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Windows Azure Platform
    Technical Deep Dive

    Chris J.T. Auld
    Intergen Ltd

Notes Before We Begin
  I don’t work for Microsoft
    Will call a ‘spade a spade’ today
  Azure is a young technology
    Best practices are still emerging
  We focus on architecture in this session
    A Few Demos only
    No prior experience assumed
  We have lots of attendees and just a little time
    Questions at the end please
TicketDirect: An example application
  TicketDirect is a ticketing company in Australia
  and New Zealand
  Ticketing is uniquely suited to the cloud

  Will use TicketDirect as real world example
TicketDirect Architecture
     Azure Roles                                                                                          Client Applications

                                                                                           .Net Service Bus    Castellan.Azure
                                                                                                               • Box Office sales
                                                                                                               • Ticket Printing
                                                                                                               • System Administration
                                                                                                               • Venue/Event Management
    http:// TicketDirect .* Dynamic Worker     Distributed Cache      Partitioner                  WCF         • Partitioning
                            (tasks uploaded          Worker             Worker
                                as blobs)

    Azure Storage                                                                                               On Premise
                 Blobs to store
                                     -- ----
                                                  Tables to                   Queues for                        SQL Server
                 web and
                 worker role
                                      --          record
                                                  server &
                                                                              between clients
                                     -- ----
                                      --          partition                   and roles
                                                  information                                                    Castellan        Venue

    SQL Azure

                           Castellan            Castellan             Castellan
                            Castellan            Castellan             Castellan          ...
       Castellan           Venue DB 1
                           Venue DB’s           Venue DB 2
                                                Venue DB’s            Venue DB N
                                                                      Venue DB’s
                            Partition(s)         Partition(s)          Partition(s)                                 Castellan.old (VB6)

    One application DB, many venue DB’s – each partitioned in to many parts (40+)

A Global Hardware Platform
     Global Foundation Services
     6 Azure Data Centers
        Europe - West/North
        Asia – East/Southeast
        USA – South Central/North
     New containerised data
        Approaching PUE of 1.2
        Thousands of computation

The High Scale Application Archetype
    Windows Azure provides a ‘pay-as-you-go’ scale out application platform

                       Intelligent Network Load Balancer

                                           Network Activation

                   Stateless Web and/or Application Servers

        Stateless ‘Worker’ Machines

                        Async Activation

       State                       ‘NoSQL’     Partitioned      Shared
       Tier                       Datastores     RDBMS        Filesystem
Azure Service Architecture

                                   The Internet
                             The Internet via TCP or HTTP

            LB                                                    LB


        Web Site                                               Worker
                                                            Worker Role
       Web Site
      Web ASMX, WCF)
      (ASPX, Role                                              Service
      (ASPX, ASMX, WCF)
       IIS as Host                                            Service
                                                            Interface Calll


                          Windows Azure Data Center
Cloud != Cloud

Windows Azure


       Web Portal
                           Fabric    B


Service Deployment
     Service   Model


         Web Portal
                           config          L
                                 Fabric    B


Hello Windows Azure

Service Update
     Service   Model

         Web Portal
                              config           L
                                   Fabric      B


Upgrading Your Application
      Two Models: VIP Swap and In-Place Upgrade
      VIP Swap:
        Uses Staging and Production environments.
        Allows to quickly swap environments.
        Production: v1  Staging: v2, after swap then
        Production: v2  Staging: v1.
      In-Place Upgrade
        Performs a rolling upgrade on live service.
        Entire service or a single role
        Manual or Automatic across update domains
        Cannot change Service Model
Fault and Upgrade Domains

       Instance   Instance       Instance

       Instance   Instance       Instance

      Service Configuration
        Serviceconfiguration.csdef – Service Model
        ServiceConfiguration.cscfg – instance data


      Don’t use web.config for values you wish to
      change at runtime
        Web.config change requires re-deploy

Service Scaling
     Service                                                    Service

                                       Service                               Service

                                   L             Service

         Web Portal
                                 Fabric                        B


Rule Based Auto- Scaling
  Use Service Management API
  Predicable or Periodic Demand
    Time based rules
  Unpredictable demand
    Monitor metrics and react accordingly
Monitor metrics
  Primary metrics (actual work done)
    Requests per Second
    Queue messages processed / interval
  Secondary metrics
    CPU Utilization
    Queue length
    Response time
  Derivative metrics
    Rate of change of queue length
    Use ‘historical’ data to help predict requirements
Evaluating Business Rules
  Are requests taking too long?
  Do I have too many jobs in my queue?
  How much money have I spent this month?

