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The Service for The Lord’s Day
June 26, 2022
11:00 am Worship Service
Third Sunday of Pentecost
Grace and peace. We believe God loves everyone without exception. All are welcome here.
Our mission is to experience the love of Jesus Christ by practicing
radical hospitality, forming deep relationships, and joining in shared ministry.
“The task of prophetic ministry is to nurture, nourish, and evoke a consciousness and
perception alternative to the consciousness and perception of the dominant culture around
Walter Brueggeman, Prophetic Imagination
A Summer with the Prophets
First Presbyterian Church 2
Welcome! We hope that you experience the boundary-breaking love of Jesus Christ in our
worship service and in our ministries.
If you are interested in learning more about FPCA, including membership, sharing a
prayer request, or a pastoral concern, please ϐill out a card from the back of the pew, or go
to our website and click Connect With Us. We welcome new members on the third Sunday
of the month our next time to join will be July 17th, at 9:45 am, in the Library.
Worship bags are available in the narthex for children. The 11:00 am service is streaming
in the Widman Room (Rm 107), down the hall from the narthex, for anyone who may
need to leave the sanctuary. Nursery is available for children through kindergarten,
and older if necessary. If you need assistance, please ask an usher for directions to the
Children’s Hall.
For worship, masks are required in the balcony and in the marked pews near the
entrances. They are required for all children’s events and rooms for ages three and older.
Small groups choose within themselves, according to their needs. Masks are optional.
The Chancel Flowers are given to the Glory of God by Bonnie Welden.
Leading in Worship Today:
Pastors: Patrick Johnson, Shannon Jordan
Choir Director and Organist: Jeremy Roberts
Assistant Director: Kim Thomas
FPCA Pick-Up Choir
*Please stand if able.
VĔđĚēęĆėĞ Adoration Florence Price
*CĆđđ ęĔ WĔėĘčĎĕ Patrick Johnson
The Lord be with you.
And also with you.
You are the God who works wonders;
you have displayed your might among the peoples.
Praise the Lord!
The Lord’s name be praised.
*HĞĒē 32 I Sing the Mighty Power of God ELLACOMBE
First Presbyterian Church 3
You, O Lord, are the giver of all good things:
rain and sun, day and night,
justice and righteousness,
bread to the eater and seed to the sower,
peace to the old, energy to the young, joy to the babes.
We are takers, who take from you,
day by day, daily bread, taking all we need as you supply,
taking in gratitude and wonder and joy.
And then taking more, taking more than we need,
taking more than you give us,
taking from our sisters and brothers,
taking from the poor and the weak,
taking because we are frightened, and so greedy,
taking because we are anxious, and so fearful,
taking because we are driven, and so uncaring.
Give us peace beyond our fear, and so end our greed.
Turn our taking into giving, since we are in your giving image:
Make us giving like you,
giving in joy, not taking,
giving as he gave himself up for us all,
giving, never taking.
(Silent prayer of confession)
Siblings in Christ, declare with me the good news of the gospel:
In Jesus Christ we are forgiven!
As God’s forgiven people, how are we to live?
Hear now the Word of God:
God has told you, O mortal, what is good;
and what does Lord require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God?
CĆđđ ęĔ CĔēċĊĘĘĎĔē Shannon Jordan
The Psalmist says, “I will cry aloud to God.
In the day of trouble, I will seek your help.”
Trusting in the sure mercy of God,
let us confess our sin and seek the help we need.
First Presbyterian Church 4
First Lesson Luke 9:51-62
This is the word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.
Second Lesson 2 Kings 2:1-2, 6-14
This is the word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.
SĊėĒĔē Big Shoes to Fill Patrick Johnson
If they ϔind it challenging
to participate in the
entire service, children
are invited to the nursery
during the singing of this
*HĞĒē 582 Glory to God, Whose Goodness Shines on Me GLORY TO GOD
First Presbyterian Church 5
*AċċĎėĒĆęĎĔē Ĕċ FĆĎęč
By the Spirit God raised up leaders and prophets in Israel.
By the Spirit Jesus was conceived, baptized, and empowered.
By the Spirit the risen Christ is present with his church.
