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War On Terror Essay
The goal of the War on Terror defined by President Bush is "Our war on terror begins with Al
Qaeda, but it does not end there. It will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been
found, stopped and defeated". The problem with this goal is that it is unrealistic and that the
definition of a terrorist varies with in countries. For example those who are labeled freedom fighters
in one nation can be considered terrorists in another. People argue that there is no real enemy and
that those who do a terrorist act should be handled through the Judicial System and not by the
military. An example of this is the Boston bombings. Another problem with the War on Terror is that
it has added about $1.7 trillion to $18 trillion onto the United States debt. It has also taken jobs
away from the American people due to the fact that for every $1 billion given as a tax cut
supplies a demand to create 10,779 jobs when $1 billion spent on defense creates 8,555 jobs.
Meaning that for every billion we spend of defense takes away 2,224 jobs. Another thing is that due
to the war in Iraq and Afghanistan people argue that President's Bush's true goal was to "strengthen
the U.S. grip on the Middle East, turn Iraq into a military and political platform for further
aggression, gain tighter control of international energy supplies, control and reshape the entire arc
from North Africa to Central Asia, and strengthen the U.S. hand against rivals–current
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It protects the United States citizens because after 9/11 the United States has gotten more serious
with defense. For example restrictions on what you can bring on a plane and then going through a
metal detector before entering boarding area. Another pro is that by interfering in Afghanistan and
Iraq on can argue that the United States did bring some balance into the lives of the people living
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War on Terror Essay
Since the days of the Cuban Missile Crisis (Marfleet, 1997) in the sixties, the United States has
become increasingly more relaxed as to the possibility of an attack on American soil. Since the
attack on the Twin Towers in September of 2001, by the terrorist group al–Qaeda, the United States
has again become more aware and alert to this possibility. Not only did the attack on the United
States bring Americans together as a country united, it also brought on changes that included the
newly developed Department of Homeland Security. Homeland Security is now charged with not
only protecting the country and territories from another terrorist attack but also responding to an
attack, man–made accident, and natural disasters. It is more content...
(Kouri, 2011)" Al–Awlaki encouragesterrorism through the use of internet blogs, Facebook, and You
Tube videos. Al–Awlaki has been linked to multiple attacks and attempted attacks on the United
States. I would have to agree with our government in their assessment of the terroristic threat in
reference to Al–Awlaki. Terrorism seems to be a Lernaean Hydra in comparison in that, when you
remove one leader, two more replace them. Al–Qaida, while weakened by the loss of their leader, is
still very much a threat. With almost endless finances, their ability to infiltrate and live among us
is great. While I am sure the government makes every attempt to find and flag any person having
ties to terrorist, how can you fight an enemy you cannot see? It is not as if they wear red or grey
coats as they did in the Civil War. While doing the research paper one thing became increasing
clear; I have no more idea as to the location and the means by which to attack, than the federal
government does. I don't believe that the ability to hijack a commercial aircraft exists anymore. The
attack on the Pentagon would most likely be a one–time event also. In some respects, as a nation, we
are very good at learning from our mistakes. While the government has not told us of safety
measures taken to protect such military targets, I am sure the measures have still been taken. So
with the major targets removed from accessibility, they are more likely to step down to "soft
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Essay On War On Terror
The War on Terror
Within the history of the United States, there have been many enemies, foreign and domestic;
among these combatants are terrorists led by radical Islam. These terrorists first major offensive
against the United States began on September 11, 2001, a date many will remember for the rest of
their lives. This attack has been a harbinger to the United States beginning a war on terror. This war
on terror began as retribution for those lost in terror attacks, leading into aiding the population of
war–torn countries, as well as displaying the force of the United States across the world. The
United States began its war on terror by leading offenses against Al Qaeda, the group that attacked
the United States on 9/11. The United States has been leading many attacks against the leaders of
Al Qaeda to cut off the head of the snake so that the body would die. The Bin Laden raid was
carried out by a navy more content...
Recently the Trump administration has ordered the dropping of a MOAB (Massive
OrdnanceOrdinance Air Blast) on terrorist forces living up to Trump's election promises saying "I
would bomb the [...] out of them" (Trump, 2017). This was the largest non–nuclear bomb that has
ever been dropped by the United States military forces (Smith, 2017). This bomb has aided in the
defeat of terrorism by destroying tunnel networks as well as defenses of ISIS in Afghanistan by
forming a massive crater (Calamur, 2017). The United States is also leading to the defeat of
terrorism by following its warning to Pakistan by pulling financial aid to the nation due to the
housing of terrorists in its borders (Ward, 2017). The Trump administration also has plans to
increase troop counts in the Middle East to speed up the defeat of terrorism (Ward, 2017). The
increased strength of the military presence in the Middle East will aid in a faster defeat of terrorist
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Essay about The War on Terror
The attacks of 9/11 have reshaped and changed the way how Americans live today, forever. Never
before such shock and terror has been felt by anyone on the American soil.
On the morning of September 11, 2001, nineteen terrorist extremists hijacked four commercial
planes, the planes deviated from their original routes. Two of the planes crashed into the Twin
Towers in New York, one of the planes crashed into the Pentagon and the fourth plane crashed en
route to either the White House or the Capitol. Nearly 3000 civilian lives were lost that day.
Even though the nineteen hijackers were quickly identified through their flight information, no
group has came forward to officially claim the responsibility for the 9/11 attacks. more
I can hear you! The rest of the world hears you! And the people –– and the people who knocked
these buildings down will hear all of us soon!".... (Bush)
The "War on Terror" was declared by President George Bush during the September 20,2001, State of
the Union Address. In his speech President George W. Bushquestioned the rest of the world: "Every
nation in every region now has a decision to make: Either you are with us, or you are with the
In the quest to put an end to terrorism and to pressure Taliban to hand overOsama Bin Laden, United
States and Britain invaded Afghanistan on October 4, 2001. The invasion of Afghanistan was named
Operation Enduring Freedom. Along with Britain, United States launched massive airstrikes
combined with land battle operations performed by Special Forces. The main objective of invading
Afghanistan was to overthrow al Qaida and Taliban forces and," to change the government of
Afghanistan so that the country was no longer a safe haven for terrorists" (Brown).
