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Hello and welcome back one last time to The Hues Legacy, a color-themed joint
legacy between Haleigh/meadowthayer and me (Roxanne/Taube), which aims to
pass rainbow eyes down through ten generations of sims. We’ve made it nine. Will
the 10th be the charm? We’re back at the main house after heir Eucalyptus’s college
days, and we have two new additions to welcome. First up is Gail, Eucalyptus’s
college sweetheart and bride-to-be, here being welcome by his parents, Silver and
Sandy. We also brought Watermelon, a random not-very-interesting (sorry) adult
female cat from the shelter so we can have one final litter of kittens. It’s time to get
this show on the road!
The wedding is all set up, and while Gail and Eucalyptus act out a scene
from Romeo and Juliet with the balcony, Silver is inside inviting all the
guests and the cats are hopefully socializing nicely.
Eucalyptus started looking like he was
getting cold feet, so his dad gave him a
pep talk. Meanwhile, Gail got another
makeover with a new but similar hair in
a shade of red I liked better on her, and
a pretty green wedding dress with a
The guests were the spares and
some various friends of the family.
Spares are Daffodil and Carnation
(right, top) and Cornflower and Fern
(left, bottom). Everyone else is a
Cornflower: “Wow, look at that
house. Did we live here? This was
our address before college, right?”
Fern: “Yeah, I feel like I would have
remembered this house.”
Cornflower: “So weird.”
Fern: “Totally.”
Cornflower: “There better be juice.”
Fern: “Agreed.”
The wedding seemed to go very well, and even though I hadn’t left a
lot of room for it when I rebuilt the lot, I think it makes a pretty nice
scene in front of the pond. Gail and Eucalyptus started saying their
Just as they’re exchanging rings and
the petals drop, night falls, making for
some very dramatic pictures. Welcome
to the family, Gail Hues! Let’s see some
rainbow eyes, okay?
A fun little party happens mostly in
the backyard and in the living
room. Gail and Eucalyptus share
dainty bites of their first piece of
Meanwhile, Sandy and Silver are doing something about the glut of cats we
have. I just can’t handle all of them, so we’re only keeping a mate for
Watermelon to bring in the final generation of Hues kitties. Carnation and
Fern are happy to take the extras off their parents’ hands. Marigold and
Chlorophyll went to Carnation since they’re mates and I wanted them to
stay together. Magnolia went home with Fern. That leaves Dandelion and
his cute little orange ears to turn out a final litter.
As the party is winding down, celebrations are being had both in the
master bedroom and in the pet house. Hmmmmmmm.
Watermelon: “Well, that was nice
and…where did you go?”
Dandelion: “You can’t prove I did
or did not do anything.”
Watermelon: “Oh boy, this is
going to be a personality quirk
that turns into a repetitive joke
isn’t it?”
Dandelion: “I can neither confirm
nor deny that.”
Eucalyptus: “Ahem. We also were
not doing anything.”
Liars! I heard the chimes. But at
least they had a good party while
not actually being at the party
that much. More importantly,
generation 10 is on the way!
Got a quick couple’s pic of Eucalyptus and Gail. They’re very cute
together, but all the couples of the Hues have been very nice-
looking, with the exception of some interesting noses through the
Pregnancy is definitely confirmed once Gail starts throwing up and
Silver and Sandy inexplicably psychically know they should study
parenting to be grandparents.
Oh dear. Looks like this old CC tree recolor was never updated for
Seasons and the advent of fall has turned it into a seething blue
mess. Back to build mode, I guess.
Watermelon: “I just wanted you to know I’m pregnant. I’ll be
having kittens in a few days.”
Dandelion: “Neat. Give my best to the father.” *hops off couch*
Watermelon: “What have I gotten myself into?”
There isn’t much to do now but wait. I
wasn’t planning on bothering with jobs
for either of these two*. So they mostly
just spend their time flirting with each
other, but I noticed Gail is always the one
taking the lead when I was arranging
these pictures on the slide.
*Unless Eucalyptus’s LTW job comes up,
but do I remember it? No, I do not.
The cats get along really nicely. I think I originally took these pics for
more Dandelion snarky dialogue, but I just don’t have it in me today.
Everyone is keeping busy in various
ways as we count down the days.
Gail is really happy the cat is
pregnant too, while Eucalyptus likes
indulging his science hobby. And, of
course, Silver and Sandy mostly just
orbit around each other.
We’ve got a bump!
Shortly after Gail went back to bed,
she was awakened by a terrible racket.
