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Urbanization and Environmental Degradation
Urbanization & Environmental Degradation Analysis
Anupam Rozario – 26 Anupam Gogoi – 27 Anupam Verma– 28
Urbanization refers to general increase in population and the amount of industrialization of a settlement. It includes increase in the number and extent
of cities. It symbolizes the movement of people from rural to urban areas. Urbanization happens because of the increase in the extent and density of
urban areas. Due to uncontrolled urbanization in India, environmental degradation has been occurring very rapidly and causing many problems like
land insecurity, worsening water quality, excessive air pollution, noise and the problems of waste disposal. This paper emphasizes on the effect of more content...
Burying tremendous amounts of waste in the ground at municipal and industrial dumps.
1. Flow of Water into Streams
Natural vegetation and undisturbed soil are replaced with concrete, asphalt, brick, and other impermeable surfaces. This means that, when it rains,
water is less likely to be absorbed into the ground and, instead, flows directly into river channels.
2. Flow of Water through Streams
Higher, faster peak flows change streams channels that have evolved over centuries under natural conditions. Flooding can be a major problem as cities
grow and stream channels attempt to keep up with these changes.
3. Degraded Water Quality
The water quality has degraded with time due to urbanization that ultimately leads to increased sedimentation there by also increasing the pollutant in
run–off. IJREAS Volume 2, Issue 2 (February 2012)
1. Modification of Habitats
The fertilizers that spread across lawns find its way into water channels where it promotes the growth of plants at the expense of fish. The waste
dumped into streams lowers oxygen levels during its decay and cause the die–off of plants and animals.
2. Destruction of Habitats
There is also complete eradication of habitats as an outcome of urbanization and native species are pushed out of cities.
3. Creation of New Habitats
New habitats are also created for some native and non–native species. Cities also create habitats for
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The Destruction Of The Environment
The increase of pollution and its effect, economically, is big–huge even. Environmental degradation is the destruction of the ecosystem of the Earth
through consumption of environmental assets such as fossil fuels and minerals, or through pollution, of the air, water, and soil. The United Nations
International Strategy for Disaster Reduction defines it as "the lessening of the limit of the earth to meet social and environmental destination, and
needs". Any change in an environment that is proven to be undesirable to wildlife, including plants, insects, animals, and nature's cycles characterize
destruction. This loss of habitat is at a rapid growth, with the expansion of human population, comprised with excessive exhaustion of polluting
technologies, such as cars, power plants, without excluding polluting factors like abundance of unrecyclable garbage. Being one the largest threats to
mankind as it has led to global warming, environmental degradation is a greater threat to civilization than other materialistic issues, like the economy,
as degradation can impact human health, lead to a loss biodiversity, and can lead to economic issues.
Environmental issues are easily defined by their long term ecological effect, which in the worst–case scenarios can demolish whole environments. An
environment is a well–oiled machine that incorporates all living and nonliving component such as lakes streams, soils to maintain function and balance.
This balance is easily disrupted when these
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A social issue does not have a universal definition, rather, a social problem is something that has an impact on a person, group or society as a
whole and is in need of remedy. Social problems vary in societies and geographical locations and time periods. There are an incredible amount of
social issues around the world, in the United States and most specifically in this year. I believe one of the most pressing social issues we are facing in
2016 is environmental degradation and pollution. This is an extremely broad topic that can take days upon days to explain, but my main point is that
we have destroyed our environment in so many different ways, from oil spills, exhaustion of fossil fuels, deforestation, and all the way to illness.
Additionally, so many people aren't even aware of their environmental footprint. We are at a time where we need to switch to more renewable options:
solar and wind power are two that can help tremendously.
Depleting our Natural Resources
Many people are not aware of our individual environmental footprint, or our impact on natural resources on our earth. It is estimated that if everyone
in the world lived like an average American does, it would take just about 3.9 planets to support us– a sad reality (Mooney, Knox and Schacht, pg.
431). Just one part of our environmental footprint is the deforestation that humans have contributed to as forests are being depleted for construction and
agriculture, just to name a few. When we deplete part of the
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Environmental Degradation in Mumbai
RESPIRATORY PROBLEMS IN MUMBAI:5 Gas Chembur:5 South Bombay:5 New Bombay:5 Crowded city6 Chemical related disasters in past 10
years.6 MIGRANTS IN MUMBAI6 THE SLUMS OF MUMBAI7 History of Slums:7 The Birth of Slums7 more content...
This unique mix of cultures is due to the migration of people from all over India since the 1600s.[
Mumbai residents celebrate both Western and Indian festivals. Diwali, Holi, Eid, Christmas, Navratri, Good Friday, Dussera, Moharram, Ganesh
Chaturthi, Durga Puja and Maha Shivratri are some of the popular festivals in the city. The Banganga Festival is a two–day music festival, held
annually in the month of January, which is organised by theMaharashtra Tourism Development Corporation (MTDC) at the historic Banganga Tank in
Mumbai.The Elephanta Festival–celebrated every February on the Elephanta Islands–is dedicated to classical Indian dance and music and attracts
performers from across the country.Public holidays specific to the city and the state include Maharashtra Day on May 1, to celebrate the formation of
Maharashtra state on 1 May 1960.
Bombay has a very high incidence of chronic respiratory problems, arising from extreme air pollution. The causes of pollution are mainly industries in
the eastern suburbs and New Bombay, garbage burning by the BMC, and insufficient control over emission levels from vehicles.
Gas Chembur:
Nightly burning of garbage at the 100 hectare Municipal Garbage Dump north of the Chembur–Vashi road affects Chembur, Ghatkopar, Mankhurd and
New Bombay. Environmental Health Rights Organization of India
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Environmental Degradation
Reflective :1 Environmental degradation Any type of activities which alters the systems of the environment and he disturbances caused to air,water,soil
and the eco systems is known as environmental degradation. Its under the top ten threats in the united nations panel. Because of environmental
degradation illness and premature deaths occur in large numbers. A report says that human health is deteriorating in the past decades. If improvements
are being made to enhance human health millions of people will dwell a longer and a healthier life. Mountainous farmers produce a reasonable amount
of cash crops and food by their old and traditional farming methods. Even though there more content...
