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Application of Vaadamaarga
Dr. Shruthi Panambur
Final year PG scholar
Dept of PG studies in Ayurveda Samhita and
Sri Sri College of Ayurvedic Science & Research
Dr. Sri Nagesh K.A
Professor & HOD
Dept Of PG Studies In Ayurveda Samhita And
Sri Sri College Of Ayurvedic Science & Research
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• Introduction
• Materials and methods
• Results
• Discussion
• Conclusion
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• There was, for a considerable period of time, a very lively and extensively
practiced tradition of formal debates. It is called vaada.
• Vaada is a discussion with opponents based on scriptures.
• Logical discussion promotes knowledge, power of speech and eliminates doubts.
• Vaada takes place involving common topics and person who are all participating
in it, should be well versed in the subject.
• Charaka Samhita in vimana sthaana explains about vaada maarga (method of
vaada) under 44 terms.
• Here we are going to understand vaada maarga.
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• Materials
Charaka Samhita, Shabdakalpa dhruma, Amara kosha.
• Methods
1. Review on vaada maarga.
2. Application of vaada maarga.
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• History of vaada
• Reference
• Prakarana samanvaya
• Vaada maarga Nirukthi
• 44 vaada maarga
• Each vaada maarga definition
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History of vaada
• The knowledge of conducting a successful debate was referred to as vaada
• It is there from the age of Upanishad example in Bhadrakaaranya
Upanishad there is a reference of vaada between sages.
• Nyaayasutra mentioned three kinds of debate, namely, vaada, jalpa and
• The vaada traditions are still practiced in modern times by Tibetian
Buddhists monk.
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• Charaka Samhita-vimana sthaana- 8th adhyaaya (Rogabhishagjiteeyam vimaana)- 26-67shloka
Prakarana samanvaya
Grantha pareeksha, aachaarya pareeksha,shaastra jnaanopaaya,
adhyayana vidhi
Shishya pareeksha, shishyopanayana vidhi, shishya upadesha
Tadvidhya sambhaasha importance, bheda, anuloma
sambhasha vidhi, vigruhya sambhasha vidhi
Vaada maryaada lakshana, vaada maarga 44 pada lakshana
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Need of vaada maarga
तत्रेदं वादमर्ाादालक्षणं भवतत-
इदं वाच्यम्, इदमवाच्यम्, एवं परातितो भवतीतत||(
The results of discussion is to know is it worth speaking or not worth
speaking thus to know how one is defeat other.
इमाति तु खलु पदाति तभषग्वादमार्ाज्ञािार्ामतिर्म्याति भवन्ति।(
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Vaada maarga Nirukti and definition
• वाद- वद् – व्यक्तार्ां वाति, वद- सन्देशवििे (sh.ka.d)
- र्र्ार्ाबोिेच्छोवााक्यम् (sh.ka.d)
- तत्त्वबुभुत्सर्ा कर्िे “ प्रमाणतक
ा साििोपलम्भः तसद्धािातवरुद्धः
पञ्चावर्वोपपन्नः पक्षप्रतत- पक्षपररप्रहो वादः इतत” (vaachaspati)
• मार्ा- मृर््
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44 vaada maarga
वादः दृष्टािः प्रर्ोििं वाक्यप्रशंसा
द्रव्यं उपिर्ः सव्यतभिारं छलम्
र्ुणाः तिर्मिम् तिज्ञासा अहेतुः
कमा उत्तरं व्यवसार्ः अतीतकालम्
सामान्यं तसद्धािः अर्ाप्रान्ततः उपालम्भः
तवशेषः शब्दः संभवः पररहारः
समवार्ः प्रत्यक्षम् अिुर्ोज्यम् प्रततज्ञाहातिः
प्रततज्ञा अिुमािम् अििुर्ोज्यम् अभ्यिुज्ञा
स्र्ापिा ऐततह्यम् अिुर्ोर्ः हेत्विरम्
प्रततष्ठापिा औपम्यं प्रत्यिुर्ोर्ः अर्ाािरं
हेतुः संशर्ः वाक्यदोषः तिग्रहस्र्ािं
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• Definitions
• तत्र वादो िाम स र्त् परेण सह शास्त्रपूवाक
ं तवर्ृह्य कर्र्तत|(
The vaada is that in which a discussion is done with the opponent based
on shaastra.
Jalpa •तत्र पक्षातितर्ोवाििं िल्पः
vitanda •िल्पतवपर्ार्ो तवतण्डा
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द्रव्यं-र्ुणाः-कमा-सामान्यं –तवशेषः-समवार्ः
द्रव्यं र्त्रातिताः कमार्ुणाः कारणं समवातर् र्त्|
तद् द्रव्यं ...
