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Paradigm Shift of Marketing
      WOM Marketing
   -WOMlabo     Credential-

          June 2010

About WOM labo project

 What we do -WOMlabo-

 1. Develop a WOM promotion platform
 2. Structuralize a communication plan with WOM platform
 3. Analyze WOM insights
 4. Trainings, seminars, and introductory sessions
 5. Whitepapers about WOM
 6. Effectiveness measurement on WOM


                                                                          Confidential   Page1 1
Introduction to our WOM Marketing Activity
Our WOM marketing program is introduced in 3 countries in Asia.

日本 (JAPAN)
 Publication in Japan
   (Graphic explanation of word-of-mouth marketing)
   (Strategic Use of word-of-mouth with KUCHI-COMINISTs)   2003   2007

 中国 (CHINA)
 Publication in China
   (Word-of-mouth marketing)

 韓国 (KOREA)
  Publication in Korea

                                                                         Confidential   Page2
Introduction to our WOM Marketing Activity -Article-
     ビジネスリスクマネージメント 2007年11月          YOMIURI ADリポート            2005年4月

    サンケイリビング別冊 クチコミックス 2006年6月       Nikkei Marketing-Watcher   2010年6月

                                                                Confidential   Page3
Change in customer's media spending time
Breakdown of the time spent on media in one week
Source: Brand Ambassador                          メディア接触時間                    Contact frequency in 1 week
Research by Kokokusha,
January, ‟09
N = nationwide 1,698                                        る
                                     テレビでDVDを観る            1.1%
                                  携帯電話で                                     1.5%
  The Internet                インターネットを使う                                           29.3%
     33.9%                        22.4%

                           インターネットで動画を                                            録画したテレビ番組を
                               見る                                                     見る
                           インターネットでコミュニ                                              BS/CS等の
                           ティ(ブログ/SNS/掲示                                           有料チャンネルを見る
                              板等)を見る                                                    2.6%
                                            4.5%                         ラジオを聴く(車内)
                                                     雑誌を見る 新聞を見る
                                                            6.6%            2.1%

                                                                                           Confidential   Page4
Media Environment that surrounds consumers
      Today, it‟s B2C2C = the Era of Multilateral Communication
        Today, in addition to information transmitted through mass media, “live information”
         transmitted by consumers, called CGM, have effects on one‟s purchase activities.

                                                                                              Brand Ambassador(BA) =
                                                 Information                                  Advocates who are high in brand
                                               from an entity                                 loyalty among customers


                      Potential customers                         Potential customers
                                            Potential customers

                              general                                      general
                            consumers                                    consumers


The Concept of our WOM marketing

     『Leverage the WOM of loyal customers in marketing』
What highly influences a purchase decision is WOM suggestions from other
loyal customers. At WOM labo, we call this loyal customer Brand Ambassador
(BA). By making WOM by BAs accessible to potential targets through the WEB,
it enables to speed-up a purchasing decision.

                                                       Loyal customer =
                                                       Brand Ambassador (BA)

               Potential customers                         Potential customers

                                     Potential customers
                                                                                 Confidential   Page6
Functions of our WOM Platform
                       Functions of WOM Platform
1. Gather BAs’ WOM of high loyal customers from among existing
  brand users.
2. Analyze the cause for BAs to suggest by WOM and leverage them in marketing.
3. Spread by making BAs’ WOM accessible to potential consumers.

                                                     Loyal customer =
                                                     Brand Ambassador (BA)
1: Gather BAs

                                                                                  2: Analyze WOM by BAs

                Potential customers                         Potential customers
                                                                                      3: Spread WOM by BAs
                                      Potential customers

                                                                                             Confidential   Page7
Functions of WOM Platform

Brand Ambassador: Definition
At WOMlabo, Brand Ambassadors are existing customers of a brand who are highly loyal to the
product/service, and who are also influencers to people they know. (In case of a new product, people
who are interested to the brand and have high interest in making a purchase.) Not only BAs have
communicative powers, but they also have experiences in using the brand, and are high in loyalty
toward. BAs aresegmented by utilizing a program such as below.

 ■Characteristics           Brand Ambassadors are:

 ① Highly influential.

 ② Highly loyal. (In case of a new product, have high interests in making a purchase.)

 ③ Highly suggestive (WOM-advocative) about the brand.
                         Y axis
 ① degree of influence
   toward others

                                                                               BA (Brand Ambassador)

          Z axis                  No   yes           X axis
                                                      ② loyalty/intention to use a brand
      ③ degree of suggestive-ness about a brand
                                                                                            Confidential   Page8
Functions of WOM Platform

                                          Y axis: Influencer Barometer
                               Q: More likely to tell others of useful knowledge/info.
                               Q: More likely to be asked for an advice
                               Q: Active in seeking information etc.