There are three main elements in the cost of environmental degradation.Firstly it's the indoor and outdoor land pollution.Evidence shows that these
indoor and outdoor air pollution have adverse effects in health of people.For example it can lead to premature deaths and pollutants are the major
causes for ninety percent of the respiratory diseases,and when these diseases become intense they give rise to the formation of cancer cells.Pollution
indirectly affects the growth development rate of the nation too.In the middle east countries such as cairo in Egypt,pollution was the reason to put
down the country's development rate by 2% estimates reveal that 20000 people die due to air pollution related causes and which was indirectly a loss
tourism department of the country ,which again indirectly affects the economy of the country.Indoor air pollution is the pollution caused in closed ares
such as our houses especially in the kitchen while cooking .The biomass fuel which is used for cooking and heating threatens the health of women who
always stay indoor than men. The next element is the land degradation.In most of the middle east and north African countries the soil has more salinity
in it and water erosion is very common. The annual loss in these countries are calculated to be 80 million dollars.Recently the country of Lebanon has
lost its natural vegetation and habitat due to quarrying.Soil erosion,Soil acidification,Soil
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The Issue Of Environmental Degradation Essay
For years now the issue of environmental degradation has been a highly debatable topic worldwide. And of course just like every other issue, the
ways that it is perceived varies immensely across countries, communities, and populations considering a person's culture, values, political views, and
beliefs. Now there are those who refuse to acknowledge that the issue exists all together, for example the majority of conservatives who only believe
the issue is used as propaganda to slow down their country's economy. On the other hand, there are those who believe it to be the gospel truth, for
example the hippies who refuse to let big business create projects and developments that will ruin the pristine state of nature. Then there are those (the
majority) who find the issue credible and logical but could really care less about it because up to this point it has not affected them yet. And this is
certainly the problem in today's society, regardless of how much effort and how many new voluntary initiatives you propose for the sustainability of the
environment you will never have a steady platform for the continuance of those initiatives because after a while those people will just give up or get
tired of all the effort and hard work they have to do for something that won't affect the planet until after they are dead. Basically what all these projects
and initiatives lack is a sense of enthusiasm, because when doing something, people often want to see results of the good and hard
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The human relationship to the environment has evolved over time as humans have made technological advancements and cultural changes. While
some may argue that humanity is distant from nature, that could not be further from the truth. While the human relationship to nature is not the same
as it may have been in the past, humans still rely on nature for their livelihood. Humans also have a strong impact on nature, and processes which occur
in nature, through their actions.
In the last decade, the issue of environmental degradation has become a topic of global concern and discussion. This discussion is threading together a
narrative that helps the public – and scholars – better understand the human relationship to the environment. While this push forward in environmental
agenda is a good thing, there needs to be an ongoing dialogue which allows for the understanding that environmental degradation is not only a risk to a
certain biome, but all of the diversity that exists within a certain region – a good example of this being Papua New Guinea.
The rainforest of Papua New Guinea are incredibly rich and diverse environments; the rainforest not only houses a wide variety of plant and animal
species, but is also home many indigenous groups. By examining the changes in Papua New Guinea's rainforest throughout time, a better understanding
of the complex and dynamic human relationship to nature will be achieved.
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The concept of environmental security although introduced in 1960's (in the framework of International Relations), became mainstream in 1990's after
the end of cold war which ushered in an era of intellectual instability in the field of security studies introducing a variety of new agendas within the
security discourse, including the environment, economy, and, more recently, terrorism (Michel and Pandya 2009).. Alexander Bell in his book Peak
waters describes three broad types of environmental concerns which are; global warming, environmental degradation, and resource scarcity. For the
purpose of this review, the focus will be on resource scarcity. There are two types of resource scarcity one that is Malthusian in nature and the second is more content...
In his book Eco violence he presented five key social effects of environmental scarcity which could cause conflict in some part, which are constrained
agricultural output, constrained economic production, migration, social segmentation, and disrupted institutions– which can either singly or in
combination produce or exacerbate conflict among groups or states (Homer and Blitt 1998). Despite its importance and relevance, Homer T Dixon says
that literature on the specific connections between environmental scarcity and acute conflict is surprisingly thin (Dixon 1991). The Rio and Dublin
conferences in 1992 had much influence in fostering interest in shared water issues specifically in relation to politics, economy, security and
international relations (Dinar et al 2006). The subsequent hydro–political literature has both embodied and benefited from the tools, lessons and
underpinnings provided by different academic disciplines like: economics, international law, international relations and negotiation as well as
geography and hydrology. (Biswas 2011, Wilner 2005,). Economics has brought to bear such concepts as regional cooperation, game theory and
institutional economics. International water law rich in its history but relatively juvenile in its codification status; as of 1997 has introduced particular
important legal principles such as equitable utilization and the obligation not to
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Jessica Carling 10/28/2010 Tues/Thur. 2:00– 3:15
Overpopulation and Environmental Degradation The planet on which we live is dying, harsh: yes, but true. The sustaining capacity of the globe is
shrinking a little bit every year and soon, if the population trend continues at the current rate the sustaining capacity will have reached its peak. The
ignorance of humanity has lead all to believe that the planets resources are infinite well, I'm here to tell you that research, study, and observation has
proven that it is in fact very finite. The population explosion has its roots in developing countries such as China and India, the two most populous
countries in more content...
They depleted their natural resources faster than they could be replenished. There are plenty of reasons that our minds can come up with as to how
human population can spiral out of control, including religion and culture; but according to Paul and Anne Ehrlich co–authors of Population Resources
Environment: Issues in Human Ecology one of the main reasons for the spike in human population over the last century is the rise in birth rate and a
sharp decline in the death rate, due to "cultural advances" (9). The global crude birth rate from 2005–2010 is 20.3 children per 1000 people. Ehrlich
put together a chart detailing the estimated population history since 8000 B.C. According to the chart the estimated human population in 1930 A.D.
was 2 billion people, by 1975 "a mere 45 years later" the estimated population was more than double that at around 4 billion people (6). Arthur
McCormack says that "high birth rates and low death rates cannot continue without causing excessive rates of population growth that are detrimental to
the quality of human life" (9–10). In his view the way to achieve a balance in the global population is to find a way to get birth rates to be almost if
not entirely equal to death rates (10). A feat that is not easy to achieve. Dodds refers to humans drive to reproduce, in blunt terms; people just want to
have sex (118). The problem is people are not practicing the process of safe sex as much as they
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Haiti Environmental Degradation
According to the USAID, Environmental degradation is a critical concern in Haiti. Widespread deforestation has resulted in flooding, dramatic rates of
soil erosion, and subsequent declines in agricultural productivity. The coastal and marine resources of Haiti have been degraded by sediment
deposition and overfishing, resulting in considerable loss in biodiversity. Haiti is also vulnerable to rising sea levels and other threats that are caused
by climate
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What Is Environmental Degradation
4.2 BACKGROUND The increasing severity of global environmental challenges has prompted increased attention to the relationship between
international trade and environmental degradations. On the one hand, there is a growing strand of literature on environmental degradations that
focuses on emissions relocated by trade. As shown in the comprehensive surveys of Jayadevappa and Chhatre (2000), Wiedmann et al. (2007) and
Sato (2012), there has been a growing interest since the 1970s for the interactions between trade and environment. A number of studies were carried
out to estimate the physical amount of pollutants embodied in trade. Early contributions were made by Walter (1973) and Shui and Harriss (2006).
