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Value Chains Selection
(Rice, Vegetables, Maize, and Silk)
Mercure Hotel - Vientiane, Lao PDR
11 February 2016
Mr. Phetsoulaphonh Choulatida,
Dr. Steven Shepley
TA 8897-REG: Climate-friendly Agribusiness Value Chains Sector Project – PPTA Implementation Consultants
• ຅ຸຈຎະສ຺ຄເຌກາຌ຃ັຈຽລືຬກ
• ກໍາຌ຺ຈ຅ຸຈ຾ຂຄ ຾ລະ ຆໞຬຄວໞາຄ຋ີື່ມີຢູ່
• ຆຬກຫາ຾ຌວ຋າຄເຌກາຌຎັຍຎຸຄຉໍ່ໜໟາ
• ຬຬກ຾ຍຍ຿຃ຄກາຌ
• The objective of
selection was to
• Identify strengths and gaps
• Identify the improvement
areas and
• Design for strengthening
Climate Friendly
Agribusiness Value Chain
Objectives ຅ຸຈຎະສ຺ຄ
Strategic Commodity Selection Criteria
Potential for impact
ສໟາຄມຌ຃ໞາຎົກະຉິ ຾ລະ ຉໍ່ຽຌືື່ຬຄ
Common values
Aligned goals
Proper environment
• ຎະກຬຍມີ 14 ມາຈຊາຌ ເຌ 2
1. ຆາວກະສິກຬຌແຈໟອັຍຏ຺ຌຎະ຿ຫງຈ
຾ລະ ຃ວາມງືຌງ຺ຄຂຬຄກິຈ຅ະກໍາ (8
2. ຿ູ຃ຄສໟາຄ ຾ລະ ລັກສະຌະຏະລິຈຉະ
ພັຌສິຌ຃ໟາກະສິກໍາ (6 ມາຈຊາຌ຃ັຈ
14 criteria in two different
categories including
1. Farmer / producer inclusion
and sustainability (8
2. Structure and value chain
characteristics (6 categories)
The selection criteria
• ຽຎັຌພຼຄກາຌຌໍາສະຽໜີເຌກຬຄ
• ຍໍ່ແຈໟຎຼຍ຋ຼຍກັຍ຃ໞອໞວມຄາຌຬືື່ຌ
• ຽຎັຌຂໍ້ມຌ຋ຼຍຊາຌຽຍືີ້ຬຄຉ຺ີ້ຌເຌ
ກາຌວາຄ຾ຏຌ ຾ລະ ຉິຈຉາມເຌຉໍ່
• This is just for our internal
sharing and reflection during
Inception workshop
• This is not to inspect
performance of the partners
• It is kind of baseline for
planning and follow up in
Results ຏ຺ຌກາຌ຃ັຈຽລືຬກ
Prioritized Value Chains
ກາຌມີສໞວຌອໞວມຂຬຄຆາວກະສິກຬຌ ຾ລະ ຃ວາມງືຌງ຺ຄ
Farmer/producer inclusion and sustainability
Rice Assessment
Is there potential to reach greater number farmers and producers in
production, support services and postharvest operations?
10 In MAF statistics, there is no statistical data available on the exact number of small-
holder producers but over 80% of population in three provinces is engaged in rice
production. Total rice production area for 2014 include; Savanakhet 217,178 ha,
Khammouane 85,519 ha, & Saravan 90,722 ha. Assuming a total area from the three
of 393,419, The Project has potential to reach 245,000 small holder households and
a large number of rice mills for wide post harvest value addition
What is the potential to increase income for producers? 8 Lao PDR has many potential varieties with high quality fragrant rice, productivity
enhancing technologies are available, there is road access, and irrigation.
Mechanical drying, rice storage, and upgraded milling capacity offers a reduction in
postharvest losses with improved productivity an income for farmers and millers.
Does the chain/commodity fit with the focus of central and provincial
government programs and priorities and other donors?
8 The rice policy emphasizes a gradual transition from subsistence to commercial
production for rice surplus as a national priority.
How project-crowded is the sector? To what extent are sector needs
addressed by the other donors and lenders?
2 Most of donor and lender support focus on the value chain supply side. This project
will boost both supply side productivity and income production and support, and
improved post-harvest handling. The project also targets the demand side by offering
improved produce to command higher prices in integrated markets. The degree to
which gender equity will improve is contingent on the gender response to private
sector initiatives.
Does it offer social and gender inclusion? 3 Laos' National Socio Economic Development Plan (NSEDP) 2016-2020 promotes
gender equality and disability inclusion to ensure investments. For rice sector, there is
social inclusion in nursery production , transplanting, planting and harvesting with
both women an ethnic groups. The project will build on and enhance social inclusion.
Is it ecologically feasible and environmentally sustainable? 4 Rice is growing naturally that it’s highly suitable to the climate and general
environment. The downside is the high water and fertilisation demand. The project
will reduce the demand for both with land levelling and direct seeding. The
environmental impact will depend large to the degree to which farmers adopt
anaerobic to aerobic production conditions.
Is it economically sustainable? 8 In Khammouance province promotes organic rice production. The domestic and
international demand is increasing; conventional paddy rice exported informally scope
for niche markets and higher value products in the short to intermediate terms. The
analysis shows that significant productivity and income gains at the farm and
processing level are financially and economically robust.
Can external risks be minimized? 3 Regional rice buying schemes and food security measures can affect external
markets. Labor shortages in planting and harvesting leads to mechanization.
Processor and exporter cash flows are an issue in securing raw material supplies.
ອຍ຾ຍຍ ຾ລະ ລັກສະຌະຏະລິຈຉະພັຌ
Structure and value chain characteristics
Rice Assessment
Does PPP exist or is there potential for PPP? 7 Rice processing units are willing to work within a secured rice supplier, use
of sustainable rice platform for value chain/traceability such as
concessional credit, produce, acceptance of produce standards, and
contract farming arrangement. The EMRIP model shows that the PPP
approach used therein for rice achieves good results in the Lao context.
Is there scope to improve efficiencies in the value chain 9 The EMRIP model in Khammouane shows that the inclusive value chain
linking millers to farmers results in farmer productivity increase of 30%
with 60 % income growth while milling efficiency increases 9% and
throughput increases 160%. In this model, both farmer and miller incomes
improved because higher volumes of quality rice provide higher value to
the system at the farmer, miller nodes and intermodal linkages.
Is there potential for post-harvest productivity/ value-addition? 6 Scope to improve post-harvest losses, through drying and storage and the
upgrading of mills by the use of driers, separators and color sorting
equipment and storage capacity. Also cost saving and productivity
enhancement for farmers from mechanization.
What is the potential for improving market access? 6 Access to domestic and regional markets can be improved with
improvements in available processing infrastructure and farm technology
improving the quality with higher prices. Establishment of strong backward
and forward linkages improve the market linkage dynamic in the value
Are there sufficient climate resilient infrastructure needs? 8 Climate change resilience is created by changing farming practices from
anaerobic to aerobic methods and in improving post harvest handling and
loss recovery.
What is the scalability and transferability potential? 7 Good opportunities for scaling up rice interventions to other provinces and
interested rice producers based on the successful EMRIC model.
Manual threshing
Sun drying
Cutting, handling
Open storage
Village milling
Small retailers
Machine threshing
Combine harvesting
Mechanical drying
Sealed storage
Commercial milling
Large retailers
Crop Consumption
Physical losses in traditional postharvest chain
Physical losses in mechanized postharvest chain
Source: Rice Knowledge Bank (IRRI, 2016)
ກາຌມີສໞວຌອໞວມຂຬຄຆາວກະສິກຬຌ ຾ລະ ຃ວາມງືຌງ຺ຄ
Farmer/producer inclusion and sustainability
Vegetables Assessment
Is there potential to reach greater number farmers and producers in
production, support services and postharvest operations?
7 Nationally there are 93,835 ha and a production of one million tons of the crop.
There is no statistical data available on exact number of small-holder producers,
70% of rice cultivated areas use for vegetables production after rice harvesting:
Total hectares of Champasak is 24,380 ha, and Vientiane is 5,285 ha.
