprised if Detroit doesn t lock
him up for a long term deal.
Khris Middleton, SG, Milwaukee Bucks
Reports are that the Milwaukee Bucks are going to match any offer for Middleton. I
think it would be smart as the young guard shows promise. I think he ll remain with
Milwaukee for at least three years. Any team in need of shooting could use his
services though.
Tristan Thompson, PF, Cleveland Cavaliers
Proved his worth in the NBA Finals. Whether Love stays or goes, Thompson has a
big pay day coming from
Effective Questioning Is Essential For Teachers For...
Effective questioning is essential for teachers to enable effective learning within the
classroom (Dillon and Dillon 1998). It helps teachers gain an insight of what
children are thinking also allowing them to analyse the quality of the children s
answers (Perrot 1996). In the medium term plan a range of questioning is used
including closed and open ended questions. Open ended questions allow children to
give a more cognitive answer(Redfield and Rousseau 1981) as they encourage
thinking skills (Cockburn and Handscomb 2011) meaning teachers can gain a wider
range of answers from the children. This allows them to gain a deeper
understanding of children s individual knowledge (De Boo 2004) as well as helping
assess children s progress from the questiontypes (Tizard and Huges 1984). Linking
open ended questions to the National Curriculum is an effective way to use
questioning to assess children checking that they are meeting the guidelines and
are able to progress (Hudson 2013). Closed questions on the other hand allow
children to give simple answers that are either right or wrong (Barnes et al 1986;
Dillon and Dillon 1998). It has been found that a lot of teachers use closed
questions because of the simplicity of the answers children can give (Bloom 1956),
but Barnes et at (1986) argues that they can cause more anxiety and loss of self
confidence in children as they feel pressured to give the correct answer. In the
medium term plan any closed questions are closely followed
Waimea Canyon Essay
Waimea Canyon, also known as the Grand Canyon of the Pacific, is a large
canyon, approximately ten miles (16 km) long and up to 3,000 feet (900 m) deep,
located on the western side of KauaК»i in the Hawaiian Islands of the United
States. Waimea is Hawaiian for reddish water , a reference to the erosion of the
canyon s red soil.[1] The canyon was formed by a deep incision of the Waimea River
arising from the extreme rainfall on the island s central peak, Mount WaiК»aleК»ale,
among the wettest places on earth.
Geologically the canyon is carved into the tholeiitic and post shield calc alkaline
lavas of the canyon basalt. The lavas of the canyon provide evidence for massive
faulting and collapse in the early history of the island. The west side of the canyon
is all thin, west dipping lavas of the Napali Member, while the east side is very thick,
flat lying lavas of the Olokele and Makaweli Members. The two sides are separated
by an enormous fault along which a large part of the ... Show more content on ...
Like the other Hawaiian islands, KauaК»i is the top of an enormous volcano rising
from the ocean floor. With lava flows dated to about 5 million years ago, KauaК»i
is the oldest of the large Hawaiian islands. Roughly 4 million years ago, while
KauaК»i was still erupting almost continuously, a portion of the island collapsed.
This collapse formed a depression, which then filled with lava flows.
In the time since, rainwater from the slopes of Mount WaiК»aleК»ale have eroded
Waimea Canyon along one edge of the collapse. The cliffs on the west side of the
canyon are composed of thin lava flows that ran down the surface of the KauaК»i
volcano. On the other side of the canyon, the cliff walls are built from thick lava
flows that pooled in the depression. Over time, the exposed basalt has weathered
from its original black to bright
Feminism In Lysistrata
Lysistrata is centered around a strong willed woman named Lysistrata. She is tired of
the continuous war between Sparta and Athens, so she decides to take action.
Lysistrata devises up a plan to convince all of the Athenian women to deprive their
husbands of sex to end the Peloponnesian War.
Most of the Athenian women cannot go along with the idea. At this time, sex is
considered to be a women s main pleasure in life. Naturally, the thought of boycotting
sex is outrageous. Eventually, Lysistrata is able to change their minds and exploit
every man s weakness; therefore, the Spartan and Athenian men give up and put an
end to the war. The same techniques Lysistrata used to construct a successful boycott
can still be applied to more recent issues, such as recent disrespect from the NFL.
The NFL has become increasingly political since Colin Kaepernick captured the
mainstream media s attention by sitting during the national anthem. Kaepernick
publicly spoke about the occurrence, saying he would not show respect for a nation
of racial prejudice.
Other players have joined Kaepernick which has recently caught the attention of
President Donald Trump. Trump recited a speech responding to the NFL, telling
NFL coaches they should fire any player who disrespects the American flag by
kneeling. Unfortunately, Trump s remarks have only worsened the situation. More
players have been seen kneeling since Trump s speech. In addition, many NFL
coaches have shamed Trump s remarks.
As a result, some football fans have turned off the television, saying that kneeling
during the national anthem is anti American. Even though people are entitled to
freedom of speech, religion and press, NFL football players relinquish some of their
rights to these freedoms when they step out onto the football field.
In order to successfully stop the NFL players from kneeling, football fans must act
as Lysistrata did. They must convince others to join them by creating a social
platform to draw attention to the issue. There is a better chance for the issue to be
addressed if it receives more media coverage.
Lysistrata s plan was successful because she was able to convince the Athenian
women to deprive their husbands of one thing they could not live

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  • 1. Writing An Essay For Scholarships Embarking on the task of composing an essay on the subject of "Writing An Essay For Scholarships" may initially appear deceptively straightforward, but as one delves into the intricate layers of this process, the complexity becomes increasingly apparent. Crafting an essay that not only encapsulates one's achievements, aspirations, and uniqueness but also aligns seamlessly with the expectations of scholarship committees is a multifaceted challenge. To begin with, the writer must grapple with the dual challenge of self-promotion and humility. Balancing the depiction of personal accomplishments without veering into self-aggrandizement requires a delicate touch. The task involves introspection, self-awareness, and the ability to convey one's strengths convincingly. Striking this balance can be particularly challenging, as it requires a nuanced understanding of one's achievements and their relevance to the scholarship's criteria. Moreover, the essay demands a keen understanding of the specific scholarship's requirements. Each opportunity may have distinct criteria, values, or expectations that necessitate tailored responses. Consequently, the writer must meticulously research each scholarship, aligning their essay with the unique qualities sought by the granting organization. This not only demands time but also a high level of attention to detail. The challenge extends to the creative aspect of writing as well. Crafting a narrative that is not only compelling but also authentic requires a deep dive into one's personal experiences. This process is inherently introspective and may evoke emotions that add to the difficulty of maintaining an objective and coherent narrative. Time management is yet another hurdle. Juggling the demands of daily life, academic commitments, and the scholarship essay can be an arduous task. Meeting deadlines without compromising the quality of the essay is a constant struggle, demanding effective planning and organizational skills. In conclusion, writing an essay for scholarships is a formidable task that encompasses a myriad of challenges. From striking the delicate balance between self-promotion and humility to tailoring responses to the specific requirements of each scholarship, the process demands a combination of introspection, research, creativity, and time management. It is an intricate dance that requires a writer's utmost dedication and perseverance. For those seeking assistance in navigating this challenging terrain, it's worth noting that similar essays and much more can be ordered on, providing a valuable resource for individuals looking to enhance their chances in the competitive realm of scholarship applications. Writing An Essay For ScholarshipsWriting An Essay For Scholarships
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  • 3. The Science Of A Memory Memory is something that is essential to our daily lives. Creating and retrieving memories is something that happens without us knowing; subconscious remembrance of events allows us to remember our friend s name, a favorite baseball or football team, or what city we live in without needing to ask others or consult the internet. Even if we were to ask others a question about something, without memory we would forget the answer to the question we had asked immediately after they had told us, which would be quite a confusing and annoying situation for both parties involved. Without memory, we would have no concept of what is the past and what is the future, which would lead to a very different perception of reality than what we are used to. It should be noted; however, that there is a definite science for memory. As previously mentioned, memories can be encoded subconsciously (without our awareness), and also consciously. This paper will focus on the science of increasing the effectiveness of conscious memory, that is, memory that we intentionally try to encode into our minds with the purpose of a later retrieval. The main idea from Chapter 6 Tips from the Science of Memory for Studying and for Life is that people at the individual level need to optimize memorization techniques that best work for themselves. According to the textbook, the most effective way to memorize, regardless of memory model, is by thinking deeply about the material of life and connecting the
  • 4. Characterization Of Hannibal Lecter Dr. Hannibal Lecter. It is a name that strikes terror in the hearts of all readers and movie watchers alike. Said to be the most widely feared and awed fictional psychopaths of all times, he is a highly qualified psychiatrist who eats people for the sake of amusement. But even with his cannibalistic nature, the author Thomas Harris does not portray Dr. Lecter as the antagonist of his book, The Silence of the Lambs; he is more of a middleman, who though imprisoned hasn t lost his impeccably polite ways, his mannerisms sometimes making you question whether he is actually crazy at all. He makes eating another man s liver sound as though he were just eating another delicacy from his favorite restaurant. He is a man capable of creating headlines... Show more content on ... They signify the metamorphosis of his character into that of a woman with each skinning and the death of his older self whom he had grown to hate. His obsession with changing himself provides great insight into what drove him to such madness. Thomas Harris s latest introduction to the book featuring in the 25th year edition gives us a glance into the creation of the character of Hannibal Lecter, inspired from a man that he met in a mental institution years earlier. He also further explains how his childhood memories influenced the building of Clarice Starling s personality. A book that maintains suspense throughout with two frightening, evil and inhuman villains and a flawed, human and yet extremely idealistic female protagonist with the perspective of no one in particular makes it an extremely great read, even for those who have watched the movie and can t get Anthony Hopkins superb portrayal of the mad doctor out of their head. It definitely improved my perception of the human mind and broadened my outlook on the