While our troops were engaged in fighting overseas to ensure our homeland security, here at home
politicians were working on anti–terror laws that would aid in the "War on Terror" on the American
soil. The Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept
and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001, better known as the PATRIOT Act was signed into law by
President George W. Bush on October 26, 2001. The
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War on Terrorism
The War On Terrorism Every morning, millions of people around the world begin their day by
reading the newspaper. News topics are constantly discussed in everyday life and remain the
dominant topic of conversation between friends, family, and even strangers. It is our
responsibility as a modern society to recognize all events that impact our lives and make others
aware of them, and newspapers as well as the general media allow us this opportunity. The New
York Times, a worldwide newspaper, offers us a chance to become informed of worldwide current
events while also offering insight into the development of society as seen through the eyes of the
media. Through developing an archive of New York Times articles over a period of
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The Times reports the news while also considering the opinions and beliefs of its readers, making
the responses of those readers an important and interesting part of the newspaper and this archive.
A newspaper is an amazing thing. On one level it is just words printed on paper, while at the
same time it proves to be a beneficial tool in linking the people of the world together. Through
reading the newspaper one realizes what is going on all over the world and how it affects them and
those they care about. The newspaper keeps us aware of human development while entertaining us
at the same time. By failing to recognize the many benefits of the newspaper, one succeeds only in
denying himself or herself a world of knowledge and insight into the modern
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What Is ISIS War On Terror?
War on terror is essential for safety of individuals around the world. War on terror's definition is a
country's actions against terrorist groups who cause damage or deaths to a country's property
/civilians. Today a terrorist group by the name ISIS is causing havoc around the world. Three
countries in specific are taking initiative to the ISIS war on terror, they are US, Egypt, and Turkey.
Each country takes their own unique actions against ISIS, however they all have the common goal,
destroy ISIS and make sure they do not come back. Here is the US' intentions in one sentence by
President Obama, "we must define our effort ... as a series of persistent, targeted efforts to dismantle
specific networks of violent extremists that threaten America."1
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Cold War Vs Terrorism
The Cold War and the War on Terrorism both have similar and different events that make each
war important to think about. The U.S. has dealt with the Cold War for decades and today the
War on Terrorism continues since 2001. However, the viewpoints of culture, society and other
variables change how each war was or is viewed. Tactics used by the U.S. varied for each war and
we will look closer at those tactics. We also need to consider if the approach for the War on
Terrorism is even the right one? First let's learn a little more on each war and then we will compare
and contrast them. In the years after the Second World War the threat of Communism began to
spread over Europe and Asia. Communism is an ideology which people's businesses and resources more content...
tactics for each war? Well let's start by seeing the similarities and differences between both wars.
Both wars involved the U.S. fighting a nation from the east and standing up against their ideology.
However, they were for two different reasons. The war against the USSR was to prevent the spread
of Communism while the fight against Terrorism started with the attack of 9/11. Both wars affect
the U.S. in similar ways. People began to develop hatred toward these countries involved in
terrorism. During the Cold War people feared and hated the Communist nations. So how is the
U.S. handling the War on Terror? As we talked about earlier the U.S. was not afraid to get
involved in a real fight when it came to terrorist. The wars in both Afghanistan and Iraq while
accomplished most of the American's goals, it left those countries in a state of unrest and made it
worse. Both governments fell and a new power took over causing civil unrest and fighting. More
fighting obviously means more attacks of terrorism. The war on terrorism has not been handled
very effectively or correctly. The U.S. has not starved terrorism but has fed it with more rage and
power as its involvement stirs countries like Iraq into the
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The Pros And Cons Of The War On Terrorism
Fighting fire with fire, or in this case, fighting terrorism with terrorism. This, simply put, is what
many believe to be the solution to terrorism – a War on Terror. NATO is well
–known for being one
of the largest and strongest organizations or military alliances in which participating states agree to
mutual defense in any event of an external attack. Since the attack of 9/11, NATO, with the lead of
the U.S., has been determined to eradicate each and every single terrorist group or any form of
terrorism. Over the years, these motivations have sparked countless controversial issues as ethics of
this war became increasingly questionable. Although many may support this concept of a "War on
Terror", it is simply, without question, economically damaging, misleading, and a hopeless attempt
to solve the issue of terrorism.
In 2011, expenses for the War on Terror were reported by the Pentagon to be about $1 trillion.
However, when experts carefully analyzed the data and expenses, they had discovered hidden costs
that were left unmentioned by the Pentagon, creating a new total of approximately $4.4 trillion. To
put this into perspective, $4.4 trillion is over a fifth of the total U.S. tax revenue from 2001–2011
(about $21 trillion). If just $1 billion in education spending adds $1.3 billion to the economy and
creates 17,687 jobs, imagine the benefits from the thousands of billions of dollars that are used to
support the War on Terror. As a result, many jobs and economic
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The War Against Terrorism Essay
The War Against Terrorism
On August 2nd 1990, Iraq invaded the small oil rich country of Kuwait on its southeastern border.
Iraq claimed that Kuwait was a long time province from the 1800's and early 1900s', whose lands
belonged under control of Iraq, a so–called province. Saddam Hussein also argued that Kuwait was
pumping oil from an oil field that was on the border of the two countries and belonged to Iraq.
Upon gaining control of Kuwait, Hussein was able to eliminate his previous debt to Kuwait and gain
it's substantial oil wealth, roughly 10% of the worlds oil supply. Regardless of the motives behind
Iraq's invasion, under international law, none of Iraq's claims against Kuwait justified its invasion of
that country. more content...
In the aftermath of the attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11th, the world has had a
sobering look at world terrorism. Led mainly by the United States, and supported by the United
Nations, a new war on terrorism has begun. Overwhelming support worldwide has surfaced as
President Bush has vowed to punish those who decide to commit terrorist acts, as well as those who
harbor or condone these activities. So far Bush has followed through on his promise with the war in
Afghanistan against the Taliban regime. Others are also displaying their understanding of the
situation and are treading a great deal lighter in search of their causes to avoid being labeled as
terrorists, as shown by the latest disarmament and return to the negotiating table by the Irish
Republican Army. As the world watches, President Bush is now faced with enormous pressure to
gain control of the Arab–Israeli conflict.
However, this situation is a difficult one. With Israeli's continual attempt to occupy more land in the
disputed settlements, Palestinian anger only grows. With Yasir Arafat's inability to control, or
unwillingness to control, such militant groups as Hamas and Islamic Jihad, chances of the two sides
reaching a piece agreement dwindle.