What is the potential to increase income for producers? 7 Good potential as high demand for domestic and export markets, growing year by
year. Larger target market for organic vegetables along the EWEC. Need for
improved uniform varieties better handling practices and cool chain support to
reduce high losses. Vegetable is considered a cash crop. Prices and margins for
organic vegetables are 2.5 times higher than for traditionally grown non-organic
Does the chain/commodity fit with the focus of central and provincial
government programs and priorities and other donors?
7 Fits well with strategies of the NSEDP with emphasis on diversification,
commercial agriculture, poverty alleviation and integration into wider regional
How project-crowded is the sector? To what extent are sector needs
addressed by the other donors and lenders?
2 Limited work on the crop. The sectoral need are much broader than small donor
pilpot initiatives are ready, willing and able to address. The intervention need to be
sufficiently broad to have a significant impact.
Does it offer social and gender inclusion? 6 In small businesses and self-employment ventures, such as cottage industry,
processing, and vegetable selling. Involve primarily women. Strengthening the
vegetable value chain will have a major gender friendly impact for women
participants. The most successful value chain model in Laos is owned and
operated by a woman.
Is it ecologically feasible and environmentally sustainable? 7 Some issues relating to environment impact: (i) new area clears land by cutting
down forests. (ii) use of plastic mulch for vegetables. (iii) vegetables waste. But
most producers use land after rice farming and some grow along river and island.
Limited use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers due to soils is still fertilised.
Is it economically sustainable? 8 Foreign industries move from China, Vietnam and Thailand to Lao PDR to buy raw
materials, but there is limited pin-country grading, sorting and/or processing in-
country. The sub-project intervention will add value in Laos prior to exporting to
regional countries. Post harvest losses range from 17 to over 20%. The proposed
intervention will recover one half or more of these loses as well as result in
fresher, better graded and branded produce for export to the EWEC areas.
Can external risks be minimized? 3 Stabilizing the cropping area with sound agronomic practices and introduction of
high yielding varieties that suit the market requirements for a particular market
may be problematic. Poor postharvest protocol and unstable prices are also
ອຍ຾ຍຍ ຾ລະ ລັກສະຌະຏະລິຈຉະພັຌ
Structure and value chain characteristics
Vegetables Assessment
Does PPP exist or is there potential for PPP? 7 There is potential, as yet limited mostly to in-country. Since many export
companies buy produce from smallholder farmers and add value to
ensure quality of product for market outlets. The sub-project will add
more value in country through PPPs and investments in private goods
prior to exporting better quality produce to regional countries.
Is there scope to improve efficiencies in the value chain 7 The vegetable value chain is short, as most products are destined for
nearby wholesalers and retailers. With increased production of improved
qualities of vegetables required by domestic and regional markets, along
with cold chain preservation technology will greatly improve efficiency ,
productivity and incomes for all major VC players.
Is there potential for post-harvest productivity/ value-addition? 8 Improvements in post-harvest technology are important, as vegetables
deteriorate quickly after harvest (16 hours) at farm. The cold chain
storage room and refrigerated transport are key priorities to promote in
supply chain resilience. Internationally accepted organic certification is
under development.
What is the potential for improving market access? 6 Domestic market is Vientiane capital and export markets are Thai
buyers. Organic off-season vegetable production fetches a high price
premium, but organic production requires improved technology.
Vegetables and demand in vegetable markets will improve after systems
for quality control are put in place. Keeping vegetables in a cold
environment for the time interval to reach markets is a paramount need.
Successful business models in Champasack provide ample evidence
that quality markets are within reach of Lao producers, provided that all
of the components of the marketing chain are in place.
Are there sufficient climate resilient infrastructure needs? 4 The proposed cold chains will reduce losses from produce deterioration
with subsequent reduction of GHG emissions. As temperatures increase
and yields decline along with accelerated produce decomposition, the
adaptation to CC impacts will occur from produce preservation and loss
reduction from farm to consumer along the cold chain.
What is the scalability and transferability potential? 4 Good, since small holder producers see benefit from this, technology
adaptation and livelihood strategies for non-rice income improvement will
be a major motivating factor. The fact that integrated chains exist in a
few areas is encouraging for the possibility of wider VC strengthening.
Pre-production Production Post-production Processing Market
Seeds Vegetables growing Mutual contract Repackaging /
Fertilizers Irrigation packaging Cooling Cooling
Machinery Fertilizer Transportation Storage Distributing
Materials Protected cropping Distributing Food and beverage
Financial provision
Supporting market through PPP
Quality control
Create Enabling Environment for Vegetables sector
Alternative Value Chains
ກາຌມີສໞວຌອໞວມຂຬຄຆາວກະສິກຬຌ ຾ລະ ຃ວາມງືຌງ຺ຄ
Farmer/producer inclusion and sustainability
Maize Assessment
Is there potential to reach greater number farmers and producers in
production, support services and postharvest operations?
7 Nationally there are 214,460 ha of the crop (2014). There is no statistical data
available on exact number of small-holder producers. In Oudomxai and Sayabouly
province, 70% of farmers grow maize. The total area of maize production in those
provinces are: Oudomxai 53,155 ha, and Sayabouly 59,830 ha.
What is the potential to increase income for producers? 8 Road access and additional irrigation schemes are required to optimize maize
production. Many maize areas are isolated with problematic accessibility.
Smallholder farmers in more accessible areas improve yields through adopting
high quality inputs that can access international and increasing the local
processing markets (e.g, Don Koi and Tha Ngon Animal feed produce co., located
in Vientiane capital).
Does the chain/commodity fit with the focus of central and provincial
government programs and priorities and other donors?
7 Commodity production is a priority with respect to the Industrial Development
Policy. Government policies target intensive production and the ability to add value
through processing.
How project-crowded is the sector? To what extent are sector needs
addressed by the other donors and lenders?
6 Limited local processing and agronomic practices and research and development
assistance. There is room, particular for the value chain down stream nodes.
Does it offer social and gender inclusion? 4 There are opportunities to enhance gender inclusion. Presently, the division of
labour in maize production is more male oriented and less balanced than for other
crops such as rice.
Is it ecologically feasible and environmentally sustainable? 5 Significant ecological feasibility. Farmers in both provinces mainly produce under
rain-fed conditions in the uplands. Some farmers intercrop maize with pulses such
as black and green bean. Farmers continuous annual cropping leads to erosion
potential. The deep rooting of maize plants provides some draught tolerance.
Some farmers improve agro-ecology through direct seeding under vegetative
Is it economically sustainable? 8 Domestic and international demand is growing, for exports to processors in
Thailand and Vietnam. In Lao PDR, some value addition occurs since there’re
two processors in Vientiane capital. The crop is sustainable as an industrial crop
to supply inputs to animal feed.
Can external risks be minimized? 4 Mainly a rain-fed crop would benefit from irrigation. Pest infestation is an issue and
risk assessment is required. International price fluctuations can be addressed
through contract farming. There is need for further soil improvement and road
access to maize growing areas.
ອຍ຾ຍຍ ຾ລະ ລັກສະຌະຏະລິຈຉະພັຌ
Structure and value chain characteristics
Maize Assessment
Does PPP exist or is there potential for PPP? 6 Yes for industrial crop development. The appropriate model
would be to establish maize production hubs wherein business
entrepreneurs supply technology, production credit , and
guaranteed markets to farmers and as well as provide post-
harvest handling such as shelling, grading, sorting and climate
controlled storage.
Is there scope to improve efficiencies in the value
5 Yes, particularly input supply, drying and storage.
Is there potential for post-harvest productivity/ value-
6 Good potential for value addition; starch flour, syrups, oils,
biofuels, animal feed and food stocks. Lao processors share
some market segments with Vietnam and Thai processors for
animal feed produce.
What is the potential for improving market access? 4 Good, CP-Thailand has expressed interest in procuring large
quantities of maize subject to a risk assessment. Aggregation is
a problem in many areas because of poor road networks.
