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Continuity and Continuum in
    Nonstandard Universum

               Vasil Penchev
    Institute of Philosophical Research
      Bulgarian Academy of Science
             Publications blog:
1. Motivation
2. Infinity and the axiom of choice
3. Nonstandard universum
4. Continuity and continuum
5. Nonstandard continuity
   between two infinitely close
   standard points
6. A new axiom: of chance
7. Two kinds interpretation of
This file is only Part 1 of the
  entire presentation and

 1. Motivation
 2. Infinity and the axiom of choice
 3. Nonstandard universum
:       1. Motivation            :
         My problem was:
     Given: Two sequences:
   : 1, 2, 3, 4, ….a-3, a-2, a-1, a
  : a, a-1, a-2, a-3, …, 4, 3, 2, 1
   Where a is the power of
           countable set
            The problem:
 Do the two sequences  and 
:        1. Motivation          :
  At last, my resolution proved
      That the two sequences:
     : 1, 2, 3, 4, ….a-3, a-2, a-1, a
     : a, a-1, a-2, a-3, …, 4, 3, 2, 1
coincide or not, is a new axiom (or
  two different versions of the
    choice axiom): the axiom of
:         1. Motivation                :
For example, let us be given two
            Hilbert spaces:
  : eit, ei2t, ei3t, ei4t, … ei(a-1)t, eiat
  : eiat , ei(a-1)t, … ei4t, ei3t, ei2t, eit
   An analogical problem is:
Are those two Hilbert spaces the
             same or not?
 can be got by Minkowski space
       after Legendre-like
:         1. Motivation                :
               So that, if:
  : eit, ei2t, ei3t, ei4t, … ei(a-1)t, eiat
  : eiat , ei(a-1)t, … ei4t, ei3t, ei2t, eit
are the same, then Hilbert space
 is equivalent of the set of all
 the continuous world lines in
              spacetime 
      (see also Penrose’s twistors)
That is the real problem, from
:      1. Motivation       :
 About that real problem, from
     which I had started, my
         conclusion was:
There are two different versions
about the transition between the
micro-object Hilbert space  and
  the apparatus spacetime  in
   dependence on accepting or
    rejecting of ‚the chance
:      1. Motivation        :
   After that, I noticed that the
   problem is very easily to be
interpreted by transition within
nonstandard universum between
two nonstandard neighborhoods
 (ultrafilters) of two infinitely
near standard points or between
   the standard subset and the
properly nonstandard subset of
:       1. Motivation        :

  And as a result, I decided that
             only the
highly respected scientists from
   the honorable and reverend
   department ‚Logic‛ are that
 appropriate public worthy and
  deserving of being delivered
a report on that most intriguing
:      1. Motivation        :
After that, the very God was so
benevolent so that He allowed
  me to recognize marvelous
mathematical papers of a great
        Frenchman, Alain
   Connes, recently who has
  preferred in favor of sunny
California to settle, and who, a
 long time ago, had introduced
1. Motivation
3. Nonstandard universum
4. Continuity and continuum
5. Nonstandard continuity between
   two infinitely close standard
6. A new axiom: of chance
7. Two kinds interpretation of
Infinity and the Axiom of
 A few preliminary notes about
how the knowledge of infinity is
possible: The short answer is: as
  that of God: in belief and by
analogy.The way of mathematics
      to be achieved a little
 knowledge of infinity transits
    three stages: 1. From finite
perception to Axioms 2. Negation
Infinity and the Axiom of
     The way of mathematics to
1. From our finite experience and
 perception to Axioms: The most
       famous example is the
    axiomatization of geometry
   accomplished by Euclid in his
Infinity and the Axiom of
    The way of mathematics to
 2. Negation of some axioms: the
most frequently cited instance is
the fifth Euclid postulate and its
     replacing in Lobachevski
geometry by one of its negations.
 Mathematics only starts from
Infinity and the Axiom of
    The way of mathematics to
3. Mathematics beyond finiteness:
       We can postulate some
   properties of infinite sets by
    analogy of finite ones (e.g.
     ‘number of elements’ and
 ‘power’) However such transfer
Infinity and the Axiom of
 A few inferences about the math
 full-scale offensive amongst the
1.      Analogy:         well-chosen
appropriate properties of finite
mathematical struc-tures are
transferred into infinite ones
2. Belief: the transferred
Infinity and the Axiom of
 The most difficult problems of
     the math offensive among
1. Which transfers are allowed
  by in-finity without producing
2. Which   properties are suitable
Infinity and the Axiom of
      The Axiom of Choice (a
    If given a whatever set A
consisting of sets, we always can
  choose an element from each
 set, thereby constituting a new
set B (obviously of the same po-
   wer as A). So its sense is: we
Infinity and the Axiom of
  Some other formulations or
1. Any set can be well ordered
     (any its subset has a least
          2. Zorn’s lema
       3. Ultrafilter lema
    4. Banach-Tarski paradox
Infinity and the Axiom of
Zorn’s lemma is equivalent to the
    axiom of choice. Call a set A a
   chain if for any two members B
 and C, either B is a sub-set of C or C
   is a subset of B. Now con-sider a
 set D with the properties that for
   every chain E that is a subset of
  D, the union of E is a member of D.
 The lem-ma states that D contains
    a member that is maximal, i.e.
Infinity and the Axiom of
Ultrafilter lemma: A filter on
    a set X is a collection of
  nonempty subsets of X that is
        closed under finite
      intersection and under
   superset. An ultrafilter is a
        maximal filter. The
  ultrafilter lemma states that
    every filter on a set X is a
Infinity and the Axiom of
Banach–Tarski paradox which
says in effect that it is possible
to ‘carve up’ the 3-dimensional
solid unit ball into finitely many
pieces and, using only rotation
and translation, reassemble the
pieces into two balls each with
the same volume as the original.
The proof, like all proofs
Infinity and the Axiom of
 First stated in 1924, the Banach-
 Tarski paradox states that it is
 possible to dissect a ball into
      six pieces which can be
reassembled by rigid motions to
form two balls of the same size
  as the original. The number of
pieces was subsequently reduced
        to five by Robinson
Infinity and the Axiom of
Five pieces are minimal, although
four pieces are sufficient as long
as the single point at the center
is neglected. A generalization of
this theorem is that any two
bodies in that do not extend to
infinity and each containing a
ball of arbitrary size can be
dissected into each other (i.e.,
Infinity and the Axiom of
  Banach-Tarski paradox is very
     important for quantum
mechanics and information since
 any qubit is isomorphic to a 3D
 sphere. That’s why the paradox
  requires for arbitrary qubits
(even entire Hilbert space) to be
able to be built by a single qubit
 from its parts by translations
Infinity and the Axiom of
    So that the Banach-Tarski
paradox implies the phenomenon
   of entanglement in quantum
 information as two qubits (or
  two spheres) from one can be
    considered as thoroughly
entangled. Two partly entangled
   qubits could be reckoned as
sharing some subset of an initial
Infinity and the Axiom of
But the Banach-Tarski paradox is
   a weaker statement than the
 axiom of choice. It is valid only
about  3D sets. But I haven’t meet
 any other additional condition.
  Let us accept that the Banach-
 Tarski paradox is equivalent to
the axiom of choice for  3D sets.
   But entanglement as well 3D
Infinity and the Axiom of
  But entanglement (= Banach-
  Tarski paradox) as well 3D
  space are physical facts, and
  then consequently, they are
empirical confirmations in favor
   of the axiom of choice. This
 proves that the Banach-Tarski
paradox is just the most decisive
 confirmation, and not at all, a
Infinity and the Axiom of
   Besides, the axiom of choice
occurs in the proofs of: the Hahn-
 Banach the-orem in functional
   analysis, the theo-rem that
   every vector space has a ba-
    sis, Tychonoff's theorem in
   topology stating that every
  product of compact spaces is
  compact, and the theorems in
abstract algebra that every ring
Infinity and the Axiom of
    The Continuum Hypothesis:
    The generalized continuum
   hypothesis (GCH) is not only
   independent of ZF, but also
independent of ZF plus the axiom
 of choice (ZFC). However, ZF plus
   GCH implies AC, making GCH a
  strictly stronger claim than
  AC, even though they are both
Infinity and the Axiom of
     The Continuum Hypothesis:
    The generalized continuum
hypothesis (GCH) is: 2Na = Na+1 . Since
  it can be formulated without
AC, entanglement as an argument
in favor of AC is not expanded to
GCH. We may assume the negation
of GHC about cardinalities which
are not ‚alefs‛ together with AC
Infinity and the Axiom of
Negation of Continuum Hypothesis:
     The negation of GHC about
    cardinali-ties which are not
 ‚alefs‛ together with AC about
   cardinalities which are alefs:
1. There are sets which can not be
     well ordered. A physical
   interpretation of theirs is as
physical objects out of (beyond)
Infinity and the Axiom of
Negation of Continuum Hypothesis:
But the physical sense of 1. and 2.:
 1. The non-well-orderable sets
consist of well-ordered subsets
(at least, their elements as sets)
which are together in space-time.
2. Any well-ordered set (because
of Banach-Tarski paradox) can be
 as a set of entangled objects in
Infinity and the Axiom of
Negation of Continuum Hypothesis:
  So that the physical sense of 1.
and 2. is ultimately: The mapping
  between the set of space-time
  points and the set of physical
    entities is a ‚many-many‛
    correspondence: It can be
 equivalently replaced by usual
   mappings but however of a
Infinity and the Axiom of
Negation of Continuum Hypothesis:
Since the physical quantities have
      interpreted by Hilbert
 operators in quantum mechanics
          and information
 (correspondingly, by Hermitian
  and non-Hermitian ones), then
     that fact is an empirical
Infinity and the Axiom of
Negation of Continuum Hypothesis:
    But as well known, ZF+GHC
implies AC. Since we have already
   proved both NGHC and AC, the
only possibility remains also the
 negation of ZF (NZF), namely the
negation the axiom of foundation
  (AF): There is a special kind of
  sets, which will call ‘insepa-
Infinity and the Axiom of
   An important example of
     inseparable set: When
  postulating that if a set A is
   given, then a set B always
exists, such one that A is the set
   of all the subsets of B. An
 instance: let A be a countable
  set, then B is an inseparable
     set, which we can call
Infinity and the Axiom of
The axiom of foundation: ‚Every
 nonempty set is disjoint from
one of its elements.‚ It can also
 be stated as "A set contains no
      infinitely descending
 (membership) sequence," or "A
  set contains a (membership)
minimal element," i.e., there is an
Infinity and the Axiom of
     The axiom of foundation
Mendelson (1958) proved that the
     equivalence of these two
statements necessarily relies on
   the axiom of choice. The dual
       expression is called
 º-induction, and is equivalent to
Infinity and the Axiom of
 The axiom of foundation and its
 negation: Since we have accepted
 both the axiom of choice and the
     negation of the axiom of
    foundation, then we are to
    confirm the negation of º-
induction, namely ‚There are sets
 containing infinitely descending
    (membership) sequence OR
Infinity and the Axiom of
  The axiom of foundation and its
  negation: So that we have three
      kinds of inseparable set:
1.‚containing infinitely descending
     (membership) sequence‛ 2.
‚without a (membership) minimal
      element‚ 3. Both 1. and 2.
   The alleged ‚axiom of chance‛
Infinity and the Axiom of