र्ुण समवार्ी तु तिश्चेष्टः कारणं र्ुणः||
कमा संर्ोर्े ि तवभार्े ि कारणं द्रव्यमातितम्|
कताव्यस्य तिर्ा कमा कमा िान्यदपेक्षते||
सामान्यं सवादा सवाभावािां सामान्यं वृन्तद्धकारणम्|
तुल्यार्ाता तह सामान्यं
तवशेषः ह्रासहेतुतवाशेषश्च
तवशेषस्तु पृर्क्त्वक
ृ त्|
तवशेषस्तु तवपर्ार्ः
समवार्ः समवार्ोऽपृर्ग्भावो भूम्यादीिां र्ुणैमातः|
स तित्यो र्त्र तह द्रव्यं ि तत्रातिर्तो र्ुणः||
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प्रततज्ञा-स्र्ापिा-प्रततष्ठापिा-हेतुः –दृष्टािः-उपिर्ः-
प्रततज्ञा प्रततज्ञा िाम साध्यवििं
स्र्ापिा स्र्ापिा िाम तस्या एव प्रततज्ञार्ा हेतुदृष्टािोपिर्तिर्मिैः स्र्ापिा|
पूवं तह प्रततज्ञा, पश्चात् स्र्ापिा, तक
ं ह्यप्रततज्ञातं स्र्ापतर्ष्यतत
प्रततष्ठापिा प्रततष्ठापिा िाम र्ा तस्या एव परप्रततज्ञार्ा तवपरीतार्ास्र्ापिा|
हेतुः हेतुिाामोपलन्तिकारणं; तत् प्रत्यक्षम्, अिुमािम्, ऐततह्यम्, औपम्यतमतत; एतभहेतुतभर्ादुपलभ्यते तत् त
दृष्टािः दृष्टािो िाम र्त्र मूखातवदुषां बुन्तद्धसाम्यं, र्ो वर्ण्यं वणार्तत |
उपिर्ः दृष्टािः - र्र्ाऽऽकाशतमतत; उपिर्ः- र्र्ा िाक
ृ तकमाकाशं,
दृष्टािः- र्र्ा घट इतत, उपिर्ो- र्र्ा घट ऐन्तिर्कः स िातित्यः, तर्ा िार्तमतत
तिर्मिं तिर्मिं- तस्मातन्नत्य इतत|, तिर्मिं- तस्मादतित्य इतत||
उत्तरं उत्तरं िाम सािम्योपतदष्टे हेतौ वैिम्यावििं, वैिम्योपतदष्टे वा हेतौ सािम्यावििम्|
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• तसद्धािो िाम स र्ः परीक्षक
ै बाहुतविं परीक्ष्य हेतुतभश्च साितर्त्वा स्र्ाप्यते तिणा
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• शब्दो िाम वणासमाम्नार्ः।
• तत्र दृष्टार्ो िाम-
तत्रतभहेतुतभदोषाः प्रक
ु प्यन्ति, षड्तभरुपिमैश्च प्रशाम्यन्ति, सतत िोत्रातदसद्भावे शब्दातदग्रहणतमतत|
• अदृष्टार्ाः पुिः- अन्तस्त प्रेत्यभावः, अन्तस्त मोक्ष इतत|
• सत्यो िाम-
र्र्ार्ाभूतः; सन्त्यार्ुवेदोपदेशाः, सन्ति तसद्ध्युपार्ाः साध्यािां व्यािीिां, सन्त्यारम्भफलािीतत|
• सत्यतवपर्ार्श्चािृतः
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प्रत्यक्षम्, अिुमािम्, ऐततह्यम्, औपम्यं
प्रत्यक्षम् प्रत्यक्षं िाम तद्यदात्मिा िेन्तिर्ैश्च स्वर्मुपलभ्यते; तत्रात्मप्रत्यक्षाः सुखदुःखे
च्छाद्वेषादर्ः, शब्दादर्न्तिन्तिर्प्रत्यक्षाः||
अिुमािम् अिुमािं िाम तको र्ुक्त्यपेक्षः; र्र्ा-
अतनं िरणशक्त्या, बलं व्यार्ामशक्त्या, िोत्रादीति शब्दातदग्रहणेिेत्येवमा
ऐततह्यम् ऐततह्यं िामातोपदेशो वेदातदः|
औपम्यं औपम्यं िाम र्दन्येिान्यस्य सादृश्यमतिक
ृ त्य प्रकाशिं; र्र्ा-
दण्डेि दण्डकस्य, ििुषा ििुःस्तम्भस्य, इष्वासेिाऽऽरोग्यदस्येतत||
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संशर्ः, प्रर्ोििं, सव्यतभिारं, तिज्ञासा, व्यवसार्ः, अर्ाप्रान्तत,
संशर्ः संशर्ो िाम सन्देहलक्षणािुसन्तन्दग्धेष्वर्ेष्वतिश्चर्ः,
प्रर्ोििं प्रर्ोििं िाम र्दर्ामारभ्यि आरम्भाः
सव्यतभिारं सव्यतभिारं िाम र्द्व्यतभिरणं;
तिज्ञासा तिज्ञासा िाम परीक्षा
व्यवसार्ः व्यवसार्ो िाम तिश्चर्ः
अर्ाप्रान्तत अर्ाप्रान्ततिााम र्त्रैक
े िार्ेिोक्तेिापरस्यार्ास्यािुक्तस्यातप तसन्तद्धः;
सम्भवः र्ो र्तः सम्भवतत स तस्य सम्भवः
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अिुर्ोज्यं, अििुर्ोज्यं, अिुर्ोर्ो
, प्रत्यिुर्ोर्ः
अिुर्ोज्यं अिुर्ोज्यं िाम र्द्वाक्यं वाक्यदोषर्ुक्तं तत्।सामान्यतो व्याहृते
ष्वर्ेषु वा तवशेषग्रहणार्ं र्द्वाक्यं तदप्यिुर्ोज्यं
अििुर्ोज्यं अििुर्ोज्यं िामातो तवपर्ार्ेण
अिुर्ोर्ो अिुर्ोर्ो िाम स र्त् ततद्वद्यािां ततद्वद्यैरेव सािं तन्त्रे तन्त्रैकदेशे
वा प्रश्नःप्रश्नैकदेशो वा ज्ञाितवज्ञािवििप्रततवििपरीक्षार्ामातदश्य
प्रत्यिुर्ोर्ः प्रत्यिुर्ोर्ो िामािुर्ोर्स्यािुर्ोर्ः
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• वाक्यदोषो िाम र्र्ा खल्वन्तस्मन्नर्े न्यूिम्, अतिकम्, अिर्ाकम्, अपार्ाक
ं , तवरु
द्धं िेतत; एताति ह्यिरेण ि प्रक
ृ तोऽर्ाः प्रणशर्ेत्|
वाक्यदोषः Definition
न्यूनम् प्रततज्ञाहेतूदाहरणोपिर्तिर्मिािामन्यतमेिातप न्यूिं न्यूिं भवतत; र्द्वा बहूपतदष्टहेतु
े ि हेतुिा साध्यते तच्च न्यूिम्|
अधिकम् अतिक
ं िाम र्न्न्यूितवपरीतं. – 2 types - अर्ापुिरुक्तं, शब्दपुिरुक्तं ि
अनर्थकम् अिर्ाक
ं िाम र्द्वििमक्षरग्राममात्रमेव स्यात् पञ्चवर्ावन्न िार्ातो र्ृह्यते|
ं अपार्ाक
ं िाम र्दर्ावच्च परस्परेणासंर्ुज्यमािार्ाक
ं ; र्र्ा- िि-ि(त)ि-वंश-वज्र-
तिशाकरा इतत|
धवरुद्धं तवरुद्धं िाम र्द् दृष्टाितसद्धािसमर्ैतवारुद्धं- दृष्टाि तवरुद्धं , तसद्धि तवरुद्धं ,समर्
तवरुद्धं (आर्ुवेतदक समर्, र्ातज्ञक समर्, मोक्ष शान्तस्त्रक समर्)
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• वाक्यप्रशंसा िाम र्र्ा खल्वन्तस्मन्नर्े त्वन्यूिम्, अितिकम्, अर्ावत्, अिपार्ाक
म्, अतवरुद्धम्, अतिर्तपदार्ं िेतत र्त्तद्वाक्यमििुर्ोज्यतमतत प्रशस्यते||
