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Usability Testing on Mobile
No More Excuses!
Laura Bowden & Cindy McCracken
Fidelity Investments
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UXPA Mobile Device Testing
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Barriers to Mobile Device Testing
• Geography
• Observation limitations
• Perceived Cost
• Mixed testing & observation platforms
The Scenario:
• Testing on Smartphone or iPad
– Participants are in the lab
– Observers are all over the place
– You want everyone to view the mobile device
– You want everyone to view the participants’ faces
– You want to record whole shebang to video
Setup Options
Smartphone setup 1: slides 6 - 30
Smartphone setup 2: slides 31 - 44
iPad setup: slides 45 - 54
Litmus test to determine Setup 1 or 2
Setup 1 is required if:
• You’re not using an iPhone
• You’re testing behind a “serious” firewall.
• (But you can also use this setup with an iPhone if you want to, which is what
we’re doing today.)
Setup 2 can be used only when:
• You’re testing on an iPhone or iPad (although
there may be similar technology with Android OS)
• You’re not behind a “serious” firewall
Pros & Cons of Smartphone Setup 1 versus 2
Setup 1 Setup 2
Pros Pros
Only dependent on 1 network Look mom, no wires!
Advanced class: Finger dots
with TouchPose
Cons Cons
Wires Jailbreak required for
Hands/fingers can get in the
way of the screen
Can only test iPhones with
Reflector App, not other
Smartphone Setup 1
Smartphone Setup 1
• 2 laptops, 1 with built in webcam (mixing Macs and PCs is ok)
• 1 tiny camera (we like IPEVO for $69.99)
• 1 smartphone holder “sled” (we had one custom made at a plastics company for
$150 using a photo from the web, here’s a cooler one:
• Webex w/ VOIP option (no, not GoToMeeting. Webex.)
• Screen capture software (we like Camtasia for Mac, Morae for PC)
• Any smartphone
• An app, website, or prototype
• Patience, fortitude and the spirit of adventure! (You know
how technology breaks down during lab testing sometimes? Multiply that by a
factor of precisely 5, representing the number of additional potential points of
technology failure compared to a regular lab test on a computer.)
Schematic – Smartphone Setup 1
Phone Image
(w/ built-in webcam)
(w/ lots of free space)
-Tiny Camera app
-WebEx (sharing)
-VOIP for audio
-WebEx (attending)
• Are one of your 2 laptops more powerful than the other? Let that one do
the screen recording, and the other one host the phone image.
• Do you know the video format your business partners can use on their
machines? For example, if you’re recording with Camtasia for Mac, you
can’t convert to .wmv without lengthy file conversion resulting in terrible
quality. Pick the right recording software for the job.
• Are all your observers able to log into WebEx? (Some company’s firewalls
get crabby about it, requiring special IT interventions.)
• Are you able to permanently turn off your screensavers on BOTH
machines? Neither of them will have any keyboard action for the whole
sessions, and will eventually go to sleep. 60 minutes of screensaver video
is no fun. You can always download the app called “Caffeine” which will do
that for you on a mac. Its free.
Smartphone Setup 1
Step 1 – Plan for the end result
Smartphone Setup 1
Helpful Tips Learned from(horrible)Experience:
Tip #1
• To avoid a dozen hours of file transfers, always
record the video on the same machine on which it
will be processed and edited..
Tip #2
• Don’t even think about attempting to copy raw
recordings onto a network “between sessions.”
Make sure you have enough space on your hard
drive for the total amount of video you will end up
with, plus extra, by a lot.
Follow this order
a. (Put the screen recording computer aside for a minute.)
b. Launch the tiny cam’s driver application on the Image Sharing Computer.
c. Plug tiny cam into USB port of Image Sharing Computer and turn it on.
d. Attach the tiny cam to the sled
e. Attach the smartphone to the sled. (Using a rubber band? No shame!)
f. Fiddle with the cameras application settings so that your image is right-
side up and focused
Smartphone Setup 1
Step 2 – Start plugging things into each other
b) Launch the tiny cam’s driver application on the Image Sharing Computer.
c) Plug tiny cam into USB port of Image Sharing Computer and turn it on.
d) Attach the tiny cam to the sled.
e) Attach the smartphone to the sled.
