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Effective Follower
Within every team, there are followers and leaders. They both coexist within the same team and are
mandatory for an organization to succeed. A team will not be effective without followers because
they "see where the leader wants to go and why, and then help find the best way to get there quickly,
safely and effectively" (Daft, pg. 195). When first reading and finding the logic in this statement it
can have a person second–guessing his or herself because you are taught from when you are a child
not to be a follower. However, after continuing the chapter and getting a clear understanding, I
realize that being a productive follower is just as or more important as that of a leader and each role
has its place in the organization. This is supported by the author's statement, "for an organization to
succeed there must be people who willingly and ... Show more content on ...
This is defined as "not considering possibilities beyond what he or she is told, does not contribute to
the organization, and accepts the leader's ideas without assessing or evaluating them" (pg. 199).
However, conformist fits under that dimension and the definition is "a follower who participates
actively in the organization but does not utilize critical thinking skills in his or her task behavior"
(pg. 200). That description sounds like someone who comes to work, does their job, and has no
opinion or voices his or her concerns. I am definitely someone that contributes to the job and a
participant in the organization. The jobs I have been employed for I have fully contributed and
always go beyond what is expected. I will agree that I do not challenge authority which stems from
a childhood of being told not to challenge authority or elders. Speaking up to management, sharing
ideas and thoughts is a skill that I agree needs improvement. I would voice my opinion and that
would be the
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Hinduism Followers
Hinduism is a combination of religion, culture, and philosophy that saw its beginnings in India
(Molloy, 2009). Followers of Hinduism have a strong belief in a cycle of reincarnations, virtue, and
karma. Unlike other belief systems, followers of Hinduism are not held to a particular set of beliefs.
They live a particular way of life that governs all that they do and is governed by their own
traditions, ethics, philosophy and theology. Within the Hindu faith there are several themes that
govern their way of life and are all related in one way to each other. The prominent themes in the
Hindu faith are karma, moksha, samsara, Brahman and yoga. Of these themes, samsara stands out
the most to me as the most essential of the Hinduism themes and is also one of the most prominent
themes for all religions that originate from ... Show more content on ...
Samsara is an endless life progression that incorporates life, death and reincarnation and has
followers seeing for freedom from the cycle (Ryan, 1999). Within the Hindu faith, samsara is
believed to be a theme that life is based on an illusion that individuals are autonomous beings
instead of acknowledging that there is a connection between an individual and reality. Through this
illusion, individuals act in a way that not only will generate karma, another theme of Hinduism, but
that will maintain the cycle of actions leading to reincarnation based on those actions. When the
follower grasps the unity between all, they will have the potential to end the cycle of samsara and
obtain moksha, which is the liberation of the continuous reincarnation cycle (Dehejia & Dehejia,
1993). Within the Hindu belief, samsara is considered to be highly undesirable amongst followers
because of its erratic nature and their unawareness of how their actions from this life or previous
lives will affect their
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The Follower Problem
Submission to authority is the dictionary definition of what obedience is. We live out this definition
to a point in reality. In todays world people would be willing to do literally anything in order to gain
the attention and gratitude of those who are in an position of authority. This concept is proven in
"The Follower Problem" by David Brooks, "Disobedience as a Physiological and Moral Problem"
by Erich Fromm, "Group Minds" by Doris Lessings and "The Milgram Experiment."
In society human beings will change to blend themselves in with those around them. The people
around them are the ones that are following every order they receive with out hesitating, so in reality
they are changing to believe whatever the leader tells them to do. In "Group ... Show more content
on ...
In "Disobedience as a Physiological and Moral Problem" Fromm believes that obedience, or the lack
of obedience could cause the human race to end because humans will kill them selves off on their
own. He is implying that humans are close to doing just that by saying "If mankind commits suicide
it will be because people will obey those who command them to push the deadly buttons" (Fromm,
622). A perfect example of this is shown in "The Milgram Experiment." In that clip the operators
want to stop once the patient starts showing signs of pain, and especially once they become
unresponsive, but once the person in charge instructed the operators to continue, they did just that.
Then, Lessings explains the group theory once again, where he is says if the majority of a group is
doing something, the minority might kick and scream, but they will eventually end up caving in. So
once the majority starts following whatever the leader says that minority will soon follow. I believe
this is true, because I see it everyday in my own life when people get peer pressured into doing
something they do not feel comfortable doing. Then eventually give in because the majority of the
group is pushing them to do something even though they know that it is
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Followers Type Of Follower Analysis
Identify which slide represents the type of follower discussed by Kellerman and why.
Slide 1 represent the participant type of follower. Kelleman states these types of followers care
about the organization and try to make an impact. If they do not agree with the leader, they will try
to challenge them (Kelleman, 2009). The picture illustrates followers, following and then stops (by
using a hand), this makes me believe that they are challenging the leader.
Slide 2 represent the bystanders type of follower. Kelleman talks about how this type of follower is
an observer, not a participate who deliberately decides to stand by and disengage from their leaders
(Kellrman, 2009). She also stats these types of follower will stand by and do nothing even ... Show
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Leadership can build a relationship with these types of followers by communicating openly and
providing the goals and outcomes of the new opportunities. Leaders should also listen to their ideas
so they feel engaged. According to the "Building and Sustaining Relationships" article, leaders need
to take time to listen (Community Tool Box, n.d.).
Diehards followers: According to the "Building and Sustaining Relationships" article, "building and
sustaining relationships are at the heart of organizing communities" (Community Tool Box, n.d.);
leaders need to pay special attention to those who demonstrate their strong support says Barbara
Kellerman (Kellerman, 2007).
Participants followers: These types of followers will try to change the direction if they do not agree
with the leader's ideas, etc. (Kelleman, 2009). Leaders should watch over these types of followers
and pay close attention to whether these followers are against them. According to the "Building and
Sustaining Relationships" article, you can disagree and still build relationships with individuals who
are working against your goals by creating dialogue groups to hear why advertise views the issues
the way they do (Community Tool Box,
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The Camp Followers Essay
It was a peaceful morning in Trenton, New Jersey when I was introduced to the world as Mary
Ludwig on October 13, 1754, also known as Molly Pitcher and Sergeant Molly. In my family, we
have 4 members, my older brother, Johann Martin, and my parents, Maria Margaretha Ludwick and
John Georg Ludwick. The first time I got married was on July 24, 1769, I married a local barber
from Carlie, Pennsylvania named William Hays. The way I became part of the American Revolution
is by being a Camp Follower that was led by General George Washington's wife, Martha
Washington with another 20,000 women and children that helped clean clothing and blankets, cook
food, and cared for the sick and dying during the American Revolution.The Camp Followers
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Personal Narrative: The Follower
The follower Dear Diary, I will never forget the word Miami. My family and I went on vacation to
Miami beach the car ride was 9 hours. Even doe I was tired from the trip I was really excited to see
my family from chicago that had also come on vacation. I was wearing sweatpants a t shirt and my
slippers which are super comfy. When I saw the kids and the teenagers i had a big smile on my face,
after 5 minutes we started comparing each other to see who was the tallest of the group of kids I was
which kind off made me the oldest I felt awesome. The really cool teenage girls which I love so
much Mela and Katy had their nails done wearing the bikinis.after hanging out we all went out for
lunch to n argentinian good. That afternoon
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The Follower Problem
Are you the type of person to make decisions based off of the group you're involved with, or do you
go your own way and make your own decisions? Whether being involved in a group, or you tend to
be a follower, those certain things have a bigger influence on how someone acts, compared to
individual human views, that can be founded off of social psychology. Being involved with the
group, has the biggest impact on how people choose to obey or disobey certain actions because of
the societal pressure, family and religious backgrounds, and having the fear of not fitting in, or
conforming. Societal pressures have an impact on how a person can think or act. As Lee Ross author
of obedience once said, " people's inflated belief in the importance of personality traits and
disposition, together with their failure to recognize the importance of situational factors in affecting
behavior"(Ross, 628). The follower problem, a book written by David brooks makes the statement
"these days many Americans seem incapable of thinking for themselves"(Brooks, 650). Doris
Lessing a claim "how often we'd say black was white because other people were saying it"(Lessing
652).So why do people react act like this. Outside influences have a huge impact on how people
react and make their decisions. If you are by yourself and ... Show more content on
The ability to have your own thoughts and opinions have slowly gone away and have gone towards
the "group opinion" from societal pressures, family and religious backgrounds, to having the fear of
not conforming or fitting in. When you have one group that thinks as one and does as one, I think it
limits the abilities an individual can have. I see this everyday in society, whether I'm at school
observing classmates, or even with my own friends, I tend to follow after the group. When always
relying on the group, you restrict your ability to become your own unique person and
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Leader Follower Relationship
YEAR: 2012
GROUP 4 MEMBERS NAMES: STUDENT ID No: 1. Stephen Omuga 637854 2. Daisy Oria
623319 3. Fredrick Njokih 636057
Table of Contents 1. DYADIC THEORY 4 1.1. Introduction 4 1.2. Evolution of the Dyadic theory 4
1.2.1. Vertical Dyad Linkage (VDL) Theory 5 1.2.2. Leader–Member Exchange (LMX) Theory 6
1.2.3. Team Building 6 1.2.4. Systems and Networks 6 1.3. An in–depth look at the theory as a
whole 7 1.3.1. The Influence of LMX on Follower Behavior 8 1.3.2. The Three–Stage Process for
Developing Positive LMX ... Show more content on ...
Leaders primarily use expert, referent, and reward power to influence members of the in–group. The
out–group includes followers with few or no social ties to their leader, in a strictly task–centered
relationship characterized by low exchange and top–down influence. Leaders mostly use reward, as
well as legitimate and coercive power, to influence out–group members.
Members of the in–group are invited to participate in important decision making, are given added
responsibility, and have greater access to the leader. Members of the out–group are managed
according to the requirements of the employment contract. They receive little inspiration,
encouragement, or recognition. In terms of influence and support, in–group members experience
greater support and positive influence from the leader, while out–group members tend not to
experience positive relationships and influence. The in–group versus out–group status also reveals
an element of reciprocity or exchange in the relationship. The leader grants special favors to in–
group members in exchange for their loyalty, commitment, and outstanding performance. This
creates mutual reinforcement based on common needs and interests.
Leader–Member Exchange (LMX) Theory
The underlying assumption of LMX theory is that leaders or superiors have limited amounts of
social, personal, and
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Animal Farm Followers
Animal farm is definitely a novel about leaders and followers. What lead me to believe this is how
napoleon becomes a leader through fear and how squealers propaganda creates the followers.
Napoleon overthrew any of animals trying to interfere with his leadership position. Squealer keeps
deceiving the rest of the animals into believing "Napoleon is always right" and they should "work
harder." The innocent animal like boxer, are being fooled by propagandist and take advantage of
them. Followers are those who obey their leaders which Napoleon has accomplish through
maintains his power through fear, brainwashing, and the from innocents of the animals.
Throughout the story Napoleon leads to role of being a leader through fear of the other animals. The
dogs put down a rebellion for the others. Since he establishes fear in the farm, he is able to destroy
freedom and equality on the farm. "When the hens heard this, they raised a terrible
outcry....Napoleon acted swiftly and ruthlessly, He ordered the hens' ... Show more content on ...
He is the right hand of Napoleon to enhance their thoughts to become followers. He is the co–leader
with Napoleon. He is master in using propaganda. "Our sole object in taking these things is to
preserve our health ... absolutely necessary to the well–being of a pig. Do you know what would
happen if we pigs failed in our duty? Jones would come back!" (page 35–36). He was able to
distribute propaganda to the animals that sounds plausible. He uses fear in his words that will allows
the animals to follow his demands to avoid the horrible act of Jones coming back. His use of
language is powerful and eloquent. His speeches use persuasive wording in order to make them
powerful to manipulate the other animals. "That others said of Squealer that he could turn black into
white" (page 16). George Orwell is referring to Squealers persuasive skills. Squealer is talent
enough to even convince the animals into believing that black is
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Courageous Follower Report
After reading The Courageous Follower, I have determined that I have to be both a "courageous
follower" and leader on a daily basis. Throughout my career in the Navy, I have progressed through
the enlisted ranks to selection as a chief petty officer (E7) followed by commissioning as a chief
warrant officer. As a warrant officer, I belong to a community that also contains those serving as
limited duty officers. A limited duty officer out ranks a warrant officer however, a warrant officer
must promote to the enlisted rank of chief petty officer (E7) prior to promotion whereas a limited
duty officer can promote from the enlisted rank of first class petty officer (E6). Additional criteria
for promotion to warrant officer includes sustained ... Show more content on ...
