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Taming the Beast: Microgrid Strategies for
   Effective Cost Management of your
         Electrical Infrastructure

          Raj Chudgar, Principal
         SunGard Global Services

          Kevin Meagher, CTO
       Power Analytics Corporation

                May 2011

                        The proliferation of Smart Grid technologies,
                        upgrades to the communication grid, and
                        cheaper distributed generation offer
                        significant commercial and reliability
                        advantages to an optimized electrical
                        infrastructure solution in a micro setting.
In 2010, then EDSA Corporation, now               increased revenue margins are dependent
Power Analytics Corporation, presented a          on effective operating cost containment,
white paper at the Uptime Symposium               leveraging of resources, optimization of
entitled “The Enterprise Data Center as a         infrastructure, and uncompromised reliability
Microgrid.” That paper outlined the               of their mission critical electrical network.
strategic imperatives that, when combined,        For many organizations, power is the
make the enterprise class data center very        largest operational expense, yet remains
well suited to take a leading role in the         the least managed commodity - even with
evolving microgrid market as part of a            significant upgrades in software solutions,
holistic approach to energy management            physical infrastructure, and the addition of
and transforming energy demand into a             distributed generation. Enterprise-wide
managed asset. In this paper, we take the         power savings of just a few percentages
next step by laying out a generic technology      can deliver millions to the bottom line.
roadmap for development of an operational
Microgrid. And perhaps just as important, a       Today’s digital world provides operators
review of basic elements of an overall            with technology solutions that deliver
energy and related services management            competitive value. Unfortunately, many
plan. In many ways, the microgrid concept         times the cost of this competitive edge, the
is simply a logical end to a macro energy         sexiest new thing, increases energy
roadmap.                                          consumption with potentially significant
                                                  negative impact on total cost of ownership
         Unlocking Microgrids                     (TCO). Often times, companies only
 Taming the Beast: Microgrid Strategies           recognize the increased TCO for their ―sexy
 for Effective Cost Management of your
                                                  solution‖ after the fact, and after the
         Electrical Infrastructure
                  The Problem
The increased energy demands of IT
                                                       Basic Elements of an Energy
hardware and mission critical facility                      Management Plan
infrastructures continue to drive utility costs
                                                  Energy Services
higher and higher - and there is no end in
                                                  The most critical first step in managing your
Astute companies are looking for                  energy costs is to understand your power
competitive advantages and recognize that         usage. The more you know, the better

Raj Chudgar                                                                            Kevin Meagher
Principal, SunGard Global Services                                   CTO, Power Analytics Corporation
May 2011                                                                                       Page 1
prepared you are to develop effective          Energy Experts
strategies to reduce energy costs. In many
                                               The ability to manage energy, implement
ways energy services are very well
                                               new strategies, evaluate existing strategies
understood, in other cases improved insight
                                               and appropriate activities are not dependent
into your power network and management
                                               on the data center management. A growing
of your energy contracts represent a
                                               infrastructure may benefit from professional
significant opportunity to reduce costs.
                                               consulting and advisory services, freeing
•   Determine if you are purchasing power      the organization from the need to become
    at the lowest unit cost                    energy market experts. In many cases,
•   Negotiate rate adjustments and             these expert resources are already well
    accurately audit utility bills with        known to the data center operations and
    confidence with historically accurate      executive management and this service is a
    knowledge of system performance and        logical extension to the expertise and
    capability                                 support they have already been providing.

•   Proactively manage power bills by          Organizations such as SunGard, Accenture,

    simulating power network configuration     HP, IBM, Booze Allen Hamilton are just

    changes to determine cost of power         some of the many energy experts capable

    effect                                     of providing this counsel.

•   Proactively manage power network with
    intelligent infrastructure maintenance
                                               In addition to the economics driving energy
•   Develop a comprehensive energy
                                               decisions, carbon reduction mandates, and
                                               the desire to be good corporate citizens are
•   Implement new forms of energy              driving conscientious enterprises to look for
    generation and storage that contribute     ways to implement ―green‖ solutions. The
    both to the data center overall load       concept of renewable distributed energy
    needs as required and are available for    generation (solar, wind, etc.) and electric
    bulk grid market applications              vehicle services are enticing, However,
                                               among the issues of how to optimize and
•   Provide an energy road map for green
                                               integrate these renewable energy sources,
    alternatives such as photo voltaic, fuel
                                               reliability becomes even more important.
    cells and wind.