Are there sufficient climate resilient infrastructure
4 The crop is susceptible to climate change and this need to be
addressed. Plant toxins requires development to CC
adaptation to changing monsoon rainfall patterns.
What is the scalability and transferability potential? 4 Maize production can be scaled up. There is a need however to
develop and indentify business models for maize which links
farmer groups to entrepreneurs who guarantee markets,
provide credits and transfer technology as well as operte post-
harvest infrastructure.
Villages / Main road
ກາຌພ຺ວພັຌລະຫວໞາຄລາ຃າ, ຽສັີ້ຌ຋າຄ ຾ລະ ສັຌງາ
Link between price, access road construction,
and contract
ກາຌມີສໞວຌອໞວມຂຬຄຆາວກະສິກຬຌ ຾ລະ ຃ວາມງືຌງ຺ຄ
Farmer/producer inclusion and sustainability
Silk Assessment
Is there potential to reach greater number farmers
and producers in production, support services and
postharvest operations?
2 No official statistical report of silk production output for Lao PDR.
In Phonsavanh district, Xieng Khouang Province there 400
households on 45 hectares who raise silkworms (2014) with 8.8
tons of annual production. But farmer outreach limited and
focused on small specific areas. The total annual production of
Lao silk is around 25 tons/annum.
What is the potential to increase income for
3 With product differentiation and marketing and moving towards
organic production, the market potential is high. However,
presently the modalities for organic production are not yet in
Does the chain/commodity fit with the focus of
central and provincial government programs and
priorities and other donors?
6 Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MoIC) has supported Lao
women in textile production as a one district one product in
Phonsavanh district of Xiengkhouang. The commodity meets
government priorities as it is a high value niche market product .
How project-crowded is the sector? To what extent
are sector needs addressed by the other donors
and lenders?
2 Limited project activity mainly focused on silk sericulture
production work. More qualified and trained agronomists are
Does it offer social and gender inclusion? 7 As an intensive high value crop that requires good product
presentation and packaging. Agro-tourism is an option.
Is it ecologically feasible and environmentally
6 This commodity mulberry crop only can plant in suitable soil and
climate in certain agro-climatic zones.
Is it economically sustainable? 8 International demand is growing for Lao silk products in amount
of USD 20,000. And agro-tourism possibilities increases.
Can external risks be minimized? 3 Drought can affect the mulberry crop and silkworm raising is
needed more attention. Pesticide residues can be an issue since
Xiengkhouang farmers have recommended in use of pesticides
few years ago.
ອຍ຾ຍຍ ຾ລະ ລັກສະຌະຏະລິຈຉະພັຌ
Structure and value chain characteristics
Silk Assessment
Does PPP exist or is there potential for PPP? 4 Lao Handicraft Association is main buyers that export
and retail .
Is there scope to improve efficiencies in the
value chain
3 Limited, small producers cannot meet market demand.
Is there potential for post-harvest productivity/
2 Limited through packaging and presentation, possibly
spice processing.
What is the potential for improving market
7 Through tourism market, export market and high-end
Are there sufficient climate resilient
infrastructure needs?
3 Improved irrigation practices to make the crop drought
resilience and improved IPM relating to varying pest and
disease problems as a result of climate change .
What is the scalability and transferability
2 Limited scalability, moderate transferability to other spice
and medicinal plant crops .
Silk Producers
Silk Companies
Silk Markets
cultivation and
silk worm rearing
Farmer group
Fund to support
expansion from
materials and
equipment for
agreement with
farmer groups
Certification of
G-Mark and ISO
Brand name of
ODOP, Chai-Lao,
and Lao Handicraft
Fostering value-
addition by linking
to agriculture and
tourism sector
Farmer/producer inclusion and sustainability (60%) % Rice Rice % Maize Maize % Veg Veg % Silk Silk %
Is there potential to reach greater number farmers and producers
in production, support services and postharvest operations?
9% 10 0.9 9% 7 0.63 9% 7 0.63 9% 2 0.18 9%
What is the potential to increase income for producers? 7% 8 0.56 7% 8 0.56 7% 7 0.49 7% 3 0.21 7%
Does the chain/commodity fit with the focus of central and
provincial government programs and priorities and other donors?
5% 8 0.4 5% 7 0.35 5% 7 0.35 5% 6 0.3 5%
How project-crowded is the sector? To what extent are sector
needs addressed by the other donors and lenders?
7% 2 0.14 7% 6 0.42 7% 2 0.14 7% 2 0.14 7%
Does it offer social and gender inclusion? 7% 3 0.21 7% 4 0.28 7% 6 0.42 7% 7 0.49 7%
Is it ecologically feasible and environmentally sustainable? 7% 4 0.28 7% 5 0.35 7% 7 0.49 7% 6 0.42 7%
Is it economically sustainable? 11% 8 0.88 11% 8 0.88 11% 8 0.88 11% 8 0.88 11%
Can external risks be minimized? 7% 3 0.21 7% 4 0.28 7% 3 0.21 7% 3 0.21 7%
Structure and Value Chain Characteristics (40%)
Does PPP exist or is there potential for PPP? 6% 7 0.42 6% 6 0.36 6% 7 0.42 6% 4 0.24 6%
Is there scope to improve efficiencies in the value chain? 7% 9 0.63 7% 5 0.35 7% 7 0.49 7% 3 0.21 7%
Is there potential for post-harvest productivity/ value-addition? 5% 6 0.3 5% 6 0.3 5% 8 0.4 5% 2 0.1 5%
Is there potential for improving market access? 8% 6 0.48 8% 4 0.32 8% 6 0.48 8% 7 0.56 8%
Are there sufficient climate resilient infrastructure needs? 7% 8 0.56 7% 4 0.28 7% 4 0.28 7% 3 0.21 7%
What is the scalability and transferability potential? 7% 7 0.49 7% 4 0.28 7% 4 0.28 7% 2 0.14 7%
Total 6.46 5.64 5.96 4.29
Summary and Conclusion
ຽຫຈຏ຺ຌເຌກາຌຽລືຬກຽຂ຺ີ້າ ຾ລະ ພືຈຏັກ
Why we come up with two value chains:
Rice and Vegetable
• Both are aligned with government policy
• Rice is covered whole country that affect
70% Lao people growing rice in rural area
and 724,000 households.
• The vegetable is second crop option choice
for rural household’s income generating after
rice in Lao PDR.
• Maize is mainly grown in the northern part
of Lao PDR, maize is far from other value
chains since the PPTA limits time and human
resource to conduct all four value chains.
• For Silk production is just 25 Tons/year, our
sub-project can do software intervention
e.g., providing technical assistance to
strengthen value chain.
• ຽຂ຺ີ້າ ຾ລະ ຏັກ ຾ມໞຌສຬຈ຃ໞຬຄກັຍ ຍຸລິມາສິຈຂຬຄ
• ກາຌຏະລິຈຽຂ຺ີ້າ ຾ມໞຌກວມລວມໝ຺ຈ຋຺ົ່ວ຋ຸກຽຂຈຂຬຄ
ຎະຽ຋ຈລາວ ມີຎະມາຌ 70% ຂຬຄຎະຆາຆ຺ຌຢູ່ຽຂຈ
ຆ຺ຌຌະຍ຺ຈ ຫົື ຎະມາຌ 724,000 ຫົັຄ຃າຽອືຬຌ.
