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Research Report
                                  Voluntary Activation and Decreased
                                  Force Production of the Quadriceps
                                  Femoris Muscle After Total Knee
                                              Background and Purpose. Quadriceps femoris muscle weakness as mani-
                                              fested by a decrease in force-generating capability is a persistent problem
                                              after total knee arthroplasty (TKA). The authors hypothesized that
                                              (1) patients with a TKA would have decreased quadriceps femoris muscle
                                              performance (weakness) and impaired volitional activation when com-
                                              pared with a group of older adults without knee pathology, (2) pain and
                                              age would account for a large portion of the variability in volitional
                                              activation after surgery, and (3) volitional activation in the TKA group
                                              would account for a large portion of the variability in force production.
                                              Subjects. Comparison subjects were 52 volunteers (mean age 72.2 years,
                                              SD 5.34, range 64 – 85). The TKA group comprised 52 patients (mean
                                              age 64.9 years, SD 7.72, range 49 –78) with a diagnosis of osteoarthritis
                                              who had undergone a tricompartmental, cemented TKA. Methods. Knee
                                              extension force was measured using a burst superimposition technique,
                                              where a supramaximal burst of electrical stimulation was superimposed on
                                              a maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC). The amount of failure
                                              of volitional activation is determined by the amount of electrical augmen-
                                              tation of force beyond a person’s MVIC at the instant of the application of
                                              the electrical burst. Results. The average normalized knee extension force
                                              of the TKA group was 64% lower than that of the comparison group. The
                                              average volitional activation deficit in the TKA group (26%) was 4 times as
       APTA is a sponsor of the               great as the comparison group’s deficit (6%). Age did not correlate with
       Decade, an international,              quadriceps femoris muscle activation, and knee pain explained only a
       multidisciplinary initiative           small portion of the variance in knee extension force (r 2 .17). Volitional
       to improve health-related
       quality of life for people with
                                              activation was highly correlated with knee extension force production
       musculoskeletal disorders.             (r 2 .65). Discussion and Conclusion. Considerable quadriceps femoris
                                              muscle inhibition after surgery has several implications for recovery.
                                              Rehabilitation programs that focus on volitional exercise alone are
                                              unlikely to overcome this pronounced failure of activation. Early interven-
                                              tions focused at improving quadriceps femoris muscle voluntary activation
                                              may improve efforts to restore muscle force. [Mizner RL, Stevens JE,
                                              Snyder-Mackler L. Voluntary activation and decreased force production of
                                              the quadriceps femoris muscle after total knee arthroplasty. Phys Ther.
                                              2003;83:359 –365.]

 Key Words: Knee replacement, Muscle inhibition, Volitional activation.

 Ryan L Mizner, Jennifer E Stevens, Lynn Snyder-Mackler

 Physical Therapy . Volume 83 . Number 4 . April 2003                                                                359
        otal knee arthroplasty (TKA) predictably                              tary activation can result from pain,22 effusion,23,24 and
        reduces knee pain, but it has had limited success                     joint damage,13 all of which are potentially present in
        in restoring quadriceps femoris muscle force-                         patients after TKA.
        generating capacity and function to that of
age-matched people without osteoarthritis.1– 6 Decreased                      Diminished activation has been implicated as a contrib-
quadriceps femoris muscle production is a major impair-                       uting factor in preventing rapid and full recovery of
ment following TKA.1,6,7 Knee extension force deficits of                     quadriceps femoris muscle force following anterior cru-
30% to 40% compared with knee extension force in                              ciate ligament reconstruction and in patients with pain-
age-matched subjects without knee disease have been                           ful patellofemoral disorders.16,19,25 Typically, twitch-
reported to exist a year or more after surgery.2 Impair-                      interpolation or burst superimposition of electrical
ment of quadriceps femoris muscle performance has                             stimulation has been used to quantify the extent of
been correlated with fall risk,8 ambulation speed,9 –11                       voluntary activation failure of a muscle.16,21 Neither
speed and quality of sit-to-stand transfers,11 and perfor-                    technique has been used to examine activation deficits
mance during stair climbing in individuals greater than                       in patients after TKA. Determining the extent of volun-
60 years of age.6                                                             tary activation of patients may prove critical to designing
                                                                              and implementing effective rehabilitation programs.
Despite the relationship between knee extension force                         Hurley et al14 reported that strength training, which
and functional ability, decreased quadriceps femoris                          included 4 weeks of intensive isokinetic training to
muscle performance after TKA has gone relatively unex-                        address decreased quadriceps femoris muscle perfor-
amined. Investigators1– 6 have measured knee extension                        mance, had limited success in resolving voluntary activa-
force as an outcome variable months to years after surgery.                   tion failure and improving force production in patients
Although these studies provide valuable information for                       with a substantial activation failure. The purposes of our
understanding the long-term condition of the knee exten-                      investigation were: (1) to quantify the extent of quadri-
sors following TKA, they do not provide information con-                      ceps femoris muscle force deficits and voluntary activa-
cerning the cause of this persistent decrease in force. The                   tion deficits in patients who had undergone TKA com-
early period after surgery has received little scrutiny, yet this             pared with older people without known knee pathology
period is when patients typically begin outpatient rehabil-                   and (2) to determine the effect of knee pain and age on
itation to address, among other things, decreased quadri-                     the voluntary activation of the knee extensors of the
ceps femoris muscle performance.                                              lower extremity that underwent the TKA. We hypothe-
                                                                              sized that (1) patients after TKA would have lower
Both atrophy and failure of volitional activation of the                      normalized quadriceps femoris muscle force and
quadriceps femoris muscle have been suggested as                              decreased voluntary activation when compared with a
causes of deceased muscle force in people with knee                           group of older adults without knee pathology, (2) pain
osteoarthritis as well as in older adults.12–18 Failure of                    and age would account for a large portion of the
voluntary activation can be operationally defined as the                      variability in voluntary activation after surgery, and
inability to produce all available force of a muscle                          (3) voluntary activation in the TKA group would account
despite maximal conscious effort.19 –21 A failure of volun-                   for a large portion of the variability in force production.