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The War On Terror Summary
The beginning of "The War on Terror". "The appeal of justice and liberty in the end, is greater than
the appeal of hatred and tyranny in any form."(Bush).Bush's comment was referring to "The War on
Terror" because he was in presidency during this year so this quote said by him means that he wants
freedom for everyone.The solution to the "U.S.'s War on Terror" is ITA researchers, Antiterrorism
Assistance Program, The Institute for the Study of War and The Critical Threats Project. The
Antiterrorism Assistance Program is helping out by assisting in different assignments such as
protecting us. The ways it's protecting us is by having us alerted to every threat, incident, and action
a terrorist plans, and or has done. It has helped about 84,000
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War On Terror Policy Analysis
In order to understand the policies adopted in the War on Terror, we must first look to the origins of
the conflict as well as the practices involved. Whilst the term itself was initially introduced during
the Reagan administration, it was given renewed vigour under George Bush following the attacks on
the World Trade Centre in New York and the Pentagon on 9/11. The consequences of these attacks
saw the Bush administration undertake a new policy against terrorism which included: defeating
terrorists and abolishing their organisations, denying sponsorship and support to terrorists and
defending US citizen's interests at home and abroad (Whitehouse Archives, 2003). In this way, the
War on Terror can be considered more than just an armed conflict
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War On Terrorism Pros And Cons
"Our war on terror begins with Al– Qaida, but it does not end there, It will not end end until every
terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped, and defeated." – President George W. Bush
after 9/11. After the attack on the twin towers the Bush Administration and some of the United
States' allies formed an organization that fought against terrorism, known as the war on terror. The
idea of the war on terror, that one day terrorism would be eliminated entirely, is a great idea but
we, as a nation, should have went about it differently. The war on terror has a negative influence on
the world as demonstrated by the increase in racial profiling, unethical use of torture, and the
decrease of privacy. Racial profiling has made the war
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Essay on The War on Terror
War on terror refers to the ongoing military campaign led by U.S and U.K against organizations
identified as terrorists. Terrorism can be defined as an unlawful violence or war deliberately
targeted to civilians. It can also be defined as a systematic use of terror to coerce or violent acts
intended to create fear. This threat is normally perpetrated for religious, political or ideological
goals. The conflict as also called by other names. They include World War III, The Long War,War on
Terrorism, Bush's War on Terror, The Global War of Terror and War on
Al–Qaeda, (Coaty, 2010).
Terrorism became popular in 1996 when Al– Qaeda network was formed by the late Osama Bin
Laden. The network was formed by the World Islamic Front for more content...
Underlying conditions that terrorists seek to exploit were reduced. This was a measure that was used
to reduce the chances of unlawful attacks on the globe. U.S partnered with the international
community to empower weak states and prevent emergence of terrorism. To date, this can be seen in
Libya, Cote Devore and Somalia where the states have no proper governments. The international
troops have been deployed in the above states to ensure that terrorists do not utilize such loopholes to
attack the citizens.
Fighting the War on Terror
War on terror is a global challenge. A number of ways have been put across to fight the problem led
by the United States of America. Defeating terrorist has been found to be a very effective way of
fighting this threat. It is achieved by identity, location and destruction of the terrorists along with
their organizations. Once the unlawful activities are spotted, they are confirmed and relevant actions
taken against them instantly. Evidence is the U.S bombing of Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan in
pursuit of Al– Qaeda network which was successful because Osama was later found and killed.
Strategy of targeted killings is also a major way to fight terror. This is a method that focuses on the
individuals who bear the greatest responsibility. The aim is to catch them alive or dead. It has
indeed borne fruit over the years. Evidence is the demise of Sadaam, Fazul and the recent killing of
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The War On Terror : Terrorism
Charles Reece Johnson
Discourse 200
November 5, 2014
The War on Terror
The war on terror is not easy to define partly due to its vagueness and unsparing use of rhetorical
device to justify any action of military perpetrated after the 9/11. However, the The war on terror, in
its original intent, is a series of initiatives that seek to reduce or eliminate terrorism in the world. In
this perspective, terrorism is the deliberate exploitation and creation of fear through threat and
violence (Kugiel 16–17). This essay seeks to present an argument that the war on terror was not
worth it.
In order to justify whether the war on terror is worth it or not, it is vital to understand if the war
on terror compels or deters terrorism. Deterrence refers to the threat of force perpetrated to prevent
an adversary from engaging in any specific course of action. To compel in the same context refers
to the threat of force perpetrated to motivate an adversary to undo an already done or to begin a
specific course of action.
Terrorism in its nature disrupts international security and peace via premeditated political violence.
The terror act on the 11th of September on the Center of World Trade and the Pentagon greatly
disrupted the global economy. The attacks facilitated and spawned widespread personal panic, fear,
and economic dislocation. According to the UN Security Council, one of the terrorists' objectives
was to create a state of global anarchy by means of influencing
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Essay The War on Terrorism
The war on terrorisms
The war on terrorisms has had many lost souls, this war has been the most expensive war is history
and not a lot of countries are in favor of it.
Because of the terror attacks on September 11, the president of the United States George W Bush
and his government has spent hundreds of billions of dollars trying to protect their county and
finding terrorist on other countries. (Picture 1)
Terrorism is the affected, use of violence to bring forth fear . Terrorists know what they are doing
and their targets are planned in advance. Terrorism may be motivated by political, religious, or
ideological ideas. The base of terrorism is to produce fear in someone to make a government change more content...
The many environmental impacts include, the preparation for war, including training grounds,
camps, barracks, weapons testing etc. the immediate impacts of terrorism, are usually sudden, and
can be either direct or indirect. Direct impacts include bomb and blast damage to settlements, rural
areas and communication networks. Defoliation and ecosystem destruction, the dumping of the
machinery of war and the destruction of resources such as oil fields also occur. Indirect impacts are
many and varied and are often longer lasting than the direct impacts. They include the construction of
various camps such as refugee camps, and the distortion of population composition as young males
join the conflict; in countries where agriculture is a major activity this may result in land
abandonment and degradation may ensue. Other indirect impacts include loss of wildlife as animals
are hunted for bush meat. Particularly long–lasting effects include the use of land for war graves and
other things. Also if terrorists get a hold of a plane what is used for agriculture like spraying
herbicides and pesticides they can put chemicals on the planes and omit them over large area in a
short period of time which can kill plants, animals and even people.
