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The Service for The Lord’s Day
April 3, 2022
11:00 am Worship Service
Fifth Sunday of Lent
Grace and peace. We believe God loves everyone without exception. All are welcome here.
Our mission is to experience the love of Jesus Christ by practicing
radical hospitality, forming deep relationships, and joining in shared ministry.
Soichi Wantanabe, “Mary Washes Jesus’ Feet”
First Presbyterian Church 2
*Please stand if able.
Welcome to all who are worshiping with us today! Masks are strongly recommended
indoors for all who worship in person, and social distancing is encouraged. See the back
page for complete Covid protocols.
If you are interested in learning more about FPCA, sharing a prayer request, or a pastoral
concern, please ϐill out a card from the back of the pew, or go to our website and click
Connect With Us. Please also ϐill out and pass along the red book in the pew. If you are
interested in membership, we welcome new members on the third Sunday of each month
except Easter Sunday. Please speak with a pastor following the service.
Worship bags are available in the narthex for children. The service is streaming in the
Widman Room, down the hall from the narthex, for anyone who may need to leave the
sanctuary. Nursery is available for children ϐive and under. If you need assistance, please
ask an usher for directions to the Children’s Hall.
You are invited to join us for fellowship in the Wallace Foyer after the 11:00 Worship;
childcare will be available until 12:30.
Leading in Worship Today:
Pastors: David Germer, Patrick Johnson, Shannon Jordan
Guest Organist: James Taulbee
FPCA Chancel Choir
Cantor: Bailey Simon
VĔđĚēęĆėĞ Fairest Lord Jesus Robert Hobby
CĆđđ TĔ WĔėĘčĎĕ Patrick Johnson
The Lord be with you.
And also with you.
The Lord is merciful and gracious,
slow to anger and abounding in love.
Come, let us worship God.
*HĞĒē 630 Fairest Lord Jesus CRUSADER’S HYMN
First Presbyterian Church 3
SĚēČ RĊĘĕĔēĘĊ Kyrie Eleison
Cantor introduces refrain. Congregation repeats & sings as directed.
Cantor sing verses
Kyrie eleison is a Greek
phrase meaning “Lord have
mercy.” This Lenten season,
our theme at FPCA looks at
transition and the ways in
which God is found there.
This Kyrie setting reϔlects
that with the line asking God
to have mercy on “our way.”
This life is a journey with
many twists and turns, but
God’s mercy is poured out on
them all.
CĆđđ TĔ CĔēċĊĘĘĎĔē David Germer
The Lord is a refuge and fortress for us,
protecting us from evil.
Trusting in God’s mercy,
let us confess our sin.
We confess to you, O God,
that we have been tempted by evil
and have yielded to sin.
You feed us with your living word,
but we hunger for bread that does not satisfy.
You call us to worship you alone,
but we hope to get glory from lesser gods.
You care for us as a parent cares for a child,
but we resist your abundant grace.
(Silent prayer of confession)
Forgive us, God of love.
Guide us by your word,
and guard us with your Spirit,
so that we may live in faith,
and follow you faithfully;
through Jesus Christ, our Savior. Amen
Siblings in Christ, declare with me the good news of the gospel:
In Jesus Christ we are forgiven!
First Presbyterian Church 4
CčĎđĉėĊē’Ę MĔĒĊēę Shannon Jordan
The peace of Christ be with you.
And also with you.
*SĚēČ RĊĘĕĔēĘĊ Glory to God
If they ϔind it challenging
to participate in the entire
service, children are invited
to the nursery during
“Passing the Peace.”
SĊėĒĔē Patrick Johnson
Old Testament Lesson Psalm 126
This is the word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.
New Testament Lesson John 12:1-12
This is the good news of Jesus, the Christ.
Thanks be to God.
HĞĒē 74 When God Restored Our Common Life RESIGNATION
Congregation Sings Vs 1-2; Pause for Prayer; Congregation Sings Vs. 3
First Presbyterian Church 5
*HĞĒē 627 I Love You, Lord I LOVE YOU, LORD
*AċċĎėĒĆęĎĔē Oċ FĆĎęč
Friends, let us love one another,
because love is from God;
everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.
Whoever does not love does not know God,
for God is love.
God’s love was revealed among us in this way:
God sent his only Son into the world
so that we might live through him.
In this is love, not that we loved God
but that he loved us
and sent his Son to be the atoning sacriϐice for our sins.
Beloved, since God loved us so much,
we also ought to love one another.
No one has ever seen God;
if we love one another,
God lives in us,
and his love is perfected in us.
1 John 4:7-12
IēěĎęĆęĎĔē TĔ TčĊ OċċĊėĎēČ
With costly perfume and great love, Mary gave her best to the Lord.
With love and gratitude,
let us offer the gifts of ourselves and our resources
for the work of Christ in the world.