So the next day I discussed the issue with my division officer who totally wanted to wait another
day to revisit the issue in a discussion with the principal assistant. I briefed him on that we're going
to see the department head and call a meeting with the, command and us to discuss this. His
concerns were the ramifications from the principal assistant I stated "I will deal it." So I went to the
department head's office and requested a meeting with command to discuss. His first response was
can we discuss it before the principal assistant gets in the office my reply, "Sir I would like all
parties involved in the meeting first." The department head called the principal assistant to a meeting
who had no clue was about to happen. During the meeting the principal assistance was obviously
disappointed he had no clue what I was about to
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Followership: Leadership and Followers
There have been many observations regarding the characteristics of a leader, but followership has
received less attention. Treister and Schultz (1997) "suggests that a "follower is someone who
accepts guidance and, on receiving it, takes the appropriate action." Treister et al (1997) also state
followership is "considered a passive or submissive role of lesser importance than leadership.
However, the effectiveness of leaders to a large measure depends on the qualities of their followers."
Treister et al (1997) go on to say "good leadership enhances followers, just as good followership
enhances leaders." So followers are just as important as leaders are to a leader/follower relationship.
Some have categorized followers in different ... Show more content on ...
Kellerman (2007) goes on to say "When they disapprove of their leaders and managers, however, or
when they act as independent agents, the situation gets more complicated." It is very important for a
leader to know if these followers are "for or against them" as Kellerman (2007) states. This does not
come up as an issue for isolates and bystanders.
Activists are the fourth typology of Kellerman. Kellerman ( 2007) states "activists feel strongly one
way or another about their leaders and organizations, and they act accordingly. These followers are
eager, energetic, and engaged. They are heavily invested in people and processes, so they work hard
either on behalf of their leaders or to undermine and even unseat them." Activists are few in number
but can have a great impact on an organization or group.
The fifth and last typology is diehards. Kellerman (2007) describes "diehards are prepared to go
down for their cause – whether it's an individual, an idea, or both. These followers may be deeply
devoted to their leaders, or they may be strongly motivated to oust their leaders by any means
necessary. They exhibit an all–consuming dedication to someone or something they deem worthy."
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Followers Citizenship Behaviors
What is power? Power is the ability to make another person to act in your stead. Likewise, Max
Weber defines power, "the probability that one actor within a social relationship will be in a position
to carry out his own will despite resistance" (Luthans, 2011, p. 313). An example, politician
presenting a bill to Congress and the bill passes due to having a majority of the vote despite the
other politicians arguing against it. Another way to describe power, organizational behavior theorist
Pfeffer says, "as the potential ability to influence behavior, to change the course of events, to
overcome resistance, and to get people to do things that they would not otherwise do" (Luthans,
2011, p. 313). A child doing their homework because his or her parent impressed upon them if they
did not do so they will be punished. The parent influenced the child's behavior through coercive
power. The kid feared being punished, so he or she did their homework. Each day power shapes our
lives in our work, school, community, and home lives. We selected "Ethics Matter: Moderating
Leaders' Power Use and Followers' Citizenship Behaviors" as our article. We choose this article for
several reasons. One reason is the article had numerous concepts that related to Luthans, ethics,
power, and organizational citizenship behavior. An additional reason is ethics is fun ... Show more
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Power is not just a unilateral process of influence from the agent to the target but it more involves a
reciprocal relationship between the two (Luthans, 2011, p. 319). This is confirmed by Reiley and
Jacobs where they state that leaders who engage in ethical behavior strengthen this interpersonal
relationship (p. 72). Ethical leaders are able to lead more by their actions and by being truthful and
fair rather than unethical leaders who lead more with a "do as I say"
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Robert Kelley's Followership Survey
Other Assessments In addition to completing the Strengths Based Leadership assessment, I
completed Robert Kelley's Followership Survey. According to the survey, I am an exemplary
follower (Kelley, 1992). According to Kelley (1988), exemplary followers, or effective followers,
mange themselves well and are courageous, honest, and credible (p. 144). These types of followers
are additionally committed to the organization and to a purpose, principle or person outside
themselves (Kelley, 1988, p. 144). Lastly, exemplary followers are independent thinkers who act on
their own initiative, engage actively when working in a group and provide constructive input
(Kelley, 1988, p. 144). Another assessment that I completed was the Authentic Leadership
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Followers In Qualitative Research
What Do Followers Want From Leaders Regarding Communication Introduction Employees are a
driving force who have an impact on organizational success. The leader is the operational
determinant for whether employees receive what they want in terms of leadership. This qualitative
method research paper will examine what followers want from their leaders in terms of quantity,
quality, engagement, style and methods. Extracting themes from an open–ended survey will
determine the areas where employees want more from their leader/supervisor as it relates to
communication. Suggestions will be made on how these wants can be satisfied. Qualitative Method
Population and Sample The population sample included three followers with the following
breakdown (see Figure 1): participant #1 – African American Clerk with a Bachelor's degree who
has been in his position between 6–12 months; participant #2 – Caucasian Executive Assistant who
has been in her position between 1–9 years; and participant #3 – Hispanic Analyst who has been in
her position between 20–29 years and has 2 years of college (Figure 1). The industries represented
are Oil & Gas and Education. Measures Rovai et al. (2013) state that by using "symbolic
interactionism the ... Show more content on ...
After which, a general inductive approach for analysis of the qualitative data including condensation
of raw textual data using thematic coding was used to establish links between the evaluation and the
research topic (Thomas, 2006). "The general inductive approach provides an easily used and
systematic set of procedures for analyzing qualitative data that can produce reliable and valid
findings" (Thomas, 2006, p. 237). "The outcome of an inductive analysis...[was developed
into]...categories...[and] into a model or framework that summarizes the raw data and conveys key
themes and processes" (Thomas, 2006, p. 240). The themes were then applied to the interview data
provided by the study
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The Influence Of Follower Motivation
In addition, she also uses behaviorism. Most notably, punishments are provided for undesirable
behaviors. In turn, it discourages the likelihood that followers will repeat the behavior (Ben–Hur &
Kinley, 2015). For instance, employees that perform poorly and oftentimes dismissed. In fact, in one
quarter during 2013, 600 of the lowest performing employees were dismissed (Lobello, 2013).
Mayer claimed this improved the performance of employees that were not fired.
Techniques Used to Influence Follower Motivation
Zuckerberg and Mayer use drastically different strategies to influence follower motivation.
Zuckerberg empowers and engages followers, communicates a compelling vision, intellectually
inspires, encourages collective goals, ... Show more content on ...
These behaviors can sabotage the organization's goals, resources, and effectiveness and adversely
affect the motivation, well–being, and job satisfaction of followers (Sheard, Kakabadse, &
Kakabadse, 2013). Leaders with self–destructive tendencies often not to intentionally harm the
organization or followers, but because of their thoughtlessness and insensitivity they effectively do
so (Sheard, Kakabadse, & Kakabadse, 2013).
Zuckerberg is impulsive and narcissistic. For example, Zuckerberg purchased Instagram on an
impulse. In fact, the deal was set up and finalized in one weekend (Eaton, 2012). According to
Lewis (n.d.), impulsive leaders can destabilize organizations. Further, impulsive leaders may tend to
fire employees suddenly, which could create a constant fear of uncertainty among followers (Lewis,
Additionally, Zuckerberg was ranked the third most narcissistic CEO in the technology industry
(Jackson, 2013). Narcissism is linked to the personalized use of power (Padilla, Hogan, & Kaiser,
2007). Narcissists may test their judgment, which sometimes causes them to take unnecessary risks
(Padilla, Hogan, & Kaiser, 2007). Narcissism is also linked to overreach, so they tend to make ill–
advised acquisitions and pay more than market value to acquire them (Padilla, Hogan, & Kaiser,
Like Zuckerberg, Mayer is also a
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Essay On Followers Trust
The emotions leaders display can have a great effect on their ability to influence and lead followers
(Forsyth, 2014). However, the interpretation of emotions by followers is relatively subjective and
there may be many variables. In two studies, Caza, Zhang, Wang, and Bai (2015) researched the
reactions of followers to their leader's emotion, for gaining a better understanding of the reactions to
perceived sincere emotions displayed by leaders. The level of trust followers have for leaders who
demonstrate emotions is the focus throughout the studies. This review will provide a general
overview of the "How do you really feel? Effect of leaders perceived emotional sincerity on
followers trust" article by Casa et al (2015). Additionally, the ... Show more content on ...
Summarizing the results of the study, the authors' recommendation is for leaders to use caution when
regulating their emotions, ensuring that when emotions are displayed, they are sincere.
The conclusions drawn from the research can assist with leader success; however, as acknowledged
by the authors, the results of their study are limited since there are many facets of this topic worthy
of further explanation. For instance, the followers who participated in the study used self–report
instruments, with researchers relying on their honesty. It may be possible, when self–reporting for
the emotional state of the follower to influence the results. Additionally, individuals have the
capacity to display a wide range of emotions, although differences in follower reactions to a variety
of emotions shared by leaders was not covered in this study. Since this is not covered in the study, it
is unclear how a follower's reaction would change between a display of confidence or vulnerability.
Along these line, the intensity or perceived intensity of a leader's emotions is also not studied.
However, there were many variables considered in the study, including follower age, follower
gender, follower work experience, follower tenure with manager, and leader gender; all which
increased the validity of the results. Two different cultures were used for the study which helped to
minimize the cultural influence one culture may have over the results. While gender was
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Effective Follower Strengths
A. Effective Followers B. I scored a 36 on the effective follower scale, which showed that I was
more of an effective follower. My score was also determined based off of my followership behavior
due to my respective boss. C. Strengths: My effective follower strengths include me offering my
support and encouragement to my boss when things are not going well. Also, clarifying my role in
tasks by making sure I understand my boss's expectations of me and my performance standards. For
example, while at work one day my boss was troubled with a technical request that required a
custodial staff assistant to come in and fix. However, this situation happen to take place on a
weekend where there was no custodial staff in at the time. So instead, my boss gave me the difficult
assignment of troubleshooting this particular technical problem. The problem dealt with fixing two
electrical outlets which had blew out from too much power being connect to one electric circuit. In
this incident my boss suggested that she would take the lead and help me. However, this was
actually a new experience for the both of us, as we never dealt with this type of technical issue
before. While attempting to configure the task at hand we simply used critical thinking to best equip
the problem. I suggested the idea of finding the circuit breaker box, shutting all circuits off,
checking for any bad fuses and then restarting all the circuit breakers to see if those electrical outlets
would work again. During the task I notice after a while my boss ... Show more content on ...
Weaknesses: My effective follower weaknesses include me not patiently waiting for my boss to
suggest an alternative plan first. Instead, in this particular assessment I chose to take the initiative
first and did not wait for an alternative plan to assist the problem we were faced with. This takes
away from me being an effective follower, simply because I am rushing to take lead. Whether I
knew what I was doing or not, I have to follow before I can
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The Law-Followers Of Romanticism
Power is concerned with who creates and who follows law. The Law–Makers can be anyone, or
anything, because power has anarchic in nature and will only go to the leading initiator, which was
the British monarchy before the Romantic era. What changed was the radical notion of common
people and their importance to society during industrialization. Romanticism revolutionized the way
common people viewed the world (and themselves) through nature, the universe and everyday life.
It connected the world and led to the greatest notion of the modern–day– the idea that the people are
both the Law–Makers and Law–Followers, thus equalizing power and creating a spirit of democracy
that lasts until today. The idea of life within nature distinguishes the ... Show more content on ...
It is the sad truth of the major population today–you eat, you work, you die. The old man narrating
these words is explaining the sad story of a widowed mother, a title not uncommon today. This
poem is just the sad story of a woman that lost her husband to war and her children because,
ultimately, there just wasn't enough money to sustain them all. Again, this is an example of
Romantic poetry connecting the common people through ethic and sympathy. What radicalized the
world as they knew it during Romanticism–and everyday since– was the use of blank verse for
topics as mundane and commonplace as nature and a widow. These seemingly normal topics are
being discussed through blank verse, or iambic pentameter. The most elated form of writing, and
speech, of that day was used for the commoners, thus balancing everyone in society. There was no
longer a set higher class or lower class speech dialect–everyone was the same. This poetry
demolished the upper class and elevated the common folks' dignity by allowing them to speak and
read in their stories through the words of the powerful. This dramatic reimagining of the ordinary is
what connected society during the Romantic era–and is the fundamental basis of the spirit of
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The Role Of Follower As A Leader
Leadership Scholarly Paper
What is a leader and what is a follower? In any organized structure, business, or grouping these two
key positions will be represented. Chaleff (2009) stated that if one looked up the subject of
leadership they would be bombarded with numerous titles on the subject, but if one looked up the
follower they would most likely only find the subject as it relates to leaders. The purpose of this
paper is to identify the role of the follower as compared with a leader. This is followed by examine
two types of interaction between leadership and followers. These interactions will be illustrated
through clinical situations using staff nurses. Finally this paper will examine the power and
responsible of a staff nurse as a follower without any official authority.
Effective Follower
To understand the concept of an effective follower one must first examine the leader as it has much
more information write about it. Porter–O'Grady and Malloch (2013) are quick to point out what a
leader is not and that is a manager. They discuss how a leader and manager though commonly
thought to be the same thing are in fact very different with a manager be a position that is gained or
granted and leadership is a quality and ability to inspire others (Porter–O'Grady & Malloch, 2013).
