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What Is The Abuse Of African-American Women In The Color...
The Color Purple is a controversial film from 1985, the film portrays the life of a young African–
American girl, known as Celie. During her early teen years, Celie went through the hardship of her
mother passing away. Consequently, Celie underwent sexual, as well as physical, abuse from her
step–father. Celie was forced to have intercourse with her stepfather, then she had to bear the
children just to give them away. Celie had a younger sister, known as Nettie. Their stepfather,
Fonso, never touched Nettie in an inappropriate manner because she was too young. As Nettie began
to grow, Celie became over–protective of her, not just against their father, but against other alike
men. When a Mister Albert Johnson took a special interest in Nettie ... Show more content on ...
The film expresses the lack of rights given to African–Americans back in the 1980s, which is
somewhat relatable today. Racism is prevalent is society, it is not something which gets
acknowledged by most. Violence which came from the lack of rights is continuously happening
today, the people of color are fighting against the police for not treating them like the human beings
they are. The abuse which women of color had to go through is thoroughly touched upon in the film,
which is the most relevant point the film makes. Abuse, both sexual and physical, is something
women all over the world must
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Internal Conflicts In Alice Walker's The Color Purple
As individuals, we must understand ourselves and our personal struggles. As part of a society, we
must understand how we fit into the world around us. Consequently, we must then bridge the gap
between these two ideas. In the film adaptation of Alice Walker's The Color Purple, the main
character, Celie, discovers her individuality overtime, as she eventually finds her niche among
others (Spielberg, 1985). Through incorporating both internal conflicts and how a person relates
with the external society, The Color Purple acts as a transitional piece, linking the unit of conflicts of
self to the unit of conflicts involving groups.
The Color Purple examines several aspects of unit one, including the difference between singular or
multiple perspectives and the subsequent impact of adding more perspectives to an issue. As
discovered in unit one, the principle of Occam's Razor, which usually favors a singular perspective,
holds that "entities are not to be multiplied beyond necessity," but this thought process often
oversimplifies the issue by disregarding certain aspects or details of a situation (The Editors of
Encyclopædia Britannica, 2015). As if adhering to Occam's Razor, Celie in the film, rather than
further complicate her situation, chooses the path of least resistance by living the majority of her
early to mid life viewing her circumstance with a singular perspective in which the society holds
that she has no choice, but to conform to its sexist expectations (Spielberg, 1985). However, Sofia
and Shug provide new, additional perspectives that fuse together in the formation of a cyclopean
image, which gives Celie greater awareness of her situation (The Cyclopean View, n.d.; Spielberg,
1985). Through gaining these multiple perspectives, Celie realizes the abuse she suffers and decides
to take initiative against them, eventually embracing her inner individuality and no longer
submitting to the whims of every man she encounters, as society would expect a black woman of the
time to do (Spielberg, 1985). By unveiling the power of multiple perspectives in comparison to a
singular perspective, The Color Purple coincides with a predominant topic of unit one.
Undoubtedly, The Color Purple touches on the seeming thesis
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Button Movie Analysis
Money can make people impulsive and obsessive by causing tension in their life. In "Button,
Button" by Richard Matheson and the Twilight Zone adaptation focus on a couple that is given a
button, and, if they press it, the button will kill someone they don't know and they will be rewarded
with a lot of money. The film's tone of tension stays true to the text's tone. Money is something
many people want greatly, it's also an object that can cause clouded judgement, and lead to many
different arguments. Norma and Arthur are faced with the choice of pushing the button or not which
causes them to fight a lot: "Norma looked disgusted. 'Murder'"(Matheson 108). Norma wanted to
push the button and didn't feel guilty about it, but Arthur thought it ... Show more content on ...
Norma eventually snaps while Arthur isn't home and presses the button: "It wasn't her voice
shrieking so; it couldn't be. 'You said I wouldn't know the one that died!'" (Matheson 111). Norma's
voice transforms into something even she can't recognize. The stress the button put on her changed
her for the worse. The ending in the film only has one similarity, Norma pushes the button. But,
what truly makes the ending interesting is how the camera focuses on Mr. Stewart. It is zoomed in
on him and the lighting makes everything seem very ominous (Twilight Zone 1985). The lighting
gives off an eerie effect onto Mr. Stewart. It creates and unsettling feeling being the character and
the viewers. The use of italics and words like 'shrieking' in the story emphasizes the same unsettling
feeling. The music mixed with the things Mr. Stewart says alludes to the chance of Norma or Arthur
dying. It explores the idea that if Norma would press the button to kill someone she didn't know then
what could stop someone she doesn't know from doing the same and killing her or Arthur. The
ending in both the film and text build a lot tension between the audience and characters; with all that
just happened looming over their heads they can only be scared for what could happen next and
could make them even more
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The Breakfast Club Film Analysis
Sociology can be defined in a variety of ways through the eyes of each individual. According to
Tepperman, Albanese, and Curtis (2014), most sociologists define their area of focus as the precise
study of society's behaviour in its social context. In addition, sociologists focus mainly on how
interactions with others influence their behavior and views on certain issues. Through the
understanding of sociologists, Tepperman et al. (2014), acknowledges that personal troubles are
generally related to and, often times, based on public issues. Furthermore, this knowledge has been
adopted by C. Wright Mills and is commonly referred to as the sociological imagination. Mills'
ideology is demonstrated through the well orchestrated film The Breakfast Club (Hughes, Tanen, &
Manning, 1985). This film follows the journey of five high school students, all from different social
circles, who come together in detention, eventually realizing they have more in common than their
cliques allowed them to believe (Hughes et al., 1985). This film touches on aspects drawn to
sociologists including the socialization of stereotypes, social and personal identities, deviance, and
inequalities (Tepperman et al., 2014). Each character in the film is portrayed through a distinct
representative of stereotypical high school cliques consisting of the brain, the athlete, the basketcase,
the princess, and the criminal (Hughes et al., 1985). Anthony Hall plays the character of the brain in
the film by Hughes et
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Compare Two Western Films Made at Least Twenty Years Apart...
Author: Ben Nichols
Student ID: 394990
Course Name: CMM10 Screen History and Research
Assessment 2: Comparative Essay
Description: Compare two Western films made at least twenty years apart on the basis of the three of
the five frameworks studied in the first block of the unit, and the elements of the western genre
studied in the second block of the unit.
Films selected:
The Great Train Robbery (1903) v True Grit (2010)
When Thomas Edison asked Edwin S.Porter to make The Great Train Robbery (1903) little did
either realise that this film would be the beginning of not only the Western genre but an entire movie
industry. The silent classic, The Great Train Robbery depicts a famous railroad robbery by a
notorious ... Show more content on ...
The audience, the industry, and the technology were all very different but what both films where
aiming to achieve is very similar. They are trying to bring to life stories about America's heart and
soul using the best visual skill and capabilities they had available to them. They are also one of the
stories of Film History. It is the historian's contention that 'understanding the past is useful in
understanding the present' (Allan and Gomery, 1985 p6). Indeed, It can be further argued that
without the former it is very unlikely we would be enjoying the latter. They are so different visually
but they are the same in their goals; depicting a great literal story, through the medium of film.
Film Technology:
Edison Films unwitting invention of the movie–making industry was driven by a desperate struggle
to make a profit out of his failing product, the Kinetoscope. He was under commercial attack from
rival systems and needed a strong marketing tool to save the flagging technology. Edwin S Porter,
Edison's chief cameraman, produced The Great Train Robbery and the rest is history. Not a
straightforward teleogical history though with a beginning and a pre–determined end with the goal
of making films more real. Realism is a relative term in filmmaking. When the actor, George Barnes
appears at the beginning/end of The Great Train Robbery dressed as the bandit chief and fires his
pistol straight at
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Film Analysis Of ' The Breakfast Club '
Joohyun Cho Introduction to Psychology Film Analysis of The Breakfast Club Introduction The film
The Breakfast Club was directed and written by John Hughes and was released in the year 1985
(IMDB, 2016). The film's running time is 95 minutes and can be categorized under the genre of
comedy and drama. It follows five teenagers, who all vary in personality and stereotype, get stuck in
detention on a Saturday morning. They are all different types of people in nature but when stripped
down and seen through without a stereotypical lens, they all have something to share and have
something in common amongst themselves despite being so different from each other. In the movie,
they are stereotyped as, a basket case, a brain, an athlete, a princess, and a criminal (IMDB, 2016).
The setting takes place in a library and whilst they are in detention, they go through varying phases.
They start off with solitude, then proceed to share a few words, and later into the film they start to
disclose information about themselves that normally would be very difficult to disclose. While they
are in the library they start off as complete strangers and barely talk to each other. As the movie
progresses, they start doing a lot of things that a normal group of friends would do such as dancing,
playing music, sneaking out together, and even smoking a joint together. The main issue that the
movie raises is the idea that being subjected to peer pressure and malicious parenting
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Comparison Of The Breakfast Club, Clueless, And Mean Girls
Identity; Romance; Segregation; Beauty; Friendship; Within the film industry's classic interpretation
of female adolescents, these elements of teen culture are typically represented. A film's
demonstration of themes such as relationship tensions or social status struggles are that which
attracts the popular viewership of female adolescents, for they are personally dealing with similar
experiences. Furthermore, in continually representing the aforementioned traditional elements of
teen culture, the film industry seems to make it so films' story–lines and characterizations adapt to
and directly reflect the era in which the film is set. This adaptation is significantly demonstrated in
the popular teen films The Breakfast Club (1985), Clueless (1995), and Mean Girls (2004) as they
each clearly and diversely characterize young women based on the distinct time period and the
cultural attitude towards teen girls of that time. The Breakfast Club (1985) details five high school
students in Illinois, a nerd, a jock, a bad boy, a weirdo, and a ... Show more content on ...
The theme of struggling with identity, present in all three of the abovementioned films, is significant
in characterizing the popular views of young women. In The Breakfast Club (1985), one of the
leading characters, Claire Standish, is a spoiled, prim, popular princess at first glance. As the film
progresses, the 1980's cultural construction of young women begins to appear and as Claire comes
forward with her sensitivity, stresses, and struggles she begins to rebel against the rules of detention
by smoking marijuana in the school library and by kissing the "bad boy" that is serving detention
with her. Claire's rebellion reflects the adolescent angst present in the 1980s possibly caused by
teenagers' subjection to new music, more drug use and being further informed about diseases such
as HIV and
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Movie Analysis : The Geek, Society And Breaks Stereotypes
I often associate the word "intellectual" with a very positive and benevolent connotation, but Real
Genius has proven to me that being an intellectual does not automatically preclude someone from
moral scrutiny. This 1985 movie captures an alternative view of the "geek" society and breaks
stereotypes with the development of very three dimensional characters. But Real Genius is much
more than just a movie that redefines academics, it is also a film that heavily stresses the importance
of morality while promoting a revamped field of the sciences. Although at times very science–
centered, the movie sneakily weaves traces of philosophy into the plot as well. With that said, it
seems to me that Real Genius and the lecture on the Two Cultures have much more in common than
meets the eye. The underlying theme of morality drives the plot of Real Genius. Throughout the
film, there are numerous scenes that address the morality of the different characters. Not too long
into the film, we are shown that Professor Hathaway has enlisted the help of Chris Knight and Mitch
Taylor to create a 5–megawatt laser. But what we were not told at the time is that the laser is secretly
a government funded project by the Defense Department, and that there was a research grant given
to Pacific Tech to aid the project financially. As the plot progresses, we learn that Jerry Hathaway
has embezzled the grant to remodel his house, while leaving the students with a seemingly
impossible task. In order to
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Descriptive Essay On A Haunted House
I'm just getting in the door, and I say to myself "oh course it has to be a two story house." As I walk
into the house I get shivers up my spine, and I know something is in the house I just don't know
what. As me being the curious one I know I have to keep going, and there I was standing in the
doorway of a "haunted house." I looked all through the living room, but I didn't see anything. I was
as scared as a jack–rabbit that had heard the howl of a wolf. I was just about to step on the first step,
but I heard something run right past me. I turned around quicker than the speed of light, but then
again nothing was there. I walked all the way up the stairs, and I started looking in the rooms. In the
last room I checked I saw something crouched down in the corner.
All I saw was this black creature, and what looked like fur all over it's body. I saw glowing red eyes,
and teeth sharp as razors. This creatures couldn't have been more than three feet tall, but I can tell
you it is the scariest thing I had ever see in my whole life. It came out of the corner, and I said to
myself, "I am so stupid, I should have know ghost aren't real," but I was completely wrong. What it
really was a full grown black female English Mastiff. It was a scary–ish dog, but I couldn't tell if she
was nice, because she was growling at me. She had silver fawn eyes, and a black muzzle. I was
correct about the height, but the part where she looked scary was way off. I tried to get closer to her,
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Significance Of The Back And The Future Trilogy
The Significance of the Back to the Future Trilogy
Earlier this month, actor Michael J. Fox tweeted "Only off by a year, not bad. Congrats @Cubs. This
is so heavy." (@realmikefox) His tweet was a reference to a "prediction" made in the 1989 film,
Back to the Future Part II, in which Fox starred as the lead character of Marty. Even though the film
was released twenty–seven years ago, and its predecessor was released four years prior to that, the
tweet itself garnered over eighteen thousand "Twitter likes," showcasing that series relevance alive
in today's society.
The Back to the Future trilogy has made its way into the hearts of millions; still being loved now
just as much as when it was first released. The film trilogy, produced by Steven Spielberg and
directed by Robert Zemeckis, stars Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd as the lead characters.
Supporting actors include Lea Thompson, Thomas F. Wilson, and Crispen Glover. The storyline
follows Marty McFly (Fox) as he travels through time in a Delorean that has been manipulated by
his best friend, the kooky scientist, Doc Brown (Lloyd). Throughout three films, Marty attempts to
re–align history and make it back to 1985 unharmed. The series was a success at the box office,
making almost one billion dollars worldwide between all three films (Thompson, 667). In addition
to the success it had when it was first released, Back to the Future is still relatable to audiences
today, many of which were born long after the decades
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How Sound Developed Changed America During The 1920s '...