We afϐirm that the Holy Spirit is the Lord and Giver of life,
the Renewer and Perfecter of God’s people,
the One who makes real in us what God has done for us.
Thanks be to God. Amen.
PėĆĞĊėĘ Ĕċ ęčĊ PĊĔĕđĊ Ćēĉ ęčĊ LĔėĉ’Ę PėĆĞĊė
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name,
thy kingdom come,
thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
and forgive us our debts,
as we forgive our debtors;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, and the power,
and the glory forever. Amen
*HĞĒē 822 When We Are Living SOMOS DEL SENOR
The peace of Christ be with you.
And also with you.
IēěĎęĆęĎĔē ęĔ ęčĊ OċċĊėĎēČ
The earth is the Lord’s, and all that is in it,
the world, and those who live in it.
Let us return to God the offerings of our life
and the gifts of the earth.
The gifts we offer express
our stewardship of
creation, demonstrate
our care for one another,
support the ministries of
the church, and provide
for the needs of the poor.
In addition to our regular
offering, To give Online,
use QR code above.
from A Declaration of Faith
AēęčĊĒ Swing Low, Sweet Chariot Arr. Joe Cox
First Presbyterian Church 6
*HĞĒē 605 Praise to God the Father DA N’ASE
Living God,
as you moved in the lives of prophets,
move in our lives,
so we may continue to hear your voice,
follow where you lead,
and speak your prophetic word
in a world that does not want to hear.
Empowered by your Spirit,
give us the courage we need
to follow, trust, listen, speak,
and accept your commission
to be your faithful servant people. Amen.
First Presbyterian Church 7
*HĞĒē 804 Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart! MARION
VĔđĚēęĆėĞ Swing Low, Sweet Chariot Greg Bottomley
Go now in peace to love and serve the lord.
The peace of Christ be with you.
And also with you
After the 11:00 am service, you are invited to Fellowship Time in the Wallace Foyer.
First Presbyterian Church 8
More Light Presbyterians
Upcoming Events, Recent Videos, and The Sermon & Podcast Archives can be found on the front page of the
website. Announcements can be found in the E-Chronicle and on The Weekly Announcement page.
A link for both of these and The First Chronicle can be found on the main page of the FPCA Website.
40 Church Street, Asheville, NC 28801 828-253-1431
We are glad you worshiped here today.
We believe God loves every person without exception. As followers of Christ, we strive to be a holy community
that reϐlects the diversity of God’s creation through the welcome and full participation of every age, ability,
socioeconomic status, family background, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, skin color, and racial identity.
We lament the history of exclusion in the church. We rejoice in the wholeness that comes when we are all in
relationship together. We invite you to join us in ministry at FPCA.
Class of 2022
Brian Cooper
Hank Johnson
Emily Reeves
Bob Riddle
Martha Sloan
Olivia Belle Traylor
Alan Young
Class of 2022
Gail Ward
Kate Lafrance
Judy Rittmeyer
Eula Pence
Class of 2023
Phil Barnett
Sam Cook
Cathie Dodson
Angela Drummond
Claire Trunnell
Class of 2023
Valorie Vliek
Class of 2024
Micki Argall
Cindy Clarke
Chris DeJarnett
Seth Hagler
Zeb Potter
Bob White, Clerk
Class of 2024
Lisa Bridges
Clay Grifϐith
John Meadows
Cosette Williams
Curtis Williams
Rev. Dr. Patrick W. T. Johnson..........................................................................................................................................Pastor, Head of Staff
Mary Beth Asher.....................................................................................................................................................Communications Assistant
Eve Bennett...............................................................................................................................................................................................Hospitality
Rieley Bennett..................................................................................................................................................................................................Sexton
Candace Dellinger..............................................................................................................................................................................Nursery Staff
Rev. David Germer.......................................................................................................................................................................Associate Pastor
Rev. Shannon Jordan..................................................................................................................................................................Associate Pastor
Alice Lake..............................................................................................................................................................................................Nursery Staff
Nancy McNeill................................................................................................................................................................Director of Engagement
Jeremy Roberts.......................................................................................................................................................Director of Music, Organist
Anita Sayles...................................................................................................................................................................Administrative Assistant
Kim Thomas.....................................................................................................................................................................................Choir Assistant
Liz Thurston.......................................................................................................................................................................Church Administrator
Sky Trice...................................................................................................................................................................................Nursery Supervisor
Please join the FPCA Family as we celebrate joys among us and pray for loved ones.
