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Brain & Development 22 (2000) 145±150
                                                                 Review article

                                                                Fetal pain?
                                   Sampsa Vanhatalo a, b,*, Onno van Nieuwenhuizen c
                      Department of Anatomy, Institute of Biomedicine, University of Helsinki, P.O. Box 9, 00014, Helsinki, Finland
                        Unit of Child Neurology, Hospital for the Children and Adolescent, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
                                      Wilhelmina Children's Hospital, University of Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands
                           Received 20 May 1999; received in revised form 13 December 1999; accepted 15 December 1999

   During the last few years a vivid debate, both scienti®cally and emotionally, has risen in the medical literature as to whether a fetus is able
to feel pain during abortion or intrauterine surgery. This debate has mainly been inspired by the demonstration of various hormonal or motor
reactions to noxious stimuli at very early stages of fetal development. The aims of this paper are to review the literature on development of the
pain system in the fetus, and to speculate about the relationship between ``sensing'' as opposed to ``feeling'' pain and the number of reactions
associated with painful stimuli. While a cortical processing of pain theoretically becomes possible after development of the thalamo-cortical
connections in the 26th week of gestation, noxious stimuli may trigger complex re¯ex reactions much earlier. However, more important than
possible painfulness is the fact that the noxious stimuli, by triggering stress responses, most likely affect the development of an individual at
very early stages. Hence, it is not reasonable to speculate on the possible emotional experiences of pain in fetuses or premature babies. A
clinically relevant aim is rather to avoid and/or treat any possibly noxious stimuli, and thereby prevent their potential adverse effects on the
subsequent development. q 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Abortion; Fetus; Fetal pain; Intrauterine surgery

1. Introduction                                                                 nent dangers. Thus, pain consists of two components: (i)
                                                                                sensation of the stimulus (nociception), and (ii) emotional
   During the past decade, increasing attention has been paid                   reaction, which is the unpleasant feeling due to a noxious
to pain perception and its treatment in the neonatal period.                    stimulus. These two components occur in the brain in two,
This has led to a wide debate as to whether pain sensation is                   both anatomically and physiologically distinct systems
possible during fetal life. Pain sensation in the fetus is a                    [5,6].
serious and dif®cult issue in public debate [1], especially                        Sensing pain requires a developed neural pain system,
in relation to late abortion [2,3], but also because of the                     which includes the peripheral pain receptors, the afferent
rapidly increasing number of intrauterine operations. This                      neural pathway to the spinal cord, the ascending tract to
review will focus on current opinion concerning the devel-                      the thalamus, and from the thalamus to the cerebral cortex
opment of the pain system, on the possibility of a fetus                        (Fig. 1). Pain impulses are also processed in a number of
feeling pain, and on the probable impact of noxious experi-                     other, subcortical structures, e.g. hypothalamo-pituitary
ences on subsequent development of the individual.                              system, amygdala, basal ganglia [7], and the brain stem
                                                                                [5,6]. These brain areas account for the subconscious feeling
                                                                                of painfullness and for the number of pain-triggered auto-
2. Pain as a sensation and its measurement                                      nomic and hormonal re¯exes. These components of pain
                                                                                processing do not require cortical level activity, and they
   The International Association for the Study of Pain has                      may thus be considered to occur subconsciously.
de®ned pain as `an unpleasant sensory and emotional                                Being purely subjective, pain is a dif®cult parameter to
experience associated with actual or potential tissue                           measure [8]. While measurements of pain with cooperative
damage', with an emphasis on previous injury-related                            subjects are based on subjective scales of pain intensity,
experiences [4]. This implies that the biological function                      these methods are not applicable to neonates or premature
of pain is to help the organism recognize and avoid immi-                       babies. Therefore, a number of indirect methods have been
                                                                                developed to assess clinically their possible painfulness [9±
  * Corresponding author. Fax: 1358-9-1918499.
                                                                                11]. These methods are based on changes in either behavior
  E-mail address: svanhata@helsinki.® (S. Vanhatalo)

0387-7604/00/$ - see front matter q 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0387-760 4(00)00089-9
146                                   S. Vanhatalo, O. van Nieuwenhuizen / Brain & Development 22 (2000) 145±150

                                                                               age: somatosensory functions of pain, pain-induced physio-
                                                                               logical (autonomic and endocrinological) re¯exes and pain
                                                                               behavior. In the following, the development of these aspects
                                                                               in the fetus will be reviewed brie¯y.

