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Unit 8
Task 4
Lauren Rosenfeld
& Ben Karrass
Digital Video
Digital video is moving visual images in the form of digital rather than analogue
signals. Digital television transmits audio and video using digitally processed and
multiplexed signal, rather than separated signals used by analogue TV. Analogue
television doesn’t exist anymore, with it being replaced between 2008-2012. The
upgrade in technology from analogue to digital allows for more channels by
broadcasters to create more programmes. It also gives the audience more variety in
what they want to watch, as there are more programmes available. In order to get
digital video transmissions, an individual would need to purchase a new television or
get a box which would be able to pick up the digital transmissions. Digital television
was a big change for content providers such as broadcast, cable and satellite operators
as well as for viewers and advertisers.
Digital Video
For content providers, such as film companies, the increase in channels meant that
there were more places they could show their products through advertisements.
However, there is also a disadvantage of having several channels available. Although
it gives the viewer more choice, it means they will have to decide between
programmes. Therefore, a programme may gain less viewers than they should when
it is aired, as their audience is watching another programme. It is also bad for the
advertisers, as they pay the broadcaster to air their advert, but then have fewer
people viewing it than there should be. For viewers, they had more channels and
could watch speciality channels, such as sports or history. There was also more
content on channels such as BBC and ITV since more could be scheduled. Due to
more space being available, for content providers, the number of channels has
meant that budgets for individual programmes has fallen. Thus, there are fewer big
budget dramas such as Game of Thrones and more cheaper reality shows and soaps
such as Eastenders. Other benefits of digital video include interactivity through the
red button, on-screen TV listings and wide screen pictures. Digital TV also can
improve the quality of the TV picture and sound for the audience.
Digital Video
Previously, all films were recorded by using analogue 35mm film,
such as Citizen Kane. Whereas today, it is very much 50/50 with
some being recorded digitally and others recorded with 35mm,
such as Midnight Special and Boyhood. Most films are shot
digitally nowadays because it is cheaper and more practical, and
film can easily be ruined when exposed to light. However, some
directors prefer to shoot on film because of the effect that it gives,
such as a shallower depth of field. Thus, creating areas in the frame
that are soft focus or blurry is easier, in order to direct the
audience's attention. George Lucas, for the first time included
footage filmed with high-definition digital cameras in Star Wars:
Episode I – The Phantom Menace, and later announced he would
film its sequels entirely on high-definition digital video.
Digital Video
Although most films are still being shot on 35mm, the
majority of TV shows are shot digitally. For example, Game
of Thrones, which is filmed on the Arri Alexa digital motion
picture camera. There are several benefits of filming
digitally. For instance, it is much easier to store onto a hard
drive, several copies can be made, and it is cheaper than
buying several reels of film. It is also easier to transfer
footage from the camera to an editing device and to
distribute to wider society. However, there are also some
disadvantages of digital video. Such as, it is much easier for
it to be leaked online and it is prone to viruses and could
result in the film being lost if several copies are not created.
High Definition
High-definition is a system providing an image
resolution that is higher resolution than that of standard-
definition. HD (high definition) is one improvement in
television technology, which has moved on from black-
and-white analogue to widescreen colour over the last 50
years. HD gives you a clearer and crisper picture with
more vivid colours and is in five times more detail than a
standard definition television. SDTV provides a lower
resolution than HDTV and higher resolution than
analogue TV. With TV definition improving, more
programmes are being made into HD and new flat-
screen televisions are able to show them with ease.
High Definition
High definition has had a large impact on viewers as it
enhances their viewing experience. More consumers are
buying HD ready televisions as they want to experience
HD viewing. High definition televisions are extremely
popular now and has led to the equipment quality
improving in the film industry, with everything being
filmed at the highest possible definition, in order to make
the best quality programming for their audience.
Therefore, TV and film producers are now spending more
on equipment and software. Television definition is
constantly improving nowadays, with UHD, OLED and
QLED, which are capable of giving off incredibly bright,
vibrant and diverse colours.
High Definition
Only a limited number of UK broadcasters offer HD services, and if an
individual wanted to watch something in HD, they would need to purchase a
new TV and a TV box capable of providing HD viewing. However, the majority
of TVs that our sold these days are already HD ready. With stand definition TVs
rarely being produced. These changes, allows producers to create shows and
films in more advanced details. Consumers can also get HD DVDs, Blu Ray
Discs and there is also HD audio. Blu-ray Disk players allow audiences to watch
movies in Full High Definition with high resolution surround sound. This gives
the audience a more powerful movie experience, as it makes them feel as if they
were in the action due to it looking realistic. With a clearer image the
producer/director can insert smaller details (eastereggs) in order for the
audience to find. However, having more detailed images in film and TV means
that other departments, such as the makeup crew need to make sure everything
is done more precisely, as it is a lot easier to see mistakes like a hair out of place.
