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Pre-departure guide 2011–2012

Pre-departure guide 2011–2012


                  I am delighted that you have chosen to study at INTO University of Exeter. Whichever INTO
                  course you are planning to follow with us, you will have excellent teaching to prepare you for
                  your further university study. The University of Exeter has a strong reputation for its teaching
                  and research in various subjects and is an increasingly popular destination for high calibre
                  students from around the world. At INTO we aim to provide you with a rich social
                  experience. More than 50 different nationalities are represented in the Centre, providing the
                  ideal opportunity to make friends with other students from different cultures and
                  backgrounds. INTO will organise its own social events so that you enjoy your time to the full
                  outside the classroom. As a full member of the University, you can use all the study, sport
                  and social facilities on campus and we will introduce you to these in your first week here.
                  The University campus offers a beautiful environment and the City of Exeter is a safe and
                  friendly place. I know that you will settle in quickly and enjoy your time with INTO. Our brand
                  new study centre opened in January 2011, providing an inspiring learning environment with
                  state-of-the-art facilities. I look forward to welcoming you to our Centre.

                  Penny Foster
                  Centre Director, INTO University of Exeter

                  Start dates
                  All students should plan to arrive two days prior to your programme start
                  date – please ensure you arrive on time!
In case of emergency call INTO University of Exeter on +44 (0) 7972 136 198

Meet the INTO University of Exeter team

Penny Foster                Jill Bartholomew             Ruth Davenport               Helen Robinson
Centre Director             Head of Student Services     Admissions Officer           Admissions Co-ordinator

Bridget Pearse              Sarah Pike                   Paula Stone                  Jemma Clancy
Accommodation Officer       Homestay Co-ordinator        Welfare Officer              Visa/Social Co-ordinator

Denisa Newmanov             Melian Kearney
Receptionist                Admissions Co-ordinator

Welcome                                      2           Orientation programme                      11
Meet the INTO University of                              Registering for your course                12
Exeter team                                  3           Making the most of your first week         14
Before you leave                             4           Social programme                           15
Before you arrive in the UK                  5           Health and safety                          16
Arrival at the airport                       6           Key contacts, useful numbers
Arriving at INTO University of Exeter        7           and websites                               17
Airport collection form                      8           Maps                                       18
Money                                        10
Pre-departure guide 2011–2012

Before you leave

Checklist – before you leave home
Please make sure you have completed everything on this checklist before you leave home.                    
As soon as possible:

1. Have you paid full fees for your tuition, accommodation and insurance (if applicable)?

2. Have you returned your Arrival Details Form to
3. Do you require an INTO airport taxi transfer? If so, please complete Section 3 of the Arrival Details
   Form and the Credit Card form.
4. Have you booked your accommodation?

5. Have you checked your passport is valid for at least six months?

6. Have you applied for and received your visa?

One or two weeks before you leave for the UK:

7. Have you organised cash and pound sterling traveller’s cheques to bring with you?

8. Do you know your airline’s luggage allowance and have you packed accordingly?

9. Have you emailed a passport photograph to for your INTO student card?

What to bring with you:
10. Have you packed all relevant original documentation or certified copies including your:
	 •	 INTO	Offer	Letter
	 •	 INTO	CAS	statement	–	if	required
	 •	 IELTS	certificate	or	original	English	Language	test	result
	 •	 	 ny other original documents/transcripts listed in your Offer Letter/CAS Statement, for
       example your high school certificate or home university certificates including translations (if
       originals are not in English). You will need these to register and enrol on your course and to
       extend your visa in the UK when you need to
	 •	 Passport	and	Visa/Identity	card	
	 •	 	 ank	statement	(no	more	than	1	month	old	showing	the	required	funds	for	28	days)	as	evidence	to	
       show the Immigration Officer on arrival at the airport in the UK
11. Have you got your documents for medical registration?
	 •	 Immunisation	History	Book
	 •	 UK	Foreign	and	Commonwealth	Office	Visa	Tuberculosis	Screening	Certificate	(if	you	have	one)
12. Have you put the emergency telephone numbers into your mobile phone
    (to be put into your hand luggage)?
13. Do   you have:
	 •	     Photographs	from	home?
	 •	     Waterproof	coat	and	shoes?
	 •	     Addresses,	phone	numbers	and	email	addresses	of	friends	and	family?

In case of emergency call INTO University of Exeter on +44 (0) 7972 136 198

Before you arrive in the UK

Applying for a UK student visa                                    •	 The start date is published on your CAS Statement. If you
Most international students from outside the European Union          plan to arrive on a different date you must let us know.
who wish to take a full-time course in the UK must apply for a       This is very important as we must inform the UK Border
visa prior to leaving their home country.                            Agency (UKBA) if you do not arrive on time.
     You can check your status on the following website:          •	 If you change your mind and want to study at another                             institution, you have to tell us before you come to the UK
immigrationlaw/immigrationrules/appendix1/                           so we can cancel your CAS with UKBA, and you can
If you are a visa national you can apply for a                       re-apply for your visa with a CAS from a different sponsor.
•	 Student Visitor Visa for courses of six months or less;        Changes to your student registration status
•	 an Extended Student Visitor Visa for English language          We must tell the UK Border Agency about any students who
     courses only for courses of between 6–11 months;             have an entry clearance visa issued under PBS rules who fail
•	 a Tier 4 (General) Student visa for English language           to arrive for the start of a course, withdraw from a course,
     courses at or above B1 on the Common European                defer or suspend their studies, or fail to attend for significant
     Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) – the            periods of time.
     UK Border agency have assessed this as equivalent
                                                                  Meeting immigration staff at the airport
     to an IELTS score of 4.0 – with no less than 4.0 in
                                                                  When you arrive at a UK airport, you should be prepared to
     each sub-skill;
                                                                  answer some questions about yourself, including where you
•	 or a Tier 4 (General) Student visa for courses at Level 3 or
                                                                  will be staying and what you intend to do during your time in
     above on the National Qualifications framework (NQF) at
                                                                  the UK. You may be asked to undergo a brief, routine health
     an institution which is a Highly Trusted Sponsor.
                                                                  check by the airport doctor, which might include an X-ray.
How will the Points Based System (PBS) affect                     The health check will take place in a separate room.
my entry clearance/student visa application?                      Afterwards, you will need to return to Immigration Control.
If you are a visa national and you apply for a Tier 4 (General)   Please note that if you have already studied in the UK and are
Student visa you will need a ‘Confirmation of Acceptance for      changing your education provider, you will need to apply for a
Studies’(CAS), which is an electronic number we will provide      visa for your new course with us. This could take up to 40
for you.                                                          days. It is a criminal offence to start a course with a different
Applying for your Tier 4 (General) Student visa                   educational provider before you have applied for your new
                                                                  visa from the Home Office. We will not be able to register you
to come to the UK
                                                                  on the course unless you have a valid visa.
When you apply for a Tier 4 (General) Student visa
you must include a Confirmation of Acceptance for                 To find out more:
Studies (CAS) number.                                             We advise that you check these websites regularly for up to
•	 We will send your CAS details when you confirm your            date and accurate information.
    unconditional offer of a place to study and pay your          UK Border Agency:
    deposit/full fees.                                  
•	 Your CAS will not be sent more than six months before          British Embassy/High Commission – advice on where you
    the start of your course.                                     can apply for a visa:
•	 The CAS number will be included in a letter called a ‘CAS
    Statement’. This will also include important information      wheretoapply
    needed for your visa application.                             UKCISA (Council for International Student Affairs) – Advice for
•	 You can only apply for your visa three months or less          international students:
    before the start of your course.                    