Dr. Michael Blelch (2014) states that during his study of the theory of leadership he discovered that
the concept was constantly changing, evolving and adapting. There are several types of
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Effective Followers
Effective Followers Effective followers are a key component to the success of an organization.
Some characteristics that make up an effective follower are ambition, enthusiasm, intelligence,
selflessness, and self–reliance. These five characteristics are all desirable traits that form an
immaculate effective follower. A faultless company is the result of effective followers being hired on
to a company. A strong leader is also required as they would help the efficiency and success of a
company. Although, it is the effective followers that are the key components to the success and
progress of a business. Effective followers push forward the development of a corporation and are
the backbone to any successful business. The first characteristic that makes up an effective follower
is ambition. An ambitious individual is determined to work hard in order to achieve success. Many
people have intellect but they lack ambition. Intellect without ambition is like a fire without a flame.
Have you ever tried to drive a vehicle without an engine? Ambition is the engine to a vehicle like an
effective employee is the engine to a company. Without the engine there is no drive to get work
complete. For instance, a company could hire an individual that is extremely intelligent but if that
employee lacks ambition, the employee's ... Show more content on ...
An example could be an employee that works as a direct laborer giving money to a manager that is
unkind. This is an example of selflessness because the employee notices that the manager has been
upset and still chooses to talk to him at lunch even though the manager is unfriendly. Despite the
manager's behavior, the employee still chooses to seek a reason for the manager's possible
frustration. Later the employee discovers that the manager had recently lost his son in a car
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Effective Followers : An Effective Follower
Effective followers are an extremely important part of the business and work field, especially with
management. Follower ship is the process of being guided and directed by the leader. There is
always a big deal about having people who are good leaders. A person who is strong and takes
initiative is only a few traits of a good leader. There are also many different types of leaders who
work best with specific types of situations. Just as leaders play an important role in the business
world, the role of an effective follower is also needed. Not everyone is designed to be a leader, and
not everyone can be a leader. Some people work better as a follower to take direction and execute
the plan that is given to them. Without followers the leaders ... Show more content on ...
A follower must also manage time as resources very carefully in order to be fully effective. A self–
leader is what it comes down to when a person is needed to self–manage as a follower. The next
characteristic that I believe is extremely important that a follower have is role awareness.
Sometimes leaders will assign a group of followers a task and if a follower can not distinguish their
role they may end up intervening with a group members task. The follower may also fail to
complete their task because they have the wrong idea of their role. It is crucial that a follower has
the ability to know what is being asked of them as well as what is being asked from others so that
when a task comes together all parts combine smoothly. The next characteristic that I believe is
important to be an effective follower is a good work ethic. A person must be willing to work hard
and work smart not only solo but also as a group. If a person is a hard worker this means that they
will work as effectively as they can with the directions that are given to them. If a person works at
their full ability they not only save time but, they also save money. If a person is lazy and sits around
after they are given a certain task they are being paid while they are not adding any kind of work
and commitment into the company. This causes a huge loss for the company which is why hard
work is crucial for success in companies. If there are two people competing with different levels of
talents the person
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Followers of Hinduism
Hinduism is one of the world's most ancient religions. It is the third largest religion. There are many
subjects involved in the Hinduism, such as: Hindu religious structure, art, artifacts, and the different
time periods. Hindus practice strict religious beliefs and customs. Hinduism consists of a 1,000
religious groups that have evolved in India since 1500 B.C.
Followers of Hinduism are known as Hindus. Hindus live their lives by following the religious
guidance of the Vedic scripture. The Hindu scriptures consist of two sacred types of writing: the
Shruti and the Smriti. The Shruti is heard, while the Smriti is memorized. Before being recorded,
these scriptures were passed down from generation to generation orally. ... Show more content on ...
Some foods are restricted based on geographical location. Pork is also a forbidden food.
For many Hindu's in the world, carving sacred images and figurines was an art form in itself. This
required years of hard work and disciplined training. Many buildings in the UK are influenced by
Hindu religion, which is evident in sculptures and architecture.
Hindus believe art is a very important aspect of salvation. Art is the ultimate release that is founded
by good things. Hindu art is also considered a disciplined style of worship. Art can also be
contemplated as India's oldest indigenous science. The many carvings on Hindu temples are shown
dramatically and powerfully at Ellora. Ellora is an entire mountain. This mountain has been shaped
out over centuries by talented artist.
In Hindu temples the three exterior walls are sculpted with images that show aspects of the deity
preserved within. The images depict the spirit of the deity. For example, the temple devoted to a
Vishnu can show his incarnations. The temple devoted to Shiva may show combative feats. Also,
temple walls can show foliage, pictures of women, or mithumas, which love couples.
Hinduism contains many schools of art including: Rajastani, Kangra, Kalighat, Moghul, and Parahi.
Most of the paintings are usually about religious nature. Some also show past times of different
deities. India architectural roots derived from Shilpa Shastra. The
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Attention To Followers
["Look at why big companies die," says Shari Ballard, Best Buy's executive vice President, retail
channel. "They implode on themselves. They create all these systems and processes––– and then end
up with a very small percentage of people who are supposed to solve complex problems, while the
other 98% of people just execute. You just can't come up with good enough ideas that way to keep
Conventional wisdom teaches us that decisive leadership drives great business. An elite group of
people must come together to make tough decisions that the majority must follow. Fortunately, it
appears that some are challenging this centuries old notion. In an article entitled "Management
Leaders Turn Attention to Followers", George Anders examines how and why many companies are
looking to their low–ranking employees on how to better their businesses. The article focuses on
three forward thinking companies: Best Buy, UPS, and Hewlett–Packard. Each company challenged
its low–ranking employees to come up with solutions to better business. The result: employees who
are more invested in the company's success because they actually feel ... Show more content on ...
Politicians promise to reach out what I like to call "minority majorities", middle class workers, grass
roots organizations and minority groups who collectively make up a substantial amount of the
electorate, yet never seem to get the follow through on promise after election day. It gives these
groups a sense of hopelessness. It gives them an idea that despite their best efforts, they are stuck in
a caste that is unheard and unappreciated. How can you motivate someone who constantly feels that
his or her voice is unheard, or that despite his or her best efforts nothing will really change? Such is
the same in business. As companies grow, so does its size of low ranking employees. Employees
who often mirror the same target market that companies are trying to
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Non Effective Followers And The Groups Of Followers,...
The four groups of followers operated as alienated followers, sheep, yes people, and survivors, all
lacking the key factor of being able to succeed without strong leadership. Sheep lack initiative and
sense of responsibility, while yes people refuse to be against the leader (Wren 195). Alienated
followers tend to think more independently but are prone to group think. They are normally
dissatisfied and/or resentful. Any of these three groups can at any time merge into the survivor group
because this group of followers operate under the "slogan "better safe than sorry"" (Wren 195). If a
leader is surrounded by these types of followers, it is more difficult for him to be a good leader.
Also, if the leader already retains personal motives, he ... Show more content on ...
Transformational leadership is used by a leader to "appeal to the moral values of followers in an
attempt to raise their consciousness about ethical issues and to mobilize their energy and resources
to reform institutions" (Yukl "Charismatic" 261). Pseudotransformational leadership refers to
transformational leadership, but when the leader is "self–consumed, exploitive, power–oriented,
[and] possess[es] warped values" (Hinz). When a leader appeals to followers' self–interest and offers
an exchange of benefits, the leader is utilizing transactional leadership (Yukl "Charismatic" 261).
When first studying Jim Jones, one would think that he led through transformational leadership;
however, he actually leds through pseudotransformational leadership. Since Jones preached about
equality and accepting all men, his messages seemed consistent with ethical morals. He also formed
a lively church setting, where people would dance, jump, run around, yell, and scream. This stirred
emotions in most members and even visitors, and is often talked about in movies (McCloud). One
would think that people would be tired after all the commotion, but, on the contrary, people felt
revived and energized after services. Jones finally showed his true style when he moved part of his
congregation to Guyana. At this location, Jones
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Emotion And Social Competence Inventory (ESCI)
I always deemed a follower to be less influential or important than a leader I have never seen myself
as a follower for this reasoning and take pride in been what has been described as a natural leader.
As my leadership journey has continued to develop I have to admit I could not comprehend the
equality of a leader and follower and I could not understand how a follower could benefit a leader,
comforted to find out that my perspective on followers are similar to many peoples negative
cognition around the word. This is portrayed in the word itself, as it implies that you are not
adequate enough to lead others, and thus you rely on others for direction. Five weeks later here I am
happy to advise that I finally understand the importance of ... Show more content on
190). The ability to appraise and regulate our emotions quickly is a skill that I believe is important
as it results in the ability to accurately respond to situations that others emotions are involved with
responsible and appropriate actions. Measures of EI highlighted by Daniel Goleman (n.d.) are
Emotional and Social Competence Inventory (ESCI), ESCI Technical Manual, ESCI–U and
Emotional intelligence tests evaluated. The article entitled "Emotional Intelligence: The Overlooked
Component of Sports Leadership" Schneider (2013) delineates the concept of emotional
intelligence, specifically in relation to the field of sports management. According to the article,
Sports management just like any other form of organisation requires emotional intelligence for
optimal function. The essence of emotions cannot be overlooked since it forms the basis of everyday
human interaction hence directly impacting on organisational success. A good sports manager
should, therefore, be able to not only have the ability to effectively regulate one's inner emotions but
also, understand and respond appropriately to the emotions of others to meet the organisational goals
(Scheider, 2013). The chapter employs a range of ideas and models to explain the concept of
emotional intelligence not only makes the article informative and adequately detailed but also,
interesting to read. The integration of models in describing emotional intelligence rather than plainly
explaining what emotional intelligence breaks down the subject into understandable subunits that
make the article appealing and informative as well, hence, stimulating my
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Essay on “Leaders and Followers”
"Leaders and Followers"
History has its unique way to express the historical evidence, as something very important and
interesting. From very routes of human existence people had two basic relationship: leader and
follower, what they thought would help them to create better society; or people just followed a
strong leader and gave their responsibilities to the person who could create a place where they can
live and prosper. But unfortunately this basic institution of leaders and followers brought not only
good but also the bad. What humanity knows and achieved by now is because of efforts, thinking,
beliefs, ideas, inventions and even mistakes of peoples of the past. Interestingly enough, people
could not look forward without knowing the ... Show more content on ...
The Traditional authority in European countries came from the medieval ages, even farther–from
ancient times when people believed that their king is the one that was chosen by Gods or by one
God in medieval ages (when Christianity became the dominant religion of the Europe). The absolute
power grew over time and reached to its pick the time of Imperialism when kings not only ruled
over their own people but also other 'less civilized' countries. The king's power and authority cannot
be questioned and his actions cannot be judged. The king of the Belgium took the throne in 1865
and king Leonard tried to become an absolute monarch. To reach his desires he tries to appeal to its
people by getting Congo as Belgium colony and succeeds. Leonard by getting Congo and absolute
control over economics the same time he gains control over Parliament, which loses its influence,
and becomes a subordinate to the royal house. The basis of the Traditional authority is that its
followers cannot challenge it, but changes happen in the world, and as the world moved into the
road of progress people started to question Traditional authority. Education is very crucial in
understanding why people start to challenge Traditional authority, as something that takes their
rights and freedom. Mostly 90% of population were not educated and did not new the routes of their
monarchs and did not
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Leaders And Followers : Leadership
Leaders and Followers
In management a big part of success is having team work which includes both leaders and followers.
A group with all leaders will be very unsuccessful. A group with all followers will also be very
unsuccessful. Every successful group has to have a mixture of leaders and followers. In our book,
work teams are defined as a small number of people with complementary skills who hold
themselves mutually accountable for pursuing a common purpose, achieving performance goals, and
improving interdependent work processes. A part of a work team is the leadership position which is
defined as the process of influencing others to achieve group or organizational goals (Williams,
290). When looking at a work team there has to be a leader, and followers because it makes the team
stronger. Businesses want to be strong and successful which can be accomplished through
Every team wants to enhance their work team effectiveness because they can get more done in a
quicker period. "Scholars are starting to acknowledge an overemphasis on the leader as an actor and
followers as reactors (Scrone, 4)." People are realizing that a team will not be successful without
followers because of the many characteristics that they have to have. Leaders and followers are
equally important in a work team because the effort is not one sided. Followers need to be just as
effective as leaders because leaders never have all the ideas they run with any of their followers
ideas to make
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Hinduism Followers
Hinduism is one of the world's oldest religions. Hindus believe in many gods, numbering into the
thousands. They recognize one supreme spirit called Brahman ("the absolute.") The goal of the
Hindus is to someday join with Brahman. Until that union takes place, believers are in a continuous
process of rebirth called "reincarnation." At death, the Hindu's deeds (karma) determine what the
next life will be. Followers work to break this cycle–birth, death, and rebirth and gain release. The
Hindu's soul then merges with Brahman in a condition of spiritual perfection (moksha). Hinduism
has many sacred books, the oldest being a series called the "Vedas". Traditionally Hindu society was
divided into groups of four classes (or varnas). This was known as the "caste system." People were
generally grouped by occupations, as children were born, they became members of their parents'
caste and remained there for life. After death a person's karma determine whether he or she was
reborn into a higher caste or move downward to a lower caste. Included in the case system was the
category called "untouchables." People in this group were consider impure, shunned by the ... Show
more content on ...