                                                                               3.1. Development of the somatosensory pain system

                                                                                  The neuroanatomical pathways (Fig. 1) for tactile (e.g.
                                                                               touch and pain) sensation are amongst the ®rst functional
                                                                               entities to develop within a long time frame (Table 1). This
                                                                               suggests that already early in life pain is an important signal
                                                                               [13]. First nociceptors appear around the mouth as early as
                                                                               the seventh gestational week; by the 20th week these are
                                                                               present all over the body. It is only after this that peripheral
                                                                               afferent nerves make synapses to the spinal cord, during
                                                                               weeks 10±30 [6], followed by myelination of these path-
                                                                               ways [14]. A functional spinal re¯ex circuitry develops
                                                                               almost simultaneously with the ingrowth of the peripheral
                                                                               afferents towards the spinal cord [6,13].
                                                                                  Far less is known about the development of the higher
                                                                               parts of pain pathways, spinothalamic and thalamo-cortical
                                                                               pathways. Spinothalamic connections are established in the
                                                                               20th gestational week, and their myelinization is completed
                                                                               by 29 weeks of gestational age [5]. The thalamo-cortical
                                                                               connections in humans begin to grow into the cortex at
                                                                               24±26 weeks of gestation, meaning that pain impulses

                                                                               Table 1
                                                                               Literature on the anatomical and functional development of the different
                                                                               parts of the pain system a

                                                                               Part of the          Detail                                     Timing
                                                                               system                                                          (weeks)

                                                                               Nociceptors          Nociceptors appear (start around the       7±20
                                                                                                    mouth and later over the entire body)

                                                                               Peripheral           Synapses appear to the spinal cord         10±30
Fig. 1. The neuronal pathways participating in pain: (1) peripheral afferent
nerve transmits the signal to (2) the ascending tract neuron in the spinal
                                                                               Spinal cord          Stimulation results in motor               7.5
cord dorsal horn, which synapses with (3) the next neuron in the thalamus.
Here the pain impulse is distributed to two systems, which bring the signal
                                                                                                    Spinothalamic connections                  20
to (4) the somatosensory cortex (pain perception), and (5) the limbic cortex
(affective component). Thus a pain message has to reach the cerebral cortex
                                                                                                    Pain pathways myelinize                    22
to become `a pain'. In addition, there are (6) a number of descending
                                                                                                    Descending tracts develop                  Postnatally
neuronal pathways to the dorsal horn of the spinal cord, which modulate
the ascending pain impulses.
                                                                               Thalamocortical      First axons appear to the cortical plate   20±22
(e.g. quality of cry or motor movement patterns) or auto-                                           Functional synapse formation of the        26±34
nomic parameters (e.g. pulse rate or blood pressure). They                                          thalamo-cortical connections
are still being developed; none is yet suitable for assessing
                                                                               Cerebral cortex      Cortical neurons migrate (cortex           8±20
pain in fetuses. Also the question remains: do present pain                                         develops)
treatments only suppress the responses to pain rather than                                          First EEG bursts may be detected           20
suppressing the pain itself [12]?                                                                   Symmetric and synchronic EEG               26
                                                                                                    activity appears
                                                                                                    Sleep and wakefulness patterns in the      30
                                                                                                    EEG become distinguishable
3. Development of the pain systems in the fetus                                                     Evoked potentials become detectable        29
   Pain may be viewed at three different levels, regardless of                       See Refs. [5,6,13±15,17,42].
S. Vanhatalo, O. van Nieuwenhuizen / Brain & Development 22 (2000) 145±150                        147