RL Mizner, PT, MPT, is a doctoral student, Biomechanics and Movement Science Program, Department of Physical Therapy, University of
Delaware, Newark, Del.

JE Stevens, PT, MPT, PhD, was a doctoral student, Biomechanics and Movement Science Program, University of Delaware, at the time of the study.
Dr Stevens is currently Post-doctoral Associate, Department of Physical Therapy, University of Florida.

L Snyder-Mackler, PT, ScD, SCS, ATC, is Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, University of Delaware, 301 McKinly Laboratory, Newark, DE
19716 (USA) ( Address all correspondence to Dr Snyder-Mackler.

All authors provided concept/research design, writing, and data analysis. Mr Mizner and Dr Stevens provided data collection. Dr Snyder-Mackler
provided project management and fund procurement. Mr Mizner and Dr Snyder-Mackler provided consultation (including review of the
manuscript before submission).

This study was approved by the Human Subjects Review Board of the University of Delaware.

This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health (#1R01HD041055-01A1) and the Foundation for Physical
Therapy (Mary McMillan Scholarship, PODS I and II Scholarships). The authors will receive no financial benefit from the
publication of these findings.

This article was submitted May 22, 2002, and was accepted October 28, 2002.

360 . Mizner et al                                                                        Physical Therapy . Volume 83 . Number 4 . April 2003
Group Descriptionsa

                                                 TKA Group                                                 Comparison Group
                                                 n        X                SD           Range              n        X              SD          Range

      Men                                        32                                                        28
      Women                                      20                                                        24
    Age (y)                                               64.9b            7.72             49–78                   72.2           5.34           64–85
              2                                                 b
    BMI (kg/m )                                           29.2             3.62           21.9–37.1                 25.2           3.80        19.9–35.9
    Involved CAR                                            0.742b,c       0.168        0.342–1.00                  NA
    Uninvolved CAR                                          0.927          0.065          0.76–1.00                   0.943        0.053       0.73–1.00
    Involved normalized MVIC (N/BMI)                        8.80b,c        4.85           2.97–24.3                 NA
    Uninvolved normalized MVIC (N/BMI)                    24.14            8.02           11.9–42.9                 24.15          6.01        9.04–41.1
  TKA total knee arthroplasty, BMI body mass index, CAR central activation ratio (maximal volitional force/maximal force during burst of stimulation),
MVIC maximal voluntary isometric contraction, N newtons, NA not applicable.
  Significant difference between the TKA group and the comparison group as analyzed with an independent t test (P .05).
  Significant difference between the involved and uninvolved lower extremities in the TKA group as analyzed with a paired t test (P .05).

Method                                                                            Muscle Force and Voluntary Activation Measurement
                                                                                  All subjects participated in a measurement session of a
Subjects                                                                          maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) of the
Two groups of subjects were studied: older adults with-                           quadriceps femoris muscle with a burst superimposition
out knee pathology (comparison group) and patients                                technique. They were seated in an electromechanical
who had undergone a primary TKA 3 to 4 weeks prior to                             dynamometer (Kin-Com 500 H).* The TKA group sat
the measurement session (Table). The comparison                                   with the hip flexed to 90 degrees and the knee flexed to
group comprised 52 volunteers (mean age 72.2 years,                               75 degrees, and the comparison group sat with the hip
SD 5.34, range 64 – 85) recruited from local senior                               and knee flexed to 90 degrees. The arthroplasty group
centers and exercise facilities in the Wilmington, Del,                           was tested at 75 degrees instead of 90 degrees because we
area. All subjects in the comparison group participated                           anticipated that a relatively large number of subjects
in a regular exercise program that included at least 30                           either would be unable to achieve 90 degrees of flexion
minutes of regular cardiovascular exercise (such as                               at 3 to 4 weeks after surgery or would be unable to
walking, cycling, swimming, or tennis) 3 times per week.                          achieve that range without pain.
The TKA group comprised 52 patients (mean age 64.9
years, SD 7.72, range 49 –78) with a diagnosis of osteo-                          The axis of the dynamometer was positioned at the axis
arthritis who had undergone a tricompartmental,                                   of rotation of the knee joint, and the distal edge of the
cemented TKA.                                                                     shin attachment was placed 2 in (5.08 cm) proximal to
                                                                                  the lateral malleolus of the test leg. A waist and a trunk
Patients were recruited from a consortium of orthopedic                           strap were used for stabilization. Two self-adhesive elec-
surgeons from the Wilmington, Del, area who a per-                                trodes (7.6 cm        12.7 cm)† were placed over the
formed tricompartmental, cemented TKA with a medial                               quadriceps femoris muscle at the motor point of the
parapatellar surgical approach. Potential subjects for the                        vastus medialis and proximal rectus femoris muscles
TKA group were excluded if they had a body mass index                             (Fig. 1). Subjects performed 2 submaximal contractions
(BMI weight [in kilograms]/[height (in meters)]2)                                 and 1 MVIC lasting 2 to 3 seconds each in order to warm
greater than 40 (morbidly obese) or if they had evidence                          up the muscle and to familiarize the patient with the
of: (1) musculoskeletal impairments, other than the                               testing procedure.
TKA, that limited function in the lower extremity to be
tested; (2) uncontrolled blood pressure; (3) diabetes                             After 5 minutes of rest, subjects were instructed to
mellitus, because even subtle peripheral neuropathy                               maximally contract the quadriceps femoris muscle for
affects conduction of the electrical stimulation; (4) neo-                        approximately 4 seconds. Verbal encouragement and
plasms; or (5) neurological disorders. All subjects gave                          visual output of their force were used to motivate the
written informed consent.