The gifts we offer express
our stewardship of creation,
demonstrate our care for
one another, support the
ministries of the church, and
provide for the needs of the
poor. To give online,
use QR code below.
AēęčĊĒ Jesus Anonymous/African American Spiritual
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus…
I worship You…
I love You, Lord…
First Presbyterian Church 6
The Lord be with you.
And also with you.
Lift up your hearts.
We lift them to the Lord.
Let us give our thanks to the Lord our God.
It is right to give our thanks and praise.
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name,
thy kingdom come,
thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
and forgive us our debts,
as we forgive our debtors;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, and the power,
and the glory forever. Amen
TčĊ BėĊĆĉ Ćēĉ CĚĕ
Almighty God, you alone can bring into order
our distorted loves and unruly wills:
Grant us grace to love what you command
and desire what you promise;
that, among the swift and varied changes of the world,
our hearts may be ϐixed where true joys are to be found;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and forever. Amen.
First Presbyterian Church 7
*HĞĒē 201 A Prophet-Woman Broke a Jar HOW CAN I KEEP FROM SINGING
VĔđĚēęĆėĞ Rondeau (from Abdelazer) Henry Purcell
Go now in peace to love and serve the Lord.
The peace of Christ be with you.
And also with you
Immediately following the worship service, all are invited to fellowship in the Wallace
Foyer on the ground ϐloor
The closing Voluntary is
a space in the service to
transition from hearing the
Word to choosing to live the
Word during our daily lives.
Reproduced, recorded, and streamed under One
License No. A-701813:
Kyrie eleison; Larry Olson © 1989 Dakota Road Music
When God Restored Our Common Life; Text: Ruth Duck
© 1992 GIA Publications, Inc.; Music: U.S.A. folk melody,
Lewis’s Beauties of Harmony, 1828; harm. Erik Routley ©
1976 Hinshaw Music, Inc.
I Love You, Lord; Laure Klein © 1978 House of Mercy Music
(admin. Universal Music - Brentwood Benson Publishing)
Jesus; Text: Anonymous; Tune: Anonymous; arr. Valaria A.
Foster © 2000, GIA Publications, Inc.
A Prophet-Woman Broke a Jar; Text: Brian Wren © 1993
Hope Publishing Company
Fairest Lord Jesus; Robert Hobby © 2002 Augsburg
Used with permission of the publisher:
Glory to God; James Capers © 2006 Augsburg Fortress
Public Domain:
Fairest Lord Jesus; Text: Münster Gesangbuch, 1677;
stanzas 1-3, trans. Church Chorals and Choir Studies, 1850,
alt.; stanza 4, trans. Joseph August Seiss, 1873, alt.; Music:
Silesian folk melody; Schlesische Volkslieder, 1842
How Can I Keep From Singing (Music); Roberts Lowry,
1869, alt.
Rondeau; Henry Purcell, 1659-1694
First Presbyterian Church 8
More Light Presbyterians
Upcoming Events, Recent Videos, and The Sermon & Podcast Archives can be found on the front page of the
website. Announcements can be found in the E-Chronicle and on The Weekly Announcement page;
a link for both of these and The First Chronicle can be found on the main page of the FPCA Website.
40 Church Street, Asheville, NC 28801 828-253-1431
Class of 2022
Brian Cooper
Hank Johnson
Emily Reeves
Bob Riddle
Martha Sloan
Olivia Belle Traylor
Alan Young
Class of 2022
Gail Ward
Kate Lafrance
Judy Rittmeyer
Eula Pence
Class of 2023
Phil Barnett
Sam Cook
Cathie Dodson
Angela Drummond
Claire Trunnell
Class of 2023
Valorie Vliek
Class of 2024
Micki Argall
Cindy Clarke
Chris DeJarnett
Seth Hagler
Zeb Potter
Bob White, Clerk
Class of 2024
Lisa Bridges
Clay Grifϐith
John Meadows
Cosette Williams
Curtis Williams
Rev. Dr. Patrick W. T. Johnson.........................................................................................................................................Pastor, Head of Staff
Mary Beth Asher.....................................................................................................................................................Communications Assistant
Eve Bennett...............................................................................................................................................................................................Hospitality
Rieley Bennett..................................................................................................................................................................................................Sexton
Carol Dreiling.........................................................................................................................................................................Nursery Supervisor
Rev. David Germer.......................................................................................................................................................................Associate Pastor
Rev. Shannon Jordan..................................................................................................................................................................Associate Pastor
Nancy McNeill................................................................................................................................................................Director of Engagement
Jeremy Roberts.......................................................................................................................................................Director of Music, Organist
Anita Sayles...................................................................................................................................................................Administrative Assistant
Liz Thurston.......................................................................................................................................................................Church Administrator
We are glad you worshiped here today.
