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Submitted by:
Arun Nagar Nadarajan
Balachandran Jayachandran
Sachin Kumar Asokan
S.No Contents Page No.
1. Project Overview 3
2. Behavioral Verilog code and Testbench 4
3. Cell Library - Layouts 8
4. Simulated waveforms 15
5. D-Flip Flop design 22
6. Tradeoffs 30
7. Function 31
8. Scope 32
9. Final Layout and Schematic 33
9. ALU Output Waveform 34
10. Final layout DRC and LVS reports 36
11. Primetime report 37
Project Overview
An Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) is a functional block of any
processor. It is used to perform arithmetical and logical
operations. ALU’s are designed to perform integer based
operations. In this module, we have designed an ALU which
performs certain specific operations on 32 bit numbers.
The arithmetic operations performed are: Addition, subtraction
and multiplication. The logical operations performed are: AND,
OR, XNOR, left shift and right shift.
The behavioral Verilog code and testbench were simulated using
MODELSIM to verify the functionality.
The individual gates (INVERTER, NAND2, NOR2, XOR2, OAI3222,
AOI22, MUX2:1) which constituted to the cell library were laid out
in CADENCE. The DRC and LVS run were successfully completed
to ensure usage. These individual layouts were combined and the
combined DRC was run without any errors.
The D flip flop (DFF) was laid out and the static timing analysis
were done using Waveform viewer and it’s functionality was
verified and the D flip flop times were calculated.
By putting together these cells which were designed, the ALU was
developed and the outputs were obtained.
Behavioral Verilog Code
module alumod(a,b,out,s,clk);
input [31:0]a,b;
input [3:0]s;
input clk;
output [31:0]out;
reg [31:0]out;
always @(posedge clk)
4'b0000: out=add(a,b);
4'b0001: out=sub(a,b);
4'b0010: out=mul(a,b);
4'b0011: out=and1(a,b);
4'b0100: out=or1(a,b);
4'b0101: out=xnor1(a,b);
4'b0110: out=rshift(a,b);
4'b0111: out=lshift(a,b);
function [31:0]add; //addition operation
input [31:0]a,b;
function [31:0]sub; //subtraction operation
input [31:0]a,b;
function [31:0]mul; //multiplication operation
input [31:0]a,b;
function [31:0]and1; //and operation
input [31:0]a,b;
function [31:0]or1; // or operation
input [31:0]a,b;
function [31:0]xnor1; //xor operation
input [31:0]a,b;
function [31:0]lshift; //shift operation
input [31:0]a,b;
function [31:0]rshift; // right shift operation
input [31:0]a,b;
module main;
reg clk;
reg [31:0] a,b;
reg [3:0] s;
wire [31:0] out;
initial begin
a = 32'b00000000000000000000000000001001; //a and b are the operand values
b = 32'b00000000000000000000000000000010;
s = 4'b0000;
clk = 0;
always begin
#100 s = 4'b0001; //s for switching
#100 s = 4'b0010;
#100 s = 4'b0011;
#100 s = 4'b0100;
#100 s = 4'b0101;
#100 s = 4'b0110;
#100 s = 4'b0111;
#100 s = 4'b0000;
always begin
#5 clk=~clk;
alumod as1 (a,b,out,s,clk);
Behavioral code output waveform
Simulated Waveform –Inverter
Simulated Waveform –NAND2
Simulated Waveform –MUX 2:1
Simulated Waveform –NOR2
Simulated Waveform –AOI22
Simulated Waveform –OAI3222
Simulated Waveform –XOR2
D flip flop schematic
D flip flop Layout
D flip flop Simulation Results
Transient Analysis
HSPICE code:
$Transient Analysis:
.include "/home/cad/kits/IBM_CMRF8SF-LM013/IBM_PDK/cmrf8sf/relLM/HSPICE/models/model013.lib_inc"
.include "DFFLVS.sp"
.GLOBAL vdd! gnd!
.option post runlvl=5
xi clk d reset q DFF
.param VDD=1.2
vdd vdd! gnd! 1.2V $ VDD voltage
Vin1 clk gnd! pulse (0V 1.2V 0ps 93.75ps 93.75ps 1406ps 3000ps)
Vin2 d gnd! pulse (0V 1.2V 0ns 93.75ps 93.75ps 5906ps 12000ps)
Vin3 reset gnd! pulse (1.2V 0V 0ns 93.75ps 93.75ps 15500ps 24000ps)
cout q gnd! 25f $ output load capacitor
.tr 0.01ns 24ns
Simulated Waveforms:
Wave1: falling edge triggered
Wave2: showing Asynchronous reset
Calculating D flip flop times
The Tsu and Tclk->Q were calculating by sweeping the input ‘D’ value and
running the HSPICE simulations. The delay time is the summation of the Tsu
and Tclk->Q.
The drop dead time (Tsu_dd) and the hold time (Thold) were computed by
plotting a graph between the setup time and delay time.
The used HSPICE codes and the waveforms obtained are attached in the
report below.
Passing 0:
$Passing 0
.include "/home/cad/kits/IBM_CMRF8SF-LM013/IBM_PDK/cmrf8sf/relLM/HSPICE/models/model013.lib_inc"
.include "DFFLVS.sp"
.GLOBAL vdd! gnd!
.option post runlvl=5
xi clk d reset q DFF
.param VDD=1.2V
.param const=4499ps
vdd vdd! gnd! 1.2V $ VDD voltage
Vin1 clk gnd! pulse (0V 1.2V 0ps 93.75ps 93.75ps 1406ps 3000ps)
Vin2 d gnd! PWL (0ns VDD 'const' VDD 'const+93.75ps' 0)
Vin3 reset gnd! pulse (0V 0V 0ps 93.75ps 93.75ps 1406ps 3000ps)
cout q gnd! 25f $ output load capacitor
.meas tsetup trig v(d) val=0.6 fall=1
+targ v(clk) val=0.6 fall=2
.meas tclktoq trig v(clk) val=0.6 fall=2
+targ v(q) val=0.6 fall=1
.tran 0.001ns 10ns sweep const 4400ps 4500ps 1ps
Passing “0”
Waveforms showing different setup time for ‘D’
Setup vs Delay time (passing “0”)
Passing 1:
$Passing 1
.include "/home/cad/kits/IBM_CMRF8SF-LM013/IBM_PDK/cmrf8sf/relLM/HSPICE/models/model013.lib_inc"
.include "DFFLVS.sp"
.GLOBAL vdd! gnd!