Eucalyptus was getting abducted! His
face has so much regret in it, doesn’t
it? You should have known better,
Of course, Sandy is the only one that isn’t absolutely thrilled by this,
since Eucalyptus and Gail are both knowledge primary and Silver has
it secondary.
Sandy: “What is wrong with you people?”
Since everyone was awoken and
can’t go back to sleep yet, they
wait out Eucalyptus’s inevitable
return, considerately complaining
about the noise while he’s being
flung to the ground.
The reactions, OMG.
Silver: “It’s so loud!”
Sandy: “I’m worried about my son.”
Gail: “Hahaha, that fool got himself knocked up, too. Oh, my sides!”
Eucalyptus sleeps off his traumatic
night and then it’s back to life as
usual, pool obsession and front
walk underwear makeout sessions
Gail: “Wow, dear, so sweet of you to make us dessert. It really hits the
spot in my pregnant belly. But what gave you the idea?”
Eucalyptus: “Just an urge. But you’re right, this is really satisfying for
some reason.”
Yes, some reason. If we’re going to have two chances to get the eyes,
might as well make that four chances. I’m going to count both births as
the final tenth gen. birth, even though Eucalyptus will be a bit later than
Creepy Co-Worker: “It’s so wonderful that you guys are topping off your
aspiration even though you’re already platinum. True couple goals,
right here!”
Eucalyptus is excited about Gail’s pregnancy, but he hasn’t recognized
his own yet.
He is beginning to have an inkling,
though. Maybe it has something to
do with the near-constant nausea.
He was a lot worse off than Gail
was, but I guess she probably
wasn’t already having twins at this
Eucalyptus: “And we can’t forget our little preggers kitty!”
Oh geez, so many babies incoming.
Eucalyptus: “Could I be…?”
Gotta get in those Hues cuddles while we can, because we’re in the
final stages now. As soon as the alien babies are born, I’m calling this
generation done and we’ll be cheating them to age up and see what
we ended up with.
There’s a lot going on in this one frame. Yes, Eucalyptus has finally
realized he’s pregnant, but that little brown circle in the lower right is
Watermelon curled up to give birth at the exact same second. My
camera was swinging around fast enough to give me whiplash.
Of course, the pets never have small
litters on my watch, so we are gifted
three orange kitties. We know they’re
Dandelion’s because they have his
orange undercoat.
Dandelion: “I want a DNA test!”
The kittens are a girl named Vanilla and two boys named
Chocolate and Cocoa. Right now the only way to tell them apart
is that Chocolate has yellow eyes, while the other two have
Battle of the Bumps
Now that I’ve been playing Sims 4 for so long, neither one
is very impressive at all, to be honest.
Despite my storytelling, Dandelion does
acknowledge his kittens . . . when he’s
not fighting packs of wolves, that is.
That’s our Dandelion.
More couple cuteness. We’re just counting down.
And double pregnancy cuteness,
complete with matching waddles. It
really is darling.
Our pregnant couple have what proves to be their final
cuddle of the legacy (though not the final Hues cuddle in
general – that one will belong to Sandy and Silver). This has
been a really sweet family.
FINALLY – er, I mean, eventually – Gail goes into labor with
everyone present.
A girl is born, and the handoff is
complicated by the father and
grandfather deciding now is a
good time to do vacation greetings
poorly. Sometimes I don’t miss
Sims 2 all that much, lol.
However, once that’s sorted out, Gail gives birth to a second girl.
Let’s meet our fully-human gen. 10 twins and see if either has the
rainbow eyes that have been the family’s genetic legacy.
Unfortunately, they do not. Unsurprisingly, they both have black hair
like their father. Green Eyes on the left is named Celery and Gray Eyes
on the right is Cream. I do miss being able to see the babies before I
assign names.
So neither has the eyes. That’s a bummer. All our hopes are resting
on Eucalyptus’s pregnancy now.
Since there’s a little over a day left til Eucalyptus gives birth, there’s plenty of
time for these girls to get spoiled by their family.
Eucalyptus’s dream job comes up on
the final day of his pregnancy and he
heads off in his pajamas, but instead
of receiving permaplatinum, he gets
a demotion. Booooo. There won’t
be a second chance since he’ll give
birth before the next shift, plus he’s
so far down he’d need a lot of
He uses the computer to quit, gets
his third bump, and Gail finally
finishes studying baby care, which
she has been parked on the couch
doing literally all day.
