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Vermachtnis Legacy - Chapter 7.3 By fraulineTaube (originally posted on the Exchange) Death, disease, and matching panties. Finally an end to this generation!
"Look! A hot Vermachtnis boy!" "Where?" Good question. This generation is a bit different, although they aren't *that* bad. I tried to take a nice picture of the geisha being demure and pretty, but they hate each other, so all I got were pics of pranks and geisha fights. I don't know why, but my chapter holders are all being rather bratty this go-around.
Anyway, this is the third and final part of chapter 7. An heir poll is awaiting you at the end, but we have a bit to go over before we get there. At the end of 7.2, the Vermachtnises had just moved in to a new house.
The welcoming party were three characters from my 10 Experiment Challenge story. "Good morning, sir, we just wanted to say . . . oh dear, why are you in your underwear?" "Well, actually, I was in the middle of woohooing the matchmaker when you showed up." "I see . . . I wish the subjects of our experiment were this romantically-inclined."
While Jessie has that fascinating conversation, Chief Science Officer #86 finds his way over to Fluffy. Sigh. That will have to be fixed later. For the time being, Fluffy has been locked up, as she seems to have developed a taste for CAS sims.
Hey, everybody! Have you discovered the hidden skill available to popularity teenagers? Its the special phone skill! Only Marsha has reached level 10 so far, but Maria here is working on it by spending several hours a day on the phone .
"Mom, who is this strange man and why is he yelling at my cartoons?" "I'm not sure, dear. He came home with your other mom from work. Seems the HRH Police Department needs better personnel screening procedures."
Speaking of strange people, the lure of the island house is great and we have started getting a lot of random drop-in visitors. This one, at least, I know, even if none of the current family does. This is Clay Vermachtnis, from generation two. He is the parent of three alien kids, one of whom is at college with some of the kids from this generation. Please notice Maria in the background on the phone.
"So, Natalie, Grandpa told me you were going to sleep over. What do grownups do at a sleepover? Do you have pillowfights and eat cookies and milk and tell ghost stories? Because that's what I would do." "Uh, yeah, sure sweetie . . . that's exactly what we do!"
Liar, liar. I had Jessie date a few different women, but he kept rolling wants for Natalie, the mother of his child. He really is monogamous at heart, whatever his aspiration says.
"Wheee, I'm the greatest. Look at me jump on this couch as though I am not a nearly-grown teenager with a million other things to do! I can't wait to call everyone and tell them about it!"
Not on my watch, Maria. She skills faster than Madison (and she was driving me batty) so she heads off to college before her twin.
Madison, meanwhile, brushes up on the last of her skills for scholarships with Jessie, who has nearly all of his skill points in every area.
"Children, I bet you're wondering why we Vermachtnises almost always have breakfast in our underwear. Its because we woohoo. A lot. You'll understand when you're older. However, most of us do manage to wear underwear with full backs, ahem, NATALIE!"
Little Marc is Mary's favorite. She loves to sneak into the nursery to play with him when she thinks no one else is looking. She's always been good with kids, especially for a fortune sim, but she just adores her youngest.
"Hello ma'am." "Why, hello. Are you one of mine? Because you look a lot like me." "No, ma'am. I'm the daughter of your great-grand-aunt-in-law. So we're almost related, I suppose." "I see."
Finally time for Marc's birthday! Let's get this generation moving. Mary gets to toss him, of course!
Awwwwww . . . Marc is adorable. He is a Taurus, with an identical personality to Madison and Mickey - 8/9/2/7/4. In fact, he is their clone. Stupid firstborn effect.
Let's check in at college. The boys are mostly just waiting around Urele Ara Hoh for their other siblings to arrive. Morris passes the time by working on his dancing, but Max seems unimpressed.
Once Madison joins Maria at college, their half-brothers come over to pledge them in to Urele Ara Hoh. They all get along pretty well, so the girls are accepted before the boys can even get inside the dorm. And a good thing, too. How would you like to be a freshman trying to make good impressions and have to admit that you were related to these three goofs?
"Ok Mathias, let me get this straight. You guys moved in to the Greek house. All that was here was the party pavilion from when mom lived here, after the Great Glitch Catastrophe of '06. So you three turned it into an all-purple bachelor pad with one bedroom, which you have been living in ever since. And you figured that was a job well done, and called it finished?" "Yeah, pretty much. Why, is there something wrong with it?"
"Sis, this is not at all what I thought living in a Greek house would be like." "Hey, give them some credit, Madison. They are just guys after all. We're lucky they even bought furniture." "Y'know, what this place needs is a woman's touch. I bet we could make a few minor improvements, just to touch the place up a bit."
"Ah! There we go, much better! That's a Greek house fit for a Vermachtnis or 8."
