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The Journal of Arthroplasty Vol. 23 No. 8 2008

  Does a Standard Outpatient Physiotherapy Regime
  Improve the Range of Knee Motion After Primary
              Total Knee Arthroplasty?

Brian James Mockford, MPhil, FRCS (Orth), Neville W. Thompson, MPhil, FRCS (Orth),
            Patricia Humphreys, BSc (Hons), and David E. Beverland, MD

                    Abstract: The aim of this study was to investigate whether a standard course of
                    outpatient physiotherapy improves the range of knee motion after primary total
                    knee arthroplasty. One hundred and fifty patients were randomly assigned into one
                    of 2 groups. One group received outpatient physiotherapy for 6 weeks (group A).
                    Another received no outpatient physiotherapy (group B). Range of knee motion
                    was measured preoperatively and at 1-year review. Validated knee scores and an
                    SF-12 health questionnaire were also recorded. Although patients in group A
                    achieved a greater range of knee motion than those in group B, this was not
                    statistically significant. No difference either was noted in any of the outcome
                    measures used. In conclusion, outpatient physiotherapy does not improve the range
                    of knee motion after primary total knee arthroplasty. Key words: total knee
                    arthroplasty, physiotherapy.
                    © 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

In recent years, increasingly better functional results                    nique, and rehabilitation have been studied to
and greater patient satisfaction are being noted in                        determine their influence on postoperative knee
patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty (TKA).                         flexion. Many are retrospective and include data
Range of motion remains a rather unpredictable                             from a number of different surgeons, surgical
entity with postoperative range of motion not                              techniques, and prostheses [7].
always meeting patient demands. After the prime                               Most clinical studies have a final range of motion
goal of reducing pain, range of motion is probably                         that averages between 100° and 110° of flexion
seen as the next most important outcome measure                            which is adequate for most activities of daily living
after TKA and has therefore been the subject of a                          [8-13]; however, many patients undergoing TKA
number of studies [1-6].                                                   are, however, becoming increasingly active and
   Variables including age, sex, primary diagnosis,                        expect to achieve a greater degree of movement.
preoperative motion, implant design, surgical tech-                        The aim of this study was to determine whether a
                                                                           standard course of postoperative outpatient phy-
                                                                           siotherapy improved the range of knee motion 1
                                                                           year after primary TKA.
   From the Musgrave Park Hospital, United Kingdom.
   Submitted March 8, 2006; accepted August 25, 2007.
   Benefits or support was received from the Belfast Arthroplasty
Research Trust.
   Reprint requests: Brian James Mockford, MPhil, FRCS (Orth),                         Materials and Methods
45 Waringfield Avenue, Moira, Co. Armagh, BT67 0FA Northern
Ireland, UK.                                                                 All patients attending for primary TKA under the
   © 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
   0883-5403/08/2308-0003$34.00/0                                          care of one surgeon were targeted for entry into this
   doi:10.1016/j.arth.2007.08.023                                          prospective study. All patients underwent TKA