Social Issues on the War on Terrorism
In a society that is every changing many people have different thoughts about the war on terror, the
days after 911, the Council on American–Islamic Relations says it
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Realism and the War on Terror Essay
Realist thought on international relations fit comfortably within the context of the great wars of the
twentieth century. Powerful nations possessing massive military forces took aim at one another to
affect the hierarchical structure of the international system for the good of their own security and
power. These wars, however, differ greatly from today's unconventional war on terrorism. Therefore,
the realist theories of yesterday, while still useful, require at least some tweaking to fit the present
Probably the most obvious critique of realism with regard to the war on terrorism is that it is a theory
that deals with international relations. The belligerents in the war on terrorism are more
On the other hand, one area in which realism is valuable to the war on terrorism is with regard to
the notion that raw military might is one of the best, if not the best way for nations to ensure
their security and prosperity. While it is a bit dubious to assume that conventional military forces
will be able to effectively combat individual physical acts of terrorism, it is reasonable to assume
that military force can be used to change some of the root causes of terrorist action. Many of the
terrorist attacks against the United States over the past two decades have been carried out by
Islamic extremists from impoverished countries run by tyrannically oppressive regimes. The quality
of life for most people in these countries is miserable at best. As such, it should come as no surprise
that people from these circumstances are prone to defending with violence what they believe to be
attacks by the West on the only good thing they have – religion. However, in the absence of such
wretched circumstance, it is likely that they will be less inclined to act violently. History has shown
that the most effective way to create wealth and subsequently improve quality of life is within the
framework of capitalism supported by liberal democratic institutions. Conventional military might
can, as we have seen recently in Iraq, depose tyrannical regimes and replace them with
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The United States ' War On Terror
After the events of September 11, 2001, the United States had a unique dilemma. America was
engaged in what would be called a "War on Terror". This new conflict was unlike any in American
history. Previously, in the context of war the United States had always fought a nation or group that
had defined boundaries as to where they resided. This new conflict went away from these rules of
the past. Terrorist groups were not bound to a region, but were instead united by an ideal. September
11 marked the first time in which terrorism would rise to the forefront of the nation's agenda. This
emergent wave of conflict required a different strategy than the those of the past because of the
unorthodox nature of the opponent. One of the major innovations fostered by the "War on Terror"
was the expansion of torture. The dramatic rise in terrorism sparked the unethical advancement of
interrogation techniques in order to more effectively acquire information. The emergence of the
"War on Terror" required government officials acquire intelligence in a new way thus spawning the
emergence of "enhanced interrogation" methods, however, the morality of these techniques would
come into question as they were revealed to the public. Terrorism was a new threat unlike theUnited
States had ever experienced. Hundreds of terrorist groups banded together with the common goal of
destroying America which was a feat that previously had never been accomplished to that scale.
Significant organizations such
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War on Terrorism Essay
The War On Terrorism
Every morning, millions of people around the world begin their day by reading the newspaper.
News topics are constantly discussed in everyday life and remain the dominant topic of
conversation between friends, family, and even strangers. It is our responsibility as a modern
society to recognize all events that impact our lives and make others aware of them, and newspapers
as well as the general media allow us this opportunity. The New York Times, a worldwide newspaper
, offers us a chance to become informed of worldwide current events while also offering insight
into the development of society as seen through the eyes of the media. Through developing an
archive of New York Times articles over a period of several more content...
Considering this, I have chosen articles for this chapter that seem most pertinent in the general
overview of the response to these attacks, and through reviewing them one can clearly see the
escalation of the American public's grief and desire for revenge and closure.
The development of man's intellectual ability and understanding of the world around him can be
most readily seen in the continued development of science and technology. Whether it be new
advancements in medicine and healthcare or improvements on missiles for the anti–terrorism war,
science and technology breakthroughs reassure us that our culture is thriving and continuing to
expand our horizons.
As an economic giant in the worldwide scheme of business, the United States has a great focus on
economical development and relations with foreign countries. The stock market has drastically
changed in response to the terrorist attacks, and this in turn has led to a great impact on the lives
of billions. The World Trade Towers, a symbol of our economic prowess, have fallen, but the
American desire to move forward in the field of world business has compelled me to include this
aspect of life in my archive.
Although economics fuels our society from a business standpoint, the development of the mind is a
practice that can never be rivaled. Through arts and entertainment, man is able to find what he is most
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Essay on The war against terrorism
Is war the right way?
Why do people resort to such violent acts as bombing, assassinations, and hi–jacking? How do
individuals and organizations justify these acts of terror? These acts can be described as terrorist
actions. Terrorism is a growing international problem. During the last twenty years, new terrorist
groups have sprung up all over the world. Governments have had little success in their attempts to
resolve issues in which terrorism is used.
A major problem in discussing terrorism is establishing a generally accepted definition. Terrorism
can be described as the unlawful use of fear or force to achieve certain political, economical, or
social aims. Because it is so hard to define, organizations like the United Nations have
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In some cases it may be right but to fight terrorists with war is the wrong way. It is only showing
that our country is worse than they are. By committing war we are only embracing the thought
that fighting and killing is the only way to go. This war that we are creating against these people
and their actions is not justified in any manner. We are only creating more of a war in our own
country than we are in the country of the one we are trying to fight. We have created such a war
that people can even go places they normally go without being check by an officer or being
suspected by someone that u are a terrorist. As we further bomb and shoot at these terrorists we they
will further come back as if they have lost nothing.
We see these terrorists in the news every day and we see that they are not even moved by the
actions we are doing to them. They just brush it off as if it where nothing and had nothing to lose.
In this case they don't lose anything but there husbands or wives or maybe their children, they can't
lose a home because most of them don't have homes and if they do they are very dirty and small.