Here's a better look at the twins in their young adult form. They both have the LTW to be Captain Hero, so their studies will probably follow a similar path. Their social lives, however, are bound to be radically different, as Maria seeks more friends and Madison looks for a significant other to settle down with.
Luckily, she found a guy that she gets along with pretty well. This is Niles. He is the son of a chapter holder and therefore a no-no for a legacy spouse, so Madison is taking a risk that she might become heiress and have to break it off. For the time being, however, she is happy to spend her time with the hunky green Niles.
Back at the main house, Jessie gets around to drinking the essence of Science Officer #86. You might have been wondering how Jessie, an NPC, lived longer than Gabi. It is most definitely not because I like him better and have been feeding him a steady diet of cowplant milk, so get that thought out of your head. I'm sure he just comes from hardy stock.
Jessie, did you give Marc a haircut? "Yeah, how could you tell? But anyway, isn't he a dashing little figure? I have high hopes for this boy!" Jessie and Marc are very close, even before they had matching haircuts!
Mickey and Macy have very similar interest and can talk together for hours. They also tend to have the same approach to making friends. I don't know what it is about this generation, but both of my sets of twins act a lot more like twins.
"Did you know, even though there's 8 of us, only one gets to come back here? Yeah, they pick on the internet who is the bestest, most awesomest, coolest Vermachtnis, and they call that one the heiress, and she gets to come live here and do everything she ever wanted."
"What makes you so sure the heir will be a she? I mean, historically, males were heirs, and our family has been kind of female-dominated lately. I bet I have as good a chance as you! Besides, I heard that if you don't get picked as heir, you become immortal!" Well, that's only true on a technicality there, Mickey. I don't play my spares much, so none of them have even become elders yet.
June is working her way up to her second lifetime want, to be Captain Hero. To do this she has to develop her cleaning skills, so she spends some time scanning the pool late one night.
"Hmm, that's strange. Some weirdo goth boy was using this part of the pool last. I don't remember having anyone over for a pool party."
"Gasp! And this part was last used by our Barbie-look-alike neighbor. I bet Maria had a party when I wasn't looking."
"Oh my! The social worker was here too? I'll have to supervise the kids a bit better than in the past. Hmm, I wonder when they had the time to have such a crazy party. We've only lived here for a few days."
"Hey, Mary was the last one to use the trashcan!" That one actually makes sense. Mary has apparently been emulating June's late grandmother, Darcy, and takes the trash out several times a day, even if no one has put anything in it. Cleanliness is next to wasting a bunch of time, after all.
Does this woman look like the type of confident, competent person you want in charge of your police department? Of course she does! At least, someone thinks so, because she keeps getting promoted. It doesn't hurt that she has about 15 friends left over from her LTW-fulfilling spree in college.
"Its our birthday!" Yes, I know, I can tell from your charming slump that you are becoming older and more mature as we speak. Geez, I hate lazy sims!
"Well, I'm standing up straight!" I see that, Mickey, you little suck-up. However, I know you have only 2 active points, same as your sister, so its only a matter of time before I catch you.
Double birthday. Yay. Wake me when its over.
LOL *falls out of chair laughing* That may just be the worst teen clothing ensemble I've ever seen. Like the last teen to grow up in a sweater vest, Mickey's great-great-uncle Devon, Mickey has rolled family. He has a want to graduate 3 kids from college, which is not bad, considering the Vermachtnises have never had less than three kids in a generation.
Macy takes her turn and . . . oh my, that's interesting. Looks like someone's hair didn't transition well.
Creepy! The food processor is smiling at you! Anyway, Macy rolled romance with the want to be a Hall of Famer. Tame. I've been pretty lucky with the LTWs this time around.
"Hello Mrs . . . Chapter 4, was it? While I'm delighted that you feel comfortable enough to come play pool on the third story of our house without being greeted or anything, I'm going to have to ask you to come back another time, since we're all going to bed. . . . Oh, and by the way, I woohooed your elderly mother."
"Hee, Macy, are you sure this is just juice?" "Of course, don't be silly, you silly-boy. Ahhhhhh. Does the wall look like its leaning this way?" "Hiccup! I don't know, but I think there's a fairy in my armpit, tickling me!" "They wouldn't put anything besides juice in a bar accessible to teens, now would they?" "Come out, little fairy . . . hee hee!"
"Hey, we made best friends by getting totally uh . . . juice-faced together, Macy!" "I know! Awesome, right? But now that we're such good friends, I feel I can talk to you honestly. Its about your slouch. It isn't developing like it should. Here, watch me . . ."
Family teen gets to toss the toddler. The other cake there is for June, which is why it has a *few* more candles than Marc's. "Rub it in, why don't you?" Can't be young forever, June.
"I'm a kid! With fingers! This is amazing!" Yes, yes, congratulations Marc. I am so sick of birthdays.