Raj Chudgar                                                                        Kevin Meagher
Principal, SunGard Global Services                               CTO, Power Analytics Corporation
May 2011                                                                                   Page 2
Just imagine an enterprise class data center     generation and to optimize the use of
or university campus with numerous               energy both for the facility and as an energy
buildings, several generation sources, and       market instrument.
multiple building automation systems. Now
                                                 For the purposes of this paper, our working
consider adding in electric vehicle charging
                                                 definition of a Microgrid is even more
stations, a solar farm, micro-windmills, and
                                                 specific for a data center. This type of
energy efficient HVAC and water units.
                                                 Microgrid has as its
Implementing these new energy efficiency
                                                 primary mission high         Characteristics
solutions without understanding and                                           of a Data Center
                                                 availability - under no
optimizing the power network could result in                                  Microgrid:
                                                 circumstance can
premature power equipment burn outs,                                             Critical power
                                                 availability or quality          availability
significant loss of commercial revenue, and                                      High reliability
                                                 of power be at risk.            7x24x365
an unreliable substructure of the campus
                                                 With this qualifier,             performance
grid. Is there a way to integrate, optimize                                      On-site generation
                                                 the data center
and manage such a scenario?
                                                 Microgrid takes
                                                 advantage of the inherent robust electrical
        The Microgrid Opportunity
                                                 infrastructure to optimize and manage
With the proliferation of Smart Grid
technologies, including Advanced Meter
(AMI) technology, upgrades to the                More than supply side
communication grid, electric vehicles, and
                                                 In the United States, Microgrids not only
cheaper and cheaper distributed generation,
                                                 benefit the supply side, but also help
the reality of optimized and reliable
                                                 manage demand and ensure reliability of
electrical infrastructure solutions in a micro
                                                 grid functions in real time through demand
setting offers significant commercial and
                                                 response (DR) and other load shifting, load
reliability advantages.
                                                 optimization, load shedding, and load cycling
There are currently many definitions about       approaches. To date many Microgrid
what constitutes a Microgrid, but one thing      solutions are limited to large implementations,
they all have in common is the inclusion of      and to only using manual or semi-automated
on-site generation. A strong argument can        processes for obtaining minor capacity credit
be made for inclusion of energy storage          from structured markets and/or minor
both to manage the intermittency of              changes to rate structures.

Raj Chudgar                                                                           Kevin Meagher
Principal, SunGard Global Services                                  CTO, Power Analytics Corporation
May 2011                                                                                      Page 3
Even with the billions of dollars spent on       Without any large-scale fundamental
Smart Grid and energy efficiency                 infrastructure upgrades, Microgrids can
infrastructure and software solutions, many      stretch utility supplies and secure customer
companies have been unable to fully realize      reliability using existing utility DR programs -
the commercial value, reliability, or            - delivering greater value to the Microgrid
understanding of their energy consumption.       owner, while also creating benefits to the
Because of this, many companies are only         host distribution utility and transmission grid
taking advantage of the limited value of their   operator.
investment. A key benefit of a Microgrid is
the ability to provide additional energy,
capacity, and ancillary services to the
energy markets, resulting in commercialized
value to the Microgrid owner.

Another Microgrid advantage particularly
relevant to the mission critical data center
operator is the ability to react quickly to
changing utility reliability conditions.             Microgrid Dashboard from University of
                                                             California at San Diego
Currently, the Microgrid’s universe
                                                 Microgrid solutions are defined as a subset
specifically pertaining to reliability can be
                                                 of load and generation equipment and
divided into three distinct segments: (1)
                                                 software systems that traditionally reside on
large industrial and commercial demand
                                                 the customer side of the meter. Equipment
response, the largest commercial segment
                                                 can include any number of electrical grid
in the U.S., primarily manifested as load
                                                 structures for load optimization, generation
shedding or load curtailment; (2) supply-
                                                 optimization, environmental credits,
side, as in back up generation or battery
                                                 conservation programs, HVACs, pumps,
storage; (3) mixed asset configurations
                                                 heating systems, or any number of business
including the potential for a variety of
                                                 initiatives that companies turn to maximize
generation and loads. Ultimately, a Micro-
                                                 commercial value, enable new sexier
grid should bring together distributed
                                                 solutions, or create a ―greener‖ image.
generation and load, providing energy,
                                                 The promise of Microgrid software systems
capacity, ancillary services, and the ability
                                                 or the ―enterprise‖ class Microgrid master
to assist with frequency control during
                                                 controller is to efficiently manage an
reliability events.