In this essay I will explain how sound developed in American cinema in the 1920s, beginning with
"silent" films in the 1910s. I will explore the development of sound systems from large corporations
in America, and the failed experiments with sound beforehand. I will analyse the use of these sound
systems by Warner Brothers and Fox, the first film studios to adopt sound, and explore how this led
to the Big Five film studios also adopting the use of synchronised sound. I am going to examine the
reasons why synchronised sound developed from a teleological, contextual, and technology
determinist approach. To conclude I will evaluate the impact synchronised sound had on the film
industry in America during the 1920s.
As Raymond Fielding stated films have never truly been "silent films" even before the introduction
of synchronised sound, "there was never any such thing as a silent film – at least as far as the
audience was concerned" (Cameron, 1980, p. 3–4). Films were shown to audience 's in vaudevilles
and were often imitations of other vaudeville acts. These films were played alongside music, often
had a commentator to helps the audience understand their narratives, and used instruments and
actors to create sound effects. Since films were never silent to begin with from a teleological
approach you could argue that synchronised sound was inevitable in the development of film
because it just "standardised and mechanised the aural component" (Neale, 1985, p. 93) that was
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Adolescence And Emerging Adulthood : The Breakfast Club
Released in 1985, The Breakfast Club depicts five high school students from Illinois as they spend a
Saturday together in detention. Prior to their arrival, John Bender, Claire Standish, Andy Clark,
Brian Johnson, and Allison Reynolds had not met, nor would they have associated with one another
on a typical day in high school. After spending nine hours together, however, the group of vastly
different adolescents break down emotional barriers, manage to build a sense of intimacy, and some
establish dating relationships by the day's end (Hughes et al., 1985). The film illustrated a rather
realistic portrait of adolescence in several topical domains. The Film's Portrayal of Adolescence The
authors of The Breakfast Club produced a ... Show more content on ...
Second, while discussing her attitude, Claire discloses feeling substantial pressure from her friends,
admitting that she hates doing what they say (Hughes et al., 1985). This is a realistic example of
how clique member's ensure conformity and strengthen cohesiveness (Arnett 2013). The Self
Compared to concrete thinking in childhood, adolescents' thinking becomes much more abstract.
This enables them to partake in self–conception; differentiating between who they are and who they
may become in the future (Arnett, 2013). This developmental milestone is presented in The
Breakfast Club when the five teens are sitting on the floor, discussing their insecurities. Andrew asks
the group, with a horrified expression, if they are going to be like their parents. Claire answers with
certainty that she will not (Hughes, et al., 1985). As they imagine their future selves like their
parents, they are conceptualizing their feared selves (Arnett, 2013). Andrew also speaks of the false
self he presents to make his father proud. This is shown as he admits that the physical pain and
humiliation he caused a peer was not something he wanted to do, though he knew it was an action
for which his father would praise him (Hughes et al., 1985). According to Arnett (2013), it is during
the period of adolescence that teenagers recognize the false selves they present and that their false
selves are contrary to their actual feelings and thoughts. Also involving the self,
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The Goonies Entertainment Scene Analysis
The Goonies, solving their problems through adventure as one would always want to. The Goonies
came out in 1985, Steven Spielberg directed it, and the main characters are as follows: Mikey,
Mouth, Chunk, and Data. In the film the people who own the land that Mikey's house is on want to
make a golf course and in the process destroy the house, but if Mikey and his family can buy the
land then they can stay. They find a map in the attic that apparently leads to a treasure so they can
pay for the house. There are criminals that want the treasure as well just to be rich. The Goonies
eventually find the treasure and get the criminals arrested. We will be analyzing a scene from The
Goonies directed by Steven Spielberg. In the scene from early in the film, Chunk is at the gate and
wants Mouth to open it, but Mouth will not open the gate unless chunk does the Truffle Shuffle. ...
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It is 1985, in California I assume. The plot of the film is Chunk, presented as the source of
entertainment for the group. Mouth, presented as the troublemaker and Mikey, presented as the
young yet mature one. Throughout the film, the characters are dressed as if they are from the 80's
and in fact, they are. There is definitely some deep space composition as Chunk is in the background
in a shot. In this scene, the camera is at a slightly low angle at in one shot and a slightly high shot in
another, and it is in a fixed position in all of them in this scene. There is not any music, but there
may be some enhanced sound effects for the Rube Goldberg device and of course, their voices have
been enhanced so they are clearly
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Who Is Morgan Superlock's Contribute To Obesity In America?
The Morgan super–size me film that investigates that if fast food chain, Mac Donald's is
contributing to the obesity in America because of the food that is serves. The director, Morgan
Spurlock conveys that, in America, people are becoming more obese due to the consumption of too
much fast food. Throughout the film, Suprlock uses several film techniques such as graphics,
interviews and voice over and direct narration to persuade the audience of his point of view that a
person can get really sick from having a diet that relays on MacDonald's food in a variety of
substantial ways.
Superlock, uses the techniques of graphics and voice over to present the audience of his idea that
because of fast food people are becoming obese in America. In the
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How To Create Tension In Back To The Future
One of the most fascinating films of 1985 explored the fantasy of time travel. The film Back to the
Future, directed by Academy Award winning Robert Zemeckis and Steven Spielberg, was one of the
most successful trilogies ever created. The film follows an average high school student by the name
of Marty Mcfly, and Doc Brown, a crazy but genius scientist. Doc has created a time machine
disguised as Delorian, that he's spent his entire life savings on. When Marty and Doc first test the
time machine, they are suddenly interrupted by Libyan terrorists, who Doc stole the Plutonium
from. Marty has no choice but to use the Delorean to go back in time. Back to the Future used
incredible special effects, stunning songs, and an unbelievable adventure to drive this film to the top
grosser of 1985. The film has earned its place on the AFI top 100 films for its ability to stand the test
of time. Marty ... Show more content on ...
It leaves the audience thinking of different outcomes and consequences of Marty's decisions. The
more and more Marty tries to help his father try to get Loraine, the more she falls in love with
Marty. Tension grows the farther and farther apart his parents grow apart. Some of the technical
elements of suspense also show up. The different camera angles used create different views from the
characters. In the dining scene where George is going to ask out Loraine, Biff shows up. Marty trips
him, and as Biff stands up, Marty's look of bravery changes to worry. The camera angle is over Biffs
shoulder, and shows only the eyes of Marty as he stands up. Also, tension grows with Marty and
Doc, as Marty knows when Doc dies. Whenever Marty tries to tell Doc, he's either distracted by
something, or Doc tells him otherwise. At the end, when we are left with the thought of the same
outcome, we see how Doc did look at Marty's note, and then the tension is relieved. This is also one
of the main subplots of the
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Madonna Research Papers
In 1982, she released her first single "Everybody" following the album "Madonna" was released in
July 1983. Her three huge hits were "Holiday," "Lucky Star," and "Borderline." A series of hit songs,
concert tours, and films followed. Her second album, Like a Virgin was released in 1984. This
album produced two number one hits; the title track and "Material Girl." In early 1985 she went on
her first concert tour, which was very successful. Madonna was very influential to the young girls at
that time. Girls would copy her fashion and attitude to life. For example, girls would wear Christian
cross, stocking, Capri skirts and bleached hair. Thousands of teenage girls all over the country began
to tie lace bows on top of their heads, wearing underwear ... Show more content on
Madonna has had controversy for her mix of religion views and sexuality. Churches have told their
people to not attend her concerts due to Eroticism. Madonna still with all the bad talks they had
given her remained firm and went to perform as normal. She released a book called "sex" after
forming her own company. The book contained a lot of nudity and woman and men all over the
pictures. The book sold a lot of copies but didn't fail to strike controversy
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Time Constraints In Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
Time travel involves moving either forward or backwards in time with the use of a time machine of
some kind, especially in movies and books. There have been many great time travel movies over the
years. This is a list comprised of just 8 of the best.
The List (in no particular order):
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. It's fun seeing the crew of the star–ship Enterprise wander through
modern day, 1986 America (modern for the time period during which this film was made), which
was the past for them. They journey back in time to bring back two humpback whales to 2286 so
that the Earth isn't destroyed because of a probe that traveled to Earth to speak to a humpback whale
and it wasn't leaving until it did speak to one. However, under time constraints, the crew was able to
get back to their time period, to allow the whales to speak to the probe. The probe then left and no
longer ... Show more content on ...
A classic series, known for it's use of a DeLorean sports car and the phrase "Great Scott". The films
are based around messing something up in the past (or in the second film's case, the future) and
having to go back/forward to fix it. The third film focuses on Marty going all the way back to 1885
to save Doc and bring him back to 1985. Michael J. Fox's film career was started off the success of
these movies.
Terminator 1 & 2 (1984 & 1991) Another classic series, well the first two installments of the series
anyway. This series is centered around Skynet and their use of cyborgs. Arnold Schwarzenegger
plays a cyborg, T–800, sent back in time to kill the mother of John Connor. In the second movie, he
plays the same character but with the exact opposite goal, saving John Connor from the T–1000
played by the talented Robert Patrick.
Time Bandits (1981) Kevin, the main character, gets kidnapped by some dwarves. He also gets to
meet some historical people, like Napoleon, Agamemnon, and Robin Hood. Kevin finds out that
Robin Hood is a bit of a
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Internment Camps In The Broken Road
The Navajo and Hopi tribes have long lived in an area by the region known as the four corners.
Uranium, oil, gas, and coal all very valuable resources can be found under the grounds where these
tribes have lived. When the "white men" realized this, they passed a law forcing the relocation of the
Indians. In the film, Broken Road, Florio and Mudd (1985) the narrator stated, "The government
spent 500 million dollars to partition the land between the Navajo and Hopi tribes. 8,000 Indians
were herded from fort Defiance to Fort Sumner, across the New Mexico border. During this trip,
many would die and the ones who survived found themselves in an internment camp". This lasted
until "the tax payers realized they were paying over one million a year to keep these camps going"
(Florio and Mudd, 1985). After they realized this, the Indians were released. These people were
released with only two sheep and little compensation (Florio and Mudd, 1985).
This horrific treatment of individuals was brutal and unforgivable. This relates very heavily to
another group of disempowered people, when the Nazis invaded and took all the Jews to
concentration camps. These Nazi camps were based off the Indians internment camps where they
were killed or held hostage in terrible, unlivable environments with little food and forced to do
work. In this Broken Road directed by Florio and Mudd(1985), the narrator Martin Sheenan had
mentioned, "The Nazi's studied these Indian internment camps and used them as
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Comparing The Museum Of Modern Art
Similarities exist between the architecture of the Museum of Modern Art in New York and the
Kimball Art Museum in Fort Worth, Texas. The Museum of Modern Art, designed by Philip L.
Goodwin and Edward Durell Stone, was one of the earliest examples of the International Style
(Ricciotti, 1985, p. 51). The Museum of Modern Art was established as an educational institution
which displayed painting sculpture but also introduced photography, film, and industrial design
(Ricciotti, 1985, p. 51). In contrast, the Kimball Art Museum's purpose was to display the Kimball
family's extensive collection and preserve it for future generations (Loud, 1987, p. 15). The initial
collection was comprised of late–renaissance and baroque work which contrasted ... Show more
content on ...
Kahn's vaulted skylights created unique, filtered, light that showcased the art and played an
important role in the museum's innovative design (Loud, 1987, p, 44). The one–story museum also
created rooms that created harmony with the art and were void of unnecessary decorative elements
or details (Loud, p.1987, p. 34). Additionally, instead of a large, sprawling royal palace, the Museum
of Modern Art's vertical design fit into the crowded city (Ricciotti, 1985, p. 60). The interior spaces
were reminiscent of the original townhouse structure with multiple stories and shorter ceiling height
(Ricciotti, 1985, p. 58). In comparison to the Louvre, the gallery spaces did not feature grand halls
as the modernist architects rejected the Beaux–Arts traditional elements (Ricciotti, 1985, p. 59). The
style of the Museum of Modern Art symbolizes the "ideological aims" of the original design
(Ricciotti, 1985, p. 51). The original facade is one of the only features that remains to this day
(Ricciotti, 1985, p.74). The results of different tastes and backgrounds resulted in a building that is
based on variations of the international style and more towards modernism (Ricciotti, 1985, p. 72).
Recent renovations demonstrate respect to the original design and its significant past (Ricciotti,
1985, p.
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Stereotypes In The Color Purple
The movie ''The Color Purple'' is a 1985 drama film that portrays the historical period. This film
sheds light on the struggles that African American women faced during the 1930s. The Color Purple
is about the life of Celie Harris, a poor black girl who married against her wish to an older black
man. This movie was a great portrayal of history, which was directed by Steven Spielberg in a new
light, this movie also shows realism and grit.
The movie The Color Purple shows an intercultural perspective using concepts like racism,
stereotypes, socialized cultures and the power distance between men and women. In this era,
women, in general, were socialized into the cultural norms of the times. There was very high power
distance between males and females and black women were specifically mistreated not only by the
member of other races but also by men from their race. Women ... Show more content on ...
This movie is an upbeat, affirmative fable in which optimism, patience, and family loyalty emerge
as cardinal virtues, and in which even the wife beating villain has charm. This movie shows the
story of a shy young heroine, whose life is filled with disappointment and hardship, even the most
brutal events are set forth. Around the world, women are facing the similar issues but never had their
stories be told. The Color Purple has a lot of heartbreaking scenes, a very emotional scene, in
particular, was when teenage Celie was forcibly separated from her beloved sister Nettie. This film
depicts the reality of women, and their day to day lives, in this era, they were told what to do, they
had to follow their husbands rule without any sign of defying. Women were not treated as an equal
to man but as a lesser person in society, especially African American women. Girls were expected to
get married a young age, bore children and take care of the home; they weren't given rights to vote,
or further their education beyond a certain
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The Myth Of The Perfect Body Analysis
Question Two
In Manatu's article, "Love and Romance," she analyzes black women in film and how their portrayal
reinforces hegemonic scripts through violation and hardship. Manatu begins her analysis by defining
what she calls the "traditional cultural archetypes of the 'feminine' and the 'masculine,'" which
coincide with the hegemonic masculine and feminine scripts discussed in lecture (51: 2003). Her
analysis compares white women to black women stating, "excluded from the world of the 'feminine,'
black women have long been confined to the world of work and sexuality" (Manatu 52: 2003). The
expectations of the feminine gender script calls for women to be emotional, obedient, delicate,
dependent, and even somewhat passive (Walden 2016, Manatu ... Show more content on ...