June goes next, managing to blow out all of candles in one breath, a feat to be sure. Meanwhile, Marc manages to catch some serious airtime in the background.
Not bad at all, June. Her already fine, precise features have shrunk with age, but it still suits her. I didn't have any nice yellow elder clothes, so she will have to make do with green .
"Up, up, and away!" June reached her LTW the day she turned old, and heads off to her first day as Captain Hero with a newly-gray head of hair, and a few sags in her latex suit.
Congratulations, Mickey! You are my first sim stupid enough to give himself a disease with the science career reward! I started pampering him, trying to make him better, until I remembered I could just have someone a little more skilled make medicine with the same machine for him. Unfortunately, I didn't realize this before he managed to infect his girlfriend. Nothing says love like the transmission of a mysterious disease!
Macy gets a date from the matchmaker like the many socially-inept Vermachtnises that have come before her. She is simply dying to have a date and her first kiss.
"Hello. You'll do." "Wow! That's the most multifunctional bust I've ever seen! And I've looked at a lot!" "Thanks, matchmaker, he's a keeper!"
"Grandpa, if you don't mind, I'm on a date." "It just so happens that I do mind, Macy! I know firsthand what happens when a romance sim takes love potion and has the hearts floating around. I'm just trying to keep you safe. And as for you, mister, I've got my eye on you!"
Jessie drops the protective grandfather act long enough for Macy to get her first kiss in. I never did manage to catch this kid's name, which is just as well, since he will be the first of many.
Mickey, meanwhile, gets his first kiss with his girlfriend Kerri, right before she informs me that she has a mysterious disease and needs to rest to get better! Smooth, Mickey.
I love looking at couples when one is elder and one is still adult. I think its sweet that they still love each other so much. June and Mary take that one step further by wearing matching underwear. I'm not really sure why Mary's are in focus while June's are blurry, though. Graphics are a bit strange when you have this many sims running around such a big lot.
The Panty Parade marches past Jessie and Mickey as they brush up on scholarship skills.
And ends in the living room, where a semi-nude pillow fight is in order. Gotta love sims' sense of propriety.
"And on that note, I think its time I get the heck out of here." Yeah, no kidding! I think that would scare me a bit, too. Hey, take your sister with you while you're at it, m'kay? "Will do!"
"Grandpa, are you sure that's how you make candies?" "Snarf . . . of course it . . . gobble . . . mmmmmm . . . . yes, of course this is how you do it. I do have 9 cooking points - I should think I know what I'm doing!"
"That other superhero June brought home looks strangely like my long-dead father-in-law." *waves hand* You have seen nothing. "I have seen nothing."
Once she realized that Mary was going to join her in elderhood soon, June started painting her portrait while she was still in the prime of her life.
And done! June's picture gets to rest forever between two red-headed beauties, just as I'm sure she would have liked it.
"Ma'am? Your son got into private school. I really enjoyed the tour of the bathrooms and the turkey dinner that I had to eat by myself. Even though you went to bed an hour ago, I think you're a great host. Marc's in. Ma'am? Are you even listening?"
Jessie has a lot of free time now that the teens are all at college and Marc's in school all day. He uses it wisely, as usual. He wanted to get one last makeout in before . . .
"Jessie Vermachtnis, I have come for you. Death waits for no one, even if he is in the middle of a very stimulating hot tub woohoo with a limber young woman, not that I wasn't giving you your privacy, which is only professional, after all. Ahem, where was I? Oh yes. Jessie - it is your time to leave this world."
"Yeah, yeah, hurry it up, Grimmy. You're upsetting the ladies, and I can't abide by that."
Jessie's passing affected all of his family members, including Madison who went into aspiration failure the next time I played the college lot. June and Mary find a way to cope with the grief, however.
June even finds time to comfort her son, who is shaken up by the loss of his best friend.
Jessie Vermachtnis, a former paperboy, lived to be somewhere around 80 (I forgot to write it down!). He left inheritance to 15 sims, including his daughter Sierra, his girlfriend Natalie, his son Julian, his grandchild Marc, and his daughter June, whom he left the maximum amount because they had a perfect relationship score at the time of his death. Jessie, you were one of my favorite sims to play. You had a mischevious, fun-loving streak, but you were a faithful husband and a family sim in disguise, just waiting for children and grandchildren to pamper. You never had a fear of commitment or children in your entire life, and you will be missed by your many descendents, for most of whom you were the primary caregiver.
Marc finds a way to keep the legend of Jessie going. "Five loves at once! Can you imagine it? How would you like to have five loves?" "Eww, no! Boys are icky."
Shortly after Jessie's passing, it is time for Mary to transition and join her wife in the autumn years.
Oh my goodness. That is an entirely inappropriate outfit. To the dresser with you!