.option post runlvl=5
xi clk d reset q DFF
.param VDD=1.2V
.param const=4499ps
vdd vdd! gnd! 1.2V $ VDD voltage
Vin1 clk gnd! pulse (0V 1.2V 0ps 93.75ps 93.75ps 1406ps 3000ps)
Vin2 d gnd! PWL (0ns 0 'const' 0 'const+93.75ps' VDD)
Vin3 reset gnd! pulse (0V 0V 0ps 93.75ps 93.75ps 1406ps 3000ps)
cout q gnd! 25f $ output load capacitor
.meas tsetup trig v(d) val=0.6 rise=1
+targ v(clk) val=0.6 fall=2
.meas tclktoq trig v(clk) val=0.6 fall=2
+targ v(q) val=0.6 rise=1
.tran 0.001ns 10ns sweep const 4400ps 4500ps 1ps
0.00E+00 2.00E-11 4.00E-11 6.00E-11 8.00E-11 1.00E-10 1.20E-10
setup time (s)
passing 0
Passing “1”
waveforms showing different setup time for ‘D’
Setup vs Delay time (passing “1”)
0.00E+00 2.00E-11 4.00E-11 6.00E-11 8.00E-11 1.00E-10 1.20E-10
setup time (s)
passing 1
D flip flop Times
Passing ‘0’ Passing ‘1’
Tsu_dd = 9.75E-12 s 1.78E-11 s
Tsu_opt = 2.58E-11 s 2.32E-11 s
Thold = 2.32E-11 s 2.58E-11s
Tclk->q = 1.98E-10 s 1.95E-10 s
tD = 2.23E-10 s 2.31E-10 s
Sizing information
Height = 8.790 um
Width = 11.84 um
The sizes of the cells are not the minimum possible values so as
to assert the symmetry in the overall design.
The functionality of the ALU has been limited so as to reduce the
complexity of the entire system and make it easily decipherable
in case of any error.
The function of the ALU is to perform the arithmetic and logical
operations (arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction and
multiplication; logical operations : AND, OR, XNOR, left shift and
right shift) when it’s fed with the necessary inputs.
All these functions are developed from the cell library which was
developed using CADENCE. The functionality of each individual
block was verified before it was placed together in the ALU.
The area of the entire unit can be reduced which will also impact
the power performance and transient time dependent
Complex operations can be added and new cells can be developed
so as to help performing those operations.
ALU Output Waveforms
Final layout, LVS & DRC Reports
set search_path "* ~/EECT6325/cad/primetime"
* ~/EECT6325/cad/primetime
source variables1
# link library
set link_library $library_file
set target_library $library_file
#set link_library [list $library_file "ff.db"]
#set target_library [list $library_file "ff.db"]
# link design
remove_design -all
Error: Nothing matched for designs: there are none loaded (SEL-005)
read_verilog $verilog_file
Loading verilog file '/home/eng/a/axn131030/EECT6325/cad/primetime/newALUfinal_syn.v'
# Define IO parameters
set_driving_cell -lib_cell $driving_cell -input_transition_rise $input_transition -input_transition_fall
$input_transition [all_inputs]
Loading db file '/home/eng/a/axn131030/EECT6325/cad/primetime/finalproj.db'
Linking design alumod_1...
Information: 1 (12.50%) library cells are unused in library lib_all.....
Information: total 1 library cells are unused.
Information: Issuing set_operating_conditions for setting analysis mode on_chip_variation. (PTE-037)
set_operating_conditions -analysis_type on_chip_variation -library [get_libs {finalproj.db:lib_all}]
set_load $load [all_outputs]
#define the clock - for comb circuit we may not need to use any clock
create_clock -name clk -period $clock_period [get_ports $clock_pin_name]
set_clock_transition -rise -max $input_transition [get_clocks clk]
set_clock_transition -fall -max $input_transition [get_clocks clk]
#set_ideal_transition –max 50 clk
#set_false_path –from R
# set condition
set timing_slew_propagation_mode worst_slew
set timing_report_unconstrained_paths true
set power_enable_analysis true
set_disable_timing [get_ports $reset_pin_name]
Warning: No port objects matched 'R' (SEL-004)
Error: Nothing matched for ports (SEL-005)
Error: Nothing matched for object_list (SEL-005)
# analyze delay and power
Warning: Some timing arcs have been disabled for breaking timing loops
or because of constant propagation. Use the 'report_disable_timing'
command to get the list of these disabled timing arcs. (PTE-003)
Information: Checking 'no_input_delay'.
Warning: There are 68 ports with no clock-relative input delay specified.
Since the variable 'timing_input_port_default_clock' is 'true',
a default input port clock will be assumed for these ports.
Information: Checking 'no_driving_cell'.
Information: Checking 'unconstrained_endpoints'.
Warning: There are 32 endpoints which are not constrained for maximum delay.
Information: Checking 'unexpandable_clocks'.
Information: Checking 'latch_fanout'.
Information: Checking 'no_clock'.
Information: Checking 'partial_input_delay'.
Information: Checking 'generic'.
Information: Checking 'loops'.
Information: Checking 'generated_clocks'.
Information: Checking 'pulse_clock_non_pulse_clock_merge'.
Information: Checking 'pll_configuration'.