 The alleged ‚axiom of chance‛
 concerning only 1. claims that
 there are as inseparable sets
‚containing infinitely descending
(membership) sequence‛ as such
   ones ‚containing infinitely
    ascending (membership)
 sequence‛ and different from
Infinity and the Axiom of
The Law of the excluded middle:
  The assumption of the axiom of
choice is also sufficient to derive
 the law of the excluded middle
   in some constructive systems
 (where the law is not assumed).
Infinity and the Axiom of

      A few (maybe redundant)
          We always can:
1. Choose an element among the
elements of a set of an
arbitrary power
2. Choose a set among the
Infinity and the Axiom of

      A (maybe rather useful)
          We always can:
3a. Repeat the choice choosing the
same element according to 1.
3b. Repeat the choice choosing the
same set according to 2.
Infinity and the Axiom of
 The sense of the Axiom of Choice:
1. Choice among infinite elements
   2. Choice among infinite sets
   3. Repetition of the already
     made choice among infinite
   4. Repetition of the already
Infinity and the Axiom of
The sense of the Axiom of Choice:
    If all the 1-4 are fulfilled:
   - choice is the same as among
        finite as among infinite
           elements or sets;
- the notion of information being
    based on choice is the same as
Infinity and the Axiom of
At last, the award for your kind
 patience: The linkages between
  my motivation and the choice
 When accepting its negation, we
ought to recognize a special kind
 of choice and of information in
   relation of infinite entities:
Infinity and the Axiom of
    So that the axiom of choice
should be divided into two parts:
     The first part concerning
  quantum choice claims that the
choice between infinite elements
  or sets is always possible. The
 second part concerning quantum
   information claims that the
  made already choice between
Infinity and the Axiom of
 My exposition is devoted to the
  nega-tion only of the ‚second
  part‛ of the choice axiom. But
not more than a couple of words
  about the sense for the first
part to be replaced or canceled:
When doing that, we accept a new
 kind of entities: whole without
 parts in prin-ciple, or in other
       words, such kind of
Infinity and the Axiom of
Negating the choice axiom second
 part is the suggested ‚axiom of
 chance‛ properly speaking. Its
  sense is: quantum information
  exists, and it is different than
   ‚classical‛ one. The former
 differs from the latter in five
 basic properties as following:
  copying, destroying, non-self-
      interacting, energetic
Infinity and the Axiom of

1. Copying,        Yes     No
2. Destroying,         Yes     No
3. Non-self-interacting, Yes      No
4. Energetic medium,       Yes    No
5. Being in space-time     Yes    No
Infinity and the Axiom of
How does the ‚1. Copying‛
(Yes/No) descend from

It is obviously: ‚Copying‛ means
that a set of choices is
repeated, and
consequently, it has been able to
Infinity and the Axiom of
If the case is: ‚1. Copying – No‛
                             - Yes,

then that case is the non-cloning
theorem in quantum information:
No qubit can be copied
Infinity and the Axiom of
How does the ‚2. Destroying‛
(Yes/No) descend from


‚Destroying‛ is similar to
As if negative copying
Infinity and the Axiom of
How does the ‚3. Non-self-
interacting‛ (Yes/No) descend

  Self-interacting means
 non-repeating by itself
Infinity and the Axiom of
   How does the ‚4. Energetic
   medium‛ (Yes/No) descend

Energetic medium means for
repeating to be turned into
substance, or in other words, to
Infinity and the Axiom of
How does the ‚5. Being in space-
time‛ (Yes/No) descend from

   ‘Being of a set in space-time’
    means that the set is well-
  ordered which fol-lows from
the axiom of choice. ‘No axiom of
 chance’ means      that the well-
1. Motivation
2. Infinity and the axiom of choice
4. Continuity and continuum
5. Nonstandard continuity between
   two infinitely close standard
6. A new axiom: of chance
7. Two kinds interpretation of
Nonstandard universum

            Abraham Robinson
            (October 6, 1918
 Leibnitz   – April 11, 1974)
Nonstandard universum

                  Abraham Robinson
                  (October 6, 1918
His Book (1966)   – April 11, 1974)
Nonstandard universum
                  ‚It is shown in this
                  book that Leibniz
                  ideas can be fully
                  vindicated and that
                  they lead to a
                  novel and fruitful
                  approach to
                  classical Analysis
His Book (1966)   and many other
                  branches of
Nonstandard universum
  ‚…G.W.Leibniz argued that
the theory of infinitesimals
implies the introduction of
 ideal numbers which might
   be infinitely small or
 infinitely large compared
 with the real numbers but
 which were to possess the
Nonstandard universum
    The original approach of A.
1. Construction of a nonstandard
model of R (the real continuum):
  Nonstan-dard model (Skolem
 1934): Let A be the set of all the
true statements about R, then:  =
   A(c>0, c>0`, c>0``…): Any finite
  subset of  holds for R. After
Nonstandard universum
 2. The finiteness principle: If
 any fi-nite subset of a (infinite)
  set  posses-ses a model, then
the set  possesses a model too.
The model of  is not isomorphic
 to R & A and it is a nonstandard
universum over R & A. Its sense is
       as follow: there is a
  nonstandard neighborhood x
Nonstandard universum
  The properties of nonstandard
    neighborhood x about any
    standard point x of R: 1) The
  ‚length‛ of x in R or of any its
 measurable subset is 0. 2) Any x
    in R is isomorphic to (R & A)
itself. Our main problem is about
 continuity and continuum of two
      neighborhoods x and y
    between two neighbor well
Nonstandard universum
 Indeed, the word of G.W.Leibniz
‚that the theory of infinitesimals
implies the introduction of ideal
      numbers which might be
   infinitely small or infinitely
  large compared with the real
    numbers but which were to
 possess the same properties as
 the latter‛ (Robinson, p. 2) are
Nonstandard universum
  Another possible approach was
 developed by was developed in
        the mid-1970s by the
  mathematician Edward Nelson.
   Nelson introduced an entirely
  axiomatic formulation of non-
standard analysis that he called
 Internal Set Theory or IST. IST is
     an extension of Zermelo-
Nonstandard universum
  In IST alongside the basic binary
      membership relation , it
introduces a new unary predicate
standard which can be applied to
   elements of the mathematical
    universe together with three
  axioms for reasoning with this
    new predicate (again IST): the
              axioms of
Nonstandard universum
 For every classical relation R, and
for arbit-rary values for all other
 free variables, we have that if for
  each standard, finite set F, there
exists a g such that R(g, f ) holds for
all f in F, then there is a particular G
such that for any standard f we have
  R (G, f ), and conversely, if there
 exists G such that for any standard
   f, we have R(G, f ), then for each
Nonstandard universum
 If A is a standard set and P any
      property, classical or
    otherwise, then there is a
  unique, standard subset B of A
 whose standard elements are
precisely the standard elements
     of A satisfying P (but the
  behaviour of B's nonstandard
Nonstandard universum
    If all the parameters
           A, B, C, ..., W
of a classical formula F have
     standard values then
         F( x, A, B,..., W )
 holds for all x's as soon as
it holds for all standard xs.
Nonstandard universum
  The sense of the unary predicate
If any formula holds for any finite
set of standard elements, it holds
   for all the universum. So that
 standard elements are only those
       which establish, set the
    standards, with which all the
 elements must be in conformity: In
Nonstandard universum
So that the suggested by Nelson IST is
       a constructivist version of
     nonstandard analysis. If ZFC is
consistent, then ZFC + IST is consistent.
 In fact, a stronger statement can be
    made: ZFC + IST is a conservative
     extension of ZFC: any classical
formula (correct or incorrect!) that
   can be proven within internal set
      theory can be proven in the
Nonstandard universum
The basic idea of both the version
   of nonstandard analysis (as
    Roninson’s as Nelson’s) is
    repetition of all the real
continuum R at, or better, within
  any its point as nonstandard
   neighborhoods about any of
  them. The consistency of that
  repetition is achieved by the
Nonstandard universum
 That collapse and repetition of
  all infinity into any its point is
  accomp-lished by the notion of
    ultrafilter in nonstandard
analysis. Ultrafilter is way to be
     transferred and thereby
     repeated the topological
    properties of all the real
 continuum into any its point, and
after that, all the properties of
Nonstandard universum