Even with just a rubber band, its pretty
sturdy and can accommodate any
f) Fiddle with the tiny cam’s application settings so that your image is right-
side up and focused.
a) On the image sharing laptop, start your WebEx meeting and phone
call…VOIP is recommended.
a) On the phone image sharing laptop, launch a browser & start
your WebEx meeting and phone call.
b) On WebEx, turn on the video cam option next to your name
(this will capture the participant’s face). Now you should see
2 windows: the participant’s face (small window) and the
smartphone screen (larger window). Share your screen.
c) Drag images where you want them. Optional: Minimize the
smaller window with the face image so the participant
doesn’t have to watch themselves. WebEx: Participant menu > Assign
Privileges > Participants Tab > Uncheck Participant List checkbox > Assign button
d) Use static electricity to stick a piece of printer paper onto the
screen of the participant laptop*
Smartphone Setup 1
Step 3 – Fire up WebEx
a) Put recording machine aside for a second…
b) In WebEx, turn on the video cam option next to your name (this will
capture the participant’s face). Now you should see 2 windows – the face
(small window) and the phone image (large window). Share.
c) Drag images where you want them.
c) Optional: Minimize the smaller window with the face image so the participant doesn’t
have to watch themselves. (You need to stop sharing to get the top menu.) WebEx: Participant
menu > Assign Privileges > Participants Tab > Uncheck Participant List checkbox > Assign button
c) The participants’ image, minimized. Click the triangle to open it up again.
d) Use static electricity to stick a piece of printer paper onto the screen of the participant
laptop so they aren’t distracted by the image*
• In theory you can use an external webcam instead and
leave the laptop closed. But that’s just one more item
to carry, and one more potential break-down point.
• And even if you do use an external webcam, you will
find yourself constantly opening and closing the laptop
to make sure the meeting is running and the
screensaver is turned off and the participants’ face is
lined up in the view… whereas the paper is easily
“peeked behind”, completely ignored by the user, and
causes less distraction overall.
Smartphone Setup 1
Smartphone Setup 1
Helpful Tip Learned from(horrible) Experience
Tip #3
• Sometimes you get the reverse of what you
want in each window. You may have to reverse
the plugging-in and turning-on order to get
the right thing on the right screen. It’s a
mystery why it only happens sometimes. And
believe us, it will revert back to the original
way the next time to try it. Embrace the
Once WebEx is running on the Image Sharing machine….
a) Launch a browser on the video recording machine and join
the meeting. Make sure everything looks how you want it to
b) Launch Camtasia (or your favorite screen capture/editing
c) Make sure Camtasia is capturing VOIP audio
d) Start recording your session
Smartphone Setup 1
Step 4 – Fire up the machine recording screen capture
a) Launch a browser on the video recording laptop and join the meeting. Arrange images.
b) Launch Camtasia (or any screen capture/editing software) on the video recording laptop.
c) Start recording your session – LIVE TRIAL…
View behind the paper
What the participant is really looking at:
Tip: Adjust the size of the
participants face larger, and
consider defining a custom
region in Camtasia for less
extraneous stuff displayed on
the recording. Also, clear your
desktop so the background
isn’t cluttered.
What Camtasia recordsView in front of participant
All Views
Do you want to see if it really worked?
• WebEx allows for 2 video inputs simultaneously, GTM does not. So
if you’re dead-set on displaying the participants’ faces alongside the
smartphone image, you must use WebEx.
– Pros: Very easy interface and automatic VOIP with every meeting. We
have found it to be more stable than WebEx mid-meeting and if you
use their recording service it will convert to .mov on a mac and .wmv
on a PC.
– Cons: User experience is less consistent while joining a meeting, and it
only allows for single video input so you can’t display users’ faces
• WebEx
– Pros: Supports 2 simultaneous video inputs and provides VOIP.
– Cons: Your company must purchase the VOIP option. User interface is
overcomplicated. It will record to a proprietary format which needs
conversion before loading into a video editor.
Smartphone Setup 1
Why WebEx and not GTM?
Phones are…meh. There are pros and cons.
