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For him who has obtained a body ablaze with the
fire of Yoga , there is no disease, no aging, no
 The word Yoga has been derived from the Sanskrit word “ YUG ” which
means to join or to Unite.
 Yoga is the Union of the Individual soul with the Absolute or Divine
 Yoga also means the unification of physical, mental, intellectual and
spiritual aspects of human being.
 Yoga is the science of development of a person’s consciousness.
 1. Physical Purity.
 2. Cures and Prevention from Disease.
 3. Reduces Mental Tension.
 4. Beautification of Body.
 5. Provides Relaxation.
 6. Keeps the Correct Posture of Body.
 7. Yoga can be Performed Easily.
 8. Spiritual Development.
 9. Increases Flexibility.
 10. Reduces Obesity.
 11. Improves Health.
 12.Enhances Moral and Ethical Values
 Internal organs of our body can be cleansed by various Yogic exercises.
 As per Ayurveda, our body is made of Vaat, Pitt and Kaph. To remain healthy, balance of vaat , Pitt and kaph in
our body is necessary.
 Dhoti, Nauli, Basti, Kapalbhati,Tratak etc. are such yogic exercises which keep the internal organs of our body
in Clean state.
 Yoga not only prevents many diseases but also cures them.
 Various Yogic exercises increases the immunity of the body.
 Diseases such as Bronchitis, Sinusitis, Arthritis, Gastritis, Asthma, High bloods pressure, Stress , Back pain,
Urinary disorders etc. can be prevented as well as can be cured by yogic exercises
 Yoga helps in reducing the mental tension. Pratyahar, Dharana and Dhyan plays vital role in reducing the
mental stress.
 Asanas like Makarasana, Shavasana, Shalabhasana and Bhujangasana are beneficial for releasing stress and
 Obesity is becoming a worldwide problem.
 Obesity makes a person prone to many diseases.
 Research studies have shown that mental tension and stress could be one of the reason for obesity.
 Pranayam & Yogica Asanas releases mental stress, reduces obesity and makes body strong and perfect.
 Mayurasan is one such asanas.
 Rest and relaxations are essentials for removing fatigue.
 Research studies have shown that Yogic asanas and Panayama relaxes the body and mind.
 Padamasana , Shavasana and Makarasana are some of such asanas
 Postural deformities are very common nowadays due to lifestyle followed which effects efficiency negatively.
 Doing Yoga asanas regularly , a person can not only have the correct posture, but can also cure the postural
deformities .
 Vajrasana , Sarvangasana , Mayurasana , Chakrasana ,Bhujangasana etc
 In fast life of today, every one claims to be very busy , hardly any time left for self.
 Doing Yogic exercise need only a small space , where as others need much of money and time
 One can have good control on mind by doing Yogic exercises and move towards the spiritual heights.
 Padmasana and Siddhasana enhances the meditation power.
 Pranayam is also useful for spiritual development.
 Flexibility is very significant as it helps in movement of the body efficiently .
 Muscles becomes more flexible and prevents sports and other injuries.
 Chakrasana , Dhanurasana , Halasana , Bhujangasana etc. are very beneficial in increasing body flexibility.
 Very common problem now a days.
 Regular Yogic exercise like pranayama and asanas reduces obesity .
 Research studies have shown that obesity is also caused by mental stress and tension.
 Meditative asanas are the perfect solution for this condition.
 Yoga not only maintains but improves our health .
 Muscles becomes more strong .
 Various system of body like respiratory , circulatory , nervous , excretory etc. becomes more efficient resulting
improvement in over all health.
 Yoga is very significant for human being in present-day life.
 By following first two steps of Ashtanga Yoga : Yama and Niyama (Ahimsa , Satya , Asteya , Santosh , Tapa etc. )
these values are enhanced.
 An individual can attain perfect health and lead a content life by performing yogic exercise daily.
 Evidences shows that history of Yoga is related to the
Indus Valley civilization (3300- 1300 BC ).
 Yoga is also mentioned in Upanishads, Mahabharata &
 Maharishi Patanjali gave Yoga Sutra around 147 B.C.
 It can be said authentically that history of Yoga is as old as India’s
history. Yoga has been the main element of Indian culture from the
ancient period.
 1.Pre-Vedic Period
 2.Vedic Period
 3.Upanishadic Period
 4.Epic Period
 5.Sutra Period
 6.Smriti Period
 7.Medieval Period
 8.Modern Period
1. Pre-Vedic Period ( 3300-1300 BC)
The excavation of Mohenjodaro and Harappa in Indus valley reveals that Yoga was practiced in some form at that
period. Idols, statues & seals excavated are in various yogic postures.
Some concepts of Yoga which were developed later on, are seen in Vedas. Yoga & Yogis are not used in Vedas but
“Yunjate” used in RigVeda gives the idea of the Yoga for sense control.
2. Vedic Period ( 1750-500 BC)
3. Upanishadic Period
The real basis of Yoga is found in Upanishads. Prana and Nadis are important topics discussed in Upanishads.
Various Yogic practices and their physiological effects are mentioned in Upanishads.
Ramayana and Mahabharata are the vital source of information about various types of Yogic practices which were
used during that period. Bhagwad Gita deals with the three paths of Yoga ,namely Gyan, Bhakti and Karma
4. Epic Period(1000-600 BC)
5. Sutra Period
Maharaishi Patanjali gave “Yoga sutra” approximately in 147 BC. YogaSutra is divided into four parts. Maharishi
Patanjali described Ashtanga Yoga or eight limbs of Yoga. The scriptures related to Buddhism and Jainism reveal
that Yoga was also a main part of life of the people
Smritis were written till about 1000 AD. During this period , we find various changes in ideas, beliefs worship and
customs. Pranayama and other purification techniques were used in many religious rituals.