report_timing -transition_time -delay min_max -capacitance -input_pins
Report : timing
-path_type full
-delay_type min_max
-max_paths 1
Design : alumod_1
Version: D-2010.06-SP1
Date : Mon Dec 16 19:57:33 2013
Startpoint: x[31] (input port)
Endpoint: outp_reg[31]
(falling edge-triggered flip-flop clocked by clk')
Path Group: clk
Path Type: min
Point Cap Trans Incr Path
clock (input port clock) (rise edge) 0.00 0.00
clock network delay (ideal) 0.00 0.00
input external delay 0.00 0.00 r
x[31] (in) 44.75 81.88 63.10 63.10 r
U748/d (AOI22) 81.88 0.00 63.10 r
U748/out (AOI22) 5.27 23.91 46.50 109.59 f
U743/a (NAND) 23.91 0.00 109.59 f
U743/out (NAND) 5.48 20.98 32.32 141.91 r
U742/b (NOR) 20.98 0.00 141.91 r
U742/out (NOR) 5.37 12.32 23.71 165.62 f
U741/a (INVERTER) 12.32 0.00 165.62 f
U741/out (INVERTER) 5.60 17.11 23.95 189.57 r
outp_reg[31]/D (DFF) 17.11 0.00 189.57 r
data arrival time 189.57
clock clk' (fall edge) 20.00 0.00 0.00
clock network delay (ideal) 0.00 0.00
outp_reg[31]/Clk (DFF) 0.00 f
library hold time -10.64 -10.64
data required time -10.64
data required time -10.64
data arrival time -189.57
slack (MET) 200.22
Startpoint: x[1] (input port)
Endpoint: outp_reg[31]
(falling edge-triggered flip-flop clocked by clk')
Path Group: clk
Path Type: max
Point Cap Trans Incr Path
clock (input port clock) (rise edge) 0.00 0.00
input external delay 0.00 0.00 r
x[1] (in) 185.10 315.57 259.75 259.75 r
U4948/a (NAND) 315.57 0.00 259.75 r
U4948/out (NAND) 10.07 73.83 74.37 334.12 f
U4946/a (NOR) 73.83 0.00 334.12 f
U4946/out (NOR) 21.30 92.92 115.07 449.19 r
U4945/a (INVERTER) 92.92 0.00 449.19 r
U4945/out (INVERTER) 10.32 30.88 39.26 488.45 f
U4943/a (NAND) 30.88 0.00 488.45 f
U4943/out (NAND) 11.54 33.08 44.36 532.81 r
U4942/a (INVERTER) 33.08 0.00 532.81 r
U4942/out (INVERTER) 14.97 21.57 33.01 565.82 f
U4941/b (XOR) 21.57 0.00 565.82 f
U4941/out (XOR) 10.45 35.95 93.09 658.91 f
U4940/a (INVERTER) 35.95 0.00 658.91 f
U4940/out (INVERTER) 15.53 36.06 50.27 709.18 r
U4911/b (NAND) 36.06 0.00 709.18 r
U4911/out (NAND) 5.24 31.32 33.67 742.84 f
U4909/a (AOI22) 31.32 0.00 742.84 f
U4909/out (AOI22) 20.98 86.17 102.93 845.77 r
U4908/b (XOR) 86.17 0.00 845.77 r
U4908/out (XOR) 9.07 65.47 109.71 955.48 r
U4893/a (XOR) 65.47 0.00 955.48 r
U4893/out (XOR) 21.30 102.24 139.40 1094.88 r
U4853/b (NAND) 102.24 0.00 1094.88 r
U4853/out (NAND) 5.24 31.33 44.06 1138.94 f
U4850/a (AOI22) 31.33 0.00 1138.94 f
U4850/out (AOI22) 20.98 85.90 102.93 1241.87 r
U4849/b (XOR) 85.90 0.00 1241.87 r
U4849/out (XOR) 9.07 65.17 109.66 1351.53 r
U4818/a (XOR) 65.17 0.00 1351.53 r
U4818/out (XOR) 21.02 101.25 138.60 1490.13 r
U4817/b (NOR) 101.25 0.00 1490.13 r
U4817/out (NOR) 5.37 30.87 39.69 1529.81 f
U4816/a (INVERTER) 30.87 0.00 1529.81 f
U4816/out (INVERTER) 5.26 20.71 32.07 1561.89 r
U4814/a (AOI22) 20.71 0.00 1561.89 r
U4814/out (AOI22) 20.33 56.07 64.96 1626.84 f
U4813/b (XOR) 56.07 0.00 1626.84 f
U4813/out (XOR) 8.80 33.91 102.79 1729.63 f
U4769/a (XOR) 33.91 0.00 1729.63 f
U4769/out (XOR) 19.21 49.88 98.26 1827.90 f
U4644/b (NOR) 49.88 0.00 1827.90 f
U4644/out (NOR) 5.77 41.65 65.55 1893.45 r
U4643/a (INVERTER) 41.65 0.00 1893.45 r
U4643/out (INVERTER) 5.24 16.45 23.86 1917.31 f
U4642/a (AOI22) 16.45 0.00 1917.31 f
U4642/out (AOI22) 20.98 85.64 95.90 2013.21 r
U4641/b (XOR) 85.64 0.00 2013.21 r
U4641/out (XOR) 9.07 66.24 109.60 2122.82 r
U4581/a (XOR) 66.24 0.00 2122.82 r
U4581/out (XOR) 20.33 99.07 136.81 2259.63 r
U4580/b (NOR) 99.07 0.00 2259.63 r
U4580/out (NOR) 5.37 30.52 39.47 2299.09 f
U4579/a (INVERTER) 30.52 0.00 2299.09 f
U4579/out (INVERTER) 5.26 20.61 31.94 2331.03 r
U4577/a (AOI22) 20.61 0.00 2331.03 r
U4577/out (AOI22) 20.33 55.56 64.91 2395.94 f
U4576/b (XOR) 55.56 0.00 2395.94 f
U4576/out (XOR) 8.80 33.85 102.65 2498.60 f
U4502/a (XOR) 33.85 0.00 2498.60 f
U4502/out (XOR) 19.21 49.88 98.24 2596.83 f
U4321/b (NOR) 49.88 0.00 2596.83 f
U4321/out (NOR) 5.77 41.65 65.55 2662.39 r
U4320/a (INVERTER) 41.65 0.00 2662.39 r
U4320/out (INVERTER) 5.24 16.45 23.86 2686.25 f
U4319/a (AOI22) 16.45 0.00 2686.25 f
U4319/out (AOI22) 20.98 85.29 95.90 2782.15 r
U4318/b (XOR) 85.29 0.00 2782.15 r
U4318/out (XOR) 9.07 64.16 109.54 2891.68 r
U4230/a (XOR) 64.16 0.00 2891.68 r
U4230/out (XOR) 20.33 99.07 136.53 3028.22 r
U4229/b (NOR) 99.07 0.00 3028.22 r
U4229/out (NOR) 5.37 30.52 39.47 3067.69 f
U4228/a (INVERTER) 30.52 0.00 3067.69 f
U4228/out (INVERTER) 5.26 20.61 31.94 3099.62 r
U4226/a (AOI22) 20.61 0.00 3099.62 r
U4226/out (AOI22) 20.33 55.56 64.91 3164.54 f
U4225/b (XOR) 55.56 0.00 3164.54 f
U4225/out (XOR) 8.80 33.78 102.66 3267.19 f
U4123/a (XOR) 33.78 0.00 3267.19 f
U4123/out (XOR) 19.21 49.88 98.20 3365.39 f
U3885/b (NOR) 49.88 0.00 3365.39 f
U3885/out (NOR) 5.77 41.65 65.55 3430.95 r
U3884/a (INVERTER) 41.65 0.00 3430.95 r
U3884/out (INVERTER) 5.24 16.45 23.86 3454.81 f
U3883/a (AOI22) 16.45 0.00 3454.81 f
U3883/out (AOI22) 20.98 84.85 95.90 3550.71 r
U3882/b (XOR) 84.85 0.00 3550.71 r
U3882/out (XOR) 9.07 64.18 109.45 3660.16 r
U3766/a (XOR) 64.18 0.00 3660.16 r
U3766/out (XOR) 20.33 99.07 136.54 3796.70 r
U3765/b (NOR) 99.07 0.00 3796.70 r
U3765/out (NOR) 5.37 30.52 39.47 3836.16 f
U3764/a (INVERTER) 30.52 0.00 3836.16 f
U3764/out (INVERTER) 5.26 20.61 31.94 3868.10 r
U3762/a (AOI22) 20.61 0.00 3868.10 r
U3762/out (AOI22) 20.33 55.83 64.91 3933.01 f
U3761/b (XOR) 55.83 0.00 3933.01 f
U3761/out (XOR) 8.80 33.76 102.73 4035.74 f
U3631/a (XOR) 33.76 0.00 4035.74 f
U3631/out (XOR) 19.21 49.88 98.19 4133.94 f
U3337/b (NOR) 49.88 0.00 4133.94 f
U3337/out (NOR) 5.77 41.65 65.55 4199.49 r
U3336/a (INVERTER) 41.65 0.00 4199.49 r