Raj Chudgar                                                                          Kevin Meagher
Principal, SunGard Global Services                                 CTO, Power Analytics Corporation
May 2011                                                                                     Page 4
increasing diversity of electricity generation,   Depending on the location and access to
energy storage, net metering, and demand          markets, generation can include the types of
assets.                                           virtual power plants associated with a
                                                  campus. For example buildings can be
There are varying levels of energy
                                                  energy storage when modeled correctly.
management and optimization outlined in
the following sections. The levels outlined       Energy Storage
are generically correct, and reflect              One of the greatest potentials here is
increasing effort, cost and return. The           advanced battery energy storage (such as
starting point can vary based on strategic        Lithium-Ion) external to the data center.
and other objectives.                             With as little as .5Mw (half a megawatt) of
                                                  available storage, energy markets allow
Energy Generation
                                                  consumers to participate in both voltage
There are many variables that are part of
                                                  stability and frequency stability markets. In
any decision to utilize on-site generation for
                                                  addition, battery storage appears to the data
more than just emergency back-up power.
                                                  center as a very high quality generation
Generally speaking however, this excess
                                                  source, transparent to the rest of the facility
capacity or generation is balanced against
                                                  but available in the event of problems with
the absolute need for high availability.
                                                  other generation assets. This strategy
Today, energy generation resources are            allows the operator to ―drop‖ out of market
more than just traditional diesel generation.     participation to use the battery energy for an
Green energy sources such as photo                hour and then come back to the market
voltaic, fuel cells and even wind are quickly     when the energy is no longer needed for
becoming mainstays in mixed distributed           local demand.
generation strategies.
                                                  Automated Demand Response (Auto DR)
                                                  Active Demand Response programs are
                                                  those where the customer adjusts their
                                                  utility load when the regulatory body or
                                                  independent system operator (ISO)
                                                  manually sends out information due to
                                                  reliability events. Traditionally Active
                                                  Demand Response programs are not a
    Distributed generation Microgrid resource     good response to reliability events due to

Raj Chudgar                                                                            Kevin Meagher
Principal, SunGard Global Services                                   CTO, Power Analytics Corporation
May 2011                                                                                       Page 5
the manual operations and lack of real time      solutions is that they provide products that
automation design, monitoring, and               can be leveraged into the market to address
forecasting capabilities.                        immediate reliability and commercial
As Demand Response programs evolve and
reliability events increase due to the           Automated controls solution industry giants,
proliferation of distributed generation and      have entered this market as full-service
the increasing demand of electric vehicles,      providers, as have new IT-oriented
organizations will look to Automated             competitors. These companies typically
Demand Response (Auto DR) as a way to            provide a suite of services including design
mitigate external reliability threats.           of control installations and telemetry, remote
                                                 management of energy equipment,
Automated Demand Response (Auto DR) is
                                                 management of response to calls for
an important Microgrid application that is
                                                 demand reduction, and fulfillment of
already established to some degree in the
                                                 technical and administrative requirements,
commercial and industrial markets. A fully
                                                 such as monitoring and verification of
automated solution that programmatically
shifts generation or load to address market
and reliability events, Auto DR is a tool that   However, it should be stated that it is not
co-optimizes local resources and load as         currently possible to determine from market
well as provides modeled output for              and program records, the degree to which
commercial decision making. It is becoming       automated response systems—as opposed
an important resource in several                 to occupant actions—actually control
jurisdictions and markets when response          building operations during demand
time is critical for reliability requirements,   response events. Therefore traditional
including additional capacity and frequency      demand response programs fall short on
control.                                         their ability to reliably respond to real time
                                                 market and reliability events.
In an Auto DR solution, a customer, typically
supported by automated controls and              Indeed, the ability to participate in these
information technology solutions, installs       markets is dependent on the ability to model
equipment that enables demand reduction          the Microgrid, transport the data feeds, and
in response to wholesale or reliability events   monitor performance. If these capabilities
or system reliability needs as signaled by a     exist, then customer – and utility in turn –
utility or ISO. The versatility of these         are rewarded for demand reduction