6. Smriti Period
7. Medieval Period
During this period , the two cults – Natha cult and Bhakti cult very famous. Hatha Yoga was evolved and was very
popular in Natha Cult. Saints of this period were following yoga .
Swami Vivekananda, Yogananda, Maharishi Raman, Sri Aurobindo played important role in spreading Yoga out of
India. Yogacharya B K S Iyenger , Baba Ramdev has inspired millions of Indians and foreigners to use Yoga to make
them healthy and release mental stress and tension
8. Modern Period
 1. Yama
 2. Niyama
 3. Asanas
 4. Pranayama
 5. Pratayhara
 6. Dharana
 7. Dhyana
 8. Samadhi
यम नियमानि प्राणायाम प्रत्याहार धारणा ध्यान िमाधयोऽष्टावङ्गानि
 Ahimsa: Causing no harm to any living thing. Anxiety , jealousy, hate ,anger are violent
 Satya: Truthfulness. We must be truthful in thoughts, speech and deeds. We must not
speak to others in deceitful manners.
 Asteya: Non-stealing. The inclination to use others objects, money and thoughts for
one’s own benefit is stealing. Abstaining from it is Asteya.
 Brahamcharya : Conserving one’s energy . Using your energy for the benefit of the
individual & society, not for pleasure.
 Aparigraha : Non- possessiveness, non-grasping or non-greediness. Aparigraha refers
to keeping the desire for possessions to what is necessary or important, depending on
one's life stage and context
 Saucha: It is purification of Internal organs, external body and mentally. Shatkarmas are
to be performed for purification of the internal organs of the body. Neti, Dhoti,
Kapalbharti, Nauli,Tratak, Basti are the six kriyas ( Shatkarmas).
 Santosh: Feeling of satisfaction in life.
 Tapa: To endure the difficulties, obstacles and complex situation easily in achieving the
 Swadhyaya: It is considered as the study of teaching and scriptures, self study is
preferred.It also means introspection and self study by asking questions like who I am,
What should I do, Aim of Life.
 Ishwara Pranidhan: To dedicate all the deeds to God. One surrenders oneself to God
expelling pride, ego and other impurities from mind
Asana means position or posture of body. It also means to sit in easy posture.
These are slow stretching activities performed to keep the body flexible agile and
It is the control of the process of the breathing. It means appropriate control over
inhalation and exhalation. It helps in regulating the metabolic activity and
enhances the function of heart and lungs. It also provides longevity to life.
Control over senses is Pratyahara. The senses no longer
respond to external objects that hinder mental concentration
It is the concentration of mind at one focal point. It is a mental exercise
which enables a Yogi to go ahead towards Dhayan and Samadhi
Dhyana is a complete constancy or concentration of mind.
 The union of individual’s soul with the supreme soul is
called Samadhi.
 It is checking or destruction of all the impulses of mind.
 During Dhyana, when the disappearance of self awareness
takes place , the Yogi attains the stage of Samadhi.
 Experiences the divine pleasure.
Position which is steady and comfortable.
In Asanas, body is kept in various positions in such a way that the activity of the organs
and glands of body becomes more efficient and finally improve the health of mind and
It is comprised of two words :
“prana” + “ayam”
vital life force + control
“the control or regulation of prana”
Suryabhedi Pranayama
Ujjayi Pranayama
Sheetkari Pranayama
Sheetali Pranayama
Bhastrika Pranayama
Plavini Pranayama
Morchha Pranayama
 Meditation is a process of complete constancy of mind.
 According to Patanjali , “The concentration of Chitta (mind) on
an Vritti (impulse) without any divergence , is called Dhyana .
 The stage when perception starts directly is called real
 Dhayna is not a practise but it is a stage of mind in which there
is a continuous dynamic consciousness without any
 It increases blood flow and slows the heart rate.
 Increases exercise tolerance.
 Leads to a deeper level of physical relaxation.
 Good for people with high blood pressure.
 Decreases muscle tension
 Helps in chronic diseases like allergies, arthritis etc.
 Enhances the immune system.
 Enhances energy, strength and vigour.
 Helps with weight loss
 Reduction of tissue damage
 Higher skin resistance
 Drop in cholesterol levels, lowers risk of cardiovascular disease.
 Improved flow of air to the lungs resulting in easier breathing.
 Decreases the aging process.
 Cure headaches & migraines
 Reduced Need for Medical Care
 Less energy wasted
 More inclined to sports, activities
 Significant relief from asthma
 Improved performance in athletic events
 Normalizes to your ideal weight
 Harmonizes our endocrine system
 Relaxes our nervous system
 In modern age ,almost everyone is indulge in sedentary lifestyle.
 No healthy eating habits and regular physical activities.
 Remote controls and vehicles are used in abundance instead of manual work and walking.
 Such lifestyle creates many diseases like:
 Such diseases are called common life style diseases.
 These are one of the primary cause of death.
 WHO is alarmed by the increasing number of such patients.
 These are preventable and manageable diseases.
 Can be reduced by changes in diet , lifestyle and environment.
 It is the excess accumulation of fats resulting increased body weight.
 Non consumed fat of the body get deposited under the skin, areas like abdomen, waist, chest, shoulder,
legs etc.
 It leads to many health risks like loss of physical efficiency, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases ,
arthritis ,respiratory problems etc.
 Due to so many health risk occurs by Obesity, it is declared a disease.
