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Human Biological Variations
Stated in on page 34," human biological variations can be genetic or phenotype" (Brown.Barrett).
What it state is that we can identified ourselves by looking at patterns in one group or community
and see the differences among them. From the environment aspect we notice the differences in
health nutrition, illness and death. These factors play a huge impact because when we talk about
genetic we are talking about how people may be from the same place, but because they migrant they
may change according to the growth of the variation that impacts their environment, their culture
behaviors and conditions, their physical and social conditions and their genetic factor. When we talk
about how the environment plays a role in human variation we can ... Show more content on ...
Furthermore the way human variations plays a role culture wise looks to how different human
societies teach and learn different values. A great example is how different societies view
circumcision. Many people don't believe in circumcising the males because of the social values and
religion. Because of their experience and in their regional or societies they more likely to inherit
those trait and values. We see the influence of parents and how it affect young child today. In the
means of how they view punishment, religion and how they interact with people. There factor will
influence and influence their children because they are pass down from generation from generation.
Their culture values and rules are set and are imbedded. Prime example is the debate on how society
views have the LGBT communities and how the world is divide on that issues. We have seen a lot of
changes but still many communities have refuse to teach young children about this issues that affect
many young and old adults. In all, human variation touches base on all human traits and beings. It
how we has an society accept and treat how we view the world and the context of others and how it
have a direct impact on how we learn to function within any state, community, country and
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Dominic's Variation Of Masks
Dominic lives a variety of lives, wearing a variation of masks throughout. By day, he is a prosecutor
in Austin, Texas, and by night he plays music at the Norman Pub (Pryor 11); but underneath it all, he
is a psychopath. Generally this means, he doesn't process, or display emotions like a typical person
would. Instead, Dominic "can [only] feel some of them, ones like anger, disappointment, and lust. ...
Emotions [tying him] to others, like compassion, love, or even fear, ... [he] doesn't feel" (Pryor 28).
However, just because Dominic doesn't naturally experience these emotions, that doesn't mean that
he isn't capable of falsifying them. In fact, he's had some practice; "[he's] been pretending since [he]
was a kid, and [believes] his success in ... Show more content on ...
He recalls a traumatic event from when he was eleven years old, mentioning an old friend, Arthur
"Artie" Halliwell, and their meet ups in the school's music room. He recounts "[o]ne afternoon,
about six weeks into the summer term, the music teacher[, Mr. Flowers] found [them] up there[; he
was the type who would, w]hen [teaching] the young boys guitar, have them sit on his lap so he
could 'make sure they had perfect form'. That Sunday, he just watched [Dominic and Artie] play[,]"
(Pryor 229) but "[Dominic] knew instinctively something was wrong when [Mr. Flowers] asked
[him] to leave and come back later so he could give Artie some private lessons ... For the remainder
of the summer term, [Dominic] saw less and less of Artie. He sat quietly in class and didn't speak[;]
on the few occasions [Dominic] asked if he wanted to go to the music room, he just shook his head"
(Pryor 230–231). Although the sexual assault covertly taking place was not directly affecting
Dominic, he was still unquestionably troubled. Courtney E. Ahrens, and Rebecca Campbell
conducted a survey of 60 friends of adult rape victims; out of all the participants, 96.6% felt angry at
the perpetrator, 71.7% felt shocked, and 68.3% wanted to get even (Morrison et al.) Even typical
people who witness sexual abuse in their friends experience these emotions, but few act on it;
Dominic's first violent gesture was just that. "John
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Variation and Its Causes
Variation The divergence in a set of numbers in a given data range is referred to as variation. It has
common measures including variance, standard deviation and inter–quartile range that are used in
measuring variation among a set of data. Causes of variation In research data analysis, evidence
suggests that the main cause of data variation is measurement error, especially f the instruments
used are not guaranteed to provide accurate results (Jianqing, 1991). Nonetheless, chances of errors
may occur during data interpretation, recording and, or when reporting the results. These are
accredited to false assumptions that the measured quantity is stable and that the variation are based
on observational errors. Patterns of Variation There are various patterns representative of variation.
However, a bell–shaped curve is the most widely used variation pattern and is considered the normal
curve. In this curve, the highest point is indicative of the most probable occurrence. The other curve
pattern is bi–modal curve, which is dual peaked. This pattern easily identifies a process with a
special cause of variation and, which has undergone some changes. Variation pattern can also take
the form of a skewed curve that resembles a normal curve forced to lie on its sides. This is primarily
a representation of data that is not identical on both sides. Understanding Variation Variation is all
around people. There are variations in the ability to undertake functions; ways of
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Allele Variation Of The Gene
Many researchers have studied the short allele variation of the gene. Though most of have different
views of how the serotonin transporter gene is related to emotions, most agree that the gene has
some factor in emotion regulation. Some focus on the gene being a factor in the amount of
depression, anxiety, and stress. (insert citation) Others explore the gene determining the amount of
satisfaction within a person's life. (insert citation) Some also explore the possible solutions or affects
that could change the negative impact the short allele gene has on the way we think. (insert citation)
The results of these experiments play a role in the discovery and evidence of the gene having a link
to our emotions. In one of the academic peer ... Show more content on ...
The scale measures the fear and avoidance in social and performance situations. They then gathered
DNA from the volunteers from leukocytes. The results from these methods of research showed that
lower expressing serotonin polymorphism genotypes were associated with decreased reappraisal and
increase social anxiety. But, not only did they state this information, they gave a possible solution
for increasing or bettering reappraisal. Through cognitive–behavioral psychotherapy low–expressing
genotypes can improve. Since serotonin plays a big role in how we process and regulate emotions
the researchers (insert citation) wanted to see how the fear–stimuli affects the serotonin
polymorphism region. The main thing they were focusing on was selective attention differences
based on the different variation of the serotonin transporter gene. In their experiment the tested fifty
healthy female students of European descent. They were genotyped by polymerase reaction and gel
electrophoresis before the procedure of the experiment was done. The procedure was done by a dot
probe task. Twenty pictures of spiders and 40 pictures of chairs were displayed in pairs, side by side
on a computer screen. The participants were required to differentiate the target by pressing the
button corresponding it. The picture pairs were shown at different speeds, which included 500 ms,
1,250 ms, and 2000 ms. Conditions of
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The Variation Of Sugar-Collides
The sugar–gliders genes coded for them to develop the ability to fly. This variation allowed them to
find more food sources they previously wouldn't have had access to. They may have needed more
food supllies because of competition in their environment. Therefore, this variation is valuable to the
sugar–gliders because it prolongs their health and life, which is benefical to their reproductive
success as they can pass on this gene for flying to future offspring.
This variation to the prosimian's chromites might have formed because poisonous berries started
growing in their environment. These posionous berries may only be detected because they are a
different colour from the others which is why chromites became nessasary. Their competition
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Essay on Variation On A Theme
I could not find my keys anywhere, this was not helping my situation. I was already late for work
and with my current weekly track record, one more tardy day that week would cause me to get fired.
My apartment was already a mess without me uprooting every pile of clothes to find my keys. I
looked out my window while midst my self created turmoil to see storm clouds forming. This could
possibly give me an excuse as to why I was late. When I turned around I saw my cat Randal getting
up from his nap, his departing mass revealed my keys. I didn't have time to comprehend the
absurdity of this and I grabbed them and left. Being on the top level of my apartment building was a
luxury with the exception of the lack of an elevator. I reached my car ... Show more content on ...
Rumors around the office had been lightly surfacing for a few weeks about how people were being
fired because of various petty mistakes. And I was sure I would be too for my late streak. At 5:00
PM I left work and headed home. I would be up late tonight because of a deadline for a new design.
As I worked through the night I pondered the rumors and why I was not let go. But the next morning
the answer made itself bluntly clear. As I was getting ready for work I received an email from my
boss. It stated, "We at Calgary Design sincerely thank you for your service at the company, but the
constant and quality record of customer satisfaction is sinking. We are losing clients often and little
income is being brought in. It is with this note that we inform you that we will no longer require
your services at this company." My spirits sank as I read the the email and I found myself on the
floor of my apartment once I had finished. I perused the email information and was shocked with
what I saw. The email had been sent to 28 out of the 53 employees that worked my floor, and no
doubt many more working at the three floor complex. This was my dream job, and I didn't have any
back up plan for being laid off. Randal must have sensed my anguish as he meandered towards me
and curled up on my chest. After about an hour of lying still in thought I eventually mustered up
enough courage to go to work and retrieve all of my belongings.
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Global Warming Is Just A Natural Cycle?
"What if global warming is just a natural cycle?" This argument is, perhaps, one of the most
common raised by the average person, rather than someone who makes a career out of denying
climate change. Cyclical variations in climate are well–known to the public; we all studied the ice
ages in school. However, climate isn 't inherently cyclical.
A common misunderstanding of the climate system characterizes it like a pendulum. The planet will
warm up to "cancel out" a previous period of cooling, spurred by some internal equilibrium. This
view of the climate is incorrect. Internal variability will move energy between the ocean and the
atmosphere, causing short–term warming and cooling of the surface in events such as El Nino and
La Nina, and longer–term changes when similar cycles operate on decadal scales. However, internal
forces do not cause climate change. Appreciable changes in climate are the result of changes in the
energy balance of the Earth, which requires "external" forcings, such as changes in solar output,
albedo, and atmospheric greenhouse gases. These forcings can be cyclical, as they are in the ice
ages, but they can come in different shapes entirely.
For this reason, "it 's just a natural cycle" is a bit of a cop–out argument. The Earth doesn 't warm up
because it feels like it. It warms up because something forces it to. Scientists keep track of natural
forcings, but the observed warming of the planet over the second half of the 20th century can only
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Stroke Volume Variation
Strokes are the fifth leading cause of death in the United States. There are many instances when
strokes are preventable. Stroke recovery is a process that lasts a lifetime. Many stroke victims are no
longer able to help themselves afterwards. A team of people from a hospital in Osaka, Japan decided
to see if stroke volume variation could be used as a predictor of fluid responsiveness in patients
undergoing airway pressure release ventilation. Stroke volume variation is the naturally occurring
sensation in which the arterial pulse pressure rises and falls during breathing due to changes in
ventilation. In this study, patients that had been ventilated in the intensive care unit from April to
November of 2010 were included. There were few ways that the person could be excluded, these
were if the patient had cardiac arrhythmias or severe obesity. All of the patients were monitored vary
closely, such as with an electrocardiogram, invasive and non–invasive arterial pressure, and
percutaneous ... Show more content on ...
For critically ill patients this could mean a major breakthrough. The findings of this research study
indicate that patients, like those in the study, will have a better response to fluids to a certain degree.
This could lead to progression in the well–being of those critically ill after having a stroke. Working
in nursing homes can show a person awfully fast how many people are affected by strokes, blood
pressure, heart rates, etc. A research study, such as this one, could go a long way to helping these
patients have a better outcome. Critically ill patients need something like this so they can be better
cared for in the long run. At times this research was a bit confusing, but overall, I hope this research
is further looked into and further studied to better the well–being of those I take care of in my line of
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Climate Change : The Relationship Between Weather And Climate
Attention has begun to shift from local, short–term seasonal patterns of temperature, rainfall, other
elements of the weather, toward longer–term trends that can affect the entire Earth, se long–term
(typically 30–year) weather trends are called "climate." It is therefore important understand the
difference, as well as the relation, between "weather" and "climate."
An example of the relationship between weather and climate is El Nino, which is weather with local,
short–term consequences as well as with global, long–term importance. In the ort–term. El Nino can
bring a dry summer for some regions and a wet winter for others; however, over the course of many
years, the number of times El Nino conditions occur may decade changes in the global climate.
Variations in the behaviour of the weather over long time periods, such as from one century another,
are referred to as climate change. Climate itself adjusts from the times of 'ice ages,' hen huge ice
sheets covered large areas that are currently ice–free, to periods similar to today hen ice sheets are
largely confined to Antarctica, Greenland, and the floating Arctic sea ice. Paleo–climate records
indicate that much of the climate changes over the last two million years occured in a rather cyclical
manner; with glacial periods lasting roughly 100,000 years with warmer interglacial periods of
10,000 years occurring in between.
The sun, of course, is the ultimate source of heat energy reaching the Earth, fueling our weather
systems, and establishing our major climate zones. There is, however, good evidence that larger
variations in the sun's activity do occur. For example, during the last half of the 17th century, there
was a period of greatly reduced solar activity.
This was also a time of harsh winters and extended bitter cold referred to as the Little Ice Age.
Scientists do not yet understand the underlying cause of such larger scale variations in solar activity,
but do know that they can play a key role in shaping the Earth's climate.
Global climate has been changing and still continue to change. Over a long period of time, climatic
fluctuations may be such that, a shift in type of climate prevailing over a given area, takes place. In
that case, we talk of a
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Explain Variations In Health
Explaining variations in health and illness
Cliodhna Kavanagh
Bsc Physiotherapy
There are many variations in health and illness across the world and variations within individual
societies. A variation is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as "a change or slight difference in
condition, amount, or level, typically within certain limits". The WHO identifies some of the factors
that cause inequality and variations in health in a society to be income, education, occupation,
gender and race/ethnicity. For the purpose of this essay I will discuss social class, gender inequality
and education.