Pre-departure guide 2011–2012

Arrival at the airport

INTO airport taxi transfer                                 If you would like us to meet you at the airport, please
                                                           complete the attached ‘Airport Transfer Booking
INTO University of Exeter can arrange for a local taxi
                                                           Form’ on page 8 and return it to INTO. Payment
firm to meet students on arrival at the airport and
                                                           can be made by completing the attached credit
take them directly to their accommodation. Payment
                                                           card form on page 9 and faxing it to INTO at
for the transfer must be made seven working days
                                                           +44 (0) 1392 264 277.
in advance. The costs are as follows:
                                                                 If you do not want an airport transfer, you must
                                                           still complete the ‘Arrival Details Form’ on page 10
Prices until Fri 23 Sep 2011:
                                                           and email to INTO at, or fax to
London Heathrow airport           £205.00
                                                           +44 (0) 1392 264 277.
London Gatwick airport            £225.00
                                                                 If you have booked an airport transfer, as you
Bristol International airport     £100.00
                                                           pass through immigration into the Arrivals Hall, you
Exeter International airport      £20.00
                                                           will see your taxi driver waiting for you holding an
                                                           INTO sign with your name on it. If you cannot find
Prices from Sat 24 Sep 2011:
                                                           your taxi driver on arrival, DO NOT LEAVE the
London Heathrow airport           £210.00
                                                           Hall. Please Do The following:
London Gatwick airport            £230.00
                                                           1. Go to the Information Desk and ask them to make
Bristol International airport     £105.00
                                                                 an announcement asking the taxi driver for YOUR
Exeter International airport      £20.00
                                                                 NAME, going to INTO University of Exeter, to
                                                                 come to the Information Desk. Wait there until the
If you want to share a taxi from Heathrow to reduce
                                                                 taxi driver arrives.
charges, you will still need to pay full fees seven days
                                                           2. Contact INTO on the Emergency Mobile
in advance however transfers will be refunded
                                                                 Telephone Number +44 (0) 7972 136 198.
accordingly (i.e. two students per taxi – £104; 3 or 4
students per taxi – £85).

Please note that if you are delayed in meeting
your taxi, either because your flight has been
delayed, or because of delays at UK immigration
or baggage collection, the taxi company will
charge ‘waiting time’ and this charge will be
passed on to you.

In case of emergency call INTO University of Exeter on +44 (0) 7972 136 198

Arriving at INTO University of Exeter

YOU MUST INFORM US OF YOUR ARRIVAL                        accommodation you can email Sarah at
DETAILS SO WE CAN MAKE ARRANGEMENTS              or telephone her on
FOR SOMEONE TO MEET YOU.                                  +44 (0) 1392 725 352.

Please note that you are to arrive no earlier             University accommodation
than the weekend before your course starts.               If you are staying in INTO accommodation, you must
If you do, you will need to make your own                 arrive on either the Saturday or Sunday before your
accommodation arrangements.                               course starts. Details of where to go on arrival in
                                                          Exeter will be provided with your accommodation
If your flight is delayed, or you are delayed at the      confirmation. On arrival you will be given your room
airport and will therefore arrive on a date after the     key, asked to sign your accommodation contract and
weekend prior to your course start date, then you         shown to your room.
should call either the INTO office number during office       It is important that you complete the
hours or the INTO Emergency number at all other           Arrival Details Form and return it to INTO, so
times to inform us.                                       that we can make sure that the key to your
                                                          accommodation is waiting for you.
Accommodation – when to arrive                                If you are arriving earlier than the weekend before
and where to go                                           your course starts then you must make your own
                                                          hotel arrangements until the Centre opens.
Homestay accommodation
If you have requested homestay accommodation, you
                                                          Private accommodation
will be sent details of your accommodation by Sarah
                                                          Sourcing Private Accommodation: INTO is
Pike, INTO’s Homestay Co-ordinator. As well as your
                                                          unable to assist you directly with the process of
host’s name and address, you will also receive a host
                                                          finding private accommodation as this will be a
profile, telling you more about your hosts and some
                                                          legal agreement between yourself and the
information about what to expect when you are living
                                                          landlord. We can however provide a guide to finding
in homestay accommodation. If you have requested
                                                          private accommodation, which includes contact
and paid for the taxi transfer service, your taxi will
                                                          details for local letting agents and relevant websites.
take you directly to your host. When you get there,
                                                          If you require this please email
you will be given information about how to find the
INTO Centre and directions on how to get to the
University on the first day of your course.
                                                          ‘Life’s great! Good accommodation, top notch
     It is important that you contact your hosts
                                                          teaching and loads of fun activities. It doesn’t get
to introduce yourself and also to let them know
                                                          much better than this.’
when you think you will arrive in Exeter, so that
they can make sure they are home to greet you.
                                                          El Hannan Lee,
When you arrive at your host’s home there will
be instructions on what to do next. If you have
any questions regarding homestay

Pre-departure guide 2011–2012

Arrival details form

All students MUST complete this arrival details form and return
one week before your course start date by email to
or fax to +44 (0) 1273 328 595 / +44 (0) 1273 329 746

Section 1 (compulsory)
Personal details

Family name (surname)

Other/given names (first name)

       Male            Female

Email address                                                      Mobile phone number

INTO number (please refer to offer letter)

Section 2 (compulsory)
Arrival details into the UK and confirmation of accommodation

Country flight departs from

Date of arrival in the UK                               Time of arrival in the UK (am/pm)

Arrival Airport                                         Terminal

Flight number                                           Name of airline

If you are organising your own transfer from the airport:
Arrival date at INTO University of Exeter: Accommodation/Centre

Arrival time at INTO University of Exeter (am/pm): Accommodation/Centre

Any special requirements

Please make sure that you book a flight which arrives on the weekend before your course start date. If on arrival
you require a taxi to meet you and will be staying in a hotel or other accommodation not arranged by INTO then
please provide the address

Section 3 (optional)
Airport transfer booking

If you would like a taxi to meet you at your UK arrival airport and take you to your accommodation please tick one of
the following boxes and complete the credit card section below. For further details on the cost of the Airport Transfer,
please see page 6.

       London Heathrow Airport               Gatwick Airport            Bristol International Airport

       Exeter International Airport          I do not require an airport transfer

In case of emergency call INTO University of Exeter on +44 (0) 7972 136 198

    Section 4
    If you will be under 18 on arrival and do not require INTO to meet you at the airport and arrange a transfer
    then the following section must be completed

    Name of person meeting the student:

    Address of person meeting the student:

    Mobile telephone number:

    Name of parent:

    Signature of parent:


    Credit card form
    Payments over £50 by credit card are subject to a 2% surcharge and debit cards to a £1 surcharge. This will
    be taken from the card in addition to the amount stated in section 3 of this form.


    To enable fees to be debited from your credit card, please complete the details below.

