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1 Name: Mustafa Nezam 
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The objective of this project assignment for the term 2 we have to present a clear picture of 
the market for the brand UNICEF. With the main focus on the Benelux, and also to advise the best 
strategy to reach the target groups. In order to develop the marketing strategy, first we made an 
extensive analysis of the market, it’s competition and the brand itself. 
This project report represents a summary of organization UNICEF. A nonprofit organization 
that works for children’s rights, survival, development and protection. The world’s children 
have by far the largest stake in the effects of globalization. This plan will be beneficial to the 
UNICEF and Inholland Organization. 
Throughout this project the team has been given an ideal opportunity of first-hand experience 
with a typical marketing research. It has taught us how to specify a target audience, find the 
strengths and the weaknesses of a company, promote key, particular attributes and many other 
important marketing tasks and in order to come up and develop a business strategy for the 
Table of Contents 
Contents................................................................................................................................................................................ 4 
Company analysis............................................................................................................................................................. 6 
Brand analysis.................................................................................................................................................................... 8 
Competitive analyses....................................................................................................................................................... 9 
Donors Analysis.............................................................................................................................................................. 14 
Market analysis............................................................................................................................................................... 17 
Marketing Planning Strategy ................................................................................................................................... 20 
UNICEF Day....................................................................................................................................................................... 24 
The International Food Day event........................................................................................................................... 24 
Clothes ............................................................................................................................................................................... 25 
UNICEF Entertainment day........................................................................................................................................ 25
Executive Summary 
Company Overview 
• UNICEF believes that the progress of humanity is in the hands of today’s children. 
Based on that, we are committed to ensure special protection and care for the disadvantaged 
children around the world. 
Brand Overview 
• UNICEF is one of the largest development agencies dedicated to working with 
children. By operating in many countries, doing whatever it takes to reach the vulnerable 
children and coordinated work with other parties who care about children. 
Competitive Overview 
• Without a doubt the competition is intense and there is a great deal of competition 
between the charities and NGOs for donations. UNICEF has a global brand and we expect 
this will be to our advantage in order to receive more donations. 
Donors Overview 
• UNICEF relies on contributions from governments and private donors. Governments 
contribute two thirds of the organization’s resources; private groups and some 6 million 
individuals contribute the rest through the National Committees. 
Market Overview 
• With similar goals, if compared to some of the competitors, programs are created to 
support national efforts and institution. Everything to promote the human development and to 
fulfill the human rights of the children. Detailed information is available within SWOT and 
PEST analysis. 
Activities and Strategy Overview 
• Consists of 4 different activities or events: UNICEF Day, Food Day, Cloth day, 
Entertainment Day. In a partnership with Inholland Rotterdam and by establishing a UNICEF 
committee, we expect to increase the awareness of UNICEF amongst the students, and also 
Inholland, as a contributor to a charity and non-profit organization. With very low budget, all 
these 4 activities, have as their goals, to raise funds or resources for the disadvantaged afghan 
The main objective of this project is to raise awareness amongst the students in Benelux, 
starting in Rotterdam. With awareness achieved, the possibilities of obtaining donations will 
increase naturally, as well as the chances to help the children in Afghanistan.
Body of Report 
Company analysis 
UNICEF is created by united nations, as an international non-profit organisation which stands 
for saving the lives of the children and promoting welfare trough out the whole world. UNICEF is 
an large organization with a large strength which drives to build up a world where the children’s 
rights are equally balanced. because of the large international position, it has large authority to 
influence the decision-makers, to fulfil their ideas into the reality. it is represented around 
almost 190 countries. 
mission & vision 
UNICEF is mandated by the united nations general assembly to advocate for the protection of 
children's rights, to help with their basic needs and to expand their opportunities to reach for 
the full potential. 
guided by the convention on the rights of the child and strives to establish children's rights as 
enduring ethical principles and international standards of behaviour towards children. 
insists that the survival, protection and development of children are universal development 
imperatives that are integral to human progress. mobilizes political will and material resources 
to help countries, particularly developing countries, ensure a "first call for children" and to build 
their capacity to form appropriate policies and deliver services for children and their families. is 
committed to ensuring special protection for the most disadvantaged children - victims of war, 
disasters, extreme poverty, all forms of violence and exploitation and those with disabilities. 
Responds in emergencies to protect the rights of children. In coordination with united nations 
partners and humanitarian agencies, UNICEF makes its unique facilities for rapid response 
available to its partners to relieve the suffering of children and those who provide their care. 
Aims witching its country programmes, to promote the equal rights of women and girls and to 
support their full participation in the political, social, and economic development of their 
works with all its partners towards the attainment of human development goals adopted by the 
world community and the realization of the vision of peace and social progress enshrined in the 
charter of the united nations. UNICEF focus area are divided in 5 parts: 
child survival and development 
hiv/aids and children 
child protection 
basic education 
policy advocacy and partnership 
child survival & development 
by operating with governments, national and international agencies unicef supports all of the 
works of child protection systems in social resources, finances and laws. 
hiv & aids 
unicef focuses on four aspects of hiv/aids: prevention, care, treatment and protection. the focus 
areas are: 
preventing mother-to-child transmission of hiv 
providing treatment 
preventing infection among people 
protecting and supporting affected children by hiv and aids
advocacy and partnership 
By studying economic, social and legal policies, unicef’s worsk with governments, lawmakers, 
the media, and international organizations. 
basic education 
unicef is dedicated to taking action everywhere it is required the most. which includes: 
equally access to education, a quality of basic education and early childhood development. 
child protection 
unicef is devoted to protect children from the natural disasters and armed conflicts, which 
expose children to risks of violence and abuse. 
social work and economic policy 
unicef concentrations on the important impact of social and economic policy which has influents 
on the children. by working with several countries and having them as partner they can provide 
help in education, health and social protection.
Brand analysis 
UNICEF is one of the largest development agencies dedicated to working exclusively with 
The history 
After World War II , many children were raised in very poor conditions. Unicef was created in 
December 1946 by the United Nations to provide those children with food , clothes and health 
In 1953 UNICEF begins a successful global campaign against yaws , a disease that can be cured 
with penicillin. 
In 1959 “The UN General Assembly adopts the Declaration of the Rights of the Children , which 
defines children’s rights to protection , education , health care , shelter and good nutrition.” 
In 1965 Unicef is awarded the Nobel prize for “the promotion of brotherhood among nations”. 
International Year of the child was a celebration around the world when people and 
organizations reaffirm their commitment to children’s rights. 
The convention on the rights of the child is adopted by UN General Assembly in 1989.It enters 
into force in September 1990. 
In 1990 a World Summit is organized , where are invited the heads of state and government at 
the United Nations in New York City. The summit sets 10-year goals for children’s health , 
nutrition and education. 
In 2002 “a landmark Special Session of the UN General Assembly was convened to review 
progress since the World Summit for Children I 1990 and re-energize global commitment to 
children’s rights. 
What UNICEF stands for … 
UNICEF stands for the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund. In 1950 its 
mandate was broadened to address the long-term needs of children and women in developing 
countries everywhere. UNICEF became a permanent part of the United Nations system in 1953 , 
when its name was shortened to the United Nations Children’s Fund. However , UNICEF 
retained its original acronym. ( 
Unicef relies on contributions from governments and private donors. Governments contribute 
two thirds of the organization’s resources; private groups and some 6 million individuals 
contribute the rest trough the National Committees . 
Most of UNICEF's work is in the field, with staff in over 190 countries and territories. More than 
200 country offices carry out UNICEF's mission through a program developed with host 
governments. Seven regional offices provide technical assistance to country offices as needed. 
Overall management and administration of the organization takes place at its headquarters in 
New York. UNICEF's Supply Division is based in Copenhagen. A 36-member Executive Board 
establishes policies, approves programs and oversees administrative and financial plans. 
why People donate ? 
By supporting UNICEF, you’ll not only make a difference to a child's life today, you’ll be making 
THE difference to children everywhere because: 
We operate in more countries and help more children then any other humanitarian 
We do whatever it takes to reach vulnerable children, from stopping wars to trekking through 
the remotest deserts. For example, we pioneered ‘Days of Tranquility’ to arrange ceasefires in 
times of war so children can be reached with lifesaving healthcare. 
We work with and coordinate everyone who cares about children - partner organizations, 
governments, communities, parents and children themselves - to make sure no child is 
_Why_support_UNICEF.htm ) 
Competitive analyses. 
Direct competitors 
Free The Children is the world’s largest network of children helping children through education, 
with more than one million youth involved in our innovative education and development 
programs in 45 countries. Founded in 1995 by international child rights activist Craig 
Kielburger, and has formed successful partnerships with leading school boards. 
Organistation : In almost two decades, the organistation has grown from a handful of 12-year-olds, 
huddled around a kitchen table, to a growing staff of over 200 young professionals working 
in five offices in Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom. And work with another few 
hundred staff in the local communities where they carry out their Adopt a Village development 
Activities: Free The Children seeks to create systemic change by empowering a generation of 
active global citizens to change the world on whatever issues they care about. 