 Appearance
 Body weight is more in proportion to height (according to ht. and wt. chart).
 Body fat % is calculated. If body fat % is more than the requirement, he/she is obese. Out of these 3
methods, height and weight chart is more preferred as it is easily available.
Two types of preventive measures for Obesity which are directly
related to sports (exercise) and lifestyle management.
1. Exercise _ related preventive measures.
2. Diet _ related preventive measures.
Exercise _ related preventive measures FOR OBESITY
 1) Regular Physical exercise : Children need an hour of moderate to vigorous exercises daily to prevent
obesity. Exercises taken can be aerobic , jogging, running, cycling etc.
 2) To Play Games and Sports regularly: Regular games and sports prevents obesity. Children should play
games like football , basketball, hockey etc. for at least one hour daily . It should be a regular
phenomenon for the whole life span.
 3) Weight Training exercises: The research studies indicate that weight training programmes for
children are safe and effective for preventing and curing obesity , if supervised properly . Earlier it used
to be considered harmful for children as it put stress on joints.
 4) Resistance Exercise: These exercise cure and prevent obesity . Improves muscular strength , strength
of tendons and strength of bones of children . For these exercises focus should be on the technique and
number of repetitions (12 to 16) rather than amount of weight.
 5) Yogic Exercises : Help in preventing and curing obesity. Research has shown that stress and tension
tend to increase weight. Pranayam and meditative asanas help in releasing the stress ,thus preventing
and curing obesity , where as other asanas help in making the body flexible and healthy.
Diet _ related preventive measures FOR OBESITY
1) Avoid Fatty Foods: Fats are having maximum number of calories. The extra calories
which are not consumed by the body are accumulated in the body as fat.
2) Avoid Junk and Fast Foods: The junk and Fast food like pizza, burger, chips, chocolates
and cold drinks consists of high calories. Intake of such foods leads to obesity .
3) Avoid overeating: Overeating leads to intake of excess calories than what is required by
our body. These extra calories are than accumulated in the body as fat.
4) Don’t Eat Frequently: Eating frequently leads to taking in extra calories.
Diet _ related preventive measures FOR OBESITY
5) Avoid Rich Carbo hydrated Foods: Carbohydrates are necessary part of our daily diet but food like
sugar, rice, potatoes, sweets should be avoided
6) Don’t skip Meals: Skipping meals increases hunger and it results in greater food consumption in the
next meal.
7) Take low calorie diet: Take low calorie diet with essential constituents and nutrients .
8) Avoid Alcohol, Smoking and Drugs : Alcohol is directly absorbed from the stomach in the blood streams
and easily stored as fat. Similarly smoking and drugs leads to obesity.
9) Balancing the intake and consumption of Calories: * Intake of excess calories results in accumulation of
fat. *Less intake and more consumption of calories results in loss of weight. * When Intake and
consumption of calories is same , it keeps your body weight constant. It is concluded that both the
measures i.e. Exercise and Diet related measures are required to prevent and cure Obesity.
 1) Consists mainly of dieting and physical exercises.
 2) Diet programs are good for short period
 3) Weight is reduced by taking low fat, low carbohydrate, low calorie diet
 4) Aerobic exercises like walking, running, cycling, dancing etc. reduces body fat.
Exercise 60 min a day , 5 days a week
 5) Anti-obesity medicines. These medicines should be taken under doctor’s guidance
and generally has many side effects.
 6) Surgery. Called Bariatric or weight-loss surgery. Recommended for individuals
having BMI over 40. a. Size of intestine is reduced which reduces the food absorption
b. Liposuction
 Insulin( Hormone) in our body controls the level of sugar in blood.
 When body does not produce sufficient amount of Insulin or when insulin does not work properly, Diabetes occur.
 People with obesity are prone to Diabetes
 Common symptoms of Diabetes : 
 Feeling of tiredness  Need to urinate frequently
 Numbness in Hands & Feet
 Blurred Vision
 Excessive weight gain or weight loss
 Unhealing of wounds Type I TYPE II No Insulin is produced by Pancreas Sufficient amount of Insulin is
NOT produced. Rare type of Diabetes Insulin produced is not used properly Daily Insulin injection is
required for treatment Frequent type of Diabetes
 1. Regular Exercises: Regular exercise can reduce the sugar level in blood. It also improves the
production of Insulin and strengthen the heart. Regular exercise of 60 min per day can prevent
and manage Type II diabetes.
 2. Maintain a healthy Weight: One should maintain a BMI between 18.5 to 25. Hence Intake of
calories should be monitored according to the consumption of calories.
 3. Reduce the Intake of Saturated Fat: Intake of Saturated Fat in more amount leads to Obesity
which in turn makes a person Diabetes prone
 4. Avoid Rich Carbohydrate Food: Digestive system breaks down carbohydrates into sugar
which is absorbed in the blood thus raising the sugar level in the blood.
 5. Eat Healthy Foods: Vegetables, fruits and fibre-rich whole grains help in preventing diabetes.
More vibrantly coloured fruits and vegetables like spinach, carrot, peaches and berries have
more nutrients and help in prevention of diabetes. Whole grains like oatmeal, barley, brown
rice, whole wheat, corn etc. should be included in the diet
 6. Eat Small Portion of Meals: Take small meals ( every 2 to 3 hrs.) instead of big meals, as it
will raise the blood sugar level high. It will also prevent blood sugar level going below normal
It aims to help persons who are suffering from high blood sugar levels and want to minimize the
risk of developing further complications in life. Few life style changes may help in managing the
 1. Eat Balanced Diet: For type II diabetes ,patient should consult dietician for proper diet to
keep their blood sugar level within the normal range.