        VISA CREDIT               MASTERCARD            DEBIT

    If DEBIT, please specify type:

    Please note, the University will only accept transactions using the following cards: Mastercard, Visa, Solo, Maestro,
    Electron or Visa debit.

    Credit/debit card number

    Card start date —— —— (mm/yy)                                               /
                                                   Card expiry date —— —— (mm/yy)

    Issue number

    Security code

    This is the last three digits of the code found on the back of your card.

    Cardholder name

    Billing address

    Please return this form by email to
    or fax to +44 (0) 1273 328 595 / +44 (0) 1273 329 746

Pre-departure guide 2011–2012


Currency                                                 Bank accounts
Currency across the UK is the pound sterling (£GBP).     If you are going to be here for longer than six months,
One pound is divided into one hundred pence (100p).      we strongly recommended you open a UK bank
Notes are issued to the value of £50, £20, £10, and      account, as soon as possible, after arriving in the UK.
£5 and coins to the value of £2, £1, 50p, 20p, 10p,           UK banks are open 9am to 4.30pm on weekdays
5p, 2p and 1p. Please note that £50 notes are very       and some are open on Saturday mornings. If you bring
uncommon and should be avoided as they can often         a banker’s draft in sterling with you (payable to yourself)
be the target of counterfeiters. We do not advise        or arrange for it to be sent, then you can open an
carrying large sums of cash with you on arrival.         account at a bank after you have registered on your
    We recommend that you bring enough money             course. It may also be useful to bring a letter from your
with you to cover the first couple of weeks after your   bank at home (or some other documentation) to
arrival – no more than £250 in cash for your             confirm your credit status. We will provide you with
immediate needs should suffice. It is safer to bring     further information and support on opening accounts
large sums of money in travellers’ cheques, which can    during your induction week. In order to open a bank
be cashed in banks, post offices and airports but be     account you will need the following:
aware that there is often a minimum commission           •	 your passport
charge. Please avoid carrying large sums of cash or      •	 proof you are a student – we will issue you with an
keeping large amounts in your room for safety                 official bank letter after registration
reasons. Credit and debit cards are widely accepted      •	 proof of address.
in the UK, MasterCard (Access) and Visa credit cards
                                                         For further advice on opening bank accounts in the
being the most common. Diners Club and American
                                                         UK, you can visit:
Express are less so. You can withdraw cash from a
cashpoint machine (also known as an ‘ATM’) if you
have a Personal Identification Number (PIN) for that
                                                         Living costs
card. You may want to inform your current bank that
you are going to the UK and to ask if you can use        It is estimated that a single student will need
your card here.                                          approximately £650–£750 a month to meet their basic
                                                         living expenses. This is just an indication and will alter
                                                         depending on your lifestyle and spending habits. It is
                                                         important to plan and budget your finances for living in
                                                         the UK; it’s not just your course fees you need to think
                                                         about. If you want help with planning and budgeting
                                                         your finances, the following international student
                                                         website may be useful:

In case of emergency call INTO University of Exeter on +44 (0) 7972 136 198

Orientation programme

Induction programme
At the start of your course you will receive a full
induction (providing you arrive the weekend before
the start date of the course). This will vary in length
according to which course you will be studying and
it is a great opportunity to meet staff and students
                                                           ‘When I first came to Exeter the INTO staff were a
and find out more about the University and the local
                                                           great support to me. The events in the welcome week
area. You should attend all sessions. The induction
                                                           such as trips to Sidmouth and Topsham, Bowling,
programme will usually include:
                                                           Cream Tea and visits to the city centre helped me a lot.
•	 welcome talks
                                                           I also found many friends from different nations of
•	 information sessions with INTO Student Services,
                                                           the world.’
     the Students’ Union, security staff
•	 an English language placement test
                                                           Muhammad Umeed
•	 social activities
•	 a city orientation tour of Exeter
•	 a campus tour.

The following is an example time table for the September and January orientation programme.

TIME        MONDAY               TUESDAY              WEDNESDAY             THURSDAY           FRIDAY
09.00                            STUDENT	SERVICES	    SOCIAL	PROGRAMME	
                                 TALK                 PRESENTATION
09.30                                                 UNIVERSITY	LIBRARY	
            CENTRE DIRECTOR                           UNDER 18              YOUR	COURSE        (IF	APPLICABLE)
11.00                                                 MATHS TEST FOR        INDEPENDENT	
                                                      FOUNDATION            LEARNING	
                                                      STUDENTS	(NOT	ALL	    PRESENTATION
11.30                            LUNCH
12.00                                                                       LUNCH
12.30       LUNCH                                     LUNCH                                    LUNCH
13.00                            COURSE
13.30                                                                                          INFORMATION FAIR
                                                                                               –	LEARN	ABOUT	THE	
14.00       ENGLISH	LANGUAGE	                         COURSE                                   STUDENTS UNION,
            PLACEMENT	TEST                            REGISTRATION                             CLUB	AND	SOCIETIES
15.00                            EXETER	CITY	TOUR                           CREAM TEA
15.30                                                                       SPORTS	AFTERNOON
EVENING     BOWLING	NIGHT                             BARN DANCE

Students starting programmes not in September and January will enjoy a shorter orientation programme
Pre-departure guide 2011–2012

Registering for your course

For registration purposes at the INTO Centre you will     Once your UniCard is ready you can collect it from
be required to provide original academic transcripts      Reception two or three days after registration.
and certificates, you must bring these documents          UniCards have the user’s name and photo, expiry
with you.                                                 date and a barcode with a number under it. The
     We need a passport photograph of you to              barcode/number is encoded on the reverse of the
prepare your INTO Student Card. The INTO Student          card and this magnetic strip is used for building
Card gives you access to the library, 24 hour access      access control. The UniCard is issued to all staff and
to the computer centre a range of student discounts       students and serves as your library card. It will
(e.g. for travel). To supply your photograph by email     identify you as a member of the University and allows
please attach a passport style photograph in jpeg         you appropriate access to services and facilities. You
format and send to (please cc in        can also use this card to get student discounts in Make sure your name and        some shops. To use the University printers you need
INTO Reference Number are clearly written in the          to put money on your student card. You can do this
subject/title of the email. We can also accept            online at You must
photographs that have been sent by post. If you send      keep your card with you at all times.
them by post then you should send two passport
photographs with your name written clearly on the         Registering for computer access
back of each one. If we do not receive your
                                                          Once you have your UniCard then you can register
photographs before you arrive, it will take at
                                                          for computer access. You can do this in different
least five working days to prepare your UniCard.
During this time you will not be able to access
                                                          •	 use the computer in Reception
computers, the internet or your emails. The INTO
                                                          •	 register online
Student Card acts as identification for you on
campus and you should keep it with you at all times.
                                                          •	 visit I.T. services in the Main Library.
It also acts as your library card and gives you 24 hour
access to the University computer rooms.

In case of emergency call INTO University of Exeter on +44 (0) 7972 136 198

“Three words jump into my mind when I think about life as an international
student in Exeter; safe, equality and friendly. I never ever feel lonely.”