• ກາຌຏະລິຈພືຈຏັກ ຾ມໞຌ຋າຄຽລືຬກ຋ີສຬຄເຌກາຌສໟາ
• ກາຌຏະລິຈສາລີ ສໞວຌເຫງໞ຾ມໞຌ຋າຄ຋າຄພາກຽໜືຬ
ຂຬຄລາວ, ສາລີຫໞາຄແກ຅າກຏະລິຈຉະພັຌສິຌ຃ໟາກະສິ
ກໍາຬືື່ຌ ຋ີມຄາຌກະກຼມ຿຃ຄກາຌມີຆັຍພະງາກຬຌ
ມະຌຸຈ ຾ລະ ຽວລາ຅ໍາກັຈເຌກາຌຈໍາຽຌີຌ 4 ຏະລິຈຉະ
• ກາຌຏະລິຈແໝມໟຬຌ ຍັຌລຸພຼຄ຾ຉໞ 25 ຿ຉຌ/ຎີ,
ລັກສະຌະເຫໟ຃ວາມອໟ ຽຆັົ່ຌ., ເຫໟກາຌຆໞຬງຽຫົືຬ຋າຄ
ຈໟາຌຽຉັກຌິກວິຆາກາຌ ຽພືື່ຬສໟາຄ຃ວາມຽຂັີ້ມ຾ຂຄເຫໟ຾ກໞ
Thank you
Dr. Steven Shepley
Mr. Phetsoulaphonh Choulatida

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IFPRI - Workshop on Best Practices in Contract Farming: Challenges and Oppor...
International Food Policy Research Institute- South Asia Office
Issues in agriculture in cambodia
Issues in agriculture in cambodiaIssues in agriculture in cambodia
Issues in agriculture in cambodia
Sovanna Kakk
Introduction of orange flesh sweet potato in aquatic agricultural systems val...
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Th5_Emerging models to drive rice intensification in West Africa
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Th5_Emerging models to drive rice intensification in West Africa
Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice)
Making genetics work for Africa by increasing genetic gains in farmers’ fields
Making genetics work for Africa by increasing genetic gains in farmers’ fieldsMaking genetics work for Africa by increasing genetic gains in farmers’ fields
Making genetics work for Africa by increasing genetic gains in farmers’ fields
Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice)
Social Business Model for Agricultural Services Mobile Platform, Philippines,...
Social Business Model for Agricultural Services Mobile Platform, Philippines,...Social Business Model for Agricultural Services Mobile Platform, Philippines,...
Social Business Model for Agricultural Services Mobile Platform, Philippines,...
Eric Stryson
IFPRI - Lentil Contract Farming in Nepal Participation and Impact, Anjani Kum...
IFPRI - Lentil Contract Farming in Nepal Participation and Impact, Anjani Kum...IFPRI - Lentil Contract Farming in Nepal Participation and Impact, Anjani Kum...
IFPRI - Lentil Contract Farming in Nepal Participation and Impact, Anjani Kum...
International Food Policy Research Institute- South Asia Office
Malawi desk review groundnut value chain
Malawi desk review  groundnut value chainMalawi desk review  groundnut value chain
Malawi desk review groundnut value chain
Francois Stepman
Feeds and forage research and development under SIMLESA project: Achievements...
Feeds and forage research and development under SIMLESA project: Achievements...Feeds and forage research and development under SIMLESA project: Achievements...
Feeds and forage research and development under SIMLESA project: Achievements...
Sess3 1 dr lusike wasilwa paradigm shifts in potato and sweetpotato researc...
Sess3 1 dr lusike wasilwa   paradigm shifts in potato and sweetpotato researc...Sess3 1 dr lusike wasilwa   paradigm shifts in potato and sweetpotato researc...
Sess3 1 dr lusike wasilwa paradigm shifts in potato and sweetpotato researc...
African Potato Association (APA)
Research-Extension-Farmer-Market Linkage
Research-Extension-Farmer-Market LinkageResearch-Extension-Farmer-Market Linkage
Research-Extension-Farmer-Market Linkage
kunguma selvan
Noosa beef local food value chain project reference group meeting 1
Noosa beef local food value chain project reference group meeting 1Noosa beef local food value chain project reference group meeting 1
Noosa beef local food value chain project reference group meeting 1
Dr Brian Stockwell
Groundnuts value chain analysis for zambia ppp
Groundnuts value chain analysis for zambia pppGroundnuts value chain analysis for zambia ppp
Groundnuts value chain analysis for zambia ppp
Francois Stepman
Holeta vca
Holeta vcaHoleta vca
Holeta vca
Shanu Das
Market led extension
Market led extensionMarket led extension
Market led extension
Preety Das
Paepard presentation lilongwe april 2013
Paepard presentation  lilongwe april 2013Paepard presentation  lilongwe april 2013
Paepard presentation lilongwe april 2013
Francois Stepman
TLIII: Overview of TLII achievements, lessons and challenges for Phase III – ...
TLIII: Overview of TLII achievements, lessons and challenges for Phase III – ...TLIII: Overview of TLII achievements, lessons and challenges for Phase III – ...
TLIII: Overview of TLII achievements, lessons and challenges for Phase III – ...
CGIAR Generation Challenge Programme
High Value Agriculture for sustainable and Equitable growth
High Value Agriculture for sustainable and Equitable growthHigh Value Agriculture for sustainable and Equitable growth
High Value Agriculture for sustainable and Equitable growth
Rashmi Ranjan Moharana

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IFPRI - Workshop on Best Practices in Contract Farming: Challenges and Oppor...
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IFPRI - Workshop on Best Practices in Contract Farming: Challenges and Oppor...
IFPRI - Workshop on Best Practices in Contract Farming: Challenges and Oppor...
 IFPRI - Workshop on Best Practices in Contract Farming: Challenges and Oppor... IFPRI - Workshop on Best Practices in Contract Farming: Challenges and Oppor...
IFPRI - Workshop on Best Practices in Contract Farming: Challenges and Oppor...
Issues in agriculture in cambodia
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Issues in agriculture in cambodia
Introduction of orange flesh sweet potato in aquatic agricultural systems val...
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Introduction of orange flesh sweet potato in aquatic agricultural systems val...
Th5_Emerging models to drive rice intensification in West Africa
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Making genetics work for Africa by increasing genetic gains in farmers’ fields
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Social Business Model for Agricultural Services Mobile Platform, Philippines,...
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Social Business Model for Agricultural Services Mobile Platform, Philippines,...
IFPRI - Lentil Contract Farming in Nepal Participation and Impact, Anjani Kum...
IFPRI - Lentil Contract Farming in Nepal Participation and Impact, Anjani Kum...IFPRI - Lentil Contract Farming in Nepal Participation and Impact, Anjani Kum...
IFPRI - Lentil Contract Farming in Nepal Participation and Impact, Anjani Kum...
Malawi desk review groundnut value chain
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Feeds and forage research and development under SIMLESA project: Achievements...
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Feeds and forage research and development under SIMLESA project: Achievements...
Sess3 1 dr lusike wasilwa paradigm shifts in potato and sweetpotato researc...
Sess3 1 dr lusike wasilwa   paradigm shifts in potato and sweetpotato researc...Sess3 1 dr lusike wasilwa   paradigm shifts in potato and sweetpotato researc...
Sess3 1 dr lusike wasilwa paradigm shifts in potato and sweetpotato researc...
Research-Extension-Farmer-Market Linkage
Research-Extension-Farmer-Market LinkageResearch-Extension-Farmer-Market Linkage
Research-Extension-Farmer-Market Linkage
Noosa beef local food value chain project reference group meeting 1
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Groundnuts value chain analysis for zambia ppp
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Holeta vca
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Market led extension
Market led extensionMarket led extension
Market led extension
Paepard presentation lilongwe april 2013
Paepard presentation  lilongwe april 2013Paepard presentation  lilongwe april 2013
Paepard presentation lilongwe april 2013
TLIII: Overview of TLII achievements, lessons and challenges for Phase III – ...
TLIII: Overview of TLII achievements, lessons and challenges for Phase III – ...TLIII: Overview of TLII achievements, lessons and challenges for Phase III – ...
TLIII: Overview of TLII achievements, lessons and challenges for Phase III – ...
High Value Agriculture for sustainable and Equitable growth
High Value Agriculture for sustainable and Equitable growthHigh Value Agriculture for sustainable and Equitable growth
High Value Agriculture for sustainable and Equitable growth

Similar to Value chains selection criteria

Project Introduction - Establishing sustainable solutions to cassava disease ...