One of the main factors that influences health variations in the world is a person's social class.
According to the WHO, "The conditions in which people live and work can help create and destroy
their health". In general, mortality rate and social class are inversely proportional: the lower the
level of social class, the higher the mortality rate. ... Show more content on ...
For example, maternal education is extremely important in both the developing and developed
worlds to ensure infant, child and maternal health. According to Cutler et al (2006), well educated
mothers are less likely to have underweight babies, and their babies are less likely to die within their
first year of life. The parent–child influence also works conversely as educated children have an
effect on the health of their parents. It has been shown that the parents of more educated children are
more likely to quit smoking (Field, 2005). An educated spouse can also have a large influence on the
health of their partner, for example Egeland et al (2002) suggests that those with educated spouses
have a lower mortality rate. This may be due to the influence a spouse can have on the health
behaviours of their partners such as drinking and smoking (Monden,
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Genomic Variations
Genetic and genomic variations are being taken into consideration when referring to nursing
interventions for patients. In the discussion paper, "Individual Genetic and Genomic Variation: A
New Opportunity for Personalized Nursing Interventions" by Munro (2014), the author examines
the potential for genetic and genomic variations being incorporated into nursing interventions for
patients. According to Tremblay and Hamet, "Genomics include interactions among genes,
intergenic regions, epigenetic factors and environmental factors" (As cited in Munro, 2014, p. 36).
The study of these genomics revealed that genomes are able to respond to environmental influences.
Complicated genome–environmental interactions could be presented by cancer, diabetes ... Show
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Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is the leading cause of death among men and women in the United
States. There is a higher chance of CHD affecting men, therefore when CHD affects women there
are less interventions and poorer recognition of this disease. The study "Women's Experiences of
Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery" by Banner (2011), it explores the lived
experiences of women before and after CABG surgery. This study included thirty women aged
between 53 and 80 years old who were interviewed before and after their surgery. Prior to surgery,
these women were reluctant to seek medical attention when they were not feeling good. Instead,
they often sought the advice of friends and family members. However, talking about their condition
made the women feel more anxious, fearful, insecure and more "reluctant to discuss these worries
with loved ones partly to preserve normal family relationships and to decrease their anxieties" (p.
923). Banner states that "symptoms were frequently ignored being attributed to other less serious
causes, chronic conditions or to advancing age" (p. 922). The patients did not seek medical attention
for their symptoms until the symptoms disrupted their lives. When they finally sought medical
attention their descriptions of their symptoms were very and vague therefore led to inaccurate
diagnoses. After surgery these women felt they were able to return to normal
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Random Variation Paper
Think of something that you might want to measure that is affected by random variation. Identify
what you want to measure, then describe its (approximate) sample space. Give a rough description
of the probabilities associated with those values(you can simply specify if they are all the same
probability or if values in one range will be more likely than values in another range). The best
example of this is something such as a bowl of gumballs Image courtesy of:(Edwards, 2014) Lets
say I have a bowl that contains 4 gumballs: I only like the blue gumballs and I want to obtain a blue
gumball, the catch is I have to reach in blindfolded to make my choice. I cannot see which color I
am choosing and they are all the same size no way to differentiate ... Show more content on ...
They are just guessing if it is a random event, many people have a gut feeling, but unless you are
using probabilities based on something such as math or data then it is just a guess. However, you
can calculate the chances of an events happening by multiplying the chances when you are
observing probabilities. For example: When you flip a coin you always have the same 50% chance
of a head or a tails, but when you multiple the chances your odds change look at graphics that
explains this phenomenon. Image courtesy of: (Math is Fun, n.d.) So if they observing some events
they could through math make a more educated predication based on previous outcomes. This would
be an observed probability. Now in the same vein, let's say I want a pink gumball, if I use the exact
same bowl, I have a 0 percent chance of that happening, because there are no pink gumballs. If there
is no chance of the event taking place that is when you have a 0 percent chance of it
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Example Of Variation In Healthcare
In order to continuously provide effective and efficient healthcare, variation has to occur within the
healthcare organization. As the book states, "variation in healthcare indicates inconsistencies in the
quality of care provided to different populations of patients" (Ransom, 2008, p. 55). For this to
occur, organizations have to make small changes to improve their patients health and quality of life.
Process variation, outcome variation and performance variation all have an impact on how care is
provided and assessed. For instance, if a physician uses a different method for the screening of
colorectal cancer that will not necessarily led to outcome changes or quality improvement. A good
start at implementing healthcare changes could be done by creating changes in supply–genitive care
(local healthcare system) (Ransom, 2008, p. 59). ... Show more content on ...
65). For example, small organizations usually have a flexible framework that can produce changes
at a faster rate with desired results than a larger organization. One organization that has always been
criticized for their poor quality of care has been the Veterans Health Administration in the Depart of
Veterans Affairs (VA). According to the documented study on quality of care and the VA, this was
previously due to the lack of documentation (before EMR), poor performance management, the low
quality care and displaced payment policies (Jha, Perlin, Kizer, & Dudley, 2003). With the use of
various new principles and the reengineering of the Veterans Health Administration considerably
improved the quality of care for veterans
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Variation Of Alleles
Genetic variation of alleles is evident through physical attributes of humans and can be attributed to
the specific sequence of nucleotides in DNA. Gregor Mendel experimented with plant breeding in
order to determine that the inheritance of different traits is dependent upon the differences in alleles,
or genes. Two loci that can measure the genetic variation in human populations are the LCT locus
and the TAS2R38 locus (Leicht & McAllister, 2017). The LCT locus is located on chromosome 2,
and encodes for the enzyme lactase that breaks down lactose into its monomers to aid digestion of
dairy in the small intestine (Leicht & McAllister, 2017). The two potential alleles that LCT has are C
and T, which can form three potential genotypes in ... Show more content on ...
We were then using the Hardy–Weinberg Principle to calculate the observed and expected values of
genotype frequencies within the class and compare the results using the Chi–Square goodness of fit
test (Leicht & McAllister, 2017). Demonstrated by the Hardy–Weinberg Principle, that without any
evolutionary forces, the allele and genotype frequencies of sexual populations will remain constant
between generations (Sadava, 2011). The Hardy–Weinberg Equilibrium is met be a population under
five specific conditions: no genetic mutation, random mating between individuals (no sexual
selection), infinite population size (no genetic drift, or any chance of variation with allele
frequencies), no gene flow (migration of new individuals into or out of the population), and no
natural selection (all genotypes contain the same relative fitness for survival and reproduction). If
any of these conditions are not met, the population is not in Hardy–Weinberg Equilibrium and
evolution is occurring. The expected frequencies within a population are determined by two
equations: p + q = 1 for allele frequencies, and p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 for genotype frequencies (Sadava,
2011). After using the Hardy–Weinberg Principle, we used the Chi–Square goodness of fit test to
compare the expected and observed frequencies of the LCT and TAS2R38 loci, we
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Snowbird Temporal Variation
Snowbird is another way that people use to call the northerner who moves to warmer places to live
temporally regarding to seasonal changes. According to the article, there are nearly 900,000 seasonal
residents who move into Florida for few months during winter time, which results a vital boost to
the local economy. (Marshall, 2016) After reading the article, it has clearly shown that the type of
temporal variation is falling under seasonality category. The temporal residents are likely to stay in
Florida mainly because they want to avoid the cold during winter season. There are three keys factor
that impact the temporal variation in the snowbird case, which are supply–driven perspectives,
socio–cultural factors and demand–oriented factors. With regards to capacity utilization, this article
focuses on the problem ... Show more content on ...
(Marshall, 2016) Also, large numbers of temporal resident cause lots of traffic jam in Florida.
(Marshall, 2016) Another resident have disappointedly said that "they are on vacation and have no
reason to get on the road in the early morning when it is typically rush hour causing a heavy traffic."
(Marshall, 2016) There are some solutions that could potentially address the temporal variation in
the Palm Beach Country. Pricing could be one of the relevant solutions. Setting different price for
different period of the day could spread the flow of visitors. For example: some restaurants offer
early–bird special to encourage customers to come during low period in the morning. Also, offering
a local pass including a tour to different attraction places within the area could be another way to
solve the temporal variation. With this way, the local travel agency could somehow control the flow
of visitors spread fairly among different places in order to mitigate the traffic of overflow
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Inherited Variation
Inherited variation is the way that you get one set of traits from your parents, such as eye color and
skin color, but another member in your family could look completely different. With each set of
genes, there is a certain percentage of you getting one trait or another, as long as in the set of traits
you may receive from your parents has a certain allele. For instance, if both of your parents have
brown hair, but your grandfather has blonde hair, that allele is still active. It's just recessive, or not as
prominent. So it still has a chance of showing up, but it is more likely that you will have brown hair,
since the allele for brown hair is dominant. However, while humans may not have any predators,
many other creatures do. For instance,
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The And Their Many Variations Essay
Feminisms and their many variations, have a bit of duplicity about them. Critiques of white
feminists, straight feminists, and many other identities, create never ending us vs them
conversations, leading many to view feminism as a dirty word that just pits people against each
other; instead of working towards change. Yet, many of the activities performed by feminist groups,
whether self–proclaimed as such or not, are going to be key in moving forward into the future.
Feminisms that focus on the intersectionality of more than one identity, not just gender, will be at
the forefront of new conversations and societal change. Their practices of consciousness raising,
education, sharing of experience and encompassing community well–being are fundamental in
understanding how individual experiences are inextricably linked together. My op–ed essay
Growing Up Rural: Insights into the Rural Trump Vote, is a combination of personal experience and
a call to action for others like to me be a catalyst for change.
When we consider Womanism, Chicana Feminism, The Third World Women's Alliance, NOW or
other groups that focus on women's issues, one thing that is common throughout is how personal
experience and local issues shape these movements. Likewise, these groups of women emphasize
the intersections of their identities as important to their feminism and issues that they were
concerned with. I was inspired by two vastly different readings in this class to write the essay. First,
was Taigi
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Variation Of Life Expectancy
One interesting question in mind is, "How long can I live?" Knowing how long one can live, or at
least have an idea about it may change people's way of living. People nowadays have grown more
conscious of their health, the environment their living in and their lifestyle.
According to Max Roser, life expectancy has increased rapidly since the Enlightenment. In a pre–
modern poor world, life expectancy was around 30 years in all regions of the world. In the early
century, life expectancy started to increase in the early industrialized countries while it stayed low in
the rest of the world. Over the last decades, global inequality of life expectancy has decreased. Since
1900, the global average life expectancy has more than doubled, and is now approaching 70 years.
Life expectancy refers to the number of years a person is expected to live base on the statistical
average. It differs by geographical area, and depends on several variables such as gender, lifestyle,
access to healthcare, economic growth rate, environment, etc. The concept of life expectancy has
been used in different fields such as plant or animal ecology, and actuarial science.
This project aims to determine the factors that could mostly explain the variation of life expectancy
per country through regression analysis. The explanatory variables considered are real GDP growth
rate, health care index, pollution index, traffic index, literacy rate and gender. The response variable
is the actual
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Human Variation Report
My interviewee, my mother was particularly interested in the topic of human variation and the
concept of race. My family is from the Deep South, so I knew the topic of race would spark a great
conversation. To begin the conversation, it took me a long time to explain to my mother how
everyone's origin is in Africa. After the lengthy discussion of human evolution, and how to look at
the topic outside of the religion aspect, my mother fully understood the idea of everyone's origin in
Africa and our common ancestor of Chimpanzees. Throughout the conversation, my mother was
able to grasp the idea of race and its importance to our society. With an increase in police brutality
and even the upcoming presidential election, race has become an overwhelming ... Show more
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Anthropology encompasses all of the major fields that America focuses on such as Biology,
Medicine, Computer Science, and so much more. Anthropology studies the processes of these major
fields, their development, and the involvement of humans in these fields. I have concluded that
Anthropology is the five W's of human existence, it is the, "Who, What, When, Where, and Why." It
explains every aspect of human life, yet the field is still on the backburner. As my mother and I
continued our conversation, I realized that if society paid more attention to Anthropology we could
use the research to explain many of the issues that plague society
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Inherited Genetic Variations
Inherited genetic variations may result from new genetic combinations through meiosis,
nondisjunction errors occurring during cell division and through mutations in the DNA of egg and
sperm cells.
Meiosis is a cell division that results in four daughter cells. The daughter cells have half the number
of chromosomes of the parent cells.In meiosis the Law of Independent Assortment states that the
alleles of one gene sort in gametes independently of the alleles of another gene. Meiosis increases
inherited genetic variation because during meiosis, homologous chromosomes each from one pair of
parents. The parents chromosomes cross over and and trade some genes when they break apart. This
recombination of forming together then breaking apart and
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Language Variation in Dutch
Final Project
Language variation in Dutch: A Case Study Conducted in Brabant Province, The Netherlands
The study of sociolinguistics has become interesting due to the scope of its study is very wide. Its
study is not only about the study of the language itself but also the context where the language is
being used and the society who use the language. Therefore, there are many aspects that can be
taken into consideration when the study of sociolinguistics is going to conducted. Those aspects are
the social context as well as social factors including social distance, social status, age, gender and
class. Furthermore, a language also appears varieties such as dialects, registers, and genres.