 2. Regular Exercises : Regular exercise program can improve blood sugar, decrease the risk of
heart disease . The exercises should include aerobics and moderate & resistance training.
 3. Maintain a healthy weight: One should maintain a healthy weight which will have a positive
effect on blood sugar control
 4. Have plenty of sleep: 6 to 8 Hrs sleep will provide required rest to the body and keeps the
body stress free . It will have positive effect on controlling the blood sugar level.
 5. Manage stress: Stress is one of the reasons for disorder of blood sugar level. Asanas and
Pranayama helps in keeping the body stress free.
 6. Take regular medicine: Type II diabetes can be tackled by healthy diet and regular exercise in
initial stage . In advance stage, regular medicine is required in form of tablets and insulin
 It means increased blood pressure .
 It has two components Systolic and Diastolic BP
 It is measured in millimetre of mercury ( mm/Hg)
 120/80 mm/ Hg is considered normal blood pressure of an adult
 Earlier hyper tension was considered middle and old age problem.
But nowadays, the youngsters are also facing hypertension due to
not practising positive life style
Hypertension usually can not be cured but can be prevented as well as managed , if one follows the below mentioned points:
1.Change in Life style : Change in life style can be a boon to the person having hypertension. One should take a balanced diet. One should
lead active and healthy life style and Sedentary life should be avoided as it leads to depression. Alcohol, smoking and other stimulants
should be avoided.
2. Exercises or Sports Activity: Sports activity are helpful in prevention and treatment of hypertension. Moderate exercise with high
intensity are very effective for a long term blood pressure lowering program. The exercises should be performed regularly for good result.
3. Reduce Obesity: Reducing body weight is the most effective way to prevent & manage hypertension. To achieve this, one should go for
balanced diet and quality program of exercises under guidance of an expert.
4. Take proper Diet: Reduce intake of Sodium(salt),take food containing potassium, calcium , magnesium, high fibre,
whole grains , vegetables etc. Researches indicate that such diet is beneficial .
5. Relieve Stress: Relieving from stress reduces hypertension. One should try to indulge in recreational activities as well as
in meditation, regular walk, mixing with community etc.
6. Take medicines: If measures like change of life style, exercise and diet are not able to prevent hypertension( 140/90
mm/ Hg or higher), one requires regular medication. These medicines do not cure hypertension but only controls it within
normal limits and one has to take these medicines for the life time. Consequently, it can be said that by following the
above mentioned points on regular basis hypertension can be prevented and managed effectively.
 Back Pain is a common problem all over the world
 It generally originates from the bones, joints, muscles or nerves etc.
 It can be in the cervical, thoracic or lumbar region
 it can be constant, stay in one place or radiate to other parts such as
arms , hips or legs.
 The affected person is unable to do his work efficiently and smoothly
 Reasons for back pain may be wrong body postures, lack of physical
activity, overweight, excessive smoking, lack of flexibility or undue stress
on back
1.Regular Exercises: Regular exercises are helpful in enhancing strength and keeping the body weight in
control. Aerobic exercises are considered best as these exercises do not strain or jerk the back. Along
theseexercises, the flexibility exercises such as bending forward , backward, sideways and sit ups should be
performed regularly.
2. Maintain Appropriate Body weight: Overweight and obese persons are at the greater risk of developing
back pain . To maintain an appropriate body weight, regular exercise and balanced diet are mandatory
3. Proper Sitting Posture: Proper sitting posture is mandatory for prevention of back pain. One should sit
with erect & straight back on chair and feet should be flat on the floor . In sitting right posture there will not
be undue stress on the back, which is beneficial in preventing back pain.
4. Proper Standing Posture : One should keep back straight and balance body weight evenly on both feet
while standing .Toes should be 3” to 4” apart . Knees should be straight.
5. Avoid lifting Heavy weight : Lifting heavy weight without using proper technique , causes injury to the
back. Keep the back straight, head up, squat properly & then lift the weight. Keep the object close to the
body. Don’t straighten the legs before lifting the weight.
6. Use Lumber Support Belt: The persons who are engaged in lifting weights should use
Lumber Support Belt to avoid injury to their back
7. No Smoking: On the basis of the recent research, it is concluded that the higher percentage
of smokers have more back pain incidences in comparison of non-smokers of same height, age
and weight.
8. Lying or Sleeping on Bed: Use a mattress that keeps the spine straight and normal size pillow
so that neck is not in a steep angle. A hard mattress is preferred.
9. Refrain from Strenuous Activities: Strenuous activities leads to fatigue. Working under
fatigue may lead to back injury.
10. Move and Lift the Object Properly: Push the object instead of pulling it. while lifting an
Object look straight ahead , not up or down, to keep one’s back and neck in straight line

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UNIT 4 Yoga Class 11 Physical Education

  • 3. For him who has obtained a body ablaze with the fire of Yoga , there is no disease, no aging, no death
  • 4. MEANING OF YOGA  The word Yoga has been derived from the Sanskrit word “ YUG ” which means to join or to Unite.  Yoga is the Union of the Individual soul with the Absolute or Divine Soul.  Yoga also means the unification of physical, mental, intellectual and spiritual aspects of human being.  Yoga is the science of development of a person’s consciousness.
