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Regulations regarding the use of cell phones while driving
should be standardized.
Mobile phones have a vital role in our daily lives, but we need
to limit the use for the safety of life and property of drivers,
passengers, and the other people who use road. It is essential to
create a law that covers the standards to create habits for the
population because the accident’s rate due to the using of cell
phone while driving is increasing every year. Each state has
different regulations to use the phone while driving, so when
traveling across the state, there may be confusion in the law.
Standardized regulations that discourage use of cell phones
while driving are effective in reducing road carnages.
Cellphone uses is growing up every year, cellular service in the
USA has grown significantly over the few years from 4.01
billion in 2013 to 4.77 billion in 2017 (Pew Research Center,
2018). The use of cellular phones in the automobile segment is
one of the big trends related to technology adoption, which may
divert attention from driving. Some states have taken legal
action that prohibits the use of mobile phones while driving to
limit and prevent accidents. However, with the limitations and
lack of information currently available to enforce standards for
not using cell phones while driving, passing the law is not
enough, by itself, it will have a significant impact on the
driver's use of the mobile phone. This may cause accidents to
themselves and others. In fact, the use of phones on the car is
important as well. The driver uses a mobile phone to report the
accident and informs the police and firefighter of any issues
that need fixing. However, cell phone usage while driving is an
increased risk of car accident that could lead to serious injury
or death. Numerous road accident causalities stem from the
usage of cell phones while driving (Statista, 2017).
For example, according to The National Safety Council (2015)
said 75 percent of Americans admit to using cell phones, and 30
percent is texting while driving and they also report that cell
phone use while driving leads to 1.6 million crashes each year.
In 2015, more than 3,000 died in distraction-related crashes and
about 400,000 people injured in collisions involving a distracted
driver (NSC, 2015).
Therefore, comprehensive action must be taken on a national
level to curb this reckless, potentially deadly behavior. Driving
while using a cell phone incurs a higher risk of crashing, as
same as to driving while drunk and should have the proper
The law is not yet comprehensive and not yet rigorous.
Speaking on a cell phone or texting while driving has become
commonplace for many drivers. However, many states are
cracking down. In response to safety concerns, some states have
laws but some not and there are many different regulations. For
example, there are 15 states that have Hand-held Cell Phone
Use law: D.C., Puerto Rico, Guam and the U.S. Virgin Islands
prohibit all drivers from using hand-held cell phones while
driving (GHSA, n.d.). So, all are primary enforcement laws, an
officer may cite a driver for using a hand-held cell phone
without any other traffic offense taking place. Some states have
Text Messaging ban such as 47 states, D.C., Puerto Rico, Guam
and the U.S. Virgin Islands ban text messaging for all drivers
(GHSA, n.d.).
From the above it can be seen that each state has different
regulations, the regulations are complex and the rules are not
strong enough to make people obey the law. Many people still
do not understand the rules, so they are ignoring and still use
the phone while driving. Each state should make laws as
standard. It should be enforceable throughout the country and
has definitive sanctions, it will make people obey the rules.
Many people are addicted to the cellphones whether it's texting
message or using social media. The United States is considered
to have high access rates to social networks in the world while
the average global rate is 37 percent in 2017, the online use of
social networking in North America is about 66 percent but in
the United States is 81 percent of the population has social
media profiles (Kemp, 2017). This means that there are about
207 million social network users in the country in the year. The
figures show that the US has the third-largest user base in the
world, behind China and India but in the future, the number of
social network users in the USA is expected to increase by 217
million (Statista, 2017).
Someone is using the phone, not in the right place and not in the
right time like while driving. Using the phone while driving is a
distraction, it can result in consequences such as the cause of
the accident itself and may be linked to others as well.
According to National Highway Traffic Safety annual injury and
fatality report, report injury facts found that the use of cell
phones causes 26% of the nation's car accidents, only 5% of
cellphone-related crashes occur (NHTSA, 2017). The reason is
that the driver is texting and talking on handheld or hands-free
The use of different types of accessories that allow the rider to
use the phone without the need to touch the phone, such as the
use of Bluetooth to connect the phone to the car stereo. It can
reduce the risk of accidents due to physical factors and visual
factors. However, using an optional accessory will keep the
driver distracted and slow down the response to traffic signs,
and have a higher risk of accidents than those who concentrate
on driving. There is a risk of serious accidents as accessory
users have a higher chance of the accident than normal driving
four times, and those who do not use the device have a higher
chance of the accident than normal driving five times (CFSGB,
2017). It can see that the use of accessories that help the driver
does not have to use the phone while driving can reduce the risk
of physical factors, but the risk of accidents from distraction is
still high.
Most people want to use the phone, whether it's texting or social
media. If it is used both place and time properly, it will not
cause any problems. In response to security concerns, some
states and other countries have banned the use of certain types
of mobile phones while driving, but many states have not had
any restrictions. However, using the phone while driving is not
good even using the Bluetooth, using the phone while driving
increases the risk of accident than normal 2-4 times because the
driver distracted, and slow response brake pedal decision. The
controlling of the steering wheel when an emergency is slower
than normal 0.5 seconds and affects the visibility of the sign,
the traffic signs, even see the label but cannot remember the
details (Summala, n.d.). There are also many drivers who ignore
the rules, and it is still potentially dangerous for drivers who
are distracted and other people. Therefore, government officials
must act in a clear direction and do not allow the use of mobile
phones and text messaging while on the way. This regulation
will not only be a way to build a nation of safe roads, and it will
be an essential means to save thousands of lives. Enforcing
mobile phone use while driving across the country will reduce
the number of families suffering from negligence.
Governments should make every state a law to use the phone
while driving to standards, by requiring every state prohibit all
drivers from using hand-held cell phones while driving and
texting prohibited as a standard. Because of people addict to use
the social media, the government should issue support for
applications on cell phone that can reduce phone usage while
driving, such as SafeDrive. This application can help people
reduce their interest in catching the phone, which is enabled by
the app during the drive (Jolly, 2016). The message can be sent
back to the person who would like to contact you and it can also
send an auto message back that you are driving.
There are numerous evidences that suggest that all-driver bans
on hand-held phone devices and conversations can have large
and long-lasting effects on drivers’ behaviors. In states where
these rules have been implemented, there has been a remarkable
reduction of drivers who talk on hand-held phones. In areas
such as Connecticut, District of Columbia, and New York, the
utilization of cellphones has reduced significantly from 24 to 76
percent within the last seven years since implementation
(McCartt, Kidd & Teoh, 2014). In all these jurisdictions, the
probability that the violators would receive citations is low, and
there are no cases of sustained enforcement campaigns
(McCartt, Kidd & Teoh, 2014). This is especially true when
high-visibility enforcements are introduced, since they increase
the rates of compliance with traffic regulations and policies.
After programs of publicized high-intensity enforcement of all-
driver cellphones and texting bans are implemented, the rates of
observed hand-held phone conversations have reduced in some
jurisdictions by as high as 57 percent in Hartford and
Connecticut. Therefore, standardizing these laws by making the
application of these recommendations across the whole country
can help to reduce possible driving accidents by increasing
compliance. The states that have implemented these legislations
have also recorded that law enforcers are challenged by the
prohibitions that apply only to teenage drivers. Usually,
secondary enforcement rules that require police to have some
other reasons to stop a vehicle before citing the driver for
violating the cellphone law, coupled with the challenge of
discerning whether a motorist is involved in an illegal act such
as texting.
In jurisdictions where ban on use of cellphones while driving
has been implemented, numerous studies indicate a dramatic
reduction in road carnages and accidents. In states such as
California, Louisiana, and Minnesota, the collision claim rates
significantly reduced following implementation of these
policies (McCartt, Kidd & Teoh, 2014). As the number of
drivers utilizing cell phones while driving increases, the interest
in associating cell phone use while driving and road safety,
continues to increase (McCartt, Kidd & Teoh, 2014). As more
technologies, such as cameras, music, text messaging and
internet browsing become an important part of mobile devices,
they pose an even greater cause of driver distraction (Nikolaev,
Robbins & Jacobson, 2010). Towards the beginning of 2009,
more than 200 bills that sought to prohibit or restrict the
utilization of cellphones while driving are still pending in
almost 42 state assemblies, in spite of disagreements on the
dangers pose and the efficacy of enforcements (Nikolaev,
Robbins & Jacobson, 2010). There is need to develop a
standardized law that discourages the use of cell phones while
driving. Banning the use of cell phones while driving,
minimizes fatal automobile accident rates. In New York, the
number of fatal accidents reduced by 46 percent.
In 2001, New York became the first state to regulate cell phone
utilization while driving. While New York prohibits handheld
cell phone devices, it still allows drivers to engage in cell phone
conversations so long as they utilize hands-free devices (Noder,
2009). New York’s law also includes a provision that allows
drivers to utilize their cell phones to call relevant authorities
during emergencies (Noder, 2009). States that enact the same
legislations have the authority used by New York’s law as a
model for their legislation and essentially to incorporate the
same exceptions during emergencies. The proposed solution
helps to ensure that states that faced problems related to slow
implementation of policies can still enact the legislations
through a standardized approach that includes all the states
nationally (Noder, 2009). This is because although some states
successfully passed laws that address cell phone utilization
while driving, other states still find it difficult to pass these
laws that restrict cell phone use.
One of the provisions of this policy is the use of applications
that discourage picking of phone calls while driving. This
software allows drivers to keep their hands on their wheels and
their eyes on the road by converting their messages into audio.
The app reads the messages and then informs them to the driver
(Jolly, 2016). This enables him to hear all the messages. While
traditional blocking is often effective, it is often better to
understand what other people want to say to the driver.
Sometimes, it could be an important message (Jolly, 2016). This
system also automatically identifies the name of the individual
seeking to contact the driver a message. In the process, the
system lets the message senders a notification that the receiver
is driving and cannot attend to the message right away (Jolly,
2016). Currently, this app is also undergoing modifications to
have the capability of notifying the parents who seek to know
how their children are driving. However, it can also be utilized
by anybody for blocking incoming calls, emails, and texts while
driving. The most attractive and efficacious feature of the app is
that one can never forget to turn it on, since it will utilize the
GPS feature of the cell phone to determine if one is driving.