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छलं, अहेतु, अतीतकालं, उपालम्भो
छलं छलं िाम पररशङ्गमर्ााभासमिर्ाक
ं वाग्वस्तुमात्रमेव|
् तवतविं- वाक्छलं, सामान्यच्छलं ि|
अहेतु अहेतुिाामप्रकरणसमः, संशर्समः, वर्ण्यासमश्चेतत|
अतीतकालं अतीतकालं िाम र्त् पूवं वाच्यं तत् पश्चादुच्यते, तत् कालातीतत्वादग्राह्यं
उपालम्भो उपालम्भो िाम हेतोदोषवििं
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पररहार, प्रततज्ञाहातिः, अभ्यिुज्ञा, हेत्विरं, अर्ाािरं
पररहार पररहारो िाम तस्यैव दोषवििस्य पररहरणं
प्रततज्ञाहातिः प्रततज्ञाहातििााम सा पूवापररर्ृहीतां प्रततज्ञां पर्ािुर्ुक्तो र्त् पररत्यितत
अभ्यिुज्ञा अभ्यिुज्ञा िाम सा र् इष्टातिष्टाभ्युपर्मः|
हेत्विरं हेत्विरं िाम प्रक
ृ तहेतौ वाच्ये र्तद्वक
ृ तहेतुमाह
अर्ाािरं अर्ाािरं िामैकन्तस्मि् वक्तव्येऽपरं र्दाह|
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तिग्रहस्र्ािं(reasons for defeat)
• तिग्रहस्र्ािं िाम परािर्प्रान्ततःतच्च तत्ररतभतहतस्य वाक्यस्यापररज्ञािं पररषतद
तवज्ञािवत्यां, र्द्वा अििुर्ोज्यस्यािुर्ोर्ोऽिुर्ोज्यस्य िाििुर्ोर्ः|
प्रततज्ञाहातिः, अभ्यिुज्ञा, कालातीतवििम्, अहेतुः, न्यूिम्, अतिक
ं , व्यर्ाम्, अ
ं , पुिरुक्तं, तवरुद्धं, हेत्विरम्, अर्ाािरं ि तिग्रहस्र्ािम्||
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Guideline for a vaada
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वादस्तु खलु तभषिां प्रवतामािो प्रवतेतार्ुवेद एव,
The physicians should discuss in debate the topics which is
related to Ayurveda not any other subject.
अत्र तह वाक्यप्रततवाक्यतवस्तराः क
े वलाश्चोपपत्तर्ः
Here the statement and counter statement entire topics of
Ayurveda in detail all the arguments should be mentioned.
ताः सवााः समवेक्ष्यावेक्ष्य सवं वाक्यं ब्रूर्ात्, िाप्रक
ृ त
ु लमव्यापक
ं वा|
One should make any statements taking into consideration all
the reasoning properly and with fully considering and
understanding all the aspects and not anything which is
irrelevant, unscriptural, unexamined, in appropriate and
सवं ि हेतुमद् ब्रूर्ात्| He should speak every thing with reasoning
हेतुमिो ह्यकलुषाः सवा एव वादतवग्रहातश्चतकन्तत्सते
कारणभूताः, प्रशस्तबुन्तद्धविाकत्वात्; सवाारम्भतसन्तद्धं
ह्यावहत्यिुपहता बुन्तद्धः|
All the conflicts of vaada if endowed with reasoning, are devoid
of defects and being promoter of understanding become asset
for success in treatment, because undamaged intellect leads to
success in all the actions.
Theory of vaada in Nyaayasutra
• Among 16 padaartha- pramana, samshaya, prayojana(drushta and adrushta),
drishtaanta, Siddhanta, pancha avayava, vaada, jalpa, vitanda,
hetwabhasa(savyabhichaari, viruddham, prakarana sama, saadhyasama,
ateetakaala), arthapraapti, nigrahasthaana
• Vaada – debate between a proponent and his teacher or somebody with a
similar status. The goal of the vaada is establishment of truth or an accepted
• Jalpa and vitanda- debate between those who want victory.
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Why it is explained in rogabhishakjitheeyam
vimaana adhyaaya?
• तवशेषेण मीर्ते ज्ञार्ते दोषभेषिाद्यिेिेतत तवमािं, दोषभेषिादीिां
प्रभावातदतवशेष इत्यर्ाः। (
• रोर्तभषन्तितं तितकन्तत्सतमतिक
ृ त्य क
ृ तोऽध्यार्ो रोर्तभषन्तितीर्ः|(
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Discussion on prakarana samanvaya
• The ideal treatise, ideal teacher and ideal student are considered as
basic pillars for proper propagation of Ayurveda. Learning never ends
once we perceived the degree, further knowledge is gained by
discussion with similar interest people.
12/12/2022 28
Why it is called vaada Maarga?
• मार्ा- अिुर्त ऐषण(sh.ka.dr)
• In the course of vaada the tools/ words required from the start of the
vaada till the end of the vaada is been explained thus it is named as
maarga not patha or disha etc.
12/12/2022 29
Importance of vaada?
• Vaada between the group of individuals, who typically shares similar interest, solve
problems or make comments.
• Here vaada helps in acquiring knowledge to provide better care to the patients
• Doing vaada will help in the development of participant’s cognitive, critical
thinking and analytical thinking.
• Healthy discussion brings the growth in knowledge, increases enlightenment and is
helpful in preparation for competition. Sharpness and clarity of the topic is
increased. Vocabulary is increased and also interpretation power is increased.
