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Yulieth Erazo

Yenni Mejia

 Wound:
 (Noun): It
           is a type of injury
  in which skin is torn, cut
  or punctured

 Aversion:
 (Noun):(A person or thing
  which causes) a feeling
  of strong dislike or of
  not wishing to do
 Sharp Eye:
 (Verb): To
           pay a lot of attention to
  detail and can quickly spot
  minor details.

 Beforehand: (Adverb):
  Anticipation, earlier a
  foretime, preliminary.

 Longing:
 (Verb)Being a distance between
  two points that is more than
  average or usual, or being of a
  particular length.
 Damp   (Adj): Slightly
  wet, in a way that
  is not pleasant or
 Stenography:(Noun):
  The art or
  process of writing
  in typewriting.
 Stubbornness:(Adj):
  Unreasonably, dif
  ficult to treat .
Stain (Stān)
  STAINS: Verb:
To discolor, soil, or spot.

Nonetheless (nŭn'thə-lĕs'):
 Adv: Nevertheless;

 v., grabbed, grab·bing, grabs
 : v. tr: To take or grasp
 suddenly: grabbed the letter
 from me.
Armpit (ärm'pĭt‘):
 The hollow under the upper part of
  the arm at the shoulder.
 Slang. The most miserable or
  undesirable place in a particular

Overjoyed: Adjective:
Feeling great delight and joy:
  elate, elated, elevated. Slang up.

Fetched, fetch·ing, fetch·es.
 To come or go after and take or
  bring back: The puppy fetched the
  stick that we had tossed.
Pop up
 tr.v., propped, prop·ping, props
 To appear, like windows and boxes
  opening on a computer screen.
 The dialogue box POPPED UP
  when I pressed Enter.

Sewing (sō'ĭng) Noun:
 The act, occupation, or
  hobby of one who sews.
 The article on which one is
  working with needle and
  thread; needlework
Household (hous'hōld') Noun:
A domestic unit consisting of
 the members of a family who
 live together along with
 nonrelatives such as servants.

Flapping (′flap·iŋ): (Metallurgy)
  Striking through the surface
  of molten copper to hasten
  oxidation by increasing the
  exposure to air.

Acquaintances (əkwān'təns):
 Noun: Knowledge of a person
 acquired by a relationship less
 intimate than friendship.
Carry out : Perform a task.
The government is carrying out test
 on growing genetically modified

Undergarment (ŭn'dər-gär'mənt):
 Noun: A garment worn under
 outer garments, especially one
 worn next to the skin.

Escorted (ĕs'kôrt'): Noun: One or
 more persons accompanying
 another to guide, protect, or show
Take over: To assume
 control of a
 company or
The bank was
 Hong Kong bank
 that needed to buy
 a bank to get into
 the British market.
 Scamper /ˈskampə(r)/ˈVerb: To run
  with quick light steps, especially
  through fear or excitement.
 Ex: So terrified by the extraordinary
  ebbing of the sea that they scurried to
  higher ground.

 Gormless /ˈ    əs/ˈ
             ɡɔˈml   Adjective: Lacking
  sense or initiative. Lacking intelligence
  or common sense.
 EX: Fire off your best
  shots at gormless ghosts and put a halt
  to the hauntings.

 Chambermaid /ˈtʃeɪmbəmeɪd/ˈNoun:
  A woman who cleans bedrooms and
  bathrooms in a hotel.
 Ex: Chambermaids, who because of
  their work, each day make numerous
  beds and perform bending movements
  involving stress.
 Fleeting /ˈfliˈtŋ/ˈ
                 ɪ   Adjective: Lasting for
 a very short time. Rapid and transient
   Ex: Values are not fleeting.
   A fleeting glimpse of the sea.

 Unapproachable /ʌnəˈprʊtʃəbl/ˈ
  Adjective: Not welcoming or friendly.
 (Of a place) Remote and inaccessible.
 Ex: You are incomprehensible and

 Sheer: Noun: A sudden deviation from a
  course. To deviate or cause to deviate
  from a course.
 Ex: For them, adaptation is a
  matter of sheer survival.
 Wretched /ˈretʃɪd/ˈAdjective: A very
  unhappy or unfortunate state; miserable.
  Used to express anger or annoyance.
 Ex: She disliked the wretched man

 Larder /ˈlɑˈd
              ə(r)/ˈNoun: A room or large
  cupboard for storing food.
 Ex: In the larder, there was a lot of sugar.

 Deserve/dɪˈzˈvˈ
             ɜ / Verb: To do something
  or show qualities worthy of (a reward or
  punishment as appropriate).
 Ex: Tranquility, that is what they would
  want and what they deserve.
 Account /əˈkant/ˈ
              ʊ    Noun: A
  description of an event or
 A service through a bank or similar
  organization by which funds are held
  on behalf of a client or goods or
  services are supplied on credit.
 A contract to do work for a client.
 Ex: Charlie did a great account for
  his class.

 Kick: Verb: To strike or propel
  forcibly with the foot.
 Strike out with the foot or feet.
 Ex: The kicker may change the
  type of kick.
 Whisk /wɪsk/ˈVerb: To move or take
  suddenly, quickly, and lightly.
 Ex: Whisk together the lemon juice
  and spices.

 Tangle: Verb: To twist together into a
    confused mass.
   (Tangle with): Become involved in a
    conflict with.
   Noun: A confused mass of something
    twisted together. A confused or
    complicated state.
   A fight or argument.
   Ex: A tangle of regulation are some
    of the challenges that need to be
 Dust /dʌst/ˈNoun: Fine, dry powder
  consisting of tiny particles of earth or waste
 Ex: A machine is used at the site to prevent
  the generation of waste and dust.

 Filthy /ˈfɪlθi/ˈAdjective: Disgustingly dirty,
  very disagreeable, very unpleasant.
 Ex: Not painted in more than a decade, the
  walls were filthy.

 Keep watch /wɒtʃ/ˈVerb: To look at
  attentively. To keep under careful or
  protective observation.
 (Watch for): Look out for.
 Exercise care, caution, or restraint about.
  (Watch out): Be careful.
 Ex: To make sure their children are safe,
  some parents have decided to keep
  watch inside the school.
 Bucket /ˈbʌkɪt/ˈNoun: A cylindrical
  open container with a handle, used to
  carry liquids. Large quantities of liquid.
 Ex: The only problem is that it does not
  even possess buckets with which to draw

 Embitter /ɪmˈb
               ɪtə(r)/ˈVerb: To make
  bitter or resentful.
 Ex: Theories serve only as occasions for
  worry and to embitter our life.