                                                                                  * Chattecx Corp, 6431 Pythian Rd, Harrison, TN 37341-3902.
                                                                                    CONMED Corp, 310 Broad St, Utica, NY 13501.

Physical Therapy . Volume 83 . Number 4 . April 2003                                                                                      Mizner et al . 361
If maximal voluntary force output was achieved and no
                                                                      augmentation of force was observed due to the stimula-
                                                                      tion (ie, there was already optimal recruitment), then
                                                                      the testing session was concluded for that limb. If
                                                                      augmentation was present during the application of the
                                                                      electrical stimulus, the test was repeated. Five minutes of
                                                                      rest was provided between contractions in an effort to
                                                                      minimize muscular or neuromuscular fatigue. A maxi-
                                                                      mum of 3 trials was recorded. The highest volitional
                                                                      force achieved during the 3 attempts was used for
                                                                      analysis. A weight correction was performed automati-
                                                                      cally by the computer program by adding the baseline
                                                                      force while the patient was relaxed to the force measure-
                                                                      ment. Burst superimposition testing was performed on
                                                                      the uninvolved limbs of the TKA group and then on the
                                                                      operated limb. Only the right lower extremity was tested
                                                                      in the comparison group. The burst superimposition
                                                                      technique has been shown to be highly reliable in
                                                                      subjects without pathology (mean age 24.2 years,
                                                                      range 17–32), with repeated testing that demonstrated
                                                                      an intraclass correlation coefficient of .98.26

                                                                      Pain Measurement
                                                                      A numeric rating scale was used to quantify knee pain
                                                                      during burst superimposition testing. Subjects with TKA
                                                                      were asked to verbally rate the pain in and around the
                                                                      knee during the burst superimposition test on a scale
                                                                      from 0 to 10, where 0 represented no pain and 10
                                                                      represented the worst pain imaginable. Subjects were
                                                                      asked to rate only knee pain and not the discomfort in
                                                                      the thigh associated with the level of electrical stimula-
                                                                      tion during test. The knee pain rating given during the
                                                                      attempt that produced the greatest force was used for
                                                                      analysis. Numeric rating scales are easy to administer and
                                                                      have exhibited a Pearson product moment correlation
                                                                      of greater than .94 in within day test-retest collections in
                                                                      people with arthritis.27

                                                                      Data Management and Analysis
Figure 1.                                                             Two measures of knee extension force production were
Electrode placement for burst superimposition testing.                used for analysis: peak volitional force normalized to
                                                                      BMI and a quadriceps index (QI). Peak volitional force
                                                                      was normalized to allow for comparison with the unin-
subjects to produce an MVIC. Approximately 3 seconds                  jured group. The QI was determined by dividing the
into the contraction, the stimulator (Grass S8800 stimu-              MVIC of the involved quadriceps femoris muscle by the
lator with a Grass model SIU8T stimulus isolation unit‡)              MVIC of the contralateral, uninvolved quadriceps femo-
delivered a supramaximal electrical stimulus of                       ris muscle.
monophasic rectangular waves at a rate of 100 pulses per
second for 100 milliseconds at 135 V. The knee exten-                 The extent of failure of volitional activity of the quadri-
sion force was measured and recorded using custom-                    ceps femoris muscle during the testing was quantified
written software (Labview 4.0.1 and 5.0)§ with a 200-Hz               using the central activity ratio (CAR) described by
sampling rate.                                                        Kent-Braun and Le Blanc.28 The CAR was calculated by
                                                                      dividing the maximal volitional force by the maximal
                                                                      force produced by the combination of volitional effort
                                                                      and a superimposed burst (Fig. 2). A CAR of 1 indicates
    Grass Instruments, 570 Liberty St, Braintree, MA 02184.           complete activation of the muscle with no augmentation
    National Instruments, 6504 Bridge Point Pkwy, Austin, TX 78730.

362 . Mizner et al                                                                Physical Therapy . Volume 83 . Number 4 . April 2003
Figure 2.
Example of a force trace recorded during a burst superimposition test of
the quadriceps femoris muscle. The central activation ratio (CAR) for this
test is 0.76 (maximal volitional force [135 N]/maximal force during
burst of stimulation [178 N]). TKA total knee arthroplasty,                  Figure 3.
MVIC maximal voluntary isometric contraction.                                Graphic representation of the linear relationship between the age of
                                                                             subjects with total knee arthroplasty and the amount of volitional
                                                                             activation of their involved quadriceps femoris muscle 3 to 4 weeks after
of the maximal volitional force observed during the
burst of electrical stimulation.