Galler states, "disabled women share the social stereotype of women in general as being weak and
passive" (166–67: 1985). In this, disabled women share a commonality of the feminine gender script
with non–disabled women, the notion that women are submissive. Although disabled women share a
common aspect of a dominant script with non–disabled women, they also face the issue of de–
sexualization. Galler discusses that society assumes that disabled women are asexual and that sexual
experiences are impossible due physical imperfections (1985). These assumptions of disabled
women are created due to "the absence of sexual information, guidance, encouragement, or social
opportunity provided to disabled females" (Galler 168: 1985). According to the DCS for ideal sex
the two people involved in the encounter are completely healthy, meaning no disabilities in either
the man or woman (Walden 2016). This dominant script for ideal sex may be a supporting reason as
to why society des–sexualizes disabled women. Galler goes on to write, "even when the disabled
woman is idealized for surmounting all obstacles, she is the recipient of a distancing admiration,
which assumes her achievement to be necessary compensation for a lack of sexuality, intimacy, and
love" (167: 1985). In this, Galler explains to her readers that even when disabled women are viewed
as those who can accomplish activities that seem only possible for abled bodies, their sexuality is
hidden or viewed as invisible (1985). Society has constructed this view that disabled women, or
people in general, are incapable of their sexual life because of their
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Back To The Future: Mad Scientists
Scientists have certainly made a huge impact on our everyday life. However, the media has
characterized scientists in the movies as crazy–like, and the films that portray scientists typically
make them "mad scientists". The first thing that comes to mind when I envision a scientist is a
highly intelligent, older person, wearing a white examination coat. The first person that came to my
mind when envisioning a scientist was the character Doctor Emmett Brown, from the movie back to
the future (IMDB, 1985). Back to the Future is a movie about a young man is accidentally sent 30
years into the past in a time–traveling DeLorean invented by his friend, Dr. Emmett Brown, and
must make sure his high–school–age parents unite in order to save his own existence (IMDB, 1985).
Marty McFly, a typical American teenager of the Eighties, is accidentally sent back to 1955 in a
plutonium–powered DeLorean "time machine" invented by slightly mad scientist. During his often
hysterical, always amazing trip back in time, Marty must make certain his teenage parents–to–be
meet and fall in love – so he can get back to the future (IMDB, 1985). Then there is the modern day
television sitcom The Big Bang Theory, ... Show more content on ...
For example, many news outlets will highly recognize the scientists that work as meteorologists.
Although some people don't believe a word that comes out of a meteorologist's mouth, the media
has certainly invested a lot of interest into the science of meteorology. Additionally, many news
outlets, television shows, and movies will have scientists brought on to their shows to give advice as
an expert. In some cases like CBS they have hosts on their shows like Dr. Phil, Dr. Oz and television
series like CSI or the Big Bang Theory that portray scientists as a highly recognize, and noble
profession (CBS,
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Night of the Living Dead Essay
Zombies, as we know them today, have mortified movie viewers for the last forty six years. Modern
zombies first appeared in George A. Romero's Night of the Living Dead in 1968. These zombies
were the slow moving, staggering ghouls that one has seen in countless films, but in 1985, Return of
the Living Dead featured a new kind of zombie, the first fast moving and talking ghoul. Both Night
of the Living dead 1968 and Return of the Living Dead 1985 feature the zombie as its villain, but
Return of the living dead's fast moving, talking zombies are a more modern take on the movie
Fast V.S Slow Zombies In 1968, the first modern zombies took to the screen; these were the slow
moving and lumbering ghouls that have been seen in countless ... Show more content on ...
Night of the Living Dead follows this story line. George A Romero saw zombies as what they were,
the living dead, meaning that they were dead, and dead things cannot talk. Instead, he developed the
zombie communication of grunts and groans. These were effective in such a way that it made the
film so much more realistic. In contrast, Return of the Living Dead took artistic license on the
zombie model and created the first talking zombie. Director Dan O'Bannon felt that the zombie
needed to be updated for the modern times. As a result, even though it has some horrific scenes, the
talking zombies added some comic relief to the film. One such comedic scene is the "tar man". The
tar man was the zombie inside the canister of Troxin that was released at the beginning of the film.
In the climax of the film when the zombies are coming out of the graves, a group of friends take
shelter in the taxidermy factory. When they reach the basement, they run into the tar man who
shouts "brains" and then after feeding on one of the characters, it sees the rest of them and yells,
"more brains" with a smile on its face. This shows the humor of the film.
Causes of Reanimation The cause of reanimation of a zombie can vary from film to film. In some
movies, the dead are brought back by magic, in others they are brought by chemicals. In Night of
the Living Dead the cause of reanimation is uncertain. There are theories that suggest that the dead
are brought back to life by
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Textual Analysis Of The Movie Clue
Analysis of The Film "Clue"
Films are great for escapism and social change. They impact society by bringing pleasure into
people's life in an affordable manner through censored entertainment. The censored entertainment
allows families to bond socially through interaction of a specific shared experience. A genre of a
film is the film which guilds the audience to a specific idea or purpose known as the theme. A films
influence society with emotions and social behavior through the message of the theme. Society can
be changed by the message which can encourage better choices to real world issues from the story
and plot (Goodykoontz & Jacobs, 2014). Story is a narrative that characters and elements experience
after the plot. A plot is how ... Show more content on ...
The plot of the story grows as editing shots build the story and plot. Mise en scene expresses mood
through physical distortions to verify meaning that balances the movement to the tone and mood to
the story's theme like the costume, paper, books, and furniture (Goodykoontz & Jacobs, 2014).
These elements are used to symbolism merit, but a metaphor of trouble. Mise en scene is edited to
move the storyline, draw in the audiences to the plot, and convey the message of the theme to the
Cinematography in the film "Clue" develop meaning in the story and plot by creating the theme and
stressing tone and mood to move meaning. Cinematography builds the theme's mood and tone
through how the audience sees the film. Camera angles, types of shots, framing, editing are
examples of Cinematography (Goodykoontz & Jacobs, 2014).
According to article titled "Cinematography" by Lee (2015) writes, "at heart, cinematography is
based on an illusion caused by the interplay between technology and human perception
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1970's-1980 Film Analysis
During the 1970's Hollywood saw many changes occurring in the film industry, with big
conglomerates buying up studios to the wave of films in the New Hollywood style of filmmaking
and finally to the many technical innovations being explored throughout the decade. It was an
important time than and it is still important to modern Hollywood cinema with the many innovations
directly effecting all aspects of filmmaking. Of all the innovations to occur during the 1970's–1980's
the big three had to be the improvement upon digital effects work, the investments toward a film
marketing campaign and finally the new and quickly growing video market. Cinema all over the
world had impressive spectacles to behold since the beginning of film's creation, but the 1970's and
1980's saw big advances with computer driven effects work. Just about every big budgeted film
these days relies upon CGI effects work including such award winning films like Avatar (2009),
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014) and Hugo (2011). These films could be made the way they
are today without the enhanced effects work being done in the 70's–80's ... Show more content on ...
Today many people might take this for granted, but before home video became a simple
commonality many films were simply shown in theaters and then stored away, never to be seen
again (unless the film was big enough for a theatrical re–release or epics multi night TV events). The
introduction of VHS, Betamax, HBO and other home viewing devices not only helped bring the
consumers more entertainment, it helped the film industry gain a new cash cow. Thanks to the
1980's innovative and commercially successful attempt of bringing home viewing to life, we now
can have services like Amazon Instant Video, Netflix, On Demand, Pay–Per–View, Video Stores and
much much more. It also brought another market to audiences, the Direct to video films we still see
being produced
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Is The Movie Fail Safe?
In the 1960's, computer technology was starting to overcome much of modern life and this new
technology has increased concern about whether humans had command over the use of nuclear
weapons or can control nuclear weapons. With respect to this statement the research question for
this article is the movie Fail Safe more fact than fiction? How plausible is accidental nuclear war?
The movie Fail Safe describes these fears by displaying technology doomsday situation where an
error by a computer causes a nuclear bomber group to be deployed against Moscow. Along with
describing issues with respect to technology, and its limitations, Fail–Safe depicts several political
aspects of the cold war, the strict training of the military, the politics supporting a first strike and the
inferiority beliefs and an over inflated sense of patriotism. Toward the beginning of the movie Fail
Safe Congressman Raskob raises his fears over the power of machines and gets the response that
"machines are developed to help the humans in different situations." The generals in the movie are
of the view that they have checks and counter checks over the weapons or machinery. The central
political issues that lead to all others in Fail Safe is Raskob's response who is checking or counter
checking the machinery (Washington; The Nuclear Quandary, 1983). If any human being or person
is not checking the machinery there was no way to prevent the machine from creating the situation
that leads to the doomsday
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Identity And Perception In Desperately Seeking Susan
Desperately Seeking Susan is a 1985 dramedy directed by Susan Seidelman, starring Rosanna
Arquette and Madonna. This was Seidelman's second feature and signaled her later work more fully
exploring the theme of identity and perception. Being produced by Orion Pictures as well as being
the debut feature of Madonna perfectly cements the film as an icon of 1980's pop culture. In
addition, the cast featured numerous actors in the early stages of their careers such as John Turturo,
Will Patton, and Ann Magnuson. However, despite the relatively inexperienced cast and crew, the
film manages to surpass being disposable entertainment and make a statement. The film begins with
an exaggerated display of domesticity with Rosanna Arquette's character, Roberta, in a 1950's style
hair salon. This domesticity is contrasted against Madonna's character Susan's free and independent
life. Her relationship with her husband is loveless and she escapes this emptiness by fantasizing
about the lives of two people communicating in the personal columns. As the opportunity arises,
Roberta takes a chance to follow Susan around, and becomes her through a comedy of errors.
Eventually, the characters that surround Roberta's and Susan's lives crash together in a grand reveal
after escaping from ... Show more content on ...
Therefore, space emerged for smaller, more director controlled projects that could bypass the
Hollywood system entirely. As result, films like Desperately Seeking Susan were made that
accurately and quickly capture the pop culture moment whereas a large project would be stuck
working against its own inertia. In addition, the freedom allows creative teams to make movies that
did not need every multiplex in the country being packed. Instead they could take advantage of the
largest shakeup to the movies since television, readily available home
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Cut And Run Essay
Cut and Run (1985) – Quecho – In this film, a reporter and her cameraman link a surviving
Jonestown leader and a TV executive's missing son to a drug war where agents stationed in the
jungle are being murdered by a native army and a seasoned assassin, who is portrayed by Michael
Berryman. The Hills Have Eyes Part II (1985) – Pluto – This sequel to the film, "The Hills Have
Eyes", tells the tale of the return of Pluto, again portrayed by Michael Berryman, and his murderous
mutant family. Eight years after Bobby survives his harrowing ordeal at the site of the mutant–
inhabited desert town, he returns to face his fears along with Ruby. He and Ruby now operate a
Motocross shop and plan to return to the desert with a band of bikers that hte shop is sponsoring.
Ruby, who initially helped to keep Bobby's family captive betrayed her mutant family, leaving the
desert with Bobby. Unfortunately, Ruby's family emerges ... Show more content on
Michael Berryman portrays a Starfleet Display Officer in this popular science fiction film. Kenny
Rogers as The Gambler, Part III (1987) – Corporeal Catlett – Brady Hawkes and Billy Montana
team up again to assist the Sioux in battling the government to procure the supplies they need, while
discovering government corruption in an outpost, finding themselves in a precarious position.
Michael Berryman portrays Corporeal Catlett in this action adventure feature. The Barbarians
(1987) – Dirtmaster – Twin barbarians plan to take revenge on the warlord who murdered their tribe
and captured the twins when they were children. The Dirtmaster, portrayed as Michael Berryman,
forces the twins to work long hours in "the pit" while in captivity, where they train to fight as
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Analysis of the Film 'The Breakfast Club'
The Breakfast Club Introduction In life there are a number of challenges that everyone will go
through. This is a part of discovering who they are and what they want to do with themselves. To
help explain these differences, Erikson introduced his development theory. This helps to address
some of the challenges and needs that person will go through at particular stages in their lives. To
fully understand these phases there will be a focus on two characters from the film The Breakfast
Club and contrasting them with Erikson's theory. Together, these different elements will provide
specific insights that will highlight the transformations and challenges that everyone will go through
during the course of their lives. The Breakfast Club Two characters that will be examined from the
film include Andrew Clark (played Emilio Estevez) and Richard Vernon (portrayed by Paul
Gleason). The setting of the film takes place on a Saturday at a suburban Chicago high school. The
students are arriving for a special session of detention that will take place all day. In the beginning,
everyone is sticking with their traditional stereotypes that were formed from other perceptions
(based upon the social group they belonged to). As the day progresses, everybody begins to realize
that they are more than these commonly held views. Instead, each person has their own special skills
and talents that make them unique. Moreover, all the students and adults are wrestling with similar
challenges at
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A Comparative Analysis of the Characters of King Lear and...
Kurosawa and Shakespeare Introduction: The greatest narratives in human history don't just
resurface in critical analysis but are also given new life when channeled through modern media.
This is well–exemplified by legendary Japanese filmmaker Akira Kurosawa's 1985 epic, Ran. The
highly regarded and high–budgeted film, based on William Shakespeare's 1606 play King Lear,
demonstrates the power retained by the original play even when dramatically recontextualized.