Followers are called 'Christians." They believe in one God who created the universe and continues
to care for it. Their God sent his son Jesus (called the "Messiah.") into the world to save humanity
from sin and to make eternal life possible for them. That son died to accomplish that purpose.
Christians believe they can delivered from sin through their belief in Jesus. If they repent of their
sinful way, they will be forgiven; after death, they will be judged and either rewarded or punished.
The sacred book of Christianity is the "bible." It consists of two parts: The Old Testament describes
life before the birth of Jesus and The New Testament describes the life and teaching of Jesus, how
the early church developed, and explains what faith in Jesus
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Why Do Followers Need Followers
The United States Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek Murthy, a leader in business and medicine, strongly
believes that our nation's greatest asset as always been its people. I personally agree with his belief,
not only because I admire his leadership qualities, but also because I believe the true power of a
leader comes from its people or in this case, followers. Leaders need followers, just as much as
followers need leaders. I strongly agree with Johnson, when he states, "To be a "Yes man" is to fail
as a follower". To simply obey the orders and act as servant is not the meaning of being a follower
in the world we live in today. Cox, Plagens and Sylla also express these views when they mention,'
"The follower is no longer a mere subordinate who accepts and obeys the dictates of the leader".
Just as Johnson explains in his article, a good follower uses his skills and expertise to help his leader
to become more ... Show more content on ...
Leaders must be approachable and willing to consider the opinions made by the followers. At times,
the leaders must carry out decisions favored by majority of the followers. Leaders must inspire
collaboration amongst the followers. If a dispute breaks out, the leader must not pick a side, but
rather unite both parties and empower them to work together. Leaders must be role models for
followers and even inspire others to be leaders someday. On a final note, the term "followers" today,
in a globalized technological advanced world with 6 billion people, has a very different meaning
than what "followers" meant in the past. Therefore, in today's world, a leader can have followers
from anywhere around the world. In Passion and Purpose, the author also support this claim by
describing how once in America, MBA classrooms were filled with only white males. Yet by the
year 2010, the walls held the flags of several countries and the classroom consisted of several
students with different backgrounds and
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Jack's Identity In The Follower
In the story "The Follower" the author proves that a person can not change his or her identity. Jack,
the narrator of "The Follower", had two dangerous neighbors that he had had interest in their
actions. So, he did all of the stunts that they had him do. He had gotten hurt and told the reader, "I
was so afraid my mother would see my bruised face that I stole my sisters makeup and powdered
my Bruise." Jack is scared that his mom will find out he is hurt because his mom knows that Jack is
a good kid that is not doing the right thing. She knows that he is trying to make his friends see him
in a cool way. Some people in life are themselves and try to change to fit in with their friends. They
want others to think that they are cool but they
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Leaders And Followers Analysis
The movie clip portrays the conventional way of how the general public views leaders and
followers. As the book talks about that being called a team member or group member is better than
being called a suborinate or follower, the ants in the line were clearerly followers. Not that followers
cannot think for themself, because nearly everyone has someone else they follow, the ant could not
think for himself in going around the leaf. I think that this is the problem with most followers, they
do not want to think for themselfs and want someone like Mr. Soil, a leader, to guide them. I dont
think this is wrong for people to want others to guide them because many people enjoy being a team
member rather than being in charge. The book goes into detail
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Leaders And Followers Relationship
The Work Relationship Between Leaders and Followers Valerie Williams Walden University The
Work Relationship Between Leaders and Followers The intrikite relationship of a leader and
followers has been study that remains a mystery to scholarly writers in public administration today.
The question of what makes a great leader? is one that is asked every couple of years. But instread
of asking what makes a great leader maybe we need to seek out the desire to be led. The strong
influence over the future determination of an individual(s) is a characteristic that only a leader can
posses (Martinez, Kane, Ferris, & Brooks, 2012). What Makes A Great Leader Before determining
whetehr they are great, what is the desie to have someone ... Show more content on
When placed in a position as a leader, challenges are sure to occur. A challenge that a leader can face
is balancing the needs of the people versus the demands of the organization. This should not become
and either or type of decision; finding the balance between the two can effect the future with the
organization if the ball is dropped in both areas. However if care and concern towards your staff is
not displayed, productiviey may slow down, and desired results will not occur. The risk of loosing
your followers can be another outcome, of lack of empathy from a leader can produce high
turnovers and resentments. Of course the demands of the organization have to be met in a timely
manner, or the risk of being let go is a
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Research Paper On Followers
Being a follower is easier than being a leader. Followers don't fight as hard nor do they stress as
much. Followers are submissive to the opinions of others. Followers camouflage into society; they
act, think, and speak like everyone else. Followers quiet their voices and allow others to speak for
them. Followers always require someone else to walk them in life. Followers never take a stand nor
stand in front of the line. Followers prefer decisions be made for them and hardly ever get involved
in decision–making. Being a follower is the easy route in life; obey others and you will fit right in.
Followers never rebel, but complain often. They speak of change, but wait for others to act.
Followers criticize the work of others, but never bring fresh ideas to the table. Followers are
repetitive, they despise change. Followers seek comfort and avoid challenges. Followers dependent
on others; they seek the approval and favor of everyone else, even if it means suppressing their own
true identity. Followers spend more time gossiping than being productive. Followers always seek to
work less. Followers carry false identities. Followers are easy to find, but hardly desired. Followers
lack knowledge and use other's ideas rather than their own. Followers are walking dead, they are
always late. ... Show more content on ...
You are a free soul, live in freedom! Fight for what you believe to be right. Fix your eyes on what is
important. Live life with purpose. Use your talents and multiply your skills. Don't apologize for
being different or explain yourself to those who cannot understand you. Learn to be true to yourself
and fight for who you will become. It will be hard, it will be challenging, it will cause some heavy
sweating and maybe even some tears, but the end will be glorious! Take risks and face challenges
with grace. Love who were, who you are, and who you will become and as Ms. Frizzle would say,
"Take chances, make mistakes, and get
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The Virgin Bartolomeo
The painting of The Death of the Virgin is one of Bartolomeo Vivarini masterpiece. The artwork is
painted on wood with Tempera. While this painting was painted on 1485. While this painting is
depicting the dead Virgin, it is surrounded by the apostles and her son Christ at the top. With great
contrasts in using the basic colors of red, blue and green, Bartolomeo used that advantaged to show
the contrast of death to life. This painting holds a symbolic meaning for the audience. As it was
similar to a reminder of the end of a legend of a life. Which holds great importance to people who
believe in God. Death is something to be reminded to the people and this painting has a excellent
point in portraying that. But of course, this painting is very and most definitely an ironic and
satirical piece. Perhaps for some individuals it is hard to grasp the meaning.
In drawing, comes a point and where two point connects forms a line. With a line turns into a shape
and therefore you can add depth and value to make it more dimensional and appealing to a human's
eye. The shape and space in this painting is very constrained in a way. The twelve apostles
surrounding the Virgin gives the audience a sign of how the virgin is very important. The shape of
their bodies may seem ... Show more content on ...
While viewing this piece of artwork, one may direct their eyes towards the Apostles first because it
contains more contrasts. Despite how the Christ has less contrasts, it is very difficult to understand
whether or not this was intentional or not. However, if both subjects had more contrasts, than it will
be difficult to pin point where the focus is. Most interesting thing is how the more spacious the
subject is, the less contrasts it is. And vice versa. And as well the landscape has this effect as well.
The audience is more drawn into the Apostles as we are with them as
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The Follower By Alistair Macleod
Familial ties, tradition and upbringing shape an individuals identity and sense of security. This idea
is expressed in "The Follower" by Seamus Heaney as well as in two short stories from Alistair
Macleod's "The Island"; "The Boat" and "Golden Gift of Grey.". The texts illustrate the importance
in establishing and maintaining connections of paternal nature. They divulge in the idea that
incompatibility with one's home can affect the viewing of their place in the world, and indicate that
qualities such as physical and intellectual skill can factor into a sense of belonging and place.
Paternal connections are a focal issue addressed in all the texts, and are shown to have the ability to
shape a child's identity. "The Boat" by Alistair Macleod
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Creating A Copy For Your Website Essay
Meta: Elevate the conversion of your website by arming it with compelling, enticing content that
sparks action. Learn how with Hosting Australia.
5 Simple Ways to Create Effective Copy For Your Website
A high–quality website is an essential element of your business's digital marketing strategy, and the
copy used across your site and any associated social media pages will be key to your success.
Ineffective copy could cause potential customers to quickly click away, losing you business and
preventing your brand's message from being delivered. Make sure you give your customers a good
reason to stick around with these 5 simple tips.
1. Know your audience. Understanding who your audience is and how they speak is crucial to
creating the right tone for your web copy. For example, if your brand targets a younger demographic
then a more casual tone with current slang will work well, whereas an older audience may expect a
more formal tone that reflects their voice. Thorough market research will ensure that you know who
your audience is and what they want from your brand.
2. Make sure it's readable. Large blocks of texts, small fonts, and uncomfortable colour schemes will
all make your web copy less accessible for your reader. Bullet–pointed lists, shorter paragraphs,
clear headings and a well–designed page will keep your copy clean and readable at all times.
3. Opt for creative headlines. The headline is the bait you use to draw your audience in, so make
sure the copy is bold,
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Followers Behaviors
Introduction Everyone knows the important of leadership. Leadership in an organization is a very
important skill for personal and professional development in this competitive world. It allows
individuals and/or an organization to influence followers to strive and to achieve their goals. Not to
mention, leaders have huge amount of responsibilities to lead the best direction for their team and
develop a good organizational culture. The role of President, for instance, is a leadership role that
has a heavy responsibility to lead its country to become better than before. That's the reason why
USA holds election to vote for the best person to become their president. The people wants President
who can make decisions concerning the people's lives ... Show more content on ...
He is conscientiousness because he is well–organized with his tasks and the boundaries he set for his
work. Also, he is hardworking and dependable as he is always on–schedule, even with this
interview! He is agreeable because he is always appeared to be warm and kind to everyone he is
meeting with. He is also very helpful to his employees and cooperative with his co–workers. He is
Extraversion as he is bold and passionate with his work and his own personality. These personality
traits allow him to work efficiently and effectively in the same time. "We need more of these kinds
of people to make our department better," as I quoted him. When they hire new staffs, strong
leadership skills, time management skills, and great interpersonal skills are the main skills they look
for. He will also promote employees from within the department if one exceeds the standards and
play it
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Comparing Sucker And The Follower
The way a person acts could change another's life forever, for better or for worse, whenever it might
persist as verbal or physical. The short stories "The Follower" by Jack Gantos and "Sucker" by
Carson McCullers both illustrate events in which one's actions had negative lasting effects on
another. This essay will examine the poor actions by characters in the text and the effects those
actions triggered. "The Follower" by Jack Gantos features three main characters. Jack, a tween who
meets two brothers who lives next door, Scary Gary and Frankie. Depicted as a teenager, Jack also
portrays Scary Gary as a "crazy" type of person. He doesn't enjoy dangerous situations, he enjoys
others experiencing them. Scary Gary takes pleasure in seeing others getting put through pain.
Frankie, Scary Gary's "test dummy" before Jack came along, always complied to Scary Gary's
commands, even if it's as extreme as catapulting himself to the neighbor's yard. When Jack meets
the two, he becomes fascinated by them and their antics, even though they're a poor influence. He
aspires to hang out with them, even though he has to go through the same harming ... Show more
content on ...
Scary Gary in "The Follower" used his influence to make the boys his patsies and make them go
through many precipices. Maybelle caused a chain reaction by mistreatreating Peterr, which caused
Peter to mistreat Sucker. Sucker being at the short end of the stick, changed his whole personality in
a reaction. Even though one might not believe it, these scenarios are entirely plausible in real life. In
fact, this happens every day. Even though the stories showed mostly actions having a faulty effect,
situations on the other side of the spectrum was shown as well. When Maybelle was friendly
towards Peter, Peter became friendly with Sucker. In conclusion, use actions for the better cause, it'll
have an amazing effect on
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Who Is The Follower Role?
The majority of the time I think of myself as a leader, however there are several occasions I step into
the follower role. My most obvious follower roles are at work and school. During these situations I
believe I tend to be an exemplary follower. I think my personality as well as my actions would
confirm this assumption. Exemplary followers are defined as self managed followers, challenges
leader, and willing to be mentored. When I was 15 I got a job a 17 field baseball and softball
complex as a part of the grounds crew. The grounds crew basically keeps all the fields maintained
and fixes them after the kids have played on them. When I was first hired I was eager to learn
everything there was to know. I was very coachable and in no time I knew the job like the back of
my hand. For example, instead of just learning my position of fixing fields I hung around the boss
and learned about the irrigation, spraying chemicals, and how to run the heavy machinery. With that
being said, once I was to the level of being very confident with the job I began to analyze their
methods and ways. While I respected my bosses I also challenged their methods were I saw a flaw.
