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Using Mobile Phones
       While Driving
           Effect & Solution

        Ahmad Ba-Masq


                           [Type text]
Using Mobile Phones While Driving                                     093

                                Table of Contents

I BACKGROUND………………………………………………………………………………………………1

        A- Using mobile phones……………………………………………………………………….1

        B- Using mobile phones while driving………………………………………………….2

II EFFECTS……………………………………………………………………………………………………..…3

        A- Distractions…………………………………………………………………………………….3
              1. Forms of distraction…………………………………………………………………3
              2. Effect of texting……………………………………………………………………….4
              3. Hands-free vs. hand-held? ………………………………………………………4
        B- Effect on driving performance………………………………………………………..5
        C- Effect on crash risk…………………………………………………………………………5
              1. Studies & statistics…………………………………………………………………..6
              2. Examples of crash problem size……………………………………………….7

III SOLVING THE PROBLEM………………………………………………………….………………..8

        A- Legislation………………………………………………………………………………………8
              1. Types and extent…………………………………………….………………………8
              2. Public opinion………………………………………………………………………….8
              3. Effectiveness……………………………………………………………………………9
        B- Public education………………………………………………………………………………9
        C- Technological Improvements…………………………………………………………..9


WORK CITED.…………………………………………………………………………………………………11

Cartoons images:
Using Mobile Phones While Driving                                                    093


During the last 30 years, mobile telephones have become a major source of
communication and an essential device for many people. Since car telephones that
appeared in the 1980s, the use of hand-held and hands-free devices has rapidly

Thus, using mobile phones while driving has become a concern in the field of traffic
safety. Now, the vast majority of drivers (60 to 70%) are using their mobile phones
while driving at least sometimes. (3: 16) Moreover, it is estimated that 20-30% of all
road crashes are because of driver distraction and inattention. (3: 9)

The specific purpose of this report is to identify some problems with using cell
phones and effects of that while driving. In addition, the report will discuss the extent
of this phenomenon and will suggest some solutions. I think this report should be of
particular interest to drivers who want to avoid dangerous traffic.

I- Background
   A- The Use of Mobile Phones
The mobile has changed people’s lifestyles and ways of communication. It makes
daily communication much easier. Thus, we can communicate with each other
without having to be in a particular place. The trend of increasing ownership of the
mobile phone is clear all over the world. The number of mobile subscribers
worldwide was 1.5 billion in 2004. This number is increasing continually to more than
2.5 billion subscribers in 2009. (3: 13) In Europe, there are 478.4 million mobile
phones in use. That represents 103% of the population! (6: 2)

Using Mobile Phones While Driving                                                      093

   B- The Use of Mobile Phones While Driving

At the same time of continuous increase in the number of mobile phone users, the
percentage of drivers using mobile phones in their vehicles has also increased.

At the moment, the majority of drivers (60 to 70%) are using their mobile phones
while driving at least sometimes. Many studies from different places give similar
results and estimate that 1 to 4% of drivers use mobile phones at any given moment
during the day. (3: 11)

The next table shows different studies and surveys taken from different sources:

  Country       By                Found                                       Source
  USA           Sundeen 2001;     70 to 90% of drivers in the US use their    (3: 12)
                Lissy et al.      mobile phones at least some of the time
  USA           National          At any moment during the day, 6% of         (4: 1)
                Highway Traffic   drivers in 2008 were using hand-held
                Safety            phones and 11% were using any kind of
                Administration    phones.
  UK            Green Flag        78% of high mileage drivers said they       (5: 3)
                report            used a phone while driving, compared        (3: 13)
                                  with 37% of all drivers.
  Netherlands Barten et al.       In 2005, 50% of Dutch drivers stated        (6: 2)
              2006                they use a mobile phone while driving.
                                  Of these drivers, 75% said never to use a
                                  hand-held mobile phone.
  Saudi         Self Survey       Out of 67 Saudi drivers, 56 (84%) said
  Arabia                          they use a phone while driving; only 3
                                  drivers use free-hand phones.
Using Mobile Phones While Driving                                                093