This school-based joint project with Oprah’s Angel Network connects young people in North 
America with people around the world to create lasting change by working toward the UN 
Millennium Development Goals 
we schools in action 
The We Schools in Action program inspires a generation to care about social justice with the 
energy and message We Day, and then provides the practical tools needed to turn that 
inspiration into tangible action throughout the year. 
The Adopt a Village 
the Adopt a Village program in rural and marginalized areas in Kenya, China, Haiti, India, Sierra 
Leone, Ecuador and Sri Lanka. Designed to meet the basic needs of developing communities . 
Main Donor groups: Youth, Educators and Corporations. 
Income 2010/2011: $ 23.650,725 
Expended 2010/2011: $ 27.134.649 
Free the child in comparison to UNICEF is more target towards youth education than any other 
issues. Also Free the child seeks and create support by trying to aware the Youth about the 
issues they care about. So, therefore youth is their main target group. The second different 
point between UNICEF and FTC is in the way both organization raise money for their activities. 
Common value, both organization working to achieve the UN millennium goals by 2015. 
Save the Children is an internationally active non-governmental organization that 
enforces children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. It 
was established in the United Kingdom in 1919 in order to improve the lives of children through 
better education, health care, and economic opportunities, as well as providing emergency aid in 
natural disasters, war, and other conflicts. 
Organisation: Save the Children is an international umbrella organization, with 29 national 
organizations serving over 120 countries. Save the Children is a leading member of the U.S. 
Global Leadership Coalition, an influential Washington D.C.-based coalition of over 400 major 
companies and NGOs that advocates for a larger International Affairs Budget, which funds 
American diplomatic, humanitarian, and development efforts abroad. 
Child Protection: 
Education and Child Development: 
Health and Nutrition: , 
Main Donor groups: Corporations, private sector donors, governments and trustees 
Income 2010/2011: $ 30,154.458 
Expended 2010/2011: $ 29.134.449 
Save the children is an independent organization, and UNICEF is of course a dependent 
organization of the UN. Save the children as a board of trustees, and each member of the board is 
individually contributing to the organization capital. Both organization aiming big towards 
corporate donation. UNICEF as a bigger brand awareness then save the children. UNICEF is 
more involved in child advocacy and rights but save the children in their turn do more work in 
creating more livelihoods than UNICEF does.
IYF prepares young people to be healthy, productive and engaged citizens 
Organisation: In the past twenty years, IYF has mobilized 54 public and private sector donors 
to invest US$163 million in the power and promise of young people. In all, 332 organizations in 
86 countries have received grants from IYF aimed at increasing the scale, securing the 
sustainability, and improving the effectiveness of their youth-focused programs. As a result of 
these proven interventions, millions of young people are better poised to make healthy 
decisions, earn a livelihood, and become actively engaged members of their own communities. 
IFY activities involves in education, creating jobs, and engaging young people possess the 
power to solve the world’s toughest problem in believes that every young person, therefore 
deserves the opportunity to realize his or her full potential. their programs are catalysts for 
change that help youth learn, work, and lead. 
IYF, Learning is about improving the academic performance, knowledge, and skills of youth 
IYF’s Work programs improve young people’s employability prospects by preparing them for 
quality jobs and helping others succeed as entrepreneurs. 
ctive citizenship is the cornerstone of social change. IYF believes that young people’s 
participation as citizens — be it students, workers, family or community members — is 
fundamental to building stable and healthy democracies. 
Main donor groups: government agencies, corporations, foundations, and local organizations. 
Income 2010/ 2011 : $ 30.794.456 
Expanded 2010 / 2011: $ 22.458.771 
Indirect competitors 
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is 
known as the the world's largest humanitarian organization, providing help without 
discrimination as to nationality, race, religious beliefs, class or political opinions.The 
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) was discovered in 
1919 Red cross is a Non-governmental organizations (NGOs), also known as private voluntary 
organizations (PVOs), Red-cross provides aids to developing countries,; many are church-affiliated. 
In the very poorest countries, hospitals are being run by missionaries. Red cross is 
dedicated in helping poor African countries. 
The first objective of the IFRC is to improve the health of people in countries that had suffered 
greatly during war. 
Its goals were "to strengthen and unite, for health activities, already-existing Red Cross Societies 
and to promote the creation of new Societies 
The IFRC vision: 
To MOTIVATE , support , Make life easier for the less privileged and promote at all times 
all forms of humanitarian activities by National Societies, with a view to preventing and 
alleviating human suffering, and thereby contributing to the maintenance and promotion 
of human nobility and peace in the world. 
The role of the IFRC 
The IFRC implements relief operations to assist victims of disasters, and combines this with 
development work to strengthen the capacities of its member National Societies. The IFRC's 
work focuses on four core areas: promoting humanitarian values, disaster response, disaster 
preparedness, and health and community care 
Greenpeace is a non-governmental environmental organization with offices in over forty 
countries and with an international coordinating body in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 
Greenpeace main goal is ensure the ability of the Earth to nurture life in all its diversity and 
focuses its work on worldwide issues such as global warming, deforestation, overfishing, 
commercial whaling and anti-nuclear issues. 
Greenpeace uses direct action, lobbying and research to achieve its goals. The global 
organization does not accept funding from governments, corporations or political parties, but 
depends on individual grants and support 
Greenpeace vision is to have a clean and healthy oceans and maintenance of wild-life. 
Greenpeace explore, expose and confront environmental abuse by governments and 
corporations around the world. Greenpeace champion environmentally responsible and socially 
just solutions, including scientific and technological innovation. 
WWF is the world’s leading conservation organization, WWF's unique way of working combines 
global reach with a foundation in science, involves action at every level from local to global, and 
ensures the delivery of state of the art solutions that meet the needs of both people and nature. 
Protect and restore species and their habitats 
Strengthen local communities' ability to conserve the natural resources they depend upon 
Transform markets and policies to reduce the impact of the production and consumption of 
Mobilize hundreds of millions of people to support conservation
WWF’s mission is to maintain nature and reduce the most pressing threats to the diversity of life 
on Earth. 
WWF's vision is to build a future in which people live in harmony with nature
Donors Analysis 
UNICEF Donors 
UNICEF relies on contributions from governments and private donors. Governments contribute 
two thirds of the organization’s resources; private groups and some 6 million individuals 
contribute the rest trough the National Committees. 
The Public Sector Alliances and Resource Mobilization Office (PARMO) donors can be 
categorized as Public Sector: Governments, Inter-governmental organizations, Inter-organizational 
arrangements, Foundations, Inter-organizational and other global initiatives. 
(See Appendix for further details of donor analysis). 
Who donates to UNICEF? 
Besides ordinary donors, which are regular people, UNICEF receive donation from many of 
world’s governments but also from private companies. 
Regular resources, which UNICEF receives, without restriction, to spend on the priorities of 
programme countries supported by the organization, amounted to $ 965 million, declining 9 % 
compared with the previous year. (UNICEF Annual Report 2010) 
The 2010 top 3 donor governments are United States, United Kingdom and Norway. United 
States donated to UNICEF over 340 thousands US dollars. United Kingdom also donated just over 
258 thousand dollars and Norway has donated 204 thousand dollars. These donations are not 
necessarily money donations, but them could be also goods and food. (UNICEF Annual Report 
Private companies are also donating to UNICEF. Big companies all around the world like Amway 
Europe, H&M, Gucci, Nokia , Microsoft , Dell , Google Inc. had contributed to UNICEF causes. 
These companies donated over $ 100.000. (UNICEF Annual Report 2010) 
An interesting fact is that Football Club Barcelona announced on 14 July 2006, a five year 
agreement with UNICEF, which includes having the UNICEF logo on their shirts. The agreement 
has the club to donate 1.5 million euros per year to UNICEF via the FC Barcelona Foundation. 
The Public Sector Alliances and Resource Mobilization Office (PARMO) donors can be 
categorized as Public Sector: Governments, Inter-governmental organizations, Inter-organizational 
arrangements, Foundations, Inter-organizational and other global initiatives. 
UNICEF is also proud to have partnerships with program countries in resource mobilization and 
program implementation. 
National Partnerships 
Below you will find some of the UNICEF’s Corporate Partnerships. 
Banco Itaú (Brazil) 
Since 1994, the PIC-Child Initiative has raised over $18 million for education projects in Brazil. 
The latest phase of the plan, known as PIC Criança, will continue until August 2011.
Audi (China) 
During the 2008 Sichuan earthquake emergency, Audi donated US$2,205,107 for UNICEF’s relief 
effort and long-term recovery needs of children ($ 453,680 has been earmarked for long-term 
By the end of 2009, Audi has contributed over US$1 million to this non-formal education 
project. Audi has mobilized its employees, 130 car dealers, consumers and business partners 
across the country to contribute to fundraising for their joint project with UNICEF. 
Clairefontaine (France) 
‘Going to School is My Freedom’ is a campaign to raise money for education of the children. 