Brand Ambassador                Q: Account with mixi/twitter/facebook
                                  update frequency, # of my mixi/follower/RT/friends
                                Q: Blogs – write/comment/view
                                   update + contact, frequency/PV
                                Q: iPhone ownership / since when
                                   frequency + applications
                                       Proof for Degree of Influence to Others

                                         X axis: Usage Intention+U&A
                                  Q: HP Purchase Frequency: 1+ times / week, etc.
                                      Brand Loyalty + Intention Barometer
              Z axis :

   Suggestive-ness Barometer

                                                                       Confidential    Page9
WOM research

    Wom research 2003
    Wom research 2004
    Wom research 2006
    Wom research 2007 + Wom Research2007   English Version
    Wom research 2010

    Down load here

                                                Confidential   Page10
                                       BRAND AWARENESS
                                       -Media by which customer knew brand that you bought-
         wom   wom                   1 .See in the shop                                 23.6%
        wom      wom

                                     2.Television                                       17.7%

                                     3. Net search (Yahoo, Google, etc)                  16.8%

                                     4. Netcomuunity                                    16.3%

 Kuchikomi research 2010                                                              Limited User
 Date executed: February, 2010
 Research subject: 865 males/females over age 20         WOMlabo researched the effect of wom
 Research region: all Japan                              New research report the following site

                                                                                              Confidential    Page11
purchasing decisions

      wom   wom        1. Shop                                   23.7%
     wom    wom

                       2. Internet (communities/blogs)           20.2%

                       3. TV                                     19.1%

                       4. Retail outlet promotions:              17.0%

                                                  Limited User

                                               Kuchikomi research 2010
                                                                   Confidential   Page12
Which was the most Influenced
          WOM,when you decided the brand?
wom wom

           1. Face-to-Face               59%

            2. Net community             51.8%

            3. sns(     25.4%

                               Kuchikomi research 2010
                                                 Confidential   Page13
Tuszumi Model                    TSUZUMI Model is a graphic explanation of ‘word of mouth'

                                       BRAND AWARENESS
                                       ①Shop            23.6%
                                       ②TVCM            127.7%
                                       ③SNS/Blog         16.3%
           Target Customer
          Potential customer
                                       ①Shop                  23.7%
B to C                                 ②SNS/blog               20.2%
                                       ①TV                   19.1%

                customer                        WOM had influence
                           Kuchi-Cominists     on a purchase decision
                                                     YES 64%

C to C                                ●Experience of recommending commodities to
               wom     wom            someone by WOM                        45.7%

         wom                   wom
                                                           Kuchikomi research 2010

                                                                                Confidential   Page14
About Loyalty Program
   Extract Brand Ambassadors, and offer a platform to spread WOM.

                                               Target                                 ATL
                                                                                  Media planning
                                               Events                                 BTL
 comparing                                                                  Corporate WEB, campaign WEB,
                                                                              Feel affinity, transmit WOM
 purchase      Brand Ambassador
                                                          WOM               BRANB AMBASSADOR
  Layalty                                                                             ↓
                                                                             Talk-able programs
                                  Potential               Potential
                                  customer                customer
   WOM                        Consumers                         Consumers

                                                                                         Confidential       Page15
2. Type of WOM

             Confidential   Page16
Type of WOM by WOMMA

WOM Marketing methods defined by WOMMA(USA)
1. バズマーケティング      (Buzz Marketing)
2. バイラルマーケティング      (Viral Marketing)
3. コミュニティマーケティング     (Community Marketing)
4. 草の根マーケティング       (Grassroots Marketing)
5. エバンジェリストマーケティング (Evangelist Marketing)
6. プロダクトシーディング      (Product Seeding)
7. インフルエンサーマーケティング (Influencer Marketing)
8. コーズマーケティング       (Cause Marketing)
9. カンバセーションクリエイション (Conversation Creation)
10. ブランドブログ        (Brand Blogging)

        Source: Types of Word of Mouth Marketing (WOMMA)

                                                           Confidential   Page17
Two important WOM techniques

Organic WOM type
1.Evangelist Marketing  leverage Kuchi-Cominists
  Definition: To nurture evangelists and supporters (advocates) who will take action
              towards leadership.
  Advantage: Firmly facilitates positive transmission by provoking WOM in a natural way.
  Disadvantage: Can take longer process to nurture consumers.

