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2023 IEEE Renewable Energy and Sustainable E-Mobility Conference (RESEM)
979-8-3503-1132-7/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE
Normamatova Mahsuda
Assistant Professor,
Department of Sociology and Social
Samarkand State University,
Yusupov Rayimjon
Department of Sociology and Social
Samarkand State University,
Christo Ananth*
Samarkand State University,
T.Ananth Kumar
Associate Professor,
IFET College of Engineering, India
Negmatov Isok-jon
Department of Sociology and Social
Samarkand State University,
Abstract—Researchers speculate on the long-term effects of
wearable virtual reality and augmented reality headsets on the
global information society. The evolution of virtuality through
its various stages is discussed. Today's views of social life, i.e.
virtualized society, virtual realities, virtual images, and their
impact on today's social processes are widely explained. The
obstacles faced by today's youth when faced with virtual
realities are discussed. The issue of the effect of the development
of science and technology on the process of turning virtual
images into reality on people's worldview was studied. It was
deeply analyzed that virtualistics is a new philosophical
direction, a new scientific paradigm. The article philosophically
analyses the concept of the combination of virtuality and real
life to create a healthy social environment
Keywords— virtuality, cognition, epistemology, virtual reality,
virtual image, information, society, social service, determinant,
factor, social work
Science has always been a valuable resource for learning
about the world and solving complex issues. New scientific
paradigms have emerged throughout scientific histories, such
as Newton's laws of motion and Einstein's theory of
relativity[1]. Virtual science is a novel approach to conducting
scientific research made possible by digital infrastructures.
This perspective provides us with a fresh lens through which
to examine our current environment. The use of VR
technology in the field of science has given rise to the field of
"virtual science," the goal of which is to simulate and study
phenomena that are not accessible in the physical world. This
research aims to learn about things that are impossible to
observe or study in the physical world[2]. Researchers have
more freedom to experiment with different scenarios and
hypotheses in the virtual world. This aids in their
comprehension of the topic they are researching. This
technology has revolutionized science by allowing researchers
to examine previously inaccessible complex systems and
phenomena. The ability to conduct experiments in a controlled
and carefully supervised setting is a significant benefit of
virtual science. In the medical field, for instance, VR can be
used to simulate procedures and train staff before they are
performed on actual patients[3]. Improving conditions for
patients while reducing their risk of complications is a major
benefit. Earthquakes, hurricanes, and other natural disasters
can all be simulated with the help of virtual science. As a
result, scientists can examine the global impact of these
phenomena and develop more effective responses to natural
disasters. One of the field's primary advantages is the ability
to use virtual science to study systems that are too large or too
small to be studied in the real world. There is a significant
advantage to this. Studying the behaviour of atoms and
molecules, galaxies and other astronomical objects is possible
with the help of the virtual science method[4]. As a bonus, the
development of virtual science can potentially reduce the
resources (both time and money) required to conduct scientific
research. In-the-wild experiments often necessitate substantial
investment of both time and money. Nevertheless, virtual
science can reduce these costs and shorten the time it takes to
complete research. Furthermore, using virtual science allows
for the testing of hypotheses prior to conducting experiments
in the real world. This enables researchers to develop more
effective and efficient experiments.
Figure 1. Scientific Paradigm – Visualisation
Figure 1. shows the visualised diagram of Scientific
Paradigm. Though virtual science has many benefits, it also
has some potential drawbacks. For instance, virtual science
results might not be as trustworthy because they do not
accurately reflect the complexity of the real world. Some
researchers and institutions may be hesitant to use virtual
science due to the high cost of the necessary technology[5].
Virtual Reality Scientific research
Education Training
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RESEM 2023
The acceleration of the information process in the world has
created a modern research direction called "virtualistics".
Concepts and principles of virtual science, research methods,
which began to take shape in the last decade of the 20th
century, began to demand their clear explanations. For this
reason, there was a need to study virtual knowledge in
philosophy from the point of view of modern postclassical
philosophy of science. The results obtained in the course of
conducting such research, philosophical conclusions serve as
a methodological basis for the research of virtualization of
social life, work and educational systems, its positive and
negative aspects. Khosravi et al. (2022) examined how virtual
reality could be used in science classrooms. The authors
argued that interactive and immersive virtual reality
simulations of scientific phenomena could improve students'
educational experiences. The study found that virtual reality
can make science more engaging and useful for students.