And our two Knowledge/GC sims can be found in the nursery
afterwards discussing their first love . . . you know, after each other
and their daughters, of course. Yeah. *shifty eyes*
Then it’s time for Sandy and Silver’s elder birthday. If
Eucalyptus hadn’t gotten pregnant when he did, we
wouldn’t have made it this far.
Wow! You guys look great for elders!
Silver: “Yeah, about that . . . the game crashed when we aged up. You
gotta play the day over again.”
So this time Eucalyptus didn’t get a
chance card and did achieve his LTW
(whatever that was), we sent
Samantha Whats-her-face packing
since we’ve had enough pregnancy
around here lately, and we’re back
to the third trimester countdown.
And this time we did manage the
elder birthdays. Silver and Sandy make
that . . . silver hair . . . look good
(sorry, couldn’t help myself). They
retired, took a couple picture, and
enjoyed what will – this time – be the
final Hues cuddle of the generation.
Ah, memories.
While Gail and Sandy agree and make
best friends over what a . . . silver fox
. . . (low-hanging-fruit puns are my
weakness) Silver is, Eucalyptus is
resting. Any moment now. Gail also
made best friends with Silver. Hey,
why not?
At last, it’s go time, and even Red is here to coach Eucalyptus
through, but considering he didn’t have an alien baby, I’m not sure
Eucalyptus should listen to him.
Twin #1 . . .
. . . has alien eyes. Dammit.
And we could find out about twin
#2, but Gail thought now was a
good time to go stand in the hall,
and none of the rest of the crowd,
which included the maid too by
this point, could be trusted to
accept the hand-off. I had to send
her into the fray manually. Now,
twin #2 . . .
So the legacy is officially over and we
have succeeded in our goal. Now
everyone gets magical age-ups and
makeovers and we get to gawk (plus I’ll
introduce you to the hybrids below).
Cream and Celery are looking cute as
On the left with the alien eyes is
Banana, and our heiress of the tenth
generation is Pumpkin. I really wanted
to use that name on the heiress, so I’m
super pleased (for many reasons) that
we had one. I was a little worried, but
we did have two 50/50 chances with
the alien twins at least. Would have
been nice to have Gail’s genes in the
heiress, however.
Here’s our girls as children.
So far, Pumpkin is a little awkward-
looking compared to her sisters, but
I promise you she has a major glow-
up eventually. She just has to grow
into her Hues nose.
Insta-teens. Let’s take a closer look . . .
Our three spare girls. Cream is
Knowledge/Fortune and is 9/9/6/2/5.
Celery is Romance/Popularity and is
10/2/10/6/5. Banana is
Fortune/Grilled Cheese and is
10/10/10/4/1. I no longer remember
which number represents which, but
if you do, more power to you. I know
the first one is neatness, I think? So
we have very cleanly girls.
And here’s a closer look at Pumpkin through her ages so
far. I told you she’d look decent as a teen!
She is Popularity/Fortune and her personality is
10/10/1/10/4, a very alien personality indeed.
Finally, here’s the spare girls as adults. I
didn’t have many yellow clothes and none
of them fit Banana’s personality, so she’s
rocking a khaki suit that is actually kind of
the color of the interior of a banana? I
don’t know; I’m reaching. Anyway, they all
turned out fantastic and you can definitely
see the family resemblance, although the
human twins resemble Gail A LOT.
And our heiress, Pumpkin, who is a drop-dead beauty in her signature color.
You wouldn’t think it would work with the green, but it kinda does. And if you
were wondering, yes, that’s the dress that Neon wore in college all those
many years ago. Too perfect not to give it to Pumpkin. She definitely looks like
she got everything but the green skin from her dad.
And that’s that. Here’s generation 10 of The Hues Legacy. We just
have a few loose ends to wrap up and we’ll be signing off (for this
legacy – don’t forget Haleigh and I are now doing The Quest Log in
Sims 4).
The kittens were all insta-aged too.
They are virtually identical and this
scene was a literal hellscape of
computer slow-down with all three
growing up at once. 0/10 would not
Then, to top it off, Gail started
doing some kind of horrible death
glitch, which was just adding to the
lag, and which eventually crashed
my computer. I know Sims 4 isn’t
perfect and Sims 2 was (and always
will be) a great game, but good
Lord was it touchy sometimes.
Gail: “Could either of you help me
locate my body? All I feel is pain, and I
seem to have lost my void skirt.”
Pumpkin: “Why you gotta be like this,
So: Cat Birthday Party, the Sequel.
Everybody but Watermelon: “Help, we all look alike. Who is anybody?”
Watermelon: “Sucks to suck. Whose babies are they now, Dandelion?”
