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Asia-Pacific Forecast:
Press Version: Embargoed Until 2:00 Am, 12/2/2011

Hawaii in the
Asia-Pacific Century
dEcEmbER 2, 2011
AsiA-PAcific forecAst
                    ©2011 University of Hawai‘i Economic Research Organization.
                                         All rights reserved.

                                       caRl s. bOnHam, PH.d.
                                          Executive Director

                                       byROn GanGnEs, PH.d.
                                      Director UHERO Forecast Project

                                      KimbERly bURnEtt, PH.d.
                                    Director UHERO Project Environment

                                         PEtER FUlEKy, PH.d.

                                         inna cintina, PH.d.

                                     REsEaRcH assistancE by:
                                            Ben Trevino
                                           Jonathan Fung
                                             James Jones
                                           Natalie Schack
                                              Ying Yao
                                           Qianxue Zhao

          cHRistOPHER GRandy                                         sanG HyOP lEE
Associate Professor, Public Administration Program       Associate Professor, Department of Economics
            University of Hawaii at Manoa                       and UHERO Research Fellow
                                                                  University of Hawaii at Manoa

              andREw KatO                                             cRaiG PaRsOns
    Economist, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics              Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics
            U.S. Department of Labor                               Yokohama National University

             sUmnER la cROix                                          aRi Van asscHE
       Professor, Department of Economics                       Associate Professor, Department of
         and UHERO Research Fellow                                    International Business
           University of Hawaii at Manoa                                   HEC Montréal
                                           calla wiEmER
                                   Visiting Scholar, US-China Institute
                                       University of Southern California

                  2424 Mai le Way, RooM 5 40 • H o n o lu lu, HaWai ‘ i 9 6 82 2
                           (8 0 8) 95 6 -232 5 • u H eRo @ HaWaii . edu
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asia-PaciFic FOREcast                                      i                                     dEcEmbER 2, 2011

executive summAry
  This report represents the first UHERO Asia-Pacific Forecast, a regionally focused report that replaces the
  broader Global Forecast we have prepared in past years. The Asia-Pacific Forecast reviews conditions and
  prospects for key countries within the region. For this maiden edition, we have also enlisted the help of an
  international team of scholars to provide expert analysis of key issues that will influence regional economies
  and Hawaii over the coming decade.

  In the near term, nearly all economies of the Asia-Pacific region will see further incremental slowing, due to
  headwinds from struggling European and other Western economies.

        • North America will be a relatively weak performer in 2012. Despite some strengthening in the US
         economy in the third quarter, the European debt crisis, soft consumer spending and fiscal retrenchment
         will weigh on growth. Canada has fared better, but weaker export demand and a strong currency
         will cause some slowing. Japan has made strides in recovery from the March 2011 earthquake, and
         rebuilding will help in 2012.

        • A recession in the West could undercut what has been fairly strong growth for emerging Asian
         economies. The region has seen a marked slowdown in exports this year. Part of this resulted from
         Japan’s supply chain disruptions, but weaker demand abroad was a larger problem. In 2012, countries
         with robust domestic demand, such as China, will perform better than heavily trade-dependent
         countries, such as many of the Southeast Asian emerging economies. Other regional concerns include
         recovery from natural disasters in Thailand, Australia and New Zealand, inflationary pressures, and
         more costly credit conditions. While emerging Asia will see slower growth in 2012 than 2011, it will
         continue to be among the world’s best performing regions.

  Longer term, several key trends will shape the pattern of growth in the Asia-Pacific region, with implications
  for Hawaii. Each of these issues is analyzed in the report by an expert in their respective field.

        • Key challenges for the region include the lingering aftereffects of the Japanese quake, population
         aging in Korea and many other Asian economies, and the continuing exposure of emerging countries
         to Western economic shocks, transmitted through the web of global production networks. While
         China holds great promise as an engine of growth, there is much uncertainty about how rapidly it will
         transform into a consumer society.

        • For Hawaii, evolving patterns of growth have implications for tourism and the broader economy. For
         tourism, it is clear that the countries from which our visitors come and the nature of those visitors—
         they will be older and richer—will evolve in coming years. This will bring both welcome diversification

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      and the challenge of adjusting flexibly to new tastes. For success in the broader economy, the public sector
      should avoid calls for the government to “pick winners” through costly targeted subsides. Instead, the focus
      should be on improving the basic infrastructure—physical, human, and policy—that will position our citizens
      and businesses for success, wherever new opportunities present themselves.

                               Growth Rates of Real Gross Domestic Product

                                             2008       2009      2010       2011       2012        2013

         North America
          United States                       -0.3       -3.5       3.0        1.6       1.6            2.4
          Canada                               0.7       -2.8       3.2        2.2       1.9            2.6

         Asia and Oceania Developed
          Japan                               -1.2       -6.3       4.0       -0.4       2.2            2.0
          Australia                            2.4        1.4       2.5        0.5       2.8            2.6

         East and Southeast Asia               6.4       5.1        9.2        7.3       6.8            6.9
          China                                9.6       9.2       10.3        9.3       8.7            8.5
          Republic of Korea                    2.3       0.3        6.2        3.9       3.6            4.0

         Gross World Product                   1.5       -2.3       4.0        2.8       2.6            3.3

         Source: UHERO. Forecasts other than for U.S. and Japan taken from United Nations
         LINK Global Economic Outlook, October 2011. Figures for 2011 - 2013 are forecasts.
         Gross World Product is calculated at 2005 prices and exchange rates.

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     uHero sPeciAl rePort
    This year marks the launch of our Asia-Pacific forecast report, presenting projections and analysis of the key regional
    economies, stretching from North America to the countries of East and Southeast Asia. This report replaces the Global
    Forecast reports of past years with a more focused look at countries of the region in which Hawaii lives.

    With the recent APEC meetings in Honolulu focusing local attention on the region, we have decided this year to go
    beyond an evaluation of current conditions and near-term prospects. Yes, you’ll find that here, but also a more in-depth
    analysis of major issues that will shape developments in core countries of the region over the coming decade: Japan’s
    post-quake recovery, China’s shift toward a consumer society, the challenges of Korea’s rapidly aging population, and
    the way in which global production networks expose East Asian emerging economies to Western demand shocks. And
    we take a look at what Asia-Pacific developments will mean for Hawaii tourism, as well as some thoughts on policy-
    making in an Asia-Pacific Century. These issue essays are contributed by an international panel of experts, all with
    some tie to the University of Hawaii.

    We hope you will find this special report informative and rewarding. Read on!

                                                                                               We have talked quite a bit in recent reports about
                                                                                           conditions and risks for the global economy and for the
Near Term Asian Outlook Softer, But
                                                                                           United States (See the UHERO Annual Hawaii Forecast,
Still Much Better than in West
                                                                                           September 2, 2011), so I will be brief here and also touch
Byron Gangnes, UHERO
                                                                                           on Canada. US growth slowed sharply in the year’s first
      The economies of the Asia-Pacific region have all been                               half, partly because of the European crisis but also because
affected to varying degrees by the slowing that has dominated                              of domestic issues, including softening of consumption
the world economy in 2011. Developed North America has
                                                                                           and investment, and the continuing fiscal retrenchment at
decelerated sharply, affected by links to Europe and domestic                              all levels of government. Some strengthening occurred in
challenges. Japan has had to deal with the March 11                                        the third quarter, but prospects are limited going forward.
earthquake and the beginnings of reconstruction. Australia                                 We expect 1.6% growth in 2012, on par with this year’s
and New Zealand, and more recently Thailand, have also                                     performance (see Figure 1). Canada has fared somewhat
suffered from natural disasters. Meanwhile, emerging                                       better, in part because residential investment retains some life
Asian economies have fared better. To be sure, trade-                                      and equipment investment has been strong. Nevertheless,
dependent economies have suffered from weaker exports                                      exports are feeling the effects of the US slowdown and an
to the developed world, but domestic demand and stronger                                   appreciated currency. Growth will drop below 2% in 2012
markets have maintained fairly healthy growth. With global                                 after slightly stronger annual performance this year. Overall,
conditions expected to remain weak, 2012 should see further                                North America will be a relatively weak performer among
incremental slowing in East Asia.                                                          Pacific Rim countries in 2012.

* For our purposes, the Asia-Pacific region under discussion will include those                Japan’s economy was hit hard by the Great Tohoku
economies of the Pacific Rim and Oceania that are of most direct interest to and im-
portance for Hawaii, including the US and Canada, Japan and East Asia, Australia and       Earthquake in March. Direct destruction in the affected
New Zealand, and the countries of South East Asia. We will omit from our discussion
smaller regional economies and developing countries of the Americas.                       region was nearly unimaginable. Supply chain disruptions

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                                                                         is a larger problem. Emerging market equity markets have
                                                                         dropped sharply and bond spreads have widened somewhat,
2%                                                                       as the European debt crisis has heightened risk concerns
                                                                         around the world. Uncertain global economic prospects
                                                                         could also undermine business and consumer confidence
                                                                         within the region, contributing to a sharper slowdown than
-4%                                                                      currently expected.

-6%                                                                          China has slowed in 2011, but as always this is a relative
                                                                         statement. For the year as a whole, China’s GDP is expected
          2009        2010         2011        2012         2013         to expand by 9.3%, down just one percentage point from last
                   United States    Canada     Japan
                                                                         year’s 10.3% gain. The recent moderating of growth comes
       Fi g . 1 - R e al g d P g RoW tH R ate s ( y e aR-y e aR %)
                                                                         from weaker exports especially to the developed world, while
 and electricity shortages from shuttered nuclear plants caused          domestic demand continues to be strong. As in much of
 a sharp drop in industrial production across the country,               Asia, consumer price inflation has been a concern, driven by
 and indeed globally. Recovery is now well underway, and                 strong demand and high prices of imported food and energy.
 government reconstruction spending is expected to boost                 Lower food and commodity prices have brought some relief
 output growth over the coming year. After a projected 0.4%              recently. We continue to be concerned about the high level
 drop in real GDP this year, growth should come in at about              of activity and ever-higher property prices in China. While
 2.2% in 2012, before dropping back toward trend. In the                 it is difficult to determine whether this represents a bubble
 next section of this report, Craig Parsons reviews recovery             (see UHERO Brief: China’s Real Estate Bubble), prices have
 progress and practical issues going forward.                            turned down in some areas and there are reportedly financing
       There is considerable concern in developing Asia about            problems emerging for some developers. A hard landing for
 the potential for a recession in the West to undercut what              the property market remains a key concern for China. In
 has continued to be fairly strong growth. There has already             any event further moderating of China’s growth is expected
 been significant slowing of regional exports after a strong             over the next few years, as global demand for Chinese exports
 rebound over the past two years. Part of this resulted from             remains relatively weak (see Figure 2).
 Japan’s supply chain disruptions, but weaker demand abroad                  The South Korean economy saw strong export growth in

      Project liNK
      UHERO forecasts for countries other than the US and Japan are drawn from the Global Economic Outlook of
      Project LINK, the United Nations project for global forecasting and macroeconomic analysis. Established through
      the leadership of Nobel Laureate Lawrence Klein, the project brings together researchers from institutions around the
      globe to study current economic policy challenges in a coherent model framework that articulates the international
      linkages among countries. UHERO’s Byron Gangnes has been affiliated with Project LINK for more than twenty years
      and is a regular presenter and participant in LINK meetings.       For more information on Project LINK, browse to the
      Development Policy and Analysis Division of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs.