  • 5. Lorraine Hansberry Essay Her first play, A Raisin In the Sun, is based on her childhood experiences of desegregating a white neighborhood. It won the New York Drama Critic s Circle Award as Best Play of the Year. She was the youngest American, the fifth woman and the first black to win the award. Her success opened the floodgates for a generation of modern black actors and writers who were influenced and encouraged by her writing. Hansberry was born in 1930, the youngest of four children of Carl and Nannie Hansberry, a respected and successful black family in Chicago, Illinois. Nannie was the college educated daughter of an African Methodist Episcopal minister, and Carl was a successful real estate businessman, an inventor and a politician who ran for congress ... Show more content on ... Cover of A Raisin in the Sun Hansberry used the success of A Raisin In the Sun as a platform to speak out for the American Civil Rights Movement and for the African struggle to free itself from white rule. She helped raise money, gave impassioned speeches and took part in panels and interviews to further these causes. After her initial success she lived only six years and was able to complete only one more play, a movie and a television script which was too racially controversial to be aired. Her second play, The Sign in Sidney Brustein s Window, was received with mixed reviews and kept open for 101 performances only by the contributions and support of the theatre community. It closed the night she died at 34 from cancer. After her death Nemiroff finished and produced her final work, Les Blancs, a play about African liberation. Hansberry had begun to claim her identity as a lesbian in a 1957 letter to a lesbian periodical, The Ladder. This information and her 1964 divorce from Nemiroff was not widely known at the time of her death. In 1965 the Gay Liberation Movement did not exist and a woman could not claim such an identity without major reprisals. It was not until the 1980s that feminist scholars began connecting
  • 6. Pet Food Recall Of Pet Pets I remember the first night the news announced the pet food recall. I jumped up and got online quickly to make sure the food I feed my pets was not on the list. Thank goodness it wasn t. But that doesn t mean that I don t still worry about it. I m still feeding them the same food, but I am watching my pets very closely for any abnormal behavior at all. I m sure many pet owners are doing the same. But I did decide I could do one thing for my dogs and that is to make them some dogbiscuits myself. That way, I know what is going into the ingredients and if anything is tainted, it will make me sick, too. Most of the ingredients for these homemade dog biscuits are items already in my kitchen. A few years ago, my sister had given me a dog biscuit set. I ve used it a couple of times, then put it up and forgot about it. Now, I ve pulled it out again. The company s name is You Bake Em Dog Biscuits with P.C. Edge s World Famous Recipes . It came with three cookie cutters: a fire hydrant, a bone and of course a cat. It also included a mini book with tips on caring for your dog and several recipes. Making them is simple and quick, so I thought I d share a few of the recipes. Dog Treat Special (10 bark rating) 1 lb. raw beef liver, sliced 3 cups water 1 cup self rising cornmeal mix or rice flour 1/4 cup quick cooking oatmeal 1/2 cup whole wheat flour 1/2 cup all purpose flour 1 tsp. garlic powder 1 tbsp. brown sugar 2 tbsp. canola oil 1 egg,
  • 7. Mkts Strategy TYPES OF MARKETING STRATEGIES MARKET LEADER STRATEGIES 1. Expand total market 2. Defend market share 3. Expand market share MARKET CHALLENGER STRATEGIES 1. Define strategic objective and opponents 2. Choosing an attack strategy MARKET FOLLOWER STRATEGIES MARKET NICHE STRATEGIES ================ A. 1. MARKET LEADER STRATEGIES EXPAND TOTAL MARKET New Users E.g.: perfume: non users (mkt penetration strat) men (new market strat) other countries (geo expan strat) E.g.: J J Baby shampoo: birthrate declining ads target adults leading brand New uses Cereals: as snacks increase frequency of use OJ: not for breakfast anymore Du Pont nylon: parachute pantyhose blouses shirts auto tires seat belts ... Show more content on ... provoking antitrust action or anti dumping charge b. economic cost beyond optimal MS ,i.e. inverted U curve WHY: legal costs, fight off competitors losing MS, PR problems, legal problems c. wrong marketing mix strategy Recent case: UPS strike reveals vulnerability buyers want multiple vendors unattractive mkt segments strategy: selectively decrease MS in weaker areas Conditions when MS and P go together: a. Unit costs fall with increased MS real gains in economies of scale cost/experience curves, Intel: significant improvements in both product and process innovations, and large capital investment in new plants b. Target Premium segment: premium price covers cost of offering higher quality MB /BMW strategy B. MARKET CHALLENGER STRATEGIES Targets of attack: conditions for success 1. Mkt leader not in tune with mkt: vulnerable dissatisfied customers technology shifted Intel Microsoft Vs IBM 2. firm its own size underfinanced, not doing job 3. small and regional firms underfinanced Attack strategies: 1. Frontal attack: head on attack: condition : the principleof force 3:1 advantage attacker matches opponent along all parts of MM Cases: Shampoo/conditioner mkt 1977 SCJohnson s entry in shampoo mkt with Agree: raided Colgate others for exper executives $14M promo blitz; 30M sample bottles of conditioner too Results: 1978 MS=15%; 1979 MS=20%
  • 8. The Ethical Implications Of Eating Meat What is the ideal doneness of a burger? Some may claim that well done is the best, others may like medium rare. While this is one of the most common questions asked in regards to meat eating, there is an even more important one that everyone should be asking. What are the ethical implications of eating meat? This oft debated question has been obscured, especially in recent years, by the outcry for the humane treatment of animals being raised for food. There have been many recent documentaries, books, and debates about how these animals sometimes never see sunlight before they are slaughtered, among many other abusive treatments. In his essay, Animal, Vegetable, Miserable, Gary Steiner raises this issue of the morality of meat eating and challenges the readers to question their own views on this topic. Regardless of the morality of eating meat or using animal products, Steiner does not support his claim strongly enough to be accepted. In Animal, Vegetable, Miserable, Gary Steiner argues against the eating, or using, of animals and animal products. Steiner is the author of multiple books on topics similar to this, and a dedicated vegan of fifteen years at the time of this article. The author begins with an allusion to the recent outcries for the humane treatment of animals being raised for food. However, he points out, no one seems to be concerned about the animalsbeing slaughtered, merely that they were not abused beforehand. Steiner then goes on to explain the two main
  • 9. Nuclear Warheads Research Paper Today on Earth there are all kinds of destruction that people play in today s society that could lead to a total global breakdown of are civilization. Today there are all kinds of different ways that it could happen; every country has nuclear warheads, are farmland is depleting rapidly because they are being used to house are growing population. And the Doomsday Clock says it all. One thing that could lead are plaint to Doomsday is that ever single county has conformed to have nuclear warheads that can be shot and kill millions of people that have done nothing wrong. One of the big story s about all the nuclear problem is the leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Um. Kim has calmed that his country has the nuclear power to reach from North
  • 10. A Contemporary Healthcare Issue Of America Each of the minorities showed some type of a Contemporary Healthcare Issue. From the America Indian/Alaska Native Tribe who felt as though they were being underserviced, to African Americans who were receiving less or no healthcare service because of the color of their skin and whether or not whites receive better care than minorities when it came to receiving proper healthcare when admitted to a hospital for services. American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) Tribes It has been over 110 years since the United States entered into a treaty agreement with the Native Indian and Alaska Native Tribes. The reason for this treaty agreement was so that the United States could gain access to their land in return of receiving certain services. Initially the treaty was set up to provide these individuals with adequate housing, education and healthcare. This was considered a legal binding agreement between the federal government and the tribal nation. Congress enacted the Snyder Act to comply with the treaty in 1921 before initiating this act the American Indian and Alaska Native tribe had a program called the Indian health program which was an agency under the Department of Interior. Indian health program was replaced by the Snyder Act that became the first law that was set in place to allocate funds to these tribal groups to cover all aspects of healthcare on a recurring basis. Overall these years there has been improvements to this treaty. In 1954 the Public Health Service took
  • 11. Vegans Are People Who Shun All Animal Products From Their... Vegans are people who shun all animal products from their clothes, diet, and even other personal items they may use. Finding animal friendly related gifts can be hard to find at times, but have no fear here are some ideas listed below. 1. Shoes A good place to order shoes for vegans would be to visit They have saved the Vegan shopper the confusion of sifting through hundreds of shoes that may not include leather, but are not explicitly Vegan. Also by using modern technology they given vegans the privilege of offering these animal free substitutes without sacrificing longevity or performance. 2.Veglife If your friend is a health nut you can get him or her a vegan supplement called Veglife. It is a supplement that is suitable for even the most strictest vegan and contains no gelatin. To find Veglife related products go to 3. Smore Pies Yep smore pies these tasty treats have vegan marshmallow inside of them and the chocolate in the pie is just heavenly if your friend has a sweet tooth then check out this treat at 4.Lip Balm The best vegan lip balm I have tried so far would be from Merry Hempsters. The Lip Balms are made from organic hempseed oil that is a great relief for parched lips. 5. Body Shimmers Herbs Of Grace Mineral Makeup Body Shimmers add extra sparkle to your skin with just a light dusting and is easy to apply. This is one fantastic vegan friendly make up product. 6. Herb Hair
  • 12. Symptoms And Treatment Of Psoriasis Etiology Psoriasis is a common (2% to 3% of the population), benign and life long chronic inflammatory skin condition involving the skin, scalp, nails and sometimes joints (Mahajan Handa, 2013). It is genetically transmitted with a 30% increased risk of first degree relatives developing psoriasis and a 72% concordance between monozygotic twins (Habif, 2010; Mahajan Handa, 2013). A genetic and hereditary (autosomal dominant with 60% penetration) basis for psoriasis is supported by the presence of certain major histocompatibility complex antigens, HLAs A1, B13, B17, B37, DR7, in certain psoriasis patients (Mahajan Handa, 2013). Genetically, two forms of psoriasis [Type I and II] have been proposed: HLA Cw6, the strongest of the histocompatibility complexes, is found in approximately 85% of Type I (hereditary, age onset of 16 to 22 years, follows an irregular course before generalizing) and in approximately 15% of Type II (sporadic, peak incidence of 60 years old) psoriasis patients (Mahajan Handa, 2013). Known environmental factors modify the course and severity of the disease: Psysocial stress, obesity, HIV, physical trauma (Koebner phenomenon), streptococcus and candida infections, dyslipidemia, medications (lithium, beta blocking agents, antimalarial agents, corticosteroid withdrawal, NSAIDs and tetracyclines), winter season, alcohol abuse and tobacco use can all exacerbate or trigger psoriasis in a genetically predisposed person (Habif et al., 2011; Habif,