 Delay /dɪˈle/ˈ Verb: To become or
             ɪ :
  cause to become late or slow. To
  postpone or defer.
 Ex: This work should be carried out
  without delay.
 Entreaty /ɪnˈtriˈti Noun: An earnest or
  humble request.
 Ex: I have further entreaties to make of you

 Heap /hiˈpˈ
           / Noun: A mound or pile of a
  substance. An untidy collection of objects
  piled up haphazardly.
 Ex: Always we tried to struggle to the top
  of the heap, or to hide underneath it.

 Shake /ʃeɪk/ˈVerb: To tremble or vibrate or
  cause to do so. To tremble uncontrollably
  with strong emotion.
 To move forcefully or quickly up and down
  or to and fro. To remove from something by
 Shock or astonish. Shock (someone) into a
  change of mood or attitude.
 Ex: Shake the mixture for one minute.
 Fist /fɪst/ˈNoun: A person's hand when the
  fingers are bent in towards the palm and
  held there tightly.
 Ex: He responded with the mailed fist.

 Pound: Verb: To strike or hit heavily and
    repeatedly. To beat or throb with a strong
    regular rhythm.
   To walk or run with heavy steps.
   (Pound something out): To produce a
    document or piece of music with heavy
    strokes on a keyboard or instrument.
   To crush or grind into a powder or paste.
   To defeat resoundingly.
   Ex: When they pounded at the door, Isak
    ran to the backyard to hide but was seized.
* Hiss /hɪs/ˈVerb: To make a sharp sibilant sound
 as of the letter s, often as a sign of disapproval
 or derision. To whisper something in an urgent or
 angry way.
* Ex: Chopping noise or hissing in the background
 is an acoustic indication of frequencies

* Shut /ʃʌt/ˈVerb: To move or cause to move
 into position to block an opening. To block
 an opening into (something) by moving a lid or
 similar part.
*(Shut someone/thing in/out): To confine or
 exclude by closing something such as a door.
*Ex: We cannot simply attempt to shut
 out all those who try to get here.
* Sparing /ˈspeərɪŋ/ˈ Adjective: Moderate; economical.
* Ex: I am very sparing with my words of thanks, which
 makes them all the more significant.

* Widow /ˈwɪdəʊ/ˈNoun: A woman who has lost her
  husband by death and has not married again.
* Ex: If the widow resists, she may be cast out by the

* Neglect /nɪˈɡlekt/ˈVerb: To fail to give proper care or
  attention to. To fail to do something.
* Ex: A neglect of cleanliness will induce disease.

* Behalf /bɪˈh /ˈNoun: Behalf of or on someone's
  behalf. In the interests of a person, group, or principle.
* As a representative of.
* Account, advantage, benefit, good, interest, part, profi
  t, sake, side, support
* Ex: Respect, speaking on my group's behalf, is what I
  really would urge you to provide.
*Chanced:    (Verb): To take
 the risk or hazard.

*Lodger: (Noun): A person
 who pays rent in return
 for accommodation in
 someone else's house.

*Solemn: (Adjective):
 Characterized or marked
 by seriousness or sincerity.
*Crack: (Noun): A very
 narrow space between
 parts of something.

*Shoddy: (Adj): Of
 poor quality; trashy.

*Ashes: ( Noun): The
 earthy or mineral
 particles of
 substances remaining
 after combustion, as
 of wood or coal.
*Flung: ( Verb):
To throw, cast, or hurl wit
h force or violence
*Junk: (Noun): Old
iron, glass, paper, or other
waste that may be used
again in some form.
*Creep: Verb: To move
slowly; in the case of people
or animals with the body
near the ground.
*Wretched: (Adjetive):
afflicted, dejected, or
distressed in body or

*Ajar ( Adjetive):
Partially opened.

To open
something that was
*Forks: ( Noun): A
 utensil with two or
 more prongs, used for
 eating or serving food.
*Bent: (Verb): To
 assume a
 curved, crooked, or
 angular form or
*Odd: (Noun):
 Different from
 what is usual or comm
 on; unusual; singular;
 peculiar; unique; stran
Toothless: Adjective:
Having no
 teeth, typically through
 old age: a toothless old
Lacking genuine force
 or effectiveness: laws
 that are well
 intentioned but

Jawbone: Noun
A bone of the
jaw, especially that of
the lower jaw (the
mandible), or either half
of this.
Sorrowfully: (Adverb):
Feeling or showing grief.
She looked at him with
sorrowful eyes.
Causing grief:
The sorrowful news of his
father’s death.

Stuff: ( Noun): Matter ,
material, articles, or
activities of a specified or
indeterminate kind that are
being referred to,
indicated, or implied.
A pickup truck picked the
stuff up a girl who’s good
at the technical stuff.
Tiptoe: (Verb) (tiptoes, toeing, tiptoed):
[no object ] Walk quietly and carefully
 with one’s heels raised and one’s weight
 on the balls of the feet.
Liz tiptoed out of the room.

Stuck: Past and past participle of   STICK:
To caught or fixed; "stuck in the mud“.
A thin piece of wood that has fallen or
 been cut from a tree.
Push a sharp or pointed object into or
 through (something).
Slightest: Slight: Adjective:
1. Small in quantity or extent.
2. Of small importance; trifling.
3. Slim and delicate.
4. Lacking in strength or substance.
1. To show indifference or disregard for
 (someone); snub.
2. To treat as unimportant or trifling.
3. To devote inadequate attention to
 (work, duties, etc.).
1. An act or omission indicating
supercilious neglect or indifference.
Carted: Noun: A small wheeled
 vehicle typically pushed by hand: a
 shopping cart; a pastry cart.
A two-wheeled vehicle drawn by an
 animal and used in farm work and
 for transporting goods.
The quantity that a cart can hold.
An open two-wheeled carriage.
A light motorized vehicle: a golf
Verb: Cart·ed, cart·ing, carts.
To convey in a cart or truck: cart
 away garbage.
To convey laboriously or
 unceremoniously; lug: carted the
 whole gang off to jail.
Threads: Noun: Long, thin
 strand of cotton, nylon, or
 other fibers used in sewing
 or weaving.
Cotton, nylon, or other
 fibers spun into long, thin
 strands and used for
(Threads): Informal clothes.

Scour: Verb: To clean or
 brighten the surface of
 (something) by rubbing it
 hard, typically with an
 abrasive or detergent.
To a thorough search in
 order to locate something.
Spotless: Adjective: Absolutely
 clean or pure, immaculate: a
 spotless white apron.