Indeed, in a comparative discussion of King Lear and Hidetora, his counterpart in the Kurosawa
film, we are confronted with the universal themes of power, mortality, vanity and insanity. These are
the themes that connect not just both pieces but the otherwise vastly historical periods and cultures
represented within. Compare: The strongest point of comparison between the two characters in
question is their mutual descent into mental instability and the degree to which this influences their
behavior. Indeed, the common ground in the two stories is at the outset, when an ailing ruler is
manipulated into divided his kingdom amongst his children. This division of territories, an event
stimulated by individual vanity and infirmity, would have consequences kingdom–wide. The
unraveling of civility and familial bonds which would occur thereafter is common to both tellings.
Contrast: Perhaps the most important conceptual difference between the fading monarch presented
in either story is the degree to which
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Night of the Living Dead Essay
Zombies, as we know them today, have mortified movie viewers for the last forty six years. Modern
zombies first appeared in George A. Romero's Night of the Living Dead in 1968. These zombies
were the slow moving, staggering ghouls that one has seen in countless films, but in 1985, Return of
the Living Dead featured a new kind of zombie, the first fast moving and talking ghoul. Both Night
of the Living dead 1968 and Return of the Living Dead 1985 feature the zombie as its villain, but
Return of the living dead's fast moving, talking zombies are a more modern take on the movie
Fast V.S Slow Zombies In 1968, the first modern zombies took to the screen; these were the slow
moving and lumbering ghouls that have been seen in countless ... Show more content on ...
Night of the Living Dead follows this story line. George A Romero saw zombies as what they were,
the living dead, meaning that they were dead, and dead things cannot talk. Instead, he developed the
zombie communication of grunts and groans. These were effective in such a way that it made the
film so much more realistic. In contrast, Return of the Living Dead took artistic license on the
zombie model and created the first talking zombie. Director Dan O'Bannon felt that the zombie
needed to be updated for the modern times. As a result, even though it has some horrific scenes, the
talking zombies added some comic relief to the film. One such comedic scene is the "tar man". The
tar man was the zombie inside the canister of Troxin that was released at the beginning of the film.
In the climax of the film when the zombies are coming out of the graves, a group of friends take
shelter in the taxidermy factory. When they reach the basement, they run into the tar man who
shouts "brains" and then after feeding on one of the characters, it sees the rest of them and yells,
"more brains" with a smile on its face. This shows the humor of the film.
Causes of Reanimation The cause of reanimation of a zombie can vary from film to film. In some
movies, the dead are brought back by magic, in others they are brought by chemicals. In Night of
the Living Dead the cause of reanimation is uncertain. There are theories that suggest that the dead
are brought back to life by
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Cuckoo's Nest Psychiatry
A more negative portrayal of the institution system is shown in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
(1975) directed by Milos Forman. It is considered to demonstrate the changing face of psychiatry.
The film which was based on Ken Kesey's book of the same title, was made during the period which
is known as the Anti Psychiatry Movement during the 60's and 70's. The public's consciousness
around the reality of psychiatric institutions and psychiatry itself was developing in a different way.
A number of theorists worked together in order to outline the issues which were still a major part in
psychiatry. (Fleming and Manvell, 1985) In his book Madness and Civilisation: A History of
Insanity in the Age of Reason (1964), Michael Foucault discussed the nature of asylums as a way of
institutional control (Donaldson, 2005). He argued that the running of these institutes were not
effective at all and infact harmful to the patients (Donaldson, 2005). It was pointed out that all the
patients were forced to accept a role given to them set by the institute (Fleming and ... Show more
content on ...
Then, physicians and especially psychiatrists began to call "illness" (that is, of course mental illness)
anything and everything in which they could detect a sign of malfunctioning, based on no matter
what norm" (Fleming and Manvell, 1985). R.D Laing talked about the labeling of illness as a way of
social control in The Politics of Experience and The Birds of Paradise (1967) (Donaldson, 2005).
Laing saw psychiatry as a political profession that is used to repress individuality. (Fleming and
Manvell, 1985). During this time, psychiatry's authority was questioned as it is shown in the 1975
production of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. In the film we see the free spirited R.P.
McMurphy, played by Jack Nicholson, banished to a psychiatric unit rather than prison for
committing statutory
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Benjamin Parottit-Personal Narrative
While the horse beneath charged on he held his target in sight. All the while he recalled the last man
who'd been brave enough to give chase to the dreaded thing.
Benjamin Parottit, a Frenchman who'd heard of the local legend in his native country. A hunter of all
things unknown, apparently. He'd learned of its ability to scramble a person's mind with a single puff
of its breath. The piercing, bulging, green eyes and its unnatural pyramid–like nose. Despite the
warnings, people pleading for him not to entice and aggravate it anymore, he'd gone ahead with the
chase. Armed with two pistols, a collection of daggers and a bottle of foreign, scorching acid, he'd
set off. Tracking it from the church and through the streets, he'd fired at it from ... Show more
content on ...
He would have gotten there faster only dozens had spilled out of their homes, scurrying over to the
white horse with their lanterns. Not to talk to him – what on Earth could they possibly say? No, they
just desired to stare. To see living proof that not everybody who came in contact with it would be
turned insane, or die. Very few actually spoke up. Some men were aggravated to find out that he'd
been unsuccessful, but were hardly blameless. Nathaniel wouldn't let them be. Would remind them
of their cowardice in staying out of the hunt. Not surprisingly, they dared not utter their disapproval
as they headed back into their homes, because they knew of their hypocrisy if they were to do
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Back To The Future Analysis
Science Fiction and the future are often interpreted in various different ways in both film and text.
However the way in which both Hover Car Racer, written by Matthew Reily and Back to the Future
Part II, directed by Robert Zemeckis, show interpretations of the future intertwined with a reality
similar to the one we know today. Both Zemeckis and Reily interpret the future in a different
manner, yet the predicted future shares many similarities including the use of Hover Technology as a
transportation method. Reily depicts the future and Hover Technology being used as more then
transportation, with uses such as sporting events. Antagonists cause issues for the central characters
in both Zemeckis and Reily's texts and the eventual successes ... Show more content on ...
Reily has written about the antagonists, Jason Chaser, his brother known as The Bug and their friend
and Mech Chief, Sally McDuff, facing an adversarial group of protagonists who believe that Jason,
The Bug and Sally do not belong at the International Race School: Tell me how a little runt who
comes stone dead motherless last in the regionals gets to come to race school. Using despicable
tactics, the unrevealed group of antagonists try to affect Jason's racing career through the supply of
defective parts for his Hover Car and sabotaging his vehicle to cause maximum damage. Biff
Tannen and his family are the main antagonists in Zemeckis' Back to the Future Part II, causing a
vast amount of grief for the protagonists, Doctor Emmett Brown and Marty McFly Jr. After
travelling to the year 2015, Marty buys a sports almanac for his personal use in 1985 and after being
lectured by Doctor Brown: I didn't invent the time machine to win at gambling. I invented the time
machine to travel through time! He then disposes of the book. However the book and the DeLorean
time machine are then stolen by Biff, who returns to the year 1955 and gives the book to his future
self. By giving the sports book to his 1955 self, Biff drastically alters the events of the future,
creating an alternative
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The Band Played On By Randy Shilts
The film And the band played on is a screen adaption of the book and the band played on by Randy
Shilts done by Roger Spottiswoode. This screen adaption is a story of epidemic that had medical
researchers scrabbling to understand the horrifying and mysterious new disease of AIDS that sored
across the United States of America. This story takes place during the initial 5 years of the breakout
from 1980 to 1985.
1. What are the major theme(s) of the film? Hint use the concepts presented in class to guide your
answer. Provide examples to demonstrate meaning. (6 marks)
There are three major themes displayed in this film, And the band played on (Spottiswoode, 1993).
The initial major theme that I had found to be important was the concept of medical/professional
dominance. Medical professionals having the power to go above the law is immense but conversely
abusing this power may be easier than expected. Power and influence of this magnitude can effect
medical research acceptance and presentation to the vast majority of individuals and creators of
legislation and policies. Specifically in the film Dr. Robert Gallo displayed immoral values against
the overall goal of developing a cure for AIDs. Dr. Gallo being arrogant and displaying
medical/professional dominance by competing to determining the cure for instead of collaborating
with the French scientists. Furthermore Dr. Gallo being conceited attempted to patent the research
that the French scientists had discovered as his own
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Characteristics Of Becoming A Man
What does "becoming a man" mean? When would you say someone has become a man? Becoming
a man means, according to Merriam Webster, one possessing in high degree the qualities considered
distinctive of manhood; such as courage, strength, and vigor. To me becoming a man doesn't happen
at a certain age, but I think it happens at a time when you possess manhood traits. In the Wake Tech
Reader, Rodriguez talks about the independence children want when they grow up in his essay
"Family Values. From what I've learned growing up, becoming a man means having responsibility,
being self dependent, being financially stable to support yourself and possibly others, and having the
toughness and grit to get through anything that gets in your way. If you asked me what the most
important qualities of becoming a man was, I'd probably easily come back and say that
responsibility is. When you become a man you have a lot of things your responsible to take care and
do every so often. You have to be responsible enough to pay your bills and dues on time. You can't
just forget things anymore, so you got to be on top of your game and have a schedule to get all your
tasks done every day. As Winston Churchill once said, "The price for greatness is responsibility." To
be a successful man you need to be responsible for your actions and everything you do. You
shouldn't have to be told to do something and that's a part of the new responsibilities that you have.
Responsibility is one of the main qualities of being a man and without it some men may not be able
to handle what happens in life. As I stated earlier, Rodriguez says kids these days are independent
from their parents when they leave home. "What immigrants know, what my parents certainly know,
is that when you come to this country, you risk losing your children." Rodriguez is saying that it's a
known fact that some kids grow up and come very independent with their family and in some cases
don't come back and stay dependent of themselves. He also states that America encourages you to
"Become your own man." Becoming independent is probably the first step in becoming a man. You
don't have your parents doing things for you so you need to start relying on yourself for everything
you need.
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How Is Propaganda Used In North Korea
Movies have become a powerful form of media used to sway a large audience. Not only is a story
told to the viewer, but an overall message is also portrayed through film as well. So it is no wonder
that in North Korea, the usage of movies to create propaganda films in order to project a certain
view of their country towards their people. The strengthened usage of film as propaganda could be
see after Kim Jong Il moved the to the Propaganda and Agitation Department of the Korean
Worker's Party in 1966 and eventually lead him to become director of the Motion Picture and Arts
Division in 1970 (Armstrong, 210). Kim Jong Il was known to have an affinity for arts and film and
in a county with such strong influence with propaganda, Kim knew that these position would propel
the message and powers of the leaders. ... Show more content on ...
In order to be able to take a closer examination of North Korean cinema, I viewed and analyzed five
different films that were released around the same period. The films that I viewed were: 불가사리
[Pulgasari] (1985), 네거리초병 [Negŏrich'obyŏng / A Traffic Controller on Crossroads] (1986), 홍
길동 [Hong Kil–dong] (1986), 명령 027호 [Myŏngnyŏng 027 Ho / Order No. 027] (1986), and 도
라지꽃 [T'orajikkot / A Broad Bellflower] (1987). The genres of these movies range from romance,
entertainment, slice of life, to action, and thus also have different levels of propaganda messages
that are told among them. Throughout this paper, I will give a glimpse into each movie, analyze the
messages that each of the films provide, and compare the amount of usage and meanings behind the
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Disability In Still Alice
Independent film can be examined by 5 terms: "the relation in its work process, it means of
production, the financing of its film, its conception of quality films and its system of consumption"
(Bordwell, Staiger and Thompson, 1985, p.317). The second film that will argue the representation
of a minority group is the independent drama film, 'Still Alice' (2014) directed by Richard Glazer
with his partner Wash Westmoreland. Still Alice worked on a smaller budget in comparison to MBY
totalling up to only $5 million which was attached to small independent production company, 'Killer
Films' which is known to work with independent films. 'Still Alice' offers a form of discourse to
represent individuals from a minority group, in particular the film ... Show more content on ...
The film unlike MBY offers an authentic portrayal of the disability which critics have praised
Julianne Moore roles as Alice, gaining her Academy award for best actress that year. The narrative
of the film was praised, due to accuracy of how the symptoms were shown throughout they film,
Moore's character would often forget things and would need written props to help her remember, the
simplistic presentation of the symptoms of the disease were highly praised as they were lifelike.
According to film critic Christy Lemire (2014), that 'Still Alice' doesn't shy away from the terrifying
disease that can take away a person memories and the ability to communicate to others. He believes
the film message matters and the film has the ability to reach over millions of people who are
suffering with Alzheimer's or know of people who are. This argument from Lemire (2014),
summaries how independent films do not need to compromise any artistic nor realistic components
to tell a heart–breaking story that doesn't shy away from the story nor the
... Get more on ...
How the Music Industry Utilized Film to Help Create the...
With all the social, political and cultural changes occurring in the 1960s, youth culture was
embracing the ideologies of rebellion and counterculture. The Folk music of the sixties was giving
way to the new Rock revolution and with this came the iconic Rock Rebel. The Rock Rebel is a
romanticized existential figure who revolts against social conventions in a quest to find value or a
sense of freedom beyond the pre–existing conforms of society. (Camus; 1967) Through analysing, in
a sociological context, the way the music industry utilized film to help create or reinvent star image
of Rock icons The Beatles and The Rolling Stones, we can see how the signifier of the Rock Rebel
has evolved with the developing Rock culture. (Dyer; 1979:1) ... Show more content on ...
(1997:24) For example, George shows his rebel streak against traditional fashion when he speaks
against the choices of 'professional trendsetter,' stating: "You mean that posh bird who gets
everything wrong?" Ringo in an interview refuses to be defined and as such when asked "Are you a
Mod or a Rocker?" he replies "I'm a mocker." Similarly John also makes quick witted remarks to
reporters such as: "How did you find America?" "Turned left at Greenland." While Paul's rebellious
side is evident in the train scene when a fellow passenger tries to take away their music, "Yeah, but
we want to hear it, and there's more of us than you. We're a community, like, a majority vote. Up the
workers and all that stuff!"