Standard Outpatient Physiotherapy Regime  Mockford et al    1111

  Table 1. Preoperative Patient Characteristics in              the Oxford Knee Score (OKS) [14], Bartlett patellar
                   Each Group                                   score (BPS) [15], and the Short-Form (SF-12)
                                     Group A        Group B     general health questionnaire were completed.
                                     (n = 71)       (n = 72)    Range of motion was measured using a goniometer.
Age, y (mean)                          69.4           70.9
                                                                   As soon as possible after surgery, general medical
Sex (women)                            46             42        health permitting, all patients were mobilized fully
Diagnosis                                                       weight bearing with the use of either a walking
 Osteoarthritis                        66             71
 Rheumatoid arthritis                   5              1
                                                                frame or crutches. Inpatient physiotherapy com-
OKS                                    49             48        menced on day 1 and continued daily until
BPS                                    10.3           10.6      discharge. On days 1 and 2, the inpatient program
SF-12 PCS                              27.3           28
SF-12 MCS                              47             46.6
                                                                consisted of ankle exercises, static quadriceps and
Postoperative length of stay            4.2            4.4      hamstring exercises, straight leg raising and knee
                                                                flexion exercises, and walking practice. From day 3
  PCS indicates physical component summary; MCS, mental         until discharge, the physiotherapy was carried out in
component summary.                                              the gym and consisted of heel slides, quadriceps bar
                                                                and hamstring pulley exercises, gait reeducation,
using the LCS rotating platform prosthesis (DePuy,              and stair practice. Continuous passive motion was
Leeds, UK). The local ethics committee granted                  not used. All patients were given a home exercise
ethical approval.                                               regime to follow on discharge. A letter was also sent
   One hundred and fifty patients undergoing                    to the patient's general practitioner on day of
primary TKA were recruited. Subjects were ran-                  discharge requesting them not to organize out-
domized using a computer-generated randomiza-                   patient physiotherapy.
tion program into 2 groups. Both the surgeon and
inpatient physiotherapy team were blinded to the                Statistical Analysis
study grouping. To detect a clinically significant
                                                                  Analysis was carried out on an intention-to-treat
difference of 10° (estimating a within-group SD of
                                                                basis. No adjustment needed to be made for any
16° at 90% power and at a 5% significance level),
                                                                baseline differences. Statistical analysis was per-
a sample size of 54 patients in each arm of the
                                                                formed using the independent samples T test and
study was required. Recruitment of patients took
                                                                the 1-sample T test using the SPSS version 11
place on the day of admission to hospital.
                                                                software package (SPSS, Inc, Chicago, Ill).
Sufficient numbers were entered into the trial to
allow for dropouts.
   Seven patients were lost to follow-up or died and                                   Results
therefore excluded from the study. This left 71
patients in group A and 72 in group B. Group A                    The baseline characteristics of the 2 groups were
received a standard outpatient physiotherapy                    similar (Table 1). No significant differences were
regime, whereas group B did not. Measurements                   noted between the 2 groups.
of knee range of motion were taken preoperatively,                The mean number of outpatient physiotherapy
at 3-month and 1-year reviews after surgery, and                sessions attended in group A was 7.3 (range, 0-9).

         Table 2. Measurements of Knee Motion and Analysis of Mean Differences of Each Parameter

Parameter                      Group            Preoperative          1y               Mean difference         P value
Active extension                 A                  3.7°               1.5°                2.2°                  .98
                                 B                  3.5°               1.3°                2.2°
Passive extension                A                  3.6°               1.3°                2.3°                  .78
                                 B                  3.3°               1.2°                2.1°
Active flexion                   A                 97.8°             107.9°               10.1°                  .18
                                 B                100.4°             106.6°                6.2°
Passive flexion                  A                101.9°             109.9°               8°                     .48
                                 B                103.5°             109.3°                5.8°
Active ROM                       A                94°                106.3°               12.3°                  .23
                                 B                 96.8°             105.2°                8.4°
Passive ROM                      A                 98.3°             108.6°               10.3°                  .48
                                 B                100.2°             108.1°                7.9°

  ROM indicates range of motion.
1112 The Journal of Arthroplasty Vol. 23 No. 8 December 2008

         Table 3. Validated Outcome Scores                               Table 5. Walking Distance Before and
           (Mean Differences) Before and                                     After Surgery in Each Group
            After Surgery in Each Group
                                                                                      Group A               Group B
                     Group A         Group B           P value                  Preoperative    1y     Preoperative   1y
OKS                    23                 23.5              .77   Unlimited          1          28          1         30
BPS                    15.7               14.4              .22   N1000 m            3          20          2         20
SF-12 PCS              11.7               11                .67   500-1000 m         8          15         12          9
SF-12 MCS               3.3                3.4              .97   b500 m            53           6         52         10
                                                                  Housebound         6           2          5          3