  • 5. IMPORATANCE OF YOGA  1. Physical Purity.  2. Cures and Prevention from Disease.  3. Reduces Mental Tension.  4. Beautification of Body.  5. Provides Relaxation.  6. Keeps the Correct Posture of Body.  7. Yoga can be Performed Easily.  8. Spiritual Development.  9. Increases Flexibility.  10. Reduces Obesity.  11. Improves Health.  12.Enhances Moral and Ethical Values
  • 6. 1. PHYSICAL PURITY  Internal organs of our body can be cleansed by various Yogic exercises.  As per Ayurveda, our body is made of Vaat, Pitt and Kaph. To remain healthy, balance of vaat , Pitt and kaph in our body is necessary.  Dhoti, Nauli, Basti, Kapalbhati,Tratak etc. are such yogic exercises which keep the internal organs of our body in Clean state.  Yoga not only prevents many diseases but also cures them.  Various Yogic exercises increases the immunity of the body.  Diseases such as Bronchitis, Sinusitis, Arthritis, Gastritis, Asthma, High bloods pressure, Stress , Back pain, Urinary disorders etc. can be prevented as well as can be cured by yogic exercises 2. CURES AND PREVENTION FROM DISEASE
  • 7. 3. REDUCE MENTAL TENSION  Yoga helps in reducing the mental tension. Pratyahar, Dharana and Dhyan plays vital role in reducing the mental stress.  Asanas like Makarasana, Shavasana, Shalabhasana and Bhujangasana are beneficial for releasing stress and tension  Obesity is becoming a worldwide problem.  Obesity makes a person prone to many diseases.  Research studies have shown that mental tension and stress could be one of the reason for obesity.  Pranayam & Yogica Asanas releases mental stress, reduces obesity and makes body strong and perfect.  Mayurasan is one such asanas. 4. REDUCE OBESITY
  • 8. 5. PROVIDES RELAXATION  Rest and relaxations are essentials for removing fatigue.  Research studies have shown that Yogic asanas and Panayama relaxes the body and mind.  Padamasana , Shavasana and Makarasana are some of such asanas  Postural deformities are very common nowadays due to lifestyle followed which effects efficiency negatively.  Doing Yoga asanas regularly , a person can not only have the correct posture, but can also cure the postural deformities .  Vajrasana , Sarvangasana , Mayurasana , Chakrasana ,Bhujangasana etc 6. KEEP THE CORRECT POSTURE OF BODY
  • 9. 7. YOGA CAN BE PERFORMED EASILY  In fast life of today, every one claims to be very busy , hardly any time left for self.  Doing Yogic exercise need only a small space , where as others need much of money and time  One can have good control on mind by doing Yogic exercises and move towards the spiritual heights.  Padmasana and Siddhasana enhances the meditation power.  Pranayam is also useful for spiritual development. 8. SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT
  • 10. 9. INCREASES FLEXIBILITY  Flexibility is very significant as it helps in movement of the body efficiently .  Muscles becomes more flexible and prevents sports and other injuries.  Chakrasana , Dhanurasana , Halasana , Bhujangasana etc. are very beneficial in increasing body flexibility.  Very common problem now a days.  Regular Yogic exercise like pranayama and asanas reduces obesity .  Research studies have shown that obesity is also caused by mental stress and tension.  Meditative asanas are the perfect solution for this condition. 10. REDUCES OBESITY
  • 11. 11. IMPROVES HEALTH  Yoga not only maintains but improves our health .  Muscles becomes more strong .  Various system of body like respiratory , circulatory , nervous , excretory etc. becomes more efficient resulting improvement in over all health.  Yoga is very significant for human being in present-day life.  By following first two steps of Ashtanga Yoga : Yama and Niyama (Ahimsa , Satya , Asteya , Santosh , Tapa etc. ) these values are enhanced.  An individual can attain perfect health and lead a content life by performing yogic exercise daily. 12. ENHANCES MORAL AND ETHICAL VALUES
  • 12. BRIEF HISTORY OF YOGA  Evidences shows that history of Yoga is related to the Indus Valley civilization (3300- 1300 BC ).  Yoga is also mentioned in Upanishads, Mahabharata & Ramayana.  Maharishi Patanjali gave Yoga Sutra around 147 B.C.
  • 13. YOGA AS AN INDIAN HARITAGE  It can be said authentically that history of Yoga is as old as India’s history. Yoga has been the main element of Indian culture from the ancient period.  1.Pre-Vedic Period  2.Vedic Period  3.Upanishadic Period  4.Epic Period  5.Sutra Period  6.Smriti Period  7.Medieval Period  8.Modern Period
  • 14. 1. Pre-Vedic Period ( 3300-1300 BC) The excavation of Mohenjodaro and Harappa in Indus valley reveals that Yoga was practiced in some form at that period. Idols, statues & seals excavated are in various yogic postures. Some concepts of Yoga which were developed later on, are seen in Vedas. Yoga & Yogis are not used in Vedas but “Yunjate” used in RigVeda gives the idea of the Yoga for sense control. 2. Vedic Period ( 1750-500 BC)
  • 15. 3. Upanishadic Period The real basis of Yoga is found in Upanishads. Prana and Nadis are important topics discussed in Upanishads. Various Yogic practices and their physiological effects are mentioned in Upanishads. Ramayana and Mahabharata are the vital source of information about various types of Yogic practices which were used during that period. Bhagwad Gita deals with the three paths of Yoga ,namely Gyan, Bhakti and Karma 4. Epic Period(1000-600 BC)
  • 16. 5. Sutra Period Maharaishi Patanjali gave “Yoga sutra” approximately in 147 BC. YogaSutra is divided into four parts. Maharishi Patanjali described Ashtanga Yoga or eight limbs of Yoga. The scriptures related to Buddhism and Jainism reveal that Yoga was also a main part of life of the people Smritis were written till about 1000 AD. During this period , we find various changes in ideas, beliefs worship and customs. Pranayama and other purification techniques were used in many religious rituals. 6. Smriti Period
  • 17. 7. Medieval Period During this period , the two cults – Natha cult and Bhakti cult very famous. Hatha Yoga was evolved and was very popular in Natha Cult. Saints of this period were following yoga . Swami Vivekananda, Yogananda, Maharishi Raman, Sri Aurobindo played important role in spreading Yoga out of India. Yogacharya B K S Iyenger , Baba Ramdev has inspired millions of Indians and foreigners to use Yoga to make them healthy and release mental stress and tension 8. Modern Period
  • 18.
