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What works where in B2B?
How marketers market and how buyers buy

Digital benchmarking research 2012   #wwwb2b
What works where in B2B 2012?	                                                                                                            How buyers buy


    Visibility of what works in B2B is harder than in consumer marketing as so
    much activity is select in its targeting and often commercially confidential.
    In 2011 Omobono set out to share the best practice of B2B marketers so
    that they could learn from their peers. Partnering with The Marketing
    Society and ably supported by Circle Research, Omobono has researched
    what B2B marketers really do in digital and what they think works.

    In 2012 we also looked through the other end of the telescope to see how buyers are consuming
    the information that marketers lay in their path, and what effect it has.

    The results, gathered over 2 years, are based on the collective views of 170 senior marketers, spending
    in the region of £100m between them, and 224 buyers with buying power of over £150 million. With
    the survey being completed by senior decision makers at some of the world’s biggest companies, this is
    a definitive guide against which B2B marketers can benchmark their own activities.

    About Omobono
    Omobono is an award-winning business agency specialising in digital engagement for large
    corporates and government.
    Omobono works with some of the world’s largest companies to drive their relationships - with
    customers, employees and stakeholders. Which leads to increased sales, loyalty and share of voice.
    Our combination of business expertise, creativity and technical delivery is unique.
    We offer a full service, from strategy and communications planning to creative delivery and         
    implementation of complex, dynamic websites, through to mobile and social media marketing.
    To find out how Omobono can help you maximise the effectiveness of your digital activities:
    please call Fran Brosan on 01223 307000 or email
    © Omobono Ltd 2012
What works where in B2B 2012?	   How marketers market

    How marketers market
Professional and
   support services

Banking and finance


                                                                                                 What works where in B2B 2012?	


                                                                            Who did we survey?

   Consumer goods                             21%




   Engineering and


  Construction and




  Natural resources

                                                                                                 How marketers market
What works where in B2B 2012?	                     How marketers market

     What marketers told us
     •  hat their B2B marketing goals were.
     •  ow they allocate their digital budgets.
     •  hich channels they think work best.
     • The challenges they face.
What works where in B2B 2012?	                                                                           How marketers market

What is your organisation’s highest B2B marketing
priority over the next twelve months?

                                         Raise brand                            Strengthen
                                         awareness                                ‘thought
                                              (17%)                               position                  2%
             Deepen customer                     9%
               relationships                                                                           positioning
                                 (33%)                            2%
                                         organisation           (3%)                                     Deepen
                                         is living the                                                understanding
                                             brand                                                      of target
                                                                                       Launch a          market
                                                          Other          (3%)
                                                                                      new product          (9%)
                                                                                       or service
                                                                          1%              (9%)              1%


                                             Highest priority          % increase against 2011      % decrease against 2011
What works where in B2B 2012?	                                                                                                    How marketers market

What are your organisation’s top three B2B marketing
priorities over the next twelve months?

       3%                34%           17%               9%               11%                  9%                 14%                     3%
       2%                24%           23%               7%               14%                  5%                 16%                     9%
       1%                20%           16%              10%               20%                 10%                 19%                     4%
      Other        Deepen customer   Raise brand        Deepen        Develop brand       Launch a new         Strengthen                 Ensure
                     relationships   awareness      understanding      positioning         product or      ‘thought leadership’        organisation
                                                   of target market                          service             position          is living the brand

For large companies, strengthening their thought leadership                Highest priority     Second highest priority       Third highest priority
position becomes the second highest priority.
What works where in B2B 2012?	                                       How marketers market

Digital marketing is still seen as important in achieving these goals

             Critical!              51%
                      43%          (2011: 51%)      Less
                   (2011: 44%)
                                                    (2011: 3%)

                                                                    (2011: 2%)
What works where in B2B 2012?	                                                                            How marketers market

Almost two-fifths of B2B budgets are invested in digital

            Under 20%                          Between 20–70%                                       Over 70%
            2012 = 22%                              2012 = 68%                                      2012 = 10%
            2011 = 27%                              2011 = 60%                                      2011 = 14%

               10%         11%      22%       15%       8%        19%       5%            4%   3%
   0%                                                                                                               100%
               11%         17%      18%       17%       8%        11%       6%            8%   5%

                                                                                                    2012 = 38%
                                                                                                    2011 = 37%

Q: Over the next 12 months, what percentage of your organisation’s overall B2B
marketing spend - excluding staffing costs - is likely to be invested in digital marketing?
What works where in B2B 2012?	                                                                            How marketers market

Five channels share almost three-quarters of digital budget

                                                       Social media      Video/podcasts
                                                       13%               /webinars 9%


                                                                         advertising 7%

                                                                                                           Mobile apps
                                 Email marketing 18%

                                                       Microsites        SEO 6%

    Corporate website
    development 22%


                                                                         PPC 6%                             SMS/MMS


Q: Over the next 12 months, approximately what proportion             Increased by      Increased by            Unchanged
                                                                      2.5% from 2011   2.5% from 2011         from 2011
of your organisation’s B2B digital marketing spend do you
                                                                      Decreased by      Decreased by
expect to be allocated to each of these areas?                        2.5% from 2011   2.5% from 2011
What works where in B2B 2012?	                                                                                       How marketers market

Effectiveness of digital channels in achieving goals

              5%                         10%

         Website                         Social                   Online                  Email
                                                                                         marketing                    Microsites
       development                       media                    video                                                  (51%)
             (75%)                       (74%)                    (66%)                     (64%)

                                            Display                                                                       SMS/
                                                                                       Affiliate     Extranets
                                           advertising                                                                    MMS
                                 1%          (29%)       1%                7%           (20%)         (20%)

              SEO                PPC
              (42%)              (29%)

                                             1%          Mobile           Mobile                       9%
              1%                                          apps          optimisation
                                                         (25%)             (24%)

Q: How effective are the following digital                                                                       % increase against 2011
marketing activities in achieving your goals?                                                                    % decrease against 2011
What works where in B2B 2012?	                                                                                                                                How marketers market

…but it’s not as easy as it sounds

Q: What would you say are the most significant challenges you face in relation to digital marketing in a B2B context?