  • 13. Human Improduction And The Process Of The Human... Human Reproduction is a process in which a new human is created. It is essential because it is needed in order to sustain our population and ensure our species survival. The male reproductive system contributes sperm, the male sex cell, this sex cell contains 23 chromosomes. The male reproductive system is also in charge of releasing the sperm into the female s vagina and make sure that it reaches the female s egg. The female reproductive system is in charge of creating egg cells, the female reproductive sex cell containing 23 chromosomes. The female reproductive system is also in charge of making sure fertilization, implantation and that the embryo successfully develops and is born. The male reproductive system is in charge of making healthy sperm(male sex cell) and making sure that it successfully reaches the egg of the female. As most systems are, the male reproductive system is a combination of many components. It all starts at the seminiferous tubules within the testes, where the sperm is created, however, the testes create hormones that regulate the production of sperm. Surrounding the testes is the scrotum, a sac of skin that keeps the sperm at about 3 degrees Celsius below body temperature. After the sperm matures, it is stored in the epididymis until ejaculation occurs, during ejaculation, the epididymis contracts, releasing the sperm into the vas deferens, a long tube that connects the urethra and the epididymis. The sperm then passes by 3 glands, the seminal vesicle which provides sugars, the prostate gland which provides an alkaline fluid for protection and finally the Cowper s gland which provides a lubricant for the sperm to travel in. This mixture of substances, called semen is ejaculated out the urethra and finally the penis and hopefully into the female s reproductive system. However the penis must be erect for the sperm to successfully enter the female s vagina, this is where erectile tissue comes in, the tissue is inflated with blood, keeping the penis erect and ensuring that the sperm enters the vagina. The female reproductive system is in charge of creating eggs and ensuring the development of the embryo into a fully grown fetus. Just like the male reproductive system, the female
  • 14. The Gamble, John Sides And Lynn Vavreck Political campaigning is now the full fledged live version of chess, with pawns, queens and kings, but is all this parading and strategizing actually important? What is even the purpose behind political campaigns; is it to inform the public about a candidate or through clever means to win an election at all costs? The truth of the matter is that campaigns do actually serve an important purpose in the political world of America. Its purpose is to help inform voters about candidates and to improve the number of voters at the polling place. In order for these goals to be achieved there needs to be a clear platform upon which the campaign is built. In the book The Gamble, John Sides and Lynn Vavreck write that a successful campaign takes advantage of the fundamentals, national conditions that set the stage for the campaign, (2). These fundamentals are conditions that the candidate has no control over, like the economy, their opponent, obstacles or opportunities, and how the candidate reacts to them affect their ability to be elected (Sides and Vavreck 2). It is upon these fundamentals that a campaign is built. They inform political stances and future decisions of the campaign, which makes them an important foundation. Though these fundamentals are key to the survival of a campaign, equally if not more so, as Professor David Parker has stated, unless the candidate has name recognition the campaign is a lost cause (Parker, 2016). A successful candidate that isn t already
  • 15. Analysis Of The Film Kung Fu Panda Brayan Hernandez SBVC F17 Soc 100 ALTERNATIVE MOVIE term paper Sociology has caused a major impact in all types of things varying from books to movies and much more throughout the years. The main focus on this paper will be on the film Kung Fu Panda and how it demonstrates tons of sociological aspects that benefit the audience in understanding society. During the film Kung Fu Panda statuses and roles (OSW, Pg.132) were introduced and given to each individual. A status is a type of position or place and a role is how you act or are supposed to act, these terms are seen in all types of groups. During the beginning of the film KFP the main character was apart of the out group not being accepted and feeling a sense of unbelonging (OSW, Pg. 137) towards The Awesome Five warriors group who live together with the same purpose in mind of protecting the village from all threats a classic example of an in group, where the warriors feel loyalty and belonging with one another (OSW, Pg. 137). Over an extensive amount of training the TAF warriors gained a high status and an important role for the village with each individual possessing unique talents / abilities. The group being so prestigious and noble does not allow any new members and for this reason it s virtually impossible for the anyone to get in. In addition to the unwillingness of acceptance of any new member trying to enter the group they train nonstop to eliminate threats like Tai Lung the main antagonist. Po Ping the main
  • 16. Wisdom According to the Bible Essay Wisdom According to the Bible What does it mean to have wisdom? Some may say to be wise is to have enough knowledge and good judgment to make well thought out life decisions. Wisdom is a common term mentioned throughout out the New Testament Epistles and the entire Bible. The Bible has a lot to say about wisdom and knowledge. It talks about ways to be wise and ways to be foolish. Through out the Bible there seems to be different types of wisdom and it is described in different ways. Analyzing all types of wisdom and knowledge will help us decide what the Bible means to be wise. First let us look at what the Old Testamenthas to say about wisdom. The book of Job says that wisdom can not be found on land or in the sea. It can ... Show more content on ... The foolish do not disperse (or give) knowledge and instruction to others. They do not raise their children in Godly ways. In all understanding the Old Testament tells us that the basic foolish man does not want or give knowledge and delights in disobeying the teaching s of God s word. So what does the New Testament have to say about wisdom? Jesus spoke about wisdom with some of his parables. The parable of the wise and foolish builders is interpreted to be about obeying the word of the Lord. The wise man who builds his house on the rock with a foundation is the one who listens and obeys God s word. The foolish builder does not listen to God s word and he builds his house on the sand with no foundation. The parable of the rich fool tells us to avoid greediness and be giving and store up heavenly treasures rather than earthly ones. Lastly there is the parable of the 10 virgins. Some of them were not wise enough to bring enough lamp oil for the night. So when the bridegroom came, the virgins were away to find more oil. Meaning that a wise man will be ready for Christ s return. The Epistles talk about wisdom in other ways too. In the letters to the Corinthians we lean much about wisdom and knowledge. They say the wisdom of God is a mystery. It being so great that man cannot understand the amount. It tells us to be wise in the knowledge of God s word because Satan will take advantage of our ignorance of his ways. If a foolish
  • 17. Descriptive Essay On Rain As I sat on the damp earth of the woods and watched the first few raindrops of the day fall, a realization struck me there is absolutely nothing I can do about the weather. I referenced the weather forecast and planned my outfit the night before; I wore a raincoat and plenty of layers. Nonetheless, I quickly found myself shivering. I could not add layers in the woodsof course, so instead I focused on my surroundings to distract myself from the cold. I noticed that as the rainfell, the potomac continued to run. The leaves of the plants around me did not try to resist the rain, instead they dipped and gracefully returned to their proud stance with each raindrop, as though the plants were respectfully bowing to the flat white sky above. The forest floor embraced the rain with a quiet rhythm. The rain fell heavier, and with it the whole park seemed to come alive. It became difficult to open my eyes with the rain so I started to squint. Then, when I was comfortable enough, I closed my eyes completely and leaned into the smell of fresh earth and the sound of the rainy symphony. If I had not taken notice of my surroundings the field trip would have ended right there for me. Not simply because it is unpleasant to be cold and wet, but because I would have been so focused on the shift in plans that I would not have truly experienced the solo time. This school year has demanded a lot more from me than others in terms of time management. I have to plan out every detail of every day
  • 18. The Discovery Of Gene Therapy The word science comes from the Latin word to know (Science Made Simple, 2014). In 1953, Watson and Crick discovered one of the biggest mysteries of the human body; the DNA double helix (Nobel, 2014). The discovery reshaped biology and the way scientists viewed how biological information was stored and processed (Nobel Prize. org, 2014). Once the double helix was discovered new information about genes and protein synthesis quickly followed (NLM, 2014). This new knowledge about genes made scientists look at the biological processes in new ways (Nobel, 2014). One of the biggest breakthroughs was the development Gene Therapy. This paper will demonstrate how Gene Therapyis an important step in revolutionizing medicine and treating disease. It is believed that Gene Therapy holds the key to permanently curing disease. Gene Therapy Researchers have been trying to find new ways to cure disease for centuries. Gene Therapy seems to hold the key to make this a reality. Gene Therapy is still in its early stages and is still considered an experimental technique (NLM, 2014). Yet it holds the ability to treat and prevent disease (NLM, 2014). The procedure uses a corrected gene and inserts it into a person instead of using drugs or surgery (NLM, 2014). There are different techniques of Gene Therapy which could include replacing mutated genes with healthy genes or even introducing new genes into the body to help fight disease
  • 19. Sony Tries to Battle Its Way Back Up After a Huge Downfall... Executive Summary At the beginning of XXI century leading Japanese electronics manufacturer Sony Corporation faced operational and financial stagnation. Reported losses were huge even for such a big conglomerate as Sony, net income in 1999 fell to 121.83$ billion from 179$ billion in 1998 and following decrease continued till record 16.75$ billion in 2001. Shareholders worried as the stock price was falling down even though top management made some structural changes: assets were sold, work force was reduced by 17,000. Sony had the only choice to do some reformations in structure, strategy and innovative products because it was losing the war to its competitors in the market. Therefore, Transformation 60 was launched as a restructuring ... Show more content on ... Results of the report show that Sony is facing huge problems with integration of newly chosen strategy, synchronizing divisions of the company so they can operate based on internal information not rashly and financial problems due to loss of the leading position in the market and impossibility of future competition with other companies as they are always one step ahead. Considering restructure mode and newly chosen management company needs time to operate in line with its goals because current position can be described as lack of synchronization, communication and vision. After making SWOT analysis of Sony business model and reviewing whole current position, it is suggested Sony to create more precisely its future market strategy considering more production of more profitable products. Furthermore, company has to rely on its partners in creating innovative technologies because as it s known the only product ( CELL ) that could return Sony to the market was produced in jointly with Toshiba and IBM. Emphasizing on innovations such as convergence of entertainment and games can be profitable due to absence of such a product in the market but company has to hedge all its further risks because market is very dynamic and it cannot be predicted whether new product will bring profit or fail. In addition, progress in innovations along with reducing their manufacturing costs, acquire of new patents and improve of quality may return Sony to its