Ji Yingjin

Pre-departure guide 2011–2012

Making the most of your first week

On arrival we will provide you with a free SIM card to   Other things to remember:
use in the UK which also has one free international      •	 attend ALL your classes and tutorials
call on it, so you can call home and let your family     •	 always be on time
know you have arrived safely. This will give you cheap   •	 be prepared for your classes
rates to phone internationally and will be much          •	 care for others’ feelings and cultures
cheaper than your current SIM card or any other UK       •	 feel free to ask questions whenever you need to
network providers.                                       •	 join social events and sports clubs. There are lots
    Alternatively, you can always download Skype, a         to choose from so ask the INTO staff
free computer programme that allows you to use           •	 keep your accommodation clean and tidy
your computer like a phone and place international       •	 overcome problems by sharing them with your
calls for free to other Skype users. Depending on           friends, teachers and INTO staff
your computer, web cameras are also supported.           •	 practise English as much as you can and in as
    Please remember that when you arrive in the UK          many places as you can
you will have travelled a long way from home and         •	 your academic progress and your behaviour will
although this will be an exciting time, please do           always be monitored
remember that your family and friends may worry
about you. Remember to contact them and let them
know that you are safe!

In case of emergency call INTO University of Exeter on +44 (0) 7972 136 198

Social programme

In addition to your academic study, INTO organises a       sign-up in advance as soon as possible and this can
regular programme of activities designed to help you       be done at reception in the INTO Building.
make the most of your time in the UK. The social               Day trips and the sporting events are normally
programme includes:                                        scheduled on a Saturday and Sunday respectively.
•	 scorted day trips to nearby cities (for example         The other events will be scheduled for afternoons and
    Bath, Bristol or Cardiff) or sights of interest like   early evenings throughout the week. A number of the
    Stonehenge and the Eden Project;                       activities that take place on campus will be provided
•	 Attendance at local events such as the South            free, but note that there are some that may have a
    West Festival of Food and Drink or the theatre;        small charge. The coach trips for instance can cost
•	 Internationally themed events such as Chinese           up to £25 depending on the location and whether
    New Year and Diwali celebrations;                      there are any admissions charges. On average, you
•	 Sports afternoons and competitions;                     can also expect between 25 to 250 students to be in
•	 Bowling;                                                attendance at each event.
•	 Quiz Nights and Film Showings;                              The social programme is carefully designed to
•	 Parties and more!                                       include a wide range of activities to cater for every
                                                           taste. It also provides a key opportunity for students
Details of all the social programme events will be
                                                           to socialise with each other and those at the
published on noticeboards in the INTO Building and
                                                           University and even local residents of the city.
Duryard. Updates are also regularly to all student via
their university email account and often also feature
on the INTO facebook page. Where space is limited,
such as on the day trips, students will be ask to

Pre-departure guide 2011–2012

Health and safety

Deciding to study overseas can be an exciting yet         doctor. Full details of how to register at the University
daunting opportunity. To ensure that you can make         of Exeter Student Health Clinic will be given to you
the most of this experience, once your arrive in the      during your induction programme.
UK our dedicated student support teams will help
                                                          Private Health Insurance
you settle in to student life. During your induction
                                                          Full travel, medical and health insurance is mandatory
programme they will deliver safety talks, as well as
                                                          for all INTO University of Exeter students. Unless
provide you with information about services available
                                                          proof of suitable alternative cover is provided during
to support international students. In the case of an
                                                          the application process, Uniplan Insurance will
emergency you can always contact a member of the
                                                          automatically be added to your course fees.
team by calling +44 (0) 7972 136 198.
                                                          Personal Safety
Before you travel to the UK
                                                          The UK is a safe place to study and live in. You can
It is always advisable to have a health check before
                                                          make your time here as an international student even
you leave your home country. In some cases, when
                                                          safer by using common sense. For practical tips on
you arrive in the UK you may be asked to produce
                                                          how keep safe during your studies please visit
health certificates detailing your vaccinations. For
example, if you are coming from a tuberculosis (TB)
                                                          where you can download a copy of ‘First Steps’
high-risk area, a chest x-ray report may be required.
                                                          pre-departure publication.
It’s a good idea to carry these documents in your
hand luggage in case you need to show them UK             Safety in your accommodation
immigration. For more information visit                   To ensure a safe living environment, students living in              INTO University residences must keep to all of the
     If you are undergoing any medical treatment, we      rules and regulations. Within the accommodation we
advise you to bring your current prescriptions and a      have also appointed a number of Students Wardens
doctor’s report (translated into English). Similarly if   to ensure your well-being and provide you with an
you wear glasses consider bringing a spare pair with      alternative source of support.
you, or if you wear contact lenses bring a sufficient
                                                          Safety in Centre
supply to use while you are in the UK or a
                                                          Safety in the INTO Centre is everyone’s responsibility.
prescription (translated into English) to ensure you
                                                          If you see anything that is a cause of concern, please
can secure a ready supply.
                                                          report it to the reception desk and we will ensure that
Health services in the UK                                 it is dealt with immediately. Please note that smoking
If you are coming to the UK as a full-time student on     is not permitted in any public place in the UK and so
a course lasting six months or more, you will be          you cannot smoke in the INTO Centre.
eligible for free or subsidised treatment in the UK
                                                          Useful websites
under the National Health Service (NHS). This means
                                                          British Council –
that you can see a doctor or go to hospital for free.
                                                          UKCISA –
You only have to pay for prescription medicines,
                                                          NHS Direct –
which is currently £7.40 per item. All you have to do
                                                          University of Exeter –
when you arrive in the UK is register with a local
In case of emergency call INTO University of Exeter on +44 (0) 7972 136 198

Key contacts, useful numbers
and websites

Please make sure that you put these numbers in your phone:

INTO University of Exeter                               Exeter taxi firms
+44 (0) 1392 724 282                                    Gemini (INTO’s preferred company)
Our reception is open Monday to Friday 8.30am to        +44 (0) 1392 666 666
5.30pm for all your questions and to assist you         Capital
on arrival                                              +44 (0) 1392 433 433
                                                        1st Call
Website:                                                +44 (0) 1392 661 122                               Dartline
Facebook:                                               +44 (0) 1392 422 888
Exeter/35518218482                                      Useful websites
Twitter:                                                Visa information                       

INTO Emergency number                                   Studying in the UK and excellent advice on budgeting
+44 (0) 7972 136 198                          
Out of office hours for emergency use only
                                                        UKCISA advice for International Students
If you need the Police, Fire Brigade or Ambulance       UK living and culture
Service in an emergency, the telephone number to call
is 999. If you are unfortunate enough to experience
                                                        UK weather
crime, have been involved in an attack or threatened,
you should report it to the police and INTO.
                                                        International Student Calculator
Immigration Advisory Service (IAS)            
+44 (0) 207 967 1200                                           National Health Service
If you have any problems at Immigration Control,
please call this number for free advice.
                                                        Transport for London (underground/tube, buses, etc)

Pre-departure guide 2011–2012


Exeter city centre

                    University of Exeter
                    Streatham Campus                                                                                Prince Charles Rd
                                                                                   n           Rd

                                       e of
                                                                                                                   bo y R
                    St David’s
                                     Exeter central
                                                                                    Bus and coach
                                                       shopping centre     Princesshay                     University of Exeter
                                                                           shopping centre

                                                        Guilhall                                           St Luke’s Campus
                                                        shopping centre
                                                                 Exeter Cathedral
                            ay R d

                                                                                                                                                  e Rd

                                 Fr o g St
                                                      EXETER CITY                                    B arn f i e l d R d