• The points that should be considered while preparing for any presentation are
applicable for effective communication
12/12/2022 30
Categorizing the 44 vaada maarga
• Medium of expression – shabda
• Reason for vaada- samshaya , prayojana, jignasa
• Topics for vaada – dravya, guna, karma, saamaanya, vishesha
• Method of presentation – pratigna, sthaapana, pratishtaapana, hetu,
drishtaanta, upanaya, nigamana, Uttara
• Tools used for proving the statement- Siddhanta, prathyaksha,
anumaana, aitihya, aupamya
12/12/2022 31
• Helping words – arthapraapthi, sambhava
• Definite conclusion - vyavasaaya
• Indefinite conclusion – savyabhicaara
• Questions on presentation – anuyoga, pratyanuyoga, chhala, parihaara,
• Reasons for failure (defeat) of vaada- anuyojya, vaakyadosha, ahetu,
ateetakaala, pratignahaani, hetwantara, arthaanthara
• Reasons for success of vaada- ananuyojya, vaakyaprashamsa, abhyanujna
• Failure (defeat) - nigrahasthaana
12/12/2022 32
• िामकरण तसद्धाि
• प्रतततन्त्र तसद्धाि
• अभ्युपर्म तसद्धाि
12/12/2022 33
• प्रकरण अतिकरण
• र्ोर्
• तिदशाि
• पदार्ा
• प्रर्ोिि(to win)
• तिर्ोर्(guidelines)
12/12/2022 34
Application of vaadamarga in research
• Design of research work– संशर्, तिग्न्यास, व्यवसार्, प्रर्ोिि, सम्भव
• Area and measure- द्रव्य, र्ुण, कमा, समान्य, तवशेष, समवार्
• Title of research work- प्रततज्ञा
• Aims and objective- हेतु
• Well known established work, any instances, example- दृष्टाि
• Comparative study- उपिर्
• Final conclusion- तिर्मि
12/12/2022 35
• Validation of research work/ establishment of universal truth- तसद्धाि-
universal theory, restricted theory, implied theory, hypothetical theory
• Establishment of theory through justification – स्र्ापि
• Counter argument against the proposition set- प्रततस्र्ापि
• Tools/ instruments of research – शब्द, प्रत्यक्ष, अिुमाि, ऐततह्य, औपम्य,
• Demonstration for approval- अििुर्ोज्य(infallible statement),
अिुर्ोर्(compilation of partial quiery), प्रत्यिुर्ोर्(repeated compilation of
query/counter- question), पररहार(correction and compilation),
वाक्यप्रशंस(syntactical excellence)
12/12/2022 36
• Defects in demonstration- सव्यतभिारर (doubtful statement), अिुर्ोज्य
(defective / questionable statement), वाक्यदोष (defect in statement),
छल (verbal and general casuistry), अहेतु(defective observation),
अतीतकाल(delayed statement, defiance of temporal order),
उपलम्भ(defective causality), अभ्यिुज्ञ्य(admission of argument),
हेत्विर(imperfect reason is stated), अर्ाािर(irrelevant statement),
• Rejection or failure of work – प्रततज्ञाहाति(failure to prove the
synopsis), तिग्रहस्र्ाि (rejection from approval/ unproved)
12/12/2022 37
Method of conducting vaada(jalpa/vitanda) in
current scenario?
• Discussion with in the department
• Inter departmental Discussion
• Seminars (national and international)
• Seminars, on the topics that is to be explored
• Case presentations
• Research papers
• Direct forming a group
• Google groups
• Facebook groups
• Whats app groups
• Zoom meetings
Vaada Method
12/12/2022 38
Jalpa and vitanda
• Jalpa stands for two contrary views where the speaker and opponent
tries to prove their view. so, through the outcome of jalpa we can
analyze which view is right.
• Through Vitanda we can analyse various avenues to a given context.
• So, jalpa helps in establishing a statement whereas vitanda gives
knowledge about various aspects that is to be considered and involved
in that context.
12/12/2022 39
12/12/2022 40
• Vaada maarga is been explained in vimaana sthaana as vi stands for
vishishta maana of doshadi factors by knowing the vaada maarga is
helps to enrich the knowledge about doshadi vishaya and arrive at a
• The word maarga is specifically used to indicate its association from
start to end of a vaada
• vaada will help in the development of participant’s cognitive,
analytical thinking and critical thinking.
12/12/2022 41
• Vaada maarga is explained by Charaka Samhita so it is considered as
pratitantra Siddhanta
• Importance of naamakarana Siddhanta is understood by explaining
the each word in detail
• The words with udaaharana helped us to understand the concept in
• vaada maarga in present senorio is understood as national and
international presentations, presentations in department and
interdepartment, in groups
12/12/2022 42
• Definite conclusion after vaada can be taken as abhyupagama
• Vaada maarga can be organized in a way that which can be helpful
for presentation like categorizing it as reason for vaada, title, topic,
success,failure etc
• Vaada maarga can also be classified under research protocol.
• Jalpa helps in establishing a statement whereas vitanda gives
knowledge about various aspects that is to be considered and
involved in that context.