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12%                                                                      the rich world because of their role in global production

10%                                                                      networks. Indonesia has fared better, driven by strong

8%                                                                       demand for its commodity exports, an inflow of foreign

6%                                                                       investment into these sectors, and resilient domestic demand.
4%                                                                           Hong Kong has faced a similar falloff in exports this
2%                                                                       year, although its trade with China and its diversification to
0%                                                                       service exports has helped to soften the blow. Despite some
-2%                                                                      slowing, the unemployment rate in Hong Kong has been
-4%                                                                      running at the lowest levels since the late 1990s, reflecting
-6%                                                                      positive overall economic conditions. Strong labor markets
         2009         2010         2011        2012           2013
                                                                         throughout Asia mark a sharp contrast to the employment
             Developed Economies       East Asia      China
      Fi g . 2 - R e al g d P g RoW tH R ate s ( y e aR-y e aR %)        crisis that is gripping much of the developed world.
                                                                             This is the Year of the Natural Disaster in Asia and the

 the first half of the year. The country’s exporters benefited           Pacific, and Australia and New Zealand shared in the misery.

 from strong demand for autos and information technology                 Australia had historically severe flooding in the eastern states,

 products and some trade diversion after the Japanese quake.             and of course New Zealand experienced the devastating

 Globally lower demand and a strong exchange rate are                    Christchurch quake in February. In Australia, the flooding

 now leading to sharply lower trade growth. Relatively high              disrupted some mining activity, which has benefitted from

 inflation and budget concerns (despite a healthy fiscal position        strong Chinese demand in recent years. Growth will slow to

 by global standards) will prevent increased policy support as           0.5% this year, before rebounding to 2.8% growth in 2012.

 external demand falls off, although like many other countries           For New Zealand, the direct impact of the quake was large,

 in the region, the Bank of Korea has halted further rate hikes          and the destruction has also undercut private consumption.

 for now to provide support for the economy. Some additional             Reconstruction spending will help firm growth to 2.5% next

 slowing of Korean GDP growth is expected, to 3.6% next                  year.

 year.                                                                       There are clear poles of growth and weakness across

      The most rapid slowing is taking place in East and                 the Asia-Pacific region. Most of developing Asia remains

 Southeast Asian countries that depend most heavily on                   relatively healthy, with export-dependent countries suffering

 trade with the U.S. and Europe. Philippine exports, for                 the most from global concerns and those driven more heavily

 example, have slowed to only a few percentage points                    by domestic demand faring better. Developed North America

 year-on-year growth, owing to the country’s high export                 is struggling with the aftermath of a homegrown financial

 specialization in electronic components. We have also seen              crisis and the uncertainty and drag from the European crisis.

 sharply lower growth in Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and                 Japan, Australia and New Zealand are among a number of

 Thailand. Natural disasters, both the Japanese earthquake               the region’s economies that face reconstruction challenges

 and the recent historically severe flooding in Thailand have            after natural disasters. How the overall region fares in 2012

 also disrupted production and trade within the region. In               will depend importantly on how the situation in Europe plays

 his piece, below, Ari Van Assche explores the extent of                 out in coming months.

 dependence of these countries on adverse developments in

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Japan Shows Resilience But Faces                                                          105
Challenges                                                                                100

Craig Parsons, Yokohama National University                                                95

      The Great Tohoku earthquake of March 11 caused                                       90

extensive damage and nearly incomprehensible human                                         85

tragedy for Japan. Perhaps surprisingly, much of the country
is now largely back to business-as-usual. Firms have made
adjustments in their supply chains, and many consumers
have adjusted their habits, whether it be using bottled water,                             60
                                                                                                2007        2008           2009          2010          2011
or buying fruits and vegetables from regions far from still-
                                                                                                   Fi g . 3 - JaPan e s e i n d us tR ial P Ro d u c ti o n
radioactive Fukushima. Private firms and the government                                                             (Jan 20 07 =1 0 0)

are making progress in alleviating suffering and rebuilding                               overall are less pessimistic about future conditions than they
Northeastern Japan. Temporary housing units are being                                     were in the June survey. Consumer confidence continues to
closed, as some are now able to return to their homes; but                                rise, but is still below historical norms.
many still cannot. One estimate suggests that 70,000 people                                     An appreciated yen and slow global demand continue to
may have lost their jobs in the affected region. The number                               squeeze exporting firms (see Figure 4). The strong currency
of welfare recipients is at its highest level since 1951, and still                       and supply-chain disruption from the Japanese disaster—and
rising.                                                                                   now flooding in Thailand—are forcing Japanese firms to
      The economic aftershocks continue. There have                                       re-think production strategies, although not in a uniform
been upticks in household construction and government                                     manner. Honda and Nissan are planning to shift more
expenditure, but all other domestic expenditure components                                production overseas, while Toyota is not. As the water
persist in negative growth. Export growth generally remains                               continues to rise in Thailand, so do production woes. About
negative, while import growth was up 3% on an annual basis                                50 of 100 types of auto parts destined for Japan have been
in the second quarter , due in large part to the decrease in
                                                                                          disrupted by the flooding. Re-sourcing is a not always easy,
domestic energy supplies and the stronger yen. Sustained                                  and as 30% or so of Japan-to-US merchandise exports are
GDP growth has remained elusive. After contracting at a                                   cars, there will no doubt be some inconveniences for US
1% annual rate in the second quarter, preliminary estimates                               consumers.
put third quarter growth at 6% on an annualized basis. This                                     In November, a third supplementary budget of 12
temporary summer boost is not expected to last, however.                                  trillion yen was passed in the lower house to help finance
Though industrial production bounced back a bit during the                                reconstruction, relocation of residents and firms, and
summer, it is still four percent lower than pre-quake levels (see                         radioactive cleanup, mostly financed by new bond issuances.
Figure 3).                                                                                The new stimulus is far larger than previous packages and
      Unemployment fell to 4.4% in August, a tiny                                         puts total government expenditure at 106 trillion yen this
improvement from the last report and the post-quake high of                               year, the largest outlay ever. A fourth extraordinary budget
4.9%. According to the September Tankan survey, businesses                                is now being discussed. New Prime Minister Noda made
**    Post-quake GDP, unemployment and other data exclude the three most devastated
prefectures, Iwate, Fukushima and Miyagi. However, as they only account for 4% of         a surprise announcement at the G20 summit that Japan
national GDP, the official underestimate is likely small.

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      APec iN retrosPect
        Sumner La Croix, UH Economics and UHERO

        In almost all respects, the APEC Leaders’ Meeting in Honolulu went incredibly well. After more than a week
    of rainy, overcast skies, the sun came out on Friday the 11th, when most of the 21 APEC heads of state arrived in
    Honolulu. With the exception of the cancelled summit meeting between the leaders of Mexico, Canada, and the
    United States, the scheduled events appeared to go off without a hitch, and no large protests developed. There was
    extremely tight security in Waikiki and major traffic disruptions. But most residents, repeatedly forewarned about a
    potential “APECgeddon,” just stayed away from major arteries near Waikiki and off freeways when leaders were tipped
    to be traveling.

        There were assertions that the APEC meetings would provide a significant boost for Hawaii’s economy during
    a non-peak travel period. The actual results were a mixed bag.       Waikiki hoteliers were able to raise room rates
    substantially, and the Neighbor Islands saw higher occupancy as some visitors turned away from busy Oahu. At the
    same time, there were also many reports of lost business in the Waikiki and Ala Moana areas, and total passenger
    arrival data for November 5-15 were little changed from 2010 levels. Nonetheless, the city and state clearly
    demonstrated that they have the capacity to successfully host a major international political conference with intricate
    security requirements. This clearly increases Hawaii’s chances of hosting future sensitive international conferences.

        The trade agreements coming out of the APEC meetings were incremental in nature. First, APEC members
    agreed to cut tariffs on clean energy technology to 5 percent by 2015. It is difficult, however, to get too excited, as
    average tariff rates on these technologies are already low—just 7 percent in China.

        Second, Japan agreed to join talks on the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), a regional trade agreement that aims
    to eliminate tariffs on virtually all goods and services over the next decade. TPP negotiating countries announced the
    broad outlines of a deal that they hope to finalize within a year. While an interesting and positive development, it is
    hard for anyone to evaluate the TPP deal, as the negotiating countries are keeping all draft agreements secret.

        There were also extensive “sidelines” consultations between APEC leaders on a number of issues including Iran’s
    nuclear program, the China-US trade surplus and exchange rate, and response to disasters in the Asia-Pacific region.
    Perhaps the most substantive discussions were among the region’s finance ministers, who discussed how they might
    coordinate their policy responses if Europe’s simmering debt crisis begins to affect banks and other financial firms in
    APEC countries.

        While APEC is in many ways just a talk shop it is important for political and business leaders in the region to have
    an annual forum to discuss issues directly and to build trust. The region is undergoing enormous change and faces
    difficult challenges as populations age, China integrates into the world economy, and South and Southeast countries
    struggle with reconciling populist political parties with middle class demands for competent government. In such times
    of economic, social, and political stress, it is critical for governments to meet regularly to talk over differences, and
    APEC provides just such a forum.