High Definition
Before, there used to only be standard definition, which was
720x576 pixels resolution. Whereas today, there is 720p HD,
1080p Full HD, Quad HD and 4K Ultra HD. HD refers to the
detail of a screen or the number of pixels that are put into a
display. A pixel is the smallest visible element on screen, the ‘dots’
that to make up the picture. A 720p screen is 1280 pixels x 720
pixels. This is the minimum for HD. A HD TV with a resolution of
720p would only be able to display videos at this resolution and
no higher, if an individual were to want a higher resolution, they
would need to purchase a better television. 1080p pixel
dimensions are 1920x1080, known as full HD or true HD. 4K
Ultra HD screens and Quad HD have more pixels, meaning that
the sharper the picture is.
High Definition
Many producers are keeping up with the new technology, such
as Netflix and Sky, who are creating content in 4K. Movie
producers are ahead of TV technology, with the creation of 8K
and so on, which they are currently using to create movies.
With several films nowadays being filmed with 8K cameras. For
example, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2 being filmed on the
WEAPON 8K camera (8192 x 4320), making images sharper
and more vibrant. A TV show filmed in high resolution is the
new Marvel show Inhumans, which was filmed on IMAX
cameras. The cameras are able to shoot much higher resolution
compared to normal 35mm film cameras or digital camera. 4k
Blu Ray discs and players are also available to buy today. With
several being available on the market and being relatively
High Definition
High definition also has its ups and downs, For example a disadvantage of HD TV is
that not every TV includes HD yet so people would need to go out and spend more
money just to have the HD mode available. Also TVs with a better resolution and have
more pixels will be more expensive than those with just HD. However HD does have
its advantages including that it makes the TV and productions shown a lot more
clearer and easier to see. This can make the experience of watching TV a lot better and
more enjoyable. Having a HD TV makes the images brighter, there are smoother
motions between scenes, and it also enhances surround sound stereo. These are the
advantages of getting a HD TV.
3D media means three dimensional, this is where the viewers are able to see three
dimensions in film and TV, compared to an ordinary TV, which has two dimensions.
Technology such as CGI and 3D have improved drastically, meaning that producers are free
to expand their imagination and there are limitless possibilities. Nowadays, 3D has been
developed more and more, and people are starting to buy TV’s that include a 3D feature,
that allows them to watch shows and movies in three dimensions, rather than having to go
to the cinema to see them. 3D in films has been around for awhile now, but over the years it
has developed and become increasingly more realistic for the audience. 3D films and TV
allows the audience to experience the atmosphere as the characters are and can transport
the audience into a new location, in the comfort of their own living room. 3D TV’s also have
the ability to convert back into 2D if the viewers doesn’t want to watch it in the three
dimensional format.
A lot of viewers were unhappy with their 3D TVs because
they were had to wear mandatory 3D glasses, which left a
lot of people with eye strain issues, headaches and
dizziness. Therefore, all major TV makers, such as
Samsung and LG stopped production of their 3D TVs.
Also viewers were stuck with needing to purchase different
glasses that started from £30+. 3D TVs were good for when
they lasted but they had too many issues to stay in
production. Thus, consumers lost interest in the product
before the developers could fix the problems.
3D is also used in gaming consoles such as the 3DS, this one is still
in production because it doesn't include needing to wear any
glasses, as there is a certain setting that allows you to play and
view your games in 3D. 3D TVs often need more storage than 2D
TVs, because 3D programmes take up a lot of space to store.
Although 3D productions have gone down, there has been an
increase in virtual reality headsets, such as Oculus VR. An example
of a 3D film that was in cinemas was Gravity, this was one of the
top grossing 3D film at the time, it included scenes that had things
pop out at them to make it feel like they were there in space. The
filmmaker of Gravity was not a big fan of 3D blockbusters but still
managed to show how good 3D is in the award winning film.
Before 3D went out of production it was very popular for pubs and other
places where people would watch sports because watching football in 3D
was a big thing when 3D was in fashion. 3D documentaries were also
popular, such as Flying Monsters 3D with David Attenborough, and several
programmes were created. Other films, such as Avatar were made for the
effect of being watched in 3D, as it contained several scenes that would
jump out towards the audience and was a good chance to show what 3D can
do. Due to the publicity of it being in 3D and how good it was, 90% of all
advance ticket sales for Avatar were for 3D screenings. 3D has been out for a
long time now and the first 3D film was in 1922. Back then they didn't have
the advanced technology like we have today so they would use blue and red
glasses, nowadays we wear glasses that adjust our eyes to see 3D. This shows
us how much the 3D technology has advanced over the years.