  • 19. ELEMENTS OF YOGA  1. Yama  2. Niyama  3. Asanas  4. Pranayama  5. Pratayhara  6. Dharana  7. Dhyana  8. Samadhi यम नियमानि प्राणायाम प्रत्याहार धारणा ध्यान िमाधयोऽष्टावङ्गानि ॥२९॥
  • 20. 1. YAMA  Ahimsa: Causing no harm to any living thing. Anxiety , jealousy, hate ,anger are violent emotions.  Satya: Truthfulness. We must be truthful in thoughts, speech and deeds. We must not speak to others in deceitful manners.  Asteya: Non-stealing. The inclination to use others objects, money and thoughts for one’s own benefit is stealing. Abstaining from it is Asteya.  Brahamcharya : Conserving one’s energy . Using your energy for the benefit of the individual & society, not for pleasure.  Aparigraha : Non- possessiveness, non-grasping or non-greediness. Aparigraha refers to keeping the desire for possessions to what is necessary or important, depending on one's life stage and context
  • 21. 2. NIYAMA  Saucha: It is purification of Internal organs, external body and mentally. Shatkarmas are to be performed for purification of the internal organs of the body. Neti, Dhoti, Kapalbharti, Nauli,Tratak, Basti are the six kriyas ( Shatkarmas).  Santosh: Feeling of satisfaction in life.  Tapa: To endure the difficulties, obstacles and complex situation easily in achieving the goal.  Swadhyaya: It is considered as the study of teaching and scriptures, self study is preferred.It also means introspection and self study by asking questions like who I am, What should I do, Aim of Life.  Ishwara Pranidhan: To dedicate all the deeds to God. One surrenders oneself to God expelling pride, ego and other impurities from mind
  • 22. 3. ASANA Asana means position or posture of body. It also means to sit in easy posture. These are slow stretching activities performed to keep the body flexible agile and young.
  • 23. 4. PRANAYAMA It is the control of the process of the breathing. It means appropriate control over inhalation and exhalation. It helps in regulating the metabolic activity and enhances the function of heart and lungs. It also provides longevity to life.
  • 24. 5. PRATYAHAR Control over senses is Pratyahara. The senses no longer respond to external objects that hinder mental concentration
  • 25. 6. DHARANA It is the concentration of mind at one focal point. It is a mental exercise which enables a Yogi to go ahead towards Dhayan and Samadhi Dhyana is a complete constancy or concentration of mind. 7. DHYANA
  • 26. 8. SAMADHI  The union of individual’s soul with the supreme soul is called Samadhi.  It is checking or destruction of all the impulses of mind.  During Dhyana, when the disappearance of self awareness takes place , the Yogi attains the stage of Samadhi.  Experiences the divine pleasure.
  • 27. MEANING OF ASANAS स्थिरसुखमाससम Position which is steady and comfortable. In Asanas, body is kept in various positions in such a way that the activity of the organs and glands of body becomes more efficient and finally improve the health of mind and body.
  • 30. MEANING OF PRANAYAMA It is comprised of two words : “prana” + “ayam” means vital life force + control “the control or regulation of prana”
  • 32. TYPES OF PRANAYAMA Suryabhedi Pranayama Ujjayi Pranayama Sheetkari Pranayama Sheetali Pranayama Bhastrika Pranayama Plavini Pranayama Morchha Pranayama
  • 33. MEANING OF MEDITATION  Meditation is a process of complete constancy of mind.  According to Patanjali , “The concentration of Chitta (mind) on an Vritti (impulse) without any divergence , is called Dhyana .  The stage when perception starts directly is called real Dhyanavastha.  Dhayna is not a practise but it is a stage of mind in which there is a continuous dynamic consciousness without any obstruction.
  • 36. PHYSIOLOGICAL BENEFITS OF AASANAS & PRANAYAM  It increases blood flow and slows the heart rate.  Increases exercise tolerance.  Leads to a deeper level of physical relaxation.  Good for people with high blood pressure.  Decreases muscle tension  Helps in chronic diseases like allergies, arthritis etc.  Enhances the immune system.  Enhances energy, strength and vigour.  Helps with weight loss  Reduction of tissue damage  Higher skin resistance  Drop in cholesterol levels, lowers risk of cardiovascular disease.  Improved flow of air to the lungs resulting in easier breathing.
  • 37. PHYSIOLOGICAL BENEFITS OF AASANAS & PRANAYAM  Decreases the aging process.  Cure headaches & migraines  Reduced Need for Medical Care  Less energy wasted  More inclined to sports, activities  Significant relief from asthma  Improved performance in athletic events  Normalizes to your ideal weight  Harmonizes our endocrine system  Relaxes our nervous system
  • 38. PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT OF COMMON LIFESTYLE DISEASES  In modern age ,almost everyone is indulge in sedentary lifestyle.  No healthy eating habits and regular physical activities.  Remote controls and vehicles are used in abundance instead of manual work and walking.  Such lifestyle creates many diseases like:  OBESITY  DIABETES  HYPERTENSION  BACK PAIN  ASTHMA  Such diseases are called common life style diseases.  These are one of the primary cause of death.  WHO is alarmed by the increasing number of such patients.  These are preventable and manageable diseases.  Can be reduced by changes in diet , lifestyle and environment.