We believe God loves every person without exception. As followers of Christ, we strive to be a holy community
that reϐlects the diversity of God’s creation through the welcome and full participation of every age, ability,
socioeconomic status, family background, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, skin color, and racial identity.
We lament the history of exclusion in the church. We rejoice in the wholeness that comes when we are all in
relationship together. We invite you to join us in ministry at FPCA.
First Presbyterian Church 9
Please join the FPCA Family as we celebrate joys among us and pray for loved ones.
Our full list is printed once a month as a part of the First Chronicle Newsletter. Please contact Nancy McNeill
( or 828-242-5774) with prayer requests and updates.
Help us stay connected by sharing your news, prayer concerns, or other requests. Pastors and staff are available
by phone, email, or appointment. The church ofϐice is open from 9 am to 4 pm, Monday through Friday. If you have
a scheduled hospitalization, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can support you. If you need pastoral
assistance during ofϐice hours, please call the church ofϐice. At other times, please call the pastor-on-call at
828-222-0113 and leave a message with the receptionist. An FPCA pastor will return your call. To keep your
contact information up to date, please log into your Realm account or contact Anita Sayles.
Prayers for:
The CHERNOUS FAMILY, for their safety. They are friends of Dawn Carlton; part of their family is in the USA, but
many are still in Ukraine. Some of the men are ϐighting in the Ukrainian army.
BRENDA GRAGER, cousin of Evelyn Jarrett, who has had a recurrence of cancer and for her medical team as they
make treatment decisions.
ANN HUNTER at home, continuing her extended recovery following surgery at Duke.
DOUG KING, father of Lauren Wood, receiving chemo for a recent diagnosis of bone marrow cancer.
EMILY LAFONTAINE, daughter in-law of Susan Gaddis, as she receives treatment for graft disease resulting from
stem cell transplant to treat leukemia, and for Emily’s husband Jonathan.
DOTTIE McCALEB, younger sister of Marge Marsh, who is experiencing declining health, has two broken
vertebrae, and is hospitalized in Gunnison, Colorado.
JOHN McCREARY and Family, grieving the recent death of his sister following her brave battle with cancer.
JOAN MURCHISON, who will receive radiation treatment for adenocarcinoma in her left lung.
JANE VANN at home, recovering from heart valve replacement surgery on March 25 and for her family.
FAMILY and FRIENDS of JEAN WEBB grieving her death on March 29, 2022. A memorial service and reception will
be held at FPCA on April 22 at 11am.
AFGHAN REFUGEES, who are adjusting to life in Asheville and our teams of volunteers who are assisting them.
All PEOPLE affected by war in Ukraine and for leaders around the world to seek peace.
EBENEZER CHURCH, our partner church in Guatemala, and also many in the community who have experienced
DAN AND ELIZABETH TURK, as they continue their work as Presbyterian mission co-workers in Madagascar.
LUKE AND LEANNE TURK AND THEIR SONS, and their mission work in the Central African Republic (CAR).
We Celebrate:
SATURDAY SANCTUARY VOLUNTEERS, who have faithfully prepared over 1300 bag lunches for our downtown
neighbors for the past six months.
4:15-Youth Choir/Choir room: youth choir will meet in the choir room with Jeremy
5:15-Dinner on Patio (meal sign-up is available
7:15-pm Youth Group on Patio or in Fellowship Hall
To support those ϐleeing violence in Ukraine, please contribute to the Presbyterian
Disaster Assistance International Refugee Program. In the FPCA Online giving menu,
select Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, or write that in the memo line of your check.
You can pay ONLINE or mail your payment to the church ofϐice at 40 Church Street,
Asheville, NC 28801- indicate “Easter ϐlower memorials” in the memo line. You can
submit 2 per form-use this form as many times as you need to for multiple dedications.
Note: We need the dedication information by Wednesday, April 13th to get it in the
publication for Easter.
Please stop by the gallery today and take your family retreat weaving project home!
We continue receiving your special offering to support the needs of Dan and Elizabeth
Turks’ work in Madagascar, through April 17 (Easter Sunday), we are working to match
the $4000 funds designated by the Mission Committee. Dan and Elizabeth work to
improve the quality of life and to strengthen the spiritual lives of the Malagasy people
while they face life-threatening results from famine, cyclone, and COVID-19. Our
prayers and our monetary gifts change their lives. They are grateful for our involvement
with them.
APRIL 4, 10:30
Meeting in person in room 112
and on Zoom. Nancy Ramsay will
be leading the class in covering
Lesson 8: Mary in the Faith &
Tradition of the Church.
Monday, April 4, room 214
Do you knit, crochet, weave, or sew?
FPCA has a wonderful group that meets
each 1st Monday at 6 pm. They create
wonderful prayer shawls for people
who need to know that God’s love is
surrounding them, offering healing,
comfort, and love.