Raj Chudgar                                                                           Kevin Meagher
Principal, SunGard Global Services                                  CTO, Power Analytics Corporation
May 2011                                                                                      Page 6
performance in accordance with dispatch           can also use the building itself as a source of
instructions including energy, capacity, and      thermal storage, for instance, by "pre-
frequency response.                               cooling" the building in early morning hours
                                                  to enable reduced energy consumption later
The ultimate goal is to provide reliability and
                                                  in the day at peak hours (Load Shifting).
commercial based products to the energy
                                                  However, many of these demand response
consumer or energy producer without the
                                                  solutions lack the capability to make real
customer ever noticing a change to their
                                                  time adjustments for reliability events due to
                                                  the lack of telemetry, performance of

The Need for Co-Optimization                      metering signals, security concerns, and/or
Larger commercial and industrial customers        any number of software solution issues.
have increasingly deployed building energy        In the near future, with the introduction of
management systems or, indeed, industrial         cutting edge secure software solutions and
process management systems capable of             advanced meters, these consumers will have
responding to reliability event and/or real-      the potential to combine and process energy
time pricing demand response signals, and         usage, on-site building generation, thermal
also capable of providing information and         and electric storage, and even electric
validated response data back to aggregators       vehicle charging. They will be able to co-
and market operators. More sophisticated          optimize all resources against forecast
building management systems are even able         weather conditions, basic usage demand,
to manage on-site thermal storage. They           market reliability information and energy and

Raj Chudgar                                                                           Kevin Meagher
Principal, SunGard Global Services                                  CTO, Power Analytics Corporation
May 2011                                                                                      Page 7
capacity market prices, so as to minimize the          Laying the Foundations for the Virtual
impact of reliability events and leverage                           Power Plant
excess capacity.
                                                   Utility executives, policy makers, and
                                                   regulators at the federal and state levels
One of the keys to achieving Renewable
                                                   mostly agree on the barriers to broader
Portfolio Standard (―RPS‖) mandates will be
                                                   integration of auto demand-side solutions
the use of demand response as a form of
                                                   into grid operations and the complex next
system reserve, real-time dispatch, frequency
                                                   steps necessary to overcome them. FERC
control, and other ancillary services. These
                                                   has recently adopted a policy to pay
services require a quick response (< 10
                                                   demand response solution providers on par
seconds) and "certainty" in the response
                                                   with generation providers. The following
provided. Advanced solutions can provide
                                                   points identify some key elements of a
continuous updating of what is available and
                                                   policy and regulatory agenda to support the
factor the potential revenues and market
                                                   development of Microgrids:
events from ancillary service provisions into
the co-optimization.                                   Identify reliability event mechanisms to
                                                        guide the development and deployment
Additionally, these systems will need to be
                                                        of demand resources wherever possible
modeled down to the individual equipment
                                                        to minimize reliability events.
level, provide operators with ―what if‖
                                                       Develop consistent, long-term customer
capabilities to factor in risk, and also provide
                                                        incentive and technical assistance
monitoring of the equipment in real time to
                                                        programs to support the development of
mitigate any real time deviations.
                                                        key elements of the Microgrids.
                                                       Within jurisdictions, coordinate the
                                                        marketing and operation of demand
                                                        response with energy efficiency
                                                        programs conducted by system
                                                        operators, utilities, and government
                                                       Develop and disseminate frameworks
                                                        for consistent inclusion of demand-side
     Microgrid Operator Dashboard showing               resources in forecasts used for supply
               the power network

Raj Chudgar                                                                             Kevin Meagher
Principal, SunGard Global Services                                    CTO, Power Analytics Corporation
May 2011                                                                                        Page 8
    Development of standard reporting and        management of the energy grid will change
     aggregation of data for utility and          as distributed generation (solar, wind,
     regulatory consumption.                      geothermal) and storage technologies are
                                                  implemented in Microgrid settings.
     Mixed Asset Value Proposition—
               Microgrids                         With this concept in mind, mixed asset

The future of demand response solutions –         Microgrids, as they grow and attract

providing real time capabilities to solve         customers, are uniquely positioned to take

reliability events – are on the brink of          advantage of reliability and commercial

becoming a reality. Significant advances in       events with real time constraints and

software and telecom technology have              provide organizations with more security on

greatly increased performance, modeling,          grid management and long term stability.