      14%               12%               12%               11%              10%               10%                9%                9%                9%             4%
    Measuring         Managing         Cut-through         Internal         Targeting          Staying           Quality          Internal       Finding right      Other*
      ROI             resources                             buy-in            right          innovative          content         expertise         approach

  *Other challenges B2B marketers face: Keeping content relevant, understanding what works where, finding the right agency, making content visible,
  acquisition, consistent approach, adapting to tablets, data quality, increasing reach of activity, global scale, optimising for emerging markets, connectivity,
  quality standards (e.g. data privacy), press fragmentation, tracking sales, longer buying cycle, Mac vs. PC, changing marketplace and channel co-ordination.
What works where in B2B 2012?	                                                                                                                               How marketers market

Social media and email also use plenty of internal resources


   Mostly in-house




                                                                                                                     Online video/







                           55%      45%           6%
                                                                                                         6%             7%               9%    13%           17%           17%










Q: To what extent, if at all, do you outsource activity in each of the following
channels to external agencies as opposed to doing it in-house?
What works where in B2B 2012?	                                                                                                     How marketers market

Budget allocation doesn’t match perceived effectiveness

                 80%               Website
                                                                                            Q: How effective are the following digital
                                                                                          marketing activities in achieving your goals?
                 70%                       Email
                                          marketing            podcasts



                 30%                                                             Display
                                                                                advertising PPC

                 20%                                                                                                   Affiliate              SMS/



                                                                  Q: What proportion of your organisation’s B2B digital marketing
                 30%                                                            spend do you expect to be allocated to each area?
What works where in B2B 2012?	                                                                              How marketers market

What works where?

                                 Deepen customer   Raise brand         Strengthen thought   Develop brand          OVERALL
                                 relationships     awareness           leadership           positioning

 Website development                   69%                80%                 79%                 85%                 75%

 Email marketing                       60%                63%                 65%                 68%                 64%

 Social media                          54%                88%                 91%                 75%                 74%

 Microsites                            51%                37%                 63%                 58%                 52%

 Online video                          69%                61%                 70%                 68%                 66%

 Display advertising                    7%                61%                 19%                 33%                 28%

 SEO                                   25%                61%                 40%                 55%                 42%

 PPC                                   16%                45%                 23%                 30%                 29%

 Mobile optimisation                   24%                22%                 23%                 28%                 24%

 Mobile apps                           24%                18%                 26%                 25%                 25%

 Affiliate marketing                   16%                31%                 16%                 25%                 20%

 Extranets                             24%                18%                 18%                 18%                 20%

 SMS/MMS                               15%                10%                 7%                  15%                 13%

Q: How effective are the following digital marketing activities in achieving your goals?
What works where in B2B 2012?	                                                                                 How marketers market

Buyer reactions to marketers’ approaches

                                                              % positive reactions to contact   % positive reactions to to
                                                              by prospective suppliers          contact by existing suppliers

                                     Personal visits                       79%                                79%

                                     Trade events                          70%                                68%

                                     Bespoke events                        69%                                76%

         Key:                        Email sharing contents                63%                                65%

              Significant            LinkedIn                              56%                                53%

              points of              Webinars                              53%                                55%

                                     Personalised emails                   52%                                65%
                                     Industry sponsorship                  51%                                55%

                                     Twitter                               47%                                56%

                                     Mobile messaging                      43%                                37%

                                     Direct mail                           36%                                42%

                                     Facebook                              35%                                40%

                                     Generic email                         16%                                21%

                                     Telemarketing                         13%                                16%

Q: How do you react to attempts to engage with you through these methods of communication?
What works where in B2B 2012?	                                                                                              How marketers market

Measuring ROI

Q: Does your organisation currently measure return on digital investment?

       10%                49%              34%              7%             18%               39%              28%                15%
        Yes, and         Yes, but not     No, but plan    No, and no        Yes, and        Yes, but not     No, but plan       No, and no
      confident in    with the accuracy     to start     plans to start   confident in   with the accuracy     to start        plans to start
      its accuracy        we’d like                                       its accuracy       we’d like

Compared with 2011, twice as many respondents said they don’t measure ROI and have no plans to start.
What works where in B2B 2012?	                                                                                                                                              How marketers market

ROI metrics measured

                    87%        85%

                                                                                   50%      51%                                         51%
                                                                        44%                              44%
                                                                                                                              40%                 38%      37%
                                                                                                                                                                    31%            29%
       Web analytics/traffic

                                 Lead generation

                                                     Conversion rates

                                                                          Brand awareness

                                                                                              Spend per campaign

                                                                                                                     Cost per enquiry

                                                                                                                                          Sales pipeline

                                                                                                                                                             Closed sales

Q: What metrics do you use to measure return on digital investment?                                                                                                         2011            2012
What works where in B2B 2012?	   How buyers buy

    How buyers buy
What works where in B2B 2012?	                                                                                                             How buyers buy

Who did we survey?
                                                                                                                 y/                     Fi
                                                                                                              og s                    ser na
                                     24                                                                     ol m                         v
                                       9                                                                       o

                                                                                                                                          nc es
                                                                                                      tel hn
                                 18%                                                                                                26





                  Number of




                                                                                                      E n n uf



                                                                                                                                          al s s /
                                                                                                                                               r vi


                                                                                                         gi n
                                                             sin ent                                          e                              in


                                                                                                           a c e ri n

                            17 %                           ha em                                                                          us n
                                   99                        ur
                                                       pro urc                                                tu g /                  B io
                         1000–49                                                                                rin                        ss
                                                                 2%                                                  g              ro f e

                                                       2                                                                          p

                                                manage m

                                                                          Job role
                                                 14 %
                                                  S e n i o e nt


                                                                     17 %
                                                                          ti o n s       HR
What works where in B2B 2012?	                            How buyers buy

     What buyers told us
     •  here they go online to keep up to date with
       their industry or sector.
     •  hat channels they turn to when they look for
       a supplier.
     •  hat influences their final choice of supplier.
IT software

         IT hardware

Technical consulting

                                                                                                                                                                      What works where in B2B 2012?	