More recent studies employ more content...
(2011), which are discussed below. Muller and Mendelsohn (2007; 2009) use a so–called Air Pollution Emissions Experiments and Policy (APEEP)
model to calculate the marginal damage associated with emitting an additional ton of pollution in the US. Air emission data used by the authors is
provided by the US Environmental Protection Agency's National Emission Inventory (NEI), which encompasses all anthropogenic emissions of six
air pollutants (SO2, PM2.5, PM10, NOx, VOC, and NH3) in 48 states of the US (USEPA, 2006; 2009). The APEEP model first connects emissions
of air pollutants to physical effects, by employing the USEPA national emission inventory of air pollution. Those physical effects include adverse
effects on human health, decreased timber and agriculture yields, reduced visibility, accelerated depreciation of materials, and reductions in recreation
services. Then, the model translates the physical effects into monetary terms using standard estimates of mortality and morbidity risks, market values
of goods or services, and results of other valuation studies (e.g. Chestnut and Rowe, 1990; McClelland et al., 1993). Muller and Mendelsohn (2007;
2009) first calculate baseline damages of the year 2002's emissions, and then calculate damages of one additional ton of emission. This procedure is
repeated for each of the six pollutants in each of the 10,000 different sources locations. The estimated marginal damage,
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Environmental Sociology Essay
Development processes is connected with environmental degradation and use of natural resources. Rudel et al. (2011) assumes the present of two
distinct waves of development power which control environment. The first wave of political economy deals with the power of capitalism as the main
agent for environmental degradation, while the second wave concern with the social power (community) to control the use of natural resources.
In this first wave scenario, the idea is that capitalism is a significant power for shaping the performance of environment. IPAT/STIRPAT Theory
proposes that capitalism is the cause for environment degradation because ––in combination with rapid population growth and affluence (prosperity)––
they more content...
(2011) provides examples of this theory by pointing the heavy industrial production in East Asia and former socialist countries after World War II.
Principally, Treadmill Production Theory do not consider population and affluent as significant factor for environmental degradation, and put more
emphasis on the issue of technology as the main contributor for the decrease of environmental quality. Both the IPAT/STIRPAT and Treadmill
Production theories overlook the condition "behind the scene", why the technology exists in the process of development. In other words, these theories
do not consider the social actors which are responsible for the present of this technology.
Indeed, the coercion of capital to exploit natural resources is possible only because it is supported by the conglomeration of powerful social actors
behind it. According to Growth Machine Theories, syndication of vested interests (government, land owners, developers, real estate companies), which
often claim themselves as "pro–growth" coalition, encourages local development through real estate business activities, while excluding the interest
local population who previously occupy the sites for years (Rudel et al., 2011). Huge commercial farming scheme for the sake of development in rural
areas is other typical of the oppression from outside of the local community which tries to stick the capital into certain local areas (). Since local
community usually has no systematic organization to balance
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Global Environmental Degradation – Problems and Solutions Miss. Parit Sunanda Ram[1]
Mobile: 9960058012
Environmental degradation is one of the '10 Threats' identified by the High Level Threat Panel1 of the United Nations. Degradation of the environment
refers to deterioration of the environmental condition by the depletion of natural resources such as water, air and soil, as well as the destruction of
habitats and loss of biodiversity. Such degradation, such as pollution, leads to global warming – the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's more content...
All these pose problems to the future of the earth as they affect fundamentally the ecosystems that have been part of planet earth.
4. Global Warming: Similarly, the constant increase of the earth's surface temperature– global warming – is continuously threatening the safety and
lives of all living beings on earth. Most prominently, global warming, which is the result of the continuous emission of greenhouse gases is done by
humans through rapid industrialization and development over the past century.
III) Psychological Consequences of Environmental Problems: The very real and well–documented environmental problems we face, both locally and
globally, also have psychological consequences. This is one of the foundations of ecopsychology and recognizing the depth and closeness of
human–nature relationships. This section outlines some of these consequences, drawing on environmental psychology research.
We can identity three categories of environmental problems: Natural disasters, technological catastrophes, and long–term environmental degradation. It
is important to point out how these categories are increasingly overlapping. Many natural disasters, if not caused outright by human intervention, are
worsened by human factors. Global warming seems to be causing an increase in
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Effects Of Land Degradation
Land Degradation
Nature of the issue
Land Degradation is a global issue caused by multiple threats of the decrease of topsoil and land productivity from erosion processes and overuse. It is
the process of human–beings affecting the atmosphere. As a result of land degradation, many negative impacts cause major threats to the environment
such as food production, livelihood and also provision of other ecosystems.
Global Occurrence
Land Degradation occurs throughout the entire world, the most affected from Land Degradation is in the Asia Pacific Region as they are affected by
the cause of desertification which is the loss of soil productivity and biodiversity. Within Africa, about 49% of the environment is affected from
Overgrazing whilst 65% of agricultural land has suffered from Land Degradation. In Oceania more than 80% of the environment has been undergone
by Overgrazing, while Europe is experiencing from over 38% of Deforestation and 23% of Overgrazing. South America the region with the country
with most endangered animals in the world Ecuador, has about 2,301 different species of animals that are at risk of extinction. Sadly, South America is
eroded with the highest percentage of deforestation in the entire world (41%) which causes the endangered animals native to South America to go
extinct rapidly. North America, however, has a high number of Agricultural Activities, varying from up to 66%.
Land Degradation is caused by multiple natural
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Pollution and Environmental Degradation are things that the large majority of humans contributes to some small or large way on the daily.