and data monitoring capabilities in a secure      While there are a number of regulatory,

communication mechanism. Opening up               commercial, and political decisions that

Microgrid customer classes to provide             need to be made, the future of demand

demand response solutions for greater grid        response utilizing mixed asset and Auto DR

reliability and commercial value could be         capabilities in a Microgrid setting address a

used in capacity sparse, frequency                number of growing issues in the electric

deviation, or any number of reliability and       markets today.

commercial event situations. This would be
a watershed event for our power grid. The
                                                  The ability to optimize infrastructure, cost,
greatest value of these solutions is the
                                                  availability and energy demand are classic
ability for utilities to draw energy, capacity,
                                                  examples of a complex economic optimization.
and ancillary services from Microgrid
operators without a significant effect on the
end use customer.

    Future Outlook for Utilities and Their
The utility business model, functions, and
relationship with the customer change                 Microgrid Energy Management Dashboard with
significantly when customer energy loads                         “What If” environment.

are tied to customer resources. Further-          This complexity is well worth the effort to resolve
more, the utility’s overall role in regard to     because the stakes are so high.

Raj Chudgar                                                                           Kevin Meagher
Principal, SunGard Global Services                                  CTO, Power Analytics Corporation
May 2011                                                                                      Page 9

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Unlocking the microgrid for data centers