There, much more discreet. Mary is a very sweet-looking old lady.
That is, when she isn't sauntering around in her supervillian costume and giving the camera a death stare. Mary has reached her second lifetime want much more easily than her first, meaning that Halcyon River Hills' greatest criminal mastermind and greatest Captain Hero live together under one roof.
Ah ha! So that's where you hid them, you little louse! I could never find Marc's homework in any of the usual spots, and even though I scoured the lot, they simply did not turn up. Once his grade started falling, though, I became concerned. When I moved the rug in the kitchen, look what I found underneath! Most kids set their homework down at a desk, or near the mailbox, but Marc decided to do things a little differently, I guess.
"What do you mean I have to do all three assignments tonight?" Well, you're growing up tomorrow and I want to make sure you have good grades for the Scholar's Grant. Besides, you wouldn't have had this problem if you would have put your homework in a normal place.
Marc finished his homework and got his grade back up to an A the next day at school, just in time for his birthday. Not every birthday is attended by elderly women in such interesting costumes, but then, not every birthday is part of a legacy.
Hey, finally a good outfit! Which is lucky, because Marc already has all his skill points for scholarships and I am eager to get this chapter over with, so he doesn't even get a piece of cake before I rush him off to college. Oh, and by the way, Marc is a knowledge sim with the LTW to be a Mad Scientist.
"No, you smell like sushi!" Ah, what delicate flowers, right? Thank you for reading another chapter of the Vermachtnis legacy. If you flip the page, I have pictures of all of your choices for heir. You can vote in my guestbook, at Boolprop, or at my usual hangout, SiMania, which you can find at .
Kid #1 - Mathias Popularity Aspiration LTW: Hall of Famer Personality: Pisces, 6/9/8/0/10 Child of June's first wife, Edith, and the only child June did not personally give birth to. Mathias is a goofy hippy type of guy, with a pet parrot named Little Mathias.
Kid #2 - Maxwell Pleasure Aspiration LTW: 50 1st dates Personality: Scorpio, 6/4/7/6/3 Child of June's first wife, Edith. Maxwell gets along extremely well with the intended spouse for the heir.
Kid #3 - Morris Fortune Aspiration LTW: Business Tycoon Personality: Pisces, 6/9/7/3/10 Child of June's first wife, Edith. Has a great personality and is one of the sweetest sims ever. He gets along really well with his family.
Kid #4 - Maria Popularity Aspiration LTW: Captain Hero Personality: Capricorn, 8/5/2/10/5 Child of June's second wife, Mary. Although a popularity sim, Maria is not very outgoing and prefers making her friends on the phone. She is nearly inseperable from her twin sister, Madison.
Kid # 5 - Madison Family Aspiration LTW: Captain Hero Personality: Taurus, 8/9/2/7/4 Child of June's second wife, Mary. Is the most beautiful, in my opinion, but may be carrying a horrible nose gene, like her clones. Madison is a very easygoing sim and is nearly inseperable from her twin sister, Maria.
Kid # 6 - Macy Romance Aspiration LTW: Hall of Famer Personality: Capricorn, same as Maria Child of June's second wife, Mary. Macy is a champion sloucher but has overcome her lazy streak to join the cheer squad in college. She seems like a ditz but loves to talk about school desks and algebra with her twin, Mickey.
Kid # 7 - Mickey Family Aspiration LTW: Graduate 3 children from college Personality: Taurus, same as Madison Child of June's second wife, Mary. Mickey is a fairly unremarkable sim, being rather shy despite his 9 outgoing points. He is dating a CAS sim who followed him to college, in part to be cured of the disease he gave her with their first kiss.
Kid # 8 - Marc Knowledge Aspiration LTW: Mad Scientist Personality: Taurus, same as Madison and Mickey Child of June's second wife, Mary. As you can see, Marc is a clone of Mickey, right down to the bumpy nose. Unlike most of his siblings, however, he is a skilling machine, so its rather appropriate he ended up knowledge. Since he skipped his adolescence, he is trying to find his true self through expressive dress.
Thanks for reading and please remember to vote in my guestbook, at Boolprop, or at SiMania. If you'd like to talk about the Vermachtnis family or many other great legacies, we'd love to see you at SiMania!

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Vermachtnis 7-3

  • 1. Vermachtnis Legacy - Chapter 7.3 By fraulineTaube (originally posted on the Exchange) Death, disease, and matching panties. Finally an end to this generation!
  • 2. "Look! A hot Vermachtnis boy!" "Where?" Good question. This generation is a bit different, although they aren't *that* bad. I tried to take a nice picture of the geisha being demure and pretty, but they hate each other, so all I got were pics of pranks and geisha fights. I don't know why, but my chapter holders are all being rather bratty this go-around.