Our full list is printed once a month as a part of the First Chronicle Newsletter.
Please contact Nancy McNeill ( or 828-242-5774) with prayer requests and updates.
Help us stay connected by sharing your news, prayer concerns, or other requests. Pastors and staff are available
by phone, email, or appointment. The church ofϐice is open from 9 am to 4 pm, Monday through Friday. If you have
a scheduled hospitalization, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can support you. If you need pastoral
assistance during ofϐice hours, please call the church ofϐice. At other times, please call the pastor-on-call at
828-222-0113 and leave a message with the receptionist. An FPCA pastor will return your call. To keep your
contact information up to date, please log into your Realm account or contact Anita Sayles.
Prayers for:
EMILY and JONATHAN GADDIS, Emily is the daughter-in-law of Susan Gaddis and is facing extensive testing at
Duke in preparation for a lung transplant needed as a result of leukemia.
The Family and Friends of BRENDA GRAGER, cousin of Evelyn Jarrett, Brenda died on 6/16/22 surrounded by
her loving family.
PAT HARR and BOB MOLLEZZO, as Pat continues treatment for ALS. Pat and Bob have moved to an assisted living
residence in Rhode Island to be closer to her family.
DOUG KING, father of Lauren Wood, who was hospitalized for an infection after receiving chemo for a recent
diagnosis of bone marrow cancer. Prayers for his wife and family as they make difϐicult decisions related to his care.
MARGARET RIDDLE, who is the full-time caregiver for her husband Joe. Joe is receiving in-home Hospice care for
Parkinson’s, Dementia, and Pulmonary Fibrosis. She is also in the process of selling their home.
ANJALI RIVERA, grand-niece of Evelyn Jarrett, who had successful surgery on May 23rd to fuse her spine to stop
the progression of scoliosis and is now recovering at home.
MARY SHEAROUSE, who recently moved to Atlanta to be closer to her daughter Sandra, and for daughter JEAN
SHEAROUSE in Asheville, as they all make adjustments to the transitions.
JUANITA SPANOGLE and friends, who are grieving the death of Juanita’s husband Howard on 6/4/22.
REESE WAITES, college-age daughter of a teacher at The Cortes children’s school who was seriously injured in an
auto accident. She is at the Shepherd Center in GA for extensive therapy as she learns to talk, walk and perform
daily activities and adjusts to the realities of her injuries.
AFGHAN REFUGEES, who are adjusting to life in Asheville, and our teams of volunteers who are assisting them.
All PEOPLE affected by war in Ukraine, those living in fear or with violence and, for the leaders around the world
to seek peace.
The people of Afghanistan, in the wake of an earthquake on June 22. Our Afghan Neighbors Team reports that the
family of the refugees we are helping are safe.
We Celebrate:
The marriage of ANNA HUNTLEY and Tom Bowkett on June 17, and rejoice with Anna’s parents Rebecca and
Doug Huntley and their families.
Our last COMPASSION CAMP VBS on June 26 as we explore the theme of LovingKindness.
At Compassion Camp, families with children will explore what it means
to change the world with loving-kindness: sharing compassion for
ourselves, others, and the world. We will hear Bible stories, learn music,
play games, make art, try yoga, and do mission together. Most of all, we
will rejoice as we learn and grow and practice compassion together!
Come for our last Compassion Camp this year, today at 4:30- 6:30
pm. Dinner will be provided.
After a hiatus during the past two summers, Montreat Conference Center’s hymn-sing season returns for
in-person gatherings on Sundays at 7:00 pm in Convocation Hall in the Assembly Inn. A stellar group of
musicians will lead our hymn-sings, with a few of our own coming soon:
• Kyle Ritter and Chris DeJarnett today.
• Jeremy Roberts on July 10th
The group arriving today is from First Scots PC (Charleston SC), Harpeth PC
(Brentwood TN), and FPC Gastonia NC, and there will not be a group for the week of
July 3rd.