So, here is what I wrote in my notes to
help me: Chocolate and Cocoa are boys
and have regular tails. Vanilla and Cocoa
have green eyes. Vanilla is a girl and has a
fluffy tail. Vanilla can only tell the truth.
Doesn’t that feel a little bit like a stupid
logic puzzle? Sorting out pics of these
cats was frustrating.
Anyway, here are our final three generations of heirs: Silver,
Eucalyptus, and Pumpkin. We’re in the home stretch now; hang in
there, folks. We’re going to do a quick heir retrospective, then it’s
goodnight for this legacy.
Generation 1 was Neon Hues, a sim
created and played by me. She married
Sinjin, one of the sources of our nose
woes (although it turned out Neon had
her own issues), but he was a pretty
good spouse. They started the tradition
of cuddling outdoors all the freakin’
time and built up the legacy from
nothing after Neon’s graduation.
They had Cerulean, Cobalt, and the
triplets Sky, Indigo, and Azure. Their non-
main-line grandchildren included Cyan,
Teal, Aqua, Navy, and Turquoise.
Gen. 2, played by Haleigh, featured heir
Sky Hues, who married Lilly.
They had Ruby, Scarlet, and triplets
Carmine, Red, and Rose. Sky also had
a child named Olive by aliens. Sky’s
non-main grandchildren were Rusty,
Auburn, Cerise, Beige, Tan, Umber,
Khaki, and Sienna.
The third gen. heiress was Rose,
who married vacation townie Jim.
Somehow, they are the only ones
we don’t have a picture of cuddling
outside as adults. There was one of
them as elders, but I wanted to
show the spouses as YAs.
Rose and Jim had Emerald, Forest,
Shamrock, and Lime. Their non-
main grandchildren were Ecru,
Mustard, Peach, and Salmon.
Lime was the fourth-generation heir.
He married Ericka.
They had Orange, Tangerine,
Coral, and Lemon. Non-main
grandchildren were Mauve,
another Salmon, and Orchid.
After a tough decision, Coral was made fifth-
generation heiress. She and husband Chris
had a very dignified cuddling picture with
one of the dogs. This seems a good place to
mention our dogs were Peach (again),
Timberwolf, Slate, Eggshell, Champagne,
Cornsilk, Almond, Bisque, Dottie, Viridian,
Bronze, and Jonquil. Our cats were Marigold,
Chlorophyll, Magnolia, Dandelion,
Watermelon, and, of course, Cocoa,
Chocolate, and Vanilla.
Coral and Chris had Amethyst, Plum,
and Violet. Their only non-main
grandchild was Sienna (again). Hey,
it’s tough to keep names straight with
this many sims in a themed legacy
shared between two people! You
would not believe how much googling
of color names we were doing by
later generations.
Violet was sixth-generation heiress,
and she married Hobart.
They had Sapphire, Jade, and Onyx,
and Hobart got abducted and had
Peridot. Their non-main
grandchildren were Topaz, Citrine,
Alabaster, and Quartz.
The seventh gen heiress was Jade,
who married Benedict, who LIED
about being a blond. No, I’m not still
They had Gold, Platinum, Brass,
Silver, Copper, and Chrome.
Their non-main grandchildren
were Nickel, Pewter, Amber,
Gunmetal, and Opal.
Silver was generation 8, and he
married Sandy. They were the
oldest sims alive in the main house
at the end, having survived to see
the end of the legacy and the
continuation of the rainbow eyes.
They had Daffodil, Cornflower,
Fern, Carnation, and Eucalyptus.
Non-main grandchildren were
Eggplant, Strawberry, Raspberry,
Marsala, and Tomato.
Our final heir to marry was
generation nine’s Eucalyptus. He
married college sweetheart Gail.
As we just saw – and I hope you
haven’t forgotten already – they
had Cream and Celery, and
Eucalyptus also had alien twins
Banana and Pumpkin.
And that brings us to Pumpkin Hues, our tenth-generation heiress and the final Hues to
inherit the eyes. All told, there was Neon plus seventy-six color-named sims born into
this legacy, and an additional nineteen pets named after colors. Not bad!
And that’s that. My thanks to Haleigh for taking this fun journey with me, and here’s to
many more legacies between us! Thanks so much also to you for reading and following
us over the years, and be sure to check out The Quest Log, located on this same site.
Click through for one final slide 
The Hues Legacy, Chapter 23

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The Hues Legacy, Chapter 23

  • 1.