One's gut reaction to any kind of attack is to get revenge, but much like a tango, it takes two to
wage war. And frankly, we Americans should stand our ground! Show everyone that terrorism will
not be tolerated! ... and show it peacefully. Once someone drops a nuclear bomb in this day and
age, the world, as we know it, will come to an
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U.s. War On Terrorism Essay
The United States vision of and for the world changed dramatically, and perhaps permanently, on
September 11, 2001. The aftermath frightened and impacted the nation's reputation, and in order to
measure the nature and extent of our policies, it is important to understand our efforts after this
national attack on US soil. Many interesting documents released earlier that year provides a
detailed perspective of America's economic policies and actions towards the War on Terror. The
U.S. came out with a massive debt that has impacted the nation in several ways, but this leads to a
basic question with a complex answer: How did the U.S. War on Terrorismimpact the American
Debt Crisis? After researching further into the 9/11 attacks, clearly most of the money put into the
war was wasted or misspent. Even though it was crucial going after the terrorists, especially since
they had taken many lives and were capable to repeating their attack caused fear throughout the
nation. It is important to signal out that the U.S. was attacked from a terrorist organization that had
their focus on the U.S. for a long time. The impact that this served after 9/11 plays a clear role in
defining the results of how these economic policies were taken into action. After looking over this
tragic event in the U.S. history, there should have been a very high consideration towards how the
money was going to be used in an effort to defeat terrorism before this event occurred. The top
priority for the U.S. has
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War On Terrorism Essay

  • 1. War On Terror Essay The goal of the War on Terror defined by President Bush is "Our war on terror begins with Al Qaeda, but it does not end there. It will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped and defeated". The problem with this goal is that it is unrealistic and that the definition of a terrorist varies with in countries. For example those who are labeled freedom fighters in one nation can be considered terrorists in another. People argue that there is no real enemy and that those who do a terrorist act should be handled through the Judicial System and not by the military. An example of this is the Boston bombings. Another problem with the War on Terror is that it has added about $1.7 trillion to $18 trillion onto the United States debt. It has also taken jobs away from the American people due to the fact that for every $1 billion given as a tax cut supplies a demand to create 10,779 jobs when $1 billion spent on defense creates 8,555 jobs. Meaning that for every billion we spend of defense takes away 2,224 jobs. Another thing is that due to the war in Iraq and Afghanistan people argue that President's Bush's true goal was to "strengthen the U.S. grip on the Middle East, turn Iraq into a military and political platform for further aggression, gain tighter control of international energy supplies, control and reshape the entire arc from North Africa to Central Asia, and strengthen the U.S. hand against rivals–current more content... It protects the United States citizens because after 9/11 the United States has gotten more serious with defense. For example restrictions on what you can bring on a plane and then going through a metal detector before entering boarding area. Another pro is that by interfering in Afghanistan and Iraq on can argue that the United States did bring some balance into the lives of the people living Get more content on
  • 2. War on Terror Essay Since the days of the Cuban Missile Crisis (Marfleet, 1997) in the sixties, the United States has become increasingly more relaxed as to the possibility of an attack on American soil. Since the attack on the Twin Towers in September of 2001, by the terrorist group al–Qaeda, the United States has again become more aware and alert to this possibility. Not only did the attack on the United States bring Americans together as a country united, it also brought on changes that included the newly developed Department of Homeland Security. Homeland Security is now charged with not only protecting the country and territories from another terrorist attack but also responding to an attack, man–made accident, and natural disasters. It is more content... (Kouri, 2011)" Al–Awlaki encouragesterrorism through the use of internet blogs, Facebook, and You Tube videos. Al–Awlaki has been linked to multiple attacks and attempted attacks on the United States. I would have to agree with our government in their assessment of the terroristic threat in reference to Al–Awlaki. Terrorism seems to be a Lernaean Hydra in comparison in that, when you remove one leader, two more replace them. Al–Qaida, while weakened by the loss of their leader, is still very much a threat. With almost endless finances, their ability to infiltrate and live among us is great. While I am sure the government makes every attempt to find and flag any person having ties to terrorist, how can you fight an enemy you cannot see? It is not as if they wear red or grey coats as they did in the Civil War. While doing the research paper one thing became increasing clear; I have no more idea as to the location and the means by which to attack, than the federal government does. I don't believe that the ability to hijack a commercial aircraft exists anymore. The attack on the Pentagon would most likely be a one–time event also. In some respects, as a nation, we are very good at learning from our mistakes. While the government has not told us of safety measures taken to protect such military targets, I am sure the measures have still been taken. So with the major targets removed from accessibility, they are more likely to step down to "soft Get more content on
  • 3. Essay On War On Terror The War on Terror Within the history of the United States, there have been many enemies, foreign and domestic; among these combatants are terrorists led by radical Islam. These terrorists first major offensive against the United States began on September 11, 2001, a date many will remember for the rest of their lives. This attack has been a harbinger to the United States beginning a war on terror. This war on terror began as retribution for those lost in terror attacks, leading into aiding the population of war–torn countries, as well as displaying the force of the United States across the world. The United States began its war on terror by leading offenses against Al Qaeda, the group that attacked the United States on 9/11. The United States has been leading many attacks against the leaders of Al Qaeda to cut off the head of the snake so that the body would die. The Bin Laden raid was carried out by a navy more content... Recently the Trump administration has ordered the dropping of a MOAB (Massive OrdnanceOrdinance Air Blast) on terrorist forces living up to Trump's election promises saying "I would bomb the [...] out of them" (Trump, 2017). This was the largest non–nuclear bomb that has ever been dropped by the United States military forces (Smith, 2017). This bomb has aided in the defeat of terrorism by destroying tunnel networks as well as defenses of ISIS in Afghanistan by forming a massive crater (Calamur, 2017). The United States is also leading to the defeat of terrorism by following its warning to Pakistan by pulling financial aid to the nation due to the housing of terrorists in its borders (Ward, 2017). The Trump administration also has plans to increase troop counts in the Middle East to speed up the defeat of terrorism (Ward, 2017). The increased strength of the military presence in the Middle East will aid in a faster defeat of terrorist Get more content on