Road crashes are some of the leading causes of deaths for both
adults and teenagers in the United States. Deaths and injuries
arising from road carnages are partly brought by widespread use
of cell phones while driving. In this respect, people who make
phone calls or send text messages while driving. Standardizing
legislations and policies aimed at discouraging the use of cell
phones while driving has various benefits. First, these rules
have been effective in reducing road carnages in areas where
they have been enforced. Therefore, it would be beneficial to
apply them across the country. In addition, these legislations
help to reduce the cellphone-using behavior, thus minimizing
road accidents.
Cell phones play a major role in our daily activities. One of the
most important roles that cell phones play is enabling
communication between people. In the current world,
information is very important and therefore people have a desire
to be kept on the loop on what is happening. Owing to this fact,
the use of cell phones has significantly increased over the years.
Despite all the advantages associated with the use of cell
phones, there also lies a great problem. Some people use their
cell phones to call, text and surf the internet while driving. This
poses a great risk not only to the person using the mobile phone
but also other motorists and pedestrians on the road due to the
high possibility of causing an accident. Although use of cell
phones while driving is prohibited by regulations in some
states, there needs to be standardized regulations across all
states. This will ensure uniformity in implementation and
enforcement of the regulations.
The first possible disadvantage of having the regulation is
because phones are necessary in emergency situations. This is
as important factor that could lead to overestimation of net
fatalities is the impact a ban would have on reporting potential
problems to authorities. Although most of the proposed
regulations would exempt cellular phone use in an emergency, a
ban on nonemergency use would tend to decrease the instances
of people’s carrying phones in their cars. The safety-enhancing
effect of ubiquitous cellular phones is a byproduct of having the
phones available for other uses. Thus, some of the positive
social impacts of cellular phones, like the quicker reporting of
accidents, for example, would be reduced.
The second disadvantage is police not be able catch the people
who talk or text on the phone. A final key issue that needs to be
addressed is how a policy is actually enforced. Our calculations
have assumed that policies are perfectly enforced. We know that
in many countries these policies are either not enforced or that
enforcement is far from perfect. Moreover, some of the policies
may be quite costly and difficult to enforce. For example, trying
to enforce a total ban in the United States. Drivers who use
cellular phones could respond by putting tinted glass in their
vehicles, which would make phone use harder to detect.
One of the main problems that are experienced with these
regulations is the level of inconsistency. Some regulations may
only cover ban on text messaging only while others may cover
calling and other uses. These vary from one state to another,
some of the states do not have these types of regulations. Here
are visuals to see the differences between the states. Firstly,
state regulations for texting while driving. The red color means
ban texting by all drivers, yellow means no ban, green means
ban texting by bus driver, novice drivers, and all drivers in
school zone.
Secondly, the visual of ban on Handheld Devices and Texting,
Red color means ban both of handheld device and texting,
Yellow means ban only texting and green color means no ban
(BTS, 2012).
Therefore, this calls for creation of standardized regulation that
would apply to all states. By having the standardized regulation,
the inconsistencies will be addressed since the regulations
would cover every aspect that is involved. The regulations will
be drawn from a wide variety of case scenarios bench marked
from the best international practices. This will ensure that there
are no loop holes in the regulations. (Wellings, 2013)
Also, standardized regulations will be effective given that
publicizing the regulations would be much easier compared to
publicizing individual regulations by states. This means that the
level of awareness by the public will likely be high and thus
making the enforcement to be easier. Some people are not
aware of the regulations by the different states which make
them violate them without knowledge of their existence. By
making standard regulations, it will be easier for people to be
aware of the regulations. This will help reduce road accidents
that are associated with cell phone use while driving.
Again, by having standardized regulations on cell phone use
while driving, it will create a sense of seriousness about the
issue. When an issue reaches a point of discussion in efforts to
be standardized across all states, it tends to attract more
attention and therefore it is taken seriously. This will make the
enforcement agencies to act accordingly to the standardized
regulations regardless of the state. It will ensure that people act
accordingly no matter which state they are in. (Brown, 2012)
In conclusion, cell phones use while driving should be regulated
in order to reduce the number of accidents that occur. Making
regulations at state level would help in reduction of but would
not be effective. This is due to the scope on which regulations
covers. Also, some states do not have these regulations which
even complicate the issue. It is evident from the above
information that having a standardized regulation on cell phone
use while driving would be very effective in dealing with vices.
Therefore, regulations on cell phone use while driving should
be standardized.
The National Safety Council (2015). Cell phones are involved in
an estimated 27 percent of all car crashes, says National Safety
Council. Retrieved from
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (2017).
USDOT Releases 2016 Fatal Traffic Crash Data. Retrieved from
Governors Highway Safety Association (n.d.). Distracted
Driving. Retrieved from
Statista (2017). Social media usage in the United States -
Statistics & Facts. Retrieved from
Pew Research Center (2018). Mobile Fact Sheet. Retrieved from, J. (2016).
The best tech to prevent distracted driving. USA Today.
McCartt, A. T., Kidd, D. G., & Teoh, E. R. (2014). Driver
cellphone and texting bans in the
United States: evidence of effectiveness. Annals of Advances in
Automotive Medicine, 58,
Nikolaev, A. G., Robbins, M. J., & Jacobson, S. H. (2010).
Evaluating the impact of legislation
prohibiting hand-held cell phone use while
driving. Transportation research part A:
policy and practice, 44(3), 182-193.
Noder, S. L. (2009). Talking and texting while driving: A look
at regulating cell phone use
behind the wheel. Val. UL Rev., 44, 237.
Heikki Summala (n.d.). Brake Reaction Times and Driver
Behavior Analysis. Retrieved from
Brown, A. (2012). Standardizing policies and regulations.
journal of international management, 2-7.
Wellings, A. (2013). Formula to standardization of regulations.
journal of Management, 1-4.
Bureau of Transportation Statistics (2012). Distracted Driving--
Bans on Hand-Held Devices and Texting While Driving.
Retrieved from
+ Strengths
< Opportunities for Improvement
Included a defensible, relevant thesis statement in the first
State, explain, and support the first disadvantage (economic,
social, political, environmental, ethical/moral, etc.) to your
solution and provide a logical answer. This should be one (1)
State, explain, and support the second disadvantage (and third if
appropriate) (economic, social, political, environmental,
ethical/moral, etc.) to your solution and provide a logical
answer. This should be one (1) or two (2) paragraph(s).
Include one or two (1-2) relevant visual and help illustrate an
Use effective transitional words, phrases, and sentences.
Provide a concluding paragraph to summarize the proposed
solution, its advantages, possible disadvantages, and answers to
the disadvantages. Repeat or rephrase your thesis statement.
Develop a coherently structured paper with an introduction,
body, and conclusion.
Use one (1) or more rhetorical strategy(-ies) (ethos, logos,
pathos) to explain claims.
Support disadvantages and answer with at least two (2)
additional quality relevant references. Use at least eight (8)
total for Parts 1, 2, and 3 total.
Clarity, writing mechanics, and APA formatting requirements
(including in-text citations and reference page).
Prof. Reece Darham
Title:Catchy and descriptive title
General Purpose: To Persuade
Specific Purpose:What your audience gets out of the
Central Idea: The thesis of the speech
GAIN ATTENTION: Identify the problem
Attention-Getter: Give the audience a wow moment to draw
them in.
Preview: What is the subject of the speech?
Relevance: Why is it important to your audience?
Credibility: Why should the audience listen to you?
Position Statement: Your researched opinion on the topic and
why it needs solving!
(Transitional sentence)
NEED: Explanation of the problem
Statement:Identify the problem
Clarification:Give evidence of problem
Illustration:Give examples of how the problem relates to your
(Transitional sentence)
SATISFACTION: Give the best solution to the problem
Statement:State the most viable solution
Explanation:In detail, explain the solution
Reasoning:Show reasoning behind the solution
History:Give example(s) of how solution worked in the
Nod to other side:Clarify objections your audience may be
(Transitional sentence)
VISUALIZATION: Implement either of these solutions
Positive:This is what it will look like with the problem solved
Negative:This is what it will be if the problem is not solved
(Transitional sentence)
ACTION: Specific instruction on how audience can help
Specific:Help by doing this: give phone numbers, addresses,
Specific:Donate, sign petition, write congressperson, buy
product etc.
(Transitional sentence)
Review:Summarized your main points
Thesis:Restate your position on the topic
Call to Action:Close with a memorable statement and call to
Please Note: The CONCLUSION STEP is a secondary
conclusion to wrap-up the entire presentation but is not critical
to the speech. Consider your time constraints when delivering
this optional step. Mandatory to write the secondary conclusion;
optional to deliver it in the speech. Therefore, if you are
running out of time, finish at the end of the Action Step; if you
have time, finish at the end of the Conclusion Step.
Provide a minimum of four references in APA format
Identify visual aids and incorporate into the outline above
Persuasive Speech Assignment: Outline & Presentation
· Outline to be completed like the above template by Sunday at
midnight of Week 3;
· Persuasive topic of your choice to follow Monroe’s
Motivational Sequence format;
· 6-minutes in duration;
· 4 credible references in APA format and cited in the speech;
· Visual Aid(s) to enhance the speech and incorporated at the
appropriate time throughout the speech;
· Extemporaneous delivery ONLY…absolutely NO
· Video and Audio recording submitted under the Persuasive
Speech Assignment in Blackboard in one of the approved
methods for video submission, due by Sunday at midnight of
Week 3;
· A minimum of two ADULT audience members required for
recordings or presented to the professor in Keiser Live in Week
Should regulations regarding the use of cell phones while
driving be standardized?
Mobile phones have a vital role in our daily lives, but we need
to limit the use for the safety of life and property of drivers,
passengers, and the other people who use road. It is essential to
create a law that covers the standards to create habits for the
population because the accident’s rate due to the using of cell
phone while driving is increasing every year. Each state has
different regulations to use the phone while driving, so when
traveling across the state, there may be confusion in the law.
Standardized regulations that discourage use of cell phones
while driving are effective in reducing road carnages.