Lorusso et al. (2022) applied virtual reality to environmental
science research in another study[7]. The authors said virtual
reality simulations can study complex environmental systems
like weather patterns and ocean currents. The study found that
virtual reality technology could improve environmental
science research and help researchers overcome some of their
challenges. Schöne et al. (2021) reviewed virtual reality in
neuroscience research. The authors suggested using virtual
reality technology to study how the brain reacts to stimuli and
processes information[8]. The study found that virtual reality
could revolutionize neuroscience research and reveal new
brain functions. In a separate study, Schwendimann et al.
(2018) examined medical applications of virtual reality. The
authors discussed using virtual reality simulations to train
medical professionals and practice procedures[9]. The study
found that virtual reality could improve medical education and
reduce medical errors. Virtual reality technology in scientific
research has some drawbacks. They examined the health risks
of long-term VR headset use. The authors claimed that virtual
reality technology could cause motion sickness, eye strain,
and other health issues, limiting its use in scientific research.
Robison (2011) discussed how complex virtual reality
simulations are. Virtual reality technology often
oversimplifies or abstracted complex events, making it hard to
create realistic and accurate simulations[10]. Virtual science,
which is a component of today's philosophical research in the
world, and its possibilities, on the basis of the epistemological
laws of modern philosophy of science, are becoming more and
more necessary.
Figure 2. Applications of virtual science
Figure 2 shows the real time applications of Virtual
science. In this study, the importance of studying the features
of the virtual world from an epistemological point of view was
shown in solving the complex scientific and conceptual
problems that arise in the present time, in the formation of
ideological immunity in young people, and in the
understanding of the national identity of a person. This study
is devoted to the philosophical interpretation of the scientific
essence, categories and principles of the phenomenon of
virtualism[11]. In Uzbekistan today, the informatization of the
society, the wide application of information technologies to
social life and production has created an opportunity for all-
round virtualization of human activity, that is, for a person to
communicate with virtual realities on a large scale[12]. This
created the need for a philosophical analysis of the problems
of "virtual reality" and "virtual existence", concepts and ideas
related to them. In such a case, the phenomenon of
virtualization of the information-resource spheres in the art
and culture, education and health, social protection, science
and technology systems of society will increase, and the scope
of virtual systems will expand. In the effective use of such
systems, the recommendations developed within the
framework of this study will serve as a methodological basis
for projects and technological plans related to the intensive
involvement of society in the process of virtualization.
The concept of "virtuality" was first brought into the
English language by the Latin word "virtus," which literally
translates to "virtue." In ancient Roman literature and religion,
this word could have more than one meaning at a time,
depending on the context in which it was used. The term
"virtus" has been given a variety of meanings by various
academics, including "moral excellence," "goodness,"
"imagination," "courage," "potential," "the fantastic," and "the
fantastical.[13]" These are just a few of the many different
applications that can be found for the term. Cicero and Seneca,
two of the most famous Roman philosophers, used this term,
which literally translates to "virtue"[14]. When used by
advocates of Western philosophy and science during the
Middle Ages and the Renaissance, the Latin word for "ability"
also had the meanings of "inner strength," "potency," and
"power." Since that time, people have been able to use the
word "virtual" to mean anything, including "potency," "bud,"
"possibility," "unreal world," "intermediate state," and
"ability," among other things. Even though theoretical thought
in classical Greece was the original home of virtualism, its
ideas were not lost in the Islamic East, where they expressed
the concept of possibility[15]. Although the original home of
virtualism was theoretical thought in classical Greece, its ideas
were not lost in the Islamic East. Ideas associated with
virtualism reached a level of theoretical sophistication in
classical Greece. In the context of finding solutions to
ontological and epistemological issues, eminent thinkers such
as Al-Kindi, Farabi, and Ibn Sina revealed a new interpretation
of the concepts of possibility and potentiality, both of which
refer to the previous state of cause and effect[16]. This new
interpretation was revealed when solving ontological and
epistemological issues. This novel interpretation originated as
a response to the advancements in science and technology that
occurred during their time period[17]. The investigation that
Abu Nasr Farabi conducted into the beginnings of being and
knowledge significantly emphasized the concept of
possibility[18]. Ideas such as "mind in possibility," "psyche in
possibility," and "actual and potential relations" were some of
the concepts that he developed. From his point of view, the
potential mind is attuned to the fundamental nature of reality
and is shaped by the active mind. This mind might be able to
abstract away the superficial aspects of the situation and
concentrate on what truly matters if it uses its powers of
observation to its full potential. Through this process, the
latent potential of the mind transforms into the mind itself.