(Of wind): Move creating an air
A powerful stroke with a
 hand, weapon, or hard object.

Gaze: Verb: To look steadily and
 intently, especially in
 admiration, surprise, or thought:
 he could only gaze at her in
Creep: Verb: Past and past
 participle Crept:
To move slowly and
 carefully, especially in order to
 avoid being heard or noticed: he
 crept downstairs, hardly making
 any noise.

Seized: To take hold of suddenly
  and forcibly
* To grasp suddenly and forcibly;
  take or grab: seize a sword.
* a. To grasp with the mind;
  apprehend: seize an idea and
 develop it to the fullest extent.
* b. To possess oneself of
 (something): seize an
Wander: v.intr.
To move about without a definite
 destination or purpose.
To lose clarity or coherence of
 thought or expression: wander the
 forests and fields.
STIFF: /stɪf/                  GLIMPSE:
▶adjective                      n.  1. A brief, incomplete
                                view or look.
not easily bent; rigid.
                               * 2. Archaic A brief flash of
not moving freely; difficult    light.
 to turn oroperate.
unable to move easily and       To look briefly; glance.
 without pain.
                                EX: glimpsed at the
▶noun (informal)                headlines.
1 a dead body.
 ▶verb (informal)
cheat (someone).
kill (someone).
 someone or something            *BOLT: n.
* Fig. to deal lightly with an   *1. A bar made of
 important person or              wood or metal that
 matter; to just barely
 mention someone or
                                  slides into a socket
 something.                       and is used to fasten
*                                 doors and gates.
* EX: I want to hear more.       *2. A metal bar or rod
 You only brushed over the        in the mechanism of
 part I was interested
 in. You only brushed over        a lock that is thrown
 the bit about your               or withdrawn by
 girlfriend. Tell us more         turning the key.
 about her
* BARRED: Adj.          * NIMBLY: Adv.
* 1.                    * In a nimble or agile
* barred - preventing    manner; with quickness
 entry or exit or a      and lightness and ease.
 course of action.      * EX : nimbly scaling an iron
*                        gate
* EX: a barricaded
* SYN: prohibited
 One who can give a firsthand   * DAWNING: n.
account of something            * dawning - the first
seen, heard, or experienced.     light of day.
witness to the accident.
                                * EX: we got up before
                                 dawn… "they talked
                                 until morning"
* SHEER: Adj.                    *
* Thin, fine, and transparent.   * v. To push rudely or
* EX: sheer curtains; sheer       roughly.
 chiffon.                        * - To push someone or
                                  something with
                                 * Phrasal Verb: shove
                                 * -Informal To leave.
* SNUFF:                * TINGE:
* 1. To inhale (something)    * - v. To apply a trace of
  audibly through the nose;    color to; tint.
* 2. To sense or examine by   *-n. a slight tint or
  smelling; sniff at.
*                             * EX: her hair had a tinge
                               of grey
* EX: don’t snuff that air
 because it is polluted.
* STAINED:                    * SQUABBLE:
* - Adj. Marked or dyed       * v. to quarrel
    or discolored with         noisily, usually about
    foreign matter.            something
*                              unimportant.
* EX: a badly stained         *
*                             * EX: The children are
                                always squabbling over
*                               the toys.
*    n. To produce or         * n. a noisy quarrel.
    receive discolorations.
To tug:
    /tʌg/ [I or T] (-gg-)


* To pull at
 vigorously or
*Ex. Tug on the
 heartstrings of
 labor voters.
*To speak
angrily or
ngly.      Snarling of anger, he left me
              and entered the cottage
              from which i had just come.

*To force, drive, or
*Example, Duty
compelled the soldiers
to volunteer for the
  Adj or noun
*An interval of
time between one
event, process, or
   period and
*To Brook
 *To put up
with; tolerate.
 *Ex. We will
   brook no
*The part of
  your body
 under your
 arm, where
the arm joins
the shoulder

 e; either
verbally or
with a cry,
 shout, or    "He uttered a
   noise.     curse".
sad, worrie
d, or angry
about         EX. Never getting upset
something.    with us, never getting

Adj. Become
filled with
le emotion
or too much
               Overwhelmed with guilt when
               I felt I had broken the rules.

*To rest
your head
* Verbal
 something, es
 pecially a
 secret, slips     I’m sorry I said
 out, you say it
 without           that – it just
 intending to.     slipped out.
*noun: a
situation in
which no
progress can
be made or
                 This month's cycle forum
no               revealed a virtual standstill for
advancemen       major cycling projects by the
t is possible.   council.

(formal) by
means of this.
Ex. I hereby
declare you
man and wife.
*To look at
someone or
in a
              Casting pale shadows
way           among the ruins of
              the village.
*To force
some of the
clear liquid
called saliva
out from
your mouth.
banged:/bæŋ/ bang·ing, bangs.
1. To strike heavily and often repeatedly; bump.
2. To close suddenly and loudly; slam.
3. To handle noisily or violently: banged the pots in
   the kitchen.
4. Vulgar Slang. To have sexual intercourse with.
1. To make a sudden loud, explosive noise.
2. To crash noisily against or into something: My
   elbow banged against the door.
1. Exactly; precisely: The arrow hit bang on the
Suddenly; abruptly: cut the conversation bang off
locked: (lŏk)
-To fasten the lock of: close and
lock a drawer.
   To shut or make secure with or as
   if with locks: locked the house.
To fix in place so that movement or
escape is impossible; hold fast: The
ship was locked in the ice through
the winter.
She felt that she had become locked
into a binding agreement.
groped: Grope:

1.To reach about uncertainly; feel
one's way: groped for the telephone.
2.To search blindly or
uncertainly: grope for an answer.
1.To make (one's way) by reaching
about un cert n.
The act or an instance of groping.
TOTTERING: (tŏt'ər)

1. Not physically steady or
   precarious, unstable, unst
   eady, wobby.
2. Lacking
   stability: insecure,precario
   us,tottery,ustable, unstead
   y,unsure, weak, wobby.

intr.v., snoozed, snooz•i
ng, snooz•es.
To take a light nap;

A brief light sleep.
Having or making
no motion.


v., -tled, -tling, -tles.

  To cause to make a quick involuntary
movement or start.
  To alarm, frighten, or surprise suddenly.
See synonyms at frighten.