12/12/2022 43

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  • 1. DAARSHANIKA SIDDHANTA Application of Vaadamaarga PRESENTER Dr. Shruthi Panambur Final year PG scholar Dept of PG studies in Ayurveda Samhita and Siddhanta Sri Sri College of Ayurvedic Science & Research Bengaluru GUIDED BY Dr. Sri Nagesh K.A Professor & HOD Dept Of PG Studies In Ayurveda Samhita And Siddhanta Sri Sri College Of Ayurvedic Science & Research Bengaluru 12/12/2022 1
  • 2. CONTENTS • Introduction • Materials and methods • Results • Discussion • Conclusion 12/12/2022 2
  • 3. INTRODUCTION • There was, for a considerable period of time, a very lively and extensively practiced tradition of formal debates. It is called vaada. • Vaada is a discussion with opponents based on scriptures. • Logical discussion promotes knowledge, power of speech and eliminates doubts. • Vaada takes place involving common topics and person who are all participating in it, should be well versed in the subject. • Charaka Samhita in vimana sthaana explains about vaada maarga (method of vaada) under 44 terms. • Here we are going to understand vaada maarga. 12/12/2022 3
  • 4. MATERIALS AND METHODS • Materials Charaka Samhita, Shabdakalpa dhruma, Amara kosha. • Methods 1. Review on vaada maarga. 2. Application of vaada maarga. 12/12/2022 4
  • 5. Review • History of vaada • Reference • Prakarana samanvaya • Vaada maarga Nirukthi • 44 vaada maarga • Each vaada maarga definition 12/12/2022 5
  • 6. History of vaada • The knowledge of conducting a successful debate was referred to as vaada vidya. • It is there from the age of Upanishad example in Bhadrakaaranya Upanishad there is a reference of vaada between sages. • Nyaayasutra mentioned three kinds of debate, namely, vaada, jalpa and vitanda. • The vaada traditions are still practiced in modern times by Tibetian Buddhists monk. 12/12/2022 6
  • 7. Reference • Charaka Samhita-vimana sthaana- 8th adhyaaya (Rogabhishagjiteeyam vimaana)- 26-67shloka Prakarana samanvaya Grantha pareeksha, aachaarya pareeksha,shaastra jnaanopaaya, adhyayana vidhi Shishya pareeksha, shishyopanayana vidhi, shishya upadesha Tadvidhya sambhaasha importance, bheda, anuloma sambhasha vidhi, vigruhya sambhasha vidhi Vaada maryaada lakshana, vaada maarga 44 pada lakshana 12/12/2022 7
  • 8. Need of vaada maarga तत्रेदं वादमर्ाादालक्षणं भवतत- इदं वाच्यम्, इदमवाच्यम्, एवं परातितो भवतीतत||( The results of discussion is to know is it worth speaking or not worth speaking thus to know how one is defeat other. इमाति तु खलु पदाति तभषग्वादमार्ाज्ञािार्ामतिर्म्याति भवन्ति।( 12/12/2022 8
  • 9. Vaada maarga Nirukti and definition • वाद- वद् – व्यक्तार्ां वाति, वद- सन्देशवििे (sh.ka.d) - र्र्ार्ाबोिेच्छोवााक्यम् (sh.ka.d) - तत्त्वबुभुत्सर्ा कर्िे “ प्रमाणतक ा साििोपलम्भः तसद्धािातवरुद्धः पञ्चावर्वोपपन्नः पक्षप्रतत- पक्षपररप्रहो वादः इतत” (vaachaspati) • मार्ा- मृर्् पन्ाः 12/12/2022 9
  • 10. 44 vaada maarga वादः दृष्टािः प्रर्ोििं वाक्यप्रशंसा द्रव्यं उपिर्ः सव्यतभिारं छलम् र्ुणाः तिर्मिम् तिज्ञासा अहेतुः कमा उत्तरं व्यवसार्ः अतीतकालम् सामान्यं तसद्धािः अर्ाप्रान्ततः उपालम्भः तवशेषः शब्दः संभवः पररहारः समवार्ः प्रत्यक्षम् अिुर्ोज्यम् प्रततज्ञाहातिः प्रततज्ञा अिुमािम् अििुर्ोज्यम् अभ्यिुज्ञा स्र्ापिा ऐततह्यम् अिुर्ोर्ः हेत्विरम् प्रततष्ठापिा औपम्यं प्रत्यिुर्ोर्ः अर्ाािरं हेतुः संशर्ः वाक्यदोषः तिग्रहस्र्ािं 12/12/2022 10
  • 11. वादः • Definitions • तत्र वादो िाम स र्त् परेण सह शास्त्रपूवाक ं तवर्ृह्य कर्र्तत|( The vaada is that in which a discussion is done with the opponent based on shaastra. Jalpa •तत्र पक्षातितर्ोवाििं िल्पः vitanda •िल्पतवपर्ार्ो तवतण्डा 12/12/2022 11
  • 12. द्रव्यं-र्ुणाः-कमा-सामान्यं –तवशेषः-समवार्ः द्रव्यं र्त्रातिताः कमार्ुणाः कारणं समवातर् र्त्| तद् द्रव्यं ... र्ुण समवार्ी तु तिश्चेष्टः कारणं र्ुणः|| कमा संर्ोर्े ि तवभार्े ि कारणं द्रव्यमातितम्| कताव्यस्य तिर्ा कमा कमा िान्यदपेक्षते|| सामान्यं सवादा सवाभावािां सामान्यं वृन्तद्धकारणम्| सामान्यमेकत्वकरं तुल्यार्ाता तह सामान्यं तवशेषः ह्रासहेतुतवाशेषश्च तवशेषस्तु पृर्क्त्वक ृ त्| तवशेषस्तु तवपर्ार्ः समवार्ः समवार्ोऽपृर्ग्भावो भूम्यादीिां र्ुणैमातः| स तित्यो र्त्र तह द्रव्यं ि तत्रातिर्तो र्ुणः|| 12/12/2022 12
  • 13. प्रततज्ञा-स्र्ापिा-प्रततष्ठापिा-हेतुः –दृष्टािः-उपिर्ः- तिर्मिं-उत्तरं प्रततज्ञा प्रततज्ञा िाम साध्यवििं स्र्ापिा स्र्ापिा िाम तस्या एव प्रततज्ञार्ा हेतुदृष्टािोपिर्तिर्मिैः स्र्ापिा| पूवं तह प्रततज्ञा, पश्चात् स्र्ापिा, तक ं ह्यप्रततज्ञातं स्र्ापतर्ष्यतत प्रततष्ठापिा प्रततष्ठापिा िाम र्ा तस्या एव परप्रततज्ञार्ा तवपरीतार्ास्र्ापिा| हेतुः हेतुिाामोपलन्तिकारणं; तत् प्रत्यक्षम्, अिुमािम्, ऐततह्यम्, औपम्यतमतत; एतभहेतुतभर्ादुपलभ्यते तत् त त्त्वम्| दृष्टािः दृष्टािो िाम र्त्र मूखातवदुषां बुन्तद्धसाम्यं, र्ो वर्ण्यं वणार्तत | उपिर्ः दृष्टािः - र्र्ाऽऽकाशतमतत; उपिर्ः- र्र्ा िाक ृ तकमाकाशं, दृष्टािः- र्र्ा घट इतत, उपिर्ो- र्र्ा घट ऐन्तिर्कः स िातित्यः, तर्ा िार्तमतत तिर्मिं तिर्मिं- तस्मातन्नत्य इतत|, तिर्मिं- तस्मादतित्य इतत|| उत्तरं उत्तरं िाम सािम्योपतदष्टे हेतौ वैिम्यावििं, वैिम्योपतदष्टे वा हेतौ सािम्यावििम्| 12/12/2022 13