II- Effects
      A- Distractions

The use of mobile phones in cars is one of many sources of driver distraction which
leads to crashes and injuries. Mobile phone use while driving can distract drivers in
several ways:

    Physically: drivers have to use one or both of their hands to hold the phone,
     dial a number, answer or end a call instead of focusing on the tasks required by
     driving (e.g. steering, gear changing).
    Visually: distraction caused by moving drivers' eyes from the road and looking
     to the mobile phone to use it, especially, when starting and completing calls or
     when seeing visual information (e.g. reading SMS). Further, even if drivers’
     eyes are focusing on the road, they 'look but do not see'.
    Auditory: drivers move their attention to the sound of the mobile phone or
     conversation instead of sounds from the road environment.
    Cognitively: That happens when two mental tasks are happening at the same
     time. Instead of focusing on driving, drivers focus on the topic of the phone
     conversation. Listening, alone, can reduce activity in the part of the brain
     associated with driving by more than a third! (3: 24) (1: 6)

These forms of distraction can cause impairment in driving performance and increase
crash risk.

Using Mobile Phones While Driving                                                093

   2- Effect of texting
Many studies indicate that text messaging
while driving is more distracting than
speaking into a mobile phone. (4:3)

The dangers results from: increase mental
workload, impairment control caused by the
physical distraction, and visual impairment.
When text messaging, drivers spend 400%
more time with their eyes out off the road
than in normal driving! (1: 8)

   3- Hands-free vs. hand-held?
Some drivers believe that using hands-free phones
could be much safer. However, the majority of
studies have proven that hands-free phoning does
not have a clear safety advantage compares to
handheld phoning. (3: 4) The driver response to the
events is impaired more than the ability to maintain
driving control. (1: 7) Further, the mobile phone
conversation itself can impair drivers more than
listening to the radio or talking to passengers. (5: 6)

The widely cited New England Journal of Medicine
study by Redelmeier and Tibshirani stated:

      "We observed no safety advantage to hands-free as compared to
      hand-held telephones … One possibility is that motor vehicle collisions
      result from a driver’s limitations with regard to attention rather than
      dexterity." (7: 5)

A similar conclusion has been reached by researchers at the University of Utah and
others at the University of South Florida. (7: 5)

Using Mobile Phones While Driving                                                  093

      B- Effect on driving performance
What happens when a driver makes a conversation while driving? Many studies
provide a similar answer to this question: using a mobile phone while driving
negatively affects drivers' performance!

The following points are summary of the effects
of mobile phone conversation on driving

    Slower reactions and more misses: The
     phone conversation results in a significant
     slow reaction. (3: 38) The probability of
     missing important traffic signals is
     increased. Another research shows that
     reaction of drivers who are using mobile
     phone are 30% slower than drunken drivers
     and 50% slower than in normal driving
     conditions. (1: 7)
    Slower braking reactions: Studies show that braking reaction time is reduced
     during an mobile phone conversation by 0.3 to 0.7 seconds; drivers brake
     harder (they stop faster) with shorter stopping distances. (1: 7) (3: 38)
    Other risky behavior: Studies have shown that mobile phone users wear their
     seatbelt less frequently. It also show that risky behaviors, such as drink-driving
     and speeding, are more frequently for mobile phones users. (1: 7)
    "It also impairs: maintenance of lane position, maintenance of appropriate
     and predictable speed and maintenance of appropriate following distances
     from vehicles in front." (5: 6)

      C- Crashes Risk
Experimental evidence shows that using a mobile phone while driving impairs driving
performance in many ways. The next question is: does using a mobile phone while
driving increase accident risk and if so, to what extent?

Using Mobile Phones While Driving                                                       093

          1- Studies & statistics

The simple answer of the pervious question is: Yes! Many studies and researches
directly link talking on a mobile phone to increased crash risk. Here are some
collected examples:

  Country      By                 Found                                     Source
  Australia    Institute study    Mobile phone users 4 times as likely to (4: 1)
               of drivers         get into crashes serious enough to injure
               (2005)             themselves
  many         Different          The estimated increased risk varies from (3: 22)
                                  2 to 9.
  USA          Redelmeier,D.      Statistical analysis indicated that the risk (5: 8)
               A., (1997)         was 4 times higher.