Before speaking, we tend to consider any aspects as part of social values in the community. This can
appear in a language we use in which we tend to speak differently in term of different dialects, or
genre in a different context for example, we speak differently to a teacher, close friends, elderly
people, or to our parents. The way we treat people differently in term of the use of language is might
be to show a respect, solidarity, or even a distance. In term of a distance, both social and
psychological distance can be shown through a language for instance, a student who speaks to a
friendly professor that is socially distant but psychologically close and to a very respected professor
that is socially and psychologically distant.
Due to Dutch as the subject of
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The Threat Of Global Warming
Ever since the twenty–first century, the injury and menace posed by global climate change to human
being has long been acknowledged by public. In the face of global warming, a series of resulting
problems inflict a serious threat on the nature environment, which is the material base of the human
being depending on. Therefore, climate change is no longer just a discipline problem but also has
gradually become a major social problem, which has draw a common concern for us humans.
During this, the resulting problems coming with the climate change has been transforming from
oneness to diversification, from being known to being unknown. Various new phenomena lead to the
change to human survival state. Most importantly, disaster in different ... Show more content on ...
On the contrary, it is generally agreed by the majority of scientists that human activities, especially
since the industrial revolution in 1840s, including the production of factories, the consumption of
customers, the using of land among others, makes the most contribution to the global warming. The
assessment report published by IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) in 2007 notes
that the likelihood of the human activities to be the causes of the climate change is more than 90 %.
The IPPC 's reports on climate change highlight how human activities have affected global
temperature in the past 50 years. There are the primary human activities that contribute to the
climate change.
One of many points is burning of fossil fuels results in a tremendous emission of green house gases
in the atmosphere. Since the Industrial Revolution in 19th, the demand of fossil fuels increase
sharply. Fossil fuels such as oil, coal and natural gas supply most of the energy neediness for
transportation, electricity generation and household heating. According to the IPCC's reports,
burning of fuels (world wide) produces around 21.3 billion tons (21.3 gigatons) of carbon dioxide
every year. Though part of the carbon dioxide exited in the human life circle would be absorbed
naturally, the remainder gets caught up in the atmosphere and contributes to global greenhouse gas
Another point is improper usage of land is also one of the most important factors that should draw
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Variation In Primate Behavior
In this article, "What does variation in primate behavior mean?" the author, Karen Strier describes
the general concept of intraspecific behavioral variation, in concerns towards the ability of primates
of all species to change and adapt to benefit and increase their future survival rate. Her analysis
details how "behavioral flexibility" within the primate world has been studied and understood for a
long period of time, but now along with the addition of intraspecific behavioral variation, there is a
realization of the potential threat to primate survival under new conditions including environmental
The information listed by Strier, is in a way collaboratively structured to provide a definition for
variation amongst specific primate
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Climate Changes And Climate Change Essay
Climate change could be described as any process that causes adjustment to climate system be it a
volcanic eruption to a change in the solar activity. Today, however, the phrase is most often used as
climate change caused by humans. Climate change is also used commonly with another phrase –
"global warming" – reflecting scientific observations of strong warming trends over the past century
or so. Indicators like rising sea levels, retreating snow cover and glaciers, longer growing seasons
and shifting wildlife has alarmed scientific community unanimously agreeing that the earth has
warmed in the last century. Experts however are of the opinion that climate change is a more
accurate phrase than global warming as the latter is just one component affecting the larger climate
systems of the earth.
Based on these facts we can consider: "that Climate change is a result of natural occurrences of the
adjustments done by the climate systems "or" a result of anthropogenic (man–made) factors leading
to an acceleration of global temperatures witnessed in the past century". Natural adjustments to
climate systems:
Scientists have discovered 'climate forcing's ' influence variations in climate systems and based on
the depth and period of such forcing's the adjustments to climate may be in a shorter or longer earth
cycle. Natural forcing's like variations in earth 's orbit, solar variation, volcanic eruptions and
motion of tectonic plates have influence on the Earth 's climate
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Copy Number Variations
What are Copy Number Variations (CNVs)?
Copy number variation (CNV) contributes immensely to human diversity and disease because it can
affect protein–coding genes. It is important to research copy number variations because we could
have the potential to assign pathogenicity to a particular CNV. Large CNVs were initially discovered
from "cytogenetic studies of individuals with Down syndrome and intellectual disability" (Ruderfer
et al., 2016, p. 1).
Why are CNVs Important to Research?
Technological advances in surveying changes in genetic dosage, along with the sequencing of the
human genome have led to improved resolution for detection of CNVs and other formsof structural
variation and implicated of copy number variation in various diseases. ... Show more content on ...
The data collected from ExAC consisted of targeted exome sequencing using XHMM. XHMM used
an algorithm to filter out individuals who were not likely to have the target genes for the CNV
calling. In total, they attempted CNV calling for 60,642 of the 60,706 ExAC samples, with the
remainder either having failed calling for low overall read depth or not included because of
technical issues. Genes were filtered out based on the type of chromosome, unusually low or high
mean coverage, multiallelic genes, and CNVs with a frequency greater than 0.5%. The authors then
presented a histogram of the number of copy number variations per individual, a 2D–density plot of
copy number variation number and length of CNVs, and a density plot of the amount of copy
number variation per individual. They also included a table of the number of total genes affected and
mean number of gene–level CNVs per individual, as well as two bar charts representing the data in
the table. The purpose of the statistical analysis and modeling included in the paper was to show a
data–driven way for approximating the likely deleteriousness of genic CNVs.
The authors concluded that "combination of CNV intolerance scores with other measures of genic likely to yield better and more general metrics for assessing the likely impact of...
genic variant, leading to improved interpretation of personal
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Psychedelic Variation
Many differences exist in individuals as of how one perceives the environment, such as, sensing
different chemicals. Several studies have shown that not every individual has the ability of tasting
phenylthiocarbamide, also known as PTC. PTC was accidentally discovered in 1930 when Arthur
Fox unintentionally released a large quantity of PTC in his laboratory. He noticed that some people
could taste the bitterness of the PTC, while others could not. Bitterness is one of the five tastes a
human can distinguish through taste receptors on the tongue. These receptors serve as a defense
mechanism of possible intakes that may be toxic. The ability to taste bitterness will most likely
decrease the possibility of consuming something that is toxic. However, ... Show more content on ...
Each human carries two copies of the PTC gene, which whose combination justifies whether the
individual can taste the bitterness or not (Drayna, 2005). There are two alleles of the PTC gene in
which an individual can carry two taster alleles (TT), two non–taster alleles (tt), or one of each (Tt).
The allelic variation that detects the PTC tasting is located in over 5 to 7 chromosomes (Bufe,
2005). Like many others traits, the sensitivity to PTC is hereditary (Suzuki et al., 2010). There are
specific genotypes that determine the individual's ability to taste the bitterness of the PTC. If the
bitterness can be tasted, it means the individual has a dominant allele inherited from either parent
(Wooding et al., 2004). The ability to taste PTC has been widely studied as a Mendelian trait.
Surveys have been done regarding the genetics of taste by classifying the tasters and non–tasters of
PTC. By analyzing the statistical results, it was discovered that the ability to taste PTC is dominant.
However, this may vary between men and women. Studies have also shown that women are more
sensitive to PTC than men, therefore, it may be that PTC tasting is related to the levels of
dithiotyrosine in the saliva. If only certain people can taste the chemicals of PTC bitterly, then more
women will be able to taste PTC then men
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Disadvantages Of Somaclonal Variation
Somaclonal variation However, one of the major problems of many tissue cultured plants is
somaclonal variation. It is the variation originating in cell and tissue cultures (Larkin and Scowcroft,
1981). The growth of plant cells in vitro and their regeneration into whole plants is an asexual
process which involves only mitotic division of the cell. Therefore, theoretically, it should not cause
any variation. Ideally, it is expected to get clonal multiplication of genetically uniform plants.
However, due to somaclonal variation, uncontrolled and random spontaneous variation occurs
during the culture process. On the other hand, somaclonal variation also has its advantages. It is
useful in crop improvement through creation of novel variants. Induced somaclonal variation is used
for genetic manipulation of crops with polygenic traits (Jain, 2001). It can also be a vital tool for
plant breeding via generation of new varieties. This could exhibit disease resistance, improvement in
quality and give a better yield of the plants. Somaclonal variants may vary from the source plant
permanently or temporarily. Temporary changes result from epigenetic or physiological effects and
are non–heritable and reversible but, permanent variants are heritable and often represent an
expression of pre–existing variation in the source plant or are due to the de novo ... Show more
content on ...
Insensitivity to mycotoxins produced by plant pathogens can be applied as a marker for the early
screening of segregating populations within conventional and modern breeding programmes in
many host–pathogen systems. This technique requires some knowledge about the correlation
between sensitivity to toxins and susceptibility of plants to the pathogens that produce them. Such
correlation need to be highly significant if the expected outcome is to select resistant plants within a
long–term breeding program (Hadrami et al.,
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Infraspecific Variation Essay
Because, previous studies (e.g. Radušienė and Janulis, 2004) showed that most of the raw material
of commercial medicinal and aromatic species yet being collected from spontaneous populations in
many parts of the world. Although, samples of some medicinal and aromatic herbs are cultured.
These populations were selected from different regions of the country; therefore some degrees of
infraspecific variations were expected. These types of variations are seen in different genus as well
as families. Lukovic et al. (2009) stated that plants respond to environmental variations, particularly
to water availability through morphological, anatomical and biochemical adjustments that help them
cope with such variations. for example, Pereira et al. ... Show more content on ...
Moreover, Tehran and Polor populations were far from each other. It seems that these populations
had different taxonomic rank from the rest or at least were ecotypes.
The essential oil compositions and their percentages differed between the studied populations. The
major parts of oil highly varied between the samples. Various studies (e.g. Figueiredo et al., 2008;
Lakuŝić et al., 2012) proved that populations of the same species collected from different habitat
have diverse essential oil composition. Because, the essential oils biosynthesis is under the influence
of many abiotic and biotic factors. Formisano et al., (2015) stated the plant phytochemical
composition is strongly influenced by the environment condition, and this is particularly true for
medicinal herbs.
Sesquiterpene hydrocarbon, oxygenated hydrocarbon, monoterpene hydrocarbon and oxygenated
monoterpene constituted major parts of essential oil. The mounts of these compounds widely
differed between the examined samples; therefore, the profile of essential oil compositions differed
between the examined samples. Glynn et al., (2007) reported variations of terpene content with
environmental stress. The growth–differentiation balance hypothesis postulates that there is a
physiological trade–off between growth and secondary metabolism.
These variations were
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Variations of the Game of Cricket
Trobriand cricket, engaged by Trobriand Islanders, has been referred to as a distinct variation of
standard cricket. Christian missionaries originally introduced cricket to the islands as a sport to
discourage war among the populace. The sport has been extensively modified by the Trobriand
society through increasing the amount of players, dancing, chanting, and adjusted bats and balls. As
the game of cricket substituted war among the people of the island when war was forbidden, it has
incorporated most of the older traditions linked with war for the Trobriand nation. The sport also
reflects the objective of pride instead of ceremonial tradition, which was introduced to islands by
their British conqueror and the American soldier during World War II.
The Trobrianders of Papua New Guinea were usually horticulturists who demonstrated and achieved
prestige and manhood throughout contest. These rivalries included the ability to plant yams, the skill
of making good trades and acquiring valuables, and maintaining the strength of a fighter.
Conversely, when Europeans missionaries occupied the island, the Trobrianders were required to
give up their tradition of warfare. When this happened, they lost a cultural outlet necessary to
preserve the political society and equilibrium of power between the Australasian islands. In order to
complement this loss, the missionaries initiated the game of cricket to the islanders, soothing their
competitive character. Even though this game was
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Capitalistism And Capitalism
Climate change is the most pressing issue humanity faces today, in the 21st century. Global climate
change is the single most serious issue as well as the most difficult to deal with. While citizens
continue to debate whether climate change is real, the effects of it, and how drastic it is, scientists
almost unanimously agree that the climate is changing and we must do something to counteract this
change. The consensus amongst scientist is the current ways we are living are not sustainable. This
paper aims to take a closer look at capitalism as an economic structure and how countries that
follow a capitalistic model interact with the environment. A key question I want to raise is this a
sustainable model consider the state of the environment. I will examine how capitalistic structures
impact cultural and individual behavior, preferences, mindset, and properties. To show how, in turn
these affect and interact with the environment. I argue that following a system such as capitalism
creates a mindset and set priorities in a way that is not sustainable. The evidence of climate change
is becoming overwhelming clear, along with the evidence that it is human induced. Common
attempts to debunk climate change and humans causing it have been disproven. These attempts
include but are not limited to: Tectonic processes, orbital variations, volcanoes, and solar variability
(Dressler and Parsons, 2006). In their writing, Parsons and Dressler prove each of these to not be
reasons of
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Pathophysiological Variations
Though all these histological variations has been described in placentae of GDM patients,
authorized texts states that it can be histologically normal in about half of the cases .When they are
abnormal, diabetic placentae tend to be large and heavy, with large and oedematous umbilical cords.