  • 20. Kelly Gadol Essay Almost immediately in her work she addresses Kelly Gadol s argument and its effects on the conclusions even in the early 2000s. Generally, she argues, the field of gender history agrees upon four tenets: the lack of a unified experience of early modern; temporalities and locations honed distinct gender roles; the call for each question posed for females to be answered for males rather than discussing the history of man outside of genderand as men ; and, quoting Joan Scott, gender is a primary way of signifying relationships of power . With these field wide conclusions established, she explores the three avenues of power surrounding the form to show students a world of early modern women and the field s state even with few sources extant.... Show more content on ... With heavy primary source research and her unique concept of early modern feminism, she allows for women and their supporters to interact with ideas of equality on an intellectual level comparable to women living in 2009 when the work published. Covering the likes of Pizan, Roper, and Mary Basset s educations in household academies in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. While Italian women generally wrote earlier than English women, Ross situates comparable situations in each subchapter to allow easier comparison and contrast. This layout provides an interesting look at the developmental and philosophical differences in the two countries and their world
  • 21. Examples Of Dysfunctional Relationships Dysfunctional People in Relationships Have you ever wondered why some people stay in a dysfunctional relationship? Dysfunctional relationships are relationships that do not perform their appropriate function. In The Yellow Wallpaper, The narrator is a doctor who although probably filled with good intentions, comes off seeming domineering. The narrator and her husband move into a manor for the summer to help her with her temporary nervous depression a slight hysterical tendency. Female patients were not to listened to by male patients, but because back then women were not in positions of power. The two main reasons why their relationship is dysfunctional is the way John treats the narrator and the fact that she has postpartum depression so she is not herself. The medical world has changed a lot since back then. For instance, there were no female doctors at that time. In the 1800 s, much was unknown in the terms of health. The mortality rate was high and life expectancy was low. Parents, rich or poor, had no way of combating the deadly diseases and infections that often took their children s lives. Deadly outbreaks of cholera ( an infection in the small intestine) to the flu were, understandably, a leading cause of death in children at the time. After all, children s immune systems are not fully developed and are therefore weaker in the terms of fighting off these fatal diseases. Medicine has advanced dramatically from the 1800 s to the present.Today, although not all children are healthy if any, foods available to them, the overall diet of children has improved. Also, with what is known about diseases and transmission, many deadly diseases are under control. Luckily, today it is much more common for people also have regular checkups with the doctor, from the time they are in the womb through adulthood. One reason why John and the narrator s relationship is dysfunctional is that John treats the narrator like a child. The relationship between the narrator and John is not overly loving, but unlike many people, I do not believe that John was intentionally trying to hurt her. John cares about his wife, he just refuses to admit that his own prescribed treatment may, in fact, be the wrong treatment. John
  • 22. Why Do Good People Do Bad Things Why do good people do bad things? (750 words) In this essay I will talk about the torturing of prisoners in Abu Ghraib. I will also write about the Stanley Milgrim Experiment and the Stanford Prison Experiment. All of these relate to one of the topics we have covered this term. There is an excellent example of uniforms influencing power in the Stanford Prison experiment which took place in1971, it was lead by Prof Zimbardo1 (see footnote) in which a group of students were selected to act as prison guards and prisoners in a fake prison. Even though the students who were selected to take part were completely aware it was a simulation, the experiment descended into chaos, the guards had started to torture the prisoners and even made the... Show more content on ... Overall I think that the Abu Ghraib incident was a seriously inhumane and unethical thing to do and I think the people that committed that crime were let off to easily and that the people that had it done to them should have some sort of compensation. With the Stanley Milgrim Experiment I think it shows that most people are willing to give people pain but not lots of pain and certainly not enough to inflict serious injury on someone. With the Stamford Prison Experiment I think it was right to be pulled off early as it could of progressed to something much
  • 23. Essay about Don t Touch My Mama Don t touch my Doritos. For the 2010 Super Bowl, Doritos put out a commercial that was titled House Rules . In this commercial a young man comes to take a beautiful young, single mother out for their first date. While the mother is out of the room putting up the flowers the man brought, the man sits down to socialize with the son. As the mansits down he picks up one of the son s Doritos, and just as he is about to put the chip in his mouth the son slaps him. After slapping the man the son says, Don t touch my mama, and don t touch my Doritos. This 2010 Super Bowl Doritos commercial is an example of visual rhetoric, because it appeals to the audience using pathos, ethos, and what the camera focuses to not just persuade the viewers... Show more content on ... Another technique this commercial uses is what the camera focuses on. When the camera is focused on the mother s back side from the mans point of view the creators are telling the audience what is really on the man s mind, and why the son says don t touch my mama. The creators do the same thing with the bowl of Doritos. The camera also zooms in on the game controller in the boy s hand. Through putting the focus on the boy dropping the game controller, the creators lets the audience know that things have just gotten serious and that something is about to happen. Aside from the different types of appeals, pathos and ethos, and camera focus; the creators are sending a couple of messages with the son s actions. The first message is to get your own Doritos and not take someone else s. This message comes across when the boy slaps the man and tells him to put his Dorito chip back in the bowl. By the son not being willing to share even one of his Doritos, the creators are telling the viewers not to share their Doritos with any one. The second message is that Doritos are just as important as mothers. The viewers can see this as the boy not only tells the man not to touch his mother but also to keep his hands off the boys Doritos. By doing this the boy in a way puts the Doritos on the same level of is mother making the chips just as import as the woman who gave birth to him. These techniques and hidden messages of the commercial make the commercial
  • 24. Vernon Project Proposal Sample MOUNT VERNON, Ky. Christian Appalachian Project (CAP) has partnered with a group of youth from 10 different LDS congregations in the Lexington area for the first time to serve in Rockcastle County. The youth conference consists of kids ages 14 18 doing various projects around CAP such as commodity distribution at Grateful Bread Food Pantry, preparing disaster relief bags on Williams St., sorting/steaming clothing donation for Grateful Threadz, and constructing ramps/benches at the housing barn in Mount Vernon. Once a year there is a conference like this to strengthen the kid s faith in Christ, allowing the kids to build important friendships, and serve the larger community. Having this youth conference with 80 100 kids exposes them to tasks they can do in their community to help out ... Show more content on ... Witnessing the youth give their time and effort to make sure that they finish each and every task they were assigned really showed their dedication and drive to helping people in need. I want to help change the lives of people in need, build relationships with my group members, and serving brings joy to my heart because I get to bring joy and peace to the lives of others, said Waveney Brooks, a volunteer from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. This isn t my first service trip, I have been on other service trips with my church like two years ago, and I went to Guatemala to help in their medical clinic and helped build a school. Grace Brooks, a volunteer from Tates Creek High School, expressed her impact on serving in Mount Vernon. I just want to help people that are in need. She helped her group as they put together ramps in the housing barn in Mount Vernon. Grace Brooks is the sister of Waveney Brooks, they both were a part of this service trip for the LDS youth
  • 25. Disadvantages Of Distilled Drinks Spirits or distilled beverages are types of alcoholic drinks which are produced by distillation of a mixture produced from alcoholic fermentation. Spirits are often called hard liquor or simply liquor . The distillation process of spirits excludes the diluting water component results in increasing the alcohol content in the drinks. Unlike, beer and wine, distilled spirits contain no added sugar and their ABV content is ~20%. Distilled spirits are the types of alcoholic beverages where the concentration of ethyl alcohol has been increased over and above that of the original fermented mixture. This is because yeast (the main component in fermentation) will not be able to survive higher alcohol levels and in order to create stronger spirits,... Show more content on ... It is a spirit produced by distilling wine, and is generally taken as an after dinner drink, or to warm the body during cold temperatures. Some of its varieties are allowed to age in wooden casks, or some are colored with caramel coloring to replicate the effect of aging, while others are produced as an outcome of these two processes. ABV ranges between 35% and 60%. Cognac is a variety of brandy which is made from the most expensive fruit plucked from Grande Champagne, Petite Champagne and Borderies, in France. The spirit is allowed to age in oak barrels. ABV ranges between 40% and 45%. Liqueurs are distilled alcoholic drinks which derives their flavor from fruits, cream, herbs, spices, flowers or nuts, and bottled with added sugar or other sweetener which may include high fructose corn syrup. Unlike brandy, liqueurs are not allowed to age for longer periods, but are allowed to rest for the ingredients to blend in. ABV ranges between 15% and 55%. Whiskey is merely beer which has been distilled. It is a distilled alcoholic beverage which is obtained from the fermented mash of grain, distilled at lower than 190 proof, and then allowed to age in oak containers. It ranges from Bourbon to rye to Canadian to Irish to Scotch, and others. ABV is quite high, ranging from
  • 26. John In Brave New World Try to imagine yourself in a utopian society where people are drugged to feel happy and you have no clue what is going on in the outside world around you. John also known as Savage tries to imagine what life would be like if he lived in the utopian society instead of the real world only to realize it isn t all that it seems. O brave new world, he repeated. O brave new world that has so much people in it. Let s start at once. (Huxley 139) John was born in the outside world, he wasn t born from a tube he came from a whomp, yet people didn t like him because his mother did come from a tube she was a part of the utopian society at one point. Along most of the story John is an outsider, he wasn t allowed to join in on the indian cultural... Show more content on ... In fact , said Mustapha Mond, you re claiming the right to be unhappy. All right then, said the Savage defiantly, I m claiming the right to be unhappy. (Huxley 240) John went to Mustapha Mond and requested to leave with Bernard to iceland and Mustapha Mond replied saying that was like asking to have the right to be unhappy so John said he wants them all. Even though Mustapha denied his request to go to iceland with Bernard John left in the helicopter and was dropped off at an abandoned lighthouse. John was discovered one day whipping himself by reservation guards they tried to stop him from whipping himself but he frightened them so they left but sent a reporter, John kicked the reporter and ended up in the paper giving away where he was staying so one day dozen of people showed up chanting for him to do the whip stunt again and to whip himself. What do you want with me? The whip, replied a hundred voices confusedly. Do the whipping stunt. Let s see the whipping stunt. (Huxley 256) John ended up doing it and in the end he killed himself, he was different than everyone else, he saw things people didn t dare to see for themselves. In conclusion John was just an outsider, left alone, no one included him in things because he was different but at the same time he was just like everyone else. John was born like everyone else at the reservation but they still didn t accept him because of his family. All John had was his mother Linda. John was like everyone else externally but internally he was diverse and that s what made John