The leadership at FPCA is working hard to connect and re-connect people into the mission of God. Part of that
is knowing how you want to connect and what opportunities that you want to hear about. If you can please
use the blue interest form in the narthex or go to your Realm Proϐile on you Realm App or computer and make
the selections, it will help us connect you to the ministries that most interest you. Clicking on one of these
opportunities is not a commitment, but an indication that you would like to know when we have possible places
of engagement. If you would like help to understand how to use Realm, please reach out to Shannon at sjordan@!
NOW ON DISPLAY in the church gallery through August 15 are works by nine artists
from the Red House Gallery and Studios in Black Mountain. We hope you will come and
enjoy this beautiful show.
All new members are invited to join us for a luncheon on the Patio today at 12:00 pm.
This will be a great chance to meet other new members.
September 30-October 2 at Montreat Conference Center--only 30 minutes away.
The FPCA Retreat has a long history of fun, learning, activities, and rest. With a variety
of contemplative and worship activities, everyone can ϐind a way to connect more deeply
with God and one another. You really don’t want to miss the variety show!
There are two main options for attending: Overnight or Commuter.
Overnight costs include two nights at Assembly Inn, retreat activities,
three meals Saturday, and breakfast on Sunday. Commuter costs include
retreat activities, and three meals Saturday, and breakfast on Sunday. The
deadline for overnight registrations is TOMORROW June 27th and our
commuter deadline is August 8th. Go to
retreat or use QR code.
The two families we have been encouraging continue to progress in their journey to independence. They have jobs
and housing. Their next steps include advanced English language training, ϐinancial literacy, and acquiring driver’s
learning permits.
We are working with them on the next career steps, English as a second language, and initial driver’s learning test
preparation. Transportation remains an active need. If you have ESL, ϐinancial literacy, or driver’s license training
expertise, please let us know. We deeply appreciate all of you who are actively helping us or providing moral
support. Please direct your questions to Randy Fluharty (828-423-9030) or Alan Young (703-304-7708).
This summer we have a lunch opportunity to connect with new and old friends at
restaurants around town. These restaurants will have parking and accessibility. Please
join us for this relationship building opportunity. RSVP to the church ofϐice or Shannon
Jordan at
• Tomorrow Tupelo Honey; South Asheville, 1829 Hendersonville Road.
• July 11 TGI Fridays; 115 Hendersonville Road, near Biltmore Village.
• August 1 Outback Steakhouse; 30 Tunnel Road.
• August 22 TBD
The Session has called congregational meeting for the purpose of electing new ofϐicers.
We will meet in the Sanctuary at 10:40 am on Sunday, July 10th.
Sunday, June 26
11:00 am Worship Service in the Sanctuary with Rev. Patrick Johnson preaching
12:00 pm Fellowship time on the front lawn or in Wallace Foyer if raining
12:00 pm New Member Luncheon on the Patio
4:30 pm - 6:30 pm VBS Compassion Camp with dinner
Monday, June 27
All Day Retreat deadline for overnights
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm Centering Prayer with Waid Shelton (Zoom)
Wednesday, June 29
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Text This Week Bible Study (Zoom)
Sunday, July 3
8:45 am Worship Service in Campbell Chapel with Rev. Patrick Johnson preaching
9:45 am Faith Formation (Fellowship Hall)
9:45 am Godly Play preschool - ϐifth grade (Room 106)
9:45 am Coffee Talk for Parents of Younger Children (Room 107/Widman Room)
11:00 am Worship Service in the Sanctuary with Rev. Patrick Johnson preaching
12:00 pm Fellowship time on the front lawn or in Wallace Foyer if raining
Monday, July 4