           What is ‘ultrafilter’?
    Let S be a nonempty set, then an
     ultrafilter on S is a nonempty
   collection F of subsets of S having
        the following properties:
1.   F.
2. If A, B  F, then A, B  F .
3. If A,B  F and ABS, then A,B  F
4. For any subset A of S, either A  F
Nonstandard universum

Ultrafilter lemma: A filter on
   a set X is a collection of
 nonempty subsets of X that is
closed under finite intersection
    and under superset. An
ultrafilter is a maximal filter.
 The ultrafilter lemma states
that every filter on a set X is a
subset of some ultrafilter on X
Nonstandard universum
  A philosophical reflection: Let us
     remember the Banach-Tarski
paradox: entire Hilbert space can be
   delivered only by repetition ad
infinitum of a single qubit (since it is
isomorphic to 3D sphere)as well the
paradox follows from the axiom of
    choice. However nonstandard
  analysis carries out the same idea as the
Banach-Tarski paradox about 1D sphere, i.e.
 a point: all the nonstandard universum can
Nonstandard universum
     The philosophical reflection
  continues: That’s why nonstandard
 analysis is a good tool for quantum
  mechanics: Nonstandard universum
(NU) possesses as if fractal structure
 just as Hilbert space. It allows all
 quantum objects to be described as
 internal sets absolutely similar to
  macro-objects being described as
 external or standard sets. The best
advantage is that NU can describe the
Nonstandard universum
   Something still a little more: If
   Hilbert spa-ce is isomorphic to a
     well ordered sequence of 3D
 spheres delivered by the axiom of
      choice via the Banach-Tarski
     paradox, then 1. It is at least
comparable unless even iso-morphic
  to Minkowski space; 2. It is getting
    generalized into nonstandard
 universum as to arbitrary number
dimensions, and even as to fractional
Nonstandard universum
    And at last: The generalized so
     Hilbert space as nonstandard
 universum is delivered again by the
   axiom of choice but this time via
 Zorn’s lemma (an equivalent to the
   axiom of choice) via ultrafilter
lemma (a weaker statement than the
    axiom of choice). Nonstandard
  universum admits to be in its turn
       generalized as in the gauge
      theories, when internal and
Nonstandard universum
Thus we have already pioneered to
    Alain Connes’ introducing of
 infinitesimals as compact Hilbert
 operators unlike the rest Hilbert
operators representing transfor-
  mations of standard sets. He has
      suggested the following

Complex variable     Hilbert
Nonstandard universum
The sense of compact operator: if it
      is ap-plied to nonstandard
      universum, it trans-forms a
  nonstandard neighborhood into a
nonstandard neighborhood, so that
 it keeps division between standard
  and nonstandard elements. If the
 nonstandard universum is built on
   Hilbert space instead of on real
    continuum, then Connes defined
   infinite-simals on the Cartesian
Nonstandard universum
 I would like to display that Connes’
       infinitesimals possesses an
 exceptionally important property:
     they are infinitesimals both in
  Hilbert and in Minkowski space: so
     that they describe very well
transformations of Minkowski space
   into Hilbert space and vice versa:
 Math speaking, Minkowski operator
      is compact if and only if it is
compact Hilbert operator. You might
Nonstandard universum
  Minkowski operator is compact if
   and only if it is compact Hilbert
     operator. Before a sketch of
proof, its sense and motivation: If we
   describe the transformations of
 Minkow-ski space into Hilbert space
  and vice versa, we will be able to
 speak of the transition between the
 apparatus and the microobject and
 vice versa as well of the transition
      bet-ween the coherent and
Nonstandard universum
 Before a sketch of proof, its sense
    and motivation: Our strategic
       purpose is to be built a
 united, common language for us to
     be able to speak both of the
apparatus and of the microobject as
  well, and the most impor-tant, of
 the transition and its converse bet-
  ween them. The creating of such a
  language requires a different set-
  theory foundation including: 1. The
Nonstandard universum
  Before a sketch of proof, its sense
     and motivation: The axiom of
 foundation is available in quantum
 mechanics by the collapse of wave
     function. Let us represent the
coherent state as infinity since, if the
 Hilbert space is separable, then any
its point is a coherent superposition
  of a countable set of components.
   The ‚collapse‛ represents as if a
    descending avalanche from the
Nonstandard universum
  Before a sketch of proof, its sense
and motivation: If that’s the case, the
 axiom of foundation AF is available
   just as the requirement for the
 wave function to collapse from the
    infinity as an avalanche since AF
forbids a smooth, continuous, infinite
   lowering, sinking. It would be an
    equivalent of the AF negation. A
 smooth, continuous, infinite process
      of lowering admits and even
Nonstandard universum
  A note: Let us accept now the AF
   negation, and consequently , a
   smooth reversibility between
 coherent and ‚collapsed‛ state.
  Then: P = Ps - Pr, where Ps is the
  probability from the coherent
superposition to a given value, and
Pr is the probability of reversible
   process. So that the quantum
mechanical probability attached to
Nonstandard universum
A Minkowski operator is compact if
 and only if it is a compact Hilbert
    operator. A sketch of proof:
    Wave function Y: RR  RR
    Hilbert space: {RR}  {RR}
         Hilbert operators:
   {RR}  {RR}  {RR}  {RR}
Using the isomorphism of Möbius and
     Lorentz group as follows:
Nonstandard universum