  Could write these into code.
  Could build some sort of rules engine.
  Could use WF rules engine.
Take Action
  Add/Remove Instances
    Use Service Management API
    Don’t forget billing window is 1hr
  Change role size
    Requires change to *.csdef
    Most suited to Worker Roles
  Send notifications
  Manage momentum
Service Monitoring & Recovery

                                   B       Service     Service

         Web Portal
                                 Fabric                B


      No Debugging in Cloud
      Instrument your application using Trace, Debug
      Use Diagnostics API to Configure and Collect
        Event Logs
        Performance Counters
        Trace/Debug information (logging)
        IIS Logs, Failed Request Logs
      Request data on demand or scheduled
        Transferred into your table and/or blob storage
      Everything is remotely configurable

Hello Windows Azure v2

      Scalable storage in Azure Datacenter
        100tb per storage account
      Accessible via RESTful Web Service API
        Access from Azure Compute
        Access from anywhere via internet
        Supporting .NET Client Library
      Various storage types
      Tables                             Blobs
        Table = group of entities          Large binary storage
        Entity = name/value pairs          Stored in container
        Partitioned by key                 Unlimited containers
          Scale out to Bns of entities     CDN Deliverable
        Not an RDBMS

       Simple message queue
       Not transactional
         Read at least once
         Delete to remove message,
         otherwise is returned to
         Partitioned by Queue Name
Using Queues for Async Processing
                 1.   User uploads large image file
                 2.   Image inserted into blog storage
                 3.   Message placed on queue incl BLOB URI and metadata
                 4.   Worker role is polling queue. Reads message from queue
     30mb JPEG
                 5.   Worker role processes message, reads from BLOB storage, generates thumbnail
                 6.   Thumnail and metadata stored in Table storage
                 7.   Message deleted from queue

         Web Role                                                            Worker Role
          Web Role                                Table                       Worker Role
                                                                               Worker Role
                                                                                Worker Role
                                               Blob30mb JPEG

                             LB                                         LB

     f(x) = f(f(x))
     Queues are NOT transactional

First Step For Software Architects
       If you expect to write documents mentioning
       Open word
       Type idempotency
       Right click
       Choose add to dictionary

        WARNING: Failure to follow these steps will surely see you sending an
      important architecture and design document to a client with the ‘corrected’
                           spelling of the word...impotency

Messages Process At Least Once
                        1. Debit bank account $100 message
                        2. Worker role reads message
                        3. Balance debited $100
                        4. Worker role is torn before message can be deleted
                        5. 3 minutes later, message re-appears on queue
                        6. Worker role reads message
                        7. Balance debited $100
                        8. Message deleted from queue
                        9. Chaos ensues.....
                        10. Customer calls bank.....
                                    Balance = $800
                                    Balance = $1000
       Web Role                                                      Worker Role
        Web Role                                                      Worker Role
                                                                       Worker Role
                                                                        Worker Role

                   LB                                           LB


29                                      Storage
Solving The Idempotency Problem
            1. Debit bank account $100 message with transaction ID
            2. Worker role reads message. Checks transaction ID not present.
            3. Writes transaction ID with state ‘Started’ to ‘Replay Log’
            4. Balance debited $100
            5. Worker role is torn before message can be deleted
            6. 3 minutes later, message re-appears on queue
            7. Worker role reads message. Checks transaction ID. It is present in state started
            8. Compensating message written to another queue
            9. Message deleted from queue
            10. Compensatory message processed.
                                  Balance = $1000
                                   Balance = $900

       Web Role                                       Query           Worker Role
        Web Role                                                       Worker Role
                                         Table                          Worker Role
                                                                         Worker Role

