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                                                                                       Fo r I nte r n ation al D e gre e Stu de nts at Åbo Ak ade m i Un ive r sit y
                                                                                                                                    Ac ade m ic Ye ar 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 3

Office of Academic and Student Affairs | Tavastgatan 13 | FI- 20500 ÅBO |
e-mail: | phone +358-2-215 4836 | fax + 358 2 215 3230 |


                    Read through the Welcome Guide and other material sent to you by Åbo Akademi Univer-
                    sity. Find out as much as possible about Finland and the city.

                    Arrange with adequate insurance (See information on page 8-9). Note, requirement for visa.

                    Apply for a residence permit (concerns all non-EU students). (See information on page 5-6.)

                    Confirm your intention to study at Åbo Akademi University. (See information on page 4.)

                    Apply for housing. (See information on page 7-8.)

                    Book your trip so that you arrive in Åbo during the registration period which ends 7 Septem-
                    ber. Try to arrive in time for the orientation course. (See information on page 9-12.)

                    Draw up a budget for your stay in Finland. (See information on page 18-20.)

                    Accept your housing offer by paying the housing deposit fee.

                    Bring the original copies of your secondary school leaving certificate and Bachelor’s degree
                    certificate (when applying to the Master’s level) as well as original transcripts and other of-
                    ficial statements issued to you by your former school or university. You will need these when
                    you register. (See information on page 11.)

                    Make sure that your luggage is properly labelled and that you are carrying valuables and
                    important information concerning your studies and your trip in your hand luggage.

         Cover: Rolf Niskanen, photograph: Tage Rönnqvist

    WELCOM E GUIDE 2012/2013
Welcome to Åbo Akademi University


Congratulations! You have been offered a study          THE UNIVERSITY
entitlement at Åbo Akademi University. You
might have several questions concerning the             Åbo Akademi University is a Swedish‑language
start of your studies - this guide aims to answer       university, which means that the main language
most of the questions that new degree students          of teaching and administration is Swedish. Cur-
may have before accepting the study offer, when         rently the university also offers 8 Master’s de-
preparing for their studies as well as in the initial   gree programmes taught in English and new
stages of the studies.                                  programmes are being planned. There are also
                                                        double degree programmes offered in coopera-
Please read this guide carefully. Follow the in-        tion with partner universities. However, the main
structions given and if you have any further            part of the curriculum is taught in Swedish.
questions; do not hesitate to contact the Office
of Academic and Student Affairs (contact infor-         The university was founded in 1918 in order to
mation at the end of this guide). When you ar-          provide higher education for the Swedish‑speak-
rive, you will receive more information about           ing minority in Finland. About 7000 students are
the studies as well as more detailed information        currently enrolled. About 1000 of these are inter-
about living in Åbo/Turku (you can also read the        national students studying either for a whole de-
Survival Guide at         gree or for shorter periods as exchange students.
                                                        Åbo Akademi University has two main cam-
An orientation course for international degree          puses in Åbo and Vasa. Åbo Akademi University
students will be arranged in the beginning of the       comprises 12 departments:
term. For more information about that course,
please see the chapter on arrival and registra-         Faculty of Arts
tion.                                                   Faculty of Education
                                                        Faculty of Theology
We want to welcome you to Åbo Akademi Uni-              Department of Psychology and Logopedics
versity! We hope you will feel at home at our uni-      School of Business and Economics
versity and that this guide will facilitate the early   Department of Social Sciences
stages of your studies.                                 Department of Law
                                                        Department of Political Science
Welcome!                                                Department of Natural Sciences
                                                        Department of Biosciences
                                                        Department of Information Technologies
                                                        Department of Chemical Engineering

                                                                                       W E LCO M E G U I D E 2012/2013

         CONTENTS                                                                                                               ACCEPTING YOUR PLACE
                                                                                                                                OF STUDY
         Accepting your place of study...................................4
         Confirmation form.................................................................................. 4
         Immigration Requirements.........................................5                                                     CONFIRMATION FORM
         Nationals of the Nordic countries.................................................... 5
         Nationals of the EU/EEA Countries.................................................. 5                                  It is vital that you complete and return the form
         Students from outside EU/EEA......................................................... 5                                for confirmation of your intention to study at
         Applicants already resident in Finland.......................................... 6                                     Åbo Akademi University to the Office of Aca-
         Working in Finland as an International student........................ 6                                               demic and Student Affairs no later than 31 July,
         Housing in Åbo.................................................................7                                       2012 by 16.15 (Finnish time = CET + 1) (post-
         Insurance............................................................................8                                 marks not accepted, the form must reach the
         Students from outside the EU/EEA................................................. 8                                    Office of Academic and Student Affairs before
         MARSH Student Insurance Package (SIP)..................................... 9                                           this date). This form is sent to accepted students
         Arrival...................................................................................9                            together with the letter of admission. If you fail
         Travelling to Åbo/Turku........................................................................ 9                      to send in the confirmation form, you will lose
         Arrival time...............................................................................................10          the right to enroll at Åbo Akademi University.
         Orientation Course...............................................................................11
         Registration.....................................................................11                                    On the confirmation form, admitted students
         Register as present................................................................................11                  must choose between the following options:
         Register as absent.................................................................................12
         Limited Study time...............................................................................13                    1) To accept your study place
         Student cards..........................................................................................14              2) Not to accept your study place.
         Studying at Åbo Akademi University...................14
         Academic Calendar..............................................................................14                      The rules regarding accepting a study place are
         Degree structure....................................................................................14                 somewhat different depending on which group
         Assessments............................................................................................15              of students you belong to and what level (un-
         Swedish for international students...............................................15                                    dergraduate or master) you have been admitted
         Academic advising...............................................................................16                     to. Please see the confirmation form for details
         Extract from the criminal records...................................................16                                 regarding your confirmation.
         Drug tests during studies .................................................................16
         Accessibility..............................................................................................16          Please also note that confirmation is not the
         Support services...........................................................16                                          same as registration. After confirming your in-
         Office of Academic and Student Affairs......................................16                                         tention to start your studies you also need to
         Libraries......................................................................................................17      register at the university. Note that if you plan
         Computer services................................................................................17                    on postponing the commencement of your
         Keys..............................................................................................................17   studies you must first confirm your intention to
         Student Union........................................................................................17                accept the study entitlement by the deadline af-
         Health Care...............................................................................................18           ter which you have the right to register as absent
         Career services........................................................................................18              (please see the chapter on registration for more
         The Centre for Language and Communication......................18                                                      information).
         Living in Åbo..................................................................18
         Budgeting.................................................................................................18           The form can be sent electronically as an e-mail
         Climate.......................................................................................................20       attachment to or by fax or
         Local transport........................................................................................20              regular mail, please see the contact details at the
         Social Life...................................................................................................20       end of this guide. If you confirm by e-mail, please
         Further information.....................................................21                                             write your complete name, date of birth and the
         Contact Information............................................................................21                      subject/programme you have been admitted to
         Internet......................................................................................................21       in the e-mail. Please note the deadline!
         Useful www-sites...................................................................................22
         My Notes..........................................................................23
         Map of the campus......................................................26

    WELCOM E GUIDE 2012/2013
Immigration Requirements

IMMIGRATION                                          son who has been registered after the authori-
                                                     ties have established whether the requirements
                                                     for registration are met. A residence permit is
REQUIREMENTS                                         granted for one year at a time or for the dura-
                                                     tion of the time of study (if this is shorter than
                                                     one year).
The first thing that must be addressed immedi-
ately after receiving the admission letter is the    The following documents will be required:
application for a residence permit. If you are a
non EU/EEA-national it is very important that        •	   A completed application form (can be col-
you apply for a residence permit for students as          lected from the local police station)
early as possible. Due to the many applications      •	   A valid passport or other ID accepted by the
during the summer months, extra time must be              authorities
reserved for the application.                        •	   The admission letter issued by the university
                                                     •	   An account of the applicant’s financial situ-
In this chapter the basic principles of the state         ation
regulations regarding entry visas, the right to      •	   One passport sized photograph
reside and work permits are presented. Please
check the information given by the Finnish Im-       The application is handed in at the local police.
migration Service for more details:                  The address of the police station in Åbo is:              Address:	        Eriksgatan 40‑42
                                                     Phone:		         071 874 0261
The Finnish Immigration Service is the govern-       Office hours:	   Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri. 8.00 am ‑ 4.15 	
ment authority responsible for issuing permits       		               pm, Tue 9 am ‑ 4.15 pm.
and visas to enter Finland. Contact the Finnish
diplomatic mission closest to you.

                                                     STUDENTS FROM OUTSIDE EU/
NATIONALS OF THE NORDIC                              EEA
COUNTRIES                                            Students from countries that are not EU/EEA
                                                     member countries, who wish to stay in Finland
If you are a citizen of Sweden, Norway, Denmark      for more than 3 months, must be in possession
or Iceland, you do not need an entry visa or a       of a residence permit already when entering the
residence permit to study in Finland. Citizens       country. The application for the permit should
of the Nordic countries may reside, work and         be submitted to the Finnish diplomatic mission
study in Finland without any limitations. More       in the student’s country of origin, or if the stu-
information about mobility between the Nordic        dent lives abroad, the Finnish diplomatic mis-
countries can also be obtained from the Hallå        sion in your country of residence. The fee for the
Norden web site:                first residence permit for studies is 250 euros.

                                                     The application for the residence permit must
                                                     be made in good time before departure, pref-
                                                     erably immediately after receiving the admis-
NATIONALS OF THE EU/EEA                              sion letter to Åbo Akademi University. The ap-
                                                     plication can be completed online. If you have
COUNTRIES                                            submitted your application via the e-service,
                                                     you need to visit a Finnish embassy to verify
Students from the EU countries need to register      your identity, provide your biometric data (fin-
their right to reside in Finland if the period of    gerprints) and to present the original copies of
study in Finland exceeds three months. A writ-       any supplements needed for the application. An
ten certificate of registration is given to a per-   application cannot be processed until you have
                                                     visited the embassy.

                                                                                      W E LCO M E G U I D E 2012/2013
Immigration Requirements

         Note that it can take a long time to process the        Note that Åbo Akademi University will not is-
         visa application and, as students must register at      sue a new admission letter to a student. You
         the university by 7 September 2012, you must            should therefore not give away your original let-
         pay particular attention to the visa application        ter or lose it.
         and reserve enough time in order to ensure
         that you are able to arrive and register by 7           Åbo Akademi University works closely with the
         September at the very latest.                           Immigration office’s unit for residence permits.
                                                                 Among other things we send detailed lists of
         Apply for the visa immediately after receiving          all admitted students to the Immigration office
         the admission letter. Should you have problems          in order to faciliate the application process. It is
         with the application process, please keep the In-       however the students responsibility to make the
         ternational office at Åbo Akademi University in-        application for a residence permit in time and
         formed of this.                                         meet the requirements.

         To obtain a residence permit for Finland, the ap-
         plicant must fulfil the following conditions:

         •	   The applicant must be at least l8 years of age.
                                                                 APPLICANTS ALREADY RESI‑
                                                                 DENT IN FINLAND
         •	   The applicant must have received the admis-
              sion letter issued by Åbo Akademi University       The local police station will provide the neces-
              (the electronic admission letter is sufficient).   sary information for renewal of the visa or resi-
                                                                 dence permit. (See the address above.) The po-
         •	   The applicant must prove that he/she has           lice should be contacted before the residence
              sufficient funds to cover the expenses for         permit expires. The following documents will be
              the study period in Finland. (This is normally     required:
              done by showing proof of having at least
              6000 euro (500 euro per month) as scholar-         •	   A valid passport
              ship or a deposit in a Finnish bank account.)      •	   The acceptance letter issued by Åbo Akade-
                                                                      mi University
         •	   The applicant must have sufficient insurance       •	   Evidence that the applicant’s finances will
              and show details of a comprehensive health              cover all expenses in Finland or a statement
              insurance coverage. Your insurance must                 of financial support (grant, loan, family sup-
              cover medical expenses up to the amount                 port).
              of 100,000 euros if your studies in Finland        •	   Details of a comprehensive health insurance
              last less than two years. Your insurance must           coverage
              cover medical expenses up to the amount
              of 30,000 euros if your studies in Finland last    If you are renewing a residence permit for on-
              two years or longer. (Please see the chapter       going studies you will also need to show a tran-
              about Insurance for more information.)             script of records and a certificate of enrollment.