 {RR}  {RR}  {RR}  {RR}
    (the isomorphism)
    {RR  R}R  {RR  R}R:
 i.e. Minkowski space operators.
    The sense of introducing of
  nonstandard infinitesimals by
compact Hilbert operators is for
  them to be invariant towards
       (straight and inverse)
Nonstandard universum
  A little comment on the theorem:
A Minkowski operator is compact if
  and only if it is a compact Hilbert
 Defining nonstandard infinitesimals
  as compact Hilbert operators we
 are introducing infinitesimals being
 able to serve both such ones of the
  transition between Minkowski and
Hilbert space (the apparatus and the
Nonstandard universum
   A little more comment on the
 Let us imagine those infinitesimals,
 being operators, as sells of phase
space: they are smoothly decreasing
    from the minimal cell of the
   apparatus phase space via and
 beyond the axiom of foundation to
zero, what is the phase space sell of
 the microobject. That decreasing is
Nonstandard universum
   A little more comment on the
 Hamiltonian describes a system by
two independent linear systems of
    equalities [as if towards the
    reference frame both of the
     apparatus (infinity) and of
      microobject (finiteness)]
   Lagrangian does the same by a
nonlinear system of equalities [the
Nonstandard universum
    A little more comment on the
 Jacobian describes the bifurcation,
  two-forked direction(s) from a
  nonlinear system to two linear
    systems when the one united,
   common description is already
impossible and it is disintegrating to
   two independent each of other
Nonstandard universum
    A few slides are devoted to
        alternative ways for
 nonstandard infinitesimals to be
  - smooth infinitesimal analysis
         - surreal numbers.
Both the cases are inappropriate
      to our purpose or can be
interpreted too close-ly or even
Nonstandard universum
  ‚Intuitively, smooth infinitesimal
    analysis can be interpreted as
describing a world in which lines are
  made out of infinitesimally small
  segments, not out of points. These
seg-ments can be thought of as being
    long enough to have a definite
 direction, but not long enough to be
     curved. The construction of
discontinuous functions fails because
 a function is identified with a curve,
Nonstandard universum
‚We can imagine the intermediate
    value theorem's failure as
 resulting from the ability of an
     infinitesimal segment to
  straddle a line. Similarly, the
   Banach-Tarski paradox fails
    because a volume cannot be
     taken apart into points‛
(Wikipedia, ‚Smooth infinitesimal
Nonstandard universum
  The infinitesimals x in smooth
    infinitesimal analysis are
    nilpotent (nilsquare): x2=0
doesn’t mean and require that x
 is necessarily zero. The law of
 the excluded middle is denied:
   the infinitesimals are such a
 middle, which is between zero
  and nonzero. If that’s the case
Nonstandard universum
The smooth infinitesimal analysis
       does not satisfy our
 requirements even only because
of denying the axiom of choice or
the Banach - Tarski paradox. But I
  think that another version of
    nilpotent infinitesimals is
    possible, when they are an
   orthogonal basis of Hilbert
   space and the latter is being
Nonstandard universum
 By introducing as zero divisors,
the infinitesimals are interested
  because of possibility for the
phase space sell to be zero still
 satisfying uncertainty. It means
that the bifurcation of the initial
  nonlinear reference frame to
        two linear frames
     correspondingly of the
Nonstandard universum
The infinitesimals introduced as
    surreal numbers unlike
 hyperreal numbers (equal to
   Robinson’s infinitesimals):

 Definition: ‚If L and R are two
sets of surreal numbers and no
  member of R is less than or
equal to any member of L then {
Nonstandard universum
 About the surreal numbers:They
are a proper class (i.e. are not a
   set), ant the biggest ordered
    field (i.e. include any other
  field). Comparison rule: ‚For a
 surreal number x = { XL | XR } and
 y = { YL | YR } it holds that x ≤ y if
    and only if y is less than or
equal to no member of XL, and no
Nonstandard universum
  Since the comparison rule is
 recursive, it requires finite or
transfinite induction . Let us now
consider the following subset N
  of surreal numbers: All the
surreal numbers S  0. 2N has to
 contain all the well ordered
   falling sequences from the
 bottom of 0. The numbers of N
          from the kind
Nonstandard universum
  For example, we can easily to
   define our initial problem in
             their terms:
           Let  and  be:
          = {q: q  {N | 0}}
        = {w: w  {0 | 0  N}}
Our problem is whether  and 
 co-incide or not? If not, what is
power of   ? Our hypothesis
  is: the ans-wer of the former
Nonstandard universum
 That special axiom set includes:
    the axiom of choice and a
   negation of the generalized
continuum hypothesis (GCH). Since
      the axiom of choice is a
corollary from ZF+GCH, it implies
    a negation of ZF, namely: a
     negation of the axiom of
foundation AF in ZF. If ZF+GCH is the
case, our problem does not arise
Nonstandard universum
    However a permission and
    introducing of the infinite
   degressive sequences , and
  consequently, a AF negation is
       required by quantum
      information, or more
   particularly, by a discussing
whether Hilbert and Minkowski
 space are equivalent or not, or
more generally, by a considering
Nonstandard universum
 Comparison between ‚standard‛
 and nonstandard infinitesimals.
   The‚standard‛ infinitesimals
      exist only in boundary
      transition. Their sense
 represents velocity for a point-
 focused sequence to converge to
  that point. That velocity is the
 ratio between the two neighbor
intervals between three discrete
Nonstandard universum
 More about the sense of ‚standard‛
infinitesimals: By virtue of the axiom
     of choice any set can be well
 ordered as a sequence and thereby
 the ratio between the two neighbor
   intervals between three discrete
 successive points of the sequence in
question is to exist just as before: in
 the proper case of series. However
    now, the ‚neighbor‛ points of an
  arbitrary set are not discrete and
Nonstandard universum
Although the ‚neighbor‛ points of an
arbit-rary set are not discrete, and
consequently, the intervals between
 them are zero, we can recover as
if ‚intervals‛ between the well-
     ordered as if ‚discrete‛
   neighbor points by means of
nonstandard infini-tesimals. The
 nonstandard infinitesimals are
such intervals. The representation
Nonstandard universum
  But the ratio of the neighbor
intervals can be also considered
   as probability, thereby the
   velocity itself can be inter-
  preted as such probability as
 above. Two opposite senses of a
   similar inter-pretation are
     possible: 1) about a point
  belonging to the sequence: as
much the velocity of convergence
Nonstandard universum
2) about a point not belonging to
    the sequence: as much the
velocity of convergence is higher
as the probability of a point out
  of the series in question to be
  there is less; i.e. the sequence
 thought as a process is steeper,
     and the process is more
  nonequilibrium, off-balance,
   dissipative while a balance,
Nonstandard universum
 The same about a cell of phase
The same can be said of a cell of
phase space: as much a process is
steeper, and the process is more
  nonequilibrium, off-balance,
dissipative as the probability of
 a cell belonging to it is higher
  while a balance, equilibrium,
Nonstandard universum
     Our question is how the
     probability in quantum
 mechanics should be interpre-
ted? A possible hypothesis is: the
      pro-babilities of non-
 commutative, comple-mentary
  quantities are both the kinds
      correspondingly and
  For example, the coordinate
Nonstandard universum
 The physical interpretation of
  the velo-city for a series to
 converge is just as velocity of
  some physical process. If the
 case is spatial motion, then the
con-nection between velocity and
   probability is fixed by the
    fundamental constant   c:
Nonstandard universum
  The coefficients ,  from the
     definition of qubit can be
   interpreted as generalized,
   complex possibilities of the
coefficients ,  from relativity:
  Qubit:            Relativity:
   2+2=1
                     = (1-) 1/2

  |0+|1 = q     =v/c
Nonstandard universum
 The interpretation of the ratio
       between nonstandard
  infinitesimals both as velocity
   and as probability. The ratio
       between ‚stanadard‛
infinitesimals which exist only in
          boundary transit
Nonstandard universum
But we need some interpretation
  of complex probabilities, or,
 which is equi-valent, of complex
 nonstandard neigh-borhoods. If
     we reject AF, then we can
introduce the falling, descending
    from the infinity, but also
     infinite series as purely,
properly imaginary nonstandard
     neighborhoods: The real
Nonstandard universum
   After that, all the complex
  probabilities are ushered in
 varying the ties, ‚hyste-reses‛
  ‚up‛ or ‚down‛ between two
well ordered neighbor standard
 points. Wave function being or
 not in separable Hilbert space
   (i.e. with countable or non-
      countable power of its
components) is well interpreted
Nonstandard universum
Consequently, there exists one
more bridge of interpretation
 connecting Hilbert and 3D or
      Minkowski space.
What do the constants c and h
inter-pret from the relations
   and ratios bet-ween two
 neighbor nonstandard inter-
   vals? It turns out that   c
Nonstandard universum
 And what about the constant h?
It guarantees on existing of: both
     the sequences, both the
nonstandard neighborhoods ‚up‛
 and ‚down‛. It is the unit of the
central symmetry transforming
    between the nonstandard
 neighborhoods ‚up‛ and ‚down‛
of any standard point h като площ
Nonstandard universum
And what about the constant h? It
 gua-rantees on existing of: both
     the sequen-ces, both the
  nonstandard neighbor-hoods
 ‚up‛ and ‚down‛. It is the unit of
      the central symmetry
    transforming between the
nonstandard neighborhoods ‚up‛
  and ‚down‛ of any stan-dard
Nonstandard universum
One more interpretation of h: as
   the square of the hysteresis
between the ‚up‛ and the ‚down‛
   neighborhood between two
standard points. Unlike standard
  continuity a parametric set of
    nonstandard continuities is
   available. The parameter g =
         Dp/Dx = Dm/Dt =
Nonstandard universum
  One more interpretation of h:
 The sense of g is intuitively very
  clear: As more points ‚up‛ and
‚down‛ are common as both the
hysteresis branches are closer.
So the standard continuity turns
out an extreme peculiar case of
nonstan-dard continuity, namely
 all the points ‚up‛ and ‚down‛
    are common and both the
Nonstandard universum
      By means of the latter
 interpretation we can interpret
     also phase space as non-
  standard 3D space. Any cell of
    phase space represents the
   hysteresis between 3D points
   well ordered in each of the
three dimensions. The connection
bet-ween phase space and Hilbert
Nonstandard universum