Project Introduction - Establishing sustainable solutions to cassava disease ...Project Introduction - Establishing sustainable solutions to cassava disease ...
Project Introduction - Establishing sustainable solutions to cassava disease ...
Sustainable Cassava Disease Solutions Asia
Agro processing study
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Agro processing study
Satish Kr. Goyal
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Mohit Dhukia
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Banana cooking banana
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Diego Naziri
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Véronique Durroux-Malpartida
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CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers and Bananas
Reducing postharvest losses and promoting product differentiation Banana cook...
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Reducing postharvest losses and promoting product differentiation Banana cook...
Ykl synopsis final
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FINAL Mango Value Chain_Challanges and Opportunities (1).pptx
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Sunil Pareek
Postharvest Solutions for Cambodian Rice Sector, Nov 2013
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Postharvest Solutions for Cambodian Rice Sector, Nov 2013
Global Institute For Tomorrow
Linking public procurement and sustainable production systems: opportunities ...
Linking public procurement and sustainable production systems: opportunities ...Linking public procurement and sustainable production systems: opportunities ...
Linking public procurement and sustainable production systems: opportunities ...
Rice Value Chain Analysis: Rice Seed Production as a Profitable Agribusiness ...
Rice Value Chain Analysis: Rice Seed Production as a Profitable Agribusiness ...Rice Value Chain Analysis: Rice Seed Production as a Profitable Agribusiness ...
Rice Value Chain Analysis: Rice Seed Production as a Profitable Agribusiness ...
FairSmart Agri: Strengthening the Rice Industry in Cambodia
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Eric Stryson
Technology and Extension 06-06-07
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Krishna Singh
And what should we do today? Developing a research-for-development agenda for...
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Value added agro
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Global meet final
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Krishna Singh
Sustainable Soy Newsletter edition September 2015
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Value Chain Bankrolling: Strategy towards enhancing growth in Agriculture sec...
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Value Chain Bankrolling: Strategy towards enhancing growth in Agriculture sec...

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Project Introduction - Establishing sustainable solutions to cassava disease ...
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Agro processing study
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RB-COSOP workshop laos 270416-revised with participants comments
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Banana cooking banana
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Reducing postharvest losses and promoting product differentiationin the cooki...
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Reducing postharvest losses and promoting product differentiation Banana cook...
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Postharvest Solutions for Cambodian Rice Sector, Nov 2013
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Linking public procurement and sustainable production systems: opportunities ...
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Rice Value Chain Analysis: Rice Seed Production as a Profitable Agribusiness ...
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FairSmart Agri: Strengthening the Rice Industry in Cambodia
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Technology and Extension 06-06-07
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And what should we do today? Developing a research-for-development agenda for...
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And what should we do today? Developing a research-for-development agenda for...
Value added agro
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Global meet final
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Sustainable Soy Newsletter edition September 2015
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Sustainable Soy Newsletter edition September 2015
Value Chain Bankrolling: Strategy towards enhancing growth in Agriculture sec...
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Value Chain Bankrolling: Strategy towards enhancing growth in Agriculture sec...

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phetsoulaphonh choulatida
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phetsoulaphonh choulatida
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phetsoulaphonh choulatida
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phetsoulaphonh choulatida
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phetsoulaphonh choulatida
Food security and nutrition project in xieng hone hongsa district, sayaboury ...
Food security and nutrition project in xieng hone hongsa district, sayaboury ...Food security and nutrition project in xieng hone hongsa district, sayaboury ...
Food security and nutrition project in xieng hone hongsa district, sayaboury ...
phetsoulaphonh choulatida
Laos biotrade farmer organization strategy 2017
Laos biotrade farmer organization strategy 2017Laos biotrade farmer organization strategy 2017
Laos biotrade farmer organization strategy 2017
phetsoulaphonh choulatida
161005_CFAVC Core Sub-Projects Report (Rice and Vegetable value chain in Lao ...
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phetsoulaphonh choulatida
161005 cfavc core sub projects report (rice and vegetable value chain in lao ...
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phetsoulaphonh choulatida
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phetsoulaphonh choulatida
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phetsoulaphonh choulatida
140922_Narrative report of Partner’s Participatory Capacity Assessment (PPCA)
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phetsoulaphonh choulatida
phetsoulaphonh choulatida

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Value chains selection criteria

  • 1. ຽຄືື່ຬຌແຂເຌກາຌ຃ັຈຽລືຬກຏະລິຈຉະພັຌສິຌ຃ໟາກະສິກໍາ Value Chains Selection (Rice, Vegetables, Maize, and Silk) Mercure Hotel - Vientiane, Lao PDR 11 February 2016 By: Mr. Phetsoulaphonh Choulatida, Dr. Steven Shepley TA 8897-REG: Climate-friendly Agribusiness Value Chains Sector Project – PPTA Implementation Consultants
  • 2. • ຅ຸຈຎະສ຺ຄເຌກາຌ຃ັຈຽລືຬກ ຏະລິຈຉະພັຌສິຌ຃ໟາກະສິກໍາ຾ມໞຌ ຽພືື່ຬ • ກໍາຌ຺ຈ຅ຸຈ຾ຂຄ ຾ລະ ຆໞຬຄວໞາຄ຋ີື່ມີຢູ່ • ຆຬກຫາ຾ຌວ຋າຄເຌກາຌຎັຍຎຸຄຉໍ່ໜໟາ ຾ລະ • ຬຬກ຾ຍຍ຿຃ຄກາຌ • The objective of selection was to • Identify strengths and gaps • Identify the improvement areas and • Design for strengthening Climate Friendly Agribusiness Value Chain Objectives ຅ຸຈຎະສ຺ຄ
  • 3. ງຸຈ຋ະສາຈເຌກາຌ຃ັຈຽລືຬກ Strategic Commodity Selection Criteria ຽຎັຌ຋ໞາ຾ອຄຉໍ່ຏ຺ຌແຈໟອັຍ Potential for impact ສໟາຄມຌ຃ໞາຎົກະຉິ ຾ລະ ຉໍ່ຽຌືື່ຬຄ Common values ສຬຈ຃ໞຬຄກັຍຽຎົົ້າໝາງ Aligned goals ຽຎັຌມິຈຉໍ່ສິື່ຄ຾ວຈລໟຬມ Proper environment VALUE / COST OF INVESTMENT IMPACT
  • 4. • ຎະກຬຍມີ 14 ມາຈຊາຌ ເຌ 2 ຂຬຍຽຂຈ຋ີື່ຽອັຈກາຌ຃ັຈຽລືຬກ: 1. ຆາວກະສິກຬຌແຈໟອັຍຏ຺ຌຎະ຿ຫງຈ ຾ລະ ຃ວາມງືຌງ຺ຄຂຬຄກິຈ຅ະກໍາ (8 ມາຈຊາຌ຃ັຈຽລືຬກ) 2. ຿ູ຃ຄສໟາຄ ຾ລະ ລັກສະຌະຏະລິຈຉະ ພັຌສິຌ຃ໟາກະສິກໍາ (6 ມາຈຊາຌ຃ັຈ ຽລືຬກ) 14 criteria in two different categories including 1. Farmer / producer inclusion and sustainability (8 categories) 2. Structure and value chain characteristics (6 categories) ຂຬຍຽຂຈ຋ີື່ຽອັຈກາຌ຃ັຈຽລືຬກ The selection criteria
  • 5. • ຽຎັຌພຼຄກາຌຌໍາສະຽໜີເຌກຬຄ ກຬຄຎະຆຸມລິຽລີີ້ມຬຬກ຾ຍຍ ຿຃ຄກາຌຽ຋຺ົ່າຌັີ້ຌ • ຍໍ່ແຈໟຎຼຍ຋ຼຍກັຍ຃ໞອໞວມຄາຌຬືື່ຌ • ຽຎັຌຂໍ້ມຌ຋ຼຍຊາຌຽຍືີ້ຬຄຉ຺ີ້ຌເຌ ກາຌວາຄ຾ຏຌ ຾ລະ ຉິຈຉາມເຌຉໍ່ ໜໟາ • This is just for our internal sharing and reflection during Inception workshop • This is not to inspect performance of the partners • It is kind of baseline for planning and follow up in future Results ຏ຺ຌກາຌ຃ັຈຽລືຬກ