  Taiwan       IATSS, Int. Ass.   Over 3,000 road accidents occurred (5: 9)
               of Traffic and     during 4 months period. 676 of them
               Safety Sciences    (22%) involved drivers who had a mobile
               (2000-2001)        phone in the car.

  Norway       Sagberg            Using mobile phones increases the (7: 8)
                                  likelihood of being involved in a crash by
                                  about 1.7 times.

As the use of mobile phones is growing so rapidly, it is very likely that they will
become an increasingly common cause of road crashes.
Using Mobile Phones While Driving                                                 093

          2- Size of crash problem
The information of the next table show how the size of crash problem is in many
places around the world:

 Country     By                    Found
 Netherlands SWOV, Institute       nearly 600 road deaths and in-patients per year
             for Road Safety       would be saved if mobile phone use while
             Research              driving could be abandoned completely

 Sweden        VTI, Swedish        estimated that around 10-20 people die
               Road and Traffic    annually as a result of using a mobile phone
               Res. Ins.
 US            HCRA, Harvard       estimated that use of phones while driving may
               Center for Risk     cause 2,600 deaths, 330,000 intermediate to
               Analysis            major injuries, 240,000 minor injuries annually
                                                    Source of the above data: (1: 9)
 Taiwan        IATSS, Int. Ass. of between Aug. 2000 and March 2001, 2,407
               Traffic and Safety traffic accidents caused by drivers using mobile
               Sciences            phones. These resulted in 14 people being
                                   killed and 443 being injured
                                                                              (5: 9)

Using Mobile Phones While Driving                                                   093

III- Solving the Problem
The mobile phone has become an important part of our everyday life. It is not
realistic to expect people to completely stop using mobile phones in vehicles. There
are many ways and ideas to reduce this phenomenon including: Legislation, public
education and Technological Improvements.

      A- Legislation
Many countries around the world have introduced legislation to restrict the use of
mobile phone while driving.

      1- Types and extent
• Banning hand-held phones: The use of
hand-held car mobile phone phones
while driving is illegal in over 45
countries around the world.

• Banning of hands-free phones: Safety
organizations have called for a complete
ban on mobile phone use while driving.
In Europe, only Portugal restricts the use
of hands-free mobile phones.

• Bans on texting while driving: Generally in Europe, texting is included in the general
bans use a hand held phone. In the US, texting is specifically banned for all drivers in
10 states. (1: 10-11)

      2- Public opinion
Actually, there is a public feeling considering the dangers with mobile phone use
while driving and the need for restricting their use.

In 2001, a US Gallup poll found that 70% of the public supported a ban on handheld
phones use by drivers. (3: 42) Another survey shows that 88% of 1000 UK drivers and
motorcyclists said that using a hand-held mobile phone should be illegal and 45%
said that using any phone, hand-held or hands-free, should be illegal. (5: 2)

Using Mobile Phones While Driving                                                    093

In my own survey on the internet, 38 Saudi drivers (out of 66) support a ban on
handheld phones use while 11 drivers support the ban of using any phone. However,
17 drivers (25%) don't support the ban.

      3- Effectiveness
Although some results in US, Finland, and UK shows that the short-term effects of
these laws could be significant and cause 50% reduction, (3: 48) (1: 18) (4:2) the long-
term effects is not very clear. After one year, the level of use could even return to the
same level as before the law. (3: 48) (4: 2)

However, two reports (McCartt & Geary 2004 and Horberry et al. 2001) indicate that
publicity campaigns could increase the effectiveness of legislation. (3: 48)

      B- Public education
The public education on highway safety has a history of successes (e.g. campaigns to
combat drunk driving and promote seat belt use and driving within speed limits).
Recently, it has also been recognized that educational effort is necessary to promote
the responsible use of mobile phones while driving.

In the US, NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) begun to
introduce information and advices related to using mobile phone while driving. (7: 4)
Last year, in Saudi Arabia and Arabian Gulf countries, there was a campaign has a title
of "Don't call until you arrive".