  • 2. Hello and welcome back one last time to The Hues Legacy, a color-themed joint legacy between Haleigh/meadowthayer and me (Roxanne/Taube), which aims to pass rainbow eyes down through ten generations of sims. We’ve made it nine. Will the 10th be the charm? We’re back at the main house after heir Eucalyptus’s college days, and we have two new additions to welcome. First up is Gail, Eucalyptus’s college sweetheart and bride-to-be, here being welcome by his parents, Silver and Sandy. We also brought Watermelon, a random not-very-interesting (sorry) adult female cat from the shelter so we can have one final litter of kittens. It’s time to get this show on the road!
  • 3. The wedding is all set up, and while Gail and Eucalyptus act out a scene from Romeo and Juliet with the balcony, Silver is inside inviting all the guests and the cats are hopefully socializing nicely.
  • 4. Eucalyptus started looking like he was getting cold feet, so his dad gave him a pep talk. Meanwhile, Gail got another makeover with a new but similar hair in a shade of red I liked better on her, and a pretty green wedding dress with a veil.
  • 5. The guests were the spares and some various friends of the family. Spares are Daffodil and Carnation (right, top) and Cornflower and Fern (left, bottom). Everyone else is a rando. Cornflower: “Wow, look at that house. Did we live here? This was our address before college, right?” Fern: “Yeah, I feel like I would have remembered this house.” Cornflower: “So weird.” Fern: “Totally.” Cornflower: “There better be juice.” Fern: “Agreed.”
  • 6. The wedding seemed to go very well, and even though I hadn’t left a lot of room for it when I rebuilt the lot, I think it makes a pretty nice scene in front of the pond. Gail and Eucalyptus started saying their vows.
  • 7. Just as they’re exchanging rings and the petals drop, night falls, making for some very dramatic pictures. Welcome to the family, Gail Hues! Let’s see some rainbow eyes, okay?
  • 8. A fun little party happens mostly in the backyard and in the living room. Gail and Eucalyptus share dainty bites of their first piece of cake.
  • 9. Meanwhile, Sandy and Silver are doing something about the glut of cats we have. I just can’t handle all of them, so we’re only keeping a mate for Watermelon to bring in the final generation of Hues kitties. Carnation and Fern are happy to take the extras off their parents’ hands. Marigold and Chlorophyll went to Carnation since they’re mates and I wanted them to stay together. Magnolia went home with Fern. That leaves Dandelion and his cute little orange ears to turn out a final litter.
  • 10. As the party is winding down, celebrations are being had both in the master bedroom and in the pet house. Hmmmmmmm.
  • 11. Watermelon: “Well, that was nice and…where did you go?” Dandelion: “You can’t prove I did or did not do anything.” Watermelon: “Oh boy, this is going to be a personality quirk that turns into a repetitive joke isn’t it?” Dandelion: “I can neither confirm nor deny that.” Eucalyptus: “Ahem. We also were not doing anything.” Liars! I heard the chimes. But at least they had a good party while not actually being at the party that much. More importantly, generation 10 is on the way!
  • 12. Got a quick couple’s pic of Eucalyptus and Gail. They’re very cute together, but all the couples of the Hues have been very nice- looking, with the exception of some interesting noses through the years.
  • 13. Pregnancy is definitely confirmed once Gail starts throwing up and Silver and Sandy inexplicably psychically know they should study parenting to be grandparents.
  • 14. Oh dear. Looks like this old CC tree recolor was never updated for Seasons and the advent of fall has turned it into a seething blue mess. Back to build mode, I guess.
  • 15. Watermelon: “I just wanted you to know I’m pregnant. I’ll be having kittens in a few days.” Dandelion: “Neat. Give my best to the father.” *hops off couch* . . . Watermelon: “What have I gotten myself into?”
  • 16. There isn’t much to do now but wait. I wasn’t planning on bothering with jobs for either of these two*. So they mostly just spend their time flirting with each other, but I noticed Gail is always the one taking the lead when I was arranging these pictures on the slide. *Unless Eucalyptus’s LTW job comes up, but do I remember it? No, I do not.
  • 17. The cats get along really nicely. I think I originally took these pics for more Dandelion snarky dialogue, but I just don’t have it in me today.
  • 18. Everyone is keeping busy in various ways as we count down the days. Gail is really happy the cat is pregnant too, while Eucalyptus likes indulging his science hobby. And, of course, Silver and Sandy mostly just orbit around each other.
  • 19. We’ve got a bump!
  • 20. Shortly after Gail went back to bed, she was awakened by a terrible racket. Eucalyptus was getting abducted! His face has so much regret in it, doesn’t it? You should have known better, man.