                                                                              38% 37%
  consulting services                                                   33%
Recruitment, training,

      Office supplies
                                                                                                                                     What are they actually buying?

        and vehicles

 Utilities and energy

        Building and

Plant and equipment
                                             18% 17% 17%

        Banking and
  insurance services

       Raw materials
                                         16% 15%

       Legal services

  Marketing services
                                                                                              and services.

                                   14% 13%


Accountancy services
                               11% 11%
                                                                                              On average, respondents were

     Property or land
                                                                                              responsible for purchasing 4.8 goods

                                                                                                                                                                      How buyers buy
What works where in B2B 2012?	                                                     How buyers buy

B2B buyers interact with marketers in two “states of mind”

        Passive                                              Active
        Keeping informed                                     Defining specific
        about developments in                                needs
        profession/industry      Buyer seeks out marketer
        Contacted by                                         potential suppliers
        existing suppliers        Marketer seeks out buyer
        Contacted by                                         potential suppliers
        prospective suppliers
What works where in B2B 2012?	                                                                                                        How buyers buy

Buyers use a mix of online and offline channels to stay informed

                                 Trade                                                                       business
                                                              Seminars                 Online trade           press                     Online
  Supplier                       events
                                                    Online                                press                                       mainstream
                                                   business                                                                 Print       press
                  Email                                                  White papers/                                   mainstream
                newsletters                                              similar content                                   press

                93%           90%         87%       84%        84%           83%           83%         82%        80%         79%

                79%           78%         77%       72%        70%

                                                                             58%           52%         48%         36%        35%
 Online trade                                      LinkedIn
 communities                                                                                                                            Twitter
                                                              Webinars                                Podcasts
                                                                                        YouTube,                        Facebook
                Print trade                                                            online video
                                     Advertising                              Trade
                                     campaigns                                blogs                                        Online      Offline

Q: Which of the above channels do you use in order                         Social for business?
to keep yourself informed on developments in your                          65% of B2B buyers use LinkedIn regularly for business.
profession or industry?                                                    29% of B2B buyers don’t use any social networks regularly
                                                                           for business.
What works where in B2B 2012?	                                                                                 How buyers buy

How frequently do you use each channel to keep yourself informed?
                                                Every   2–3 times    Once     Once a     Once a      Less         Not
                                                 day     a week     a week   fortnight   month    frequently     at all

                     Email newsletters          13%       21%        25%       12%        9%        10%           10%
  Primary method

                     Online mainstream press    15%       18%        18%       8%         8%        12%           21%
                     Supplier websites           6%       21%        21%       13%        22%       10%           7%
                     Print mainstream press     11%       17%        17%       11%        13%       11%          20%
                     Online business press       9%       18%        18%       13%        13%       13%          16%
                     LinkedIn                    8%       15%        18%       10%        11%       10%           28%
  Secondary method

                     Online trade press          5%       14%        19%       14%        13%       18%           17%
                     Print trade press           3%        8%        24%       13%        17%       13%           22%
                     Print business press        5%       12%        15%       17%        17%       16%          18%
                     Online trade communities    3%        8%        16%       10%        13%       21%          29%
                     White papers                3%        8%        15%       13%        21%       23%           17%
                     Advertising campaigns       2%        8%        12%       15%        13%       27%           23%
                     Trade blogs                 1%        8%        12%       10%        10%       17%           42%
                     Facebook                    4%        4%        7%        6%         5%        10%          64%
  Other method

                     Twitter                     6%        5%        4%        5%         4%        11%          65%
                     Webinars                    3%        4%        7%        9%         18%       29%          30%
                     YouTube, online video       1%        6%        6%        9%         8%        22%          48%
                     Podcasts                    1%        4%        5%        6%         12%       20%          52%
                     Trade events                1%        2%        6%        6%         19%       53%          13%
                     Seminars                    1%        3%        5%        6%         24%       45%          16%
What works where in B2B 2012?	                                                                                          How buyers buy

Useful content comes from multiple information sources

  % finding a channel very or quite useful

      Online                                                                                    Offline
                                                            Online                  Online          Print
             Supplier                                   business press            mainstream     mainstream
             websites                                                               press          press
                                                            71%                                                    Print
              82%                     78%                                            69%           65%         business press

                                                                         59%                        Print
             White                                                                               trade press
             papers              trade press            61%                          Webinars       76%
             79%                    77%                               Ad.
                                                                                       72%                        Seminars
                                           Twitter                                                  Trade
         YouTube                                                                                    events
                                                          Podcasts               Trade blogs
                         Facebook          54%
           39%                                                                                       73%
                           43%                             55%                     57%
What works where in B2B 2012?	                                                                                                                                                                                                                         How buyers buy

Email is the most effective digital channel to get buyers to act

Q: Which of the following means of engaging with you, if any, have
actually resulted in you purchasing goods or services from suppliers?

  45%                                                                                                                                                                                    Don’t provoke particularly
                                                                                                                                                                                         negative reactions but don’t
                                                                                                                                                                                         lead buyers to act either.