Differences in force production, volitional activation,
age, and BMI between groups were analyzed using
independent t tests. Differences in force production and
volitional activation between involved and uninvolved
lower extremities in the TKA group were analyzed with
paired t tests. The effects of age, QI, and knee pain
during burst superimposition testing of TKA group were
analyzed using regression analysis. A probability level of
less than .05 was considered significant for all tests.

The TKA group was younger and had a greater BMI than
the comparison group (Table). Quadriceps femoris
force production and volitional activation in the
involved lower extremity were lower in the TKA group
                                                                             Figure 4.
than in the comparison group (Table). The TKA group                          Relationship between volitional activation and knee pain during burst
displayed a deficit in the average, normalized voluntary                     superimposition testing. NRS numeric rating scale.
force of 64% compared with the comparison group’s
average, normalized voluntary force (Table). There was
no difference between the normalized voluntary force or                      who had knee pain during testing had greater failure of
the CAR of the uninvolved quadriceps femoris muscle of                       volitional activation than those without knee pain
the TKA group and the quadriceps femoris muscle of the                       (Fig. 5). Volitional activation of the TKA group
comparison group. The average CAR for the TKA group                          explained a large portion of the variance in their QI with
was 0.742 (26% volitional activation deficit) as compared                    a curvilinear model of regression (r 2 .65) (Fig. 6).
with the comparison group’s 0.943 (6% volitional acti-
vation deficit).                                                             Discussion
                                                                             The hypotheses that patients after TKA would produce
Linear regression analysis indicated that age of the TKA                     less force and exhibit greater failure of volitional activa-
group did not explain the variance in the CAR variable                       tion of the quadriceps femoris compared with a compar-
(Fig. 3). The knee pain of the TKA group during burst                        ison group were supported by the data. Although the
superimposition testing showed a small relationship to                       TKA group had more men, had a greater average BMI,
CAR (r 2 .17) (Fig. 4). Only half (26 of 52) of the                          was younger, and was tested at a knee angle closer to the
subjects with TKA reported knee pain during burst                            angle of greatest mechanical advantage for the quadri-
superimposition testing. The subjects in the TKA group                       ceps femoris muscle than the comparison group, there

Physical Therapy . Volume 83 . Number 4 . April 2003                                                                              Mizner et al . 363
riceps femoris muscle contraction should take into con-
                                                                             sideration that these patients are more likely to have
                                                                             muscle inhibition. Simply eliminating pain will not pro-
                                                                             vide the panacea for eliminating knee extension

                                                                             The subjects’ age did not provide additional information
                                                                             for identifying those subjects with volitional activity
                                                                             deficits. Researchers12,21 have identified small age-
                                                                             related deficits in volitional activation of the quadriceps
                                                                             femoris muscle in older adults. In our study, any age-
                                                                             related deficits in volitional activation were likely negli-
                                                                             gible in the presence of the large activation failure we

                                                                             Younger patients will likely undergo TKA as the durabil-
Figure 5.                                                                    ity of prostheses continues to improve. Current pros-
Comparison of volitional activation of knees of subjects with a total knee
arthroplasty grouped by those with or without pain during burst super-
                                                                             thetic devices have a revision rate of less than 10% up to
imposition testing. MVIC maximal voluntary isometric contraction.            20 years following surgery. Knee replacement in younger
                                                                             patients is also supported by previous studies that
                                                                             showed that patients with greater function, as measured
                                                                             by self-assessment questionnaire, prior to surgery
                                                                             achieved the greatest functional status following sur-
                                                                             gery.3 The results of our study show that even a relatively
                                                                             young patient (ie, 50 –55 years of age) who has had a
                                                                             TKA is not immune from exhibiting extensive failure of
                                                                             volitional activation with a related decrease in quadri-
                                                                             ceps femoris muscle force following surgery. Chronic,
                                                                             weak knee extensor muscles may make longer functional
                                                                             life of a total knee prosthesis impossible.

                                                                             Failure of volitional activation may play an important
                                                                             role in the cause of the persistent decreased quadriceps
                                                                             femoris muscle production in patients following TKA.
                                                                             Volitional activation deficits of the quadriceps femoris
                                                                             muscle found in studies of patellofemoral dysfunction
                                                                             and knee osteoarthritis have been shown to relate to
                                                                             decreased quadriceps femoris muscle produc-
                                                                             tion.15,17,19,22 Manal and Snyder-Mackler19 showed that
                                                                             patients with volitional activity deficits with patellar
Figure 6.                                                                    contusions had more than twice the percentage of
Exponential regression analysis showing the model of quadriceps index        decreased quadriceps femoris muscle force than those
(side-to-side muscle force comparison) accounting for the variance in
central activation ratio.
                                                                             without reflex inhibition. The average failure of activa-
                                                                             tion of the patients with reflex inhibition and patellar
                                                                             contusion was 14%. The average failure of activation of
were profound deficits in force production and a large                       the TKA group in our study (26%) was considerably
average failure of volitional activation. The best predic-                   larger.
tor of quadriceps femoris muscle force production was
the CAR. This relationship emphasizes that subjects who                      Our data illustrate that decreased quadriceps femoris
manifested the greatest decrease in muscle force follow-                     muscle performance is present 1 month after TKA.
ing surgery also displayed the greatest inhibition.                          Muscle force measurements are not often a part of the
                                                                             assessment of outcomes, whereas reduction in pain
Knee pain appears to contribute a small amount to the                        following surgery is often enough to lead to claims of
failure of voluntary activation, and we believe this is a                    excellent surgical success.5 We believe the strong rela-
relevant clinical finding to consider in developing reha-                    tionship between quadriceps femoris muscle force pro-
bilitation protocols. We believe that efforts to increase                    duction and performance during stair climbing, gait,
muscle force production in patients with painful quad-