All Day Church ofϐices closed for Independence Day
Zoom & Registration links can be found on the church calendar at

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Worship Bulletin 06.26.2022.pdf

  • 1. The Service for The Lord’s Day June 26, 2022 11:00 am Worship Service Third Sunday of Pentecost Grace and peace. We believe God loves everyone without exception. All are welcome here. Our mission is to experience the love of Jesus Christ by practicing radical hospitality, forming deep relationships, and joining in shared ministry. “The task of prophetic ministry is to nurture, nourish, and evoke a consciousness and perception alternative to the consciousness and perception of the dominant culture around us.” Walter Brueggeman, Prophetic Imagination A Summer with the Prophets
  • 2. First Presbyterian Church 2 WELCOME TO FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF ASHEVILLE Welcome! We hope that you experience the boundary-breaking love of Jesus Christ in our worship service and in our ministries. If you are interested in learning more about FPCA, including membership, sharing a prayer request, or a pastoral concern, please ϐill out a card from the back of the pew, or go to our website and click Connect With Us. We welcome new members on the third Sunday of the month our next time to join will be July 17th, at 9:45 am, in the Library. Worship bags are available in the narthex for children. The 11:00 am service is streaming in the Widman Room (Rm 107), down the hall from the narthex, for anyone who may need to leave the sanctuary. Nursery is available for children through kindergarten, and older if necessary. If you need assistance, please ask an usher for directions to the Children’s Hall. For worship, masks are required in the balcony and in the marked pews near the entrances. They are required for all children’s events and rooms for ages three and older. Small groups choose within themselves, according to their needs. Masks are optional. The Chancel Flowers are given to the Glory of God by Bonnie Welden. Leading in Worship Today: Pastors: Patrick Johnson, Shannon Jordan Choir Director and Organist: Jeremy Roberts Assistant Director: Kim Thomas FPCA Pick-Up Choir *Please stand if able. GATHERING IN VĔđĚēęĆėĞ Adoration Florence Price WĊđĈĔĒĊ Ćēĉ AēēĔĚēĈĊĒĊēęĘ *CĆđđ ęĔ WĔėĘčĎĕ Patrick Johnson The Lord be with you. And also with you. You are the God who works wonders; you have displayed your might among the peoples. Praise the Lord! The Lord’s name be praised. *HĞĒē 32 I Sing the Mighty Power of God ELLACOMBE
  • 3. First Presbyterian Church 3 PėĆĞĊė Ĕċ CĔēċĊĘĘĎĔē You, O Lord, are the giver of all good things: rain and sun, day and night, justice and righteousness, bread to the eater and seed to the sower, peace to the old, energy to the young, joy to the babes. We are takers, who take from you, day by day, daily bread, taking all we need as you supply, taking in gratitude and wonder and joy. And then taking more, taking more than we need, taking more than you give us, taking from our sisters and brothers, taking from the poor and the weak, taking because we are frightened, and so greedy, taking because we are anxious, and so fearful, taking because we are driven, and so uncaring. Give us peace beyond our fear, and so end our greed. Turn our taking into giving, since we are in your giving image: Make us giving like you, giving in joy, not taking, giving as he gave himself up for us all, giving, never taking. (Silent prayer of confession) DĊĈđĆėĆęĎĔē Ĕċ FĔėČĎěĊēĊĘĘ Siblings in Christ, declare with me the good news of the gospel: In Jesus Christ we are forgiven! As God’s forgiven people, how are we to live? Hear now the Word of God: God has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? CĆđđ ęĔ CĔēċĊĘĘĎĔē Shannon Jordan The Psalmist says, “I will cry aloud to God. In the day of trouble, I will seek your help.” Trusting in the sure mercy of God, let us confess our sin and seek the help we need.