         •	   In some cases the applicant must also prove
              knowledge of English language (please con-
              tact the diplomatic mission for more infor-        WORKING IN FINLAND AS AN
              mation about this.)                                INTERNATIONAL STUDENT
         For more information, please see the informa-           Students should not rely on finding a job while
         tion provided by the Finnish Immigration Ser-           studying in Finland. Finnish language skills are
         vices enclosed with the admission letter.               often required by employers. The Career Servic-
                                                                 es at Åbo Akademi University offers career guid-
         If you have a conditional offer, please note that       ance also for international degree students.
         the conditional admission letter is valid when
         applying for the residence permit provided that         Please note that Åbo Akademi University does
         you fulfil the condition stipulated in the letter.      not offer any financial support to degree stu-
                                                                 dents. There are no grants for students at the

    WELCOM E GUIDE 2012/2013
Housing in Åbo

    bachelor or master level.                            The rent includes electricity, water and heat.
                                                         There are also apartments for families.
    CITIZENS OF THE EU/EEA AND THE NOR‑                  It is possible to apply for housing three months
    DIC COUNTRIES                                        before the need for accommodation. The ap-
    International students who are citizens of the       plication for housing must be submitted to the
    Nordic, the EU or the EEA countries are allowed      housing office no less than six weeks before
    to work without restrictions in Finland and they     starting the studies. A copy of the letter of admis-
    do not need a work permit.                           sion to Åbo Akademi University must be faxed to
                                                         the housing office, see instructions in the online
                                                         application form.
                                                         In the housing application the applicant should
    Students are allowed to work without a work          indicate if she/he wants a furnished flat.
    permit within certain limits. A work permit is not
    needed for part‑time work (25 hours a week)          In all flats the tenants have access to a private
    during term time or full-time work during holi-      or common shower and a toilet, laundry facili-
    days (the periods May 1 ‑ September 30 and De-       ties and cooking facilities in a shared kitchen.
    cember 15 ‑ January 15).                             The flats do not have a telephone or household
                                                         utensils, curtains, bedding, pillow, towels or car-
    In order to work more than 25 hours per week         pets. These have to be provided by the students
    during term time, students must obtain a work        themselves.
    permit. The work permit is subject to a charge
    and the application should be submitted to           For more information about the types of flats
    the local police station (see address above). Al-    offered by the Student Village Foundation, see
    though international students coming from   The electronic application form is
    third party states (outside the EU) can work and     also available through these pages.
    earn income during their studies, they must still
    make the above‑mentioned deposit of 6 000            In order to be able to move in to the flat/room
    euro (500 euro/month) to finance their studies       that the foundation is able to offer, the student
    and living costs when applying for an extension      must confirm the intention to move in and pay
    to the residence permit.                             the refundable deposit before the lease begins.
                                                         This usually means that the students must pay
    For further information:                             the deposit fee via an international money trans-              fer. Please make sure that this fee has been paid
                                                         in time as you will otherwise not be able to move
                                                         in upon arrival. Bring the receipt of payment with
                                                         you. Please note that this sum is a deposit and
                                                         cannot be used as a payment for the rent. This
    HOUSING IN ÅBO                                       amount is refunded to the tenant when giving
                                                         up the room (provided it is in good condition).
                                                         The foundation may use the deposit to pay any
    Universities in Finland are not responsible for      possible debts or damages to the room.
    the accommodation of students. Students must
    themselves apply for housing before arrival.         The Turku Student Village Foundation 		
    Please find some alternatives presented below.
                                                         Inspektorsgatan 4 	     Phone: +358 2 275 0200
                                                         FI ‑ 20540 Åbo 	        Fax: +358 2 2376 932		
                                                         Applications should be received by the hous-
    The Turku Student Village Foundation (TYS) is        ing office no later than six weeks before the stu-
    an independent foundation that provides hous-        dent’s arrival. Admitted degree students should
    ing for students. The monthly rent for these flats   get in touch as soon as possible with the Turku
    varies from approximately 200 EUR to 450 EUR.        Student Village Foundation in order to make

                                                                                         W E LCO M E G U I D E 2012/2013
7                                              7                                                                           7

         reservations for housing.                            INSURANCE
         Note that there is a shortage in housing at
         the beginning of the autumn term. Therefore,
         please do not rely on finding a room after ar-       Please note that health insurance is one of the
         rival; make the arrangements beforehand.             obligatory requirements for obtaining a resi-
                                                              dence permit for studies.
         The Student Union at Åbo Akademi University
         administers accommodation for students in            All registered students who are members of the
         Tavasthem and in Domus, both located on the          Student Union of Åbo Akademi University are
         campus of Åbo Akademi University. Both have          entitled to use the services of the Student Health
         flats with no furniture and the minimum time to      Care Centre in Åbo. It does not, however, provide
         live in Domus is one year. Please find the contact   emergency or hospital services. The student
         information below:                                   must therefore have a health insurance that cov-
                                                              ers such cases.
         Åbo Akademis Studentkår
         Tavastgatan 22                                       If you are a national of an EU or EEA country
         FI ‑ 20500 Åbo                                       your national health care insurance is valid in
         +358 2 215 4650
                                                              Finland. To prove this you will have to bring a
                                                              “European health insurance card” issued in your
                                                              home country.

         PRIVATE MARKET FLATS                                 For more information, please see:
         If you do not want a student flat or if you are
         unable to get housing through the Student Vil-       jsp?langId=en&catId=559
         lage Foundation, you can rent an apartment
         elsewhere in Åbo through a housing agent or by       A person, who comes to Finland to study, is
         for example placing an advertisement in a local      normally considered to be living in Finland for
         paper. You can also check the advertisements in      a limited period only and does not meet the re-
         the local newspapers or online. The following        quirement of permanent residence. This means
         websites can be helpful if you know some Finn-       that they are not entitled to the Social Insur-
         ish:,               ance Institution (Folkpensionsanstalten FPA/
                                                              Kansaneläkelaitos KELA) benefits.
         There are some agencies that specialise in of-
         fering temporary accommodation for shorter           In addition to health insurance, we strongly
         times. One such service provider is for example      advise students to arrange already in the home
         Forenom. When using their services, you do not       country with travel insurance and insurance
         need to make a contract directly with the owner      for personal possessions against theft, loss or
         of the apartment but instead Forenom will take
         care of those issues. You can find out more about
         their services at

         There are also some possibilities to find a room
         through different communities and websites.          STUDENTS FROM OUTSIDE THE
         The Student Union’s Lyyra site has a listing of      EU/EEA
         possibilities to sublet rooms, https://www.lyyra.
         fi/asunnot/.                                         Students and scholars coming from outside the
                                                              EU/EEA-countries must have their own medi-
         Please note that the demand for private market       cal insurance in order to get a residence permit.
         flats for students is quite high in the beginning    How much the insurance must cover is depend-
         of the autumn term.                                  ent on the length of the intended studies.

                                                              A student from outside the EU/EEA area who

    WELCOM E GUIDE 2012/2013

enters Finland to study for less than two years      Please note that any communication or ques-
is not usually granted the right of domicile, i.e.   tions about this insurance should be directed
a home municipality in Finland, and therefore        to the insurance provider.
is not entitled to municipal health care services.
Consequently, the student must have private
insurance which covers the cost of medical treat-
ment up to €100 000.
A student who enters Finland to study for at
least two years is usually granted the right to
domicile, i.e. a home municipality in Finland
and is therefore entitled to municipal health
                                                     TRAVELLING TO ÅBO/TURKU
care services. Consequently, the student must
have private insurance which covers the cost         Åbo, or Turku in Finnish, is situated about 160
of medical treatment up to €30 000 (primarily        kilometres west of Helsingfors (Helsinki in Finn-
medication costs).                                   ish, also the capital of Finland) and is easiest
                                                     reached by airplane, train or bus. There is an
In order to avoid the costs which in case of         international airport in Åbo/Turku (TKU) with
intensive care or difficult operations can rise      regular flights to Helsingfors, Stockholm, Copen-
                                                     hagen and Riga. There are other possible less fre-
unbearable, students coming from outside the
                                                     quent connections as well.
EU/EEA-countries must have their own medical
insurance.                                           It is also possible to travel to Åbo in one of the
                                                     following ways:

                                                     There are direct buses to Åbo from the Helsinki-
Åbo Akademi University has partnered with            Vantaa airport (HEL) (see the time schedule be-
the Student Insurance Package (SIP) provider         low for departures). The price for a single ticket
                                                     is about 30,50 euros (April 2012) and the ticket
MARSH and we recommend this insurance pack-          can usually be bought on the bus. Please look for
age to all degree students from outside the EU/      the so‑called Express Buses with a sign stating
EEA area. The insurance can also be bought by        Turkuun (To Turku) outside the airport, platform
EU students if they wish to have private health      5. The bus connections are frequent and the
insurance during their stay in Finland.              journey between Helsingfors and Åbo takes ap-
                                                     proximately 2 hours and 30 minutes if travelling
This insurance has been pre-approved by the          by bus.
Finnish Immigration Service. This pre-approval
will result in a quicker decision on your applica-   The timetable below is taken from www.ex-
                                            There might
tion for a residence permit.
                                                     be some smaller changes in the times. Note
                                                     that you can buy tickets for the buses either on
For more detailed information about the type         board by cash or credit card, or on the Internet. If
of coverage you will need and its cost, please       you choose to do so, note that student prices are
see the information leaflet included in the wel-     only available for full-time students with a Finn-
come package and visit the insurance providers       ish student card.

                                                                                     W E LCO M E G U I D E 2012/2013

           Helsinki    air- Åbo (bus sta- Helsinki         air- Åbo (bus sta- Helsinki air- Åbo (bus sta-
           port             tion)         port                  tion)         port          tion)
           00.30            2.50          9.50*                 12.35         16.55*        19.35
           1.25             3.45          10.50*                13.35         17.50*        20.40
           3.30             5.50          11.55*                14.40         18.55*        21.35
           4.55*            7.30          12.50*                15.40         19.50*        22.35
           5.55*            8.30          13.55*                16.40         20.50*        23.30
           6.55*            9.35          14.20*                17.10         21.50*        00.30
           7.45*            10.40         15.20*                18.10         22.50*        01.30
           8.50*            11.35         16.15*                19.10

          * Note that you have to change to another bus           ARRIVAL TIME
          in Esbo/Espoo (some 20 minutes after departure
          from the airport). The driver will inform you of        Since it is very important that the new interna-
          this and help you with your luggage.                    tional students settle in, find their way around
                                                                  and get acquainted with the study system at
          If travelling to Helsingfors by ferry (e.g. from Ger-   Åbo Akademi University, it is strongly recom-
          many), there are trains or buses from Helsingfors       mended that all degree students participate
          to Åbo that run approximately every other hour.         in the Orientation course arranged at the end
                                                                  of August/beginning of September (see be-
          It is also possible to take a connecting flight         low).
          from Helsingfors to Åbo. Usually the price will
          be slightly reduced if the ticket is booked at the      All new international degree students must reg-
          same time as the international flight.	                 ister before 7 September 2012. If they fail to do
                                                                  this they will forfeit the right to register. If stu-
                                                                  dents face serious problems in arranging their
                                                                  travel to Finland for example due to residence
          VIA TAMPERE                                             issues, please contact the International office by
          If you travel to Åbo via Tampere-Pirkkala Airport,      the end of August.
                                                                  Students are strongly advised to find housing
          you can take a train to Åbo. The trains run ap-         before their arrival. If you arrive during a week-
          proximately every other hour between 7 am and           end or in the evening it might not be possible to
          9 pm, please check the train schedules at http://       obtain a key from the housing office or landlord.
                                In this case you can, for example, stay at one of
                                                                  the youth hostels in Turku. “Hostel Turku” is lo-
          You can also take the bus from Tampere to Åbo,          cated at Slottsgatan 39, tel. +358 2 262 7680, fax.
          you can find the schedules at http://matkahu-           +358 2 262 7675, e-mail: This
                                            youth hostel is open every day from 6-10 a.m.
                                                                  and from 3 p. m. - midnight. It is wise to make
                                                                  reservations in advance. The bus number 1 from
                                                                  the airport continues to the harbour and passes
          VIA STOCKHOLM (SWEDEN)                                  by the hostel.
          If you travel to Åbo via Stockholm, you can take a      More information about temporary accommo-
          connecting flight or one of the four daily ferries.     dation can be obtained from the Turku website:
          The voyage by ferry takes about 10 hours and  
          costs around 10-15 euros (day fare) or approx. 20       to/2221. Here you can find a list of all hotels in
          euros (night fare). During weekends the price is        the region. You can also find contact details for
          higher. A cabin costs extra.                            hostels and Bed & Breakfasts. Please note that
                                                                  you should reserve a room in advance as August
                                                                  is high season for tourism in Åbo.

     WELCOM E GUIDE 2012/2013

ORIENTATION COURSE                                   students. The students who will be assigned to
                                                     act as tutors will introduce the university cam-
Participating in the Orientation course is strong-   pus as well as the city of Åbo and she/he will also
ly recommended to all new degree students.           be available to answer questions concerning
Depending on language abilities and on the           practical arrangements. The tutor can also be
programme or the subject that the student is         contacted by the student in case she/he has any
admitted to, the students have the possibility to    questions. The students will meet their tutors on
participate in either the orientation course ar-     the orientation course. Please observe that a tu-
ranged for new students (held in Swedish), the       tor is not a teacher, but a fellow student.
orientation course for international exchange
students (held in English) and the Orientation
day for International degree students.

The course aims to introduce the new environ-
ment, the university and study related matters
that the student needs to know in order to study
successfully at Åbo Akademi University.
                                                     Students who have accepted the study entitle-
The orientation course for new students is ar-       ment by 31 July 2012 can register either as pre-
ranged between 27-31 August 2012. The pro-           sent or as absent.
gramme varies depending on the subject or
programme that the student is admitted to. The       The registration must be made during the reg-
course is held in Swedish.                           istration period between 27 August and 7 Sep-
                                                     tember 2012. First-year degree students who
The International office organises an internation-   have not registered by 7 September will lose
al orientation course for all exchange students at   their right to register.
Åbo Akademi University. The course is primarily
intended for students who will only spend one        Note that a student must register every year.
term or one academic year at Åbo Akademi Uni-        The registration procedures for new students
versity and who will not complete a degree here.     is however different than for older students. All
However, parts of the course are also suitable for   students that have been registered during the
international degree students. The International     previous year receive information about regis-
orientation course is held in English 29-31 Au-      tration as well as a registration form before the
gust 2012.                                           start of the autumn term.

All new international degree students must           If you already have a study entitlement at Åbo
participate in the orientation day for interna-      Akademi University, note that in order to accept
tional degree students, arranged on 3 Septem-        the new entitlement, you must register accord-
ber 2012.                                            ing to the procedures for new students during
                                                     the registration period (27.8-7.9.2012).
The different programmes of the orientation
courses with confirmed dates will be sent to all
accepted students by mail during the summer.
The programme along with other useful infor-         REGISTER AS PRESENT
mation will also be available at http://www.abo.
fi.                                                  The initial registration must be made in per-
                                                     son at the university between 27 August and 7
                                                     September 2012. The academic year starts with
                                                     an orientation course (see above).
Åbo Akademi University has a system of student       Students studying at the campus in Åbo regis-
tutors for all new degree students. The students     ter at the Office for Academic and Student Af-
will be grouped in so called tutor‑groups with       fairs, Tavastgatan 13. The office is open between
one or two older students and a group of new         10‑12 am and 1‑3 pm (13-15) every weekday.