  • 27. Controlled Fire During The Paleolithic Period Controlled Fire in the Paleolithic Period (2.6 million B.C. 10,000 B.C.) The origins of controlled fire go back to the Paleolithic Period, by early humans some of the evidence takes us all the way back to East Africa. The use of controlled fire was a big and important development for these early humans, this tool could be handled in so many ways not only provided them food but also shelter, and protection. The development of controlled fire meant that food could be haunted and cooked immediately so meat wouldn t rot. Because there were many hominids scared across the world controlled fire allowed them to defrost frozen meat in cold regions, this provided a more sterilized as well as nutritious diet. It could not only be used for meats ... Show more content on ... Clothing was part of these new developments, prehistoric clothing consisted of fur, grass, leaves and leather that were wrapped or tied to the body in order to protect from elements of the time. Archeologist have seen objects like handmade needles that were used to sew these clothing s in order to create different items to keep them warm and dry. A main disadvantage of most prehistoric clothing was that the materials would deteriorate quite fast, later on the next generation of humans found themselves creating more durable and wearable pieces of clothing. Neanderthals faced harsh climates there were parts of Northern Asia and Europe that had series of Ice ages, because of this man had to step up and create something to keep their body heat. With the creation of tools in order to hunt they found themselves hunting deer, mammoths and bears which provided large, thick and furry coats for them. At first their clothing tended to be simple by making holes in the head and arm area letting them drape all over their bodies. Later on it can be seen that they grew more and more sophisticated by creating strips to wrap their clothing in place sort of like belts. After Neanderthals there came the invention of the tunics by the Cro Magnon people they mainly consisted of skin from a given animal and it
  • 28. Terry Fox Short Biography Thirty two streets, one mountain, one thousand one hundred and sixty four cancer research grants and a colossal $451 737 662 have been invested in cancer research (Scrivener, 1.) However, Terry Fox is conquering the biggest mountain of them all: cancer. Terry hopes to raise awareness for a worthy but neglected cause and has now decided to run across Canada to fund a cure for cancer. Terry ran his marathon of hope with a prosthetic leg after receiving news that his right leg needed to be amputated fifteen centimeters above his right knee. Through his tremendous physical challenge, he has overcome the discomfort caused by his prosthetic leg. While running this marathon, Terry gives hope and inspiration to youth and adults combating cancer while... Show more content on ... He has truly conquered one of the greatest mountains of a lifetime, not homework, but cancer, although ultimately defeated at the end he never lost hope, passion and grace (Scrivener,1.) We now idolize the famous Canadian runner, a humanitarian and hero, Terry Fox. This report examined what made Terry Fox famous, how he effected Canadian society and how he contributes to the Canadian identity and how he shapes Canadian society. Our future as a nation looks brighter than ever before thanks to the Famous Canadian, Terry
  • 29. Susquehanna River Essay The health of the Susquehanna River and Chesapeake Bay was found based on Biological (macroinvertebrates and wildlife) and Chemicals characteristics (pH, dissolved oxygen, phosphates, nitrates, etc.) as well as physical observations (amount of forested buffers, wetlands, etc.) Overall it was concluded that the health of the water was good to excellent. What was found was that many of the macroinvertebrates found in the water were sensitive or facultative, meaning the water quality was good enough for them to live in. Also, the level of ph, temperature, dissolved oxygen, phosphates, nitrates, and turbidityshowed that the water quality was good. Finally, while we were canoeing down the Susquehanna River, observations were made on the land... Show more content on ... Underwater grasses, or Elodea, was observed as well. This wide variety of life is a good indicator of the water s health. The chemical characteristics observed and documented were pH, temperature, phosphate, nitrate, turbidity, and dissolved oxygen. Each of these chemical levels were documented and found differently. Most were found using a kit or a device. The numbers found, would tell us how polluted the stream was and how much nutrients were in the water. Each chemical has a scale for telling what a good level is and what a bad level is. If an excess amount of nutrients was found in the water, algae could be formed. When algae is formed it blocks sunlight from shining into the water, which creates dead zones. This is called eutrophication. A dead zone is an area where there is no life. This can cause major problems like population issues and more. If the algae continues to grow in the river, the whole body of water can die out, and people as well as other organisms are very dependent on the Susquehanna. While on the river though, there was an absence of algae, so sunlight is able to get through the water, which is very good. Physical characteristics are important as well. While canoeing, many things were observed and notices. Tires were seen at the bottom of the river. This is most likely because of the highway that runs on both sides or the river, and over it on bridges too. Because of the highway, there is a high risk
  • 30. Database Theory Assignment 1 Essay 1)How many records does the file contain? How many fields are there per record? There are 7 records (21 5Z through 31 7P) and each record contains 5 fields (PROJECT_CODE through PROJECT_BID_PRICE). 2)What problem would you encounter if you wanted to produce a listing by city? How could you solve this problem by altering the file structure? There is not a field for city, only manager s address. In order to get a listing by city, you would have to break up the address into address, city, state, zip, file format. You can do an internal string search, but it is difficult to write and takes longer to execute. 3)If you wanted to produce a listing of the file contents by last name, area code, city, state, or zip code, how would you... Show more content on ... 6)Looking at the EMP_NAME and EMP_PHONE contents in Figure P1.5, what change(s) would you recommend? I would have the fields set up as first name (EMP_FIRST), middle initital, (EMP_INITIAL), last name (EMP_LAST), area code (EMP_AREACODE), phone (EMP_PHONE). 7)Identify the various data sources in the file you examined in Problem 5. Employee data (names and phone numbers), project data (project name), and job data (charge per hour and project hours). 8)Given your answer to Problem 7, what new files should you create to help eliminate the data redundancies found in the file shown in Figure P1.5? Project file should contain project characteristics (name, manager/coordinator, budget), employee file should contain employee information (name, phone number, address, employee number), job file should contain billing charges per hour for each job type , and a charge file should keep track of the number of hours by job type being billed for each employee who worked on the project. 9)Identify and discuss the serious data redundancy problems exhibited by the file structure shown in Figure P1.9. (This file is meant to be used as a teacher class assignment schedule. One of the many problems with data redundancy is likely occurrence of data inconsistencies two different initials have been entered for the teacher Maria Cordoza.) There are multiple entries for every teacher. If any person
  • 31. My Day The Worst Winter Of My Life I could feel the pain in my chest, the first day the worst winter of my life would approach me. It was October 31st, Halloween, a time to dress up, eat candy, and joke around with your friends, but not for me and my grade school classmates. That was the day a kid in my grade school class committed suicide. As I walked to my friends house, I could feel my heart pounding, my mind roaming through all different emotions like, he must have been in so much pain, I wish I knew, I never really got to say goodbye. I approached my friends front door, she opened and I could see the pain in her eyes, we were devastated. As the night went on, we would see all our other grade school friends at a party. When we saw each other it was different, it was... Show more content on ... Her eyes looked like she had been crying for days, which she probably had. And his little brothers. They had a scared look on their face. They both looked at their mom and saw her at her lowest point. They had seen the most important person to them, crying, broken. His dad was lost, and in dismay. After the funeral my life had changed. First, I didn t know how to take it. I was in such denial. I couldn t accept a kid I had known for 10 years was so sad he needed to end his life. I kept going through my head asking these questions. What if I knew? What if I could have helped? What was the last thing we talked about? Why didn t I see him more often? I had finally realized what had happened when I had arrived back at school to go to basketball practice. I walked into the gym outraged. I was ready to do my thing at practice and get in the zone when it hit me. My friend took his life... My friend is gone... We had just huddled up and I just started to sob my eyes out. I ran out of the gym and stood in the locker room for 10 minutes, asking God to guide me the right way. Tell him to help me get through practice. I washed my eyes out, put my game face on, and sprinted to the gym. That day, I dominated in practice, I was mad at myself and God for letting my friend go. A couple weeks later my best friend s step dad died from brain cancer. With my best friend, Brooke, we had experienced San Antonio, Florida,
  • 32. Personal Communication Styles Paper Good communication is key to having successful personal and professional relationships. In some situations it can be necessary to adjust communication styles in order to communicate more successfully (B. Reece Reece, 2017). In this journal entry I will discuss the dominance, and sociability scales, as well as my own personal communicationstyle. When looking at my coworkers the person that I think of that is most dominant is Lisa. A person who is considered high on the dominance scale gives advice freely and frequently initiate demands. They are more assertive and tend to seek control over others. (B. Reece Reece, 2017, p. 54). At times, because of where she falls on the dominance chart, she can come across as being bossy or demanding. This can make it difficult to communicate effectively with her. On the other side of the dominance scale, is my coworker Kelli. Unlike those that tend to rate high on the dominance scale, those with low dominance are more restrained and tend to be followers (B. Reece Reece, 2017). This creates a barrier to interpersonal relationships when she is given the responsibility of being in charge of the other nurses. She has a difficult time delegating ... Show more content on ... Reece Reece, 2017). My coworker Amy has many of these characteristics. Amy is very talkative and open about her personal life. This can be a barrier to interpersonal relationships because sometimes she can revel too much of her personal life, which in a professional setting can come across as inappropriate. Those considered low on the sociability scale tend to be reserved and formal in social relationships (B. Reece Reece, 2017, p.57). One of the doctors that I work with tends to be very serious, reserved, and does not engage in personal conversations. This can make him come across as unfriendly and cold, which makes him difficult to communicate
