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Math-Related Credit Crosswalk
                                  Career Technical Education Classes
                                         in Macomb County

                                         Program Information
                                 District:   L’Anse Creuse
                                             F. V. Pankow Center
                         Program Name: Web Design
                      CIP Code Number:       11.0801
                         Career Pathway: Business, Management, Marketing &
                        Instructor Name:     Debra Schmid
                                    Date: May 2009
Strand              STANDARDS                                               CTE APPLICATION and PRACTICE

L1.1                                             Number Systems and Number Sense

L1.1.1              Know the different properties that hold in      Students learn how to change font size from negative
                    different number systems and recognize          to positive numbers depending on their usage within
                    that the applicable properties change in the    the webpage.
                    transition from the positive integers to all    Ex. Font size can be specified as a relative value
                    integers, to the rational numbers, and to the       using a + or - sign. These relative values range
                    real numbers.                                       from -6 to + 6.

L1.1.2              Explain why the multiplicative inverse of a     Students learn about inversion while manipulating,
                    number has the same sign as the number,         sizing, and changing backgrounds of images.
                    while the additive inverse has the opposite
L1.1.3              Explain how the properties of associativity,    Students learn how to plan, design and decide on the
                    commutativity, and distributivity, as well as   layout of a webpage, its structure, images, and
                    identity and inverse elements, are used in      layouts.
                    arithmetic and algebraic calculations.          Ex. When designing a page layout, the commutative
                                                                        law allows you to change positions of images and
                                                                        text for aesthetic appeal.

L1.1.4              Describe the reasons for the different          Enlarging and reducing images.
                    effects of multiplication by, or                100% = 1 images stays the same
                    exponentiation of, a positive number by a        50% = .5 reduces images by ½
                    number less than 0, a number between 0          150% = 1.5 enlarges image by 1 ½ times
                    and 1, and a number greater than 1.

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L1.2                                              Representations and Relationships

L1.2.1              Use mathematical symbols (e.g., interval        The mathematical symbols of +, -, <, >, {}, ( ), %, &,
                    notation, set notation, summation notation)     are used throughout the course.
                    to represent quantitative relationships and     Coding HTML symbols such as copyright symbols,
                    situations.                                     space symbols, and HTML tags.
                                                                    Ex. <dd>: indicates that the enclosed text is a
                                                                               definition in the definition list.
                                                                         src = url: identifies the location of the image if
                                                                                   the control is set to an image.
L1.2.2              Interpret representations that reflect          Webpage Development
                    absolute value relationships (e.g.,│x-a│< b,    The concept of absolute positioning of images, lines
                    or a± b) in such contexts as error tolerance.   of texts, paragraphs, headings on the screen is
                                                                    demonstrated in most website page development.
L1.2.4              Organize and summarize a data set in a          Students organize information on a webpage in
                    table, plot, chart, or spreadsheet; find        tables using HTML tags.
                    patterns in a display of data; understand       Ex. Students will set up spreadsheets to analyze and
                    and critique data displays in the media.            organize client information.
L1.3                                            Counting and Probabilistic Reasoning
L1.3.2              Define and interpret commonly used              Job and career possibilities and probabilities with
                    expressions of probability (e.g., chances of    Web Design certifications
                    an event, likelihood, odds).                    Ex. The more training and experience one has in
                                                                         Web Design the probability of getting a job
L1.3.3              Recognize and explain common probability        When working with clients or students it is possible
                    misconceptions such as “hot streaks” and        that all pages designed might be accepted and
                    “being due.”                                    therefore the web designer is on a “hot streak”.
                                                                    (possible but not probable)
                                                      Multiply and Divide Fractions
N.MR.06.01          Understand division of fractions as the         Use of tables in HTML and Dreamweaver
                    inverse of multiplication.                      Ex. Students calculate sizing and spacing of tables
                                                                        and table cells in HTML coding and
N.FL.06.02          Given an applied situation involving dividing   Ex. A designer wishes to divide the available space
                    fractions, write a mathematical statement to        on the webpage into 3 parts. If the available
                    represent the situation.                            space is 7 ½ in by 9 inches. How many inches
                                                                        are in each space?
                                                                       (7 ½ x 9) ÷ 3 = n

N.MR.06.03          Solve for the unknown.                          In the above example
                                                                       15 x 9 x 1    = n
                                                                         2      3
                                                                                22 ½ = n
N.FL.06.04          Multiply and divide any two fractions,          Ex. A designer wishes to divide the screen into
                    including mixed numbers, fluently.                  sections for images, headlines, menus and text.
                                                                        Two-thirds of the page will be designated for text
                                                                        and the remaining third will be divide evenly
                                                                        among images, headline and menu bar. If the
                                                                        screen is 7 in. by 8 ½ in., what will be the
                                                                        allotted area for each section?
                                                                        (7 x 8 ½ ) = 59 ½
                                                                        59 ½ x 2/3 = 39 sq inches for text
                                                                        59.1/2 - 39 = 20.5
                                                                        20 ½ ÷ 3 = 6 sq. in. for images, headline
                                                                                                   and menu bar

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Represent Rational Numbers as Fractions or Decimals

N.ME.06.05          Order rational numbers and place them on       Flash lessons use a number line
                    the number line.                               Ex. Students use the TIMELINE tool to position
                                                                       images on the screen.
N.ME.06.06          Represent rational numbers as fractions or     Convert using an image program
                    terminating decimals when possible and         Ex. Students must convert from one format, such as
                    translate between these representations.           GIF to another format, such as JPEG.
                    Add and Subtract Integers and Rational Numbers
N.ME.06.08          Understand integer subtraction as the          Ex. A webpage developer has an 800 pixel screen
                    inverse of integer addition. Understand            and a 400 pixel table. How many pixels will be in
                    integer division as the inverse of integer         the margins?
                    multiplication.                                    800 – 400 = 400 / 2 = 200 pixels for margins.
N.FL.06.10          Add, subtract, multiply and divide positive    Ex. When placing a table on a screen that measures
                    rational numbers fluently.                         144 pixels by 144 pixels, what percent of the
                                                                       page will this cover if the screen size is 122500
                                                                       square pixels.
                                                                       144x144 = 2%
                                                           Find Equivalent Ratios

N.ME.06.11          Find equivalent ratios by scaling up or        Enlarging and reducing images
                    scaling down.                                  Ex. Students can scale images on the screen to any
                                                                       scale factor to enhance appearance of the
                                 Solve Decimal, Percentage and Rational Number Problems