In addition, some mobile phone providers and cars manufacturers launched
campaigns to increase the awareness of driver distraction risks. (6: 5) For example,
AT&T and Nokia advise their owners (in the manuals) never to talk while driving. (7:4)

      C- Technological Improvements
Principle of "technology against technology" can be used here. Technology has the
ability to provide some solutions related to driver distraction problem.

Recently, new technological devices and phone applications are being made to
develop technology through GPS to block mobile use while driving. Some 2011 Ford
vehicles will be supported with a "Do not disturb" button to block incoming calls and
text messages. (2: 2)

Using Mobile Phones While Driving                                                 093

A mobile phone has become one of the most common devices present in cars today,
with more than two thirds of drivers using a mobile phone at least sometimes while
driving. Parallel with these increasing numbers and increased use of mobile phones in
traffic, the concerns about negative effects on traffic safety were also rising.

These negative effects on driving performance are caused by physical, visual,
auditory and cognitive distractions as a result of mobile phone use. In terms of crash
risk, there is agreement that drivers who use mobile phones have a 4 times higher
than drivers who do not.

The following are some recommendations that could better determine and control
the effects of mobile phone use on road safety:

    Continuing enforcement and publicity will needed to increase the efficacy of
    Drivers need to be more aware of the dangers of mobile phone use.
    They must be educated about the possible effects of distraction and their
     ability to compensate for it.
    Drivers should receive recommendations on how to deal with mobile phones
     in their vehicle in case of emergency.

                                        - 10 -
Using Mobile Phones While Driving                                               093

                                Works Cited

  1. Breen, Jeanne (2009). "Car telephone use and road safety" the European
     Commission, June 2009
  2. Copeland, Larry. "Safety-driven software aims to block texting while driving"
     USA TODAY. 7/21/2010 <
  3. Dragutinovic, N. & Twisk, D. (2005). "Use of mobile phones while driving –
     effects on road safety" SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research -
     Leidschendam, the Netherlands, <>
  4. Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (2010), " Q&As: Cellphones, texting, and
     driving" IIHS, January 2010
  5. Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) (2002). The risk of using
     a mobile phone while driving.
  6. SWOV (2008). "SWOV Fact sheet: Use of mobile phone while driving " SWOV
     Institute for Road Safety Research - Leidschendam, the Netherlands,
  7. Williams, John (2002). "Cell Phones and Driving" Minnesota House of
     Representatives Research, Department October 2002.

                                      - 11 -

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Using mobile phones while driving effects & solutions