To become alarmed, frightened, or

A sudden mild shock; a start.
Slight: (slīt) adj., slight·er, slight·est.
   Small in size, degree, or amount: a slight tilt; a
slight surplus.
   Lacking strength, substance, or solidity; frail: a
slight foundation; slight evidence.
   Of small importance or consideration; trifling:
slight matters.
   Small and slender in build or construction;

tr.v., slight·ed, slight·ing, slights.

   To treat as of small importance; make light of.
   To treat with discourteous reserve or
   To do negligently or thoughtlessly; scant.
NUMB: (nŭm)
adj., numb·er, numb·est.

  Deprived of the power to
feel or move normally;
benumbed: toes numb with
cold; too numb with fear to
cry out.
  Emotionally unresponsive;
indifferent: numb to yet
another appeal.

tr. &
intr.v., numbed, numb·ing, n
To make or become numb.

numbly numb'ly adv.
numbness numb'ness n.
v. Shrugged, shrug·ging, shrugs.
To raise (the shoulders), especially as a
gesture of doubt, disdain, or

To raise the shoulders, especially as a
gesture of doubt, disdain, or


  An expressive gesture of raising the
  A woman's short jacket or sweater
open down the front.
ALLEY: (ăl'ē)
n., pl., -leys.

  A narrow street or passageway
between or behind city buildings.
   A path between flower beds
or trees in a garden or park.
     A straight narrow course or
track, especially a bowling alley.
     Either of the parallel lanes
at the sides of a tennis
court, which widen the inbounds
area for doubles play.
Creep (krēp)
intr.v., crept (krĕpt), creep·ing, creeps.

  To move with the
body close to the
ground, as on hands and
     To move stealthily
or cautiously.
     To move or proceed
very slowly: Traffic
creeps at that hour.
WANDER: (wŏn'dər)
v., -dered, -der·ing, -ders.

To move about without a definite destination or
   To go by an indirect route or at no set pace;
amble: wander toward town.
   To proceed in an irregular course; meander.
   To go astray: wander from the path of
   To lose clarity or coherence of thought or
To wander across or through: wander the forests
and fields.

The act or an instance of wandering; a stroll.
NIMBLY: adv.
In a nimble manner; with
agility; with light, quick
Vicinity: (vĭ-sĭn'ĭ-tē) n., pl., -

   The state of being near in
space or relationship;
proximity: two restaurants in
close vicinity.
   A nearby, surrounding, or
adjoining region; a
   An approximate degree or
amount: houses priced in the
vicinity of $200,000.
* (mîr'lē)
 And nothing else or more; only

* I merely said that I was tired.
* These columns have no function and are
 merely decorative

 /ˈ
   lɒdʒ.ər//ˈ dʒɚ/ [C] (US ALSO roomer)
 Noun
 One that lodges, especially one who rents and
 lives in a furnished room.
 She takes in lodgers to make a bit of extra

 /strɑɪd/ Verb[I always + adv/prep] (PAST TENSE AND
 PAST PARTICIPLE strode /stroʊd/, PAST
 PARTICIPLE stridden /strɪd·ə
                             n/) (WALK)
 to walk somewhere quickly with long steps
 She strode across the room and demanded to
 speak to the manager.
  l also 
    pu̇      pəl verb
 to exert force upon
 so as to cause or tend
 to cause motion
 toward the force
 Could you help
 me move this
 bookcase over
 there? You pull
 and I’ll push
 /ræk/ noun [C] (FRAME)
 a frame, often with bars
  or hooks, for holding or
  hanging things
 Liss has her garments in
  the coat rack
 /keɪn/ noun [C/U]
 the long, hollow stems
  of particular plants such
  as bamboo
 Chair seats are often
  woven out of cane
 A cane is also a walking
  stick with a curved
  handle, used to help
  someone walk.
 /bɑʊ/ verb [I/T] (BEND)
 to bend the head or body
 forward as a way of
 respect, expressing
 thanks, or greeting
 [T] We knelt and
 bowed our heads in
 noun /ˈ      ʌst/
 a lack of
 There is still
 mistrust between
  the management
 and the
 Noun /ˈ
  / [C]
 a long vertical
  passage through a
  building around
  which a set of stairs
  is built
 Nathalia fell down
  the stairwell and
 /ˈ
   bʊtʃ·ər/ noun [C]
 a person whose job is to kill animals for meat
  or who prepares and sells meat in a store
 A butcher is also a murderer, esp. of a lot
  of people.
 one that kills ruthlessly or brutally
 A butcher killed a lot of people in Medellin
 /ˈ
   beər·ɪŋ/ noun [U] (CON
 connection to or
  influence on a result
 The fact that he was
 ordered to stand trial
 has no bearing on
 whether he’ll be found
 ba-nəs-tər noun
 a handrail with its supporting posts
 strōl
  verb., strolled, stroll·
  ing, strolls
 To go for a
  leisurely walk: stroll
  in the park.
 to walk in a slow,
  relaxed manner,
  esp. for pleasure
 We could stroll
  into town if you
 /əˈpl·ə·dʒi/ noun [C]
 an act of saying
 that you are sorry
 I have an apology to
 make to you – I
 opened your letter
 by mistake.
 /stroʊk/ verb [T] (TOUCH)
 to move your hand or an
 object gently over
 something, usually
 Asked another
 question, she stroked
 her chin and shut her
 eyes before answering.
 /sweɪ/verb
 move slowly or
  backwards and
  forwards or from side
  to side.
 The trees sway in the
 /slæm/ verb [I/T] (-
  mm-) slammed
 to move against a
  hard surface with
  force and usually a
  loud noise, or to
  cause something to
  move this way
 He slammed the door
  in my face.
 /ˈ       ʃt/
  stretched, -
  stretch·ing, -
 reaching out as
  far as possible
 He ran up to
  her, his arms
 verb /kəˈres [I or T]
 touch or stroke
 gently or lovingly.
 Gently she
 caressed her
 /ɪnˈglf/ verb [T]
 to surround and cover
 Floodwaters
 /ˈ
   dwel·ɪŋ/ noun
  [C] FML
 a place where
  people live
 The house was
 a modest one-
 story dwelling.
 /ˈblɑs·əm/ verb [I]
 (of a tree or plant) to
 produce flowers that
 develop into fruit
 The cherry tree is
 beginning to
seek sb/sth out
 phrasal verb [M]
 to look for someone or
 something, especially for a
 long time until you find
 While he was at the
 library, Steve
 decided to seek out
 some information
 on accommodation
 in the area.
The lodger from
MR.Barriga’s Lodging house
Vocabulary from the metamorphosis

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Vocabulary from the metamorphosis