N.FL.06.12          Calculate part of a number given the           Calculating amount of tip
                    percentage and the number.                     Ex. Mary’s food bill at the café was $10.55. She
                                                                       wants to leave a 20% tip. How much money
                                                                       should Mary give to the waitress?
N.MR.06.13          Solve contextual problems involving            Calculating taxes and tips
                    percentages such as sales taxes and tips.      Ex. John qualified for the state competition in
                                                                        Lansing. The cost of the room was $115.00 per
                                                                        night plus tax. If John stayed 2 nights, what was
                                                                        the hotel cost?
                                                                        (115 x2) = 330 x.0 6 = $19.80
                                                                        $330 + $19.80 =$349.80 cost of hotel room
N.FL.06.14          For applied situations, estimate the answers   Estimating image size for webpage design.
                    to calculations involving operations with      Ex. Knowing that one inch equals 72 pixels, students
                    rational numbers                                   can estimate amount of pace needed for images
                                                                       or text.
N.FL.06.15          Solve applied problems that use the four       Ex. Expenses for the state competition were as
                    operations with appropriate decimal                follows: Entrance fee, $25.00, hotel room, $105
                    numbers.                                           per night for 2 nights plus tax and gas, $41.00.
                                                                       Find the total amount of expenses.
                                                                       25 + (2 x 105) + .06(110) + 41 = $288.60
                         Understand Rational Numbers and Their Location on the Number Line

N.ME.06.17          Locate negative rational numbers (including    Fonts can be represented as negative numbers in the
                    integers) on the number line. Know that        Dreamweaver program.
                    numbers and their negatives add to 0 and       Ex. -6 means a smaller font
                    are on opposite sides and at equal distance        +6 means a larger font
                    from 0 on a number line.                            0 means the font neither increases nor

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N.ME.06.18          Understand that rational numbers are            Students understand that ¼ means that the screen is
                    quotients of integers (non zero                 divided into four parts and the menu can be placed
                    denominators).                                  on 1 of the four parts.
N.ME.06.19          Understand that 0 is an integer that is         Point of origin
                    neither negative nor positive.                  Ex. The point of origin is the upper right hand corner
                                                                        of the screen where the vertical axis intersects
                                                                        the horizontal axis.
                                                     Understand Derived Quantities
N.MR.07.02          Solve problems involving derived quantities     Determining weighted grades and students averages
                    such as density, velocity and weighted            1st quarter = 40%
                    averages.                                         2nd quarter = 40%
                                                                      Exam        = 20%
                       Understand and Solve Problems Involving Rates, Ratios, and Proportions
N.FL.07.03          Calculate rates of change including speed.      Rate of Work
                                                                    Ex. It takes designer A 30 hours to design 2 web
                                                                        pages and designer B 24 hours to design 3 web
                                                                        pages. What is the rate per hour of designers A
                                                                        and B?

N.MR.07.04          Convert ratio quantities between different      Milliseconds to days to determine time between
                    systems of units, such as feet per second to    current date and a future date.
                    miles per hour.                                 To convert milliseconds to days divide the number of
                                                                    milliseconds stored in the daysTOGO variables by
                                                                    the product of 1000 x 60 x 60 x 24. This expression
                                                                    represents to 1000 milliseconds on one second, the
                                                                    60 seconds in a minute, the 60 minutes in an hour
                                                                    the 24 hours in a day.

N.FL.07.05          Solve proportion problems using such            Inches to Pixels
                    methods as unit rate, scaling, finding          Ex. 1 in = 72 pixels
                    equivalent fractions, and solving the               3 in       n pixels
                    proportion equation a/b = c/d; know how to             n = 216 pixels
                    see patterns about proportional situations in
                                                    Compute with Rational Numbers

N.FL.07.07          Solve problems involving operations with        Calculating profit for BPA fundraiser
                    integers.                                       Ex. One box of candy costs the club $12.00 and
                                                                        holds fifty candy bars. If Mike sells 5 boxes of
                                                                        candy for $0.50 per bar, how much profit did Mike
                                                                        make for the club?
                                                                        5 x 50 x .50 = $125
                                                                        5 x 12        = $ 60
                                                                        $125 - $ 60 = $ 65 profit.
N.FL.07.09          Estimate results of computations with           Students estimate image size for placement on the
                    rational numbers.                               screen.

                                                  Understand Real Number Concepts
N.ME.08.03          Understand that in decimal form, rational       Students understand that ½ = .5 and 1/3 = .333…
                    numbers either terminate or eventually
                    repeat, and that calculators truncate or
                    round repeating decimals; locate rational
                    numbers on the number line; know fraction
                    forms of common repeating decimals.

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Solve Problems

N.MR.08.08          Solve problems involving percent increases       Enlarging and reducing images
                    and decreases.                                   Ex. In Dreamweaver, the percent of increase /
                                                                         decrease can be found for image sizing.

N.MR.08.10          Calculate weighted averages such as              Determining weighted grades and students averages
                    course grades, consumer price indices and           1st quarter = 45%
                    sports ratings.                                     2nd quarter = 45%
                                                                        Exam          = 10%
N.FL.08.11          Solve problems involving ratio units, such       Inches to Pixels
                    as miles per hour, dollars per pound or          Ex. 1 in. = 72 pixels
                    persons per square mile.                             8 in     n pixels

L2                  STANDARDS                                              CTE APPLICATION and PRACTICE

                                        CALCULATION, ALGORITHMS, AND ESTIMATION

L2.1                                      Calculation Using Real and Complex Numbers
L2.1.1              Explain the meaning and uses of weighted         Determining weighted grades and students averages
                    averages (e.g., GNP, consumer price index,          1st quarter = 30%
                    grade point average).                               2nd quarter = 30%
                                                                        Final Project = 20%
                                                                        Exam          = 20%
L2.1.6              Recognize when exact answers aren’t              Webpage Design
                    always possible or practical. Use                Design images do not have exact specifications,
                    appropriate algorithms to approximate            therefore designers estimate size of images for
                    solutions to equations (e.g., to approximate     aesthetic purposes.
                    square roots).                                   Ex. Approximate areas of screen dedicated to
                                                                         specifics areas on the webpage such as menus,
                                                                         text, heading and images.
L3                  STANDARDS                                              CTE APPLICATION and PRACTICE

                                               MEASUREMENT AND PRECISION
L3.1                                       Measurement Units, Calculations, and Scales

L3.1.1              Convert units of measurement within and          Decide on the best unit of measurement: pixels,
                    between systems; explain how arithmetic          points, inches etc.
                    operations on measurements affect units,         Ex. Pixels to inches : 1 inch    = 72 pixels
                    and carry units through calculations                 Inches to points: 1 inch     = 12 points
                    correctly.                                                              72 pixels = 12 points
L3.2                                                        Understanding Error

L3.2.2              Describe and explain round-off error,            Round and estimate image size for visual placement.
                    rounding, and truncating.