During their annual Back-to-School campaign, Clairefontaine donates between €0.15 and €0.30 
to UNICEF for each purchase of one of its products. The campaign has been running every year 
since 2004, and has donated about € 2 million to UNICEF’s education programmes. 
In 2011, Clairefontaine renewed its partnership with UNICEF to help more and more children 
build a better future through education. 
Diners Club (Greece) 
Since the launch of this partnership in October 2003, as one of the most successful campaigns 
globally, the Diners Club – UNICEF affinity card has raised more than 1 million Euros. 
Diners Club provides UNICEF with a 0.5% of the total amount spent by each card holder, without 
the card holder bearing any cost. 
Johnson & Johnson (United States) 
For more than 20 years Johnson & Johnson, through its commitment to the health and well-being 
of vulnerable communities, has been a key partner to the US Fund for UNICEF. 
Over the past 20 years, Johnson & Johnson has supported UNICEF through philanthropic grants, 
employee giving, and product donations. In the past five years alone, Johnson & Johnson and its 
employees have contributed more than $6 million in support of maternal and new-born health 
programs around the world 
UNICEF Crystal Snowflake (United States Fund) 
This magnificent creation was designed, engineered and entirely handcrafted by Ingo Maurer 
and his team in Germany, using 16,000 Baccarat crystal prisms. More than a symbol, the UNICEF 
Snowflake is the centerpiece of an ambitious campaign to raise millions of dollars in support of 
health, immunization, nutrition, clean water and sanitation, education and protection for 
children in developing nations.
International Partnership 
IKEA and IKEA Foundation 
The IKEA Foundation, established in 2005, manages IKEA’s social involvement on a 
global level. The mission is to improve the rights and life opportunities of the many 
children. The main partners are the two leading global child-right organisations; UNICEF 
and Save the Children. IKEA Foundation invests in a range of programs with a holistic 
approach, aiming to create substantial and lasting results. 
The IKEA Foundation is now investing in excess of US$4.2million to programmes 
addressing the urgent needs of the earthquake-affected children and communities, 
namely providing quality education and access to safe drinking water and latrines to the 
most vulnerable. Nearly 10,000 earthquake-affected boys and girls between the ages of 
6 – 11 will benefit through provision of safe and stimulating learning spaces, clean 
water, and hygienic/sanitary facilities. 
IKEA Foundation support to UNICEF emergency programs has exceeded US$10million 
since 2005, which included a donations to Pakistan and Haiti Emergencies in 
2010; 344,000 quilts to the 2005 Pakistan earthquake in Kashmir; early childhood 
development kits for Iraq, and cash and in-kind support to the 2004 Tsunami-affected 
countries of India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and the Maldives. 
UNICEF e-shop 
As an additional source of donations, UNICEF created an e-shop department, where 
people can buy their products to help children in developing countries, such as an 
“inspired gift”. 
For every UNICEF Inspired gift you purchase, an item is dispatched from our warehouse 
in Copenhagen and transported to a child in need in any one of 150 countries where we 
Market analysis 
UNICEF operates in a different charity markets and with their goals are similar with 
some other similar charities/organization as of UNICEF. 
As an example Free the children. 
Child Find of America 
Children's Defense Fund 
Children's Health Fund 
Marine Toys for Tots Foundation 
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children 
ChildFund International (formerly Christian Children's Fund) 
Children Incorporated 
Christian Foundation for Children and Aging 
Compassion International 
Pearl S. Buck International 
Plan International USA (formerly Plan USA) 
Save the Children 
World Vision 
PEST Analysis 
Insecurity and conflict may lead to unstable government. Lack of democratic stability, 
crime levels will increase. With these challenges result public insecurity may encourage 
more violence, vigilantism and authoritarian law enforcement to human rights in the 
Increased poverty due to the Economic crises, unsound fiscal policies and a reduction in 
the size of the state sector will lead to an increase in poverty in many countries. The 
Economic inequality could suffer the greatest disadvantages in wealth and education. 
Poverty and war breakout will also be affected by unequal land distribution and high 
Frequent climate change and natural disasters. Such disasters pose a risk to political, 
social and economic stability. The government could fail in to taking these problems 
Increased insecurity of social factors and human rights violations will result from the 
failure of traditional politics, the rise in criminality and the breakdown of state
protection systems (health, pensions, unemployment aid etc.). More people will be left 
unprotected when ill and old. 
Lack of access to resources for locals continues to provide many conflicts, and there is 
likely to remain a deep technological divide. However, with the opening up and of the 
media, there is a growing internal debate on the economic and political aspects. 
Technological advances will amplify the effects of getting new donors and improve the 
existing donors with a more pronounced digital divide. Like for instance direct mailing, 
the tracking donor system (way of keeping in track of your donated gift). 
With reference of the SWOT Analysis of UNICEF you can locate the Strengths and 
Weaknesses, points where UNICEF can improve them and look out for weaknesses 
which can result in bad business performance. 
UNICEF - Strengths 
Extensive Range of Activities 
Partnerships and Collaborations 
Key Initiatives 2010-11 
UNICEF - Weaknesses 
Resource Crunch 
Delayed Program Implementations 
Allegations of Financial Irregularities 
UNICEF – Opportunities 
New Initiatives & Programs 
Millennium Development Goals 
Challenges & Opportunities: Adolescent 
UNICEF - Threats 
Rising Food Crises and Poverty 
Weak Global Economic Cues
3.16 Table 3:5 SWOT Analyses – 
1. Strong in-country presence with respect from partners 
2. Increased focus on social protection including childcare system reform 
3. Strong intellectual and practical base enabling transfer of skills effectively 
4. Increased focus on policies, institutions and budgets 
5. Strong advocacy and campaign focus 
6. Recent concern with social policy reform builds on commitment to evidence-based 
7. Child rights mandate and expertise built around rights-based approach of CRC8. Long-term 
partnerships with child rights INGOs 
9. Increasing focus on strategic partnerships with World Bank and/or EU on childcare reform 
10. Advocacy focus brings children’s voices into policy arena on childcare reform issues 
1. Regional office keens to support mutual learning 
2. EU strategic partnership is likely in future on social inclusion and child rights 
3. One UN may provide more holistic attention to child rights issues 
1. Relatively low levels of funding available – can be ‘spread too thinly’ 
2. Still focused on traditional sectors 
3. Still little experience of strategic partnerships with EU or World Bank 
5. Tension between work with and criticism of Govts 
6. Some element of competition with key child rights INGOs 
7. Fiscal dimensions of child care reform not well understood 
8. Child focus can distort wider social service reform 
1. May need to rationalise its presence in middle- income transition countries 
2. One UN may erode distinctive child rights focus
Planning Strategy 
Marketing Planning Strategy 
Partnering together to build op customer relations is the main subject here. 
Partnering with other companies or organisations can help increase value to the both 
Customer driven strategy
In todays market place the competitions is allot. Companies must collect customer’s attentions 
and win them over. So they could keep them and grow by delivering the expected value. 
By doing this company must understand the needs and wants of their customers. 
And doing analysis can only do that 
Market Segmentation 
The different market segments are based on demographic and geographic. 
Geographic: Young (pre)professionals. 
Demographic: The network of the geographic group. 
With help from students of the Universities we will initiate a micromarketing ad that would 
circulate throughout the Benelux. Our aim is to attract a minimum of fifty to a hundred thousand 
(50,000 – 100,000) Students in each Country within the First 3 years. 
UNICEF is a well-known organization with a wide spread network across different 190 countries 
so it is time to make use of this global network. To meet the obligations of this project we need 
the assistance from the majority of volunteers, donors, partners and sponsors to make this 
program a success. 
Market Target 
The students, teachers and employees at InHolland Universities. 
Along side with followers of each group. (Students, teachers and employees). 
Upon first glance one cannot ignore the similarities amongst these three countries and students 
behaviour when they are geographically and demographically segmented, however geographic 
and demographic segmentation do not predict how donors give. 
Because donors are so loyal, fundraisers and activity programs ought to spend more time on 
younger people who are less likely to have made decisions about which groups to support, the 
researchers said. The study also identified six types of donors based on their motivations for 
Differentiation and Positioning. 
This type of working together is common; multiple forces working , collaborating together. But 
such a big project with UNICEF and InHolland, both two big companies. Benefiting from this 
The difference from this project is that if affect and reaches to the young target market directly 
and much more efficient than in other ways. And that’s why this project has high potentials. 
Marketing Mix 
Price: the price in this case will be, the price for each activity. 
Baring the fact that a large group of the target market are students, thus the prices will be 
reasonably low in order to attract attention but also gain a large amount of donations. 
For the event and food activities price will set. The other activities will be open and free. 
Students can donate in any amount as they wish. 
Place: This event will take place in Inholland university of Rotterdam (Netherlands). Both the 
and school well be approached in these activities and invited to participate in this event. The 
activities will be held from a central office based in InHolland Rotterdam. 
By doing this it is expected to increase efficiency in reaching the student for participation in the 
UNICEF goals. 