  • 1. THIRD CHAPTER Vocabulary
  • 2. Yulieth Erazo Yenni Mejia Alejandra Noguera
  • 3.  Wound:  (Noun): It is a type of injury in which skin is torn, cut or punctured  Aversion:  (Noun):(A person or thing which causes) a feeling of strong dislike or of not wishing to do something
  • 4.  Sharp Eye:  (Verb): To pay a lot of attention to detail and can quickly spot minor details.  Beforehand: (Adverb): Anticipation, earlier a foretime, preliminary.  Longing:  (Verb)Being a distance between two points that is more than average or usual, or being of a particular length.
  • 5.  Damp (Adj): Slightly wet, in a way that is not pleasant or comfortable.  Stenography:(Noun): The art or process of writing in typewriting.  Stubbornness:(Adj): Unreasonably, dif ficult to treat .
  • 6. Stain (Stān) V., STAINED, STAIN·ING, STAINS: Verb: To discolor, soil, or spot. Nonetheless (nŭn'thə-lĕs'): Adv: Nevertheless; however. Grab(grăb) v., grabbed, grab·bing, grabs : v. tr: To take or grasp suddenly: grabbed the letter from me.
  • 7. Armpit (ärm'pĭt‘):  The hollow under the upper part of the arm at the shoulder.  Slang. The most miserable or undesirable place in a particular area Overjoyed: Adjective: Feeling great delight and joy: elate, elated, elevated. Slang up. Fetched, fetch·ing, fetch·es. (fĕch):  To come or go after and take or bring back: The puppy fetched the stick that we had tossed.
  • 8. Pop up tr.v., propped, prop·ping, props :  To appear, like windows and boxes opening on a computer screen.  The dialogue box POPPED UP when I pressed Enter. Sewing (sō'ĭng) Noun:  The act, occupation, or hobby of one who sews.  The article on which one is working with needle and thread; needlework
  • 9. Household (hous'hōld') Noun: A domestic unit consisting of the members of a family who live together along with nonrelatives such as servants. Flapping (′flap·iŋ): (Metallurgy) Striking through the surface of molten copper to hasten oxidation by increasing the exposure to air. Acquaintances (əkwān'təns): Noun: Knowledge of a person acquired by a relationship less intimate than friendship.
  • 10. Carry out : Perform a task. The government is carrying out test on growing genetically modified crops. Undergarment (ŭn'dər-gär'mənt): Noun: A garment worn under outer garments, especially one worn next to the skin. Escorted (ĕs'kôrt'): Noun: One or more persons accompanying another to guide, protect, or show honor.
  • 11. Take over: To assume control of a company or organization The bank was TAKEN OVER by a Hong Kong bank that needed to buy a bank to get into the British market.
  • 12.  Scamper /ˈskampə(r)/ˈVerb: To run with quick light steps, especially through fear or excitement.  Ex: So terrified by the extraordinary ebbing of the sea that they scurried to higher ground.  Gormless /ˈ əs/ˈ ɡɔˈml Adjective: Lacking sense or initiative. Lacking intelligence or common sense.  EX: Fire off your best shots at gormless ghosts and put a halt to the hauntings.  Chambermaid /ˈtʃeɪmbəmeɪd/ˈNoun: A woman who cleans bedrooms and bathrooms in a hotel.  Ex: Chambermaids, who because of their work, each day make numerous beds and perform bending movements involving stress.
  • 13.  Fleeting /ˈfliˈtŋ/ˈ ɪ Adjective: Lasting for a very short time. Rapid and transient Ex: Values are not fleeting. A fleeting glimpse of the sea.  Unapproachable /ʌnəˈprʊtʃəbl/ˈ ə Adjective: Not welcoming or friendly.  (Of a place) Remote and inaccessible.  Ex: You are incomprehensible and unapproachable.  Sheer: Noun: A sudden deviation from a course. To deviate or cause to deviate from a course.  Ex: For them, adaptation is a matter of sheer survival.
  • 14.  Wretched /ˈretʃɪd/ˈAdjective: A very unhappy or unfortunate state; miserable. Used to express anger or annoyance.  Ex: She disliked the wretched man intensely.  Larder /ˈlɑˈd ə(r)/ˈNoun: A room or large cupboard for storing food.  Ex: In the larder, there was a lot of sugar.  Deserve/dɪˈzˈvˈ ɜ / Verb: To do something or show qualities worthy of (a reward or punishment as appropriate).  Ex: Tranquility, that is what they would want and what they deserve.
  • 15.  Account /əˈkant/ˈ ʊ Noun: A description of an event or experience.  A service through a bank or similar organization by which funds are held on behalf of a client or goods or services are supplied on credit.  A contract to do work for a client.  Ex: Charlie did a great account for his class.  Kick: Verb: To strike or propel forcibly with the foot.  Strike out with the foot or feet.  Ex: The kicker may change the type of kick.
  • 16.  Whisk /wɪsk/ˈVerb: To move or take suddenly, quickly, and lightly.  Ex: Whisk together the lemon juice and spices.  Tangle: Verb: To twist together into a confused mass.  (Tangle with): Become involved in a conflict with.  Noun: A confused mass of something twisted together. A confused or complicated state.  A fight or argument.  Ex: A tangle of regulation are some of the challenges that need to be overcome.
  • 17.  Dust /dʌst/ˈNoun: Fine, dry powder consisting of tiny particles of earth or waste matter.  Ex: A machine is used at the site to prevent the generation of waste and dust.  Filthy /ˈfɪlθi/ˈAdjective: Disgustingly dirty, very disagreeable, very unpleasant.  Ex: Not painted in more than a decade, the walls were filthy.  Keep watch /wɒtʃ/ˈVerb: To look at attentively. To keep under careful or protective observation.  (Watch for): Look out for.  Exercise care, caution, or restraint about. (Watch out): Be careful.  Ex: To make sure their children are safe, some parents have decided to keep watch inside the school.
  • 18.  Bucket /ˈbʌkɪt/ˈNoun: A cylindrical open container with a handle, used to carry liquids. Large quantities of liquid.  Ex: The only problem is that it does not even possess buckets with which to draw water.  Embitter /ɪmˈb ɪtə(r)/ˈVerb: To make bitter or resentful.  Ex: Theories serve only as occasions for worry and to embitter our life.  Delay /dɪˈle/ˈ Verb: To become or ɪ : cause to become late or slow. To postpone or defer.  Ex: This work should be carried out without delay.