L3.2.3              Know the meaning of and interpret                Understand margin of error in image sizing, image
                    statistical significance, margin of error, and   mapping, and page layout
                    confidence level.

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L4.1                                                       Mathematical Reasoning

L4.1.1              Distinguish between inductive and                 Deductive:
                    deductive reasoning, identifying and                  If a client wants a blue and red webpage, then the
                    providing examples of each.                           designer will accommodate the clients wishes.
                                                                          If the webpage is blue and red then the client will
                                                                          be happy.
                                                                          If the client is happy, then he will be a returning
                                                                          If the business has customers that return, then it’ll
                                                                          be a successful business.
                                                                          If clients are happy they will continue to do
                                                                          business with the company and the company will
                                                                          be successful.
L4.1.2              Differentiate between statistical arguments       Logic shows clients may choose one design because
                    (statements verified empirically using            of a certain preference when statistics might show
                    examples or data) and logical arguments           the opposite choice would be more appropriate.
                    based on the rules of logic.                      Ex. Statistics show that web designs that are
                                                                           colorful and easily readable are more apt to be
                                                                           used by potential customers, but some web
                                                                           designs are more of a personal preference
L4.2                                                  Language and Laws of Logic
L4.2.3              Use the quantifiers “there exists” and “all” in   At all times, you must plan and sketch your design
                    mathematical and everyday settings and            according to the client’s specifications before
                    know how to logically negate statements           beginning to design on the computer.
                    involving them.
L4.2.4              Write the converse, inverse, and                  Discuss cause and effect of studying and doing well.
                    contrapositive of an “If…, then…” statement.      Ex.             If I score well on all projects, then I
                    Use the fact, in mathematical and everyday                        will understand the concepts of web
                    settings, that the contrapositive is logically                    design.
                    equivalent to the original while the inverse      Converse:        If I understand all concepts of web
                    and converse are not.                                             design, then I will score well on all
                                                                      Inverse:        If I do not score well on the projects,
                                                                                      then I do not understand the
                                                                                      concepts of web design.
                                                                      Contrapositive; If I do not understand the concepts
                                                                                      of web design, then I will not score
                                                                                      well on the projects.
L4.3                                                                  Proof
L4.3.2              Construct proofs by contradiction. Use            Statement: If I study, I will pass the exam.
                    counter examples, when appropriate, to            Contradiction: I studied, but I failed the exam.
                    disprove a statement.                             Conclusion: I did not study.

L4.3.3              Explain the difference between a necessary        Working with clients and timetables. What might start
                    and a sufficient condition within the             out necessary could end up sufficient
                    statement of a theorem. Determine the             Ex. A client wants the web page design by a certain
                    correct conclusions based on interpreting a           date(sufficient), but really needs the design by a
                    theorem in which necessary or sufficient              later date.(necessary)
                    conditions in the theorem or hypotheses are

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A1                  STANDARDS                                               CTE APPLICATION and PRACTICE

                                        EXPRESSIONS, EQUATIONS, AND INEQUALITIES

A1.1                      Construction, Interpretation, and Manipulation of Expressions (linear,
                          quadratic, polynomial, rational, power, exponential, logarithmic, and
A1.1.1              Give a verbal description of an expression        HTML Coding
                    that is presented in symbolic form, write an      Students are able to interpret all HTML coding
                    algebraic expression from a verbal                symbols.
                    description, and evaluate expressions given       Ex. Data = url identifies the location of the object’s
                    values of the variables.                              data.
A1.2                    Solutions of Equations and Inequalities (linear, exponential, logarithmic,
                                      quadratic, power, polynomial, and rational)
A1.2.9              Know common formulas (e.g., slope,                Formulas used in web design
                    distance between two points, quadratic            Ex. Area = l x w          Length times width
                    formula, compound interest, distance = rate           Circumference = 2πr radius calculations
                    · time), and apply appropriately in contextual        Diameter = 2r         diameter of a circle

A3                  STANDARDS                                               CTE APPLICATION and PRACTICE

                                                       MATHEMATICAL MODELING

A3.1                Models of Real-world Situations Using Families of Functions Example: An
                    initial population of 300 people grows at 2% per year. What will the population be in
                    10 years?

A3.1.1              Identify the family of functions best suited      Templates are used as formulas to format pages for
                    for modeling a given real-world situation         consistency throughout the project design.
                    [e.g., quadratic functions for motion of an
                    object under the force of gravity or
                    exponential functions for compound interest.
                    In the example above, recognize that the
                    appropriate general function is exponential
                    (P = P0at)].
A3.1.2              Adapt the general symbolic form of a              Ex. Template could be as follows.
                    function to one that fits the specifications of       ¼ of the page used for headings
                    a given situation by using the information to         ¼ of the page used for images
                    replace arbitrary constants with numbers.             ¼ of the page for content
                    In the example above, substitute the given            ¼ of the page for menu bar.
                    values P0 = 300 and a = 1.02 to obtain P =
                                                           Calculate Rates – Algebra

A.PA.06.01          Solve applied problems involving rates,           Rate of work
                    including speed.                                  Ex. Ben can design 3 web pages in 15 hours and
                                                                          45 minutes. How many web pages can he design
                                                                          in 8 hours.
                                                                           3 = x
                                                                         945     480
                                                                          x = 1.5 web pages

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Understand the Coordinate Plane
A.RP.06.02          Plot ordered pairs of integers and use            A digital image is a rectangular array of numbers.
                    ordered pairs of integers to identify points in   Each pixel has an x & y location and a value.
                    all four quadrants of the coordinate plane.       Ex. In a project for a floor design the PAINT program
                                                                          is used to find the x & y coordinate.

                      Use Variables, Write Expressions and Equations, and Combine Like Terms

A.FO.06.03          Use letters with units, to represent              In the Hexadecimal Code for color, all RGB values in
                    quantities in a variety of contexts.              the browser-safe palette are combinations of the
                                                                      same six colors in 20% increments of Red, Green
                                                                      and Blue.
                                                                       Ex. #33 66 99 means a little red(20%), more
                                                                           green(40%) and even more blue(60%)
A.FO.06.04          Distinguish between an algebraic                  Expression: <color> Sets the color
                    expression and an equation.                       Equation: newAmt = ++oldAmt
                                                                                 Increase an operand by one

A.FO.06.05          Use standard conventions for writing              All operations are performed in standard order of
                    algebraic expressions.                            preference for Java Script which is: parentheses,
                                                                      negation, multiply and divide, add and subtract.