                                                                                     W E LCO M E G U I D E 2012/2013

          At registration, the student is required to pro-        have registered at the university will receive
          duce the following evidence of his/her qualifi-         a matriculation number. Registered students
          cations for inspection:                                 will have to use their matriculation number for
                                                                  course registration, registration for examina-
          •	  Original admission letter issued by Åbo Aka-        tions and whenever they request the university
              demi University.                                    to issue a transcript of their study record.
           •	 The original copy (and transla-
               tion) of the following documents                   Please note that the university will withdraw
               proving      eligibility   for      admission:     the offer of admission, if it is discovered that
               Secondary        school     certificate      or    a student does not possess the required quali-
               school‑leaving examination certificate,            fications for the programme to which he/she
               University diploma or transcript of complet-       has been offered admission, or if the university
               ed university studies (applies to students ad-     receives proof against the authenticity of the
               mitted to one of the Master’s Programmes           submitted documents. Please note that Åbo
               taught in English or to Master’s level studies).   Akademi University has the right to investigate
          •	 Passport or other evidence to prove the ap-          the authenticity of any documents that students
              plicant’s identity.                                 hand in with their application. If a falsification
          •	 Receipt of the payment of the Student Un-            of degree certificates or language results is dis-
              ion membership fee. Bank giro forms for this        covered, the students will lose the right to study
              purpose are available at the Office for Aca-        even if he or she has already enrolled.
              demic and Student Affairs. Payment is com-
              pulsory for degree‑students and optional for
              doctoral students.
          •	 A carefully completed registration form (the         REGISTER AS ABSENT
              registration form is handed to the student
              during registration).                               To register as absent means that the student will
                                                                  not actively study during the time for which he/
          Students who have not provided the universi-            she is registered as absent for. During this time a
          ty with certified copies of the secondary school        student can not register any credits or enroll in
          leaving certificates or university degree diplo-        classes.
          ma when sending in their application, must do
          so at registration.                                     A student can register as absent either in person
                                                                  or through an ombudsman if he/she is not able
          The original degree certificates (secondary and         to register him/herself. The registration as ab-
          university) must be handed in at registration           sent must be made before 7 September 2012.
          for inspection. The certificates will be returned       If a students fails to register as present or absent
          to the students a few weeks after the registration      before this date, he/she will lose the right to reg-
          period. The registration is however immediate           ister. A registration as absent can at any time of
          meaning that even though the certificates are           the academic year be changed to present.
          handed in for inspection, the student is regis-
          tered and will receive the matriculation number         If a student wishes to register as absent, s/he
          (i.e. student number) and other information at          should contact the Office of Academic and Stu-
          the time of registration.                               dent Affairs (see contact information at the end
                                                                  of this guide), for example by e-mail. The student
          The information on the registration form will be        will get a form for registering as absent that s/he
          registered in Åbo Akademi University’s study            should fill in, print out and sign, and then send
          register (STURE). Information about enrolment           to the Office of Academic and Student Affairs
          will also be sent to the national application and       either as scanned by e-mail, by fax or by regu-
          acceptance register (HAREK). For more informa-          lar post. However, the student needs to make
          tion about the acceptance register, please see          sure that the form reaches the office before
 or contact the Office for Academic           the end of office hours on 7 September, other-
          and Student Affairs.                                    wise the student will lose his/her right to register
                                                                  at the university.
          A certificate of enrolment will be issued to reg-
          istered students upon request. Students who

     WELCOM E GUIDE 2012/2013
12                                                                                                                       12

Students registering as absent should also note       LIMITED STUDY TIME
that they need to submit original degree cer-
tificates and official translations (secondary
and university) for inspection when they reg-         All new students need to take into consideration
ister as present for the first time. If the student   the limited time of study available.
is unable to submit these documents upon reg-
istration, or if there is proof against the authen-   The study time is 5 years for students who aim
ticity of the documents, the university will with-    to obtain both a bachelor’s and a master’s de-
draw the offer of admission.                          gree, with the exception of psychology where
                                                      the study time is 5½ years. For students studying
Students registering as absent will receive a ma-     only for a bachelor’s degree the study time is 3
triculation number.                                   years, and for those studying only for a master’s
                                                      degree 2 years (psychology 2½ years).
If a student registers as absent he or she does
not need to pay the Student Union fee for the         A student accepted for studies for a lower as
term(s) he or she is registered as absent.            well as a higher university degree has the right
                                                      to graduate within a period of time of maximum
If you intend to register as absent please note       two years more than the total targeted study
the regulations concerning the time limitation        time. A student accepted for studies for only a
on the study entitlement available at www.abo.        lower university degree can exceed the targeted
fi/student/en/begransadstudietid. Students are        study time with a maximum of one year, and a
allowed to register as absent for a total of two      student admitted for studies for only a master’s
academic years or 4 terms.                            degree has the right to graduate within a period
                                                      of time of maximum 2 years more than the tar-
If a student registers as absent during the first     geted study time.
academic year of his or her studies, registration
documents will be sent to the students during         A student is considered to have started his/her
the following summer. It is therefore important       studies when accepting a study place at a uni-
that students update their contact details if         versity.
these change. Please also note that the univer-
sity will not issue a new admission letter. When      All students have the right to be registered as
the student applies for the residence permit the      absent, without a particular reason, for 4 terms
original admission letter must be used.               in addition to the time mentioned above. In
                                                      practice, this means that a student who chooses
Students can change the registration from ab-         to postpone the start of his/her studies for one
sent to present at any time of the academic           year has used up two of the four terms during
year. A student should however always consult         which s/he has the right to be registered as ab-
a study advisor, the programme coordinator,           sent without a reason.
his or her teacher tutor or professor if he or she
intends to change the registration during an          A student has the right to be registered as ab-
ongoing term or in the beginning of the spring        sent because of military service, maternity, pa-
term in order to make sure that there are avail-      ternity or parental leave during which the study
able courses and that he or she can make a suit-      time will not be affected.
able study plan. Note that some programmes
are set up in such a way that it is not possible to   More information about the study entitlement
start the programme in the middle of the term         and possibilities to receive extra study time can
or from the spring term.                              be found on the Internet, at the Offices for Aca-
                                                      demic and Student Affairs and at the Academic
If a students changes the registration from ab-       Offices. Extra study time can be granted for 2-4
sent to present during the academic year the          terms for studies for a lower as well as a higher
registration procedures described above must          university degree or 2 terms for studies for only a
be followed. The student must also pay the stu-       lower university degree or for only a master’s de-
dent union fee for the ongoing term, even if the      gree. If extra study time has been granted once
term is mid-way.                                      there is still a possibility to apply for extra study
                                                      time for one additional year at most. After that

                                                                                       W E LCO M E G U I D E 2012/2013
Studying at Åbo Akademi University

          the right to graduate ends.                           STUDYING AT ÅBO
                                                                AKADEMI UNIVERSITY
          All students studying at a Finnish university are
          members of the Student Union at the university        ACADEMIC CALENDAR
          in question. The membership fee in 2012-2013
          is 109 euros for the whole academic year. The         The academic year starts on 1 August and ends
          membership fee must be paid before registra-          31 July. Both terms are divided into four teach-
          tion at the university.                               ing periods.
          After having paid the Student Union fee and
          registered, the student can apply for a student
          ID card. The student union fee is paid through a      AUTUMN TERM:
          bank using a specific bank giro form, which can
          be obtained at the Office of Academic and Stu-        Period I: 	     3 September – 26 October
          dent Affairs before registering.                      Period II: 	    29 October – 21 December

          In autumn 2012 the student card used is called
          Lyyra. The student card is ordered with an elec-      SPRING TERM:
          tronic ordering form at A
          digital photo is required. It will take 3-4 weeks     Period III: 	   7 January – 15 March	
          to process the cards and each student will be         Period IV: 	    18 March – 31 May
          personally contacted when the card can be col-
          lected at the Student Union office in Kåren (Ta-      Examinations will still be conducted during the
          vastgatan 22).                                        last week of May.

          The student card entitles the holder to use the
          Student Health Service and to discounts on e.g.
          meals in the student cafeterias, long-distance        DEGREE STRUCTURE
          buses and train tickets and also on ferries and
          flights, theatres and other cultural events etc. It   All the departments at Åbo Akademi University
          also works as a university library card. The Lyyra    offer the undergraduate degrees of kandidat (in
          card costs about 17 euros. Please note that in or-    pharmacy the undergraduate degree is called
          der to be able to apply for the Student ID card,      farmaceut and in law rättsnotarie) and magister
          you must have registered at the university as         (within technology the master degree is called
          present and obtained a student number.                Diplomingenjör, which is equivalent to Master of
                                                                Science in Technology). These degrees are usual-
                                                                ly internationally compared to those of Bachelor
                                                                (kandidat) and Master (magister).

                                                                Students are generally admitted to a degree
                                                                programme leading to both a Bachelor’s and a
                                                                Master’s degree. The Bachelor’s degree consists
                                                                of 180 credits (3 years of full-time study) and the
                                                                Master’s degree of 120 credits (2 years of full-
                                                                time study) (Master’s degree in Psychology 150
                                                                credits, 2 1/2 years). However students are also
                                                                admitted directly to the Master level for Master’s
                                                                studies or to one of the Master’s degree pro-
                                                                grammes (some of which are taught in English).

     WELCOM E GUIDE 2012/2013
Studying at Åbo Akademi University

Most departments organise their courses in de-        CHEATING
gree programmes. These usually have a similar
structure; they consist of a major subject and        Åbo Akademi University takes cheating and
one or two minor subjects in addition to general      plagiarism seriously. In 2008, the Åbo Akademi
and language studies. All course work is meas-        University Senate approved the Procedures for
ured in credits (studiepoäng in Swedish). A nor-      Handling Cases of Plagiarism. These can be read
mal workload is 60 credits per academic year.         at:

Courses are divided into three categories ac-         More information about academic and practical
cording to their level: basic, intermediate and       issues regarding your studies will be given dur-
advanced studies. Basic and intermediate stud-        ing the orientation day for international degree
ies are part of the Bachelor’s degree while the       students.
advanced studies are taken within the Master’s
degree. At the end of the Bachelor’s degree stu-
dents write a short Bachelor’s thesis. Within the
Master’s degree a longer Master’s thesis is writ-     SWEDISH FOR INTERNATIONAL
ten. An internship can form part of the Bache-        STUDENTS
lor’s degree.
                                                      Students admitted to a Master’s Programme
                                                      taught in English are required to take the course
CREDITS                                               Swedish as a foreign language level 1 (5 credits).

All courses are measured in credits, which in Fin-    Students admitted to the regular Master’s level
land are called studiepoäng (opintopiste in Finn-     studies (i.e. programmes officially taught in
ish). A full course-load is 60 credits per academic   Swedish) are required to take 10 credits of Swed-
year and equals about 1 600 hours of work.            ish (Swedish as a foreign language, levels 1 and 2).
                                                      However, in order to successfully be able to pur-
                                                      sue their studies these students are required to
                                                      learn Swedish in accordance with the language
GRADES                                                requirements for each programme. The main
The grading system uses a scale from A-E (5-1)        language of instruction at Åbo Akademi Uni-
where A (5) is the highest score while E (1) is       versity is Swedish. This means that, for example,
the lowest pass. Some courses are assessed on         when making study plans students must take
a pass or fail basis only with no further grading.    into consideration that many courses are taught
The master thesis can be graded on a different        in Swedish, and therefore knowledge of Swedish
scale from laudatur, eximia cum laude approba-        might be required for some courses. For exam-
tur, magna cum laude approbatur, cum laude            ple when selecting minor subjects this is some-
approbatur, non sine laude approbatur, lubenter       thing that must be considered.
approbatur and approbatur, laudatur being the
highest grade. The master thesis in technology        International students admitted with the right
(diplomarbete) is graded on a scale from A (5)-E      to complete both a three-year Bachelor’s degree
(1) with A being the highest grade.                   and a two-year Master’s degree are required to
                                                      pass a Swedish language test. Students with
                                                      knowledge of Swedish can take a test in Sep-
                                                      tember in Åbo. If they pass the test (which equals
                                                      level four of the language courses) they need not
ASSESSMENTS                                           participate in any Swedish language courses.
Courses are assessed either by a written exami-       Åbo Akademi University also recommends all in-
nation at the end of the course or by essays and      ternational students to take the course Finnish as
papers handed in during and/or after the course.      a foreign language level, 1 (5 credits). The course
There are no set examination periods at Åbo           is not compulsory.
Akademi University. The written examination is
usually done on the last day of the course or a
few weeks later.

                                                                                      W E LCO M E G U I D E 2012/2013
Support services

          ACADEMIC ADVISING                                     DRUG TESTS DURING STUDIES

          All departments have Student advisors who pro-        In certain limited cases, students may be ob-
          vide academic advising. In addition, all subjects     ligated to present a drug test certificate. This
          have student and teacher tutors who can assist        primarily concerns situations where testing is
          you with academic matters. You will meet these        necessary to ascertain a student’s ability to func-
          people during the orientation for new degree          tion, provided that certain additional conditions
          students.                                             specified in detail by law are met.

          You can also turn to the International office for
          help. Note, however that the International of-
          fice can not advise you in matters related to your    ACCESSIBILITY
          studies (i.e. study plan).