Join us on Thursday evenings through April 7 from 7:15 to 7:45 during Lent for Taize
worship in the Sanctuary. Taize is an ecumenical Christian monastic community in
eastern France. Their music and liturgies, known for their meditative chants and
chorus, reϐlective prayers, and pointed silence, have spread world wide.
Our church is supporting an Afghan couple living temporarily in Leicester. Because their home is not on a bus line,
there is a great need for transportation assistance. We have set up sign-up lists to take them grocery shopping
on Mondays and to the mosque on Fridays. We need more help in getting them to these locations and other
appointments. If you have the time and are willing, please consider signing up to help. You may wish to team up
with another church member on transporting them to and from the mosque so that you don’t have to wait around
during the service. Contact Randy Fluharty (rϐ or Alan Young (
for help in accessing the sign-up lists in Realm.
“Deϐining Racism and the Work of Resisting Racial Oppression and Racial Privilege ”
Two concurrent, profoundly different deϐinitions of racism function in our culture and among faith communities:
“racism as a system of disadvantage based on race” and “racism as an interlocking system of advantage based
on race.” We will examine the implications of these two deϐinitions for shaping our personal, cultural, relational,
political, and spiritual imaginations and practices regarding racial justice. We’ll explore ways the theory of
Intersectionality is a resource for the work of resisting racism and especially helpful for those whose racial identity
is privileged.
The Rev. Dr. Nancy J. Ramsay is a Presbyterian clergywoman (ret.) whose career included service as an associate
pastor in Rocky Mount, NC followed by PhD studies and then 36 years as a theological educator in the ϐield of
Pastoral Theology and Pastoral Care ϐirst at Louisville Presbyterian Seminary and then Brite Divinity School in Fort
Worth, TX.
9:45 am: All Faith Formation classes join the
community parade. Gather at Central UMC;
deposit your non-perishable donations.
List found at
10-10:30: Parade to & from Prichard Park.
10:45 am- 11:00 am: Children gather on the
Children’s Hall for Palm Processional.
On Maundy Thursday, we will gather in the Gardner
Fellowship Hall at 5:30 pm. This is a family-inclusive
event with all ages participating; dinner is served
family-style, with worship and communion enjoyed
around the tables. To help us prepare for our
Maundy Thursday event, please register using QR
code on the left, or register on the Realm Event Page
from our website or you app.
As we gradually emerge from the pandemic, our goal is to take small and careful steps that continue to make room
for those who are vulnerable, concerned for their health, or not yet able to be vaccinated. On the ϐirst Tuesday of
each month, the session reviews these protocols at their meeting. To see full details, click the link on our webpage
(Update Covid Policy 2/22/22).
Presently, masks are strongly recommended; and they are required in our children’s wing, at all children’s and
youth events, in choirs, and in the safety seating options in the sanctuary and chapel. Coffee and food service is
available, with masks removed to partake. Masks are optional at campus outdoor activities for all groups. Streaming
remains a viable option for those at home.
Sunday, April 3
8:30 am - 12:30 pm Nursery 3 + masks required
11:00 am Worship Service with Communion, Patrick Johnson preaching
Fellowship in the Wallace Foyer
4:15 pm - 7:15 pm Youth Choir (Choir Room), Dinner (Patio) and Youth group (Fellowship Hall/Patio)
Monday, April 4
10:30 am Presbyterian Women, Hybrid meeting Rm. 112 or Zoom; speaker Nancy Ramsay
6:00 pm Stitchers (Rm. 214)
Wednesday, April 6
2:00 pm The Text This Week Bible Study (Zoom)
7:00 - 8:30 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room)
Thursday, April 7
7:15 pm - 7:45 pm Taize worship service
Sunday, April 10
Palm Sunday
8:30 am - 12:30 pm Nursery 3 + masks required
8:45 am - 9:45 am Worship Service in Chapel, Patrick Johnson preaching
9:45 am - 10:45 am Faith Formation All Faith Formation classes join for community parade
Gather at Central UMC; deposit non-perishable donations
10:45 am- 11:00 am Children gather on the Children’s Hall to begin Palm Processional
11:00 am Worship Service, Patrick Johnson preaching
Fellowship in the Wallace Foyer
Zoom & Registration links can be found on the church calendar at

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Worship Bulletin 04.03.2022.pdf

  • 1. The Service for The Lord’s Day April 3, 2022 11:00 am Worship Service Fifth Sunday of Lent Grace and peace. We believe God loves everyone without exception. All are welcome here. Our mission is to experience the love of Jesus Christ by practicing radical hospitality, forming deep relationships, and joining in shared ministry. Soichi Wantanabe, “Mary Washes Jesus’ Feet”