  • 1. Unlocking Microgrids Taming the Beast: Microgrid Strategies for Effective Cost Management of your Electrical Infrastructure Raj Chudgar, Principal SunGard Global Services Kevin Meagher, CTO Power Analytics Corporation May 2011 The proliferation of Smart Grid technologies, upgrades to the communication grid, and cheaper distributed generation offer significant commercial and reliability advantages to an optimized electrical infrastructure solution in a micro setting.
  • 2. In 2010, then EDSA Corporation, now increased revenue margins are dependent Power Analytics Corporation, presented a on effective operating cost containment, white paper at the Uptime Symposium leveraging of resources, optimization of entitled “The Enterprise Data Center as a infrastructure, and uncompromised reliability Microgrid.” That paper outlined the of their mission critical electrical network. strategic imperatives that, when combined, For many organizations, power is the make the enterprise class data center very largest operational expense, yet remains well suited to take a leading role in the the least managed commodity - even with evolving microgrid market as part of a significant upgrades in software solutions, holistic approach to energy management physical infrastructure, and the addition of and transforming energy demand into a distributed generation. Enterprise-wide managed asset. In this paper, we take the power savings of just a few percentages next step by laying out a generic technology can deliver millions to the bottom line. roadmap for development of an operational Microgrid. And perhaps just as important, a Today’s digital world provides operators review of basic elements of an overall with technology solutions that deliver energy and related services management competitive value. Unfortunately, many plan. In many ways, the microgrid concept times the cost of this competitive edge, the is simply a logical end to a macro energy sexiest new thing, increases energy roadmap. consumption with potentially significant negative impact on total cost of ownership Unlocking Microgrids (TCO). Often times, companies only Taming the Beast: Microgrid Strategies recognize the increased TCO for their ―sexy for Effective Cost Management of your solution‖ after the fact, and after the Electrical Infrastructure investment. The Problem The increased energy demands of IT Basic Elements of an Energy hardware and mission critical facility Management Plan infrastructures continue to drive utility costs Energy Services higher and higher - and there is no end in sight. The most critical first step in managing your Astute companies are looking for energy costs is to understand your power competitive advantages and recognize that usage. The more you know, the better Raj Chudgar Kevin Meagher Principal, SunGard Global Services CTO, Power Analytics Corporation May 2011 Page 1
  • 3. prepared you are to develop effective Energy Experts strategies to reduce energy costs. In many The ability to manage energy, implement ways energy services are very well new strategies, evaluate existing strategies understood, in other cases improved insight and appropriate activities are not dependent into your power network and management on the data center management. A growing of your energy contracts represent a infrastructure may benefit from professional significant opportunity to reduce costs. consulting and advisory services, freeing • Determine if you are purchasing power the organization from the need to become at the lowest unit cost energy market experts. In many cases, • Negotiate rate adjustments and these expert resources are already well accurately audit utility bills with known to the data center operations and confidence with historically accurate executive management and this service is a knowledge of system performance and logical extension to the expertise and capability support they have already been providing. • Proactively manage power bills by Organizations such as SunGard, Accenture, simulating power network configuration HP, IBM, Booze Allen Hamilton are just changes to determine cost of power some of the many energy experts capable effect of providing this counsel. • Proactively manage power network with intelligent infrastructure maintenance In addition to the economics driving energy • Develop a comprehensive energy decisions, carbon reduction mandates, and strategy the desire to be good corporate citizens are • Implement new forms of energy driving conscientious enterprises to look for generation and storage that contribute ways to implement ―green‖ solutions. The both to the data center overall load concept of renewable distributed energy needs as required and are available for generation (solar, wind, etc.) and electric bulk grid market applications vehicle services are enticing, However, among the issues of how to optimize and • Provide an energy road map for green integrate these renewable energy sources, alternatives such as photo voltaic, fuel reliability becomes even more important. cells and wind. Raj Chudgar Kevin Meagher Principal, SunGard Global Services CTO, Power Analytics Corporation May 2011 Page 2
  • 4. Just imagine an enterprise class data center generation and to optimize the use of or university campus with numerous energy both for the facility and as an energy buildings, several generation sources, and market instrument. multiple building automation systems. Now For the purposes of this paper, our working consider adding in electric vehicle charging definition of a Microgrid is even more stations, a solar farm, micro-windmills, and specific for a data center. This type of energy efficient HVAC and water units. Microgrid has as its Implementing these new energy efficiency primary mission high Characteristics solutions without understanding and of a Data Center availability - under no optimizing the power network could result in Microgrid: circumstance can premature power equipment burn outs,  Critical power availability or quality availability significant loss of commercial revenue, and  High reliability of power be at risk.  7x24x365 an unreliable substructure of the campus With this qualifier, performance grid. Is there a way to integrate, optimize  On-site generation the data center and manage such a scenario? Microgrid takes advantage of the inherent robust electrical The Microgrid Opportunity infrastructure to optimize and manage With the proliferation of Smart Grid energy. technologies, including Advanced Meter (AMI) technology, upgrades to the More than supply side communication grid, electric vehicles, and In the United States, Microgrids not only cheaper and cheaper distributed generation, benefit the supply side, but also help the reality of optimized and reliable manage demand and ensure reliability of electrical infrastructure solutions in a micro grid functions in real time through demand setting offers significant commercial and response (DR) and other load shifting, load reliability advantages. optimization, load shedding, and load cycling There are currently many definitions about approaches. To date many Microgrid what constitutes a Microgrid, but one thing solutions are limited to large implementations, they all have in common is the inclusion of and to only using manual or semi-automated on-site generation. A strong argument can processes for obtaining minor capacity credit be made for inclusion of energy storage from structured markets and/or minor both to manage the intermittency of changes to rate structures. Raj Chudgar Kevin Meagher Principal, SunGard Global Services CTO, Power Analytics Corporation May 2011 Page 3