may reach the cerebral cortex for the ®rst time during week            compared to the mature system) make it apparently incap-
26 [13,15]. However, it is not before week 29 that evoked              able of precisely localizing or distinguishing a painful
potentials can be measured from the cortex, suggesting that            stimulus from other stimuli. Therefore, various kinds of
a functionally meaningful pathway from the periphery to the            stimuli may induce very holistic and unspeci®c reactions,
cerebral cortex starts to operate from that time onwards. The          which in later development become more restricted and
human development of the pain pathways subserving affec-               functionally meaningful (see below).
tive components, i.e. thalamo-limbic connections, is poorly
understood. The thalamo-hippocampal connections prob-                  3.2. Behavioral pain reactions during the fetal period
ably develop simultaneously with the other thalamo-cortical
                                                                          A painful stimulus induces motor movements like with-
pathways [16]. However, signaling pathways from the
                                                                       drawal re¯exes, body movements or even vocalizations,
periphery to the deeper brain areas are more likely estab-
                                                                       which are often regarded as an indication of pain in the
lished along with the growth of the spino-thalamic tracts at
                                                                       neonate [10,11,20,21]. First motor re¯exes, head tilting
20 weeks of age, allowing for subcortical processing of pain
                                                                       after perioral touch, appear at 7.5 weeks of gestation.
at much earlier ages.
                                                                       Hands become touch sensitive at 10.5 weeks, and at 14
   Neurons of the cerebral cortex begin their migration from
                                                                       weeks of age the lower limbs also begin to participate in
the periventricular zone at eight weeks of gestation, by 20
                                                                       re¯ex movements [15,22,23]. It is important to note,
weeks the cortex has acquired its full complement of
                                                                       however, that these reactions are completely re¯exive,
neurons, and glial proliferation is active throughout child-
                                                                       guided by the spinal cord, and it is, therefore, irrelevant to
hood [13,17,18]. Organization of the cortical networks
                                                                       speculate about sensing or higher perception of pain at this
occurs simultaneously with neuronal migration: synapse
                                                                       stage [24].
formation begins during the 12th week, and peaks during
                                                                          Due to the immaturity of the pain-modulating systems,
the last trimester [17,19], as dendritic arborization and
                                                                       re¯ex threshold is remarkably low and re¯exes are large,
axonal elongation proceed. Thalamo-cortical projections
                                                                       e.g. pinching a toe results in a whole body movement [6,15].
wait just beneath the cortex (subplate) until the rough orga-
                                                                       Also, there is no obvious correlation between the intensity
nization of the cortex is completed to allow their ingrowth
                                                                       of the noxa and the strength of the re¯ex associated with it.
[16]. Electroencephalographic activity, which, to some
                                                                       Therefore the strong, noxa-elicited re¯exes are more a
extent, re¯ects the integrity of the cortex and thalamo-corti-
                                                                       re¯ection of the immaturity of the modulatory systems
cal circuitries, appears for the ®rst time at 20 weeks, but
                                                                       than a reliable indicator of painfulness.
becomes synchronic at 26 weeks, and reveals sleep-wake
                                                                          Unlike other motor re¯exes facial expressions may speci-
cycles only at week 30 [5,13]. Unlike the other senses pain
                                                                       ®cally re¯ect the emotions of pain [10,11]. This idea has
is essentially a multimodal experience, and thus also
                                                                       been supported by the observations that premature babies
requires a concerted action of multiple cortical areas.
                                                                       born as early as the 26th week of gestation may possess
Such a `mature' processing of pain will, in turn, only be
                                                                       facial expressions that are speci®c for pain. The facial
possible long after birth.
                                                                       expressions may even allow for objective analysis of sub-
   Maturation of the pain-modulating, descending pathways
                                                                       components, which appear to be similar to those found in
in the spinal cord, are crucial for a proper pain reaction.
                                                                       adults during a period of pain [10,21]. A detailed analysis by
These develop very late, and animal experiments on rats
                                                                       Humphrey [22] of the re¯exes triggered by trigeminal nerve
have shown that they are functional only in the second
                                                                       stimulation showed that a rich variety of facial re¯exes to
postnatal week. Such a late functional maturation is prob-
                                                                       various somatic stimuli may be observed at very early stages
ably due to a late development of both descending noradre-
                                                                       of development, suggesting an early development of these
nergic and serotonergic pathways and spinal cord dorsal
                                                                       motor circuits. Such motor movements are most likely coor-
horn interneurons [15]. The strong re¯exes to pain stimuli
                                                                       dinated by subcortical systems, tentatively called an
seen in fetuses and neonates are probably due to this imma-
                                                                       emotional motor system (for review, see Holstege [25]),
turity of the modulatory systems, implying that there is less
                                                                       and thus probably re¯ect the development of these lower
control of the entry of the peripheral stimuli into the central
                                                                       brain circuitries.
nervous system [15].
   As to the fetal physiology of pain, it is notable that the          3.3. Development of the autonomic and endocrine re¯exes
®rst functional and anatomical pathways may substantially
differ from their mature counterparts [15,20]. For example,               Fetal pain has been repeatedly studied by demonstrating
afferent nerves from the touch-sensing receptor in the skin            the autonomic or neuroendocrinological reactions to
of a fetus make synapses with the spinal cord ascending                noxious stimuli [9,20]. Interpretation of these re¯exes is,
neurons that are specialized for pain impulses in the mature           however, complicated because they are relatively unspeci®c
system [15]. In addition, the skin area innervated by a single         indicators of subjective painfulness, even in adult patients.
pain-transmitting neuron (receptive ®eld) is much larger               Giannokoulopoulos et al. [26] demonstrated in 23-week-old
during development than in the mature system. These                    fetuses that pricking the innervated hepatic vein with a
fundamental differences in the fetal nervous system (as                needle resulted in an elevation of the cortisol and b-endor-
148                            S. Vanhatalo, O. van Nieuwenhuizen / Brain & Development 22 (2000) 145±150