A.FO.06.06          Represent information given in words using        Web designers use a variety of equations and
                    algebraic expressions and equations.              expressions for coding.
                                                                      Ex. Evaluate/Return right+ Ret = (x--,z)*(y--,q)
                                                                          means evaluate two expressions and returns the
                                                                          second one.
                            Represent Linear Functions Using Tables, Equations, and Graphs
A.RP.06.08          Understand that relationships between             Creating tables in XML documents and HTML web
                    quantities can be suggested by graphs and         pages.
                    tables.                                            Ex. Given the data for a train schedule, students can
                                                                           create a table in an XML file and HTML webpage
                                                                           for the train service.

A.RP.06.10          Represent simple relationships between            Ex. marginwidth = value
                    quantities using verbal descriptions,                 Sets the margin between the contents of the
                    formulas or equations, tables and graphs.             frame and its top and bottom border values in

                        Understand and Apply Directly Proportional Relationships and Relate to
                                          Linear Relationships - Algebra

A.AP.07.01          Recognize when information given in a             Sizing Images
                    table, graph or formula suggests a directly       Ex. Students understand that as the height of an
                    proportional or linear relationship.                  image is increased/decreased, that the width
                                                                          must increase/decrease proportionately.

                     Understand and Solve Problems about Inversely Proportional Relationships

A.PA.07.09          Recognize inversely proportional                  Students understand that increasing the size of an
                    relationships in contextual situations; know      image, or frameset will reduce the amount of
                    that quantities are inversely proportional if     surrounding screen space.
                    their product is constant.

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Understand the Concept of Non-linear Functions Using Basic Examples
A.PA.08.02          For basic functions, describe how changes       Students make changes to tables, framesets, and
                    in one variable affect the others.              images to affect surrounding size of screen space on
                                                                    the page layout for visual appeal.

                       Understand Solutions and Solve Equations, Simultaneous Equations and
                                                Linear Inequalities
G1.6.1              Solve multi-step problems involving             Image mapping
                    circumference and area of circles.              Ex. Students must know the circumference and area
                                                                        of circles to determine the size of map
                                                                        positioned over an image.
G3                  STANDARDS                                          CTE APPLICATION and PRACTICES

                                        TRANSFORMATIONS OF FIGURES IN THE PLANE

G3.1                                    Distance-preserving Transformations: Isometries

G3.1.1              Define reflection, rotation, translation, and   Students use the rotate and transform buttons in
                    glide reflection and find the image of a        Macromedia Flash program to enhance webpage
                    figure under a given isometry.                  designs.
G3.1.2              Given two figures that are images of each       Students are able to identify the isometry used on a
                    other under an isometry, find the isometry      particular image in the webpage design.
                    and describe it completely.                     Ex. Students can identify a rotation or a reflections of
                                                                         the original image.
G3.1.3              Find the image of a figure under the            Students often use more than one isometry.
                    composition of two or more isometries and       Ex. Students can rotate and/or reflect an image to
                    determine whether the resulting figure is a         enhance webpage design appearance.
                    reflection, rotation, translation, or glide
                    reflection image of the original figure.
G3.2                                     Shape-preserving Transformations: Isometries

G3.2.1              Know the definition of dilation and find the    The Zoom feature allows for a dilation of an image on
                    image of a figure under a given dilation.       webpages to enhance the design.

                           Understand the Concept of Congruence and Basic Transformations

G.GS.06.02          Understand that for polygons, congruence        Students understand that reproducing an image
                    means corresponding sides and angles            (copying or moving) that the size of the angles and
                    have equal measures.                            sides do not change.

G.TR.06.03          Understand the basic rigid motions in the       Students use rigid motion of images to solve layout
                    plane (reflections, rotations, translations).   problems.
                    Relate these to congruence, and apply them
                    to solve problems.
G.TR.06.04          Understand and use simple compositions of       Student often use more than one transformation in
                    basic rigid transformations.                    design of webpages.

                                       Draw and Construct Geometric Objects - Geometry

G.SR.07.01          Use a ruler and other tools to draw squares,    Students use rulers extensively in both Dreamweaver
                    rectangles, triangles and parallelograms        MX software and Flash MX for design purposes.
                    with specified dimensions.

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Understand the Concept of Similar Polygons and Solve Related Problems

G.TR.07.03          Understand that in similar polygons,            Enlarging and reducing images
                    corresponding angles are congruent and the      Students understand that when re-sizing an image,
                    ratios of corresponding sides are equal;        that the resulting image is similar to the original
                    understand the concepts of similar figures      image, that is, the sides are proportional to the
                    and scale factor.                               inputted scale factor.

G.TR.07.04          Solve problems about similar figures and        Enlarging and reducing images to a certain scale
                    scale drawings.                                 factor to solve layout problems.

                                              Solve Problems about Geometric Figures

G.SR.08.03          Understand the definition of a circle; know     Image mapping explains and uses the theory of
                    wand use the formulas for circumference         circumference of circles, and radius of circles
                    and area of a circle to solve problems.

G.SR.08.05          Solve applied problems involving areas of       Students must calculate the radius and
                    triangles, quadrilaterals and circles.          circumference of circles when image mapping.

                                                             Visualize Solids

G.SR.08.08          Sketch a variety of two-dimensional             When planning a webpage, students first sketch their
                    representations of three-dimensional solids     design and page layout.
                    including orthogonal views (top, front and
                    side) picture views (projective or isometric)
                    and nets; use such two-dimensional
                    representations to help solve problems.

                            Understand and Apply Concepts of Transformation and Symmetry

G.TR.08.09          Understand the definition of dilation from a    Scaling images and image maps demonstrate
                    point in the plane and relate it to the         dilation from a point in a plane.
                    definition of similar polygons.

G.TR.08.10          Understand and use reflective and rotational    Students can rotate images to fit the layout of various
                    symmetries of two-dimensional shapes and        web pages and to solve layout problems to enhance
                    relate them to transformations to solve         readability and appearance of the web page.

S2                     STANDARDS                                           CTE APPLICATION and PRACTICE

                                        BIVARIATE DATA - EXAMINING RELATIONSHIPS

S2.1                                                   Scatterplots and Correlation
S2.1.4              Differentiate between correlation and           There exists a strong correlation between the
                    causation. Know that a strong correlation       designer’s preferences and the client’s preferences.
                    does not imply a cause-and-effect               Sometime a positive correlation and sometimes a
                    relationship. Recognize the role of lurking     negative correlation.
                    variables in correlation.