                                                                           16%                     16%
                                                                                                                            11%                                                                                                      11%
                                                                                                                                                              8%                                                                                           8%
                                                                                                                                                                                              4%         4%
    Personal visits

                      Personalised email

                                           Trade events

                                                          Bespoke events

                                                                           Email sharing content

                                                                                                   Direct mail


                                                                                                                            Industry sponsorship


                                                                                                                                                              Generic email





                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      No-one made a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     compelling case

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           No need for any
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Online             Offline                  None
What works where in B2B 2012?	                                                                                                                                     How buyers buy

Twitter and extranets are good ways to deepen existing
customer relationships
                                                                                             % reacting very or quite positively to contact
                     Personal Bespoke                         Email
                      visits   event            Personalised sharing
   80%                                  event
                                                   email     content     Industry
   60%                                                                               Webinars Extranets
                                                                                                          LinkedIn Twitter                    Direct
                                                                                                                             Facebook Mobile
   40%                                                                                                                              messaging
   20%                                                                                                                                                        Telemarketing






  100%                                                                    % of buyers contacted by suppliers through this channel
What works where in B2B 2012?	                                                                                                          How buyers buy

Lowest frequency of most popular B2B
site visits using mobiles
Half of the B2B buyers on Twitter use                                                            Most B2B buyers use supplier website
their mobile; but few use it in first place.                                                     to keep informed; few use their mobiles
                                                                                                 to do so.

      50%            38%            27%          23%          18%         17%        14%            13%             13%               12%
      46%            33%            22%          37%          25%         22%        30%            50%             38%               33%
      35%            36%            52%          78%          79%         58%        83%            79%             84%               93%
     Twitter       Facebook       YouTube,      LinkedIn   Online trade   Trade   Online trade     Online          Online            Supplier
                                 online video              community       blog      press       mainstream       business           websites
                                                                                                   press           press

Q: How frequently do you use each of               Q: And how frequently do you visit                % of B2B buyers visiting site

the following in order to keep yourself            these websites using a mobile device as           % of visitors who go to site at least 2–3 times
                                                                                                     a week
informed on developments                           opposed to on a laptop or PC?
                                                                                                     % who use a mobile to visit site all or most
in your profession or industry?                                                                      of the time
What works where in B2B 2012?	                                                                         How buyers buy

Suppliers must concentrate on the ‘how’ more than
the ‘what’ when contacting buyers cold
                                 Approach taken                             Channel used

                                                            Be clear,
                                                         concise in your              At some
          Understand my                                  communication
                                                                                 point, contact me
          needs and tailor                                                          face to face

             your offer                                                              15%
                          22%                                    Personalise
                                                               your approach;
                                                               nothing generic
                                                 Build a
                                           relationship with
                                          me; be personable,
                                             open, honest
                                                                            Q: What is generally best practice
                                                  12%                       for potential suppliers hoping to
                                                                            make their communications stand
                                                                            out and persuade you to purchase
                                                                            goods or services from them?
What works where in B2B 2012?	                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      How buyers buy

Search marketing and websites key for ‘active’ state of mind

% using as a primary source of information

         Contact supplier

                            Search engine

                                            Ask professional advisor

                                                                       Ask a colleague

                                                                                         Sector reports/buyer guides

                                                                                                                            Search engine

                                                                                                                                            Contact supplier directly

                                                                                                                                                                        Ask professional advisor

                                                                                                                                                                                                   Consult procurement

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Ask a colleague

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Ask a peer, sector reports/buyer guides

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Contact supplier directly

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Ask professional advisor

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Consult procurement

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Reports/buyer guides

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Ask a colleague
         24%                                                                                                              23%

                            17%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            17%
                                            15%                                                                                             15%                                                                                                                                                                           15%
                                                                       13%                                                                                              12%                                                                                                                                                                            12%
                                                                                                                                                                                                   9% 8%                                                                                                                                                                     10% 9%
                                                                                         6%                                                                                                                                                6%
                            Defining specific need                                                                                          Identifying potential suppliers                                                                                                                                             Evaluating potential suppliers

Q: To what extent would you use                                                                                        Q: To what extent would you use the                                                                                                                           Q: To what extent do you use the
the following sources of information                                                                                   following sources of information to                                                                                                                           following sources of information to
to define your specific needs for                                                                                      identify potential suppliers?                                                                                                                                 evaluate suppliers?
a purchase?
What works where in B2B 2012?	                                                                                           How buyers buy

Best 5 channels for prospective suppliers to contact B2B

% reacting very or quite positively to contact

      Financial services            Engineering/manufacturing   Business/professional services   Technology/telecoms

 1    Personal visits (83%)         Personal visits (87%)       Bespoke event (75%)              Bespoke event (78%*)

 2    Trade events (73%*)           Trade events (69%*)         Personal visits (74%)            Personal visits (69%)

 3    LinkedIn (71%)                Industry sponsors (65%*)    Trade events (69%*)              Trade events (69%*)

 4    Email sharing content (67%)   Bespoke events (62%*)       Email sharing content (66%)      Email sharing content (64%)

 5    Webinars (67%)                Personalised email (56%)    Personalised email (60%)         Twitter (54%*)

% who had actually purchased something as a result of contact through this channel

      Financial services            Engineering/manufacturing   Business/professional services   Technology/telecoms

 1    Personal visits (36%)         Personal visits (58%)       Personal visits (53%)            Personal visits (33%)

 2    Personalised email (20%)      Personalised email (27%)    Trade events (45%)               Personalised email (31%)

 3    LinkedIn (19%)                Trade events (25%)          Personalised email (33%)         Bespoke events (24%)

 4    Bespoke events (17%)          Direct mail (22%)           Bespoke events (29%)             Email sharing content (20%)

 5    Trade events (17%)            Bespoke events (10%)        Industry sponsors (24%)          LinkedIn (16%)

Q: Which of the following means of engaging with you, if any, have actually                                * indicates base size less than 30
resulted in you purchasing goods or services from these suppliers?
The middle ground
What works where in B2B 2012?	                                                                                                        The middle ground - how buyers buy

Summary – a best practice approach is possible through digital channels

% reacting very or quite                                                                      Bespoke and                    Twitter
positively to contact                                                                         trade events                   Buyers are more
                                                                                              Industry focused events        likely to engage with
                                                                                              still have a role to play.     existing suppliers on
                                                    visits                                    Use digital channels           Twitter; but more
                                                   (79%)                                      before, during and post        likely to be contacted
                                                                                              event to maximise the          by potential suppliers.
                                                                                              value of investment and
                                                                                              build thought leadership.
                                  Bespoke                             Trade
                                   event                              event
                                   (69%)                              (70%)