phin levels in the plasma, while stimulation of the uninner-           of the brain circuitries relies predominantly on guidance
vated placental cord had no effect. This study gave rise to            from external input, which makes the brain sensitive to
widespread speculation that this would indicate painfulness            strong experiences, especially during early maturation.
already at 23 weeks of age, regardless of the absence of the           Although the causal links between the external stimuli and
thalamocortical connections. These ®ndings do rather indi-             different developmental features are virtually impossible to
cate that the stimulation was able to activate the hypotha-            prove unambiguously in humans, a number of indirect
lamo-hypophysial axis, thereby bringing about a hormonal               studies have provided evidence for correlations of the
re¯ex to the noxa. The same group later showed that inva-              early pain experiences to later behavioral variables or to
sive procedures may alter the brain blood ¯ow at the 18th              later developmental outcomes (for review, see Anand [20]).
week [27], supporting an idea that painful stimuli may trig-              The most important common denominator of the devel-
ger large scale responses in the central nervous system with-          opmental pain effects is probably the robust and long-lasting
out reaching the cortex.                                               stress response, which has been associated with increased
   While noxious stimuli are associated with remarkable                mortality at later stage [20,29,35]. Neurodevelopmentally,
changes in autonomically regulated parameters (e.g. respira-           the most important stress responses are probably the marked
tion or pulse frequency), there appears to be no reliable              ¯uctuations in blood pressure and cerebral blood ¯ow, and
correlation between the changes in these parameters and                the hypoxaemia [20,36], which may even predispose to or
the intensity of the noxa [10,28]. Therefore, a reliable esti-         accentuate an intracerebral hemorrhage [20]. These changes
mation of painfulness from these parameters is as yet not              in oxygenation or circulation may be prevented by adequate
feasible.                                                              pain treatment [20,36]. A study on human subjects demon-
   Nevertheless, it is interesting to note that the hormonal,          strated increased salivatory cortisol responses 6 months
autonomic and metabolic re¯exes are suppressed by analge-              after stressful birth conditions [37], and a number of animal
sics: fentanyl suppressed the hormonal and autonomic reac-             experiments have provided evidence for permanent changes
tions to surgical operations at 28 weeks of gestation [28,29],         in endocrine and/or immune systems or brain hormone
while the adrenal levels were lowered by morphine at a                 receptor expression patterns after pain or other stressful
gestational age of 27±31 weeks in prematurely born children            stimuli (for review see Anand [20]).
in an intensive care unit [30]. Although the mechanisms of                Infants treated in neonatal intensive care units (ICU) for 4
these effects are not well understood, these studies provide           weeks manifested decreased behavioral and increased cardi-
evidence that the stress reactions experienced by the fetuses          ovascular responses to the pain of heel prick, and these
or the premature babies may be substantially alleviated by             alterations correlated with the number of invasive proce-
appropriate medication.                                                dures experienced since birth [38]. Furthermore,
                                                                       unanaesthetized circumcision is associated with long-term
                                                                       alterations in pain-related behavioral response at 4 and 6
4. Impact of pain experiences on later development                     months of age [20,39]. In older children an objectively
                                                                       measurable change in their pain-related behavior, even 4
   Knowledge of the development of pain pathways                       months post-operatively, was shown to depend on the type
provides us with a theoretical time constraint for the devel-          of pain treatment during surgical procedures [40]. Long
opment of sensing a noxious stimulus. However, processing              term follow-up studies on children exposed to neonatal
of pain occurs in the brain stem and also in the hypotha-              pain/stress have repeatedly shown correlations between
lamo-limbic systems [5,31]. Thus activation of the somato-             the stay in the ICU and the later neuropsychological
sensory cortex is probably not required for a noxa to                  complex of altered pain thresholds and/or abnormal pain-
in¯uence an individual's development. Indeed, pain induces             related behaviors [20,41].
redistribution (reduction) of brain blood ¯ow as early as the             All these data suggest that a repetitive, or sometimes even
18th week of gestation [27], and preterm babies show habi-             strong acute pain experience is associated with long-term
tuation to external stimuli already before thalamo-cortical            changes in a large number of pain-related physiological
connections, during the 25th week of gestation [32]. Experi-           functions, and pain or its concomitant stress increase the
ments on rat pups and human preterm babies have shown                  incidence of later complications in neurological and/or
that noxious stimulation may result in permanent spinal cord           psychological development. Of utmost clinical importance
level sensitization to pain stimuli [15,33], and this can be           are the ®ndings that adequate pain treatment may prevent
reversed by topical anaesthesia [34]. All these ®ndings                these later sequelae [15,20,29,36].
imply that effective and meaningful, subcortical pain
processing occurs in fetuses several weeks before the
noxious stimuli reach the cortex.                                      5. Conclusions
   Development and subsequent organization of the nervous
system occurs by a primary overproduction of neurons and                  A fetus reacts to painful stimuli by various motor, auto-
connections, followed by a rivalry and a survival of the               nomic, hormonal and metabolic changes at relatively early
functional parts of the circuitry only [17]. Final organization        stages of gestation. Due to the immaturity of the modulatory
S. Vanhatalo, O. van Nieuwenhuizen / Brain & Development 22 (2000) 145±150                                          149