• Pros
– Phones in general are pretty much a sure thing. (knock on wood)
• Cons
– A phone tap is one more thing to carry and one more potential failure in
the chain if you connect it wrong. For observers listening through a
phone, a phone’s placement is rarely between the moderator and the
participant – usually that’s where the computer is, and the phone is off to
one side.
VOIP uses the computer’s mic, which is usually
placed more advantageously by
default, between the moderator and the
Smartphone Setup 1
A word about Phone Audio
Smartphone Setup 1
Helpful tips learned from(horrible)experience
Tip #4
• Do a test recording to understand how loud
your volume will be.
Tip #5
To record without VOIP or a phone tap
• Put the lab phone on speaker so that the observers can hear
you, and just allow the recording laptop to pick up the voices in
the room via its internal mic. Mac audio we recorded like this
has been better than either the VOIP or the phone taps.
Smartphone Setup 1
Helpful tips learned from(horrible)experience
Tip #6 – If you’re a hard core minimalist.
If you only have 1 laptop, sled & smartphone
• You could run the webex meeting, VOIP and Camtasia on the
same machine that the smartphone is plugged into. But you
risk grinding the most robust machines down to a
halt, requiring restart between participants.
Smartphone Setup 2
Ask yourself: Are you testing behind a “serious”
firewall? If so, move along - nuthin’ to see here.
Go to slide 43.
Smartphone Setup 2
• 2 laptops, 1 w/ built in webcam (don’t try to be a hero by mixing
Mac and PC for this one)
• Reflector App on computer (download for $15.99)
• Webex w/ VOIP option (no, not GoToMeeting. Webex.)
• Screen capture software (we like Camtasia for Mac, Morae for PC)
• An iPhone (no other kind of smartphone)
• An app, website, or prototype
• Belief in a higher power (While the number of elements for this
setup is decreased, the chaos factor higher, due to the requirement of creating
an additional wireless network which must perform for an audience, flawlessly,
for 8 hours straight 2 days in a row.)
Schematic – Smartphone Setup 2
(w/ built-in webcam)
(w/ lots of free space)
-Reflector App
-WebEx (sharing)
-VOIP for audio
-WebEx (attending)
Setup Comparison
Setup 1 Setup 2
• Litmus test: If you need to go to iPhone settings to select your new
network “by hand”, or if you need to say “create network”on your
computer to get the phone to connect: This option isn’t right for you.
• Is 1 of your 2 laptops more powerful than the other? Let that one do the
screen recording.
• Do you know the video format your business partners can use on their
machines? For example, if you’re recording with Camtasia for Mac, you
can’t convert to .wmv without lengthy file conversion resulting in terrible
quality. Pick the right recording software for the job.
• Are all your observers able to log into WebEx? (Some company’s firewalls
get crabby about it, requiring special IT interventions.)
• Are you able to permanently turn off your screensavers on BOTH
machines? Neither of them will have any keyboard action for the whole
sessions, and will eventually go to sleep. 60 minutes of screensaver video
is no fun.
Smartphone Setup 2 (same as Setup 1)
1 – Plan for the end result
• (Put the video recording computer aside for a minute.)
a) On your laptop, launch the Reflector app
b) On your iPhone, go to the homescreen.
c) Double-tap the button and scroll all the way to the left, past the music
screen, until you see the volume bar (admit it, you didn’t even know that
was there, right?)
d) To the right of the volume bar, an incomprehensible icon should have
appeared. Tap it.
e) On the screen select “dialog” and “turn mirroring on”
f) Say a little prayer.
g) The iPhone screen should magically appear on your computer screen –
PC or mac.
Smartphone Setup 2
Step 2 – Reflect your iPhone screen
a) On your laptop, launch the Reflector app
b) On your iPhone, go to the homescreen.
c) Double-tap the main button and scroll all the
way to the left, past the music screen, until you
see the volume bar (admit it, you didn’t even
know that volume control was there, right?)
d) To the right of the volume bar, an
incomprehensible icon should have appeared.
Tap it.
e) On the screen select the new network
and “turn mirroring on.”
f) Say a little prayer.
g) Voila! The iPhone screen should magically appear on your computer screen – PC or Mac.