  • 7. ກາຌມີສໞວຌອໞວມຂຬຄຆາວກະສິກຬຌ ຾ລະ ຃ວາມງືຌງ຺ຄ Farmer/producer inclusion and sustainability ຃ະ຾ຌຌ Score ຽຂ຺ີ້າ Rice Assessment Is there potential to reach greater number farmers and producers in production, support services and postharvest operations? 10 In MAF statistics, there is no statistical data available on the exact number of small- holder producers but over 80% of population in three provinces is engaged in rice production. Total rice production area for 2014 include; Savanakhet 217,178 ha, Khammouane 85,519 ha, & Saravan 90,722 ha. Assuming a total area from the three of 393,419, The Project has potential to reach 245,000 small holder households and a large number of rice mills for wide post harvest value addition What is the potential to increase income for producers? 8 Lao PDR has many potential varieties with high quality fragrant rice, productivity enhancing technologies are available, there is road access, and irrigation. Mechanical drying, rice storage, and upgraded milling capacity offers a reduction in postharvest losses with improved productivity an income for farmers and millers. Does the chain/commodity fit with the focus of central and provincial government programs and priorities and other donors? 8 The rice policy emphasizes a gradual transition from subsistence to commercial production for rice surplus as a national priority. How project-crowded is the sector? To what extent are sector needs addressed by the other donors and lenders? 2 Most of donor and lender support focus on the value chain supply side. This project will boost both supply side productivity and income production and support, and improved post-harvest handling. The project also targets the demand side by offering improved produce to command higher prices in integrated markets. The degree to which gender equity will improve is contingent on the gender response to private sector initiatives. Does it offer social and gender inclusion? 3 Laos' National Socio Economic Development Plan (NSEDP) 2016-2020 promotes gender equality and disability inclusion to ensure investments. For rice sector, there is social inclusion in nursery production , transplanting, planting and harvesting with both women an ethnic groups. The project will build on and enhance social inclusion. Is it ecologically feasible and environmentally sustainable? 4 Rice is growing naturally that it’s highly suitable to the climate and general environment. The downside is the high water and fertilisation demand. The project will reduce the demand for both with land levelling and direct seeding. The environmental impact will depend large to the degree to which farmers adopt anaerobic to aerobic production conditions. Is it economically sustainable? 8 In Khammouance province promotes organic rice production. The domestic and international demand is increasing; conventional paddy rice exported informally scope for niche markets and higher value products in the short to intermediate terms. The analysis shows that significant productivity and income gains at the farm and processing level are financially and economically robust. Can external risks be minimized? 3 Regional rice buying schemes and food security measures can affect external markets. Labor shortages in planting and harvesting leads to mechanization. Processor and exporter cash flows are an issue in securing raw material supplies.
  • 8. ອຍ຾ຍຍ ຾ລະ ລັກສະຌະຏະລິຈຉະພັຌ Structure and value chain characteristics ຃ະ຾ຌຌ Score ຽຂ຺ີ້າ Rice Assessment Does PPP exist or is there potential for PPP? 7 Rice processing units are willing to work within a secured rice supplier, use of sustainable rice platform for value chain/traceability such as concessional credit, produce, acceptance of produce standards, and contract farming arrangement. The EMRIP model shows that the PPP approach used therein for rice achieves good results in the Lao context. Is there scope to improve efficiencies in the value chain 9 The EMRIP model in Khammouane shows that the inclusive value chain linking millers to farmers results in farmer productivity increase of 30% with 60 % income growth while milling efficiency increases 9% and throughput increases 160%. In this model, both farmer and miller incomes improved because higher volumes of quality rice provide higher value to the system at the farmer, miller nodes and intermodal linkages. Is there potential for post-harvest productivity/ value-addition? 6 Scope to improve post-harvest losses, through drying and storage and the upgrading of mills by the use of driers, separators and color sorting equipment and storage capacity. Also cost saving and productivity enhancement for farmers from mechanization. What is the potential for improving market access? 6 Access to domestic and regional markets can be improved with improvements in available processing infrastructure and farm technology improving the quality with higher prices. Establishment of strong backward and forward linkages improve the market linkage dynamic in the value chain. Are there sufficient climate resilient infrastructure needs? 8 Climate change resilience is created by changing farming practices from anaerobic to aerobic methods and in improving post harvest handling and loss recovery. What is the scalability and transferability potential? 7 Good opportunities for scaling up rice interventions to other provinces and interested rice producers based on the successful EMRIC model.
  • 9. Manual threshing 1-5% Sun drying 3-5% Cutting, handling 1-5% Open storage 5-10% Village milling 20-30% Small retailers Machine threshing 1-5% Combine harvesting 1-5% Mechanical drying 1-2% Sealed storage 1-2% Commercial milling 5-30% Large retailers Crop Consumption Physical losses in traditional postharvest chain Physical losses in mechanized postharvest chain Source: Rice Knowledge Bank (IRRI, 2016)
  • 10. ກາຌມີສໞວຌອໞວມຂຬຄຆາວກະສິກຬຌ ຾ລະ ຃ວາມງືຌງ຺ຄ Farmer/producer inclusion and sustainability ຃ະ຾ຌຌ Score ພືຈຏັກ Vegetables Assessment Is there potential to reach greater number farmers and producers in production, support services and postharvest operations? 7 Nationally there are 93,835 ha and a production of one million tons of the crop. There is no statistical data available on exact number of small-holder producers, 70% of rice cultivated areas use for vegetables production after rice harvesting: Total hectares of Champasak is 24,380 ha, and Vientiane is 5,285 ha. What is the potential to increase income for producers? 7 Good potential as high demand for domestic and export markets, growing year by year. Larger target market for organic vegetables along the EWEC. Need for improved uniform varieties better handling practices and cool chain support to reduce high losses. Vegetable is considered a cash crop. Prices and margins for organic vegetables are 2.5 times higher than for traditionally grown non-organic vegetables. Does the chain/commodity fit with the focus of central and provincial government programs and priorities and other donors? 7 Fits well with strategies of the NSEDP with emphasis on diversification, commercial agriculture, poverty alleviation and integration into wider regional markets. How project-crowded is the sector? To what extent are sector needs addressed by the other donors and lenders? 2 Limited work on the crop. The sectoral need are much broader than small donor pilpot initiatives are ready, willing and able to address. The intervention need to be sufficiently broad to have a significant impact. Does it offer social and gender inclusion? 6 In small businesses and self-employment ventures, such as cottage industry, processing, and vegetable selling. Involve primarily women. Strengthening the vegetable value chain will have a major gender friendly impact for women participants. The most successful value chain model in Laos is owned and operated by a woman. Is it ecologically feasible and environmentally sustainable? 7 Some issues relating to environment impact: (i) new area clears land by cutting down forests. (ii) use of plastic mulch for vegetables. (iii) vegetables waste. But most producers use land after rice farming and some grow along river and island. Limited use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers due to soils is still fertilised. Is it economically sustainable? 8 Foreign industries move from China, Vietnam and Thailand to Lao PDR to buy raw materials, but there is limited pin-country grading, sorting and/or processing in- country. The sub-project intervention will add value in Laos prior to exporting to regional countries. Post harvest losses range from 17 to over 20%. The proposed intervention will recover one half or more of these loses as well as result in fresher, better graded and branded produce for export to the EWEC areas. Can external risks be minimized? 3 Stabilizing the cropping area with sound agronomic practices and introduction of high yielding varieties that suit the market requirements for a particular market may be problematic. Poor postharvest protocol and unstable prices are also issues.