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130                                                                   Moreover, often with crisis comes opportunity. There is
                                                                      talk of a new energy strategy for Japan, with perhaps less
                                                                      nuclear and more biomass and solar. Rebuilding the Tohoku
110                                                                   region opens up possibilities for “smart” cities, as well as
                                                                      infrastructure innovations that are difficult to adopt when
                                                                      switching costs are high and firms, government, and other
                                                                      stakeholders are firmly invested in the status quo. But if the
80                                                                    1995 Kobe quake yields any lessons, it is that Japan does
                                                                      not change radically in response to such devastation, at least
                                                                      on this scale. Furthermore, with sharp divisions within the
60                                                                    ruling DPJ party and opposition from the LDP and others,
      2007       2008         2009          2010         2011
                                                                      a clear and dramatic change in either energy policy or fiscal
               Fi g . 4 - y en - do ll a R e xc Han g e R ate
                                                                      policy seems unlikely in the near future. As such, one can
 would raise its consumption tax from 5% to 10%. However,             expect flat growth in Japan in the short and medium-term as
 political support for such a move at home is unclear. In any         Japan continues to grapple with its domestic challenges.
 event, the bill would only be introduced in March 2012 and,               Having said that, this is not 1995, and the new political
 if passed, would be very slowly phased in.                           landscape has not yet reached equilibrium. The current
        In August, Moody’s downgraded Japan’s debt rating to          Prime Minister and many in his cabinet are from a new mold
 Aa3, due to persistent budget deficits. It is worthwhile to          of technocrat-politicians, graduates from the Matsushita
 note, however, that while Japan’s gross debt-to-GDP ratio is         Institute. These politicians are said to be less beholden to
 nearly 200%, because much of this government debt is held            narrow special interests and well-trained in policymaking.
 by other Japanese public institutions, the net debt-to-GDP           So, perhaps there is reason to be cautiously optimistic for
 ratio may be closer to 60%.                                          meaningful change.
        While firms and households have managed to avoid
 energy shortages throughout peak summer months, energy
 uncertainty will be a concern again this winter. TEPCO               China’s Consumption Catch-Up
 has announced their confidence that they will achieve cold           Calla Wiemer, University of Southern California
 shutdown of all three troubled reactors by the end of this                China will overtake the US to become the world’s largest
 year. A small, and apparently contained, criticality incident        economy mid-way through the next decade according to
 in early November is a reminder that the troubles are far from       most forecasts. The obvious qualifier is that with more than
 over. With many reactors still offline and no clear energy           four times the population of the US, China will by that time
 policy yet from PM Noda, increased imports of fossil fuels           still have less than a quarter of US per capita income. The
 will be necessary for some time.                                     US will remain more affluent by a long shot for a long time
                                                                      to come. But another milestone is also telling. Even before
        A Time for Change?                                            China becomes the world’s largest economy, its per capita
        The government could do more to boost growth by               income will surpass the world average. By the standards
 restoring energy capacity and providing more fiscal stimulus.        of most of the world then, China will no longer be a poor

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country. The average Chinese will live comfortably, owning            55%

major appliances and enjoying vacation travel.
    Thus far China’s economic might has been expressed
mainly through dominance in the production of low-wage
goods. As the world’s largest exporter, China has flooded
the shelves of American discount stores with clothes, toys,           40%
and household goods. Its relatively weak showing on the
consumption side has left it with a gaping trade surplus –            35%

which is a source of much political tension with the US. A
world growth model based on US consumption sustained                  30%
                                                                            1980    1985       1990      1995        2000     2005         2010
by Chinese credit clearly has its limits. To keep the global
                                                                               Fi g . 5 - c H i n e s e savi n g R ate a s a % o F g d P
economic engine stoked, China will need to contribute more
to consumption demand as it climbs the income ladder.                 transition, although the issue of restructuring demand toward
    China’s consumption and saving patterns have followed             consumption has received much lip service for a number of
a course typical of rapid developers. Though rising by leaps          years already with no discernible results.
and bounds, consumption has lagged growth in income                         Just how fast the transition to a more consumption driven
so that the share of consumption in income has decreased              economy will proceed is subject to considerable uncertainty.
while the share of saving has risen. It takes time for living         Demographic processes form a predictable, albeit gradual,
standards to catch up with surging growth in means. Indeed,           backdrop. Trend GDP growth can be expected to slow as
when China last saw its GDP growth rate flag in the late              the efficiency gains that derive from reform and opening
1990s, its saving rate fell off too (see Figure 5). Through the       moderate.     Speed of movement on the policy front will
2000s, growth was phenomenal and with that the national               depend on the vision and resolve of the Chinese leadership.
saving rate shot from 38 percent to over 50 percent of                The real wild card lies with the business cycle. China is
GDP. Demographics were also a factor in the saving rate               not immune despite its economic levitation through the
increase of the 2000s. A generation on, the one-child policy          Great Recession that has hammered the rest of the world.
has pushed the mass of population into prime working                  Growth in China has been sustained on the back of massive
ages cohorts. Those at the young and old ends of the age              accumulation of debt in support of property development
spectrum, who consume without generating income, have                 and local government investment. This has led to financial
seen their ranks diminish.                                            fragility of the sort that can spell the end of an expansionary
    These trends are poised to reverse, with China’s saving           period. And with a sudden drop in the growth rate the saving
rate consequently turning downward from its lofty heights.            rate could fall as it did in the late 1990s.
The share of the population in retirement years is headed                   However, while a sharp slowdown in China’s economic
for an inexorable rise. At the same time GDP growth is                growth could lower the saving rate, this would present no
likely to decline on both structural and cyclical grounds.            boon for the rest of the world. Granted, it would aid in the
The double-digit pace of growth of the last decade is                 desired global rebalancing. But a larger share for Chinese
unsustainable. These shifting forces will induce a decline in         consumption in a smaller economic pie does not necessarily
the national saving rate. Policy measures may augment the             translate into a larger Chinese market for the world’s

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exporters.                                                               is changing at a rate unprecedented in human history. In
       The best scenario for those who wish to sell to the               1970, Korean women gave birth to 4.3 children on average.
China market is for continued solid growth and a measured                By 2010, total fertility had dropped to 1.29, one of the lowest
transition to higher consumption and lower saving rates.                 rates in the world. As a result, the proportion of children in
GDP growth of 8 percent a year in real terms combined                    the population has decreased dramatically.
with an increase in the household consumption share of 2                     As fertility began to decline in the 1970s, the working-
percentage points a year and real exchange rate appreciation             age population grew faster than other age groups, creating an
of 8 percent a year (nominal appreciation of 6 percent                   age structure that was highly favorable for economic growth
plus inflation at 2 percentage points above the US rate)                 (see Figure 6). But beginning in 2015, the relative size of
would mobilize about $600 billion a year in new consumer                 Korea’s working-age population will begin to decline as the
spending by Chinese households. Some of this would be                    elderly population expands. Increasingly, Korea’s population
directed toward imports of goods and services or spending on             will consist of very few children, not many workers, and
foreign travel. That would represent a great opportunity for             many old people. South Korea is also entering a stage of
businesses worldwide, including Hawaii’s tourism industry.               slower economic growth. As the country passes through this
                                                                         transition of rapid population aging and slower economic
                                                                         growth, how resources are allocated across generations will
Will Population Aging Sap Korean                                         become increasingly important.
Growth?                                                                      An analysis shows that consumption in South Korea
Sang Hyop Lee, UH Economics and UHERO                                    exceeds labor income for two long periods of life (see Figure
       Nearly every economy in the world has experienced or              7), bracketing a surprisingly short period—from age 24 to
is starting to experience population aging. Populations are              55—during which more is being earned than consumed.
growing older primarily because people are having fewer                  Although other economies show a similar pattern, the
children and, to a lesser extent, because they are living longer.        situation in South Korea presents some unique features. For
The challenges resulting from rapid aging are of particular              one thing, although many Koreans continue to work through
concern to South Korea where the population age structure                their 50s and early 60s, labor income begins to fall as people
                                                                         reach their late 40s. Older workers may be working fewer
                                                                         hours than younger workers or earning less, perhaps because
80%                                                                      they have less education and lower technological competence.
70%                                                                      In addition, consumption by the elderly appears to be
60%                                                                      much lower in Korea than in other countries at a similar
                                                                         level of economic development. This is partly due to low
                                                                         consumption of healthcare.
20%                                                                          Population aging provides both opportunities and
10%                                                                      challenges. As the number of children declines, policymakers
 0%                                                                      and families can increase their investment in the health and
   1950          1970         1990           2010      2030   2050
                          15-19      20-64     65+                       education of each child, improving child welfare and boosting
              Fi g . 6 - ko R e an ag e d is tR i b uti o n

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120%                                                                              Rapid population aging and slower economic growth
                                                                              of South Korea will affect economies abroad, including
                                                                              Hawaii’s. As discussed further below, population aging and
80%                                                                           slower growth will affect the tourism industry. Koreans
60%                                                                           will continue to travel abroad in increasing numbers, but
                                                                              slower economic growth will slow the growth rate of arrivals
                                                                              from Korea significantly. Research by UHERO Research
                                                                              Fellow James Mak and co-authors shows that the number
 0%                                                                           of overseas trips taken by retirees increases sharply, but trips
       0    10     20     30     40         50   60   70    80     90
                                      Age                                     taken by young adults in the 20s and early 30s age groups
                    Consumption        Labor Income                           may also decrease dramatically due to rising burdens of
  Fi g . 7 - e vo luti o n o F i n co M e an d co n s u M Pti o n a s a
  PeRc entag e o F aveR ag e an n ual l abo R i n co M e Fo R                 supporting an aging population.
                a PR i M e ag e (30 - 49 y e a Rs) ad u lt
                                                                                  Like South Korea, other Asian countries will experience
the productivity of the future workforce. With fewer children                 rapid population aging and slower growth over the coming
to support, the society also has additional resources to save                 decades. The rapid growth of elderly populations may bring
and invest. There is evidence that Koreans have seized this                   important national and global goals into conflict. One is to
opportunity. Measured relative to labor income, spending                      develop socioeconomic systems that will provide economic
on the health and education of children is higher in South                    security to the growing number of old people; the other is to
Korea than in the United States or much of Europe. More                       sustain a strong global economy. Achievement of these two
than one-half of this spending on young people comes from                     goals will require new policies, most importantly policies that
families rather than the public sector.                                       encourage saving, investments in health and education to
    In the coming decades, the challenge will be to                           improve productivity, and well-functioning financial and labor
support South Korea’s growing elderly population without                      markets. These will be key to determining whether Asia can
overburdening other age groups or slowing economic growth.                    continue to play a leading role in global economic progress.
In the past, elderly Koreans received considerable support
as private transfers from their children. Although this type
of support was still common in 2000, the elderly today are                    Emerging East Asia “Chained” to the
increasingly supporting themselves from their own assets,                     West
built up over a lifetime. And public sector programs are also                 Ari Van Assche, HEC Montréal
playing a larger role. In 2000, public transfers provided a                       The European debt crisis and struggling U.S. economic
relatively small part of support for the elderly. More recently,              recovery present important downside risks to Emerging
however, government-supported pension and healthcare                          East Asian economies. In the past three decades, the East
systems have been expanding very rapidly. This sharp                          Asian region has become a key player in the value chains
increase in social welfare for the elderly could create a serious             of products that are consumed in Western markets. Many
burden for Korean taxpayers in the future as the elderly                      income-sensitive, high-technology products that we find
population expands and economic growth slows. As a result,                    on the shelves of Best Buy in the United States or Media
increased reliance on asset accumulation is critical.                         World in Italy incorporate components produced in the

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40%                                                                         combined exports to the United States and European Union

30%                                                                         constituting more than 25 percent of their GDP in 2007 (see

20%                                                                         Figure 9).

10%                                                                               These indicators, however, understate the true

                                                                            vulnerability of some Emerging East Asian countries’ exports

                                                                            to Western downturns. As the the iPad and Kindle examples
                                                                            illustrate, many components that are made in Emerging East
                                                                            Asia for Western consumer goods are not directly exported
                                                                            to the West, but rather are indirectly shipped through China.