U3336/out (INVERTER) 5.24 16.45 23.86 4223.35 f
U3335/a (AOI22) 16.45 0.00 4223.35 f
U3335/out (AOI22) 20.98 85.04 95.90 4319.25 r
U3334/b (XOR) 85.04 0.00 4319.25 r
U3334/out (XOR) 9.07 64.29 109.49 4428.74 r
U3190/a (XOR) 64.29 0.00 4428.74 r
U3190/out (XOR) 20.33 99.07 136.55 4565.29 r
U3189/b (NOR) 99.07 0.00 4565.29 r
U3189/out (NOR) 5.37 30.52 39.47 4604.76 f
U3188/a (INVERTER) 30.52 0.00 4604.76 f
U3188/out (INVERTER) 5.26 20.61 31.94 4636.70 r
U3186/a (AOI22) 20.61 0.00 4636.70 r
U3186/out (AOI22) 20.33 56.60 64.91 4701.61 f
U3185/b (XOR) 56.60 0.00 4701.61 f
U3185/out (XOR) 8.80 34.52 102.93 4804.54 f
U3027/a (XOR) 34.52 0.00 4804.54 f
U3027/out (XOR) 19.21 49.88 98.53 4903.07 f
U2675/b (NOR) 49.88 0.00 4903.07 f
U2675/out (NOR) 5.77 41.65 65.55 4968.63 r
U2674/a (INVERTER) 41.65 0.00 4968.63 r
U2674/out (INVERTER) 5.24 16.45 23.86 4992.49 f
U2673/a (AOI22) 16.45 0.00 4992.49 f
U2673/out (AOI22) 15.54 72.71 84.04 5076.53 r
U2672/b (XOR) 72.71 0.00 5076.53 r
U2672/out (XOR) 9.07 63.25 107.07 5183.60 r
U2499/a (XOR) 63.25 0.00 5183.60 r
U2499/out (XOR) 20.60 99.87 137.18 5320.77 r
U2498/b (NAND) 99.87 0.00 5320.77 r
U2498/out (NAND) 5.24 29.51 43.89 5364.66 f
U2494/a (AOI22) 29.51 0.00 5364.66 f
U2494/out (AOI22) 15.54 72.52 90.14 5454.80 r
U1519/a (INVERTER) 72.52 0.00 5454.80 r
U1519/out (INVERTER) 9.84 26.52 35.48 5490.28 f
U1518/a (NOR) 26.52 0.00 5490.28 f
U1518/out (NOR) 5.77 41.83 49.62 5539.89 r
U1517/a (INVERTER) 41.83 0.00 5539.89 r
U1517/out (INVERTER) 5.24 16.49 23.90 5563.79 f
U1516/a (AOI22) 16.49 0.00 5563.79 f
U1516/out (AOI22) 20.98 85.20 95.92 5659.71 r
U1515/b (XOR) 85.20 0.00 5659.71 r
U1515/out (XOR) 9.07 64.34 109.52 5769.23 r
U1321/a (XOR) 64.34 0.00 5769.23 r
U1321/out (XOR) 14.33 79.66 119.89 5889.12 r
U930/a (AOI22) 79.66 0.00 5889.12 r
U930/out (AOI22) 9.70 47.26 72.68 5961.80 f
U929/b (XOR) 47.26 0.00 5961.80 f
U929/out (XOR) 8.80 32.70 100.23 6062.03 f
U924/a (XOR) 32.70 0.00 6062.03 f
U924/out (XOR) 8.80 33.17 87.35 6149.37 f
U751/a (XOR) 33.17 0.00 6149.37 f
U751/out (XOR) 5.05 28.51 83.51 6232.88 f
U750/d (AOI22) 28.51 0.00 6232.88 f
U750/out (AOI22) 5.76 46.16 47.34 6280.23 r
U749/b (NAND) 46.16 0.00 6280.23 r
U749/out (NAND) 4.79 23.44 35.35 6315.57 f
U742/a (NOR) 23.44 0.00 6315.57 f
U742/out (NOR) 5.77 39.71 48.26 6363.83 r
U741/a (INVERTER) 39.71 0.00 6363.83 r
U741/out (INVERTER) 5.28 16.07 23.55 6387.38 f
outp_reg[31]/D (DFF) 16.07 0.00 6387.38 f
data arrival time 6387.38
clock clk' (fall edge) 0.00 6700.00 6700.00
clock network delay (ideal) 0.00 6700.00
outp_reg[31]/Clk (DFF) 6700.00 f
library setup time -35.12 6664.88
data required time 6664.88
data required time 6664.88
data arrival time -6387.38
slack (MET) 277.50
Information: Checked out license 'PrimeTime-PX' (PT-019)
Warning: Neither event file or switching activity data present for power estimation. The command will propagate
switching activity values for power calculation. (PWR-246)
Information: Running averaged power analysis... (PWR-601)
Report : Averaged Power
Design : alumod_1
Version: D-2010.06-SP1
Date : Mon Dec 16 19:57:34 2013
i - Including register clock pin internal power
u - User defined power group
Internal Switching Leakage Total
Power Group Power Power Power Power ( %) Attrs
io_pad 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ( 0.00%)
memory 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ( 0.00%)
black_box 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ( 0.00%)
clock_network 3.425e-04 4.095e-05 8.268e-10 3.834e-04 (12.15%) i
register 1.720e-05 2.776e-06 3.034e-07 2.028e-05 ( 0.64%)
combinational 1.318e-03 1.428e-03 5.748e-06 2.752e-03 (87.21%)
sequential 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ( 0.00%)
Net Switching Power = 1.472e-03 (46.65%)
Cell Internal Power = 1.678e-03 (53.16%)
Cell Leakage Power = 6.052e-06 ( 0.19%)
Total Power = 3.156e-03 (100.00%)

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VLSI Design Final Project - 32 bit ALU

  • 1. 1 EECT-6325 VLSI DESIGN PROJECT- 6 DESIGN OF 32-bit ALU Submitted by: Arun Nagar Nadarajan Balachandran Jayachandran Sachin Kumar Asokan
  • 2. 2 INDEX S.No Contents Page No. 1. Project Overview 3 2. Behavioral Verilog code and Testbench 4 3. Cell Library - Layouts 8 4. Simulated waveforms 15 5. D-Flip Flop design 22 6. Tradeoffs 30 7. Function 31 8. Scope 32 9. Final Layout and Schematic 33 9. ALU Output Waveform 34 10. Final layout DRC and LVS reports 36 11. Primetime report 37
  • 3. 3 Project Overview An Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) is a functional block of any processor. It is used to perform arithmetical and logical operations. ALU’s are designed to perform integer based operations. In this module, we have designed an ALU which performs certain specific operations on 32 bit numbers. The arithmetic operations performed are: Addition, subtraction and multiplication. The logical operations performed are: AND, OR, XNOR, left shift and right shift. The behavioral Verilog code and testbench were simulated using MODELSIM to verify the functionality. The individual gates (INVERTER, NAND2, NOR2, XOR2, OAI3222, AOI22, MUX2:1) which constituted to the cell library were laid out in CADENCE. The DRC and LVS run were successfully completed to ensure usage. These individual layouts were combined and the combined DRC was run without any errors. The D flip flop (DFF) was laid out and the static timing analysis were done using Waveform viewer and it’s functionality was verified and the D flip flop times were calculated. By putting together these cells which were designed, the ALU was developed and the outputs were obtained.