Amplified WOM type
2.Viral Marketing  leverage viral contents
  Definition: To leverage public entertainments and news for sparking a conversation.
  Advantage: Heightens marketing impact by effectively mixing with other media.
  Disadvantage: Cases with less transmission than expected, depending on the content /

                                                                           Confidential   Page18
Two important WOM techniques
1.Organic WOM type  Evangelist Marketing
                                  Thoroughly nurture fans in triggering WOM

2.Amplified WOM type  Viral Marketing
                                   Evoke a topic for a domino effect for WOM to spread

     1.Organic WOM type                                      2.Amplified WOM type
                      Naturally triggering WOM                          WOM by sparking a conversation
                     *Leverage Kuchi-Cominists

                                                                                        1. Organic WOM type example
Reach (# of people

                                                                                        *KEPCO Happy-e supporters
                                                                                        *TEPCO Switch! Supporters

                                                                                        *Hurley Davidson (HOG)

                                                 *Be tactful depending on the product

                                             TIME elapse
                                                                                                         Confidential   Page19
Mapping the WOM Landscape

            Offline                Offline
            Organic               Amplified
           Supporter                          Amplified
WOM type                                      WOM type

            Online                Amplified
                       Online     Reve21

                                                 Confidential   Page20
Organic WOM type
Evangelist Marketing example

                               Ⅰ WOM marketing CASE
                               STUDY of ALL-DENKA


                                              Confidential   Page21
Confidential   Page22
                    WOM Marketing Objective

1. Facilitate a deeper comprehension about All-Denka to existing customers in
developing a platform for them to recommend to potential customers.
  Those with higher loyalty have more chances to actively recommend to others

2. Extract dissatisfactions and questions about All-Denka from existing
customers and deliver correct information to them.

3. Develop a channel where KEPCO and local consumers can directly
communicate by having a conversation.
Today, power companies have less chances of directly facing consumers.
All-Denka especially requires such an opportunity to extract voices from local consumers, and
leveraging those into marketing.

                                                                                       Confidential   Page23
Test research

All-Denka is highly visible      98%       98%         Potential
                                        AWARENESS     customers
2 objectives;
1. Consumers don’t recognize the degree of    Customers               KUCHIKOMI
   inconvenience in the current situation.
2. Consumers don’t understand how a life              wom      wom
   can change with All-Denka.

   Degree of satisfaction with All-
                                          94%         wom        wom

   Denka customers is very high        SATISFACTION

                                                                  Confidential    Page24
Loyalty Analysis program
                     Emotional       Favorable
                      Loyalty         Loyalty

                     Yet-to-have     Pretended
                       Loyalty        Loyalty

 z                                 LOYALTY BEHAVIOUR
                                                 Confidential   Page25
EMOTIONAL                     SELECTING




                   Loyalty                          Loyalty




                 2        未ロイヤル                     偽ロイヤル
                 1          層                         層
            -1        0    1   2   3   4   5   6    7   8    9   10   11

                                                            LOYALTY ACTION
                                                                           Confidential   Page26
= Happy-e-Supporter

            WAKAYAMA-Prefecture (KEN)

Expand the number of happy-e-Supporters

2002                       200 ppl.
2006                       503 ppl.
2009                       700 ppl.

                                          Confidential   Page27
kuchikomi STATISTICS


6 The Salon

                                  Confidential   Page28
    BA seminar

                      BA party

                                 Confidential   Page29
2. Infomercial

            TV WAKAYAMA

BRAND Ambassador appears in TV program

              TV Wakayama
   5-minute “All-Denka Home Visitation”
     1 show / week X 10 times series
           (120 seconds/show)

                                          Confidential   Page30

                FACTORY VISIT

                        Confidential   Page31
5. The Salon - See, Touch and Try for Brand AMBASSADOR

                                                Confidential   Page32
Happy-e-Supporter: Transition in Loyalty
 Start: December, ‟03                                            ROI analysis: March, ‟05                                                       Applicants in July, ‟07
 # of supporters: 203                                            # of supporters: 466                                                              Additional 87 people

 Start: December, „03                                                                                                                11
                                                            323 people in Wakayama Pref.                                             10

                                                                                                    Y axis: Emotional Loyalty
     11                                                          12

     10                                                                                                                              9
     9                                                                                                                               8
                                                                  8                                                                  7

     6                                                                                                                               6
     5                                                                                                                               5
     4                                                            4
                                                                  2                                                                  3

     1                                                                                                                               2
     0                                                      -2        0   2   4   6   8   10   12
-1        0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11                                                                            1
     -1                                                          -2
                                                                                                                                -1        0    1   2   3    4   5   6   7    8   9     10    11