Whether it is our mode of transportation, throwing a piece of trash on the ground, buying products made from trees, and to be perfectly honest the
concentration in which we live, by which I mean the proximity of the average residents in which we reside. These all seem like regular everyday
things that are just normal. But in the past things like these were so beyond the norm that they would seem alien and impossible. The first matter
that I pointed out, our mode of transportation, differs from person to person. There are those that have decided to either not use any fossil fuel
burning vehicular modes of transportation, such as walking and riding bikes; while others have decided to greatly decrease their ecological
footprint by using various forms of carpooling, whether it being literal carpooling with friends or coworkers, or taking modes of mass transportation
such as buses and "subways" or underground railways. According to a survey 91% of people drive to work in their personal vehicles; and 204
million personal vehicles are regularly used. And though not everyone throws their trash directly on to the ground, and most that do don't do it
completely intentionally. I do have to say that a large amount of Americans do not take the time to make sure that their trash and garbage is disposed
of properly. Some do not invest in having both
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Environmental Pollution and Degradation
Environmental degradation
Environmental degradation may be defined as the deterioration of the environment through depletion of resources such as air, water and soil; the
destruction of ecosystems and the extinction of wildlife. Environmental degradation has occurred due to the recent activities in the field of
socio–economic, institutional and technologies. Environmental changes are dependent on many factors including economic growth, population
growth, urbanization, intensification of agriculture, rising energy use and transportation. Poverty still remains a problem at the root of several
environmental problems. Introduction to environmental issues problems There are innumerable issues and problems faced by the
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Acid rain occurs when sulfur dioxide from coal plant emissions combines with moisture present in the air. A chemical reaction creates this acid
precipitation. Acid rain can acidify and pollute lakes and streams. It causes similar effects to the soil. If enough acid rain falls in a given
environment, it can acidify the water or soil to a point where no life can be sustained. Plants die off. The AGRICULTURAL RUNOFF animals that
depend upon them disappear. The condition of the environment deteriorates. Agricultural runoff is a deadly source of pollutants which can degrade
environments,. Surface water washes over the soil and into lakes and streams. When it does so, it carries the fertilizers and pesticides used on the
farm lands into water resources. Obviously, introducing poisons into waterways will have dire consequences. Fertilizers whether or not they are
organic carry equal risks. URBAN DEVELOPMENT
Urban development is the primary cause of environmental degradation. As populations increased, so did the need for land for homes and farms.
Wetlands were drained. Environmental degradation is one of most urgent of environmental issues. Depending upon the damage, some environments
may never recover. The plants and animals that inhabited these places will be lost forever. We do not have to look far to see the impacts of
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Environmental Issue Essay
Environmental problems are something which belongs to nature or known as "Mother Earth" [13]. Nature was created to help people survive from
gathering foods until build a house. This phenomenon happens continuously without thinking how much damage that nature has because human's fault.
Nature gradually becomes worse and animal's life in danger. People who are aware of the importance of nature react. Those people do several ways to
save the environment. Although these efforts can return back the environment, these efforts only can be hold temporarily. This problem happens
because those people who are aware of the environment only slightly; for remaining, there are people either do not know or do not care about the
nature. People's more content...
Air pollution levels have a large existence in big cities in Indonesia like Jakarta, Bandung, and so on. This problem happens because the number of
motor vehicle use that is not limited [1]. Exhaust smog are the cause of air pollution which has the dangerous effects for people's health. Exhaust smog
is a result of burning fuel oil every motor vehicle. There are two types of burning fuel oil: the first is complete burning [2] and incomplete burning [3].
These types of burning have the differentiation in producing the remainder. Complete burning produces carbon dioxide as a result of remaining while
incomplete burning produces carbon monoxide as a result of the rest. Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide are gases that are harmful to people's
health and could decrease ozone layer [4] [5]. Exhaust smog is hazardous to people's health. Exhaust smog is a result of burning fuel oil [6].
Consequently, exhaust smog has possibility to contain carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide gas. These harmful gases affect human respiration.
Carbon monoxide makes the respiratory system becomes worse. Carbon monoxide will interfere with the process of hemoglobin in breathing [7]. As a
result, people will not only feel lack of oxygen but also often feel dizzy and weak. In the other hand, carbon dioxide causes dizziness and fatigue to the
sufferer [8]. In the prevention and reduction of the impact of exhaust smog, the Indonesian government decided all motor vehicle users have to check
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Environmental Degradation Of The Environment
Many individuals will argue that population growth or technological development are the primary causes of environmental degradation. There is also a
third cause of environmental degradation that people hypothesize, which is our values. These people believe that major values influence population
growth and technological development. The argument is that values are more important, and influence population growth and technological
development. Key values come from national, racial and religious cultures and are transmitted via other people, institutions, popular culture and mass
media. Lynn White argues that humans have damaged our world and we need to craft solutions. White puts the blame for environmental degradation
on our religious views. White's argument explains most environmental impacts well but does not explain the scale of these impacts, more specifically
the mass amount or rate at which actions are taken that degrade the environment.
White argues that Judeo–Christian values are the reason for the exploitation of the environment and furthermore the major cause for environmental
degradation. The religious beliefs influenced science and morals because "Christianity is the most anthropocentric religion the world has seen" (White
1205). The destruction of Pagan beliefs made it possible for people to exploit nature and feel detached. The bible gave people dominion over nature
because "Man's effective monopoly on spirit in this world was confirmed, and the old
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In this report I will be presenting an overview of Egypt and discussing some key issues as a result of globalisation. The topics highlighted will explain
the impacts of water scarcity, environmental degradation and effects on indigenous culture as a result of a globalised world.
Egypt: Country Facts and a brief History
The Middle Eastern country of Egypt is located in Northeast corner of Africa on the Mediterranean Sea. It is bordered on the west by Libya, on the
south by Sudan, and on the east by the Red Sea and Israel. It considered the centre of the Arab world, defined by a harsh and arid Desert and the
longest sacred river on Earth, the River Nile. (Infoplease, Egypt)
With a population of around 74,033,000, 95% of Egyptians live along The River Nile, which is less than 5% of the countries territory. Their capital is
Cairo where 11,146,000 of the population inhabit. (National Geographic, Egypt Facts)
Famously known for their rich cultural heritage, it's history dates back to 400BC, making it one of the most ancient civilizations in the world.
The ancient Egyptian civilization lasted for more than 3000 years, which is longer than any other civilization in human history. They worshiped over
2000 deities, gods and Goddesses.