There are several advantages and disadvantages of 3D in film and TV. One
advantage of 3D is that the image jumps out, so it is more natural and
realistic for the audience, therefore it makes the audience feel as if they are
experiencing the same action as the characters and is an exciting viewing
experience. Companies also make more money, as 3D tickets are more
expensive. However, 3D is expensive to produce and it may be a waste of
money to produce a movie in 3D, if it was not guaranteed to do well at the
box office, such as Avatar, which grossed $2,787,965,087. It is also more
expensive for the audience to buy a 3D ticket rather than a 2D ticket, which
may prevent an individual from seeing a 3D movie. Another major
disadvantage are the symptoms, with several people complaining of nausea
and migraines. The image also appears darker and of a lower resolution, due
to the mandatory glasses. It is also sometimes unnecessary for a film to be in
3D, as some producers just release movies in 3D for extra revenue, even
though it does not add anything to the story or the experience.
The Internet
The internet has developed into an important element in promoting and
distributing a film. Developers are able to promote their film via a range of
different social medias online where their target audience would be able to view it.
Other places such as blogs and websites like IMDB allows people to see what new
movies are coming out and what reviews they have to decide if they want to see it
or not. IMDB also allows people to see who is starring in the upcoming film, and
the audience to see sneak peaks of the films they may see. An example of a film that
people view on IMDB is Cars 3, people may view the page because it is being
released in cinemas soon. Therefore, people can see reviews and decide if they are
going to watch it or not. The internet can be used to spread trailers on websites
such as Youtube, however, this does not always benefit the film. This is because
people can post spoilers of the film which others may not want to see. As some
content that has been leaked and spoiled by other users were meant to stay a secret,
this may deter people from seeing the film. Thus, producers may not gain the
revenue that they should at the box office.
The Internet
Sky and other TV broadcasters have apps and websites such as Sky
Go, BBC iplayer and channel 4, which allow people to access their
TV shows and watch them on any device they want such as their
phone or an ipad when connected to the internet. This allows
people who may have missed a programme to watch it. For
example, on BBC iplayer you can view programmes from the past
couple of weeks and watch your favorite TV show or even re watch
certain shows if still available. This gives the viewers more chances
to watch Tv and films. The BBC and other TV broadcasters with
apps and websites can view and monitor how many watch certain
programmes, which allows the company to see what Tv show is
most popular. Audiences are now able to sign up for subscriptions
to websites that allows the audience to stream films and
The Internet
People upload films and Tv illegally to pirate websites,
known as pirate copying. For example, new movies such as
Wonder Woman are uploaded instantly to pirate sites.
Others who try to upload pirate videos onto sites such as
Youtube usually have their content removed instantly due to
copyright infigurment. Having illegal pirate websites stops
people from going to the cinema to see current films, and
stops individuals from buying DVD’s, as they can watch
shows and films from illegal pirate sites without having to
pay. This can result in film and TV companies getting less
money than they should be making, meaning that there may
not be enough funding for their next production, or it may
have a smaller budget.
The Internet
The most pirated TV show is Game of Thrones, with
one episode being downloaded more than 2.2 million
times in the first twelve hours and HBO has been taking
steps to deal with the piracy problem. The network has
been sending copyright infringement warnings to
pirates and requesting that sites take down torrents for
HBO content. They also sent out warnings to the IP
addresses of torrent users who had been sharing
episodes of Game of Thrones. Also to prevent leaks onto
the internet and onto piracy sites, HBO stopped sending
out hard copies of episodes ahead of time.
The Internet
The BBC confirmed in 2007 that they would be uploading
their programmes to BBC Iplayer, once they have aired on
TV. This can stop pirate websites, such as those seen here
from uploading Tv shows and movies, this means that the
only place they would be able to watch the shows BBC
provide will be on BBC iplayer. The BBC will be able to
make as much money as possible before pirating takes place
from their content. If all broadcasting channels who have
sites, such as BBC iplayer, they will start to do this as well
meaning that there would not be a point in TV when
everyone would watch their shows online.
The Internet
The internet has meant that several new legal streaming services
have been created. Some of these include Netflix, Amazon Video
and Now TV. There is now a shift from traditional TV to streaming
services, with younger generations preferring streaming services.
However, illegal streaming services and piracy of films and TV, has
meant that the industries are not gaining the money that they
should be. Despite the increase in piracy, producers are fighting
back by creating exclusive content on their sites. For instance,
Netflix customers pay a fee each month and are provided with
exclusive content. Netflix exclusive shows include 13 Reasons Why
and DareDevil, which have become increasingly popular, and are
winning prestigious awards. For instance, Jessica Jones, which won
a primetime Emmy award in 2016.