History, status of issue, and overview
Cellphone uses is growing up every year, cellular service in the
USA has grown significantly over the few years from 4.01
billion in 2013 to 4.77 billion in 2017 (Pew Research Center,
2018). The use of cellular phones in the automobile segment is
one of the big trends related to technology adoption, which may
divert attention from driving. Some states have taken legal
action that prohibits the use of mobile phones while driving to
limit and prevent accidents. However, with the limitations and
lack of information currently available to enforce standards for
not using cell phones while driving, passing the law is not
enough, by itself, it will have a significant impact on the
driver's use of the mobile phone. This may cause accidents to
themselves and others. In fact, the use of phones on the car is
important as well. The driver uses a mobile phone to report the
accident and informs the police and firefighter of any issues
that need fixing. However, cell phone usage while driving is an
increased risk of car accident that could lead to serious injury
or death. Numerous road accident causalities stem from the
usage of cell phones while driving (Statista, 2017).
For example, according to The National Safety Council (2015)
said 75 percent of Americans admit to using cell phones, and 30
percent is texting while driving and they also report that cell
phone use while driving leads to 1.6 million crashes each year.
In 2013, more than 3,000 died in distraction-related crashes and
about 400,000 people injured in collisions involving a distracted
driver (NSC, 2015). Therefore, comprehensive action must be
taken on a national level to curb this reckless, potentially
deadly behavior. Driving while using a cell phone incurs a
higher risk of crashing, as same as to driving while drunk and
should have the proper punishment.
The law is not yet comprehensive and not yet rigorous.
Speaking on a cell phone or texting while driving has become
commonplace for many drivers. However, many states are
cracking down. In response to safety concerns, some states have
laws but some not and there are many different regulations. For
example, there are 15 states that have Hand-held Cell Phone
Use law: D.C., Puerto Rico, Guam and the U.S. Virgin Islands
prohibit all drivers from using hand-held cell phones while
driving (GHSA, n.d.). So, all are primary enforcement laws, an
officer may cite a driver for using a hand-held cell phone
without any other traffic offense taking place. Some states have
Text Messaging ban such as 47 states, D.C., Puerto Rico, Guam
and the U.S. Virgin Islands ban text messaging for all drivers
(GHSA, n.d.).
From the above it can be seen that each state has different
regulations, the regulations are complex and the rules are not
strong enough to make people obey the law. Many people still
do not understand the rules, so they are ignoring and still use
the phone while driving. Each state should make laws as
standard. It should be enforceable throughout the country and
has definitive sanctions, it will make people obey the rules.
Many people are addicted to the cellphones whether it's texting
message or using social media. The United States is considered
to have high access rates to social networks in the world while
the average global rate is 37 percent in 2017, the online use of
social networking in North America is about 66 percent but in
the United States is 81 percent of the population has social
media profiles (Kemp, 2017). This means that there are about
207 million social network users in the country in the year. The
figures show that the US has the third-largest user base in the
world, behind China and India but in the future, the number of
social network users in the USA is expected to increase by 217
million (Statista, 2017).
Someone is using the phone, not in the right place and not in the
right time like while driving. Using the phone while driving is a
distraction, it can result in consequences such as the cause of
the accident itself and may be linked to others as well.
According to National Highway Traffic Safety annual injury and
fatality report, report injury facts found that the use of cell
phones causes 26% of the nation's car accidents, only 5% of
cellphone-related crashes occur (NHTSA, 2017). The reason is
that the driver is texting and talking on handheld or hands-free
The use of different types of accessories that allow the rider to
use the phone without the need to touch the phone, such as the
use of Bluetooth to connect the phone to the car stereo. It can
reduce the risk of accidents due to physical factors and visual
factors. However, using an optional accessory will keep the
driver distracted and slow down the response to traffic signs,
and have a higher risk of accidents than those who concentrate
on driving. There is a risk of serious accidents as accessory
users have a higher chance of the accident than normal driving
four times, and those who do not use the device have a higher
chance of the accident than normal driving five times (CFSGB,
2017). It can see that the use of accessories that help the driver
does not have to use the phone while driving can reduce the risk
of physical factors, but the risk of accidents from distraction is
still high.
Most people want to use the phone, whether it's texting or social
media. If it is used both place and time properly, it will not
cause any problems. In response to security concerns, some
states and other countries have banned the use of certain types
of mobile phones while driving, but many states have not had
any restrictions. However, using the phone while driving is not
good even using the Bluetooth, using the phone while driving
increases the risk of accident than normal 2-4 times because the
driver distracted, and slow response brake pedal decision. The
controlling of the steering wheel when an emergency is slower
than normal 0.5 seconds and affects the visibility of the sign,
the traffic signs, even see the label but cannot remember the
details (Summala, n.d.). There are also many drivers who ignore
the rules, and it is still potentially dangerous for drivers who
are distracted and other people. Therefore, government officials
must act in a clear direction and do not allow the use of mobile
phones and text messaging while on the way. This regulation
will not only be a way to build a nation of safe roads, and it will
be an essential means to save thousands of lives. Enforcing
mobile phone use while driving across the country will reduce
the number of families suffering from negligence.
Detailed and viable solution
Governments should make every state a law to use the phone
while driving to standards, by requiring every state prohibit all
drivers from using hand-held cell phones while driving and
texting prohibited as a standard. Because of people addict to use
the social media, the government should issue support for
applications on cell phone that can reduce phone usage while
driving, such as SafeDrive. This application can help people
reduce their interest in catching the phone, which is enabled by
the app during the drive (Jolly, 2016). The message can be sent
back to the person who would like to contact you and it can also
send an auto message back that you are driving.
Advantages of the Proposed
Drivers’ Behaviors
There are numerous evidences that suggest that all-driver bans
on hand-held phone devices and conversations can have large
and long-lasting effects on drivers’ behaviors. In states where
these rules have been implemented, there has been a remarkable
reduction of drivers who talk on hand-held phones. In areas
such as Connecticut, District of Columbia, and New York, the
utilization of cellphones has reduced significantly from 24 to 76
percent within the last seven years since implementation
(McCartt, Kidd & Teoh, 2014). In all these jurisdictions, the
probability that the violators would receive citations is low, and
there are no cases of sustained enforcement campaigns
(McCartt, Kidd & Teoh, 2014). This is especially true when
high-visibility enforcements are introduced, since they increase
the rates of compliance with traffic regulations and policies.
After programs of publicized high-intensity enforcement of all-
driver cellphones and texting bans are implemented, the rates of
observed hand-held phone conversations have reduced in some
jurisdictions by as high as 57 percent in Hartford and
Connecticut. Therefore, standardizing these laws by making the
application of these recommendations across the whole country
can help to reduce possible driving accidents by increasing
compliance. The states that have implemented these legislations
have also recorded that law enforcers are challenged by the
prohibitions that apply only to teenage drivers. Usually,
secondary enforcement rules that require police to have some
other reasons to stop a vehicle before citing the driver for
violating the cellphone law, coupled with the challenge of
discerning whether a motorist is involved in an illegal act such
as texting.
Reduced Crash Outcomes
In jurisdictions where ban on use of cellphones while driving
have been implemented, numerous studies indicate a dramatic
reduction in road carnages and accidents. In states such as
California, Louisiana, and Minnesota, the collision claim rates
significantly reduced following implementation of these
policies (McCartt, Kidd & Teoh, 2014). As the number of
drivers utilizing cell phones while driving increases, the interest
in associating cell phone use while driving and road safety,
continues to increase (McCartt, Kidd & Teoh, 2014). As more
technologies, such as cameras, music, text messaging and
internet browsing become an important part of mobile devices,
they pose an even greater cause of driver distraction (Nikolaev,
Robbins & Jacobson, 2010). Towards the beginning of 2009,
more than 200 bills that sought to prohibit or restrict the
utilization of cellphones while driving are still pending in
almost 42 state assemblies, in spite of disagreements on the
dangers pose and the efficacy of enforcements (Nikolaev,
Robbins & Jacobson, 2010). There is need to develop a
standardized law that discourages the use of cell phones while
driving. Banning the use of cell phones while driving,
minimizes fatal automobile accident rates. In New York, the
number of fatal accidents reduced by 46 percent.
In 2001, New York became the first state to regulate cell phone
utilization while driving. While New York prohibits handheld
cell phone devices, it still allows drivers to engage in cell phone
conversations so long as they utilize hands-free devices (Noder,
2009). New York’s law also includes a provision that allows
drivers to utilize their cell phones to call relevant authorities
during emergencies (Noder, 2009). States that enact the same
legislations have the authority used by New York’s law as a
model for their legislation and essentially to incorporate the
same exceptions during emergencies. The proposed solution
helps to ensure that states that faced problems related to slow
implementation of policies can still enact the legislations
through a standardized approach that includes all the states
nationally (Noder, 2009). This is because although some states
successfully passed laws that address cell phone utilization
while driving, other states still find it difficult to pass these
laws that restrict cell phone use.
Benefits of Applications that Reduce Phone Use
One of the provisions of this policy is the use of applications
that discourage picking of phone calls while driving. This
software allows drivers to keep their hands on their wheels and
their eyes on the road by converting their messages into audio.
The app reads the messages and then informs them to the driver
(Jolly, 2016). This enables him to hear all the messages. While
traditional blocking is often effective, it is often better to
understand what other people want to say to the driver.
Sometimes, it could be an important message (Jolly, 2016). This
system also automatically identifies the name of the individual
seeking to contact the driver a message. In the process, the
system lets the message senders a notification that the receiver
is driving and cannot attend to the message right away (Jolly,
2016). Currently, this app is also undergoing modifications to
have the capability of notifying the parents who seek to know
how their children are driving. However, it can also be utilized
by anybody for blocking incoming calls, emails, and texts while
driving. The most attractive and efficacious feature of the app is
that one can never forget to turn it on, since it will utilize the
GPS feature of the cell phone to determine if one is driving.
Road crashes are some of the leading causes of deaths for both
adults and teenagers in the United States. Deaths and injuries
arising from road carnages are partly brought by widespread use
of cell phones while driving. In this respect, people who make
phone calls or send text messages while driving. Standardizing
legislations and policies aimed at discouraging the use of cell
phones while driving has various benefits. First, these rules
have been effective in reducing road carnages in areas where
they have been enforced. Therefore, it would be beneficial to
apply them across the country. In addition, these legislations
help to reduce the cellphone-using behavior, thus minimizing
road accidents.
The National Safety Council (2015). Cell phones are involved in
an estimated 27 percent of all car crashes, says National Safety
Council. Retrieved from
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (2017).