  • 14. तसद्धािः • तसद्धािो िाम स र्ः परीक्षक ै बाहुतविं परीक्ष्य हेतुतभश्च साितर्त्वा स्र्ाप्यते तिणा र्ः| तसद्धािः सवातन्त्रतसद्धािः प्रतततन्त्रतसद्धािः अतिकरणतसद्धािः अभ्युपर्मतसद्धाि 12/12/2022 14
  • 15. शब्दः • शब्दो िाम वणासमाम्नार्ः। दृष्टार्ा: • तत्र दृष्टार्ो िाम- तत्रतभहेतुतभदोषाः प्रक ु प्यन्ति, षड्तभरुपिमैश्च प्रशाम्यन्ति, सतत िोत्रातदसद्भावे शब्दातदग्रहणतमतत| अदृष्टार्ाः • अदृष्टार्ाः पुिः- अन्तस्त प्रेत्यभावः, अन्तस्त मोक्ष इतत| सत्य • सत्यो िाम- र्र्ार्ाभूतः; सन्त्यार्ुवेदोपदेशाः, सन्ति तसद्ध्युपार्ाः साध्यािां व्यािीिां, सन्त्यारम्भफलािीतत| अिृत: • सत्यतवपर्ार्श्चािृतः 12/12/2022 15
  • 16. प्रत्यक्षम्, अिुमािम्, ऐततह्यम्, औपम्यं प्रत्यक्षम् प्रत्यक्षं िाम तद्यदात्मिा िेन्तिर्ैश्च स्वर्मुपलभ्यते; तत्रात्मप्रत्यक्षाः सुखदुःखे च्छाद्वेषादर्ः, शब्दादर्न्तिन्तिर्प्रत्यक्षाः|| अिुमािम् अिुमािं िाम तको र्ुक्त्यपेक्षः; र्र्ा- अतनं िरणशक्त्या, बलं व्यार्ामशक्त्या, िोत्रादीति शब्दातदग्रहणेिेत्येवमा तद|| ऐततह्यम् ऐततह्यं िामातोपदेशो वेदातदः| औपम्यं औपम्यं िाम र्दन्येिान्यस्य सादृश्यमतिक ृ त्य प्रकाशिं; र्र्ा- दण्डेि दण्डकस्य, ििुषा ििुःस्तम्भस्य, इष्वासेिाऽऽरोग्यदस्येतत|| 12/12/2022 16
  • 17. संशर्ः, प्रर्ोििं, सव्यतभिारं, तिज्ञासा, व्यवसार्ः, अर्ाप्रान्तत, सम्भवः संशर्ः संशर्ो िाम सन्देहलक्षणािुसन्तन्दग्धेष्वर्ेष्वतिश्चर्ः, प्रर्ोििं प्रर्ोििं िाम र्दर्ामारभ्यि आरम्भाः सव्यतभिारं सव्यतभिारं िाम र्द्व्यतभिरणं; तिज्ञासा तिज्ञासा िाम परीक्षा व्यवसार्ः व्यवसार्ो िाम तिश्चर्ः अर्ाप्रान्तत अर्ाप्रान्ततिााम र्त्रैक े िार्ेिोक्तेिापरस्यार्ास्यािुक्तस्यातप तसन्तद्धः; सम्भवः र्ो र्तः सम्भवतत स तस्य सम्भवः 12/12/2022 17
  • 18. अिुर्ोज्यं, अििुर्ोज्यं, अिुर्ोर्ो , प्रत्यिुर्ोर्ः अिुर्ोज्यं अिुर्ोज्यं िाम र्द्वाक्यं वाक्यदोषर्ुक्तं तत्।सामान्यतो व्याहृते ष्वर्ेषु वा तवशेषग्रहणार्ं र्द्वाक्यं तदप्यिुर्ोज्यं अििुर्ोज्यं अििुर्ोज्यं िामातो तवपर्ार्ेण अिुर्ोर्ो अिुर्ोर्ो िाम स र्त् ततद्वद्यािां ततद्वद्यैरेव सािं तन्त्रे तन्त्रैकदेशे वा प्रश्नःप्रश्नैकदेशो वा ज्ञाितवज्ञािवििप्रततवििपरीक्षार्ामातदश्य ते| प्रत्यिुर्ोर्ः प्रत्यिुर्ोर्ो िामािुर्ोर्स्यािुर्ोर्ः 12/12/2022 18
  • 19. वाक्यदोषः • वाक्यदोषो िाम र्र्ा खल्वन्तस्मन्नर्े न्यूिम्, अतिकम्, अिर्ाकम्, अपार्ाक ं , तवरु द्धं िेतत; एताति ह्यिरेण ि प्रक ृ तोऽर्ाः प्रणशर्ेत्| वाक्यदोषः Definition न्यूनम् प्रततज्ञाहेतूदाहरणोपिर्तिर्मिािामन्यतमेिातप न्यूिं न्यूिं भवतत; र्द्वा बहूपतदष्टहेतु कमेक े ि हेतुिा साध्यते तच्च न्यूिम्| अधिकम् अतिक ं िाम र्न्न्यूितवपरीतं. – 2 types - अर्ापुिरुक्तं, शब्दपुिरुक्तं ि अनर्थकम् अिर्ाक ं िाम र्द्वििमक्षरग्राममात्रमेव स्यात् पञ्चवर्ावन्न िार्ातो र्ृह्यते| अपार्थक ं अपार्ाक ं िाम र्दर्ावच्च परस्परेणासंर्ुज्यमािार्ाक ं ; र्र्ा- िि-ि(त)ि-वंश-वज्र- तिशाकरा इतत| धवरुद्धं तवरुद्धं िाम र्द् दृष्टाितसद्धािसमर्ैतवारुद्धं- दृष्टाि तवरुद्धं , तसद्धि तवरुद्धं ,समर् तवरुद्धं (आर्ुवेतदक समर्, र्ातज्ञक समर्, मोक्ष शान्तस्त्रक समर्) 12/12/2022 19
  • 20. वाक्यप्रशंसा • वाक्यप्रशंसा िाम र्र्ा खल्वन्तस्मन्नर्े त्वन्यूिम्, अितिकम्, अर्ावत्, अिपार्ाक म्, अतवरुद्धम्, अतिर्तपदार्ं िेतत र्त्तद्वाक्यमििुर्ोज्यतमतत प्रशस्यते|| 12/12/2022 20
  • 21. छलं, अहेतु, अतीतकालं, उपालम्भो छलं छलं िाम पररशङ्गमर्ााभासमिर्ाक ं वाग्वस्तुमात्रमेव| तद्द ् तवतविं- वाक्छलं, सामान्यच्छलं ि| अहेतु अहेतुिाामप्रकरणसमः, संशर्समः, वर्ण्यासमश्चेतत| अतीतकालं अतीतकालं िाम र्त् पूवं वाच्यं तत् पश्चादुच्यते, तत् कालातीतत्वादग्राह्यं भवतीतत उपालम्भो उपालम्भो िाम हेतोदोषवििं 12/12/2022 21
  • 22. पररहार, प्रततज्ञाहातिः, अभ्यिुज्ञा, हेत्विरं, अर्ाािरं पररहार पररहारो िाम तस्यैव दोषवििस्य पररहरणं प्रततज्ञाहातिः प्रततज्ञाहातििााम सा पूवापररर्ृहीतां प्रततज्ञां पर्ािुर्ुक्तो र्त् पररत्यितत अभ्यिुज्ञा अभ्यिुज्ञा िाम सा र् इष्टातिष्टाभ्युपर्मः| हेत्विरं हेत्विरं िाम प्रक ृ तहेतौ वाच्ये र्तद्वक ृ तहेतुमाह अर्ाािरं अर्ाािरं िामैकन्तस्मि् वक्तव्येऽपरं र्दाह| 12/12/2022 22
  • 23. तिग्रहस्र्ािं(reasons for defeat) • तिग्रहस्र्ािं िाम परािर्प्रान्ततःतच्च तत्ररतभतहतस्य वाक्यस्यापररज्ञािं पररषतद तवज्ञािवत्यां, र्द्वा अििुर्ोज्यस्यािुर्ोर्ोऽिुर्ोज्यस्य िाििुर्ोर्ः| प्रततज्ञाहातिः, अभ्यिुज्ञा, कालातीतवििम्, अहेतुः, न्यूिम्, अतिक ं , व्यर्ाम्, अ िर्ाक ं , पुिरुक्तं, तवरुद्धं, हेत्विरम्, अर्ाािरं ि तिग्रहस्र्ािम्|| 12/12/2022 23