The Internet
Therefore, these legal streaming services attract customers due to their exclusive content. A
benefit of paying for these services is that HD quality is guaranteed, whilst it is not if you
were to access an illegal website. These services are also more reliable, as individuals pay for
a service of streaming, it is guaranteed to work, even if there is a small amount of buffering
in the beginning. However, watching a show or film on an illegal website where others
upload servers is unreliable, as there may be constant buffering throughout the video, which
disrupts the viewing experience. You can also access these services on several platforms,
meaning there is ease of access. However, disadvantages of the internet to watch content is
that there is a possibility of getting a virus, and the quality may not be good. For instance,
films that have recently come out at the cinema are filmed using handheld cameras, and
therefore the quality is not HD, as the DVD has not yet been released. Therefore, although
individuals may not have to pay to see the movie, they are not getting the same quality and
good viewing experience that they would get by paying and going to the cinema.
On Demand
On demand viewing allows for a viewer to select from a range of stored content wherever and
whenever they choose to do so. An individual does not have to stick to a strict TV programme
schedule, and instead is given the freedom to watch what they would like. On demand can be
viewed via streaming or downloading a show or film, and there are several different platforms to
view on demand on. Legal on demand services include BBC iplayer, Netflix and Now TV, and some
require a subscription. Whereas others are illegal and can be accessed online, with individuals
sharing files, websites include fmovies and Putlocker. Piracy has been a big issue for the movie
industry, due to films becoming available on illegal online streaming services, leading to revenue
not being made. There is potential revenue when a film is at the box office, but when it is leaked
online, the revenue potential revenue drops, resulting in money that should be made, not being
made. There are a range of benefits of on demand viewing, as viewers can access programmes that
they may have missed recently, or others that were shown years prior. It also benefits producers, as
they gain a profit on demand services through advertisement and it generates different sponsorship
deals for them.
On Demand
Several television providers have on demand services available through their
boxes, such as Sky and Virgin. Subscription video-on-demand (SVOD)
services such as Amazon video and Netflix have challenged the traditional
broadcasters, as they gain millions of new viewers each year and produce
their own content, which is available on demand. Therefore, less people are
watching scheduled TV shows and instead recording them on demand or
accessing the on demand content of a subscription. Due to developing
technologies, on demand services are becoming ever more prominent in
people's lives, as they can access it from wherever they are. For instance,
nowadays people can access the service from a variety of platforms, such as
through a phone, tablet or laptop. No longer are people restricted to viewing
media through a television, as everything is now available through a mobile
device. There is a prominent shift between generations viewing habit. With
more older people watching scheduled TV and younger people watching on
On Demand
Television providers such as Sky and Virgin have several ways to
access their on demand content. For instance, the easiest way to
access it is directly from the television, under the on demand
section. From here, there are several different channels which have
on demand programmes. For instance, a viewer can go to the BBC
section on demand and find a TV show such as Ripper Street. The
BBC section involves all their programmes from all BBC channels
e.g. from BBC1 -BBC4. Another example is ITV on demand. Under
the ITV on demand section a viewer can again, access all
programmes from all their channels. For instance, they can view
Family Guy, which airs on ITV2. On demand content can also be
viewed on the internet and on apps. For example, there are several
apps provided by Sky, such as Sky Q, Sky Go and Sky Kids to
access content.
On Demand
An individual can also access movies on demand depending on
their Sky or Virgin package. For example, a Sky customer would
need to purchase the Sky Cinema package in order to watch
movies on demand. For example, they would be able to watch
Deadpool. However, if they do have Sky Cinema this means
that they can find any movie by genre, download it and watch it.
Again, they do not have to go to the cinema scheduled listings,
and watch a movie halfway through. They can download the
movie and watch it from the beginning. The Sky Store is also
available, where people can purchase a new movie and then
watch it from their TV. For instance, Logan. They can also
decide whether they would like to buy and keep the movie, and
then they are sent the DVD, the movie also remains on their
recordings, for the viewer to watch when they want.
On Demand
Therefore, benefits of on demand are that it gives the audience
ease of access (watching anywhere at anytime) and means that
they are not constrained to TV schedules. Individuals can also
watch on demand content on several different platforms.
However, disadvantages are that it depends on the TV package
to access on demand content. For instance, customers that pay
more monthly may be given access to watch on demand content
on several different platforms. Whereas, a customer with the
most basic package may only be allowed to watch it on one
platform, and only at a certain time. They may also not be given
access to the on demand section or box sets. For example, the
most basic Sky bundle at £22 has on demand, but it does not
have Box Sets, so an individual will not have access to 350 Box
Sets, including every episode ever of Game of Thrones.