  • 4. 4 Behavioral Verilog Code module alumod(a,b,out,s,clk); input [31:0]a,b; input [3:0]s; input clk; output [31:0]out; reg [31:0]out; always @(posedge clk) begin case(s) 4'b0000: out=add(a,b); 4'b0001: out=sub(a,b); 4'b0010: out=mul(a,b); 4'b0011: out=and1(a,b); 4'b0100: out=or1(a,b); 4'b0101: out=xnor1(a,b); 4'b0110: out=rshift(a,b); 4'b0111: out=lshift(a,b); endcase end function [31:0]add; //addition operation input [31:0]a,b; add=a+b; endfunction function [31:0]sub; //subtraction operation input [31:0]a,b; sub=a-b; endfunction
  • 5. 5 function [31:0]mul; //multiplication operation input [31:0]a,b; mul=a*b; endfunction function [31:0]and1; //and operation input [31:0]a,b; and1=a&b; endfunction function [31:0]or1; // or operation input [31:0]a,b; or1=a|b; endfunction function [31:0]xnor1; //xor operation input [31:0]a,b; xnor1=a~^b; endfunction function [31:0]lshift; //shift operation input [31:0]a,b; lshift=a<<b; endfunction function [31:0]rshift; // right shift operation input [31:0]a,b; rshift=a>>b; endfunction endmodule
  • 6. 6 Testbench module main; reg clk; reg [31:0] a,b; reg [3:0] s; wire [31:0] out; initial begin a = 32'b00000000000000000000000000001001; //a and b are the operand values b = 32'b00000000000000000000000000000010; s = 4'b0000; clk = 0; end always begin #100 s = 4'b0001; //s for switching #100 s = 4'b0010; #100 s = 4'b0011; #100 s = 4'b0100; #100 s = 4'b0101; #100 s = 4'b0110; #100 s = 4'b0111; #100 s = 4'b0000; end always begin #5 clk=~clk; end alumod as1 (a,b,out,s,clk); endmodule
  • 22. 22 D flip flop schematic
  • 23. 23 D flip flop Layout
  • 24. 24 D flip flop Simulation Results Transient Analysis HSPICE code: $Transient Analysis: .include "/home/cad/kits/IBM_CMRF8SF-LM013/IBM_PDK/cmrf8sf/relLM/HSPICE/models/model013.lib_inc" .include "DFFLVS.sp" .GLOBAL vdd! gnd! .option post runlvl=5 xi clk d reset q DFF .param VDD=1.2 vdd vdd! gnd! 1.2V $ VDD voltage Vin1 clk gnd! pulse (0V 1.2V 0ps 93.75ps 93.75ps 1406ps 3000ps) Vin2 d gnd! pulse (0V 1.2V 0ns 93.75ps 93.75ps 5906ps 12000ps) Vin3 reset gnd! pulse (1.2V 0V 0ns 93.75ps 93.75ps 15500ps 24000ps) cout q gnd! 25f $ output load capacitor .tr 0.01ns 24ns .end Simulated Waveforms: Wave1: falling edge triggered
  • 25. 25 Wave2: showing Asynchronous reset Calculating D flip flop times The Tsu and Tclk->Q were calculating by sweeping the input ‘D’ value and running the HSPICE simulations. The delay time is the summation of the Tsu and Tclk->Q. The drop dead time (Tsu_dd) and the hold time (Thold) were computed by plotting a graph between the setup time and delay time. The used HSPICE codes and the waveforms obtained are attached in the report below.
  • 26. 26 Passing 0: HSPICE code $Passing 0 .include "/home/cad/kits/IBM_CMRF8SF-LM013/IBM_PDK/cmrf8sf/relLM/HSPICE/models/model013.lib_inc" .include "DFFLVS.sp" .GLOBAL vdd! gnd! .option post runlvl=5 xi clk d reset q DFF .param VDD=1.2V .param const=4499ps vdd vdd! gnd! 1.2V $ VDD voltage Vin1 clk gnd! pulse (0V 1.2V 0ps 93.75ps 93.75ps 1406ps 3000ps) Vin2 d gnd! PWL (0ns VDD 'const' VDD 'const+93.75ps' 0) Vin3 reset gnd! pulse (0V 0V 0ps 93.75ps 93.75ps 1406ps 3000ps) cout q gnd! 25f $ output load capacitor .meas tsetup trig v(d) val=0.6 fall=1 +targ v(clk) val=0.6 fall=2 .meas tclktoq trig v(clk) val=0.6 fall=2 +targ v(q) val=0.6 fall=1 .tran 0.001ns 10ns sweep const 4400ps 4500ps 1ps .end Passing “0” Waveforms showing different setup time for ‘D’
  • 27. 27 Setup vs Delay time (passing “0”) Passing 1: HSPICE code $Passing 1 .include "/home/cad/kits/IBM_CMRF8SF-LM013/IBM_PDK/cmrf8sf/relLM/HSPICE/models/model013.lib_inc" .include "DFFLVS.sp" .GLOBAL vdd! gnd! .option post runlvl=5 xi clk d reset q DFF .param VDD=1.2V .param const=4499ps vdd vdd! gnd! 1.2V $ VDD voltage Vin1 clk gnd! pulse (0V 1.2V 0ps 93.75ps 93.75ps 1406ps 3000ps) Vin2 d gnd! PWL (0ns 0 'const' 0 'const+93.75ps' VDD) Vin3 reset gnd! pulse (0V 0V 0ps 93.75ps 93.75ps 1406ps 3000ps) cout q gnd! 25f $ output load capacitor .meas tsetup trig v(d) val=0.6 rise=1 +targ v(clk) val=0.6 fall=2 .meas tclktoq trig v(clk) val=0.6 fall=2 +targ v(q) val=0.6 rise=1 .tran 0.001ns 10ns sweep const 4400ps 4500ps 1ps .end 0.00E+00 5.00E-11 1.00E-10 1.50E-10 2.00E-10 2.50E-10 3.00E-10 0.00E+00 2.00E-11 4.00E-11 6.00E-11 8.00E-11 1.00E-10 1.20E-10 delaytime(s) setup time (s) passing 0
  • 28. 28 Passing “1” waveforms showing different setup time for ‘D’ Setup vs Delay time (passing “1”) 2.20E-10 2.30E-10 2.40E-10 2.50E-10 2.60E-10 2.70E-10 2.80E-10 0.00E+00 2.00E-11 4.00E-11 6.00E-11 8.00E-11 1.00E-10 1.20E-10 delaytime(s) setup time (s) passing 1
  • 29. 29 D flip flop Times Passing ‘0’ Passing ‘1’ Tsu_dd = 9.75E-12 s 1.78E-11 s Tsu_opt = 2.58E-11 s 2.32E-11 s Thold = 2.32E-11 s 2.58E-11s Tclk->q = 1.98E-10 s 1.95E-10 s tD = 2.23E-10 s 2.31E-10 s Sizing information Height = 8.790 um Width = 11.84 um
  • 30. 30 Tradeoffs The sizes of the cells are not the minimum possible values so as to assert the symmetry in the overall design. The functionality of the ALU has been limited so as to reduce the complexity of the entire system and make it easily decipherable in case of any error.