While it was HDN that helped merge The Beatles' youth audience with a more adult crowd, thanks
to the mature verite style aesthesis, it was the dramatised film Help! (1965) that fully actualized
their Rock rebel personas in correspondence with Laurence Grossberg's notions of consumerism and
mobility in relation to Rebel image. (Grossberg; 1992) While there were several scenes of transport
and mobility shown in HDN, such as the train scene, it lacked the overindulgence of commercialism
that embodies the Grossberg's Rocker; they were the working–class 'boys next door' who became
famous, yet kept their iconic polished image of the average man. In Help! this image is shattered
when we see behind the ordinary facades of
... Get more on ...

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What Is The Abuse Of African-American Women In The Color...

  • 1. What Is The Abuse Of African-American Women In The Color... The Color Purple is a controversial film from 1985, the film portrays the life of a young African– American girl, known as Celie. During her early teen years, Celie went through the hardship of her mother passing away. Consequently, Celie underwent sexual, as well as physical, abuse from her step–father. Celie was forced to have intercourse with her stepfather, then she had to bear the children just to give them away. Celie had a younger sister, known as Nettie. Their stepfather, Fonso, never touched Nettie in an inappropriate manner because she was too young. As Nettie began to grow, Celie became over–protective of her, not just against their father, but against other alike men. When a Mister Albert Johnson took a special interest in Nettie ... Show more content on ... The film expresses the lack of rights given to African–Americans back in the 1980s, which is somewhat relatable today. Racism is prevalent is society, it is not something which gets acknowledged by most. Violence which came from the lack of rights is continuously happening today, the people of color are fighting against the police for not treating them like the human beings they are. The abuse which women of color had to go through is thoroughly touched upon in the film, which is the most relevant point the film makes. Abuse, both sexual and physical, is something women all over the world must ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Internal Conflicts In Alice Walker's The Color Purple As individuals, we must understand ourselves and our personal struggles. As part of a society, we must understand how we fit into the world around us. Consequently, we must then bridge the gap between these two ideas. In the film adaptation of Alice Walker's The Color Purple, the main character, Celie, discovers her individuality overtime, as she eventually finds her niche among others (Spielberg, 1985). Through incorporating both internal conflicts and how a person relates with the external society, The Color Purple acts as a transitional piece, linking the unit of conflicts of self to the unit of conflicts involving groups. The Color Purple examines several aspects of unit one, including the difference between singular or multiple perspectives and the subsequent impact of adding more perspectives to an issue. As discovered in unit one, the principle of Occam's Razor, which usually favors a singular perspective, holds that "entities are not to be multiplied beyond necessity," but this thought process often oversimplifies the issue by disregarding certain aspects or details of a situation (The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica, 2015). As if adhering to Occam's Razor, Celie in the film, rather than further complicate her situation, chooses the path of least resistance by living the majority of her early to mid life viewing her circumstance with a singular perspective in which the society holds that she has no choice, but to conform to its sexist expectations (Spielberg, 1985). However, Sofia and Shug provide new, additional perspectives that fuse together in the formation of a cyclopean image, which gives Celie greater awareness of her situation (The Cyclopean View, n.d.; Spielberg, 1985). Through gaining these multiple perspectives, Celie realizes the abuse she suffers and decides to take initiative against them, eventually embracing her inner individuality and no longer submitting to the whims of every man she encounters, as society would expect a black woman of the time to do (Spielberg, 1985). By unveiling the power of multiple perspectives in comparison to a singular perspective, The Color Purple coincides with a predominant topic of unit one. Undoubtedly, The Color Purple touches on the seeming thesis ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Button Movie Analysis Money can make people impulsive and obsessive by causing tension in their life. In "Button, Button" by Richard Matheson and the Twilight Zone adaptation focus on a couple that is given a button, and, if they press it, the button will kill someone they don't know and they will be rewarded with a lot of money. The film's tone of tension stays true to the text's tone. Money is something many people want greatly, it's also an object that can cause clouded judgement, and lead to many different arguments. Norma and Arthur are faced with the choice of pushing the button or not which causes them to fight a lot: "Norma looked disgusted. 'Murder'"(Matheson 108). Norma wanted to push the button and didn't feel guilty about it, but Arthur thought it ... Show more content on ... Norma eventually snaps while Arthur isn't home and presses the button: "It wasn't her voice shrieking so; it couldn't be. 'You said I wouldn't know the one that died!'" (Matheson 111). Norma's voice transforms into something even she can't recognize. The stress the button put on her changed her for the worse. The ending in the film only has one similarity, Norma pushes the button. But, what truly makes the ending interesting is how the camera focuses on Mr. Stewart. It is zoomed in on him and the lighting makes everything seem very ominous (Twilight Zone 1985). The lighting gives off an eerie effect onto Mr. Stewart. It creates and unsettling feeling being the character and the viewers. The use of italics and words like 'shrieking' in the story emphasizes the same unsettling feeling. The music mixed with the things Mr. Stewart says alludes to the chance of Norma or Arthur dying. It explores the idea that if Norma would press the button to kill someone she didn't know then what could stop someone she doesn't know from doing the same and killing her or Arthur. The ending in both the film and text build a lot tension between the audience and characters; with all that just happened looming over their heads they can only be scared for what could happen next and could make them even more ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. The Breakfast Club Film Analysis Sociology can be defined in a variety of ways through the eyes of each individual. According to Tepperman, Albanese, and Curtis (2014), most sociologists define their area of focus as the precise study of society's behaviour in its social context. In addition, sociologists focus mainly on how interactions with others influence their behavior and views on certain issues. Through the understanding of sociologists, Tepperman et al. (2014), acknowledges that personal troubles are generally related to and, often times, based on public issues. Furthermore, this knowledge has been adopted by C. Wright Mills and is commonly referred to as the sociological imagination. Mills' ideology is demonstrated through the well orchestrated film The Breakfast Club (Hughes, Tanen, & Manning, 1985). This film follows the journey of five high school students, all from different social circles, who come together in detention, eventually realizing they have more in common than their cliques allowed them to believe (Hughes et al., 1985). This film touches on aspects drawn to sociologists including the socialization of stereotypes, social and personal identities, deviance, and inequalities (Tepperman et al., 2014). Each character in the film is portrayed through a distinct representative of stereotypical high school cliques consisting of the brain, the athlete, the basketcase, the princess, and the criminal (Hughes et al., 1985). Anthony Hall plays the character of the brain in the film by Hughes et ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Compare Two Western Films Made at Least Twenty Years Apart... Author: Ben Nichols Student ID: 394990 Course Name: CMM10 Screen History and Research Assessment 2: Comparative Essay Description: Compare two Western films made at least twenty years apart on the basis of the three of the five frameworks studied in the first block of the unit, and the elements of the western genre studied in the second block of the unit. Films selected: The Great Train Robbery (1903) v True Grit (2010) Introduction: When Thomas Edison asked Edwin S.Porter to make The Great Train Robbery (1903) little did either realise that this film would be the beginning of not only the Western genre but an entire movie industry. The silent classic, The Great Train Robbery depicts a famous railroad robbery by a notorious ... Show more content on ... The audience, the industry, and the technology were all very different but what both films where aiming to achieve is very similar. They are trying to bring to life stories about America's heart and soul using the best visual skill and capabilities they had available to them. They are also one of the stories of Film History. It is the historian's contention that 'understanding the past is useful in understanding the present' (Allan and Gomery, 1985 p6). Indeed, It can be further argued that without the former it is very unlikely we would be enjoying the latter. They are so different visually but they are the same in their goals; depicting a great literal story, through the medium of film. Film Technology: Edison Films unwitting invention of the movie–making industry was driven by a desperate struggle to make a profit out of his failing product, the Kinetoscope. He was under commercial attack from rival systems and needed a strong marketing tool to save the flagging technology. Edwin S Porter, Edison's chief cameraman, produced The Great Train Robbery and the rest is history. Not a straightforward teleogical history though with a beginning and a pre–determined end with the goal of making films more real. Realism is a relative term in filmmaking. When the actor, George Barnes appears at the beginning/end of The Great Train Robbery dressed as the bandit chief and fires his pistol straight at ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Film Analysis Of ' The Breakfast Club ' Joohyun Cho Introduction to Psychology Film Analysis of The Breakfast Club Introduction The film The Breakfast Club was directed and written by John Hughes and was released in the year 1985 (IMDB, 2016). The film's running time is 95 minutes and can be categorized under the genre of comedy and drama. It follows five teenagers, who all vary in personality and stereotype, get stuck in detention on a Saturday morning. They are all different types of people in nature but when stripped down and seen through without a stereotypical lens, they all have something to share and have something in common amongst themselves despite being so different from each other. In the movie, they are stereotyped as, a basket case, a brain, an athlete, a princess, and a criminal (IMDB, 2016). The setting takes place in a library and whilst they are in detention, they go through varying phases. They start off with solitude, then proceed to share a few words, and later into the film they start to disclose information about themselves that normally would be very difficult to disclose. While they are in the library they start off as complete strangers and barely talk to each other. As the movie progresses, they start doing a lot of things that a normal group of friends would do such as dancing, playing music, sneaking out together, and even smoking a joint together. The main issue that the movie raises is the idea that being subjected to peer pressure and malicious parenting ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Comparison Of The Breakfast Club, Clueless, And Mean Girls Identity; Romance; Segregation; Beauty; Friendship; Within the film industry's classic interpretation of female adolescents, these elements of teen culture are typically represented. A film's demonstration of themes such as relationship tensions or social status struggles are that which attracts the popular viewership of female adolescents, for they are personally dealing with similar experiences. Furthermore, in continually representing the aforementioned traditional elements of teen culture, the film industry seems to make it so films' story–lines and characterizations adapt to and directly reflect the era in which the film is set. This adaptation is significantly demonstrated in the popular teen films The Breakfast Club (1985), Clueless (1995), and Mean Girls (2004) as they each clearly and diversely characterize young women based on the distinct time period and the cultural attitude towards teen girls of that time. The Breakfast Club (1985) details five high school students in Illinois, a nerd, a jock, a bad boy, a weirdo, and a ... Show more content on ... The theme of struggling with identity, present in all three of the abovementioned films, is significant in characterizing the popular views of young women. In The Breakfast Club (1985), one of the leading characters, Claire Standish, is a spoiled, prim, popular princess at first glance. As the film progresses, the 1980's cultural construction of young women begins to appear and as Claire comes forward with her sensitivity, stresses, and struggles she begins to rebel against the rules of detention by smoking marijuana in the school library and by kissing the "bad boy" that is serving detention with her. Claire's rebellion reflects the adolescent angst present in the 1980s possibly caused by teenagers' subjection to new music, more drug use and being further informed about diseases such as HIV and ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Movie Analysis : The Geek, Society And Breaks Stereotypes I often associate the word "intellectual" with a very positive and benevolent connotation, but Real Genius has proven to me that being an intellectual does not automatically preclude someone from moral scrutiny. This 1985 movie captures an alternative view of the "geek" society and breaks stereotypes with the development of very three dimensional characters. But Real Genius is much more than just a movie that redefines academics, it is also a film that heavily stresses the importance of morality while promoting a revamped field of the sciences. Although at times very science– centered, the movie sneakily weaves traces of philosophy into the plot as well. With that said, it seems to me that Real Genius and the lecture on the Two Cultures have much more in common than meets the eye. The underlying theme of morality drives the plot of Real Genius. Throughout the film, there are numerous scenes that address the morality of the different characters. Not too long into the film, we are shown that Professor Hathaway has enlisted the help of Chris Knight and Mitch Taylor to create a 5–megawatt laser. But what we were not told at the time is that the laser is secretly a government funded project by the Defense Department, and that there was a research grant given to Pacific Tech to aid the project financially. As the plot progresses, we learn that Jerry Hathaway has embezzled the grant to remodel his house, while leaving the students with a seemingly impossible task. In order to ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Descriptive Essay On A Haunted House I'm just getting in the door, and I say to myself "oh course it has to be a two story house." As I walk into the house I get shivers up my spine, and I know something is in the house I just don't know what. As me being the curious one I know I have to keep going, and there I was standing in the doorway of a "haunted house." I looked all through the living room, but I didn't see anything. I was as scared as a jack–rabbit that had heard the howl of a wolf. I was just about to step on the first step, but I heard something run right past me. I turned around quicker than the speed of light, but then again nothing was there. I walked all the way up the stairs, and I started looking in the rooms. In the last room I checked I saw something crouched down in the corner. All I saw was this black creature, and what looked like fur all over it's body. I saw glowing red eyes, and teeth sharp as razors. This creatures couldn't have been more than three feet tall, but I can tell you it is the scariest thing I had ever see in my whole life. It came out of the corner, and I said to myself, "I am so stupid, I should have know ghost aren't real," but I was completely wrong. What it really was a full grown black female English Mastiff. It was a scary–ish dog, but I couldn't tell if she was nice, because she was growling at me. She had silver fawn eyes, and a black muzzle. I was correct about the height, but the part where she looked scary was way off. I tried to get closer to her, but ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Significance Of The Back And The Future Trilogy The Significance of the Back to the Future Trilogy Earlier this month, actor Michael J. Fox tweeted "Only off by a year, not bad. Congrats @Cubs. This is so heavy." (@realmikefox) His tweet was a reference to a "prediction" made in the 1989 film, Back to the Future Part II, in which Fox starred as the lead character of Marty. Even though the film was released twenty–seven years ago, and its predecessor was released four years prior to that, the tweet itself garnered over eighteen thousand "Twitter likes," showcasing that series relevance alive in today's society. The Back to the Future trilogy has made its way into the hearts of millions; still being loved now just as much as when it was first released. The film trilogy, produced by Steven Spielberg and directed by Robert Zemeckis, stars Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd as the lead characters. Supporting actors include Lea Thompson, Thomas F. Wilson, and