For example, the boss may think the fields should be fix in a certain order, however I could think
critically to come up with a faster way that I would often present to him. This was not a confronting
type of challenge, but a more of a collaborative one to achieve our goal as efficient as possible. Also,
I like to have
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Effective Follower

  • 1. Effective Follower Within every team, there are followers and leaders. They both coexist within the same team and are mandatory for an organization to succeed. A team will not be effective without followers because they "see where the leader wants to go and why, and then help find the best way to get there quickly, safely and effectively" (Daft, pg. 195). When first reading and finding the logic in this statement it can have a person second–guessing his or herself because you are taught from when you are a child not to be a follower. However, after continuing the chapter and getting a clear understanding, I realize that being a productive follower is just as or more important as that of a leader and each role has its place in the organization. This is supported by the author's statement, "for an organization to succeed there must be people who willingly and ... Show more content on ... This is defined as "not considering possibilities beyond what he or she is told, does not contribute to the organization, and accepts the leader's ideas without assessing or evaluating them" (pg. 199). However, conformist fits under that dimension and the definition is "a follower who participates actively in the organization but does not utilize critical thinking skills in his or her task behavior" (pg. 200). That description sounds like someone who comes to work, does their job, and has no opinion or voices his or her concerns. I am definitely someone that contributes to the job and a participant in the organization. The jobs I have been employed for I have fully contributed and always go beyond what is expected. I will agree that I do not challenge authority which stems from a childhood of being told not to challenge authority or elders. Speaking up to management, sharing ideas and thoughts is a skill that I agree needs improvement. I would voice my opinion and that would be the ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Hinduism Followers Hinduism is a combination of religion, culture, and philosophy that saw its beginnings in India (Molloy, 2009). Followers of Hinduism have a strong belief in a cycle of reincarnations, virtue, and karma. Unlike other belief systems, followers of Hinduism are not held to a particular set of beliefs. They live a particular way of life that governs all that they do and is governed by their own traditions, ethics, philosophy and theology. Within the Hindu faith there are several themes that govern their way of life and are all related in one way to each other. The prominent themes in the Hindu faith are karma, moksha, samsara, Brahman and yoga. Of these themes, samsara stands out the most to me as the most essential of the Hinduism themes and is also one of the most prominent themes for all religions that originate from ... Show more content on ... Samsara is an endless life progression that incorporates life, death and reincarnation and has followers seeing for freedom from the cycle (Ryan, 1999). Within the Hindu faith, samsara is believed to be a theme that life is based on an illusion that individuals are autonomous beings instead of acknowledging that there is a connection between an individual and reality. Through this illusion, individuals act in a way that not only will generate karma, another theme of Hinduism, but that will maintain the cycle of actions leading to reincarnation based on those actions. When the follower grasps the unity between all, they will have the potential to end the cycle of samsara and obtain moksha, which is the liberation of the continuous reincarnation cycle (Dehejia & Dehejia, 1993). Within the Hindu belief, samsara is considered to be highly undesirable amongst followers because of its erratic nature and their unawareness of how their actions from this life or previous lives will affect their ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. The Follower Problem Submission to authority is the dictionary definition of what obedience is. We live out this definition to a point in reality. In todays world people would be willing to do literally anything in order to gain the attention and gratitude of those who are in an position of authority. This concept is proven in "The Follower Problem" by David Brooks, "Disobedience as a Physiological and Moral Problem" by Erich Fromm, "Group Minds" by Doris Lessings and "The Milgram Experiment." In society human beings will change to blend themselves in with those around them. The people around them are the ones that are following every order they receive with out hesitating, so in reality they are changing to believe whatever the leader tells them to do. In "Group ... Show more content on ... In "Disobedience as a Physiological and Moral Problem" Fromm believes that obedience, or the lack of obedience could cause the human race to end because humans will kill them selves off on their own. He is implying that humans are close to doing just that by saying "If mankind commits suicide it will be because people will obey those who command them to push the deadly buttons" (Fromm, 622). A perfect example of this is shown in "The Milgram Experiment." In that clip the operators want to stop once the patient starts showing signs of pain, and especially once they become unresponsive, but once the person in charge instructed the operators to continue, they did just that. Then, Lessings explains the group theory once again, where he is says if the majority of a group is doing something, the minority might kick and scream, but they will eventually end up caving in. So once the majority starts following whatever the leader says that minority will soon follow. I believe this is true, because I see it everyday in my own life when people get peer pressured into doing something they do not feel comfortable doing. Then eventually give in because the majority of the group is pushing them to do something even though they know that it is ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Followers Type Of Follower Analysis Identify which slide represents the type of follower discussed by Kellerman and why. Slide 1 represent the participant type of follower. Kelleman states these types of followers care about the organization and try to make an impact. If they do not agree with the leader, they will try to challenge them (Kelleman, 2009). The picture illustrates followers, following and then stops (by using a hand), this makes me believe that they are challenging the leader. Slide 2 represent the bystanders type of follower. Kelleman talks about how this type of follower is an observer, not a participate who deliberately decides to stand by and disengage from their leaders (Kellrman, 2009). She also stats these types of follower will stand by and do nothing even ... Show more content on ... Leadership can build a relationship with these types of followers by communicating openly and providing the goals and outcomes of the new opportunities. Leaders should also listen to their ideas so they feel engaged. According to the "Building and Sustaining Relationships" article, leaders need to take time to listen (Community Tool Box, n.d.). Diehards followers: According to the "Building and Sustaining Relationships" article, "building and sustaining relationships are at the heart of organizing communities" (Community Tool Box, n.d.); leaders need to pay special attention to those who demonstrate their strong support says Barbara Kellerman (Kellerman, 2007). Participants followers: These types of followers will try to change the direction if they do not agree with the leader's ideas, etc. (Kelleman, 2009). Leaders should watch over these types of followers and pay close attention to whether these followers are against them. According to the "Building and Sustaining Relationships" article, you can disagree and still build relationships with individuals who are working against your goals by creating dialogue groups to hear why advertise views the issues the way they do (Community Tool Box, ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. The Camp Followers Essay It was a peaceful morning in Trenton, New Jersey when I was introduced to the world as Mary Ludwig on October 13, 1754, also known as Molly Pitcher and Sergeant Molly. In my family, we have 4 members, my older brother, Johann Martin, and my parents, Maria Margaretha Ludwick and John Georg Ludwick. The first time I got married was on July 24, 1769, I married a local barber from Carlie, Pennsylvania named William Hays. The way I became part of the American Revolution is by being a Camp Follower that was led by General George Washington's wife, Martha Washington with another 20,000 women and children that helped clean clothing and blankets, cook food, and cared for the sick and dying during the American Revolution.The Camp Followers ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Personal Narrative: The Follower The follower Dear Diary, I will never forget the word Miami. My family and I went on vacation to Miami beach the car ride was 9 hours. Even doe I was tired from the trip I was really excited to see my family from chicago that had also come on vacation. I was wearing sweatpants a t shirt and my slippers which are super comfy. When I saw the kids and the teenagers i had a big smile on my face, after 5 minutes we started comparing each other to see who was the tallest of the group of kids I was which kind off made me the oldest I felt awesome. The really cool teenage girls which I love so much Mela and Katy had their nails done wearing the bikinis.after hanging out we all went out for lunch to n argentinian good. That afternoon ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. The Follower Problem Are you the type of person to make decisions based off of the group you're involved with, or do you go your own way and make your own decisions? Whether being involved in a group, or you tend to be a follower, those certain things have a bigger influence on how someone acts, compared to individual human views, that can be founded off of social psychology. Being involved with the group, has the biggest impact on how people choose to obey or disobey certain actions because of the societal pressure, family and religious backgrounds, and having the fear of not fitting in, or conforming. Societal pressures have an impact on how a person can think or act. As Lee Ross author of obedience once said, " people's inflated belief in the importance of personality traits and disposition, together with their failure to recognize the importance of situational factors in affecting behavior"(Ross, 628). The follower problem, a book written by David brooks makes the statement "these days many Americans seem incapable of thinking for themselves"(Brooks, 650). Doris Lessing a claim "how often we'd say black was white because other people were saying it"(Lessing 652).So why do people react act like this. Outside influences have a huge impact on how people react and make their decisions. If you are by yourself and ... Show more content on ... The ability to have your own thoughts and opinions have slowly gone away and have gone towards the "group opinion" from societal pressures, family and religious backgrounds, to having the fear of not conforming or fitting in. When you have one group that thinks as one and does as one, I think it limits the abilities an individual can have. I see this everyday in society, whether I'm at school observing classmates, or even with my own friends, I tend to follow after the group. When always relying on the group, you restrict your ability to become your own unique person and ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Leader Follower Relationship COURSE: BUS 6030 COURSE DESCRIPTION: LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT OF CHANGE LECTURER: PROF. C. GETECHA SEMESTER: FALL YEAR: 2012 TERM PAPER: LEADER FOLLOWER RELATIONSHIPS GROUP 4 MEMBERS NAMES: STUDENT ID No: 1. Stephen Omuga 637854 2. Daisy Oria 623319 3. Fredrick Njokih 636057 Table of Contents 1. DYADIC THEORY 4 1.1. Introduction 4 1.2. Evolution of the Dyadic theory 4 1.2.1. Vertical Dyad Linkage (VDL) Theory 5 1.2.2. Leader–Member Exchange (LMX) Theory 6 1.2.3. Team Building 6 1.2.4. Systems and Networks 6 1.3. An in–depth look at the theory as a whole 7 1.3.1. The Influence of LMX on Follower Behavior 8 1.3.2. The Three–Stage Process for Developing Positive LMX ... Show more content on ... Leaders primarily use expert, referent, and reward power to influence members of the in–group. The out–group includes followers with few or no social ties to their leader, in a strictly task–centered relationship characterized by low exchange and top–down influence. Leaders mostly use reward, as well as legitimate and coercive power, to influence out–group members. Members of the in–group are invited to participate in important decision making, are given added responsibility, and have greater access to the leader. Members of the out–group are managed according to the requirements of the employment contract. They receive little inspiration, encouragement, or recognition. In terms of influence and support, in–group members experience greater support and positive influence from the leader, while out–group members tend not to experience positive relationships and influence. The in–group versus out–group status also reveals an element of reciprocity or exchange in the relationship. The leader grants special favors to in– group members in exchange for their loyalty, commitment, and outstanding performance. This creates mutual reinforcement based on common needs and interests. Leader–Member Exchange (LMX) Theory
  • 16. The underlying assumption of LMX theory is that leaders or superiors have limited amounts of social, personal, and ... Get more on ...
  • 17.
  • 18. Animal Farm Followers Animal farm is definitely a novel about leaders and followers. What lead me to believe this is how napoleon becomes a leader through fear and how squealers propaganda creates the followers. Napoleon overthrew any of animals trying to interfere with his leadership position. Squealer keeps deceiving the rest of the animals into believing "Napoleon is always right" and they should "work harder." The innocent animal like boxer, are being fooled by propagandist and take advantage of them. Followers are those who obey their leaders which Napoleon has accomplish through maintains his power through fear, brainwashing, and the from innocents of the animals. Throughout the story Napoleon leads to role of being a leader through fear of the other animals. The dogs put down a rebellion for the others. Since he establishes fear in the farm, he is able to destroy freedom and equality on the farm. "When the hens heard this, they raised a terrible outcry....Napoleon acted swiftly and ruthlessly, He ordered the hens' ... Show more content on ... He is the right hand of Napoleon to enhance their thoughts to become followers. He is the co–leader with Napoleon. He is master in using propaganda. "Our sole object in taking these things is to preserve our health ... absolutely necessary to the well–being of a pig. Do you know what would happen if we pigs failed in our duty? Jones would come back!" (page 35–36). He was able to distribute propaganda to the animals that sounds plausible. He uses fear in his words that will allows the animals to follow his demands to avoid the horrible act of Jones coming back. His use of language is powerful and eloquent. His speeches use persuasive wording in order to make them powerful to manipulate the other animals. "That others said of Squealer that he could turn black into white" (page 16). George Orwell is referring to Squealers persuasive skills. Squealer is talent enough to even convince the animals into believing that black is ... Get more on ...
  • 19.