From around 6000 BC, Hunter–gatherer communities resided around the river Nile, which flows through the harsh and arid desert. As the Sahara
desert continued to dry, it increasingly confined them to the Nile area due to their dependence on the rich
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Urbanization And Environmental Degradation

  • 1. Urbanization and Environmental Degradation Urbanization & Environmental Degradation Analysis By Anupam Rozario – 26 Anupam Gogoi – 27 Anupam Verma– 28 ABSTRACT Urbanization refers to general increase in population and the amount of industrialization of a settlement. It includes increase in the number and extent of cities. It symbolizes the movement of people from rural to urban areas. Urbanization happens because of the increase in the extent and density of urban areas. Due to uncontrolled urbanization in India, environmental degradation has been occurring very rapidly and causing many problems like land insecurity, worsening water quality, excessive air pollution, noise and the problems of waste disposal. This paper emphasizes on the effect of more content... Burying tremendous amounts of waste in the ground at municipal and industrial dumps. [C] IMPACTS ON THE HYDROSPHERE AND WATER RESOURCES 1. Flow of Water into Streams Natural vegetation and undisturbed soil are replaced with concrete, asphalt, brick, and other impermeable surfaces. This means that, when it rains, water is less likely to be absorbed into the ground and, instead, flows directly into river channels. 2. Flow of Water through Streams Higher, faster peak flows change streams channels that have evolved over centuries under natural conditions. Flooding can be a major problem as cities grow and stream channels attempt to keep up with these changes. 3. Degraded Water Quality The water quality has degraded with time due to urbanization that ultimately leads to increased sedimentation there by also increasing the pollutant in run–off. IJREAS Volume 2, Issue 2 (February 2012) [D] IMPACTS ON THE BIOSPHERE 1. Modification of Habitats
  • 2. The fertilizers that spread across lawns find its way into water channels where it promotes the growth of plants at the expense of fish. The waste dumped into streams lowers oxygen levels during its decay and cause the die–off of plants and animals. 2. Destruction of Habitats There is also complete eradication of habitats as an outcome of urbanization and native species are pushed out of cities. 3. Creation of New Habitats New habitats are also created for some native and non–native species. Cities also create habitats for Get more content on
  • 3. The Destruction Of The Environment The increase of pollution and its effect, economically, is big–huge even. Environmental degradation is the destruction of the ecosystem of the Earth through consumption of environmental assets such as fossil fuels and minerals, or through pollution, of the air, water, and soil. The United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction defines it as "the lessening of the limit of the earth to meet social and environmental destination, and needs". Any change in an environment that is proven to be undesirable to wildlife, including plants, insects, animals, and nature's cycles characterize destruction. This loss of habitat is at a rapid growth, with the expansion of human population, comprised with excessive exhaustion of polluting technologies, such as cars, power plants, without excluding polluting factors like abundance of unrecyclable garbage. Being one the largest threats to mankind as it has led to global warming, environmental degradation is a greater threat to civilization than other materialistic issues, like the economy, as degradation can impact human health, lead to a loss biodiversity, and can lead to economic issues. Environmental issues are easily defined by their long term ecological effect, which in the worst–case scenarios can demolish whole environments. An environment is a well–oiled machine that incorporates all living and nonliving component such as lakes streams, soils to maintain function and balance. This balance is easily disrupted when these Get more content on
  • 4. A social issue does not have a universal definition, rather, a social problem is something that has an impact on a person, group or society as a whole and is in need of remedy. Social problems vary in societies and geographical locations and time periods. There are an incredible amount of social issues around the world, in the United States and most specifically in this year. I believe one of the most pressing social issues we are facing in 2016 is environmental degradation and pollution. This is an extremely broad topic that can take days upon days to explain, but my main point is that we have destroyed our environment in so many different ways, from oil spills, exhaustion of fossil fuels, deforestation, and all the way to illness. Additionally, so many people aren't even aware of their environmental footprint. We are at a time where we need to switch to more renewable options: solar and wind power are two that can help tremendously. Depleting our Natural Resources Many people are not aware of our individual environmental footprint, or our impact on natural resources on our earth. It is estimated that if everyone in the world lived like an average American does, it would take just about 3.9 planets to support us– a sad reality (Mooney, Knox and Schacht, pg. 431). Just one part of our environmental footprint is the deforestation that humans have contributed to as forests are being depleted for construction and agriculture, just to name a few. When we deplete part of the Get more content on
  • 5. Environmental Degradation in Mumbai ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION IN MUMBAI MICHAEL RAJU MARIADAS F09038 Contents INTRODUCTION3 HISTORY3 GEOGRAPHY3 CLIMATE4 CULTURE4 CHRONIC RESPIRATORY PROBLEMS IN MUMBAI:5 Gas Chembur:5 South Bombay:5 New Bombay:5 Crowded city6 Chemical related disasters in past 10 years.6 MIGRANTS IN MUMBAI6 THE SLUMS OF MUMBAI7 History of Slums:7 The Birth of Slums7 more content... This unique mix of cultures is due to the migration of people from all over India since the 1600s.[ Mumbai residents celebrate both Western and Indian festivals. Diwali, Holi, Eid, Christmas, Navratri, Good Friday, Dussera, Moharram, Ganesh Chaturthi, Durga Puja and Maha Shivratri are some of the popular festivals in the city. The Banganga Festival is a two–day music festival, held annually in the month of January, which is organised by theMaharashtra Tourism Development Corporation (MTDC) at the historic Banganga Tank in Mumbai.The Elephanta Festival–celebrated every February on the Elephanta Islands–is dedicated to classical Indian dance and music and attracts performers from across the country.Public holidays specific to the city and the state include Maharashtra Day on May 1, to celebrate the formation of Maharashtra state on 1 May 1960. CHRONIC RESPIRATORY PROBLEMS IN MUMBAI: Bombay has a very high incidence of chronic respiratory problems, arising from extreme air pollution. The causes of pollution are mainly industries in the eastern suburbs and New Bombay, garbage burning by the BMC, and insufficient control over emission levels from vehicles. Gas Chembur: Nightly burning of garbage at the 100 hectare Municipal Garbage Dump north of the Chembur–Vashi road affects Chembur, Ghatkopar, Mankhurd and New Bombay. Environmental Health Rights Organization of India Get more content on
  • 6. Environmental Degradation Reflective :1 Environmental degradation Any type of activities which alters the systems of the environment and he disturbances caused to air,water,soil and the eco systems is known as environmental degradation. Its under the top ten threats in the united nations panel. Because of environmental degradation illness and premature deaths occur in large numbers. A report says that human health is deteriorating in the past decades. If improvements are being made to enhance human health millions of people will dwell a longer and a healthier life. Mountainous farmers produce a reasonable amount of cash crops and food by their old and traditional farming methods. Even though there more content... There are three main elements in the cost of environmental degradation.Firstly it's the indoor and outdoor land pollution.Evidence shows that these indoor and outdoor air pollution have adverse effects in health of people.For example it can lead to premature deaths and pollutants are the major causes for ninety percent of the respiratory diseases,and when these diseases become intense they give rise to the formation of cancer cells.Pollution indirectly affects the growth development rate of the nation too.In the middle east countries such as cairo in Egypt,pollution was the reason to put down the country's development rate by 2% estimates reveal that 20000 people die due to air pollution related causes and which was indirectly a loss tourism department of the country ,which again indirectly affects the economy of the country.Indoor air pollution is the pollution caused in closed ares such as our houses especially in the kitchen while cooking .The biomass fuel which is used for cooking and heating threatens the health of women who always stay indoor than men. The next element is the land degradation.In most of the middle east and north African countries the soil has more salinity in it and water erosion is very common. The annual loss in these countries are calculated to be 80 million dollars.Recently the country of Lebanon has lost its natural vegetation and habitat due to quarrying.Soil erosion,Soil acidification,Soil Get more content on