                                            Quay                         Ho
                      t                                                         w                                               Royal Devon and
               c   kS                                                                  S            County Hall                 Exeter hospital
             wi                                                                            t
                                       A l p h in g




In case of emergency call INTO University of Exeter on +44 (0) 7972 136 198

Campus map

            INTO residence



                                                              of Exeter



                                                          AcAdemic/sociAl/non-residentiAl            1    into university of exeter
                                                          cAtered residence                          2    into university residence
                                                          self-cAtered residence
                                                          PedestriAn route from rAil to cAmPus
                                                                                                     3    northcote house
                                                  P       PArking                                         InternatIonal StUDent SUPPort offIce
                                                  t       tennis courts                              4    exeter northcott theAtre
                                                          footPAth from residence to cAmPus          5    shoPPing centre
                                                          cycle route from residence to cAmPus       6    sPorts PArk
                                                          AlternAte cycle routes                     7    tennis centre
                      BUS ROUTE H   BUS ROUTE D
                                                          Bus route d
                       TOWARDS CITY CENTRE                Bus route h                                UNIVeRSITy ReSIDeNCeS
                                                                                                     8, 9, 10

INTO University of Exeter
University of Exeter
INTO Building
Stocker Road
Exeter EX4 4PY
United Kingdom

T: +44 (0)1392 724 282

© INTO University of Exeter LLP, May 2011. All content published in this document is
believed accurate at time of publication. INTO reserves the right to alter details of all
aspects of its operation without notice.
INTO University Partnerships Limited is a limited company registered in England and Wales,
registered number 05507863. Registered office: 102 Middlesex Street, London E1 7EZ
University of Exeter education provider sponsor number EFMMCWWY2

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INTO University of Exeter Pre-Departure Guide 2011-2012