  • 20. Courageous Follower Report After reading The Courageous Follower, I have determined that I have to be both a "courageous follower" and leader on a daily basis. Throughout my career in the Navy, I have progressed through the enlisted ranks to selection as a chief petty officer (E7) followed by commissioning as a chief warrant officer. As a warrant officer, I belong to a community that also contains those serving as limited duty officers. A limited duty officer out ranks a warrant officer however, a warrant officer must promote to the enlisted rank of chief petty officer (E7) prior to promotion whereas a limited duty officer can promote from the enlisted rank of first class petty officer (E6). Additional criteria for promotion to warrant officer includes sustained ... Show more content on ... So the next day I discussed the issue with my division officer who totally wanted to wait another day to revisit the issue in a discussion with the principal assistant. I briefed him on that we're going to see the department head and call a meeting with the, command and us to discuss this. His concerns were the ramifications from the principal assistant I stated "I will deal it." So I went to the department head's office and requested a meeting with command to discuss. His first response was can we discuss it before the principal assistant gets in the office my reply, "Sir I would like all parties involved in the meeting first." The department head called the principal assistant to a meeting who had no clue was about to happen. During the meeting the principal assistance was obviously disappointed he had no clue what I was about to ... Get more on ...
  • 21.
  • 22. Followership: Leadership and Followers There have been many observations regarding the characteristics of a leader, but followership has received less attention. Treister and Schultz (1997) "suggests that a "follower is someone who accepts guidance and, on receiving it, takes the appropriate action." Treister et al (1997) also state followership is "considered a passive or submissive role of lesser importance than leadership. However, the effectiveness of leaders to a large measure depends on the qualities of their followers." Treister et al (1997) go on to say "good leadership enhances followers, just as good followership enhances leaders." So followers are just as important as leaders are to a leader/follower relationship. Some have categorized followers in different ... Show more content on ... Kellerman (2007) goes on to say "When they disapprove of their leaders and managers, however, or when they act as independent agents, the situation gets more complicated." It is very important for a leader to know if these followers are "for or against them" as Kellerman (2007) states. This does not come up as an issue for isolates and bystanders. Activists are the fourth typology of Kellerman. Kellerman ( 2007) states "activists feel strongly one way or another about their leaders and organizations, and they act accordingly. These followers are eager, energetic, and engaged. They are heavily invested in people and processes, so they work hard either on behalf of their leaders or to undermine and even unseat them." Activists are few in number but can have a great impact on an organization or group. The fifth and last typology is diehards. Kellerman (2007) describes "diehards are prepared to go down for their cause – whether it's an individual, an idea, or both. These followers may be deeply devoted to their leaders, or they may be strongly motivated to oust their leaders by any means necessary. They exhibit an all–consuming dedication to someone or something they deem worthy." Kellerman ... Get more on ...
  • 23.
  • 24. Followers Citizenship Behaviors What is power? Power is the ability to make another person to act in your stead. Likewise, Max Weber defines power, "the probability that one actor within a social relationship will be in a position to carry out his own will despite resistance" (Luthans, 2011, p. 313). An example, politician presenting a bill to Congress and the bill passes due to having a majority of the vote despite the other politicians arguing against it. Another way to describe power, organizational behavior theorist Pfeffer says, "as the potential ability to influence behavior, to change the course of events, to overcome resistance, and to get people to do things that they would not otherwise do" (Luthans, 2011, p. 313). A child doing their homework because his or her parent impressed upon them if they did not do so they will be punished. The parent influenced the child's behavior through coercive power. The kid feared being punished, so he or she did their homework. Each day power shapes our lives in our work, school, community, and home lives. We selected "Ethics Matter: Moderating Leaders' Power Use and Followers' Citizenship Behaviors" as our article. We choose this article for several reasons. One reason is the article had numerous concepts that related to Luthans, ethics, power, and organizational citizenship behavior. An additional reason is ethics is fun ... Show more content on ... Power is not just a unilateral process of influence from the agent to the target but it more involves a reciprocal relationship between the two (Luthans, 2011, p. 319). This is confirmed by Reiley and Jacobs where they state that leaders who engage in ethical behavior strengthen this interpersonal relationship (p. 72). Ethical leaders are able to lead more by their actions and by being truthful and fair rather than unethical leaders who lead more with a "do as I say" ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. Robert Kelley's Followership Survey Other Assessments In addition to completing the Strengths Based Leadership assessment, I completed Robert Kelley's Followership Survey. According to the survey, I am an exemplary follower (Kelley, 1992). According to Kelley (1988), exemplary followers, or effective followers, mange themselves well and are courageous, honest, and credible (p. 144). These types of followers are additionally committed to the organization and to a purpose, principle or person outside themselves (Kelley, 1988, p. 144). Lastly, exemplary followers are independent thinkers who act on their own initiative, engage actively when working in a group and provide constructive input (Kelley, 1988, p. 144). Another assessment that I completed was the Authentic Leadership ... Get more on ...
  • 27.
  • 28. Followers In Qualitative Research What Do Followers Want From Leaders Regarding Communication Introduction Employees are a driving force who have an impact on organizational success. The leader is the operational determinant for whether employees receive what they want in terms of leadership. This qualitative method research paper will examine what followers want from their leaders in terms of quantity, quality, engagement, style and methods. Extracting themes from an open–ended survey will determine the areas where employees want more from their leader/supervisor as it relates to communication. Suggestions will be made on how these wants can be satisfied. Qualitative Method Population and Sample The population sample included three followers with the following breakdown (see Figure 1): participant #1 – African American Clerk with a Bachelor's degree who has been in his position between 6–12 months; participant #2 – Caucasian Executive Assistant who has been in her position between 1–9 years; and participant #3 – Hispanic Analyst who has been in her position between 20–29 years and has 2 years of college (Figure 1). The industries represented are Oil & Gas and Education. Measures Rovai et al. (2013) state that by using "symbolic interactionism the ... Show more content on ... After which, a general inductive approach for analysis of the qualitative data including condensation of raw textual data using thematic coding was used to establish links between the evaluation and the research topic (Thomas, 2006). "The general inductive approach provides an easily used and systematic set of procedures for analyzing qualitative data that can produce reliable and valid findings" (Thomas, 2006, p. 237). "The outcome of an inductive analysis...[was developed into]...categories...[and] into a model or framework that summarizes the raw data and conveys key themes and processes" (Thomas, 2006, p. 240). The themes were then applied to the interview data provided by the study ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. The Influence Of Follower Motivation In addition, she also uses behaviorism. Most notably, punishments are provided for undesirable behaviors. In turn, it discourages the likelihood that followers will repeat the behavior (Ben–Hur & Kinley, 2015). For instance, employees that perform poorly and oftentimes dismissed. In fact, in one quarter during 2013, 600 of the lowest performing employees were dismissed (Lobello, 2013). Mayer claimed this improved the performance of employees that were not fired. Techniques Used to Influence Follower Motivation Zuckerberg and Mayer use drastically different strategies to influence follower motivation. Zuckerberg empowers and engages followers, communicates a compelling vision, intellectually inspires, encourages collective goals, ... Show more content on ... These behaviors can sabotage the organization's goals, resources, and effectiveness and adversely affect the motivation, well–being, and job satisfaction of followers (Sheard, Kakabadse, & Kakabadse, 2013). Leaders with self–destructive tendencies often not to intentionally harm the organization or followers, but because of their thoughtlessness and insensitivity they effectively do so (Sheard, Kakabadse, & Kakabadse, 2013). Zuckerberg is impulsive and narcissistic. For example, Zuckerberg purchased Instagram on an impulse. In fact, the deal was set up and finalized in one weekend (Eaton, 2012). According to Lewis (n.d.), impulsive leaders can destabilize organizations. Further, impulsive leaders may tend to fire employees suddenly, which could create a constant fear of uncertainty among followers (Lewis, n.d.). Additionally, Zuckerberg was ranked the third most narcissistic CEO in the technology industry (Jackson, 2013). Narcissism is linked to the personalized use of power (Padilla, Hogan, & Kaiser, 2007). Narcissists may test their judgment, which sometimes causes them to take unnecessary risks (Padilla, Hogan, & Kaiser, 2007). Narcissism is also linked to overreach, so they tend to make ill– advised acquisitions and pay more than market value to acquire them (Padilla, Hogan, & Kaiser, 2007). Like Zuckerberg, Mayer is also a ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. Essay On Followers Trust The emotions leaders display can have a great effect on their ability to influence and lead followers (Forsyth, 2014). However, the interpretation of emotions by followers is relatively subjective and there may be many variables. In two studies, Caza, Zhang, Wang, and Bai (2015) researched the reactions of followers to their leader's emotion, for gaining a better understanding of the reactions to perceived sincere emotions displayed by leaders. The level of trust followers have for leaders who demonstrate emotions is the focus throughout the studies. This review will provide a general overview of the "How do you really feel? Effect of leaders perceived emotional sincerity on followers trust" article by Casa et al (2015). Additionally, the ... Show more content on ... Summarizing the results of the study, the authors' recommendation is for leaders to use caution when regulating their emotions, ensuring that when emotions are displayed, they are sincere. Evaluation The conclusions drawn from the research can assist with leader success; however, as acknowledged by the authors, the results of their study are limited since there are many facets of this topic worthy of further explanation. For instance, the followers who participated in the study used self–report instruments, with researchers relying on their honesty. It may be possible, when self–reporting for the emotional state of the follower to influence the results. Additionally, individuals have the capacity to display a wide range of emotions, although differences in follower reactions to a variety of emotions shared by leaders was not covered in this study. Since this is not covered in the study, it is unclear how a follower's reaction would change between a display of confidence or vulnerability. Along these line, the intensity or perceived intensity of a leader's emotions is also not studied. However, there were many variables considered in the study, including follower age, follower gender, follower work experience, follower tenure with manager, and leader gender; all which increased the validity of the results. Two different cultures were used for the study which helped to minimize the cultural influence one culture may have over the results. While gender was ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Effective Follower Strengths A. Effective Followers B. I scored a 36 on the effective follower scale, which showed that I was more of an effective follower. My score was also determined based off of my followership behavior due to my respective boss. C. Strengths: My effective follower strengths include me offering my support and encouragement to my boss when things are not going well. Also, clarifying my role in tasks by making sure I understand my boss's expectations of me and my performance standards. For example, while at work one day my boss was troubled with a technical request that required a custodial staff assistant to come in and fix. However, this situation happen to take place on a weekend where there was no custodial staff in at the time. So instead, my boss gave me the difficult assignment of troubleshooting this particular technical problem. The problem dealt with fixing two electrical outlets which had blew out from too much power being connect to one electric circuit. In this incident my boss suggested that she would take the lead and help me. However, this was actually a new experience for the both of us, as we never dealt with this type of technical issue before. While attempting to configure the task at hand we simply used critical thinking to best equip the problem. I suggested the idea of finding the circuit breaker box, shutting all circuits off, checking for any bad fuses and then restarting all the circuit breakers to see if those electrical outlets would work again. During the task I notice after a while my boss ... Show more content on ... Weaknesses: My effective follower weaknesses include me not patiently waiting for my boss to suggest an alternative plan first. Instead, in this particular assessment I chose to take the initiative first and did not wait for an alternative plan to assist the problem we were faced with. This takes away from me being an effective follower, simply because I am rushing to take lead. Whether I knew what I was doing or not, I have to follow before I can ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. The Law-Followers Of Romanticism Power is concerned with who creates and who follows law. The Law–Makers can be anyone, or anything, because power has anarchic in nature and will only go to the leading initiator, which was the British monarchy before the Romantic era. What changed was the radical notion of common people and their importance to society during industrialization. Romanticism revolutionized the way common people viewed the world (and themselves) through nature, the universe and everyday life. It connected the world and led to the greatest notion of the modern–day– the idea that the people are both the Law–Makers and Law–Followers, thus equalizing power and creating a spirit of democracy that lasts until today. The idea of life within nature distinguishes the ... Show more content on ... It is the sad truth of the major population today–you eat, you work, you die. The old man narrating these words is explaining the sad story of a widowed mother, a title not uncommon today. This poem is just the sad story of a woman that lost her husband to war and her children because, ultimately, there just wasn't enough money to sustain them all. Again, this is an example of Romantic poetry connecting the common people through ethic and sympathy. What radicalized the world as they knew it during Romanticism–and everyday since– was the use of blank verse for topics as mundane and commonplace as nature and a widow. These seemingly normal topics are being discussed through blank verse, or iambic pentameter. The most elated form of writing, and speech, of that day was used for the commoners, thus balancing everyone in society. There was no longer a set higher class or lower class speech dialect–everyone was the same. This poetry demolished the upper class and elevated the common folks' dignity by allowing them to speak and read in their stories through the words of the powerful. This dramatic reimagining of the ordinary is what connected society during the Romantic era–and is the fundamental basis of the spirit of ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. The Role Of Follower As A Leader Leadership Scholarly Paper What is a leader and what is a follower? In any organized structure, business, or grouping these two key positions will be represented. Chaleff (2009) stated that if one looked up the subject of leadership they would be bombarded with numerous titles on the subject, but if one looked up the follower they would most likely only find the subject as it relates to leaders. The purpose of this paper is to identify the role of the follower as compared with a leader. This is followed by examine two types of interaction between leadership and followers. These interactions will be illustrated through clinical situations using staff nurses. Finally this paper will examine the power and responsible of a staff nurse as a follower without any official authority. Effective Follower Leader To understand the concept of an effective follower one must first examine the leader as it has much more information write about it. Porter–O'Grady and Malloch (2013) are quick to point out what a leader is not and that is a manager. They discuss how a leader and manager though commonly thought to be the same thing are in fact very different with a manager be a position that is gained or granted and leadership is a quality and ability to inspire others (Porter–O'Grady & Malloch, 2013). Dr. Michael Blelch (2014) states that during his study of the theory of leadership he discovered that the concept was constantly changing, evolving and adapting. There are several types of ... Get more on ...