                                                                Teaching is, as far as possible, planned so that
          MINPLAN                                               students with different types of special needs
                                                                are taken into account. In case of any problems,
          MinPlan is an electronic tool for making a study      please contact the Office for Academic and Stu-
          plan on-line. It is also an electronic support for    dent Affairs. We will help contacting the people
          planning the studies and the entire degree at         who are able to actuate in these matters.
          Åbo Akademi University. MinPlan (“My Plan”)
          can be found at

          To log on, the user name and password for Åbo
          Akademi University is required. Manuals and
          help in using MinPlan is available at http://www.

                                                                SUPPORT SERVICES

                                                                OFFICE OF ACADEMIC AND
          EXTRACT FROM THE CRIMINAL                             STUDENT AFFAIRS
                                                                The Office of Academic and Student Affairs com-
          Students admitted to the University in 2012 or        prises a Student Office and a Academic Office. At
          later may be requested to provide an extract          the Student Office you can obtain for example
          from the criminal records for the assessment          different types of certificates. This is also where
          of their ability to study. Such an extract may        you register.
          be requested only from students whose stud-
          ies include practical training or other activities    The Academic office is where you find for exam-
          involving work with minors. The extract will be       ple the department’s Head of Academic affairs
          requested before the beginning of the practical       and Study advisors.
          training or other activity. To ensure the safety of
          minors, it is necessary to ascertain that the stu-    The following are also part of the Office of Aca-
          dent about to begin practical training has no         demic and Student Affairs:
          criminal record of certain serious crimes (sex of-    •	 International office
          fence, murder, aggravated assault and battery,        •	 Career services
          aggravated burglary and robbery and narcotics         •	 Learning center
          offence).                                             •	 National student financial aid
                                                                •	 Research and Innovation

     WELCOM E GUIDE 2012/2013
Support services

LIBRARIES                                              cy of some sort).

The Library of Åbo Akademi University consists
of a main library, the ASA-library (“course book li-
brary”) and departmental libraries. Borrowing is       KEYS
free of charge. Students can also use the libraries
of the University of Turku.                            In order to access the buildings you need a key
                                                       that is programmed for you. You can receive the
Most books on the reading lists for courses and        key, after you have registered, by paying a de-
examinations can be found in the libraries, so         posit fee of 35 euro at the Cashier’s office, Dom-
students do not need to buy many books for             kyrkotorget 3.
their studies. The libraries also have journals,
newspapers, e-books and e-journals, reading-
rooms and computer facilities. The student ID
card functions as a library card.
                                                       STUDENT UNION
                                                       All students studying at a Finnish university have
                                                       to be members of the Student Union at the uni-
COMPUTER SERVICES                                      versity in question. The compulsory member-
                                                       ship fee for 2012-2013 is 109 euros for the whole
The Computing Centre (Datacentralen) provides          academic year.
computing services free of charge for students
and staff at Åbo Akademi University. All students      Your membership in the Student Union will en-
will receive a free account in the computer net-       title you to health care, a student card, and re-
work, which enables them to use the computer           duced prices for lunches at student cafes, travel
services provided by the university. There are         tickets, tickets to theatre and concerts and will
several computer classes with computers for            enable you to to utilize the Student Union ser-
student use.                                           vices and participate in the activities of the Stu-
                                                       dent Union.
Students who register during the first week of
registration can obtain the user account at regis-     The Student Union aims to create an atmos-
tration. If you register during the second week of     phere of friendship among the students. For this
registration you must go to the Computing Cen-         purpose it organises different kinds of events
tre to complete the user agreement in order to         and subsidises the students’ societies. The stu-
obtain the user account. Note that this can only       dents’ societies arrange excursions, parties, cul-
be done after registration.                            tural events etc. Although the events are often
                                                       only advertised in Swedish, they welcome also
                                                       English speaking students.
                                                       The Student Union office is situated in the
Your e‑mail address at the university will be          “Kåren” building at Tavastgatan 22. The Student The e-mail account          Union has a mailing list for all international de-
is part of the user agreement and you receive          gree students. More information on this will be
it after signing the user agreement. Please use        given during the Orientation course.
the university e-mail account as this is the ad-
dress that teachers and other personnel will use       There is also a student society for all internation-
when contacting you. Also note that whenever           al degree students, ISTU - International students
the university needs to send out information           of Turku Universities
concerning all students, that information will
be sent to the university e-mail addresses (for        For more information on the Åbo Akademi Uni-
example information about university elections         versity Student Union, see: http://www.karen.
or reforms or other important information that
needs to be sent to all students, for example if
there is an event at the university or a emergen-

                                                                                       W E LCO M E G U I D E 2012/2013
Living in Åbo

          HEALTH CARE                                           Swedish and Finnish courses for international
                                                                students. Note that courses in Swedish and Finn-
          The Finnish Student Health Service provides           ish can be compulsory for degree students de-
          health care for students enrolled at the universi-    pending on which type of degree programme
          ties. A health care fee is included in the Student    or master programme a student is enrolled in
          Union membership fee. By paying the fee, stu-         (please see the chapter on Studying at Åbo Aka-
          dents are eligible for student health service. This   demi University).
          insurance covers regular medical consultations,
          physiotherapy, psychotherapy, x‑ray and labo-
          ratory testing as well as general and specialized
          dental care. The Finnish Student Health Service
          is open during office hours. The health service
          is located on Kyrkovägen 13. For appointments
                                                                LIVING IN ÅBO
          call 046 710 1050 (046 710 1047 for dental care
          and 046 710 1045 for mental care).                    The city of Åbo has approx. 175,000 inhabitants
                                                                and is a lively port. Åbo is also a town of students,
          If students get ill during the weekend or eve-        culture, sports, industry, tourism and commerce.
          nings and need medical attention, they can            For more information, please see
          turn to the communal services of the health
          care centres maintained in their own districts of
          residence. Students from EU‑countries need to
          obtain a European Health Insurance Card from
          a health insurance service in their home country      BUDGETING
          before departure. Nationals of other countries
          must arrange their health insurance privately         Finland, together with most countries in the Eu-
          before departure. Please see the chapter about        ropean Union uses the euro (EUR, €) as national
          insurance.                                            currency.

                                                                1 USD = 0.76 EUR
                                                                1 EUR = 1.32 USD (April -12)

          CAREER SERVICES                                       Students do not have to pay any tuition fees at
                                                                Åbo Akademi University.
          Åbo Akademi University has a Career Service
          unit (Arbetsforum) that helps students with ca-       Before leaving their home country the stu-
          reer planning as well as practical issues around      dents should, however, make sure that they
          finding a job (part‑time, during vacations or af-     have enough funds for the stay through grants,
          ter graduation). The Career Service unit in Åbo       scholarships or private funds. The total monthly
          is situated at Henriksgatan 1 b, and in Vasa on       expenses of a single student are on average 600-
          Strandgatan 2. More information about the Ca-         800 euro. The university does not offer any finan-
          reer Services will be available on the Orientation    cial aid to international students and students
          day for international degree students.                should not rely on finding a job while in Finland.

                                                                Also note the financial requirements for obtain-
                                                                ing a residence permit.
                                                                HOW EXPENSIVE IS FINLAND?
          Åbo Akademi University has a Centre for Lan-
          guage and Communication (Centret för Språk och        To give you an idea of the cost of living in Fin-
          Kommunikation) that offers language courses           land, the approximate prices of the following
          for students. Language courses are offered on a       items might be useful:
          basic, intermediate and advanced level. It is also
          possible to take specialized courses in certain
          languages. The language centre also provides

     WELCOM E GUIDE 2012/2013
Living in Åbo

 Selected mean prices Unit                 Euro      in possession of insurance (in addition to health
 (EUR)                                               insurance, a travel insurance and insurance of
                                                     personal belongings is recommended).
 Milk (whole)                    1l        0,84
 Butter                          500 g 2,33          At the beginning of the term there are a num-
 Cheese, Emmenthal               1 kg      13,13     ber of expenses (deposit fees etc.) that students
                                                     should be prepared for. It is important to bring
 Eggs                            1 kg      3,25      some cash (euros) with you as you will need
 Potatoes                        1 kg      0,80      some money during the first days of your stay
 Wheat flour                     2 kg      1,21      (travels, student union fee, housing and living
                                                     expenses). Note that it can take several days to
 Wheat bread                     500 g 1,65
                                                     make an international bank transfer.
 Beef, ground                    1 kg      8,74
 Beef roast                      1 kg      13,54     A student coming from outside the European
 Sausage                         1 kg      4,24      Union must also prove that he/she has sufficient
                                                     funds to cover the expenses for studying in Fin-
 Tuna fish, tinned               150 g 1,49          land. This is done by depositing in a Finnish bank
 Coffee, packaged	               500 g 4,25          the sum stipulated by the Finnish Immigration
 Caster sugar                    1 kg      1,00      Service, at present 6000 euro for one year (500
                                                     per month), or provide a certificate that testifies
 Oranges	                        1 kg      1,46      a monthly payment of a sum corresponding to
 Petrol 95 E                     1l        1,56      the monthly expenses in Finland (approx. 500
Source: Statistics Finland, Price statistics 2012    euro per month).

The following table can give you an idea about       A new deposit is required at the beginning of
some of the living costs in Åbo. Note that all the   each academic year. If a student holds a schol-
prices are approximate prices.                       arship, the awarding body should provide the
                                                     authorities with an acceptable guarantee of pay-
                     Euro                   Euro     ment. Citizens from EU and EEA member states
                                                     do not need this deposit when applying for a
 Student lunch       2.50    Cup of cof- 2           residence permit.
 Theatre	          a p -     local     bus 2,50      We want to emphasise that the university is not
                   prox.     ticket (nor-            able to provide financial aid of any kind to inter-
                   15        mal fare)               national students. International students must
 Cinema	           6,80-     Beer (at res- 4,50      therefore finance their studies through private
                   12,50     taurants)               funding or scholarships from a sponsoring body
                                                     outside Finland.
 Museums,      en- 4-7       Photo cop- 4
 trance                      ies (50) (uni-
                             versity card)
 Turku hostel, a 18                                  SCHOLARSHIPS
 bed in dormi-                                       The Centre for International Mobility ‑ CIMO
 tory                                                ( and some other
                                                     organisations grant scholarships for advanced
                                                     undergraduates, postgraduates and research-
FINANCES                                             ers, for studies and research in Finland. Interna-
                                                     tional students are eligible for state support, if
Although there are no tuition fees for degree        their residence in Finland has been granted for
students at Åbo Akademi University at the mo-        other purposes than studies and can be consid-
ment, students must be members of the student        ered permanent. The university does not have
union (the annual membership fee in 2012 is 109      scholarships and does not run financial support
euros). The fee for the residence permit or regis-   schemes for international students.
tration of right to reside must be covered each
year. In addition to these fees students must be

                                                                                     W E LCO M E G U I D E 2012/2013
Living in Åbo

          BANKING                                               good. The price for a single bus ticket is 2,50 EUR,
                                                                while a card for one month will cost you 29 EUR
          The easiest way to transfer money from abroad is      with a student discount. Distances are, however,
          to open a bank account in Finland, which allows       fairly short, so you can also walk to many places.
          direct money transfer from foreign accounts.          Åbo is ideal for cycling, too, so investing in a bike
          Finnish banks cash bank‑to‑bank cheques and           is not a bad idea.
          travellers’ cheques at very low cost.

          Contact your local bank in order to find out if you
          can open a bank account in Åbo through them
          before your departure.                                SOCIAL LIFE
          All major credit cards can be used in Finland in
          most places. The most common credit card is           EATING OUT
          VISA. For example the bus from the Helsinki-
          Vantaa airport to Turku accepts payments by           There are a number of cafeterias administered by
          credit card. Note however that you may not be         the Student Union that serve snacks and lunch-
          able pay with credit card at the university nor for   es (about 2.50 euros). These are not open in the
          example at the Student union.                         evenings. There are also many restaurants and
                                                                pubs in Åbo. You can have a reasonable meal at
                                                                a café for around 9 euros.

          Due to the warm Gulf Stream, Finland has a
          milder climate than many other areas equally far      You can practice virtually any sport in Åbo. You
          up north. Finland also has four distinct seasons.     will find several centres offering fitness classes
                                                                close to the campus area. The university has
          Here in Åbo, in the southern part of Finland, the     teams for several sports and a sports secretary
          seasons are milder compared to the northern           who will help you with your interests. The annual
          parts of the country. During the autumn (Sep-         fee for sport activities arranged by the Sports Of-
          tember‑November) the temperature is usually           fice of Åbo Akademi University is 20 euros.
          around 5‑10°C and it is a good idea to bring an
          umbrella or a raincoat as well as a winter coat, as   In the Student Union building, Kåren, there is a
          you will most likely get the opportunity to use       gym for members of the Student Union. The gym
          it. The amount of hours of daylight will decrease     fee for a year is 40 EUR for one semester and 70
          during the autumn. The winter lasts from No-          EUR for one year. An annual rowing competition
          vember until March and there is generally snow        between the student unions takes place in the
          from December until March. The temperature is         beginning of the autumn term in the river Aura.
          usually below zero and around -5°C, but it can
          also be colder, even ‑20°C (it is highly unusual      For more information see
          that the temperature drops below ‑20° in Åbo).        dent/motion/?setlanguage=en.
          As the spring season begins (March‑May) the
          days will get longer and warmer. The tempera-
          ture is around 5‑10°C. The summer lasts from
          June until August. In the end of June the sun will    CULTURE AND ENTERTAINMENT
          be up almost around the clock. This phenome-          There are two main theatres in Åbo (one Finn-
          non is called the Midnight Sun. The temperature       ish-speaking and one Swedish-speaking), two
          can rise up to 25°C (even higher in July-August).     dance companies, a philharmonic orchestra and
                                                                several concert halls. The cinema shows the re-
                                                                cent movies in original language with subtitles
                                                                in Finnish and Swedish.
                                                                If you prefer to perform yourself, there are stu-
          The bus connections within the city are very          dent choirs and orchestras, student theatres and

     WELCOM E GUIDE 2012/2013
Further information

art classes. For more information on the student
choirs, student orchestras and student clubs,       Department of Social Sciences,
contact the Student Union of Åbo Akademi Uni-       Department of Law,
versity.                                            Department of Political Sciences,
                                                    Department of Natural Sciences,
                                                    Department of Biosciences,
                                                    Department of Information Technologies, rad-
FURTHER INFORMATION                                 Department of Chemical Engineering, rad-kem@

                                                    General Information, or admis-
If you have any questions regarding the start of
your studies or registration, please do not hesi-
tate to contact the Office of Academic and Stu-
dent Affairs of Åbo Akademi University, please
find the contact information below:
                                                    On the Internet you can find information about
                                                    Åbo Akademi University at the following ad-
CONTACT INFORMATION                                 dress:
Gurli-Maria Gardberg, International Officer
Phone: +358 2 215 4891                              The information provided online is often more
Reception hours: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 10 am ‑ 12      updated than the one in printed publications.
noon (CET+1)                                        Please refer to the Internet for the most recent
Annikki Abrahamsson, Secretary
Phone: +358‑2‑215 4836                              For information specifically aimed at new stu-
Reception hours: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 10 am ‑    dents, please see:
12 noon, 1-3 pm (CET+1)                   
Office of Academic and Student Affairs/
The International Office                            For information regarding the studies:
Åbo Akademi University                    
Tavastgatan 13                                      tion
FI‑20500 Åbo
Fax: +358 2 215 3230                                For study advising:
                                                    Pre-arrival information, please see:
Each department has a head of students affairs and
and a student advisor. Among other things they
provide study advising and can answer specific      erande
questions related to the degree programmes.
If you are admitted to a Master’s programme
taught in English you can also contact the pro-
gramme directly.