Product: This project has the four activities as outcome, products. More information about the 
project can be read further in the report. These activities are formed with the students and 
towards the students of InHolland. In help of the Committee these products will set out to 
certain dates and come to realisation.
Promotion: By collaborating with Inholland and UNICEF we make use of all resources provided 
to us by them and our own. 
We will also take advantage of our ability to broadcast to market these activeties through our 
various platforms such as: 
Website : 
Also use of social media would be used through platforms such as: 
With the help of UNICEF, advertisement tool will be used, for example posters, flyers etc. 
Budget UNCEF committee Kolom1 
UNICEF € 750 
Inhollad € 800 
Totaal € 1.550 
Entertiament day € 450 
Colthes day € 300 
Food day € 300 
UNICEF Stand € 100 
UNICEF day € 400 
Total € 1.550 
Kolom1 Kolom2 
Estimated Profit per 
UNICEF Day € 1.200 
Food day € 800 
Entertiament day € 2.000 
Total 4000
The purpose of this Marketing strategy (table1) is to create a partnership between Inholland 
Rotterdam and UNICEF by combining the visions and values of both organizations together, in 
order to increase awareness and generate donations amongst students of Inholland university 
Rotterdam. By establishing a UNICEF committee within Inholland Rotterdam consisting out of 
Representative(s)of Inholland 
Representative(s) of UNICEF 
Committee members( Creators of the this whole project.) 
Anticipated students 
The Committee will be responsible for creating activities such as 
International food day to generate donation for UNICEF to help children in Aghanistan with 
Education and health . 
Collecting cloths for children in Afghanistan. 
Creating a entertainment day with Inholland Students. 
Inholland UNICEF day. 
We believe that throughout this activities we well be able to engulf students to participate in 
our programs, to earn extra circular study points and perhaps more importantly, let the student 
experience how it is to work for an Non-profit organization such as UNICEF and to See “Real – 
life” results and the positive effect of their contribution by helping UNICEF with their mission. 
And of course as well as to Achieve our objectives and goals. 
What might this objectives (table 2) and goals (table 3) be : 
Table 1 Goals for first year and Goals we are planing to reach within 3 years 
By sending out the right message, this concept enables UNICEF to establish further participation 
from the University community and will connect with them in an emotional and effective way. 
The voices of Students can be a very powerful tool in delivering this message, using their 
compassion and status to give other children a fair and reasonable life-perspective.
Raising awareness is a top priority in order to gain both financial and non-financial public 
support, revealing the problems and providing enlightenment concerning the daily work 
UNICEF executes confronting the problems. With the help of the media, schools and the Students 
we will establish a stronger understanding and willingness to help UNICEF in its cause. Students 
Interacting with the UNICEF committee is key in gaining their trust and finally to convert that 
trust into devotion, participation and concrete actions towards our mission. 
With that said we have strategically decided to implement this concept within Inholland 
university of Rotterdam at first to research and develop it into a successful and a solid concept. 
We are expecting to expend this concept further to other university within the “Benelux’’ in the 
upcoming 3 years. 
With help from students of the Universities we will initiate a micromarketing ad that would 
circulate throughout the Benelux. Our aim is to attract a minimum of fifty to a hundred thousand 
(50,000 – 100,000) Students in each Country within the First 3 years. 
UNICEF is a well-known organization with a wide spread network across different 190 countries 
so it is time to make use of this global network. To meet the obligations of this project we need 
the assistance from the majority of volunteers, donors, partners and sponsors to make this 
program a success. 
This event consists of a stand in an ‘’opendag’’ at Inholland Rotterdam, to provide information 
about the partnership between Inholland Rotterdam and UNICEF. A representative from UNICEF 
will be present to give speeches and to talk about the UNICEF at this day. There will be small 
gifts available, such as pens and brochures. There will be also posters and small donation boxes 
spread around the building, as well as flyers and cards, providing information about the other 
three events (Food, Cloth and Entertainment). 
The budget estimated for this activity is to be considered low or very low, since all we need are 
copies of the flyers or cards, and the free pens and brochures for the students that are interested 
to know more about UNICEF. 
The objective of this event is to increase the awareness of the students about UNICEF, because 
the students today are a the potential market tomorrow. 
The International Food Day event. 
Every day, a lot of food waste is thrown away, while people, including children die of starvation 
and many places of the world. Since UNICEF is highly involved in contributing to the 
development of the children around the planet, it is of extremely importance to make sure that 
these children can have access to the basic nutrition needs for their survival and development. 
In order to help to provide a proper and effective assistance, the UNICEF committee and several 
Inholland students are supporting this idea to organize this event at Inholland Rotterdam. The 
International Food Day will take place twice a year, in October (during the official International 
Food Day) and one event in April, and will be held in the cantina at Inholland Rotterdam. 
The main idea of this event is the UNICEF committee and the supporting Inholland students to 
cook and bring several International dishes and sell them at Inholland Rotterdam, such as: 
Turkish, Moroccan, Afghan, African, Western etc. In the end all the profit will be sent to UNICEF, 
so they can provide support for the children in Afghanistan.
The cost for the International Food Day will be : € 300.- for renting cantina at Inholland 
Clothes play a major role when it is about any donation action. Donating clothes is one of 
many ways to contribute to UNICEF to help the children around the world, especially in 
countries that have a harsh winter, so they can be kept warm and comfortable. 
When the Christmas is coming, it is, somehow, natural to have the spirit and the desire to help 
others. So this event will achieve better results if it takes place in December, because of the 
Christmas Spirit and the winter days being close. 
A glass box or container will be available for the cloth donation. People will be able to put the 
clothes in the box themselves, and also to look how is the progress going and how many 
clothes have been donated. The box will be cleared on a daily basis for matter of hygiene, and 
the donations will be inspected before sending to UNICEF. 
In order to obtain a better result throughout this donation plan, a few rules must be put in 
All cloth sizes will be accepted, with no discrimination, however, baby to teenager sizes are 
Clothes with no or minimum damage only. 
Personal cloth will not be accepted. For example, underwear. 
Winter clothes are desired but all season clothes will be accepted, including gloves, socks, 
winter hats and scarves. 
About the costs for this event, there are 2 plans available. Basically what is necessary is just to 
buy or rent (if that service is available) glass containers or boxes. The cost for all of this Cloth 
Donation Event, is expected to be around €100,00 to €200,00. 
A second plan can take action in case the budget is considered to be high. The Committee can 
build, themselves, the required containers or boxes, and that would have low costs or even 
free, if the materials used are recyclable. 
UNICEF Entertainment day. 
This event is going to be held in the first place to attract donors and donation, At this day a 
Several famous Dutch people that are also UNICEF Ambassadors will be giving a speech, act or 
performance in order to Attract people to visit the event. During this event also Students of 
Inholland that have special talent or ability will do their part. There will be an entrance fee for 
this even and all of this profit goes to UNICEF to help children in Afghanistan With their 
educations and health. 
The UNICEF committee and Inholland Student who offered their support to this Activity are 
responsible for the following : 
 Search and book a Suitable place to held the event. 
 Invite UNICEF ambassadors to the Event to act or perform. 
 Invite Students and promote the Event. 
The estimated cost for this event will be: 
Rent of place € 300.00 - which well be sponsored by Inholland to the UNICEF committee.
Flyers and promoting of the event € 100.00- Sponsored By UNICEF Office of the Netherlands 
Artist and Students: Free - (they will doing this to help a good cause.) 
This Event will be held on 15th of June and would be also a great opportunity for us to talk 
about the children in Afghanistan and make people aware of way is so imported to support 
Organizations like UNICEF 
The Situation Analysis is basically a tool for informing policy and child-focused policy rights. 
The process of conducting a Situation Analysis provides specific policy recommendations and 
evidence for child rights, including by partners. It is a programme output that strongly 
supports national efforts and institutions. It is part of the UN’s overall effort to support 
national capacity for promoting human development and fulfilling the human rights of 
citizens. Today UNICEF is still committed to ensure special protection for the most 
disadvantaged children; victims of war, disasters, extreme poverty, all forms of violence and 
exploitation and those with disabilities.
Books & Articles 
1. Ryrie, C. C. (1999) “Nailing down a Board: serving effectively on the Not-for-Profit 
Board”, Kregel 
2. O'Connor, D. (2007-08-24). "How to give wisely after Minnesota's disasters". Pioneer 
(MediaNews Group, Inc.). Retrieved 2007- 
3. Sloman, J and Hinde, K (2007) “ Economic for Business, 4th Edition”, Pearson Education 
Internet Publications* 
1. State of the World’s Children (2000) -, UNICEF 
2. UNICEF’s strengths & weaknesses (2004) -, UNICEF 
3. Working in partnerships with UNICEF (2004) - 
4. UNICEF Annual report (2010) - 
5. State of the World’s Children ( 2009) - 
World Wide Web* 
1. UNICEF homepage - 
2. Belgium Homepage - 
3. At a glance: Belgium - 
4. Netherlands Homepage - 
5. At a glance: Netherlands - 
6. Luxembourg Homepage - 
7. What does UNICEF do - 
8. About UNICEF - 
9. UNICEF people - 
10. Voices of the youths - 
11. Unite for Children - 
12. UNICEF’s press center - 
13. Tools for journalists - 
14. The State of the World’s Children - 
15. UNICEF Television & UNICEF Radio - 
16. UNICEF’s Social media - 
17. Governmental and institutional support - 
18. International partners of UNICEF -
19. International partners of UNICEF - 
20. Nonprofit charitable organizations - 
*All internet publications and websites were confirmed on 1st December, 2011
- Project Assesment Term 2

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Unicef report

  • 1.