                                                                                                                                                                    X axis: Loyalty Action

                                                                                                                                          Emotional Fans                               Favorable
                                                                                                                                           76.5%(484                                    Loyalty
                              Loyalty disposition of All-Denka                                                                                                                         14.7%(93)

                                customers as of Aug., „09

                                                                                                                                                                                 Emotional 8.21pt
                                                                                                                                                                                 Behavioral 2.45pt
                                                                                                                                              Yet-to-have                            Pretended
                                                                                                                                                Loyalty                               Loyalty
                                                                                                                                               8.4%(53)                               0.5%(3)

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Confidential   Page33
Effects of WOM Activities: Number of Information Offers

                   # of information         # of contract        # of supporters
                       情報件数                      成約件数              サポーター数
                                                                      575                568
                                            469         477
500                        437                                                 509
400                                   356
             252     274

                                                                          96                 107
100                        73               74              74
        H15            H16             H17            H18             H19                H20

                                                                                   Confidential    Page34
Effects of WOM Activities: Number of Information Offers

                  20% Conversion Rate
             Number of our customers whom we got
             Number of supporter information cards

            Conversion Rate for All-Denka

                2004(H16)            27.6%
                2005(H17)            26.6%
                2006(H18)            21.1%
                2008(H20)            21.0%
                2009 (H21)           21.0%
                                              *KPI (Key Performance Indicator)
                                              Key barometer for business management

                                                                      Confidential    Page35
Amplified WOM type
Viral Marketing example

                          Ⅱ.Amplified WOM CASE
                           Structure to evoke WOM and to spread
                           WOM mainly on the WEB

                           Viral Marketing

                                                        Confidential   Page36
Amplified WOM Campaign Planning

Step1: Planning         Step2: StoryTelling                Step3: Seeding & Spreading
 Campaign planning     Expression X channel strategy             Execution and spread WOM

Consolidated            [Trick for viral effects: Story
 Campaign                       development]
 Planning                      (creative strategy)
                     Campaign site
                     Viral movie, etc.
                     Blog parts, gadgets, etc.

                                                         [Trick for viral effects: “Telling”
                                                            (media & seeding strategy)
                                                       Optimization on movie-sharing site
                                                       Blogger seeding
                                                       Inserts on other CGM media

                                                                               Confidential   Page37
Reve21 Challenge for hair
Message to the target
   -Reve21 challenges to reveal the truth of hair growth-

We Can Change Your Hair Life!

          Reve21 now challenges the reality!


                                                    Confidential   Page39
Promotion: Overall Picture

                                                    Reve21 official site TOP
                                                                                            Implement contents which
         Movie ads
                                                                                            focuses on the point target
                                                                                           users want to know the most.
                                                                                            (ie. Whether or not it really
                                                                                           works for one‟s hair growth.)


                                                     Promotion site TOP
                                                                                                        Males 20s-40s         クチコミ発生

                                                                                    サイトへの接触                                                    Secondary Target
                                                                                                         Primary Target       クチコミ発生                    &
                                                                                                                                              Potential customers

        Display ads                                                                    クチコミ発生

                                                                                                          クチコミ発生              クチコミ発生

                               lead   *Documentary-like                                           Friends, people they know
                                       TOP page design
                                       for the look & feel of
                                                        Leads to a trial       Aim for a spread on CGM by creating movies for blogs and external distribution.

Seeding strategy on bloggers

                                                                                                                               Confidential         Page40
Promotion: Movie on Hair Growth Progress

1-year blogs on the progress of hair growth

             Movies on hair grown

             Transition by 365-day
             documentary movie

                                              Confidential   Page41

  [Movie Viewership]
       Goal                  Result         Performance Rate

  693,600 times        1,110,900 times          160%

  [Site Leads]
   Goal                      Result         Performance Rate
  12,440 clicks        102,130 clicks           821%


  5 times more than average advertising on the WEB

                                                  Confidential   Page42
KOKOKUSHA Corporate Profile

Kokokusha Co., Ltd.