  • 2. First Presbyterian Church 2 *Please stand if able. WELCOME TO FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF ASHEVILLE Welcome to all who are worshiping with us today! Masks are strongly recommended indoors for all who worship in person, and social distancing is encouraged. See the back page for complete Covid protocols. If you are interested in learning more about FPCA, sharing a prayer request, or a pastoral concern, please ϐill out a card from the back of the pew, or go to our website and click Connect With Us. Please also ϐill out and pass along the red book in the pew. If you are interested in membership, we welcome new members on the third Sunday of each month except Easter Sunday. Please speak with a pastor following the service. Worship bags are available in the narthex for children. The service is streaming in the Widman Room, down the hall from the narthex, for anyone who may need to leave the sanctuary. Nursery is available for children ϐive and under. If you need assistance, please ask an usher for directions to the Children’s Hall. You are invited to join us for fellowship in the Wallace Foyer after the 11:00 Worship; childcare will be available until 12:30. Leading in Worship Today: Pastors: David Germer, Patrick Johnson, Shannon Jordan Guest Organist: James Taulbee FPCA Chancel Choir Cantor: Bailey Simon GATHERING IN VĔđĚēęĆėĞ Fairest Lord Jesus Robert Hobby WĊđĈĔĒĊ Aēĉ AēēĔĚēĈĊĒĊēęĘ CĆđđ TĔ WĔėĘčĎĕ Patrick Johnson The Lord be with you. And also with you. The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in love. Come, let us worship God. *HĞĒē 630 Fairest Lord Jesus CRUSADER’S HYMN
  • 3. First Presbyterian Church 3 SĚēČ RĊĘĕĔēĘĊ Kyrie Eleison Cantor introduces refrain. Congregation repeats & sings as directed. Cantor sing verses Kyrie eleison is a Greek phrase meaning “Lord have mercy.” This Lenten season, our theme at FPCA looks at transition and the ways in which God is found there. This Kyrie setting reϔlects that with the line asking God to have mercy on “our way.” This life is a journey with many twists and turns, but God’s mercy is poured out on them all. CĆđđ TĔ CĔēċĊĘĘĎĔē David Germer The Lord is a refuge and fortress for us, protecting us from evil. Trusting in God’s mercy, let us confess our sin. PėĆĞĊė Oċ CĔēċĊĘĘĎĔē We confess to you, O God, that we have been tempted by evil and have yielded to sin. You feed us with your living word, but we hunger for bread that does not satisfy. You call us to worship you alone, but we hope to get glory from lesser gods. You care for us as a parent cares for a child, but we resist your abundant grace. (Silent prayer of confession) Forgive us, God of love. Guide us by your word, and guard us with your Spirit, so that we may live in faith, and follow you faithfully; through Jesus Christ, our Savior. Amen DĊĈđĆėĆęĎĔē Oċ FĔėČĎěĊēĊĘĘ Siblings in Christ, declare with me the good news of the gospel: In Jesus Christ we are forgiven!
  • 4. First Presbyterian Church 4 CčĎđĉėĊē’Ę MĔĒĊēę Shannon Jordan *PĆĘĘĎēČ Oċ TčĊ PĊĆĈĊ The peace of Christ be with you. And also with you. *SĚēČ RĊĘĕĔēĘĊ Glory to God If they ϔind it challenging to participate in the entire service, children are invited to the nursery during “Passing the Peace.” SĊėĒĔē Patrick Johnson HEARING THE WORD PėĆĞĊė Oċ IđđĚĒĎēĆęĎĔē SĈėĎĕęĚėĊ RĊĆĉĎēČĘ Old Testament Lesson Psalm 126 This is the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. New Testament Lesson John 12:1-12 This is the good news of Jesus, the Christ. Thanks be to God. HĞĒē 74 When God Restored Our Common Life RESIGNATION Congregation Sings Vs 1-2; Pause for Prayer; Congregation Sings Vs. 3
  • 5. First Presbyterian Church 5 RESPONDING IN FAITH *HĞĒē 627 I Love You, Lord I LOVE YOU, LORD *AċċĎėĒĆęĎĔē Oċ FĆĎęč Friends, let us love one another, because love is from God; everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love. God’s love was revealed among us in this way: God sent his only Son into the world so that we might live through him. In this is love, not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the atoning sacriϐice for our sins. Beloved, since God loved us so much, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God lives in us, and his love is perfected in us. 1 John 4:7-12 IēěĎęĆęĎĔē TĔ TčĊ OċċĊėĎēČ With costly perfume and great love, Mary gave her best to the Lord. With love and gratitude, let us offer the gifts of ourselves and our resources for the work of Christ in the world. OċċĊėĎēČ The gifts we offer express our stewardship of creation, demonstrate our care for one another, support the ministries of the church, and provide for the needs of the poor. To give online, use QR code below. AēęčĊĒ Jesus Anonymous/African American Spiritual Jesus, Jesus, Jesus… I worship You… I love You, Lord…
  • 6. First Presbyterian Church 6 SHARING THE GIFTS OF BREAD AND CUP IēěĎęĆęĎĔē TĔ TčĊ TĆćđĊ TčĊ GėĊĆę PėĆĞĊė Oċ TčĆēĐĘČĎěĎēČ ƭ TčĊ LĔėĉ’Ę PėĆĞĊė The Lord be with you. And also with you. Lift up your hearts. We lift them to the Lord. Let us give our thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give our thanks and praise. Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen TčĊ BėĊĆĉ Ćēĉ CĚĕ CĔĒĒĚēĎĔē Oċ TčĊ PĊĔĕđĊ PėĆĞĊė AċęĊė CĔĒĒĚēĎĔē Almighty God, you alone can bring into order our distorted loves and unruly wills: Grant us grace to love what you command and desire what you promise; that, among the swift and varied changes of the world, our hearts may be ϐixed where true joys are to be found; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