  • 4. Essay about The War on Terror The attacks of 9/11 have reshaped and changed the way how Americans live today, forever. Never before such shock and terror has been felt by anyone on the American soil. On the morning of September 11, 2001, nineteen terrorist extremists hijacked four commercial planes, the planes deviated from their original routes. Two of the planes crashed into the Twin Towers in New York, one of the planes crashed into the Pentagon and the fourth plane crashed en route to either the White House or the Capitol. Nearly 3000 civilian lives were lost that day. Even though the nineteen hijackers were quickly identified through their flight information, no group has came forward to officially claim the responsibility for the 9/11 attacks. more content... I can hear you! The rest of the world hears you! And the people –– and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon!".... (Bush) The "War on Terror" was declared by President George Bush during the September 20,2001, State of the Union Address. In his speech President George W. Bushquestioned the rest of the world: "Every nation in every region now has a decision to make: Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists."....(Pellegrini) In the quest to put an end to terrorism and to pressure Taliban to hand overOsama Bin Laden, United States and Britain invaded Afghanistan on October 4, 2001. The invasion of Afghanistan was named Operation Enduring Freedom. Along with Britain, United States launched massive airstrikes combined with land battle operations performed by Special Forces. The main objective of invading Afghanistan was to overthrow al Qaida and Taliban forces and," to change the government of Afghanistan so that the country was no longer a safe haven for terrorists" (Brown). While our troops were engaged in fighting overseas to ensure our homeland security, here at home politicians were working on anti–terror laws that would aid in the "War on Terror" on the American soil. The Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001, better known as the PATRIOT Act was signed into law by President George W. Bush on October 26, 2001. The Get more content on
  • 5. War on Terrorism The War On Terrorism Every morning, millions of people around the world begin their day by reading the newspaper. News topics are constantly discussed in everyday life and remain the dominant topic of conversation between friends, family, and even strangers. It is our responsibility as a modern society to recognize all events that impact our lives and make others aware of them, and newspapers as well as the general media allow us this opportunity. The New York Times, a worldwide newspaper, offers us a chance to become informed of worldwide current events while also offering insight into the development of society as seen through the eyes of the media. Through developing an archive of New York Times articles over a period of more content... The Times reports the news while also considering the opinions and beliefs of its readers, making the responses of those readers an important and interesting part of the newspaper and this archive. A newspaper is an amazing thing. On one level it is just words printed on paper, while at the same time it proves to be a beneficial tool in linking the people of the world together. Through reading the newspaper one realizes what is going on all over the world and how it affects them and those they care about. The newspaper keeps us aware of human development while entertaining us at the same time. By failing to recognize the many benefits of the newspaper, one succeeds only in denying himself or herself a world of knowledge and insight into the modern Get more content on
  • 6. What Is ISIS War On Terror? War on terror is essential for safety of individuals around the world. War on terror's definition is a country's actions against terrorist groups who cause damage or deaths to a country's property /civilians. Today a terrorist group by the name ISIS is causing havoc around the world. Three countries in specific are taking initiative to the ISIS war on terror, they are US, Egypt, and Turkey. Each country takes their own unique actions against ISIS, however they all have the common goal, destroy ISIS and make sure they do not come back. Here is the US' intentions in one sentence by President Obama, "we must define our effort ... as a series of persistent, targeted efforts to dismantle specific networks of violent extremists that threaten America."1 Get more content on
  • 7. Cold War Vs Terrorism The Cold War and the War on Terrorism both have similar and different events that make each war important to think about. The U.S. has dealt with the Cold War for decades and today the War on Terrorism continues since 2001. However, the viewpoints of culture, society and other variables change how each war was or is viewed. Tactics used by the U.S. varied for each war and we will look closer at those tactics. We also need to consider if the approach for the War on Terrorism is even the right one? First let's learn a little more on each war and then we will compare and contrast them. In the years after the Second World War the threat of Communism began to spread over Europe and Asia. Communism is an ideology which people's businesses and resources more content... tactics for each war? Well let's start by seeing the similarities and differences between both wars. Both wars involved the U.S. fighting a nation from the east and standing up against their ideology. However, they were for two different reasons. The war against the USSR was to prevent the spread of Communism while the fight against Terrorism started with the attack of 9/11. Both wars affect the U.S. in similar ways. People began to develop hatred toward these countries involved in terrorism. During the Cold War people feared and hated the Communist nations. So how is the U.S. handling the War on Terror? As we talked about earlier the U.S. was not afraid to get involved in a real fight when it came to terrorist. The wars in both Afghanistan and Iraq while accomplished most of the American's goals, it left those countries in a state of unrest and made it worse. Both governments fell and a new power took over causing civil unrest and fighting. More fighting obviously means more attacks of terrorism. The war on terrorism has not been handled very effectively or correctly. The U.S. has not starved terrorism but has fed it with more rage and power as its involvement stirs countries like Iraq into the Get more content on
  • 8. The Pros And Cons Of The War On Terrorism Fighting fire with fire, or in this case, fighting terrorism with terrorism. This, simply put, is what many believe to be the solution to terrorism – a War on Terror. NATO is well –known for being one of the largest and strongest organizations or military alliances in which participating states agree to mutual defense in any event of an external attack. Since the attack of 9/11, NATO, with the lead of the U.S., has been determined to eradicate each and every single terrorist group or any form of terrorism. Over the years, these motivations have sparked countless controversial issues as ethics of this war became increasingly questionable. Although many may support this concept of a "War on Terror", it is simply, without question, economically damaging, misleading, and a hopeless attempt to solve the issue of terrorism. In 2011, expenses for the War on Terror were reported by the Pentagon to be about $1 trillion. However, when experts carefully analyzed the data and expenses, they had discovered hidden costs that were left unmentioned by the Pentagon, creating a new total of approximately $4.4 trillion. To put this into perspective, $4.4 trillion is over a fifth of the total U.S. tax revenue from 2001–2011 (about $21 trillion). If just $1 billion in education spending adds $1.3 billion to the economy and creates 17,687 jobs, imagine the benefits from the thousands of billions of dollars that are used to support the War on Terror. As a result, many jobs and economic Get more content on
  • 9. The War Against Terrorism Essay The War Against Terrorism On August 2nd 1990, Iraq invaded the small oil rich country of Kuwait on its southeastern border. Iraq claimed that Kuwait was a long time province from the 1800's and early 1900s', whose lands belonged under control of Iraq, a so–called province. Saddam Hussein also argued that Kuwait was pumping oil from an oil field that was on the border of the two countries and belonged to Iraq. Upon gaining control of Kuwait, Hussein was able to eliminate his previous debt to Kuwait and gain it's substantial oil wealth, roughly 10% of the worlds oil supply. Regardless of the motives behind Iraq's invasion, under international law, none of Iraq's claims against Kuwait justified its invasion of that country. more content... In the aftermath of the attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11th, the world has had a sobering look at world terrorism. Led mainly by the United States, and supported by the United Nations, a new war on terrorism has begun. Overwhelming support worldwide has surfaced as President Bush has vowed to punish those who decide to commit terrorist acts, as well as those who harbor or condone these activities. So far Bush has followed through on his promise with the war in Afghanistan against the Taliban regime. Others are also displaying their understanding of the situation and are treading a great deal lighter in search of their causes to avoid being labeled as terrorists, as shown by the latest disarmament and return to the negotiating table by the Irish Republican Army. As the world watches, President Bush is now faced with enormous pressure to gain control of the Arab–Israeli conflict. However, this situation is a difficult one. With Israeli's continual attempt to occupy more land in the disputed settlements, Palestinian anger only grows. With Yasir Arafat's inability to control, or unwillingness to control, such militant groups as Hamas and Islamic Jihad, chances of the two sides reaching a piece agreement dwindle. Get more content on