                                                       Th                   These indirect exports are therefore largely dependent on





                           2007-2008       2008-2009
                                                                            demand conditions in the U.S. and E.U., rather than on

            Fi g . 8 - e xP o Rt g RoW tH i n e a s t a s ia                those in China.
                                                                                  We can gauge the size of such indirect exports to the
Asian Tigers (Rep. of Korea, Singapore and Taiwan) and
                                                                            West with data from China’s processing trade regime. Under
in the five largest ASEAN countries (Indonesia, Malaysia,
                                                                            this customs regime, firms located in China receive duty
Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam). Economic downturns
                                                                            exemptions on imported inputs, but only if the processed
in the West can therefore reverberate globally through supply
                                                                            goods are subsequently exported. Emerging East Asian
chains, leading to significant export reductions in East Asia.
                                                                            countries have been important component suppliers to
       This contagion effect through the trade channel was
                                                                            China’s processing regime. With the exception of Vietnam,
recently displayed during the Global Recession of 2008-
                                                                            more than 30% of Emerging East Asian countries’ exports
2009. Except for Vietnam, the exports of all Emerging
                                                                            to China in 2007 were processing inputs. For the Philippines
East Asian economies contracted between 13% and 22% in
                                                                            and Taiwan it even amounted to more than half of their
2009 compared to a year earlier, with especially large export
                                                                            exports to China.
collapses registered in the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore
                                                                                  Almost 60% of China’s processing exports are destined
and Taiwan (see Figure 8).
       The cases of the Apple iPad and the Amazon Kindle                    35%

illustrate how important Emerging East Asia has become in                   30%

the global value chains of blockbuster electronics products.                25%

In both instances, the vast majority of components (e.g.                    20%

displays, wireless cards and memory chips) are manufactured                 15%

in Japan, Taiwan and South Korea, before assembly is done                   10%

in China and the final products are exported to the West.                   5%

       To measure the dependence of Emerging East Asian                     0%








countries on Western markets, economists generally use the












countries’ export-to-GDP ratio. According to this measure,

                                                                                                  Indirect exports        Direct exports
Singapore, Malaysia and Vietnam indeed have a significant
economic exposure to Western demand shocks, with                                       Fi g . 9 - d i R ec t an d i n d i R ec t e xP o Rts to
                                                                                       tH e us an d eu a s a s HaR e o F g d P, 20 07

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for the U.S. and E.U. As a result, accounting for indirect                                             All other expenses
exports significantly increases the export-to-GDP ratio for
some Emerging East Asian countries. For example, Taiwan’s
combined exports to the U.S. and E.U. as a share of GDP                                                   Total Shopping

rise by a full 9 percentage points (see Figure 9). Most other                                        Total Transportation
countries see their ratio increase by a more moderate 1-2%,
                                                                                            Entertainment & Recreation
while renowned final assembly hubs such as Indonesia and
Viet Nam are relatively unaffected.                                                              Total Food and beverage

      Unless reforms in East Asia can rebalance growth                                                  GRAND TOTAL
towards domestic demand, Emerging East Asia remains
                                                                                                                            $0   $50     $100     $150   $200   $250
chained to business cycle movements in the West. This                                                           United States    Korea     Australia
risk may even increase as more firms adopt Just-In-Time                                                      Fi g . 1 0 - vis ito R PeRso nal dai ly
                                                                                                                 s Pen d i n g by MaR k e t (us $)
production techniques to reduce their costs. As the Japanese
                                                                                                spending levels. These visitors are much more likely, for
earthquake/tsunami in March 2011 illustrated, lean
                                                                                                example, to stay in hotels rather than time shares. They also
supply chains and the absence of redundancy imply that a
                                                                                                spend a lot more money shopping—upwards of two-and-a-
breakdown in one part of the chain more quickly reverberate
                                                                                                half times what visitors from North America spend each day
throughout the entire chain, thus potentially speeding up
                                                                                                (see Figure 10). For this reason, visitors from Asia and the
contagion through global supply chains.
                                                                                                Pacific are coveted by the visitor industry.
                                                                                                    Other parts of Asia that are gradually opening up to
                                                                                                international travel are a potential boon to the state. Chinese
Asia-Pacific Tourism Outlook Upbeat,
With Caveats                                                                                    visitor arrivals in Hawaii grew almost 50% from 2009 to 2010

Andrew Kato, US Bureau of Labor Statistics ***                                                  while Korean arrivals expanded by nearly 60% (see Figure
                                                                                                11). High growth rates like these have been celebrated as
      Asia-Pacific tourism has been an important part of
                                                                                                cause for excitement, but there are many reasons to be careful
Hawaii tourism for many years. And with strong projected
                                                                                                in setting expectations for growth over the long term. Let’s
growth and increasing outward orientation, there is clearly
                                                                                                take a look at the major market areas:
the potential for further gains. There are also challenges
that are sometimes overlooked in the rush of optimism about
these markets.
                                                                                                    Although economic conditions and the recent March
      The Asia-Pacific region is broadly divided into three
                                                                                                earthquake and tsunami combined to dampen Japanese
Major Market Area segments by the Hawaii Tourism
                                                                                                tourism earlier this year, Japan remains the keystone of
Authority (HTA): Japan, Other Asia, and Oceania.
                                                                                                Asia-Pacific tourism in Hawaii. Younger Japanese appear
Historically, 80 to 90 percent of Asia-Pacific visitors to
                                                                                                to be travelling less and the overall population is beginning
Hawaii hail from Japan. Visitors from the Asia-Pacific are
                                                                                                to shrink, but tourism authorities around the globe are
valuable for the Hawaii visitor industry because of their high
                                                                                                pinning hopes for the wave of retirements coming among
***     Andrew Kato wrote this article in his personal capacity. Any opinions, findings,
conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this article are those of the author and           the Japanese Baby Boom generation. This presents an
do not necessarily represent the views of the Bureau of Labor Statistics or the U.S.

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                                                                                      booked tickets failed to receive visa approvals in time, is
            180                                                                       emblematic of this longstanding problem. There does not
                                                                                      appear to be any solution on the horizon, and in any case this
                                                                                      is outside the control of the State to remedy.

                                                                                          Even when the visa issue is addressed, it is not clear
                                                                                      Hawaii will be a major beneficiary of Chinese travel. Data

                                                                                      from the China National Tourism Administration shows

             40                                                                       that 91% of all “outbound” Chinese trips stay in Asia. And
             20                                                                       Hawaii faces stiff competition from closer in locations with a
             0                                                                        similar product mix, such as Hainan Island (The “Hawaii of
                   2000       2002       2004       2006        2008      2010
                          Oceania     Korea     China and Satellites                  China”) or the Maldives. Finally, there is uncertainty about

                     Fi g . 1 1 - vi s ito R aR R ival s FRo M Ma J o R
                                                                                      the extent to which Chinese travelers will favor Hawaii as
                                  a s ia- Paci Fi c MaR k e ts
                                                                                      opposed to mainland US destinations, particularly relatively
       opportunity as these recent retirees are likely to remain active               high-spending meeting and convention travelers. Despite
       and possess both the time and the financial resources needed                   these questions, as outbound Chinese travel increases, Hawaii
       to benefit Hawaii tourism.                                                     tourism stands to benefit.
                  Other factors encouraging Japanese tourism recovery are
       lower oil prices and the resolution of the March crisis. Oil                       South Korea
       prices began falling, ironically, shortly after the earthquake                     The main challenge for the Korean market is one of
       and have led to reduced fuel surcharges in recent months. As                   scale. In 2010, there were 82,000 arrivals from South Korea
       noted above, TEPCO has announced the Fukushima Daiichi                         compared with Japan’s 1.24 million. With a population less
       plant might be shut down safely ahead of schedule, lifting                     than 40% that of Japan, in the near term it is not possible to
       another worry from the minds of potential Japanese travelers.                  ramp up inbound Korean tourism to replace the Japanese.
       Hawaii has already seen a recovery of Japanese travel to                       Direct airlift is rising, but it will take time to approach
       roughly the same level as a year ago.                                          anything like the traffic built in the Japanese market over
                                                                                      several decades. And, as Sang Hyop Lee has noted above,
                  China                                                               the burden of an aging population will bear on Korean
                  If China can make the move from saving to consumption               growth and ability to travel in coming years. Therefore, the
       discussed above, its growing middle class presents clear                       appropriate way to view South Korea is as a high-growth
       opportunities for Hawaii. At the same time, barriers to                        supplemental market.
       Chinese travel to the US make China a tough nut to crack                           Nevertheless, there are reasons to think Hawaii has
       for Hawaii. The well-known difficulties in securing a visa to                  strong potential for further Korean growth. Koreans with
       enter the United States remained even in late 2011, and there                  children prefer closer destinations such as Australia or Pacific
       are few flights that directly connect Hawaii with Mainland                     islands, rather than longer haul trips to Europe or North
       China. China East Airlines’ recent postponement of direct                      America. This suggests an emphasis on family friendly tours
       flights from Shanghai, because nearly half the travelers who                   and attractions may be effective for growing Korean tourism.

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Experience dealing with Americans in their home country,               is good reason for Hawaii to keep its eye on the Asia-Pacific
relatively good English skills, and Hawaii’s perceived safety          region in coming years.
are also in our favor. So too is the interest of many Korean
visitors in new experiences that enhance important notions of
“well being” in health and happiness. Exposure to uniquely             Thoughts on Policy Orientation For An
Hawaiian attractions and activities, such as those featured            Asia-Pacific Century
on KBS’ Challenger contest television series this year, are            Christopher Grandy, UH Public Administration

excellent ways to showcase the state. The rapidly growing                  It is hard to imagine a region more likely to lead global
young golfing population in Korea is also a good match for             economic growth for the remainder of this century than Asia.
the wide array of golf resources in Hawaii.                            Hawai‘i seems naturally poised to benefit disproportionately
                                                                       from this development. Important to the degree to which
    Australia                                                          we benefit will be the decisions of Hawai‘i’s public policy
    A market sometimes overlooked when analyzing                       makers. One concern lies in misinterpreting the success of
opportunities for Hawaii in the Asia-Pacific region comes              Asian countries transitioning from developing to developed
from the “Pacific” side in Oceania. Since 9/11, annual                 economies; a misinterpretation that could lead to wasting
visitor arrivals from Australia have grown fairly steadily,            public resources. Hawai‘i’s Asia-Pacific public policy
more than doubling from 66,829 in 2001 to 143,742 in 2010              orientation should be highly engaged, conservative of public
(see Figure 11). In many respects Australians are similar to           resources, and facilitative of private business arrangements
Koreans, with nearly identical average party sizes, propensity         without trying to pick winners.
to stay in hotels, and even daily spending patterns.                       It is a cliché, though no less true, that Hawai‘i’s history
    Australians provide additional diversification as they             and culture have evolved with an Asia-Pacific focus that
are much more likely to be repeat visitors who have been               positions us well. Most of our population traces ancestry and
to Hawaii before, and they are much more likely to be                  culture to migrants from the region, and our leaders have
independent travelers not taking tours or packages. Roughly            long sought to promote Hawai‘i as a bridge between Asia
20% of Korean visitors in 2009 and 2010 were repeat                    and the West. While Hawai‘i has not dominated the bridging
visitors, but a little more than 40% of Australians were repeat        function, that role has certainly shaped the state, making
visitor in those years. Australia represents a reliable market         us a relatively comfortable partner with expanding Asian
with strong tastes for the natural and outdoor appeal of               economies.
Hawaii.                                                                    At the same time Hawai‘i has some sad history in terms
    The major markets of the Asia-Pacific region show                  of developing economy-leading public projects. In our
promise for the next decade as well as some clear challenges,          eagerness to create job opportunities and to raise standards
including population aging, local tourism competition, and,            of living, we have spent resources on spaceports, establishing
in the case of China, visa restrictions. Asia’s ace in the hole        Honolulu as the “Geneva of the Pacific,” high-technology
is rapid economic growth: this year the East Asian region is           tax credits, and so on. While well intentioned, this desire to
expanding at a greater-than-7% rate, compared with less than           identify, and partner early with, the next “winner” has wasted
2% growth in North American. And the region will account               effort and resources.
for significant share of global growth in coming years. There              Of course not all public economic development efforts