Villi in the larger placentae often show chorangiosis and distal villous immaturity ie, large distal
villi with increased central capillaries, macrophages, and interstitial fluid25
When you look into the possible pathophysiological mechanisms that might have caused this
histological changes, the insulin/IGF[ ] system has been implicated in several of the alterations
noted placentae of patients with maternal diabetes. The placenta is richly endowed with IR and
IGF1R, and serves as the tissue of origin for isolation of the receptor proteins. Both receptors are
located on distinct placental surfaces, thus enabling maternal and/or fetal insulin, IGF1 and IGF2 to
affect placental function and development. Therefore, in a pregnancy complicated by diabetes,
altered insulin, IGF and IGFBP levels are most likely to influence ... Show more content on ...
Differently from trophoblasts at term (Schmon et al. 1991), glycogen synthesis is up–regulated by
insulin in endothelial cells (Desoye&Hauguel–de Mouzon, 2007). This is paralleled by the
observation of increased glycogen deposit around the placental vessels in maternal diabetes (Jones
&Desoye, 1993). The function of these glycogen deposits remains to be determined, although the
supply of energy to cover local demands of endothelial cells and pericytes to perform transport and
contractile functions may be hypothesized. Insulin was also reported to stimulate lipid deposition
and the formation of lipid droplets in term trophoblasts (Elchalal et al. 2005). This may explain the
increase in phospholipid and triglyceride content in placentas from GDM and type one diabetes
pregnancies (Diamant et al.
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Eastern Variations Of Cinderella
Folk tale is a valuable fortune of human beings, giving readers a closer exposure to cultures all over
the world. One of the most popular folk tale is Cinderella – a story about a good girl facing
persecution of her cruel stepmother and sister. Almost all Cinderella versions in the world share the
same themes and motifs but the function of plots and motifs might perform differently in distinctive
local cultural contexts. Two Eastern variations of Cinderella – Tam Cam and Neang Angkat in
Vietnam and Cambodia respectively are typical examples. The two stories are similar in terms of
theme, motif of magical help and presence of Buddhist beliefs. However, regarding the specific
reincarnation, supernatural power and endings, they do not completely ... Show more content on ...
First of all, though both having been influenced by Buddhism, the reincarnations of main characters
in the two stories are somehow different because they are also affected by other ideologies and
cultures. In Vietnamese Tam Cam, Tam undergo four times of reincarnation (a nightingale, a white
cedar tree, a wooden loom and a persimmon fruit) whereas in Neang Angkat, the girl reborns two
times. The reincarnation process of Tam is linked with Confucian ideology of female virtues and
behaviour. For instance, her transformation from a persimmon fruit into a human shape to do the
housework and cook for the old woman represents the virtue of skillful of work, which is one of
four Confucian virtues that Vietnamese women need to obtain (Bui, 2009). Differently, two forms of
reincarnation in Cambodian Cinderella – a banana tree and a grove of bamboo only describe two
symbolic images of this eastern country. Another difference is the supernatural power. Whereas the
"Bụt" in Tam Cam stands for the Buddha, the Spirit of Virtue in Cambodia's Neang Angkat is said to
be stand–in for her dead mother (Bettelheim, 1974). The Bụt is a religious image, appearing in many
other folk lores in Vietnam and willing to help whoever encounter difficulties while the Spirit of
Virtue in Neang Angkat is just a symbol of motherhood. It is the strong and eternal love of the dead
mother that helps Angkat
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Genetic Variation Paper
Genetic variation is a topic that has come towards the forefront of discussion as we learn more about
genetics. Genetic variation is the variation of alleles in the gene pool. Specifically, in this paper, I
will be focusing on the genetic variance of large population sizes and small population sizes in the
same species. It has become widely accepted that if the population size is smaller than the genetic
variance is smaller as well, thus leading to these smaller populations not being able to adapt to
changing environments. This paper will be looking at how population size has no effect on genetic
variety in a habitat generalist species, while a smaller population size in a habitat specialist species
will have lower genetic variance.
Genetic ... Show more content on ...
One study shows an example of this by looking at the effects of plant secondary compound toxicity
on a generalist herbivore and a specialist herbivore (Torregrossa 2011). Plant secondary compounds
are chemicals plants produce to help protect themselves. The two species that the researchers
collected were Neotoma stephensi, who is a specialist, and Neotoma albigula, who is a generalist.
The researchers then collected Juniperus monosperma which has high concentrations of plant
secondary compounds. The researchers then gave food to the Neotomas in different concentrations
of the Juniperus plant. After the animals ate the food overnight the researchers measured how much
food the animal consumed per meal, how much time the animals took between meals, and the
amount of water intake the animals had. It was found that the specialist did not change any eating or
drinking habits with the increased concentration of the Juniperus plant.The generalist, however,
would eat less per meal, take more time in between meals, and drink more water as the Juniperus
plant's concentration increased in their food. This study shows that a generalist species interacts with
variables in an environment differently than a specialist
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Essay on Global Warming: Impact of Climate Change on the...
Every place, country, city, region has its own climate. Climate plays one of the important roles in
people's life. Climate is defined as the average weather, which means variety of weather conditions
as rain, snow, hail, sun, and wind over period of time about 30 years that can be measured in any
particular place.( IPCC Third Assessment Report – Climate Change 2001; editor:A.P.Baede)
Climate change is a variation of average weather. There are 2 causes of climate change. The first is
human activity which includes deforestation, burning fossil fuels, agriculture, transportation and
infrastructure. The second is natural causes which include volcanic eruptions and variations in solar
outputs. These causes have negative effect on the natural ... Show more content on
By climatologists' evidence there are two causes with several factors that have a response for the
Earth's climate. They are: human activity which includes deforestation, burning fossil fuels,
agriculture, transportation and infrastructure, and natural causes which include volcanic eruptions
and variations in solar output. (Pidwirny. 2006).
Human activity affects on greenhouse gases, which has negative consequences on many things.
Currently the concentration of greenhouse gases increases. Carbon dioxide(CO2 ), nitrous
oxide(N2O), sulfur dioxide(SO2) and methane(CH4) are the main greenhouse gases (Berrou et al.
2010, 217). Agriculture and energy activities make the concentration of methane to rise. Land use
changes, agriculture and industrial process influence on nitrous oxide concentration. Agriculture,
deforestation and burning of fossil fuels for energy affect on the concentration of carbon dioxide.
Coal burning, power stations and burning of biomass emit sulfur dioxide (Carter 2000, 34). All of
these greenhouse gases have dramatically increased because of the industrial revolution which took
the last 200 years (Carter 2000, 34).
Comparing with other gases carbon dioxide is more responsible for the greenhouse effect (Pidwirny.
2006). Carbon dioxide is emitted from such processes like deforestation, the burning of coal, oil,
gas, and through the carbon cycle. One more important greenhouse gas is methane.
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Difference Between Anthropogenic Climate Change And...
Difference between Anthropogenic Climate Change, and Natural Climate Variability.
Hugonette Theron
Geography: Climatology
Table of Content
1.) Natural Climate Variability
1.1. Extensive Definition of Natural Climate Variability
1.2. Causes of Natural Climate Variability
2.) Anthropogenic Climate Change
2.1. Detailed Definition of Anthropogenic Climate Change
2.2. Causes of Anthropogenic Climate Change
2.3. Impact of Human Activities on the Climate Change
In the study of climatology, there can be distinguished between natural climate variability and
anthropogenic climate change. According to the Parliament of Australia (2010) natural climate
variability is the influence ... Show more content on ...
It is natural factors leading to the variability in climate. According to Bréon (2013:894)
processes within the climate system is caused by internal variation in climate. These processes are
usually measured in decadal to centennial time scales. Climate variability can be caused externally,
internally, naturally or by humans. Thus is natural climate variability the variation of the earth's
climate caused by natural factors.
The best examples of natural climate variability are the El Niño and La Niña phenomenon's.
According to the Australian Government (2012:2) El Niño and La Niña arise when the normal state
of the atmosphere and the Pacific Ocean changes for a few seasons. According to this source El
Niño is when the eastern and central tropical Pacific warms up, and La Niña is the cooling of these
same areas. These two phenomenon's have a distinct impact on the rainfall patterns and climate of
the world. A good example is when South Africa suffered severe drought during 2016 when an El
Niño was present.
1.2 Causes of Natural Climate Variability
In the previous paragraph there was looked at a more extensive definition of natural climate
variability. Next the causes of natural climate variability will be given. According to the
Government of Canada (2015) the causes of natural climate variability can vary between
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Variations in the Experience of Depression
Gender Differences in Depression This focus elaborates the place of gender in determining
depression levels. It states that females experience twice as much depression as men. This is as a
result of social forces and cognitive behavioral differences between women and men. The focus
notes that women in communities with distinct traditional gender roles tend to have higher stress
levels than societies where there are no major divides between gender roles. There are various
factors that cause women to have higher stress levels than men: First, girls experience more
childhood sexual violence than boys, secondly, in adulthood, women are at a higher risk of being
exposed to stressors such as poverty than men, thirdly, acceptance of social roles hit hard on women;
for example, girls worry about their body image and how boys perceive them. Fourthly, social roles
hinder women from pursuing their dreams in many communities; lastly, women give high weight to
interpersonal relationships such that when the relationships do not work out for them they get
disappointed. The issue of women experiencing higher incidence of depression is real. This is
because of the natural differences that make women the weaker sex; this makes them mores
susceptible to depression. Moreover, gender disparities imminent in some societies discriminate
against women; this discrimination makes them more prone to depression. However, with more and
more societies getting civilized and embracing gender equity, the
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Public Opinion On The Topic Of Climate Change Remains Divided
Public opinion on the topic of climate change remains divided despite over two decades worth of
research and a strong consensus in the scientific community (Deryugina and Shurchkov, 2016). In
an experimental survey, the authors tested whether providing the public with information based on
scientific agreement on the occurrence and causes of climate change would affect the respondent's
beliefs. They found that not only did the public significantly underestimate the extent of the
scientific consensus, the survey also indicated that those who were given concrete information about
scientist's views were more likely to report believing that climate change was already happening and
that it was caused by humans. Moreover, the results concluded ... Show more content on ...
1). There are several natural causes which will dictate which direction and by what amount the
temperature changes. Some of these changes are more permanent, most are temporary. One natural
cause of climate change is solar irradiance, a measurement of solar power received from the sun and
measured at the Earth. Studies have shown that changes in solar irradiance have contributed to
climate trends in the past. According to National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), an
example of this is the Little Ice Age, which was a period of regionally cold conditions between 1650
to 1850, that is thought to have been possibly triggered by a decrease in solar output from the sun.
Be that as it may, NASA also states that since 1750, the average amount of energy coming from the
sun has either remained constant or increased only slightly, therefore changes in solar irradiance
cannot explain current global warming data (2017, Solar irradiance section). Likewise, volcanism,
another example of a natural cause of climate change, is also regarded by some scientists as being
the origin of the Little Ice Age. During volcanic eruptions, tiny particles called aerosols are emitted
into the atmosphere. Once in the atmosphere, aerosols reflect solar radiation back into space which
cools the planet. In his article," Causes of Climate Change Over the Past 1000 Years", Crowley
(2000) explains that between 1400 to 1850, volcanic contribution indicated an
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Global Climate Change Essay
The believed outcome of Global Climate Change(GCC) by many people is not a good one. However
it will not be as bad as 40 foot swell in the sea level, huge thunder storms, or satanic hurricanes. Yes,
the world is changing, and changing in ways that we have yet to fully understand. Many people do
believe that the current trend of our planet's climate will inevitably end in the destruction of the
earth as we know it and out of those people most believe it is entirely humans' fault. The human not
the main cause of global climate change or reason for long term GCC. In fact the recent "increase"
in world temperature is just plain wrong.
The facts is that the earth's climate is changing. There is no denying that. It's always changing. From
... Show more content on ...
The Glaciers and snowy mountains are also disappearing. In 1910 Montana's Glacier park had 150
glaciers compared to today where they now only have 27[Global Warming Fast Facts]. Another
thing that is highly affected climate change are Coral reefs they are very sensitive to small
temperature changes and the slight gains of PH in the water. The main sign that a coral reef is
dyeing is that they will bleach, turn an off–white color. A survey of the coral reefs in 1998 showed
some reefs had been 70% bleached[Global Warming Fast Facts].
Many people will point out how the weather seems to be getting worse. For example, there are more
and forest fires[Global Warming Fast Facts]. However they are wrong; most forest fires are not a
result of the environment changing but by humans and they are getting worse because of humans but
not for the obvious reasons. Forest fires are getting worse because we have put them out. Many
forest fires that would become big are put out before they get very far but every time a small forest
fire gets put out it will mean more underbrush builds up and after years of building up an
uncontrollable forest fire starts up and does allot more damage than the lots of little fires would have
caused[Discovery Education Classroom Resources].
Some experts will point out heat
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Behavioral Variation Paper
Pepperberg, Snowdon, Shelton, Martins and Burghardt (2017), went over behavioral variation,
adaptation and evolution among individual organisms. Individual animals behave differently from
each other for extrinsic reasons, and this behavioral variation is the raw substrate for evolutionary
change. Behavioral variation can both enhance and constrain long–term evolution, and it provides
the basic materials on which natural and sexual selection can act. A rich body of historical
experimental and conceptual foundations precedes many of the topics discussed. This classic
literature is vast and important, and we encourage the reader to examine it in detail because we
discuss more recent literature. For example, the study of the mechanisms that underlie ... Show more
content on ...