  • 24. Guideline for a vaada 12/12/2022 24 वादस्तु खलु तभषिां प्रवतामािो प्रवतेतार्ुवेद एव, िान्यत्र| The physicians should discuss in debate the topics which is related to Ayurveda not any other subject. अत्र तह वाक्यप्रततवाक्यतवस्तराः क े वलाश्चोपपत्तर्ः सवाातिकरणेषु| Here the statement and counter statement entire topics of Ayurveda in detail all the arguments should be mentioned. ताः सवााः समवेक्ष्यावेक्ष्य सवं वाक्यं ब्रूर्ात्, िाप्रक ृ त कमशास्त्रमपरीतक्षतमसािकमाक ु लमव्यापक ं वा| One should make any statements taking into consideration all the reasoning properly and with fully considering and understanding all the aspects and not anything which is irrelevant, unscriptural, unexamined, in appropriate and confused सवं ि हेतुमद् ब्रूर्ात्| He should speak every thing with reasoning हेतुमिो ह्यकलुषाः सवा एव वादतवग्रहातश्चतकन्तत्सते कारणभूताः, प्रशस्तबुन्तद्धविाकत्वात्; सवाारम्भतसन्तद्धं ह्यावहत्यिुपहता बुन्तद्धः| All the conflicts of vaada if endowed with reasoning, are devoid of defects and being promoter of understanding become asset for success in treatment, because undamaged intellect leads to success in all the actions.
  • 25. Theory of vaada in Nyaayasutra • Among 16 padaartha- pramana, samshaya, prayojana(drushta and adrushta), drishtaanta, Siddhanta, pancha avayava, vaada, jalpa, vitanda, hetwabhasa(savyabhichaari, viruddham, prakarana sama, saadhyasama, ateetakaala), arthapraapti, nigrahasthaana • Vaada – debate between a proponent and his teacher or somebody with a similar status. The goal of the vaada is establishment of truth or an accepted doctrine. • Jalpa and vitanda- debate between those who want victory. 12/12/2022 25
  • 27. Why it is explained in rogabhishakjitheeyam vimaana adhyaaya? • तवशेषेण मीर्ते ज्ञार्ते दोषभेषिाद्यिेिेतत तवमािं, दोषभेषिादीिां प्रभावातदतवशेष इत्यर्ाः। ( • रोर्तभषन्तितं तितकन्तत्सतमतिक ृ त्य क ृ तोऽध्यार्ो रोर्तभषन्तितीर्ः|( 2.chakrapani) 12/12/2022 27
  • 28. Discussion on prakarana samanvaya • The ideal treatise, ideal teacher and ideal student are considered as basic pillars for proper propagation of Ayurveda. Learning never ends once we perceived the degree, further knowledge is gained by discussion with similar interest people. 12/12/2022 28
  • 29. Why it is called vaada Maarga? • मार्ा- अिुर्त ऐषण(sh.ka.dr) • In the course of vaada the tools/ words required from the start of the vaada till the end of the vaada is been explained thus it is named as maarga not patha or disha etc. 12/12/2022 29
  • 30. Importance of vaada? • Vaada between the group of individuals, who typically shares similar interest, solve problems or make comments. • Here vaada helps in acquiring knowledge to provide better care to the patients • Doing vaada will help in the development of participant’s cognitive, critical thinking and analytical thinking. • Healthy discussion brings the growth in knowledge, increases enlightenment and is helpful in preparation for competition. Sharpness and clarity of the topic is increased. Vocabulary is increased and also interpretation power is increased. • The points that should be considered while preparing for any presentation are applicable for effective communication 12/12/2022 30
  • 31. Categorizing the 44 vaada maarga • Medium of expression – shabda • Reason for vaada- samshaya , prayojana, jignasa • Topics for vaada – dravya, guna, karma, saamaanya, vishesha • Method of presentation – pratigna, sthaapana, pratishtaapana, hetu, drishtaanta, upanaya, nigamana, Uttara • Tools used for proving the statement- Siddhanta, prathyaksha, anumaana, aitihya, aupamya 12/12/2022 31
  • 32. • Helping words – arthapraapthi, sambhava • Definite conclusion - vyavasaaya • Indefinite conclusion – savyabhicaara • Questions on presentation – anuyoga, pratyanuyoga, chhala, parihaara, upaalamba • Reasons for failure (defeat) of vaada- anuyojya, vaakyadosha, ahetu, ateetakaala, pratignahaani, hetwantara, arthaanthara • Reasons for success of vaada- ananuyojya, vaakyaprashamsa, abhyanujna • Failure (defeat) - nigrahasthaana 12/12/2022 32
  • 33. तसद्धाि • िामकरण तसद्धाि • प्रतततन्त्र तसद्धाि • अभ्युपर्म तसद्धाि 12/12/2022 33
  • 34. तन्त्रर्ुन्तक्त • प्रकरण अतिकरण • र्ोर् • तिदशाि • पदार्ा • प्रर्ोिि(to win) • तिर्ोर्(guidelines) 12/12/2022 34
  • 35. Application of vaadamarga in research • Design of research work– संशर्, तिग्न्यास, व्यवसार्, प्रर्ोिि, सम्भव • Area and measure- द्रव्य, र्ुण, कमा, समान्य, तवशेष, समवार् • Title of research work- प्रततज्ञा • Aims and objective- हेतु • Well known established work, any instances, example- दृष्टाि • Comparative study- उपिर् • Final conclusion- तिर्मि 12/12/2022 35