Crispen Glover. The storyline follows Marty McFly (Fox) as he travels through time in a Delorean that has been manipulated by his best friend, the kooky scientist, Doc Brown (Lloyd). Throughout three films, Marty attempts to re–align history and make it back to 1985 unharmed. The series was a success at the box office, making almost one billion dollars worldwide between all three films (Thompson, 667). In addition to the success it had when it was first released, Back to the Future is still relatable to audiences today, many of which were born long after the decades ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. How Sound Developed Changed America During The 1920s '... In this essay I will explain how sound developed in American cinema in the 1920s, beginning with "silent" films in the 1910s. I will explore the development of sound systems from large corporations in America, and the failed experiments with sound beforehand. I will analyse the use of these sound systems by Warner Brothers and Fox, the first film studios to adopt sound, and explore how this led to the Big Five film studios also adopting the use of synchronised sound. I am going to examine the reasons why synchronised sound developed from a teleological, contextual, and technology determinist approach. To conclude I will evaluate the impact synchronised sound had on the film industry in America during the 1920s. As Raymond Fielding stated films have never truly been "silent films" even before the introduction of synchronised sound, "there was never any such thing as a silent film – at least as far as the audience was concerned" (Cameron, 1980, p. 3–4). Films were shown to audience 's in vaudevilles and were often imitations of other vaudeville acts. These films were played alongside music, often had a commentator to helps the audience understand their narratives, and used instruments and actors to create sound effects. Since films were never silent to begin with from a teleological approach you could argue that synchronised sound was inevitable in the development of film because it just "standardised and mechanised the aural component" (Neale, 1985, p. 93) that was already ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Adolescence And Emerging Adulthood : The Breakfast Club Released in 1985, The Breakfast Club depicts five high school students from Illinois as they spend a Saturday together in detention. Prior to their arrival, John Bender, Claire Standish, Andy Clark, Brian Johnson, and Allison Reynolds had not met, nor would they have associated with one another on a typical day in high school. After spending nine hours together, however, the group of vastly different adolescents break down emotional barriers, manage to build a sense of intimacy, and some establish dating relationships by the day's end (Hughes et al., 1985). The film illustrated a rather realistic portrait of adolescence in several topical domains. The Film's Portrayal of Adolescence The authors of The Breakfast Club produced a ... Show more content on ... Second, while discussing her attitude, Claire discloses feeling substantial pressure from her friends, admitting that she hates doing what they say (Hughes et al., 1985). This is a realistic example of how clique member's ensure conformity and strengthen cohesiveness (Arnett 2013). The Self Compared to concrete thinking in childhood, adolescents' thinking becomes much more abstract. This enables them to partake in self–conception; differentiating between who they are and who they may become in the future (Arnett, 2013). This developmental milestone is presented in The Breakfast Club when the five teens are sitting on the floor, discussing their insecurities. Andrew asks the group, with a horrified expression, if they are going to be like their parents. Claire answers with certainty that she will not (Hughes, et al., 1985). As they imagine their future selves like their parents, they are conceptualizing their feared selves (Arnett, 2013). Andrew also speaks of the false self he presents to make his father proud. This is shown as he admits that the physical pain and humiliation he caused a peer was not something he wanted to do, though he knew it was an action for which his father would praise him (Hughes et al., 1985). According to Arnett (2013), it is during the period of adolescence that teenagers recognize the false selves they present and that their false selves are contrary to their actual feelings and thoughts. Also involving the self, ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. The Goonies Entertainment Scene Analysis The Goonies, solving their problems through adventure as one would always want to. The Goonies came out in 1985, Steven Spielberg directed it, and the main characters are as follows: Mikey, Mouth, Chunk, and Data. In the film the people who own the land that Mikey's house is on want to make a golf course and in the process destroy the house, but if Mikey and his family can buy the land then they can stay. They find a map in the attic that apparently leads to a treasure so they can pay for the house. There are criminals that want the treasure as well just to be rich. The Goonies eventually find the treasure and get the criminals arrested. We will be analyzing a scene from The Goonies directed by Steven Spielberg. In the scene from early in the film, Chunk is at the gate and wants Mouth to open it, but Mouth will not open the gate unless chunk does the Truffle Shuffle. ... Show more content on ... It is 1985, in California I assume. The plot of the film is Chunk, presented as the source of entertainment for the group. Mouth, presented as the troublemaker and Mikey, presented as the young yet mature one. Throughout the film, the characters are dressed as if they are from the 80's and in fact, they are. There is definitely some deep space composition as Chunk is in the background in a shot. In this scene, the camera is at a slightly low angle at in one shot and a slightly high shot in another, and it is in a fixed position in all of them in this scene. There is not any music, but there may be some enhanced sound effects for the Rube Goldberg device and of course, their voices have been enhanced so they are clearly ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Who Is Morgan Superlock's Contribute To Obesity In America? The Morgan super–size me film that investigates that if fast food chain, Mac Donald's is contributing to the obesity in America because of the food that is serves. The director, Morgan Spurlock conveys that, in America, people are becoming more obese due to the consumption of too much fast food. Throughout the film, Suprlock uses several film techniques such as graphics, interviews and voice over and direct narration to persuade the audience of his point of view that a person can get really sick from having a diet that relays on MacDonald's food in a variety of substantial ways. Superlock, uses the techniques of graphics and voice over to present the audience of his idea that because of fast food people are becoming obese in America. In the ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. How To Create Tension In Back To The Future One of the most fascinating films of 1985 explored the fantasy of time travel. The film Back to the Future, directed by Academy Award winning Robert Zemeckis and Steven Spielberg, was one of the most successful trilogies ever created. The film follows an average high school student by the name of Marty Mcfly, and Doc Brown, a crazy but genius scientist. Doc has created a time machine disguised as Delorian, that he's spent his entire life savings on. When Marty and Doc first test the time machine, they are suddenly interrupted by Libyan terrorists, who Doc stole the Plutonium from. Marty has no choice but to use the Delorean to go back in time. Back to the Future used incredible special effects, stunning songs, and an unbelievable adventure to drive this film to the top grosser of 1985. The film has earned its place on the AFI top 100 films for its ability to stand the test of time. Marty ... Show more content on ... It leaves the audience thinking of different outcomes and consequences of Marty's decisions. The more and more Marty tries to help his father try to get Loraine, the more she falls in love with Marty. Tension grows the farther and farther apart his parents grow apart. Some of the technical elements of suspense also show up. The different camera angles used create different views from the characters. In the dining scene where George is going to ask out Loraine, Biff shows up. Marty trips him, and as Biff stands up, Marty's look of bravery changes to worry. The camera angle is over Biffs shoulder, and shows only the eyes of Marty as he stands up. Also, tension grows with Marty and Doc, as Marty knows when Doc dies. Whenever Marty tries to tell Doc, he's either distracted by something, or Doc tells him otherwise. At the end, when we are left with the thought of the same outcome, we see how Doc did look at Marty's note, and then the tension is relieved. This is also one of the main subplots of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Madonna Research Papers In 1982, she released her first single "Everybody" following the album "Madonna" was released in July 1983. Her three huge hits were "Holiday," "Lucky Star," and "Borderline." A series of hit songs, concert tours, and films followed. Her second album, Like a Virgin was released in 1984. This album produced two number one hits; the title track and "Material Girl." In early 1985 she went on her first concert tour, which was very successful. Madonna was very influential to the young girls at that time. Girls would copy her fashion and attitude to life. For example, girls would wear Christian cross, stocking, Capri skirts and bleached hair. Thousands of teenage girls all over the country began to tie lace bows on top of their heads, wearing underwear ... Show more content on ... Madonna has had controversy for her mix of religion views and sexuality. Churches have told their people to not attend her concerts due to Eroticism. Madonna still with all the bad talks they had given her remained firm and went to perform as normal. She released a book called "sex" after forming her own company. The book contained a lot of nudity and woman and men all over the pictures. The book sold a lot of copies but didn't fail to strike controversy ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Time Constraints In Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home Time travel involves moving either forward or backwards in time with the use of a time machine of some kind, especially in movies and books. There have been many great time travel movies over the years. This is a list comprised of just 8 of the best. The List (in no particular order): Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. It's fun seeing the crew of the star–ship Enterprise wander through modern day, 1986 America (modern for the time period during which this film was made), which was the past for them. They journey back in time to bring back two humpback whales to 2286 so that the Earth isn't destroyed because of a probe that traveled to Earth to speak to a humpback whale and it wasn't leaving until it did speak to one. However, under time constraints, the crew was able to get back to their time period, to allow the whales to speak to the probe. The probe then left and no longer ... Show more content on ... A classic series, known for it's use of a DeLorean sports car and the phrase "Great Scott". The films are based around messing something up in the past (or in the second film's case, the future) and having to go back/forward to fix it. The third film focuses on Marty going all the way back to 1885 to save Doc and bring him back to 1985. Michael J. Fox's film career was started off the success of these movies. Terminator 1 & 2 (1984 & 1991) Another classic series, well the first two installments of the series anyway. This series is centered around Skynet and their use of cyborgs. Arnold Schwarzenegger plays a cyborg, T–800, sent back in time to kill the mother of John Connor. In the second movie, he plays the same character but with the exact opposite goal, saving John Connor from the T–1000 played by the talented Robert Patrick. Time Bandits (1981) Kevin, the main character, gets kidnapped by some dwarves. He also gets to meet some historical people, like Napoleon, Agamemnon, and Robin Hood. Kevin finds out that Robin Hood is a bit of a ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Internment Camps In The Broken Road The Navajo and Hopi tribes have long lived in an area by the region known as the four corners. Uranium, oil, gas, and coal all very valuable resources can be found under the grounds where these tribes have lived. When the "white men" realized this, they passed a law forcing the relocation of the Indians. In the film, Broken Road, Florio and Mudd (1985) the narrator stated, "The government spent 500 million dollars to partition the land between the Navajo and Hopi tribes. 8,000 Indians were herded from fort Defiance to Fort Sumner, across the New Mexico border. During this trip, many would die and the ones who survived found themselves in an internment camp". This lasted until "the tax payers realized they were paying over one million a year to keep these camps going" (Florio and Mudd, 1985). After they realized this, the Indians were released. These people were released with only two sheep and little compensation (Florio and Mudd, 1985). This horrific treatment of individuals was brutal and unforgivable. This relates very heavily to another group of disempowered people, when the Nazis invaded and took all the Jews to concentration camps. These Nazi camps were based off the Indians internment camps where they were killed or held hostage in terrible, unlivable environments with little food and forced to do work. In this Broken Road directed by Florio and Mudd(1985), the narrator Martin Sheenan had mentioned, "The Nazi's studied these Indian internment camps and used them as ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Comparing The Museum Of Modern Art Similarities exist between the architecture of the Museum of Modern Art in New York and the Kimball Art Museum in Fort Worth, Texas. The Museum of Modern Art, designed by Philip L. Goodwin and Edward Durell Stone, was one of the earliest examples of the International Style (Ricciotti, 1985, p. 51). The Museum of Modern Art was established as an educational institution which displayed painting sculpture but also introduced photography, film, and industrial design (Ricciotti, 1985, p. 51). In contrast, the Kimball Art Museum's purpose was to display the Kimball family's extensive collection and preserve it for future generations (Loud, 1987, p. 15). The initial collection was comprised of late–renaissance and baroque work which contrasted ... Show more content on ... Kahn's vaulted skylights created unique, filtered, light that showcased the art and played an important role in the museum's innovative design (Loud, 1987, p, 44). The one–story museum also created rooms that created harmony with the art and were void of unnecessary decorative elements or details (Loud, p.1987, p. 34). Additionally, instead of a large, sprawling royal palace, the Museum of Modern Art's vertical design fit into the crowded city (Ricciotti, 1985, p. 60). The interior spaces were reminiscent of the original townhouse structure with multiple stories and shorter ceiling height (Ricciotti, 1985, p. 58). In comparison to the Louvre, the gallery spaces did not feature grand halls as the modernist architects rejected the Beaux–Arts traditional elements (Ricciotti, 1985, p. 59). The style of the Museum of Modern Art symbolizes the "ideological aims" of the original design (Ricciotti, 1985, p. 51). The original facade is one of the only features that remains to this day (Ricciotti, 1985, p.74). The results of different tastes and backgrounds resulted in a building that is based on variations of the international style and more towards modernism (Ricciotti, 1985, p. 72). Recent renovations demonstrate respect to the original design and its significant past (Ricciotti, 1985, p. ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Stereotypes In The Color Purple The movie ''The Color Purple'' is a 1985 drama film that portrays the historical period. This film sheds light on the struggles that African American women faced during the 1930s. The Color Purple is about the life of Celie Harris, a poor black girl who married against her wish to an older black man. This movie was a great portrayal of history, which was directed by Steven Spielberg in a new light, this movie also shows realism and grit. The movie The Color Purple shows an intercultural perspective using concepts like racism, stereotypes, socialized cultures and the power distance between men and women. In this era, women, in general, were socialized into the cultural norms of the times. There was very high power distance between males and females and black women were specifically mistreated not only by the member of other races but also by men from their race. Women ... Show more content on ... This movie is an upbeat, affirmative fable in which optimism, patience, and family loyalty emerge as cardinal virtues, and in which even the wife beating villain has charm. This movie shows the story of a shy young heroine, whose life is filled with disappointment and hardship, even the most brutal events are set forth. Around the world, women are facing the similar issues but never had their stories be told. The Color Purple has a lot of heartbreaking scenes, a very emotional scene, in particular, was when teenage Celie was forcibly separated from her beloved sister Nettie. This film depicts the reality of women, and their day to day lives, in this era, they were told what to do, they had to follow their husbands rule without any sign of defying. Women were not treated as an equal to man but as a lesser person in society, especially African American women. Girls were expected to get married a young age, bore children and take care of the home; they weren't given rights to vote, or further their education beyond a certain ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. The Myth Of The Perfect Body Analysis Question Two In Manatu's article, "Love and Romance," she analyzes black women in film and how their portrayal reinforces hegemonic scripts through violation and hardship. Manatu begins her analysis by defining what she calls the "traditional cultural archetypes of the 'feminine' and the 'masculine,'" which coincide with the hegemonic masculine and feminine scripts discussed in lecture (51: 2003). Her analysis compares white women to black women stating, "excluded from the world of the 'feminine,' black women have long been confined to the world of work and sexuality" (Manatu 52: 2003). The expectations of the feminine gender script calls for women to be emotional, obedient, delicate, dependent, and even somewhat passive (Walden 2016, Manatu ... Show more content on ... Galler states, "disabled women share the social stereotype of women in general as being weak and passive" (166–67: 1985). In this, disabled women share a commonality of the feminine gender script with non–disabled women, the notion that women are submissive. Although disabled women share a common aspect of a dominant script with non–disabled women, they also face the issue of de– sexualization. Galler discusses that society assumes that disabled women are asexual and that sexual experiences are impossible due physical imperfections (1985). These assumptions of disabled women are created due to "the absence of sexual information, guidance, encouragement, or social opportunity provided to disabled females" (Galler 168: 1985). According to the DCS for ideal sex the two people involved in the encounter are completely healthy, meaning no disabilities in either the man or woman (Walden 2016). This dominant script for ideal sex may be a supporting reason as to why society des–sexualizes disabled women. Galler goes on to write, "even when the disabled woman is idealized for surmounting all obstacles, she is the recipient of a distancing admiration, which assumes her achievement to be necessary compensation for a lack of sexuality, intimacy, and love" (167: 1985). In this, Galler explains to her readers that even when disabled women are viewed as those who can accomplish activities that seem only possible for abled bodies, their sexuality is hidden or viewed as invisible (1985). Society has constructed this view that disabled women, or people in general, are incapable of their sexual life because of their ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Back To The Future: Mad Scientists Scientists have certainly made a huge impact on our everyday life. However, the media has characterized scientists in the movies as crazy–like, and the films that portray scientists typically make them "mad scientists". The first thing that comes to mind when I envision a scientist is a highly intelligent, older person, wearing a white examination coat. The first person that came to my mind when envisioning a scientist was the character Doctor Emmett Brown, from the movie back to the future (IMDB, 1985). Back to the Future is a movie about a young man is accidentally sent 30 years into the past in a time–traveling DeLorean invented by his friend, Dr. Emmett Brown, and must make sure his high–school–age parents unite in order to save his own existence (IMDB, 1985). Marty McFly, a typical American teenager of the Eighties, is accidentally sent back to 1955 in a plutonium–powered DeLorean "time machine" invented by slightly mad scientist. During his often hysterical, always amazing trip back in time, Marty must make certain his teenage parents–to–be meet and fall in love – so he can get back to the future (IMDB, 1985). Then there is the modern day television sitcom The Big Bang Theory, ... Show more content on ... For example, many news outlets will highly recognize the scientists that work as meteorologists. Although some people don't believe a word that comes out of a meteorologist's mouth, the media has certainly invested a lot of interest into the science of meteorology. Additionally, many news outlets, television shows, and movies will have scientists brought on to their shows to give advice as an expert. In some cases like CBS they have hosts on their shows like Dr. Phil, Dr. Oz and television series like CSI or the Big Bang Theory that portray scientists as a highly recognize, and noble profession (CBS, ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Night of the Living Dead Essay Zombies, as we know them today, have mortified movie viewers for the last forty six years. Modern zombies first appeared in George A. Romero's Night of the Living Dead in 1968. These zombies were the slow moving, staggering ghouls that one has seen in countless films, but in 1985, Return of the Living Dead featured a new kind of zombie, the first fast moving and talking ghoul. Both Night of the Living dead 1968 and Return of the Living Dead 1985 feature the zombie as its villain, but Return of the living dead's fast moving, talking zombies are a more modern take on the movie monster. Fast V.S Slow Zombies In 1968, the first modern zombies took to the screen; these were the slow moving and lumbering ghouls that have been seen in countless ... Show more content on ... Night of the Living Dead follows this story line. George A Romero saw zombies as what they were, the living dead, meaning that they were dead, and dead things cannot talk. Instead, he developed the zombie communication of grunts and groans. These were effective in such a way that it made the film so much more realistic. In contrast, Return of the Living Dead took artistic license on the zombie model and created the first talking zombie. Director Dan O'Bannon felt that the zombie needed to be updated for the modern times. As a result, even though it has some horrific scenes, the talking zombies added some comic relief to the film. One such comedic scene is the "tar man". The tar man was the zombie inside the canister of Troxin that was released at the beginning of the film. In the climax of the film when the zombies are coming out of the graves, a group of friends take shelter in the taxidermy factory. When they reach the basement, they run into the tar man who shouts "brains" and then after feeding on one of the characters, it sees the rest of them and yells, "more brains" with a smile on its face. This shows the humor of the film. Causes of Reanimation The cause of reanimation of a zombie can vary from film to film. In some movies, the dead are brought back by magic, in others they are brought by chemicals. In Night of the Living Dead the cause of reanimation is uncertain. There are theories that suggest that the dead are brought back to life by ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Textual Analysis Of The Movie Clue Analysis of The Film "Clue" Films are great for escapism and social change. They impact society by bringing pleasure into people's life in an affordable manner through censored entertainment. The censored entertainment allows families to bond socially through interaction of a specific shared experience. A genre of a film is the film which guilds the audience to a specific idea or purpose known as the theme. A films influence society with emotions and social behavior through the message of the theme. Society can be changed by the message which can encourage better choices to real world issues from the story and plot (Goodykoontz & Jacobs, 2014). Story is a narrative that characters and elements experience after the plot. A plot is how ... Show more content on ... The plot of the story grows as editing shots build the story and plot. Mise en scene expresses mood through physical distortions to verify meaning that balances the movement to the tone and mood to the story's theme like the costume, paper, books, and furniture (Goodykoontz & Jacobs, 2014). These elements are used to symbolism merit, but a metaphor of trouble. Mise en scene is edited to move the storyline, draw in the audiences to the plot, and convey the message of the theme to the story. Cinematography in the film "Clue" develop meaning in the story and plot by creating the theme and stressing tone and mood to move meaning. Cinematography builds the theme's mood and tone through how the audience sees the film. Camera angles, types of shots, framing, editing are examples of Cinematography (Goodykoontz & Jacobs, 2014). According to article titled "Cinematography" by Lee (2015) writes, "at heart, cinematography is based on an illusion caused by the interplay between technology and human perception ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. 1970's-1980 Film Analysis During the 1970's Hollywood saw many changes occurring in the film industry, with big conglomerates buying up studios to the wave of films in the New Hollywood style of filmmaking and finally to the many technical innovations being explored throughout the decade. It was an important time than and it is still important to modern Hollywood cinema with the many innovations directly effecting all aspects of filmmaking. Of all the innovations to occur during the 1970's–1980's the big three had to be the improvement upon digital effects work, the investments toward a film marketing campaign and finally the new and quickly growing video market. Cinema all over the world had impressive spectacles to behold since the beginning of film's creation, but the 1970's and 1980's saw big advances with computer driven effects work. Just about every big budgeted film these days relies upon CGI effects work including such award winning films like Avatar (2009), Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014) and Hugo (2011). These films could be made the way they are today without the enhanced effects work being done in the 70's–80's ... Show more content on ... Today many people might take this for granted, but before home video became a simple commonality many films were simply shown in theaters and then stored away, never to be seen again (unless the film was big enough for a theatrical re–release or epics multi night TV events). The introduction of VHS, Betamax, HBO and other home viewing devices not only helped bring the consumers more entertainment, it helped the film industry gain a new cash cow. Thanks to the 1980's innovative and commercially successful attempt of bringing home viewing to life, we now can have services like Amazon Instant Video, Netflix, On Demand, Pay–Per–View, Video Stores and much much more. It also brought another market to audiences, the Direct to video films we still see being produced ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Is The Movie Fail Safe? In the 1960's, computer technology was starting to overcome much of modern life and this new technology has increased concern about whether humans had command over the use of nuclear weapons or can control nuclear weapons. With respect to this statement the research question for this article is the movie Fail Safe more fact than fiction? How plausible is accidental nuclear war? The movie Fail Safe describes these fears by displaying technology doomsday situation where an error by a computer causes a nuclear bomber group to be deployed against Moscow. Along with describing issues with respect to technology, and its limitations, Fail–Safe depicts several political aspects of the cold war, the strict training of the military, the politics supporting a first strike and the inferiority beliefs and an over inflated sense of patriotism. Toward the beginning of the movie Fail Safe Congressman Raskob raises his fears over the power of machines and gets the response that "machines are developed to help the humans in different situations." The generals in the movie are of the view that they have checks and counter checks over the weapons or machinery. The central political issues that lead to all others in Fail Safe is Raskob's response who is checking or counter checking the machinery (Washington; The Nuclear Quandary, 1983). If any human being or person is not checking the machinery there was no way to prevent the machine from creating the situation that leads to the doomsday ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Identity And Perception In Desperately Seeking Susan Desperately Seeking Susan is a 1985 dramedy directed by Susan Seidelman, starring Rosanna Arquette and Madonna. This was Seidelman's second feature and signaled her later work more fully exploring the theme of identity and perception. Being produced by Orion Pictures as well as being the debut feature of Madonna perfectly cements the film as an icon of 1980's pop culture. In addition, the cast featured numerous actors in the early stages of their careers such as John Turturo, Will Patton, and Ann Magnuson. However, despite the relatively inexperienced cast and crew, the film manages to surpass being disposable entertainment and make a statement. The film begins with an exaggerated display of domesticity with Rosanna Arquette's character, Roberta, in a 1950's style hair salon. This domesticity is contrasted against Madonna's character Susan's free and independent life. Her relationship with her husband is loveless and she escapes this emptiness by fantasizing about the lives of two people communicating in the personal columns. As the opportunity arises, Roberta takes a chance to follow Susan around, and becomes her through a comedy of errors. Eventually, the characters that surround Roberta's and Susan's lives crash together in a grand reveal after escaping from ... Show more content on ... Therefore, space emerged for smaller, more director controlled projects that could bypass the Hollywood system entirely. As result, films like Desperately Seeking Susan were made that accurately and quickly capture the pop culture moment whereas a large project would be stuck working against its own inertia. In addition, the freedom allows creative teams to make movies that did not need every multiplex in the country being packed. Instead they could take advantage of the largest shakeup to the movies since television, readily available home ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Cut And Run Essay Cut and Run (1985) – Quecho – In this film, a reporter and her cameraman link a surviving Jonestown leader and a TV executive's missing son to a drug war where agents stationed in the jungle are being murdered by a native army and a seasoned assassin, who is portrayed by Michael Berryman. The Hills Have Eyes Part II (1985) – Pluto – This sequel to the film, "The Hills Have Eyes", tells the tale of the return of Pluto, again portrayed by Michael Berryman, and his murderous mutant family. Eight years after Bobby survives his harrowing ordeal at the site of the mutant– inhabited desert town, he returns to face his fears along with Ruby. He and Ruby now operate a Motocross shop and plan to return to the desert with a band of bikers that hte shop is sponsoring. Ruby, who initially helped to keep Bobby's family captive betrayed her mutant family, leaving the desert with Bobby. Unfortunately, Ruby's family emerges ... Show more content on ... Michael Berryman portrays a Starfleet Display Officer in this popular science fiction film. Kenny Rogers as The Gambler, Part III (1987) – Corporeal Catlett – Brady Hawkes and Billy Montana team up again to assist the Sioux in battling the government to procure the supplies they need, while discovering government corruption in an outpost, finding themselves in a precarious position. Michael Berryman portrays Corporeal Catlett in this action adventure feature. The Barbarians (1987) – Dirtmaster – Twin barbarians plan to take revenge on the warlord who murdered their tribe and captured the twins when they were children. The Dirtmaster, portrayed as Michael Berryman, forces the twins to work long hours in "the pit" while in captivity, where they train to fight as ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Analysis of the Film 'The Breakfast Club' The Breakfast Club Introduction In life there are a number of challenges that everyone will go through. This is a part of discovering who they are and what they want to do with themselves. To help explain these differences, Erikson introduced his development theory. This helps to address some of the challenges and needs that person will go through at particular stages in their lives. To fully understand these phases there will be a focus on two characters from the film The Breakfast Club and contrasting them with Erikson's theory. Together, these different elements will provide specific insights that will highlight the transformations and challenges that everyone will go through during the course of their lives. The Breakfast Club Two characters that will be examined from the film include Andrew Clark (played Emilio Estevez) and Richard Vernon (portrayed by Paul Gleason). The setting of the film takes place on a Saturday at a suburban Chicago high school. The students are arriving for a special session of detention that will take place all day. In the beginning, everyone is sticking with their traditional stereotypes that were formed from other perceptions (based upon the social group they belonged to). As the day progresses, everybody begins to realize that they are more than these commonly held views. Instead, each person has their own special skills and talents that make them unique. Moreover, all the students and adults are wrestling with similar challenges at ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. A Comparative Analysis of the Characters of King Lear and... Kurosawa and Shakespeare Introduction: The greatest narratives in human history don't just resurface in critical analysis but are also given new life when channeled through modern media. This is well–exemplified by legendary Japanese filmmaker Akira Kurosawa's 1985 epic, Ran. The highly regarded and high–budgeted film, based on William Shakespeare's 1606 play King Lear, demonstrates the power retained by the original play even when dramatically recontextualized. Indeed, in a comparative discussion of King Lear and Hidetora, his counterpart in the Kurosawa film, we are confronted with the universal themes of power, mortality, vanity and insanity. These are the themes that connect not just both pieces but the otherwise vastly historical periods and cultures represented within. Compare: The strongest point of comparison between the two characters in question is their mutual descent into mental instability and the degree