S3                     STANDARDS                                            CTE APPLICATION and PRACTICE
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S3.1                                                  Data Collection and Analysis

S3.1.1              Know the meanings of a sample from a           Target Audience: Popularity of certain types of web
                    population and a census of a population,       design.
                    and distinguish between sample statistics      Ex. Students discuss this year's clients preferences
                    and population parameters.                         to draw conclusion on the preferences of future
S3.1.2              Identify possible sources of bias in data      Client Preference or Bias
                    collection and sampling methods and simple     Ex. The client may have certain preferences(bias)
                    experiments; describe how such bias can            with graphic design wishes versus what web
                    be reduced and controlled by random                design standards might suggest
                    sampling; explain the impact of such bias on
                    conclusions made from analysis of the data;
                    and know the effect of replication on the
                    precision of estimates.
S3.1.3              Distinguish between an observational study     Observing a particular demographic, may suggest
                    and an experimental study, and identify, in    that people like certain types of web design pages,
                    context, the conclusions that can be drawn     but findings from experimental data show that the
                    from each.                                     purpose of the webpage is more important.

S4                     STANDARDS                                          CTE APPLICATION and PRACTICE


S4.2                                                 Application and Representation

S4.2.2              Apply probability concepts to practical        The more designs presented to a client, the more
                    situations, in such settings as finance,       choices that client will have and the higher the
                    health, ecology, or epidemiology, to make      probability that the client will purchase the webpage
                    informed decisions.                            designs from your company.

                                     Draw, Explain and Justify Conclusions Based on Data

D.AN.08.02          Recognize practices for collecting and         Students collect data from projects concerning length
                    displaying data that may bias the              of time to create a web design, fees, number of
                    presentation or analysis.                      designers needed etc. and analyze to display to

 /home/pptfactory/temp/20100426161918/web-design2776.doc                                                     11