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fail, but those that succeed are more likely to involve a modest            Thus, in Hawai‘i, calls for an Asian-like, state-led
role for the public sector rather than leading the charge.              economic strategy should be resisted to the extent they
Public sector expenditures to protect our natural resources,            involve using resources primarily for the benefit of one, or a
to manage conflict among alternative uses of resources, and             handful, of organizations. Hawai‘i citizens would be better
to construct and maintain public infrastructure, are more               served by a public policy orientation that looks for ways to
likely to help Hawaii’s economy than plunking a large sum of            facilitate private business without unduly favoring particular
money on the next “big idea.”                                           interests. Our governance arrangements should be as widely
    As (not “if ”) business activity picks up in the next few           accommodating as possible, consistent with equitably sharing
years, perhaps with heavy influence from Asian investment,              the expenses of the public sector (i.e. no special tax breaks)
we will see familiar pressure for government to be a                    and protecting our natural and built assets.
“partner,” or “leader.” The Legislature will hear references                We should orient ourselves with tax policies and a
to “planting seeds,” moving the state to “critical mass,”               regulatory framework that are generally neutral toward types
being “proactive,” or some other clever-sounding term that              of economic activity. We thereby position ourselves to take
amounts to the public sector bearing financial risk for specific        advantage of economic opportunity from whatever direction
investors.                                                              it emerges. And we avoid the trap of having spent millions
    Such signals may come especially from Hawai‘i’s                     of dollars in one direction, only to find out one or two years
potential Asian partners. Economic development models                   later that the future lies elsewhere.
from China, Japan, and Korea give a greater role to the                     Hawai‘i leaders should neither pander to new,
state than is typical of the West. As a recent example,                 “promising” business ventures nor be blithely uninterested.
China has garnered attention for its public subsidy of solar            A middle ground of engagement and sober assessment is
energy capacity. Japan’s historic post-war, export-led growth           likely to be the best approach. This will call for self-restraint
model was strongly planned and directed. And Korea’s                    from enthusiasts of either the “public official” or “private
government-backed promotion of electronic media has                     entrepreneur” variety. Enthusiasm is wonderful; but it should
garnered global attention.                                              be viewed with skepticism when it precedes a request for
    Yet the viability of state-led economic growth strategies           significant public monies.
may vary over the development life cycle. Developing                        Public policy should stick to the basics: Attending to
economies may grow rapidly via state-directed investments               our infrastructure needs, making sure that our tax system
in particular industries or clusters. As they join the ranks            adequately funds important public expenditures without
of developed economies, the pace of economic growth                     skewing economic incentives, and maintaining our regulatory
usually slows and the previous success of state-directed                environment to be appropriate to the challenges of emerging
activity wanes. Ultimately, the global frontiers of knowledge,          economic directions.
technology, and management innovation bind, and progress                    If we somehow manage to achieve this balance in public
comes more slowly. At this point, the risk of poor resource             policy orientation, Hawai‘i will be well placed to benefit
decisions from state actors rises because the sources of future         from an impending wave from Asia and the Pacific, or from
growth are much less obvious.                                           whatever quarter opportunity comes.

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Asia-Pacific Prospects: The Short and the Long View
         It is a common, but no less accurate, observation that we are living in exceptional times. We are pressed by exceptional
challenges, of population pressure, environmental distress and political upheaval. But we are also living in a period of
exceptional accomplishment: the richest period the world has ever seen, where economic progress is lifting millions out of abject
poverty. Growth poles have shifted away from the West to dynamic countries of the East. But this can sometimes be overstated.
Much of the world’s wealth and technological innovation remains centered in Europe and North America, and high-growth
emerging regions may soon include Eastern Europe, Latin America, and even Africa. Assessing prospects for the future
requires a broad view.

         It is therefore possible to overestimate the importance of the Asia-Pacific region. But not for Hawaii. As these essays
make clear, Hawaii today is tied up with Asia and the Pacific. If one folds into this definition (as we have) the Pacific Americas,
then our prospects are absolutely dominated by what happens in this region in the future. In the near term, Asia and Oceania
are providing important support as North America falters. They will be key engines of future growth. Our contributors have
highlighted this potential as well as some of the key challenges they face, and some of the ways that they will affect Hawaii
and Hawaii policymaking in years to come. Overall, this is a positive message, but one that does not shy away from some
uncomfortable truths.

         A natural question is this: What does Hawaii need to do to take advantage of the Asia-Pacific Century? While there
is uncertainty about what is coming, some implications seem clear. One is that the countries from which our visitors come and
the nature of those visitors—they will be older and probably richer—is likely to evolve considerably in coming decades. There
will likely be more heterogeneity in the visitor mix, which should be welcome after a period of excessive reliance on the US and
Japanese markets. Visitor related companies will need to think about how to market appropriately and to shape the services
they offer, and how to be flexible as markets change.

         From the public policy perspective, the question is what does government need to do to provide an environment in
which tourism, but also other industries, can thrive as Asia and the Pacific grow. Besides tourism, what other industries have the
most potential? Will it be energy technology? Health care? Education? The answer is that it is impossible to know. As Chris
Grandy has pointed out above, governments are bad at picking winners. So rather than potentially squandering public money
on targeted incentives, governments should focus on those things that are necessary for all businesses to be successful. One
clear priority is to invest in basic infrastructure needed for private sector success. Hawaii has woefully underinvested in physical
infrastructure for the past two decades, and most would agree we have underinvested in human capital as well. Addressing
these problems will be expensive, and so we need to look carefully at state and local budgets to make sure we are using revenues
efficiently and in a way that does not overly burden businesses and taxpayers. If we get that right, we will be well positioned to
take advantage of whatever opportunities present themselves.

         We are thankful for the contributions of a panel of outstanding scholars. We think their expertise provides a rich and
informative view of issues coming down the pike. And, that they reflect the richness of expertise that we have at the University
of Hawaii, at UHERO, and among our far-flung alumni, colleagues, and friends. Mahalo.

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                                 Growth Rates of Real Gross Domestic Product

                                             2008      2009      2010      2011      2012        2013

           North America
            United States                     -0.3      -3.5      3.0       1.6       1.6         2.4
            Canada                             0.7      -2.8      3.2       2.2       1.9         2.6

           Asia and Oceania Developed
            Japan                             -1.2      -6.3      4.0       -0.4      2.2         2.0
            Australia                          2.4       1.4      2.5        0.5      2.8         2.6
            New Zealand                       -0.7       0.0      2.5        1.4      2.5         3.0

           East and Southeast Asia            6.4        5.1      9.2       7.3       6.8         6.9
            China                             9.6        9.2     10.3       9.3       8.7         8.5
            Hong Kong                         2.3       -2.7      7.0       5.0       4.1         4.5
            Indonesia                         5.0        4.6      6.1       6.4       6.0         6.3
            Republic of Korea                 2.3        0.3      6.2       3.9       3.6         4.0
            Malaysia                          4.7       -1.7      7.2       4.6       4.4         5.0
            Philippines                       4.2        1.2      7.6       4.3       4.4         4.9
            Singapore                         1.5       -0.8     14.5       5.0       4.0         4.5
            Taiwan                            0.7       -1.9     10.8       4.6       3.9         4.3
            Thailand                          2.5       -2.3      7.8       3.5       3.9         4.2
            Vietnam                           6.3        5.3      6.8       5.8       6.0         6.3

           Gross World Product                1.5       -2.3      4.0       2.8       2.6         3.3

           Source: UHERO. Forecasts other than for U.S. and Japan taken from United Nations
           LINK Global Economic Outlook, October 2011. Figures for 2011 - 2013 are forecasts.
           Gross World Product is calculated at 2005 prices and exchange rates.

                                                                                        © 2011
uHero tHANKs tHe followiNg sPoNsors:
                            KawEKi‘U - tHE tOPmOst sUmmit
                                            The Bank of Hawaii

                          KilOHana - a lOOKOUt, HiGH POint
                                  Hawaii Electric Light Company. Inc.
                                    Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc.
                                      Maui Electric Company, Ltd.
                         County of Kaua‘i Office of Economic Development
                                          Kamehameha Schools
                                      Matson Navigation Company

                            KUaHiwi - a HiGH Hill, mOUntain
                                           American Savings Bank
                                            Central Pacific Bank
                                              Hau‘oli Mau Loa
                                        Hawaii Foreign-Trade Zone
                                         Kaiser Permanente Hawaii
                                The Nature Conservancy, Hawaii Program
                             Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii Authority
                                     The Pacific Resource Partnership
                                              Servco Pacific Inc.

     Kulia I Ka Nu‘u (literally “Strive for the summit”) is the value of achievement, those who pursue personal
excellence. This was the motto of Hawai‘i’s Queen Kapi‘olani. Sponsors help UHERO to continually reach
for excellence as the premier organization dedicated to economic research relevant to Hawai‘i and the Asia-
Pacific region.

    The UHERO Forecast Project is a community-sponsored research program of the University of Hawai‘i at
Mānoa. The Forecast Project provides the Hawai‘i community with analysis on economic, demographic, and
business trends in the State and the Asia-Pacific region.

     All sponsors receive the full schedule of UHERO reports, as well as other benefits that vary with the level
of financial commitment.