  • 5. Even with the billions of dollars spent on Without any large-scale fundamental Smart Grid and energy efficiency infrastructure upgrades, Microgrids can infrastructure and software solutions, many stretch utility supplies and secure customer companies have been unable to fully realize reliability using existing utility DR programs - the commercial value, reliability, or - delivering greater value to the Microgrid understanding of their energy consumption. owner, while also creating benefits to the Because of this, many companies are only host distribution utility and transmission grid taking advantage of the limited value of their operator. investment. A key benefit of a Microgrid is the ability to provide additional energy, capacity, and ancillary services to the energy markets, resulting in commercialized value to the Microgrid owner. Another Microgrid advantage particularly relevant to the mission critical data center operator is the ability to react quickly to changing utility reliability conditions. Microgrid Dashboard from University of California at San Diego Currently, the Microgrid’s universe Microgrid solutions are defined as a subset specifically pertaining to reliability can be of load and generation equipment and divided into three distinct segments: (1) software systems that traditionally reside on large industrial and commercial demand the customer side of the meter. Equipment response, the largest commercial segment can include any number of electrical grid in the U.S., primarily manifested as load structures for load optimization, generation shedding or load curtailment; (2) supply- optimization, environmental credits, side, as in back up generation or battery conservation programs, HVACs, pumps, storage; (3) mixed asset configurations heating systems, or any number of business including the potential for a variety of initiatives that companies turn to maximize generation and loads. Ultimately, a Micro- commercial value, enable new sexier grid should bring together distributed solutions, or create a ―greener‖ image. generation and load, providing energy, The promise of Microgrid software systems capacity, ancillary services, and the ability or the ―enterprise‖ class Microgrid master to assist with frequency control during controller is to efficiently manage an reliability events. Raj Chudgar Kevin Meagher Principal, SunGard Global Services CTO, Power Analytics Corporation May 2011 Page 4
  • 6. increasing diversity of electricity generation, Depending on the location and access to energy storage, net metering, and demand markets, generation can include the types of assets. virtual power plants associated with a campus. For example buildings can be There are varying levels of energy energy storage when modeled correctly. management and optimization outlined in the following sections. The levels outlined Energy Storage are generically correct, and reflect One of the greatest potentials here is increasing effort, cost and return. The advanced battery energy storage (such as starting point can vary based on strategic Lithium-Ion) external to the data center. and other objectives. With as little as .5Mw (half a megawatt) of available storage, energy markets allow Energy Generation consumers to participate in both voltage There are many variables that are part of stability and frequency stability markets. In any decision to utilize on-site generation for addition, battery storage appears to the data more than just emergency back-up power. center as a very high quality generation Generally speaking however, this excess source, transparent to the rest of the facility capacity or generation is balanced against but available in the event of problems with the absolute need for high availability. other generation assets. This strategy Today, energy generation resources are allows the operator to ―drop‖ out of market more than just traditional diesel generation. participation to use the battery energy for an Green energy sources such as photo hour and then come back to the market voltaic, fuel cells and even wind are quickly when the energy is no longer needed for becoming mainstays in mixed distributed local demand. generation strategies. Automated Demand Response (Auto DR) Active Demand Response programs are those where the customer adjusts their utility load when the regulatory body or independent system operator (ISO) manually sends out information due to reliability events. Traditionally Active Demand Response programs are not a Distributed generation Microgrid resource good response to reliability events due to Raj Chudgar Kevin Meagher Principal, SunGard Global Services CTO, Power Analytics Corporation May 2011 Page 5
  • 7. the manual operations and lack of real time solutions is that they provide products that automation design, monitoring, and can be leveraged into the market to address forecasting capabilities. immediate reliability and commercial requirements. As Demand Response programs evolve and reliability events increase due to the Automated controls solution industry giants, proliferation of distributed generation and have entered this market as full-service the increasing demand of electric vehicles, providers, as have new IT-oriented organizations will look to Automated competitors. These companies typically Demand Response (Auto DR) as a way to provide a suite of services including design mitigate external reliability threats. of control installations and telemetry, remote management of energy equipment, Automated Demand Response (Auto DR) is management of response to calls for an important Microgrid application that is demand reduction, and fulfillment of already established to some degree in the technical and administrative requirements, commercial and industrial markets. A fully such as monitoring and verification of automated solution that programmatically performance. shifts generation or load to address market and reliability events, Auto DR is a tool that However, it should be stated that it is not co-optimizes local resources and load as currently possible to determine from market well as provides modeled output for and program records, the degree to which commercial decision making. It is becoming automated response systems—as opposed an important resource in several to occupant actions—actually control jurisdictions and markets when response building operations during demand time is critical for reliability requirements, response events. Therefore traditional including additional capacity and frequency demand response programs fall short on control. their ability to reliably respond to real time market and reliability events. In an Auto DR solution, a customer, typically supported by automated controls and Indeed, the ability to participate in these information technology solutions, installs markets is dependent on the ability to model equipment that enables demand reduction the Microgrid, transport the data feeds, and in response to wholesale or reliability events monitor performance. If these capabilities or system reliability needs as signaled by a exist, then customer – and utility in turn – utility or ISO. The versatility of these are rewarded for demand reduction Raj Chudgar Kevin Meagher Principal, SunGard Global Services CTO, Power Analytics Corporation May 2011 Page 6