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Vanhatalo & niewenhuizen on fetal pain

  • 1. Brain & Development 22 (2000) 145±150 Review article Fetal pain? Sampsa Vanhatalo a, b,*, Onno van Nieuwenhuizen c a Department of Anatomy, Institute of Biomedicine, University of Helsinki, P.O. Box 9, 00014, Helsinki, Finland b Unit of Child Neurology, Hospital for the Children and Adolescent, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland c Wilhelmina Children's Hospital, University of Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands Received 20 May 1999; received in revised form 13 December 1999; accepted 15 December 1999 Abstract During the last few years a vivid debate, both scienti®cally and emotionally, has risen in the medical literature as to whether a fetus is able to feel pain during abortion or intrauterine surgery. This debate has mainly been inspired by the demonstration of various hormonal or motor reactions to noxious stimuli at very early stages of fetal development. The aims of this paper are to review the literature on development of the pain system in the fetus, and to speculate about the relationship between ``sensing'' as opposed to ``feeling'' pain and the number of reactions associated with painful stimuli. While a cortical processing of pain theoretically becomes possible after development of the thalamo-cortical connections in the 26th week of gestation, noxious stimuli may trigger complex re¯ex reactions much earlier. However, more important than possible painfulness is the fact that the noxious stimuli, by triggering stress responses, most likely affect the development of an individual at very early stages. Hence, it is not reasonable to speculate on the possible emotional experiences of pain in fetuses or premature babies. A clinically relevant aim is rather to avoid and/or treat any possibly noxious stimuli, and thereby prevent their potential adverse effects on the subsequent development. q 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Abortion; Fetus; Fetal pain; Intrauterine surgery 1. Introduction nent dangers. Thus, pain consists of two components: (i) sensation of the stimulus (nociception), and (ii) emotional During the past decade, increasing attention has been paid reaction, which is the unpleasant feeling due to a noxious to pain perception and its treatment in the neonatal period. stimulus. These two components occur in the brain in two, This has led to a wide debate as to whether pain sensation is both anatomically and physiologically distinct systems possible during fetal life. Pain sensation in the fetus is a [5,6]. serious and dif®cult issue in public debate [1], especially Sensing pain requires a developed neural pain system, in relation to late abortion [2,3], but also because of the which includes the peripheral pain receptors, the afferent rapidly increasing number of intrauterine operations. This neural pathway to the spinal cord, the ascending tract to review will focus on current opinion concerning the devel- the thalamus, and from the thalamus to the cerebral cortex opment of the pain system, on the possibility of a fetus (Fig. 1). Pain impulses are also processed in a number of feeling pain, and on the probable impact of noxious experi- other, subcortical structures, e.g. hypothalamo-pituitary ences on subsequent development of the individual. system, amygdala, basal ganglia [7], and the brain stem [5,6]. These brain areas account for the subconscious feeling of painfullness and for the number of pain-triggered auto- 2. Pain as a sensation and its measurement nomic and hormonal re¯exes. These components of pain processing do not require cortical level activity, and they The International Association for the Study of Pain has may thus be considered to occur subconsciously. de®ned pain as `an unpleasant sensory and emotional Being purely subjective, pain is a dif®cult parameter to experience associated with actual or potential tissue measure [8]. While measurements of pain with cooperative damage', with an emphasis on previous injury-related subjects are based on subjective scales of pain intensity, experiences [4]. This implies that the biological function these methods are not applicable to neonates or premature of pain is to help the organism recognize and avoid immi- babies. Therefore, a number of indirect methods have been developed to assess clinically their possible painfulness [9± * Corresponding author. Fax: 1358-9-1918499. 11]. These methods are based on changes in either behavior E-mail address: svanhata@helsinki.® (S. Vanhatalo) 0387-7604/00/$ - see front matter q 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0387-760 4(00)00089-9