364 . Mizner et al                                                                       Physical Therapy . Volume 83 . Number 4 . April 2003
and transfers6,10,11 should not be ignored. Simply achiev-                 9 Connelly DM, Vandervoort AA. Effects of detraining on knee exten-
ing pain relief and restoring a functional range of                        sor strength and functional mobility in a group of elderly women.
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                                                                           velocity in older adults. J Am Geriatr Soc. 1996;44:126 –132.
muscle production. Inadequate quadriceps femoris mus-
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                                                                           activation, and size in very elderly people following strength training.
                                                                           Muscle Nerve. 1999;22:831– 839.
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quadriceps femoris muscle. Attempting to provide ade-                      14 Hurley MV, Jones DW, Newham DJ. Arthrogenic quadriceps inhi-
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quate stimulus to promote gains in muscle force produc-
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opinion, will be unlikely to succeed if the patient has a                  15 Hurley MV, Newham DJ. The influence of arthrogenous muscle
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re-education, may be more successful in overcoming                         17 O’Reilly S, Jones A, Doherty M. Muscle weakness in osteoarthritis.
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A randomised, placebo controlled trial of low level laser therapy for activat...
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Voluntary activation and decreased force production of the qs after total knee arthroplasty

  • 1. Research Report Voluntary Activation and Decreased Force Production of the Quadriceps Femoris Muscle After Total Knee Arthroplasty Background and Purpose. Quadriceps femoris muscle weakness as mani- fested by a decrease in force-generating capability is a persistent problem after total knee arthroplasty (TKA). The authors hypothesized that (1) patients with a TKA would have decreased quadriceps femoris muscle performance (weakness) and impaired volitional activation when com- pared with a group of older adults without knee pathology, (2) pain and age would account for a large portion of the variability in volitional activation after surgery, and (3) volitional activation in the TKA group would account for a large portion of the variability in force production. Subjects. Comparison subjects were 52 volunteers (mean age 72.2 years, SD 5.34, range 64 – 85). The TKA group comprised 52 patients (mean age 64.9 years, SD 7.72, range 49 –78) with a diagnosis of osteoarthritis who had undergone a tricompartmental, cemented TKA. Methods. Knee extension force was measured using a burst superimposition technique, where a supramaximal burst of electrical stimulation was superimposed on a maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC). The amount of failure of volitional activation is determined by the amount of electrical augmen- tation of force beyond a person’s MVIC at the instant of the application of the electrical burst. Results. The average normalized knee extension force of the TKA group was 64% lower than that of the comparison group. The average volitional activation deficit in the TKA group (26%) was 4 times as APTA is a sponsor of the great as the comparison group’s deficit (6%). Age did not correlate with Decade, an international, quadriceps femoris muscle activation, and knee pain explained only a multidisciplinary initiative small portion of the variance in knee extension force (r 2 .17). Volitional to improve health-related quality of life for people with activation was highly correlated with knee extension force production musculoskeletal disorders. (r 2 .65). Discussion and Conclusion. Considerable quadriceps femoris muscle inhibition after surgery has several implications for recovery. Rehabilitation programs that focus on volitional exercise alone are unlikely to overcome this pronounced failure of activation. Early interven- tions focused at improving quadriceps femoris muscle voluntary activation may improve efforts to restore muscle force. [Mizner RL, Stevens JE, Snyder-Mackler L. Voluntary activation and decreased force production of the quadriceps femoris muscle after total knee arthroplasty. Phys Ther. 2003;83:359 –365.] Key Words: Knee replacement, Muscle inhibition, Volitional activation. Ryan L Mizner, Jennifer E Stevens, Lynn Snyder-Mackler Physical Therapy . Volume 83 . Number 4 . April 2003 359
  • 2. T otal knee arthroplasty (TKA) predictably tary activation can result from pain,22 effusion,23,24 and reduces knee pain, but it has had limited success joint damage,13 all of which are potentially present in in restoring quadriceps femoris muscle force- patients after TKA. generating capacity and function to that of age-matched people without osteoarthritis.1– 6 Decreased Diminished activation has been implicated as a contrib- quadriceps femoris muscle production is a major impair- uting factor in preventing rapid and full recovery of ment following TKA.1,6,7 Knee extension force deficits of quadriceps femoris muscle force following anterior cru- 30% to 40% compared with knee extension force in ciate ligament reconstruction and in patients with pain- age-matched subjects without knee disease have been ful patellofemoral disorders.16,19,25 Typically, twitch- reported to exist a year or more after surgery.2 Impair- interpolation or burst superimposition of electrical ment of quadriceps femoris muscle performance has stimulation has been used to quantify the extent of been correlated with fall risk,8 ambulation speed,9 –11 voluntary activation failure of a muscle.16,21 Neither speed and quality of sit-to-stand transfers,11 and perfor- technique has been used to examine activation deficits mance during stair climbing in individuals greater than