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Web Design

  • 1. Math-Related Credit Crosswalk for Career Technical Education Classes in Macomb County Program Information District: L’Anse Creuse F. V. Pankow Center Program Name: Web Design CIP Code Number: 11.0801 Career Pathway: Business, Management, Marketing & Technology Instructor Name: Debra Schmid Date: May 2009 Strand STANDARDS CTE APPLICATION and PRACTICE L1 REASONING ABOUT NUMBERS, SYSTEMS AND QUANTITATIVE LITERACY L1.1 Number Systems and Number Sense L1.1.1 Know the different properties that hold in Students learn how to change font size from negative different number systems and recognize to positive numbers depending on their usage within that the applicable properties change in the the webpage. transition from the positive integers to all Ex. Font size can be specified as a relative value integers, to the rational numbers, and to the using a + or - sign. These relative values range real numbers. from -6 to + 6. L1.1.2 Explain why the multiplicative inverse of a Students learn about inversion while manipulating, number has the same sign as the number, sizing, and changing backgrounds of images. while the additive inverse has the opposite sign. L1.1.3 Explain how the properties of associativity, Students learn how to plan, design and decide on the commutativity, and distributivity, as well as layout of a webpage, its structure, images, and identity and inverse elements, are used in layouts. arithmetic and algebraic calculations. Ex. When designing a page layout, the commutative law allows you to change positions of images and text for aesthetic appeal. L1.1.4 Describe the reasons for the different Enlarging and reducing images. effects of multiplication by, or 100% = 1 images stays the same exponentiation of, a positive number by a 50% = .5 reduces images by ½ number less than 0, a number between 0 150% = 1.5 enlarges image by 1 ½ times and 1, and a number greater than 1. /home/pptfactory/temp/20100426161918/web-design2776.doc 1 04/26/2010
  • 2. L1.2 Representations and Relationships L1.2.1 Use mathematical symbols (e.g., interval The mathematical symbols of +, -, <, >, {}, ( ), %, &, notation, set notation, summation notation) are used throughout the course. to represent quantitative relationships and Coding HTML symbols such as copyright symbols, situations. space symbols, and HTML tags. Ex. <dd>: indicates that the enclosed text is a definition in the definition list. src = url: identifies the location of the image if the control is set to an image. L1.2.2 Interpret representations that reflect Webpage Development absolute value relationships (e.g.,│x-a│< b, The concept of absolute positioning of images, lines or a± b) in such contexts as error tolerance. of texts, paragraphs, headings on the screen is demonstrated in most website page development. L1.2.4 Organize and summarize a data set in a Students organize information on a webpage in table, plot, chart, or spreadsheet; find tables using HTML tags. patterns in a display of data; understand Ex. Students will set up spreadsheets to analyze and and critique data displays in the media. organize client information. L1.3 Counting and Probabilistic Reasoning L1.3.2 Define and interpret commonly used Job and career possibilities and probabilities with expressions of probability (e.g., chances of Web Design certifications an event, likelihood, odds). Ex. The more training and experience one has in Web Design the probability of getting a job increases. L1.3.3 Recognize and explain common probability When working with clients or students it is possible misconceptions such as “hot streaks” and that all pages designed might be accepted and “being due.” therefore the web designer is on a “hot streak”. (possible but not probable) Multiply and Divide Fractions N.MR.06.01 Understand division of fractions as the Use of tables in HTML and Dreamweaver inverse of multiplication. Ex. Students calculate sizing and spacing of tables and table cells in HTML coding and Dreamweaver. N.FL.06.02 Given an applied situation involving dividing Ex. A designer wishes to divide the available space fractions, write a mathematical statement to on the webpage into 3 parts. If the available represent the situation. space is 7 ½ in by 9 inches. How many inches are in each space? (7 ½ x 9) ÷ 3 = n N.MR.06.03 Solve for the unknown. In the above example 15 x 9 x 1 = n 2 3 22 ½ = n N.FL.06.04 Multiply and divide any two fractions, Ex. A designer wishes to divide the screen into including mixed numbers, fluently. sections for images, headlines, menus and text. Two-thirds of the page will be designated for text and the remaining third will be divide evenly among images, headline and menu bar. If the screen is 7 in. by 8 ½ in., what will be the allotted area for each section? (7 x 8 ½ ) = 59 ½ 59 ½ x 2/3 = 39 sq inches for text 59.1/2 - 39 = 20.5 20 ½ ÷ 3 = 6 sq. in. for images, headline and menu bar /home/pptfactory/temp/20100426161918/web-design2776.doc 2 04/26/2010
  • 3. Represent Rational Numbers as Fractions or Decimals N.ME.06.05 Order rational numbers and place them on Flash lessons use a number line the number line. Ex. Students use the TIMELINE tool to position images on the screen. N.ME.06.06 Represent rational numbers as fractions or Convert using an image program terminating decimals when possible and Ex. Students must convert from one format, such as translate between these representations. GIF to another format, such as JPEG. Add and Subtract Integers and Rational Numbers N.ME.06.08 Understand integer subtraction as the Ex. A webpage developer has an 800 pixel screen inverse of integer addition. Understand and a 400 pixel table. How many pixels will be in integer division as the inverse of integer the margins? multiplication. 800 – 400 = 400 / 2 = 200 pixels for margins. N.FL.06.10 Add, subtract, multiply and divide positive Ex. When placing a table on a screen that measures rational numbers fluently. 144 pixels by 144 pixels, what percent of the page will this cover if the screen size is 122500 square pixels. 144x144 = 2% 122500 Find Equivalent Ratios N.ME.06.11 Find equivalent ratios by scaling up or Enlarging and reducing images scaling down. Ex. Students can scale images on the screen to any scale factor to enhance appearance of the webpage. Solve Decimal, Percentage and Rational Number Problems N.FL.06.12 Calculate part of a number given the Calculating amount of tip percentage and the number. Ex. Mary’s food bill at the café was $10.55. She wants to leave a 20% tip. How much money should Mary give to the waitress? N.MR.06.13 Solve contextual problems involving Calculating taxes and tips percentages such as sales taxes and tips. Ex. John qualified for the state competition in Lansing. The cost of the room was $115.00 per night plus tax. If John stayed 2 nights, what was the hotel cost? (115 x2) = 330 x.0 6 = $19.80 $330 + $19.80 =$349.80 cost of hotel room N.FL.06.14 For applied situations, estimate the answers Estimating image size for webpage design. to calculations involving operations with Ex. Knowing that one inch equals 72 pixels, students rational numbers can estimate amount of pace needed for images or text. N.FL.06.15 Solve applied problems that use the four Ex. Expenses for the state competition were as operations with appropriate decimal follows: Entrance fee, $25.00, hotel room, $105 numbers. per night for 2 nights plus tax and gas, $41.00. Find the total amount of expenses. 25 + (2 x 105) + .06(110) + 41 = $288.60 Understand Rational Numbers and Their Location on the Number Line N.ME.06.17 Locate negative rational numbers (including Fonts can be represented as negative numbers in the integers) on the number line. Know that Dreamweaver program. numbers and their negatives add to 0 and Ex. -6 means a smaller font are on opposite sides and at equal distance +6 means a larger font from 0 on a number line. 0 means the font neither increases nor decreases. /home/pptfactory/temp/20100426161918/web-design2776.doc 3 04/26/2010
  • 4. N.ME.06.18 Understand that rational numbers are Students understand that ¼ means that the screen is quotients of integers (non zero divided into four parts and the menu can be placed denominators). on 1 of the four parts. N.ME.06.19 Understand that 0 is an integer that is Point of origin neither negative nor positive. Ex. The point of origin is the upper right hand corner of the screen where the vertical axis intersects the horizontal axis. Understand Derived Quantities N.MR.07.02 Solve problems involving derived quantities Determining weighted grades and students averages such as density, velocity and weighted 1st quarter = 40% averages. 2nd quarter = 40% Exam = 20% Understand and Solve Problems Involving Rates, Ratios, and Proportions N.FL.07.03 Calculate rates of change including speed. Rate of Work Ex. It takes designer A 30 hours to design 2 web pages and designer B 24 hours to design 3 web pages. What is the rate per hour of designers A and B? N.MR.07.04 Convert ratio quantities between different Milliseconds to days to determine time between systems of units, such as feet per second to current date and a future date. miles per hour. To convert milliseconds to days divide the number of milliseconds stored in the daysTOGO variables by the product of 1000 x 60 x 60 x 24. This expression represents to 1000 milliseconds on one second, the 60 seconds in a minute, the 60 minutes in an hour the 24 hours in a day. N.FL.07.05 Solve proportion problems using such Inches to Pixels methods as unit rate, scaling, finding Ex. 1 in = 72 pixels equivalent fractions, and solving the 3 in n pixels proportion equation a/b = c/d; know how to n = 216 pixels see patterns about proportional situations in tables. Compute with Rational Numbers N.FL.07.07 Solve problems involving operations with Calculating profit for BPA fundraiser integers. Ex. One box of candy costs the club $12.00 and holds fifty candy bars. If Mike sells 5 boxes of candy for $0.50 per bar, how much profit did Mike make for the club? 5 x 50 x .50 = $125 5 x 12 = $ 60 $125 - $ 60 = $ 65 profit. N.FL.07.09 Estimate results of computations with Students estimate image size for placement on the rational numbers. screen. Understand Real Number Concepts N.ME.08.03 Understand that in decimal form, rational Students understand that ½ = .5 and 1/3 = .333… numbers either terminate or eventually repeat, and that calculators truncate or round repeating decimals; locate rational numbers on the number line; know fraction forms of common repeating decimals. /home/pptfactory/temp/20100426161918/web-design2776.doc 4 04/26/2010