                     Webinars                       LinkedIn                        sharing
                      (53%)                                                         content
                       Personalised                    Industry
                              email                 sponsorship                    Twitter
                             (52%)                       (51%)                      (47%)

                                                                                               Mobile            Search and
                                                                                                                 extranets                 Web
 Direct mail         Facebook                                                                                    Both are areas            Buyers rely heavily
                                            Generic marketing email           Telemarketing
   (36%)              (35%)                                                                                      which help buyers,        on information on
                                                     (16%)                        (13%)                                                    suppliers’ websites.
                                                                                                                 but are in danger
                                                                                                                 of underinvestment        Underinvest in them
                                                                                                                 from marketers.           at your peril.
Q: How do you react to attempts to contact you through these methods
of communication?
What works where in B2B 2012?	                                                                                                  The middle ground - how marketers market

Summary – a best practice approach is possible through digital channels
            Personal Visits                                                           Twitter                        messaging
            Direct relationships                                                                                      (49%)
                                                             (29%)                    (30%)
            still matter; buyers are
            more likely to buy from                                                                                                               LinkedIn
            face-to-face contact.                                                                                                                  (69%)

                                       LinkedIn                         Bespoke
                                       The most popular                  event                  Telemarketing                     Industry
                                                                                                                                sponsorship                     Webinars
                                       B2B social network –              (88%)                      (75%)
                                                                                                                                   (71%)                         (70%)
                                       65% of buyers use it
                                       regularly for business.
                                                                                       Trade                    Email sharing               Generic marketing
                                                                                       event                      content                         email
                                                                                       (88%)                       (86%)                         (88%)

                                                                                                      Direct                     Personal
                                                                                                       mail                        visits
                                                                                                      (90%)                       (90%)

                                                     Mobile and social                                           Personalised                         % of buyers
       Best digital performance                      An imbalance still exists between what                         email
                                                                                                                                                    contacted by
       Emails sharing content deliver the            marketers do and how buyers behave; but as                     (94%)
       best digital performance; don’t forget        mobile devices proliferate and digital natives                                             suppliers through
       to personalise content to the                 enter business, we believe both channels will                                                   this channel
       buyer’s requirements.                         be normalised.

Q: How frequently are you contacted through the following communications
channels by prospective suppliers attempting to engage with you?
To find out more about how Omobono can help youmaximise the effectiveness of your digital activities:
               please call Fran Brosan on 01223 307000 or email

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What Works Where in B2B?