  • 2. Pre-departure guide 2011–2012 Welcome I am delighted that you have chosen to study at INTO University of Exeter. Whichever INTO course you are planning to follow with us, you will have excellent teaching to prepare you for your further university study. The University of Exeter has a strong reputation for its teaching and research in various subjects and is an increasingly popular destination for high calibre students from around the world. At INTO we aim to provide you with a rich social experience. More than 50 different nationalities are represented in the Centre, providing the ideal opportunity to make friends with other students from different cultures and backgrounds. INTO will organise its own social events so that you enjoy your time to the full outside the classroom. As a full member of the University, you can use all the study, sport and social facilities on campus and we will introduce you to these in your first week here. The University campus offers a beautiful environment and the City of Exeter is a safe and friendly place. I know that you will settle in quickly and enjoy your time with INTO. Our brand new study centre opened in January 2011, providing an inspiring learning environment with state-of-the-art facilities. I look forward to welcoming you to our Centre. Penny Foster Centre Director, INTO University of Exeter Start dates All students should plan to arrive two days prior to your programme start date – please ensure you arrive on time!
  • 3. In case of emergency call INTO University of Exeter on +44 (0) 7972 136 198 Meet the INTO University of Exeter team Penny Foster Jill Bartholomew Ruth Davenport Helen Robinson Centre Director Head of Student Services Admissions Officer Admissions Co-ordinator Bridget Pearse Sarah Pike Paula Stone Jemma Clancy Accommodation Officer Homestay Co-ordinator Welfare Officer Visa/Social Co-ordinator Denisa Newmanov Melian Kearney Receptionist Admissions Co-ordinator Contents Welcome 2 Orientation programme 11 Meet the INTO University of Registering for your course 12 Exeter team 3 Making the most of your first week 14 Before you leave 4 Social programme 15 Before you arrive in the UK 5 Health and safety 16 Arrival at the airport 6 Key contacts, useful numbers Arriving at INTO University of Exeter 7 and websites 17 Airport collection form 8 Maps 18 Money 10
  • 4. Pre-departure guide 2011–2012 Before you leave Checklist – before you leave home Please make sure you have completed everything on this checklist before you leave home.  As soon as possible: 1. Have you paid full fees for your tuition, accommodation and insurance (if applicable)? 2. Have you returned your Arrival Details Form to 3. Do you require an INTO airport taxi transfer? If so, please complete Section 3 of the Arrival Details Form and the Credit Card form. 4. Have you booked your accommodation? 5. Have you checked your passport is valid for at least six months? 6. Have you applied for and received your visa? One or two weeks before you leave for the UK: 7. Have you organised cash and pound sterling traveller’s cheques to bring with you? 8. Do you know your airline’s luggage allowance and have you packed accordingly? 9. Have you emailed a passport photograph to for your INTO student card? What to bring with you: 10. Have you packed all relevant original documentation or certified copies including your: • INTO Offer Letter • INTO CAS statement – if required • IELTS certificate or original English Language test result • ny other original documents/transcripts listed in your Offer Letter/CAS Statement, for A example your high school certificate or home university certificates including translations (if originals are not in English). You will need these to register and enrol on your course and to extend your visa in the UK when you need to • Passport and Visa/Identity card • ank statement (no more than 1 month old showing the required funds for 28 days) as evidence to B show the Immigration Officer on arrival at the airport in the UK 11. Have you got your documents for medical registration? • Immunisation History Book • UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office Visa Tuberculosis Screening Certificate (if you have one) 12. Have you put the emergency telephone numbers into your mobile phone (to be put into your hand luggage)? 13. Do you have: • Photographs from home? • Waterproof coat and shoes? • Addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of friends and family? 4
  • 5. In case of emergency call INTO University of Exeter on +44 (0) 7972 136 198 Before you arrive in the UK Applying for a UK student visa • The start date is published on your CAS Statement. If you Most international students from outside the European Union plan to arrive on a different date you must let us know. who wish to take a full-time course in the UK must apply for a This is very important as we must inform the UK Border visa prior to leaving their home country. Agency (UKBA) if you do not arrive on time. You can check your status on the following website: • If you change your mind and want to study at another institution, you have to tell us before you come to the UK immigrationlaw/immigrationrules/appendix1/ so we can cancel your CAS with UKBA, and you can If you are a visa national you can apply for a re-apply for your visa with a CAS from a different sponsor. • Student Visitor Visa for courses of six months or less; Changes to your student registration status • an Extended Student Visitor Visa for English language We must tell the UK Border Agency about any students who courses only for courses of between 6–11 months; have an entry clearance visa issued under PBS rules who fail • a Tier 4 (General) Student visa for English language to arrive for the start of a course, withdraw from a course, courses at or above B1 on the Common European defer or suspend their studies, or fail to attend for significant Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) – the periods of time. UK Border agency have assessed this as equivalent Meeting immigration staff at the airport to an IELTS score of 4.0 – with no less than 4.0 in When you arrive at a UK airport, you should be prepared to each sub-skill; answer some questions about yourself, including where you • or a Tier 4 (General) Student visa for courses at Level 3 or will be staying and what you intend to do during your time in above on the National Qualifications framework (NQF) at the UK. You may be asked to undergo a brief, routine health an institution which is a Highly Trusted Sponsor. check by the airport doctor, which might include an X-ray. How will the Points Based System (PBS) affect The health check will take place in a separate room. my entry clearance/student visa application? Afterwards, you will need to return to Immigration Control. If you are a visa national and you apply for a Tier 4 (General) Please note that if you have already studied in the UK and are Student visa you will need a ‘Confirmation of Acceptance for changing your education provider, you will need to apply for a Studies’(CAS), which is an electronic number we will provide visa for your new course with us. This could take up to 40 for you. days. It is a criminal offence to start a course with a different Applying for your Tier 4 (General) Student visa educational provider before you have applied for your new visa from the Home Office. We will not be able to register you to come to the UK on the course unless you have a valid visa. When you apply for a Tier 4 (General) Student visa you must include a Confirmation of Acceptance for To find out more: Studies (CAS) number. We advise that you check these websites regularly for up to • We will send your CAS details when you confirm your date and accurate information. unconditional offer of a place to study and pay your UK Border Agency: deposit/full fees. • Your CAS will not be sent more than six months before British Embassy/High Commission – advice on where you the start of your course. can apply for a visa: • The CAS number will be included in a letter called a ‘CAS Statement’. This will also include important information wheretoapply needed for your visa application. UKCISA (Council for International Student Affairs) – Advice for • You can only apply for your visa three months or less international students: before the start of your course. 5
  • 6. Pre-departure guide 2011–2012 Arrival at the airport INTO airport taxi transfer If you would like us to meet you at the airport, please complete the attached ‘Airport Transfer Booking INTO University of Exeter can arrange for a local taxi Form’ on page 8 and return it to INTO. Payment firm to meet students on arrival at the airport and can be made by completing the attached credit take them directly to their accommodation. Payment card form on page 9 and faxing it to INTO at for the transfer must be made seven working days +44 (0) 1392 264 277. in advance. The costs are as follows: If you do not want an airport transfer, you must still complete the ‘Arrival Details Form’ on page 10 Prices until Fri 23 Sep 2011: and email to INTO at, or fax to London Heathrow airport £205.00 +44 (0) 1392 264 277. London Gatwick airport £225.00 If you have booked an airport transfer, as you Bristol International airport £100.00 pass through immigration into the Arrivals Hall, you Exeter International airport £20.00 will see your taxi driver waiting for you holding an INTO sign with your name on it. If you cannot find Prices from Sat 24 Sep 2011: your taxi driver on arrival, DO NOT LEAVE the London Heathrow airport £210.00 Hall. Please Do The following: London Gatwick airport £230.00 1. Go to the Information Desk and ask them to make Bristol International airport £105.00 an announcement asking the taxi driver for YOUR Exeter International airport £20.00 NAME, going to INTO University of Exeter, to come to the Information Desk. Wait there until the If you want to share a taxi from Heathrow to reduce taxi driver arrives. charges, you will still need to pay full fees seven days 2. Contact INTO on the Emergency Mobile in advance however transfers will be refunded Telephone Number +44 (0) 7972 136 198. accordingly (i.e. two students per taxi – £104; 3 or 4 students per taxi – £85). Please note that if you are delayed in meeting your taxi, either because your flight has been delayed, or because of delays at UK immigration or baggage collection, the taxi company will charge ‘waiting time’ and this charge will be passed on to you. 6