                   LB                                            LB


Azure Tables
     Not an RDBMS

Azure Table Storage – Key Points
       Partition Key is the killer feature
         Partitions are Auto-Balanced
         No need to partition into equal bins
       Hot partitions may be scaled up
         Azure fabric may dedicate more resources to
         partitions with high Tx load
       Partition Key AND Row Key = Primary Key
         Must include PartitionKey for
         Select queries across partitions parallelized,
         resource intensive and potentially more
Azure Table Storage – Key Points
       Continuation Tokens May Be Returned from
       Cross Partition Queries
         Any query not including the PartitionKey needs
         to handle Continuation tokens
       Key Columns Up to 1KB in size
         Should aim to keep to 260 char URI limit
       Be aggressive
       e.g. Only ever query by an ID?
       RowKey = PartitionKey
         All queries should include partition key
     Data Modelling

Azure Tables != RDBMS
 Storage is cheap
 Cross partition queries are resource intensive

 De-normalization and massive duplication often
 name of the game
E.g. Tweet Storage

E.g. Tweet Storage

      Tweet               TweetWord               Word
      …                   TweetID                 WordID
      Message             WordID                  Word (IX)

                Tweet                 Word
                …                     WordID
                Message               Word (IX)

E.g. Tweet Storage

      Tweet               TweetIndex
      TweetID (RK)        TweetID (RK)
      UserID (PK)         UserID
      DateTimeStamp       DateTimeStamp
      Message             Message
                          Word (PK)

E.g. Tweet Storage

      Tweet               MentionIndex
      TweetID (RK)        TweetID (RK)
      UserID (PK)         UserID
      DateTimeStamp       DateTimeStamp
      Message             Message
                          UserID (PK)

         $0.12 / CPU hour (or part thereof)
           ~ 1.7 GHz, 2GB Ram, Single Core
         $2.88 / Day
         $86.4 / 30 days (billing period)
         2 instances = $172.80 / month
         $0.15 / GB/Month
         $.01 / 10,000 calls to storage web service
         $0.30 /GB inbound to Asian datacenters
         $0.45 /GB outbound from Asian datacenters
Design Considerations
      Scale and availability are the design points
      Storage isn’t a relational database
        Stateless front ends, store state in storage
      Use queues to decouple components
      Instrument your application (Trace)
      Once you are on - stay on
      Think about patching & updates

SQL Azure

                     Data Sync     Reporting

 Initial Services
     Core SQL Server database capabilities in cloud optimized topology
     Highly compatible with on premise SQL Server
 Future Services
     Data Sync – Enables the sync framework
     Additional SQL Server capabilities available as a service:
     Business Intelligence and Reporting
SQL Azure Details
  SQL Azure provides logical SQL Server
    Gateway server that understands TDS protocol
    Looks like SQL Server to TDS Client
    Actual data stored on multiple backend data nodes
  Logical optimisations supported
    Indexes, Query plans etc..
  Physical optimisations not supported
    File Groups, Partitions etc…

SQL Azure transparently manages physical storage
SQL Azure
              Web Portal

                           SQL Azure

SQL Azure
     Accessing databases
              Web Portal

       Your                SQL Azure

 Change Connection String

SQL Azure

Database Replicas

                         Replica 1

                         Replica 2

                         Replica 3

Shared Environment

       A              B          D

       Hardware Boundary       Hardware Boundary

            C                            C
                                A              B
        A             B              D

       Hardware Boundary       Hardware Boundary

SQL Azure
     Database Monitoring & Recovery
              Web Portal

                           SQL Azure

Design Considerations
      1 x 10GB database
        1 Instances
      10 x 1GB databases
        10 Instances

      Partition for
        Data volume
        Query load

SQL Azure – Key Points
      Partition for
        Data volume > 10GB
        Transaction throttle (non deterministic)
        Always code for retry
      All partition logic up to the developer
        Lookup based
      Partitions are not Auto-Balanced
        Need to aim for ‘equal’ partitions
        ‘Equal’ not necessarily the same size
Choosing a Partition Key
      Natural Keys
        First letter, last name
        Hash functions
        Modulo operator
      Lookup Based
        Lookup table to resolve value to partitions

Using Modulo
      The remainder of a division
      Nice properties for partitioning:
        Given two positive integers M and N
        M mod N will return a number between 0 and N-1

      Want equi-sized partitions?
        Given an appropriate distribution of M we will get N
        ‘equally full’ buckets.