Faculty of Arts,
Faculty of Education,
Faculty of Theology,
Department of Psychology and Logopedics, ipl-
School of Business and Economics, rad-hank@

                                                                                  W E LCO M E G U I D E 2012/2013
Further information

          USEFUL WWW-SITES                                    Residence in Finland

          Please find below a number of useful sites on the
          Internet concerning living and studying in Åbo      Finnish Immigration Service, entry visas, resi-
          and Finland.                                        dence and work permits
                                                              FINNISH CULTURE	
                                   Finland - Art and Culture destination
          Åbo Akademi University
                       Finland-Swedish Websites
          Information for students at Åbo Akademi Uni-

                                                              STUDENT ORGANISATIONS
          Guide for International Students in Finland
                                                              The Student Union of Åbo Akademi University

          SOCIAL ISSUES                                       The National Union of University Students in Fin-
                                   land (SYL/FSF)
          The Student Village Foundation in Åbo/Turku
                                                              GENERAL INFORMATION

          The Finnish Student Health Services       
                                                              Virtual Finland

          The Finnish Social Security Institution (FPA)

          Grants for Foreigners                     
                                                              Travel in Finland

          INSURANCE                                           General Information on Åbo/Turku

          MARSH Student Insurance Program           
                                                              The current Weather in Åbo/Turku
          jsp?langId=en&catId=559                             The Finnish newspaper Helsingin Sanomat’s
          Information on European Health Insurance            English-language international version