Little icon on your phone
lets you know that you’re
still connected to AirPlay’s
a) On the phone image sharing laptop, launch a browser & start
your WebEx meeting and phone call.
b) On WebEx, turn on the video cam option next to your name
(this will capture the participant’s face). Now you should see
2 windows: the participant’s face (small window) and the
smartphone screen (larger window). Share your screen.
c) Drag images where you want them. Optional: Minimize the
smaller window with the face image so the participant
doesn’t have to watch themselves. WebEx: Participant menu > Assign
Privileges > Participants Tab > Uncheck Participant List checkbox > Assign button
d) Use static electricity to stick a piece of printer paper onto the
screen of the participant laptop*
Smartphone Setup 2
Step 3 – Fire up WebEx
Once WebEx** is running on the Image Sharing
a) Launch a browser on the video recording laptop and
join the meeting. Make sure everything looks how
you want it to look.
b) Launch Camtasia (or your favorite screen
capture/editing software) on the video recording
c) Start recording your session
Smartphone Setup 2
Step 4 – Fire up the machine doing the screen capture
Networks get dropped. It’s a fact of life.
• When your network gets dropped, sometimes
Reflector app has a “reluctance” to put the iPhone
back onto the network you just made.
• To recover:
– In iPhone Settings: Forget Network.
– On Computer: Quit Reflector App.
– On Computer: Restart Reflector App.
– In iPhone: Follow procedure to mirror display
Smartphone Setup 2
Helpful Tip Learned from(horrible)Experience
Setup options (I’m sure you can find more, too!)
1. Smartphone Setup 1 can be used identically
for iPad testing setup
2. Wireless Setup
Pros & Cons of iPad Setup 1 versus 2
Setup 1 Setup 2
Pros Pros
Major: You can see ANYTHING
on the screen
Look mom, no wires!
Cool annotation features
Cons Cons
Camera contraption can be a
little harder to deal with on an
iPad than a smartphone.
Can only share content in a
browser – not an app.
Hands/fingers can get in the
way of the screen
Can’t minimize the
participants’ face
Performance hit on iPad
Schematic – Wireless iPad Setup
(w/ built-in webcam)
(w/ lots of free space)
-GTM VOIP for audio
-GTM video for face
-GoToMeeting (attending)
Materials you need
• 1 laptop
• GoToMeeting (no, not WebEx, GoToMeeting.)
• Screen capture software (we like Camtasia for Mac, Morae for
• iPad 2 or 3 (not iPad 1 because it doesn’t have a camera to capture
participant’s face)
• An app, website, or prototype
a) (Put the video recording computer aside for a minute.)
b) On your iPad, launch GoToMeeting
– Make sure your call is working by calling into the VOIP
number from another phone
– Enable the participant videocam feature (if you want it)
– Share your screen
c) Unbelievably – that’s it.
iPad setup
Step 2 – Fire up GoToMeeting
a) On your iPad, launch GoToMeeting. Enable the participant
videocam feature (if you want it). Share your screen
Cool Annotation Features!
iPad setup
Step 3 – Fire up the machine doing the screen
Once GoToMeeting is running on the Image Sharing
a) Launch a browser on the video recording laptop and
join the meeting. Make sure everything looks how
you want it to look.
b) Launch Camtasia (or your favorite screen
capture/editing software) on the video recording
c) Start recording your session
• In theory, you can run Display Recorder App
on the iPad during your session to record
audio, video and even users’ face, while
screen-sharing the usability session.
• Word to the wise: This is a serious
performance hit on the iPad, but it’s been
– Tip: Forgo the video option in favor of better
performance on the screen.
Adventure Club for iPad
• Rather than sitting in the traditional
“moderator” position looking over the
participant’s shoulder, sit across from
them, and watch the session via screensharing
on your own (3rd) laptop.
– Your business partners can IM spontaneous
questions to you.
– You can take your own notes if you need to, from
right there
Uber-Efficiency Mode

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Usability Testing on Mobile Devices - No More Excuses!