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Unit 8 task 4

  • 1. Unit 8 Task 4 Lauren Rosenfeld & Ben Karrass
  • 2. Digital Video Digital video is moving visual images in the form of digital rather than analogue signals. Digital television transmits audio and video using digitally processed and multiplexed signal, rather than separated signals used by analogue TV. Analogue television doesn’t exist anymore, with it being replaced between 2008-2012. The upgrade in technology from analogue to digital allows for more channels by broadcasters to create more programmes. It also gives the audience more variety in what they want to watch, as there are more programmes available. In order to get digital video transmissions, an individual would need to purchase a new television or get a box which would be able to pick up the digital transmissions. Digital television was a big change for content providers such as broadcast, cable and satellite operators as well as for viewers and advertisers. LR
  • 3. Digital Video For content providers, such as film companies, the increase in channels meant that there were more places they could show their products through advertisements. However, there is also a disadvantage of having several channels available. Although it gives the viewer more choice, it means they will have to decide between programmes. Therefore, a programme may gain less viewers than they should when it is aired, as their audience is watching another programme. It is also bad for the advertisers, as they pay the broadcaster to air their advert, but then have fewer people viewing it than there should be. For viewers, they had more channels and could watch speciality channels, such as sports or history. There was also more content on channels such as BBC and ITV since more could be scheduled. Due to more space being available, for content providers, the number of channels has meant that budgets for individual programmes has fallen. Thus, there are fewer big budget dramas such as Game of Thrones and more cheaper reality shows and soaps such as Eastenders. Other benefits of digital video include interactivity through the red button, on-screen TV listings and wide screen pictures. Digital TV also can improve the quality of the TV picture and sound for the audience. LR
  • 4. Digital Video Previously, all films were recorded by using analogue 35mm film, such as Citizen Kane. Whereas today, it is very much 50/50 with some being recorded digitally and others recorded with 35mm, such as Midnight Special and Boyhood. Most films are shot digitally nowadays because it is cheaper and more practical, and film can easily be ruined when exposed to light. However, some directors prefer to shoot on film because of the effect that it gives, such as a shallower depth of field. Thus, creating areas in the frame that are soft focus or blurry is easier, in order to direct the audience's attention. George Lucas, for the first time included footage filmed with high-definition digital cameras in Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, and later announced he would film its sequels entirely on high-definition digital video. LR
  • 5. Digital Video Although most films are still being shot on 35mm, the majority of TV shows are shot digitally. For example, Game of Thrones, which is filmed on the Arri Alexa digital motion picture camera. There are several benefits of filming digitally. For instance, it is much easier to store onto a hard drive, several copies can be made, and it is cheaper than buying several reels of film. It is also easier to transfer footage from the camera to an editing device and to distribute to wider society. However, there are also some disadvantages of digital video. Such as, it is much easier for it to be leaked online and it is prone to viruses and could result in the film being lost if several copies are not created. LR
  • 6. High Definition High-definition is a system providing an image resolution that is higher resolution than that of standard- definition. HD (high definition) is one improvement in television technology, which has moved on from black- and-white analogue to widescreen colour over the last 50 years. HD gives you a clearer and crisper picture with more vivid colours and is in five times more detail than a standard definition television. SDTV provides a lower resolution than HDTV and higher resolution than analogue TV. With TV definition improving, more programmes are being made into HD and new flat- screen televisions are able to show them with ease. LR
  • 7. High Definition High definition has had a large impact on viewers as it enhances their viewing experience. More consumers are buying HD ready televisions as they want to experience HD viewing. High definition televisions are extremely popular now and has led to the equipment quality improving in the film industry, with everything being filmed at the highest possible definition, in order to make the best quality programming for their audience. Therefore, TV and film producers are now spending more on equipment and software. Television definition is constantly improving nowadays, with UHD, OLED and QLED, which are capable of giving off incredibly bright, vibrant and diverse colours. LR
  • 8. High Definition Only a limited number of UK broadcasters offer HD services, and if an individual wanted to watch something in HD, they would need to purchase a new TV and a TV box capable of providing HD viewing. However, the majority of TVs that our sold these days are already HD ready. With stand definition TVs rarely being produced. These changes, allows producers to create shows and films in more advanced details. Consumers can also get HD DVDs, Blu Ray Discs and there is also HD audio. Blu-ray Disk players allow audiences to watch movies in Full High Definition with high resolution surround sound. This gives the audience a more powerful movie experience, as it makes them feel as if they were in the action due to it looking realistic. With a clearer image the producer/director can insert smaller details (eastereggs) in order for the audience to find. However, having more detailed images in film and TV means that other departments, such as the makeup crew need to make sure everything is done more precisely, as it is a lot easier to see mistakes like a hair out of place. LR