          Finnish diplomatic missions abroad

     WELCOM E GUIDE 2012/2013

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  • 1. WELCOME GUIDE Fo r I nte r n ation al D e gre e Stu de nts at Åbo Ak ade m i Un ive r sit y Ac ade m ic Ye ar 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 3 Office of Academic and Student Affairs | Tavastgatan 13 | FI- 20500 ÅBO | e-mail: | phone +358-2-215 4836 | fax + 358 2 215 3230 |
  • 2. Checklist: CHECKLIST: Read through the Welcome Guide and other material sent to you by Åbo Akademi Univer- sity. Find out as much as possible about Finland and the city. Arrange with adequate insurance (See information on page 8-9). Note, requirement for visa. Apply for a residence permit (concerns all non-EU students). (See information on page 5-6.) Confirm your intention to study at Åbo Akademi University. (See information on page 4.) Apply for housing. (See information on page 7-8.) Book your trip so that you arrive in Åbo during the registration period which ends 7 Septem- ber. Try to arrive in time for the orientation course. (See information on page 9-12.) Draw up a budget for your stay in Finland. (See information on page 18-20.) Accept your housing offer by paying the housing deposit fee. Bring the original copies of your secondary school leaving certificate and Bachelor’s degree certificate (when applying to the Master’s level) as well as original transcripts and other of- ficial statements issued to you by your former school or university. You will need these when you register. (See information on page 11.) Make sure that your luggage is properly labelled and that you are carrying valuables and important information concerning your studies and your trip in your hand luggage. Cover: Rolf Niskanen, photograph: Tage Rönnqvist WELCOM E GUIDE 2012/2013 2
  • 3. Welcome to Åbo Akademi University WELCOME TO ÅBO AKADEMI UNIVERSITY Congratulations! You have been offered a study THE UNIVERSITY entitlement at Åbo Akademi University. You might have several questions concerning the Åbo Akademi University is a Swedish‑language start of your studies - this guide aims to answer university, which means that the main language most of the questions that new degree students of teaching and administration is Swedish. Cur- may have before accepting the study offer, when rently the university also offers 8 Master’s de- preparing for their studies as well as in the initial gree programmes taught in English and new stages of the studies. programmes are being planned. There are also double degree programmes offered in coopera- Please read this guide carefully. Follow the in- tion with partner universities. However, the main structions given and if you have any further part of the curriculum is taught in Swedish. questions; do not hesitate to contact the Office of Academic and Student Affairs (contact infor- The university was founded in 1918 in order to mation at the end of this guide). When you ar- provide higher education for the Swedish‑speak- rive, you will receive more information about ing minority in Finland. About 7000 students are the studies as well as more detailed information currently enrolled. About 1000 of these are inter- about living in Åbo/Turku (you can also read the national students studying either for a whole de- Survival Guide at gree or for shorter periods as exchange students. guider). Åbo Akademi University has two main cam- An orientation course for international degree puses in Åbo and Vasa. Åbo Akademi University students will be arranged in the beginning of the comprises 12 departments: term. For more information about that course, please see the chapter on arrival and registra- Faculty of Arts tion. Faculty of Education Faculty of Theology We want to welcome you to Åbo Akademi Uni- Department of Psychology and Logopedics versity! We hope you will feel at home at our uni- School of Business and Economics versity and that this guide will facilitate the early Department of Social Sciences stages of your studies. Department of Law Department of Political Science Welcome! Department of Natural Sciences Department of Biosciences Department of Information Technologies Department of Chemical Engineering W E LCO M E G U I D E 2012/2013 3
  • 4. Contents CONTENTS ACCEPTING YOUR PLACE OF STUDY Accepting your place of study...................................4 Confirmation form.................................................................................. 4 Immigration Requirements.........................................5 CONFIRMATION FORM Nationals of the Nordic countries.................................................... 5 Nationals of the EU/EEA Countries.................................................. 5 It is vital that you complete and return the form Students from outside EU/EEA......................................................... 5 for confirmation of your intention to study at Applicants already resident in Finland.......................................... 6 Åbo Akademi University to the Office of Aca- Working in Finland as an International student........................ 6 demic and Student Affairs no later than 31 July, Housing in Åbo.................................................................7 2012 by 16.15 (Finnish time = CET + 1) (post- Insurance............................................................................8 marks not accepted, the form must reach the Students from outside the EU/EEA................................................. 8 Office of Academic and Student Affairs before MARSH Student Insurance Package (SIP)..................................... 9 this date). This form is sent to accepted students Arrival...................................................................................9 together with the letter of admission. If you fail Travelling to Åbo/Turku........................................................................ 9 to send in the confirmation form, you will lose Arrival time...............................................................................................10 the right to enroll at Åbo Akademi University. Orientation Course...............................................................................11 Registration.....................................................................11 On the confirmation form, admitted students Register as present................................................................................11 must choose between the following options: Register as absent.................................................................................12 Limited Study time...............................................................................13 1) To accept your study place Student cards..........................................................................................14 2) Not to accept your study place. Studying at Åbo Akademi University...................14 Academic Calendar..............................................................................14 The rules regarding accepting a study place are Degree structure....................................................................................14 somewhat different depending on which group Assessments............................................................................................15 of students you belong to and what level (un- Swedish for international students...............................................15 dergraduate or master) you have been admitted Academic advising...............................................................................16 to. Please see the confirmation form for details Extract from the criminal records...................................................16 regarding your confirmation. Drug tests during studies .................................................................16 Accessibility..............................................................................................16 Please also note that confirmation is not the Support services...........................................................16 same as registration. After confirming your in- Office of Academic and Student Affairs......................................16 tention to start your studies you also need to Libraries......................................................................................................17 register at the university. Note that if you plan Computer services................................................................................17 on postponing the commencement of your Keys..............................................................................................................17 studies you must first confirm your intention to Student Union........................................................................................17 accept the study entitlement by the deadline af- Health Care...............................................................................................18 ter which you have the right to register as absent Career services........................................................................................18 (please see the chapter on registration for more The Centre for Language and Communication......................18 information). Living in Åbo..................................................................18 Budgeting.................................................................................................18 The form can be sent electronically as an e-mail Climate.......................................................................................................20 attachment to or by fax or Local transport........................................................................................20 regular mail, please see the contact details at the Social Life...................................................................................................20 end of this guide. If you confirm by e-mail, please Further information.....................................................21 write your complete name, date of birth and the Contact Information............................................................................21 subject/programme you have been admitted to Internet......................................................................................................21 in the e-mail. Please note the deadline! Useful www-sites...................................................................................22 My Notes..........................................................................23 Map of the campus......................................................26 WELCOM E GUIDE 2012/2013 4
  • 5. Immigration Requirements IMMIGRATION son who has been registered after the authori- ties have established whether the requirements for registration are met. A residence permit is REQUIREMENTS granted for one year at a time or for the dura- tion of the time of study (if this is shorter than one year). The first thing that must be addressed immedi- ately after receiving the admission letter is the The following documents will be required: application for a residence permit. If you are a non EU/EEA-national it is very important that • A completed application form (can be col- you apply for a residence permit for students as lected from the local police station) early as possible. Due to the many applications • A valid passport or other ID accepted by the during the summer months, extra time must be authorities reserved for the application. • The admission letter issued by the university • An account of the applicant’s financial situ- In this chapter the basic principles of the state ation regulations regarding entry visas, the right to • One passport sized photograph reside and work permits are presented. Please check the information given by the Finnish Im- The application is handed in at the local police. migration Service for more details: The address of the police station in Åbo is: Address: Eriksgatan 40‑42 Phone: 071 874 0261 The Finnish Immigration Service is the govern- Office hours: Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri. 8.00 am ‑ 4.15 ment authority responsible for issuing permits pm, Tue 9 am ‑ 4.15 pm. and visas to enter Finland. Contact the Finnish diplomatic mission closest to you. STUDENTS FROM OUTSIDE EU/ NATIONALS OF THE NORDIC EEA COUNTRIES Students from countries that are not EU/EEA member countries, who wish to stay in Finland If you are a citizen of Sweden, Norway, Denmark for more than 3 months, must be in possession or Iceland, you do not need an entry visa or a of a residence permit already when entering the residence permit to study in Finland. Citizens country. The application for the permit should of the Nordic countries may reside, work and be submitted to the Finnish diplomatic mission study in Finland without any limitations. More in the student’s country of origin, or if the stu- information about mobility between the Nordic dent lives abroad, the Finnish diplomatic mis- countries can also be obtained from the Hallå sion in your country of residence. The fee for the Norden web site: first residence permit for studies is 250 euros. The application for the residence permit must be made in good time before departure, pref- erably immediately after receiving the admis- NATIONALS OF THE EU/EEA sion letter to Åbo Akademi University. The ap- plication can be completed online. If you have COUNTRIES submitted your application via the e-service, you need to visit a Finnish embassy to verify Students from the EU countries need to register your identity, provide your biometric data (fin- their right to reside in Finland if the period of gerprints) and to present the original copies of study in Finland exceeds three months. A writ- any supplements needed for the application. An ten certificate of registration is given to a per- application cannot be processed until you have visited the embassy. W E LCO M E G U I D E 2012/2013 5
  • 6. Immigration Requirements Note that it can take a long time to process the Note that Åbo Akademi University will not is- visa application and, as students must register at sue a new admission letter to a student. You the university by 7 September 2012, you must should therefore not give away your original let- pay particular attention to the visa application ter or lose it. and reserve enough time in order to ensure that you are able to arrive and register by 7 Åbo Akademi University works closely with the September at the very latest. Immigration office’s unit for residence permits. Among other things we send detailed lists of Apply for the visa immediately after receiving all admitted students to the Immigration office the admission letter. Should you have problems in order to faciliate the application process. It is with the application process, please keep the In- however the students responsibility to make the ternational office at Åbo Akademi University in- application for a residence permit in time and formed of this. meet the requirements. To obtain a residence permit for Finland, the ap- plicant must fulfil the following conditions: • The applicant must be at least l8 years of age. APPLICANTS ALREADY RESI‑ DENT IN FINLAND • The applicant must have received the admis- sion letter issued by Åbo Akademi University The local police station will provide the neces- (the electronic admission letter is sufficient). sary information for renewal of the visa or resi- dence permit. (See the address above.) The po- • The applicant must prove that he/she has lice should be contacted before the residence sufficient funds to cover the expenses for permit expires. The following documents will be the study period in Finland. (This is normally required: done by showing proof of having at least 6000 euro (500 euro per month) as scholar- • A valid passport ship or a deposit in a Finnish bank account.) • The acceptance letter issued by Åbo Akade- mi University • The applicant must have sufficient insurance • Evidence that the applicant’s finances will and show details of a comprehensive health cover all expenses in Finland or a statement insurance coverage. Your insurance must of financial support (grant, loan, family sup- cover medical expenses up to the amount port). of 100,000 euros if your studies in Finland • Details of a comprehensive health insurance last less than two years. Your insurance must coverage cover medical expenses up to the amount of 30,000 euros if your studies in Finland last If you are renewing a residence permit for on- two years or longer. (Please see the chapter going studies you will also need to show a tran- about Insurance for more information.) script of records and a certificate of enrollment. • In some cases the applicant must also prove knowledge of English language (please con- tact the diplomatic mission for more infor- WORKING IN FINLAND AS AN mation about this.) INTERNATIONAL STUDENT For more information, please see the informa- Students should not rely on finding a job while tion provided by the Finnish Immigration Ser- studying in Finland. Finnish language skills are vices enclosed with the admission letter. often required by employers. The Career Servic- es at Åbo Akademi University offers career guid- If you have a conditional offer, please note that ance also for international degree students. the conditional admission letter is valid when applying for the residence permit provided that Please note that Åbo Akademi University does you fulfil the condition stipulated in the letter. not offer any financial support to degree stu- dents. There are no grants for students at the WELCOM E GUIDE 2012/2013 6
  • 7. Housing in Åbo bachelor or master level. The rent includes electricity, water and heat. There are also apartments for families. CITIZENS OF THE EU/EEA AND THE NOR‑ It is possible to apply for housing three months DIC COUNTRIES before the need for accommodation. The ap- International students who are citizens of the plication for housing must be submitted to the Nordic, the EU or the EEA countries are allowed housing office no less than six weeks before to work without restrictions in Finland and they starting the studies. A copy of the letter of admis- do not need a work permit. sion to Åbo Akademi University must be faxed to the housing office, see instructions in the online application form. STUDENTS OF OTHER NATIONALITIES In the housing application the applicant should Students are allowed to work without a work indicate if she/he wants a furnished flat. permit within certain limits. A work permit is not needed for part‑time work (25 hours a week) In all flats the tenants have access to a private during term time or full-time work during holi- or common shower and a toilet, laundry facili- days (the periods May 1 ‑ September 30 and De- ties and cooking facilities in a shared kitchen. cember 15 ‑ January 15). The flats do not have a telephone or household utensils, curtains, bedding, pillow, towels or car- In order to work more than 25 hours per week pets. These have to be provided by the students during term time, students must obtain a work themselves. permit. The work permit is subject to a charge and the application should be submitted to For more information about the types of flats the local police station (see address above). Al- offered by the Student Village Foundation, see though international students coming from The electronic application form is third party states (outside the EU) can work and also available through these pages. earn income during their studies, they must still make the above‑mentioned deposit of 6 000 In order to be able to move in to the flat/room euro (500 euro/month) to finance their studies that the foundation is able to offer, the student and living costs when applying for an extension must confirm the intention to move in and pay to the residence permit. the refundable deposit before the lease begins. This usually means that the students must pay For further information: the deposit fee via an international money trans- fer. Please make sure that this fee has been paid in time as you will otherwise not be able to move in upon arrival. Bring the receipt of payment with you. Please note that this sum is a deposit and cannot be used as a payment for the rent. This HOUSING IN ÅBO amount is refunded to the tenant when giving up the room (provided it is in good condition). The foundation may use the deposit to pay any Universities in Finland are not responsible for possible debts or damages to the room. the accommodation of students. Students must themselves apply for housing before arrival. The Turku Student Village Foundation Please find some alternatives presented below. Inspektorsgatan 4 Phone: +358 2 275 0200 FI ‑ 20540 Åbo Fax: +358 2 2376 932 E‑mail: STUDENT HOUSING Applications should be received by the hous- The Turku Student Village Foundation (TYS) is ing office no later than six weeks before the stu- an independent foundation that provides hous- dent’s arrival. Admitted degree students should ing for students. The monthly rent for these flats get in touch as soon as possible with the Turku varies from approximately 200 EUR to 450 EUR. Student Village Foundation in order to make W E LCO M E G U I D E 2012/2013 7 7 7
  • 8. Insurance reservations for housing. INSURANCE Note that there is a shortage in housing at the beginning of the autumn term. Therefore, please do not rely on finding a room after ar- Please note that health insurance is one of the rival; make the arrangements beforehand. obligatory requirements for obtaining a resi- dence permit for studies. The Student Union at Åbo Akademi University administers accommodation for students in All registered students who are members of the Tavasthem and in Domus, both located on the Student Union of Åbo Akademi University are campus of Åbo Akademi University. Both have entitled to use the services of the Student Health flats with no furniture and the minimum time to Care Centre in Åbo. It does not, however, provide live in Domus is one year. Please find the contact emergency or hospital services. The student information below: must therefore have a health insurance that cov- ers such cases. Åbo Akademis Studentkår Tavastgatan 22 If you are a national of an EU or EEA country FI ‑ 20500 Åbo your national health care insurance is valid in +358 2 215 4650 Finland. To prove this you will have to bring a “European health insurance card” issued in your home country. PRIVATE MARKET FLATS For more information, please see: If you do not want a student flat or if you are unable to get housing through the Student Vil- jsp?langId=en&catId=559 lage Foundation, you can rent an apartment elsewhere in Åbo through a housing agent or by A person, who comes to Finland to study, is for example placing an advertisement in a local normally considered to be living in Finland for paper. You can also check the advertisements in a limited period only and does not meet the re- the local newspapers or online. The following quirement of permanent residence. This means websites can be helpful if you know some Finn- that they are not entitled to the Social Insur- ish:, ance Institution (Folkpensionsanstalten FPA/ Kansaneläkelaitos KELA) benefits. There are some agencies that specialise in of- fering temporary accommodation for shorter In addition to health insurance, we strongly times. One such service provider is for example advise students to arrange already in the home Forenom. When using their services, you do not country with travel insurance and insurance need to make a contract directly with the owner for personal possessions against theft, loss or of the apartment but instead Forenom will take breakage. care of those issues. You can find out more about their services at There are also some possibilities to find a room through different communities and websites. STUDENTS FROM OUTSIDE THE The Student Union’s Lyyra site has a listing of EU/EEA possibilities to sublet rooms, https://www.lyyra. fi/asunnot/. Students and scholars coming from outside the EU/EEA-countries must have their own medi- Please note that the demand for private market cal insurance in order to get a residence permit. flats for students is quite high in the beginning How much the insurance must cover is depend- of the autumn term. ent on the length of the intended studies. A student from outside the EU/EEA area who WELCOM E GUIDE 2012/2013 8