USDOT Releases 2016 Fatal Traffic Crash Data. Retrieved from
Governors Highway Safety Association (n.d.). Distracted
Driving. Retrieved from
Statista (2017). Social media usage in the United States -
Statistics & Facts. Retrieved from
Pew Research Center (2018). Mobile Fact Sheet. Retrieved from, J. (2016).
The best tech to prevent distracted driving. USA Today.
McCartt, A. T., Kidd, D. G., & Teoh, E. R. (2014). Driver
cellphone and texting bans in the
United States: evidence of effectiveness. Annals of Advances in
Automotive Medicine, 58,
Nikolaev, A. G., Robbins, M. J., & Jacobson, S. H. (2010).
Evaluating the impact of legislation
prohibiting hand-held cell phone use while
driving. Transportation research part A:
policy and practice, 44(3), 182-193.
Noder, S. L. (2009). Talking and texting while driving: A look
at regulating cell phone use
behind the wheel. Val. UL Rev., 44, 237.
Heikki Summala (n.d.). Brake Reaction Times and Driver
Behavior Analysis. Retrieved from
Disadvantage such as emergency call, not be able catch the
people who talk or text on the phone.
Answer- restate your claim
Visual – by the time people less use cellphone while driving.
+ Strengths
< Opportunities for Improvement
Included a defensible, relevant thesis statement in the first
Explain a detailed, viable solution that supports your thesis.
This should be one or two (1-2) paragraphs.
State, explain, and support the first advantage (economic,
social, political, environmental, ethical/moral, etc.) to your
solution. This should be one or two (1-2) paragraphs.
State, explain, and support the second advantage (economic,
social, political, environmental, ethical/moral, etc.) to your
solution. This should be one or two (1-2) paragraphs.
State, explain, and support the third advantage (economic,
social, political, environmental, ethical/moral, etc.) to your
solution. This should be one or two (1-2) paragraphs.
Provide a concluding paragraph / transitional paragraph that
summarizes the proposed solution and its advantages.
Develop a coherently structured paper with effective
transitional words, phrases, sentences, and an introduction,
body, and conclusion.
Support advantage claims with at least three (3) additional
quality relevant references (at least six (6) total for Parts 1 and
Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements.
Running head: Persuasive Paper Part 1: A Problem Exists
Persuasive Paper Part 1: A Problem Exists
Should regulations regarding the use of cell phones while
driving be standardized?
Nowadays, mobile phones have a vital role in our daily lives,
but we need to limit the use for the safety of life and property
of drivers, passengers, and the other people who use road. It is
essential to create a law that covers the standards to create
habits for the population because the accident’s rate due to the
using of cell phone while driving is increasing every year. Each
state has different regulations to use the phone while driving, so
when traveling across the state, there may be confusion in the
law. The cell phone use while driving can be as dangerous as
drinking under the influence, for this reason, all states should
have standardized regulations where the use of cell phones and
driving are concerned.
History, status of issue, and overview
The using of a cell phone is growing up every year, cellular
service in the USA has grown significantly over the few years
from 4.01 billion in 2013 to 4.77 billion in 2017 (Statista,
2018). And the use of cellular phones in the automobile segment
is one of the big trends related to technology adoption, which
may divert attention from driving. Some states have taken legal
action that prohibits the use of mobile phones while driving to
limit and prevent accidents. However, with the limitations and
lack of information currently available to enforce standards for
not using cell phones while driving, passing the law is not
enough, by itself, it will have a significant impact on the
driver's use of the mobile phone. This may cause accidents to
themselves and others. In fact, the use of phones on the car is
important as well. The driver uses a mobile phone to report the
accident and informs the police and firefighter of any issues
that need fixing. However, using the phone while driving is still
not a good idea. Using a mobile phone while driving is an
increased risk of a car accident that could lead to serious injury
or death. Estimates that hundreds of deaths each year in the
United States are the result of a car crash involving mobile
phones. So, if it is necessary to use the phone really should pull
over the car.
According to The National Safety Council said 75 percent of
Americans admit to using cell phones, and 30 percent to texting,
while driving" and they also report that cell phone use while
driving leads to 1.6 million crashes each year. In 2013, more
than 3,000 died in distraction-related crashes and About
400,000 people injured in collisions involving a distracted
driver. Therefore, Comprehensive action must be taken on a
national level to curb this reckless, potentially deadly behavior.
Driving while using a cell phone incurs a higher risk of
crashing, as same as to driving while drunk and should have the
proper punishment.
Problem 1 – Different regulations in each state.
The law is not yet comprehensive and not yet rigorous, speaking
on a cell phone or texting while driving has become such a
commonplace for many drivers, however many states are
cracking down. In response to safety concerns, some states have
laws but some not and there are many different regulations. For
example, there are 15 states that have Hand-held Cell Phone
Use law: D.C., Puerto Rico, Guam and the U.S. Virgin Islands
prohibit all drivers from using hand-held cell phones while
driving. So, all are primary enforcement laws, an officer may
cite a driver for using a hand-held cell phone without any other
traffic offense taking place. Some states have Text Messaging
ban such as 47 states, D.C., Puerto Rico, Guam and the U.S.
Virgin Islands ban text messaging for all drivers.
From the above it can be seen that each state has different
regulations, the regulations are complex and the rules are not
strong enough to make people obey the law. Many people still
do not understand the rules, so they are ignoring and still use
the phone while driving. Each state should make laws as
standard. Is enforceable throughout the country and has
definitive sanctions, it will make people obey the rules.
Problem 2 – People addict social media.
Nowadays, people are addicted to the cellphones, whether it's
texting message or using social media. The United States is
considered to have high access rates to social networks in the
world. While the average global rate is 37 percent in 2017, the
online use of social networking in North America is about 66
percent. In the United States, 81 percent of the population has
social media profiles. This means that there are about 207
million social network users in the country in the year. The
figures show that the US has the third-largest user base in the
world, behind China and India but in the future, the number of
social network users in the USA is expected to increase by 217
million (Statista, 2017).
Someone is using the phone, not in the right place and not in the
right time like while driving. Using the phone while driving is a
distraction, it can result in consequences such as the cause of
the accident itself and may be linked to others as well.
According to The National Safety Council's annual injury and
fatality report, report injury facts found that the use of cell
phones causes 26% of the nation's car accidents, only 5% of
cellphone-related crashes occur. The reason is that the driver is
texting and talking on handheld or hands-free cellphones
(Kratsas, 2014).
Problem 3 – Using Bluetooth.
The use of different types of accessories that allow the rider to
use the phone without the need to touch the phone, such as the
use of Bluetooth to connect the phone to the car stereo. It can
reduce the risk of accidents due to physical factors and visual
factors. However, using an optional accessory will keep the
driver distracted and slow down the response to traffic signs,
and have a higher risk of accidents than those who concentrate
on driving.
The research found that the phone while driving, whether using
the phone, phone or accessory. There is a risk of serious
accidents as accessory users have a higher chance of the
accident than normal driving four times, and those who do not
use the device have a higher chance of the accident than normal
driving five times (CFSGB, 2017).
. It can see that the use of accessories that help the driver does
not have to use the phone while driving can reduce the risk of
physical factors, but the risk of accidents from distraction is
still high.
Summary and promise solution.
Most people nowadays want to use the phone, whether it's
texting or social media. If it is used both place and time
properly, it will not cause any problems. In response to security
concerns, some states and other countries have banned the use
of certain types of mobile phones while driving, but many states
have not had any restrictions. However, using the phone while
driving is not a good idea even using the Bluetooth, using the
phone while driving increases the risk of accident than normal
2-4 times because the driver distracted, and slow response brake
pedal decision. The controlling of the steering wheel when an
emergency is slower than normal 0.5 seconds and affects the
visibility of the sign, the traffic signs, even see the label but
cannot remember the details. There are also many drivers who
ignore the rules, and it is still potentially dangerous for drivers
who are distracted and other people. Therefore, government
officials must act in a clear direction and do not allow the use
of mobile phones and text messaging while on the way. This
regulation will not only be a way to build a nation of safe roads,
and it will be an essential means to save thousands of lives.
Enforcing mobile phone use while driving across the country
will reduce the number of families suffering from negligence.
Gabrielle Kratsas (March 28, 4014). Cellphone use causes over
1 in 4 car accidents. Retrieve from
Cantor Stoneburner Ford Grana Bunker (May 19, 2017). Is it
Safe to Use a Hands-Free Device While Driving? Retrieve from
National Safety Council (May 18, 2015). Cell phones are
involved in an estimated 27 percent of all car crashes, says
National Safety Council. Retrieve from
Rudisill, T. M., & Zhu, M. (2017). Hand-held cell phone use
while driving legislation and observed driver behavior among
population sub-groups in the United States. BMC Public Health,
17(1), 437. doi:10.1186/s12889-017-4373-x
Statista (2018). Number of mobile phone users worldwide from
2013 to 2019 (in billions) Retrieve from
Statista (2018). Social Media Statistics & Facts. Retrieve from
+ Strengths
< Opportunities for Improvement
Provide an appropriate title and an interesting opening
paragraph to appeal to your stated audience (appeal with logic,
ethics, or emotion).
Include a defensible, relevant thesis statement in the first
paragraph. (With revised thesis statement.)
Describe the history and status of the issue and provide an
overview of the problem(s) that need to be addressed. This
should be one or two (1-2) paragraphs.
Explain the first problem (economic, social, political,
environmental, complexity, inequity, ethical/moral, etc.) and
provide support for your claims. This should be one or two (1-
2) paragraphs.
Explain the second problem (economic, social, political,
environmental, complexity, inequity, ethical/moral, etc.) and
provide support for your claims. This should be one or two (1-
2) paragraphs.
Explain the third problem (economic, social, political,
environmental, complexity, inequity, ethical/moral, etc.) and
provide support for your claims. This should be one or two (1-
2) paragraphs.
Use effective transitional words, phrases, and sentences
throughout the paper.
Provide a concluding paragraph that summarizes the stated
problems and promises a solution.
Develop a coherently structured paper with an introduction,
body, and conclusion.
Support claims with at least three (3) quality, relevant
references. Use credible, academic sources available through
Strayer University’s Resource Center.