in patients after TKA. Determining the extent of volun- 60 years of age.6 tary activation of patients may prove critical to designing and implementing effective rehabilitation programs. Despite the relationship between knee extension force Hurley et al14 reported that strength training, which and functional ability, decreased quadriceps femoris included 4 weeks of intensive isokinetic training to muscle performance after TKA has gone relatively unex- address decreased quadriceps femoris muscle perfor- amined. Investigators1– 6 have measured knee extension mance, had limited success in resolving voluntary activa- force as an outcome variable months to years after surgery. tion failure and improving force production in patients Although these studies provide valuable information for with a substantial activation failure. The purposes of our understanding the long-term condition of the knee exten- investigation were: (1) to quantify the extent of quadri- sors following TKA, they do not provide information con- ceps femoris muscle force deficits and voluntary activa- cerning the cause of this persistent decrease in force. The tion deficits in patients who had undergone TKA com- early period after surgery has received little scrutiny, yet this pared with older people without known knee pathology period is when patients typically begin outpatient rehabil- and (2) to determine the effect of knee pain and age on itation to address, among other things, decreased quadri- the voluntary activation of the knee extensors of the ceps femoris muscle performance. lower extremity that underwent the TKA. We hypothe- sized that (1) patients after TKA would have lower Both atrophy and failure of volitional activation of the normalized quadriceps femoris muscle force and quadriceps femoris muscle have been suggested as decreased voluntary activation when compared with a causes of deceased muscle force in people with knee group of older adults without knee pathology, (2) pain osteoarthritis as well as in older adults.12–18 Failure of and age would account for a large portion of the voluntary activation can be operationally defined as the variability in voluntary activation after surgery, and inability to produce all available force of a muscle (3) voluntary activation in the TKA group would account despite maximal conscious effort.19 –21 A failure of volun- for a large portion of the variability in force production. RL Mizner, PT, MPT, is a doctoral student, Biomechanics and Movement Science Program, Department of Physical Therapy, University of Delaware, Newark, Del. JE Stevens, PT, MPT, PhD, was a doctoral student, Biomechanics and Movement Science Program, University of Delaware, at the time of the study. Dr Stevens is currently Post-doctoral Associate, Department of Physical Therapy, University of Florida. L Snyder-Mackler, PT, ScD, SCS, ATC, is Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, University of Delaware, 301 McKinly Laboratory, Newark, DE 19716 (USA) ( Address all correspondence to Dr Snyder-Mackler. All authors provided concept/research design, writing, and data analysis. Mr Mizner and Dr Stevens provided data collection. Dr Snyder-Mackler provided project management and fund procurement. Mr Mizner and Dr Snyder-Mackler provided consultation (including review of the manuscript before submission). This study was approved by the Human Subjects Review Board of the University of Delaware. This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health (#1R01HD041055-01A1) and the Foundation for Physical Therapy (Mary McMillan Scholarship, PODS I and II Scholarships). The authors will receive no financial benefit from the publication of these findings. This article was submitted May 22, 2002, and was accepted October 28, 2002. 360 . Mizner et al Physical Therapy . Volume 83 . Number 4 . April 2003
  • 3. Table. Group Descriptionsa TKA Group Comparison Group n X SD Range n X SD Range Sex Men 32 28 Women 20 24 Age (y) 64.9b 7.72 49–78 72.2 5.34 64–85 2 b BMI (kg/m ) 29.2 3.62 21.9–37.1 25.2 3.80 19.9–35.9 Involved CAR 0.742b,c 0.168 0.342–1.00 NA Uninvolved CAR 0.927 0.065 0.76–1.00 0.943 0.053 0.73–1.00 Involved normalized MVIC (N/BMI) 8.80b,c 4.85 2.97–24.3 NA Uninvolved normalized MVIC (N/BMI) 24.14 8.02 11.9–42.9 24.15 6.01 9.04–41.1 a TKA total knee arthroplasty, BMI body mass index, CAR central activation ratio (maximal volitional force/maximal force during burst of stimulation), MVIC maximal voluntary isometric contraction, N newtons, NA not applicable. b Significant difference between the TKA group and the comparison group as analyzed with an independent t test (P .05). c Significant difference between the involved and uninvolved lower extremities in the TKA group as analyzed with a paired t test (P .05). Method Muscle Force and Voluntary Activation Measurement All subjects participated in a measurement session of a Subjects maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) of the Two groups of subjects were studied: older adults with- quadriceps femoris muscle with a burst superimposition out knee pathology (comparison group) and patients technique. They were seated in an electromechanical who had undergone a primary TKA 3 to 4 weeks prior to dynamometer (Kin-Com 500 H).