  • 19.  Entreaty /ɪnˈtriˈti Noun: An earnest or /ˈ humble request.  Ex: I have further entreaties to make of you still.  Heap /hiˈpˈ / Noun: A mound or pile of a substance. An untidy collection of objects piled up haphazardly.  Ex: Always we tried to struggle to the top of the heap, or to hide underneath it.  Shake /ʃeɪk/ˈVerb: To tremble or vibrate or cause to do so. To tremble uncontrollably with strong emotion.  To move forcefully or quickly up and down or to and fro. To remove from something by shaking.  Shock or astonish. Shock (someone) into a change of mood or attitude.  Ex: Shake the mixture for one minute.
  • 20.  Fist /fɪst/ˈNoun: A person's hand when the fingers are bent in towards the palm and held there tightly.  Ex: He responded with the mailed fist.  Pound: Verb: To strike or hit heavily and repeatedly. To beat or throb with a strong regular rhythm.  To walk or run with heavy steps.  (Pound something out): To produce a document or piece of music with heavy strokes on a keyboard or instrument.  To crush or grind into a powder or paste.  To defeat resoundingly.  Ex: When they pounded at the door, Isak ran to the backyard to hide but was seized.
  • 21. * Hiss /hɪs/ˈVerb: To make a sharp sibilant sound as of the letter s, often as a sign of disapproval or derision. To whisper something in an urgent or angry way. * Ex: Chopping noise or hissing in the background is an acoustic indication of frequencies interfered. * Shut /ʃʌt/ˈVerb: To move or cause to move into position to block an opening. To block an opening into (something) by moving a lid or similar part. *(Shut someone/thing in/out): To confine or exclude by closing something such as a door. *Ex: We cannot simply attempt to shut out all those who try to get here.
  • 22. * Sparing /ˈspeərɪŋ/ˈ Adjective: Moderate; economical. * Ex: I am very sparing with my words of thanks, which makes them all the more significant. * Widow /ˈwɪdəʊ/ˈNoun: A woman who has lost her husband by death and has not married again. * Ex: If the widow resists, she may be cast out by the family. * Neglect /nɪˈɡlekt/ˈVerb: To fail to give proper care or attention to. To fail to do something. * Ex: A neglect of cleanliness will induce disease. * Behalf /bɪˈh /ˈNoun: Behalf of or on someone's ɑˈf behalf. In the interests of a person, group, or principle. * As a representative of. * Account, advantage, benefit, good, interest, part, profi t, sake, side, support * Ex: Respect, speaking on my group's behalf, is what I really would urge you to provide.
  • 23. *Chanced: (Verb): To take the risk or hazard. *Lodger: (Noun): A person who pays rent in return for accommodation in someone else's house. *Solemn: (Adjective): Characterized or marked by seriousness or sincerity.
  • 24. *Crack: (Noun): A very narrow space between parts of something. *Shoddy: (Adj): Of poor quality; trashy. *Ashes: ( Noun): The earthy or mineral particles of combustible substances remaining after combustion, as of wood or coal.
  • 25. *Flung: ( Verb): To throw, cast, or hurl wit h force or violence something. *Junk: (Noun): Old iron, glass, paper, or other waste that may be used again in some form. *Creep: Verb: To move slowly; in the case of people or animals with the body near the ground.
  • 26. *Wretched: (Adjetive): Deeply afflicted, dejected, or distressed in body or mind. *Ajar ( Adjetive): Partially opened. *Unfolded:(Verb): To open something that was
  • 27. *Forks: ( Noun): A utensil with two or more prongs, used for eating or serving food. *Bent: (Verb): To assume a curved, crooked, or angular form or direction. *Odd: (Noun): Different from what is usual or comm on; unusual; singular; peculiar; unique; stran ge.
  • 28. Toothless: Adjective: Having no teeth, typically through old age: a toothless old man. Lacking genuine force or effectiveness: laws that are well intentioned but toothless. Jawbone: Noun A bone of the jaw, especially that of the lower jaw (the mandible), or either half of this.
  • 29. Sorrowfully: (Adverb): Feeling or showing grief. She looked at him with sorrowful eyes. Causing grief: The sorrowful news of his father’s death. Stuff: ( Noun): Matter , material, articles, or activities of a specified or indeterminate kind that are being referred to, indicated, or implied. A pickup truck picked the stuff up a girl who’s good at the technical stuff.
  • 30. Tiptoe: (Verb) (tiptoes, toeing, tiptoed): [no object ] Walk quietly and carefully with one’s heels raised and one’s weight on the balls of the feet. Liz tiptoed out of the room. Stuck: Past and past participle of STICK: To caught or fixed; "stuck in the mud“. A thin piece of wood that has fallen or been cut from a tree. Stick: Push a sharp or pointed object into or through (something).
  • 31. Slightest: Slight: Adjective: 1. Small in quantity or extent. 2. Of small importance; trifling. 3. Slim and delicate. 4. Lacking in strength or substance. Verb: 1. To show indifference or disregard for (someone); snub. 2. To treat as unimportant or trifling. 3. To devote inadequate attention to (work, duties, etc.). Noun: 1. An act or omission indicating supercilious neglect or indifference.
  • 32. Carted: Noun: A small wheeled vehicle typically pushed by hand: a shopping cart; a pastry cart. A two-wheeled vehicle drawn by an animal and used in farm work and for transporting goods. The quantity that a cart can hold. An open two-wheeled carriage. A light motorized vehicle: a golf cart. Verb: Cart·ed, cart·ing, carts. To convey in a cart or truck: cart away garbage. To convey laboriously or unceremoniously; lug: carted the whole gang off to jail.
  • 33. Threads: Noun: Long, thin strand of cotton, nylon, or other fibers used in sewing or weaving. Cotton, nylon, or other fibers spun into long, thin strands and used for sewing. (Threads): Informal clothes. Scour: Verb: To clean or brighten the surface of (something) by rubbing it hard, typically with an abrasive or detergent. To a thorough search in order to locate something.
  • 34. Spotless: Adjective: Absolutely clean or pure, immaculate: a spotless white apron. Blew: (Of wind): Move creating an air current. A powerful stroke with a hand, weapon, or hard object. Gaze: Verb: To look steadily and intently, especially in admiration, surprise, or thought: he could only gaze at her in astonishment.
  • 35. Creep: Verb: Past and past participle Crept: To move slowly and carefully, especially in order to avoid being heard or noticed: he crept downstairs, hardly making any noise. Seized: To take hold of suddenly and forcibly * To grasp suddenly and forcibly; take or grab: seize a sword. * a. To grasp with the mind; apprehend: seize an idea and develop it to the fullest extent. * b. To possess oneself of (something): seize an opportunity.