  • 2. 146 S. Vanhatalo, O. van Nieuwenhuizen / Brain & Development 22 (2000) 145±150 age: somatosensory functions of pain, pain-induced physio- logical (autonomic and endocrinological) re¯exes and pain behavior. In the following, the development of these aspects in the fetus will be reviewed brie¯y. 3.1. Development of the somatosensory pain system The neuroanatomical pathways (Fig. 1) for tactile (e.g. touch and pain) sensation are amongst the ®rst functional entities to develop within a long time frame (Table 1). This suggests that already early in life pain is an important signal [13]. First nociceptors appear around the mouth as early as the seventh gestational week; by the 20th week these are present all over the body. It is only after this that peripheral afferent nerves make synapses to the spinal cord, during weeks 10±30 [6], followed by myelination of these path- ways [14]. A functional spinal re¯ex circuitry develops almost simultaneously with the ingrowth of the peripheral afferents towards the spinal cord [6,13]. Far less is known about the development of the higher parts of pain pathways, spinothalamic and thalamo-cortical pathways. Spinothalamic connections are established in the 20th gestational week, and their myelinization is completed by 29 weeks of gestational age [5]. The thalamo-cortical connections in humans begin to grow into the cortex at 24±26 weeks of gestation, meaning that pain impulses Table 1 Literature on the anatomical and functional development of the different parts of the pain system a Part of the Detail Timing system (weeks) Nociceptors Nociceptors appear (start around the 7±20 mouth and later over the entire body) Peripheral Synapses appear to the spinal cord 10±30 afferents Fig. 1. The neuronal pathways participating in pain: (1) peripheral afferent nerve transmits the signal to (2) the ascending tract neuron in the spinal Spinal cord Stimulation results in motor 7.5 cord dorsal horn, which synapses with (3) the next neuron in the thalamus. movements Here the pain impulse is distributed to two systems, which bring the signal Spinothalamic connections 20 to (4) the somatosensory cortex (pain perception), and (5) the limbic cortex established (affective component). Thus a pain message has to reach the cerebral cortex Pain pathways myelinize 22 to become `a pain'. In addition, there are (6) a number of descending Descending tracts develop Postnatally neuronal pathways to the dorsal horn of the spinal cord, which modulate the ascending pain impulses. Thalamocortical First axons appear to the cortical plate 20±22 tracts (e.g. quality of cry or motor movement patterns) or auto- Functional synapse formation of the 26±34 nomic parameters (e.g. pulse rate or blood pressure). They thalamo-cortical connections are still being developed; none is yet suitable for assessing Cerebral cortex Cortical neurons migrate (cortex 8±20 pain in fetuses. Also the question remains: do present pain develops) treatments only suppress the responses to pain rather than First EEG bursts may be detected 20 suppressing the pain itself [12]? Symmetric and synchronic EEG 26 activity appears Sleep and wakefulness patterns in the 30 EEG become distinguishable 3. Development of the pain systems in the fetus Evoked potentials become detectable 29 a Pain may be viewed at three different levels, regardless of See Refs. [5,6,13±15,17,42].
  • 3. S. Vanhatalo, O. van Nieuwenhuizen / Brain & Development 22 (2000) 145±150 147 may reach the cerebral cortex for the ®rst time during week compared to the mature system) make it apparently incap- 26 [13,15]. However, it is not before week 29 that evoked able of precisely localizing or distinguishing a painful potentials can be measured from the cortex, suggesting that stimulus from other stimuli. Therefore, various kinds of a functionally meaningful pathway from the periphery to the stimuli may induce very holistic and unspeci®c reactions, cerebral cortex starts to operate from that time onwards. The which in later development become more restricted and human development of the pain pathways subserving affec- functionally meaningful (see below). tive components, i.e. thalamo-limbic connections, is poorly understood. The thalamo-hippocampal connections prob- 3.2. Behavioral pain reactions during the fetal period ably develop simultaneously with the other thalamo-cortical A painful stimulus induces motor movements like with- pathways [16]. However, signaling pathways from the drawal re¯exes, body movements or even vocalizations, periphery to the deeper brain areas are more likely estab- which are often regarded as an indication of pain in the lished along with the growth of the spino-thalamic tracts at neonate [10,11,20,21]. First motor re¯exes, head tilting 20 weeks of age, allowing for subcortical processing of pain after perioral touch, appear at 7.5 weeks of gestation. at much earlier ages. Hands become touch sensitive at 10.5 weeks, and at 14 Neurons of the cerebral cortex begin their migration from weeks of age the lower limbs also begin to participate in the periventricular zone at