  • 21. Of course, Sandy is the only one that isn’t absolutely thrilled by this, since Eucalyptus and Gail are both knowledge primary and Silver has it secondary. Sandy: “What is wrong with you people?”
  • 22. Since everyone was awoken and can’t go back to sleep yet, they wait out Eucalyptus’s inevitable return, considerately complaining about the noise while he’s being flung to the ground.
  • 23. The reactions, OMG. Silver: “It’s so loud!” Sandy: “I’m worried about my son.” Gail: “Hahaha, that fool got himself knocked up, too. Oh, my sides!”
  • 24. Eucalyptus sleeps off his traumatic night and then it’s back to life as usual, pool obsession and front walk underwear makeout sessions included.
  • 25. Gail: “Wow, dear, so sweet of you to make us dessert. It really hits the spot in my pregnant belly. But what gave you the idea?” Eucalyptus: “Just an urge. But you’re right, this is really satisfying for some reason.” Yes, some reason. If we’re going to have two chances to get the eyes, might as well make that four chances. I’m going to count both births as the final tenth gen. birth, even though Eucalyptus will be a bit later than Gail.
  • 26. Creepy Co-Worker: “It’s so wonderful that you guys are topping off your aspiration even though you’re already platinum. True couple goals, right here!” GTFO.
  • 27. Eucalyptus is excited about Gail’s pregnancy, but he hasn’t recognized his own yet.
  • 28. He is beginning to have an inkling, though. Maybe it has something to do with the near-constant nausea. He was a lot worse off than Gail was, but I guess she probably wasn’t already having twins at this stage.
  • 29. Eucalyptus: “And we can’t forget our little preggers kitty!” Oh geez, so many babies incoming.
  • 30. Eucalyptus: “Could I be…?” YES!
  • 31. Gotta get in those Hues cuddles while we can, because we’re in the final stages now. As soon as the alien babies are born, I’m calling this generation done and we’ll be cheating them to age up and see what we ended up with.
  • 32. There’s a lot going on in this one frame. Yes, Eucalyptus has finally realized he’s pregnant, but that little brown circle in the lower right is Watermelon curled up to give birth at the exact same second. My camera was swinging around fast enough to give me whiplash.
  • 33. Of course, the pets never have small litters on my watch, so we are gifted three orange kitties. We know they’re Dandelion’s because they have his orange undercoat. Dandelion: “I want a DNA test!”
  • 34. The kittens are a girl named Vanilla and two boys named Chocolate and Cocoa. Right now the only way to tell them apart is that Chocolate has yellow eyes, while the other two have green.
  • 35. Battle of the Bumps Now that I’ve been playing Sims 4 for so long, neither one is very impressive at all, to be honest.
  • 36. Despite my storytelling, Dandelion does acknowledge his kittens . . . when he’s not fighting packs of wolves, that is. That’s our Dandelion.
  • 37. More couple cuteness. We’re just counting down.
  • 38. And double pregnancy cuteness, complete with matching waddles. It really is darling.
  • 39. Our pregnant couple have what proves to be their final cuddle of the legacy (though not the final Hues cuddle in general – that one will belong to Sandy and Silver). This has been a really sweet family.
  • 40. FINALLY – er, I mean, eventually – Gail goes into labor with everyone present.
  • 41. A girl is born, and the handoff is complicated by the father and grandfather deciding now is a good time to do vacation greetings poorly. Sometimes I don’t miss Sims 2 all that much, lol.
  • 42. However, once that’s sorted out, Gail gives birth to a second girl. Let’s meet our fully-human gen. 10 twins and see if either has the rainbow eyes that have been the family’s genetic legacy.
  • 43. Unfortunately, they do not. Unsurprisingly, they both have black hair like their father. Green Eyes on the left is named Celery and Gray Eyes on the right is Cream. I do miss being able to see the babies before I assign names. So neither has the eyes. That’s a bummer. All our hopes are resting on Eucalyptus’s pregnancy now.
  • 44. Since there’s a little over a day left til Eucalyptus gives birth, there’s plenty of time for these girls to get spoiled by their family.
  • 45. Eucalyptus’s dream job comes up on the final day of his pregnancy and he heads off in his pajamas, but instead of receiving permaplatinum, he gets a demotion. Booooo. There won’t be a second chance since he’ll give birth before the next shift, plus he’s so far down he’d need a lot of promotions.
  • 46. He uses the computer to quit, gets his third bump, and Gail finally finishes studying baby care, which she has been parked on the couch doing literally all day.