  • 8. performance in accordance with dispatch can also use the building itself as a source of instructions including energy, capacity, and thermal storage, for instance, by "pre- frequency response. cooling" the building in early morning hours to enable reduced energy consumption later The ultimate goal is to provide reliability and in the day at peak hours (Load Shifting). commercial based products to the energy However, many of these demand response consumer or energy producer without the solutions lack the capability to make real customer ever noticing a change to their time adjustments for reliability events due to conditions. the lack of telemetry, performance of The Need for Co-Optimization metering signals, security concerns, and/or Larger commercial and industrial customers any number of software solution issues. have increasingly deployed building energy In the near future, with the introduction of management systems or, indeed, industrial cutting edge secure software solutions and process management systems capable of advanced meters, these consumers will have responding to reliability event and/or real- the potential to combine and process energy time pricing demand response signals, and usage, on-site building generation, thermal also capable of providing information and and electric storage, and even electric validated response data back to aggregators vehicle charging. They will be able to co- and market operators. More sophisticated optimize all resources against forecast building management systems are even able weather conditions, basic usage demand, to manage on-site thermal storage. They market reliability information and energy and Raj Chudgar Kevin Meagher Principal, SunGard Global Services CTO, Power Analytics Corporation May 2011 Page 7
  • 9. capacity market prices, so as to minimize the Laying the Foundations for the Virtual impact of reliability events and leverage Power Plant excess capacity. Utility executives, policy makers, and regulators at the federal and state levels One of the keys to achieving Renewable mostly agree on the barriers to broader Portfolio Standard (―RPS‖) mandates will be integration of auto demand-side solutions the use of demand response as a form of into grid operations and the complex next system reserve, real-time dispatch, frequency steps necessary to overcome them. FERC control, and other ancillary services. These has recently adopted a policy to pay services require a quick response (< 10 demand response solution providers on par seconds) and "certainty" in the response with generation providers. The following provided. Advanced solutions can provide points identify some key elements of a continuous updating of what is available and policy and regulatory agenda to support the factor the potential revenues and market development of Microgrids: events from ancillary service provisions into the co-optimization.  Identify reliability event mechanisms to guide the development and deployment Additionally, these systems will need to be of demand resources wherever possible modeled down to the individual equipment to minimize reliability events. level, provide operators with ―what if‖  Develop consistent, long-term customer capabilities to factor in risk, and also provide incentive and technical assistance monitoring of the equipment in real time to programs to support the development of mitigate any real time deviations. key elements of the Microgrids.  Within jurisdictions, coordinate the marketing and operation of demand response with energy efficiency programs conducted by system operators, utilities, and government agencies.  Develop and disseminate frameworks for consistent inclusion of demand-side Microgrid Operator Dashboard showing resources in forecasts used for supply the power network planning. Raj Chudgar Kevin Meagher Principal, SunGard Global Services CTO, Power Analytics Corporation May 2011 Page 8
  • 10. Development of standard reporting and management of the energy grid will change aggregation of data for utility and as distributed generation (solar, wind, regulatory consumption. geothermal) and storage technologies are implemented in Microgrid settings. Mixed Asset Value Proposition— Microgrids With this concept in mind, mixed asset The future of demand response solutions – Microgrids, as they grow and attract providing real time capabilities to solve customers, are uniquely positioned to take reliability events – are on the brink of advantage of reliability and commercial becoming a reality. Significant advances in events with real time constraints and software and telecom technology have provide organizations with more security on greatly increased performance, modeling, grid management and long term stability. and data monitoring capabilities in a secure While there are a number of regulatory, communication mechanism. Opening up commercial, and political decisions that Microgrid customer classes to provide need to be made, the future of demand demand response solutions for greater grid response utilizing mixed asset and Auto DR reliability and commercial value could be capabilities in a Microgrid setting address a used in capacity sparse, frequency number of growing issues in the electric deviation, or any number of reliability and markets today. commercial event situations. This would be Summary a watershed event for our power grid. The The ability to optimize infrastructure, cost, greatest value of these solutions is the availability and energy demand are classic ability for utilities to draw energy, capacity, examples of a complex economic optimization. and ancillary services from Microgrid operators without a significant effect on the end use customer. Future Outlook for Utilities and Their Customers The utility business model, functions, and relationship with the customer change Microgrid Energy Management Dashboard with significantly when customer energy loads “What If” environment. are tied to customer resources. Further- This complexity is well worth the effort to resolve more, the utility’s overall role in regard to because the stakes are so high. Raj Chudgar Kevin Meagher Principal, SunGard Global Services CTO, Power Analytics Corporation May 2011 Page 9