  • 9. High Definition Before, there used to only be standard definition, which was 720x576 pixels resolution. Whereas today, there is 720p HD, 1080p Full HD, Quad HD and 4K Ultra HD. HD refers to the detail of a screen or the number of pixels that are put into a display. A pixel is the smallest visible element on screen, the ‘dots’ that to make up the picture. A 720p screen is 1280 pixels x 720 pixels. This is the minimum for HD. A HD TV with a resolution of 720p would only be able to display videos at this resolution and no higher, if an individual were to want a higher resolution, they would need to purchase a better television. 1080p pixel dimensions are 1920x1080, known as full HD or true HD. 4K Ultra HD screens and Quad HD have more pixels, meaning that the sharper the picture is. LR difference-720p-1080i-and-1080p_M10888.html#
  • 10. High Definition Many producers are keeping up with the new technology, such as Netflix and Sky, who are creating content in 4K. Movie producers are ahead of TV technology, with the creation of 8K and so on, which they are currently using to create movies. With several films nowadays being filmed with 8K cameras. For example, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2 being filmed on the WEAPON 8K camera (8192 x 4320), making images sharper and more vibrant. A TV show filmed in high resolution is the new Marvel show Inhumans, which was filmed on IMAX cameras. The cameras are able to shoot much higher resolution compared to normal 35mm film cameras or digital camera. 4k Blu Ray discs and players are also available to buy today. With several being available on the market and being relatively LR
  • 11. High Definition High definition also has its ups and downs, For example a disadvantage of HD TV is that not every TV includes HD yet so people would need to go out and spend more money just to have the HD mode available. Also TVs with a better resolution and have more pixels will be more expensive than those with just HD. However HD does have its advantages including that it makes the TV and productions shown a lot more clearer and easier to see. This can make the experience of watching TV a lot better and more enjoyable. Having a HD TV makes the images brighter, there are smoother motions between scenes, and it also enhances surround sound stereo. These are the advantages of getting a HD TV. BK
  • 12. 3D 3D media means three dimensional, this is where the viewers are able to see three dimensions in film and TV, compared to an ordinary TV, which has two dimensions. Technology such as CGI and 3D have improved drastically, meaning that producers are free to expand their imagination and there are limitless possibilities. Nowadays, 3D has been developed more and more, and people are starting to buy TV’s that include a 3D feature, that allows them to watch shows and movies in three dimensions, rather than having to go to the cinema to see them. 3D in films has been around for awhile now, but over the years it has developed and become increasingly more realistic for the audience. 3D films and TV allows the audience to experience the atmosphere as the characters are and can transport the audience into a new location, in the comfort of their own living room. 3D TV’s also have the ability to convert back into 2D if the viewers doesn’t want to watch it in the three dimensional format. BK
  • 13. 3D A lot of viewers were unhappy with their 3D TVs because they were had to wear mandatory 3D glasses, which left a lot of people with eye strain issues, headaches and dizziness. Therefore, all major TV makers, such as Samsung and LG stopped production of their 3D TVs. Also viewers were stuck with needing to purchase different glasses that started from £30+. 3D TVs were good for when they lasted but they had too many issues to stay in production. Thus, consumers lost interest in the product before the developers could fix the problems. BK
  • 14. 3D 3D is also used in gaming consoles such as the 3DS, this one is still in production because it doesn't include needing to wear any glasses, as there is a certain setting that allows you to play and view your games in 3D. 3D TVs often need more storage than 2D TVs, because 3D programmes take up a lot of space to store. Although 3D productions have gone down, there has been an increase in virtual reality headsets, such as Oculus VR. An example of a 3D film that was in cinemas was Gravity, this was one of the top grossing 3D film at the time, it included scenes that had things pop out at them to make it feel like they were there in space. The filmmaker of Gravity was not a big fan of 3D blockbusters but still managed to show how good 3D is in the award winning film. BK
  • 15. 3D Before 3D went out of production it was very popular for pubs and other places where people would watch sports because watching football in 3D was a big thing when 3D was in fashion. 3D documentaries were also popular, such as Flying Monsters 3D with David Attenborough, and several programmes were created. Other films, such as Avatar were made for the effect of being watched in 3D, as it contained several scenes that would jump out towards the audience and was a good chance to show what 3D can do. Due to the publicity of it being in 3D and how good it was, 90% of all advance ticket sales for Avatar were for 3D screenings. 3D has been out for a long time now and the first 3D film was in 1922. Back then they didn't have the advanced technology like we have today so they would use blue and red glasses, nowadays we wear glasses that adjust our eyes to see 3D. This shows us how much the 3D technology has advanced over the years. LR