Forty-three patients attended for all 9 planned
sessions. One patient in group B attended                         potential for this, it is necessary to evaluate common
physiotherapy, requested by his GP. He received                   factors that may influence the amount of knee
9 sessions.                                                       motion achieved after TKA. Postoperative rehabili-
   The mean absolute values for each range of                     tation, of which physiotherapy plays a large part, is
motion parameter are outlined in Table 2. The                     considered an important factor.
difference between the 2 means was then calculated                   The range of motion at 1 year is felt to be an
and compared. No significant differences were noted               appropriate end point with no improvement in the
between the 2 groups.                                             range of knee motion thereafter [16-20].
   An improvement was also noted in all validated                    Our study concurs with those authors who
outcome measures as expected. No significant differ-              suggest that the most important factor in influencing
ences were noted between the 2 groups (Table 3).                  the range of motion after TKA is the preoperative
   One-way analysis of variance revealed no statis-               value [7,16,21,22]. Regarded by most as the most
tical difference in any of the parameters between                 important parameter, active flexion was not sig-
that preoperatively and at 1 year in groups receiving             nificantly improved by 1 year after a course of
no outpatient physiotherapy, 1 to 8 sessions, or all 9            outpatient physiotherapy.
sessions of physiotherapy.                                           It was, however, noted that in group A the
   There was no difference noted between the 2                    range of motion was improved at 3 months
groups in the type of walking aid used (Table 4) or               compared to the nonphysiotherapy group B but
walking distance attained at 1 year (Table 5).                    not significantly. Like other physiotherapy mod-
   Four complications were noted in each group. In                alities such as continuous passive motion [23,24]
group A, 1 proximal deep vein thrombosis, 1                       and muscle strengthening exercises [25], we
pulmonary embolism, 1 supracondylar fracture, and                 could conclude that physiotherapy allows a faster
1 superficial wound infection were seen, and in group             return to a functional range of motion but
B 1 proximal deep vein thrombosis, 1 superficial                  ultimately no benefit at 1 year or beyond.
wound infection, 1 deep infection, and 1 hematoma                 Furthermore, when considering the individual
requiring drainage. None were directly attributable to            groups, patients tended to migrate toward a
the outpatient physiotherapy intervention.                        middle range, that is, those with poor preopera-
                                                                  tive active flexion gained flexion after TKA
                                                                  whereas those with good preoperative active
                       Discussion                                 flexion lost flexion. Contrary to other studies
                                                                  [1,3,4,16,17,25,26], we found an overall improve-
 The restoration of a functional range of knee                    ment in extension and flexion, active and passive,
motion is important in TKA. To maximize the                       compared to that preoperatively in both groups.
                                                                  The physiotherapy group had a mean improve-
                                                                  ment of 3.9° over the no-physiotherapy group.
Table 4. Walking Aid Use Before and After Surgery                 This was not statistically different and did not
                  in Each Group                                   elevate the number of patients into a higher
                                                                  functional range of motion. Kettlekamp et al [27]
                          Group A                Group B          felt 93° of active flexion was necessary for
                      Preoperative   1y      Preoperative    1y   everyday function. Six patients (13%) in group
No support                    30     54           33         51   A and 9 patients (12%) in group B did not
1 stick                       37     15           33         18   achieve this goal postoperatively.
2 sticks                       1      0            2          1
Crutches or walker             3      2            4          2      The ability to passively flex the limb to beyond 93°
                                                                  is advantageous, and if 105° is manageable then
Standard Outpatient Physiotherapy Regime  Mockford et al           1113

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Does a standard outpatient physiotherapy regime improve the range of knee motion after primary knee arthroplasty