  • 2. Preface 1 Name: Mustafa Nezam Function: Chairman Student nr. 511373 E-mail: 2 Name: Faradun Noorzai Function: Editor Tel: 06-52622401 E-mail: 3 Name: Rafael Plinio Function: Archivist Student nr. 484807 E-mail: 4 Name: Samir Karimi Function: Communicator Tel: 06-47953834 E-mail: 5 Name: Octavian Stanescu Function: Secretary Student nr. 509753 E-mail: c cvc 6Name: Patience Nesiagho Function: Planner Student nr. 504701 E-mail: `
  • 3. The objective of this project assignment for the term 2 we have to present a clear picture of the market for the brand UNICEF. With the main focus on the Benelux, and also to advise the best strategy to reach the target groups. In order to develop the marketing strategy, first we made an extensive analysis of the market, it’s competition and the brand itself. This project report represents a summary of organization UNICEF. A nonprofit organization that works for children’s rights, survival, development and protection. The world’s children have by far the largest stake in the effects of globalization. This plan will be beneficial to the UNICEF and Inholland Organization. Throughout this project the team has been given an ideal opportunity of first-hand experience with a typical marketing research. It has taught us how to specify a target audience, find the strengths and the weaknesses of a company, promote key, particular attributes and many other important marketing tasks and in order to come up and develop a business strategy for the company.
  • 4. Table of Contents Contents Contents................................................................................................................................................................................ 4 Company analysis............................................................................................................................................................. 6 Brand analysis.................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Competitive analyses....................................................................................................................................................... 9 Donors Analysis.............................................................................................................................................................. 14 Market analysis............................................................................................................................................................... 17 Marketing Planning Strategy ................................................................................................................................... 20 UNICEF Day....................................................................................................................................................................... 24 The International Food Day event........................................................................................................................... 24 Clothes ............................................................................................................................................................................... 25 UNICEF Entertainment day........................................................................................................................................ 25
  • 5. Executive Summary Company Overview • UNICEF believes that the progress of humanity is in the hands of today’s children. Based on that, we are committed to ensure special protection and care for the disadvantaged children around the world. Brand Overview • UNICEF is one of the largest development agencies dedicated to working with children. By operating in many countries, doing whatever it takes to reach the vulnerable children and coordinated work with other parties who care about children. Competitive Overview • Without a doubt the competition is intense and there is a great deal of competition between the charities and NGOs for donations. UNICEF has a global brand and we expect this will be to our advantage in order to receive more donations. Donors Overview • UNICEF relies on contributions from governments and private donors. Governments contribute two thirds of the organization’s resources; private groups and some 6 million individuals contribute the rest through the National Committees. Market Overview • With similar goals, if compared to some of the competitors, programs are created to support national efforts and institution. Everything to promote the human development and to fulfill the human rights of the children. Detailed information is available within SWOT and PEST analysis. Activities and Strategy Overview • Consists of 4 different activities or events: UNICEF Day, Food Day, Cloth day, Entertainment Day. In a partnership with Inholland Rotterdam and by establishing a UNICEF committee, we expect to increase the awareness of UNICEF amongst the students, and also Inholland, as a contributor to a charity and non-profit organization. With very low budget, all these 4 activities, have as their goals, to raise funds or resources for the disadvantaged afghan children. Conclusion The main objective of this project is to raise awareness amongst the students in Benelux, starting in Rotterdam. With awareness achieved, the possibilities of obtaining donations will increase naturally, as well as the chances to help the children in Afghanistan.
  • 6. Body of Report Company analysis UNICEF is created by united nations, as an international non-profit organisation which stands for saving the lives of the children and promoting welfare trough out the whole world. UNICEF is an large organization with a large strength which drives to build up a world where the children’s rights are equally balanced. because of the large international position, it has large authority to influence the decision-makers, to fulfil their ideas into the reality. it is represented around almost 190 countries. mission & vision UNICEF is mandated by the united nations general assembly to advocate for the protection of children's rights, to help with their basic needs and to expand their opportunities to reach for the full potential. guided by the convention on the rights of the child and strives to establish children's rights as enduring ethical principles and international standards of behaviour towards children. insists that the survival, protection and development of children are universal development imperatives that are integral to human progress. mobilizes political will and material resources to help countries, particularly developing countries, ensure a "first call for children" and to build their capacity to form appropriate policies and deliver services for children and their families. is committed to ensuring special protection for the most disadvantaged children - victims of war, disasters, extreme poverty, all forms of violence and exploitation and those with disabilities. Responds in emergencies to protect the rights of children. In coordination with united nations partners and humanitarian agencies, UNICEF makes its unique facilities for rapid response available to its partners to relieve the suffering of children and those who provide their care. Aims witching its country programmes, to promote the equal rights of women and girls and to support their full participation in the political, social, and economic development of their communities. works with all its partners towards the attainment of human development goals adopted by the world community and the realization of the vision of peace and social progress enshrined in the charter of the united nations. UNICEF focus area are divided in 5 parts: child survival and development hiv/aids and children child protection basic education policy advocacy and partnership child survival & development by operating with governments, national and international agencies unicef supports all of the works of child protection systems in social resources, finances and laws. hiv & aids unicef focuses on four aspects of hiv/aids: prevention, care, treatment and protection. the focus areas are: preventing mother-to-child transmission of hiv providing treatment preventing infection among people protecting and supporting affected children by hiv and aids
  • 7. advocacy and partnership By studying economic, social and legal policies, unicef’s worsk with governments, lawmakers, the media, and international organizations. basic education unicef is dedicated to taking action everywhere it is required the most. which includes: equally access to education, a quality of basic education and early childhood development. child protection unicef is devoted to protect children from the natural disasters and armed conflicts, which expose children to risks of violence and abuse. social work and economic policy unicef concentrations on the important impact of social and economic policy which has influents on the children. by working with several countries and having them as partner they can provide help in education, health and social protection.
  • 8. Brand analysis UNICEF is one of the largest development agencies dedicated to working exclusively with children. The history After World War II , many children were raised in very poor conditions. Unicef was created in December 1946 by the United Nations to provide those children with food , clothes and health care. In 1953 UNICEF begins a successful global campaign against yaws , a disease that can be cured with penicillin. In 1959 “The UN General Assembly adopts the Declaration of the Rights of the Children , which defines children’s rights to protection , education , health care , shelter and good nutrition.” In 1965 Unicef is awarded the Nobel prize for “the promotion of brotherhood among nations”. International Year of the child was a celebration around the world when people and organizations reaffirm their commitment to children’s rights. The convention on the rights of the child is adopted by UN General Assembly in 1989.It enters into force in September 1990. In 1990 a World Summit is organized , where are invited the heads of state and government at the United Nations in New York City. The summit sets 10-year goals for children’s health , nutrition and education. In 2002 “a landmark Special Session of the UN General Assembly was convened to review progress since the World Summit for Children I 1990 and re-energize global commitment to children’s rights. ( What UNICEF stands for … UNICEF stands for the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund. In 1950 its mandate was broadened to address the long-term needs of children and women in developing countries everywhere. UNICEF became a permanent part of the United Nations system in 1953 , when its name was shortened to the United Nations Children’s Fund. However , UNICEF retained its original acronym. ( Unicef relies on contributions from governments and private donors. Governments contribute two thirds of the organization’s resources; private groups and some 6 million individuals contribute the rest trough the National Committees . ( d_for_UNICEF.htm) Most of UNICEF's work is in the field, with staff in over 190 countries and territories. More than 200 country offices carry out UNICEF's mission through a program developed with host governments. Seven regional offices provide technical assistance to country offices as needed. Overall management and administration of the organization takes place at its headquarters in New York. UNICEF's Supply Division is based in Copenhagen. A 36-member Executive Board establishes policies, approves programs and oversees administrative and financial plans. why People donate ? By supporting UNICEF, you’ll not only make a difference to a child's life today, you’ll be making THE difference to children everywhere because: We operate in more countries and help more children then any other humanitarian organization.