Using Hash Values
      Using A Hash Function Projects One
      Distribution into Another
      Use a hash function that projects a random
      Do NOT use a cryptographic hash function
      Plenty of choice on the web
      Be careful if using Object.GetHashCode()

SQL Azure Partitioning

Just in time Partitioning
       In SQL Azure Partitions Cost Money
       In highly elastic scenarios partitions may be
       needed for just a few hours or days
       If load is predictable
         Partition before load commences
         De-partition after load has subsided

     WEB Edition                               Business Edition

      1 GB Database                               10GB Database
      $9.99 / month                               $99.99 / month
      Bandwidth                                   Bandwidth
           $0.10 /GB inbound                         $0.10 /GB inbound
           $0.15 /GB outbound                        $0.15 /GB outbound

       •    Pro rated by the day or part thereof
       •    Can move up and down between sizes
       •    SQL Azure has no query charge
       •    Excessively long transactions or high query load may result in throttling
       •    50GB database size in Beta
Windows Azure Platform AppFabric
     Extending .NET to the cloud with Internet Scale Utility Services

     Service Bus:
        General purpose application messaging bus
     Access Control:
        Rules-driven, claims-based access control

Simplified, Secure Connectivity for the Cloud
Service Bus and Access Control in Windows Azure platform
AppFabric are powerful building blocks.
                              Secure Connectivity
                              • Bridge cloud services, on-premises apps, and hosted
                              • Build distributed apps for your business or to
                                collaborate with partners

   AppFabric SERVICE BUS      Across boundaries
    Connect apps & services   • Navigate network and security boundaries, securely
                                and simply
                              • Federate identity and access across organizations
                                and ID providers
                              • Simplify claims-based authorization for distributed
                                apps and web services

                              At Cloud Scale
 AppFabric ACCESS CONTROL     • Scale up and down as your business requires
    Control & secure access   • Automated service mgmt. and dynamic scale
                              • Interoperate with a variety of languages and
                                industry standards
AppFabric Service Bus Connectivity

Binary Data                Receive                Receive

      Send                                                             Send
                        Exchange messages between loosely
                          coupled, composite applications.

                          Direct Connection facilitated by
       Application #1        Service Bus if that is best     Application #2
                              connection mechanism.
Service Bus

Architecture of AppFabric Access Control

                                                           3. Map input claims to
                                                              output claims based
          1. Define access                                    on access control rules
             control rules          Your Access
                                   Control Project

         0. Trust exchanged;                                  4. Return token
            secrets, certs                                       (output claims from 3)

                                  2. Send token (initial
6. Check for claims
                                  claims; e.g. identity)

          Your App                                                      User
        (Relying Part)                                               (Application)
                               5. Send token with request
Pricing & SLA
      $1.99 / 100k ACS transactions
        Packages available
        $0.10 /GB inbound
        $0.15 /GB outbound

TicketDirect: An example application
  TicketDirect is a ticketing company in Australia
  and New Zealand
  Ticketing is uniquely suited to the cloud

  Will use TicketDirect as real world example
TicketDirect Architecture
      Azure Roles                                                                                          Client Applications

                                                                                            .Net Service Bus    Castellan.Azure
                                                                                                                • Box Office sales
                                                                                                                • Ticket Printing
                                                                                                                • System Administration
                                                                                                                • Venue/Event Management
     http:// TicketDirect .* Dynamic Worker     Distributed Cache      Partitioner                  WCF         • Partitioning
                             (tasks uploaded          Worker             Worker
                                 as blobs)

     Azure Storage                                                                                               On Premise
                  Blobs to store
                                      -- ----
                                                   Tables to                   Queues for                        SQL Server
                  web and
                  worker role
                                       --          record
                                                   server &
                                                                               between clients
                                      -- ----
                                       --          partition                   and roles
                                                   information                                                    Castellan        Venue

     SQL Azure

                            Castellan            Castellan             Castellan
                             Castellan            Castellan             Castellan          ...
        Castellan           Venue DB 1
                            Venue DB’s           Venue DB 2
                                                 Venue DB’s            Venue DB N
                                                                       Venue DB’s
                             Partition(s)         Partition(s)          Partition(s)                                 Castellan.old (VB6)

     One application DB, many venue DB’s – each partitioned in to many parts (40+)