  • 39. OBESITY  It is the excess accumulation of fats resulting increased body weight.  Non consumed fat of the body get deposited under the skin, areas like abdomen, waist, chest, shoulder, legs etc.  It leads to many health risks like loss of physical efficiency, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases , arthritis ,respiratory problems etc.  Due to so many health risk occurs by Obesity, it is declared a disease.  Appearance  Body weight is more in proportion to height (according to ht. and wt. chart).  Body fat % is calculated. If body fat % is more than the requirement, he/she is obese. Out of these 3 methods, height and weight chart is more preferred as it is easily available.
  • 41. PREVENTION OF OBESITY Two types of preventive measures for Obesity which are directly related to sports (exercise) and lifestyle management. 1. Exercise _ related preventive measures. 2. Diet _ related preventive measures.
  • 42. Exercise _ related preventive measures FOR OBESITY  1) Regular Physical exercise : Children need an hour of moderate to vigorous exercises daily to prevent obesity. Exercises taken can be aerobic , jogging, running, cycling etc.  2) To Play Games and Sports regularly: Regular games and sports prevents obesity. Children should play games like football , basketball, hockey etc. for at least one hour daily . It should be a regular phenomenon for the whole life span.  3) Weight Training exercises: The research studies indicate that weight training programmes for children are safe and effective for preventing and curing obesity , if supervised properly . Earlier it used to be considered harmful for children as it put stress on joints.  4) Resistance Exercise: These exercise cure and prevent obesity . Improves muscular strength , strength of tendons and strength of bones of children . For these exercises focus should be on the technique and number of repetitions (12 to 16) rather than amount of weight.  5) Yogic Exercises : Help in preventing and curing obesity. Research has shown that stress and tension tend to increase weight. Pranayam and meditative asanas help in releasing the stress ,thus preventing and curing obesity , where as other asanas help in making the body flexible and healthy.
  • 43. Diet _ related preventive measures FOR OBESITY 1) Avoid Fatty Foods: Fats are having maximum number of calories. The extra calories which are not consumed by the body are accumulated in the body as fat. 2) Avoid Junk and Fast Foods: The junk and Fast food like pizza, burger, chips, chocolates and cold drinks consists of high calories. Intake of such foods leads to obesity . 3) Avoid overeating: Overeating leads to intake of excess calories than what is required by our body. These extra calories are than accumulated in the body as fat. 4) Don’t Eat Frequently: Eating frequently leads to taking in extra calories.
  • 44. Diet _ related preventive measures FOR OBESITY 5) Avoid Rich Carbo hydrated Foods: Carbohydrates are necessary part of our daily diet but food like sugar, rice, potatoes, sweets should be avoided 6) Don’t skip Meals: Skipping meals increases hunger and it results in greater food consumption in the next meal. 7) Take low calorie diet: Take low calorie diet with essential constituents and nutrients . 8) Avoid Alcohol, Smoking and Drugs : Alcohol is directly absorbed from the stomach in the blood streams and easily stored as fat. Similarly smoking and drugs leads to obesity. 9) Balancing the intake and consumption of Calories: * Intake of excess calories results in accumulation of fat. *Less intake and more consumption of calories results in loss of weight. * When Intake and consumption of calories is same , it keeps your body weight constant. It is concluded that both the measures i.e. Exercise and Diet related measures are required to prevent and cure Obesity.
  • 45. MANAGEMENT OF OBESITY  1) Consists mainly of dieting and physical exercises.  2) Diet programs are good for short period  3) Weight is reduced by taking low fat, low carbohydrate, low calorie diet  4) Aerobic exercises like walking, running, cycling, dancing etc. reduces body fat. Exercise 60 min a day , 5 days a week  5) Anti-obesity medicines. These medicines should be taken under doctor’s guidance and generally has many side effects.  6) Surgery. Called Bariatric or weight-loss surgery. Recommended for individuals having BMI over 40. a. Size of intestine is reduced which reduces the food absorption b. Liposuction
  • 46. DIABETES  Insulin( Hormone) in our body controls the level of sugar in blood.  When body does not produce sufficient amount of Insulin or when insulin does not work properly, Diabetes occur.  People with obesity are prone to Diabetes  Common symptoms of Diabetes :   Feeling of tiredness  Need to urinate frequently  Numbness in Hands & Feet  Blurred Vision  Excessive weight gain or weight loss  Unhealing of wounds Type I TYPE II No Insulin is produced by Pancreas Sufficient amount of Insulin is NOT produced. Rare type of Diabetes Insulin produced is not used properly Daily Insulin injection is required for treatment Frequent type of Diabetes
  • 47. PREVENTION OF DIABETES  1. Regular Exercises: Regular exercise can reduce the sugar level in blood. It also improves the production of Insulin and strengthen the heart. Regular exercise of 60 min per day can prevent and manage Type II diabetes.  2. Maintain a healthy Weight: One should maintain a BMI between 18.5 to 25. Hence Intake of calories should be monitored according to the consumption of calories.  3. Reduce the Intake of Saturated Fat: Intake of Saturated Fat in more amount leads to Obesity which in turn makes a person Diabetes prone  4. Avoid Rich Carbohydrate Food: Digestive system breaks down carbohydrates into sugar which is absorbed in the blood thus raising the sugar level in the blood.  5. Eat Healthy Foods: Vegetables, fruits and fibre-rich whole grains help in preventing diabetes. More vibrantly coloured fruits and vegetables like spinach, carrot, peaches and berries have more nutrients and help in prevention of diabetes. Whole grains like oatmeal, barley, brown rice, whole wheat, corn etc. should be included in the diet  6. Eat Small Portion of Meals: Take small meals ( every 2 to 3 hrs.) instead of big meals, as it will raise the blood sugar level high. It will also prevent blood sugar level going below normal