  • 1. Usability Testing on Mobile Devices No More Excuses! Laura Bowden & Cindy McCracken Fidelity Investments Demo Log in here while you wait! UXPA Mobile Device Testing Password: 123456
  • 2. Barriers to Mobile Device Testing • Geography • Observation limitations • Perceived Cost • Mixed testing & observation platforms 2
  • 3. The Scenario: • Testing on Smartphone or iPad – Participants are in the lab – Observers are all over the place – You want everyone to view the mobile device screen – You want everyone to view the participants’ faces – You want to record whole shebang to video 3
  • 4. Setup Options 4 Smartphone setup 1: slides 6 - 30 Smartphone setup 2: slides 31 - 44 iPad setup: slides 45 - 54
  • 5. Litmus test to determine Setup 1 or 2 Setup 1 is required if: • You’re not using an iPhone • You’re testing behind a “serious” firewall. • (But you can also use this setup with an iPhone if you want to, which is what we’re doing today.) Setup 2 can be used only when: • You’re testing on an iPhone or iPad (although there may be similar technology with Android OS) • You’re not behind a “serious” firewall 5
  • 6. Pros & Cons of Smartphone Setup 1 versus 2 6 Setup 1 Setup 2 Pros Pros Only dependent on 1 network Look mom, no wires! Advanced class: Finger dots with TouchPose Cons Cons Wires Jailbreak required for TouchPose Hands/fingers can get in the way of the screen Can only test iPhones with Reflector App, not other smartphones.
  • 8. Smartphone Setup 1 Materials • 2 laptops, 1 with built in webcam (mixing Macs and PCs is ok) • 1 tiny camera (we like IPEVO for $69.99) • 1 smartphone holder “sled” (we had one custom made at a plastics company for $150 using a photo from the web, here’s a cooler one: • Webex w/ VOIP option (no, not GoToMeeting. Webex.) • Screen capture software (we like Camtasia for Mac, Morae for PC) • Any smartphone • An app, website, or prototype • Patience, fortitude and the spirit of adventure! (You know how technology breaks down during lab testing sometimes? Multiply that by a factor of precisely 5, representing the number of additional potential points of technology failure compared to a regular lab test on a computer.) 8
  • 9. Schematic – Smartphone Setup 1 Phone Image Capture Laptop (w/ built-in webcam) Smart phone Tiny Camera cable sled Video Recording Laptop (w/ lots of free space) Running: -Tiny Camera app -WebEx (sharing) -VOIP for audio Running: -WebEx (attending) -Camtasia Observers Laptop (attending WebEx) Phone or VOIP Lab 9
  • 10. • Are one of your 2 laptops more powerful than the other? Let that one do the screen recording, and the other one host the phone image. • Do you know the video format your business partners can use on their machines? For example, if you’re recording with Camtasia for Mac, you can’t convert to .wmv without lengthy file conversion resulting in terrible quality. Pick the right recording software for the job. • Are all your observers able to log into WebEx? (Some company’s firewalls get crabby about it, requiring special IT interventions.) • Are you able to permanently turn off your screensavers on BOTH machines? Neither of them will have any keyboard action for the whole sessions, and will eventually go to sleep. 60 minutes of screensaver video is no fun. You can always download the app called “Caffeine” which will do that for you on a mac. Its free. Smartphone Setup 1 Step 1 – Plan for the end result 10
  • 11. Smartphone Setup 1 Helpful Tips Learned from(horrible)Experience: Tip #1 • To avoid a dozen hours of file transfers, always record the video on the same machine on which it will be processed and edited.. Tip #2 • Don’t even think about attempting to copy raw recordings onto a network “between sessions.” Make sure you have enough space on your hard drive for the total amount of video you will end up with, plus extra, by a lot. 11
  • 12. Follow this order a. (Put the screen recording computer aside for a minute.) b. Launch the tiny cam’s driver application on the Image Sharing Computer. c. Plug tiny cam into USB port of Image Sharing Computer and turn it on. d. Attach the tiny cam to the sled e. Attach the smartphone to the sled. (Using a rubber band? No shame!) f. Fiddle with the cameras application settings so that your image is right- side up and focused Smartphone Setup 1 Step 2 – Start plugging things into each other 12
  • 13. 13 b) Launch the tiny cam’s driver application on the Image Sharing Computer. c) Plug tiny cam into USB port of Image Sharing Computer and turn it on.
  • 14. 14 d) Attach the tiny cam to the sled.
  • 15. 15 e) Attach the smartphone to the sled. Even with just a rubber band, its pretty sturdy and can accommodate any orientation.