  • 9. We do whatever it takes to reach vulnerable children, from stopping wars to trekking through the remotest deserts. For example, we pioneered ‘Days of Tranquility’ to arrange ceasefires in times of war so children can be reached with lifesaving healthcare. We work with and coordinate everyone who cares about children - partner organizations, governments, communities, parents and children themselves - to make sure no child is forgotten. ( _Why_support_UNICEF.htm ) Competitive analyses. Direct competitors Free The Children is the world’s largest network of children helping children through education, with more than one million youth involved in our innovative education and development programs in 45 countries. Founded in 1995 by international child rights activist Craig Kielburger, and has formed successful partnerships with leading school boards. Organistation : In almost two decades, the organistation has grown from a handful of 12-year-olds, huddled around a kitchen table, to a growing staff of over 200 young professionals working in five offices in Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom. And work with another few hundred staff in the local communities where they carry out their Adopt a Village development work. Activities: Free The Children seeks to create systemic change by empowering a generation of active global citizens to change the world on whatever issues they care about. Ambassadors This school-based joint project with Oprah’s Angel Network connects young people in North America with people around the world to create lasting change by working toward the UN Millennium Development Goals we schools in action The We Schools in Action program inspires a generation to care about social justice with the energy and message We Day, and then provides the practical tools needed to turn that inspiration into tangible action throughout the year. The Adopt a Village the Adopt a Village program in rural and marginalized areas in Kenya, China, Haiti, India, Sierra Leone, Ecuador and Sri Lanka. Designed to meet the basic needs of developing communities . Main Donor groups: Youth, Educators and Corporations. Income 2010/2011: $ 23.650,725 Expended 2010/2011: $ 27.134.649
  • 10. %202010.pdf Conclusion: Free the child in comparison to UNICEF is more target towards youth education than any other issues. Also Free the child seeks and create support by trying to aware the Youth about the issues they care about. So, therefore youth is their main target group. The second different point between UNICEF and FTC is in the way both organization raise money for their activities. Common value, both organization working to achieve the UN millennium goals by 2015. Save the Children is an internationally active non-governmental organization that enforces children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. It was established in the United Kingdom in 1919 in order to improve the lives of children through better education, health care, and economic opportunities, as well as providing emergency aid in natural disasters, war, and other conflicts. Organisation: Save the Children is an international umbrella organization, with 29 national organizations serving over 120 countries. Save the Children is a leading member of the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition, an influential Washington D.C.-based coalition of over 400 major companies and NGOs that advocates for a larger International Affairs Budget, which funds American diplomatic, humanitarian, and development efforts abroad. Activities: Child Protection: Education and Child Development: Health and Nutrition: , HIV/AIDS: Livelihoods: Main Donor groups: Corporations, private sector donors, governments and trustees Income 2010/2011: $ 30,154.458 Expended 2010/2011: $ 29.134.449 ion.htm Conclusion: Save the children is an independent organization, and UNICEF is of course a dependent organization of the UN. Save the children as a board of trustees, and each member of the board is individually contributing to the organization capital. Both organization aiming big towards corporate donation. UNICEF as a bigger brand awareness then save the children. UNICEF is more involved in child advocacy and rights but save the children in their turn do more work in creating more livelihoods than UNICEF does.
  • 11. IYF prepares young people to be healthy, productive and engaged citizens Organisation: In the past twenty years, IYF has mobilized 54 public and private sector donors to invest US$163 million in the power and promise of young people. In all, 332 organizations in 86 countries have received grants from IYF aimed at increasing the scale, securing the sustainability, and improving the effectiveness of their youth-focused programs. As a result of these proven interventions, millions of young people are better poised to make healthy decisions, earn a livelihood, and become actively engaged members of their own communities. IFY activities involves in education, creating jobs, and engaging young people possess the power to solve the world’s toughest problem in believes that every young person, therefore deserves the opportunity to realize his or her full potential. their programs are catalysts for change that help youth learn, work, and lead. IYF, Learning is about improving the academic performance, knowledge, and skills of youth IYF’s Work programs improve young people’s employability prospects by preparing them for quality jobs and helping others succeed as entrepreneurs. ctive citizenship is the cornerstone of social change. IYF believes that young people’s participation as citizens — be it students, workers, family or community members — is fundamental to building stable and healthy democracies. Main donor groups: government agencies, corporations, foundations, and local organizations. Income 2010/ 2011 : $ 30.794.456 Expanded 2010 / 2011: $ 22.458.771 Indirect competitors INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF RED CROSS The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is known as the the world's largest humanitarian organization, providing help without discrimination as to nationality, race, religious beliefs, class or political opinions.The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) was discovered in 1919 Red cross is a Non-governmental organizations (NGOs), also known as private voluntary organizations (PVOs), Red-cross provides aids to developing countries,; many are church-affiliated. In the very poorest countries, hospitals are being run by missionaries. Red cross is dedicated in helping poor African countries. OBJECTIVES The first objective of the IFRC is to improve the health of people in countries that had suffered greatly during war. GOALS
  • 12. Its goals were "to strengthen and unite, for health activities, already-existing Red Cross Societies and to promote the creation of new Societies The IFRC vision: To MOTIVATE , support , Make life easier for the less privileged and promote at all times all forms of humanitarian activities by National Societies, with a view to preventing and alleviating human suffering, and thereby contributing to the maintenance and promotion of human nobility and peace in the world. The role of the IFRC The IFRC implements relief operations to assist victims of disasters, and combines this with development work to strengthen the capacities of its member National Societies. The IFRC's work focuses on four core areas: promoting humanitarian values, disaster response, disaster preparedness, and health and community care GREENPEACE Greenpeace is a non-governmental environmental organization with offices in over forty countries and with an international coordinating body in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. GOAL Greenpeace main goal is ensure the ability of the Earth to nurture life in all its diversity and focuses its work on worldwide issues such as global warming, deforestation, overfishing, commercial whaling and anti-nuclear issues. Greenpeace uses direct action, lobbying and research to achieve its goals. The global organization does not accept funding from governments, corporations or political parties, but depends on individual grants and support VISION Greenpeace vision is to have a clean and healthy oceans and maintenance of wild-life. MISSION Greenpeace explore, expose and confront environmental abuse by governments and corporations around the world. Greenpeace champion environmentally responsible and socially just solutions, including scientific and technological innovation. WWF is the world’s leading conservation organization, WWF's unique way of working combines global reach with a foundation in science, involves action at every level from local to global, and ensures the delivery of state of the art solutions that meet the needs of both people and nature. Protect and restore species and their habitats Strengthen local communities' ability to conserve the natural resources they depend upon Transform markets and policies to reduce the impact of the production and consumption of commodities Mobilize hundreds of millions of people to support conservation
  • 13. WWF’s mission is to maintain nature and reduce the most pressing threats to the diversity of life on Earth. Vision WWF's vision is to build a future in which people live in harmony with nature
  • 14. Donors Analysis UNICEF Donors UNICEF relies on contributions from governments and private donors. Governments contribute two thirds of the organization’s resources; private groups and some 6 million individuals contribute the rest trough the National Committees. The Public Sector Alliances and Resource Mobilization Office (PARMO) donors can be categorized as Public Sector: Governments, Inter-governmental organizations, Inter-organizational arrangements, Foundations, Inter-organizational and other global initiatives. (See Appendix for further details of donor analysis). ( nd_for_UNICEF.htm) Who donates to UNICEF? Besides ordinary donors, which are regular people, UNICEF receive donation from many of world’s governments but also from private companies. Regular resources, which UNICEF receives, without restriction, to spend on the priorities of programme countries supported by the organization, amounted to $ 965 million, declining 9 % compared with the previous year. (UNICEF Annual Report 2010) The 2010 top 3 donor governments are United States, United Kingdom and Norway. United States donated to UNICEF over 340 thousands US dollars. United Kingdom also donated just over 258 thousand dollars and Norway has donated 204 thousand dollars. These donations are not necessarily money donations, but them could be also goods and food. (UNICEF Annual Report 2010) Private companies are also donating to UNICEF. Big companies all around the world like Amway Europe, H&M, Gucci, Nokia , Microsoft , Dell , Google Inc. had contributed to UNICEF causes. These companies donated over $ 100.000. (UNICEF Annual Report 2010) An interesting fact is that Football Club Barcelona announced on 14 July 2006, a five year agreement with UNICEF, which includes having the UNICEF logo on their shirts. The agreement has the club to donate 1.5 million euros per year to UNICEF via the FC Barcelona Foundation. ( The Public Sector Alliances and Resource Mobilization Office (PARMO) donors can be categorized as Public Sector: Governments, Inter-governmental organizations, Inter-organizational arrangements, Foundations, Inter-organizational and other global initiatives. UNICEF is also proud to have partnerships with program countries in resource mobilization and program implementation. National Partnerships Below you will find some of the UNICEF’s Corporate Partnerships. Banco Itaú (Brazil) Since 1994, the PIC-Child Initiative has raised over $18 million for education projects in Brazil. The latest phase of the plan, known as PIC Criança, will continue until August 2011.