  • 1. 214-10-17 Using Mobile Phones While Driving Effect & Solution Ahmad Ba-Masq 093 [Type text]
  • 2. Using Mobile Phones While Driving 093 Table of Contents INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………………………..………………..1 I BACKGROUND………………………………………………………………………………………………1 A- Using mobile phones……………………………………………………………………….1 B- Using mobile phones while driving………………………………………………….2 II EFFECTS……………………………………………………………………………………………………..…3 A- Distractions…………………………………………………………………………………….3 1. Forms of distraction…………………………………………………………………3 2. Effect of texting……………………………………………………………………….4 3. Hands-free vs. hand-held? ………………………………………………………4 B- Effect on driving performance………………………………………………………..5 C- Effect on crash risk…………………………………………………………………………5 1. Studies & statistics…………………………………………………………………..6 2. Examples of crash problem size……………………………………………….7 III SOLVING THE PROBLEM………………………………………………………….………………..8 A- Legislation………………………………………………………………………………………8 1. Types and extent…………………………………………….………………………8 2. Public opinion………………………………………………………………………….8 3. Effectiveness……………………………………………………………………………9 B- Public education………………………………………………………………………………9 C- Technological Improvements…………………………………………………………..9 CONCLUSION…………………………………………………………………………………………………10 WORK CITED.…………………………………………………………………………………………………11 Cartoons images:
  • 3. Using Mobile Phones While Driving 093  INTRODUCTION During the last 30 years, mobile telephones have become a major source of communication and an essential device for many people. Since car telephones that appeared in the 1980s, the use of hand-held and hands-free devices has rapidly increased. Thus, using mobile phones while driving has become a concern in the field of traffic safety. Now, the vast majority of drivers (60 to 70%) are using their mobile phones while driving at least sometimes. (3: 16) Moreover, it is estimated that 20-30% of all road crashes are because of driver distraction and inattention. (3: 9) The specific purpose of this report is to identify some problems with using cell phones and effects of that while driving. In addition, the report will discuss the extent of this phenomenon and will suggest some solutions. I think this report should be of particular interest to drivers who want to avoid dangerous traffic. I- Background A- The Use of Mobile Phones The mobile has changed people’s lifestyles and ways of communication. It makes daily communication much easier. Thus, we can communicate with each other without having to be in a particular place. The trend of increasing ownership of the mobile phone is clear all over the world. The number of mobile subscribers worldwide was 1.5 billion in 2004. This number is increasing continually to more than 2.5 billion subscribers in 2009. (3: 13) In Europe, there are 478.4 million mobile phones in use. That represents 103% of the population! (6: 2) -1-
  • 4. Using Mobile Phones While Driving 093 B- The Use of Mobile Phones While Driving At the same time of continuous increase in the number of mobile phone users, the percentage of drivers using mobile phones in their vehicles has also increased. At the moment, the majority of drivers (60 to 70%) are using their mobile phones while driving at least sometimes. Many studies from different places give similar results and estimate that 1 to 4% of drivers use mobile phones at any given moment during the day. (3: 11) The next table shows different studies and surveys taken from different sources: Country By Found Source USA Sundeen 2001; 70 to 90% of drivers in the US use their (3: 12) Lissy et al. mobile phones at least some of the time USA National At any moment during the day, 6% of (4: 1) Highway Traffic drivers in 2008 were using hand-held Safety phones and 11% were using any kind of Administration phones. UK Green Flag 78% of high mileage drivers said they (5: 3) report used a phone while driving, compared (3: 13) with 37% of all drivers. Netherlands Barten et al. In 2005, 50% of Dutch drivers stated (6: 2) 2006 they use a mobile phone while driving. Of these drivers, 75% said never to use a hand-held mobile phone. Saudi Self Survey Out of 67 Saudi drivers, 56 (84%) said Arabia they use a phone while driving; only 3 drivers use free-hand phones. -2-
  • 5. Using Mobile Phones While Driving 093 II- Effects A- Distractions The use of mobile phones in cars is one of many sources of driver distraction which leads to crashes and injuries. Mobile phone use while driving can distract drivers in several ways:  Physically: drivers have to use one or both of their hands to hold the phone, dial a number, answer or end a call instead of focusing on the tasks required by driving (e.g. steering, gear changing).  Visually: distraction caused by moving drivers' eyes from the road and looking to the mobile phone to use it, especially, when starting and completing calls or when seeing visual information (e.g. reading SMS). Further, even if drivers’ eyes are focusing on the road, they 'look but do not see'.  Auditory: drivers move their attention to the sound of the mobile phone or conversation instead of sounds from the road environment.  Cognitively: That happens when two mental tasks are happening at the same time. Instead of focusing on driving, drivers focus on the topic of the phone conversation. Listening, alone, can reduce activity in the part of the brain associated with driving by more than a third! (3: 24) (1: 6) These forms of distraction can cause impairment in driving performance and increase crash risk. -3-