Windows Azure Platform Benefits

     The Cloud                    Windows Azure
      New Economic Model           High Level of Abstraction
        Low Capex                    Hardware
        Pay as you Go                Server OS
      Elastic Scale                  Network Infrastructure
        Only solvable via Cloud      Web Server
      Global Distribution          Availability
        Global data centers          Automated Service Management
                                     Azure CDN
                                     Instance & Partitions
                                   Developer Experience
                                     Familiar Developer Tools
Windows Azure Platform Benefits

     AppFabric                               SQL Azure
      High Performance Messaging               Higher Level of Abstraction
        Massively scalable                       Hardware
        HTTP and Raw TCP                         Server OS
      Access Control                             Network Infrastructure
        Less brittle apps due to factoring       Database Server
        out rules                              Availability
      Developer Experience                       Automated Database
        Familiar Developer Tools                 Management & Replication
        WCF bindings                           Scalability
                                                 Databases Partitioning
                                               Developer Experience
                                                 Familiar SQL Environment
Windows Azure Platform Technical Deep Dive - Chris Auld (Intergen)

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  • 2. Notes Before We Begin I don’t work for Microsoft Will call a ‘spade a spade’ today Azure is a young technology Best practices are still emerging We focus on architecture in this session A Few Demos only No prior experience assumed We have lots of attendees and just a little time Questions at the end please
  • 3. TicketDirect: An example application TicketDirect is a ticketing company in Australia and New Zealand Ticketing is uniquely suited to the cloud Will use TicketDirect as real world example today
  • 4. TicketDirect Architecture Azure Roles Client Applications .Net Service Bus Castellan.Azure • Box Office sales • Ticket Printing • System Administration • Venue/Event Management http:// TicketDirect .* Dynamic Worker Distributed Cache Partitioner WCF • Partitioning (tasks uploaded Worker Worker as blobs) Azure Storage On Premise Blobs to store -- ---- Tables to Queues for SQL Server web and worker role -- record server & communication between clients resources -- ---- -- partition and roles information Castellan Venue SQL Azure Castellan Castellan Castellan Castellan Castellan Castellan ... Castellan Venue DB 1 Venue Venue DB’s Venue DB 2 Venue Venue DB’s Venue DB N Venue Venue DB’s Partition(s) Partition(s) Partition(s) Castellan.old (VB6) One application DB, many venue DB’s – each partitioned in to many parts (40+) 4
  • 5. A Global Hardware Platform Global Foundation Services 6 Azure Data Centers Europe - West/North Asia – East/Southeast USA – South Central/North Central New containerised data centers Approaching PUE of 1.2 Thousands of computation units 5
  • 6. The High Scale Application Archetype Windows Azure provides a ‘pay-as-you-go’ scale out application platform Intelligent Network Load Balancer Network Activation Stateless Web and/or Application Servers Stateless ‘Worker’ Machines Async Activation State ‘NoSQL’ Partitioned Shared Queues Tier Datastores RDBMS Filesystem 6
  • 7. Azure Service Architecture The Internet The Internet via TCP or HTTP LB LB LB Queues Web Site Worker Worker Role Worker Web Site Web ASMX, WCF) (ASPX, Role Service Managed (ASPX, ASMX, WCF) IIS as Host Service Interface Calll Blobs Tables Storage Windows Azure Data Center 7
  • 9. Windows Azure Your Service D N S L B Web Portal (API) L Fabric B Controller 9
  • 10. Service Deployment Your Service Model Service D N S L B Web Portal (API) DNS config L Fabric B Controller 10
  • 12. Service Update Your Service Model Service Service D production N S staging Service L B Web Portal (API) DNS config config L Fabric B Controller 12
  • 13. Upgrading Your Application Two Models: VIP Swap and In-Place Upgrade VIP Swap: Uses Staging and Production environments. Allows to quickly swap environments. Production: v1  Staging: v2, after swap then Production: v2  Staging: v1. In-Place Upgrade Performs a rolling upgrade on live service. Entire service or a single role Manual or Automatic across update domains Cannot change Service Model 13