  • 15. Audi (China) During the 2008 Sichuan earthquake emergency, Audi donated US$2,205,107 for UNICEF’s relief effort and long-term recovery needs of children ($ 453,680 has been earmarked for long-term development). By the end of 2009, Audi has contributed over US$1 million to this non-formal education project. Audi has mobilized its employees, 130 car dealers, consumers and business partners across the country to contribute to fundraising for their joint project with UNICEF. Clairefontaine (France) ‘Going to School is My Freedom’ is a campaign to raise money for education of the children. During their annual Back-to-School campaign, Clairefontaine donates between €0.15 and €0.30 to UNICEF for each purchase of one of its products. The campaign has been running every year since 2004, and has donated about € 2 million to UNICEF’s education programmes. In 2011, Clairefontaine renewed its partnership with UNICEF to help more and more children build a better future through education. Diners Club (Greece) Since the launch of this partnership in October 2003, as one of the most successful campaigns globally, the Diners Club – UNICEF affinity card has raised more than 1 million Euros. Diners Club provides UNICEF with a 0.5% of the total amount spent by each card holder, without the card holder bearing any cost. Johnson & Johnson (United States) For more than 20 years Johnson & Johnson, through its commitment to the health and well-being of vulnerable communities, has been a key partner to the US Fund for UNICEF. Over the past 20 years, Johnson & Johnson has supported UNICEF through philanthropic grants, employee giving, and product donations. In the past five years alone, Johnson & Johnson and its employees have contributed more than $6 million in support of maternal and new-born health programs around the world UNICEF Crystal Snowflake (United States Fund) This magnificent creation was designed, engineered and entirely handcrafted by Ingo Maurer and his team in Germany, using 16,000 Baccarat crystal prisms. More than a symbol, the UNICEF Snowflake is the centerpiece of an ambitious campaign to raise millions of dollars in support of health, immunization, nutrition, clean water and sanitation, education and protection for children in developing nations.
  • 16. International Partnership IKEA and IKEA Foundation The IKEA Foundation, established in 2005, manages IKEA’s social involvement on a global level. The mission is to improve the rights and life opportunities of the many children. The main partners are the two leading global child-right organisations; UNICEF and Save the Children. IKEA Foundation invests in a range of programs with a holistic approach, aiming to create substantial and lasting results. The IKEA Foundation is now investing in excess of US$4.2million to programmes addressing the urgent needs of the earthquake-affected children and communities, namely providing quality education and access to safe drinking water and latrines to the most vulnerable. Nearly 10,000 earthquake-affected boys and girls between the ages of 6 – 11 will benefit through provision of safe and stimulating learning spaces, clean water, and hygienic/sanitary facilities. IKEA Foundation support to UNICEF emergency programs has exceeded US$10million since 2005, which included a donations to Pakistan and Haiti Emergencies in 2010; 344,000 quilts to the 2005 Pakistan earthquake in Kashmir; early childhood development kits for Iraq, and cash and in-kind support to the 2004 Tsunami-affected countries of India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and the Maldives. UNICEF e-shop As an additional source of donations, UNICEF created an e-shop department, where people can buy their products to help children in developing countries, such as an “inspired gift”. For every UNICEF Inspired gift you purchase, an item is dispatched from our warehouse in Copenhagen and transported to a child in need in any one of 150 countries where we work.
  • 17. Market analysis Structure: UNICEF operates in a different charity markets and with their goals are similar with some other similar charities/organization as of UNICEF. As an example Free the children. CHILD PROTECTION Child Find of America Children's Defense Fund Children's Health Fund Marine Toys for Tots Foundation National Center for Missing and Exploited Children CHILD SPONSORSHIP ChildFund International (formerly Christian Children's Fund) Children Incorporated Christian Foundation for Children and Aging Compassion International Pearl S. Buck International Plan International USA (formerly Plan USA) Save the Children World Vision PEST Analysis Political Insecurity and conflict may lead to unstable government. Lack of democratic stability, crime levels will increase. With these challenges result public insecurity may encourage more violence, vigilantism and authoritarian law enforcement to human rights in the region. Economic Increased poverty due to the Economic crises, unsound fiscal policies and a reduction in the size of the state sector will lead to an increase in poverty in many countries. The Economic inequality could suffer the greatest disadvantages in wealth and education. Poverty and war breakout will also be affected by unequal land distribution and high unemployment. Environmental Frequent climate change and natural disasters. Such disasters pose a risk to political, social and economic stability. The government could fail in to taking these problems seriously. Social Increased insecurity of social factors and human rights violations will result from the failure of traditional politics, the rise in criminality and the breakdown of state
  • 18. protection systems (health, pensions, unemployment aid etc.). More people will be left unprotected when ill and old. Technological Lack of access to resources for locals continues to provide many conflicts, and there is likely to remain a deep technological divide. However, with the opening up and of the media, there is a growing internal debate on the economic and political aspects. Technological advances will amplify the effects of getting new donors and improve the existing donors with a more pronounced digital divide. Like for instance direct mailing, the tracking donor system (way of keeping in track of your donated gift). With reference of the SWOT Analysis of UNICEF you can locate the Strengths and Weaknesses, points where UNICEF can improve them and look out for weaknesses which can result in bad business performance. UNICEF - Strengths Extensive Range of Activities Partnerships and Collaborations Key Initiatives 2010-11 UNICEF - Weaknesses Resource Crunch Delayed Program Implementations Allegations of Financial Irregularities UNICEF – Opportunities New Initiatives & Programs Millennium Development Goals Challenges & Opportunities: Adolescent Population, UNICEF - Threats Rising Food Crises and Poverty Weak Global Economic Cues
  • 19. 3.16 Table 3:5 SWOT Analyses – UNICEF STRENGTHS 1. Strong in-country presence with respect from partners 2. Increased focus on social protection including childcare system reform 3. Strong intellectual and practical base enabling transfer of skills effectively 4. Increased focus on policies, institutions and budgets 5. Strong advocacy and campaign focus 6. Recent concern with social policy reform builds on commitment to evidence-based Approach 7. Child rights mandate and expertise built around rights-based approach of CRC8. Long-term partnerships with child rights INGOs 9. Increasing focus on strategic partnerships with World Bank and/or EU on childcare reform 10. Advocacy focus brings children’s voices into policy arena on childcare reform issues OPPORTUNITIES 1. Regional office keens to support mutual learning 2. EU strategic partnership is likely in future on social inclusion and child rights 3. One UN may provide more holistic attention to child rights issues WEAKNESSES 1. Relatively low levels of funding available – can be ‘spread too thinly’ 2. Still focused on traditional sectors 3. Still little experience of strategic partnerships with EU or World Bank 5. Tension between work with and criticism of Govts 6. Some element of competition with key child rights INGOs 7. Fiscal dimensions of child care reform not well understood 8. Child focus can distort wider social service reform THREATS 1. May need to rationalise its presence in middle- income transition countries 2. One UN may erode distinctive child rights focus
  • 20. Marketing Planning Strategy Marketing Planning Strategy Partnering together to build op customer relations is the main subject here. Partnering with other companies or organisations can help increase value to the both companies/organisations. Customer driven strategy
  • 21. In todays market place the competitions is allot. Companies must collect customer’s attentions and win them over. So they could keep them and grow by delivering the expected value. By doing this company must understand the needs and wants of their customers. And doing analysis can only do that Market Segmentation The different market segments are based on demographic and geographic. Geographic: Young (pre)professionals. Demographic: The network of the geographic group. With help from students of the Universities we will initiate a micromarketing ad that would circulate throughout the Benelux. Our aim is to attract a minimum of fifty to a hundred thousand (50,000 – 100,000) Students in each Country within the First 3 years. UNICEF is a well-known organization with a wide spread network across different 190 countries so it is time to make use of this global network. To meet the obligations of this project we need the assistance from the majority of volunteers, donors, partners and sponsors to make this program a success. Market Target The students, teachers and employees at InHolland Universities. Along side with followers of each group. (Students, teachers and employees). Upon first glance one cannot ignore the similarities amongst these three countries and students behaviour when they are geographically and demographically segmented, however geographic and demographic segmentation do not predict how donors give. Because donors are so loyal, fundraisers and activity programs ought to spend more time on younger people who are less likely to have made decisions about which groups to support, the researchers said. The study also identified six types of donors based on their motivations for giving. Differentiation and Positioning. This type of working together is common; multiple forces working , collaborating together. But such a big project with UNICEF and InHolland, both two big companies. Benefiting from this collaborating. The difference from this project is that if affect and reaches to the young target market directly and much more efficient than in other ways. And that’s why this project has high potentials. Marketing Mix Price: the price in this case will be, the price for each activity. Baring the fact that a large group of the target market are students, thus the prices will be reasonably low in order to attract attention but also gain a large amount of donations. For the event and food activities price will set. The other activities will be open and free. Students can donate in any amount as they wish. Place: This event will take place in Inholland university of Rotterdam (Netherlands). Both the student and school well be approached in these activities and invited to participate in this event. The activities will be held from a central office based in InHolland Rotterdam. By doing this it is expected to increase efficiency in reaching the student for participation in the UNICEF goals. Product: This project has the four activities as outcome, products. More information about the project can be read further in the report. These activities are formed with the students and towards the students of InHolland. In help of the Committee these products will set out to certain dates and come to realisation.