  • 9. Arrival enters Finland to study for less than two years Please note that any communication or ques- is not usually granted the right of domicile, i.e. tions about this insurance should be directed a home municipality in Finland, and therefore to the insurance provider. is not entitled to municipal health care services. Consequently, the student must have private insurance which covers the cost of medical treat- ment up to €100 000. ARRIVAL A student who enters Finland to study for at least two years is usually granted the right to domicile, i.e. a home municipality in Finland and is therefore entitled to municipal health TRAVELLING TO ÅBO/TURKU care services. Consequently, the student must have private insurance which covers the cost Åbo, or Turku in Finnish, is situated about 160 of medical treatment up to €30 000 (primarily kilometres west of Helsingfors (Helsinki in Finn- medication costs). ish, also the capital of Finland) and is easiest reached by airplane, train or bus. There is an In order to avoid the costs which in case of international airport in Åbo/Turku (TKU) with intensive care or difficult operations can rise regular flights to Helsingfors, Stockholm, Copen- hagen and Riga. There are other possible less fre- unbearable, students coming from outside the quent connections as well. EU/EEA-countries must have their own medical insurance. It is also possible to travel to Åbo in one of the following ways: MARSH STUDENT INSURANCE VIA HELSINGFORS PACKAGE (SIP) There are direct buses to Åbo from the Helsinki- Åbo Akademi University has partnered with Vantaa airport (HEL) (see the time schedule be- the Student Insurance Package (SIP) provider low for departures). The price for a single ticket is about 30,50 euros (April 2012) and the ticket MARSH and we recommend this insurance pack- can usually be bought on the bus. Please look for age to all degree students from outside the EU/ the so‑called Express Buses with a sign stating EEA area. The insurance can also be bought by Turkuun (To Turku) outside the airport, platform EU students if they wish to have private health 5. The bus connections are frequent and the insurance during their stay in Finland. journey between Helsingfors and Åbo takes ap- proximately 2 hours and 30 minutes if travelling This insurance has been pre-approved by the by bus. Finnish Immigration Service. This pre-approval will result in a quicker decision on your applica- The timetable below is taken from www.ex- There might tion for a residence permit. be some smaller changes in the times. Note that you can buy tickets for the buses either on For more detailed information about the type board by cash or credit card, or on the Internet. If of coverage you will need and its cost, please you choose to do so, note that student prices are see the information leaflet included in the wel- only available for full-time students with a Finn- come package and visit the insurance providers ish student card. website. W E LCO M E G U I D E 2012/2013 9
  • 10. Arrival Helsinki air- Åbo (bus sta- Helsinki air- Åbo (bus sta- Helsinki air- Åbo (bus sta- port tion) port tion) port tion) 00.30 2.50 9.50* 12.35 16.55* 19.35 1.25 3.45 10.50* 13.35 17.50* 20.40 3.30 5.50 11.55* 14.40 18.55* 21.35 4.55* 7.30 12.50* 15.40 19.50* 22.35 5.55* 8.30 13.55* 16.40 20.50* 23.30 6.55* 9.35 14.20* 17.10 21.50* 00.30 7.45* 10.40 15.20* 18.10 22.50* 01.30 8.50* 11.35 16.15* 19.10 * Note that you have to change to another bus ARRIVAL TIME in Esbo/Espoo (some 20 minutes after departure from the airport). The driver will inform you of Since it is very important that the new interna- this and help you with your luggage. tional students settle in, find their way around and get acquainted with the study system at If travelling to Helsingfors by ferry (e.g. from Ger- Åbo Akademi University, it is strongly recom- many), there are trains or buses from Helsingfors mended that all degree students participate to Åbo that run approximately every other hour. in the Orientation course arranged at the end of August/beginning of September (see be- It is also possible to take a connecting flight low). from Helsingfors to Åbo. Usually the price will be slightly reduced if the ticket is booked at the All new international degree students must reg- same time as the international flight. ister before 7 September 2012. If they fail to do this they will forfeit the right to register. If stu- dents face serious problems in arranging their travel to Finland for example due to residence VIA TAMPERE issues, please contact the International office by If you travel to Åbo via Tampere-Pirkkala Airport, the end of August., Students are strongly advised to find housing you can take a train to Åbo. The trains run ap- before their arrival. If you arrive during a week- proximately every other hour between 7 am and end or in the evening it might not be possible to 9 pm, please check the train schedules at http:// obtain a key from the housing office or landlord. In this case you can, for example, stay at one of the youth hostels in Turku. “Hostel Turku” is lo- You can also take the bus from Tampere to Åbo, cated at Slottsgatan 39, tel. +358 2 262 7680, fax. you can find the schedules at http://matkahu- +358 2 262 7675, e-mail: This youth hostel is open every day from 6-10 a.m. and from 3 p. m. - midnight. It is wise to make reservations in advance. The bus number 1 from the airport continues to the harbour and passes VIA STOCKHOLM (SWEDEN) by the hostel. If you travel to Åbo via Stockholm, you can take a More information about temporary accommo- connecting flight or one of the four daily ferries. dation can be obtained from the Turku website: The voyage by ferry takes about 10 hours and costs around 10-15 euros (day fare) or approx. 20 to/2221. Here you can find a list of all hotels in euros (night fare). During weekends the price is the region. You can also find contact details for higher. A cabin costs extra. hostels and Bed & Breakfasts. Please note that you should reserve a room in advance as August is high season for tourism in Åbo. WELCOM E GUIDE 2012/2013 10
  • 11. Registration ORIENTATION COURSE students. The students who will be assigned to act as tutors will introduce the university cam- Participating in the Orientation course is strong- pus as well as the city of Åbo and she/he will also ly recommended to all new degree students. be available to answer questions concerning Depending on language abilities and on the practical arrangements. The tutor can also be programme or the subject that the student is contacted by the student in case she/he has any admitted to, the students have the possibility to questions. The students will meet their tutors on participate in either the orientation course ar- the orientation course. Please observe that a tu- ranged for new students (held in Swedish), the tor is not a teacher, but a fellow student. orientation course for international exchange students (held in English) and the Orientation day for International degree students. The course aims to introduce the new environ- ment, the university and study related matters REGISTRATION that the student needs to know in order to study successfully at Åbo Akademi University. Students who have accepted the study entitle- The orientation course for new students is ar- ment by 31 July 2012 can register either as pre- ranged between 27-31 August 2012. The pro- sent or as absent. gramme varies depending on the subject or programme that the student is admitted to. The The registration must be made during the reg- course is held in Swedish. istration period between 27 August and 7 Sep- tember 2012. First-year degree students who The International office organises an internation- have not registered by 7 September will lose al orientation course for all exchange students at their right to register. Åbo Akademi University. The course is primarily intended for students who will only spend one Note that a student must register every year. term or one academic year at Åbo Akademi Uni- The registration procedures for new students versity and who will not complete a degree here. is however different than for older students. All However, parts of the course are also suitable for students that have been registered during the international degree students. The International previous year receive information about regis- orientation course is held in English 29-31 Au- tration as well as a registration form before the gust 2012. start of the autumn term. All new international degree students must If you already have a study entitlement at Åbo participate in the orientation day for interna- Akademi University, note that in order to accept tional degree students, arranged on 3 Septem- the new entitlement, you must register accord- ber 2012. ing to the procedures for new students during the registration period (27.8-7.9.2012). The different programmes of the orientation courses with confirmed dates will be sent to all accepted students by mail during the summer. The programme along with other useful infor- REGISTER AS PRESENT mation will also be available at http://www.abo. fi. The initial registration must be made in per- son at the university between 27 August and 7 September 2012. The academic year starts with an orientation course (see above). STUDENT TUTORS Åbo Akademi University has a system of student Students studying at the campus in Åbo regis- tutors for all new degree students. The students ter at the Office for Academic and Student Af- will be grouped in so called tutor‑groups with fairs, Tavastgatan 13. The office is open between one or two older students and a group of new 10‑12 am and 1‑3 pm (13-15) every weekday. W E LCO M E G U I D E 2012/2013 11
  • 12. Registration At registration, the student is required to pro- have registered at the university will receive duce the following evidence of his/her qualifi- a matriculation number. Registered students cations for inspection: will have to use their matriculation number for course registration, registration for examina- • Original admission letter issued by Åbo Aka- tions and whenever they request the university demi University. to issue a transcript of their study record. • The original copy (and transla- tion) of the following documents Please note that the university will withdraw proving eligibility for admission: the offer of admission, if it is discovered that Secondary school certificate or a student does not possess the required quali- school‑leaving examination certificate, fications for the programme to which he/she University diploma or transcript of complet- has been offered admission, or if the university ed university studies (applies to students ad- receives proof against the authenticity of the mitted to one of the Master’s Programmes submitted documents. Please note that Åbo taught in English or to Master’s level studies). Akademi University has the right to investigate • Passport or other evidence to prove the ap- the authenticity of any documents that students plicant’s identity. hand in with their application. If a falsification • Receipt of the payment of the Student Un- of degree certificates or language results is dis- ion membership fee. Bank giro forms for this covered, the students will lose the right to study purpose are available at the Office for Aca- even if he or she has already enrolled. demic and Student Affairs. Payment is com- pulsory for degree‑students and optional for doctoral students. • A carefully completed registration form (the REGISTER AS ABSENT registration form is handed to the student during registration). To register as absent means that the student will not actively study during the time for which he/ Students who have not provided the universi- she is registered as absent for. During this time a ty with certified copies of the secondary school student can not register any credits or enroll in leaving certificates or university degree diplo- classes. ma when sending in their application, must do so at registration. A student can register as absent either in person or through an ombudsman if he/she is not able The original degree certificates (secondary and to register him/herself. The registration as ab- university) must be handed in at registration sent must be made before 7 September 2012. for inspection. The certificates will be returned If a students fails to register as present or absent to the students a few weeks after the registration before this date, he/she will lose the right to reg- period. The registration is however immediate ister. A registration as absent can at any time of meaning that even though the certificates are the academic year be changed to present. handed in for inspection, the student is regis- tered and will receive the matriculation number If a student wishes to register as absent, s/he (i.e. student number) and other information at should contact the Office of Academic and Stu- the time of registration. dent Affairs (see contact information at the end of this guide), for example by e-mail. The student The information on the registration form will be will get a form for registering as absent that s/he registered in Åbo Akademi University’s study should fill in, print out and sign, and then send register (STURE). Information about enrolment to the Office of Academic and Student Affairs will also be sent to the national application and either as scanned by e-mail, by fax or by regu- acceptance register (HAREK). For more informa- lar post. However, the student needs to make tion about the acceptance register, please see sure that the form reaches the office before or contact the Office for Academic the end of office hours on 7 September, other- and Student Affairs. wise the student will lose his/her right to register at the university. A certificate of enrolment will be issued to reg- istered students upon request. Students who WELCOM E GUIDE 2012/2013 12 12
  • 13. Registration Students registering as absent should also note LIMITED STUDY TIME that they need to submit original degree cer- tificates and official translations (secondary and university) for inspection when they reg- All new students need to take into consideration ister as present for the first time. If the student the limited time of study available. is unable to submit these documents upon reg- istration, or if there is proof against the authen- The study time is 5 years for students who aim ticity of the documents, the university will with- to obtain both a bachelor’s and a master’s de- draw the offer of admission. gree, with the exception of psychology where the study time is 5½ years. For students studying Students registering as absent will receive a ma- only for a bachelor’s degree the study time is 3 triculation number. years, and for those studying only for a master’s degree 2 years (psychology 2½ years). If a student registers as absent he or she does not need to pay the Student Union fee for the A student accepted for studies for a lower as term(s) he or she is registered as absent. well as a higher university degree has the right to graduate within a period of time of maximum If you intend to register as absent please note two years more than the total targeted study the regulations concerning the time limitation time. A student accepted for studies for only a on the study entitlement available at www.abo. lower university degree can exceed the targeted fi/student/en/begransadstudietid. Students are study time with a maximum of one year, and a allowed to register as absent for a total of two student admitted for studies for only a master’s academic years or 4 terms. degree has the right to graduate within a period of time of maximum 2 years more than the tar- If a student registers as absent during the first geted study time. academic year of his or her studies, registration documents will be sent to the students during A student is considered to have started his/her the following summer. It is therefore important studies when accepting a study place at a uni- that students update their contact details if versity. these change. Please also note that the univer- sity will not issue a new admission letter. When All students have the right to be registered as the student applies for the residence permit the absent, without a particular reason, for 4 terms original admission letter must be used. in addition to the time mentioned above. In practice, this means that a student who chooses Students can change the registration from ab- to postpone the start of his/her studies for one sent to present at any time of the academic year has used up two of the four terms during year. A student should however always consult which s/he has the right to be registered as ab- a study advisor, the programme coordinator, sent without a reason. his or her teacher tutor or professor if he or she intends to change the registration during an A student has the right to be registered as ab- ongoing term or in the beginning of the spring sent because of military service, maternity, pa- term in order to make sure that there are avail- ternity or parental leave during which the study able courses and that he or she can make a suit- time will not be affected. able study plan. Note that some programmes are set up in such a way that it is not possible to More information about the study entitlement start the programme in the middle of the term and possibilities to receive extra study time can or from the spring term. be found on the Internet, at the Offices for Aca- demic and Student Affairs and at the Academic If a students changes the registration from ab- Offices. Extra study time can be granted for 2-4 sent to present during the academic year the terms for studies for a lower as well as a higher registration procedures described above must university degree or 2 terms for studies for only a be followed. The student must also pay the stu- lower university degree or for only a master’s de- dent union fee for the ongoing term, even if the gree. If extra study time has been granted once term is mid-way. there is still a possibility to apply for extra study time for one additional year at most. After that W E LCO M E G U I D E 2012/2013 13
  • 14. Studying at Åbo Akademi University the right to graduate ends. STUDYING AT ÅBO AKADEMI UNIVERSITY STUDENT CARDS All students studying at a Finnish university are members of the Student Union at the university ACADEMIC CALENDAR in question. The membership fee in 2012-2013 is 109 euros for the whole academic year. The The academic year starts on 1 August and ends membership fee must be paid before registra- 31 July. Both terms are divided into four teach- tion at the university. ing periods. After having paid the Student Union fee and registered, the student can apply for a student ID card. The student union fee is paid through a AUTUMN TERM: bank using a specific bank giro form, which can be obtained at the Office of Academic and Stu- Period I: 3 September – 26 October dent Affairs before registering. Period II: 29 October – 21 December In autumn 2012 the student card used is called Lyyra. The student card is ordered with an elec- SPRING TERM: tronic ordering form at A digital photo is required. It will take 3-4 weeks Period III: 7 January – 15 March to process the cards and each student will be Period IV: 18 March – 31 May personally contacted when the card can be col- lected at the Student Union office in Kåren (Ta- Examinations will still be conducted during the vastgatan 22). last week of May. The student card entitles the holder to use the Student Health Service and to discounts on e.g. meals in the student cafeterias, long-distance DEGREE STRUCTURE buses and train tickets and also on ferries and flights, theatres and other cultural events etc. It All the departments at Åbo Akademi University also works as a university library card. The Lyyra offer the undergraduate degrees of kandidat (in card costs about 17 euros. Please note that in or- pharmacy the undergraduate degree is called der to be able to apply for the Student ID card, farmaceut and in law rättsnotarie) and magister you must have registered at the university as (within technology the master degree is called present and obtained a student number. Diplomingenjör, which is equivalent to Master of Science in Technology). These degrees are usual- ly internationally compared to those of Bachelor (kandidat) and Master (magister). Students are generally admitted to a degree programme leading to both a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree. The Bachelor’s degree consists of 180 credits (3 years of full-time study) and the Master’s degree of 120 credits (2 years of full- time study) (Master’s degree in Psychology 150 credits, 2 1/2 years). However students are also admitted directly to the Master level for Master’s studies or to one of the Master’s degree pro- grammes (some of which are taught in English). WELCOM E GUIDE 2012/2013 14