  • 1. THE BUSINESS AGENCY What works where in B2B? How marketers market and how buyers buy Digital benchmarking research 2012 #wwwb2b
  • 2. What works where in B2B 2012? How buyers buy Introduction Visibility of what works in B2B is harder than in consumer marketing as so much activity is select in its targeting and often commercially confidential. In 2011 Omobono set out to share the best practice of B2B marketers so that they could learn from their peers. Partnering with The Marketing Society and ably supported by Circle Research, Omobono has researched what B2B marketers really do in digital and what they think works. In 2012 we also looked through the other end of the telescope to see how buyers are consuming the information that marketers lay in their path, and what effect it has. The results, gathered over 2 years, are based on the collective views of 170 senior marketers, spending in the region of £100m between them, and 224 buyers with buying power of over £150 million. With the survey being completed by senior decision makers at some of the world’s biggest companies, this is a definitive guide against which B2B marketers can benchmark their own activities. About Omobono Omobono is an award-winning business agency specialising in digital engagement for large corporates and government. Omobono works with some of the world’s largest companies to drive their relationships - with customers, employees and stakeholders. Which leads to increased sales, loyalty and share of voice. Our combination of business expertise, creativity and technical delivery is unique. We offer a full service, from strategy and communications planning to creative delivery and implementation of complex, dynamic websites, through to mobile and social media marketing. To find out how Omobono can help you maximise the effectiveness of your digital activities: please call Fran Brosan on 01223 307000 or email © Omobono Ltd 2012
  • 3. What works where in B2B 2012? How marketers market How marketers market
  • 4. Professional and support services 45% Banking and finance 33% Technology 30% What works where in B2B 2012? Media 26% Who did we survey? Consumer goods 21% Health 21% Telecoms 19% Retailing 17% Engineering and manufacturing 14% Leisure 14% Construction and property 13% Industrials 13% Utilities 12% Transport 10% Natural resources 10% Other 6% How marketers market
  • 5. What works where in B2B 2012? How marketers market What marketers told us • hat their B2B marketing goals were. W • ow they allocate their digital budgets. H • hich channels they think work best. W • The challenges they face.
  • 6. What works where in B2B 2012? How marketers market What is your organisation’s highest B2B marketing priority over the next twelve months? 8% Raise brand Strengthen awareness ‘thought leadership’ (17%) position 2% (15%) Deepen customer 9% Develop brand relationships positioning (11%) (33%) 2% Ensure organisation (3%) Deepen is living the understanding brand of target Launch a market Other (3%) new product (9%) or service 1% (9%) 1% 3% Highest priority % increase against 2011 % decrease against 2011
  • 7. What works where in B2B 2012? How marketers market What are your organisation’s top three B2B marketing priorities over the next twelve months? 3% 34% 17% 9% 11% 9% 14% 3% 2% 24% 23% 7% 14% 5% 16% 9% 1% 20% 16% 10% 20% 10% 19% 4% Other Deepen customer Raise brand Deepen Develop brand Launch a new Strengthen Ensure relationships awareness understanding positioning product or ‘thought leadership’ organisation of target market service position is living the brand For large companies, strengthening their thought leadership Highest priority Second highest priority Third highest priority position becomes the second highest priority.
  • 8. What works where in B2B 2012? How marketers market Digital marketing is still seen as important in achieving these goals Important Critical! 51% 43% (2011: 51%) Less important (2011: 44%) 6% (2011: 3%) Not relevant 0% (2011: 2%)
  • 9. What works where in B2B 2012? How marketers market Almost two-fifths of B2B budgets are invested in digital Under 20% Between 20–70% Over 70% 2012 = 22% 2012 = 68% 2012 = 10% 2011 = 27% 2011 = 60% 2011 = 14% 2012 2% 10% 11% 22% 15% 8% 19% 5% 4% 3% 0% 100% 11% 17% 18% 17% 8% 11% 6% 8% 5% 2% 2011 Mean 2012 = 38% 2011 = 37% Q: Over the next 12 months, what percentage of your organisation’s overall B2B marketing spend - excluding staffing costs - is likely to be invested in digital marketing?
  • 10. What works where in B2B 2012? How marketers market Five channels share almost three-quarters of digital budget Social media Video/podcasts 13% /webinars 9% optimisation Mobile 3% Display advertising 7% Mobile apps 3% Email marketing 18% Microsites SEO 6% marketing Corporate website development 22% Affiliate 10% 2% Extranets 1% PPC 6% SMS/MMS 1% Other 1% Q: Over the next 12 months, approximately what proportion Increased by Increased by Unchanged 2.5% from 2011 2.5% from 2011 from 2011 of your organisation’s B2B digital marketing spend do you Decreased by Decreased by expect to be allocated to each of these areas? 2.5% from 2011 2.5% from 2011
  • 11. What works where in B2B 2012? How marketers market Effectiveness of digital channels in achieving goals 5% 10% 3% Website Social Online Email marketing Microsites development media video (51%) (75%) (74%) (66%) (64%) 2% 4% Display SMS/ Affiliate Extranets advertising MMS 1% (29%) 1% 7% (20%) (20%) (13%) SEO PPC (42%) (29%) 1% Mobile Mobile 9% 1% apps optimisation (25%) (24%) Q: How effective are the following digital % increase against 2011 marketing activities in achieving your goals? % decrease against 2011
  • 12. What works where in B2B 2012? How marketers market …but it’s not as easy as it sounds Q: What would you say are the most significant challenges you face in relation to digital marketing in a B2B context? 14% 12% 12% 11% 10% 10% 9% 9% 9% 4% Measuring Managing Cut-through Internal Targeting Staying Quality Internal Finding right Other* ROI resources buy-in right innovative content expertise approach audience *Other challenges B2B marketers face: Keeping content relevant, understanding what works where, finding the right agency, making content visible, acquisition, consistent approach, adapting to tablets, data quality, increasing reach of activity, global scale, optimising for emerging markets, connectivity, quality standards (e.g. data privacy), press fragmentation, tracking sales, longer buying cycle, Mac vs. PC, changing marketplace and channel co-ordination.
  • 13. What works where in B2B 2012? How marketers market Social media and email also use plenty of internal resources 60% 50% Mostly in-house 40% 30% webinars/podcasts 20% Online video/ optimisation SMS/MMS advertising Microsites 10% Mobile Mobile Digital apps 3% SEO PPC 2% 55% 45% 6% 0% 6% 7% 9% 13% 17% 17% Social media Email marketing marketing Website development Affiliate Extranets 1% outsourced 3% Mostly 10% 20% 30% Q: To what extent, if at all, do you outsource activity in each of the following channels to external agencies as opposed to doing it in-house?