Similarly, the study of individual differences has a rich history situated in the areas of behavioral
genetics, sociobiology, behavioral ecology, developmental psychology, personality theory, and
studies of learning and cognition. Each area has its own goals, associated techniques, and levels of
explanation. The study of behavioral variation during early development, for instance, has been
documented primarily by psychologists studying proximate mechanisms in laboratory animal
models, whereas the study of different adult morphs using the adaptationist perspective has been
dominated by behavioral ecologists examining natural populations. A more complete description of
individual differences requires an integrative study of the mechanisms that guide intraindividual
flexibility and the associated adaptive fine tuning of behavioral types. It is through this integration
that researchers can make predictions about the response of different individual phenotypes, groups,
populations, and species to novel
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Human Biological Variations

  • 1. Human Biological Variations Stated in on page 34," human biological variations can be genetic or phenotype" (Brown.Barrett). What it state is that we can identified ourselves by looking at patterns in one group or community and see the differences among them. From the environment aspect we notice the differences in health nutrition, illness and death. These factors play a huge impact because when we talk about genetic we are talking about how people may be from the same place, but because they migrant they may change according to the growth of the variation that impacts their environment, their culture behaviors and conditions, their physical and social conditions and their genetic factor. When we talk about how the environment plays a role in human variation we can ... Show more content on ... Furthermore the way human variations plays a role culture wise looks to how different human societies teach and learn different values. A great example is how different societies view circumcision. Many people don't believe in circumcising the males because of the social values and religion. Because of their experience and in their regional or societies they more likely to inherit those trait and values. We see the influence of parents and how it affect young child today. In the means of how they view punishment, religion and how they interact with people. There factor will influence and influence their children because they are pass down from generation from generation. Their culture values and rules are set and are imbedded. Prime example is the debate on how society views have the LGBT communities and how the world is divide on that issues. We have seen a lot of changes but still many communities have refuse to teach young children about this issues that affect many young and old adults. In all, human variation touches base on all human traits and beings. It how we has an society accept and treat how we view the world and the context of others and how it have a direct impact on how we learn to function within any state, community, country and ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Dominic's Variation Of Masks Dominic lives a variety of lives, wearing a variation of masks throughout. By day, he is a prosecutor in Austin, Texas, and by night he plays music at the Norman Pub (Pryor 11); but underneath it all, he is a psychopath. Generally this means, he doesn't process, or display emotions like a typical person would. Instead, Dominic "can [only] feel some of them, ones like anger, disappointment, and lust. ... Emotions [tying him] to others, like compassion, love, or even fear, ... [he] doesn't feel" (Pryor 28). However, just because Dominic doesn't naturally experience these emotions, that doesn't mean that he isn't capable of falsifying them. In fact, he's had some practice; "[he's] been pretending since [he] was a kid, and [believes] his success in ... Show more content on ... He recalls a traumatic event from when he was eleven years old, mentioning an old friend, Arthur "Artie" Halliwell, and their meet ups in the school's music room. He recounts "[o]ne afternoon, about six weeks into the summer term, the music teacher[, Mr. Flowers] found [them] up there[; he was the type who would, w]hen [teaching] the young boys guitar, have them sit on his lap so he could 'make sure they had perfect form'. That Sunday, he just watched [Dominic and Artie] play[,]" (Pryor 229) but "[Dominic] knew instinctively something was wrong when [Mr. Flowers] asked [him] to leave and come back later so he could give Artie some private lessons ... For the remainder of the summer term, [Dominic] saw less and less of Artie. He sat quietly in class and didn't speak[;] on the few occasions [Dominic] asked if he wanted to go to the music room, he just shook his head" (Pryor 230–231). Although the sexual assault covertly taking place was not directly affecting Dominic, he was still unquestionably troubled. Courtney E. Ahrens, and Rebecca Campbell conducted a survey of 60 friends of adult rape victims; out of all the participants, 96.6% felt angry at the perpetrator, 71.7% felt shocked, and 68.3% wanted to get even (Morrison et al.) Even typical people who witness sexual abuse in their friends experience these emotions, but few act on it; Dominic's first violent gesture was just that. "John ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Variation and Its Causes Variation The divergence in a set of numbers in a given data range is referred to as variation. It has common measures including variance, standard deviation and inter–quartile range that are used in measuring variation among a set of data. Causes of variation In research data analysis, evidence suggests that the main cause of data variation is measurement error, especially f the instruments used are not guaranteed to provide accurate results (Jianqing, 1991). Nonetheless, chances of errors may occur during data interpretation, recording and, or when reporting the results. These are accredited to false assumptions that the measured quantity is stable and that the variation are based on observational errors. Patterns of Variation There are various patterns representative of variation. However, a bell–shaped curve is the most widely used variation pattern and is considered the normal curve. In this curve, the highest point is indicative of the most probable occurrence. The other curve pattern is bi–modal curve, which is dual peaked. This pattern easily identifies a process with a special cause of variation and, which has undergone some changes. Variation pattern can also take the form of a skewed curve that resembles a normal curve forced to lie on its sides. This is primarily a representation of data that is not identical on both sides. Understanding Variation Variation is all around people. There are variations in the ability to undertake functions; ways of ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Allele Variation Of The Gene Many researchers have studied the short allele variation of the gene. Though most of have different views of how the serotonin transporter gene is related to emotions, most agree that the gene has some factor in emotion regulation. Some focus on the gene being a factor in the amount of depression, anxiety, and stress. (insert citation) Others explore the gene determining the amount of satisfaction within a person's life. (insert citation) Some also explore the possible solutions or affects that could change the negative impact the short allele gene has on the way we think. (insert citation) The results of these experiments play a role in the discovery and evidence of the gene having a link to our emotions. In one of the academic peer ... Show more content on ... The scale measures the fear and avoidance in social and performance situations. They then gathered DNA from the volunteers from leukocytes. The results from these methods of research showed that lower expressing serotonin polymorphism genotypes were associated with decreased reappraisal and increase social anxiety. But, not only did they state this information, they gave a possible solution for increasing or bettering reappraisal. Through cognitive–behavioral psychotherapy low–expressing genotypes can improve. Since serotonin plays a big role in how we process and regulate emotions the researchers (insert citation) wanted to see how the fear–stimuli affects the serotonin polymorphism region. The main thing they were focusing on was selective attention differences based on the different variation of the serotonin transporter gene. In their experiment the tested fifty healthy female students of European descent. They were genotyped by polymerase reaction and gel electrophoresis before the procedure of the experiment was done. The procedure was done by a dot probe task. Twenty pictures of spiders and 40 pictures of chairs were displayed in pairs, side by side on a computer screen. The participants were required to differentiate the target by pressing the button corresponding it. The picture pairs were shown at different speeds, which included 500 ms, 1,250 ms, and 2000 ms. Conditions of ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. The Variation Of Sugar-Collides The sugar–gliders genes coded for them to develop the ability to fly. This variation allowed them to find more food sources they previously wouldn't have had access to. They may have needed more food supllies because of competition in their environment. Therefore, this variation is valuable to the sugar–gliders because it prolongs their health and life, which is benefical to their reproductive success as they can pass on this gene for flying to future offspring. This variation to the prosimian's chromites might have formed because poisonous berries started growing in their environment. These posionous berries may only be detected because they are a different colour from the others which is why chromites became nessasary. Their competition ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Essay on Variation On A Theme I could not find my keys anywhere, this was not helping my situation. I was already late for work and with my current weekly track record, one more tardy day that week would cause me to get fired. My apartment was already a mess without me uprooting every pile of clothes to find my keys. I looked out my window while midst my self created turmoil to see storm clouds forming. This could possibly give me an excuse as to why I was late. When I turned around I saw my cat Randal getting up from his nap, his departing mass revealed my keys. I didn't have time to comprehend the absurdity of this and I grabbed them and left. Being on the top level of my apartment building was a luxury with the exception of the lack of an elevator. I reached my car ... Show more content on ... Rumors around the office had been lightly surfacing for a few weeks about how people were being fired because of various petty mistakes. And I was sure I would be too for my late streak. At 5:00 PM I left work and headed home. I would be up late tonight because of a deadline for a new design. As I worked through the night I pondered the rumors and why I was not let go. But the next morning the answer made itself bluntly clear. As I was getting ready for work I received an email from my boss. It stated, "We at Calgary Design sincerely thank you for your service at the company, but the constant and quality record of customer satisfaction is sinking. We are losing clients often and little income is being brought in. It is with this note that we inform you that we will no longer require your services at this company." My spirits sank as I read the the email and I found myself on the floor of my apartment once I had finished. I perused the email information and was shocked with what I saw. The email had been sent to 28 out of the 53 employees that worked my floor, and no doubt many more working at the three floor complex. This was my dream job, and I didn't have any back up plan for being laid off. Randal must have sensed my anguish as he meandered towards me and curled up on my chest. After about an hour of lying still in thought I eventually mustered up enough courage to go to work and retrieve all of my belongings. ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Global Warming Is Just A Natural Cycle? "What if global warming is just a natural cycle?" This argument is, perhaps, one of the most common raised by the average person, rather than someone who makes a career out of denying climate change. Cyclical variations in climate are well–known to the public; we all studied the ice ages in school. However, climate isn 't inherently cyclical. A common misunderstanding of the climate system characterizes it like a pendulum. The planet will warm up to "cancel out" a previous period of cooling, spurred by some internal equilibrium. This view of the climate is incorrect. Internal variability will move energy between the ocean and the atmosphere, causing short–term warming and cooling of the surface in events such as El Nino and La Nina, and longer–term changes when similar cycles operate on decadal scales. However, internal forces do not cause climate change. Appreciable changes in climate are the result of changes in the energy balance of the Earth, which requires "external" forcings, such as changes in solar output, albedo, and atmospheric greenhouse gases. These forcings can be cyclical, as they are in the ice ages, but they can come in different shapes entirely. For this reason, "it 's just a natural cycle" is a bit of a cop–out argument. The Earth doesn 't warm up because it feels like it. It warms up because something forces it to. Scientists keep track of natural forcings, but the observed warming of the planet over the second half of the 20th century can only be ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Stroke Volume Variation Strokes are the fifth leading cause of death in the United States. There are many instances when strokes are preventable. Stroke recovery is a process that lasts a lifetime. Many stroke victims are no longer able to help themselves afterwards. A team of people from a hospital in Osaka, Japan decided to see if stroke volume variation could be used as a predictor of fluid responsiveness in patients undergoing airway pressure release ventilation. Stroke volume variation is the naturally occurring sensation in which the arterial pulse pressure rises and falls during breathing due to changes in ventilation. In this study, patients that had been ventilated in the intensive care unit from April to November of 2010 were included. There were few ways that the person could be excluded, these were if the patient had cardiac arrhythmias or severe obesity. All of the patients were monitored vary closely, such as with an electrocardiogram, invasive and non–invasive arterial pressure, and percutaneous ... Show more content on ... For critically ill patients this could mean a major breakthrough. The findings of this research study indicate that patients, like those in the study, will have a better response to fluids to a certain degree. This could lead to progression in the well–being of those critically ill after having a stroke. Working in nursing homes can show a person awfully fast how many people are affected by strokes, blood pressure, heart rates, etc. A research study, such as this one, could go a long way to helping these patients have a better outcome. Critically ill patients need something like this so they can be better cared for in the long run. At times this research was a bit confusing, but overall, I hope this research is further looked into and further studied to better the well–being of those I take care of in my line of ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Climate Change : The Relationship Between Weather And Climate Attention has begun to shift from local, short–term seasonal patterns of temperature, rainfall, other elements of the weather, toward longer–term trends that can affect the entire Earth, se long–term (typically 30–year) weather trends are called "climate." It is therefore important understand the difference, as well as the relation, between "weather" and "climate." An example of the relationship between weather and climate is El Nino, which is weather with local, short–term consequences as well as with global, long–term importance. In the ort–term. El Nino can bring a dry summer for some regions and a wet winter for others; however, over the course of many years, the number of times El Nino conditions occur may decade changes in the global climate. Variations in the behaviour of the weather over long time periods, such as from one century another, are referred to as climate change. Climate itself adjusts from the times of 'ice ages,' hen huge ice sheets covered large areas that are currently ice–free, to periods similar to today hen ice sheets are largely confined to Antarctica, Greenland, and the floating Arctic sea ice. Paleo–climate records indicate that much of the climate changes over the last two million years occured in a rather cyclical manner; with glacial periods lasting roughly 100,000 years with warmer interglacial periods of 10,000 years occurring in between. The sun, of course, is the ultimate source of heat energy reaching the Earth, fueling our weather systems, and establishing our major climate zones. There is, however, good evidence that larger variations in the sun's activity do occur. For example, during the last