  • 11. ອຍ຾ຍຍ ຾ລະ ລັກສະຌະຏະລິຈຉະພັຌ Structure and value chain characteristics ຃ະ຾ຌຌ Score ພືຈຏັກ Vegetables Assessment Does PPP exist or is there potential for PPP? 7 There is potential, as yet limited mostly to in-country. Since many export companies buy produce from smallholder farmers and add value to ensure quality of product for market outlets. The sub-project will add more value in country through PPPs and investments in private goods prior to exporting better quality produce to regional countries. Is there scope to improve efficiencies in the value chain 7 The vegetable value chain is short, as most products are destined for nearby wholesalers and retailers. With increased production of improved qualities of vegetables required by domestic and regional markets, along with cold chain preservation technology will greatly improve efficiency , productivity and incomes for all major VC players. Is there potential for post-harvest productivity/ value-addition? 8 Improvements in post-harvest technology are important, as vegetables deteriorate quickly after harvest (16 hours) at farm. The cold chain storage room and refrigerated transport are key priorities to promote in supply chain resilience. Internationally accepted organic certification is under development. What is the potential for improving market access? 6 Domestic market is Vientiane capital and export markets are Thai buyers. Organic off-season vegetable production fetches a high price premium, but organic production requires improved technology. Vegetables and demand in vegetable markets will improve after systems for quality control are put in place. Keeping vegetables in a cold environment for the time interval to reach markets is a paramount need. Successful business models in Champasack provide ample evidence that quality markets are within reach of Lao producers, provided that all of the components of the marketing chain are in place. Are there sufficient climate resilient infrastructure needs? 4 The proposed cold chains will reduce losses from produce deterioration with subsequent reduction of GHG emissions. As temperatures increase and yields decline along with accelerated produce decomposition, the adaptation to CC impacts will occur from produce preservation and loss reduction from farm to consumer along the cold chain. What is the scalability and transferability potential? 4 Good, since small holder producers see benefit from this, technology adaptation and livelihood strategies for non-rice income improvement will be a major motivating factor. The fact that integrated chains exist in a few areas is encouraging for the possibility of wider VC strengthening.
  • 12. ຏໟຽກັຍຆືີ້ Collectors/buyers ສ຺ົ່ຄຬຬກ Exporters Retailers Whole salers ຆາວກະສິກຬຌ Producers Input supplies Global retailers ຆາວກະສິກຬຌ Producers ຆາວກະສິກຬຌ Producers Pre-production Production Post-production Processing Market Seeds Vegetables growing Mutual contract Repackaging / drying Logistic companies Fertilizers Irrigation packaging Cooling Cooling Machinery Fertilizer Transportation Storage Distributing Materials Protected cropping Distributing Food and beverage processing ສະໜັຍສະໜຌກາຌຽຄິຌ Financial provision ສະໜັຍສະໜຌຉະຫົາຈຏໞາຌ.... Supporting market through PPP ຃ຸໟມ຃ຬຄ຃ຸຌະພາຍ Quality control ສໟາຄຽຄືື່ຬຌແຂຽຬືີ້ຬຬໍາຌວງ຾ກໞຂະ຾ໜຄກາຌພືຈຏັກ Create Enabling Environment for Vegetables sector
  • 14. ກາຌມີສໞວຌອໞວມຂຬຄຆາວກະສິກຬຌ ຾ລະ ຃ວາມງືຌງ຺ຄ Farmer/producer inclusion and sustainability ຃ະ຾ຌຌ Score ສາລີ Maize Assessment Is there potential to reach greater number farmers and producers in production, support services and postharvest operations? 7 Nationally there are 214,460 ha of the crop (2014). There is no statistical data available on exact number of small-holder producers. In Oudomxai and Sayabouly province, 70% of farmers grow maize. The total area of maize production in those provinces are: Oudomxai 53,155 ha, and Sayabouly 59,830 ha. What is the potential to increase income for producers? 8 Road access and additional irrigation schemes are required to optimize maize production. Many maize areas are isolated with problematic accessibility. Smallholder farmers in more accessible areas improve yields through adopting high quality inputs that can access international and increasing the local processing markets (e.g, Don Koi and Tha Ngon Animal feed produce co., located in Vientiane capital). Does the chain/commodity fit with the focus of central and provincial government programs and priorities and other donors? 7 Commodity production is a priority with respect to the Industrial Development Policy. Government policies target intensive production and the ability to add value through processing. How project-crowded is the sector? To what extent are sector needs addressed by the other donors and lenders? 6 Limited local processing and agronomic practices and research and development assistance. There is room, particular for the value chain down stream nodes. Does it offer social and gender inclusion? 4 There are opportunities to enhance gender inclusion. Presently, the division of labour in maize production is more male oriented and less balanced than for other crops such as rice. Is it ecologically feasible and environmentally sustainable? 5 Significant ecological feasibility. Farmers in both provinces mainly produce under rain-fed conditions in the uplands. Some farmers intercrop maize with pulses such as black and green bean. Farmers continuous annual cropping leads to erosion potential. The deep rooting of maize plants provides some draught tolerance. Some farmers improve agro-ecology through direct seeding under vegetative cover. Is it economically sustainable? 8 Domestic and international demand is growing, for exports to processors in Thailand and Vietnam. In Lao PDR, some value addition occurs since there’re two processors in Vientiane capital. The crop is sustainable as an industrial crop to supply inputs to animal feed. Can external risks be minimized? 4 Mainly a rain-fed crop would benefit from irrigation. Pest infestation is an issue and risk assessment is required. International price fluctuations can be addressed through contract farming. There is need for further soil improvement and road access to maize growing areas.
  • 15. ອຍ຾ຍຍ ຾ລະ ລັກສະຌະຏະລິຈຉະພັຌ Structure and value chain characteristics ຃ະ຾ຌຌ Score ສາລີ Maize Assessment Does PPP exist or is there potential for PPP? 6 Yes for industrial crop development. The appropriate model would be to establish maize production hubs wherein business entrepreneurs supply technology, production credit , and guaranteed markets to farmers and as well as provide post- harvest handling such as shelling, grading, sorting and climate controlled storage. Is there scope to improve efficiencies in the value chain 5 Yes, particularly input supply, drying and storage. Is there potential for post-harvest productivity/ value- addition? 6 Good potential for value addition; starch flour, syrups, oils, biofuels, animal feed and food stocks. Lao processors share some market segments with Vietnam and Thai processors for animal feed produce. What is the potential for improving market access? 4 Good, CP-Thailand has expressed interest in procuring large quantities of maize subject to a risk assessment. Aggregation is a problem in many areas because of poor road networks. Are there sufficient climate resilient infrastructure needs? 4 The crop is susceptible to climate change and this need to be addressed. Plant toxins requires development to CC adaptation to changing monsoon rainfall patterns. What is the scalability and transferability potential? 4 Maize production can be scaled up. There is a need however to develop and indentify business models for maize which links farmer groups to entrepreneurs who guarantee markets, provide credits and transfer technology as well as operte post- harvest infrastructure.
  • 16. Villages / Main road ກາຌພ຺ວພັຌລະຫວໞາຄລາ຃າ, ຽສັີ້ຌ຋າຄ ຾ລະ ສັຌງາ Link between price, access road construction, and contract
  • 17. ກາຌມີສໞວຌອໞວມຂຬຄຆາວກະສິກຬຌ ຾ລະ ຃ວາມງືຌງ຺ຄ Farmer/producer inclusion and sustainability ຃ະ຾ຌຌ Score ແໝມໟຬຌ Silk Assessment Is there potential to reach greater number farmers and producers in production, support services and postharvest operations? 2 No official statistical report of silk production output for Lao PDR. In Phonsavanh district, Xieng Khouang Province there 400 households on 45 hectares who raise silkworms (2014) with 8.8 tons of annual production. But farmer outreach limited and focused on small specific areas. The total annual production of Lao silk is around 25 tons/annum. What is the potential to increase income for producers? 3 With product differentiation and marketing and moving towards organic production, the market potential is high. However, presently the modalities for organic production are not yet in place. Does the chain/commodity fit with the focus of central and provincial government programs and priorities and other donors? 6 Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MoIC) has supported Lao women in textile production as a one district one product in Phonsavanh district of Xiengkhouang. The commodity meets government priorities as it is a high value niche market product . How project-crowded is the sector? To what extent are sector needs addressed by the other donors and lenders? 2 Limited project activity mainly focused on silk sericulture production work. More qualified and trained agronomists are required. Does it offer social and gender inclusion? 7 As an intensive high value crop that requires good product presentation and packaging. Agro-tourism is an option. Is it ecologically feasible and environmentally sustainable? 6 This commodity mulberry crop only can plant in suitable soil and climate in certain agro-climatic zones. Is it economically sustainable? 8 International demand is growing for Lao silk products in amount of USD 20,000. And agro-tourism possibilities increases. Can external risks be minimized? 3 Drought can affect the mulberry crop and silkworm raising is needed more attention. Pesticide residues can be an issue since Xiengkhouang farmers have recommended in use of pesticides few years ago.