    For sponsorship information, browse to

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UHERO Asia Pacific

  • 1. UHERO FOREcast PROjEct sPEcial REPORt Asia-Pacific Forecast: Press Version: Embargoed Until 2:00 Am, 12/2/2011 Hawaii in the Asia-Pacific Century dEcEmbER 2, 2011
  • 2. AsiA-PAcific forecAst ©2011 University of Hawai‘i Economic Research Organization. All rights reserved. caRl s. bOnHam, PH.d. Executive Director byROn GanGnEs, PH.d. Director UHERO Forecast Project KimbERly bURnEtt, PH.d. Director UHERO Project Environment PEtER FUlEKy, PH.d. Economist inna cintina, PH.d. Economist REsEaRcH assistancE by: Ben Trevino Jonathan Fung James Jones Natalie Schack Ying Yao Qianxue Zhao cHRistOPHER GRandy sanG HyOP lEE Associate Professor, Public Administration Program Associate Professor, Department of Economics University of Hawaii at Manoa and UHERO Research Fellow University of Hawaii at Manoa andREw KatO cRaiG PaRsOns Economist, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics U.S. Department of Labor Yokohama National University sUmnER la cROix aRi Van asscHE Professor, Department of Economics Associate Professor, Department of and UHERO Research Fellow International Business University of Hawaii at Manoa HEC Montréal calla wiEmER Visiting Scholar, US-China Institute University of Southern California 2424 Mai le Way, RooM 5 40 • H o n o lu lu, HaWai ‘ i 9 6 82 2 (8 0 8) 95 6 -232 5 • u H eRo @ HaWaii . edu
  • 3. PREss VERsiOn - EmbaRGOEd Until 2:00am On dEcEmbER 2, 2011 asia-PaciFic FOREcast i dEcEmbER 2, 2011 executive summAry This report represents the first UHERO Asia-Pacific Forecast, a regionally focused report that replaces the broader Global Forecast we have prepared in past years. The Asia-Pacific Forecast reviews conditions and prospects for key countries within the region. For this maiden edition, we have also enlisted the help of an international team of scholars to provide expert analysis of key issues that will influence regional economies and Hawaii over the coming decade. In the near term, nearly all economies of the Asia-Pacific region will see further incremental slowing, due to headwinds from struggling European and other Western economies. • North America will be a relatively weak performer in 2012. Despite some strengthening in the US economy in the third quarter, the European debt crisis, soft consumer spending and fiscal retrenchment will weigh on growth. Canada has fared better, but weaker export demand and a strong currency will cause some slowing. Japan has made strides in recovery from the March 2011 earthquake, and rebuilding will help in 2012. • A recession in the West could undercut what has been fairly strong growth for emerging Asian economies. The region has seen a marked slowdown in exports this year. Part of this resulted from Japan’s supply chain disruptions, but weaker demand abroad was a larger problem. In 2012, countries with robust domestic demand, such as China, will perform better than heavily trade-dependent countries, such as many of the Southeast Asian emerging economies. Other regional concerns include recovery from natural disasters in Thailand, Australia and New Zealand, inflationary pressures, and more costly credit conditions. While emerging Asia will see slower growth in 2012 than 2011, it will continue to be among the world’s best performing regions. Longer term, several key trends will shape the pattern of growth in the Asia-Pacific region, with implications for Hawaii. Each of these issues is analyzed in the report by an expert in their respective field. • Key challenges for the region include the lingering aftereffects of the Japanese quake, population aging in Korea and many other Asian economies, and the continuing exposure of emerging countries to Western economic shocks, transmitted through the web of global production networks. While China holds great promise as an engine of growth, there is much uncertainty about how rapidly it will transform into a consumer society. • For Hawaii, evolving patterns of growth have implications for tourism and the broader economy. For tourism, it is clear that the countries from which our visitors come and the nature of those visitors— they will be older and richer—will evolve in coming years. This will bring both welcome diversification © 2011 UHERO.Hawaii.EdU
  • 4. PREss VERsiOn - EmbaRGOEd Until 2:00am On dEcEmbER 2, 2011 asia-PaciFic FOREcast ii dEcEmbER 2, 2011 and the challenge of adjusting flexibly to new tastes. For success in the broader economy, the public sector should avoid calls for the government to “pick winners” through costly targeted subsides. Instead, the focus should be on improving the basic infrastructure—physical, human, and policy—that will position our citizens and businesses for success, wherever new opportunities present themselves. Growth Rates of Real Gross Domestic Product 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 North America United States -0.3 -3.5 3.0 1.6 1.6 2.4 Canada 0.7 -2.8 3.2 2.2 1.9 2.6 Asia and Oceania Developed Japan -1.2 -6.3 4.0 -0.4 2.2 2.0 Australia 2.4 1.4 2.5 0.5 2.8 2.6 East and Southeast Asia 6.4 5.1 9.2 7.3 6.8 6.9 China 9.6 9.2 10.3 9.3 8.7 8.5 Republic of Korea 2.3 0.3 6.2 3.9 3.6 4.0 Gross World Product 1.5 -2.3 4.0 2.8 2.6 3.3 Source: UHERO. Forecasts other than for U.S. and Japan taken from United Nations LINK Global Economic Outlook, October 2011. Figures for 2011 - 2013 are forecasts. Gross World Product is calculated at 2005 prices and exchange rates. © 2011 UHERO.Hawaii.EdU
  • 5. PREss VERsiOn - EmbaRGOEd Until 2:00am On dEcEmbER 2, 2011 asia-PaciFic FOREcast 1 dEcEmbER 2, 2011 uHero sPeciAl rePort This year marks the launch of our Asia-Pacific forecast report, presenting projections and analysis of the key regional economies, stretching from North America to the countries of East and Southeast Asia. This report replaces the Global Forecast reports of past years with a more focused look at countries of the region in which Hawaii lives. With the recent APEC meetings in Honolulu focusing local attention on the region, we have decided this year to go beyond an evaluation of current conditions and near-term prospects. Yes, you’ll find that here, but also a more in-depth analysis of major issues that will shape developments in core countries of the region over the coming decade: Japan’s post-quake recovery, China’s shift toward a consumer society, the challenges of Korea’s rapidly aging population, and the way in which global production networks expose East Asian emerging economies to Western demand shocks. And we take a look at what Asia-Pacific developments will mean for Hawaii tourism, as well as some thoughts on policy- making in an Asia-Pacific Century. These issue essays are contributed by an international panel of experts, all with some tie to the University of Hawaii. We hope you will find this special report informative and rewarding. Read on! We have talked quite a bit in recent reports about conditions and risks for the global economy and for the Near Term Asian Outlook Softer, But United States (See the UHERO Annual Hawaii Forecast, Still Much Better than in West September 2, 2011), so I will be brief here and also touch Byron Gangnes, UHERO on Canada. US growth slowed sharply in the year’s first The economies of the Asia-Pacific region have all been half, partly because of the European crisis but also because affected to varying degrees by the slowing that has dominated of domestic issues, including softening of consumption the world economy in 2011. Developed North America has * and investment, and the continuing fiscal retrenchment at decelerated sharply, affected by links to Europe and domestic all levels of government. Some strengthening occurred in challenges. Japan has had to deal with the March 11 the third quarter, but prospects are limited going forward. earthquake and the beginnings of reconstruction. Australia We expect 1.6% growth in 2012, on par with this year’s and New Zealand, and more recently Thailand, have also performance (see Figure 1). Canada has fared somewhat suffered from natural disasters. Meanwhile, emerging better, in part because residential investment retains some life Asian economies have fared better. To be sure, trade- and equipment investment has been strong. Nevertheless, dependent economies have suffered from weaker exports exports are feeling the effects of the US slowdown and an to the developed world, but domestic demand and stronger appreciated currency. Growth will drop below 2% in 2012 markets have maintained fairly healthy growth. With global after slightly stronger annual performance this year. Overall, conditions expected to remain weak, 2012 should see further North America will be a relatively weak performer among incremental slowing in East Asia. Pacific Rim countries in 2012. * For our purposes, the Asia-Pacific region under discussion will include those Japan’s economy was hit hard by the Great Tohoku economies of the Pacific Rim and Oceania that are of most direct interest to and im- portance for Hawaii, including the US and Canada, Japan and East Asia, Australia and Earthquake in March. Direct destruction in the affected New Zealand, and the countries of South East Asia. We will omit from our discussion smaller regional economies and developing countries of the Americas. region was nearly unimaginable. Supply chain disruptions © 2011 UHERO.Hawaii.EdU
  • 6. PREss VERsiOn - EmbaRGOEd Until 2:00am On dEcEmbER 2, 2011 asia-PaciFic FOREcast 2 dEcEmbER 2, 2011 6% is a larger problem. Emerging market equity markets have 4% dropped sharply and bond spreads have widened somewhat, 2% as the European debt crisis has heightened risk concerns around the world. Uncertain global economic prospects 0% could also undermine business and consumer confidence -2% within the region, contributing to a sharper slowdown than -4% currently expected. -6% China has slowed in 2011, but as always this is a relative statement. For the year as a whole, China’s GDP is expected -8% 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 to expand by 9.3%, down just one percentage point from last United States Canada Japan year’s 10.3% gain. The recent moderating of growth comes Fi g . 1 - R e al g d P g RoW tH R ate s ( y e aR-y e aR %) from weaker exports especially to the developed world, while and electricity shortages from shuttered nuclear plants caused domestic demand continues to be strong. As in much of a sharp drop in industrial production across the country, Asia, consumer price inflation has been a concern, driven by and indeed globally. Recovery is now well underway, and strong demand and high prices of imported food and energy. government reconstruction spending is expected to boost Lower food and commodity prices have brought some relief output growth over the coming year. After a projected 0.4% recently. We continue to be concerned about the high level drop in real GDP this year, growth should come in at about of activity and ever-higher property prices in China. While 2.2% in 2012, before dropping back toward trend. In the it is difficult to determine whether this represents a bubble next section of this report, Craig Parsons reviews recovery (see UHERO Brief: China’s Real Estate Bubble), prices have progress and practical issues going forward. turned down in some areas and there are reportedly financing There is considerable concern in developing Asia about problems emerging for some developers. A hard landing for the potential for a recession in the West to undercut what the property market remains a key concern for China. In has continued to be fairly strong growth. There has already any event further moderating of China’s growth is expected been significant slowing of regional exports after a strong over the next few years, as global demand for Chinese exports rebound over the past two years. Part of this resulted from remains relatively weak (see Figure 2). Japan’s supply chain disruptions, but weaker demand abroad The South Korean economy saw strong export growth in Project liNK UHERO forecasts for countries other than the US and Japan are drawn from the Global Economic Outlook of Project LINK, the United Nations project for global forecasting and macroeconomic analysis. Established through the leadership of Nobel Laureate Lawrence Klein, the project brings together researchers from institutions around the globe to study current economic policy challenges in a coherent model framework that articulates the international linkages among countries. UHERO’s Byron Gangnes has been affiliated with Project LINK for more than twenty years and is a regular presenter and participant in LINK meetings. For more information on Project LINK, browse to the Development Policy and Analysis Division of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs. © 2011 UHERO.Hawaii.EdU