  • 14. Fault and Upgrade Domains Instance Instance Instance Instance Instance Instance 14
  • 15. Configuration Service Configuration Serviceconfiguration.csdef – Service Model ServiceConfiguration.cscfg – instance data RoleEnvironment.GetConfigurationSettingValue() Don’t use web.config for values you wish to change at runtime Web.config change requires re-deploy 15
  • 16. Service Scaling Your Service Service D Service N S Service Service Service L Service B Service Service Web Portal (API) L Fabric B Controller Model 16
  • 17. Rule Based Auto- Scaling Use Service Management API Predicable or Periodic Demand Time based rules Unpredictable demand Monitor metrics and react accordingly
  • 18. Monitor metrics Primary metrics (actual work done) Requests per Second Queue messages processed / interval Secondary metrics CPU Utilization Queue length Response time Derivative metrics Rate of change of queue length Use ‘historical’ data to help predict requirements
  • 19. Evaluating Business Rules Are requests taking too long? Do I have too many jobs in my queue? How much money have I spent this month? Could write these into code. Could build some sort of rules engine. Could use WF rules engine.
  • 20. Take Action Add/Remove Instances Use Service Management API Don’t forget billing window is 1hr Change role size Requires change to *.csdef Most suited to Worker Roles Send notifications Email IM Manage momentum
  • 21. Service Monitoring & Recovery Your Service D Service N S Service L B Service Service Web Portal (API) L Fabric B Controller Model 21
  • 22. Monitoring No Debugging in Cloud Instrument your application using Trace, Debug Use Diagnostics API to Configure and Collect Event Logs Performance Counters Trace/Debug information (logging) IIS Logs, Failed Request Logs Request data on demand or scheduled Transferred into your table and/or blob storage Everything is remotely configurable 22
  • 24. Storage Scalable storage in Azure Datacenter 100tb per storage account Accessible via RESTful Web Service API Access from Azure Compute Access from anywhere via internet Supporting .NET Client Library Various storage types Table Queue Blob Drives 24
  • 25. Storage Tables Blobs Table = group of entities Large binary storage Entity = name/value pairs Stored in container Partitioned by key Unlimited containers Scale out to Bns of entities CDN Deliverable Not an RDBMS Queues Simple message queue Not transactional Read at least once Delete to remove message, otherwise is returned to queue 25 Partitioned by Queue Name
  • 26. Using Queues for Async Processing 1. User uploads large image file 2. Image inserted into blog storage 3. Message placed on queue incl BLOB URI and metadata 4. Worker role is polling queue. Reads message from queue 30mb JPEG 5. Worker role processes message, reads from BLOB storage, generates thumbnail 6. Thumnail and metadata stored in Table storage 7. Message deleted from queue Web Role Worker Role Web Role Table Worker Role Worker Role Worker Role Blob30mb JPEG Container LB LB Queue Storage 26
  • 27. Idempotency f(x) = f(f(x)) Queues are NOT transactional 27
  • 28. First Step For Software Architects If you expect to write documents mentioning idempotency Open word Type idempotency Right click Choose add to dictionary WARNING: Failure to follow these steps will surely see you sending an important architecture and design document to a client with the ‘corrected’ spelling of the word...impotency 28
  • 29. Messages Process At Least Once 1. Debit bank account $100 message 2. Worker role reads message 3. Balance debited $100 4. Worker role is torn before message can be deleted 5. 3 minutes later, message re-appears on queue 6. Worker role reads message 7. Balance debited $100 8. Message deleted from queue 9. Chaos ensues..... 10. Customer calls bank..... Balance = $800 $900 Balance = $1000 Web Role Worker Role Web Role Worker Role Worker Role Worker Role LB LB Queue 29 Storage
  • 30. Solving The Idempotency Problem 1. Debit bank account $100 message with transaction ID 2. Worker role reads message. Checks transaction ID not present. 3. Writes transaction ID with state ‘Started’ to ‘Replay Log’ 4. Balance debited $100 5. Worker role is torn before message can be deleted 6. 3 minutes later, message re-appears on queue 7. Worker role reads message. Checks transaction ID. It is present in state started 8. Compensating message written to another queue 9. Message deleted from queue 10. Compensatory message processed. Balance = $1000 Balance = $900 Web Role Query Worker Role Web Role Worker Role Table Worker Role Worker Role Queue LB LB Queue 30 Storage