  • 16. 16 f) Fiddle with the tiny cam’s application settings so that your image is right- side up and focused.
  • 17. 17 a) On the image sharing laptop, start your WebEx meeting and phone call…VOIP is recommended.
  • 18. a) On the phone image sharing laptop, launch a browser & start your WebEx meeting and phone call. b) On WebEx, turn on the video cam option next to your name (this will capture the participant’s face). Now you should see 2 windows: the participant’s face (small window) and the smartphone screen (larger window). Share your screen. c) Drag images where you want them. Optional: Minimize the smaller window with the face image so the participant doesn’t have to watch themselves. WebEx: Participant menu > Assign Privileges > Participants Tab > Uncheck Participant List checkbox > Assign button d) Use static electricity to stick a piece of printer paper onto the screen of the participant laptop* Smartphone Setup 1 Step 3 – Fire up WebEx 18
  • 19. 19 a) Put recording machine aside for a second… b) In WebEx, turn on the video cam option next to your name (this will capture the participant’s face). Now you should see 2 windows – the face (small window) and the phone image (large window). Share. c) Drag images where you want them.
  • 20. 20 c) Optional: Minimize the smaller window with the face image so the participant doesn’t have to watch themselves. (You need to stop sharing to get the top menu.) WebEx: Participant menu > Assign Privileges > Participants Tab > Uncheck Participant List checkbox > Assign button
  • 21. 21 c) The participants’ image, minimized. Click the triangle to open it up again.
  • 22. 22 d) Use static electricity to stick a piece of printer paper onto the screen of the participant laptop so they aren’t distracted by the image*
  • 23. • In theory you can use an external webcam instead and leave the laptop closed. But that’s just one more item to carry, and one more potential break-down point. • And even if you do use an external webcam, you will find yourself constantly opening and closing the laptop to make sure the meeting is running and the screensaver is turned off and the participants’ face is lined up in the view… whereas the paper is easily “peeked behind”, completely ignored by the user, and causes less distraction overall. Smartphone Setup 1 *Um…Really? 23
  • 24. Smartphone Setup 1 Helpful Tip Learned from(horrible) Experience Tip #3 • Sometimes you get the reverse of what you want in each window. You may have to reverse the plugging-in and turning-on order to get the right thing on the right screen. It’s a mystery why it only happens sometimes. And believe us, it will revert back to the original way the next time to try it. Embrace the mystery. 24
  • 25. Once WebEx is running on the Image Sharing machine…. a) Launch a browser on the video recording machine and join the meeting. Make sure everything looks how you want it to look. b) Launch Camtasia (or your favorite screen capture/editing software). c) Make sure Camtasia is capturing VOIP audio d) Start recording your session Smartphone Setup 1 Step 4 – Fire up the machine recording screen capture 25
  • 26. 26 a) Launch a browser on the video recording laptop and join the meeting. Arrange images. b) Launch Camtasia (or any screen capture/editing software) on the video recording laptop. c) Start recording your session – LIVE TRIAL…
  • 27. 27 View behind the paper What the participant is really looking at: Tip: Adjust the size of the participants face larger, and consider defining a custom region in Camtasia for less extraneous stuff displayed on the recording. Also, clear your desktop so the background isn’t cluttered. What Camtasia recordsView in front of participant All Views
  • 28. Do you want to see if it really worked? 28
  • 29. • WebEx allows for 2 video inputs simultaneously, GTM does not. So if you’re dead-set on displaying the participants’ faces alongside the smartphone image, you must use WebEx. • GTM – Pros: Very easy interface and automatic VOIP with every meeting. We have found it to be more stable than WebEx mid-meeting and if you use their recording service it will convert to .mov on a mac and .wmv on a PC. – Cons: User experience is less consistent while joining a meeting, and it only allows for single video input so you can’t display users’ faces • WebEx – Pros: Supports 2 simultaneous video inputs and provides VOIP. – Cons: Your company must purchase the VOIP option. User interface is overcomplicated. It will record to a proprietary format which needs conversion before loading into a video editor. Smartphone Setup 1 Why WebEx and not GTM? 29