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RESEM 2023
The philosophical views of Pharoabi hold that the
manifestation of matter can take place in infinite ways. The
process of giving something a form causes it to become more
tangible. The human psyche transitions from a potential mind
to a potential mind that is "possessed" due to becoming aware
of the numerous changes that take place between form and
substance. This is because becoming aware of these changes
causes the psyche to become "possessed" ("acquired
imagination and concepts"). In his theory of knowledge, he
uses the terms "actual" and "potential" to describe how a
person understands things as well as the things they
understand. It is essential to pay attention to the here and now.
The ability to make an observation indicates a possible state,
but knowing transforms this possibility into an actuality.
Consequently, the idea of possibility is regarded as an
essential component of both existence and knowledge in
Farobi's philosophy. This is because the concept of possibility
describes the nature of a potential (virtual) state. Information
about a hypothetical or virtual state is transmitted as a result
of this action. Ibn Sina is a well-known philosopher who is
celebrated for his explanation of the epistemological meaning
of "possibility" by utilising the ideas of "determination" and
"state." This philosopher believes that everything in the
universe can be broken down into one of two categories:
substances or accidents. The nature of a substance's core
determines whether or not the substance itself exists.
Nevertheless, the nature of the thing itself does not have any
bearing on whether or not it is feasible. Instead, the existence
of the object in question is being called into question. Because
of this, it should be obvious that opportunity is not a thing in
and of itself; instead, it is a condition that anything can have.
The coexistence of material and immaterial states is made
possible by the possibility of their coexistence. Because there
is always something that could be matter many people believe
that matter has always been around since there is always
something that could be matter. The philosophical framework
of Ibn Sina asserts that random occurrences determine
virtuality. The idea that one can perform a specific action is
now understood to be an ontological category.
The phenomenon of virtuality, the question of its role in
cognition and practice has been the focus of philosophers for
many centuries. The problems of the epistemology of
virtuality, embodying the post-noclassic imagination, entered
the sphere of philosophical thinking after the emergence of the
science of virtuality, and became the subject of serious
research. Science and technology centres in Western nations
prioritize researching the social and psychological effects of
virtual reality created by "human-computer" and Internet
systems, the connection to this reality, and the effects of
communication. Figuring out the institutional,
interdisciplinary, and philosophical position of virtual science
at the current stage of the science of virtual science, as well as
the object and subject of research, and developing a set of
terms about virtual science is a significant but pressing
epistemological issue. The ontology of virtuality is the
subfield of research that has reached the most technologically
advanced level in relation to the intellectual conundrum that is
virtualism. There have been studies on the epistemology of
virtuality; however, most of these studies do not adhere to
post-neoclassical epistemology. In contrast, they are founded
upon non-classical epistemological approaches and principles.
In the process of identifying and describing virtuality, the
post-no-classical principle known as the principle of
proliferation, which P. Feyerabend developed, is used to
confirm an epistemological situation. Regarding this subject,
it is crucial that everyone be informed. This event is
significant for many reasons, including the fact that
virtualistics as a field of study is moving in a virtualistic
direction. This requires locating objects of knowledge that
resemble the links or branches of a chain within the context of
the teachings and studying and describing these objects once
they have been located. Uzbek philosophers have extensively
researched post-neoclassical philosophy and the paradigm,
epistemology, and methodology of modern scientific enquiry
over the past ten to fifteen years. The majority of research has
concentrated on these factors. Post-neoclassical scientific
directions, such as globalism, universal evolutionism,
synergetics, multi-sense logic, fractal geometry, and other
similar directions, all raise philosophical questions that are
thoroughly investigated. These are also some of the topics
discussed at conferences where scientists are present. There is
a great deal of untapped potential for scholarly investigation
in this field. The social-cultural, philosophical-
methodological, and epistemological challenges of
epistemology, as well as how virtuality manifests itself in
them, at virtual science's sociohistorical, philosophical,
epistemological, and methodological dimensions. Our way of
thinking underwent significant paradigm shifts when we
worked to achieve our independence. During this same time
period, interest in the philosophy, epistemology, and methods
of the post-neoclassical sciences increased. Therefore, it is
evident that epistemology must devote a substantial amount of
attention to issues associated with virtuality.