  • 5. Solve Problems N.MR.08.08 Solve problems involving percent increases Enlarging and reducing images and decreases. Ex. In Dreamweaver, the percent of increase / decrease can be found for image sizing. N.MR.08.10 Calculate weighted averages such as Determining weighted grades and students averages course grades, consumer price indices and 1st quarter = 45% sports ratings. 2nd quarter = 45% Exam = 10% N.FL.08.11 Solve problems involving ratio units, such Inches to Pixels as miles per hour, dollars per pound or Ex. 1 in. = 72 pixels persons per square mile. 8 in n pixels L2 STANDARDS CTE APPLICATION and PRACTICE CALCULATION, ALGORITHMS, AND ESTIMATION L2.1 Calculation Using Real and Complex Numbers L2.1.1 Explain the meaning and uses of weighted Determining weighted grades and students averages averages (e.g., GNP, consumer price index, 1st quarter = 30% grade point average). 2nd quarter = 30% Final Project = 20% Exam = 20% L2.1.6 Recognize when exact answers aren’t Webpage Design always possible or practical. Use Design images do not have exact specifications, appropriate algorithms to approximate therefore designers estimate size of images for solutions to equations (e.g., to approximate aesthetic purposes. square roots). Ex. Approximate areas of screen dedicated to specifics areas on the webpage such as menus, text, heading and images. L3 STANDARDS CTE APPLICATION and PRACTICE MEASUREMENT AND PRECISION L3.1 Measurement Units, Calculations, and Scales L3.1.1 Convert units of measurement within and Decide on the best unit of measurement: pixels, between systems; explain how arithmetic points, inches etc. operations on measurements affect units, Ex. Pixels to inches : 1 inch = 72 pixels and carry units through calculations Inches to points: 1 inch = 12 points correctly. 72 pixels = 12 points L3.2 Understanding Error L3.2.2 Describe and explain round-off error, Round and estimate image size for visual placement. rounding, and truncating. L3.2.3 Know the meaning of and interpret Understand margin of error in image sizing, image statistical significance, margin of error, and mapping, and page layout confidence level. /home/pptfactory/temp/20100426161918/web-design2776.doc 5 04/26/2010
  • 6. L4.1 Mathematical Reasoning L4.1.1 Distinguish between inductive and Deductive: deductive reasoning, identifying and If a client wants a blue and red webpage, then the providing examples of each. designer will accommodate the clients wishes. If the webpage is blue and red then the client will be happy. If the client is happy, then he will be a returning customer. If the business has customers that return, then it’ll be a successful business. Inductive: If clients are happy they will continue to do business with the company and the company will be successful. L4.1.2 Differentiate between statistical arguments Logic shows clients may choose one design because (statements verified empirically using of a certain preference when statistics might show examples or data) and logical arguments the opposite choice would be more appropriate. based on the rules of logic. Ex. Statistics show that web designs that are colorful and easily readable are more apt to be used by potential customers, but some web designs are more of a personal preference L4.2 Language and Laws of Logic L4.2.3 Use the quantifiers “there exists” and “all” in At all times, you must plan and sketch your design mathematical and everyday settings and according to the client’s specifications before know how to logically negate statements beginning to design on the computer. involving them. L4.2.4 Write the converse, inverse, and Discuss cause and effect of studying and doing well. contrapositive of an “If…, then…” statement. Ex. If I score well on all projects, then I Use the fact, in mathematical and everyday will understand the concepts of web settings, that the contrapositive is logically design. equivalent to the original while the inverse Converse: If I understand all concepts of web and converse are not. design, then I will score well on all projects. Inverse: If I do not score well on the projects, then I do not understand the concepts of web design. Contrapositive; If I do not understand the concepts of web design, then I will not score well on the projects. L4.3 Proof L4.3.2 Construct proofs by contradiction. Use Statement: If I study, I will pass the exam. counter examples, when appropriate, to Contradiction: I studied, but I failed the exam. disprove a statement. Conclusion: I did not study. L4.3.3 Explain the difference between a necessary Working with clients and timetables. What might start and a sufficient condition within the out necessary could end up sufficient statement of a theorem. Determine the Ex. A client wants the web page design by a certain correct conclusions based on interpreting a date(sufficient), but really needs the design by a theorem in which necessary or sufficient later date.(necessary) conditions in the theorem or hypotheses are satisfied. /home/pptfactory/temp/20100426161918/web-design2776.doc 6 04/26/2010
  • 7. A1 STANDARDS CTE APPLICATION and PRACTICE EXPRESSIONS, EQUATIONS, AND INEQUALITIES A1.1 Construction, Interpretation, and Manipulation of Expressions (linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, power, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric) A1.1.1 Give a verbal description of an expression HTML Coding that is presented in symbolic form, write an Students are able to interpret all HTML coding algebraic expression from a verbal symbols. description, and evaluate expressions given Ex. Data = url identifies the location of the object’s values of the variables. data. A1.2 Solutions of Equations and Inequalities (linear, exponential, logarithmic, quadratic, power, polynomial, and rational) A1.2.9 Know common formulas (e.g., slope, Formulas used in web design distance between two points, quadratic Ex. Area = l x w Length times width formula, compound interest, distance = rate Circumference = 2πr radius calculations · time), and apply appropriately in contextual Diameter = 2r diameter of a circle situations. A3 STANDARDS CTE APPLICATION and PRACTICE MATHEMATICAL MODELING A3.1 Models of Real-world Situations Using Families of Functions Example: An initial population of 300 people grows at 2% per year. What will the population be in 10 years? A3.1.1 Identify the family of functions best suited Templates are used as formulas to format pages for for modeling a given real-world situation consistency throughout the project design. [e.g., quadratic functions for motion of an object under the force of gravity or exponential functions for compound interest. In the example above, recognize that the appropriate general function is exponential (P = P0at)]. A3.1.2 Adapt the general symbolic form of a Ex. Template could be as follows. function to one that fits the specifications of ¼ of the page used for headings a given situation by using the information to ¼ of the page used for images replace arbitrary constants with numbers. ¼ of the page for content In the example above, substitute the given ¼ of the page for menu bar. values P0 = 300 and a = 1.02 to obtain P = 300(1.02)t. Calculate Rates – Algebra A.PA.06.01 Solve applied problems involving rates, Rate of work including speed. Ex. Ben can design 3 web pages in 15 hours and 45 minutes. How many web pages can he design in 8 hours. 3 = x 945 480 x = 1.5 web pages /home/pptfactory/temp/20100426161918/web-design2776.doc 7 04/26/2010