  • 7. In case of emergency call INTO University of Exeter on +44 (0) 7972 136 198 Arriving at INTO University of Exeter YOU MUST INFORM US OF YOUR ARRIVAL accommodation you can email Sarah at DETAILS SO WE CAN MAKE ARRANGEMENTS or telephone her on FOR SOMEONE TO MEET YOU. +44 (0) 1392 725 352. Please note that you are to arrive no earlier University accommodation than the weekend before your course starts. If you are staying in INTO accommodation, you must If you do, you will need to make your own arrive on either the Saturday or Sunday before your accommodation arrangements. course starts. Details of where to go on arrival in Exeter will be provided with your accommodation If your flight is delayed, or you are delayed at the confirmation. On arrival you will be given your room airport and will therefore arrive on a date after the key, asked to sign your accommodation contract and weekend prior to your course start date, then you shown to your room. should call either the INTO office number during office It is important that you complete the hours or the INTO Emergency number at all other Arrival Details Form and return it to INTO, so times to inform us. that we can make sure that the key to your accommodation is waiting for you. Accommodation – when to arrive If you are arriving earlier than the weekend before and where to go your course starts then you must make your own hotel arrangements until the Centre opens. Homestay accommodation If you have requested homestay accommodation, you Private accommodation will be sent details of your accommodation by Sarah Sourcing Private Accommodation: INTO is Pike, INTO’s Homestay Co-ordinator. As well as your unable to assist you directly with the process of host’s name and address, you will also receive a host finding private accommodation as this will be a profile, telling you more about your hosts and some legal agreement between yourself and the information about what to expect when you are living landlord. We can however provide a guide to finding in homestay accommodation. If you have requested private accommodation, which includes contact and paid for the taxi transfer service, your taxi will details for local letting agents and relevant websites. take you directly to your host. When you get there, If you require this please email you will be given information about how to find the INTO Centre and directions on how to get to the University on the first day of your course. ‘Life’s great! Good accommodation, top notch It is important that you contact your hosts teaching and loads of fun activities. It doesn’t get to introduce yourself and also to let them know much better than this.’ when you think you will arrive in Exeter, so that they can make sure they are home to greet you. El Hannan Lee, When you arrive at your host’s home there will Malaysia be instructions on what to do next. If you have any questions regarding homestay 7
  • 8. Pre-departure guide 2011–2012 ✁ Arrival details form All students MUST complete this arrival details form and return one week before your course start date by email to or fax to +44 (0) 1273 328 595 / +44 (0) 1273 329 746 Section 1 (compulsory) Personal details Family name (surname) Other/given names (first name) Male Female Email address Mobile phone number INTO number (please refer to offer letter) Section 2 (compulsory) Arrival details into the UK and confirmation of accommodation Country flight departs from Date of arrival in the UK Time of arrival in the UK (am/pm) Arrival Airport Terminal Flight number Name of airline If you are organising your own transfer from the airport: Arrival date at INTO University of Exeter: Accommodation/Centre Arrival time at INTO University of Exeter (am/pm): Accommodation/Centre Any special requirements Please make sure that you book a flight which arrives on the weekend before your course start date. If on arrival you require a taxi to meet you and will be staying in a hotel or other accommodation not arranged by INTO then please provide the address Section 3 (optional) Airport transfer booking If you would like a taxi to meet you at your UK arrival airport and take you to your accommodation please tick one of the following boxes and complete the credit card section below. For further details on the cost of the Airport Transfer, please see page 6. London Heathrow Airport Gatwick Airport Bristol International Airport Exeter International Airport I do not require an airport transfer 8
  • 9. In case of emergency call INTO University of Exeter on +44 (0) 7972 136 198 ✁ Section 4 If you will be under 18 on arrival and do not require INTO to meet you at the airport and arrange a transfer then the following section must be completed Name of person meeting the student: Address of person meeting the student: Mobile telephone number: Name of parent: Signature of parent: Date: Credit card form Payments over £50 by credit card are subject to a 2% surcharge and debit cards to a £1 surcharge. This will be taken from the card in addition to the amount stated in section 3 of this form. CREDIT CARD DETAILS To enable fees to be debited from your credit card, please complete the details below. VISA CREDIT MASTERCARD DEBIT If DEBIT, please specify type: Please note, the University will only accept transactions using the following cards: Mastercard, Visa, Solo, Maestro, Electron or Visa debit. Credit/debit card number / Card start date —— —— (mm/yy) / Card expiry date —— —— (mm/yy) Issue number Security code This is the last three digits of the code found on the back of your card. Cardholder name Billing address Please return this form by email to or fax to +44 (0) 1273 328 595 / +44 (0) 1273 329 746 9
  • 10. Pre-departure guide 2011–2012 Money Currency Bank accounts Currency across the UK is the pound sterling (£GBP). If you are going to be here for longer than six months, One pound is divided into one hundred pence (100p). we strongly recommended you open a UK bank Notes are issued to the value of £50, £20, £10, and account, as soon as possible, after arriving in the UK. £5 and coins to the value of £2, £1, 50p, 20p, 10p, UK banks are open 9am to 4.30pm on weekdays 5p, 2p and 1p. Please note that £50 notes are very and some are open on Saturday mornings. If you bring uncommon and should be avoided as they can often a banker’s draft in sterling with you (payable to yourself) be the target of counterfeiters. We do not advise or arrange for it to be sent, then you can open an carrying large sums of cash with you on arrival. account at a bank after you have registered on your We recommend that you bring enough money course. It may also be useful to bring a letter from your with you to cover the first couple of weeks after your bank at home (or some other documentation) to arrival – no more than £250 in cash for your confirm your credit status. We will provide you with immediate needs should suffice. It is safer to bring further information and support on opening accounts large sums of money in travellers’ cheques, which can during your induction week. In order to open a bank be cashed in banks, post offices and airports but be account you will need the following: aware that there is often a minimum commission • your passport charge. Please avoid carrying large sums of cash or • proof you are a student – we will issue you with an keeping large amounts in your room for safety official bank letter after registration reasons. Credit and debit cards are widely accepted • proof of address. in the UK, MasterCard (Access) and Visa credit cards For further advice on opening bank accounts in the being the most common. Diners Club and American UK, you can visit: Express are less so. You can withdraw cash from a cashpoint machine (also known as an ‘ATM’) if you have a Personal Identification Number (PIN) for that Living costs card. You may want to inform your current bank that you are going to the UK and to ask if you can use It is estimated that a single student will need your card here. approximately £650–£750 a month to meet their basic living expenses. This is just an indication and will alter depending on your lifestyle and spending habits. It is important to plan and budget your finances for living in the UK; it’s not just your course fees you need to think about. If you want help with planning and budgeting your finances, the following international student website may be useful: index.asp 10
  • 11. In case of emergency call INTO University of Exeter on +44 (0) 7972 136 198 Orientation programme Induction programme At the start of your course you will receive a full induction (providing you arrive the weekend before the start date of the course). This will vary in length according to which course you will be studying and it is a great opportunity to meet staff and students ‘When I first came to Exeter the INTO staff were a and find out more about the University and the local great support to me. The events in the welcome week area. You should attend all sessions. The induction such as trips to Sidmouth and Topsham, Bowling, programme will usually include: Cream Tea and visits to the city centre helped me a lot. • welcome talks I also found many friends from different nations of • information sessions with INTO Student Services, the world.’ the Students’ Union, security staff • an English language placement test Muhammad Umeed • social activities Pakistan • a city orientation tour of Exeter • a campus tour. The following is an example time table for the September and January orientation programme. TIME MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 09.00 STUDENT SERVICES SOCIAL PROGRAMME TALK PRESENTATION 09.30 UNIVERSITY LIBRARY PRESENTATION 10.00 WELCOME FROM THE TALK FOR STUDENTS INTRODUCTION TO POLICE REGISTRATION CENTRE DIRECTOR UNDER 18 YOUR COURSE (IF APPLICABLE) 10.30 UNIVERSITY CAMPUS TOUR 11.00 MATHS TEST FOR INDEPENDENT FOUNDATION LEARNING STUDENTS (NOT ALL PRESENTATION PATHWAYS) 11.30 LUNCH 12.00 LUNCH 12.30 LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH 13.00 COURSE REGISTRATION 13.30 INFORMATION FAIR – LEARN ABOUT THE 14.00 ENGLISH LANGUAGE COURSE STUDENTS UNION, PLACEMENT TEST REGISTRATION CLUB AND SOCIETIES 14.30 15.00 EXETER CITY TOUR CREAM TEA RECEPTION 15.30 SPORTS AFTERNOON 16.00 16.30 EVENING BOWLING NIGHT BARN DANCE Students starting programmes not in September and January will enjoy a shorter orientation programme 11
  • 12. Pre-departure guide 2011–2012 Registering for your course For registration purposes at the INTO Centre you will Once your UniCard is ready you can collect it from be required to provide original academic transcripts Reception two or three days after registration. and certificates, you must bring these documents UniCards have the user’s name and photo, expiry with you. date and a barcode with a number under it. The We need a passport photograph of you to barcode/number is encoded on the reverse of the prepare your INTO Student Card. The INTO Student card and this magnetic strip is used for building Card gives you access to the library, 24 hour access access control. The UniCard is issued to all staff and to the computer centre a range of student discounts students and serves as your library card. It will (e.g. for travel). To supply your photograph by email identify you as a member of the University and allows please attach a passport style photograph in jpeg you appropriate access to services and facilities. You format and send to (please cc in can also use this card to get student discounts in Make sure your name and some shops. To use the University printers you need INTO Reference Number are clearly written in the to put money on your student card. You can do this subject/title of the email. We can also accept online at You must photographs that have been sent by post. If you send keep your card with you at all times. them by post then you should send two passport photographs with your name written clearly on the Registering for computer access back of each one. If we do not receive your Once you have your UniCard then you can register photographs before you arrive, it will take at for computer access. You can do this in different least five working days to prepare your UniCard. ways: During this time you will not be able to access • use the computer in Reception computers, the internet or your emails. The INTO • register online Student Card acts as identification for you on itreg/index.php campus and you should keep it with you at all times. • visit I.T. services in the Main Library. It also acts as your library card and gives you 24 hour access to the University computer rooms. 12