  • 7. PREss VERsiOn - EmbaRGOEd Until 2:00am On dEcEmbER 2, 2011 asia-PaciFic FOREcast 3 dEcEmbER 2, 2011 12% the rich world because of their role in global production 10% networks. Indonesia has fared better, driven by strong 8% demand for its commodity exports, an inflow of foreign 6% investment into these sectors, and resilient domestic demand. 4% Hong Kong has faced a similar falloff in exports this 2% year, although its trade with China and its diversification to 0% service exports has helped to soften the blow. Despite some -2% slowing, the unemployment rate in Hong Kong has been -4% running at the lowest levels since the late 1990s, reflecting -6% positive overall economic conditions. Strong labor markets 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 throughout Asia mark a sharp contrast to the employment Developed Economies East Asia China Fi g . 2 - R e al g d P g RoW tH R ate s ( y e aR-y e aR %) crisis that is gripping much of the developed world. This is the Year of the Natural Disaster in Asia and the the first half of the year. The country’s exporters benefited Pacific, and Australia and New Zealand shared in the misery. from strong demand for autos and information technology Australia had historically severe flooding in the eastern states, products and some trade diversion after the Japanese quake. and of course New Zealand experienced the devastating Globally lower demand and a strong exchange rate are Christchurch quake in February. In Australia, the flooding now leading to sharply lower trade growth. Relatively high disrupted some mining activity, which has benefitted from inflation and budget concerns (despite a healthy fiscal position strong Chinese demand in recent years. Growth will slow to by global standards) will prevent increased policy support as 0.5% this year, before rebounding to 2.8% growth in 2012. external demand falls off, although like many other countries For New Zealand, the direct impact of the quake was large, in the region, the Bank of Korea has halted further rate hikes and the destruction has also undercut private consumption. for now to provide support for the economy. Some additional Reconstruction spending will help firm growth to 2.5% next slowing of Korean GDP growth is expected, to 3.6% next year. year. There are clear poles of growth and weakness across The most rapid slowing is taking place in East and the Asia-Pacific region. Most of developing Asia remains Southeast Asian countries that depend most heavily on relatively healthy, with export-dependent countries suffering trade with the U.S. and Europe. Philippine exports, for the most from global concerns and those driven more heavily example, have slowed to only a few percentage points by domestic demand faring better. Developed North America year-on-year growth, owing to the country’s high export is struggling with the aftermath of a homegrown financial specialization in electronic components. We have also seen crisis and the uncertainty and drag from the European crisis. sharply lower growth in Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and Japan, Australia and New Zealand are among a number of Thailand. Natural disasters, both the Japanese earthquake the region’s economies that face reconstruction challenges and the recent historically severe flooding in Thailand have after natural disasters. How the overall region fares in 2012 also disrupted production and trade within the region. In will depend importantly on how the situation in Europe plays his piece, below, Ari Van Assche explores the extent of out in coming months. dependence of these countries on adverse developments in © 2011 UHERO.Hawaii.EdU
  • 8. PREss VERsiOn - EmbaRGOEd Until 2:00am On dEcEmbER 2, 2011 asia-PaciFic FOREcast 4 dEcEmbER 2, 2011 110 Japan Shows Resilience But Faces 105 Challenges 100 Craig Parsons, Yokohama National University 95 The Great Tohoku earthquake of March 11 caused 90 extensive damage and nearly incomprehensible human 85 80 tragedy for Japan. Perhaps surprisingly, much of the country 75 is now largely back to business-as-usual. Firms have made 70 adjustments in their supply chains, and many consumers 65 have adjusted their habits, whether it be using bottled water, 60 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 or buying fruits and vegetables from regions far from still- Fi g . 3 - JaPan e s e i n d us tR ial P Ro d u c ti o n radioactive Fukushima. Private firms and the government (Jan 20 07 =1 0 0) are making progress in alleviating suffering and rebuilding overall are less pessimistic about future conditions than they Northeastern Japan. Temporary housing units are being were in the June survey. Consumer confidence continues to closed, as some are now able to return to their homes; but rise, but is still below historical norms. many still cannot. One estimate suggests that 70,000 people An appreciated yen and slow global demand continue to may have lost their jobs in the affected region. The number squeeze exporting firms (see Figure 4). The strong currency of welfare recipients is at its highest level since 1951, and still and supply-chain disruption from the Japanese disaster—and rising. now flooding in Thailand—are forcing Japanese firms to The economic aftershocks continue. There have re-think production strategies, although not in a uniform been upticks in household construction and government manner. Honda and Nissan are planning to shift more expenditure, but all other domestic expenditure components production overseas, while Toyota is not. As the water persist in negative growth. Export growth generally remains continues to rise in Thailand, so do production woes. About negative, while import growth was up 3% on an annual basis 50 of 100 types of auto parts destined for Japan have been in the second quarter , due in large part to the decrease in ** disrupted by the flooding. Re-sourcing is a not always easy, domestic energy supplies and the stronger yen. Sustained and as 30% or so of Japan-to-US merchandise exports are GDP growth has remained elusive. After contracting at a cars, there will no doubt be some inconveniences for US 1% annual rate in the second quarter, preliminary estimates consumers. put third quarter growth at 6% on an annualized basis. This In November, a third supplementary budget of 12 temporary summer boost is not expected to last, however. trillion yen was passed in the lower house to help finance Though industrial production bounced back a bit during the reconstruction, relocation of residents and firms, and summer, it is still four percent lower than pre-quake levels (see radioactive cleanup, mostly financed by new bond issuances. Figure 3). The new stimulus is far larger than previous packages and Unemployment fell to 4.4% in August, a tiny puts total government expenditure at 106 trillion yen this improvement from the last report and the post-quake high of year, the largest outlay ever. A fourth extraordinary budget 4.9%. According to the September Tankan survey, businesses is now being discussed. New Prime Minister Noda made ** Post-quake GDP, unemployment and other data exclude the three most devastated prefectures, Iwate, Fukushima and Miyagi. However, as they only account for 4% of a surprise announcement at the G20 summit that Japan national GDP, the official underestimate is likely small. © 2011 UHERO.Hawaii.EdU
  • 9. PREss VERsiOn - EmbaRGOEd Until 2:00am On dEcEmbER 2, 2011 asia-PaciFic FOREcast 5 dEcEmbER 2, 2011 APec iN retrosPect Sumner La Croix, UH Economics and UHERO In almost all respects, the APEC Leaders’ Meeting in Honolulu went incredibly well. After more than a week of rainy, overcast skies, the sun came out on Friday the 11th, when most of the 21 APEC heads of state arrived in Honolulu. With the exception of the cancelled summit meeting between the leaders of Mexico, Canada, and the United States, the scheduled events appeared to go off without a hitch, and no large protests developed. There was extremely tight security in Waikiki and major traffic disruptions. But most residents, repeatedly forewarned about a potential “APECgeddon,” just stayed away from major arteries near Waikiki and off freeways when leaders were tipped to be traveling. There were assertions that the APEC meetings would provide a significant boost for Hawaii’s economy during a non-peak travel period. The actual results were a mixed bag. Waikiki hoteliers were able to raise room rates substantially, and the Neighbor Islands saw higher occupancy as some visitors turned away from busy Oahu. At the same time, there were also many reports of lost business in the Waikiki and Ala Moana areas, and total passenger arrival data for November 5-15 were little changed from 2010 levels. Nonetheless, the city and state clearly demonstrated that they have the capacity to successfully host a major international political conference with intricate security requirements. This clearly increases Hawaii’s chances of hosting future sensitive international conferences. The trade agreements coming out of the APEC meetings were incremental in nature. First, APEC members agreed to cut tariffs on clean energy technology to 5 percent by 2015. It is difficult, however, to get too excited, as average tariff rates on these technologies are already low—just 7 percent in China. Second, Japan agreed to join talks on the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), a regional trade agreement that aims to eliminate tariffs on virtually all goods and services over the next decade. TPP negotiating countries announced the broad outlines of a deal that they hope to finalize within a year. While an interesting and positive development, it is hard for anyone to evaluate the TPP deal, as the negotiating countries are keeping all draft agreements secret. There were also extensive “sidelines” consultations between APEC leaders on a number of issues including Iran’s nuclear program, the China-US trade surplus and exchange rate, and response to disasters in the Asia-Pacific region. Perhaps the most substantive discussions were among the region’s finance ministers, who discussed how they might coordinate their policy responses if Europe’s simmering debt crisis begins to affect banks and other financial firms in APEC countries. While APEC is in many ways just a talk shop it is important for political and business leaders in the region to have an annual forum to discuss issues directly and to build trust. The region is undergoing enormous change and faces difficult challenges as populations age, China integrates into the world economy, and South and Southeast countries struggle with reconciling populist political parties with middle class demands for competent government. In such times of economic, social, and political stress, it is critical for governments to meet regularly to talk over differences, and APEC provides just such a forum. © 2011 UHERO.Hawaii.EdU
  • 10. PREss VERsiOn - EmbaRGOEd Until 2:00am On dEcEmbER 2, 2011 asia-PaciFic FOREcast 6 dEcEmbER 2, 2011 130 Moreover, often with crisis comes opportunity. There is talk of a new energy strategy for Japan, with perhaps less 120 nuclear and more biomass and solar. Rebuilding the Tohoku 110 region opens up possibilities for “smart” cities, as well as infrastructure innovations that are difficult to adopt when 100 switching costs are high and firms, government, and other 90 stakeholders are firmly invested in the status quo. But if the 80 1995 Kobe quake yields any lessons, it is that Japan does not change radically in response to such devastation, at least 70 on this scale. Furthermore, with sharp divisions within the 60 ruling DPJ party and opposition from the LDP and others, 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 a clear and dramatic change in either energy policy or fiscal Fi g . 4 - y en - do ll a R e xc Han g e R ate policy seems unlikely in the near future. As such, one can would raise its consumption tax from 5% to 10%. However, expect flat growth in Japan in the short and medium-term as political support for such a move at home is unclear. In any Japan continues to grapple with its domestic challenges. event, the bill would only be introduced in March 2012 and, Having said that, this is not 1995, and the new political if passed, would be very slowly phased in. landscape has not yet reached equilibrium. The current In August, Moody’s downgraded Japan’s debt rating to Prime Minister and many in his cabinet are from a new mold Aa3, due to persistent budget deficits. It is worthwhile to of technocrat-politicians, graduates from the Matsushita note, however, that while Japan’s gross debt-to-GDP ratio is Institute. These politicians are said to be less beholden to nearly 200%, because much of this government debt is held narrow special interests and well-trained in policymaking. by other Japanese public institutions, the net debt-to-GDP So, perhaps there is reason to be cautiously optimistic for ratio may be closer to 60%. meaningful change. While firms and households have managed to avoid energy shortages throughout peak summer months, energy uncertainty will be a concern again this winter. TEPCO China’s Consumption Catch-Up has announced their confidence that they will achieve cold Calla Wiemer, University of Southern California shutdown of all three troubled reactors by the end of this China will overtake the US to become the world’s largest year. A small, and apparently contained, criticality incident economy mid-way through the next decade according to in early November is a reminder that the troubles are far from most forecasts. The obvious qualifier is that with more than over. With many reactors still offline and no clear energy four times the population of the US, China will by that time policy yet from PM Noda, increased imports of fossil fuels still have less than a quarter of US per capita income. The will be necessary for some time. US will remain more affluent by a long shot for a long time to come. But another milestone is also telling. Even before A Time for Change? China becomes the world’s largest economy, its per capita The government could do more to boost growth by income will surpass the world average. By the standards restoring energy capacity and providing more fiscal stimulus. of most of the world then, China will no longer be a poor © 2011 UHERO.Hawaii.EdU