  • 30. Phones are…meh. There are pros and cons. • Pros – Phones in general are pretty much a sure thing. (knock on wood) • Cons – A phone tap is one more thing to carry and one more potential failure in the chain if you connect it wrong. For observers listening through a phone, a phone’s placement is rarely between the moderator and the participant – usually that’s where the computer is, and the phone is off to one side. VOIP uses the computer’s mic, which is usually placed more advantageously by default, between the moderator and the Smartphone Setup 1 A word about Phone Audio 30
  • 31. Smartphone Setup 1 Helpful tips learned from(horrible)experience Tip #4 • Do a test recording to understand how loud your volume will be. Tip #5 To record without VOIP or a phone tap • Put the lab phone on speaker so that the observers can hear you, and just allow the recording laptop to pick up the voices in the room via its internal mic. Mac audio we recorded like this has been better than either the VOIP or the phone taps. 31
  • 32. Smartphone Setup 1 Helpful tips learned from(horrible)experience Tip #6 – If you’re a hard core minimalist. If you only have 1 laptop, sled & smartphone • You could run the webex meeting, VOIP and Camtasia on the same machine that the smartphone is plugged into. But you risk grinding the most robust machines down to a halt, requiring restart between participants. 32
  • 33. Smartphone Setup 2 Ask yourself: Are you testing behind a “serious” firewall? If so, move along - nuthin’ to see here. Go to slide 43. 33
  • 34. Smartphone Setup 2 Materials • 2 laptops, 1 w/ built in webcam (don’t try to be a hero by mixing Mac and PC for this one) • Reflector App on computer (download for $15.99) • Webex w/ VOIP option (no, not GoToMeeting. Webex.) • Screen capture software (we like Camtasia for Mac, Morae for PC) • An iPhone (no other kind of smartphone) • An app, website, or prototype • Belief in a higher power (While the number of elements for this setup is decreased, the chaos factor higher, due to the requirement of creating an additional wireless network which must perform for an audience, flawlessly, for 8 hours straight 2 days in a row.) 34
  • 35. Schematic – Smartphone Setup 2 Image Capture Laptop (w/ built-in webcam) Smart phone Video Recording Laptop (w/ lots of free space) Running: -Reflector App -WebEx (sharing) -VOIP for audio Running: -WebEx (attending) -Camtasia Observers Laptop (attending WebEx) Phone or VOIP Lab 35
  • 37. • Litmus test: If you need to go to iPhone settings to select your new network “by hand”, or if you need to say “create network”on your computer to get the phone to connect: This option isn’t right for you. • Is 1 of your 2 laptops more powerful than the other? Let that one do the screen recording. • Do you know the video format your business partners can use on their machines? For example, if you’re recording with Camtasia for Mac, you can’t convert to .wmv without lengthy file conversion resulting in terrible quality. Pick the right recording software for the job. • Are all your observers able to log into WebEx? (Some company’s firewalls get crabby about it, requiring special IT interventions.) • Are you able to permanently turn off your screensavers on BOTH machines? Neither of them will have any keyboard action for the whole sessions, and will eventually go to sleep. 60 minutes of screensaver video is no fun. Smartphone Setup 2 (same as Setup 1) 1 – Plan for the end result 37
  • 38. • (Put the video recording computer aside for a minute.) a) On your laptop, launch the Reflector app b) On your iPhone, go to the homescreen. c) Double-tap the button and scroll all the way to the left, past the music screen, until you see the volume bar (admit it, you didn’t even know that was there, right?) d) To the right of the volume bar, an incomprehensible icon should have appeared. Tap it. e) On the screen select “dialog” and “turn mirroring on” f) Say a little prayer. g) The iPhone screen should magically appear on your computer screen – PC or mac. Smartphone Setup 2 Step 2 – Reflect your iPhone screen 38
  • 39. 39 a) On your laptop, launch the Reflector app
  • 40. 40 b) On your iPhone, go to the homescreen. c) Double-tap the main button and scroll all the way to the left, past the music screen, until you see the volume bar (admit it, you didn’t even know that volume control was there, right?) d) To the right of the volume bar, an incomprehensible icon should have appeared. Tap it.
  • 41. 41 e) On the screen select the new network and “turn mirroring on.” f) Say a little prayer.