  • 36. Wander: v.intr. To move about without a definite destination or purpose. To lose clarity or coherence of thought or expression: wander the forests and fields.
  • 37. STIFF: /stɪf/ GLIMPSE: ▶adjective n. 1. A brief, incomplete view or look. not easily bent; rigid. * 2. Archaic A brief flash of not moving freely; difficult light. to turn oroperate. v.intr. unable to move easily and To look briefly; glance. without pain. EX: glimpsed at the ▶noun (informal) headlines. 1 a dead body. ▶verb (informal) cheat (someone). kill (someone).
  • 38. * BRUSHED OVER: someone or something *BOLT: n. * Fig. to deal lightly with an *1. A bar made of important person or wood or metal that matter; to just barely mention someone or slides into a socket something. and is used to fasten * doors and gates. * EX: I want to hear more. *2. A metal bar or rod You only brushed over the in the mechanism of part I was interested in. You only brushed over a lock that is thrown the bit about your or withdrawn by girlfriend. Tell us more turning the key. about her
  • 39. * BARRED: Adj. * NIMBLY: Adv. * 1. * In a nimble or agile * barred - preventing manner; with quickness entry or exit or a and lightness and ease. course of action. * EX : nimbly scaling an iron * gate * EX: a barricaded street. * * SYN: prohibited
  • 40. *WITNESS: n. One who can give a firsthand * DAWNING: n. account of something * dawning - the first seen, heard, or experienced. light of day. witness to the accident. * * EX: we got up before dawn… "they talked until morning"
  • 41. * SHOVE: * SHEER: Adj. * * Thin, fine, and transparent. * v. To push rudely or * EX: sheer curtains; sheer roughly. chiffon. * - To push someone or something with force. * * Phrasal Verb: shove off * -Informal To leave.
  • 42. * SNUFF: * TINGE: * 1. To inhale (something) * - v. To apply a trace of audibly through the nose; color to; tint. sniff. * 2. To sense or examine by *-n. a slight tint or colouring. smelling; sniff at. * * EX: her hair had a tinge of grey * EX: don’t snuff that air because it is polluted.
  • 43. * STAINED: * SQUABBLE: * - Adj. Marked or dyed * v. to quarrel or discolored with noisily, usually about foreign matter. something * unimportant. * EX: a badly stained * tablecloth. * * EX: The children are always squabbling over * the toys. * n. To produce or * n. a noisy quarrel. receive discolorations.
  • 44. To tug: /tʌg/ [I or T] (-gg-) * Verb. * To pull at vigorously or repeatedly. *Ex. Tug on the heartstrings of labor voters.
  • 45. *To snarl: *Verb. *To speak angrily or threateni ngly. Snarling of anger, he left me and entered the cottage from which i had just come.
  • 46. *TO COMPEL: *Verb. *To force, drive, or constrain. *Example, Duty compelled the soldiers to volunteer for the mission.
  • 47. *Interim: Adj or noun *An interval of time between one event, process, or period and another.
  • 48. *To Brook *Verb. *To put up with; tolerate. *Ex. We will brook no further argument.
  • 49. * *Noun. *The part of your body under your arm, where the arm joins the shoulder
  • 50. *TO UTTER *Verb. *Articulat e; either verbally or with a cry, shout, or "He uttered a noise. curse".
  • 51. *UPSET *Adj *very sad, worrie d, or angry about EX. Never getting upset something. with us, never getting cross.
  • 52. OVERWHELMED: Adj. Become filled with uncontrollab le emotion or too much sensory input Overwhelmed with guilt when I felt I had broken the rules.
  • 53. *TO PILLOW *Verb. *To rest your head on something soft.
  • 54. *SLIP OUT * Verbal phrase. *If something, es pecially a secret, slips I’m sorry I said out, you say it without that – it just intending to. slipped out.
  • 55. *STANDSTILL *noun: a situation in which no progress can be made or This month's cycle forum no revealed a virtual standstill for advancemen major cycling projects by the t is possible. council.
  • 56. *HEREBY adverb: (formal) by means of this. Ex. I hereby declare you man and wife.
  • 57. *TO CAST *Verb. *To look at someone or something in a particular Casting pale shadows way among the ruins of the village.
  • 58. *TO SPiT: *Verb. *To force some of the clear liquid called saliva out from your mouth.
  • 59. banged:/bæŋ/ bang·ing, bangs. 1. To strike heavily and often repeatedly; bump. 2. To close suddenly and loudly; slam. 3. To handle noisily or violently: banged the pots in the kitchen. 4. Vulgar Slang. To have sexual intercourse with. v.intr. 1. To make a sudden loud, explosive noise. 2. To crash noisily against or into something: My elbow banged against the door. adv. 1. Exactly; precisely: The arrow hit bang on the target. Suddenly; abruptly: cut the conversation bang off
  • 60. locked: (lŏk) -To fasten the lock of: close and lock a drawer. To shut or make secure with or as if with locks: locked the house. To fix in place so that movement or escape is impossible; hold fast: The ship was locked in the ice through the winter. She felt that she had become locked into a binding agreement.
  • 61. groped: Grope: (grōp) v.intr. 1.To reach about uncertainly; feel one's way: groped for the telephone. 2.To search blindly or uncertainly: grope for an answer. 1.To make (one's way) by reaching about un cert n. The act or an instance of groping.
  • 62. TOTTERING: (tŏt'ər) adjetive 1. Not physically steady or firm: precarious, unstable, unst eady, wobby. 2. Lacking stability: insecure,precario us,tottery,ustable, unstead y,unsure, weak, wobby.
  • 63. SNOOZE: (snūz) intr.v., snoozed, snooz•i ng, snooz•es. To take a light nap; doze. n. A brief light sleep.
  • 64. MOTIONLESS: (mō'shən-lĭs) adj. Having or making no motion. motionlessly mo'tion•less•ly adv. motionlessness mo'tion•less•ness n.
  • 65. STARTLED: (stär'tld) v., -tled, -tling, -tles. To cause to make a quick involuntary movement or start. To alarm, frighten, or surprise suddenly. See synonyms at frighten. v.intr. To become alarmed, frightened, or surprised. n. A sudden mild shock; a start.