* The TKA group sat the measurement session (Table). The comparison with the hip flexed to 90 degrees and the knee flexed to group comprised 52 volunteers (mean age 72.2 years, 75 degrees, and the comparison group sat with the hip SD 5.34, range 64 – 85) recruited from local senior and knee flexed to 90 degrees. The arthroplasty group centers and exercise facilities in the Wilmington, Del, was tested at 75 degrees instead of 90 degrees because we area. All subjects in the comparison group participated anticipated that a relatively large number of subjects in a regular exercise program that included at least 30 either would be unable to achieve 90 degrees of flexion minutes of regular cardiovascular exercise (such as at 3 to 4 weeks after surgery or would be unable to walking, cycling, swimming, or tennis) 3 times per week. achieve that range without pain. The TKA group comprised 52 patients (mean age 64.9 years, SD 7.72, range 49 –78) with a diagnosis of osteo- The axis of the dynamometer was positioned at the axis arthritis who had undergone a tricompartmental, of rotation of the knee joint, and the distal edge of the cemented TKA. shin attachment was placed 2 in (5.08 cm) proximal to the lateral malleolus of the test leg. A waist and a trunk Patients were recruited from a consortium of orthopedic strap were used for stabilization. Two self-adhesive elec- surgeons from the Wilmington, Del, area who a per- trodes (7.6 cm 12.7 cm)† were placed over the formed tricompartmental, cemented TKA with a medial quadriceps femoris muscle at the motor point of the parapatellar surgical approach. Potential subjects for the vastus medialis and proximal rectus femoris muscles TKA group were excluded if they had a body mass index (Fig. 1). Subjects performed 2 submaximal contractions (BMI weight [in kilograms]/[height (in meters)]2) and 1 MVIC lasting 2 to 3 seconds each in order to warm greater than 40 (morbidly obese) or if they had evidence up the muscle and to familiarize the patient with the of: (1) musculoskeletal impairments, other than the testing procedure. TKA, that limited function in the lower extremity to be tested; (2) uncontrolled blood pressure; (3) diabetes After 5 minutes of rest, subjects were instructed to mellitus, because even subtle peripheral neuropathy maximally contract the quadriceps femoris muscle for affects conduction of the electrical stimulation; (4) neo- approximately 4 seconds. Verbal encouragement and plasms; or (5) neurological disorders. All subjects gave visual output of their force were used to motivate the written informed consent. * Chattecx Corp, 6431 Pythian Rd, Harrison, TN 37341-3902. † CONMED Corp, 310 Broad St, Utica, NY 13501. Physical Therapy . Volume 83 . Number 4 . April 2003 Mizner et al . 361
  • 4. If maximal voluntary force output was achieved and no augmentation of force was observed due to the stimula- tion (ie, there was already optimal recruitment), then the testing session was concluded for that limb. If augmentation was present during the application of the electrical stimulus, the test was repeated. Five minutes of rest was provided between contractions in an effort to minimize muscular or neuromuscular fatigue. A maxi- mum of 3 trials was recorded. The highest volitional force achieved during the 3 attempts was used for analysis. A weight correction was performed automati- cally by the computer program by adding the baseline force while the patient was relaxed to the force measure- ment. Burst superimposition testing was performed on the uninvolved limbs of the TKA group and then on the operated limb. Only the right lower extremity was tested in the comparison group. The burst superimposition technique has been shown to be highly reliable in subjects without pathology (mean age 24.2 years, range 17–32), with repeated testing that demonstrated an intraclass correlation coefficient of .98.26 Pain Measurement A numeric rating scale was used to quantify knee pain during burst superimposition testing. Subjects with TKA were asked to verbally rate the pain in and around the knee during the burst superimposition test on a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 represented no pain and 10 represented the worst pain imaginable. Subjects were asked to rate only knee pain and not the discomfort in the thigh associated with the level of electrical stimula- tion during test. The knee pain rating given during the attempt that produced the greatest force was used for analysis. Numeric rating scales are easy to administer and have exhibited a Pearson product moment correlation of greater than .94 in within day test-retest collections in people with arthritis.27 Data Management and Analysis Figure 1. Two measures of knee extension force production were Electrode placement for burst superimposition testing. used for analysis: peak volitional force normalized to BMI and a quadriceps index (QI). Peak volitional force was normalized to allow for comparison with the unin- subjects to produce an MVIC. Approximately 3 seconds jured group. The QI was determined by dividing the into the contraction, the stimulator (Grass S8800 stimu- MVIC of the involved quadriceps femoris muscle by the lator with a Grass model SIU8T stimulus isolation unit‡) MVIC of the contralateral, uninvolved quadriceps femo- delivered a supramaximal electrical stimulus of ris muscle. monophasic rectangular waves at a rate of 100 pulses per second for 100 milliseconds at 135 V. The knee exten- The extent of failure of volitional activity of the quadri- sion force was measured and recorded using custom- ceps femoris muscle during the testing was quantified written software (Labview 4.0.1 and 5.0)§ with a 200-Hz using the central activity ratio (CAR) described by sampling rate. Kent-Braun and Le Blanc.28 The CAR was calculated by dividing the maximal volitional force by the maximal force produced by the combination of volitional effort and a superimposed burst (Fig. 2). A CAR of 1 indicates ‡ Grass Instruments, 570 Liberty St, Braintree, MA 02184. complete activation of the muscle with no augmentation § National Instruments, 6504 Bridge Point Pkwy, Austin, TX 78730. 362 . Mizner et al Physical Therapy . Volume 83 . Number 4 . April 2003