What do the constants c and h
interpret as limits of a phase
   space cell deformation?

    c.1.dx  dy  h.dx
 Here 1 is the unit of curving
     [distance x mass]
Forthcoming in 2nd part:
1. Motivation
2. Infinity and the axiom of choice
3. Nonstandard universum

4. Continuity and continuum
5. Nonstandard continuity
between two infinitely close
standard points
6. A new axiom: of chance
7. Two kinds interpretation of
                  Vasil Penchev
      Institute for Philosophical Research
         Bulgarian Academy of Science
                Professional blog:

   That was all of          1 st   part
        Thank you for your

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Vasil Penchev. Continuity and Continuum in Nonstandard Universum

  • 1. Continuity and Continuum in Nonstandard Universum Vasil Penchev Institute of Philosophical Research Bulgarian Academy of Science E-mail: Publications blog:
  • 2. Content 1. Motivation s: 2. Infinity and the axiom of choice 3. Nonstandard universum 4. Continuity and continuum 5. Nonstandard continuity between two infinitely close standard points 6. A new axiom: of chance 7. Two kinds interpretation of
  • 3. This file is only Part 1 of the entire presentation and includes: 1. Motivation 2. Infinity and the axiom of choice 3. Nonstandard universum
  • 4. : 1. Motivation : My problem was: Given: Two sequences: : 1, 2, 3, 4, ….a-3, a-2, a-1, a : a, a-1, a-2, a-3, …, 4, 3, 2, 1 Where a is the power of countable set The problem: Do the two sequences  and 
  • 5. : 1. Motivation : At last, my resolution proved out: That the two sequences: : 1, 2, 3, 4, ….a-3, a-2, a-1, a : a, a-1, a-2, a-3, …, 4, 3, 2, 1 coincide or not, is a new axiom (or two different versions of the choice axiom): the axiom of
  • 6. : 1. Motivation : For example, let us be given two Hilbert spaces: : eit, ei2t, ei3t, ei4t, … ei(a-1)t, eiat : eiat , ei(a-1)t, … ei4t, ei3t, ei2t, eit An analogical problem is: Are those two Hilbert spaces the same or not?  can be got by Minkowski space  after Legendre-like
  • 7. : 1. Motivation : So that, if: : eit, ei2t, ei3t, ei4t, … ei(a-1)t, eiat : eiat , ei(a-1)t, … ei4t, ei3t, ei2t, eit are the same, then Hilbert space  is equivalent of the set of all the continuous world lines in spacetime  (see also Penrose’s twistors) That is the real problem, from
  • 8. : 1. Motivation : About that real problem, from which I had started, my conclusion was: There are two different versions about the transition between the micro-object Hilbert space  and the apparatus spacetime  in dependence on accepting or rejecting of ‚the chance
  • 9. : 1. Motivation : After that, I noticed that the problem is very easily to be interpreted by transition within nonstandard universum between two nonstandard neighborhoods (ultrafilters) of two infinitely near standard points or between the standard subset and the properly nonstandard subset of
  • 10. : 1. Motivation : And as a result, I decided that only the highly respected scientists from the honorable and reverend department ‚Logic‛ are that appropriate public worthy and deserving of being delivered a report on that most intriguing
  • 11. : 1. Motivation : After that, the very God was so benevolent so that He allowed me to recognize marvelous mathematical papers of a great Frenchman, Alain Connes, recently who has preferred in favor of sunny California to settle, and who, a long time ago, had introduced
  • 12. Content 1. Motivation s: 2. INFINITY and the AXIOM OF CHOICE 3. Nonstandard universum 4. Continuity and continuum 5. Nonstandard continuity between two infinitely close standard points 6. A new axiom: of chance 7. Two kinds interpretation of
  • 13. Infinity and the Axiom of Choice  A few preliminary notes about how the knowledge of infinity is possible: The short answer is: as that of God: in belief and by analogy.The way of mathematics to be achieved a little knowledge of infinity transits three stages: 1. From finite perception to Axioms 2. Negation
  • 14. Infinity and the Axiom of Choice  The way of mathematics to infinity: 1. From our finite experience and perception to Axioms: The most famous example is the axiomatization of geometry accomplished by Euclid in his ‚Elements‛
  • 15. Infinity and the Axiom of Choice  The way of mathematics to infinity: 2. Negation of some axioms: the most frequently cited instance is the fifth Euclid postulate and its replacing in Lobachevski geometry by one of its negations. Mathematics only starts from
  • 16. Infinity and the Axiom of Choice  The way of mathematics to infinity: 3. Mathematics beyond finiteness: We can postulate some properties of infinite sets by analogy of finite ones (e.g. ‘number of elements’ and ‘power’) However such transfer
  • 17. Infinity and the Axiom of Choice  A few inferences about the math full-scale offensive amongst the infinity: 1. Analogy: well-chosen appropriate properties of finite mathematical struc-tures are transferred into infinite ones 2. Belief: the transferred
  • 18. Infinity and the Axiom of Choice  The most difficult problems of the math offensive among infinity: 1. Which transfers are allowed by in-finity without producing paradoxes? 2. Which properties are suitable
  • 19. Infinity and the Axiom of Choice  The Axiom of Choice (a formulation): If given a whatever set A consisting of sets, we always can choose an element from each set, thereby constituting a new set B (obviously of the same po- wer as A). So its sense is: we
  • 20. Infinity and the Axiom of Choice  Some other formulations or corollaries: 1. Any set can be well ordered (any its subset has a least element) 2. Zorn’s lema 3. Ultrafilter lema 4. Banach-Tarski paradox
  • 21. Infinity and the Axiom of Choice  Zorn’s lemma is equivalent to the axiom of choice. Call a set A a chain if for any two members B and C, either B is a sub-set of C or C is a subset of B. Now con-sider a set D with the properties that for every chain E that is a subset of D, the union of E is a member of D. The lem-ma states that D contains a member that is maximal, i.e.
  • 22. Infinity and the Axiom of Choice  Ultrafilter lemma: A filter on a set X is a collection of nonempty subsets of X that is closed under finite intersection and under superset. An ultrafilter is a maximal filter. The ultrafilter lemma states that every filter on a set X is a
  • 23. Infinity and the Axiom of Choice  Banach–Tarski paradox which says in effect that it is possible to ‘carve up’ the 3-dimensional solid unit ball into finitely many pieces and, using only rotation and translation, reassemble the pieces into two balls each with the same volume as the original. The proof, like all proofs
  • 24. Infinity and the Axiom of Choice  First stated in 1924, the Banach- Tarski paradox states that it is possible to dissect a ball into six pieces which can be reassembled by rigid motions to form two balls of the same size as the original. The number of pieces was subsequently reduced to five by Robinson
  • 25. Infinity and the Axiom of Choice  Five pieces are minimal, although four pieces are sufficient as long as the single point at the center is neglected. A generalization of this theorem is that any two bodies in that do not extend to infinity and each containing a ball of arbitrary size can be dissected into each other (i.e.,
  • 26. Infinity and the Axiom of Choice  Banach-Tarski paradox is very important for quantum mechanics and information since any qubit is isomorphic to a 3D sphere. That’s why the paradox requires for arbitrary qubits (even entire Hilbert space) to be able to be built by a single qubit from its parts by translations
  • 27. Infinity and the Axiom of Choice  So that the Banach-Tarski paradox implies the phenomenon of entanglement in quantum information as two qubits (or two spheres) from one can be considered as thoroughly entangled. Two partly entangled qubits could be reckoned as sharing some subset of an initial
  • 28. Infinity and the Axiom of Choice  But the Banach-Tarski paradox is a weaker statement than the axiom of choice. It is valid only about  3D sets. But I haven’t meet any other additional condition. Let us accept that the Banach- Tarski paradox is equivalent to the axiom of choice for  3D sets. But entanglement as well 3D
  • 29. Infinity and the Axiom of Choice  But entanglement (= Banach- Tarski paradox) as well 3D space are physical facts, and then consequently, they are empirical confirmations in favor of the axiom of choice. This proves that the Banach-Tarski paradox is just the most decisive confirmation, and not at all, a
  • 30. Infinity and the Axiom of Choice  Besides, the axiom of choice occurs in the proofs of: the Hahn- Banach the-orem in functional analysis, the theo-rem that every vector space has a ba- sis, Tychonoff's theorem in topology stating that every product of compact spaces is compact, and the theorems in abstract algebra that every ring
  • 31. Infinity and the Axiom of Choice  The Continuum Hypothesis: The generalized continuum hypothesis (GCH) is not only independent of ZF, but also independent of ZF plus the axiom of choice (ZFC). However, ZF plus GCH implies AC, making GCH a strictly stronger claim than AC, even though they are both
  • 32. Infinity and the Axiom of Choice  The Continuum Hypothesis: The generalized continuum hypothesis (GCH) is: 2Na = Na+1 . Since it can be formulated without AC, entanglement as an argument in favor of AC is not expanded to GCH. We may assume the negation of GHC about cardinalities which are not ‚alefs‛ together with AC