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How to Manage Your Lost Opportunities in Odoo 17 CRMHow to Manage Your Lost Opportunities in Odoo 17 CRM
How to Manage Your Lost Opportunities in Odoo 17 CRM
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  • 1. 1 Running head: PERSUASIVE PAPER PART3: POSSIBLE DISADVANTAGES, ANSWERS, WITH VISUALS PERSUASIVE PAPER PART3: POSSIBLE DISADVANTAGES, ANSWERS, WITH VISUALS14 Regulations regarding the use of cell phones while driving should be standardized. Mobile phones have a vital role in our daily lives, but we need to limit the use for the safety of life and property of drivers, passengers, and the other people who use road. It is essential to create a law that covers the standards to create habits for the population because the accident’s rate due to the using of cell phone while driving is increasing every year. Each state has different regulations to use the phone while driving, so when traveling across the state, there may be confusion in the law. Standardized regulations that discourage use of cell phones while driving are effective in reducing road carnages. Cellphone uses is growing up every year, cellular service in the USA has grown significantly over the few years from 4.01 billion in 2013 to 4.77 billion in 2017 (Pew Research Center, 2018). The use of cellular phones in the automobile segment is one of the big trends related to technology adoption, which may divert attention from driving. Some states have taken legal action that prohibits the use of mobile phones while driving to limit and prevent accidents. However, with the limitations and lack of information currently available to enforce standards for not using cell phones while driving, passing the law is not enough, by itself, it will have a significant impact on the driver's use of the mobile phone. This may cause accidents to themselves and others. In fact, the use of phones on the car is important as well. The driver uses a mobile phone to report the accident and informs the police and firefighter of any issues that need fixing. However, cell phone usage while driving is an
  • 2. increased risk of car accident that could lead to serious injury or death. Numerous road accident causalities stem from the usage of cell phones while driving (Statista, 2017). For example, according to The National Safety Council (2015) said 75 percent of Americans admit to using cell phones, and 30 percent is texting while driving and they also report that cell phone use while driving leads to 1.6 million crashes each year. In 2015, more than 3,000 died in distraction-related crashes and about 400,000 people injured in collisions involving a distracted driver (NSC, 2015). Therefore, comprehensive action must be taken on a national level to curb this reckless, potentially deadly behavior. Driving while using a cell phone incurs a higher risk of crashing, as same as to driving while drunk and should have the proper punishment. The law is not yet comprehensive and not yet rigorous. Speaking on a cell phone or texting while driving has become commonplace for many drivers. However, many states are cracking down. In response to safety concerns, some states have laws but some not and there are many different regulations. For example, there are 15 states that have Hand-held Cell Phone Use law: D.C., Puerto Rico, Guam and the U.S. Virgin Islands prohibit all drivers from using hand-held cell phones while driving (GHSA, n.d.). So, all are primary enforcement laws, an officer may cite a driver for using a hand-held cell phone without any other traffic offense taking place. Some states have Text Messaging ban such as 47 states, D.C., Puerto Rico, Guam and the U.S. Virgin Islands ban text messaging for all drivers (GHSA, n.d.). From the above it can be seen that each state has different regulations, the regulations are complex and the rules are not strong enough to make people obey the law. Many people still do not understand the rules, so they are ignoring and still use the phone while driving. Each state should make laws as standard. It should be enforceable throughout the country and has definitive sanctions, it will make people obey the rules.
  • 3. Many people are addicted to the cellphones whether it's texting message or using social media. The United States is considered to have high access rates to social networks in the world while the average global rate is 37 percent in 2017, the online use of social networking in North America is about 66 percent but in the United States is 81 percent of the population has social media profiles (Kemp, 2017). This means that there are about 207 million social network users in the country in the year. The figures show that the US has the third-largest user base in the world, behind China and India but in the future, the number of social network users in the USA is expected to increase by 217 million (Statista, 2017). Someone is using the phone, not in the right place and not in the right time like while driving. Using the phone while driving is a distraction, it can result in consequences such as the cause of the accident itself and may be linked to others as well. According to National Highway Traffic Safety annual injury and fatality report, report injury facts found that the use of cell phones causes 26% of the nation's car accidents, only 5% of cellphone-related crashes occur (NHTSA, 2017). The reason is that the driver is texting and talking on handheld or hands-free cellphones. The use of different types of accessories that allow the rider to use the phone without the need to touch the phone, such as the use of Bluetooth to connect the phone to the car stereo. It can reduce the risk of accidents due to physical factors and visual factors. However, using an optional accessory will keep the driver distracted and slow down the response to traffic signs, and have a higher risk of accidents than those who concentrate on driving. There is a risk of serious accidents as accessory users have a higher chance of the accident than normal driving four times, and those who do not use the device have a higher chance of the accident than normal driving five times (CFSGB, 2017). It can see that the use of accessories that help the driver does not have to use the phone while driving can reduce the risk of physical factors, but the risk of accidents from distraction is
  • 4. still high. Most people want to use the phone, whether it's texting or social media. If it is used both place and time properly, it will not cause any problems. In response to security concerns, some states and other countries have banned the use of certain types of mobile phones while driving, but many states have not had any restrictions. However, using the phone while driving is not good even using the Bluetooth, using the phone while driving increases the risk of accident than normal 2-4 times because the driver distracted, and slow response brake pedal decision. The controlling of the steering wheel when an emergency is slower than normal 0.5 seconds and affects the visibility of the sign, the traffic signs, even see the label but cannot remember the details (Summala, n.d.). There are also many drivers who ignore the rules, and it is still potentially dangerous for drivers who are distracted and other people. Therefore, government officials must act in a clear direction and do not allow the use of mobile phones and text messaging while on the way. This regulation will not only be a way to build a nation of safe roads, and it will be an essential means to save thousands of lives. Enforcing mobile phone use while driving across the country will reduce the number of families suffering from negligence. Governments should make every state a law to use the phone while driving to standards, by requiring every state prohibit all drivers from using hand-held cell phones while driving and texting prohibited as a standard. Because of people addict to use the social media, the government should issue support for applications on cell phone that can reduce phone usage while driving, such as SafeDrive. This application can help people reduce their interest in catching the phone, which is enabled by the app during the drive (Jolly, 2016). The message can be sent back to the person who would like to contact you and it can also send an auto message back that you are driving. There are numerous evidences that suggest that all-driver bans on hand-held phone devices and conversations can have large and long-lasting effects on drivers’ behaviors. In states where
  • 5. these rules have been implemented, there has been a remarkable reduction of drivers who talk on hand-held phones. In areas such as Connecticut, District of Columbia, and New York, the utilization of cellphones has reduced significantly from 24 to 76 percent within the last seven years since implementation (McCartt, Kidd & Teoh, 2014). In all these jurisdictions, the probability that the violators would receive citations is low, and there are no cases of sustained enforcement campaigns (McCartt, Kidd & Teoh, 2014). This is especially true when high-visibility enforcements are introduced, since they increase the rates of compliance with traffic regulations and policies. After programs of publicized high-intensity enforcement of all- driver cellphones and texting bans are implemented, the rates of observed hand-held phone conversations have reduced in some jurisdictions by as high as 57 percent in Hartford and Connecticut. Therefore, standardizing these laws by making the application of these recommendations across the whole country can help to reduce possible driving accidents by increasing compliance. The states that have implemented these legislations have also recorded that law enforcers are challenged by the prohibitions that apply only to teenage drivers. Usually, secondary enforcement rules that require police to have some other reasons to stop a vehicle before citing the driver for violating the cellphone law, coupled with the challenge of discerning whether a motorist is involved in an illegal act such as texting. In jurisdictions where ban on use of cellphones while driving has been implemented, numerous studies indicate a dramatic reduction in road carnages and accidents. In states such as California, Louisiana, and Minnesota, the collision claim rates significantly reduced following implementation of these policies (McCartt, Kidd & Teoh, 2014). As the number of drivers utilizing cell phones while driving increases, the interest in associating cell phone use while driving and road safety, continues to increase (McCartt, Kidd & Teoh, 2014). As more technologies, such as cameras, music, text messaging and
  • 6. internet browsing become an important part of mobile devices, they pose an even greater cause of driver distraction (Nikolaev, Robbins & Jacobson, 2010). Towards the beginning of 2009, more than 200 bills that sought to prohibit or restrict the utilization of cellphones while driving are still pending in almost 42 state assemblies, in spite of disagreements on the dangers pose and the efficacy of enforcements (Nikolaev, Robbins & Jacobson, 2010). There is need to develop a standardized law that discourages the use of cell phones while driving. Banning the use of cell phones while driving, minimizes fatal automobile accident rates. In New York, the number of fatal accidents reduced by 46 percent. In 2001, New York became the first state to regulate cell phone utilization while driving. While New York prohibits handheld cell phone devices, it still allows drivers to engage in cell phone conversations so long as they utilize hands-free devices (Noder, 2009). New York’s law also includes a provision that allows drivers to utilize their cell phones to call relevant authorities during emergencies (Noder, 2009). States that enact the same legislations have the authority used by New York’s law as a model for their legislation and essentially to incorporate the same exceptions during emergencies. The proposed solution helps to ensure that states that faced problems related to slow implementation of policies can still enact the legislations through a standardized approach that includes all the states nationally (Noder, 2009). This is because although some states successfully passed laws that address cell phone utilization while driving, other states still find it difficult to pass these laws that restrict cell phone use. One of the provisions of this policy is the use of applications that discourage picking of phone calls while driving. This software allows drivers to keep their hands on their wheels and their eyes on the road by converting their messages into audio. The app reads the messages and then informs them to the driver (Jolly, 2016). This enables him to hear all the messages. While traditional blocking is often effective, it is often better to