  • 5. Figure 2. Example of a force trace recorded during a burst superimposition test of the quadriceps femoris muscle. The central activation ratio (CAR) for this test is 0.76 (maximal volitional force [135 N]/maximal force during burst of stimulation [178 N]). TKA total knee arthroplasty, Figure 3. MVIC maximal voluntary isometric contraction. Graphic representation of the linear relationship between the age of subjects with total knee arthroplasty and the amount of volitional activation of their involved quadriceps femoris muscle 3 to 4 weeks after surgery. of the maximal volitional force observed during the burst of electrical stimulation. Differences in force production, volitional activation, age, and BMI between groups were analyzed using independent t tests. Differences in force production and volitional activation between involved and uninvolved lower extremities in the TKA group were analyzed with paired t tests. The effects of age, QI, and knee pain during burst superimposition testing of TKA group were analyzed using regression analysis. A probability level of less than .05 was considered significant for all tests. Results The TKA group was younger and had a greater BMI than the comparison group (Table). Quadriceps femoris force production and volitional activation in the involved lower extremity were lower in the TKA group Figure 4. than in the comparison group (Table). The TKA group Relationship between volitional activation and knee pain during burst displayed a deficit in the average, normalized voluntary superimposition testing. NRS numeric rating scale. force of 64% compared with the comparison group’s average, normalized voluntary force (Table). There was no difference between the normalized voluntary force or who had knee pain during testing had greater failure of the CAR of the uninvolved quadriceps femoris muscle of volitional activation than those without knee pain the TKA group and the quadriceps femoris muscle of the (Fig. 5). Volitional activation of the TKA group comparison group. The average CAR for the TKA group explained a large portion of the variance in their QI with was 0.742 (26% volitional activation deficit) as compared a curvilinear model of regression (r 2 .65) (Fig. 6). with the comparison group’s 0.943 (6% volitional acti- vation deficit). Discussion The hypotheses that patients after TKA would produce Linear regression analysis indicated that age of the TKA less force and exhibit greater failure of volitional activa- group did not explain the variance in the CAR variable tion of the quadriceps femoris compared with a compar- (Fig. 3). The knee pain of the TKA group during burst ison group were supported by the data. Although the superimposition testing showed a small relationship to TKA group had more men, had a greater average BMI, CAR (r 2 .17) (Fig. 4). Only half (26 of 52) of the was younger, and was tested at a knee angle closer to the subjects with TKA reported knee pain during burst angle of greatest mechanical advantage for the quadri- superimposition testing. The subjects in the TKA group ceps femoris muscle than the comparison group, there Physical Therapy . Volume 83 . Number 4 . April 2003 Mizner et al . 363
  • 6. riceps femoris muscle contraction should take into con- sideration that these patients are more likely to have muscle inhibition. Simply eliminating pain will not pro- vide the panacea for eliminating knee extension inhibition. The subjects’ age did not provide additional information for identifying those subjects with volitional activity deficits. Researchers12,21 have identified small age- related deficits in volitional activation of the quadriceps femoris muscle in older adults. In our study, any age- related deficits in volitional activation were likely negli- gible in the presence of the large activation failure we observed. Younger patients will likely undergo TKA as the durabil- Figure 5. ity of prostheses continues to improve. Current pros- Comparison of volitional activation of knees of subjects with a total knee arthroplasty grouped by those with or without pain during burst super- thetic devices have a revision rate of less than 10% up to imposition testing. MVIC maximal voluntary isometric contraction. 20 years following surgery. Knee replacement in younger patients is also supported by previous studies that showed that patients with greater function, as measured by self-assessment questionnaire, prior to surgery achieved the greatest functional status following sur- gery.3 The results of our study show that even a relatively young patient (ie, 50 –55 years of age) who has had a TKA is not immune from exhibiting extensive failure of volitional activation with a related decrease in quadri- ceps femoris muscle force following surgery. Chronic, weak knee extensor muscles may make longer functional life of a total knee prosthesis impossible. Failure of volitional activation may play an important role in the cause of the persistent decreased quadriceps femoris muscle production in patients following TKA. Volitional activation deficits of the quadriceps femoris muscle found in studies of patellofemoral dysfunction and knee osteoarthritis have been shown to relate to decreased quadriceps femoris muscle produc- tion.15,17,19,22 Manal and Snyder-Mackler19 showed that patients with volitional activity deficits with patellar Figure 6. contusions had more than twice the percentage of Exponential regression analysis showing the model of quadriceps index decreased quadriceps femoris muscle force than those (side-to-side muscle force comparison) accounting for the variance in central activation ratio. without reflex inhibition. The average failure of activa- tion of the patients with reflex inhibition and patellar contusion was 14%. The average failure of activation of were profound deficits in force production and a large the TKA group in our study (26%) was considerably average failure of volitional activation. The best predic- larger. tor of quadriceps femoris muscle force production was the CAR. This relationship emphasizes that subjects who Our data illustrate that decreased quadriceps femoris manifested the greatest decrease in muscle force follow- muscle performance is present 1 month after TKA. ing surgery also displayed the greatest inhibition. Muscle force measurements are not often a part of the assessment of outcomes, whereas reduction in pain Knee pain appears to contribute a small amount to the following surgery is often enough to lead to claims of failure of voluntary activation, and we believe this is a excellent surgical success.5 We believe the strong rela- relevant clinical finding to consider in developing reha- tionship between quadriceps femoris muscle force pro- bilitation protocols. We believe that efforts to increase duction and performance during stair climbing, gait, muscle force production in patients with painful quad- 364 . Mizner et al Physical Therapy . Volume 83 . Number 4 . April 2003
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