  • 31. 31 Function The function of the ALU is to perform the arithmetic and logical operations (arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction and multiplication; logical operations : AND, OR, XNOR, left shift and right shift) when it’s fed with the necessary inputs. All these functions are developed from the cell library which was developed using CADENCE. The functionality of each individual block was verified before it was placed together in the ALU.
  • 32. 32 Scope The area of the entire unit can be reduced which will also impact the power performance and transient time dependent characteristics. Complex operations can be added and new cells can be developed so as to help performing those operations.
  • 35. 35 Final layout, LVS & DRC Reports
  • 36. 36
  • 37. 37 PRIMETIME REPORT set search_path "* ~/EECT6325/cad/primetime" * ~/EECT6325/cad/primetime source variables1 R ############################################################### # link library ############################################################### set link_library $library_file finalproj.db set target_library $library_file finalproj.db #set link_library [list $library_file "ff.db"] #set target_library [list $library_file "ff.db"] ############################################################### # link design ############################################################### remove_design -all Error: Nothing matched for designs: there are none loaded (SEL-005) 0 read_verilog $verilog_file Loading verilog file '/home/eng/a/axn131030/EECT6325/cad/primetime/newALUfinal_syn.v' 1 ############################################################### # Define IO parameters ############################################################### set_driving_cell -lib_cell $driving_cell -input_transition_rise $input_transition -input_transition_fall $input_transition [all_inputs] Loading db file '/home/eng/a/axn131030/EECT6325/cad/primetime/finalproj.db' Linking design alumod_1... Information: 1 (12.50%) library cells are unused in library lib_all..... Information: total 1 library cells are unused. Information: Issuing set_operating_conditions for setting analysis mode on_chip_variation. (PTE-037) set_operating_conditions -analysis_type on_chip_variation -library [get_libs {finalproj.db:lib_all}] 1 set_load $load [all_outputs] 1 ############################################################### ############################################################### #define the clock - for comb circuit we may not need to use any clock ############################################################### create_clock -name clk -period $clock_period [get_ports $clock_pin_name] 1 set_clock_transition -rise -max $input_transition [get_clocks clk] 1 set_clock_transition -fall -max $input_transition [get_clocks clk] 1 #set_ideal_transition –max 50 clk #set_false_path –from R ############################################################### # set condition ############################################################### set timing_slew_propagation_mode worst_slew worst_slew set timing_report_unconstrained_paths true true set power_enable_analysis true true set_disable_timing [get_ports $reset_pin_name] Warning: No port objects matched 'R' (SEL-004) Error: Nothing matched for ports (SEL-005) Error: Nothing matched for object_list (SEL-005) 0
  • 38. 38 ############################################################### # analyze delay and power ############################################################### check_timing Warning: Some timing arcs have been disabled for breaking timing loops or because of constant propagation. Use the 'report_disable_timing' command to get the list of these disabled timing arcs. (PTE-003) Information: Checking 'no_input_delay'. Warning: There are 68 ports with no clock-relative input delay specified. Since the variable 'timing_input_port_default_clock' is 'true', a default input port clock will be assumed for these ports. Information: Checking 'no_driving_cell'. Information: Checking 'unconstrained_endpoints'. Warning: There are 32 endpoints which are not constrained for maximum delay. Information: Checking 'unexpandable_clocks'. Information: Checking 'latch_fanout'. Information: Checking 'no_clock'. Information: Checking 'partial_input_delay'. Information: Checking 'generic'. Information: Checking 'loops'. Information: Checking 'generated_clocks'. Information: Checking 'pulse_clock_non_pulse_clock_merge'. Information: Checking 'pll_configuration'. 0 update_timing 1 report_timing -transition_time -delay min_max -capacitance -input_pins **************************************** Report : timing -path_type full -delay_type min_max -input_pins -max_paths 1 -transition_time -capacitance Design : alumod_1 Version: D-2010.06-SP1 Date : Mon Dec 16 19:57:33 2013 **************************************** Startpoint: x[31] (input port) Endpoint: outp_reg[31] (falling edge-triggered flip-flop clocked by clk') Path Group: clk Path Type: min Point Cap Trans Incr Path ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- clock (input port clock) (rise edge) 0.00 0.00 clock network delay (ideal) 0.00 0.00 input external delay 0.00 0.00 r x[31] (in) 44.75 81.88 63.10 63.10 r U748/d (AOI22) 81.88 0.00 63.10 r U748/out (AOI22) 5.27 23.91 46.50 109.59 f U743/a (NAND) 23.91 0.00 109.59 f U743/out (NAND) 5.48 20.98 32.32 141.91 r U742/b (NOR) 20.98 0.00 141.91 r U742/out (NOR) 5.37 12.32 23.71 165.62 f U741/a (INVERTER) 12.32 0.00 165.62 f U741/out (INVERTER) 5.60 17.11 23.95 189.57 r outp_reg[31]/D (DFF) 17.11 0.00 189.57 r data arrival time 189.57