  • 7. The Issue Of Environmental Degradation Essay For years now the issue of environmental degradation has been a highly debatable topic worldwide. And of course just like every other issue, the ways that it is perceived varies immensely across countries, communities, and populations considering a person's culture, values, political views, and beliefs. Now there are those who refuse to acknowledge that the issue exists all together, for example the majority of conservatives who only believe the issue is used as propaganda to slow down their country's economy. On the other hand, there are those who believe it to be the gospel truth, for example the hippies who refuse to let big business create projects and developments that will ruin the pristine state of nature. Then there are those (the majority) who find the issue credible and logical but could really care less about it because up to this point it has not affected them yet. And this is certainly the problem in today's society, regardless of how much effort and how many new voluntary initiatives you propose for the sustainability of the environment you will never have a steady platform for the continuance of those initiatives because after a while those people will just give up or get tired of all the effort and hard work they have to do for something that won't affect the planet until after they are dead. Basically what all these projects and initiatives lack is a sense of enthusiasm, because when doing something, people often want to see results of the good and hard Get more content on
  • 8. The human relationship to the environment has evolved over time as humans have made technological advancements and cultural changes. While some may argue that humanity is distant from nature, that could not be further from the truth. While the human relationship to nature is not the same as it may have been in the past, humans still rely on nature for their livelihood. Humans also have a strong impact on nature, and processes which occur in nature, through their actions. In the last decade, the issue of environmental degradation has become a topic of global concern and discussion. This discussion is threading together a narrative that helps the public – and scholars – better understand the human relationship to the environment. While this push forward in environmental agenda is a good thing, there needs to be an ongoing dialogue which allows for the understanding that environmental degradation is not only a risk to a certain biome, but all of the diversity that exists within a certain region – a good example of this being Papua New Guinea. The rainforest of Papua New Guinea are incredibly rich and diverse environments; the rainforest not only houses a wide variety of plant and animal species, but is also home many indigenous groups. By examining the changes in Papua New Guinea's rainforest throughout time, a better understanding of the complex and dynamic human relationship to nature will be achieved. Get more content on
  • 9. The concept of environmental security although introduced in 1960's (in the framework of International Relations), became mainstream in 1990's after the end of cold war which ushered in an era of intellectual instability in the field of security studies introducing a variety of new agendas within the security discourse, including the environment, economy, and, more recently, terrorism (Michel and Pandya 2009).. Alexander Bell in his book Peak waters describes three broad types of environmental concerns which are; global warming, environmental degradation, and resource scarcity. For the purpose of this review, the focus will be on resource scarcity. There are two types of resource scarcity one that is Malthusian in nature and the second is more content... In his book Eco violence he presented five key social effects of environmental scarcity which could cause conflict in some part, which are constrained agricultural output, constrained economic production, migration, social segmentation, and disrupted institutions– which can either singly or in combination produce or exacerbate conflict among groups or states (Homer and Blitt 1998). Despite its importance and relevance, Homer T Dixon says that literature on the specific connections between environmental scarcity and acute conflict is surprisingly thin (Dixon 1991). The Rio and Dublin conferences in 1992 had much influence in fostering interest in shared water issues specifically in relation to politics, economy, security and international relations (Dinar et al 2006). The subsequent hydro–political literature has both embodied and benefited from the tools, lessons and underpinnings provided by different academic disciplines like: economics, international law, international relations and negotiation as well as geography and hydrology. (Biswas 2011, Wilner 2005,). Economics has brought to bear such concepts as regional cooperation, game theory and institutional economics. International water law rich in its history but relatively juvenile in its codification status; as of 1997 has introduced particular important legal principles such as equitable utilization and the obligation not to Get more content on
  • 10. Jessica Carling 10/28/2010 Tues/Thur. 2:00– 3:15 Overpopulation and Environmental Degradation The planet on which we live is dying, harsh: yes, but true. The sustaining capacity of the globe is shrinking a little bit every year and soon, if the population trend continues at the current rate the sustaining capacity will have reached its peak. The ignorance of humanity has lead all to believe that the planets resources are infinite well, I'm here to tell you that research, study, and observation has proven that it is in fact very finite. The population explosion has its roots in developing countries such as China and India, the two most populous countries in more content... They depleted their natural resources faster than they could be replenished. There are plenty of reasons that our minds can come up with as to how human population can spiral out of control, including religion and culture; but according to Paul and Anne Ehrlich co–authors of Population Resources Environment: Issues in Human Ecology one of the main reasons for the spike in human population over the last century is the rise in birth rate and a sharp decline in the death rate, due to "cultural advances" (9). The global crude birth rate from 2005–2010 is 20.3 children per 1000 people. Ehrlich put together a chart detailing the estimated population history since 8000 B.C. According to the chart the estimated human population in 1930 A.D. was 2 billion people, by 1975 "a mere 45 years later" the estimated population was more than double that at around 4 billion people (6). Arthur McCormack says that "high birth rates and low death rates cannot continue without causing excessive rates of population growth that are detrimental to the quality of human life" (9–10). In his view the way to achieve a balance in the global population is to find a way to get birth rates to be almost if not entirely equal to death rates (10). A feat that is not easy to achieve. Dodds refers to humans drive to reproduce, in blunt terms; people just want to have sex (118). The problem is people are not practicing the process of safe sex as much as they Get more content on