  • 14. What works where in B2B 2012? How marketers market Budget allocation doesn’t match perceived effectiveness 80% Website Social development media Q: How effective are the following digital Online video/ marketing activities in achieving your goals? 70% Email marketing podcasts 60% Microsites Effectiveness 50% Perceived SEO 40% Mobile optimisation/ 30% Display apps advertising PPC 20% Affiliate SMS/ MMS Extranets 10% 0% Budget 10% 20% Q: What proportion of your organisation’s B2B digital marketing 30% spend do you expect to be allocated to each area?
  • 15. What works where in B2B 2012? How marketers market What works where? Deepen customer Raise brand Strengthen thought Develop brand OVERALL relationships awareness leadership positioning Website development 69% 80% 79% 85% 75% Email marketing 60% 63% 65% 68% 64% Social media 54% 88% 91% 75% 74% Microsites 51% 37% 63% 58% 52% Online video 69% 61% 70% 68% 66% Display advertising 7% 61% 19% 33% 28% SEO 25% 61% 40% 55% 42% PPC 16% 45% 23% 30% 29% Mobile optimisation 24% 22% 23% 28% 24% Mobile apps 24% 18% 26% 25% 25% Affiliate marketing 16% 31% 16% 25% 20% Extranets 24% 18% 18% 18% 20% SMS/MMS 15% 10% 7% 15% 13% Q: How effective are the following digital marketing activities in achieving your goals?
  • 16. What works where in B2B 2012? How marketers market Buyer reactions to marketers’ approaches % positive reactions to contact % positive reactions to to by prospective suppliers contact by existing suppliers Personal visits 79% 79% Trade events 70% 68% Bespoke events 69% 76% Key: Email sharing contents 63% 65% Significant LinkedIn 56% 53% points of Webinars 53% 55% Personalised emails 52% 65% difference Industry sponsorship 51% 55% Twitter 47% 56% Mobile messaging 43% 37% Direct mail 36% 42% Facebook 35% 40% Generic email 16% 21% Telemarketing 13% 16% Q: How do you react to attempts to engage with you through these methods of communication?
  • 17. What works where in B2B 2012? How marketers market Measuring ROI Q: Does your organisation currently measure return on digital investment? 10% 49% 34% 7% 18% 39% 28% 15% Yes, and Yes, but not No, but plan No, and no Yes, and Yes, but not No, but plan No, and no confident in with the accuracy to start plans to start confident in with the accuracy to start plans to start its accuracy we’d like its accuracy we’d like Compared with 2011, twice as many respondents said they don’t measure ROI and have no plans to start.
  • 18. What works where in B2B 2012? How marketers market ROI metrics measured 95% 87% 85% 79% 63% 56% 50% 51% 51% 44% 44% 40% 38% 37% 34% 31% 29% 19% Web analytics/traffic Lead generation Conversion rates Brand awareness Spend per campaign Cost per enquiry Sales pipeline Closed sales Profitability Q: What metrics do you use to measure return on digital investment? 2011 2012
  • 19. What works where in B2B 2012? How buyers buy How buyers buy
  • 20. What works where in B2B 2012? How buyers buy Who did we survey? y/ Fi og s ser na 50– 24 ol m v 9 o nc es tel hn 18% 26 ec ial ic Tec % 25 % 250– 5000+ Number of 45% 9% Sector 499 employees ces 999 % 6% E n n uf 11 % 23 2 al s s / r vi 0– ma g/ gi n sin ent e in se 50 a c e ri n e 17 % ha em us n 99 ur pro urc tu g / B io 1000–49 rin ss 2% g ro f e c P 2 p IT 42% manage m Job role 14 % S e n i o e nt 2% 3% r 17 % Op era ti o n s HR e Financ
  • 21. What works where in B2B 2012? How buyers buy What buyers told us • here they go online to keep up to date with W their industry or sector. • hat channels they turn to when they look for W a supplier. • hat influences their final choice of supplier. W
  • 22. IT software 59% IT hardware 53% Technical consulting services 41% Telecommunications What works where in B2B 2012? equipment Telecommunications services Management 38% 37% consulting services 33% Recruitment, training, development 32% Office supplies 25% What are they actually buying? Transportation and vehicles 21% Utilities and energy Building and maintenance Plant and equipment 18% 17% 17% Banking and insurance services Raw materials 16% 15% Legal services Marketing services and services. 14% 13% Stock Accountancy services 11% 11% On average, respondents were Property or land 9% responsible for purchasing 4.8 goods Other 1% How buyers buy
  • 23. What works where in B2B 2012? How buyers buy B2B buyers interact with marketers in two “states of mind” Passive Active Keeping informed Defining specific about developments in needs profession/industry Buyer seeks out marketer Identifying Contacted by potential suppliers existing suppliers Marketer seeks out buyer Evaluating Contacted by potential suppliers prospective suppliers
  • 24. What works where in B2B 2012? How buyers buy Buyers use a mix of online and offline channels to stay informed Print Trade business Seminars Online trade press Online Supplier events Online press mainstream websites business Print press Email White papers/ mainstream press newsletters similar content press 93% 90% 87% 84% 84% 83% 83% 82% 80% 79% 79% 78% 77% 72% 70% 58% 52% 48% 36% 35% Online trade LinkedIn communities Twitter Webinars Podcasts YouTube, Facebook Print trade online video Advertising Trade press campaigns blogs Online Offline Q: Which of the above channels do you use in order Social for business? to keep yourself informed on developments in your 65% of B2B buyers use LinkedIn regularly for business. profession or industry? 29% of B2B buyers don’t use any social networks regularly for business.
  • 25. What works where in B2B 2012? How buyers buy How frequently do you use each channel to keep yourself informed? Every 2–3 times Once Once a Once a Less Not day a week a week fortnight month frequently at all Email newsletters 13% 21% 25% 12% 9% 10% 10% Primary method Online mainstream press 15% 18% 18% 8% 8% 12% 21% Supplier websites 6% 21% 21% 13% 22% 10% 7% Print mainstream press 11% 17% 17% 11% 13% 11% 20% Online business press 9% 18% 18% 13% 13% 13% 16% LinkedIn 8% 15% 18% 10% 11% 10% 28% Secondary method Online trade press 5% 14% 19% 14% 13% 18% 17% Print trade press 3% 8% 24% 13% 17% 13% 22% Print business press 5% 12% 15% 17% 17% 16% 18% Online trade communities 3% 8% 16% 10% 13% 21% 29% White papers 3% 8% 15% 13% 21% 23% 17% Advertising campaigns 2% 8% 12% 15% 13% 27% 23% Trade blogs 1% 8% 12% 10% 10% 17% 42% Facebook 4% 4% 7% 6% 5% 10% 64% Other method Twitter 6% 5% 4% 5% 4% 11% 65% Webinars 3% 4% 7% 9% 18% 29% 30% YouTube, online video 1% 6% 6% 9% 8% 22% 48% Podcasts 1% 4% 5% 6% 12% 20% 52% Trade events 1% 2% 6% 6% 19% 53% 13% Seminars 1% 3% 5% 6% 24% 45% 16%
  • 26. What works where in B2B 2012? How buyers buy Useful content comes from multiple information sources % finding a channel very or quite useful Online Offline Online Online Print Supplier business press mainstream mainstream Email websites press press newsletters 71% Print 82% 78% 69% 65% business press 77% LinkedIn Online communities 59% Print White trade press Online papers trade press 61% Webinars 76% 79% 77% Ad. 72% Seminars campaigns 76% 55% Twitter Trade YouTube events Podcasts Trade blogs Facebook 54% 39% 73% 43% 55% 57%
  • 27. What works where in B2B 2012? How buyers buy Email is the most effective digital channel to get buyers to act Q: Which of the following means of engaging with you, if any, have actually resulted in you purchasing goods or services from suppliers? 45% Don’t provoke particularly negative reactions but don’t lead buyers to act either. 28% 25% 20% 16% 16% 13% 11% 11% 10% 8% 8% 5% 4% 4% 2% Personal visits Personalised email Trade events Bespoke events Email sharing content Direct mail LinkedIn Industry sponsorship Webinars Generic email Telemarketing Twitter Facebook SMS/MMS No-one made a compelling case No need for any goods/services Online Offline None