  • 1. The Journal of Arthroplasty Vol. 23 No. 8 2008 Does a Standard Outpatient Physiotherapy Regime Improve the Range of Knee Motion After Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty? Brian James Mockford, MPhil, FRCS (Orth), Neville W. Thompson, MPhil, FRCS (Orth), Patricia Humphreys, BSc (Hons), and David E. Beverland, MD Abstract: The aim of this study was to investigate whether a standard course of outpatient physiotherapy improves the range of knee motion after primary total knee arthroplasty. One hundred and fifty patients were randomly assigned into one of 2 groups. One group received outpatient physiotherapy for 6 weeks (group A). Another received no outpatient physiotherapy (group B). Range of knee motion was measured preoperatively and at 1-year review. Validated knee scores and an SF-12 health questionnaire were also recorded. Although patients in group A achieved a greater range of knee motion than those in group B, this was not statistically significant. No difference either was noted in any of the outcome measures used. In conclusion, outpatient physiotherapy does not improve the range of knee motion after primary total knee arthroplasty. Key words: total knee arthroplasty, physiotherapy. © 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. In recent years, increasingly better functional results nique, and rehabilitation have been studied to and greater patient satisfaction are being noted in determine their influence on postoperative knee patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty (TKA). flexion. Many are retrospective and include data Range of motion remains a rather unpredictable from a number of different surgeons, surgical entity with postoperative range of motion not techniques, and prostheses [7]. always meeting patient demands. After the prime Most clinical studies have a final range of motion goal of reducing pain, range of motion is probably that averages between 100° and 110° of flexion seen as the next most important outcome measure which is adequate for most activities of daily living after TKA and has therefore been the subject of a [8-13]; however, many patients undergoing TKA number of studies [1-6]. are, however, becoming increasingly active and Variables including age, sex, primary diagnosis, expect to achieve a greater degree of movement. preoperative motion, implant design, surgical tech- The aim of this study was to determine whether a standard course of postoperative outpatient phy- siotherapy improved the range of knee motion 1 year after primary TKA. From the Musgrave Park Hospital, United Kingdom. Submitted March 8, 2006; accepted August 25, 2007. Benefits or support was received from the Belfast Arthroplasty Research Trust. Reprint requests: Brian James Mockford, MPhil, FRCS (Orth), Materials and Methods 45 Waringfield Avenue, Moira, Co. Armagh, BT67 0FA Northern Ireland, UK. All patients attending for primary TKA under the © 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 0883-5403/08/2308-0003$34.00/0 care of one surgeon were targeted for entry into this doi:10.1016/j.arth.2007.08.023 prospective study. All patients underwent TKA 1110
  • 2. Standard Outpatient Physiotherapy Regime Mockford et al 1111 Table 1. Preoperative Patient Characteristics in the Oxford Knee Score (OKS) [14], Bartlett patellar Each Group score (BPS) [15], and the Short-Form (SF-12) Group A Group B general health questionnaire were completed. (n = 71) (n = 72) Range of motion was measured using a goniometer. Age, y (mean) 69.4 70.9 As soon as possible after surgery, general medical Sex (women) 46 42 health permitting, all patients were mobilized fully Diagnosis weight bearing with the use of either a walking Osteoarthritis 66 71 Rheumatoid arthritis 5 1 frame or crutches. Inpatient physiotherapy com- OKS 49 48 menced on day 1 and continued daily until BPS 10.3 10.6 discharge. On days 1 and 2, the inpatient program SF-12 PCS 27.3 28 SF-12 MCS 47 46.6 consisted of ankle exercises, static quadriceps and Postoperative length of stay 4.2 4.4 hamstring exercises, straight leg raising and knee flexion exercises, and walking practice. From day 3 PCS indicates physical component summary; MCS, mental until discharge, the physiotherapy was carried out in component summary. the gym and consisted of heel slides, quadriceps bar and hamstring pulley exercises, gait reeducation, using the LCS rotating platform prosthesis (DePuy, and stair practice. Continuous passive motion was Leeds, UK). The local ethics committee granted not used. All patients were given a home exercise ethical approval. regime to follow on discharge. A letter was also sent One hundred and fifty patients undergoing to the patient's general practitioner on day of primary TKA were recruited. Subjects were ran- discharge requesting them not to organize out- domized using a computer-generated randomiza- patient physiotherapy. tion program into 2 groups. Both the surgeon and inpatient physiotherapy team were blinded to the Statistical Analysis study grouping. To detect a clinically significant Analysis was carried out on an intention-to-treat difference of 10° (estimating a within-group SD of basis. No adjustment needed to be made for any 16° at 90% power and at a 5% significance level), baseline differences. Statistical analysis was per- a sample size of 54 patients in each arm of the formed using the independent samples T test and study was