  • 11. Haiti Environmental Degradation According to the USAID, Environmental degradation is a critical concern in Haiti. Widespread deforestation has resulted in flooding, dramatic rates of soil erosion, and subsequent declines in agricultural productivity. The coastal and marine resources of Haiti have been degraded by sediment deposition and overfishing, resulting in considerable loss in biodiversity. Haiti is also vulnerable to rising sea levels and other threats that are caused by climate Get more content on
  • 12. What Is Environmental Degradation 4.2 BACKGROUND The increasing severity of global environmental challenges has prompted increased attention to the relationship between international trade and environmental degradations. On the one hand, there is a growing strand of literature on environmental degradations that focuses on emissions relocated by trade. As shown in the comprehensive surveys of Jayadevappa and Chhatre (2000), Wiedmann et al. (2007) and Sato (2012), there has been a growing interest since the 1970s for the interactions between trade and environment. A number of studies were carried out to estimate the physical amount of pollutants embodied in trade. Early contributions were made by Walter (1973) and Shui and Harriss (2006). More recent studies employ more content... (2011), which are discussed below. Muller and Mendelsohn (2007; 2009) use a so–called Air Pollution Emissions Experiments and Policy (APEEP) model to calculate the marginal damage associated with emitting an additional ton of pollution in the US. Air emission data used by the authors is provided by the US Environmental Protection Agency's National Emission Inventory (NEI), which encompasses all anthropogenic emissions of six air pollutants (SO2, PM2.5, PM10, NOx, VOC, and NH3) in 48 states of the US (USEPA, 2006; 2009). The APEEP model first connects emissions of air pollutants to physical effects, by employing the USEPA national emission inventory of air pollution. Those physical effects include adverse effects on human health, decreased timber and agriculture yields, reduced visibility, accelerated depreciation of materials, and reductions in recreation services. Then, the model translates the physical effects into monetary terms using standard estimates of mortality and morbidity risks, market values of goods or services, and results of other valuation studies (e.g. Chestnut and Rowe, 1990; McClelland et al., 1993). Muller and Mendelsohn (2007; 2009) first calculate baseline damages of the year 2002's emissions, and then calculate damages of one additional ton of emission. This procedure is repeated for each of the six pollutants in each of the 10,000 different sources locations. The estimated marginal damage, Get more content on
  • 13. Environmental Sociology Essay Development processes is connected with environmental degradation and use of natural resources. Rudel et al. (2011) assumes the present of two distinct waves of development power which control environment. The first wave of political economy deals with the power of capitalism as the main agent for environmental degradation, while the second wave concern with the social power (community) to control the use of natural resources. In this first wave scenario, the idea is that capitalism is a significant power for shaping the performance of environment. IPAT/STIRPAT Theory proposes that capitalism is the cause for environment degradation because ––in combination with rapid population growth and affluence (prosperity)–– they more content... (2011) provides examples of this theory by pointing the heavy industrial production in East Asia and former socialist countries after World War II. Principally, Treadmill Production Theory do not consider population and affluent as significant factor for environmental degradation, and put more emphasis on the issue of technology as the main contributor for the decrease of environmental quality. Both the IPAT/STIRPAT and Treadmill Production theories overlook the condition "behind the scene", why the technology exists in the process of development. In other words, these theories do not consider the social actors which are responsible for the present of this technology. Indeed, the coercion of capital to exploit natural resources is possible only because it is supported by the conglomeration of powerful social actors behind it. According to Growth Machine Theories, syndication of vested interests (government, land owners, developers, real estate companies), which often claim themselves as "pro–growth" coalition, encourages local development through real estate business activities, while excluding the interest local population who previously occupy the sites for years (Rudel et al., 2011). Huge commercial farming scheme for the sake of development in rural areas is other typical of the oppression from outside of the local community which tries to stick the capital into certain local areas (). Since local community usually has no systematic organization to balance Get more content on
  • 14. Global Environmental Degradation – Problems and Solutions Miss. Parit Sunanda Ram[1] Mobile: 9960058012 Abstract Environmental degradation is one of the '10 Threats' identified by the High Level Threat Panel1 of the United Nations. Degradation of the environment refers to deterioration of the environmental condition by the depletion of natural resources such as water, air and soil, as well as the destruction of habitats and loss of biodiversity. Such degradation, such as pollution, leads to global warming – the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's more content... All these pose problems to the future of the earth as they affect fundamentally the ecosystems that have been part of planet earth. 4. Global Warming: Similarly, the constant increase of the earth's surface temperature– global warming – is continuously threatening the safety and lives of all living beings on earth. Most prominently, global warming, which is the result of the continuous emission of greenhouse gases is done by humans through rapid industrialization and development over the past century. III) Psychological Consequences of Environmental Problems: The very real and well–documented environmental problems we face, both locally and globally, also have psychological consequences. This is one of the foundations of ecopsychology and recognizing the depth and closeness of human–nature relationships. This section outlines some of these consequences, drawing on environmental psychology research. We can identity three categories of environmental problems: Natural disasters, technological catastrophes, and long–term environmental degradation. It is important to point out how these categories are increasingly overlapping. Many natural disasters, if not caused outright by human intervention, are worsened by human factors. Global warming seems to be causing an increase in Get more content on
  • 15. Effects Of Land Degradation Land Degradation Nature of the issue Definition Land Degradation is a global issue caused by multiple threats of the decrease of topsoil and land productivity from erosion processes and overuse. It is the process of human–beings affecting the atmosphere. As a result of land degradation, many negative impacts cause major threats to the environment such as food production, livelihood and also provision of other ecosystems. Global Occurrence Land Degradation occurs throughout the entire world, the most affected from Land Degradation is in the Asia Pacific Region as they are affected by the cause of desertification which is the loss of soil productivity and biodiversity. Within Africa, about 49% of the environment is affected from Overgrazing whilst 65% of agricultural land has suffered from Land Degradation. In Oceania more than 80% of the environment has been undergone by Overgrazing, while Europe is experiencing from over 38% of Deforestation and 23% of Overgrazing. South America the region with the country with most endangered animals in the world Ecuador, has about 2,301 different species of animals that are at risk of extinction. Sadly, South America is eroded with the highest percentage of deforestation in the entire world (41%) which causes the endangered animals native to South America to go extinct rapidly. North America, however, has a high number of Agricultural Activities, varying from up to 66%. Significance Land Degradation is caused by multiple natural Get more content on