  • 48. MANAGEMENT OF DIABETES It aims to help persons who are suffering from high blood sugar levels and want to minimize the risk of developing further complications in life. Few life style changes may help in managing the disease.  1. Eat Balanced Diet: For type II diabetes ,patient should consult dietician for proper diet to keep their blood sugar level within the normal range.  2. Regular Exercises : Regular exercise program can improve blood sugar, decrease the risk of heart disease . The exercises should include aerobics and moderate & resistance training.  3. Maintain a healthy weight: One should maintain a healthy weight which will have a positive effect on blood sugar control  4. Have plenty of sleep: 6 to 8 Hrs sleep will provide required rest to the body and keeps the body stress free . It will have positive effect on controlling the blood sugar level.  5. Manage stress: Stress is one of the reasons for disorder of blood sugar level. Asanas and Pranayama helps in keeping the body stress free.  6. Take regular medicine: Type II diabetes can be tackled by healthy diet and regular exercise in initial stage . In advance stage, regular medicine is required in form of tablets and insulin injections
  • 49. HYPERTENSION  It means increased blood pressure .  It has two components Systolic and Diastolic BP  It is measured in millimetre of mercury ( mm/Hg)  120/80 mm/ Hg is considered normal blood pressure of an adult person  Earlier hyper tension was considered middle and old age problem. But nowadays, the youngsters are also facing hypertension due to not practising positive life style
  • 50. PREVENTTION & MANAGEMENT OF HYPERTENSION Hypertension usually can not be cured but can be prevented as well as managed , if one follows the below mentioned points: 1.Change in Life style : Change in life style can be a boon to the person having hypertension. One should take a balanced diet. One should lead active and healthy life style and Sedentary life should be avoided as it leads to depression. Alcohol, smoking and other stimulants should be avoided. 2. Exercises or Sports Activity: Sports activity are helpful in prevention and treatment of hypertension. Moderate exercise with high intensity are very effective for a long term blood pressure lowering program. The exercises should be performed regularly for good result. 3. Reduce Obesity: Reducing body weight is the most effective way to prevent & manage hypertension. To achieve this, one should go for balanced diet and quality program of exercises under guidance of an expert. 4. Take proper Diet: Reduce intake of Sodium(salt),take food containing potassium, calcium , magnesium, high fibre, whole grains , vegetables etc. Researches indicate that such diet is beneficial . 5. Relieve Stress: Relieving from stress reduces hypertension. One should try to indulge in recreational activities as well as in meditation, regular walk, mixing with community etc. 6. Take medicines: If measures like change of life style, exercise and diet are not able to prevent hypertension( 140/90 mm/ Hg or higher), one requires regular medication. These medicines do not cure hypertension but only controls it within normal limits and one has to take these medicines for the life time. Consequently, it can be said that by following the above mentioned points on regular basis hypertension can be prevented and managed effectively.
  • 51. BACK PAIN  Back Pain is a common problem all over the world  It generally originates from the bones, joints, muscles or nerves etc.  It can be in the cervical, thoracic or lumbar region  it can be constant, stay in one place or radiate to other parts such as arms , hips or legs.  The affected person is unable to do his work efficiently and smoothly  Reasons for back pain may be wrong body postures, lack of physical activity, overweight, excessive smoking, lack of flexibility or undue stress on back
  • 52. PREVENTION OF BACK PAIN 1.Regular Exercises: Regular exercises are helpful in enhancing strength and keeping the body weight in control. Aerobic exercises are considered best as these exercises do not strain or jerk the back. Along theseexercises, the flexibility exercises such as bending forward , backward, sideways and sit ups should be performed regularly. 2. Maintain Appropriate Body weight: Overweight and obese persons are at the greater risk of developing back pain . To maintain an appropriate body weight, regular exercise and balanced diet are mandatory 3. Proper Sitting Posture: Proper sitting posture is mandatory for prevention of back pain. One should sit with erect & straight back on chair and feet should be flat on the floor . In sitting right posture there will not be undue stress on the back, which is beneficial in preventing back pain. 4. Proper Standing Posture : One should keep back straight and balance body weight evenly on both feet while standing .Toes should be 3” to 4” apart . Knees should be straight. 5. Avoid lifting Heavy weight : Lifting heavy weight without using proper technique , causes injury to the back. Keep the back straight, head up, squat properly & then lift the weight. Keep the object close to the body. Don’t straighten the legs before lifting the weight.
  • 53. PREVENTION OF BACK PAIN 6. Use Lumber Support Belt: The persons who are engaged in lifting weights should use Lumber Support Belt to avoid injury to their back 7. No Smoking: On the basis of the recent research, it is concluded that the higher percentage of smokers have more back pain incidences in comparison of non-smokers of same height, age and weight. 8. Lying or Sleeping on Bed: Use a mattress that keeps the spine straight and normal size pillow so that neck is not in a steep angle. A hard mattress is preferred. 9. Refrain from Strenuous Activities: Strenuous activities leads to fatigue. Working under fatigue may lead to back injury. 10. Move and Lift the Object Properly: Push the object instead of pulling it. while lifting an Object look straight ahead , not up or down, to keep one’s back and neck in straight line