  • 4. First Presbyterian Church 4 HEARING THE WORD PėĆĞĊė ċĔė IđđĚĒĎēĆęĎĔē SĈėĎĕęĚėĊ RĊĆĉĎēČĘ First Lesson Luke 9:51-62 This is the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. Second Lesson 2 Kings 2:1-2, 6-14 This is the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. SĊėĒĔē Big Shoes to Fill Patrick Johnson If they ϔind it challenging to participate in the entire service, children are invited to the nursery during the singing of this response. SĚēČ RĊĘĕĔēĘĊ *HĞĒē 582 Glory to God, Whose Goodness Shines on Me GLORY TO GOD
  • 5. First Presbyterian Church 5 *AċċĎėĒĆęĎĔē Ĕċ FĆĎęč By the Spirit God raised up leaders and prophets in Israel. By the Spirit Jesus was conceived, baptized, and empowered. By the Spirit the risen Christ is present with his church. We afϐirm that the Holy Spirit is the Lord and Giver of life, the Renewer and Perfecter of God’s people, the One who makes real in us what God has done for us. Thanks be to God. Amen. PėĆĞĊėĘ Ĕċ ęčĊ PĊĔĕđĊ Ćēĉ ęčĊ LĔėĉ’Ę PėĆĞĊė Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen RESPONDING IN FAITH *HĞĒē 822 When We Are Living SOMOS DEL SENOR *PĆĘĘĎēČ Ĕċ ęčĊ PĊĆĈĊ The peace of Christ be with you. And also with you. IēěĎęĆęĎĔē ęĔ ęčĊ OċċĊėĎēČ The earth is the Lord’s, and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it. Let us return to God the offerings of our life and the gifts of the earth. OċċĊėĎēČ The gifts we offer express our stewardship of creation, demonstrate our care for one another, support the ministries of the church, and provide for the needs of the poor. In addition to our regular offering, To give Online, use QR code above. from A Declaration of Faith AēęčĊĒ Swing Low, Sweet Chariot Arr. Joe Cox
  • 6. First Presbyterian Church 6 *HĞĒē 605 Praise to God the Father DA N’ASE PėĆĞĊė Ĕċ TčĆēĐĘČĎěĎēČ Living God, as you moved in the lives of prophets, move in our lives, so we may continue to hear your voice, follow where you lead, and speak your prophetic word in a world that does not want to hear. Empowered by your Spirit, give us the courage we need to follow, trust, listen, speak, and accept your commission to be your faithful servant people. Amen.
  • 7. First Presbyterian Church 7 SENDING *HĞĒē 804 Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart! MARION BđĊĘĘĎēČ VĔđĚēęĆėĞ Swing Low, Sweet Chariot Greg Bottomley Go now in peace to love and serve the lord. The peace of Christ be with you. And also with you After the 11:00 am service, you are invited to Fellowship Time in the Wallace Foyer.
  • 8. First Presbyterian Church 8 More Light Presbyterians Upcoming Events, Recent Videos, and The Sermon & Podcast Archives can be found on the front page of the website. Announcements can be found in the E-Chronicle and on The Weekly Announcement page. A link for both of these and The First Chronicle can be found on the main page of the FPCA Website. 40 Church Street, Asheville, NC 28801 828-253-1431 We are glad you worshiped here today. We believe God loves every person without exception. As followers of Christ, we strive to be a holy community that reϐlects the diversity of God’s creation through the welcome and full participation of every age, ability, socioeconomic status, family background, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, skin color, and racial identity. We lament the history of exclusion in the church. We rejoice in the wholeness that comes when we are all in relationship together. We invite you to join us in ministry at FPCA. SESSION DEACONS STAFF Class of 2022 Brian Cooper Hank Johnson Emily Reeves Bob Riddle Martha Sloan Olivia Belle Traylor Alan Young Class of 2022 Gail Ward Kate Lafrance Judy Rittmeyer Eula Pence Class of 2023 Phil Barnett Sam Cook Cathie Dodson Angela Drummond Claire Trunnell Class of 2023 Valorie Vliek Class of 2024 Micki Argall Cindy Clarke Chris DeJarnett Seth Hagler Zeb Potter Bob White, Clerk Class of 2024 Lisa Bridges Clay Grifϐith John Meadows Cosette Williams Curtis Williams Rev. Dr. Patrick W. T. Johnson..........................................................................................................................................Pastor, Head of Staff Mary Beth Asher.....................................................................................................................................................Communications Assistant Eve Bennett...............................................................................................................................................................................................Hospitality Rieley Bennett..................................................................................................................................................................................................Sexton Candace Dellinger..............................................................................................................................................................................Nursery Staff Rev. David Germer.......................................................................................................................................................................Associate Pastor Rev. Shannon Jordan..................................................................................................................................................................Associate Pastor Alice Lake..............................................................................................................................................................................................Nursery Staff Nancy McNeill................................................................................................................................................................Director of Engagement Jeremy Roberts.......................................................................................................................................................Director of Music, Organist Anita Sayles...................................................................................................................................................................Administrative Assistant Kim Thomas.....................................................................................................................................................................................Choir Assistant Liz Thurston.......................................................................................................................................................................Church Administrator Sky Trice...................................................................................................................................................................................Nursery Supervisor