  • 16. Pollution and Environmental Degradation are things that the large majority of humans contributes to some small or large way on the daily. Whether it is our mode of transportation, throwing a piece of trash on the ground, buying products made from trees, and to be perfectly honest the concentration in which we live, by which I mean the proximity of the average residents in which we reside. These all seem like regular everyday things that are just normal. But in the past things like these were so beyond the norm that they would seem alien and impossible. The first matter that I pointed out, our mode of transportation, differs from person to person. There are those that have decided to either not use any fossil fuel burning vehicular modes of transportation, such as walking and riding bikes; while others have decided to greatly decrease their ecological footprint by using various forms of carpooling, whether it being literal carpooling with friends or coworkers, or taking modes of mass transportation such as buses and "subways" or underground railways. According to a survey 91% of people drive to work in their personal vehicles; and 204 million personal vehicles are regularly used. And though not everyone throws their trash directly on to the ground, and most that do don't do it completely intentionally. I do have to say that a large amount of Americans do not take the time to make sure that their trash and garbage is disposed of properly. Some do not invest in having both Get more content on
  • 17. Environmental Pollution and Degradation Environmental degradation DEFINITION: Environmental degradation may be defined as the deterioration of the environment through depletion of resources such as air, water and soil; the destruction of ecosystems and the extinction of wildlife. Environmental degradation has occurred due to the recent activities in the field of socio–economic, institutional and technologies. Environmental changes are dependent on many factors including economic growth, population growth, urbanization, intensification of agriculture, rising energy use and transportation. Poverty still remains a problem at the root of several environmental problems. Introduction to environmental issues problems There are innumerable issues and problems faced by the more content... ACID RAIN Acid rain occurs when sulfur dioxide from coal plant emissions combines with moisture present in the air. A chemical reaction creates this acid precipitation. Acid rain can acidify and pollute lakes and streams. It causes similar effects to the soil. If enough acid rain falls in a given environment, it can acidify the water or soil to a point where no life can be sustained. Plants die off. The AGRICULTURAL RUNOFF animals that depend upon them disappear. The condition of the environment deteriorates. Agricultural runoff is a deadly source of pollutants which can degrade environments,. Surface water washes over the soil and into lakes and streams. When it does so, it carries the fertilizers and pesticides used on the farm lands into water resources. Obviously, introducing poisons into waterways will have dire consequences. Fertilizers whether or not they are organic carry equal risks. URBAN DEVELOPMENT Urban development is the primary cause of environmental degradation. As populations increased, so did the need for land for homes and farms. Wetlands were drained. Environmental degradation is one of most urgent of environmental issues. Depending upon the damage, some environments may never recover. The plants and animals that inhabited these places will be lost forever. We do not have to look far to see the impacts of Get more content on
  • 18. Environmental Issue Essay Environmental problems are something which belongs to nature or known as "Mother Earth" [13]. Nature was created to help people survive from gathering foods until build a house. This phenomenon happens continuously without thinking how much damage that nature has because human's fault. Nature gradually becomes worse and animal's life in danger. People who are aware of the importance of nature react. Those people do several ways to save the environment. Although these efforts can return back the environment, these efforts only can be hold temporarily. This problem happens because those people who are aware of the environment only slightly; for remaining, there are people either do not know or do not care about the nature. People's more content... Air pollution levels have a large existence in big cities in Indonesia like Jakarta, Bandung, and so on. This problem happens because the number of motor vehicle use that is not limited [1]. Exhaust smog are the cause of air pollution which has the dangerous effects for people's health. Exhaust smog is a result of burning fuel oil every motor vehicle. There are two types of burning fuel oil: the first is complete burning [2] and incomplete burning [3]. These types of burning have the differentiation in producing the remainder. Complete burning produces carbon dioxide as a result of remaining while incomplete burning produces carbon monoxide as a result of the rest. Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide are gases that are harmful to people's health and could decrease ozone layer [4] [5]. Exhaust smog is hazardous to people's health. Exhaust smog is a result of burning fuel oil [6]. Consequently, exhaust smog has possibility to contain carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide gas. These harmful gases affect human respiration. Carbon monoxide makes the respiratory system becomes worse. Carbon monoxide will interfere with the process of hemoglobin in breathing [7]. As a result, people will not only feel lack of oxygen but also often feel dizzy and weak. In the other hand, carbon dioxide causes dizziness and fatigue to the sufferer [8]. In the prevention and reduction of the impact of exhaust smog, the Indonesian government decided all motor vehicle users have to check Get more content on
  • 19. Environmental Degradation Of The Environment Many individuals will argue that population growth or technological development are the primary causes of environmental degradation. There is also a third cause of environmental degradation that people hypothesize, which is our values. These people believe that major values influence population growth and technological development. The argument is that values are more important, and influence population growth and technological development. Key values come from national, racial and religious cultures and are transmitted via other people, institutions, popular culture and mass media. Lynn White argues that humans have damaged our world and we need to craft solutions. White puts the blame for environmental degradation on our religious views. White's argument explains most environmental impacts well but does not explain the scale of these impacts, more specifically the mass amount or rate at which actions are taken that degrade the environment. White argues that Judeo–Christian values are the reason for the exploitation of the environment and furthermore the major cause for environmental degradation. The religious beliefs influenced science and morals because "Christianity is the most anthropocentric religion the world has seen" (White 1205). The destruction of Pagan beliefs made it possible for people to exploit nature and feel detached. The bible gave people dominion over nature because "Man's effective monopoly on spirit in this world was confirmed, and the old Get more content on
  • 20. In this report I will be presenting an overview of Egypt and discussing some key issues as a result of globalisation. The topics highlighted will explain the impacts of water scarcity, environmental degradation and effects on indigenous culture as a result of a globalised world. Egypt: Country Facts and a brief History The Middle Eastern country of Egypt is located in Northeast corner of Africa on the Mediterranean Sea. It is bordered on the west by Libya, on the south by Sudan, and on the east by the Red Sea and Israel. It considered the centre of the Arab world, defined by a harsh and arid Desert and the longest sacred river on Earth, the River Nile. (Infoplease, Egypt) With a population of around 74,033,000, 95% of Egyptians live along The River Nile, which is less than 5% of the countries territory. Their capital is Cairo where 11,146,000 of the population inhabit. (National Geographic, Egypt Facts) Famously known for their rich cultural heritage, it's history dates back to 400BC, making it one of the most ancient civilizations in the world. The ancient Egyptian civilization lasted for more than 3000 years, which is longer than any other civilization in human history. They worshiped over 2000 deities, gods and Goddesses. From around 6000 BC, Hunter–gatherer communities resided around the river Nile, which flows through the harsh and arid desert. As the Sahara desert continued to dry, it increasingly confined them to the Nile area due to their dependence on the rich Get more content on