  • 6. Using Mobile Phones While Driving 093 2- Effect of texting Many studies indicate that text messaging while driving is more distracting than speaking into a mobile phone. (4:3) The dangers results from: increase mental workload, impairment control caused by the physical distraction, and visual impairment. When text messaging, drivers spend 400% more time with their eyes out off the road than in normal driving! (1: 8) 3- Hands-free vs. hand-held? Some drivers believe that using hands-free phones could be much safer. However, the majority of studies have proven that hands-free phoning does not have a clear safety advantage compares to handheld phoning. (3: 4) The driver response to the events is impaired more than the ability to maintain driving control. (1: 7) Further, the mobile phone conversation itself can impair drivers more than listening to the radio or talking to passengers. (5: 6) The widely cited New England Journal of Medicine study by Redelmeier and Tibshirani stated: "We observed no safety advantage to hands-free as compared to hand-held telephones … One possibility is that motor vehicle collisions result from a driver’s limitations with regard to attention rather than dexterity." (7: 5) A similar conclusion has been reached by researchers at the University of Utah and others at the University of South Florida. (7: 5) -4-
  • 7. Using Mobile Phones While Driving 093 B- Effect on driving performance What happens when a driver makes a conversation while driving? Many studies provide a similar answer to this question: using a mobile phone while driving negatively affects drivers' performance! The following points are summary of the effects of mobile phone conversation on driving performance:  Slower reactions and more misses: The phone conversation results in a significant slow reaction. (3: 38) The probability of missing important traffic signals is increased. Another research shows that reaction of drivers who are using mobile phone are 30% slower than drunken drivers and 50% slower than in normal driving conditions. (1: 7)  Slower braking reactions: Studies show that braking reaction time is reduced during an mobile phone conversation by 0.3 to 0.7 seconds; drivers brake harder (they stop faster) with shorter stopping distances. (1: 7) (3: 38)  Other risky behavior: Studies have shown that mobile phone users wear their seatbelt less frequently. It also show that risky behaviors, such as drink-driving and speeding, are more frequently for mobile phones users. (1: 7)  "It also impairs: maintenance of lane position, maintenance of appropriate and predictable speed and maintenance of appropriate following distances from vehicles in front." (5: 6) C- Crashes Risk Experimental evidence shows that using a mobile phone while driving impairs driving performance in many ways. The next question is: does using a mobile phone while driving increase accident risk and if so, to what extent? -5-
  • 8. Using Mobile Phones While Driving 093 1- Studies & statistics The simple answer of the pervious question is: Yes! Many studies and researches directly link talking on a mobile phone to increased crash risk. Here are some collected examples: Country By Found Source Australia Institute study Mobile phone users 4 times as likely to (4: 1) of drivers get into crashes serious enough to injure (2005) themselves many Different The estimated increased risk varies from (3: 22) 2 to 9. USA Redelmeier,D. Statistical analysis indicated that the risk (5: 8) A., (1997) was 4 times higher. Taiwan IATSS, Int. Ass. Over 3,000 road accidents occurred (5: 9) of Traffic and during 4 months period. 676 of them Safety Sciences (22%) involved drivers who had a mobile (2000-2001) phone in the car. Norway Sagberg Using mobile phones increases the (7: 8) likelihood of being involved in a crash by about 1.7 times. As the use of mobile phones is growing so rapidly, it is very likely that they will become an increasingly common cause of road crashes. -6-
  • 9. Using Mobile Phones While Driving 093 2- Size of crash problem The information of the next table show how the size of crash problem is in many places around the world: Country By Found Netherlands SWOV, Institute nearly 600 road deaths and in-patients per year for Road Safety would be saved if mobile phone use while Research driving could be abandoned completely Sweden VTI, Swedish estimated that around 10-20 people die Road and Traffic annually as a result of using a mobile phone Res. Ins. US HCRA, Harvard estimated that use of phones while driving may Center for Risk cause 2,600 deaths, 330,000 intermediate to Analysis major injuries, 240,000 minor injuries annually Source of the above data: (1: 9) Taiwan IATSS, Int. Ass. of between Aug. 2000 and March 2001, 2,407 Traffic and Safety traffic accidents caused by drivers using mobile Sciences phones. These resulted in 14 people being killed and 443 being injured (5: 9) -7-