Utilizing a philosophical-historical, ontological, and
epistemological approach to study the problem of virtuality in
epistemology, as well as conducting a comprehensive critical
analysis of its research subject, re-examining fundamental
concepts and ideas, and studying the dynamics of theoretical-
ideological succession in it, resulted in the development of a
new theoretical-methodological approach. This was done in
order to examine the problem of virtuality in epistemology,
conduct a comprehensive critical analysis of its research
subject, and examine the problem of virtuality in physics.
Using the virtualistic method, it is possible to demonstrate
both the central concept of epistemology and the many distinct
components of epistemology most exhaustively and
exhaustively possible. This becomes abundantly clear when
one considers the insightful and original work accomplished
in the past by renowned scientists and academics.
The connections between the various historical types of
scientific knowledge can be interpreted as an example of
ideological succession from a virtualist perspective. It is
essential in contemporary philosophical discourse to explain
epistemology's heuristic and innovative aspects. Virtuality-
related ontological, epistemological, and methodological
issues are particularly important in post-no-classical
epistemology. When contemplating the philosophy of
virtualism, it is necessary to examine the difficulty posed by
the disparity between the individual and the outside world.
The success of research on epistemology and methodology is
inversely proportional to the evolution of ideas alongside the
expansion of various scientific disciplines over time. There are
also additional ideas. By examining the concept of creativity
within the framework of virtualist theory's concepts and
principles, one can achieve the following: a) the generation of
new challenges; b) the acquisition of previously undiscovered
information regarding aspects of the creative process. Because
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RESEM 2023
the mind and consciousness are both virtual, a number of
direct and indirect processes and factors make it more difficult
to comprehend the nature of the relationship between the
subject and object in cognition, as well as the proportion of
virtuality to the constant reality that exists within them and the
process of cognition itself.
• First, the major theoretical frameworks and
methodological approaches that have been used
to try to figure out what virtuality is all about
were explained. The investigation shows that
virtual reality, which is the main subfield of
virtual science, doesn't have a definition or model
of how it works that everyone agrees on.
Researchers are still looking into this subject.
• Second, the empirical, experimental, and
theoretical research that is being done on the
topic of virtuality is based on the virtualistics
paradigm. There is an urgent need for
philosophical thought and examination of the
findings from both an ontological and an
epistemological point of view.
• The ongoing research is important because it
helps build a more accurate picture of what is
being studied and finds facts about the object that
have not been studied before. Both of these have
never been done before. This not only makes
people think about the object-subject theme in the
epistemology of virtualistic research, but it also
ends up making the virtual reality concept itself
• Fourth, there needs to be a certain pre-
paradigmatic and paradigmatic environment for
new scientific directions to emerge and for the
ideas that make up those directions to form. In the
second quarter of the 20th century, the
paradigmatic environment that was so important
to the development of virtualistics began to take
• Fifth, there are ways to develop ideas about
virtuality within the framework of post-no-
classical epistemology, which emerged in the
second half of the 20th century.
• Sixth, in the field of epistemology of virtuality,
which is the theoretical basis of virtualism,
different conceptual ideas are being developed,
and opinions are being shared on the object,
subject, and methodological approaches of the
new direction.
• From a methodological point of view, it is
important to look into the foundations of
virtualistic knowledge to see if the theory and its
parts meet the standards of scientific rationality,
which are measured by the ratio of adequate to
alternative. In other words, it is important to find
out if the theory and its parts make sense from a
scientific point of view.
In conclusion, the rise of virtual science is a sign of a
paradigm shift that could bring about big changes in the
scientific world. It can create a safe and controlled
environment for experimenting, allowing scientists to study
systems that are either too big or too small to study in the real
world. This could mean that less time and money will be
needed for scientific research. Even though it might have
some problems, virtual science is an important tool for
scientific research in the 21st century. In the process of
investigating the virtuality of creativity, new concepts, ideas,
and concepts such as virtual images, virtual model, virtual
creativity, semantic virtual, and other conceptual elements are
entering the paradigm of post-no-classical epistemology.
Other conceptual elements include virtual creativity, virtual
image, virtual model, and virtual creativity. These novel ideas
include virtual images, virtual creativity, and virtual
semantics, among others. In recent years, scientific
community research and publications have focused on virtual
science as a potential new paradigm. Academics from a
variety of disciplines have investigated the concept of virtual
science, as well as its potential benefits and challenges.