  • 16. 3D There are several advantages and disadvantages of 3D in film and TV. One advantage of 3D is that the image jumps out, so it is more natural and realistic for the audience, therefore it makes the audience feel as if they are experiencing the same action as the characters and is an exciting viewing experience. Companies also make more money, as 3D tickets are more expensive. However, 3D is expensive to produce and it may be a waste of money to produce a movie in 3D, if it was not guaranteed to do well at the box office, such as Avatar, which grossed $2,787,965,087. It is also more expensive for the audience to buy a 3D ticket rather than a 2D ticket, which may prevent an individual from seeing a 3D movie. Another major disadvantage are the symptoms, with several people complaining of nausea and migraines. The image also appears darker and of a lower resolution, due to the mandatory glasses. It is also sometimes unnecessary for a film to be in 3D, as some producers just release movies in 3D for extra revenue, even though it does not add anything to the story or the experience. LR
  • 17. The Internet The internet has developed into an important element in promoting and distributing a film. Developers are able to promote their film via a range of different social medias online where their target audience would be able to view it. Other places such as blogs and websites like IMDB allows people to see what new movies are coming out and what reviews they have to decide if they want to see it or not. IMDB also allows people to see who is starring in the upcoming film, and the audience to see sneak peaks of the films they may see. An example of a film that people view on IMDB is Cars 3, people may view the page because it is being released in cinemas soon. Therefore, people can see reviews and decide if they are going to watch it or not. The internet can be used to spread trailers on websites such as Youtube, however, this does not always benefit the film. This is because people can post spoilers of the film which others may not want to see. As some content that has been leaked and spoiled by other users were meant to stay a secret, this may deter people from seeing the film. Thus, producers may not gain the revenue that they should at the box office. BK
  • 18. The Internet Sky and other TV broadcasters have apps and websites such as Sky Go, BBC iplayer and channel 4, which allow people to access their TV shows and watch them on any device they want such as their phone or an ipad when connected to the internet. This allows people who may have missed a programme to watch it. For example, on BBC iplayer you can view programmes from the past couple of weeks and watch your favorite TV show or even re watch certain shows if still available. This gives the viewers more chances to watch Tv and films. The BBC and other TV broadcasters with apps and websites can view and monitor how many watch certain programmes, which allows the company to see what Tv show is most popular. Audiences are now able to sign up for subscriptions to websites that allows the audience to stream films and programmes. BK
  • 19. The Internet People upload films and Tv illegally to pirate websites, known as pirate copying. For example, new movies such as Wonder Woman are uploaded instantly to pirate sites. Others who try to upload pirate videos onto sites such as Youtube usually have their content removed instantly due to copyright infigurment. Having illegal pirate websites stops people from going to the cinema to see current films, and stops individuals from buying DVD’s, as they can watch shows and films from illegal pirate sites without having to pay. This can result in film and TV companies getting less money than they should be making, meaning that there may not be enough funding for their next production, or it may have a smaller budget. LR
  • 20. The Internet The most pirated TV show is Game of Thrones, with one episode being downloaded more than 2.2 million times in the first twelve hours and HBO has been taking steps to deal with the piracy problem. The network has been sending copyright infringement warnings to pirates and requesting that sites take down torrents for HBO content. They also sent out warnings to the IP addresses of torrent users who had been sharing episodes of Game of Thrones. Also to prevent leaks onto the internet and onto piracy sites, HBO stopped sending out hard copies of episodes ahead of time. LR
  • 21. The Internet The BBC confirmed in 2007 that they would be uploading their programmes to BBC Iplayer, once they have aired on TV. This can stop pirate websites, such as those seen here from uploading Tv shows and movies, this means that the only place they would be able to watch the shows BBC provide will be on BBC iplayer. The BBC will be able to make as much money as possible before pirating takes place from their content. If all broadcasting channels who have sites, such as BBC iplayer, they will start to do this as well meaning that there would not be a point in TV when everyone would watch their shows online. BK
  • 22. The Internet The internet has meant that several new legal streaming services have been created. Some of these include Netflix, Amazon Video and Now TV. There is now a shift from traditional TV to streaming services, with younger generations preferring streaming services. However, illegal streaming services and piracy of films and TV, has meant that the industries are not gaining the money that they should be. Despite the increase in piracy, producers are fighting back by creating exclusive content on their sites. For instance, Netflix customers pay a fee each month and are provided with exclusive content. Netflix exclusive shows include 13 Reasons Why and DareDevil, which have become increasingly popular, and are winning prestigious awards. For instance, Jessica Jones, which won a primetime Emmy award in 2016. LR