  • 7. First Presbyterian Church 7 SENDING *HĞĒē 201 A Prophet-Woman Broke a Jar HOW CAN I KEEP FROM SINGING BĊēĊĉĎĈęĎĔē VĔđĚēęĆėĞ Rondeau (from Abdelazer) Henry Purcell Go now in peace to love and serve the Lord. The peace of Christ be with you. And also with you Immediately following the worship service, all are invited to fellowship in the Wallace Foyer on the ground ϐloor The closing Voluntary is a space in the service to transition from hearing the Word to choosing to live the Word during our daily lives. Reproduced, recorded, and streamed under One License No. A-701813: Kyrie eleison; Larry Olson © 1989 Dakota Road Music When God Restored Our Common Life; Text: Ruth Duck © 1992 GIA Publications, Inc.; Music: U.S.A. folk melody, Lewis’s Beauties of Harmony, 1828; harm. Erik Routley © 1976 Hinshaw Music, Inc. I Love You, Lord; Laure Klein © 1978 House of Mercy Music (admin. Universal Music - Brentwood Benson Publishing) Jesus; Text: Anonymous; Tune: Anonymous; arr. Valaria A. Foster © 2000, GIA Publications, Inc. A Prophet-Woman Broke a Jar; Text: Brian Wren © 1993 Hope Publishing Company Fairest Lord Jesus; Robert Hobby © 2002 Augsburg Fortress Used with permission of the publisher: Glory to God; James Capers © 2006 Augsburg Fortress Public Domain: Fairest Lord Jesus; Text: Münster Gesangbuch, 1677; stanzas 1-3, trans. Church Chorals and Choir Studies, 1850, alt.; stanza 4, trans. Joseph August Seiss, 1873, alt.; Music: Silesian folk melody; Schlesische Volkslieder, 1842 How Can I Keep From Singing (Music); Roberts Lowry, 1869, alt. Rondeau; Henry Purcell, 1659-1694
  • 8. First Presbyterian Church 8 More Light Presbyterians Upcoming Events, Recent Videos, and The Sermon & Podcast Archives can be found on the front page of the website. Announcements can be found in the E-Chronicle and on The Weekly Announcement page; a link for both of these and The First Chronicle can be found on the main page of the FPCA Website. 40 Church Street, Asheville, NC 28801 828-253-1431 SESSION DEACONS STAFF Class of 2022 Brian Cooper Hank Johnson Emily Reeves Bob Riddle Martha Sloan Olivia Belle Traylor Alan Young Class of 2022 Gail Ward Kate Lafrance Judy Rittmeyer Eula Pence Class of 2023 Phil Barnett Sam Cook Cathie Dodson Angela Drummond Claire Trunnell Class of 2023 Valorie Vliek Class of 2024 Micki Argall Cindy Clarke Chris DeJarnett Seth Hagler Zeb Potter Bob White, Clerk Class of 2024 Lisa Bridges Clay Grifϐith John Meadows Cosette Williams Curtis Williams Rev. Dr. Patrick W. T. Johnson.........................................................................................................................................Pastor, Head of Staff Mary Beth Asher.....................................................................................................................................................Communications Assistant Eve Bennett...............................................................................................................................................................................................Hospitality Rieley Bennett..................................................................................................................................................................................................Sexton Carol Dreiling.........................................................................................................................................................................Nursery Supervisor Rev. David Germer.......................................................................................................................................................................Associate Pastor Rev. Shannon Jordan..................................................................................................................................................................Associate Pastor Nancy McNeill................................................................................................................................................................Director of Engagement Jeremy Roberts.......................................................................................................................................................Director of Music, Organist Anita Sayles...................................................................................................................................................................Administrative Assistant Liz Thurston.......................................................................................................................................................................Church Administrator We are glad you worshiped here today. We believe God loves every person without exception. As followers of Christ, we strive to be a holy community that reϐlects the diversity of God’s creation through the welcome and full participation of every age, ability, socioeconomic status, family background, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, skin color, and racial identity. We lament the history of exclusion in the church. We rejoice in the wholeness that comes when we are all in relationship together. We invite you to join us in ministry at FPCA.