  • 3. Anyway, this is the third and final part of chapter 7. An heir poll is awaiting you at the end, but we have a bit to go over before we get there. At the end of 7.2, the Vermachtnises had just moved in to a new house.
  • 4. The welcoming party were three characters from my 10 Experiment Challenge story. "Good morning, sir, we just wanted to say . . . oh dear, why are you in your underwear?" "Well, actually, I was in the middle of woohooing the matchmaker when you showed up." "I see . . . I wish the subjects of our experiment were this romantically-inclined."
  • 5. While Jessie has that fascinating conversation, Chief Science Officer #86 finds his way over to Fluffy. Sigh. That will have to be fixed later. For the time being, Fluffy has been locked up, as she seems to have developed a taste for CAS sims.
  • 6. Hey, everybody! Have you discovered the hidden skill available to popularity teenagers? Its the special phone skill! Only Marsha has reached level 10 so far, but Maria here is working on it by spending several hours a day on the phone .
  • 7. "Mom, who is this strange man and why is he yelling at my cartoons?" "I'm not sure, dear. He came home with your other mom from work. Seems the HRH Police Department needs better personnel screening procedures."
  • 8. Speaking of strange people, the lure of the island house is great and we have started getting a lot of random drop-in visitors. This one, at least, I know, even if none of the current family does. This is Clay Vermachtnis, from generation two. He is the parent of three alien kids, one of whom is at college with some of the kids from this generation. Please notice Maria in the background on the phone.
  • 9. "So, Natalie, Grandpa told me you were going to sleep over. What do grownups do at a sleepover? Do you have pillowfights and eat cookies and milk and tell ghost stories? Because that's what I would do." "Uh, yeah, sure sweetie . . . that's exactly what we do!"
  • 10. Liar, liar. I had Jessie date a few different women, but he kept rolling wants for Natalie, the mother of his child. He really is monogamous at heart, whatever his aspiration says.
  • 11. "Wheee, I'm the greatest. Look at me jump on this couch as though I am not a nearly-grown teenager with a million other things to do! I can't wait to call everyone and tell them about it!"
  • 12. Not on my watch, Maria. She skills faster than Madison (and she was driving me batty) so she heads off to college before her twin.
  • 13. Madison, meanwhile, brushes up on the last of her skills for scholarships with Jessie, who has nearly all of his skill points in every area.
  • 14. "Children, I bet you're wondering why we Vermachtnises almost always have breakfast in our underwear. Its because we woohoo. A lot. You'll understand when you're older. However, most of us do manage to wear underwear with full backs, ahem, NATALIE!"
  • 15. Little Marc is Mary's favorite. She loves to sneak into the nursery to play with him when she thinks no one else is looking. She's always been good with kids, especially for a fortune sim, but she just adores her youngest.
  • 16. "Hello ma'am." "Why, hello. Are you one of mine? Because you look a lot like me." "No, ma'am. I'm the daughter of your great-grand-aunt-in-law. So we're almost related, I suppose." "I see."
  • 17. Finally time for Marc's birthday! Let's get this generation moving. Mary gets to toss him, of course!
  • 18. Awwwwww . . . Marc is adorable. He is a Taurus, with an identical personality to Madison and Mickey - 8/9/2/7/4. In fact, he is their clone. Stupid firstborn effect.
  • 19. Let's check in at college. The boys are mostly just waiting around Urele Ara Hoh for their other siblings to arrive. Morris passes the time by working on his dancing, but Max seems unimpressed.
  • 20. Once Madison joins Maria at college, their half-brothers come over to pledge them in to Urele Ara Hoh. They all get along pretty well, so the girls are accepted before the boys can even get inside the dorm. And a good thing, too. How would you like to be a freshman trying to make good impressions and have to admit that you were related to these three goofs?
  • 21. "Ok Mathias, let me get this straight. You guys moved in to the Greek house. All that was here was the party pavilion from when mom lived here, after the Great Glitch Catastrophe of '06. So you three turned it into an all-purple bachelor pad with one bedroom, which you have been living in ever since. And you figured that was a job well done, and called it finished?" "Yeah, pretty much. Why, is there something wrong with it?"
  • 22. "Sis, this is not at all what I thought living in a Greek house would be like." "Hey, give them some credit, Madison. They are just guys after all. We're lucky they even bought furniture." "Y'know, what this place needs is a woman's touch. I bet we could make a few minor improvements, just to touch the place up a bit."
  • 23. "Ah! There we go, much better! That's a Greek house fit for a Vermachtnis or 8."
  • 24. Here's a better look at the twins in their young adult form. They both have the LTW to be Captain Hero, so their studies will probably follow a similar path. Their social lives, however, are bound to be radically different, as Maria seeks more friends and Madison looks for a significant other to settle down with.