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RESEM 2023
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Virtual Science Is A New Scientific Paradigm

  • 1. 2023 IEEE Renewable Energy and Sustainable E-Mobility Conference (RESEM) 979-8-3503-1132-7/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE VIRTUAL SCIENCE IS A NEW SCIENTIFIC PARADIGM Normamatova Mahsuda Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology and Social Work, Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan Yusupov Rayimjon Professor, Department of Sociology and Social Work, Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan Christo Ananth* Professor, Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan T.Ananth Kumar Associate Professor, IFET College of Engineering, India Negmatov Isok-jon Professor, Department of Sociology and Social Work, Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan Abstract—Researchers speculate on the long-term effects of wearable virtual reality and augmented reality headsets on the global information society. The evolution of virtuality through its various stages is discussed. Today's views of social life, i.e. virtualized society, virtual realities, virtual images, and their impact on today's social processes are widely explained. The obstacles faced by today's youth when faced with virtual realities are discussed. The issue of the effect of the development of science and technology on the process of turning virtual images into reality on people's worldview was studied. It was deeply analyzed that virtualistics is a new philosophical direction, a new scientific paradigm. The article philosophically analyses the concept of the combination of virtuality and real life to create a healthy social environment Keywords— virtuality, cognition, epistemology, virtual reality, virtual image, information, society, social service, determinant, factor, social work I. INTRODUCTION Science has always been a valuable resource for learning about the world and solving complex issues. New scientific paradigms have emerged throughout scientific histories, such as Newton's laws of motion and Einstein's theory of relativity[1]. Virtual science is a novel approach to conducting scientific research made possible by digital infrastructures. This perspective provides us with a fresh lens through which to examine our current environment. The use of VR technology in the field of science has given rise to the field of "virtual science," the goal of which is to simulate and study phenomena that are not accessible in the physical world. This research aims to learn about things that are impossible to observe or study in the physical world[2]. Researchers have more freedom to experiment with different scenarios and hypotheses in the virtual world. This aids in their comprehension of the topic they are researching. This technology has revolutionized science by allowing researchers to examine previously inaccessible complex systems and phenomena. The ability to conduct experiments in a controlled and carefully supervised setting is a significant benefit of virtual science. In the medical field, for instance, VR can be used to simulate procedures and train staff before they are performed on actual patients[3]. Improving conditions for patients while reducing their risk of complications is a major benefit. Earthquakes, hurricanes, and other natural disasters can all be simulated with the help of virtual science. As a result, scientists can examine the global impact of these phenomena and develop more effective responses to natural disasters. One of the field's primary advantages is the ability to use virtual science to study systems that are too large or too small to be studied in the real world. There is a significant advantage to this. Studying the behaviour of atoms and molecules, galaxies and other astronomical objects is possible with the help of the virtual science method[4]. As a bonus, the development of virtual science can potentially reduce the resources (both time and money) required to conduct scientific research. In-the-wild experiments often necessitate substantial investment of both time and money. Nevertheless, virtual science can reduce these costs and shorten the time it takes to complete research. Furthermore, using virtual science allows for the testing of hypotheses prior to conducting experiments in the real world. This enables researchers to develop more effective and efficient experiments. Figure 1. Scientific Paradigm – Visualisation Figure 1. shows the visualised diagram of Scientific Paradigm. Though virtual science has many benefits, it also has some potential drawbacks. For instance, virtual science results might not be as trustworthy because they do not accurately reflect the complexity of the real world. Some researchers and institutions may be hesitant to use virtual science due to the high cost of the necessary technology[5]. Virtual Reality Scientific research Education Training Scientific Paradigm 2023 IEEE Renewable Energy and Sustainable E-Mobility Conference (RESEM) | 979-8-3503-1132-7/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/RESEM57584.2023.10236372 Authorized licensed use limited to: Qatar Foundation (Qatar National Library). Downloaded on September 06,2023 at 08:13:37 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