  • 31. Azure Tables Not an RDBMS 31
  • 32. Azure Table Storage – Key Points Partition Key is the killer feature Partitions are Auto-Balanced No need to partition into equal bins Hot partitions may be scaled up Azure fabric may dedicate more resources to partitions with high Tx load Partition Key AND Row Key = Primary Key Must include PartitionKey for Create,Update,Delete Select queries across partitions parallelized, resource intensive and potentially more 32 expensive!
  • 33. Azure Table Storage – Key Points Continuation Tokens May Be Returned from Cross Partition Queries Any query not including the PartitionKey needs to handle Continuation tokens Key Columns Up to 1KB in size Should aim to keep to 260 char URI limit Be aggressive e.g. Only ever query by an ID? RowKey = PartitionKey All queries should include partition key 33
  • 34. NoSQL/Non-Relational Data Modelling 34
  • 35. Azure Tables != RDBMS Storage is cheap Cross partition queries are resource intensive De-normalization and massive duplication often name of the game
  • 36. E.g. Tweet Storage Tweet TweetID UserID DateTimeStamp Message 36
  • 37. E.g. Tweet Storage Tweet TweetWord Word … TweetID WordID Message WordID Word (IX) Tweet Word … WordID Message Word (IX) 37
  • 38. E.g. Tweet Storage Tweet TweetIndex TweetID (RK) TweetID (RK) UserID (PK) UserID DateTimeStamp DateTimeStamp Message Message Word (PK) 38
  • 39. E.g. Tweet Storage Tweet MentionIndex TweetID (RK) TweetID (RK) UserID (PK) UserID DateTimeStamp DateTimeStamp Message Message UserID (PK) 39
  • 40. Pricing Compute $0.12 / CPU hour (or part thereof) ~ 1.7 GHz, 2GB Ram, Single Core $2.88 / Day $86.4 / 30 days (billing period) 2 instances = $172.80 / month Storage $0.15 / GB/Month $.01 / 10,000 calls to storage web service Bandwidth $0.30 /GB inbound to Asian datacenters 40 $0.45 /GB outbound from Asian datacenters
  • 41. Design Considerations Scale and availability are the design points Storage isn’t a relational database Stateless Stateless front ends, store state in storage Use queues to decouple components Instrument your application (Trace) Once you are on - stay on Think about patching & updates 41
  • 42. SQL Azure Business Data Sync Reporting Intelligence Initial Services Database Core SQL Server database capabilities in cloud optimized topology Highly compatible with on premise SQL Server Future Services Data Sync – Enables the sync framework Additional SQL Server capabilities available as a service: Business Intelligence and Reporting
  • 43. SQL Azure Details SQL Azure provides logical SQL Server Gateway server that understands TDS protocol Looks like SQL Server to TDS Client Actual data stored on multiple backend data nodes Logical optimisations supported Indexes, Query plans etc.. Physical optimisations not supported File Groups, Partitions etc… SQL Azure transparently manages physical storage
  • 44. SQL Azure Deployment Web Portal (API) DB Script SQL Azure TDS 44
  • 45. SQL Azure Accessing databases Web Portal (API) Your SQL Azure TDS App Change Connection String 45
  • 47. Database Replicas Replica 1 Replica 2 DB Replica 3 47
  • 48. Shared Environment C D A B D Hardware Boundary Hardware Boundary C C A B A B D Hardware Boundary Hardware Boundary 48
  • 49. SQL Azure Database Monitoring & Recovery Web Portal (API) Your App SQL Azure TDS ! 49
  • 50. Design Considerations 1 x 10GB database 1 Instances 10 x 1GB databases 10 Instances Partition for Data volume Query load 50
  • 51. SQL Azure – Key Points Partition for Data volume > 10GB Transaction throttle (non deterministic) Always code for retry All partition logic up to the developer Algorithmic Lookup based Partitions are not Auto-Balanced Need to aim for ‘equal’ partitions ‘Equal’ not necessarily the same size 51
  • 52. Choosing a Partition Key Natural Keys Country First letter, last name Date Mathematical Hash functions Modulo operator Lookup Based Lookup table to resolve value to partitions 52
  • 53. Using Modulo The remainder of a division Nice properties for partitioning: Given two positive integers M and N M mod N will return a number between 0 and N-1 Want equi-sized partitions? Given an appropriate distribution of M we will get N ‘equally full’ buckets. 53