  • 9. 9 COMMUNITY JOYS & CONCERNS Please join the FPCA Family as we celebrate joys among us and pray for loved ones. Our full list is printed once a month as a part of the First Chronicle Newsletter. Please contact Nancy McNeill ( or 828-242-5774) with prayer requests and updates. Help us stay connected by sharing your news, prayer concerns, or other requests. Pastors and staff are available by phone, email, or appointment. The church ofϐice is open from 9 am to 4 pm, Monday through Friday. If you have a scheduled hospitalization, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can support you. If you need pastoral assistance during ofϐice hours, please call the church ofϐice. At other times, please call the pastor-on-call at 828-222-0113 and leave a message with the receptionist. An FPCA pastor will return your call. To keep your contact information up to date, please log into your Realm account or contact Anita Sayles. Prayers for: EMILY and JONATHAN GADDIS, Emily is the daughter-in-law of Susan Gaddis and is facing extensive testing at Duke in preparation for a lung transplant needed as a result of leukemia. The Family and Friends of BRENDA GRAGER, cousin of Evelyn Jarrett, Brenda died on 6/16/22 surrounded by her loving family. PAT HARR and BOB MOLLEZZO, as Pat continues treatment for ALS. Pat and Bob have moved to an assisted living residence in Rhode Island to be closer to her family. DOUG KING, father of Lauren Wood, who was hospitalized for an infection after receiving chemo for a recent diagnosis of bone marrow cancer. Prayers for his wife and family as they make difϐicult decisions related to his care. MARGARET RIDDLE, who is the full-time caregiver for her husband Joe. Joe is receiving in-home Hospice care for Parkinson’s, Dementia, and Pulmonary Fibrosis. She is also in the process of selling their home. ANJALI RIVERA, grand-niece of Evelyn Jarrett, who had successful surgery on May 23rd to fuse her spine to stop the progression of scoliosis and is now recovering at home. MARY SHEAROUSE, who recently moved to Atlanta to be closer to her daughter Sandra, and for daughter JEAN SHEAROUSE in Asheville, as they all make adjustments to the transitions. JUANITA SPANOGLE and friends, who are grieving the death of Juanita’s husband Howard on 6/4/22. REESE WAITES, college-age daughter of a teacher at The Cortes children’s school who was seriously injured in an auto accident. She is at the Shepherd Center in GA for extensive therapy as she learns to talk, walk and perform daily activities and adjusts to the realities of her injuries. AFGHAN REFUGEES, who are adjusting to life in Asheville, and our teams of volunteers who are assisting them. All PEOPLE affected by war in Ukraine, those living in fear or with violence and, for the leaders around the world to seek peace. The people of Afghanistan, in the wake of an earthquake on June 22. Our Afghan Neighbors Team reports that the family of the refugees we are helping are safe. We Celebrate: The marriage of ANNA HUNTLEY and Tom Bowkett on June 17, and rejoice with Anna’s parents Rebecca and Doug Huntley and their families. Our last COMPASSION CAMP VBS on June 26 as we explore the theme of LovingKindness.
  • 10. JOIN US FOR COMPASSION CAMP AT FPCA ǧ TODAY At Compassion Camp, families with children will explore what it means to change the world with loving-kindness: sharing compassion for ourselves, others, and the world. We will hear Bible stories, learn music, play games, make art, try yoga, and do mission together. Most of all, we will rejoice as we learn and grow and practice compassion together! Come for our last Compassion Camp this year, today at 4:30- 6:30 pm. Dinner will be provided. ANNOUNCEMENTS MONTREAT CONFERENCE CENTER’S HYMN SING TODAY AT 7:00 PM After a hiatus during the past two summers, Montreat Conference Center’s hymn-sing season returns for in-person gatherings on Sundays at 7:00 pm in Convocation Hall in the Assembly Inn. A stellar group of musicians will lead our hymn-sings, with a few of our own coming soon: • Kyle Ritter and Chris DeJarnett today. • Jeremy Roberts on July 10th ASHEVILLE YOUTH MISSION SUMMER GROUPS The group arriving today is from First Scots PC (Charleston SC), Harpeth PC (Brentwood TN), and FPC Gastonia NC, and there will not be a group for the week of July 3rd. The leadership at FPCA is working hard to connect and re-connect people into the mission of God. Part of that is knowing how you want to connect and what opportunities that you want to hear about. If you can please use the blue interest form in the narthex or go to your Realm Proϐile on you Realm App or computer and make the selections, it will help us connect you to the ministries that most interest you. Clicking on one of these opportunities is not a commitment, but an indication that you would like to know when we have possible places of engagement. If you would like help to understand how to use Realm, please reach out to Shannon at sjordan@! NEW ART SHOW IN THE FPCA ART GALLERY NOW ON DISPLAY in the church gallery through August 15 are works by nine artists from the Red House Gallery and Studios in Black Mountain. We hope you will come and enjoy this beautiful show. NEW MEMBER LUNCHEON ON THE PATIO All new members are invited to join us for a luncheon on the Patio today at 12:00 pm. This will be a great chance to meet other new members.