President: Hitoshi Yuzawa (Representative Director)
Registered Address: 1-2-14 Yuraku-cho, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo
Founded: May 1, 1888
Incorporated: August 29, 1947
Employees: 253
Capital: ¥ 84 million
Banks: Mizuho Bank, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation,Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ
Business Outline :
Advertising for newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, the Internet, transportations and the outdoors;
sales promotion; PR; events; research; planning; production; and all other marketing services

Company Addresses
●Tokyo Headquarters: 6-8-7 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-8111 +81-333750090
●Nagoya Branch: 3-1-1 Sakae, Naka-ku, Nagoya, Aichi 460-0008 +81-522611051
●Osaka Branch: 1-5-17 Dojima, Kita-ku, Osaka 530-0003 +81-663445371
●Sapporo Branch: 6-2 Kitagojo-Nishi, Chuo-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-0005 +81-112714571
●Hiroshima Branch: 3-2-31 Ote-machi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima 730-0051 +81-822440755
●Fukuoka Branch: 1-6-8 Tenjin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka 810-0001 +81-927311511
●West Tokyo Sales Center: 2-15-12 Sakai, Musashino, Tokyo 180-0022 +81-422500565
●Sendai Office: 1-3-9 Hon-machi, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi 980-0017 +81-222256851
●Education Solution Center: 6-8-7 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-8111 +81-335750087

     Thank you

Masayuki Nakajima(中島正之)