  • 39. 39 clock clk' (fall edge) 20.00 0.00 0.00 clock network delay (ideal) 0.00 0.00 outp_reg[31]/Clk (DFF) 0.00 f library hold time -10.64 -10.64 data required time -10.64 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- data required time -10.64 data arrival time -189.57 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- slack (MET) 200.22 Startpoint: x[1] (input port) Endpoint: outp_reg[31] (falling edge-triggered flip-flop clocked by clk') Path Group: clk Path Type: max Point Cap Trans Incr Path ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- clock (input port clock) (rise edge) 0.00 0.00 input external delay 0.00 0.00 r x[1] (in) 185.10 315.57 259.75 259.75 r U4948/a (NAND) 315.57 0.00 259.75 r U4948/out (NAND) 10.07 73.83 74.37 334.12 f U4946/a (NOR) 73.83 0.00 334.12 f U4946/out (NOR) 21.30 92.92 115.07 449.19 r U4945/a (INVERTER) 92.92 0.00 449.19 r U4945/out (INVERTER) 10.32 30.88 39.26 488.45 f U4943/a (NAND) 30.88 0.00 488.45 f U4943/out (NAND) 11.54 33.08 44.36 532.81 r U4942/a (INVERTER) 33.08 0.00 532.81 r U4942/out (INVERTER) 14.97 21.57 33.01 565.82 f U4941/b (XOR) 21.57 0.00 565.82 f U4941/out (XOR) 10.45 35.95 93.09 658.91 f U4940/a (INVERTER) 35.95 0.00 658.91 f U4940/out (INVERTER) 15.53 36.06 50.27 709.18 r U4911/b (NAND) 36.06 0.00 709.18 r U4911/out (NAND) 5.24 31.32 33.67 742.84 f U4909/a (AOI22) 31.32 0.00 742.84 f U4909/out (AOI22) 20.98 86.17 102.93 845.77 r U4908/b (XOR) 86.17 0.00 845.77 r U4908/out (XOR) 9.07 65.47 109.71 955.48 r U4893/a (XOR) 65.47 0.00 955.48 r U4893/out (XOR) 21.30 102.24 139.40 1094.88 r U4853/b (NAND) 102.24 0.00 1094.88 r U4853/out (NAND) 5.24 31.33 44.06 1138.94 f U4850/a (AOI22) 31.33 0.00 1138.94 f U4850/out (AOI22) 20.98 85.90 102.93 1241.87 r U4849/b (XOR) 85.90 0.00 1241.87 r U4849/out (XOR) 9.07 65.17 109.66 1351.53 r U4818/a (XOR) 65.17 0.00 1351.53 r U4818/out (XOR) 21.02 101.25 138.60 1490.13 r U4817/b (NOR) 101.25 0.00 1490.13 r U4817/out (NOR) 5.37 30.87 39.69 1529.81 f U4816/a (INVERTER) 30.87 0.00 1529.81 f U4816/out (INVERTER) 5.26 20.71 32.07 1561.89 r U4814/a (AOI22) 20.71 0.00 1561.89 r U4814/out (AOI22) 20.33 56.07 64.96 1626.84 f U4813/b (XOR) 56.07 0.00 1626.84 f U4813/out (XOR) 8.80 33.91 102.79 1729.63 f U4769/a (XOR) 33.91 0.00 1729.63 f U4769/out (XOR) 19.21 49.88 98.26 1827.90 f U4644/b (NOR) 49.88 0.00 1827.90 f U4644/out (NOR) 5.77 41.65 65.55 1893.45 r
  • 40. 40 U4643/a (INVERTER) 41.65 0.00 1893.45 r U4643/out (INVERTER) 5.24 16.45 23.86 1917.31 f U4642/a (AOI22) 16.45 0.00 1917.31 f U4642/out (AOI22) 20.98 85.64 95.90 2013.21 r U4641/b (XOR) 85.64 0.00 2013.21 r U4641/out (XOR) 9.07 66.24 109.60 2122.82 r U4581/a (XOR) 66.24 0.00 2122.82 r U4581/out (XOR) 20.33 99.07 136.81 2259.63 r U4580/b (NOR) 99.07 0.00 2259.63 r U4580/out (NOR) 5.37 30.52 39.47 2299.09 f U4579/a (INVERTER) 30.52 0.00 2299.09 f U4579/out (INVERTER) 5.26 20.61 31.94 2331.03 r U4577/a (AOI22) 20.61 0.00 2331.03 r U4577/out (AOI22) 20.33 55.56 64.91 2395.94 f U4576/b (XOR) 55.56 0.00 2395.94 f U4576/out (XOR) 8.80 33.85 102.65 2498.60 f U4502/a (XOR) 33.85 0.00 2498.60 f U4502/out (XOR) 19.21 49.88 98.24 2596.83 f U4321/b (NOR) 49.88 0.00 2596.83 f U4321/out (NOR) 5.77 41.65 65.55 2662.39 r U4320/a (INVERTER) 41.65 0.00 2662.39 r U4320/out (INVERTER) 5.24 16.45 23.86 2686.25 f U4319/a (AOI22) 16.45 0.00 2686.25 f U4319/out (AOI22) 20.98 85.29 95.90 2782.15 r U4318/b (XOR) 85.29 0.00 2782.15 r U4318/out (XOR) 9.07 64.16 109.54 2891.68 r U4230/a (XOR) 64.16 0.00 2891.68 r U4230/out (XOR) 20.33 99.07 136.53 3028.22 r U4229/b (NOR) 99.07 0.00 3028.22 r U4229/out (NOR) 5.37 30.52 39.47 3067.69 f U4228/a (INVERTER) 30.52 0.00 3067.69 f U4228/out (INVERTER) 5.26 20.61 31.94 3099.62 r U4226/a (AOI22) 20.61 0.00 3099.62 r U4226/out (AOI22) 20.33 55.56 64.91 3164.54 f U4225/b (XOR) 55.56 0.00 3164.54 f U4225/out (XOR) 8.80 33.78 102.66 3267.19 f U4123/a (XOR) 33.78 0.00 3267.19 f U4123/out (XOR) 19.21 49.88 98.20 3365.39 f U3885/b (NOR) 49.88 0.00 3365.39 f U3885/out (NOR) 5.77 41.65 65.55 3430.95 r U3884/a (INVERTER) 41.65 0.00 3430.95 r U3884/out (INVERTER) 5.24 16.45 23.86 3454.81 f U3883/a (AOI22) 16.45 0.00 3454.81 f U3883/out (AOI22) 20.98 84.85 95.90 