  • 11. ANNUAL CHURCH RETREAT OVERNIGHTS DEADLINE TOMORROW September 30-October 2 at Montreat Conference Center--only 30 minutes away. The FPCA Retreat has a long history of fun, learning, activities, and rest. With a variety of contemplative and worship activities, everyone can ϐind a way to connect more deeply with God and one another. You really don’t want to miss the variety show! There are two main options for attending: Overnight or Commuter. Overnight costs include two nights at Assembly Inn, retreat activities, three meals Saturday, and breakfast on Sunday. Commuter costs include retreat activities, and three meals Saturday, and breakfast on Sunday. The deadline for overnight registrations is TOMORROW June 27th and our commuter deadline is August 8th. Go to retreat or use QR code. HELP NEEDED FOR OUR AFGHAN NEIGHBORS GROUP The two families we have been encouraging continue to progress in their journey to independence. They have jobs and housing. Their next steps include advanced English language training, ϐinancial literacy, and acquiring driver’s learning permits. We are working with them on the next career steps, English as a second language, and initial driver’s learning test preparation. Transportation remains an active need. If you have ESL, ϐinancial literacy, or driver’s license training expertise, please let us know. We deeply appreciate all of you who are actively helping us or providing moral support. Please direct your questions to Randy Fluharty (828-423-9030) or Alan Young (703-304-7708). LUNCH BUNCH TOMORROW AT 11:30 AM This summer we have a lunch opportunity to connect with new and old friends at restaurants around town. These restaurants will have parking and accessibility. Please join us for this relationship building opportunity. RSVP to the church ofϐice or Shannon Jordan at • Tomorrow Tupelo Honey; South Asheville, 1829 Hendersonville Road. • July 11 TGI Fridays; 115 Hendersonville Road, near Biltmore Village. • August 1 Outback Steakhouse; 30 Tunnel Road. • August 22 TBD SUNDAY, JULY 10TH, 10:40 CONGREGATIONAL MEETING The Session has called congregational meeting for the purpose of electing new ofϐicers. We will meet in the Sanctuary at 10:40 am on Sunday, July 10th.
  • 12. THIS WEEK AT A GLANCE Sunday, June 26 11:00 am Worship Service in the Sanctuary with Rev. Patrick Johnson preaching 12:00 pm Fellowship time on the front lawn or in Wallace Foyer if raining 12:00 pm New Member Luncheon on the Patio 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm VBS Compassion Camp with dinner Monday, June 27 All Day Retreat deadline for overnights 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm Centering Prayer with Waid Shelton (Zoom) Wednesday, June 29 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Text This Week Bible Study (Zoom) Sunday, July 3 8:45 am Worship Service in Campbell Chapel with Rev. Patrick Johnson preaching 9:45 am Faith Formation (Fellowship Hall) 9:45 am Godly Play preschool - ϐifth grade (Room 106) 9:45 am Coffee Talk for Parents of Younger Children (Room 107/Widman Room) 11:00 am Worship Service in the Sanctuary with Rev. Patrick Johnson preaching 12:00 pm Fellowship time on the front lawn or in Wallace Foyer if raining Monday, July 4 All Day Church ofϐices closed for Independence Day Zoom & Registration links can be found on the church calendar at