  • 36. • Validation of research work/ establishment of universal truth- तसद्धाि- universal theory, restricted theory, implied theory, hypothetical theory • Establishment of theory through justification – स्र्ापि • Counter argument against the proposition set- प्रततस्र्ापि • Tools/ instruments of research – शब्द, प्रत्यक्ष, अिुमाि, ऐततह्य, औपम्य, अर्ाप्रान्तत • Demonstration for approval- अििुर्ोज्य(infallible statement), अिुर्ोर्(compilation of partial quiery), प्रत्यिुर्ोर्(repeated compilation of query/counter- question), पररहार(correction and compilation), वाक्यप्रशंस(syntactical excellence) 12/12/2022 36
  • 37. • Defects in demonstration- सव्यतभिारर (doubtful statement), अिुर्ोज्य (defective / questionable statement), वाक्यदोष (defect in statement), छल (verbal and general casuistry), अहेतु(defective observation), अतीतकाल(delayed statement, defiance of temporal order), उपलम्भ(defective causality), अभ्यिुज्ञ्य(admission of argument), हेत्विर(imperfect reason is stated), अर्ाािर(irrelevant statement), उत्तर(rejoinder) • Rejection or failure of work – प्रततज्ञाहाति(failure to prove the synopsis), तिग्रहस्र्ाि (rejection from approval/ unproved) 12/12/2022 37
  • 38. Method of conducting vaada(jalpa/vitanda) in current scenario? • Discussion with in the department • Inter departmental Discussion • Seminars (national and international) • Seminars, on the topics that is to be explored • Case presentations • Research papers • Direct forming a group • Google groups • Facebook groups • Whats app groups • Zoom meetings Vaada Method 12/12/2022 38
  • 39. Jalpa and vitanda • Jalpa stands for two contrary views where the speaker and opponent tries to prove their view. so, through the outcome of jalpa we can analyze which view is right. • Through Vitanda we can analyse various avenues to a given context. • So, jalpa helps in establishing a statement whereas vitanda gives knowledge about various aspects that is to be considered and involved in that context. 12/12/2022 39
  • 40. Conclusion 12/12/2022 40 • Vaada maarga is been explained in vimaana sthaana as vi stands for vishishta maana of doshadi factors by knowing the vaada maarga is helps to enrich the knowledge about doshadi vishaya and arrive at a conclusion. • The word maarga is specifically used to indicate its association from start to end of a vaada • vaada will help in the development of participant’s cognitive, analytical thinking and critical thinking.
  • 41. Conclusion 12/12/2022 41 • Vaada maarga is explained by Charaka Samhita so it is considered as pratitantra Siddhanta • Importance of naamakarana Siddhanta is understood by explaining the each word in detail • The words with udaaharana helped us to understand the concept in clarity • vaada maarga in present senorio is understood as national and international presentations, presentations in department and interdepartment, in groups
  • 42. Conclusion 12/12/2022 42 • Definite conclusion after vaada can be taken as abhyupagama siddhaanta • Vaada maarga can be organized in a way that which can be helpful for presentation like categorizing it as reason for vaada, title, topic, success,failure etc • Vaada maarga can also be classified under research protocol. • Jalpa helps in establishing a statement whereas vitanda gives knowledge about various aspects that is to be considered and involved in that context.

Editor's Notes

  1. These debates were conducted, sometimes with royal places, to examine various religious, philosophical, moral and doctrine issues.
  2. Jalpa- in which speaker and opponent both present their views. Vitanda- in which opponent without advancing any of his own view , just finds faults in other view.
  3. Sthaapana- establishment Pratisthaapana- counter establishment Uttara kaarana and kaarya is opposite.
  4. Abhypagama – hypothetical theory,
  5. Samshaya- not conformed decision
  6. Bheshaja, aushada, saadhana, ,,,,bheshaja bheshaja Samaya- convention- general rule
  7. Chala- confusing statement, confusing word or statement Ahetu- not proper reasoning Ateetakaala- delayed order Upaalamba- pointing out defect in hetu.
  8. Abhyanugnya- accepting the argument with or without desire Hetwantara- irrelevant reasoning Arthaanthara- irrelevant statements
  9. The person involved in discussion in the assembly of learned scholar. Does not understanding In spite of being repeated thrice. Does not put a question where it is necessasary and question where it is unwanted
  10. Jalpa- in which speaker and opponent both present their views. Vitanda- in which opponent without advancing any of his own view , just finds faults in other view.
  11. Savyabhicahara, vyavasaya (firm descision), arthapraapthi
  12. Savyabhicahara, vyavasaya (firm descision), arthapraapthi