  • 23. The Internet Therefore, these legal streaming services attract customers due to their exclusive content. A benefit of paying for these services is that HD quality is guaranteed, whilst it is not if you were to access an illegal website. These services are also more reliable, as individuals pay for a service of streaming, it is guaranteed to work, even if there is a small amount of buffering in the beginning. However, watching a show or film on an illegal website where others upload servers is unreliable, as there may be constant buffering throughout the video, which disrupts the viewing experience. You can also access these services on several platforms, meaning there is ease of access. However, disadvantages of the internet to watch content is that there is a possibility of getting a virus, and the quality may not be good. For instance, films that have recently come out at the cinema are filmed using handheld cameras, and therefore the quality is not HD, as the DVD has not yet been released. Therefore, although individuals may not have to pay to see the movie, they are not getting the same quality and good viewing experience that they would get by paying and going to the cinema. LR
  • 24. On Demand On demand viewing allows for a viewer to select from a range of stored content wherever and whenever they choose to do so. An individual does not have to stick to a strict TV programme schedule, and instead is given the freedom to watch what they would like. On demand can be viewed via streaming or downloading a show or film, and there are several different platforms to view on demand on. Legal on demand services include BBC iplayer, Netflix and Now TV, and some require a subscription. Whereas others are illegal and can be accessed online, with individuals sharing files, websites include fmovies and Putlocker. Piracy has been a big issue for the movie industry, due to films becoming available on illegal online streaming services, leading to revenue not being made. There is potential revenue when a film is at the box office, but when it is leaked online, the revenue potential revenue drops, resulting in money that should be made, not being made. There are a range of benefits of on demand viewing, as viewers can access programmes that they may have missed recently, or others that were shown years prior. It also benefits producers, as they gain a profit on demand services through advertisement and it generates different sponsorship deals for them. LR
  • 25. On Demand Several television providers have on demand services available through their boxes, such as Sky and Virgin. Subscription video-on-demand (SVOD) services such as Amazon video and Netflix have challenged the traditional broadcasters, as they gain millions of new viewers each year and produce their own content, which is available on demand. Therefore, less people are watching scheduled TV shows and instead recording them on demand or accessing the on demand content of a subscription. Due to developing technologies, on demand services are becoming ever more prominent in people's lives, as they can access it from wherever they are. For instance, nowadays people can access the service from a variety of platforms, such as through a phone, tablet or laptop. No longer are people restricted to viewing media through a television, as everything is now available through a mobile device. There is a prominent shift between generations viewing habit. With more older people watching scheduled TV and younger people watching on LR
  • 26. On Demand Television providers such as Sky and Virgin have several ways to access their on demand content. For instance, the easiest way to access it is directly from the television, under the on demand section. From here, there are several different channels which have on demand programmes. For instance, a viewer can go to the BBC section on demand and find a TV show such as Ripper Street. The BBC section involves all their programmes from all BBC channels e.g. from BBC1 -BBC4. Another example is ITV on demand. Under the ITV on demand section a viewer can again, access all programmes from all their channels. For instance, they can view Family Guy, which airs on ITV2. On demand content can also be viewed on the internet and on apps. For example, there are several apps provided by Sky, such as Sky Q, Sky Go and Sky Kids to access content. LR
  • 27. On Demand An individual can also access movies on demand depending on their Sky or Virgin package. For example, a Sky customer would need to purchase the Sky Cinema package in order to watch movies on demand. For example, they would be able to watch Deadpool. However, if they do have Sky Cinema this means that they can find any movie by genre, download it and watch it. Again, they do not have to go to the cinema scheduled listings, and watch a movie halfway through. They can download the movie and watch it from the beginning. The Sky Store is also available, where people can purchase a new movie and then watch it from their TV. For instance, Logan. They can also decide whether they would like to buy and keep the movie, and then they are sent the DVD, the movie also remains on their recordings, for the viewer to watch when they want. LR
  • 28. On Demand Therefore, benefits of on demand are that it gives the audience ease of access (watching anywhere at anytime) and means that they are not constrained to TV schedules. Individuals can also watch on demand content on several different platforms. However, disadvantages are that it depends on the TV package to access on demand content. For instance, customers that pay more monthly may be given access to watch on demand content on several different platforms. Whereas, a customer with the most basic package may only be allowed to watch it on one platform, and only at a certain time. They may also not be given access to the on demand section or box sets. For example, the most basic Sky bundle at £22 has on demand, but it does not have Box Sets, so an individual will not have access to 350 Box Sets, including every episode ever of Game of Thrones. LR