  • 25. Luckily, she found a guy that she gets along with pretty well. This is Niles. He is the son of a chapter holder and therefore a no-no for a legacy spouse, so Madison is taking a risk that she might become heiress and have to break it off. For the time being, however, she is happy to spend her time with the hunky green Niles.
  • 26. Back at the main house, Jessie gets around to drinking the essence of Science Officer #86. You might have been wondering how Jessie, an NPC, lived longer than Gabi. It is most definitely not because I like him better and have been feeding him a steady diet of cowplant milk, so get that thought out of your head. I'm sure he just comes from hardy stock.
  • 27. Jessie, did you give Marc a haircut? "Yeah, how could you tell? But anyway, isn't he a dashing little figure? I have high hopes for this boy!" Jessie and Marc are very close, even before they had matching haircuts!
  • 28. Mickey and Macy have very similar interest and can talk together for hours. They also tend to have the same approach to making friends. I don't know what it is about this generation, but both of my sets of twins act a lot more like twins.
  • 29. "Did you know, even though there's 8 of us, only one gets to come back here? Yeah, they pick on the internet who is the bestest, most awesomest, coolest Vermachtnis, and they call that one the heiress, and she gets to come live here and do everything she ever wanted."
  • 30. "What makes you so sure the heir will be a she? I mean, historically, males were heirs, and our family has been kind of female-dominated lately. I bet I have as good a chance as you! Besides, I heard that if you don't get picked as heir, you become immortal!" Well, that's only true on a technicality there, Mickey. I don't play my spares much, so none of them have even become elders yet.
  • 31. June is working her way up to her second lifetime want, to be Captain Hero. To do this she has to develop her cleaning skills, so she spends some time scanning the pool late one night.
  • 32. "Hmm, that's strange. Some weirdo goth boy was using this part of the pool last. I don't remember having anyone over for a pool party."
  • 33. "Gasp! And this part was last used by our Barbie-look-alike neighbor. I bet Maria had a party when I wasn't looking."
  • 34. "Oh my! The social worker was here too? I'll have to supervise the kids a bit better than in the past. Hmm, I wonder when they had the time to have such a crazy party. We've only lived here for a few days."
  • 35. "Hey, Mary was the last one to use the trashcan!" That one actually makes sense. Mary has apparently been emulating June's late grandmother, Darcy, and takes the trash out several times a day, even if no one has put anything in it. Cleanliness is next to wasting a bunch of time, after all.
  • 36. Does this woman look like the type of confident, competent person you want in charge of your police department? Of course she does! At least, someone thinks so, because she keeps getting promoted. It doesn't hurt that she has about 15 friends left over from her LTW-fulfilling spree in college.
  • 37. "Its our birthday!" Yes, I know, I can tell from your charming slump that you are becoming older and more mature as we speak. Geez, I hate lazy sims!
  • 38. "Well, I'm standing up straight!" I see that, Mickey, you little suck-up. However, I know you have only 2 active points, same as your sister, so its only a matter of time before I catch you.
  • 39. Double birthday. Yay. Wake me when its over.
  • 40. LOL *falls out of chair laughing* That may just be the worst teen clothing ensemble I've ever seen. Like the last teen to grow up in a sweater vest, Mickey's great-great-uncle Devon, Mickey has rolled family. He has a want to graduate 3 kids from college, which is not bad, considering the Vermachtnises have never had less than three kids in a generation.
  • 41. Macy takes her turn and . . . oh my, that's interesting. Looks like someone's hair didn't transition well.
  • 42. Creepy! The food processor is smiling at you! Anyway, Macy rolled romance with the want to be a Hall of Famer. Tame. I've been pretty lucky with the LTWs this time around.
  • 43. "Hello Mrs . . . Chapter 4, was it? While I'm delighted that you feel comfortable enough to come play pool on the third story of our house without being greeted or anything, I'm going to have to ask you to come back another time, since we're all going to bed. . . . Oh, and by the way, I woohooed your elderly mother."
  • 44. "Hee, Macy, are you sure this is just juice?" "Of course, don't be silly, you silly-boy. Ahhhhhh. Does the wall look like its leaning this way?" "Hiccup! I don't know, but I think there's a fairy in my armpit, tickling me!" "They wouldn't put anything besides juice in a bar accessible to teens, now would they?" "Come out, little fairy . . . hee hee!"
  • 45. "Hey, we made best friends by getting totally uh . . . juice-faced together, Macy!" "I know! Awesome, right? But now that we're such good friends, I feel I can talk to you honestly. Its about your slouch. It isn't developing like it should. Here, watch me . . ."
  • 46. Family teen gets to toss the toddler. The other cake there is for June, which is why it has a *few* more candles than Marc's. "Rub it in, why don't you?" Can't be young forever, June.
  • 47. "I'm a kid! With fingers! This is amazing!" Yes, yes, congratulations Marc. I am so sick of birthdays.