  • 8. Understand the Coordinate Plane A.RP.06.02 Plot ordered pairs of integers and use A digital image is a rectangular array of numbers. ordered pairs of integers to identify points in Each pixel has an x & y location and a value. all four quadrants of the coordinate plane. Ex. In a project for a floor design the PAINT program is used to find the x & y coordinate. Use Variables, Write Expressions and Equations, and Combine Like Terms A.FO.06.03 Use letters with units, to represent In the Hexadecimal Code for color, all RGB values in quantities in a variety of contexts. the browser-safe palette are combinations of the same six colors in 20% increments of Red, Green and Blue. Ex. #33 66 99 means a little red(20%), more green(40%) and even more blue(60%) A.FO.06.04 Distinguish between an algebraic Expression: <color> Sets the color expression and an equation. Equation: newAmt = ++oldAmt Increase an operand by one A.FO.06.05 Use standard conventions for writing All operations are performed in standard order of algebraic expressions. preference for Java Script which is: parentheses, negation, multiply and divide, add and subtract. A.FO.06.06 Represent information given in words using Web designers use a variety of equations and algebraic expressions and equations. expressions for coding. Ex. Evaluate/Return right+ Ret = (x--,z)*(y--,q) means evaluate two expressions and returns the second one. Represent Linear Functions Using Tables, Equations, and Graphs A.RP.06.08 Understand that relationships between Creating tables in XML documents and HTML web quantities can be suggested by graphs and pages. tables. Ex. Given the data for a train schedule, students can create a table in an XML file and HTML webpage for the train service. A.RP.06.10 Represent simple relationships between Ex. marginwidth = value quantities using verbal descriptions, Sets the margin between the contents of the formulas or equations, tables and graphs. frame and its top and bottom border values in pixels. Understand and Apply Directly Proportional Relationships and Relate to Linear Relationships - Algebra A.AP.07.01 Recognize when information given in a Sizing Images table, graph or formula suggests a directly Ex. Students understand that as the height of an proportional or linear relationship. image is increased/decreased, that the width must increase/decrease proportionately. Understand and Solve Problems about Inversely Proportional Relationships A.PA.07.09 Recognize inversely proportional Students understand that increasing the size of an relationships in contextual situations; know image, or frameset will reduce the amount of that quantities are inversely proportional if surrounding screen space. their product is constant. /home/pptfactory/temp/20100426161918/web-design2776.doc 8 04/26/2010
  • 9. Understand the Concept of Non-linear Functions Using Basic Examples A.PA.08.02 For basic functions, describe how changes Students make changes to tables, framesets, and in one variable affect the others. images to affect surrounding size of screen space on the page layout for visual appeal. Understand Solutions and Solve Equations, Simultaneous Equations and Linear Inequalities G1.6.1 Solve multi-step problems involving Image mapping circumference and area of circles. Ex. Students must know the circumference and area of circles to determine the size of map positioned over an image. G3 STANDARDS CTE APPLICATION and PRACTICES TRANSFORMATIONS OF FIGURES IN THE PLANE G3.1 Distance-preserving Transformations: Isometries G3.1.1 Define reflection, rotation, translation, and Students use the rotate and transform buttons in glide reflection and find the image of a Macromedia Flash program to enhance webpage figure under a given isometry. designs. G3.1.2 Given two figures that are images of each Students are able to identify the isometry used on a other under an isometry, find the isometry particular image in the webpage design. and describe it completely. Ex. Students can identify a rotation or a reflections of the original image. G3.1.3 Find the image of a figure under the Students often use more than one isometry. composition of two or more isometries and Ex. Students can rotate and/or reflect an image to determine whether the resulting figure is a enhance webpage design appearance. reflection, rotation, translation, or glide reflection image of the original figure. G3.2 Shape-preserving Transformations: Isometries G3.2.1 Know the definition of dilation and find the The Zoom feature allows for a dilation of an image on image of a figure under a given dilation. webpages to enhance the design. Understand the Concept of Congruence and Basic Transformations G.GS.06.02 Understand that for polygons, congruence Students understand that reproducing an image means corresponding sides and angles (copying or moving) that the size of the angles and have equal measures. sides do not change. G.TR.06.03 Understand the basic rigid motions in the Students use rigid motion of images to solve layout plane (reflections, rotations, translations). problems. Relate these to congruence, and apply them to solve problems. G.TR.06.04 Understand and use simple compositions of Student often use more than one transformation in basic rigid transformations. design of webpages. Draw and Construct Geometric Objects - Geometry G.SR.07.01 Use a ruler and other tools to draw squares, Students use rulers extensively in both Dreamweaver rectangles, triangles and parallelograms MX software and Flash MX for design purposes. with specified dimensions. /home/pptfactory/temp/20100426161918/web-design2776.doc 9 04/26/2010
  • 10. Understand the Concept of Similar Polygons and Solve Related Problems G.TR.07.03 Understand that in similar polygons, Enlarging and reducing images corresponding angles are congruent and the Students understand that when re-sizing an image, ratios of corresponding sides are equal; that the resulting image is similar to the original understand the concepts of similar figures image, that is, the sides are proportional to the and scale factor. inputted scale factor. G.TR.07.04 Solve problems about similar figures and Enlarging and reducing images to a certain scale scale drawings. factor to solve layout problems. Solve Problems about Geometric Figures G.SR.08.03 Understand the definition of a circle; know Image mapping explains and uses the theory of wand use the formulas for circumference circumference of circles, and radius of circles and area of a circle to solve problems. G.SR.08.05 Solve applied problems involving areas of Students must calculate the radius and triangles, quadrilaterals and circles. circumference of circles when image mapping. Visualize Solids G.SR.08.08 Sketch a variety of two-dimensional When planning a webpage, students first sketch their representations of three-dimensional solids design and page layout. including orthogonal views (top, front and side) picture views (projective or isometric) and nets; use such two-dimensional representations to help solve problems. Understand and Apply Concepts of Transformation and Symmetry G.TR.08.09 Understand the definition of dilation from a Scaling images and image maps demonstrate point in the plane and relate it to the dilation from a point in a plane. definition of similar polygons. G.TR.08.10 Understand and use reflective and rotational Students can rotate images to fit the layout of various symmetries of two-dimensional shapes and web pages and to solve layout problems to enhance relate them to transformations to solve readability and appearance of the web page. problems. S2 STANDARDS CTE APPLICATION and PRACTICE BIVARIATE DATA - EXAMINING RELATIONSHIPS S2.1 Scatterplots and Correlation S2.1.4 Differentiate between correlation and There exists a strong correlation between the causation. Know that a strong correlation designer’s preferences and the client’s preferences. does not imply a cause-and-effect Sometime a positive correlation and sometimes a relationship. Recognize the role of lurking negative correlation. variables in correlation. S3 STANDARDS CTE APPLICATION and PRACTICE /home/pptfactory/temp/20100426161918/web-design2776.doc 10 04/26/2010
  • 11. SAMPLES, SURVEYS, AND EXPERIMENTS S3.1 Data Collection and Analysis S3.1.1 Know the meanings of a sample from a Target Audience: Popularity of certain types of web population and a census of a population, design. and distinguish between sample statistics Ex. Students discuss this year's clients preferences and population parameters. to draw conclusion on the preferences of future customers S3.1.2 Identify possible sources of bias in data Client Preference or Bias collection and sampling methods and simple Ex. The client may have certain preferences(bias) experiments; describe how such bias can with graphic design wishes versus what web be reduced and controlled by random design standards might suggest sampling; explain the impact of such bias on conclusions made from analysis of the data; and know the effect of replication on the precision of estimates. S3.1.3 Distinguish between an observational study Observing a particular demographic, may suggest and an experimental study, and identify, in that people like certain types of web design pages, context, the conclusions that can be drawn but findings from experimental data show that the from each. purpose of the webpage is more important. S4 STANDARDS CTE APPLICATION and PRACTICE PROBABILITY MODELS AND PROBABILITY CALCULATION S4.2 Application and Representation S4.2.2 Apply probability concepts to practical The more designs presented to a client, the more situations, in such settings as finance, choices that client will have and the higher the health, ecology, or epidemiology, to make probability that the client will purchase the webpage informed decisions. designs from your company. Draw, Explain and Justify Conclusions Based on Data D.AN.08.02 Recognize practices for collecting and Students collect data from projects concerning length displaying data that may bias the of time to create a web design, fees, number of presentation or analysis. designers needed etc. and analyze to display to clients. /home/pptfactory/temp/20100426161918/web-design2776.doc 11 04/26/2010