                           Confidential   Page44

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wom marketing by WOMlabo

  • 1. Paradigm Shift of Marketing WOM Marketing -WOMlabo Credential- June 2010
  • 2. About WOM labo project What we do -WOMlabo- 1. Develop a WOM promotion platform 2. Structuralize a communication plan with WOM platform 3. Analyze WOM insights 4. Trainings, seminars, and introductory sessions 5. Whitepapers about WOM 6. Effectiveness measurement on WOM Confidential Page1 1
  • 3. Introduction to our WOM Marketing Activity Our WOM marketing program is introduced in 3 countries in Asia. 日本 (JAPAN) Publication in Japan ”図解でわかるくちコミマーケティング” (Graphic explanation of word-of-mouth marketing) “『くちコミニスト』を活用せよ!” (Strategic Use of word-of-mouth with KUCHI-COMINISTs) 2003 2007 中国 (CHINA) Publication in China “口碑营销/市场营销新概念系列” (Word-of-mouth marketing) 2006 韓国 (KOREA) Publication in Korea 2004 2 Confidential Page2
  • 4. Introduction to our WOM Marketing Activity -Article- ビジネスリスクマネージメント 2007年11月 YOMIURI ADリポート 2005年4月 サンケイリビング別冊 クチコミックス 2006年6月 Nikkei Marketing-Watcher 2010年6月 3 Confidential Page3
  • 5. Change in customer's media spending time Breakdown of the time spent on media in one week Source: Brand Ambassador メディア接触時間 Contact frequency in 1 week Research by Kokokusha, January, ‟09 PS、Wii等でゲームをす N = nationwide 1,698 る テレビでDVDを観る 1.1% NintendoDS、PSP、 1.7% 携帯ゲームを利用する 携帯電話で 1.5% モバイルサイトを見る 2.9% 地上波のテレビを ライブで見る (録画ではない) The Internet インターネットを使う 29.3% (その他) 33.9% 22.4% インターネットで動画を 録画したテレビ番組を 見る 見る 3.0% 6.3% インターネットでコミュニ BS/CS等の ティ(ブログ/SNS/掲示 有料チャンネルを見る 板等)を見る 2.6% 8.5% フリーペーパを見る ラジオを聴く(室内) 1.3% 3.5% 折込チラシを見る 4.5% ラジオを聴く(車内) 雑誌を見る 新聞を見る 6.6% 2.1% 2.7% Confidential Page4
  • 6. Media Environment that surrounds consumers Today, it‟s B2C2C = the Era of Multilateral Communication Today, in addition to information transmitted through mass media, “live information” transmitted by consumers, called CGM, have effects on one‟s purchase activities. Brand Ambassador(BA) = Information Advocates who are high in brand from an entity loyalty among customers magazine Potential customers Potential customers Potential customers SNS general general consumers consumers general consumers 5
  • 7. The Concept of our WOM marketing 『Leverage the WOM of loyal customers in marketing』 What highly influences a purchase decision is WOM suggestions from other loyal customers. At WOM labo, we call this loyal customer Brand Ambassador (BA). By making WOM by BAs accessible to potential targets through the WEB, it enables to speed-up a purchasing decision. Loyal customer = Brand Ambassador (BA) Potential customers Potential customers Potential customers Confidential Page6
  • 8. Functions of our WOM Platform Functions of WOM Platform 1. Gather BAs’ WOM of high loyal customers from among existing brand users. 2. Analyze the cause for BAs to suggest by WOM and leverage them in marketing. 3. Spread by making BAs’ WOM accessible to potential consumers. Loyal customer = Brand Ambassador (BA) 1: Gather BAs 2: Analyze WOM by BAs Potential customers Potential customers 3: Spread WOM by BAs Potential customers Confidential Page7
  • 9. Functions of WOM Platform Brand Ambassador: Definition At WOMlabo, Brand Ambassadors are existing customers of a brand who are highly loyal to the product/service, and who are also influencers to people they know. (In case of a new product, people who are interested to the brand and have high interest in making a purchase.) Not only BAs have communicative powers, but they also have experiences in using the brand, and are high in loyalty toward. BAs aresegmented by utilizing a program such as below. ■Characteristics Brand Ambassadors are: ① Highly influential. ② Highly loyal. (In case of a new product, have high interests in making a purchase.) ③ Highly suggestive (WOM-advocative) about the brand. Y axis ① degree of influence toward others BA (Brand Ambassador) Z axis No yes X axis ② loyalty/intention to use a brand ③ degree of suggestive-ness about a brand Confidential Page8
  • 10. Functions of WOM Platform Y axis: Influencer Barometer Q: More likely to tell others of useful knowledge/info. Q: More likely to be asked for an advice Q: Active in seeking information etc. Brand Ambassador Q: Account with mixi/twitter/facebook update frequency, # of my mixi/follower/RT/friends Q: Blogs – write/comment/view update + contact, frequency/PV Q: iPhone ownership / since when frequency + applications Proof for Degree of Influence to Others X axis: Usage Intention+U&A Q: HP Purchase Frequency: 1+ times / week, etc. Brand Loyalty + Intention Barometer Z axis : Suggestive-ness Barometer Confidential Page9
  • 11. WOM research Wom research 2003 Wom research 2004 Wom research 2006 Wom research 2007 + Wom Research2007 English Version Wom research 2010 Down load here Confidential Page10
  • 12. BRAND AWARENESS BRAND AWARENESS -Media by which customer knew brand that you bought- wom wom 1 .See in the shop 23.6% wom wom 2.Television 17.7% 3. Net search (Yahoo, Google, etc) 16.8% 4. Netcomuunity 16.3% Kuchikomi research 2010 Limited User Date executed: February, 2010 Research subject: 865 males/females over age 20 WOMlabo researched the effect of wom Research region: all Japan New research report the following site Confidential Page11