  • 18. ອຍ຾ຍຍ ຾ລະ ລັກສະຌະຏະລິຈຉະພັຌ Structure and value chain characteristics ຃ະ຾ຌຌ Score ແໝມໟຬຌ Silk Assessment Does PPP exist or is there potential for PPP? 4 Lao Handicraft Association is main buyers that export and retail . Is there scope to improve efficiencies in the value chain 3 Limited, small producers cannot meet market demand. Is there potential for post-harvest productivity/ value-addition? 2 Limited through packaging and presentation, possibly spice processing. What is the potential for improving market access? 7 Through tourism market, export market and high-end retail Are there sufficient climate resilient infrastructure needs? 3 Improved irrigation practices to make the crop drought resilience and improved IPM relating to varying pest and disease problems as a result of climate change . What is the scalability and transferability potential? 2 Limited scalability, moderate transferability to other spice and medicinal plant crops .
  • 19. ຆາວກະສິກຬຌ Silk Producers ອໟາຌ຃ໟາຽກັຍຆືີ້ Silk Companies ຉະຫົາຈຏໟາແໝ Silk Markets Mulberry cultivation and silk worm rearing Farmer group formulation Fund to support expansion from project Sericulture extension services Sericulture materials and equipment for farmers Producer agreement with farmer groups Certification of G-Mark and ISO 14000 Brand name of ODOP, Chai-Lao, and Lao Handicraft Association Fostering value- addition by linking to agriculture and tourism sector
  • 20. COMMODITY RANKING CRITERIA Weight Farmer/producer inclusion and sustainability (60%) % Rice Rice % Maize Maize % Veg Veg % Silk Silk % Is there potential to reach greater number farmers and producers in production, support services and postharvest operations? 9% 10 0.9 9% 7 0.63 9% 7 0.63 9% 2 0.18 9% What is the potential to increase income for producers? 7% 8 0.56 7% 8 0.56 7% 7 0.49 7% 3 0.21 7% Does the chain/commodity fit with the focus of central and provincial government programs and priorities and other donors? 5% 8 0.4 5% 7 0.35 5% 7 0.35 5% 6 0.3 5% How project-crowded is the sector? To what extent are sector needs addressed by the other donors and lenders? 7% 2 0.14 7% 6 0.42 7% 2 0.14 7% 2 0.14 7% Does it offer social and gender inclusion? 7% 3 0.21 7% 4 0.28 7% 6 0.42 7% 7 0.49 7% Is it ecologically feasible and environmentally sustainable? 7% 4 0.28 7% 5 0.35 7% 7 0.49 7% 6 0.42 7% Is it economically sustainable? 11% 8 0.88 11% 8 0.88 11% 8 0.88 11% 8 0.88 11% Can external risks be minimized? 7% 3 0.21 7% 4 0.28 7% 3 0.21 7% 3 0.21 7% Structure and Value Chain Characteristics (40%) Does PPP exist or is there potential for PPP? 6% 7 0.42 6% 6 0.36 6% 7 0.42 6% 4 0.24 6% Is there scope to improve efficiencies in the value chain? 7% 9 0.63 7% 5 0.35 7% 7 0.49 7% 3 0.21 7% Is there potential for post-harvest productivity/ value-addition? 5% 6 0.3 5% 6 0.3 5% 8 0.4 5% 2 0.1 5% Is there potential for improving market access? 8% 6 0.48 8% 4 0.32 8% 6 0.48 8% 7 0.56 8% Are there sufficient climate resilient infrastructure needs? 7% 8 0.56 7% 4 0.28 7% 4 0.28 7% 3 0.21 7% What is the scalability and transferability potential? 7% 7 0.49 7% 4 0.28 7% 4 0.28 7% 2 0.14 7% Total 6.46 5.64 5.96 4.29 ສະຫົຸຍສັຄລວມ Summary and Conclusion
  • 21. ຽຫຈຏ຺ຌເຌກາຌຽລືຬກຽຂ຺ີ້າ ຾ລະ ພືຈຏັກ Why we come up with two value chains: Rice and Vegetable • Both are aligned with government policy priority. • Rice is covered whole country that affect 70% Lao people growing rice in rural area and 724,000 households. • The vegetable is second crop option choice for rural household’s income generating after rice in Lao PDR. • Maize is mainly grown in the northern part of Lao PDR, maize is far from other value chains since the PPTA limits time and human resource to conduct all four value chains. • For Silk production is just 25 Tons/year, our sub-project can do software intervention e.g., providing technical assistance to strengthen value chain. • ຽຂ຺ີ້າ ຾ລະ ຏັກ ຾ມໞຌສຬຈ຃ໞຬຄກັຍ ຍຸລິມາສິຈຂຬຄ ລັຈຊະຍາຌ. • ກາຌຏະລິຈຽຂ຺ີ້າ ຾ມໞຌກວມລວມໝ຺ຈ຋຺ົ່ວ຋ຸກຽຂຈຂຬຄ ຎະຽ຋ຈລາວ ມີຎະມາຌ 70% ຂຬຄຎະຆາຆ຺ຌຢູ່ຽຂຈ ຆ຺ຌຌະຍ຺ຈ ຫົື ຎະມາຌ 724,000 ຫົັຄ຃າຽອືຬຌ. • ກາຌຏະລິຈພືຈຏັກ ຾ມໞຌ຋າຄຽລືຬກ຋ີສຬຄເຌກາຌສໟາ ລາງອັຍ຃ຬຍ຃຺ວຂຬຄຎະຆາຆ຺ຌຽຂຈຆ຺ຌຌະຍ຺ຈ. • ກາຌຏະລິຈສາລີ ສໞວຌເຫງໞ຾ມໞຌ຋າຄ຋າຄພາກຽໜືຬ ຂຬຄລາວ, ສາລີຫໞາຄແກ຅າກຏະລິຈຉະພັຌສິຌ຃ໟາກະສິ ກໍາຬືື່ຌ ຋ີມຄາຌກະກຼມ຿຃ຄກາຌມີຆັຍພະງາກຬຌ ມະຌຸຈ ຾ລະ ຽວລາ຅ໍາກັຈເຌກາຌຈໍາຽຌີຌ 4 ຏະລິຈຉະ ພັຌສິຌ຃ໟາກະສິກໍາ. • ກາຌຏະລິຈແໝມໟຬຌ ຍັຌລຸພຼຄ຾ຉໞ 25 ຿ຉຌ/ຎີ, ຿຃ຄກາຌສາມາຈຽອັຈສ຺ົ່ຄຽສີມກິຈ຅ະກໍາເຌອຍ຾ຍຍ ລັກສະຌະເຫໟ຃ວາມອໟ ຽຆັົ່ຌ., ເຫໟກາຌຆໞຬງຽຫົືຬ຋າຄ ຈໟາຌຽຉັກຌິກວິຆາກາຌ ຽພືື່ຬສໟາຄ຃ວາມຽຂັີ້ມ຾ຂຄເຫໟ຾ກໞ ຏະລິຈຉະພັຌ.
  • 22. ຂຬຍເ຅ Thank you Contact: Dr. Steven Shepley Mr. Phetsoulaphonh Choulatida