  • 7. understand what other people want to say to the driver. Sometimes, it could be an important message (Jolly, 2016). This system also automatically identifies the name of the individual seeking to contact the driver a message. In the process, the system lets the message senders a notification that the receiver is driving and cannot attend to the message right away (Jolly, 2016). Currently, this app is also undergoing modifications to have the capability of notifying the parents who seek to know how their children are driving. However, it can also be utilized by anybody for blocking incoming calls, emails, and texts while driving. The most attractive and efficacious feature of the app is that one can never forget to turn it on, since it will utilize the GPS feature of the cell phone to determine if one is driving. Road crashes are some of the leading causes of deaths for both adults and teenagers in the United States. Deaths and injuries arising from road carnages are partly brought by widespread use of cell phones while driving. In this respect, people who make phone calls or send text messages while driving. Standardizing legislations and policies aimed at discouraging the use of cell phones while driving has various benefits. First, these rules have been effective in reducing road carnages in areas where they have been enforced. Therefore, it would be beneficial to apply them across the country. In addition, these legislations help to reduce the cellphone-using behavior, thus minimizing road accidents. Cell phones play a major role in our daily activities. One of the most important roles that cell phones play is enabling communication between people. In the current world, information is very important and therefore people have a desire to be kept on the loop on what is happening. Owing to this fact, the use of cell phones has significantly increased over the years. Despite all the advantages associated with the use of cell phones, there also lies a great problem. Some people use their cell phones to call, text and surf the internet while driving. This poses a great risk not only to the person using the mobile phone but also other motorists and pedestrians on the road due to the
  • 8. high possibility of causing an accident. Although use of cell phones while driving is prohibited by regulations in some states, there needs to be standardized regulations across all states. This will ensure uniformity in implementation and enforcement of the regulations. The first possible disadvantage of having the regulation is because phones are necessary in emergency situations. This is as important factor that could lead to overestimation of net fatalities is the impact a ban would have on reporting potential problems to authorities. Although most of the proposed regulations would exempt cellular phone use in an emergency, a ban on nonemergency use would tend to decrease the instances of people’s carrying phones in their cars. The safety-enhancing effect of ubiquitous cellular phones is a byproduct of having the phones available for other uses. Thus, some of the positive social impacts of cellular phones, like the quicker reporting of accidents, for example, would be reduced. The second disadvantage is police not be able catch the people who talk or text on the phone. A final key issue that needs to be addressed is how a policy is actually enforced. Our calculations have assumed that policies are perfectly enforced. We know that in many countries these policies are either not enforced or that enforcement is far from perfect. Moreover, some of the policies may be quite costly and difficult to enforce. For example, trying to enforce a total ban in the United States. Drivers who use cellular phones could respond by putting tinted glass in their vehicles, which would make phone use harder to detect. One of the main problems that are experienced with these regulations is the level of inconsistency. Some regulations may only cover ban on text messaging only while others may cover calling and other uses. These vary from one state to another, some of the states do not have these types of regulations. Here are visuals to see the differences between the states. Firstly, state regulations for texting while driving. The red color means ban texting by all drivers, yellow means no ban, green means ban texting by bus driver, novice drivers, and all drivers in
  • 9. school zone. Secondly, the visual of ban on Handheld Devices and Texting, Red color means ban both of handheld device and texting, Yellow means ban only texting and green color means no ban (BTS, 2012). Therefore, this calls for creation of standardized regulation that would apply to all states. By having the standardized regulation, the inconsistencies will be addressed since the regulations would cover every aspect that is involved. The regulations will be drawn from a wide variety of case scenarios bench marked from the best international practices. This will ensure that there are no loop holes in the regulations. (Wellings, 2013) Also, standardized regulations will be effective given that publicizing the regulations would be much easier compared to publicizing individual regulations by states. This means that the level of awareness by the public will likely be high and thus making the enforcement to be easier. Some people are not aware of the regulations by the different states which make them violate them without knowledge of their existence. By making standard regulations, it will be easier for people to be aware of the regulations. This will help reduce road accidents that are associated with cell phone use while driving. Again, by having standardized regulations on cell phone use while driving, it will create a sense of seriousness about the issue. When an issue reaches a point of discussion in efforts to be standardized across all states, it tends to attract more attention and therefore it is taken seriously. This will make the enforcement agencies to act accordingly to the standardized regulations regardless of the state. It will ensure that people act
  • 10. accordingly no matter which state they are in. (Brown, 2012) In conclusion, cell phones use while driving should be regulated in order to reduce the number of accidents that occur. Making regulations at state level would help in reduction of but would not be effective. This is due to the scope on which regulations covers. Also, some states do not have these regulations which even complicate the issue. It is evident from the above information that having a standardized regulation on cell phone use while driving would be very effective in dealing with vices. Therefore, regulations on cell phone use while driving should be standardized. References The National Safety Council (2015). Cell phones are involved in an estimated 27 percent of all car crashes, says National Safety Council. Retrieved from .aspx?ID=9 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (2017). USDOT Releases 2016 Fatal Traffic Crash Data. Retrieved from traffic-crash-data Governors Highway Safety Association (n.d.). Distracted Driving. Retrieved from laws/issues/Distracted-Driving Statista (2017). Social media usage in the United States - Statistics & Facts. Retrieved from united-states/ Pew Research Center (2018). Mobile Fact Sheet. Retrieved from, J. (2016). The best tech to prevent distracted driving. USA Today. McCartt, A. T., Kidd, D. G., & Teoh, E. R. (2014). Driver cellphone and texting bans in the United States: evidence of effectiveness. Annals of Advances in Automotive Medicine, 58,
  • 11. 99. Nikolaev, A. G., Robbins, M. J., & Jacobson, S. H. (2010). Evaluating the impact of legislation prohibiting hand-held cell phone use while driving. Transportation research part A: policy and practice, 44(3), 182-193. Noder, S. L. (2009). Talking and texting while driving: A look at regulating cell phone use behind the wheel. Val. UL Rev., 44, 237. Heikki Summala (n.d.). Brake Reaction Times and Driver Behavior Analysis. Retrieved from action_Times_and_Driver_Behavior_Analysis Brown, A. (2012). Standardizing policies and regulations. journal of international management, 2-7. Wellings, A. (2013). Formula to standardization of regulations. journal of Management, 1-4. Bureau of Transportation Statistics (2012). Distracted Driving-- Bans on Hand-Held Devices and Texting While Driving. Retrieved from ons/pocket_guide_to_transportation/2012/html/ ml Criteria Comments
  • 12. + Strengths < Opportunities for Improvement 1 Included a defensible, relevant thesis statement in the first paragraph. 2 State, explain, and support the first disadvantage (economic, social, political, environmental, ethical/moral, etc.) to your solution and provide a logical answer. This should be one (1) paragraph. 3 State, explain, and support the second disadvantage (and third if appropriate) (economic, social, political, environmental, ethical/moral, etc.) to your solution and provide a logical answer. This should be one (1) or two (2) paragraph(s). 4 Include one or two (1-2) relevant visual and help illustrate an advantage. 5 Use effective transitional words, phrases, and sentences. 6 Provide a concluding paragraph to summarize the proposed
  • 13. solution, its advantages, possible disadvantages, and answers to the disadvantages. Repeat or rephrase your thesis statement. 7 Develop a coherently structured paper with an introduction, body, and conclusion. 8 Use one (1) or more rhetorical strategy(-ies) (ethos, logos, pathos) to explain claims. 9 Support disadvantages and answer with at least two (2) additional quality relevant references. Use at least eight (8) total for Parts 1, 2, and 3 total. 10 Clarity, writing mechanics, and APA formatting requirements (including in-text citations and reference page). 11 Other MONROE’S MOTIVATIONAL SEQUENCE
  • 14. Prof. Reece Darham Title:Catchy and descriptive title General Purpose: To Persuade Specific Purpose:What your audience gets out of the presentation Central Idea: The thesis of the speech INTRODUCTION GAIN ATTENTION: Identify the problem Attention-Getter: Give the audience a wow moment to draw them in. Preview: What is the subject of the speech? Relevance: Why is it important to your audience? Credibility: Why should the audience listen to you? Position Statement: Your researched opinion on the topic and why it needs solving! (Transitional sentence) BODY NEED: Explanation of the problem Statement:Identify the problem Clarification:Give evidence of problem Illustration:Give examples of how the problem relates to your audience (Transitional sentence) SATISFACTION: Give the best solution to the problem Statement:State the most viable solution Explanation:In detail, explain the solution
  • 15. Reasoning:Show reasoning behind the solution History:Give example(s) of how solution worked in the past/elsewhere Nod to other side:Clarify objections your audience may be thinking (Transitional sentence) VISUALIZATION: Implement either of these solutions Positive:This is what it will look like with the problem solved Negative:This is what it will be if the problem is not solved (Transitional sentence) CONCLUSION ACTION: Specific instruction on how audience can help Specific:Help by doing this: give phone numbers, addresses, etc. Specific:Donate, sign petition, write congressperson, buy product etc. (Transitional sentence) CONCLUSION: Review:Summarized your main points Thesis:Restate your position on the topic Call to Action:Close with a memorable statement and call to action. Please Note: The CONCLUSION STEP is a secondary conclusion to wrap-up the entire presentation but is not critical to the speech. Consider your time constraints when delivering this optional step. Mandatory to write the secondary conclusion; optional to deliver it in the speech. Therefore, if you are
  • 16. running out of time, finish at the end of the Action Step; if you have time, finish at the end of the Conclusion Step. REFERENCES: Provide a minimum of four references in APA format VISUAL AIDS: Identify visual aids and incorporate into the outline above Persuasive Speech Assignment: Outline & Presentation · Outline to be completed like the above template by Sunday at midnight of Week 3; · Persuasive topic of your choice to follow Monroe’s Motivational Sequence format; · 6-minutes in duration; · 4 credible references in APA format and cited in the speech; · Visual Aid(s) to enhance the speech and incorporated at the appropriate time throughout the speech; · Extemporaneous delivery ONLY…absolutely NO READING…; · Video and Audio recording submitted under the Persuasive Speech Assignment in Blackboard in one of the approved methods for video submission, due by Sunday at midnight of Week 3; · A minimum of two ADULT audience members required for recordings or presented to the professor in Keiser Live in Week 4. 1 RUNNING HEAD: PERSUASIVE PAPER PART 2: SOLUTIONS AND ADVANTAGES PERSUASIVE PAPRT PART 2: SOLUTIONS AND
  • 17. ADVANTAGES11 Should regulations regarding the use of cell phones while driving be standardized? Introduction Mobile phones have a vital role in our daily lives, but we need to limit the use for the safety of life and property of drivers, passengers, and the other people who use road. It is essential to create a law that covers the standards to create habits for the population because the accident’s rate due to the using of cell phone while driving is increasing every year. Each state has different regulations to use the phone while driving, so when traveling across the state, there may be confusion in the law. Standardized regulations that discourage use of cell phones while driving are effective in reducing road carnages. History, status of issue, and overview Cellphone uses is growing up every year, cellular service in the USA has grown significantly over the few years from 4.01 billion in 2013 to 4.77 billion in 2017 (Pew Research Center, 2018). The use of cellular phones in the automobile segment is one of the big trends related to technology adoption, which may divert attention from driving. Some states have taken legal action that prohibits the use of mobile phones while driving to limit and prevent accidents. However, with the limitations and lack of information currently available to enforce standards for not using cell phones while driving, passing the law is not enough, by itself, it will have a significant impact on the driver's use of the mobile phone. This may cause accidents to themselves and others. In fact, the use of phones on the car is important as well. The driver uses a mobile phone to report the accident and informs the police and firefighter of any issues that need fixing. However, cell phone usage while driving is an increased risk of car accident that could lead to serious injury or death. Numerous road accident causalities stem from the usage of cell phones while driving (Statista, 2017). For example, according to The National Safety Council (2015)