  • 42. 42 g) Voila! The iPhone screen should magically appear on your computer screen – PC or Mac. Little icon on your phone lets you know that you’re still connected to AirPlay’s network.
  • 43. a) On the phone image sharing laptop, launch a browser & start your WebEx meeting and phone call. b) On WebEx, turn on the video cam option next to your name (this will capture the participant’s face). Now you should see 2 windows: the participant’s face (small window) and the smartphone screen (larger window). Share your screen. c) Drag images where you want them. Optional: Minimize the smaller window with the face image so the participant doesn’t have to watch themselves. WebEx: Participant menu > Assign Privileges > Participants Tab > Uncheck Participant List checkbox > Assign button d) Use static electricity to stick a piece of printer paper onto the screen of the participant laptop* Smartphone Setup 2 Step 3 – Fire up WebEx 43
  • 44. Once WebEx** is running on the Image Sharing machine…. a) Launch a browser on the video recording laptop and join the meeting. Make sure everything looks how you want it to look. b) Launch Camtasia (or your favorite screen capture/editing software) on the video recording laptop. c) Start recording your session Smartphone Setup 2 Step 4 – Fire up the machine doing the screen capture 44
  • 45. Networks get dropped. It’s a fact of life. • When your network gets dropped, sometimes Reflector app has a “reluctance” to put the iPhone back onto the network you just made. • To recover: – In iPhone Settings: Forget Network. – On Computer: Quit Reflector App. – On Computer: Restart Reflector App. – In iPhone: Follow procedure to mirror display Smartphone Setup 2 Helpful Tip Learned from(horrible)Experience 45
  • 46. Setup options (I’m sure you can find more, too!) 1. Smartphone Setup 1 can be used identically for iPad testing setup 2. Wireless Setup iPad 46
  • 47. Pros & Cons of iPad Setup 1 versus 2 47 Setup 1 Setup 2 Pros Pros Major: You can see ANYTHING on the screen Look mom, no wires! Cool annotation features Cons Cons Camera contraption can be a little harder to deal with on an iPad than a smartphone. Can only share content in a browser – not an app. Hands/fingers can get in the way of the screen Can’t minimize the participants’ face Performance hit on iPad
  • 48. Schematic – Wireless iPad Setup iPad (w/ built-in webcam) Video Recording Laptop (w/ lots of free space) Running: -GoToMeeting -GTM VOIP for audio -GTM video for face Running: -GoToMeeting (attending) -Camtasia Observers Laptop (attending WebEx) Phone or VOIP Lab 48
  • 49. iPad Materials you need • 1 laptop • GoToMeeting (no, not WebEx, GoToMeeting.) • Screen capture software (we like Camtasia for Mac, Morae for PC) • iPad 2 or 3 (not iPad 1 because it doesn’t have a camera to capture participant’s face) • An app, website, or prototype 49
  • 50. a) (Put the video recording computer aside for a minute.) b) On your iPad, launch GoToMeeting – Make sure your call is working by calling into the VOIP number from another phone – Enable the participant videocam feature (if you want it) – Share your screen c) Unbelievably – that’s it. iPad setup Step 2 – Fire up GoToMeeting 50
  • 51. 51 a) On your iPad, launch GoToMeeting. Enable the participant videocam feature (if you want it). Share your screen
  • 53. iPad setup Step 3 – Fire up the machine doing the screen capture 53 Once GoToMeeting is running on the Image Sharing machine…. a) Launch a browser on the video recording laptop and join the meeting. Make sure everything looks how you want it to look. b) Launch Camtasia (or your favorite screen capture/editing software) on the video recording laptop. c) Start recording your session
  • 54. • In theory, you can run Display Recorder App on the iPad during your session to record audio, video and even users’ face, while screen-sharing the usability session. • Word to the wise: This is a serious performance hit on the iPad, but it’s been done. – Tip: Forgo the video option in favor of better performance on the screen. Adventure Club for iPad 54
  • 55. • Rather than sitting in the traditional “moderator” position looking over the participant’s shoulder, sit across from them, and watch the session via screensharing on your own (3rd) laptop. – Your business partners can IM spontaneous questions to you. – You can take your own notes if you need to, from right there Uber-Efficiency Mode 55