  • 22. Promotion: By collaborating with Inholland and UNICEF we make use of all resources provided to us by them and our own. We will also take advantage of our ability to broadcast to market these activeties through our various platforms such as: Website : Also use of social media would be used through platforms such as: YouTube Facebook MySpace Twitter With the help of UNICEF, advertisement tool will be used, for example posters, flyers etc. Budgeting Budget UNCEF committee Kolom1 UNICEF € 750 Inhollad € 800 Totaal € 1.550 Expenses Entertiament day € 450 Colthes day € 300 Food day € 300 UNICEF Stand € 100 UNICEF day € 400 Total € 1.550 Kolom1 Kolom2 Estimated Profit per activity UNICEF Day € 1.200 Food day € 800 Entertiament day € 2.000 Total 4000
  • 23. The purpose of this Marketing strategy (table1) is to create a partnership between Inholland Rotterdam and UNICEF by combining the visions and values of both organizations together, in order to increase awareness and generate donations amongst students of Inholland university Rotterdam. By establishing a UNICEF committee within Inholland Rotterdam consisting out of Representative(s)of Inholland Representative(s) of UNICEF Committee members( Creators of the this whole project.) Anticipated students The Committee will be responsible for creating activities such as International food day to generate donation for UNICEF to help children in Aghanistan with Education and health . Collecting cloths for children in Afghanistan. Creating a entertainment day with Inholland Students. Inholland UNICEF day. We believe that throughout this activities we well be able to engulf students to participate in our programs, to earn extra circular study points and perhaps more importantly, let the student experience how it is to work for an Non-profit organization such as UNICEF and to See “Real – life” results and the positive effect of their contribution by helping UNICEF with their mission. And of course as well as to Achieve our objectives and goals. What might this objectives (table 2) and goals (table 3) be : Table 1 Goals for first year and Goals we are planing to reach within 3 years By sending out the right message, this concept enables UNICEF to establish further participation from the University community and will connect with them in an emotional and effective way. The voices of Students can be a very powerful tool in delivering this message, using their compassion and status to give other children a fair and reasonable life-perspective.
  • 24. Raising awareness is a top priority in order to gain both financial and non-financial public support, revealing the problems and providing enlightenment concerning the daily work UNICEF executes confronting the problems. With the help of the media, schools and the Students we will establish a stronger understanding and willingness to help UNICEF in its cause. Students Interacting with the UNICEF committee is key in gaining their trust and finally to convert that trust into devotion, participation and concrete actions towards our mission. With that said we have strategically decided to implement this concept within Inholland university of Rotterdam at first to research and develop it into a successful and a solid concept. We are expecting to expend this concept further to other university within the “Benelux’’ in the upcoming 3 years. With help from students of the Universities we will initiate a micromarketing ad that would circulate throughout the Benelux. Our aim is to attract a minimum of fifty to a hundred thousand (50,000 – 100,000) Students in each Country within the First 3 years. UNICEF is a well-known organization with a wide spread network across different 190 countries so it is time to make use of this global network. To meet the obligations of this project we need the assistance from the majority of volunteers, donors, partners and sponsors to make this program a success. Activeties UNICEF Day This event consists of a stand in an ‘’opendag’’ at Inholland Rotterdam, to provide information about the partnership between Inholland Rotterdam and UNICEF. A representative from UNICEF will be present to give speeches and to talk about the UNICEF at this day. There will be small gifts available, such as pens and brochures. There will be also posters and small donation boxes spread around the building, as well as flyers and cards, providing information about the other three events (Food, Cloth and Entertainment). The budget estimated for this activity is to be considered low or very low, since all we need are copies of the flyers or cards, and the free pens and brochures for the students that are interested to know more about UNICEF. The objective of this event is to increase the awareness of the students about UNICEF, because the students today are a the potential market tomorrow. The International Food Day event. Every day, a lot of food waste is thrown away, while people, including children die of starvation and many places of the world. Since UNICEF is highly involved in contributing to the development of the children around the planet, it is of extremely importance to make sure that these children can have access to the basic nutrition needs for their survival and development. In order to help to provide a proper and effective assistance, the UNICEF committee and several Inholland students are supporting this idea to organize this event at Inholland Rotterdam. The International Food Day will take place twice a year, in October (during the official International Food Day) and one event in April, and will be held in the cantina at Inholland Rotterdam. The main idea of this event is the UNICEF committee and the supporting Inholland students to cook and bring several International dishes and sell them at Inholland Rotterdam, such as: Turkish, Moroccan, Afghan, African, Western etc. In the end all the profit will be sent to UNICEF, so they can provide support for the children in Afghanistan.
  • 25. The cost for the International Food Day will be : € 300.- for renting cantina at Inholland Rotterdam. Clothes Clothes play a major role when it is about any donation action. Donating clothes is one of many ways to contribute to UNICEF to help the children around the world, especially in countries that have a harsh winter, so they can be kept warm and comfortable. When the Christmas is coming, it is, somehow, natural to have the spirit and the desire to help others. So this event will achieve better results if it takes place in December, because of the Christmas Spirit and the winter days being close. A glass box or container will be available for the cloth donation. People will be able to put the clothes in the box themselves, and also to look how is the progress going and how many clothes have been donated. The box will be cleared on a daily basis for matter of hygiene, and the donations will be inspected before sending to UNICEF. In order to obtain a better result throughout this donation plan, a few rules must be put in place. All cloth sizes will be accepted, with no discrimination, however, baby to teenager sizes are preferred. Clothes with no or minimum damage only. Personal cloth will not be accepted. For example, underwear. Winter clothes are desired but all season clothes will be accepted, including gloves, socks, winter hats and scarves. About the costs for this event, there are 2 plans available. Basically what is necessary is just to buy or rent (if that service is available) glass containers or boxes. The cost for all of this Cloth Donation Event, is expected to be around €100,00 to €200,00. A second plan can take action in case the budget is considered to be high. The Committee can build, themselves, the required containers or boxes, and that would have low costs or even free, if the materials used are recyclable. UNICEF Entertainment day. This event is going to be held in the first place to attract donors and donation, At this day a Several famous Dutch people that are also UNICEF Ambassadors will be giving a speech, act or performance in order to Attract people to visit the event. During this event also Students of Inholland that have special talent or ability will do their part. There will be an entrance fee for this even and all of this profit goes to UNICEF to help children in Afghanistan With their educations and health. The UNICEF committee and Inholland Student who offered their support to this Activity are responsible for the following :  Search and book a Suitable place to held the event.  Invite UNICEF ambassadors to the Event to act or perform.  Invite Students and promote the Event. The estimated cost for this event will be: Rent of place € 300.00 - which well be sponsored by Inholland to the UNICEF committee.
  • 26. Flyers and promoting of the event € 100.00- Sponsored By UNICEF Office of the Netherlands Artist and Students: Free - (they will doing this to help a good cause.) This Event will be held on 15th of June and would be also a great opportunity for us to talk about the children in Afghanistan and make people aware of way is so imported to support Organizations like UNICEF CONCLUSION The Situation Analysis is basically a tool for informing policy and child-focused policy rights. The process of conducting a Situation Analysis provides specific policy recommendations and evidence for child rights, including by partners. It is a programme output that strongly supports national efforts and institutions. It is part of the UN’s overall effort to support national capacity for promoting human development and fulfilling the human rights of citizens. Today UNICEF is still committed to ensure special protection for the most disadvantaged children; victims of war, disasters, extreme poverty, all forms of violence and exploitation and those with disabilities.
  • 27. Bibliography Books & Articles 1. Ryrie, C. C. (1999) “Nailing down a Board: serving effectively on the Not-for-Profit Board”, Kregel Publications. 2. O'Connor, D. (2007-08-24). "How to give wisely after Minnesota's disasters". Pioneer Press (MediaNews Group, Inc.). Retrieved 2007- 08-25. 3. Sloman, J and Hinde, K (2007) “ Economic for Business, 4th Edition”, Pearson Education Internet Publications* 1. State of the World’s Children (2000) -, UNICEF 2. UNICEF’s strengths & weaknesses (2004) -, UNICEF 3. Working in partnerships with UNICEF (2004) - +/, UNICEF 4. UNICEF Annual report (2010) - 5. State of the World’s Children ( 2009) - pdf, UNICEF World Wide Web* 1. UNICEF homepage - 2. Belgium Homepage - 3. At a glance: Belgium - 4. Netherlands Homepage - 5. At a glance: Netherlands - 6. Luxembourg Homepage - 7. What does UNICEF do - 8. About UNICEF - 9. UNICEF people - 10. Voices of the youths - 11. Unite for Children - 12. UNICEF’s press center - 13. Tools for journalists - 14. The State of the World’s Children - 15. UNICEF Television & UNICEF Radio - 16. UNICEF’s Social media - 17. Governmental and institutional support - 18. International partners of UNICEF -
  • 28. 19. International partners of UNICEF - 20. Nonprofit charitable organizations - *All internet publications and websites were confirmed on 1st December, 2011
  • 29. Appendices - Project Assesment Term 2