  • 10. The War On Terror Summary The beginning of "The War on Terror". "The appeal of justice and liberty in the end, is greater than the appeal of hatred and tyranny in any form."(Bush).Bush's comment was referring to "The War on Terror" because he was in presidency during this year so this quote said by him means that he wants freedom for everyone.The solution to the "U.S.'s War on Terror" is ITA researchers, Antiterrorism Assistance Program, The Institute for the Study of War and The Critical Threats Project. The Antiterrorism Assistance Program is helping out by assisting in different assignments such as protecting us. The ways it's protecting us is by having us alerted to every threat, incident, and action a terrorist plans, and or has done. It has helped about 84,000 Get more content on
  • 11. War On Terror Policy Analysis In order to understand the policies adopted in the War on Terror, we must first look to the origins of the conflict as well as the practices involved. Whilst the term itself was initially introduced during the Reagan administration, it was given renewed vigour under George Bush following the attacks on the World Trade Centre in New York and the Pentagon on 9/11. The consequences of these attacks saw the Bush administration undertake a new policy against terrorism which included: defeating terrorists and abolishing their organisations, denying sponsorship and support to terrorists and defending US citizen's interests at home and abroad (Whitehouse Archives, 2003). In this way, the War on Terror can be considered more than just an armed conflict Get more content on
  • 12. War On Terrorism Pros And Cons "Our war on terror begins with Al– Qaida, but it does not end there, It will not end end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped, and defeated." – President George W. Bush after 9/11. After the attack on the twin towers the Bush Administration and some of the United States' allies formed an organization that fought against terrorism, known as the war on terror. The idea of the war on terror, that one day terrorism would be eliminated entirely, is a great idea but we, as a nation, should have went about it differently. The war on terror has a negative influence on the world as demonstrated by the increase in racial profiling, unethical use of torture, and the decrease of privacy. Racial profiling has made the war Get more content on
  • 13. Essay on The War on Terror War on terror refers to the ongoing military campaign led by U.S and U.K against organizations identified as terrorists. Terrorism can be defined as an unlawful violence or war deliberately targeted to civilians. It can also be defined as a systematic use of terror to coerce or violent acts intended to create fear. This threat is normally perpetrated for religious, political or ideological goals. The conflict as also called by other names. They include World War III, The Long War,War on Terrorism, Bush's War on Terror, The Global War of Terror and War on Al–Qaeda, (Coaty, 2010). Terrorism became popular in 1996 when Al– Qaeda network was formed by the late Osama Bin Laden. The network was formed by the World Islamic Front for more content... Underlying conditions that terrorists seek to exploit were reduced. This was a measure that was used to reduce the chances of unlawful attacks on the globe. U.S partnered with the international community to empower weak states and prevent emergence of terrorism. To date, this can be seen in Libya, Cote Devore and Somalia where the states have no proper governments. The international troops have been deployed in the above states to ensure that terrorists do not utilize such loopholes to attack the citizens. Fighting the War on Terror War on terror is a global challenge. A number of ways have been put across to fight the problem led by the United States of America. Defeating terrorist has been found to be a very effective way of fighting this threat. It is achieved by identity, location and destruction of the terrorists along with their organizations. Once the unlawful activities are spotted, they are confirmed and relevant actions taken against them instantly. Evidence is the U.S bombing of Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan in pursuit of Al– Qaeda network which was successful because Osama was later found and killed. Strategy of targeted killings is also a major way to fight terror. This is a method that focuses on the individuals who bear the greatest responsibility. The aim is to catch them alive or dead. It has indeed borne fruit over the years. Evidence is the demise of Sadaam, Fazul and the recent killing of Osama Get more content on
  • 14. The War On Terror : Terrorism Charles Reece Johnson Irons Discourse 200 November 5, 2014 The War on Terror Introduction The war on terror is not easy to define partly due to its vagueness and unsparing use of rhetorical device to justify any action of military perpetrated after the 9/11. However, the The war on terror, in its original intent, is a series of initiatives that seek to reduce or eliminate terrorism in the world. In this perspective, terrorism is the deliberate exploitation and creation of fear through threat and violence (Kugiel 16–17). This essay seeks to present an argument that the war on terror was not worth it. In order to justify whether the war on terror is worth it or not, it is vital to understand if the war on terror compels or deters terrorism. Deterrence refers to the threat of force perpetrated to prevent an adversary from engaging in any specific course of action. To compel in the same context refers to the threat of force perpetrated to motivate an adversary to undo an already done or to begin a specific course of action. Terrorism in its nature disrupts international security and peace via premeditated political violence. The terror act on the 11th of September on the Center of World Trade and the Pentagon greatly disrupted the global economy. The attacks facilitated and spawned widespread personal panic, fear, and economic dislocation. According to the UN Security Council, one of the terrorists' objectives was to create a state of global anarchy by means of influencing Get more content on
  • 15. Essay The War on Terrorism The war on terrorisms The war on terrorisms has had many lost souls, this war has been the most expensive war is history and not a lot of countries are in favor of it. Because of the terror attacks on September 11, the president of the United States George W Bush and his government has spent hundreds of billions of dollars trying to protect their county and finding terrorist on other countries. (Picture 1) Terrorism is the affected, use of violence to bring forth fear . Terrorists know what they are doing and their targets are planned in advance. Terrorism may be motivated by political, religious, or ideological ideas. The base of terrorism is to produce fear in someone to make a government change more content... The many environmental impacts include, the preparation for war, including training grounds, camps, barracks, weapons testing etc. the immediate impacts of terrorism, are usually sudden, and can be either direct or indirect. Direct impacts include bomb and blast damage to settlements, rural areas and communication networks. Defoliation and ecosystem destruction, the dumping of the machinery of war and the destruction of resources such as oil fields also occur. Indirect impacts are many and varied and are often longer lasting than the direct impacts. They include the construction of various camps such as refugee camps, and the distortion of population composition as young males join the conflict; in countries where agriculture is a major activity this may result in land abandonment and degradation may ensue. Other indirect impacts include loss of wildlife as animals are hunted for bush meat. Particularly long–lasting effects include the use of land for war graves and other things. Also if terrorists get a hold of a plane what is used for agriculture like spraying herbicides and pesticides they can put chemicals on the planes and omit them over large area in a short period of time which can kill plants, animals and even people. Social Issues on the War on Terrorism In a society that is every changing many people have different thoughts about the war on terror, the days after 911, the Council on American–Islamic Relations says it Get more content on