  • 2. RESEM 2023 The acceleration of the information process in the world has created a modern research direction called "virtualistics". Concepts and principles of virtual science, research methods, which began to take shape in the last decade of the 20th century, began to demand their clear explanations. For this reason, there was a need to study virtual knowledge in philosophy from the point of view of modern postclassical philosophy of science. The results obtained in the course of conducting such research, philosophical conclusions serve as a methodological basis for the research of virtualization of social life, work and educational systems, its positive and negative aspects. Khosravi et al. (2022) examined how virtual reality could be used in science classrooms. The authors argued that interactive and immersive virtual reality simulations of scientific phenomena could improve students' educational experiences. The study found that virtual reality can make science more engaging and useful for students. Lorusso et al. (2022) applied virtual reality to environmental science research in another study[7]. The authors said virtual reality simulations can study complex environmental systems like weather patterns and ocean currents. The study found that virtual reality technology could improve environmental science research and help researchers overcome some of their challenges. Schöne et al. (2021) reviewed virtual reality in neuroscience research. The authors suggested using virtual reality technology to study how the brain reacts to stimuli and processes information[8]. The study found that virtual reality could revolutionize neuroscience research and reveal new brain functions. In a separate study, Schwendimann et al. (2018) examined medical applications of virtual reality. The authors discussed using virtual reality simulations to train medical professionals and practice procedures[9]. The study found that virtual reality could improve medical education and reduce medical errors. Virtual reality technology in scientific research has some drawbacks. They examined the health risks of long-term VR headset use. The authors claimed that virtual reality technology could cause motion sickness, eye strain, and other health issues, limiting its use in scientific research. Robison (2011) discussed how complex virtual reality simulations are. Virtual reality technology often oversimplifies or abstracted complex events, making it hard to create realistic and accurate simulations[10]. Virtual science, which is a component of today's philosophical research in the world, and its possibilities, on the basis of the epistemological laws of modern philosophy of science, are becoming more and more necessary. Figure 2. Applications of virtual science Figure 2 shows the real time applications of Virtual science. In this study, the importance of studying the features of the virtual world from an epistemological point of view was shown in solving the complex scientific and conceptual problems that arise in the present time, in the formation of ideological immunity in young people, and in the understanding of the national identity of a person. This study is devoted to the philosophical interpretation of the scientific essence, categories and principles of the phenomenon of virtualism[11]. In Uzbekistan today, the informatization of the society, the wide application of information technologies to social life and production has created an opportunity for all- round virtualization of human activity, that is, for a person to communicate with virtual realities on a large scale[12]. This created the need for a philosophical analysis of the problems of "virtual reality" and "virtual existence", concepts and ideas related to them. In such a case, the phenomenon of virtualization of the information-resource spheres in the art and culture, education and health, social protection, science and technology systems of society will increase, and the scope of virtual systems will expand. In the effective use of such systems, the recommendations developed within the framework of this study will serve as a methodological basis for projects and technological plans related to the intensive involvement of society in the process of virtualization. II. MATERIALS AND METHODS The concept of "virtuality" was first brought into the English language by the Latin word "virtus," which literally translates to "virtue." In ancient Roman literature and religion, this word could have more than one meaning at a time, depending on the context in which it was used. The term "virtus" has been given a variety of meanings by various academics, including "moral excellence," "goodness," "imagination," "courage," "potential," "the fantastic," and "the fantastical.[13]" These are just a few of the many different applications that can be found for the term. Cicero and Seneca, two of the most famous Roman philosophers, used this term, which literally translates to "virtue"[14]. When used by advocates of Western philosophy and science during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, the Latin word for "ability" also had the meanings of "inner strength," "potency," and "power." Since that time, people have been able to use the word "virtual" to mean anything, including "potency," "bud," "possibility," "unreal world," "intermediate state," and "ability," among other things. Even though theoretical thought in classical Greece was the original home of virtualism, its ideas were not lost in the Islamic East, where they expressed the concept of possibility[15]. Although the original home of virtualism was theoretical thought in classical Greece, its ideas were not lost in the Islamic East. Ideas associated with virtualism reached a level of theoretical sophistication in classical Greece. In the context of finding solutions to ontological and epistemological issues, eminent thinkers such as Al-Kindi, Farabi, and Ibn Sina revealed a new interpretation of the concepts of possibility and potentiality, both of which refer to the previous state of cause and effect[16]. This new interpretation was revealed when solving ontological and epistemological issues. This novel interpretation originated as a response to the advancements in science and technology that occurred during their time period[17]. The investigation that Abu Nasr Farabi conducted into the beginnings of being and knowledge significantly emphasized the concept of possibility[18]. Ideas such as "mind in possibility," "psyche in possibility," and "actual and potential relations" were some of the concepts that he developed. From his point of view, the potential mind is attuned to the fundamental nature of reality and is shaped by the active mind. This mind might be able to abstract away the superficial aspects of the situation and concentrate on what truly matters if it uses its powers of observation to its full potential. Through this process, the latent potential of the mind transforms into the mind itself. Virtual Science Climate Change Healthcare Disaster Response Authorized licensed use limited to: Qatar Foundation (Qatar National Library). Downloaded on September 06,2023 at 08:13:37 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