to which this influences their behavior. Indeed, the common ground in the two stories is at the outset, when an ailing ruler is manipulated into divided his kingdom amongst his children. This division of territories, an event stimulated by individual vanity and infirmity, would have consequences kingdom–wide. The unraveling of civility and familial bonds which would occur thereafter is common to both tellings. Contrast: Perhaps the most important conceptual difference between the fading monarch presented in either story is the degree to which ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. Night of the Living Dead Essay Zombies, as we know them today, have mortified movie viewers for the last forty six years. Modern zombies first appeared in George A. Romero's Night of the Living Dead in 1968. These zombies were the slow moving, staggering ghouls that one has seen in countless films, but in 1985, Return of the Living Dead featured a new kind of zombie, the first fast moving and talking ghoul. Both Night of the Living dead 1968 and Return of the Living Dead 1985 feature the zombie as its villain, but Return of the living dead's fast moving, talking zombies are a more modern take on the movie monster. Fast V.S Slow Zombies In 1968, the first modern zombies took to the screen; these were the slow moving and lumbering ghouls that have been seen in countless ... Show more content on ... Night of the Living Dead follows this story line. George A Romero saw zombies as what they were, the living dead, meaning that they were dead, and dead things cannot talk. Instead, he developed the zombie communication of grunts and groans. These were effective in such a way that it made the film so much more realistic. In contrast, Return of the Living Dead took artistic license on the zombie model and created the first talking zombie. Director Dan O'Bannon felt that the zombie needed to be updated for the modern times. As a result, even though it has some horrific scenes, the talking zombies added some comic relief to the film. One such comedic scene is the "tar man". The tar man was the zombie inside the canister of Troxin that was released at the beginning of the film. In the climax of the film when the zombies are coming out of the graves, a group of friends take shelter in the taxidermy factory. When they reach the basement, they run into the tar man who shouts "brains" and then after feeding on one of the characters, it sees the rest of them and yells, "more brains" with a smile on its face. This shows the humor of the film. Causes of Reanimation The cause of reanimation of a zombie can vary from film to film. In some movies, the dead are brought back by magic, in others they are brought by chemicals. In Night of the Living Dead the cause of reanimation is uncertain. There are theories that suggest that the dead are brought back to life by ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. Cuckoo's Nest Psychiatry A more negative portrayal of the institution system is shown in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975) directed by Milos Forman. It is considered to demonstrate the changing face of psychiatry. The film which was based on Ken Kesey's book of the same title, was made during the period which is known as the Anti Psychiatry Movement during the 60's and 70's. The public's consciousness around the reality of psychiatric institutions and psychiatry itself was developing in a different way. A number of theorists worked together in order to outline the issues which were still a major part in psychiatry. (Fleming and Manvell, 1985) In his book Madness and Civilisation: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason (1964), Michael Foucault discussed the nature of asylums as a way of institutional control (Donaldson, 2005). He argued that the running of these institutes were not effective at all and infact harmful to the patients (Donaldson, 2005). It was pointed out that all the patients were forced to accept a role given to them set by the institute (Fleming and ... Show more content on ... Then, physicians and especially psychiatrists began to call "illness" (that is, of course mental illness) anything and everything in which they could detect a sign of malfunctioning, based on no matter what norm" (Fleming and Manvell, 1985). R.D Laing talked about the labeling of illness as a way of social control in The Politics of Experience and The Birds of Paradise (1967) (Donaldson, 2005). Laing saw psychiatry as a political profession that is used to repress individuality. (Fleming and Manvell, 1985). During this time, psychiatry's authority was questioned as it is shown in the 1975 production of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. In the film we see the free spirited R.P. McMurphy, played by Jack Nicholson, banished to a psychiatric unit rather than prison for committing statutory ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. Benjamin Parottit-Personal Narrative While the horse beneath charged on he held his target in sight. All the while he recalled the last man who'd been brave enough to give chase to the dreaded thing. Benjamin Parottit, a Frenchman who'd heard of the local legend in his native country. A hunter of all things unknown, apparently. He'd learned of its ability to scramble a person's mind with a single puff of its breath. The piercing, bulging, green eyes and its unnatural pyramid–like nose. Despite the warnings, people pleading for him not to entice and aggravate it anymore, he'd gone ahead with the chase. Armed with two pistols, a collection of daggers and a bottle of foreign, scorching acid, he'd set off. Tracking it from the church and through the streets, he'd fired at it from ... Show more content on ... He would have gotten there faster only dozens had spilled out of their homes, scurrying over to the white horse with their lanterns. Not to talk to him – what on Earth could they possibly say? No, they just desired to stare. To see living proof that not everybody who came in contact with it would be turned insane, or die. Very few actually spoke up. Some men were aggravated to find out that he'd been unsuccessful, but were hardly blameless. Nathaniel wouldn't let them be. Would remind them of their cowardice in staying out of the hunt. Not surprisingly, they dared not utter their disapproval as they headed back into their homes, because they knew of their hypocrisy if they were to do ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. Back To The Future Analysis Science Fiction and the future are often interpreted in various different ways in both film and text. However the way in which both Hover Car Racer, written by Matthew Reily and Back to the Future Part II, directed by Robert Zemeckis, show interpretations of the future intertwined with a reality similar to the one we know today. Both Zemeckis and Reily interpret the future in a different manner, yet the predicted future shares many similarities including the use of Hover Technology as a transportation method. Reily depicts the future and Hover Technology being used as more then transportation, with uses such as sporting events. Antagonists cause issues for the central characters in both Zemeckis and Reily's texts and the eventual successes ... Show more content on ... Reily has written about the antagonists, Jason Chaser, his brother known as The Bug and their friend and Mech Chief, Sally McDuff, facing an adversarial group of protagonists who believe that Jason, The Bug and Sally do not belong at the International Race School: Tell me how a little runt who comes stone dead motherless last in the regionals gets to come to race school. Using despicable tactics, the unrevealed group of antagonists try to affect Jason's racing career through the supply of defective parts for his Hover Car and sabotaging his vehicle to cause maximum damage. Biff Tannen and his family are the main antagonists in Zemeckis' Back to the Future Part II, causing a vast amount of grief for the protagonists, Doctor Emmett Brown and Marty McFly Jr. After travelling to the year 2015, Marty buys a sports almanac for his personal use in 1985 and after being lectured by Doctor Brown: I didn't invent the time machine to win at gambling. I invented the time machine to travel through time! He then disposes of the book. However the book and the DeLorean time machine are then stolen by Biff, who returns to the year 1955 and gives the book to his future self. By giving the sports book to his 1955 self, Biff drastically alters the events of the future, creating an alternative ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. The Band Played On By Randy Shilts The film And the band played on is a screen adaption of the book and the band played on by Randy Shilts done by Roger Spottiswoode. This screen adaption is a story of epidemic that had medical researchers scrabbling to understand the horrifying and mysterious new disease of AIDS that sored across the United States of America. This story takes place during the initial 5 years of the breakout from 1980 to 1985. 1. What are the major theme(s) of the film? Hint use the concepts presented in class to guide your answer. Provide examples to demonstrate meaning. (6 marks) There are three major themes displayed in this film, And the band played on (Spottiswoode, 1993). The initial major theme that I had found to be important was the concept of medical/professional dominance. Medical professionals having the power to go above the law is immense but conversely abusing this power may be easier than expected. Power and influence of this magnitude can effect medical research acceptance and presentation to the vast majority of individuals and creators of legislation and policies. Specifically in the film Dr. Robert Gallo displayed immoral values against the overall goal of developing a cure for AIDs. Dr. Gallo being arrogant and displaying medical/professional dominance by competing to determining the cure for instead of collaborating with the French scientists. Furthermore Dr. Gallo being conceited attempted to patent the research that the French scientists had discovered as his own ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Characteristics Of Becoming A Man What does "becoming a man" mean? When would you say someone has become a man? Becoming a man means, according to Merriam Webster, one possessing in high degree the qualities considered distinctive of manhood; such as courage, strength, and vigor. To me becoming a man doesn't happen at a certain age, but I think it happens at a time when you possess manhood traits. In the Wake Tech Reader, Rodriguez talks about the independence children want when they grow up in his essay "Family Values. From what I've learned growing up, becoming a man means having responsibility, being self dependent, being financially stable to support yourself and possibly others, and having the toughness and grit to get through anything that gets in your way. If you asked me what the most important qualities of becoming a man was, I'd probably easily come back and say that responsibility is. When you become a man you have a lot of things your responsible to take care and do every so often. You have to be responsible enough to pay your bills and dues on time. You can't just forget things anymore, so you got to be on top of your game and have a schedule to get all your tasks done every day. As Winston Churchill once said, "The price for greatness is responsibility." To be a successful man you need to be responsible for your actions and everything you do. You shouldn't have to be told to do something and that's a part of the new responsibilities that you have. Responsibility is one of the main qualities of being a man and without it some men may not be able to handle what happens in life. As I stated earlier, Rodriguez says kids these days are independent from their parents when they leave home. "What immigrants know, what my parents certainly know, is that when you come to this country, you risk losing your children." Rodriguez is saying that it's a known fact that some kids grow up and come very independent with their family and in some cases don't come back and stay dependent of themselves. He also states that America encourages you to "Become your own man." Becoming independent is probably the first step in becoming a man. You don't have your parents doing things for you so you need to start relying on yourself for everything you need. ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. How Is Propaganda Used In North Korea Movies have become a powerful form of media used to sway a large audience. Not only is a story told to the viewer, but an overall message is also portrayed through film as well. So it is no wonder that in North Korea, the usage of movies to create propaganda films in order to project a certain view of their country towards their people. The strengthened usage of film as propaganda could be see after Kim Jong Il moved the to the Propaganda and Agitation Department of the Korean Worker's Party in 1966 and eventually lead him to become director of the Motion Picture and Arts Division in 1970 (Armstrong, 210). Kim Jong Il was known to have an affinity for arts and film and in a county with such strong influence with propaganda, Kim knew that these position would propel the message and powers of the leaders. ... Show more content on ... In order to be able to take a closer examination of North Korean cinema, I viewed and analyzed five different films that were released around the same period. The films that I viewed were: 불가사리 [Pulgasari] (1985), 네거리초병 [Negŏrich'obyŏng / A Traffic Controller on Crossroads] (1986), 홍 길동 [Hong Kil–dong] (1986), 명령 027호 [Myŏngnyŏng 027 Ho / Order No. 027] (1986), and 도 라지꽃 [T'orajikkot / A Broad Bellflower] (1987). The genres of these movies range from romance, entertainment, slice of life, to action, and thus also have different levels of propaganda messages that are told among them. Throughout this paper, I will give a glimpse into each movie, analyze the messages that each of the films provide, and compare the amount of usage and meanings behind the ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Disability In Still Alice Independent film can be examined by 5 terms: "the relation in its work process, it means of production, the financing of its film, its conception of quality films and its system of consumption" (Bordwell, Staiger and Thompson, 1985, p.317). The second film that will argue the representation of a minority group is the independent drama film, 'Still Alice' (2014) directed by Richard Glazer with his partner Wash Westmoreland. Still Alice worked on a smaller budget in comparison to MBY totalling up to only $5 million which was attached to small independent production company, 'Killer Films' which is known to work with independent films. 'Still Alice' offers a form of discourse to represent individuals from a minority group, in particular the film ... Show more content on ... The film unlike MBY offers an authentic portrayal of the disability which critics have praised Julianne Moore roles as Alice, gaining her Academy award for best actress that year. The narrative of the film was praised, due to accuracy of how the symptoms were shown throughout they film, Moore's character would often forget things and would need written props to help her remember, the simplistic presentation of the symptoms of the disease were highly praised as they were lifelike. According to film critic Christy Lemire (2014), that 'Still Alice' doesn't shy away from the terrifying disease that can take away a person memories and the ability to communicate to others. He believes the film message matters and the film has the ability to reach over millions of people who are suffering with Alzheimer's or know of people who are. This argument from Lemire (2014), summaries how independent films do not need to compromise any artistic nor realistic components to tell a heart–breaking story that doesn't shy away from the story nor the ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. How the Music Industry Utilized Film to Help Create the... With all the social, political and cultural changes occurring in the 1960s, youth culture was embracing the ideologies of rebellion and counterculture. The Folk music of the sixties was giving way to the new Rock revolution and with this came the iconic Rock Rebel. The Rock Rebel is a romanticized existential figure who revolts against social conventions in a quest to find value or a sense of freedom beyond the pre–existing conforms of society. (Camus; 1967) Through analysing, in a sociological context, the way the music industry utilized film to help create or reinvent star image of Rock icons The Beatles and The Rolling Stones, we can see how the signifier of the Rock Rebel has evolved with the developing Rock culture. (Dyer; 1979:1) ... Show more content on ... (1997:24) For example, George shows his rebel streak against traditional fashion when he speaks against the choices of 'professional trendsetter,' stating: "You mean that posh bird who gets everything wrong?" Ringo in an interview refuses to be defined and as such when asked "Are you a Mod or a Rocker?" he replies "I'm a mocker." Similarly John also makes quick witted remarks to reporters such as: "How did you find America?" "Turned left at Greenland." While Paul's rebellious side is evident in the train scene when a fellow passenger tries to take away their music, "Yeah, but we want to hear it, and there's more of us than you. We're a community, like, a majority vote. Up the workers and all that stuff!" While it was HDN that helped merge The Beatles' youth audience with a more adult crowd, thanks to the mature verite style aesthesis, it was the dramatised film Help! (1965) that fully actualized their Rock rebel personas in correspondence with Laurence Grossberg's notions of consumerism and mobility in relation to Rebel image. (Grossberg; 1992) While there were several scenes of transport and mobility shown in HDN, such as the train scene, it lacked the overindulgence of commercialism that embodies the Grossberg's Rocker; they were the working–class 'boys next door' who became famous, yet kept their iconic polished image of the average man. In Help! this image is shattered when we see behind the ordinary facades of ... Get more on ...