eight weeks of gestation, by 20 re¯ex movements [15,22,23]. It is important to note, weeks the cortex has acquired its full complement of however, that these reactions are completely re¯exive, neurons, and glial proliferation is active throughout child- guided by the spinal cord, and it is, therefore, irrelevant to hood [13,17,18]. Organization of the cortical networks speculate about sensing or higher perception of pain at this occurs simultaneously with neuronal migration: synapse stage [24]. formation begins during the 12th week, and peaks during Due to the immaturity of the pain-modulating systems, the last trimester [17,19], as dendritic arborization and re¯ex threshold is remarkably low and re¯exes are large, axonal elongation proceed. Thalamo-cortical projections e.g. pinching a toe results in a whole body movement [6,15]. wait just beneath the cortex (subplate) until the rough orga- Also, there is no obvious correlation between the intensity nization of the cortex is completed to allow their ingrowth of the noxa and the strength of the re¯ex associated with it. [16]. Electroencephalographic activity, which, to some Therefore the strong, noxa-elicited re¯exes are more a extent, re¯ects the integrity of the cortex and thalamo-corti- re¯ection of the immaturity of the modulatory systems cal circuitries, appears for the ®rst time at 20 weeks, but than a reliable indicator of painfulness. becomes synchronic at 26 weeks, and reveals sleep-wake Unlike other motor re¯exes facial expressions may speci- cycles only at week 30 [5,13]. Unlike the other senses pain ®cally re¯ect the emotions of pain [10,11]. This idea has is essentially a multimodal experience, and thus also been supported by the observations that premature babies requires a concerted action of multiple cortical areas. born as early as the 26th week of gestation may possess Such a `mature' processing of pain will, in turn, only be facial expressions that are speci®c for pain. The facial possible long after birth. expressions may even allow for objective analysis of sub- Maturation of the pain-modulating, descending pathways components, which appear to be similar to those found in in the spinal cord, are crucial for a proper pain reaction. adults during a period of pain [10,21]. A detailed analysis by These develop very late, and animal experiments on rats Humphrey [22] of the re¯exes triggered by trigeminal nerve have shown that they are functional only in the second stimulation showed that a rich variety of facial re¯exes to postnatal week. Such a late functional maturation is prob- various somatic stimuli may be observed at very early stages ably due to a late development of both descending noradre- of development, suggesting an early development of these nergic and serotonergic pathways and spinal cord dorsal motor circuits. Such motor movements are most likely coor- horn interneurons [15]. The strong re¯exes to pain stimuli dinated by subcortical systems, tentatively called an seen in fetuses and neonates are probably due to this imma- emotional motor system (for review, see Holstege [25]), turity of the modulatory systems, implying that there is less and thus probably re¯ect the development of these lower control of the entry of the peripheral stimuli into the central brain circuitries. nervous system [15]. As to the fetal physiology of pain, it is notable that the 3.3. Development of the autonomic and endocrine re¯exes ®rst functional and anatomical pathways may substantially differ from their mature counterparts [15,20]. For example, Fetal pain has been repeatedly studied by demonstrating afferent nerves from the touch-sensing receptor in the skin the autonomic or neuroendocrinological reactions to of a fetus make synapses with the spinal cord ascending noxious stimuli [9,20]. Interpretation of these re¯exes is, neurons that are specialized for pain impulses in the mature however, complicated because they are relatively unspeci®c system [15]. In addition, the skin area innervated by a single indicators of subjective painfulness, even in adult patients. pain-transmitting neuron (receptive ®eld) is much larger Giannokoulopoulos et al. [26] demonstrated in 23-week-old during development than in the mature system. These fetuses that pricking the innervated hepatic vein with a fundamental differences in the fetal nervous system (as needle resulted in an elevation of the cortisol and b-endor-