  • 47. And our two Knowledge/GC sims can be found in the nursery afterwards discussing their first love . . . you know, after each other and their daughters, of course. Yeah. *shifty eyes*
  • 48. Then it’s time for Sandy and Silver’s elder birthday. If Eucalyptus hadn’t gotten pregnant when he did, we wouldn’t have made it this far.
  • 49. Wow! You guys look great for elders! Silver: “Yeah, about that . . . the game crashed when we aged up. You gotta play the day over again.” Crap.
  • 50. So this time Eucalyptus didn’t get a chance card and did achieve his LTW (whatever that was), we sent Samantha Whats-her-face packing since we’ve had enough pregnancy around here lately, and we’re back to the third trimester countdown.
  • 51. And this time we did manage the elder birthdays. Silver and Sandy make that . . . silver hair . . . look good (sorry, couldn’t help myself). They retired, took a couple picture, and enjoyed what will – this time – be the final Hues cuddle of the generation. Ah, memories.
  • 52. While Gail and Sandy agree and make best friends over what a . . . silver fox . . . (low-hanging-fruit puns are my weakness) Silver is, Eucalyptus is resting. Any moment now. Gail also made best friends with Silver. Hey, why not?
  • 53. At last, it’s go time, and even Red is here to coach Eucalyptus through, but considering he didn’t have an alien baby, I’m not sure Eucalyptus should listen to him.
  • 54. Twin #1 . . . . . . has alien eyes. Dammit.
  • 55. And we could find out about twin #2, but Gail thought now was a good time to go stand in the hall, and none of the rest of the crowd, which included the maid too by this point, could be trusted to accept the hand-off. I had to send her into the fray manually. Now, twin #2 . . .
  • 57. So the legacy is officially over and we have succeeded in our goal. Now everyone gets magical age-ups and makeovers and we get to gawk (plus I’ll introduce you to the hybrids below). Cream and Celery are looking cute as tots. On the left with the alien eyes is Banana, and our heiress of the tenth generation is Pumpkin. I really wanted to use that name on the heiress, so I’m super pleased (for many reasons) that we had one. I was a little worried, but we did have two 50/50 chances with the alien twins at least. Would have been nice to have Gail’s genes in the heiress, however.
  • 58. Here’s our girls as children. So far, Pumpkin is a little awkward- looking compared to her sisters, but I promise you she has a major glow- up eventually. She just has to grow into her Hues nose.
  • 59. Insta-teens. Let’s take a closer look . . .
  • 60. Our three spare girls. Cream is Knowledge/Fortune and is 9/9/6/2/5. Celery is Romance/Popularity and is 10/2/10/6/5. Banana is Fortune/Grilled Cheese and is 10/10/10/4/1. I no longer remember which number represents which, but if you do, more power to you. I know the first one is neatness, I think? So we have very cleanly girls.
  • 61. And here’s a closer look at Pumpkin through her ages so far. I told you she’d look decent as a teen! She is Popularity/Fortune and her personality is 10/10/1/10/4, a very alien personality indeed.
  • 62. Finally, here’s the spare girls as adults. I didn’t have many yellow clothes and none of them fit Banana’s personality, so she’s rocking a khaki suit that is actually kind of the color of the interior of a banana? I don’t know; I’m reaching. Anyway, they all turned out fantastic and you can definitely see the family resemblance, although the human twins resemble Gail A LOT.
  • 63. And our heiress, Pumpkin, who is a drop-dead beauty in her signature color. You wouldn’t think it would work with the green, but it kinda does. And if you were wondering, yes, that’s the dress that Neon wore in college all those many years ago. Too perfect not to give it to Pumpkin. She definitely looks like she got everything but the green skin from her dad.
  • 64. And that’s that. Here’s generation 10 of The Hues Legacy. We just have a few loose ends to wrap up and we’ll be signing off (for this legacy – don’t forget Haleigh and I are now doing The Quest Log in Sims 4).
  • 65. The kittens were all insta-aged too. They are virtually identical and this scene was a literal hellscape of computer slow-down with all three growing up at once. 0/10 would not recommend.
  • 66. Then, to top it off, Gail started doing some kind of horrible death glitch, which was just adding to the lag, and which eventually crashed my computer. I know Sims 4 isn’t perfect and Sims 2 was (and always will be) a great game, but good Lord was it touchy sometimes. Gail: “Could either of you help me locate my body? All I feel is pain, and I seem to have lost my void skirt.” Pumpkin: “Why you gotta be like this, Mom?”