  • 3. RESEM 2023 III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The philosophical views of Pharoabi hold that the manifestation of matter can take place in infinite ways. The process of giving something a form causes it to become more tangible. The human psyche transitions from a potential mind to a potential mind that is "possessed" due to becoming aware of the numerous changes that take place between form and substance. This is because becoming aware of these changes causes the psyche to become "possessed" ("acquired imagination and concepts"). In his theory of knowledge, he uses the terms "actual" and "potential" to describe how a person understands things as well as the things they understand. It is essential to pay attention to the here and now. The ability to make an observation indicates a possible state, but knowing transforms this possibility into an actuality. Consequently, the idea of possibility is regarded as an essential component of both existence and knowledge in Farobi's philosophy. This is because the concept of possibility describes the nature of a potential (virtual) state. Information about a hypothetical or virtual state is transmitted as a result of this action. Ibn Sina is a well-known philosopher who is celebrated for his explanation of the epistemological meaning of "possibility" by utilising the ideas of "determination" and "state." This philosopher believes that everything in the universe can be broken down into one of two categories: substances or accidents. The nature of a substance's core determines whether or not the substance itself exists. Nevertheless, the nature of the thing itself does not have any bearing on whether or not it is feasible. Instead, the existence of the object in question is being called into question. Because of this, it should be obvious that opportunity is not a thing in and of itself; instead, it is a condition that anything can have. The coexistence of material and immaterial states is made possible by the possibility of their coexistence. Because there is always something that could be matter many people believe that matter has always been around since there is always something that could be matter. The philosophical framework of Ibn Sina asserts that random occurrences determine virtuality. The idea that one can perform a specific action is now understood to be an ontological category. The phenomenon of virtuality, the question of its role in cognition and practice has been the focus of philosophers for many centuries. The problems of the epistemology of virtuality, embodying the post-noclassic imagination, entered the sphere of philosophical thinking after the emergence of the science of virtuality, and became the subject of serious research. Science and technology centres in Western nations prioritize researching the social and psychological effects of virtual reality created by "human-computer" and Internet systems, the connection to this reality, and the effects of communication. Figuring out the institutional, interdisciplinary, and philosophical position of virtual science at the current stage of the science of virtual science, as well as the object and subject of research, and developing a set of terms about virtual science is a significant but pressing epistemological issue. The ontology of virtuality is the subfield of research that has reached the most technologically advanced level in relation to the intellectual conundrum that is virtualism. There have been studies on the epistemology of virtuality; however, most of these studies do not adhere to post-neoclassical epistemology. In contrast, they are founded upon non-classical epistemological approaches and principles. In the process of identifying and describing virtuality, the post-no-classical principle known as the principle of proliferation, which P. Feyerabend developed, is used to confirm an epistemological situation. Regarding this subject, it is crucial that everyone be informed. This event is significant for many reasons, including the fact that virtualistics as a field of study is moving in a virtualistic direction. This requires locating objects of knowledge that resemble the links or branches of a chain within the context of the teachings and studying and describing these objects once they have been located. Uzbek philosophers have extensively researched post-neoclassical philosophy and the paradigm, epistemology, and methodology of modern scientific enquiry over the past ten to fifteen years. The majority of research has concentrated on these factors. Post-neoclassical scientific directions, such as globalism, universal evolutionism, synergetics, multi-sense logic, fractal geometry, and other similar directions, all raise philosophical questions that are thoroughly investigated. These are also some of the topics discussed at conferences where scientists are present. There is a great deal of untapped potential for scholarly investigation in this field. The social-cultural, philosophical- methodological, and epistemological challenges of epistemology, as well as how virtuality manifests itself in them, at virtual science's sociohistorical, philosophical, epistemological, and methodological dimensions. Our way of thinking underwent significant paradigm shifts when we worked to achieve our independence. During this same time period, interest