  • 9. First Presbyterian Church 9 COMMUNITY JOYS & CONCERNS Please join the FPCA Family as we celebrate joys among us and pray for loved ones. Our full list is printed once a month as a part of the First Chronicle Newsletter. Please contact Nancy McNeill ( or 828-242-5774) with prayer requests and updates. Help us stay connected by sharing your news, prayer concerns, or other requests. Pastors and staff are available by phone, email, or appointment. The church ofϐice is open from 9 am to 4 pm, Monday through Friday. If you have a scheduled hospitalization, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can support you. If you need pastoral assistance during ofϐice hours, please call the church ofϐice. At other times, please call the pastor-on-call at 828-222-0113 and leave a message with the receptionist. An FPCA pastor will return your call. To keep your contact information up to date, please log into your Realm account or contact Anita Sayles. Prayers for: The CHERNOUS FAMILY, for their safety. They are friends of Dawn Carlton; part of their family is in the USA, but many are still in Ukraine. Some of the men are ϐighting in the Ukrainian army. BRENDA GRAGER, cousin of Evelyn Jarrett, who has had a recurrence of cancer and for her medical team as they make treatment decisions. ANN HUNTER at home, continuing her extended recovery following surgery at Duke. DOUG KING, father of Lauren Wood, receiving chemo for a recent diagnosis of bone marrow cancer. EMILY LAFONTAINE, daughter in-law of Susan Gaddis, as she receives treatment for graft disease resulting from stem cell transplant to treat leukemia, and for Emily’s husband Jonathan. DOTTIE McCALEB, younger sister of Marge Marsh, who is experiencing declining health, has two broken vertebrae, and is hospitalized in Gunnison, Colorado. JOHN McCREARY and Family, grieving the recent death of his sister following her brave battle with cancer. JOAN MURCHISON, who will receive radiation treatment for adenocarcinoma in her left lung. JANE VANN at home, recovering from heart valve replacement surgery on March 25 and for her family. FAMILY and FRIENDS of JEAN WEBB grieving her death on March 29, 2022. A memorial service and reception will be held at FPCA on April 22 at 11am. AFGHAN REFUGEES, who are adjusting to life in Asheville and our teams of volunteers who are assisting them. All PEOPLE affected by war in Ukraine and for leaders around the world to seek peace. EBENEZER CHURCH, our partner church in Guatemala, and also many in the community who have experienced COVID. DAN AND ELIZABETH TURK, as they continue their work as Presbyterian mission co-workers in Madagascar. LUKE AND LEANNE TURK AND THEIR SONS, and their mission work in the Central African Republic (CAR). We Celebrate: SATURDAY SANCTUARY VOLUNTEERS, who have faithfully prepared over 1300 bag lunches for our downtown neighbors for the past six months.
  • 10. YOUTH GROUP COMBINED 4:15-Youth Choir/Choir room: youth choir will meet in the choir room with Jeremy 5:15-Dinner on Patio (meal sign-up is available 7:15-pm Youth Group on Patio or in Fellowship Hall ANNOUNCEMENTS SUPPORT FOR UKRAINE To support those ϐleeing violence in Ukraine, please contribute to the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance International Refugee Program. In the FPCA Online giving menu, select Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, or write that in the memo line of your check. EASTER LILY DEDICATIONS & MEMORIALS You can pay ONLINE or mail your payment to the church ofϐice at 40 Church Street, Asheville, NC 28801- indicate “Easter ϐlower memorials” in the memo line. You can submit 2 per form-use this form as many times as you need to for multiple dedications. Note: We need the dedication information by Wednesday, April 13th to get it in the publication for Easter. GALLERY CHANGE-OUT TIME! Please stop by the gallery today and take your family retreat weaving project home! EASTER OFFERING FOR MALAGASY PEOPLE We continue receiving your special offering to support the needs of Dan and Elizabeth Turks’ work in Madagascar, through April 17 (Easter Sunday), we are working to match the $4000 funds designated by the Mission Committee. Dan and Elizabeth work to improve the quality of life and to strengthen the spiritual lives of the Malagasy people while they face life-threatening results from famine, cyclone, and COVID-19. Our prayers and our monetary gifts change their lives. They are grateful for our involvement with them. PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN APRIL 4, 10:30 Meeting in person in room 112 and on Zoom. Nancy Ramsay will be leading the class in covering Lesson 8: Mary in the Faith & Tradition of the Church. FPCA STITCHERS Monday, April 4, room 214 Do you knit, crochet, weave, or sew? FPCA has a wonderful group that meets each 1st Monday at 6 pm. They create wonderful prayer shawls for people who need to know that God’s love is surrounding them, offering healing, comfort, and love.