  • 4. 148 S. Vanhatalo, O. van Nieuwenhuizen / Brain & Development 22 (2000) 145±150 phin levels in the plasma, while stimulation of the uninner- of the brain circuitries relies predominantly on guidance vated placental cord had no effect. This study gave rise to from external input, which makes the brain sensitive to widespread speculation that this would indicate painfulness strong experiences, especially during early maturation. already at 23 weeks of age, regardless of the absence of the Although the causal links between the external stimuli and thalamocortical connections. These ®ndings do rather indi- different developmental features are virtually impossible to cate that the stimulation was able to activate the hypotha- prove unambiguously in humans, a number of indirect lamo-hypophysial axis, thereby bringing about a hormonal studies have provided evidence for correlations of the re¯ex to the noxa. The same group later showed that inva- early pain experiences to later behavioral variables or to sive procedures may alter the brain blood ¯ow at the 18th later developmental outcomes (for review, see Anand [20]). week [27], supporting an idea that painful stimuli may trig- The most important common denominator of the devel- ger large scale responses in the central nervous system with- opmental pain effects is probably the robust and long-lasting out reaching the cortex. stress response, which has been associated with increased While noxious stimuli are associated with remarkable mortality at later stage [20,29,35]. Neurodevelopmentally, changes in autonomically regulated parameters (e.g. respira- the most important stress responses are probably the marked tion or pulse frequency), there appears to be no reliable ¯uctuations in blood pressure and cerebral blood ¯ow, and correlation between the changes in these parameters and the hypoxaemia [20,36], which may even predispose to or the intensity of the noxa [10,28]. Therefore, a reliable esti- accentuate an intracerebral hemorrhage [20]. These changes mation of painfulness from these parameters is as yet not in oxygenation or circulation may be prevented by adequate feasible. pain treatment [20,36]. A study on human subjects demon- Nevertheless, it is interesting to note that the hormonal, strated increased salivatory cortisol responses 6 months autonomic and metabolic re¯exes are suppressed by analge- after stressful birth conditions [37], and a number of animal sics: fentanyl suppressed the hormonal and autonomic reac- experiments have provided evidence for permanent changes tions to surgical operations at 28 weeks of gestation [28,29], in endocrine and/or immune systems or brain hormone while the adrenal levels were lowered by morphine at a receptor expression patterns after pain or other stressful gestational age of 27±31 weeks in prematurely born children stimuli (for review see Anand [20]). in an intensive care unit [30]. Although the mechanisms of Infants treated in neonatal intensive care units (ICU) for 4 these effects are not well understood, these studies provide weeks manifested decreased behavioral and increased cardi- evidence that the stress reactions experienced by the fetuses ovascular responses to the pain of heel prick, and these or the premature babies may be substantially alleviated by alterations correlated with the number of invasive proce- appropriate medication. dures experienced since birth [38]. Furthermore, unanaesthetized circumcision is associated with long-term alterations in pain-related behavioral response at 4 and 6 4. Impact of pain experiences on later development months of age [20,39]. In older children an objectively measurable change in their pain-related behavior, even 4 Knowledge of the development of pain pathways months post-operatively, was shown to depend on the type provides us with a theoretical time constraint for the devel- of pain treatment during surgical procedures [40]. Long opment of sensing a noxious stimulus. However, processing term follow-up studies on children exposed to neonatal of pain occurs in the brain stem and also in the hypotha- pain/stress have repeatedly shown correlations between lamo-limbic systems [5,31]. Thus activation of the somato- the stay in the ICU and the later neuropsychological sensory cortex is probably not required for a noxa to complex of altered pain thresholds and/or abnormal pain- in¯uence an individual's development. Indeed, pain induces related behaviors [20,41]. redistribution (reduction) of brain blood ¯ow as early as the All these data suggest that a repetitive, or sometimes even 18th week of gestation [27], and preterm babies show habi- strong acute pain experience is associated with long-term tuation to external stimuli already before thalamo-cortical changes in a large number of pain-related physiological connections, during the 25th week of gestation [32]. Experi- functions, and pain or its concomitant stress increase the ments on rat pups and human preterm babies have shown incidence of later complications in neurological and/or that noxious stimulation may result in permanent spinal cord psychological development. Of utmost clinical importance level sensitization to pain stimuli [15,33], and this can be are the ®ndings that adequate pain treatment may prevent reversed by topical anaesthesia [34]. 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