required. Recruitment of patients took the 1-sample T test using the SPSS version 11 place on the day of admission to hospital. software package (SPSS, Inc, Chicago, Ill). Sufficient numbers were entered into the trial to allow for dropouts. Seven patients were lost to follow-up or died and Results therefore excluded from the study. This left 71 patients in group A and 72 in group B. Group A The baseline characteristics of the 2 groups were received a standard outpatient physiotherapy similar (Table 1). No significant differences were regime, whereas group B did not. Measurements noted between the 2 groups. of knee range of motion were taken preoperatively, The mean number of outpatient physiotherapy at 3-month and 1-year reviews after surgery, and sessions attended in group A was 7.3 (range, 0-9). Table 2. Measurements of Knee Motion and Analysis of Mean Differences of Each Parameter Parameter Group Preoperative 1y Mean difference P value Active extension A 3.7° 1.5° 2.2° .98 B 3.5° 1.3° 2.2° Passive extension A 3.6° 1.3° 2.3° .78 B 3.3° 1.2° 2.1° Active flexion A 97.8° 107.9° 10.1° .18 B 100.4° 106.6° 6.2° Passive flexion A 101.9° 109.9° 8° .48 B 103.5° 109.3° 5.8° Active ROM A 94° 106.3° 12.3° .23 B 96.8° 105.2° 8.4° Passive ROM A 98.3° 108.6° 10.3° .48 B 100.2° 108.1° 7.9° ROM indicates range of motion.
  • 3. 1112 The Journal of Arthroplasty Vol. 23 No. 8 December 2008 Table 3. Validated Outcome Scores Table 5. Walking Distance Before and (Mean Differences) Before and After Surgery in Each Group After Surgery in Each Group Group A Group B Group A Group B P value Preoperative 1y Preoperative 1y OKS 23 23.5 .77 Unlimited 1 28 1 30 BPS 15.7 14.4 .22 N1000 m 3 20 2 20 SF-12 PCS 11.7 11 .67 500-1000 m 8 15 12 9 SF-12 MCS 3.3 3.4 .97 b500 m 53 6 52 10 Housebound 6 2 5 3 Forty-three patients attended for all 9 planned sessions. One patient in group B attended potential for this, it is necessary to evaluate common physiotherapy, requested by his GP. He received factors that may influence the amount of knee 9 sessions. motion achieved after TKA. Postoperative rehabili- The mean absolute values for each range of tation, of which physiotherapy plays a large part, is motion parameter are outlined in Table 2. The considered an important factor. difference between the 2 means was then calculated The range of motion at 1 year is felt to be an and compared. No significant differences were noted appropriate end point with no improvement in the between the 2 groups. range of knee motion thereafter [16-20]. An improvement was also noted in all validated Our study concurs with those authors who outcome measures as expected. No significant differ- suggest that the most important factor in influencing ences were noted between the 2 groups (Table 3). the range of motion after TKA is the preoperative One-way analysis of variance revealed no statis- value [7,16,21,22]. Regarded by most as the most tical difference in any of the parameters between important parameter, active flexion was not sig- that preoperatively and at 1 year in groups receiving nificantly improved by 1 year after a course of no outpatient physiotherapy, 1 to 8 sessions, or all 9 outpatient physiotherapy. sessions of physiotherapy. It was, however, noted that in group A the There was no difference noted between the 2 range of motion was improved at 3 months groups in the type of walking aid used (Table 4) or compared to the nonphysiotherapy group B but walking distance attained at 1 year (Table 5). not significantly. Like other physiotherapy mod- Four complications were noted in each group. In alities such as continuous passive motion [23,24] group A, 1 proximal deep vein thrombosis, 1 and muscle strengthening exercises [25], we pulmonary embolism, 1 supracondylar fracture, and could conclude that physiotherapy allows a faster 1 superficial wound infection were seen, and in group return to a functional range of motion but B 1 proximal deep vein thrombosis, 1 superficial ultimately no benefit at 1 year or beyond. wound infection, 1 deep infection, and 1 hematoma Furthermore, when considering the individual requiring drainage. None were directly attributable to groups, patients tended to migrate toward a the outpatient physiotherapy intervention. middle range, that is, those with poor preopera- tive active flexion gained flexion after TKA whereas those with good preoperative active Discussion flexion lost flexion. Contrary to other studies [1,3,4,16,17,25,26], we found an overall improve- The restoration of a functional range of knee ment in extension and flexion, active and passive, motion is important in TKA. To maximize the compared to that preoperatively in both groups. The physiotherapy group had a mean improve- ment of 3.9° over the no-physiotherapy group. Table 4. Walking Aid Use Before and After Surgery This was not statistically different and did not in Each Group elevate the number of patients into a higher functional range of motion. Kettlekamp et al [27] Group A Group B felt 93° of active flexion was necessary for Preoperative 1y Preoperative 1y everyday function. Six patients (13%) in group No support 30 54 33 51 A and 9 patients (12%) in group B did not 1 stick 37 15 33 18 achieve this goal postoperatively. 2 sticks 1 0 2 1 Crutches or walker 3 2 4 2 The ability to passively flex the limb to beyond 93° is advantageous, and if 105° is manageable then
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