  • 11. TAIZE LENTEN WORSHIP Join us on Thursday evenings through April 7 from 7:15 to 7:45 during Lent for Taize worship in the Sanctuary. Taize is an ecumenical Christian monastic community in eastern France. Their music and liturgies, known for their meditative chants and chorus, reϐlective prayers, and pointed silence, have spread world wide. HELP NEEDED FOR OUR NEW AFGHAN NEIGHBORS Our church is supporting an Afghan couple living temporarily in Leicester. Because their home is not on a bus line, there is a great need for transportation assistance. We have set up sign-up lists to take them grocery shopping on Mondays and to the mosque on Fridays. We need more help in getting them to these locations and other appointments. If you have the time and are willing, please consider signing up to help. You may wish to team up with another church member on transporting them to and from the mosque so that you don’t have to wait around during the service. Contact Randy Fluharty (rϐ or Alan Young ( for help in accessing the sign-up lists in Realm. FPCA ZOOM ANTIǧRACISM WEBINAR: SUNDAY, APRIL 24TH 7ǧ8PM “Deϐining Racism and the Work of Resisting Racial Oppression and Racial Privilege ” Two concurrent, profoundly different deϐinitions of racism function in our culture and among faith communities: “racism as a system of disadvantage based on race” and “racism as an interlocking system of advantage based on race.” We will examine the implications of these two deϐinitions for shaping our personal, cultural, relational, political, and spiritual imaginations and practices regarding racial justice. We’ll explore ways the theory of Intersectionality is a resource for the work of resisting racism and especially helpful for those whose racial identity is privileged. The Rev. Dr. Nancy J. Ramsay is a Presbyterian clergywoman (ret.) whose career included service as an associate pastor in Rocky Mount, NC followed by PhD studies and then 36 years as a theological educator in the ϐield of Pastoral Theology and Pastoral Care ϐirst at Louisville Presbyterian Seminary and then Brite Divinity School in Fort Worth, TX. PALM SUNDAY 9:45 am: All Faith Formation classes join the community parade. Gather at Central UMC; deposit your non-perishable donations. List found at children-and-families. 10-10:30: Parade to & from Prichard Park. 10:45 am- 11:00 am: Children gather on the Children’s Hall for Palm Processional. PLEASE REGISTER FOR MAUNDY THURSDAY On Maundy Thursday, we will gather in the Gardner Fellowship Hall at 5:30 pm. This is a family-inclusive event with all ages participating; dinner is served family-style, with worship and communion enjoyed around the tables. To help us prepare for our Maundy Thursday event, please register using QR code on the left, or register on the Realm Event Page from our website or you app. / / /
  • 12. UPDATED COVID POLICY As we gradually emerge from the pandemic, our goal is to take small and careful steps that continue to make room for those who are vulnerable, concerned for their health, or not yet able to be vaccinated. On the ϐirst Tuesday of each month, the session reviews these protocols at their meeting. To see full details, click the link on our webpage (Update Covid Policy 2/22/22). Presently, masks are strongly recommended; and they are required in our children’s wing, at all children’s and youth events, in choirs, and in the safety seating options in the sanctuary and chapel. Coffee and food service is available, with masks removed to partake. Masks are optional at campus outdoor activities for all groups. Streaming remains a viable option for those at home. Sunday, April 3 8:30 am - 12:30 pm Nursery 3 + masks required 11:00 am Worship Service with Communion, Patrick Johnson preaching Fellowship in the Wallace Foyer 4:15 pm - 7:15 pm Youth Choir (Choir Room), Dinner (Patio) and Youth group (Fellowship Hall/Patio) Monday, April 4 10:30 am Presbyterian Women, Hybrid meeting Rm. 112 or Zoom; speaker Nancy Ramsay 6:00 pm Stitchers (Rm. 214) Wednesday, April 6 2:00 pm The Text This Week Bible Study (Zoom) 7:00 - 8:30 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room) Thursday, April 7 7:15 pm - 7:45 pm Taize worship service Sunday, April 10 Palm Sunday 8:30 am - 12:30 pm Nursery 3 + masks required 8:45 am - 9:45 am Worship Service in Chapel, Patrick Johnson preaching 9:45 am - 10:45 am Faith Formation All Faith Formation classes join for community parade Gather at Central UMC; deposit non-perishable donations 10:45 am- 11:00 am Children gather on the Children’s Hall to begin Palm Processional 11:00 am Worship Service, Patrick Johnson preaching Fellowship in the Wallace Foyer Zoom & Registration links can be found on the church calendar at THIS WEEK AT A GLANCE /