  • 15. Studying at Åbo Akademi University Most departments organise their courses in de- CHEATING gree programmes. These usually have a similar structure; they consist of a major subject and Åbo Akademi University takes cheating and one or two minor subjects in addition to general plagiarism seriously. In 2008, the Åbo Akademi and language studies. All course work is meas- University Senate approved the Procedures for ured in credits (studiepoäng in Swedish). A nor- Handling Cases of Plagiarism. These can be read mal workload is 60 credits per academic year. at: Courses are divided into three categories ac- More information about academic and practical cording to their level: basic, intermediate and issues regarding your studies will be given dur- advanced studies. Basic and intermediate stud- ing the orientation day for international degree ies are part of the Bachelor’s degree while the students. advanced studies are taken within the Master’s degree. At the end of the Bachelor’s degree stu- dents write a short Bachelor’s thesis. Within the Master’s degree a longer Master’s thesis is writ- SWEDISH FOR INTERNATIONAL ten. An internship can form part of the Bache- STUDENTS lor’s degree. Students admitted to a Master’s Programme taught in English are required to take the course CREDITS Swedish as a foreign language level 1 (5 credits). All courses are measured in credits, which in Fin- Students admitted to the regular Master’s level land are called studiepoäng (opintopiste in Finn- studies (i.e. programmes officially taught in ish). A full course-load is 60 credits per academic Swedish) are required to take 10 credits of Swed- year and equals about 1 600 hours of work. ish (Swedish as a foreign language, levels 1 and 2). However, in order to successfully be able to pur- sue their studies these students are required to learn Swedish in accordance with the language GRADES requirements for each programme. The main The grading system uses a scale from A-E (5-1) language of instruction at Åbo Akademi Uni- where A (5) is the highest score while E (1) is versity is Swedish. This means that, for example, the lowest pass. Some courses are assessed on when making study plans students must take a pass or fail basis only with no further grading. into consideration that many courses are taught The master thesis can be graded on a different in Swedish, and therefore knowledge of Swedish scale from laudatur, eximia cum laude approba- might be required for some courses. For exam- tur, magna cum laude approbatur, cum laude ple when selecting minor subjects this is some- approbatur, non sine laude approbatur, lubenter thing that must be considered. approbatur and approbatur, laudatur being the highest grade. The master thesis in technology International students admitted with the right (diplomarbete) is graded on a scale from A (5)-E to complete both a three-year Bachelor’s degree (1) with A being the highest grade. and a two-year Master’s degree are required to pass a Swedish language test. Students with knowledge of Swedish can take a test in Sep- tember in Åbo. If they pass the test (which equals level four of the language courses) they need not ASSESSMENTS participate in any Swedish language courses. Courses are assessed either by a written exami- Åbo Akademi University also recommends all in- nation at the end of the course or by essays and ternational students to take the course Finnish as papers handed in during and/or after the course. a foreign language level, 1 (5 credits). The course There are no set examination periods at Åbo is not compulsory. Akademi University. The written examination is usually done on the last day of the course or a few weeks later. W E LCO M E G U I D E 2012/2013 15
  • 16. Support services ACADEMIC ADVISING DRUG TESTS DURING STUDIES All departments have Student advisors who pro- In certain limited cases, students may be ob- vide academic advising. In addition, all subjects ligated to present a drug test certificate. This have student and teacher tutors who can assist primarily concerns situations where testing is you with academic matters. You will meet these necessary to ascertain a student’s ability to func- people during the orientation for new degree tion, provided that certain additional conditions students. specified in detail by law are met. You can also turn to the International office for help. Note, however that the International of- fice can not advise you in matters related to your ACCESSIBILITY studies (i.e. study plan). Teaching is, as far as possible, planned so that MINPLAN students with different types of special needs are taken into account. In case of any problems, MinPlan is an electronic tool for making a study please contact the Office for Academic and Stu- plan on-line. It is also an electronic support for dent Affairs. We will help contacting the people planning the studies and the entire degree at who are able to actuate in these matters. Åbo Akademi University. MinPlan (“My Plan”) can be found at To log on, the user name and password for Åbo Akademi University is required. Manuals and help in using MinPlan is available at http://www. SUPPORT SERVICES =en. OFFICE OF ACADEMIC AND EXTRACT FROM THE CRIMINAL STUDENT AFFAIRS RECORDS The Office of Academic and Student Affairs com- Students admitted to the University in 2012 or prises a Student Office and a Academic Office. At later may be requested to provide an extract the Student Office you can obtain for example from the criminal records for the assessment different types of certificates. This is also where of their ability to study. Such an extract may you register. be requested only from students whose stud- ies include practical training or other activities The Academic office is where you find for exam- involving work with minors. The extract will be ple the department’s Head of Academic affairs requested before the beginning of the practical and Study advisors. training or other activity. To ensure the safety of minors, it is necessary to ascertain that the stu- The following are also part of the Office of Aca- dent about to begin practical training has no demic and Student Affairs: criminal record of certain serious crimes (sex of- • International office fence, murder, aggravated assault and battery, • Career services aggravated burglary and robbery and narcotics • Learning center offence). • National student financial aid • Research and Innovation WELCOM E GUIDE 2012/2013 16
  • 17. Support services LIBRARIES cy of some sort). The Library of Åbo Akademi University consists of a main library, the ASA-library (“course book li- brary”) and departmental libraries. Borrowing is KEYS free of charge. Students can also use the libraries of the University of Turku. In order to access the buildings you need a key that is programmed for you. You can receive the Most books on the reading lists for courses and key, after you have registered, by paying a de- examinations can be found in the libraries, so posit fee of 35 euro at the Cashier’s office, Dom- students do not need to buy many books for kyrkotorget 3. their studies. The libraries also have journals, newspapers, e-books and e-journals, reading- rooms and computer facilities. The student ID card functions as a library card. STUDENT UNION All students studying at a Finnish university have to be members of the Student Union at the uni- COMPUTER SERVICES versity in question. The compulsory member- ship fee for 2012-2013 is 109 euros for the whole The Computing Centre (Datacentralen) provides academic year. computing services free of charge for students and staff at Åbo Akademi University. All students Your membership in the Student Union will en- will receive a free account in the computer net- title you to health care, a student card, and re- work, which enables them to use the computer duced prices for lunches at student cafes, travel services provided by the university. There are tickets, tickets to theatre and concerts and will several computer classes with computers for enable you to to utilize the Student Union ser- student use. vices and participate in the activities of the Stu- dent Union. Students who register during the first week of registration can obtain the user account at regis- The Student Union aims to create an atmos- tration. If you register during the second week of phere of friendship among the students. For this registration you must go to the Computing Cen- purpose it organises different kinds of events tre to complete the user agreement in order to and subsidises the students’ societies. The stu- obtain the user account. Note that this can only dents’ societies arrange excursions, parties, cul- be done after registration. tural events etc. Although the events are often only advertised in Swedish, they welcome also English speaking students. E‑MAIL The Student Union office is situated in the Your e‑mail address at the university will be “Kåren” building at Tavastgatan 22. The Student The e-mail account Union has a mailing list for all international de- is part of the user agreement and you receive gree students. More information on this will be it after signing the user agreement. Please use given during the Orientation course. the university e-mail account as this is the ad- dress that teachers and other personnel will use There is also a student society for all internation- when contacting you. Also note that whenever al degree students, ISTU - International students the university needs to send out information of Turku Universities concerning all students, that information will be sent to the university e-mail addresses (for For more information on the Åbo Akademi Uni- example information about university elections versity Student Union, see: http://www.karen. or reforms or other important information that needs to be sent to all students, for example if there is an event at the university or a emergen- W E LCO M E G U I D E 2012/2013 17
  • 18. Living in Åbo HEALTH CARE Swedish and Finnish courses for international students. Note that courses in Swedish and Finn- The Finnish Student Health Service provides ish can be compulsory for degree students de- health care for students enrolled at the universi- pending on which type of degree programme ties. A health care fee is included in the Student or master programme a student is enrolled in Union membership fee. By paying the fee, stu- (please see the chapter on Studying at Åbo Aka- dents are eligible for student health service. This demi University). insurance covers regular medical consultations, physiotherapy, psychotherapy, x‑ray and labo- ratory testing as well as general and specialized dental care. The Finnish Student Health Service is open during office hours. The health service is located on Kyrkovägen 13. For appointments LIVING IN ÅBO call 046 710 1050 (046 710 1047 for dental care and 046 710 1045 for mental care). The city of Åbo has approx. 175,000 inhabitants and is a lively port. Åbo is also a town of students, If students get ill during the weekend or eve- culture, sports, industry, tourism and commerce. nings and need medical attention, they can For more information, please see turn to the communal services of the health care centres maintained in their own districts of residence. Students from EU‑countries need to obtain a European Health Insurance Card from a health insurance service in their home country BUDGETING before departure. Nationals of other countries must arrange their health insurance privately Finland, together with most countries in the Eu- before departure. Please see the chapter about ropean Union uses the euro (EUR, €) as national insurance. currency. 1 USD = 0.76 EUR 1 EUR = 1.32 USD (April -12) CAREER SERVICES Students do not have to pay any tuition fees at Åbo Akademi University. Åbo Akademi University has a Career Service unit (Arbetsforum) that helps students with ca- Before leaving their home country the stu- reer planning as well as practical issues around dents should, however, make sure that they finding a job (part‑time, during vacations or af- have enough funds for the stay through grants, ter graduation). The Career Service unit in Åbo scholarships or private funds. The total monthly is situated at Henriksgatan 1 b, and in Vasa on expenses of a single student are on average 600- Strandgatan 2. More information about the Ca- 800 euro. The university does not offer any finan- reer Services will be available on the Orientation cial aid to international students and students day for international degree students. should not rely on finding a job while in Finland. Also note the financial requirements for obtain- ing a residence permit. THE CENTRE FOR LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATION HOW EXPENSIVE IS FINLAND? Åbo Akademi University has a Centre for Lan- guage and Communication (Centret för Språk och To give you an idea of the cost of living in Fin- Kommunikation) that offers language courses land, the approximate prices of the following for students. Language courses are offered on a items might be useful: basic, intermediate and advanced level. It is also possible to take specialized courses in certain languages. The language centre also provides WELCOM E GUIDE 2012/2013 18
  • 19. Living in Åbo Selected mean prices Unit Euro in possession of insurance (in addition to health (EUR) insurance, a travel insurance and insurance of personal belongings is recommended). Milk (whole) 1l 0,84 Butter 500 g 2,33 At the beginning of the term there are a num- Cheese, Emmenthal 1 kg 13,13 ber of expenses (deposit fees etc.) that students should be prepared for. It is important to bring Eggs 1 kg 3,25 some cash (euros) with you as you will need Potatoes 1 kg 0,80 some money during the first days of your stay Wheat flour 2 kg 1,21 (travels, student union fee, housing and living expenses). Note that it can take several days to Wheat bread 500 g 1,65 make an international bank transfer. Beef, ground 1 kg 8,74 Beef roast 1 kg 13,54 A student coming from outside the European Sausage 1 kg 4,24 Union must also prove that he/she has sufficient funds to cover the expenses for studying in Fin- Tuna fish, tinned 150 g 1,49 land. This is done by depositing in a Finnish bank Coffee, packaged 500 g 4,25 the sum stipulated by the Finnish Immigration Caster sugar 1 kg 1,00 Service, at present 6000 euro for one year (500 per month), or provide a certificate that testifies Oranges 1 kg 1,46 a monthly payment of a sum corresponding to Petrol 95 E 1l 1,56 the monthly expenses in Finland (approx. 500 Source: Statistics Finland, Price statistics 2012 euro per month). The following table can give you an idea about A new deposit is required at the beginning of some of the living costs in Åbo. Note that all the each academic year. If a student holds a schol- prices are approximate prices. arship, the awarding body should provide the authorities with an acceptable guarantee of pay- Euro Euro ment. Citizens from EU and EEA member states do not need this deposit when applying for a Student lunch 2.50 Cup of cof- 2 residence permit. fee Theatre a p - local bus 2,50 We want to emphasise that the university is not prox. ticket (nor- able to provide financial aid of any kind to inter- 15 mal fare) national students. International students must Cinema 6,80- Beer (at res- 4,50 therefore finance their studies through private 12,50 taurants) funding or scholarships from a sponsoring body outside Finland. Museums, en- 4-7 Photo cop- 4 trance ies (50) (uni- versity card) Turku hostel, a 18 SCHOLARSHIPS bed in dormi- The Centre for International Mobility ‑ CIMO tory ( and some other organisations grant scholarships for advanced undergraduates, postgraduates and research- FINANCES ers, for studies and research in Finland. Interna- tional students are eligible for state support, if Although there are no tuition fees for degree their residence in Finland has been granted for students at Åbo Akademi University at the mo- other purposes than studies and can be consid- ment, students must be members of the student ered permanent. The university does not have union (the annual membership fee in 2012 is 109 scholarships and does not run financial support euros). The fee for the residence permit or regis- schemes for international students. tration of right to reside must be covered each year. In addition to these fees students must be W E LCO M E G U I D E 2012/2013 19
  • 20. Living in Åbo BANKING good. The price for a single bus ticket is 2,50 EUR, while a card for one month will cost you 29 EUR The easiest way to transfer money from abroad is with a student discount. Distances are, however, to open a bank account in Finland, which allows fairly short, so you can also walk to many places. direct money transfer from foreign accounts. Åbo is ideal for cycling, too, so investing in a bike Finnish banks cash bank‑to‑bank cheques and is not a bad idea. travellers’ cheques at very low cost. Contact your local bank in order to find out if you can open a bank account in Åbo through them before your departure. SOCIAL LIFE All major credit cards can be used in Finland in most places. The most common credit card is EATING OUT VISA. For example the bus from the Helsinki- Vantaa airport to Turku accepts payments by There are a number of cafeterias administered by credit card. Note however that you may not be the Student Union that serve snacks and lunch- able pay with credit card at the university nor for es (about 2.50 euros). These are not open in the example at the Student union. evenings. There are also many restaurants and pubs in Åbo. You can have a reasonable meal at a café for around 9 euros. CLIMATE SPORTS Due to the warm Gulf Stream, Finland has a milder climate than many other areas equally far You can practice virtually any sport in Åbo. You up north. Finland also has four distinct seasons. will find several centres offering fitness classes close to the campus area. The university has Here in Åbo, in the southern part of Finland, the teams for several sports and a sports secretary seasons are milder compared to the northern who will help you with your interests. The annual parts of the country. During the autumn (Sep- fee for sport activities arranged by the Sports Of- tember‑November) the temperature is usually fice of Åbo Akademi University is 20 euros. around 5‑10°C and it is a good idea to bring an umbrella or a raincoat as well as a winter coat, as In the Student Union building, Kåren, there is a you will most likely get the opportunity to use gym for members of the Student Union. The gym it. The amount of hours of daylight will decrease fee for a year is 40 EUR for one semester and 70 during the autumn. The winter lasts from No- EUR for one year. An annual rowing competition vember until March and there is generally snow between the student unions takes place in the from December until March. The temperature is beginning of the autumn term in the river Aura. usually below zero and around -5°C, but it can also be colder, even ‑20°C (it is highly unusual For more information see that the temperature drops below ‑20° in Åbo). dent/motion/?setlanguage=en. As the spring season begins (March‑May) the days will get longer and warmer. The tempera- ture is around 5‑10°C. The summer lasts from June until August. In the end of June the sun will CULTURE AND ENTERTAINMENT be up almost around the clock. This phenome- There are two main theatres in Åbo (one Finn- non is called the Midnight Sun. The temperature ish-speaking and one Swedish-speaking), two can rise up to 25°C (even higher in July-August). dance companies, a philharmonic orchestra and several concert halls. The cinema shows the re- cent movies in original language with subtitles in Finnish and Swedish. LOCAL TRANSPORT If you prefer to perform yourself, there are stu- The bus connections within the city are very dent choirs and orchestras, student theatres and WELCOM E GUIDE 2012/2013 20
  • 21. Further information art classes. For more information on the student choirs, student orchestras and student clubs, Department of Social Sciences, contact the Student Union of Åbo Akademi Uni- Department of Law, versity. Department of Political Sciences, Department of Natural Sciences, Department of Biosciences, Department of Information Technologies, rad- FURTHER INFORMATION Department of Chemical Engineering, rad-kem@ General Information, or admis- If you have any questions regarding the start of your studies or registration, please do not hesi- tate to contact the Office of Academic and Stu- dent Affairs of Åbo Akademi University, please find the contact information below: INTERNET On the Internet you can find information about Åbo Akademi University at the following ad- CONTACT INFORMATION dress: Gurli-Maria Gardberg, International Officer Phone: +358 2 215 4891 The information provided online is often more Reception hours: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 10 am ‑ 12 updated than the one in printed publications. noon (CET+1) Please refer to the Internet for the most recent information. Annikki Abrahamsson, Secretary Phone: +358‑2‑215 4836 For information specifically aimed at new stu- Reception hours: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 10 am ‑ dents, please see: 12 noon, 1-3 pm (CET+1) erande Office of Academic and Student Affairs/ The International Office For information regarding the studies: Åbo Akademi University Tavastgatan 13 tion FI‑20500 Åbo Fax: +358 2 215 3230 For study advising: e‑mail: Pre-arrival information, please see: Each department has a head of students affairs and and a student advisor. Among other things they provide study advising and can answer specific erande questions related to the degree programmes. If you are admitted to a Master’s programme taught in English you can also contact the pro- gramme directly. Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Theology, Department of Psychology and Logopedics, ipl- School of Business and Economics, rad-hank@ W E LCO M E G U I D E 2012/2013 21
  • 22. Further information USEFUL WWW-SITES Residence in Finland Please find below a number of useful sites on the Internet concerning living and studying in Åbo Finnish Immigration Service, entry visas, resi- and Finland. dence and work permits FINNISH CULTURE STUDYING IN ÅBO/FINLAND Finland - Art and Culture destination Åbo Akademi University Finland-Swedish Websites Information for students at Åbo Akademi Uni- versity STUDENT ORGANISATIONS Guide for International Students in Finland The Student Union of Åbo Akademi University SOCIAL ISSUES The National Union of University Students in Fin- land (SYL/FSF) The Student Village Foundation in Åbo/Turku (Housing) GENERAL INFORMATION The Finnish Student Health Services Virtual Finland The Finnish Social Security Institution (FPA) Grants for Foreigners Travel in Finland INSURANCE General Information on Åbo/Turku MARSH Student Insurance Program The current Weather in Åbo/Turku jsp?langId=en&catId=559 The Finnish newspaper Helsingin Sanomat’s Information on European Health Insurance English-language international version Card FINNISH STATE REGULATIONS Finnish diplomatic missions abroad WELCOM E GUIDE 2012/2013 22