  • 28. What works where in B2B 2012? How buyers buy Twitter and extranets are good ways to deepen existing customer relationships  % reacting very or quite positively to contact 100% Personal Bespoke Email Trade visits event Personalised sharing 80% event email content Industry sponsorship 60% Webinars Extranets LinkedIn Twitter Direct Facebook Mobile mail 40% messaging Generic marketing email 20% Telemarketing 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% % of buyers contacted by suppliers through this channel
  • 29. What works where in B2B 2012? How buyers buy Lowest frequency of most popular B2B site visits using mobiles Half of the B2B buyers on Twitter use Most B2B buyers use supplier website their mobile; but few use it in first place. to keep informed; few use their mobiles to do so. 50% 38% 27% 23% 18% 17% 14% 13% 13% 12% 46% 33% 22% 37% 25% 22% 30% 50% 38% 33% 35% 36% 52% 78% 79% 58% 83% 79% 84% 93% Twitter Facebook YouTube, LinkedIn Online trade Trade Online trade Online Online Supplier online video community blog press mainstream business websites press press Q: How frequently do you use each of Q: And how frequently do you visit % of B2B buyers visiting site the following in order to keep yourself these websites using a mobile device as % of visitors who go to site at least 2–3 times a week informed on developments opposed to on a laptop or PC? % who use a mobile to visit site all or most in your profession or industry? of the time
  • 30. What works where in B2B 2012? How buyers buy Suppliers must concentrate on the ‘how’ more than the ‘what’ when contacting buyers cold Approach taken Channel used Be clear, concise in your At some Understand my communication 8% point, contact me needs and tailor face to face your offer 15% 22% Personalise your approach; nothing generic Build a 10% relationship with me; be personable, open, honest Q: What is generally best practice 12% for potential suppliers hoping to make their communications stand out and persuade you to purchase goods or services from them?
  • 31. What works where in B2B 2012? How buyers buy Search marketing and websites key for ‘active’ state of mind % using as a primary source of information 40% Contact supplier directly Search engine Ask professional advisor Ask a colleague Sector reports/buyer guides Search engine Contact supplier directly Ask professional advisor Consult procurement Ask a colleague Ask a peer, sector reports/buyer guides Contact supplier directly Ask professional advisor Consult procurement Reports/buyer guides Ask a colleague 24% 23% 17% 17% 15% 15% 15% 13% 12% 12% 9% 8% 10% 9% 6% 6% 0% Defining specific need Identifying potential suppliers Evaluating potential suppliers Q: To what extent would you use Q: To what extent would you use the Q: To what extent do you use the the following sources of information following sources of information to following sources of information to to define your specific needs for identify potential suppliers? evaluate suppliers? a purchase?
  • 32. What works where in B2B 2012? How buyers buy Best 5 channels for prospective suppliers to contact B2B % reacting very or quite positively to contact Financial services Engineering/manufacturing Business/professional services Technology/telecoms 1 Personal visits (83%) Personal visits (87%) Bespoke event (75%) Bespoke event (78%*) 2 Trade events (73%*) Trade events (69%*) Personal visits (74%) Personal visits (69%) 3 LinkedIn (71%) Industry sponsors (65%*) Trade events (69%*) Trade events (69%*) 4 Email sharing content (67%) Bespoke events (62%*) Email sharing content (66%) Email sharing content (64%) 5 Webinars (67%) Personalised email (56%) Personalised email (60%) Twitter (54%*) % who had actually purchased something as a result of contact through this channel Financial services Engineering/manufacturing Business/professional services Technology/telecoms 1 Personal visits (36%) Personal visits (58%) Personal visits (53%) Personal visits (33%) 2 Personalised email (20%) Personalised email (27%) Trade events (45%) Personalised email (31%) 3 LinkedIn (19%) Trade events (25%) Personalised email (33%) Bespoke events (24%) 4 Bespoke events (17%) Direct mail (22%) Bespoke events (29%) Email sharing content (20%) 5 Trade events (17%) Bespoke events (10%) Industry sponsors (24%) LinkedIn (16%) Q: Which of the following means of engaging with you, if any, have actually * indicates base size less than 30 resulted in you purchasing goods or services from these suppliers?
  • 34. What works where in B2B 2012? The middle ground - how buyers buy Summary – a best practice approach is possible through digital channels % reacting very or quite Bespoke and Twitter positively to contact trade events Buyers are more Industry focused events likely to engage with still have a role to play. existing suppliers on Personal visits Use digital channels Twitter; but more (79%) before, during and post likely to be contacted event to maximise the by potential suppliers. value of investment and build thought leadership. Bespoke Trade event event (69%) (70%) Email Webinars LinkedIn sharing (53%) content (56%) (63%) Personalised Industry email sponsorship Twitter (52%) (51%) (47%) Mobile Search and messaging (43%) extranets Web Direct mail Facebook Both are areas Buyers rely heavily Generic marketing email Telemarketing (36%) (35%) which help buyers, on information on (16%) (13%) suppliers’ websites. but are in danger of underinvestment Underinvest in them from marketers. at your peril. Q: How do you react to attempts to contact you through these methods of communication?
  • 35. What works where in B2B 2012? The middle ground - how marketers market Summary – a best practice approach is possible through digital channels Mobile Personal Visits Twitter messaging Facebook Direct relationships (49%) (29%) (30%) still matter; buyers are more likely to buy from LinkedIn face-to-face contact. (69%) LinkedIn Bespoke The most popular event Telemarketing Industry sponsorship Webinars B2B social network – (88%) (75%) (71%) (70%) 65% of buyers use it regularly for business. Trade Email sharing Generic marketing event content email (88%) (86%) (88%) Direct Personal mail visits (90%) (90%) Mobile and social Personalised % of buyers Best digital performance An imbalance still exists between what email contacted by Emails sharing content deliver the marketers do and how buyers behave; but as (94%) best digital performance; don’t forget mobile devices proliferate and digital natives suppliers through to personalise content to the enter business, we believe both channels will this channel buyer’s requirements. be normalised. Q: How frequently are you contacted through the following communications channels by prospective suppliers attempting to engage with you?
  • 36. To find out more about how Omobono can help youmaximise the effectiveness of your digital activities: please call Fran Brosan on 01223 307000 or email