  • 33. Marcel Proust s Remembrance Of Things Past In Marcel Proust s classic novel Remembrance of Things Past, tasting a sponge cake dipped in tea triggers a sea of memories by which the narrator explores how the past, and our recalling of it, make us who we are. But what if you had no memories? Would you be any less you ? Would you be somehow less human? These are the questions writer Daniel Levitin had to wrestle with. Writing in the Atlantic Monthly, Levitin told a story that began when he was in college. A psychology professor told the class about a friend and colleague who d recently been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. Before the tumor killed him, it would rob him of his long term memory. For the professor, this was a fate worse than death. In his estimation, who you are is the sum total of all that you ve experienced. His friend agreed: Faced with the prospect of losing his identity and sense of self, he committed suicide. Levitin recalled that the only dissent to this link between memory and identity came from his classmate, Tom.... Show more content on ... Several decades later, Levitin learns that Tom has been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor and, like the professor s friend, he will lose all of his memories before he dies. Levitin s account of his visit is sad and touching in its honest depiction of an unimaginably awkward conversation. But what isn t sad is his realization that Tom was right, after all. Despite the loss of his memories, something fundamentally Tom was still there. Some of us call it personality, or essence. Some call it the soul. Whatever it is, the tumor that took Tom s memory had not touched
  • 34. How Empathetic Can Improve Relationships There are many ways that being empathetic can improve relationships between people and nations. Empathy gives people the ability to understand other people feelings. People who share empathy with others are understanding, helpful and open minded. Understanding each other s emotions can help keep a relationship strong and healthy. One way that empathetic can improve relationships between people is putting themselves in the other persons situation. When you put yourself in someone s shoes, you start to understand where they are coming from. Which will avoid arguments and turmoil in that relationship. As for nations, that can be a great way to avoid wars. Empathygives people the chance to help others because it gives them a clear understanding
  • 35. Informative Essay On Club Calves With a combination of big bone, big toplines, big hair, long pretty clean necks, and structure soundness on there feet and legs. They are cardboard cutout cattle. They are not practical cattle. Based on appearance, they are extremely powerful and over the top. Big boned and deep bodied yet still attractive through the front end. (Macarthur) Gonnet, from Canada raises, shows sells and promotes club calves. He first got involved by showing cattle himself in his local 4 H club in 1998. There he had seen beauty queen calves which had intrigued him and in 2004 he teamed up with Dustin Lamb to raise them (Macarthur). They re designed to get you interested to get you interested in showing cattle. A plain jane from your neighbor s pasture is not exited as the named calves. Named calves come from club calf sires and can make bull owners millions of dollars. Last years winner of the Calgary Stampede, was from the bull Eye Candy. A popular club calf bull can easily sell 10,000 to 20,000 straws of semen at $25 to $250 a straw. Your making bankroll , ... Show more content on ... Today s competitions heifers and steers are specifically bred for shows. More than likely they are from breeders of club cattle. There is obviously a huge difference in club calves and commercial cattle. We are trying to put basically most of the traits you need in good commercial cattle, but then you add a little show ring pizzazz in them. They need that extra balance,quality, and eye appeal. The difference is the hair and muscle they have in them, said Jerry Riley of JDR cattle. For breeding purposes I am going after that hair, that muscle, that bone that it takes to be a club calve compared to just a commercial cow. Mark Beauprez of Beauprez cattle stated, There is a lot more of a show cattle look to these cattle. The lines are a lot straighter and they are prettier fronted, bigger boned, and a lot thicker of an animal
  • 36. The Importance Of Income Statements And The Types Of Expenses Introduction Firm managers, owners, and lenders, keep track of the firm s performance by reviewing financial statements, income statement, balance sheet, and statement of cash flows. This portfolio will explain the purpose of income statements and the types of expenses that are shown on an income statement. Also, clarify types of assets and claims of creditors and owners shown on a balance sheet. As well as define the three different accounts that comprise the owners equity section on a corporate balance sheet. Furthermore, describe a statement of cash flows and the three standard sections contained within it. Finally, identify the three categories of ratios that a business may use in an analysis of its financial statements and the benefits of calculating these ratios. Financial and Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and Statement of Cash Flows Income Statement The purpose of the income statement is provides a record of a company s revenues and expenses for a given period of time and can be used as a measuring stick of profitability. This document provides important financial information to business managers, investors, lenders, and analysts. It is also one of the three major financial statements that all publicly held firms are required to prepare annually. Types of expenses that are shown on a typical income statement are accounts, office supplies, delivery truck, amounts charged to customers for services and products, employees paychecks,
  • 37. A Short Note On The De Notre Jours L accГЁs Г l internet est devenu de notre jours ouvert et facile Г tous. Les adolescents vivent dans un monde oГ№ la plupart d entre eux possГЁdent des tГ©lГ©phones portables qui font une consommation massive d Г©crans en tous genres. Cette intГ©gration a impliquГ© un bouleversement dans sa vie quotidienne, sur son comportement et sur sa maniГЁre de vivre, de rГ©agir et de s Г©duquer. La pratique quotidienne des technologies numГ©riques a embauchГ© des dangers et des impacts nГ©gatifs. Ces impacts ont affectГ©s plusieurs champs : Г©ducatif, de santГ©, mentale... En parallГЁle, le numГ©rique a offert des bГ©nГ©fices Г l adolescent. Ces bГ©nГ©fices ont aidГ© dans l Г©ducation ainsi elle a pu intГ©grer l enfant dans un monde d interaction et de communication. Des nouveaux services et usages ont Г©tГ© offerts. Mais, malheureusement, les dangers et les impacts nГ©gatifs presque dominent. Une prГ©vention est toujours nГ©cessaire. Le choix du sujet est justifiГ© par son importance actuelle. En fait, un danger est prГ©sent de nos jours grГўce au mauvais usage du numГ©rique et des nouveaux technologies et ceci a influencГ© sur l adolescent et ses pratiques dans sa vie quotidienne. Ainsi que des troubles et des dangers menacent la santГ© de nos enfants et le risque d Г©chec scolaire augmente. Dans ce contexte, quelles sont les consГ©quences problГ©matiques des consommations d Г©crans non interactifs chez les jeunes adolescents ? Quels sont les risques d addictions et les impacts nГ©gatifs ? Quels sont les impacts sur
  • 38. An Analysis of Dickinson’s I Felt a Funeral in My Brain... An Analysis of Dickinson s I Felt a Funeral in My Brain Emily Dickinson was a poet who used many different devices to develop her poetry, which made her style quite unique. A glance at one of her poems may lead one to believe that she was quite a simple poet, although a closer examination of her verse would uncover the complexity it contains. Dickinson s poem I felt a Funeral, in my Brain , is a prime example of complicity embodied by simple style and language. In this piece, Dickinson chronicles psychic fall. The use of many different devices such as sound, repetition, and metaphors, all help to develop the theme of the poem. Perhaps the best way for the reader to uncover ... Show more content on ... The repetition presents the reader with a sense of both order and chaos at once, which in turn illustrates the subject s mental state. In the second stanza of the poem the poet presents the reader with a funeral setting. The mourners are all seated, and a service begins. The poet describes this service as being quite intense ( like a Drum (that) Kept beating beating ). The intensity of the service causes the poet s mind to go numb. The numbness represents the death of her mind. In the third stanza a box is introduced. It can be assumed that this box is a coffin. The box is being lifted into the ground and the Boots of Lead creaking across the poets soul symbolize the mourners walking on the fresh grave. The tolling of space mimics the church bell that is introduced in the following stanza. Stanza four introduces the Bell as a metaphor for the heavens, and goes on to say that Being (is), but an Ear . The bell is representative of a church bell, and all the mourners (Beings) are listening to its ring. The use of the word bell in the poem s context forms a vision of a slow ringing church bell, characteristic to a funeral. The next line, of the fourth stanza, pairs up the poet and silence as castaways. They are strangers in a foreign place, and are all alone. One could infer from the poem that here represents purgatory. This
  • 39. Gascogne Research Paper Of the many regions of France, Gascogne is a very prominent one. Gascogne has very interesting history, geography, people and food, plus many fun places to visit. Firstly, Gascogne has very interesting history. Before the French revolution, the area was called Gascony, part of the Province of Guyenne and Gascony. In pre Roman times, the inhabitants of Gascony were the Aquitanians who spoke a language very similar the modern language of Basque. The Aquitanians inhabited a territory limited to the Northeast of the Garonne River, to the south by the Pyrenees mountain range, and to the west by the Atlantic Ocean, the Romans named this territory Aquitania. In the 50s BC lieutenants of Julius Caesar conquered the land and it became part of the
  • 40. How Analytics Helps An Organization Optimize Their... Analytics is defined, according to online, as the process of obtaining an optimal or realistic decision based on existing data. [1]. Davenport and Harris (2007), defined analytics, as the extensive use of data, statistical and quantitative analysis, explanatory and predictive models, and fact based management to drive decisions and actions. [2]. An article titled Outsmart the Competition by Jackie Zack in Teradata Online magazine states that analytics can help an organization optimize their business processes to make them effective as possible. [3]. It is a proven fact that proper use of analytics can lead an organizations to success, providing them with that distinctive advantage over their competitors. In this essay, details will be provided on how analytics has helped my organization to compete in their business segment. Ability to compete on analytics Digicel Group is a total communications and entertainment company. The company s objective is to bring our customers never ending possibilities and change the world around us by offering affordable and innovative mobile services, enterprise solutions, cloud computing, cable TV, broadband and engaging content. [4]. The company was founded on a commitment to providing the best networks, services, values and to giving back to the community. [4]. The company is currently present in 31 markets across the Caribbean, Central America and Asia Pacific and employs around 6,000 people. Digicel Group currently has
  • 41. The Cruelty Of Animal Overpopulation in cages for long time and sometimes for a year so they are being forced to euthanize the animals.( Animal Rights Uncompromised: No Kill Shelters, n.d.). Large numbers of animals are simply abandoned in the streets suffering from a lack of basic care such as food water shelter and veterinary care.( Companion Animal Overpopulation, n.d.). There is a cruel contribution to the animal overpopulation of companion pets, specially the ones living on the streets. People are well known to always be dissatisfied with their pets for many reasons so it is easy to find animals left in the shelters just because they are unwanted. The continued suffering of animals that are left on the streets causing the uncontrol of many diseases and more proliferation is in fact a people responsability. Many unwanted companion pets with a good health are killed every day just as a results of the pet overpopulation. Starvation, disease, freezing and roadkill are some of the consequences of the cruelty through animal overpopulation. Abandonment and neglect is one form of animal cruelty. Dogs and cats abandon are experiencing continue suffering for days or weeks and sometimes they can die; therefore, in broward county animal cruelty is against the law (Reporting Animal Issues, n.d.). Another way of cruelty is the pet cloning.The protection animal and welfare is against the pet cloning whose every day is given arguments on why people wants to do a reproduction of an animal companion.There are