  • 13. In case of emergency call INTO University of Exeter on +44 (0) 7972 136 198 “Three words jump into my mind when I think about life as an international student in Exeter; safe, equality and friendly. I never ever feel lonely.” Ji Yingjin China 13
  • 14. Pre-departure guide 2011–2012 Making the most of your first week On arrival we will provide you with a free SIM card to Other things to remember: use in the UK which also has one free international • attend ALL your classes and tutorials call on it, so you can call home and let your family • always be on time know you have arrived safely. This will give you cheap • be prepared for your classes rates to phone internationally and will be much • care for others’ feelings and cultures cheaper than your current SIM card or any other UK • feel free to ask questions whenever you need to network providers. • join social events and sports clubs. There are lots Alternatively, you can always download Skype, a to choose from so ask the INTO staff free computer programme that allows you to use • keep your accommodation clean and tidy your computer like a phone and place international • overcome problems by sharing them with your calls for free to other Skype users. Depending on friends, teachers and INTO staff your computer, web cameras are also supported. • practise English as much as you can and in as Please remember that when you arrive in the UK many places as you can you will have travelled a long way from home and • your academic progress and your behaviour will although this will be an exciting time, please do always be monitored remember that your family and friends may worry about you. Remember to contact them and let them know that you are safe! 14
  • 15. In case of emergency call INTO University of Exeter on +44 (0) 7972 136 198 Social programme In addition to your academic study, INTO organises a sign-up in advance as soon as possible and this can regular programme of activities designed to help you be done at reception in the INTO Building. make the most of your time in the UK. The social Day trips and the sporting events are normally programme includes: scheduled on a Saturday and Sunday respectively. • scorted day trips to nearby cities (for example The other events will be scheduled for afternoons and Bath, Bristol or Cardiff) or sights of interest like early evenings throughout the week. A number of the Stonehenge and the Eden Project; activities that take place on campus will be provided • Attendance at local events such as the South free, but note that there are some that may have a West Festival of Food and Drink or the theatre; small charge. The coach trips for instance can cost • Internationally themed events such as Chinese up to £25 depending on the location and whether New Year and Diwali celebrations; there are any admissions charges. On average, you • Sports afternoons and competitions; can also expect between 25 to 250 students to be in • Bowling; attendance at each event. • Quiz Nights and Film Showings; The social programme is carefully designed to • Parties and more! include a wide range of activities to cater for every taste. It also provides a key opportunity for students Details of all the social programme events will be to socialise with each other and those at the published on noticeboards in the INTO Building and University and even local residents of the city. Duryard. Updates are also regularly to all student via their university email account and often also feature on the INTO facebook page. Where space is limited, such as on the day trips, students will be ask to 15
  • 16. Pre-departure guide 2011–2012 Health and safety Deciding to study overseas can be an exciting yet doctor. Full details of how to register at the University daunting opportunity. To ensure that you can make of Exeter Student Health Clinic will be given to you the most of this experience, once your arrive in the during your induction programme. UK our dedicated student support teams will help Private Health Insurance you settle in to student life. During your induction Full travel, medical and health insurance is mandatory programme they will deliver safety talks, as well as for all INTO University of Exeter students. Unless provide you with information about services available proof of suitable alternative cover is provided during to support international students. In the case of an the application process, Uniplan Insurance will emergency you can always contact a member of the automatically be added to your course fees. team by calling +44 (0) 7972 136 198. Personal Safety Before you travel to the UK The UK is a safe place to study and live in. You can It is always advisable to have a health check before make your time here as an international student even you leave your home country. In some cases, when safer by using common sense. For practical tips on you arrive in the UK you may be asked to produce how keep safe during your studies please visit health certificates detailing your vaccinations. For, example, if you are coming from a tuberculosis (TB) where you can download a copy of ‘First Steps’ high-risk area, a chest x-ray report may be required. pre-departure publication. It’s a good idea to carry these documents in your hand luggage in case you need to show them UK Safety in your accommodation immigration. For more information visit To ensure a safe living environment, students living in INTO University residences must keep to all of the If you are undergoing any medical treatment, we rules and regulations. Within the accommodation we advise you to bring your current prescriptions and a have also appointed a number of Students Wardens doctor’s report (translated into English). Similarly if to ensure your well-being and provide you with an you wear glasses consider bringing a spare pair with alternative source of support. you, or if you wear contact lenses bring a sufficient Safety in Centre supply to use while you are in the UK or a Safety in the INTO Centre is everyone’s responsibility. prescription (translated into English) to ensure you If you see anything that is a cause of concern, please can secure a ready supply. report it to the reception desk and we will ensure that Health services in the UK it is dealt with immediately. Please note that smoking If you are coming to the UK as a full-time student on is not permitted in any public place in the UK and so a course lasting six months or more, you will be you cannot smoke in the INTO Centre. eligible for free or subsidised treatment in the UK Useful websites under the National Health Service (NHS). This means British Council – that you can see a doctor or go to hospital for free. UKCISA – You only have to pay for prescription medicines, NHS Direct – which is currently £7.40 per item. All you have to do University of Exeter – when you arrive in the UK is register with a local newstudents/healthandwelfare/ 16
  • 17. In case of emergency call INTO University of Exeter on +44 (0) 7972 136 198 Key contacts, useful numbers and websites IMPORTANT TELEPHONE NUMBERS Please make sure that you put these numbers in your phone: INTO University of Exeter Exeter taxi firms +44 (0) 1392 724 282 Gemini (INTO’s preferred company) Our reception is open Monday to Friday 8.30am to +44 (0) 1392 666 666 5.30pm for all your questions and to assist you Capital on arrival +44 (0) 1392 433 433 1st Call Website: +44 (0) 1392 661 122 Dartline Facebook: +44 (0) 1392 422 888 Exeter/35518218482 Useful websites Twitter: Visa information INTO TV: UKBA INTO Emergency number Studying in the UK and excellent advice on budgeting +44 (0) 7972 136 198 Out of office hours for emergency use only UKCISA advice for International Students Emergencies 999 If you need the Police, Fire Brigade or Ambulance UK living and culture Service in an emergency, the telephone number to call is 999. If you are unfortunate enough to experience UK weather crime, have been involved in an attack or threatened, you should report it to the police and INTO. International Student Calculator Immigration Advisory Service (IAS) +44 (0) 207 967 1200 National Health Service If you have any problems at Immigration Control, please call this number for free advice. Transport for London (underground/tube, buses, etc) 17
  • 18. Pre-departure guide 2011–2012 Maps Exeter city centre University of Exeter Streatham Campus Prince Charles Rd n Rd Unio Rd les a W e of Princ d bo y R Black St David’s station Exeter central station Bus and coach station Harlequins shopping centre Princesshay University of Exeter shopping centre Bomb Guilhall St Luke’s Campus shopping centre Exeter Cathedral ay R d Heavitre e Rd Fr o g St EXETER CITY B arn f i e l d R d CENTRE Quay Ho llo t w Royal Devon and ay c kS S County Hall Exeter hospital wi t A l p h in g Co ton To ps St ha m Rd 18
  • 19. In case of emergency call INTO University of Exeter on +44 (0) 7972 136 198 Campus map 2 Duryard INTO residence 7 6 INTO University of Exeter 1 4 8 3 5 10 9 Key AcAdemic/sociAl/non-residentiAl 1 into university of exeter cAtered residence 2 into university residence self-cAtered residence ADMINISTRATION/SOCIAL PedestriAn route from rAil to cAmPus 3 northcote house P PArking InternatIonal StUDent SUPPort offIce t tennis courts 4 exeter northcott theAtre footPAth from residence to cAmPus 5 shoPPing centre cycle route from residence to cAmPus 6 sPorts PArk AlternAte cycle routes 7 tennis centre BUS ROUTE H BUS ROUTE D Bus route d TOWARDS CITY CENTRE Bus route h UNIVeRSITy ReSIDeNCeS 8, 9, 10 one-wAy 19
  • 20. INTO University of Exeter University of Exeter INTO Building Stocker Road Exeter EX4 4PY United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1392 724 282 E: © INTO University of Exeter LLP, May 2011. All content published in this document is believed accurate at time of publication. INTO reserves the right to alter details of all aspects of its operation without notice. INTO University Partnerships Limited is a limited company registered in England and Wales, registered number 05507863. Registered office: 102 Middlesex Street, London E1 7EZ University of Exeter education provider sponsor number EFMMCWWY2