in the philosophy, epistemology, and methods of the post-neoclassical sciences increased. Therefore, it is evident that epistemology must devote a substantial amount of attention to issues associated with virtuality. Utilizing a philosophical-historical, ontological, and epistemological approach to study the problem of virtuality in epistemology, as well as conducting a comprehensive critical analysis of its research subject, re-examining fundamental concepts and ideas, and studying the dynamics of theoretical- ideological succession in it, resulted in the development of a new theoretical-methodological approach. This was done in order to examine the problem of virtuality in epistemology, conduct a comprehensive critical analysis of its research subject, and examine the problem of virtuality in physics. Using the virtualistic method, it is possible to demonstrate both the central concept of epistemology and the many distinct components of epistemology most exhaustively and exhaustively possible. This becomes abundantly clear when one considers the insightful and original work accomplished in the past by renowned scientists and academics. The connections between the various historical types of scientific knowledge can be interpreted as an example of ideological succession from a virtualist perspective. It is essential in contemporary philosophical discourse to explain epistemology's heuristic and innovative aspects. Virtuality- related ontological, epistemological, and methodological issues are particularly important in post-no-classical epistemology. When contemplating the philosophy of virtualism, it is necessary to examine the difficulty posed by the disparity between the individual and the outside world. The success of research on epistemology and methodology is inversely proportional to the evolution of ideas alongside the expansion of various scientific disciplines over time. There are also additional ideas. By examining the concept of creativity within the framework of virtualist theory's concepts and principles, one can achieve the following: a) the generation of new challenges; b) the acquisition of previously undiscovered information regarding aspects of the creative process. Because Authorized licensed use limited to: Qatar Foundation (Qatar National Library). Downloaded on September 06,2023 at 08:13:37 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
  • 4. RESEM 2023 the mind and consciousness are both virtual, a number of direct and indirect processes and factors make it more difficult to comprehend the nature of the relationship between the subject and object in cognition, as well as the proportion of virtuality to the constant reality that exists within them and the process of cognition itself. • First, the major theoretical frameworks and methodological approaches that have been used to try to figure out what virtuality is all about were explained. The investigation shows that virtual reality, which is the main subfield of virtual science, doesn't have a definition or model of how it works that everyone agrees on. Researchers are still looking into this subject. • Second, the empirical, experimental, and theoretical research that is being done on the topic of virtuality is based on the virtualistics paradigm. There is an urgent need for philosophical thought and examination of the findings from both an ontological and an epistemological point of view. • The ongoing research is important because it helps build a more accurate picture of what is being studied and finds facts about the object that have not been studied before. Both of these have never been done before. This not only makes people think about the object-subject theme in the epistemology of virtualistic research, but it also ends up making the virtual reality concept itself bigger. • Fourth, there needs to be a certain pre- paradigmatic and paradigmatic environment for new scientific directions to emerge and for the ideas that make up those directions to form. In the second quarter of the 20th century, the paradigmatic environment that was so important to the development of virtualistics began to take shape. • Fifth, there are ways to develop ideas about virtuality within the framework of post-no- classical epistemology, which emerged in the second half of the 20th century. • Sixth, in the field of epistemology of virtuality, which is the theoretical basis of virtualism, different conceptual ideas are being developed, and opinions are being shared on the object, subject, and methodological approaches of the new direction. • From a methodological point of view, it is important to look into the foundations of virtualistic knowledge to see if the theory and its parts meet the standards of scientific rationality, which are measured by the ratio of adequate to alternative. In other words, it is important to find out if the theory and its parts make sense from a scientific point of view. IV. CONCLUSION In conclusion, the rise of virtual science is a sign of a paradigm shift that could bring about big changes in the scientific world. It can create a safe and controlled environment for experimenting, allowing scientists to study systems that are either too big or too small to study in the real world. This could mean that less time and money will be needed for scientific research. Even though it might have some problems, virtual science is an important tool for scientific research in the 21st century. In the process of investigating the virtuality of creativity, new concepts, ideas, and concepts such as virtual images, virtual model, virtual creativity, semantic virtual, and other conceptual elements are entering the paradigm of post-no-classical epistemology. Other conceptual elements include virtual creativity, virtual image, virtual model, and virtual creativity. These novel ideas include virtual images, virtual creativity, and virtual semantics, among others. 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