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  • 40. Effective Followers Effective Followers Effective followers are a key component to the success of an organization. Some characteristics that make up an effective follower are ambition, enthusiasm, intelligence, selflessness, and self–reliance. These five characteristics are all desirable traits that form an immaculate effective follower. A faultless company is the result of effective followers being hired on to a company. A strong leader is also required as they would help the efficiency and success of a company. Although, it is the effective followers that are the key components to the success and progress of a business. Effective followers push forward the development of a corporation and are the backbone to any successful business. The first characteristic that makes up an effective follower is ambition. An ambitious individual is determined to work hard in order to achieve success. Many people have intellect but they lack ambition. Intellect without ambition is like a fire without a flame. Have you ever tried to drive a vehicle without an engine? Ambition is the engine to a vehicle like an effective employee is the engine to a company. Without the engine there is no drive to get work complete. For instance, a company could hire an individual that is extremely intelligent but if that employee lacks ambition, the employee's ... Show more content on ... An example could be an employee that works as a direct laborer giving money to a manager that is unkind. This is an example of selflessness because the employee notices that the manager has been upset and still chooses to talk to him at lunch even though the manager is unfriendly. Despite the manager's behavior, the employee still chooses to seek a reason for the manager's possible frustration. Later the employee discovers that the manager had recently lost his son in a car ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Effective Followers : An Effective Follower Effective followers are an extremely important part of the business and work field, especially with management. Follower ship is the process of being guided and directed by the leader. There is always a big deal about having people who are good leaders. A person who is strong and takes initiative is only a few traits of a good leader. There are also many different types of leaders who work best with specific types of situations. Just as leaders play an important role in the business world, the role of an effective follower is also needed. Not everyone is designed to be a leader, and not everyone can be a leader. Some people work better as a follower to take direction and execute the plan that is given to them. Without followers the leaders ... Show more content on ... A follower must also manage time as resources very carefully in order to be fully effective. A self– leader is what it comes down to when a person is needed to self–manage as a follower. The next characteristic that I believe is extremely important that a follower have is role awareness. Sometimes leaders will assign a group of followers a task and if a follower can not distinguish their role they may end up intervening with a group members task. The follower may also fail to complete their task because they have the wrong idea of their role. It is crucial that a follower has the ability to know what is being asked of them as well as what is being asked from others so that when a task comes together all parts combine smoothly. The next characteristic that I believe is important to be an effective follower is a good work ethic. A person must be willing to work hard and work smart not only solo but also as a group. If a person is a hard worker this means that they will work as effectively as they can with the directions that are given to them. If a person works at their full ability they not only save time but, they also save money. If a person is lazy and sits around after they are given a certain task they are being paid while they are not adding any kind of work and commitment into the company. This causes a huge loss for the company which is why hard work is crucial for success in companies. If there are two people competing with different levels of talents the person ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. Followers of Hinduism Hinduism Hinduism is one of the world's most ancient religions. It is the third largest religion. There are many subjects involved in the Hinduism, such as: Hindu religious structure, art, artifacts, and the different time periods. Hindus practice strict religious beliefs and customs. Hinduism consists of a 1,000 religious groups that have evolved in India since 1500 B.C. Followers of Hinduism are known as Hindus. Hindus live their lives by following the religious guidance of the Vedic scripture. The Hindu scriptures consist of two sacred types of writing: the Shruti and the Smriti. The Shruti is heard, while the Smriti is memorized. Before being recorded, these scriptures were passed down from generation to generation orally. ... Show more content on ... Some foods are restricted based on geographical location. Pork is also a forbidden food. For many Hindu's in the world, carving sacred images and figurines was an art form in itself. This required years of hard work and disciplined training. Many buildings in the UK are influenced by Hindu religion, which is evident in sculptures and architecture. Hindus believe art is a very important aspect of salvation. Art is the ultimate release that is founded by good things. Hindu art is also considered a disciplined style of worship. Art can also be contemplated as India's oldest indigenous science. The many carvings on Hindu temples are shown dramatically and powerfully at Ellora. Ellora is an entire mountain. This mountain has been shaped out over centuries by talented artist. In Hindu temples the three exterior walls are sculpted with images that show aspects of the deity preserved within. The images depict the spirit of the deity. For example, the temple devoted to a Vishnu can show his incarnations. The temple devoted to Shiva may show combative feats. Also, temple walls can show foliage, pictures of women, or mithumas, which love couples. Hinduism contains many schools of art including: Rajastani, Kangra, Kalighat, Moghul, and Parahi. Most of the paintings are usually about religious nature. Some also show past times of different deities. India architectural roots derived from Shilpa Shastra. The ... Get more on ...
  • 45.
  • 46. Attention To Followers ["Look at why big companies die," says Shari Ballard, Best Buy's executive vice President, retail channel. "They implode on themselves. They create all these systems and processes––– and then end up with a very small percentage of people who are supposed to solve complex problems, while the other 98% of people just execute. You just can't come up with good enough ideas that way to keep growing."] Conventional wisdom teaches us that decisive leadership drives great business. An elite group of people must come together to make tough decisions that the majority must follow. Fortunately, it appears that some are challenging this centuries old notion. In an article entitled "Management Leaders Turn Attention to Followers", George Anders examines how and why many companies are looking to their low–ranking employees on how to better their businesses. The article focuses on three forward thinking companies: Best Buy, UPS, and Hewlett–Packard. Each company challenged its low–ranking employees to come up with solutions to better business. The result: employees who are more invested in the company's success because they actually feel ... Show more content on ... Politicians promise to reach out what I like to call "minority majorities", middle class workers, grass roots organizations and minority groups who collectively make up a substantial amount of the electorate, yet never seem to get the follow through on promise after election day. It gives these groups a sense of hopelessness. It gives them an idea that despite their best efforts, they are stuck in a caste that is unheard and unappreciated. How can you motivate someone who constantly feels that his or her voice is unheard, or that despite his or her best efforts nothing will really change? Such is the same in business. As companies grow, so does its size of low ranking employees. Employees who often mirror the same target market that companies are trying to ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. Non Effective Followers And The Groups Of Followers,... The four groups of followers operated as alienated followers, sheep, yes people, and survivors, all lacking the key factor of being able to succeed without strong leadership. Sheep lack initiative and sense of responsibility, while yes people refuse to be against the leader (Wren 195). Alienated followers tend to think more independently but are prone to group think. They are normally dissatisfied and/or resentful. Any of these three groups can at any time merge into the survivor group because this group of followers operate under the "slogan "better safe than sorry"" (Wren 195). If a leader is surrounded by these types of followers, it is more difficult for him to be a good leader. Also, if the leader already retains personal motives, he ... Show more content on ... Transformational leadership is used by a leader to "appeal to the moral values of followers in an attempt to raise their consciousness about ethical issues and to mobilize their energy and resources to reform institutions" (Yukl "Charismatic" 261). Pseudotransformational leadership refers to transformational leadership, but when the leader is "self–consumed, exploitive, power–oriented, [and] possess[es] warped values" (Hinz). When a leader appeals to followers' self–interest and offers an exchange of benefits, the leader is utilizing transactional leadership (Yukl "Charismatic" 261). When first studying Jim Jones, one would think that he led through transformational leadership; however, he actually leds through pseudotransformational leadership. Since Jones preached about equality and accepting all men, his messages seemed consistent with ethical morals. He also formed a lively church setting, where people would dance, jump, run around, yell, and scream. This stirred emotions in most members and even visitors, and is often talked about in movies (McCloud). One would think that people would be tired after all the commotion, but, on the contrary, people felt revived and energized after services. Jones finally showed his true style when he moved part of his congregation to Guyana. At this location, Jones ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Emotion And Social Competence Inventory (ESCI) I always deemed a follower to be less influential or important than a leader I have never seen myself as a follower for this reasoning and take pride in been what has been described as a natural leader. As my leadership journey has continued to develop I have to admit I could not comprehend the equality of a leader and follower and I could not understand how a follower could benefit a leader, comforted to find out that my perspective on followers are similar to many peoples negative cognition around the word. This is portrayed in the word itself, as it implies that you are not adequate enough to lead others, and thus you rely on others for direction. Five weeks later here I am happy to advise that I finally understand the importance of ... Show more content on ... 190). The ability to appraise and regulate our emotions quickly is a skill that I believe is important as it results in the ability to accurately respond to situations that others emotions are involved with responsible and appropriate actions. Measures of EI highlighted by Daniel Goleman (n.d.) are Emotional and Social Competence Inventory (ESCI), ESCI Technical Manual, ESCI–U and Emotional intelligence tests evaluated. The article entitled "Emotional Intelligence: The Overlooked Component of Sports Leadership" Schneider (2013) delineates the concept of emotional intelligence, specifically in relation to the field of sports management. According to the article, Sports management just like any other form of organisation requires emotional intelligence for optimal function. The essence of emotions cannot be overlooked since it forms the basis of everyday human interaction hence directly impacting on organisational success. A good sports manager should, therefore, be able to not only have the ability to effectively regulate one's inner emotions but also, understand and respond appropriately to the emotions of others to meet the organisational goals (Scheider, 2013). The chapter employs a range of ideas and models to explain the concept of emotional intelligence not only makes the article informative and adequately detailed but also, interesting to read. The integration of models in describing emotional intelligence rather than plainly explaining what emotional intelligence breaks down the subject into understandable subunits that make the article appealing and informative as well, hence, stimulating my ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Essay on “Leaders and Followers” "Leaders and Followers" History has its unique way to express the historical evidence, as something very important and interesting. From very routes of human existence people had two basic relationship: leader and follower, what they thought would help them to create better society; or people just followed a strong leader and gave their responsibilities to the person who could create a place where they can live and prosper. But unfortunately this basic institution of leaders and followers brought not only good but also the bad. What humanity knows and achieved by now is because of efforts, thinking, beliefs, ideas, inventions and even mistakes of peoples of the past. Interestingly enough, people could not look forward without knowing the ... Show more content on ... The Traditional authority in European countries came from the medieval ages, even farther–from ancient times when people believed that their king is the one that was chosen by Gods or by one God in medieval ages (when Christianity became the dominant religion of the Europe). The absolute power grew over time and reached to its pick the time of Imperialism when kings not only ruled over their own people but also other 'less civilized' countries. The king's power and authority cannot be questioned and his actions cannot be judged. The king of the Belgium took the throne in 1865 and king Leonard tried to become an absolute monarch. To reach his desires he tries to appeal to its people by getting Congo as Belgium colony and succeeds. Leonard by getting Congo and absolute control over economics the same time he gains control over Parliament, which loses its influence, and becomes a subordinate to the royal house. The basis of the Traditional authority is that its followers cannot challenge it, but changes happen in the world, and as the world moved into the road of progress people started to question Traditional authority. Education is very crucial in understanding why people start to challenge Traditional authority, as something that takes their rights and freedom. Mostly 90% of population were not educated and did not new the routes of their monarchs and did not ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Leaders And Followers : Leadership Leaders and Followers In management a big part of success is having team work which includes both leaders and followers. A group with all leaders will be very unsuccessful. A group with all followers will also be very unsuccessful. Every successful group has to have a mixture of leaders and followers. In our book, work teams are defined as a small number of people with complementary skills who hold themselves mutually accountable for pursuing a common purpose, achieving performance goals, and improving interdependent work processes. A part of a work team is the leadership position which is defined as the process of influencing others to achieve group or organizational goals (Williams, 290). When looking at a work team there has to be a leader, and followers because it makes the team stronger. Businesses want to be strong and successful which can be accomplished through teamwork. Every team wants to enhance their work team effectiveness because they can get more done in a quicker period. "Scholars are starting to acknowledge an overemphasis on the leader as an actor and followers as reactors (Scrone, 4)." People are realizing that a team will not be successful without followers because of the many characteristics that they have to have. Leaders and followers are equally important in a work team because the effort is not one sided. Followers need to be just as effective as leaders because leaders never have all the ideas they run with any of their followers ideas to make ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Hinduism Followers Hinduism is one of the world's oldest religions. Hindus believe in many gods, numbering into the thousands. They recognize one supreme spirit called Brahman ("the absolute.") The goal of the Hindus is to someday join with Brahman. Until that union takes place, believers are in a continuous process of rebirth called "reincarnation." At death, the Hindu's deeds (karma) determine what the next life will be. Followers work to break this cycle–birth, death, and rebirth and gain release. The Hindu's soul then merges with Brahman in a condition of spiritual perfection (moksha). Hinduism has many sacred books, the oldest being a series called the "Vedas". Traditionally Hindu society was divided into groups of four classes (or varnas). This was known as the "caste system." People were generally grouped by occupations, as children were born, they became members of their parents' caste and remained there for life. After