  • 42. Research Paper On Mars Exploration Rover ESS 102 Research Paper Bo Wang In 2017, scientists discovered a planet hidden beyond Pluto, they named it planet X. Twenty years has passed. In 2037, NASA decided to launch a robotic mission on planet X. The goal of the mission is to find the existence of water and detecting the major components of atmosphere and soil. The ultimate goal is to determine whether planet X can become our second Earth. The science fiction paper will be in the form of a log in the perspective of the space rover landed on Planet X. Opportunity was launched in July 2003 for an exploration on Mars. Its mission was to search for signs of past life on Mars [1]. In particular it was searching for geological clues about the existence of water on Mars and whether Mars was wet enough to be hospitable to life [2]. Opportunity was lucky that it landed close to a thin out crop of rocks and it was able to find the evidence of existence of deep salty water flowed over the area from those rocks [2]. Moreover, those rocks could also ... Show more content on ... Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity . NASA. RetrievedFebruary 2, 2014. [2] California, United States. NASA. Jet Propulsion Laboratory. NASA Facts: Mars Exploration Rover. NASA: Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Oct. 2004. Web. 29 Jan. 2016. [3] Showstack,R., (2011), Mars Opportunity rover finds gypsum veins, Eos Trans. AGU, 92(51), 479. [4] Hamran, S. E., et al. The RIMFAX Ground Penetrating Radar on the Mars 2020 Rover. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. Vol. 1. 2014. [5] Berthling, Ivar, et al. Rock glaciers on Prins Karls Forland. II: GPR soundings and the development of internal structures. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 11.4 (2000): 357 369. [6] Rapp, Donald, et al. The Mars oxygen ISRU experiment (MOXIE) on the Mars 2020 rover. Space forum. 2015. [7] Beegle, Luther, et al. SHERLOC: scanning habitable environments with raman luminescence for organics chemicals. Aerospace Conference, 2015 IEEE. IEEE,
  • 43. Comparing Comparison And Contrast Of Alfred Hitchcock s... Comparison and Contrast Recently while watching two old film classics, Vertigo and Notorious, I found myself thinking of other movies directed by Alfred Hitchcock. Most of his movies have many things in common, while remaining completely independent of each other. These two films have different plots, actors, and most obvious one is filmed in color the other black and white. Which leads me to believe that Alfred Hitchcock really knew what he was about; as a result his films all a have a distinctive theme about them. Both films keep you in a state of anticipation as the stories unfold and reveal the twist and turns that Alfred Hitchcock was famous for. Notorious was written in 1946 a year after World War II came to an end and the... Show more content on ... The cinematography of each film was thought out and tells us the story. So dialogue was not really needed, you could read the movies by listening to the music and watching the shifting patterns of light and shadow. Alfred Hitchcock was famous for using point of view shot, it is most noticeable in Notorious where Alicia in lying in bed after a night of drinking and the camera follows her upside down, so you feel a little unbalanced yourself while the scene is taking place. During the movie Vertigo the way the camera angles, scenes, point of view shots and the story itself creates the effect of the viewer having vertigo themselves. The music tells the story in Vertigo, you know when something new happens or is about to, it was well timed and must have taken awhile to get it right, timing must have been everything. In Notorious the camera tells the story, the anticipation, you can feel the anxiety mount in the scene where Alicia and Alex have a party, they invite T.R.Devlin (played by Cary Grant) to attend. Before the party Alicia steals the key to the wine cellar where the secret the German s are hiding is purported to be. The scene where she is holding the key clutched in her hand, the camera zooms in, you can almost see the sweat building in her palm as her body head heat sup the key and I am sure the anxiety building in her heightens her awareness of that key. The camera zooms totally into her hand, it s an amazing
  • 44. Affluenz The All Consuming Epidemic By John De Graaf Affluenza is defined as the need to consume and pursuit a high status in society. In the book Affluenza: The All Consuming Epidemic by John de Graaf, David Wann, and Thomas H. Naylor, the authors explain affluenza, and how it causes overwork, personal stress, the erosion of family and community, high debt, and the growing dissatisfaction for current living. A large contributor to affluenza is advertisement, a tactic that encourages over consumption by purchasing items irrationally. The sports industry has been taken over by advertisement, allowing corporations to take full advantage of the satisfaction that sports entertainment brings to the fans. The Super Bowl, an annual championship game of the National Football League between the two best teams, one from the AFC and NFC division. This needs to be explained because most would see the Super Bowl as a time slot for entertaining commercials and an ad sponsored halftime show. According to Affluenza thirty second slots during the Super Bowl have sold for much as $1.6 million each (155). Of course this book is out dated, so the number has increased throughout the years. The idea is still same; companies spend a fortune to buy all possible ad space. The reason, the Super Bowl, frequently is the most watched American televised broadcast of the year. Companies will continue to find ways to fit ads into the Super Bowl by taking bits and pieces away from the game. Examples like the pre game, halftime and post game shows, the
  • 45. Essay On Margaret T. Canby Diary Entry Diary Entry #9 (1892) This winter has really taken a toll on me and my life. For a long time have I not been able to find the joy and happiness in my heart. I have tried to read books but their special effect has evaded me. I feel that I am living in a world of dread anxiety and doubt. At the source of this dread was a story I wrote and sent to Mr. Anagnos of the Perkins Institution for the blind. The story was titled, The Frost King and I wrote it for his birthday. Mr. Anagnos enjoyed his present so much that he published it in a report at Perkins Institution. Unfortunately when my story was read, it was almost identical to a story called The Frost Fairies written by an author by the name of Margaret T. Canby who had written the story years before I was born. The two stories were so alike that i was sure it had been read to me and that my story was in fact a plagiarism. I was devastated and I couldn t get past the fact that I had disgraced myself. Mr. Anagnos was suspicious and was under the impression that Miss Sullivan and I had purposely stolen someone else s work to win over his favor. I was brought before a court made up of teachers and administration stalking my every move. They separated me from Miss Sullivan and questioned me. With every question asked i could feel the suspicion and disappointment in... Show more content on ... We talk often in German about everyday things with ease. I have even been able to read a full Novel, Wilhelm Tell in German this year with the highest Satisfaction. I have progressed in German far greater than any other subject here at Wright Humason. French on the other hand has been much more challenging to me as I have studied with a french lady who did not know the manual alphabet which has been a challenge. I have not been able to easily read her lips that is why my progress has been much slower than any other
  • 46. Mr. Brocklehurst In Charlotte Bronte s Jane Eyre After Janes experiences with Mrs Reed and Master John Reed, Jane has gradually learnt to have respect for herself and she discovers that those around her should treat her no different. This skill is carried on into Lowood when she encounters Helen Reed, Miss Temple and Mr Brocklehurst. Janes personal turning point is at the time when she stands up for herself over Mrs Reed s false accusation that and exclaims to Mrs Reed how much of a cruel and deceitful person she is. At her time at Gateshead, Jane encounters a man who will indeed change her life in the near future; this man is known as Mr Brocklehurst. A black pillar! such, at least, appeared to me, at first sight, the straight, narrow, sable clad shape standing erect on the rug; the grim face at the top was like a carved mask. Jane Eyre(Chapter 4, Page 53) The carved mask of his face suggest his inhumanity, as does jane s later reference to him as the stony stranger. Unlike Jane who is associated with fire and energy, Brocklehurst is cold and aloof at stone, someone with no passion and even less compassion.... Show more content on ... The interaction between both Mr Brocklehurst and Jane remind the readers of Jane s general lack of respect for tyrannous authority figures; especially Mrs Reed. Jane s inability to quietly accept fair treatment becomes pronounced in her interaction with Mrs Reed. The cruel, hypocritical master of the Lowood Institute, Mr Brocklehurst preaches a doctrine or privation, while stealing from the school to support his luxurious lifestyle. After a typhus epidemic sweeps Lowood, Brocklehurst s shifty and dishonest practices are brought to light and he is publicly discredited. Mr Brocklehurst becomes a very controversial and important character that Jane encounters early in the
  • 47. The Importance Of Physical Activity On Academic Performance The focus of this literature review is upon the whether the physical activity of a student has any impact on their academic performance. The reason I have chosen this topic is because I aim to be heavily involved within extracurricular sports teams during my career as a teacher, and therefore have an interest within this field. The importance of living a healthy and active lifestyle is often reiterated within the media, with current government recommendations suggesting that adults (19 65) should participate in at least 30 minutes of moderate activity daily, while it is suggested children youth (5 17) partake in at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity daily (, 2017). However recent years have seen a decline in the amount of physical activity undertaken by the youth of today, with this often being attributed to the expansion of television and the development of computers and video games (Epstien et al., 2008) Within the United Kingdom, it is up to individual schools to determine how much time each student is allocated to Physical Education, with 2 hours being the recommendation from KS1 KS4. The heavy pressures placed on schools by national league tables and examinations have often resulted in these allocated times for physical activity being replaced by Instructional English, Mathematics and Science lessons (Wilkins et al., 2003) to improve the school s national standings results. Individual children, often of secondary school
  • 48. Procedural Knowledge From Bloom s Taxonomy The objective that I have chosen is procedural knowledge. Procedural knowledge involves how to do something, methods of inquiry, and criteria for using skills, algorithms, techniques, and methods (Billings Halstead, 2016, p. 252). The procedural addresses how to do something, allows for questions and addresses criteria for skills, algorithms, techniques and methods (Center for Innovation in Teaching Learning, 2014). Having a studentfrom Molloy College for the next five weeks, the procedural objective from Bloom s taxonomy would be appropriate. The student will learn using demonstration of the task, algorithms, procedure manuals, college requirements and hospital policies. Bloom has three areas of learning and they consist of