  • 10. Using Mobile Phones While Driving 093 III- Solving the Problem The mobile phone has become an important part of our everyday life. It is not realistic to expect people to completely stop using mobile phones in vehicles. There are many ways and ideas to reduce this phenomenon including: Legislation, public education and Technological Improvements. A- Legislation Many countries around the world have introduced legislation to restrict the use of mobile phone while driving. 1- Types and extent • Banning hand-held phones: The use of hand-held car mobile phone phones while driving is illegal in over 45 countries around the world. • Banning of hands-free phones: Safety organizations have called for a complete ban on mobile phone use while driving. In Europe, only Portugal restricts the use of hands-free mobile phones. • Bans on texting while driving: Generally in Europe, texting is included in the general bans use a hand held phone. In the US, texting is specifically banned for all drivers in 10 states. (1: 10-11) 2- Public opinion Actually, there is a public feeling considering the dangers with mobile phone use while driving and the need for restricting their use. In 2001, a US Gallup poll found that 70% of the public supported a ban on handheld phones use by drivers. (3: 42) Another survey shows that 88% of 1000 UK drivers and motorcyclists said that using a hand-held mobile phone should be illegal and 45% said that using any phone, hand-held or hands-free, should be illegal. (5: 2) -8-
  • 11. Using Mobile Phones While Driving 093 In my own survey on the internet, 38 Saudi drivers (out of 66) support a ban on handheld phones use while 11 drivers support the ban of using any phone. However, 17 drivers (25%) don't support the ban. 3- Effectiveness Although some results in US, Finland, and UK shows that the short-term effects of these laws could be significant and cause 50% reduction, (3: 48) (1: 18) (4:2) the long- term effects is not very clear. After one year, the level of use could even return to the same level as before the law. (3: 48) (4: 2) However, two reports (McCartt & Geary 2004 and Horberry et al. 2001) indicate that publicity campaigns could increase the effectiveness of legislation. (3: 48) B- Public education The public education on highway safety has a history of successes (e.g. campaigns to combat drunk driving and promote seat belt use and driving within speed limits). Recently, it has also been recognized that educational effort is necessary to promote the responsible use of mobile phones while driving. In the US, NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) begun to introduce information and advices related to using mobile phone while driving. (7: 4) Last year, in Saudi Arabia and Arabian Gulf countries, there was a campaign has a title of "Don't call until you arrive". In addition, some mobile phone providers and cars manufacturers launched campaigns to increase the awareness of driver distraction risks. (6: 5) For example, AT&T and Nokia advise their owners (in the manuals) never to talk while driving. (7:4) C- Technological Improvements Principle of "technology against technology" can be used here. Technology has the ability to provide some solutions related to driver distraction problem. Recently, new technological devices and phone applications are being made to develop technology through GPS to block mobile use while driving. Some 2011 Ford vehicles will be supported with a "Do not disturb" button to block incoming calls and text messages. (2: 2) -9-
  • 12. Using Mobile Phones While Driving 093  CONCLUSION A mobile phone has become one of the most common devices present in cars today, with more than two thirds of drivers using a mobile phone at least sometimes while driving. Parallel with these increasing numbers and increased use of mobile phones in traffic, the concerns about negative effects on traffic safety were also rising. These negative effects on driving performance are caused by physical, visual, auditory and cognitive distractions as a result of mobile phone use. In terms of crash risk, there is agreement that drivers who use mobile phones have a 4 times higher than drivers who do not. The following are some recommendations that could better determine and control the effects of mobile phone use on road safety:  Continuing enforcement and publicity will needed to increase the efficacy of legislation.  Drivers need to be more aware of the dangers of mobile phone use.  They must be educated about the possible effects of distraction and their ability to compensate for it.  Drivers should receive recommendations on how to deal with mobile phones in their vehicle in case of emergency. - 10 -
  • 13. Using Mobile Phones While Driving 093 Works Cited 1. Breen, Jeanne (2009). "Car telephone use and road safety" the European Commission, June 2009 < d_safety.pdf> 2. Copeland, Larry. "Safety-driven software aims to block texting while driving" USA TODAY. 7/21/2010 < 21-1Atexting21_ST_N.htm> 3. Dragutinovic, N. & Twisk, D. (2005). "Use of mobile phones while driving – effects on road safety" SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research - Leidschendam, the Netherlands, <> 4. Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (2010), " Q&As: Cellphones, texting, and driving" IIHS, January 2010 <>, < cell_phone_driving_q_as-cell_phone.pdf> 5. Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) (2002). The risk of using a mobile phone while driving. <> 6. SWOV (2008). "SWOV Fact sheet: Use of mobile phone while driving " SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research - Leidschendam, the Netherlands, <> 7. Williams, John (2002). "Cell Phones and Driving" Minnesota House of Representatives Research, Department October 2002. <> - 11 -