  • 33. Infinity and the Axiom of Choice  Negation of Continuum Hypothesis: The negation of GHC about cardinali-ties which are not ‚alefs‛ together with AC about cardinalities which are alefs: 1. There are sets which can not be well ordered. A physical interpretation of theirs is as physical objects out of (beyond)
  • 34. Infinity and the Axiom of Choice  Negation of Continuum Hypothesis: But the physical sense of 1. and 2.: 1. The non-well-orderable sets consist of well-ordered subsets (at least, their elements as sets) which are together in space-time. 2. Any well-ordered set (because of Banach-Tarski paradox) can be as a set of entangled objects in
  • 35. Infinity and the Axiom of Choice  Negation of Continuum Hypothesis: So that the physical sense of 1. and 2. is ultimately: The mapping between the set of space-time points and the set of physical entities is a ‚many-many‛ correspondence: It can be equivalently replaced by usual mappings but however of a
  • 36. Infinity and the Axiom of Choice  Negation of Continuum Hypothesis: Since the physical quantities have interpreted by Hilbert operators in quantum mechanics and information (correspondingly, by Hermitian and non-Hermitian ones), then that fact is an empirical
  • 37. Infinity and the Axiom of Choice  Negation of Continuum Hypothesis: But as well known, ZF+GHC implies AC. Since we have already proved both NGHC and AC, the only possibility remains also the negation of ZF (NZF), namely the negation the axiom of foundation (AF): There is a special kind of sets, which will call ‘insepa-
  • 38. Infinity and the Axiom of Choice  An important example of inseparable set: When postulating that if a set A is given, then a set B always exists, such one that A is the set of all the subsets of B. An instance: let A be a countable set, then B is an inseparable set, which we can call
  • 39. Infinity and the Axiom of Choice  The axiom of foundation: ‚Every nonempty set is disjoint from one of its elements.‚ It can also be stated as "A set contains no infinitely descending (membership) sequence," or "A set contains a (membership) minimal element," i.e., there is an
  • 40. Infinity and the Axiom of Choice  The axiom of foundation Mendelson (1958) proved that the equivalence of these two statements necessarily relies on the axiom of choice. The dual expression is called º-induction, and is equivalent to
  • 41. Infinity and the Axiom of Choice  The axiom of foundation and its negation: Since we have accepted both the axiom of choice and the negation of the axiom of foundation, then we are to confirm the negation of º- induction, namely ‚There are sets containing infinitely descending (membership) sequence OR
  • 42. Infinity and the Axiom of Choice  The axiom of foundation and its negation: So that we have three kinds of inseparable set: 1.‚containing infinitely descending (membership) sequence‛ 2. ‚without a (membership) minimal element‚ 3. Both 1. and 2. The alleged ‚axiom of chance‛
  • 43. Infinity and the Axiom of Choice  The alleged ‚axiom of chance‛ concerning only 1. claims that there are as inseparable sets ‚containing infinitely descending (membership) sequence‛ as such ones ‚containing infinitely ascending (membership) sequence‛ and different from
  • 44. Infinity and the Axiom of Choice  The Law of the excluded middle: The assumption of the axiom of choice is also sufficient to derive the law of the excluded middle in some constructive systems (where the law is not assumed).
  • 45. Infinity and the Axiom of Choice  A few (maybe redundant) commentaries: We always can: 1. Choose an element among the elements of a set of an arbitrary power 2. Choose a set among the
  • 46. Infinity and the Axiom of Choice  A (maybe rather useful) commentary: We always can: 3a. Repeat the choice choosing the same element according to 1. 3b. Repeat the choice choosing the same set according to 2.
  • 47. Infinity and the Axiom of Choice  The sense of the Axiom of Choice: 1. Choice among infinite elements 2. Choice among infinite sets 3. Repetition of the already made choice among infinite elements 4. Repetition of the already
  • 48. Infinity and the Axiom of Choice  The sense of the Axiom of Choice: If all the 1-4 are fulfilled: - choice is the same as among finite as among infinite elements or sets; - the notion of information being based on choice is the same as
  • 49. Infinity and the Axiom of Choice  At last, the award for your kind patience: The linkages between my motivation and the choice axiom: When accepting its negation, we ought to recognize a special kind of choice and of information in relation of infinite entities:
  • 50. Infinity and the Axiom of Choice  So that the axiom of choice should be divided into two parts: The first part concerning quantum choice claims that the choice between infinite elements or sets is always possible. The second part concerning quantum information claims that the made already choice between
  • 51. Infinity and the Axiom of  Choice My exposition is devoted to the nega-tion only of the ‚second part‛ of the choice axiom. But not more than a couple of words about the sense for the first part to be replaced or canceled: When doing that, we accept a new kind of entities: whole without parts in prin-ciple, or in other words, such kind of
  • 52. Infinity and the Axiom of  Choice Negating the choice axiom second part is the suggested ‚axiom of chance‛ properly speaking. Its sense is: quantum information exists, and it is different than ‚classical‛ one. The former differs from the latter in five basic properties as following: copying, destroying, non-self- interacting, energetic
  • 53. Infinity and the Axiom of  Choice Classical Quantum 1. Copying, Yes No 2. Destroying, Yes No 3. Non-self-interacting, Yes No 4. Energetic medium, Yes No 5. Being in space-time Yes No
  • 54. Infinity and the Axiom of Choice  How does the ‚1. Copying‛ (Yes/No) descend from (No/Yes)? It is obviously: ‚Copying‛ means that a set of choices is repeated, and consequently, it has been able to
  • 55. Infinity and the Axiom of Choice  If the case is: ‚1. Copying – No‛ from - Yes, then that case is the non-cloning theorem in quantum information: No qubit can be copied
  • 56. Infinity and the Axiom of Choice  How does the ‚2. Destroying‛ (Yes/No) descend from (No/Yes)? ‚Destroying‛ is similar to copying: As if negative copying
  • 57. Infinity and the Axiom of Choice  How does the ‚3. Non-self- interacting‛ (Yes/No) descend from (No/Yes)? Self-interacting means non-repeating by itself
  • 58. Infinity and the Axiom of Choice  How does the ‚4. Energetic medium‛ (Yes/No) descend from (No/Yes)? Energetic medium means for repeating to be turned into substance, or in other words, to
  • 59. Infinity and the Axiom of Choice  How does the ‚5. Being in space- time‛ (Yes/No) descend from (No/Yes)? ‘Being of a set in space-time’ means that the set is well- ordered which fol-lows from the axiom of choice. ‘No axiom of chance’ means that the well-
  • 60. Content 1. Motivation s: 2. Infinity and the axiom of choice 3. NONSTANDARD UNIVERSUM 4. Continuity and continuum 5. Nonstandard continuity between two infinitely close standard points 6. A new axiom: of chance 7. Two kinds interpretation of
  • 61. Nonstandard universum Abraham Robinson (October 6, 1918 Leibnitz – April 11, 1974)
  • 62. Nonstandard universum Abraham Robinson (October 6, 1918 His Book (1966) – April 11, 1974)
  • 63. Nonstandard universum ‚It is shown in this book that Leibniz ideas can be fully vindicated and that they lead to a novel and fruitful approach to classical Analysis His Book (1966) and many other branches of
  • 64. Nonstandard universum ‚…G.W.Leibniz argued that the theory of infinitesimals implies the introduction of ideal numbers which might be infinitely small or infinitely large compared with the real numbers but which were to possess the
  • 65. Nonstandard universum The original approach of A. Robinson: 1. Construction of a nonstandard model of R (the real continuum): Nonstan-dard model (Skolem 1934): Let A be the set of all the true statements about R, then:  = A(c>0, c>0`, c>0``…): Any finite subset of  holds for R. After
  • 66. Nonstandard universum 2. The finiteness principle: If any fi-nite subset of a (infinite) set  posses-ses a model, then the set  possesses a model too. The model of  is not isomorphic to R & A and it is a nonstandard universum over R & A. Its sense is as follow: there is a nonstandard neighborhood x
  • 67. Nonstandard universum The properties of nonstandard neighborhood x about any standard point x of R: 1) The ‚length‛ of x in R or of any its measurable subset is 0. 2) Any x in R is isomorphic to (R & A) itself. Our main problem is about continuity and continuum of two neighborhoods x and y between two neighbor well
  • 68. Nonstandard universum Indeed, the word of G.W.Leibniz ‚that the theory of infinitesimals implies the introduction of ideal numbers which might be infinitely small or infinitely large compared with the real numbers but which were to possess the same properties as the latter‛ (Robinson, p. 2) are
  • 69. Nonstandard universum Another possible approach was developed by was developed in the mid-1970s by the mathematician Edward Nelson. Nelson introduced an entirely axiomatic formulation of non- standard analysis that he called Internal Set Theory or IST. IST is an extension of Zermelo-
  • 70. Nonstandard universum In IST alongside the basic binary membership relation , it introduces a new unary predicate standard which can be applied to elements of the mathematical universe together with three axioms for reasoning with this new predicate (again IST): the axioms of