half of the 17th century, there was a period of greatly reduced solar activity. This was also a time of harsh winters and extended bitter cold referred to as the Little Ice Age. Scientists do not yet understand the underlying cause of such larger scale variations in solar activity, but do know that they can play a key role in shaping the Earth's climate. Global climate has been changing and still continue to change. Over a long period of time, climatic fluctuations may be such that, a shift in type of climate prevailing over a given area, takes place. In that case, we talk of a ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Explain Variations In Health Explaining variations in health and illness Cliodhna Kavanagh 12387056 Bsc Physiotherapy There are many variations in health and illness across the world and variations within individual societies. A variation is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as "a change or slight difference in condition, amount, or level, typically within certain limits". The WHO identifies some of the factors that cause inequality and variations in health in a society to be income, education, occupation, gender and race/ethnicity. For the purpose of this essay I will discuss social class, gender inequality and education. One of the main factors that influences health variations in the world is a person's social class. According to the WHO, "The conditions in which people live and work can help create and destroy their health". In general, mortality rate and social class are inversely proportional: the lower the level of social class, the higher the mortality rate. ... Show more content on ... For example, maternal education is extremely important in both the developing and developed worlds to ensure infant, child and maternal health. According to Cutler et al (2006), well educated mothers are less likely to have underweight babies, and their babies are less likely to die within their first year of life. The parent–child influence also works conversely as educated children have an effect on the health of their parents. It has been shown that the parents of more educated children are more likely to quit smoking (Field, 2005). An educated spouse can also have a large influence on the health of their partner, for example Egeland et al (2002) suggests that those with educated spouses have a lower mortality rate. This may be due to the influence a spouse can have on the health behaviours of their partners such as drinking and smoking (Monden, ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Genomic Variations Genetic and genomic variations are being taken into consideration when referring to nursing interventions for patients. In the discussion paper, "Individual Genetic and Genomic Variation: A New Opportunity for Personalized Nursing Interventions" by Munro (2014), the author examines the potential for genetic and genomic variations being incorporated into nursing interventions for patients. According to Tremblay and Hamet, "Genomics include interactions among genes, intergenic regions, epigenetic factors and environmental factors" (As cited in Munro, 2014, p. 36). The study of these genomics revealed that genomes are able to respond to environmental influences. Complicated genome–environmental interactions could be presented by cancer, diabetes ... Show more content on ... Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is the leading cause of death among men and women in the United States. There is a higher chance of CHD affecting men, therefore when CHD affects women there are less interventions and poorer recognition of this disease. The study "Women's Experiences of Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery" by Banner (2011), it explores the lived experiences of women before and after CABG surgery. This study included thirty women aged between 53 and 80 years old who were interviewed before and after their surgery. Prior to surgery, these women were reluctant to seek medical attention when they were not feeling good. Instead, they often sought the advice of friends and family members. However, talking about their condition made the women feel more anxious, fearful, insecure and more "reluctant to discuss these worries with loved ones partly to preserve normal family relationships and to decrease their anxieties" (p. 923). Banner states that "symptoms were frequently ignored being attributed to other less serious causes, chronic conditions or to advancing age" (p. 922). The patients did not seek medical attention for their symptoms until the symptoms disrupted their lives. When they finally sought medical attention their descriptions of their symptoms were very and vague therefore led to inaccurate diagnoses. After surgery these women felt they were able to return to normal ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Random Variation Paper Think of something that you might want to measure that is affected by random variation. Identify what you want to measure, then describe its (approximate) sample space. Give a rough description of the probabilities associated with those values(you can simply specify if they are all the same probability or if values in one range will be more likely than values in another range). The best example of this is something such as a bowl of gumballs Image courtesy of:(Edwards, 2014) Lets say I have a bowl that contains 4 gumballs: I only like the blue gumballs and I want to obtain a blue gumball, the catch is I have to reach in blindfolded to make my choice. I cannot see which color I am choosing and they are all the same size no way to differentiate ... Show more content on ... They are just guessing if it is a random event, many people have a gut feeling, but unless you are using probabilities based on something such as math or data then it is just a guess. However, you can calculate the chances of an events happening by multiplying the chances when you are observing probabilities. For example: When you flip a coin you always have the same 50% chance of a head or a tails, but when you multiple the chances your odds change look at graphics that explains this phenomenon. Image courtesy of: (Math is Fun, n.d.) So if they observing some events they could through math make a more educated predication based on previous outcomes. This would be an observed probability. Now in the same vein, let's say I want a pink gumball, if I use the exact same bowl, I have a 0 percent chance of that happening, because there are no pink gumballs. If there is no chance of the event taking place that is when you have a 0 percent chance of it ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Example Of Variation In Healthcare In order to continuously provide effective and efficient healthcare, variation has to occur within the healthcare organization. As the book states, "variation in healthcare indicates inconsistencies in the quality of care provided to different populations of patients" (Ransom, 2008, p. 55). For this to occur, organizations have to make small changes to improve their patients health and quality of life. Process variation, outcome variation and performance variation all have an impact on how care is provided and assessed. For instance, if a physician uses a different method for the screening of colorectal cancer that will not necessarily led to outcome changes or quality improvement. A good start at implementing healthcare changes could be done by creating changes in supply–genitive care (local healthcare system) (Ransom, 2008, p. 59). ... Show more content on ... 65). For example, small organizations usually have a flexible framework that can produce changes at a faster rate with desired results than a larger organization. One organization that has always been criticized for their poor quality of care has been the Veterans Health Administration in the Depart of Veterans Affairs (VA). According to the documented study on quality of care and the VA, this was previously due to the lack of documentation (before EMR), poor performance management, the low quality care and displaced payment policies (Jha, Perlin, Kizer, & Dudley, 2003). With the use of various new principles and the reengineering of the Veterans Health Administration considerably improved the quality of care for veterans ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Variation Of Alleles Genetic variation of alleles is evident through physical attributes of humans and can be attributed to the specific sequence of nucleotides in DNA. Gregor Mendel experimented with plant breeding in order to determine that the inheritance of different traits is dependent upon the differences in alleles, or genes. Two loci that can measure the genetic variation in human populations are the LCT locus and the TAS2R38 locus (Leicht & McAllister, 2017). The LCT locus is located on chromosome 2, and encodes for the enzyme lactase that breaks down lactose into its monomers to aid digestion of dairy in the small intestine (Leicht & McAllister, 2017). The two potential alleles that LCT has are C and T, which can form three potential genotypes in ... Show more content on ... We were then using the Hardy–Weinberg Principle to calculate the observed and expected values of genotype frequencies within the class and compare the results using the Chi–Square goodness of fit test (Leicht & McAllister, 2017). Demonstrated by the Hardy–Weinberg Principle, that without any evolutionary forces, the allele and genotype frequencies of sexual populations will remain constant between generations (Sadava, 2011). The Hardy–Weinberg Equilibrium is met be a population under five specific conditions: no genetic mutation, random mating between individuals (no sexual selection), infinite population size (no genetic drift, or any chance of variation with allele frequencies), no gene flow (migration of new individuals into or out of the population), and no natural selection (all genotypes contain the same relative fitness for survival and reproduction). If any of these conditions are not met, the population is not in Hardy–Weinberg Equilibrium and evolution is occurring. The expected frequencies within a population are determined by two equations: p + q = 1 for allele frequencies, and p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 for genotype frequencies (Sadava, 2011). After using the Hardy–Weinberg Principle, we used the Chi–Square goodness of fit test to compare the expected and observed frequencies of the LCT and TAS2R38 loci, we ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Snowbird Temporal Variation Snowbird is another way that people use to call the northerner who moves to warmer places to live temporally regarding to seasonal changes. According to the article, there are nearly 900,000 seasonal residents who move into Florida for few months during winter time, which results a vital boost to the local economy. (Marshall, 2016) After reading the article, it has clearly shown that the type of temporal variation is falling under seasonality category. The temporal residents are likely to stay in Florida mainly because they want to avoid the cold during winter season. There are three keys factor that impact the temporal variation in the snowbird case, which are supply–driven perspectives, socio–cultural factors and demand–oriented factors. With regards to capacity utilization, this article focuses on the problem ... Show more content on ... (Marshall, 2016) Also, large numbers of temporal resident cause lots of traffic jam in Florida. (Marshall, 2016) Another resident have disappointedly said that "they are on vacation and have no reason to get on the road in the early morning when it is typically rush hour causing a heavy traffic." (Marshall, 2016) There are some solutions that could potentially address the temporal variation in the Palm Beach Country. Pricing could be one of the relevant solutions. Setting different price for different period of the day could spread the flow of visitors. For example: some restaurants offer early–bird special to encourage customers to come during low period in the morning. Also, offering a local pass including a tour to different attraction places within the area could be another way to solve the temporal variation. With this way, the local travel agency could somehow control the flow of visitors spread fairly among different places in order to mitigate the traffic of overflow ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Inherited Variation Inherited variation is the way that you get one set of traits from your parents, such as eye color and skin color, but another member in your family could look completely different. With each set of genes, there is a certain percentage of you getting one trait or another, as long as in the set of traits you may receive from your parents has a certain allele. For instance, if both of your parents have brown hair, but your grandfather has blonde hair, that allele is still active. It's just recessive, or not as prominent. So it still has a chance of showing up, but it is more likely that you will have brown hair, since the allele for brown hair is dominant. However, while humans may not have any predators, many other creatures do. For instance, ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. The And Their Many Variations Essay Feminisms and their many variations, have a bit of duplicity about them. Critiques of white feminists, straight feminists, and many other identities, create never ending us vs them conversations, leading many to view feminism as a dirty word that just pits people against each other; instead of working towards change. Yet, many of the activities performed by feminist groups, whether self–proclaimed as such or not, are going to be key in moving forward into the future. Feminisms that focus on the intersectionality of more than one identity, not just gender, will be at the forefront of new conversations and societal change. Their practices of consciousness raising, education, sharing of experience and encompassing community well–being are fundamental in understanding how individual experiences are inextricably linked together. My op–ed essay Growing Up Rural: Insights into the Rural Trump Vote, is a combination of personal experience and a call to action for others like to me be a catalyst for change. When we consider Womanism, Chicana Feminism, The Third World Women's Alliance, NOW or other groups that focus on women's issues, one thing that is common throughout is how personal experience and local issues shape these movements. Likewise, these groups of women emphasize the intersections of their identities as important to their feminism and issues that they were concerned with. I was inspired by two vastly different readings in this class to write the essay. First, was Taigi ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Variation Of Life Expectancy Introduction One interesting question in mind is, "How long can I live?" Knowing how long one can live, or at least have an idea about it may change people's way of living. People nowadays have grown more conscious of their health, the environment their living in and their lifestyle. According to Max Roser, life expectancy has increased rapidly since the Enlightenment. In a pre– modern poor world, life expectancy was around 30 years in all regions of the world. In the early century, life expectancy started to increase in the early industrialized countries while it stayed low in the rest of the world. Over the last decades, global inequality of life expectancy has decreased. Since 1900, the global average life expectancy has more than doubled, and is now approaching 70 years. Life expectancy refers to the number of years a person is expected to live base on the statistical average. It differs by geographical area, and depends on several variables such as gender, lifestyle, access to healthcare, economic growth rate, environment, etc. The concept of life expectancy has been used in different fields such as plant or animal ecology, and actuarial science. This project aims to determine the factors that could mostly explain the variation of life expectancy per country through regression analysis. The explanatory variables considered are real GDP growth rate, health care index, pollution index, traffic index, literacy rate and gender. The response variable is the actual ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Human Variation Report My interviewee, my mother was particularly interested in the topic of human variation and the concept of race. My family is from the Deep South, so I knew the topic of race would spark a great conversation. To begin the conversation, it took me a long time to explain to my mother how everyone's origin is in Africa. After the lengthy discussion of human evolution, and how to look at the topic outside of the religion aspect, my mother fully understood the idea of everyone's origin in Africa and our common ancestor of Chimpanzees. Throughout the conversation, my mother was able to grasp the idea of race and its importance to our society. With an increase in police brutality and even the upcoming presidential election, race has become an overwhelming ... Show more content on ... Anthropology encompasses all of the major fields that America focuses on such as Biology, Medicine, Computer Science, and so much more. Anthropology studies the processes of these major fields, their development, and the involvement of humans in these fields. I have concluded that Anthropology is the five W's of human existence, it is the, "Who, What, When, Where, and