  • 18. said 75 percent of Americans admit to using cell phones, and 30 percent is texting while driving and they also report that cell phone use while driving leads to 1.6 million crashes each year. In 2013, more than 3,000 died in distraction-related crashes and about 400,000 people injured in collisions involving a distracted driver (NSC, 2015). Therefore, comprehensive action must be taken on a national level to curb this reckless, potentially deadly behavior. Driving while using a cell phone incurs a higher risk of crashing, as same as to driving while drunk and should have the proper punishment. Problems The law is not yet comprehensive and not yet rigorous. Speaking on a cell phone or texting while driving has become commonplace for many drivers. However, many states are cracking down. In response to safety concerns, some states have laws but some not and there are many different regulations. For example, there are 15 states that have Hand-held Cell Phone Use law: D.C., Puerto Rico, Guam and the U.S. Virgin Islands prohibit all drivers from using hand-held cell phones while driving (GHSA, n.d.). So, all are primary enforcement laws, an officer may cite a driver for using a hand-held cell phone without any other traffic offense taking place. Some states have Text Messaging ban such as 47 states, D.C., Puerto Rico, Guam and the U.S. Virgin Islands ban text messaging for all drivers (GHSA, n.d.). From the above it can be seen that each state has different regulations, the regulations are complex and the rules are not strong enough to make people obey the law. Many people still do not understand the rules, so they are ignoring and still use the phone while driving. Each state should make laws as standard. It should be enforceable throughout the country and has definitive sanctions, it will make people obey the rules. Many people are addicted to the cellphones whether it's texting message or using social media. The United States is considered to have high access rates to social networks in the world while the average global rate is 37 percent in 2017, the online use of
  • 19. social networking in North America is about 66 percent but in the United States is 81 percent of the population has social media profiles (Kemp, 2017). This means that there are about 207 million social network users in the country in the year. The figures show that the US has the third-largest user base in the world, behind China and India but in the future, the number of social network users in the USA is expected to increase by 217 million (Statista, 2017). Someone is using the phone, not in the right place and not in the right time like while driving. Using the phone while driving is a distraction, it can result in consequences such as the cause of the accident itself and may be linked to others as well. According to National Highway Traffic Safety annual injury and fatality report, report injury facts found that the use of cell phones causes 26% of the nation's car accidents, only 5% of cellphone-related crashes occur (NHTSA, 2017). The reason is that the driver is texting and talking on handheld or hands-free cellphones. The use of different types of accessories that allow the rider to use the phone without the need to touch the phone, such as the use of Bluetooth to connect the phone to the car stereo. It can reduce the risk of accidents due to physical factors and visual factors. However, using an optional accessory will keep the driver distracted and slow down the response to traffic signs, and have a higher risk of accidents than those who concentrate on driving. There is a risk of serious accidents as accessory users have a higher chance of the accident than normal driving four times, and those who do not use the device have a higher chance of the accident than normal driving five times (CFSGB, 2017). It can see that the use of accessories that help the driver does not have to use the phone while driving can reduce the risk of physical factors, but the risk of accidents from distraction is still high. Summary Most people want to use the phone, whether it's texting or social media. If it is used both place and time properly, it will not
  • 20. cause any problems. In response to security concerns, some states and other countries have banned the use of certain types of mobile phones while driving, but many states have not had any restrictions. However, using the phone while driving is not good even using the Bluetooth, using the phone while driving increases the risk of accident than normal 2-4 times because the driver distracted, and slow response brake pedal decision. The controlling of the steering wheel when an emergency is slower than normal 0.5 seconds and affects the visibility of the sign, the traffic signs, even see the label but cannot remember the details (Summala, n.d.). There are also many drivers who ignore the rules, and it is still potentially dangerous for drivers who are distracted and other people. Therefore, government officials must act in a clear direction and do not allow the use of mobile phones and text messaging while on the way. This regulation will not only be a way to build a nation of safe roads, and it will be an essential means to save thousands of lives. Enforcing mobile phone use while driving across the country will reduce the number of families suffering from negligence. Detailed and viable solution Governments should make every state a law to use the phone while driving to standards, by requiring every state prohibit all drivers from using hand-held cell phones while driving and texting prohibited as a standard. Because of people addict to use the social media, the government should issue support for applications on cell phone that can reduce phone usage while driving, such as SafeDrive. This application can help people reduce their interest in catching the phone, which is enabled by the app during the drive (Jolly, 2016). The message can be sent back to the person who would like to contact you and it can also send an auto message back that you are driving. Advantages of the Proposed
  • 21. Solution Drivers’ Behaviors There are numerous evidences that suggest that all-driver bans on hand-held phone devices and conversations can have large and long-lasting effects on drivers’ behaviors. In states where these rules have been implemented, there has been a remarkable reduction of drivers who talk on hand-held phones. In areas such as Connecticut, District of Columbia, and New York, the utilization of cellphones has reduced significantly from 24 to 76 percent within the last seven years since implementation (McCartt, Kidd & Teoh, 2014). In all these jurisdictions, the probability that the violators would receive citations is low, and there are no cases of sustained enforcement campaigns (McCartt, Kidd & Teoh, 2014). This is especially true when high-visibility enforcements are introduced, since they increase the rates of compliance with traffic regulations and policies. After programs of publicized high-intensity enforcement of all- driver cellphones and texting bans are implemented, the rates of observed hand-held phone conversations have reduced in some jurisdictions by as high as 57 percent in Hartford and Connecticut. Therefore, standardizing these laws by making the
  • 22. application of these recommendations across the whole country can help to reduce possible driving accidents by increasing compliance. The states that have implemented these legislations have also recorded that law enforcers are challenged by the prohibitions that apply only to teenage drivers. Usually, secondary enforcement rules that require police to have some other reasons to stop a vehicle before citing the driver for violating the cellphone law, coupled with the challenge of discerning whether a motorist is involved in an illegal act such as texting. Reduced Crash Outcomes In jurisdictions where ban on use of cellphones while driving have been implemented, numerous studies indicate a dramatic reduction in road carnages and accidents. In states such as California, Louisiana, and Minnesota, the collision claim rates significantly reduced following implementation of these policies (McCartt, Kidd & Teoh, 2014). As the number of drivers utilizing cell phones while driving increases, the interest in associating cell phone use while driving and road safety, continues to increase (McCartt, Kidd & Teoh, 2014). As more technologies, such as cameras, music, text messaging and internet browsing become an important part of mobile devices, they pose an even greater cause of driver distraction (Nikolaev, Robbins & Jacobson, 2010). Towards the beginning of 2009, more than 200 bills that sought to prohibit or restrict the
  • 23. utilization of cellphones while driving are still pending in almost 42 state assemblies, in spite of disagreements on the dangers pose and the efficacy of enforcements (Nikolaev, Robbins & Jacobson, 2010). There is need to develop a standardized law that discourages the use of cell phones while driving. Banning the use of cell phones while driving, minimizes fatal automobile accident rates. In New York, the number of fatal accidents reduced by 46 percent. In 2001, New York became the first state to regulate cell phone utilization while driving. While New York prohibits handheld cell phone devices, it still allows drivers to engage in cell phone conversations so long as they utilize hands-free devices (Noder, 2009). New York’s law also includes a provision that allows drivers to utilize their cell phones to call relevant authorities during emergencies (Noder, 2009). States that enact the same legislations have the authority used by New York’s law as a model for their legislation and essentially to incorporate the same exceptions during emergencies. The proposed solution helps to ensure that states that faced problems related to slow implementation of policies can still enact the legislations through a standardized approach that includes all the states nationally (Noder, 2009). This is because although some states successfully passed laws that address cell phone utilization while driving, other states still find it difficult to pass these laws that restrict cell phone use.
  • 24. Benefits of Applications that Reduce Phone Use One of the provisions of this policy is the use of applications that discourage picking of phone calls while driving. This software allows drivers to keep their hands on their wheels and their eyes on the road by converting their messages into audio. The app reads the messages and then informs them to the driver (Jolly, 2016). This enables him to hear all the messages. While traditional blocking is often effective, it is often better to understand what other people want to say to the driver. Sometimes, it could be an important message (Jolly, 2016). This system also automatically identifies the name of the individual seeking to contact the driver a message. In the process, the system lets the message senders a notification that the receiver is driving and cannot attend to the message right away (Jolly, 2016). Currently, this app is also undergoing modifications to have the capability of notifying the parents who seek to know how their children are driving. However, it can also be utilized by anybody for blocking incoming calls, emails, and texts while driving. The most attractive and efficacious feature of the app is that one can never forget to turn it on, since it will utilize the GPS feature of the cell phone to determine if one is driving. Summary Road crashes are some of the leading causes of deaths for both adults and teenagers in the United States. Deaths and injuries arising from road carnages are partly brought by widespread use
  • 25. of cell phones while driving. In this respect, people who make phone calls or send text messages while driving. Standardizing legislations and policies aimed at discouraging the use of cell phones while driving has various benefits. First, these rules have been effective in reducing road carnages in areas where they have been enforced. Therefore, it would be beneficial to apply them across the country. In addition, these legislations help to reduce the cellphone-using behavior, thus minimizing road accidents. References The National Safety Council (2015). Cell phones are involved in an estimated 27 percent of all car crashes, says National Safety Council. Retrieved from .aspx?ID=9 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (2017). USDOT Releases 2016 Fatal Traffic Crash Data. Retrieved from traffic-crash-data Governors Highway Safety Association (n.d.). Distracted Driving. Retrieved from laws/issues/Distracted-Driving Statista (2017). Social media usage in the United States - Statistics & Facts. Retrieved from
  • 26. united-states/ Pew Research Center (2018). Mobile Fact Sheet. Retrieved from, J. (2016). The best tech to prevent distracted driving. USA Today. McCartt, A. T., Kidd, D. G., & Teoh, E. R. (2014). Driver cellphone and texting bans in the United States: evidence of effectiveness. Annals of Advances in Automotive Medicine, 58, 99. Nikolaev, A. G., Robbins, M. J., & Jacobson, S. H. (2010). Evaluating the impact of legislation prohibiting hand-held cell phone use while driving. Transportation research part A: policy and practice, 44(3), 182-193. Noder, S. L. (2009). Talking and texting while driving: A look at regulating cell phone use behind the wheel. Val. UL Rev., 44, 237. Heikki Summala (n.d.). Brake Reaction Times and Driver Behavior Analysis. Retrieved from action_Times_and_Driver_Behavior_Analysis Disadvantage such as emergency call, not be able catch the people who talk or text on the phone.