  • 48. June goes next, managing to blow out all of candles in one breath, a feat to be sure. Meanwhile, Marc manages to catch some serious airtime in the background.
  • 49. Not bad at all, June. Her already fine, precise features have shrunk with age, but it still suits her. I didn't have any nice yellow elder clothes, so she will have to make do with green .
  • 50. "Up, up, and away!" June reached her LTW the day she turned old, and heads off to her first day as Captain Hero with a newly-gray head of hair, and a few sags in her latex suit.
  • 51. Congratulations, Mickey! You are my first sim stupid enough to give himself a disease with the science career reward! I started pampering him, trying to make him better, until I remembered I could just have someone a little more skilled make medicine with the same machine for him. Unfortunately, I didn't realize this before he managed to infect his girlfriend. Nothing says love like the transmission of a mysterious disease!
  • 52. Macy gets a date from the matchmaker like the many socially-inept Vermachtnises that have come before her. She is simply dying to have a date and her first kiss.
  • 53. "Hello. You'll do." "Wow! That's the most multifunctional bust I've ever seen! And I've looked at a lot!" "Thanks, matchmaker, he's a keeper!"
  • 54. "Grandpa, if you don't mind, I'm on a date." "It just so happens that I do mind, Macy! I know firsthand what happens when a romance sim takes love potion and has the hearts floating around. I'm just trying to keep you safe. And as for you, mister, I've got my eye on you!"
  • 55. Jessie drops the protective grandfather act long enough for Macy to get her first kiss in. I never did manage to catch this kid's name, which is just as well, since he will be the first of many.
  • 56. Mickey, meanwhile, gets his first kiss with his girlfriend Kerri, right before she informs me that she has a mysterious disease and needs to rest to get better! Smooth, Mickey.
  • 57. I love looking at couples when one is elder and one is still adult. I think its sweet that they still love each other so much. June and Mary take that one step further by wearing matching underwear. I'm not really sure why Mary's are in focus while June's are blurry, though. Graphics are a bit strange when you have this many sims running around such a big lot.
  • 58. The Panty Parade marches past Jessie and Mickey as they brush up on scholarship skills.
  • 59. And ends in the living room, where a semi-nude pillow fight is in order. Gotta love sims' sense of propriety.
  • 60. "And on that note, I think its time I get the heck out of here." Yeah, no kidding! I think that would scare me a bit, too. Hey, take your sister with you while you're at it, m'kay? "Will do!"
  • 61. "Grandpa, are you sure that's how you make candies?" "Snarf . . . of course it . . . gobble . . . mmmmmm . . . . yes, of course this is how you do it. I do have 9 cooking points - I should think I know what I'm doing!"
  • 62. "That other superhero June brought home looks strangely like my long-dead father-in-law." *waves hand* You have seen nothing. "I have seen nothing."
  • 63. Once she realized that Mary was going to join her in elderhood soon, June started painting her portrait while she was still in the prime of her life.
  • 64. And done! June's picture gets to rest forever between two red-headed beauties, just as I'm sure she would have liked it.
  • 65. "Ma'am? Your son got into private school. I really enjoyed the tour of the bathrooms and the turkey dinner that I had to eat by myself. Even though you went to bed an hour ago, I think you're a great host. Marc's in. Ma'am? Are you even listening?"
  • 66. Jessie has a lot of free time now that the teens are all at college and Marc's in school all day. He uses it wisely, as usual. He wanted to get one last makeout in before . . .
  • 67. "Jessie Vermachtnis, I have come for you. Death waits for no one, even if he is in the middle of a very stimulating hot tub woohoo with a limber young woman, not that I wasn't giving you your privacy, which is only professional, after all. Ahem, where was I? Oh yes. Jessie - it is your time to leave this world."
  • 68. "Yeah, yeah, hurry it up, Grimmy. You're upsetting the ladies, and I can't abide by that."
  • 69. Jessie's passing affected all of his family members, including Madison who went into aspiration failure the next time I played the college lot. June and Mary find a way to cope with the grief, however.
  • 70. June even finds time to comfort her son, who is shaken up by the loss of his best friend.
  • 71. Jessie Vermachtnis, a former paperboy, lived to be somewhere around 80 (I forgot to write it down!). He left inheritance to 15 sims, including his daughter Sierra, his girlfriend Natalie, his son Julian, his grandchild Marc, and his daughter June, whom he left the maximum amount because they had a perfect relationship score at the time of his death. Jessie, you were one of my favorite sims to play. You had a mischevious, fun-loving streak, but you were a faithful husband and a family sim in disguise, just waiting for children and grandchildren to pamper. You never had a fear of commitment or children in your entire life, and you will be missed by your many descendents, for most of whom you were the primary caregiver.