Why." It explains every aspect of human life, yet the field is still on the backburner. As my mother and I continued our conversation, I realized that if society paid more attention to Anthropology we could use the research to explain many of the issues that plague society ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Inherited Genetic Variations Inherited genetic variations may result from new genetic combinations through meiosis, nondisjunction errors occurring during cell division and through mutations in the DNA of egg and sperm cells. Meiosis is a cell division that results in four daughter cells. The daughter cells have half the number of chromosomes of the parent cells.In meiosis the Law of Independent Assortment states that the alleles of one gene sort in gametes independently of the alleles of another gene. Meiosis increases inherited genetic variation because during meiosis, homologous chromosomes each from one pair of parents. The parents chromosomes cross over and and trade some genes when they break apart. This recombination of forming together then breaking apart and ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Language Variation in Dutch Final Project Language variation in Dutch: A Case Study Conducted in Brabant Province, The Netherlands Introduction The study of sociolinguistics has become interesting due to the scope of its study is very wide. Its study is not only about the study of the language itself but also the context where the language is being used and the society who use the language. Therefore, there are many aspects that can be taken into consideration when the study of sociolinguistics is going to conducted. Those aspects are the social context as well as social factors including social distance, social status, age, gender and class. Furthermore, a language also appears varieties such as dialects, registers, and genres. Before speaking, we tend to consider any aspects as part of social values in the community. This can appear in a language we use in which we tend to speak differently in term of different dialects, or genre in a different context for example, we speak differently to a teacher, close friends, elderly people, or to our parents. The way we treat people differently in term of the use of language is might be to show a respect, solidarity, or even a distance. In term of a distance, both social and psychological distance can be shown through a language for instance, a student who speaks to a friendly professor that is socially distant but psychologically close and to a very respected professor that is socially and psychologically distant. Due to Dutch as the subject of ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. The Threat Of Global Warming Ever since the twenty–first century, the injury and menace posed by global climate change to human being has long been acknowledged by public. In the face of global warming, a series of resulting problems inflict a serious threat on the nature environment, which is the material base of the human being depending on. Therefore, climate change is no longer just a discipline problem but also has gradually become a major social problem, which has draw a common concern for us humans. During this, the resulting problems coming with the climate change has been transforming from oneness to diversification, from being known to being unknown. Various new phenomena lead to the change to human survival state. Most importantly, disaster in different ... Show more content on ... On the contrary, it is generally agreed by the majority of scientists that human activities, especially since the industrial revolution in 1840s, including the production of factories, the consumption of customers, the using of land among others, makes the most contribution to the global warming. The assessment report published by IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) in 2007 notes that the likelihood of the human activities to be the causes of the climate change is more than 90 %. The IPPC 's reports on climate change highlight how human activities have affected global temperature in the past 50 years. There are the primary human activities that contribute to the climate change. One of many points is burning of fossil fuels results in a tremendous emission of green house gases in the atmosphere. Since the Industrial Revolution in 19th, the demand of fossil fuels increase sharply. Fossil fuels such as oil, coal and natural gas supply most of the energy neediness for transportation, electricity generation and household heating. According to the IPCC's reports, burning of fuels (world wide) produces around 21.3 billion tons (21.3 gigatons) of carbon dioxide every year. Though part of the carbon dioxide exited in the human life circle would be absorbed naturally, the remainder gets caught up in the atmosphere and contributes to global greenhouse gas warming. Another point is improper usage of land is also one of the most important factors that should draw ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Variation In Primate Behavior In this article, "What does variation in primate behavior mean?" the author, Karen Strier describes the general concept of intraspecific behavioral variation, in concerns towards the ability of primates of all species to change and adapt to benefit and increase their future survival rate. Her analysis details how "behavioral flexibility" within the primate world has been studied and understood for a long period of time, but now along with the addition of intraspecific behavioral variation, there is a realization of the potential threat to primate survival under new conditions including environmental influences. The information listed by Strier, is in a way collaboratively structured to provide a definition for variation amongst specific primate ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Climate Changes And Climate Change Essay Climate change could be described as any process that causes adjustment to climate system be it a volcanic eruption to a change in the solar activity. Today, however, the phrase is most often used as climate change caused by humans. Climate change is also used commonly with another phrase – "global warming" – reflecting scientific observations of strong warming trends over the past century or so. Indicators like rising sea levels, retreating snow cover and glaciers, longer growing seasons and shifting wildlife has alarmed scientific community unanimously agreeing that the earth has warmed in the last century. Experts however are of the opinion that climate change is a more accurate phrase than global warming as the latter is just one component affecting the larger climate systems of the earth. Based on these facts we can consider: "that Climate change is a result of natural occurrences of the adjustments done by the climate systems "or" a result of anthropogenic (man–made) factors leading to an acceleration of global temperatures witnessed in the past century". Natural adjustments to climate systems: Scientists have discovered 'climate forcing's ' influence variations in climate systems and based on the depth and period of such forcing's the adjustments to climate may be in a shorter or longer earth cycle. Natural forcing's like variations in earth 's orbit, solar variation, volcanic eruptions and motion of tectonic plates have influence on the Earth 's climate ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Copy Number Variations What are Copy Number Variations (CNVs)? Copy number variation (CNV) contributes immensely to human diversity and disease because it can affect protein–coding genes. It is important to research copy number variations because we could have the potential to assign pathogenicity to a particular CNV. Large CNVs were initially discovered from "cytogenetic studies of individuals with Down syndrome and intellectual disability" (Ruderfer et al., 2016, p. 1). Why are CNVs Important to Research? Technological advances in surveying changes in genetic dosage, along with the sequencing of the human genome have led to improved resolution for detection of CNVs and other formsof structural variation and implicated of copy number variation in various diseases. ... Show more content on ... The data collected from ExAC consisted of targeted exome sequencing using XHMM. XHMM used an algorithm to filter out individuals who were not likely to have the target genes for the CNV calling. In total, they attempted CNV calling for 60,642 of the 60,706 ExAC samples, with the remainder either having failed calling for low overall read depth or not included because of technical issues. Genes were filtered out based on the type of chromosome, unusually low or high mean coverage, multiallelic genes, and CNVs with a frequency greater than 0.5%. The authors then presented a histogram of the number of copy number variations per individual, a 2D–density plot of copy number variation number and length of CNVs, and a density plot of the amount of copy number variation per individual. They also included a table of the number of total genes affected and mean number of gene–level CNVs per individual, as well as two bar charts representing the data in the table. The purpose of the statistical analysis and modeling included in the paper was to show a data–driven way for approximating the likely deleteriousness of genic CNVs. Conclusions The authors concluded that "combination of CNV intolerance scores with other measures of genic likely to yield better and more general metrics for assessing the likely impact of... genic variant, leading to improved interpretation of personal ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Psychedelic Variation Many differences exist in individuals as of how one perceives the environment, such as, sensing different chemicals. Several studies have shown that not every individual has the ability of tasting phenylthiocarbamide, also known as PTC. PTC was accidentally discovered in 1930 when Arthur Fox unintentionally released a large quantity of PTC in his laboratory. He noticed that some people could taste the bitterness of the PTC, while others could not. Bitterness is one of the five tastes a human can distinguish through taste receptors on the tongue. These receptors serve as a defense mechanism of possible intakes that may be toxic. The ability to taste bitterness will most likely decrease the possibility of consuming something that is toxic. However, ... Show more content on ... Each human carries two copies of the PTC gene, which whose combination justifies whether the individual can taste the bitterness or not (Drayna, 2005). There are two alleles of the PTC gene in which an individual can carry two taster alleles (TT), two non–taster alleles (tt), or one of each (Tt). The allelic variation that detects the PTC tasting is located in over 5 to 7 chromosomes (Bufe, 2005). Like many others traits, the sensitivity to PTC is hereditary (Suzuki et al., 2010). There are specific genotypes that determine the individual's ability to taste the bitterness of the PTC. If the bitterness can be tasted, it means the individual has a dominant allele inherited from either parent (Wooding et al., 2004). The ability to taste PTC has been widely studied as a Mendelian trait. Surveys have been done regarding the genetics of taste by classifying the tasters and non–tasters of PTC. By analyzing the statistical results, it was discovered that the ability to taste PTC is dominant. However, this may vary between men and women. Studies have also shown that women are more sensitive to PTC than men, therefore, it may be that PTC tasting is related to the levels of dithiotyrosine in the saliva. If only certain people can taste the chemicals of PTC bitterly, then more women will be able to taste PTC then men ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Disadvantages Of Somaclonal Variation Somaclonal variation However, one of the major problems of many tissue cultured plants is somaclonal variation. It is the variation originating in cell and tissue cultures (Larkin and Scowcroft, 1981). The growth of plant cells in vitro and their regeneration into whole plants is an asexual process which involves only mitotic division of the cell. Therefore, theoretically, it should not cause any variation. Ideally, it is expected to get clonal multiplication of genetically uniform plants. However, due to somaclonal variation, uncontrolled and random spontaneous variation occurs during the culture process. On the other hand, somaclonal variation also has its advantages. It is useful in crop improvement through creation of novel variants. Induced somaclonal variation is used for genetic manipulation of crops with polygenic traits (Jain, 2001). It can also be a vital tool for plant breeding via generation of new varieties. This could exhibit disease resistance, improvement in quality and give a better yield of the plants. Somaclonal variants may vary from the source plant permanently or temporarily. Temporary changes result from epigenetic or physiological effects and are non–heritable and reversible but, permanent variants are heritable and often represent an expression of pre–existing variation in the source plant or are due to the de novo ... Show more content on ... Insensitivity to mycotoxins produced by plant pathogens can be applied as a marker for the early screening of segregating populations within conventional and modern breeding programmes in many host–pathogen systems. This technique requires some knowledge about the correlation between sensitivity to toxins and susceptibility of plants to the pathogens that produce them. Such correlation need to be highly significant if the expected outcome is to select resistant plants within a long–term breeding program (Hadrami et al., ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Infraspecific Variation Essay Because, previous studies (e.g. Radušienė and Janulis, 2004) showed that most of the raw material of commercial medicinal and aromatic species yet being collected from spontaneous populations in many parts of the world. Although, samples of some medicinal and aromatic herbs are cultured. These populations were selected from different regions of the country; therefore some degrees of infraspecific variations were expected. These types of variations are seen in different genus as well as families. Lukovic et al. (2009) stated that plants respond to environmental variations, particularly to water availability through morphological, anatomical and biochemical adjustments that help them cope with such variations. for example, Pereira et al. ... Show more content on ... Moreover, Tehran and Polor populations were far from each other. It seems that these populations had different taxonomic rank from the rest or at least were ecotypes. The essential oil compositions and their percentages differed between the studied populations. The major parts of oil highly varied between the samples. Various studies (e.g. Figueiredo et al., 2008; Lakuŝić et al., 2012) proved that populations of the same species collected from different habitat have diverse essential oil composition. Because, the essential oils biosynthesis is under the influence of many abiotic and biotic factors. Formisano et al., (2015) stated the plant phytochemical composition is strongly influenced by the environment condition, and this is particularly true for medicinal herbs. Sesquiterpene hydrocarbon, oxygenated hydrocarbon, monoterpene hydrocarbon and oxygenated monoterpene constituted major parts of essential oil. The mounts of these compounds widely differed between the examined samples; therefore, the profile of essential oil compositions differed between the examined samples. Glynn et al., (2007) reported variations of terpene content with environmental stress. The growth–differentiation balance hypothesis postulates that there is a physiological trade–off between growth and secondary metabolism. These variations were ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Variations of the Game of Cricket Trobriand cricket, engaged by Trobriand Islanders, has been referred to as a distinct variation of standard cricket. Christian missionaries originally introduced cricket to the islands as a sport to discourage war among the populace. The sport has been extensively modified by the Trobriand society through increasing the amount of players, dancing, chanting, and adjusted bats and balls. As the game of cricket substituted war among the people of the island when war was forbidden, it has incorporated most of the older traditions linked with war for the Trobriand nation. The sport also reflects the objective of pride instead of ceremonial tradition, which was introduced to islands by their British conqueror and the American soldier during World War II. The Trobrianders of Papua New Guinea were usually horticulturists who demonstrated and achieved prestige and manhood throughout contest. These rivalries included the ability to plant yams, the skill of making good trades and acquiring valuables, and maintaining the strength of a fighter. Conversely, when Europeans missionaries occupied the island, the Trobrianders were required to give up their tradition of warfare. When this happened, they lost a cultural outlet necessary to preserve the political society and equilibrium of power between the Australasian islands. In order to complement this loss, the missionaries initiated the game of cricket to the islanders, soothing their competitive character. Even though this game was ... Get more on ...
  • 58.