3550.71 r U3882/b (XOR) 84.85 0.00 3550.71 r U3882/out (XOR) 9.07 64.18 109.45 3660.16 r U3766/a (XOR) 64.18 0.00 3660.16 r U3766/out (XOR) 20.33 99.07 136.54 3796.70 r U3765/b (NOR) 99.07 0.00 3796.70 r U3765/out (NOR) 5.37 30.52 39.47 3836.16 f U3764/a (INVERTER) 30.52 0.00 3836.16 f U3764/out (INVERTER) 5.26 20.61 31.94 3868.10 r U3762/a (AOI22) 20.61 0.00 3868.10 r U3762/out (AOI22) 20.33 55.83 64.91 3933.01 f U3761/b (XOR) 55.83 0.00 3933.01 f U3761/out (XOR) 8.80 33.76 102.73 4035.74 f U3631/a (XOR) 33.76 0.00 4035.74 f U3631/out (XOR) 19.21 49.88 98.19 4133.94 f U3337/b (NOR) 49.88 0.00 4133.94 f U3337/out (NOR) 5.77 41.65 65.55 4199.49 r U3336/a (INVERTER) 41.65 0.00 4199.49 r U3336/out (INVERTER) 5.24 16.45 23.86 4223.35 f U3335/a (AOI22) 16.45 0.00 4223.35 f U3335/out (AOI22) 20.98 85.04 95.90 4319.25 r U3334/b (XOR) 85.04 0.00 4319.25 r U3334/out (XOR) 9.07 64.29 109.49 4428.74 r
  • 41. 41 U3190/a (XOR) 64.29 0.00 4428.74 r U3190/out (XOR) 20.33 99.07 136.55 4565.29 r U3189/b (NOR) 99.07 0.00 4565.29 r U3189/out (NOR) 5.37 30.52 39.47 4604.76 f U3188/a (INVERTER) 30.52 0.00 4604.76 f U3188/out (INVERTER) 5.26 20.61 31.94 4636.70 r U3186/a (AOI22) 20.61 0.00 4636.70 r U3186/out (AOI22) 20.33 56.60 64.91 4701.61 f U3185/b (XOR) 56.60 0.00 4701.61 f U3185/out (XOR) 8.80 34.52 102.93 4804.54 f U3027/a (XOR) 34.52 0.00 4804.54 f U3027/out (XOR) 19.21 49.88 98.53 4903.07 f U2675/b (NOR) 49.88 0.00 4903.07 f U2675/out (NOR) 5.77 41.65 65.55 4968.63 r U2674/a (INVERTER) 41.65 0.00 4968.63 r U2674/out (INVERTER) 5.24 16.45 23.86 4992.49 f U2673/a (AOI22) 16.45 0.00 4992.49 f U2673/out (AOI22) 15.54 72.71 84.04 5076.53 r U2672/b (XOR) 72.71 0.00 5076.53 r U2672/out (XOR) 9.07 63.25 107.07 5183.60 r U2499/a (XOR) 63.25 0.00 5183.60 r U2499/out (XOR) 20.60 99.87 137.18 5320.77 r U2498/b (NAND) 99.87 0.00 5320.77 r U2498/out (NAND) 5.24 29.51 43.89 5364.66 f U2494/a (AOI22) 29.51 0.00 5364.66 f U2494/out (AOI22) 15.54 72.52 90.14 5454.80 r U1519/a (INVERTER) 72.52 0.00 5454.80 r U1519/out (INVERTER) 9.84 26.52 35.48 5490.28 f U1518/a (NOR) 26.52 0.00 5490.28 f U1518/out (NOR) 5.77 41.83 49.62 5539.89 r U1517/a (INVERTER) 41.83 0.00 5539.89 r U1517/out (INVERTER) 5.24 16.49 23.90 5563.79 f U1516/a (AOI22) 16.49 0.00 5563.79 f U1516/out (AOI22) 20.98 85.20 95.92 5659.71 r U1515/b (XOR) 85.20 0.00 5659.71 r U1515/out (XOR) 9.07 64.34 109.52 5769.23 r U1321/a (XOR) 64.34 0.00 5769.23 r U1321/out (XOR) 14.33 79.66 119.89 5889.12 r U930/a (AOI22) 79.66 0.00 5889.12 r U930/out (AOI22) 9.70 47.26 72.68 5961.80 f U929/b (XOR) 47.26 0.00 5961.80 f U929/out (XOR) 8.80 32.70 100.23 6062.03 f U924/a (XOR) 32.70 0.00 6062.03 f U924/out (XOR) 8.80 33.17 87.35 6149.37 f U751/a (XOR) 33.17 0.00 6149.37 f U751/out (XOR) 5.05 28.51 83.51 6232.88 f U750/d (AOI22) 28.51 0.00 6232.88 f U750/out (AOI22) 5.76 46.16 47.34 6280.23 r U749/b (NAND) 46.16 0.00 6280.23 r U749/out (NAND) 4.79 23.44 35.35 6315.57 f U742/a (NOR) 23.44 0.00 6315.57 f U742/out (NOR) 5.77 39.71 48.26 6363.83 r U741/a (INVERTER) 39.71 0.00 6363.83 r U741/out (INVERTER) 5.28 16.07 23.55 6387.38 f outp_reg[31]/D (DFF) 16.07 0.00 6387.38 f data arrival time 6387.38 clock clk' (fall edge) 0.00 6700.00 6700.00 clock network delay (ideal) 0.00 6700.00 outp_reg[31]/Clk (DFF) 6700.00 f library setup time -35.12 6664.88 data required time 6664.88 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- data required time 6664.88 data arrival time -6387.38 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • 42. 42 slack (MET) 277.50 1 update_power Information: Checked out license 'PrimeTime-PX' (PT-019) Warning: Neither event file or switching activity data present for power estimation. The command will propagate switching activity values for power calculation. (PWR-246) Information: Running averaged power analysis... (PWR-601) 1 report_power **************************************** Report : Averaged Power Design : alumod_1 Version: D-2010.06-SP1 Date : Mon Dec 16 19:57:34 2013 **************************************** Attributes ---------- i - Including register clock pin internal power u - User defined power group Internal Switching Leakage Total Power Group Power Power Power Power ( %) Attrs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- io_pad 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ( 0.00%) memory 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ( 0.00%) black_box 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ( 0.00%) clock_network 3.425e-04 4.095e-05 8.268e-10 3.834e-04 (12.15%) i register 1.720e-05 2.776e-06 3.034e-07 2.028e-05 ( 0.64%) combinational 1.318e-03 1.428e-03 5.748e-06 2.752e-03 (87.21%) sequential 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ( 0.00%) Net Switching Power = 1.472e-03 (46.65%) Cell Internal Power = 1.678e-03 (53.16%) Cell Leakage Power = 6.052e-06 ( 0.19%) --------- Total Power = 3.156e-03 (100.00%)