  • 72. Marc finds a way to keep the legend of Jessie going. "Five loves at once! Can you imagine it? How would you like to have five loves?" "Eww, no! Boys are icky."
  • 73. Shortly after Jessie's passing, it is time for Mary to transition and join her wife in the autumn years.
  • 74. Oh my goodness. That is an entirely inappropriate outfit. To the dresser with you!
  • 75. There, much more discreet. Mary is a very sweet-looking old lady.
  • 76. That is, when she isn't sauntering around in her supervillian costume and giving the camera a death stare. Mary has reached her second lifetime want much more easily than her first, meaning that Halcyon River Hills' greatest criminal mastermind and greatest Captain Hero live together under one roof.
  • 77. Ah ha! So that's where you hid them, you little louse! I could never find Marc's homework in any of the usual spots, and even though I scoured the lot, they simply did not turn up. Once his grade started falling, though, I became concerned. When I moved the rug in the kitchen, look what I found underneath! Most kids set their homework down at a desk, or near the mailbox, but Marc decided to do things a little differently, I guess.
  • 78. "What do you mean I have to do all three assignments tonight?" Well, you're growing up tomorrow and I want to make sure you have good grades for the Scholar's Grant. Besides, you wouldn't have had this problem if you would have put your homework in a normal place.
  • 79. Marc finished his homework and got his grade back up to an A the next day at school, just in time for his birthday. Not every birthday is attended by elderly women in such interesting costumes, but then, not every birthday is part of a legacy.
  • 80. Hey, finally a good outfit! Which is lucky, because Marc already has all his skill points for scholarships and I am eager to get this chapter over with, so he doesn't even get a piece of cake before I rush him off to college. Oh, and by the way, Marc is a knowledge sim with the LTW to be a Mad Scientist.
  • 81. "No, you smell like sushi!" Ah, what delicate flowers, right? Thank you for reading another chapter of the Vermachtnis legacy. If you flip the page, I have pictures of all of your choices for heir. You can vote in my guestbook, at Boolprop, or at my usual hangout, SiMania, which you can find at .
  • 82. Kid #1 - Mathias Popularity Aspiration LTW: Hall of Famer Personality: Pisces, 6/9/8/0/10 Child of June's first wife, Edith, and the only child June did not personally give birth to. Mathias is a goofy hippy type of guy, with a pet parrot named Little Mathias.
  • 83. Kid #2 - Maxwell Pleasure Aspiration LTW: 50 1st dates Personality: Scorpio, 6/4/7/6/3 Child of June's first wife, Edith. Maxwell gets along extremely well with the intended spouse for the heir.
  • 84. Kid #3 - Morris Fortune Aspiration LTW: Business Tycoon Personality: Pisces, 6/9/7/3/10 Child of June's first wife, Edith. Has a great personality and is one of the sweetest sims ever. He gets along really well with his family.
  • 85. Kid #4 - Maria Popularity Aspiration LTW: Captain Hero Personality: Capricorn, 8/5/2/10/5 Child of June's second wife, Mary. Although a popularity sim, Maria is not very outgoing and prefers making her friends on the phone. She is nearly inseperable from her twin sister, Madison.
  • 86. Kid # 5 - Madison Family Aspiration LTW: Captain Hero Personality: Taurus, 8/9/2/7/4 Child of June's second wife, Mary. Is the most beautiful, in my opinion, but may be carrying a horrible nose gene, like her clones. Madison is a very easygoing sim and is nearly inseperable from her twin sister, Maria.
  • 87. Kid # 6 - Macy Romance Aspiration LTW: Hall of Famer Personality: Capricorn, same as Maria Child of June's second wife, Mary. Macy is a champion sloucher but has overcome her lazy streak to join the cheer squad in college. She seems like a ditz but loves to talk about school desks and algebra with her twin, Mickey.
  • 88. Kid # 7 - Mickey Family Aspiration LTW: Graduate 3 children from college Personality: Taurus, same as Madison Child of June's second wife, Mary. Mickey is a fairly unremarkable sim, being rather shy despite his 9 outgoing points. He is dating a CAS sim who followed him to college, in part to be cured of the disease he gave her with their first kiss.
  • 89. Kid # 8 - Marc Knowledge Aspiration LTW: Mad Scientist Personality: Taurus, same as Madison and Mickey Child of June's second wife, Mary. As you can see, Marc is a clone of Mickey, right down to the bumpy nose. Unlike most of his siblings, however, he is a skilling machine, so its rather appropriate he ended up knowledge. Since he skipped his adolescence, he is trying to find his true self through expressive dress.
  • 90. Thanks for reading and please remember to vote in my guestbook, at Boolprop, or at SiMania. If you'd like to talk about the Vermachtnis family or many other great legacies, we'd love to see you at SiMania!

Editor's Notes

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