  • 66. Slight: (slīt) adj., slight·er, slight·est. Small in size, degree, or amount: a slight tilt; a slight surplus. Lacking strength, substance, or solidity; frail: a slight foundation; slight evidence. Of small importance or consideration; trifling: slight matters. Small and slender in build or construction; delicate. tr.v., slight·ed, slight·ing, slights. To treat as of small importance; make light of. To treat with discourteous reserve or inattention. To do negligently or thoughtlessly; scant.
  • 67. NUMB: (nŭm) adj., numb·er, numb·est. Deprived of the power to feel or move normally; benumbed: toes numb with cold; too numb with fear to cry out. Emotionally unresponsive; indifferent: numb to yet another appeal. tr. & intr.v., numbed, numb·ing, n umbs. To make or become numb. numbly numb'ly adv. numbness numb'ness n.
  • 68. SHRUG(shrŭg) v. Shrugged, shrug·ging, shrugs. To raise (the shoulders), especially as a gesture of doubt, disdain, or indifference. v.intr. To raise the shoulders, especially as a gesture of doubt, disdain, or indifference. n. An expressive gesture of raising the shoulders. A woman's short jacket or sweater open down the front.
  • 69. ALLEY: (ăl'ē) n., pl., -leys. A narrow street or passageway between or behind city buildings. A path between flower beds or trees in a garden or park. Sports. A straight narrow course or track, especially a bowling alley. Either of the parallel lanes at the sides of a tennis court, which widen the inbounds area for doubles play.
  • 70. Creep (krēp) intr.v., crept (krĕpt), creep·ing, creeps. To move with the body close to the ground, as on hands and knees. To move stealthily or cautiously. To move or proceed very slowly: Traffic creeps at that hour.
  • 71. WANDER: (wŏn'dər) v., -dered, -der·ing, -ders. v.intr. To move about without a definite destination or purpose. To go by an indirect route or at no set pace; amble: wander toward town. To proceed in an irregular course; meander. To go astray: wander from the path of righteousness. To lose clarity or coherence of thought or expression. To wander across or through: wander the forests and fields. n. The act or an instance of wandering; a stroll.
  • 72. NIMBLY: adv. In a nimble manner; with agility; with light, quick motion.
  • 73. Vicinity: (vĭ-sĭn'ĭ-tē) n., pl., - ties. The state of being near in space or relationship; proximity: two restaurants in close vicinity. A nearby, surrounding, or adjoining region; a neighborhood. An approximate degree or amount: houses priced in the vicinity of $200,000.
  • 74. *MERELY * (mîr'lē) adv. And nothing else or more; only * I merely said that I was tired. * These columns have no function and are merely decorative
  • 75. Lodger  /ˈ lɒdʒ.ər//ˈ dʒɚ/ [C] (US ALSO roomer) lɑˈ.  Noun One that lodges, especially one who rents and lives in a furnished room.  She takes in lodgers to make a bit of extra money.
  • 76. StRIDE  /strɑɪd/ Verb[I always + adv/prep] (PAST TENSE AND PAST PARTICIPLE strode /stroʊd/, PAST PARTICIPLE stridden /strɪd·ə n/) (WALK)  to walk somewhere quickly with long steps  She strode across the room and demanded to speak to the manager.
  • 77. Pull   l also  pu̇ pəl verb  to exert force upon so as to cause or tend to cause motion toward the force  Could you help me move this bookcase over there? You pull and I’ll push
  • 78. Rack  /ræk/ noun [C] (FRAME)  a frame, often with bars or hooks, for holding or hanging things  Liss has her garments in the coat rack
  • 79. cane  /keɪn/ noun [C/U]  the long, hollow stems of particular plants such as bamboo  Chair seats are often woven out of cane  A cane is also a walking stick with a curved handle, used to help someone walk.
  • 80. BOW  /bɑʊ/ verb [I/T] (BEND)  to bend the head or body forward as a way of showing respect, expressing thanks, or greeting someone  [T] We knelt and bowed our heads in prayer.
  • 81. MISTRUST  noun /ˈ ʌst/ mɪsˈtr  a lack of confidence  There is still considerable mistrust between the management and the workforce.
  • 82. STAIRWELL  Noun /ˈ steə.wel//ˈ ster- / [C]  a long vertical passage through a building around which a set of stairs is built  Nathalia fell down the stairwell and died
  • 83. Butcher  /ˈ bʊtʃ·ər/ noun [C]  a person whose job is to kill animals for meat or who prepares and sells meat in a store  A butcher is also a murderer, esp. of a lot of people.  one that kills ruthlessly or brutally  A butcher killed a lot of people in Medellin
  • 84. bearing  /ˈ beər·ɪŋ/ noun [U] (CON NECTION)  connection to or influence on a result  The fact that he was ordered to stand trial has no bearing on whether he’ll be found guilty.
  • 85. banister  ba-nəs-tər noun  a handrail with its supporting posts  AUNT AGATHA COULD NEVER RESIST THE URGE TO SLIDE DOWN THE BANISTERS
  • 86. STROLL  strōl verb., strolled, stroll· ing, strolls  To go for a leisurely walk: stroll in the park.  to walk in a slow, relaxed manner, esp. for pleasure  We could stroll into town if you like
  • 87. apology ɑ  /əˈpl·ə·dʒi/ noun [C]  an act of saying that you are sorry  I have an apology to make to you – I opened your letter by mistake.
  • 88. stroke  /stroʊk/ verb [T] (TOUCH)  to move your hand or an object gently over something, usually repeatedly  Asked another question, she stroked her chin and shut her eyes before answering.
  • 89. sway  /sweɪ/verb  move slowly or rhythmically backwards and forwards or from side to side.  The trees sway in the wind.
  • 90. Slam  /slæm/ verb [I/T] (- mm-) slammed slam·ming  to move against a hard surface with force and usually a loud noise, or to cause something to move this way  He slammed the door in my face.
  • 91. outstreched  /ˈ ʃt/ aʊtˈstret adjective stretched, - stretch·ing, - stretch·es.  reaching out as far as possible  He ran up to her, his arms outstretched.
  • 92. CARESS  verb /kəˈres [I or T] /  touch or stroke gently or lovingly.  Gently she caressed her cheek.
  • 93. engulf ʌ  /ɪnˈglf/ verb [T]  to surround and cover completely  Floodwaters engulfed midwestern farmlands.
  • 94. dwelling  /ˈ dwel·ɪŋ/ noun [C] FML  a place where people live  The house was a modest one- story dwelling.
  • 95. Blossom  /ˈblɑs·əm/ verb [I]  (of a tree or plant) to produce flowers that develop into fruit  The cherry tree is beginning to blossom.
  • 96. seek sb/sth out  phrasal verb [M]  to look for someone or something, especially for a long time until you find them  While he was at the library, Steve decided to seek out some information on accommodation in the area.
  • 97.
  • 98.