  • 49. The Fusion Of Spinal Fusion Spinal fusion is categorized into three different categories: cervical, thoracic, and lumbar, in conjunction with the different segments of the spine. Each type of spinal fusion has a different goal depending on the purpose of the surgery. Most surgeries involve fusing vertebrae together to limit its range of motion, thereby hopefully reducing the pain or correcting any physical deformities. Depending on the levels of fusion, spinal fusion surgeries tend to last a few hours. Complications may arise during surgery, and they greatly increase depending the location of the fusion, levels of fusion, and if the surgery crosses any important nerve sites. Levels of spinal fusion are known as the fusion between two different vertebrae. If there is a fusion between L1 and L2, that is known as one level of fusion. If there is another site of fusion at L3 and L4, than there will be two levels of spinal fusion. Lumbar fusion are further complicated when more then one level of performed. By limiting one segment s range of motion, other segments of the spine will have to compensate and create greater range of motion. With lumbar fusion, most doctors will need to be able to identify why a patient needs lumbar fusion, and being able to identify if lumbar fusion will help alleviate the pain. Most cases of lumbar fusion involve spondylolisthesis, fractures, spinal stenosis, scoliosis, and possibly herniated disk if no other further treatment has proven successful. Most physicians will order an
  • 50. Why Did Magellan Voyage Dbq Ferdinand Magellan is the son of Portuguese nobility and a student of cartography and astronomy. Magellan had a goal to discover a western sea route through the Americans that led to the Spice Islands. Throughout this voyage Magellan wanted more such as his own fleet which was refused to be given by the King of Portugal. Instead, the Spanish king provided an armada or fleet or ships of five. Magellan employed a group of men in their teenage years and twenties which later staged a mutiny. Within the armada Magellan was the oldest in the group he was about the age of forty, most men did not live past fifty. Magellan had a simple plan. His plan was to sail out south and then west across the Atlantic, find a narrow passage of water connecting... Show more content on ... Magellan had clever navigational skills to guide the fleet as expressed in Document C, Magellan even relied on the taste of seawater to guide his fleet. As the water became fresher, he knew he was traveling inland, and once it turned salty, he realize he was approaching the Pacific on the western side of the strait. As far as Magellan s voyage to discover a western sea route to Spice Islands, he was shrewd to be able to develop such navigational skills to determine which direction the fleet was flowing. As stated in Document C, In addition, he regularly sent small scouting parties in long boats. Sending out small leagues in long boats and small boats were beneficial because the process of getting through straits was quicker. In order to prepare for any obstacle, Magellan was always prepared. As presented in Document C, He ordered lookouts scrambling to the highest perch on the ships, where they could see the waterways and obstacles that lay ahead. Magellan sending of his crew members to the highest perch on the ship is yet risky, but also has an advantage so the helmsman can be prepared for difficult obstacles along way of their destination. Some of these obstacles included diseases like scurvy. Document D states, Magellan and his officers seemed immune to scurvy, a
  • 51. Essay on ARC model in euro crisis The total numbers of words: 3037 Accountability Representation control in Euro Crisis Introduction Compared with the worldwide financial crisis happened since 2008, the European sovereign debt crisis has been the most serious problem for the ECM. This crisis, also called the Euro Crisis , has been regarded as the most serious financial crisis at least since 1930s. This crisis began with the Greek fiscal crisis in the autumn of 2009, and then it evolved into the PIIGS Crisis five main European countries namely Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain were not able to gain enough economic growth in order to pay their debt obligations, and this is why it s called ... Show more content on ... According to William. G. Ouchi (1980), control has three mechanisms market, bureaucracy and clan; market controls are based on prices, demands and supplies to assess equilibrium. Bureaucracy controls involve acts of bureaucracy mechanism such as policies, rules to evaluate performance; and clan controls control behavior through social values and beliefs. Thus looking at the above classification, accounting control should be bureaucracy control. Euro Crisis The intricacy of European sovereign debt crisis is about the euro system. In 1991, there was a proposal among European countries (ECM) for common currency in order to benefit the entire development of these countries and even compete with the increasingly powerful America. Finally in 1999, 11 euro area countries adopted a single currency the Euro, which means the birth of Euro system. The Euro system s main function is to define and implement the euro area s monetary policy. Its basic tasks include achieving price stability; holding foreign exchange operations; managing the official foreign reserves of participating EU countries; driving on the operation of payment systems; and conducting the policies of governmental responsible for the prudential supervision of credit institutions and the stability of the
  • 52. Restricted Free Agent Fever Case Study With all the free agent fever that spreads among basketball enthusiasts this time of year, it is important to make sure we understand how the process works. A casual fan probably knows the term free agent , but may not know the different layers within the free agent pool. An unrestricted free agent is able to sign with any team he chooses, hence the term unrestricted. While a restricted free agent s original team has the opportunity to keep the player by matching other teams offer. Teams in pursuit of a restricted free agent can sign that player to an offer sheet. If he signs it, the original team has seven days to match the offer and keep the player. So in short, the teams have the power to control a restricted free agent s future. This makes the process that much more intriguing, because it shows how valuable a ... Show more content on ... But throughout his career, Jackson has struggled to get to the free throw line (1.8 attempts per game) and hit threes (career 29.4 percent shooter). Though it was a small sample size, he thrived with the Detroit Pistons as their full time point guard. They seem intent on matching any offers for the 25 year old point guard, as reports are Brandon Jennings is on the trade block. I d be surprised if Detroit doesn t lock him up for a long term deal. Khris Middleton, SG, Milwaukee Bucks Reports are that the Milwaukee Bucks are going to match any offer for Middleton. I think it would be smart as the young guard shows promise. I think he ll remain with Milwaukee for at least three years. Any team in need of shooting could use his services though. Tristan Thompson, PF, Cleveland Cavaliers Proved his worth in the NBA Finals. Whether Love stays or goes, Thompson has a big pay day coming from
  • 53. Effective Questioning Is Essential For Teachers For... Effective questioning is essential for teachers to enable effective learning within the classroom (Dillon and Dillon 1998). It helps teachers gain an insight of what children are thinking also allowing them to analyse the quality of the children s answers (Perrot 1996). In the medium term plan a range of questioning is used including closed and open ended questions. Open ended questions allow children to give a more cognitive answer(Redfield and Rousseau 1981) as they encourage thinking skills (Cockburn and Handscomb 2011) meaning teachers can gain a wider range of answers from the children. This allows them to gain a deeper understanding of children s individual knowledge (De Boo 2004) as well as helping assess children s progress from the questiontypes (Tizard and Huges 1984). Linking open ended questions to the National Curriculum is an effective way to use questioning to assess children checking that they are meeting the guidelines and are able to progress (Hudson 2013). Closed questions on the other hand allow children to give simple answers that are either right or wrong (Barnes et al 1986; Dillon and Dillon 1998). It has been found that a lot of teachers use closed questions because of the simplicity of the answers children can give (Bloom 1956), but Barnes et at (1986) argues that they can cause more anxiety and loss of self confidence in children as they feel pressured to give the correct answer. In the medium term plan any closed questions are closely followed
  • 54. Waimea Canyon Essay Waimea Canyon, also known as the Grand Canyon of the Pacific, is a large canyon, approximately ten miles (16 km) long and up to 3,000 feet (900 m) deep, located on the western side of KauaК»i in the Hawaiian Islands of the United States. Waimea is Hawaiian for reddish water , a reference to the erosion of the canyon s red soil.[1] The canyon was formed by a deep incision of the Waimea River arising from the extreme rainfall on the island s central peak, Mount WaiК»aleК»ale, among the wettest places on earth. Geologically the canyon is carved into the tholeiitic and post shield calc alkaline lavas of the canyon basalt. The lavas of the canyon provide evidence for massive faulting and collapse in the early history of the island. The west side of the canyon is all thin, west dipping lavas of the Napali Member, while the east side is very thick, flat lying lavas of the Olokele and Makaweli Members. The two sides are separated by an enormous fault along which a large part of the ... Show more content on ... Like the other Hawaiian islands, KauaК»i is the top of an enormous volcano rising from the ocean floor. With lava flows dated to about 5 million years ago, KauaК»i is the oldest of the large Hawaiian islands. Roughly 4 million years ago, while KauaК»i was still erupting almost continuously, a portion of the island collapsed. This collapse formed a depression, which then filled with lava flows. In the time since, rainwater from the slopes of Mount WaiК»aleК»ale have eroded Waimea Canyon along one edge of the collapse. The cliffs on the west side of the canyon are composed of thin lava flows that ran down the surface of the KauaК»i volcano. On the other side of the canyon, the cliff walls are built from thick lava flows that pooled in the depression. Over time, the exposed basalt has weathered from its original black to bright
  • 55. Feminism In Lysistrata Lysistrata is centered around a strong willed woman named Lysistrata. She is tired of the continuous war between Sparta and Athens, so she decides to take action. Lysistrata devises up a plan to convince all of the Athenian women to deprive their husbands of sex to end the Peloponnesian War. Most of the Athenian women cannot go along with the idea. At this time, sex is considered to be a women s main pleasure in life. Naturally, the thought of boycotting sex is outrageous. Eventually, Lysistrata is able to change their minds and exploit every man s weakness; therefore, the Spartan and Athenian men give up and put an end to the war. The same techniques Lysistrata used to construct a successful boycott can still be applied to more recent issues, such as recent disrespect from the NFL. The NFL has become increasingly political since Colin Kaepernick captured the mainstream media s attention by sitting during the national anthem. Kaepernick publicly spoke about the occurrence, saying he would not show respect for a nation of racial prejudice. Other players have joined Kaepernick which has recently caught the attention of President Donald Trump. Trump recited a speech responding to the NFL, telling NFL coaches they should fire any player who disrespects the American flag by kneeling. Unfortunately, Trump s remarks have only worsened the situation. More players have been seen kneeling since Trump s speech. In addition, many NFL coaches have shamed Trump s remarks. As a result, some football fans have turned off the television, saying that kneeling during the national anthem is anti American. Even though people are entitled to freedom of speech, religion and press, NFL football players relinquish some of their rights to these freedoms when they step out onto the football field. In order to successfully stop the NFL players from kneeling, football fans must act as Lysistrata did. They must convince others to join them by creating a social platform to draw attention to the issue. There is a better chance for the issue to be addressed if it receives more media coverage. Lysistrata s plan was successful because she was able to convince the Athenian women to deprive their husbands of one thing they could not live