  • 16. Realism and the War on Terror Essay Realist thought on international relations fit comfortably within the context of the great wars of the twentieth century. Powerful nations possessing massive military forces took aim at one another to affect the hierarchical structure of the international system for the good of their own security and power. These wars, however, differ greatly from today's unconventional war on terrorism. Therefore, the realist theories of yesterday, while still useful, require at least some tweaking to fit the present situation. Probably the most obvious critique of realism with regard to the war on terrorism is that it is a theory that deals with international relations. The belligerents in the war on terrorism are more content... On the other hand, one area in which realism is valuable to the war on terrorism is with regard to the notion that raw military might is one of the best, if not the best way for nations to ensure their security and prosperity. While it is a bit dubious to assume that conventional military forces will be able to effectively combat individual physical acts of terrorism, it is reasonable to assume that military force can be used to change some of the root causes of terrorist action. Many of the terrorist attacks against the United States over the past two decades have been carried out by Islamic extremists from impoverished countries run by tyrannically oppressive regimes. The quality of life for most people in these countries is miserable at best. As such, it should come as no surprise that people from these circumstances are prone to defending with violence what they believe to be attacks by the West on the only good thing they have – religion. However, in the absence of such wretched circumstance, it is likely that they will be less inclined to act violently. History has shown that the most effective way to create wealth and subsequently improve quality of life is within the framework of capitalism supported by liberal democratic institutions. Conventional military might can, as we have seen recently in Iraq, depose tyrannical regimes and replace them with Get more content on
  • 17. The United States ' War On Terror After the events of September 11, 2001, the United States had a unique dilemma. America was engaged in what would be called a "War on Terror". This new conflict was unlike any in American history. Previously, in the context of war the United States had always fought a nation or group that had defined boundaries as to where they resided. This new conflict went away from these rules of the past. Terrorist groups were not bound to a region, but were instead united by an ideal. September 11 marked the first time in which terrorism would rise to the forefront of the nation's agenda. This emergent wave of conflict required a different strategy than the those of the past because of the unorthodox nature of the opponent. One of the major innovations fostered by the "War on Terror" was the expansion of torture. The dramatic rise in terrorism sparked the unethical advancement of interrogation techniques in order to more effectively acquire information. The emergence of the "War on Terror" required government officials acquire intelligence in a new way thus spawning the emergence of "enhanced interrogation" methods, however, the morality of these techniques would come into question as they were revealed to the public. Terrorism was a new threat unlike theUnited States had ever experienced. Hundreds of terrorist groups banded together with the common goal of destroying America which was a feat that previously had never been accomplished to that scale. Significant organizations such Get more content on
  • 18. War on Terrorism Essay The War On Terrorism Every morning, millions of people around the world begin their day by reading the newspaper. News topics are constantly discussed in everyday life and remain the dominant topic of conversation between friends, family, and even strangers. It is our responsibility as a modern society to recognize all events that impact our lives and make others aware of them, and newspapers as well as the general media allow us this opportunity. The New York Times, a worldwide newspaper , offers us a chance to become informed of worldwide current events while also offering insight into the development of society as seen through the eyes of the media. Through developing an archive of New York Times articles over a period of several more content... Considering this, I have chosen articles for this chapter that seem most pertinent in the general overview of the response to these attacks, and through reviewing them one can clearly see the escalation of the American public's grief and desire for revenge and closure. The development of man's intellectual ability and understanding of the world around him can be most readily seen in the continued development of science and technology. Whether it be new advancements in medicine and healthcare or improvements on missiles for the anti–terrorism war, science and technology breakthroughs reassure us that our culture is thriving and continuing to expand our horizons. As an economic giant in the worldwide scheme of business, the United States has a great focus on economical development and relations with foreign countries. The stock market has drastically changed in response to the terrorist attacks, and this in turn has led to a great impact on the lives of billions. The World Trade Towers, a symbol of our economic prowess, have fallen, but the American desire to move forward in the field of world business has compelled me to include this aspect of life in my archive. Although economics fuels our society from a business standpoint, the development of the mind is a practice that can never be rivaled. Through arts and entertainment, man is able to find what he is most Get more content on
  • 19. Essay on The war against terrorism Is war the right way? Why do people resort to such violent acts as bombing, assassinations, and hi–jacking? How do individuals and organizations justify these acts of terror? These acts can be described as terrorist actions. Terrorism is a growing international problem. During the last twenty years, new terrorist groups have sprung up all over the world. Governments have had little success in their attempts to resolve issues in which terrorism is used. A major problem in discussing terrorism is establishing a generally accepted definition. Terrorism can be described as the unlawful use of fear or force to achieve certain political, economical, or social aims. Because it is so hard to define, organizations like the United Nations have more content... In some cases it may be right but to fight terrorists with war is the wrong way. It is only showing that our country is worse than they are. By committing war we are only embracing the thought that fighting and killing is the only way to go. This war that we are creating against these people and their actions is not justified in any manner. We are only creating more of a war in our own country than we are in the country of the one we are trying to fight. We have created such a war that people can even go places they normally go without being check by an officer or being suspected by someone that u are a terrorist. As we further bomb and shoot at these terrorists we they will further come back as if they have lost nothing. We see these terrorists in the news every day and we see that they are not even moved by the actions we are doing to them. They just brush it off as if it where nothing and had nothing to lose. In this case they don't lose anything but there husbands or wives or maybe their children, they can't lose a home because most of them don't have homes and if they do they are very dirty and small. One's gut reaction to any kind of attack is to get revenge, but much like a tango, it takes two to wage war. And frankly, we Americans should stand our ground! Show everyone that terrorism will not be tolerated! ... and show it peacefully. Once someone drops a nuclear bomb in this day and age, the world, as we know it, will come to an Get more content on
  • 20. U.s. War On Terrorism Essay The United States vision of and for the world changed dramatically, and perhaps permanently, on September 11, 2001. The aftermath frightened and impacted the nation's reputation, and in order to measure the nature and extent of our policies, it is important to understand our efforts after this national attack on US soil. Many interesting documents released earlier that year provides a detailed perspective of America's economic policies and actions towards the War on Terror. The U.S. came out with a massive debt that has impacted the nation in several ways, but this leads to a basic question with a complex answer: How did the U.S. War on Terrorismimpact the American Debt Crisis? After researching further into the 9/11 attacks, clearly most of the money put into the war was wasted or misspent. Even though it was crucial going after the terrorists, especially since they had taken many lives and were capable to repeating their attack caused fear throughout the nation. It is important to signal out that the U.S. was attacked from a terrorist organization that had their focus on the U.S. for a long time. The impact that this served after 9/11 plays a clear role in defining the results of how these economic policies were taken into action. After looking over this tragic event in the U.S. history, there should have been a very high consideration towards how the money was going to be used in an effort to defeat terrorism before this event occurred. The top priority for the U.S. has Get more content on