  • 71. Nonstandard universum Idealization: For every classical relation R, and for arbit-rary values for all other free variables, we have that if for each standard, finite set F, there exists a g such that R(g, f ) holds for all f in F, then there is a particular G such that for any standard f we have R (G, f ), and conversely, if there exists G such that for any standard f, we have R(G, f ), then for each
  • 72. Nonstandard universum Standardisation If A is a standard set and P any property, classical or otherwise, then there is a unique, standard subset B of A whose standard elements are precisely the standard elements of A satisfying P (but the behaviour of B's nonstandard
  • 73. Nonstandard universum Transfer If all the parameters A, B, C, ..., W of a classical formula F have standard values then F( x, A, B,..., W ) holds for all x's as soon as it holds for all standard xs.
  • 74. Nonstandard universum The sense of the unary predicate standard: If any formula holds for any finite standard set of standard elements, it holds for all the universum. So that standard elements are only those which establish, set the standards, with which all the elements must be in conformity: In
  • 75. Nonstandard universum So that the suggested by Nelson IST is a constructivist version of nonstandard analysis. If ZFC is consistent, then ZFC + IST is consistent. In fact, a stronger statement can be made: ZFC + IST is a conservative extension of ZFC: any classical formula (correct or incorrect!) that can be proven within internal set theory can be proven in the
  • 76. Nonstandard universum The basic idea of both the version of nonstandard analysis (as Roninson’s as Nelson’s) is repetition of all the real continuum R at, or better, within any its point as nonstandard neighborhoods about any of them. The consistency of that repetition is achieved by the
  • 77. Nonstandard universum That collapse and repetition of all infinity into any its point is accomp-lished by the notion of ultrafilter in nonstandard analysis. Ultrafilter is way to be transferred and thereby repeated the topological properties of all the real continuum into any its point, and after that, all the properties of
  • 78. Nonstandard universum What is ‘ultrafilter’? Let S be a nonempty set, then an ultrafilter on S is a nonempty collection F of subsets of S having the following properties: 1.   F. 2. If A, B  F, then A, B  F . 3. If A,B  F and ABS, then A,B  F 4. For any subset A of S, either A  F
  • 79. Nonstandard universum Ultrafilter lemma: A filter on a set X is a collection of nonempty subsets of X that is closed under finite intersection and under superset. An ultrafilter is a maximal filter. The ultrafilter lemma states that every filter on a set X is a subset of some ultrafilter on X
  • 80. Nonstandard universum A philosophical reflection: Let us remember the Banach-Tarski paradox: entire Hilbert space can be delivered only by repetition ad infinitum of a single qubit (since it is isomorphic to 3D sphere)as well the paradox follows from the axiom of choice. However nonstandard analysis carries out the same idea as the Banach-Tarski paradox about 1D sphere, i.e. a point: all the nonstandard universum can
  • 81. Nonstandard universum The philosophical reflection continues: That’s why nonstandard analysis is a good tool for quantum mechanics: Nonstandard universum (NU) possesses as if fractal structure just as Hilbert space. It allows all quantum objects to be described as internal sets absolutely similar to macro-objects being described as external or standard sets. The best advantage is that NU can describe the
  • 82. Nonstandard universum Something still a little more: If Hilbert spa-ce is isomorphic to a well ordered sequence of 3D spheres delivered by the axiom of choice via the Banach-Tarski paradox, then 1. It is at least comparable unless even iso-morphic to Minkowski space; 2. It is getting generalized into nonstandard universum as to arbitrary number dimensions, and even as to fractional
  • 83. Nonstandard universum And at last: The generalized so Hilbert space as nonstandard universum is delivered again by the axiom of choice but this time via Zorn’s lemma (an equivalent to the axiom of choice) via ultrafilter lemma (a weaker statement than the axiom of choice). Nonstandard universum admits to be in its turn generalized as in the gauge theories, when internal and
  • 84. Nonstandard universum Thus we have already pioneered to Alain Connes’ introducing of infinitesimals as compact Hilbert operators unlike the rest Hilbert operators representing transfor- mations of standard sets. He has suggested the following ‚dictionary‛: Complex variable Hilbert
  • 85. Nonstandard universum The sense of compact operator: if it is ap-plied to nonstandard universum, it trans-forms a nonstandard neighborhood into a nonstandard neighborhood, so that it keeps division between standard and nonstandard elements. If the nonstandard universum is built on Hilbert space instead of on real continuum, then Connes defined infinite-simals on the Cartesian
  • 86. Nonstandard universum I would like to display that Connes’ infinitesimals possesses an exceptionally important property: they are infinitesimals both in Hilbert and in Minkowski space: so that they describe very well transformations of Minkowski space into Hilbert space and vice versa: Math speaking, Minkowski operator is compact if and only if it is compact Hilbert operator. You might
  • 87. Nonstandard universum Minkowski operator is compact if and only if it is compact Hilbert operator. Before a sketch of proof, its sense and motivation: If we describe the transformations of Minkow-ski space into Hilbert space and vice versa, we will be able to speak of the transition between the apparatus and the microobject and vice versa as well of the transition bet-ween the coherent and
  • 88. Nonstandard universum Before a sketch of proof, its sense and motivation: Our strategic purpose is to be built a united, common language for us to be able to speak both of the apparatus and of the microobject as well, and the most impor-tant, of the transition and its converse bet- ween them. The creating of such a language requires a different set- theory foundation including: 1. The
  • 89. Nonstandard universum Before a sketch of proof, its sense and motivation: The axiom of foundation is available in quantum mechanics by the collapse of wave function. Let us represent the coherent state as infinity since, if the Hilbert space is separable, then any its point is a coherent superposition of a countable set of components. The ‚collapse‛ represents as if a descending avalanche from the
  • 90. Nonstandard universum Before a sketch of proof, its sense and motivation: If that’s the case, the axiom of foundation AF is available just as the requirement for the wave function to collapse from the infinity as an avalanche since AF forbids a smooth, continuous, infinite lowering, sinking. It would be an equivalent of the AF negation. A smooth, continuous, infinite process of lowering admits and even
  • 91. Nonstandard universum A note: Let us accept now the AF negation, and consequently , a smooth reversibility between coherent and ‚collapsed‛ state. Then: P = Ps - Pr, where Ps is the probability from the coherent superposition to a given value, and Pr is the probability of reversible process. So that the quantum mechanical probability attached to
  • 92. Nonstandard universum A Minkowski operator is compact if and only if it is a compact Hilbert operator. A sketch of proof: Wave function Y: RR  RR Hilbert space: {RR}  {RR} Hilbert operators: {RR}  {RR}  {RR}  {RR} Using the isomorphism of Möbius and Lorentz group as follows:
  • 93. Nonstandard universum {RR}  {RR}  {RR}  {RR}  (the isomorphism) {RR  R}R  {RR  R}R: i.e. Minkowski space operators. The sense of introducing of nonstandard infinitesimals by compact Hilbert operators is for them to be invariant towards (straight and inverse)
  • 94. Nonstandard universum A little comment on the theorem: A Minkowski operator is compact if and only if it is a compact Hilbert operator Defining nonstandard infinitesimals as compact Hilbert operators we are introducing infinitesimals being able to serve both such ones of the transition between Minkowski and Hilbert space (the apparatus and the
  • 95. Nonstandard universum A little more comment on the theorem: Let us imagine those infinitesimals, being operators, as sells of phase space: they are smoothly decreasing from the minimal cell of the apparatus phase space via and beyond the axiom of foundation to zero, what is the phase space sell of the microobject. That decreasing is
  • 96. Nonstandard universum A little more comment on the theorem: Hamiltonian describes a system by two independent linear systems of equalities [as if towards the reference frame both of the apparatus (infinity) and of microobject (finiteness)] Lagrangian does the same by a nonlinear system of equalities [the
  • 97. Nonstandard universum A little more comment on the theorem: Jacobian describes the bifurcation, two-forked direction(s) from a nonlinear system to two linear systems when the one united, common description is already impossible and it is disintegrating to two independent each of other descriptions
  • 98. Nonstandard universum A few slides are devoted to alternative ways for nonstandard infinitesimals to be introduced: - smooth infinitesimal analysis - surreal numbers. Both the cases are inappropriate to our purpose or can be interpreted too close-ly or even