  • 54. Using Hash Values Using A Hash Function Projects One Distribution into Another Use a hash function that projects a random distribution Do NOT use a cryptographic hash function Plenty of choice on the web Be careful if using Object.GetHashCode() 54
  • 56. Just in time Partitioning In SQL Azure Partitions Cost Money In highly elastic scenarios partitions may be needed for just a few hours or days If load is predictable Partition before load commences De-partition after load has subsided 56
  • 57. Pricing WEB Edition Business Edition 1 GB Database 10GB Database $9.99 / month $99.99 / month Bandwidth Bandwidth $0.10 /GB inbound $0.10 /GB inbound $0.15 /GB outbound $0.15 /GB outbound • Pro rated by the day or part thereof • Can move up and down between sizes • SQL Azure has no query charge • Excessively long transactions or high query load may result in throttling • 50GB database size in Beta 57
  • 58. Windows Azure Platform AppFabric Extending .NET to the cloud with Internet Scale Utility Services Service Bus: General purpose application messaging bus Access Control: Rules-driven, claims-based access control 58
  • 59. Simplified, Secure Connectivity for the Cloud Service Bus and Access Control in Windows Azure platform AppFabric are powerful building blocks. Secure Connectivity • Bridge cloud services, on-premises apps, and hosted assets • Build distributed apps for your business or to collaborate with partners AppFabric SERVICE BUS Across boundaries Connect apps & services • Navigate network and security boundaries, securely and simply • Federate identity and access across organizations and ID providers • Simplify claims-based authorization for distributed apps and web services At Cloud Scale AppFabric ACCESS CONTROL • Scale up and down as your business requires Control & secure access • Automated service mgmt. and dynamic scale • Interoperate with a variety of languages and industry standards
  • 60. AppFabric Service Bus Connectivity Text XML Graphics Binary Data Receive Receive Streaming Firewall Send Send Exchange messages between loosely coupled, composite applications. Direct Connection facilitated by Application #1 Service Bus if that is best Application #2 connection mechanism.
  • 62. Architecture of AppFabric Access Control 3. Map input claims to output claims based 1. Define access on access control rules control rules Your Access Control Project 0. Trust exchanged; 4. Return token secrets, certs (output claims from 3) 2. Send token (initial 6. Check for claims claims; e.g. identity) Your App User (Relying Part) (Application) 5. Send token with request
  • 63. Pricing & SLA $1.99 / 100k ACS transactions Connections $3.99/connection/month Packages available Bandwidth $0.10 /GB inbound $0.15 /GB outbound 63
  • 64. TicketDirect: An example application TicketDirect is a ticketing company in Australia and New Zealand Ticketing is uniquely suited to the cloud Will use TicketDirect as real world example today
  • 65. TicketDirect Architecture Azure Roles Client Applications .Net Service Bus Castellan.Azure • Box Office sales • Ticket Printing • System Administration • Venue/Event Management http:// TicketDirect .* Dynamic Worker Distributed Cache Partitioner WCF • Partitioning (tasks uploaded Worker Worker as blobs) Azure Storage On Premise Blobs to store -- ---- Tables to Queues for SQL Server web and worker role -- record server & communication between clients resources -- ---- -- partition and roles information Castellan Venue SQL Azure Castellan Castellan Castellan Castellan Castellan Castellan ... Castellan Venue DB 1 Venue Venue DB’s Venue DB 2 Venue Venue DB’s Venue DB N Venue Venue DB’s Partition(s) Partition(s) Partition(s) Castellan.old (VB6) One application DB, many venue DB’s – each partitioned in to many parts (40+) 65
  • 66. Windows Azure Platform Benefits The Cloud Windows Azure New Economic Model High Level of Abstraction Low Capex Hardware Pay as you Go Server OS Elastic Scale Network Infrastructure Only solvable via Cloud Web Server Global Distribution Availability Global data centers Automated Service Management Azure CDN Scalability Instance & Partitions Developer Experience Familiar Developer Tools 66
  • 67. Windows Azure Platform Benefits AppFabric SQL Azure High Performance Messaging Higher Level of Abstraction Massively scalable Hardware HTTP and Raw TCP Server OS Access Control Network Infrastructure Less brittle apps due to factoring Database Server out rules Availability Developer Experience Automated Database Familiar Developer Tools Management & Replication WCF bindings Scalability Databases Partitioning Developer Experience Familiar SQL Environment 67