  • 59. Capitalistism And Capitalism Climate change is the most pressing issue humanity faces today, in the 21st century. Global climate change is the single most serious issue as well as the most difficult to deal with. While citizens continue to debate whether climate change is real, the effects of it, and how drastic it is, scientists almost unanimously agree that the climate is changing and we must do something to counteract this change. The consensus amongst scientist is the current ways we are living are not sustainable. This paper aims to take a closer look at capitalism as an economic structure and how countries that follow a capitalistic model interact with the environment. A key question I want to raise is this a sustainable model consider the state of the environment. I will examine how capitalistic structures impact cultural and individual behavior, preferences, mindset, and properties. To show how, in turn these affect and interact with the environment. I argue that following a system such as capitalism creates a mindset and set priorities in a way that is not sustainable. The evidence of climate change is becoming overwhelming clear, along with the evidence that it is human induced. Common attempts to debunk climate change and humans causing it have been disproven. These attempts include but are not limited to: Tectonic processes, orbital variations, volcanoes, and solar variability (Dressler and Parsons, 2006). In their writing, Parsons and Dressler prove each of these to not be reasons of ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Pathophysiological Variations Though all these histological variations has been described in placentae of GDM patients, authorized texts states that it can be histologically normal in about half of the cases .When they are abnormal, diabetic placentae tend to be large and heavy, with large and oedematous umbilical cords. Villi in the larger placentae often show chorangiosis and distal villous immaturity ie, large distal villi with increased central capillaries, macrophages, and interstitial fluid25 When you look into the possible pathophysiological mechanisms that might have caused this histological changes, the insulin/IGF[ ] system has been implicated in several of the alterations noted placentae of patients with maternal diabetes. The placenta is richly endowed with IR and IGF1R, and serves as the tissue of origin for isolation of the receptor proteins. Both receptors are located on distinct placental surfaces, thus enabling maternal and/or fetal insulin, IGF1 and IGF2 to affect placental function and development. Therefore, in a pregnancy complicated by diabetes, altered insulin, IGF and IGFBP levels are most likely to influence ... Show more content on ... Differently from trophoblasts at term (Schmon et al. 1991), glycogen synthesis is up–regulated by insulin in endothelial cells (Desoye&Hauguel–de Mouzon, 2007). This is paralleled by the observation of increased glycogen deposit around the placental vessels in maternal diabetes (Jones &Desoye, 1993). The function of these glycogen deposits remains to be determined, although the supply of energy to cover local demands of endothelial cells and pericytes to perform transport and contractile functions may be hypothesized. Insulin was also reported to stimulate lipid deposition and the formation of lipid droplets in term trophoblasts (Elchalal et al. 2005). This may explain the increase in phospholipid and triglyceride content in placentas from GDM and type one diabetes pregnancies (Diamant et al. ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Eastern Variations Of Cinderella Folk tale is a valuable fortune of human beings, giving readers a closer exposure to cultures all over the world. One of the most popular folk tale is Cinderella – a story about a good girl facing persecution of her cruel stepmother and sister. Almost all Cinderella versions in the world share the same themes and motifs but the function of plots and motifs might perform differently in distinctive local cultural contexts. Two Eastern variations of Cinderella – Tam Cam and Neang Angkat in Vietnam and Cambodia respectively are typical examples. The two stories are similar in terms of theme, motif of magical help and presence of Buddhist beliefs. However, regarding the specific reincarnation, supernatural power and endings, they do not completely ... Show more content on ... First of all, though both having been influenced by Buddhism, the reincarnations of main characters in the two stories are somehow different because they are also affected by other ideologies and cultures. In Vietnamese Tam Cam, Tam undergo four times of reincarnation (a nightingale, a white cedar tree, a wooden loom and a persimmon fruit) whereas in Neang Angkat, the girl reborns two times. The reincarnation process of Tam is linked with Confucian ideology of female virtues and behaviour. For instance, her transformation from a persimmon fruit into a human shape to do the housework and cook for the old woman represents the virtue of skillful of work, which is one of four Confucian virtues that Vietnamese women need to obtain (Bui, 2009). Differently, two forms of reincarnation in Cambodian Cinderella – a banana tree and a grove of bamboo only describe two symbolic images of this eastern country. Another difference is the supernatural power. Whereas the "Bụt" in Tam Cam stands for the Buddha, the Spirit of Virtue in Cambodia's Neang Angkat is said to be stand–in for her dead mother (Bettelheim, 1974). The Bụt is a religious image, appearing in many other folk lores in Vietnam and willing to help whoever encounter difficulties while the Spirit of Virtue in Neang Angkat is just a symbol of motherhood. It is the strong and eternal love of the dead mother that helps Angkat ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Genetic Variation Paper Genetic variation is a topic that has come towards the forefront of discussion as we learn more about genetics. Genetic variation is the variation of alleles in the gene pool. Specifically, in this paper, I will be focusing on the genetic variance of large population sizes and small population sizes in the same species. It has become widely accepted that if the population size is smaller than the genetic variance is smaller as well, thus leading to these smaller populations not being able to adapt to changing environments. This paper will be looking at how population size has no effect on genetic variety in a habitat generalist species, while a smaller population size in a habitat specialist species will have lower genetic variance. Genetic ... Show more content on ... One study shows an example of this by looking at the effects of plant secondary compound toxicity on a generalist herbivore and a specialist herbivore (Torregrossa 2011). Plant secondary compounds are chemicals plants produce to help protect themselves. The two species that the researchers collected were Neotoma stephensi, who is a specialist, and Neotoma albigula, who is a generalist. The researchers then collected Juniperus monosperma which has high concentrations of plant secondary compounds. The researchers then gave food to the Neotomas in different concentrations of the Juniperus plant. After the animals ate the food overnight the researchers measured how much food the animal consumed per meal, how much time the animals took between meals, and the amount of water intake the animals had. It was found that the specialist did not change any eating or drinking habits with the increased concentration of the Juniperus plant.The generalist, however, would eat less per meal, take more time in between meals, and drink more water as the Juniperus plant's concentration increased in their food. This study shows that a generalist species interacts with variables in an environment differently than a specialist ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Essay on Global Warming: Impact of Climate Change on the... Every place, country, city, region has its own climate. Climate plays one of the important roles in people's life. Climate is defined as the average weather, which means variety of weather conditions as rain, snow, hail, sun, and wind over period of time about 30 years that can be measured in any particular place.( IPCC Third Assessment Report – Climate Change 2001; editor:A.P.Baede) Climate change is a variation of average weather. There are 2 causes of climate change. The first is human activity which includes deforestation, burning fossil fuels, agriculture, transportation and infrastructure. The second is natural causes which include volcanic eruptions and variations in solar outputs. These causes have negative effect on the natural ... Show more content on ... By climatologists' evidence there are two causes with several factors that have a response for the Earth's climate. They are: human activity which includes deforestation, burning fossil fuels, agriculture, transportation and infrastructure, and natural causes which include volcanic eruptions and variations in solar output. (Pidwirny. 2006). Human activity affects on greenhouse gases, which has negative consequences on many things. Currently the concentration of greenhouse gases increases. Carbon dioxide(CO2 ), nitrous oxide(N2O), sulfur dioxide(SO2) and methane(CH4) are the main greenhouse gases (Berrou et al. 2010, 217). Agriculture and energy activities make the concentration of methane to rise. Land use changes, agriculture and industrial process influence on nitrous oxide concentration. Agriculture, deforestation and burning of fossil fuels for energy affect on the concentration of carbon dioxide. Coal burning, power stations and burning of biomass emit sulfur dioxide (Carter 2000, 34). All of these greenhouse gases have dramatically increased because of the industrial revolution which took the last 200 years (Carter 2000, 34). Comparing with other gases carbon dioxide is more responsible for the greenhouse effect (Pidwirny. 2006). Carbon dioxide is emitted from such processes like deforestation, the burning of coal, oil, gas, and through the carbon cycle. One more important greenhouse gas is methane. ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Difference Between Anthropogenic Climate Change And... Difference between Anthropogenic Climate Change, and Natural Climate Variability. Hugonette Theron Geography: Climatology 28662334 Table of Content Introduction 1.) Natural Climate Variability 1.1. Extensive Definition of Natural Climate Variability 1.2. Causes of Natural Climate Variability 2.) Anthropogenic Climate Change 2.1. Detailed Definition of Anthropogenic Climate Change 2.2. Causes of Anthropogenic Climate Change 2.3. Impact of Human Activities on the Climate Change Conclusion Introduction In the study of climatology, there can be distinguished between natural climate variability and anthropogenic climate change. According to the Parliament of Australia (2010) natural climate variability is the influence ... Show more content on ... It is natural factors leading to the variability in climate. According to Bréon (2013:894) processes within the climate system is caused by internal variation in climate. These processes are usually measured in decadal to centennial time scales. Climate variability can be caused externally, internally, naturally or by humans. Thus is natural climate variability the variation of the earth's climate caused by natural factors. The best examples of natural climate variability are the El Niño and La Niña phenomenon's. According to the Australian Government (2012:2) El Niño and La Niña arise when the normal state of the atmosphere and the Pacific Ocean changes for a few seasons. According to this source El Niño is when the eastern and central tropical Pacific warms up, and La Niña is the cooling of these same areas. These two phenomenon's have a distinct impact on the rainfall patterns and climate of the world. A good example is when South Africa suffered severe drought during 2016 when an El Niño was present.
  • 70. 1.2 Causes of Natural Climate Variability In the previous paragraph there was looked at a more extensive definition of natural climate variability. Next the causes of natural climate variability will be given. According to the Government of Canada (2015) the causes of natural climate variability can vary between ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Variations in the Experience of Depression Gender Differences in Depression This focus elaborates the place of gender in determining depression levels. It states that females experience twice as much depression as men. This is as a result of social forces and cognitive behavioral differences between women and men. The focus notes that women in communities with distinct traditional gender roles tend to have higher stress levels than societies where there are no major divides between gender roles. There are various factors that cause women to have higher stress levels than men: First, girls experience more childhood sexual violence than boys, secondly, in adulthood, women are at a higher risk of being exposed to stressors such as poverty than men, thirdly, acceptance of social roles hit hard on women; for example, girls worry about their body image and how boys perceive them. Fourthly, social roles hinder women from pursuing their dreams in many communities; lastly, women give high weight to interpersonal relationships such that when the relationships do not work out for them they get disappointed. The issue of women experiencing higher incidence of depression is real. This is because of the natural differences that make women the weaker sex; this makes them mores susceptible to depression. Moreover, gender disparities imminent in some societies discriminate against women; this discrimination makes them more prone to depression. However, with more and more societies getting civilized and embracing gender equity, the ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Public Opinion On The Topic Of Climate Change Remains Divided Public opinion on the topic of climate change remains divided despite over two decades worth of research and a strong consensus in the scientific community (Deryugina and Shurchkov, 2016). In an experimental survey, the authors tested whether providing the public with information based on scientific agreement on the occurrence and causes of climate change would affect the respondent's beliefs. They found that not only did the public significantly underestimate the extent of the scientific consensus, the survey also indicated that those who were given concrete information about scientist's views were more likely to report believing that climate change was already happening and that it was caused by humans. Moreover, the results concluded ... Show more content on ... 1). There are several natural causes which will dictate which direction and by what amount the temperature changes. Some of these changes are more permanent, most are temporary. One natural cause of climate change is solar irradiance, a measurement of solar power received from the sun and measured at the Earth. Studies have shown that changes in solar irradiance have contributed to climate trends in the past. According to National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), an example of this is the Little Ice Age, which was a period of regionally cold conditions between 1650 to 1850, that is thought to have been possibly triggered by a decrease in solar output from the sun. Be that as it may, NASA also states that since 1750, the average amount of energy coming from the sun has either remained constant or increased only slightly, therefore changes in solar irradiance cannot explain current global warming data (2017, Solar irradiance section). Likewise, volcanism, another example of a natural cause of climate change, is also regarded by some scientists as being the origin of the Little Ice Age. During volcanic eruptions, tiny particles called aerosols are emitted into the atmosphere. Once in the atmosphere, aerosols reflect solar radiation back into space which cools the planet. In his article," Causes of Climate Change Over the Past 1000 Years", Crowley (2000) explains that between 1400 to 1850, volcanic contribution indicated an ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Global Climate Change Essay The believed outcome of Global Climate Change(GCC) by many people is not a good one. However it will not be as bad as 40 foot swell in the sea level, huge thunder storms, or satanic hurricanes. Yes, the world is changing, and changing in ways that we have yet to fully understand. Many people do believe that the current trend of our planet's climate will inevitably end in the destruction of the earth as we know it and out of those people most believe it is entirely humans' fault. The human not the main cause of global climate change or reason for long term GCC. In fact the recent "increase" in world temperature is just plain wrong. The facts is that the earth's climate is changing. There is no denying that. It's always changing. From ... Show more content on ... The Glaciers and snowy mountains are also disappearing. In 1910 Montana's Glacier park had 150 glaciers compared to today where they now only have 27[Global Warming Fast Facts]. Another thing that is highly affected climate change are Coral reefs they are very sensitive to small temperature changes and the slight gains of PH in the water. The main sign that a coral reef is dyeing is that they will bleach, turn an off–white color. A survey of the coral reefs in 1998 showed some reefs had been 70% bleached[Global Warming Fast Facts]. Many people will point out how the weather seems to be getting worse. For example, there are more and forest fires[Global Warming Fast Facts]. However they are wrong; most forest fires are not a result of the environment changing but by humans and they are getting worse because of humans but not for the obvious reasons. Forest fires are getting worse because we have put them out. Many forest fires that would become big are put out before they get very far but every time a small forest fire gets put out it will mean more underbrush builds up and after years of building up an uncontrollable forest fire starts up and does allot more damage than the lots of little fires would have caused[Discovery Education Classroom Resources]. Some experts will point out heat ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Behavioral Variation Paper Pepperberg, Snowdon, Shelton, Martins and Burghardt (2017), went over behavioral variation, adaptation and evolution among individual organisms. Individual animals behave differently from each other for extrinsic reasons, and this behavioral variation is the raw substrate for evolutionary change. Behavioral variation can both enhance and constrain long–term evolution, and it provides the basic materials on which natural and sexual selection can act. A rich body of historical experimental and conceptual foundations precedes many of the topics discussed. This classic literature is vast and important, and we encourage the reader to examine it in detail because we discuss more recent literature. For example, the study of the mechanisms that underlie ... Show more content on ... Similarly, the study of individual differences has a rich history situated in the areas of behavioral genetics, sociobiology, behavioral ecology, developmental psychology, personality theory, and studies of learning and cognition. Each area has its own goals, associated techniques, and levels of explanation. The study of behavioral variation during early development, for instance, has been documented primarily by psychologists studying proximate mechanisms in laboratory animal models, whereas the study of different adult morphs using the adaptationist perspective has been dominated by behavioral ecologists examining natural populations. A more complete description of individual differences requires an integrative study of the mechanisms that guide intraindividual flexibility and the associated adaptive fine tuning of behavioral types. It is through this integration that researchers can make predictions about the response of different individual phenotypes, groups, populations, and species to novel ... Get more on ...