  • 27. Answer- restate your claim Visual – by the time people less use cellphone while driving. Criteria Comments + Strengths < Opportunities for Improvement 1 Included a defensible, relevant thesis statement in the first paragraph.
  • 28. 2 Explain a detailed, viable solution that supports your thesis. This should be one or two (1-2) paragraphs. 3 State, explain, and support the first advantage (economic, social, political, environmental, ethical/moral, etc.) to your solution. This should be one or two (1-2) paragraphs. 4 State, explain, and support the second advantage (economic, social, political, environmental, ethical/moral, etc.) to your solution. This should be one or two (1-2) paragraphs. 5 State, explain, and support the third advantage (economic, social, political, environmental, ethical/moral, etc.) to your solution. This should be one or two (1-2) paragraphs.
  • 29. 6 Provide a concluding paragraph / transitional paragraph that summarizes the proposed solution and its advantages. 7 Develop a coherently structured paper with effective transitional words, phrases, sentences, and an introduction, body, and conclusion. 8 Support advantage claims with at least three (3) additional quality relevant references (at least six (6) total for Parts 1 and 2). 9 Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements. 10 Other
  • 30. 1 Running head: Persuasive Paper Part 1: A Problem Exists 6 Persuasive Paper Part 1: A Problem Exists Should regulations regarding the use of cell phones while driving be standardized? Introduction Nowadays, mobile phones have a vital role in our daily lives, but we need to limit the use for the safety of life and property of drivers, passengers, and the other people who use road. It is essential to create a law that covers the standards to create habits for the population because the accident’s rate due to the using of cell phone while driving is increasing every year. Each
  • 31. state has different regulations to use the phone while driving, so when traveling across the state, there may be confusion in the law. The cell phone use while driving can be as dangerous as drinking under the influence, for this reason, all states should have standardized regulations where the use of cell phones and driving are concerned. History, status of issue, and overview The using of a cell phone is growing up every year, cellular service in the USA has grown significantly over the few years from 4.01 billion in 2013 to 4.77 billion in 2017 (Statista, 2018). And the use of cellular phones in the automobile segment is one of the big trends related to technology adoption, which may divert attention from driving. Some states have taken legal action that prohibits the use of mobile phones while driving to limit and prevent accidents. However, with the limitations and lack of information currently available to enforce standards for not using cell phones while driving, passing the law is not enough, by itself, it will have a significant impact on the driver's use of the mobile phone. This may cause accidents to themselves and others. In fact, the use of phones on the car is important as well. The driver uses a mobile phone to report the accident and informs the police and firefighter of any issues that need fixing. However, using the phone while driving is still not a good idea. Using a mobile phone while driving is an increased risk of a car accident that could lead to serious injury
  • 32. or death. Estimates that hundreds of deaths each year in the United States are the result of a car crash involving mobile phones. So, if it is necessary to use the phone really should pull over the car. According to The National Safety Council said 75 percent of Americans admit to using cell phones, and 30 percent to texting, while driving" and they also report that cell phone use while driving leads to 1.6 million crashes each year. In 2013, more than 3,000 died in distraction-related crashes and About 400,000 people injured in collisions involving a distracted driver. Therefore, Comprehensive action must be taken on a national level to curb this reckless, potentially deadly behavior. Driving while using a cell phone incurs a higher risk of crashing, as same as to driving while drunk and should have the proper punishment. Problem 1 – Different regulations in each state. The law is not yet comprehensive and not yet rigorous, speaking on a cell phone or texting while driving has become such a commonplace for many drivers, however many states are cracking down. In response to safety concerns, some states have laws but some not and there are many different regulations. For example, there are 15 states that have Hand-held Cell Phone Use law: D.C., Puerto Rico, Guam and the U.S. Virgin Islands prohibit all drivers from using hand-held cell phones while driving. So, all are primary enforcement laws, an officer may
  • 33. cite a driver for using a hand-held cell phone without any other traffic offense taking place. Some states have Text Messaging ban such as 47 states, D.C., Puerto Rico, Guam and the U.S. Virgin Islands ban text messaging for all drivers. From the above it can be seen that each state has different regulations, the regulations are complex and the rules are not strong enough to make people obey the law. Many people still do not understand the rules, so they are ignoring and still use the phone while driving. Each state should make laws as standard. Is enforceable throughout the country and has definitive sanctions, it will make people obey the rules. Problem 2 – People addict social media. Nowadays, people are addicted to the cellphones, whether it's texting message or using social media. The United States is considered to have high access rates to social networks in the world. While the average global rate is 37 percent in 2017, the online use of social networking in North America is about 66 percent. In the United States, 81 percent of the population has social media profiles. This means that there are about 207 million social network users in the country in the year. The figures show that the US has the third-largest user base in the world, behind China and India but in the future, the number of social network users in the USA is expected to increase by 217 million (Statista, 2017). Someone is using the phone, not in the right place and not in the
  • 34. right time like while driving. Using the phone while driving is a distraction, it can result in consequences such as the cause of the accident itself and may be linked to others as well. According to The National Safety Council's annual injury and fatality report, report injury facts found that the use of cell phones causes 26% of the nation's car accidents, only 5% of cellphone-related crashes occur. The reason is that the driver is texting and talking on handheld or hands-free cellphones (Kratsas, 2014). Problem 3 – Using Bluetooth. The use of different types of accessories that allow the rider to use the phone without the need to touch the phone, such as the use of Bluetooth to connect the phone to the car stereo. It can reduce the risk of accidents due to physical factors and visual factors. However, using an optional accessory will keep the driver distracted and slow down the response to traffic signs, and have a higher risk of accidents than those who concentrate on driving. The research found that the phone while driving, whether using the phone, phone or accessory. There is a risk of serious accidents as accessory users have a higher chance of the accident than normal driving four times, and those who do not use the device have a higher chance of the accident than normal driving five times (CFSGB, 2017). . It can see that the use of accessories that help the driver does
  • 35. not have to use the phone while driving can reduce the risk of physical factors, but the risk of accidents from distraction is still high. Summary and promise solution. Most people nowadays want to use the phone, whether it's texting or social media. If it is used both place and time properly, it will not cause any problems. In response to security concerns, some states and other countries have banned the use of certain types of mobile phones while driving, but many states have not had any restrictions. However, using the phone while driving is not a good idea even using the Bluetooth, using the phone while driving increases the risk of accident than normal 2-4 times because the driver distracted, and slow response brake pedal decision. The controlling of the steering wheel when an emergency is slower than normal 0.5 seconds and affects the visibility of the sign, the traffic signs, even see the label but cannot remember the details. There are also many drivers who ignore the rules, and it is still potentially dangerous for drivers who are distracted and other people. Therefore, government officials must act in a clear direction and do not allow the use of mobile phones and text messaging while on the way. This regulation will not only be a way to build a nation of safe roads, and it will be an essential means to save thousands of lives. Enforcing mobile phone use while driving across the country will reduce the number of families suffering from negligence.
  • 36. Reference Gabrielle Kratsas (March 28, 4014). Cellphone use causes over 1 in 4 car accidents. Retrieve from ne-use-1-in-4-car-crashes/7018505/ Cantor Stoneburner Ford Grana Bunker (May 19, 2017). Is it Safe to Use a Hands-Free Device While Driving? Retrieve from use-a-hands-free-device-while-drive National Safety Council (May 18, 2015). Cell phones are involved in an estimated 27 percent of all car crashes, says
  • 37. National Safety Council. Retrieve from .aspx?ID=9 Rudisill, T. M., & Zhu, M. (2017). Hand-held cell phone use while driving legislation and observed driver behavior among population sub-groups in the United States. BMC Public Health, 17(1), 437. doi:10.1186/s12889-017-4373-x Statista (2018). Number of mobile phone users worldwide from 2013 to 2019 (in billions) Retrieve from phone-users-worldwide/ Statista (2018). Social Media Statistics & Facts. Retrieve from Criteria Comments + Strengths < Opportunities for Improvement
  • 38. 1 Provide an appropriate title and an interesting opening paragraph to appeal to your stated audience (appeal with logic, ethics, or emotion). 2 Include a defensible, relevant thesis statement in the first paragraph. (With revised thesis statement.) 3 Describe the history and status of the issue and provide an overview of the problem(s) that need to be addressed. This should be one or two (1-2) paragraphs. 4
  • 39. Explain the first problem (economic, social, political, environmental, complexity, inequity, ethical/moral, etc.) and provide support for your claims. This should be one or two (1- 2) paragraphs. 5 Explain the second problem (economic, social, political, environmental, complexity, inequity, ethical/moral, etc.) and provide support for your claims. This should be one or two (1- 2) paragraphs. 6 Explain the third problem (economic, social, political, environmental, complexity, inequity, ethical/moral, etc.) and provide support for your claims. This should be one or two (1- 2) paragraphs. 7 Use effective transitional words, phrases, and sentences
  • 40. throughout the paper. 8 Provide a concluding paragraph that summarizes the stated problems and promises a solution. 9 Develop a coherently structured paper with an introduction, body, and conclusion. 10 Support claims with at least three (3) quality, relevant references. Use credible, academic sources available through Strayer University’s Resource Center. 11 Other