  • 99. Nonstandard universum ‚Intuitively, smooth infinitesimal analysis can be interpreted as describing a world in which lines are made out of infinitesimally small segments, not out of points. These seg-ments can be thought of as being long enough to have a definite direction, but not long enough to be curved. The construction of discontinuous functions fails because a function is identified with a curve,
  • 100. Nonstandard universum ‚We can imagine the intermediate value theorem's failure as resulting from the ability of an infinitesimal segment to straddle a line. Similarly, the Banach-Tarski paradox fails because a volume cannot be taken apart into points‛ (Wikipedia, ‚Smooth infinitesimal
  • 101. Nonstandard universum The infinitesimals x in smooth infinitesimal analysis are nilpotent (nilsquare): x2=0 doesn’t mean and require that x is necessarily zero. The law of the excluded middle is denied: the infinitesimals are such a middle, which is between zero and nonzero. If that’s the case
  • 102. Nonstandard universum The smooth infinitesimal analysis does not satisfy our requirements even only because of denying the axiom of choice or the Banach - Tarski paradox. But I think that another version of nilpotent infinitesimals is possible, when they are an orthogonal basis of Hilbert space and the latter is being
  • 103. Nonstandard universum By introducing as zero divisors, the infinitesimals are interested because of possibility for the phase space sell to be zero still satisfying uncertainty. It means that the bifurcation of the initial nonlinear reference frame to two linear frames correspondingly of the
  • 104. Nonstandard universum The infinitesimals introduced as surreal numbers unlike hyperreal numbers (equal to Robinson’s infinitesimals): Definition: ‚If L and R are two sets of surreal numbers and no member of R is less than or equal to any member of L then {
  • 105. Nonstandard universum About the surreal numbers:They are a proper class (i.e. are not a set), ant the biggest ordered field (i.e. include any other field). Comparison rule: ‚For a surreal number x = { XL | XR } and y = { YL | YR } it holds that x ≤ y if and only if y is less than or equal to no member of XL, and no
  • 106. Nonstandard universum Since the comparison rule is recursive, it requires finite or transfinite induction . Let us now consider the following subset N of surreal numbers: All the surreal numbers S  0. 2N has to contain all the well ordered falling sequences from the bottom of 0. The numbers of N from the kind
  • 107. Nonstandard universum For example, we can easily to define our initial problem in their terms: Let  and  be:  = {q: q  {N | 0}}  = {w: w  {0 | 0  N}} Our problem is whether  and  co-incide or not? If not, what is power of   ? Our hypothesis is: the ans-wer of the former
  • 108. Nonstandard universum That special axiom set includes: the axiom of choice and a negation of the generalized continuum hypothesis (GCH). Since the axiom of choice is a corollary from ZF+GCH, it implies a negation of ZF, namely: a negation of the axiom of foundation AF in ZF. If ZF+GCH is the case, our problem does not arise
  • 109. Nonstandard universum However a permission and introducing of the infinite degressive sequences , and consequently, a AF negation is required by quantum information, or more particularly, by a discussing whether Hilbert and Minkowski space are equivalent or not, or more generally, by a considering
  • 110. Nonstandard universum Comparison between ‚standard‛ and nonstandard infinitesimals. The‚standard‛ infinitesimals exist only in boundary transition. Their sense represents velocity for a point- focused sequence to converge to that point. That velocity is the ratio between the two neighbor intervals between three discrete
  • 111. Nonstandard universum More about the sense of ‚standard‛ infinitesimals: By virtue of the axiom of choice any set can be well ordered as a sequence and thereby the ratio between the two neighbor intervals between three discrete successive points of the sequence in question is to exist just as before: in the proper case of series. However now, the ‚neighbor‛ points of an arbitrary set are not discrete and
  • 112. Nonstandard universum Although the ‚neighbor‛ points of an arbit-rary set are not discrete, and consequently, the intervals between them are zero, we can recover as if ‚intervals‛ between the well- ordered as if ‚discrete‛ neighbor points by means of nonstandard infini-tesimals. The nonstandard infinitesimals are such intervals. The representation
  • 113. Nonstandard universum But the ratio of the neighbor intervals can be also considered as probability, thereby the velocity itself can be inter- preted as such probability as above. Two opposite senses of a similar inter-pretation are possible: 1) about a point belonging to the sequence: as much the velocity of convergence
  • 114. Nonstandard universum 2) about a point not belonging to the sequence: as much the velocity of convergence is higher as the probability of a point out of the series in question to be there is less; i.e. the sequence thought as a process is steeper, and the process is more nonequilibrium, off-balance, dissipative while a balance,
  • 115. Nonstandard universum The same about a cell of phase space: The same can be said of a cell of phase space: as much a process is steeper, and the process is more nonequilibrium, off-balance, dissipative as the probability of a cell belonging to it is higher while a balance, equilibrium,
  • 116. Nonstandard universum Our question is how the probability in quantum mechanics should be interpre- ted? A possible hypothesis is: the pro-babilities of non- commutative, comple-mentary quantities are both the kinds correspondingly and interchangeably. For example, the coordinate
  • 117. Nonstandard universum The physical interpretation of the velo-city for a series to converge is just as velocity of some physical process. If the case is spatial motion, then the con-nection between velocity and probability is fixed by the fundamental constant c:
  • 118. Nonstandard universum The coefficients ,  from the definition of qubit can be interpreted as generalized, complex possibilities of the coefficients ,  from relativity: Qubit: Relativity:  2+2=1  = (1-) 1/2 |0+|1 = q =v/c
  • 119. Nonstandard universum The interpretation of the ratio between nonstandard infinitesimals both as velocity and as probability. The ratio between ‚stanadard‛ infinitesimals which exist only in boundary transit
  • 120. Nonstandard universum But we need some interpretation of complex probabilities, or, which is equi-valent, of complex nonstandard neigh-borhoods. If we reject AF, then we can introduce the falling, descending from the infinity, but also infinite series as purely, properly imaginary nonstandard neighborhoods: The real
  • 121. Nonstandard universum After that, all the complex probabilities are ushered in varying the ties, ‚hyste-reses‛ ‚up‛ or ‚down‛ between two well ordered neighbor standard points. Wave function being or not in separable Hilbert space (i.e. with countable or non- countable power of its components) is well interpreted
  • 122. Nonstandard universum Consequently, there exists one more bridge of interpretation connecting Hilbert and 3D or Minkowski space. What do the constants c and h inter-pret from the relations and ratios bet-ween two neighbor nonstandard inter- vals? It turns out that c
  • 123. Nonstandard universum And what about the constant h? It guarantees on existing of: both the sequences, both the nonstandard neighborhoods ‚up‛ and ‚down‛. It is the unit of the central symmetry transforming between the nonstandard neighborhoods ‚up‛ and ‚down‛ of any standard point h като площ
  • 124. Nonstandard universum And what about the constant h? It gua-rantees on existing of: both the sequen-ces, both the nonstandard neighbor-hoods ‚up‛ and ‚down‛. It is the unit of the central symmetry transforming between the nonstandard neighborhoods ‚up‛ and ‚down‛ of any stan-dard
  • 125. Nonstandard universum One more interpretation of h: as the square of the hysteresis between the ‚up‛ and the ‚down‛ neighborhood between two standard points. Unlike standard continuity a parametric set of nonstandard continuities is available. The parameter g = Dp/Dx = Dm/Dt =
  • 126. Nonstandard universum One more interpretation of h: The sense of g is intuitively very clear: As more points ‚up‛ and ‚down‛ are common as both the hysteresis branches are closer. So the standard continuity turns out an extreme peculiar case of nonstan-dard continuity, namely all the points ‚up‛ and ‚down‛ are common and both the
  • 127. Nonstandard universum By means of the latter interpretation we can interpret also phase space as non- standard 3D space. Any cell of phase space represents the hysteresis between 3D points well ordered in each of the three dimensions. The connection bet-ween phase space and Hilbert
  • 128. Nonstandard universum What do the constants c and h interpret as limits of a phase space cell deformation? c.1.dx  dy  h.dx Here 1 is the unit of curving [distance x mass]
  • 129. Forthcoming in 2nd part: 1. Motivation 2. Infinity and the axiom of choice 3. Nonstandard universum 4. Continuity and continuum 5. Nonstandard continuity between two infinitely close standard points 6. A new axiom: of chance 7. Two kinds interpretation of
  • 130. CONTINUITY AND CONTINUUM IN NONSTANDARD UNIVERSUM Vasil Penchev Institute for Philosophical Research Bulgarian Academy of Science E-mail: Professional blog: That was all of 1 st part Thank you for your