  • 67. So: Cat Birthday Party, the Sequel. Everybody but Watermelon: “Help, we all look alike. Who is anybody?” Watermelon: “Sucks to suck. Whose babies are they now, Dandelion?”
  • 68. So, here is what I wrote in my notes to help me: Chocolate and Cocoa are boys and have regular tails. Vanilla and Cocoa have green eyes. Vanilla is a girl and has a fluffy tail. Vanilla can only tell the truth. Doesn’t that feel a little bit like a stupid logic puzzle? Sorting out pics of these cats was frustrating.
  • 69. Anyway, here are our final three generations of heirs: Silver, Eucalyptus, and Pumpkin. We’re in the home stretch now; hang in there, folks. We’re going to do a quick heir retrospective, then it’s goodnight for this legacy.
  • 70. Generation 1 was Neon Hues, a sim created and played by me. She married Sinjin, one of the sources of our nose woes (although it turned out Neon had her own issues), but he was a pretty good spouse. They started the tradition of cuddling outdoors all the freakin’ time and built up the legacy from nothing after Neon’s graduation. They had Cerulean, Cobalt, and the triplets Sky, Indigo, and Azure. Their non- main-line grandchildren included Cyan, Teal, Aqua, Navy, and Turquoise.
  • 71. Gen. 2, played by Haleigh, featured heir Sky Hues, who married Lilly. They had Ruby, Scarlet, and triplets Carmine, Red, and Rose. Sky also had a child named Olive by aliens. Sky’s non-main grandchildren were Rusty, Auburn, Cerise, Beige, Tan, Umber, Khaki, and Sienna.
  • 72. The third gen. heiress was Rose, who married vacation townie Jim. Somehow, they are the only ones we don’t have a picture of cuddling outside as adults. There was one of them as elders, but I wanted to show the spouses as YAs. Rose and Jim had Emerald, Forest, Shamrock, and Lime. Their non- main grandchildren were Ecru, Mustard, Peach, and Salmon.
  • 73. Lime was the fourth-generation heir. He married Ericka. They had Orange, Tangerine, Coral, and Lemon. Non-main grandchildren were Mauve, another Salmon, and Orchid.
  • 74. After a tough decision, Coral was made fifth- generation heiress. She and husband Chris had a very dignified cuddling picture with one of the dogs. This seems a good place to mention our dogs were Peach (again), Timberwolf, Slate, Eggshell, Champagne, Cornsilk, Almond, Bisque, Dottie, Viridian, Bronze, and Jonquil. Our cats were Marigold, Chlorophyll, Magnolia, Dandelion, Watermelon, and, of course, Cocoa, Chocolate, and Vanilla. Coral and Chris had Amethyst, Plum, and Violet. Their only non-main grandchild was Sienna (again). Hey, it’s tough to keep names straight with this many sims in a themed legacy shared between two people! You would not believe how much googling of color names we were doing by later generations.
  • 75. Violet was sixth-generation heiress, and she married Hobart. They had Sapphire, Jade, and Onyx, and Hobart got abducted and had Peridot. Their non-main grandchildren were Topaz, Citrine, Alabaster, and Quartz.
  • 76. The seventh gen heiress was Jade, who married Benedict, who LIED about being a blond. No, I’m not still bitter. They had Gold, Platinum, Brass, Silver, Copper, and Chrome. Their non-main grandchildren were Nickel, Pewter, Amber, Gunmetal, and Opal.
  • 77. Silver was generation 8, and he married Sandy. They were the oldest sims alive in the main house at the end, having survived to see the end of the legacy and the continuation of the rainbow eyes. They had Daffodil, Cornflower, Fern, Carnation, and Eucalyptus. Non-main grandchildren were Eggplant, Strawberry, Raspberry, Marsala, and Tomato.
  • 78. Our final heir to marry was generation nine’s Eucalyptus. He married college sweetheart Gail. As we just saw – and I hope you haven’t forgotten already – they had Cream and Celery, and Eucalyptus also had alien twins Banana and Pumpkin.
  • 79. And that brings us to Pumpkin Hues, our tenth-generation heiress and the final Hues to inherit the eyes. All told, there was Neon plus seventy-six color-named sims born into this legacy, and an additional nineteen pets named after colors. Not bad! And that’s that. My thanks to Haleigh for taking this fun journey with me, and here’s to many more legacies between us! Thanks so much also to you for reading and following us over the years, and be sure to check out The Quest Log, located on this same site. Click through for one final slide 