  • 13. PURCHASING purchasing decisions wom wom 1. Shop 23.7% wom wom 2. Internet (communities/blogs) 20.2% 3. TV 19.1% 4. Retail outlet promotions: 17.0% Limited User Kuchikomi research 2010 Confidential Page12
  • 14. Which was the most Influenced WOM,when you decided the brand? wom wom 1. Face-to-Face 59% 2. Net community 51.8% 3. sns( 25.4% Kuchikomi research 2010 Confidential Page13
  • 15. Tuszumi Model TSUZUMI Model is a graphic explanation of ‘word of mouth' BRAND AWARENESS ①Shop 23.6% ②TVCM 127.7% ③SNS/Blog 16.3% Target Customer PURCHASING Potential customer ①Shop 23.7% B to C ②SNS/blog 20.2% ①TV 19.1% customer WOM had influence Kuchi-Cominists on a purchase decision YES 64% C to C ●Experience of recommending commodities to wom wom someone by WOM 45.7% wom wom Kuchikomi research 2010 Confidential Page14
  • 16. About Loyalty Program Extract Brand Ambassadors, and offer a platform to spread WOM. ブランドアンバサダーを選出し、ブランドアンバサダーからくちコミが広がるプラットホームを提供します。 BRAND AWARENESS Target ATL Branding, Media planning interesting Events BTL comparing Corporate WEB, campaign WEB, OOH customer Feel affinity, transmit WOM purchase Brand Ambassador (BA) extract WOM BRANB AMBASSADOR WOM Layalty ↓ Develop wom Talk-able programs Potential Potential customer customer Potential customer WOM Consumers Consumers Confidential Page15
  • 17. 2. Type of WOM Confidential Page16
  • 18. Type of WOM by WOMMA WOM Marketing methods defined by WOMMA(USA) 1. バズマーケティング (Buzz Marketing) 2. バイラルマーケティング (Viral Marketing) 3. コミュニティマーケティング (Community Marketing) 4. 草の根マーケティング (Grassroots Marketing) 5. エバンジェリストマーケティング (Evangelist Marketing) 6. プロダクトシーディング (Product Seeding) 7. インフルエンサーマーケティング (Influencer Marketing) 8. コーズマーケティング (Cause Marketing) 9. カンバセーションクリエイション (Conversation Creation) 10. ブランドブログ (Brand Blogging) Source: Types of Word of Mouth Marketing (WOMMA) Confidential Page17
  • 19. Two important WOM techniques Organic WOM type 1.Evangelist Marketing  leverage Kuchi-Cominists Definition: To nurture evangelists and supporters (advocates) who will take action towards leadership. Advantage: Firmly facilitates positive transmission by provoking WOM in a natural way. Disadvantage: Can take longer process to nurture consumers. Amplified WOM type 2.Viral Marketing  leverage viral contents Definition: To leverage public entertainments and news for sparking a conversation. Advantage: Heightens marketing impact by effectively mixing with other media. Disadvantage: Cases with less transmission than expected, depending on the content / scheme. Confidential Page18
  • 20. Two important WOM techniques 1.Organic WOM type  Evangelist Marketing Thoroughly nurture fans in triggering WOM 2.Amplified WOM type  Viral Marketing Evoke a topic for a domino effect for WOM to spread 1.Organic WOM type 2.Amplified WOM type Naturally triggering WOM WOM by sparking a conversation *Leverage Kuchi-Cominists 1. Organic WOM type example Reach (# of people *KEPCO Happy-e supporters *TEPCO Switch! Supporters engaged) *Hurley Davidson (HOG) *Be tactful depending on the product TIME elapse Confidential Page19
  • 21. Mapping the WOM Landscape Offline Offline Offline Organic Amplified KEPCO Happy-e- Supporter Amplified Organic WOM type WOM type Online Online Amplified Organic Viral marketing Online Reve21 Confidential Page20
  • 22. Organic WOM type Evangelist Marketing example Ⅰ WOM marketing CASE STUDY of ALL-DENKA Kepco Confidential Page21
  • 23. Confidential Page22
  • 24. Happy-e-Supporter WOM Marketing Objective 1. Facilitate a deeper comprehension about All-Denka to existing customers in developing a platform for them to recommend to potential customers. Those with higher loyalty have more chances to actively recommend to others 2. Extract dissatisfactions and questions about All-Denka from existing customers and deliver correct information to them. 3. Develop a channel where KEPCO and local consumers can directly communicate by having a conversation. Today, power companies have less chances of directly facing consumers. All-Denka especially requires such an opportunity to extract voices from local consumers, and leveraging those into marketing. Confidential Page23
  • 25. Test research All-Denka is highly visible 98% 98% Potential AWARENESS customers Prospects 2 objectives; 1. Consumers don’t recognize the degree of Customers KUCHIKOMI NISUT inconvenience in the current situation. 2. Consumers don’t understand how a life wom wom can change with All-Denka. Degree of satisfaction with All- 94% wom wom Denka customers is very high SATISFACTION 94% KUCHIKOMI  POSSIBILITY WITH KUCHIKOMI MARKETING Confidential Page24
  • 26. Loyalty Analysis program EMOTIONAL LOYALTY y Emotional Favorable Loyalty Loyalty Yet-to-have Pretended Loyalty Loyalty x z LOYALTY BEHAVIOUR REFERRAL RATE Confidential Page25
  • 27. EMOTIONAL SELECTING LOYALTY BRAND AMBASSADOR 11 10 9 Emotional 8 Favorable 7 Loyalty Loyalty 6 5 4 3 2 未ロイヤル 偽ロイヤル 1 層 層 0 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 -1 LOYALTY ACTION Confidential Page26
  • 28. SELECTING Brand AMBASSADOR = Happy-e-Supporter WAKAYAMA-Prefecture (KEN) Expand the number of happy-e-Supporters 2002  200 ppl. 2006  503 ppl. 2009  700 ppl. Confidential Page27
  • 30. 1.NETWORKING EVENTS BA seminar BA party Confidential Page29