death a person's karma determine whether he or she was reborn into a higher caste or move downward to a lower caste. Included in the case system was the category called "untouchables." People in this group were consider impure, shunned by the ... Show more content on ... Followers are called 'Christians." They believe in one God who created the universe and continues to care for it. Their God sent his son Jesus (called the "Messiah.") into the world to save humanity from sin and to make eternal life possible for them. That son died to accomplish that purpose. Christians believe they can delivered from sin through their belief in Jesus. If they repent of their sinful way, they will be forgiven; after death, they will be judged and either rewarded or punished. The sacred book of Christianity is the "bible." It consists of two parts: The Old Testament describes life before the birth of Jesus and The New Testament describes the life and teaching of Jesus, how the early church developed, and explains what faith in Jesus ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Why Do Followers Need Followers The United States Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek Murthy, a leader in business and medicine, strongly believes that our nation's greatest asset as always been its people. I personally agree with his belief, not only because I admire his leadership qualities, but also because I believe the true power of a leader comes from its people or in this case, followers. Leaders need followers, just as much as followers need leaders. I strongly agree with Johnson, when he states, "To be a "Yes man" is to fail as a follower". To simply obey the orders and act as servant is not the meaning of being a follower in the world we live in today. Cox, Plagens and Sylla also express these views when they mention,' "The follower is no longer a mere subordinate who accepts and obeys the dictates of the leader". Just as Johnson explains in his article, a good follower uses his skills and expertise to help his leader to become more ... Show more content on ... Leaders must be approachable and willing to consider the opinions made by the followers. At times, the leaders must carry out decisions favored by majority of the followers. Leaders must inspire collaboration amongst the followers. If a dispute breaks out, the leader must not pick a side, but rather unite both parties and empower them to work together. Leaders must be role models for followers and even inspire others to be leaders someday. On a final note, the term "followers" today, in a globalized technological advanced world with 6 billion people, has a very different meaning than what "followers" meant in the past. Therefore, in today's world, a leader can have followers from anywhere around the world. In Passion and Purpose, the author also support this claim by describing how once in America, MBA classrooms were filled with only white males. Yet by the year 2010, the walls held the flags of several countries and the classroom consisted of several students with different backgrounds and ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Jack's Identity In The Follower In the story "The Follower" the author proves that a person can not change his or her identity. Jack, the narrator of "The Follower", had two dangerous neighbors that he had had interest in their actions. So, he did all of the stunts that they had him do. He had gotten hurt and told the reader, "I was so afraid my mother would see my bruised face that I stole my sisters makeup and powdered my Bruise." Jack is scared that his mom will find out he is hurt because his mom knows that Jack is a good kid that is not doing the right thing. She knows that he is trying to make his friends see him in a cool way. Some people in life are themselves and try to change to fit in with their friends. They want others to think that they are cool but they ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Leaders And Followers Analysis The movie clip portrays the conventional way of how the general public views leaders and followers. As the book talks about that being called a team member or group member is better than being called a suborinate or follower, the ants in the line were clearerly followers. Not that followers cannot think for themself, because nearly everyone has someone else they follow, the ant could not think for himself in going around the leaf. I think that this is the problem with most followers, they do not want to think for themselfs and want someone like Mr. Soil, a leader, to guide them. I dont think this is wrong for people to want others to guide them because many people enjoy being a team member rather than being in charge. The book goes into detail ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Leaders And Followers Relationship The Work Relationship Between Leaders and Followers Valerie Williams Walden University The Work Relationship Between Leaders and Followers The intrikite relationship of a leader and followers has been study that remains a mystery to scholarly writers in public administration today. The question of what makes a great leader? is one that is asked every couple of years. But instread of asking what makes a great leader maybe we need to seek out the desire to be led. The strong influence over the future determination of an individual(s) is a characteristic that only a leader can posses (Martinez, Kane, Ferris, & Brooks, 2012). What Makes A Great Leader Before determining whetehr they are great, what is the desie to have someone ... Show more content on ... When placed in a position as a leader, challenges are sure to occur. A challenge that a leader can face is balancing the needs of the people versus the demands of the organization. This should not become and either or type of decision; finding the balance between the two can effect the future with the organization if the ball is dropped in both areas. However if care and concern towards your staff is not displayed, productiviey may slow down, and desired results will not occur. The risk of loosing your followers can be another outcome, of lack of empathy from a leader can produce high turnovers and resentments. Of course the demands of the organization have to be met in a timely manner, or the risk of being let go is a ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Research Paper On Followers Being a follower is easier than being a leader. Followers don't fight as hard nor do they stress as much. Followers are submissive to the opinions of others. Followers camouflage into society; they act, think, and speak like everyone else. Followers quiet their voices and allow others to speak for them. Followers always require someone else to walk them in life. Followers never take a stand nor stand in front of the line. Followers prefer decisions be made for them and hardly ever get involved in decision–making. Being a follower is the easy route in life; obey others and you will fit right in. Followers never rebel, but complain often. They speak of change, but wait for others to act. Followers criticize the work of others, but never bring fresh ideas to the table. Followers are repetitive, they despise change. Followers seek comfort and avoid challenges. Followers dependent on others; they seek the approval and favor of everyone else, even if it means suppressing their own true identity. Followers spend more time gossiping than being productive. Followers always seek to work less. Followers carry false identities. Followers are easy to find, but hardly desired. Followers lack knowledge and use other's ideas rather than their own. Followers are walking dead, they are always late. ... Show more content on ... You are a free soul, live in freedom! Fight for what you believe to be right. Fix your eyes on what is important. Live life with purpose. Use your talents and multiply your skills. Don't apologize for being different or explain yourself to those who cannot understand you. Learn to be true to yourself and fight for who you will become. It will be hard, it will be challenging, it will cause some heavy sweating and maybe even some tears, but the end will be glorious! Take risks and face challenges with grace. Love who were, who you are, and who you will become and as Ms. Frizzle would say, "Take chances, make mistakes, and get ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. The Virgin Bartolomeo The painting of The Death of the Virgin is one of Bartolomeo Vivarini masterpiece. The artwork is painted on wood with Tempera. While this painting was painted on 1485. While this painting is depicting the dead Virgin, it is surrounded by the apostles and her son Christ at the top. With great contrasts in using the basic colors of red, blue and green, Bartolomeo used that advantaged to show the contrast of death to life. This painting holds a symbolic meaning for the audience. As it was similar to a reminder of the end of a legend of a life. Which holds great importance to people who believe in God. Death is something to be reminded to the people and this painting has a excellent point in portraying that. But of course, this painting is very and most definitely an ironic and satirical piece. Perhaps for some individuals it is hard to grasp the meaning. In drawing, comes a point and where two point connects forms a line. With a line turns into a shape and therefore you can add depth and value to make it more dimensional and appealing to a human's eye. The shape and space in this painting is very constrained in a way. The twelve apostles surrounding the Virgin gives the audience a sign of how the virgin is very important. The shape of their bodies may seem ... Show more content on ... While viewing this piece of artwork, one may direct their eyes towards the Apostles first because it contains more contrasts. Despite how the Christ has less contrasts, it is very difficult to understand whether or not this was intentional or not. However, if both subjects had more contrasts, than it will be difficult to pin point where the focus is. Most interesting thing is how the more spacious the subject is, the less contrasts it is. And vice versa. And as well the landscape has this effect as well. The audience is more drawn into the Apostles as we are with them as ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. The Follower By Alistair Macleod Familial ties, tradition and upbringing shape an individuals identity and sense of security. This idea is expressed in "The Follower" by Seamus Heaney as well as in two short stories from Alistair Macleod's "The Island"; "The Boat" and "Golden Gift of Grey.". The texts illustrate the importance in establishing and maintaining connections of paternal nature. They divulge in the idea that incompatibility with one's home can affect the viewing of their place in the world, and indicate that qualities such as physical and intellectual skill can factor into a sense of belonging and place. Paternal connections are a focal issue addressed in all the texts, and are shown to have the ability to shape a child's identity. "The Boat" by Alistair Macleod ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Creating A Copy For Your Website Essay Meta: Elevate the conversion of your website by arming it with compelling, enticing content that sparks action. Learn how with Hosting Australia. 5 Simple Ways to Create Effective Copy For Your Website A high–quality website is an essential element of your business's digital marketing strategy, and the copy used across your site and any associated social media pages will be key to your success. Ineffective copy could cause potential customers to quickly click away, losing you business and preventing your brand's message from being delivered. Make sure you give your customers a good reason to stick around with these 5 simple tips. 1. Know your audience. Understanding who your audience is and how they speak is crucial to creating the right tone for your web copy. For example, if your brand targets a younger demographic then a more casual tone with current slang will work well, whereas an older audience may expect a more formal tone that reflects their voice. Thorough market research will ensure that you know who your audience is and what they want from your brand. 2. Make sure it's readable. Large blocks of texts, small fonts, and uncomfortable colour schemes will all make your web copy less accessible for your reader. Bullet–pointed lists, shorter paragraphs, clear headings and a well–designed page will keep your copy clean and readable at all times. 3. Opt for creative headlines. The headline is the bait you use to draw your audience in, so make sure the copy is bold, ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Followers Behaviors Introduction Everyone knows the important of leadership. Leadership in an organization is a very important skill for personal and professional development in this competitive world. It allows individuals and/or an organization to influence followers to strive and to achieve their goals. Not to mention, leaders have huge amount of responsibilities to lead the best direction for their team and develop a good organizational culture. The role of President, for instance, is a leadership role that has a heavy responsibility to lead its country to become better than before. That's the reason why USA holds election to vote for the best person to become their president. The people wants President who can make decisions concerning the people's lives ... Show more content on ... He is conscientiousness because he is well–organized with his tasks and the boundaries he set for his work. Also, he is hardworking and dependable as he is always on–schedule, even with this interview! He is agreeable because he is always appeared to be warm and kind to everyone he is meeting with. He is also very helpful to his employees and cooperative with his co–workers. He is Extraversion as he is bold and passionate with his work and his own personality. These personality traits allow him to work efficiently and effectively in the same time. "We need more of these kinds of people to make our department better," as I quoted him. When they hire new staffs, strong leadership skills, time management skills, and great interpersonal skills are the main skills they look for. He will also promote employees from within the department if one exceeds the standards and play it ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Comparing Sucker And The Follower The way a person acts could change another's life forever, for better or for worse, whenever it might persist as verbal or physical. The short stories "The Follower" by Jack Gantos and "Sucker" by Carson McCullers both illustrate events in which one's actions had negative lasting effects on another. This essay will examine the poor actions by characters in the text and the effects those actions triggered. "The Follower" by Jack Gantos features three main characters. Jack, a tween who meets two brothers who lives next door, Scary Gary and Frankie. Depicted as a teenager, Jack also portrays Scary Gary as a "crazy" type of person. He doesn't enjoy dangerous situations, he enjoys others experiencing them. Scary Gary takes pleasure in seeing others getting put through pain. Frankie, Scary Gary's "test dummy" before Jack came along, always complied to Scary Gary's commands, even if it's as extreme as catapulting himself to the neighbor's yard. When Jack meets the two, he becomes fascinated by them and their antics, even though they're a poor influence. He aspires to hang out with them, even though he has to go through the same harming ... Show more content on ... Scary Gary in "The Follower" used his influence to make the boys his patsies and make them go through many precipices. Maybelle caused a chain reaction by mistreatreating Peterr, which caused Peter to mistreat Sucker. Sucker being at the short end of the stick, changed his whole personality in a reaction. Even though one might not believe it, these scenarios are entirely plausible in real life. In fact, this happens every day. Even though the stories showed mostly actions having a faulty effect, situations on the other side of the spectrum was shown as well. When Maybelle was friendly towards Peter, Peter became friendly with Sucker. In conclusion, use actions for the better cause, it'll have an amazing effect on ... Get more on ...
  • 77.
  • 78. Who Is The Follower Role? The majority of the time I think of myself as a leader, however there are several occasions I step into the follower role. My most obvious follower roles are at work and school. During these situations I believe I tend to be an exemplary follower. I think my personality as well as my actions would confirm this assumption. Exemplary followers are defined as self managed followers, challenges leader, and willing to be mentored. When I was 15 I got a job a 17 field baseball and softball complex as a part of the grounds crew. The grounds crew basically keeps all the fields maintained and fixes them after the kids have played on them. When I was first hired I was eager to learn everything there was to know. I was very coachable and in no time I knew the job like the back of my hand. For example, instead of just learning my position of fixing fields I hung around the boss and learned about the irrigation, spraying chemicals, and how to run the heavy machinery. With that being said, once I was to the level of being very confident with the job I began to analyze their methods and ways. While I respected my bosses I also challenged their methods were I saw a flaw. For example, the boss may think the fields should be fix in a certain order, however I could think critically to come up with a faster way that I would often present to him. This was not a confronting type of challenge, but a more of a collaborative one to achieve our goal as efficient as possible. Also, I like to have ... Get more on ...