  • 31. 2. Infomercial TV WAKAYAMA TOTAL ELECTRICITY SERIES BRAND Ambassador appears in TV program TV Wakayama 5-minute “All-Denka Home Visitation” 1 show / week X 10 times series (120 seconds/show) Confidential Page30
  • 33. 5. The Salon - See, Touch and Try for Brand AMBASSADOR Confidential Page32
  • 34. Happy-e-Supporter: Transition in Loyalty Start: December, ‟03 ROI analysis: March, ‟05 Applicants in July, ‟07 # of supporters: 203 # of supporters: 466 Additional 87 people Start: December, „03 11 323 people in Wakayama Pref. 10 Y axis: Emotional Loyalty 11 12 10 9 10 9 8 8 8 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 4 4 4 3 2 3 2 1 2 0 0 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 -1 -2 0 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 -1 X axis: Loyalty Action Emotional Fans Favorable 76.5%(484 Loyalty Loyalty disposition of All-Denka 14.7%(93) customers as of Aug., „09 ●Average Emotional 8.21pt Behavioral 2.45pt Yet-to-have Pretended Loyalty Loyalty 8.4%(53) 0.5%(3) Confidential Page33
  • 35. Effects of WOM Activities: Number of Information Offers # of information # of contract # of supporters 情報件数 成約件数 サポーター数 700 575 568 600 469 477 500 437 509 387 400 356 324 252 274 300 200 134 96 107 100 73 74 74 37 0 H15 H16 H17 H18 H19 H20 Confidential Page34
  • 36. Effects of WOM Activities: Number of Information Offers 20% Conversion Rate Number of our customers whom we got = Number of supporter information cards Conversion Rate for All-Denka 2004(H16) 27.6% 2005(H17) 26.6% 2006(H18) 21.1% 2008(H20) 21.0% 2009 (H21) 21.0% *KPI (Key Performance Indicator) Key barometer for business management Confidential Page35
  • 37. Amplified WOM type Viral Marketing example Ⅱ.Amplified WOM CASE Structure to evoke WOM and to spread WOM mainly on the WEB Viral Marketing Confidential Page36
  • 38. Amplified WOM Campaign Planning Step1: Planning Step2: StoryTelling Step3: Seeding & Spreading Campaign planning Expression X channel strategy Execution and spread WOM Consolidated [Trick for viral effects: Story Campaign development] Planning (creative strategy) Campaign site Viral movie, etc. Blog parts, gadgets, etc. X [Trick for viral effects: “Telling” architecture] (media & seeding strategy) Optimization on movie-sharing site Blogger seeding Inserts on other CGM media Confidential Page37
  • 39. Reve21 Challenge for hair growth!
  • 40. Message to the target -Reve21 challenges to reveal the truth of hair growth- We Can Change Your Hair Life! あなたの髪の運命は、変えられる。 Reve21 now challenges the reality! Confidential Page39
  • 41. Promotion: Overall Picture Reve21 official site TOP Implement contents which Movie ads focuses on the point target users want to know the most. (ie. Whether or not it really works for one‟s hair growth.) lead link Promotion site TOP Males 20s-40s クチコミ発生 Kuchi-Coma クチコミ発生 Listing サイトへの接触 Secondary Target lead Primary Target クチコミ発生 & Potential customers Display ads クチコミ発生 クチコミ発生 クチコミ発生 lead *Documentary-like Friends, people they know Exterior TOP page design contents for the look & feel of reality. Leads to a trial Aim for a spread on CGM by creating movies for blogs and external distribution. Seeding strategy on bloggers lead Confidential Page40
  • 42. Promotion: Movie on Hair Growth Progress 1-year blogs on the progress of hair growth Movies on hair grown progress Transition by 365-day documentary movie Confidential Page41
  • 43. Accomplishments [Movie Viewership] Goal Result Performance Rate 693,600 times 1,110,900 times 160% [Site Leads] Goal Result Performance Rate 12,440 clicks 102,130 clicks 821% [Conversion] 5 times more than average advertising on the WEB Confidential Page42
  • 44. KOKOKUSHA Corporate Profile Kokokusha Co., Ltd. President: Hitoshi Yuzawa (Representative Director) Registered Address: 1-2-14 Yuraku-cho, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo Founded: May 1, 1888 Incorporated: August 29, 1947 Employees: 253 Capital: ¥ 84 million Banks: Mizuho Bank, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation,Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Business Outline : Advertising for newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, the Internet, transportations and the outdoors; sales promotion; PR; events; research; planning; production; and all other marketing services Company Addresses ●Tokyo Headquarters: 6-8-7 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-8111 +81-333750090 ●Nagoya Branch: 3-1-1 Sakae, Naka-ku, Nagoya, Aichi 460-0008 +81-522611051 ●Osaka Branch: 1-5-17 Dojima, Kita-ku, Osaka 530-0003 +81-663445371 ●Sapporo Branch: 6-2 Kitagojo-Nishi, Chuo-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-0005 +81-112714571 ●Hiroshima Branch: 3-2-31 Ote-machi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima 730-0051 +81-822440755 ●Fukuoka Branch: 1-6-8 Tenjin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka 810-0001 +81-927311511 ●West Tokyo Sales Center: 2-15-12 Sakai, Musashino, Tokyo 180-0022 +81-422500565 ●Sendai Office: 1-3-9 Hon-machi, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi 980-0017 +81-222256851 ●Education Solution Center: 6-8-7 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-8111 +81-335750087
  • 45. Thank you WOMlabo Representative Masayuki Nakajima(中島正之) +81-(0)3-3575-0062 Confidential Page44