  • 11. PREss VERsiOn - EmbaRGOEd Until 2:00am On dEcEmbER 2, 2011 asia-PaciFic FOREcast 7 dEcEmbER 2, 2011 country. The average Chinese will live comfortably, owning 55% major appliances and enjoying vacation travel. 50% Thus far China’s economic might has been expressed mainly through dominance in the production of low-wage 45% goods. As the world’s largest exporter, China has flooded the shelves of American discount stores with clothes, toys, 40% and household goods. Its relatively weak showing on the consumption side has left it with a gaping trade surplus – 35% which is a source of much political tension with the US. A world growth model based on US consumption sustained 30% 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 by Chinese credit clearly has its limits. To keep the global Fi g . 5 - c H i n e s e savi n g R ate a s a % o F g d P economic engine stoked, China will need to contribute more to consumption demand as it climbs the income ladder. transition, although the issue of restructuring demand toward China’s consumption and saving patterns have followed consumption has received much lip service for a number of a course typical of rapid developers. Though rising by leaps years already with no discernible results. and bounds, consumption has lagged growth in income Just how fast the transition to a more consumption driven so that the share of consumption in income has decreased economy will proceed is subject to considerable uncertainty. while the share of saving has risen. It takes time for living Demographic processes form a predictable, albeit gradual, standards to catch up with surging growth in means. Indeed, backdrop. Trend GDP growth can be expected to slow as when China last saw its GDP growth rate flag in the late the efficiency gains that derive from reform and opening 1990s, its saving rate fell off too (see Figure 5). Through the moderate. Speed of movement on the policy front will 2000s, growth was phenomenal and with that the national depend on the vision and resolve of the Chinese leadership. saving rate shot from 38 percent to over 50 percent of The real wild card lies with the business cycle. China is GDP. Demographics were also a factor in the saving rate not immune despite its economic levitation through the increase of the 2000s. A generation on, the one-child policy Great Recession that has hammered the rest of the world. has pushed the mass of population into prime working Growth in China has been sustained on the back of massive ages cohorts. Those at the young and old ends of the age accumulation of debt in support of property development spectrum, who consume without generating income, have and local government investment. This has led to financial seen their ranks diminish. fragility of the sort that can spell the end of an expansionary These trends are poised to reverse, with China’s saving period. And with a sudden drop in the growth rate the saving rate consequently turning downward from its lofty heights. rate could fall as it did in the late 1990s. The share of the population in retirement years is headed However, while a sharp slowdown in China’s economic for an inexorable rise. At the same time GDP growth is growth could lower the saving rate, this would present no likely to decline on both structural and cyclical grounds. boon for the rest of the world. Granted, it would aid in the The double-digit pace of growth of the last decade is desired global rebalancing. But a larger share for Chinese unsustainable. These shifting forces will induce a decline in consumption in a smaller economic pie does not necessarily the national saving rate. Policy measures may augment the translate into a larger Chinese market for the world’s © 2011 UHERO.Hawaii.EdU
  • 12. PREss VERsiOn - EmbaRGOEd Until 2:00am On dEcEmbER 2, 2011 asia-PaciFic FOREcast 8 dEcEmbER 2, 2011 exporters. is changing at a rate unprecedented in human history. In The best scenario for those who wish to sell to the 1970, Korean women gave birth to 4.3 children on average. China market is for continued solid growth and a measured By 2010, total fertility had dropped to 1.29, one of the lowest transition to higher consumption and lower saving rates. rates in the world. As a result, the proportion of children in GDP growth of 8 percent a year in real terms combined the population has decreased dramatically. with an increase in the household consumption share of 2 As fertility began to decline in the 1970s, the working- percentage points a year and real exchange rate appreciation age population grew faster than other age groups, creating an of 8 percent a year (nominal appreciation of 6 percent age structure that was highly favorable for economic growth plus inflation at 2 percentage points above the US rate) (see Figure 6). But beginning in 2015, the relative size of would mobilize about $600 billion a year in new consumer Korea’s working-age population will begin to decline as the spending by Chinese households. Some of this would be elderly population expands. Increasingly, Korea’s population directed toward imports of goods and services or spending on will consist of very few children, not many workers, and foreign travel. That would represent a great opportunity for many old people. South Korea is also entering a stage of businesses worldwide, including Hawaii’s tourism industry. slower economic growth. As the country passes through this transition of rapid population aging and slower economic growth, how resources are allocated across generations will Will Population Aging Sap Korean become increasingly important. Growth? An analysis shows that consumption in South Korea Sang Hyop Lee, UH Economics and UHERO exceeds labor income for two long periods of life (see Figure Nearly every economy in the world has experienced or 7), bracketing a surprisingly short period—from age 24 to is starting to experience population aging. Populations are 55—during which more is being earned than consumed. growing older primarily because people are having fewer Although other economies show a similar pattern, the children and, to a lesser extent, because they are living longer. situation in South Korea presents some unique features. For The challenges resulting from rapid aging are of particular one thing, although many Koreans continue to work through concern to South Korea where the population age structure their 50s and early 60s, labor income begins to fall as people reach their late 40s. Older workers may be working fewer 100% 90% hours than younger workers or earning less, perhaps because 80% they have less education and lower technological competence. 70% In addition, consumption by the elderly appears to be 60% much lower in Korea than in other countries at a similar 50% level of economic development. This is partly due to low 40% consumption of healthcare. 30% 20% Population aging provides both opportunities and 10% challenges. As the number of children declines, policymakers 0% and families can increase their investment in the health and 1950 1970 1990 2010 2030 2050 15-19 20-64 65+ education of each child, improving child welfare and boosting Fi g . 6 - ko R e an ag e d is tR i b uti o n © 2011 UHERO.Hawaii.EdU
  • 13. PREss VERsiOn - EmbaRGOEd Until 2:00am On dEcEmbER 2, 2011 asia-PaciFic FOREcast 9 dEcEmbER 2, 2011 120% Rapid population aging and slower economic growth of South Korea will affect economies abroad, including 100% Hawaii’s. As discussed further below, population aging and 80% slower growth will affect the tourism industry. Koreans 60% will continue to travel abroad in increasing numbers, but slower economic growth will slow the growth rate of arrivals 40% from Korea significantly. Research by UHERO Research 20% Fellow James Mak and co-authors shows that the number 0% of overseas trips taken by retirees increases sharply, but trips 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Age taken by young adults in the 20s and early 30s age groups Consumption Labor Income may also decrease dramatically due to rising burdens of Fi g . 7 - e vo luti o n o F i n co M e an d co n s u M Pti o n a s a PeRc entag e o F aveR ag e an n ual l abo R i n co M e Fo R supporting an aging population. a PR i M e ag e (30 - 49 y e a Rs) ad u lt Like South Korea, other Asian countries will experience the productivity of the future workforce. With fewer children rapid population aging and slower growth over the coming to support, the society also has additional resources to save decades. The rapid growth of elderly populations may bring and invest. There is evidence that Koreans have seized this important national and global goals into conflict. One is to opportunity. Measured relative to labor income, spending develop socioeconomic systems that will provide economic on the health and education of children is higher in South security to the growing number of old people; the other is to Korea than in the United States or much of Europe. More sustain a strong global economy. Achievement of these two than one-half of this spending on young people comes from goals will require new policies, most importantly policies that families rather than the public sector. encourage saving, investments in health and education to In the coming decades, the challenge will be to improve productivity, and well-functioning financial and labor support South Korea’s growing elderly population without markets. These will be key to determining whether Asia can overburdening other age groups or slowing economic growth. continue to play a leading role in global economic progress. In the past, elderly Koreans received considerable support as private transfers from their children. Although this type of support was still common in 2000, the elderly today are Emerging East Asia “Chained” to the increasingly supporting themselves from their own assets, West built up over a lifetime. And public sector programs are also Ari Van Assche, HEC Montréal playing a larger role. In 2000, public transfers provided a The European debt crisis and struggling U.S. economic relatively small part of support for the elderly. More recently, recovery present important downside risks to Emerging however, government-supported pension and healthcare East Asian economies. In the past three decades, the East systems have been expanding very rapidly. This sharp Asian region has become a key player in the value chains increase in social welfare for the elderly could create a serious of products that are consumed in Western markets. Many burden for Korean taxpayers in the future as the elderly income-sensitive, high-technology products that we find population expands and economic growth slows. As a result, on the shelves of Best Buy in the United States or Media increased reliance on asset accumulation is critical. World in Italy incorporate components produced in the © 2011 UHERO.Hawaii.EdU
  • 14. PREss VERsiOn - EmbaRGOEd Until 2:00am On dEcEmbER 2, 2011 asia-PaciFic FOREcast 10 dEcEmbER 2, 2011 40% combined exports to the United States and European Union 30% constituting more than 25 percent of their GDP in 2007 (see 20% Figure 9). 10% These indicators, however, understate the true 0% vulnerability of some Emerging East Asian countries’ exports -10% to Western downturns. As the the iPad and Kindle examples illustrate, many components that are made in Emerging East -20% Asia for Western consumer goods are not directly exported -30% to the West, but rather are indirectly shipped through China. es e an am sia sia ea nd or in or w la ay ne tN ap pp i K ai Ta al do ng Th These indirect exports are therefore largely dependent on e ili of M Vi In Si Ph p. Re 2007-2008 2008-2009 demand conditions in the U.S. and E.U., rather than on Fi g . 8 - e xP o Rt g RoW tH i n e a s t a s ia those in China. We can gauge the size of such indirect exports to the Asian Tigers (Rep. of Korea, Singapore and Taiwan) and West with data from China’s processing trade regime. Under in the five largest ASEAN countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, this customs regime, firms located in China receive duty Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam). Economic downturns exemptions on imported inputs, but only if the processed in the West can therefore reverberate globally through supply goods are subsequently exported. Emerging East Asian chains, leading to significant export reductions in East Asia. countries have been important component suppliers to This contagion effect through the trade channel was China’s processing regime. With the exception of Vietnam, recently displayed during the Global Recession of 2008- more than 30% of Emerging East Asian countries’ exports 2009. Except for Vietnam, the exports of all Emerging to China in 2007 were processing inputs. For the Philippines East Asian economies contracted between 13% and 22% in and Taiwan it even amounted to more than half of their 2009 compared to a year earlier, with especially large export exports to China. collapses registered in the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore Almost 60% of China’s processing exports are destined and Taiwan (see Figure 8). The cases of the Apple iPad and the Amazon Kindle 35% illustrate how important Emerging East Asia has become in 30% the global value chains of blockbuster electronics products. 25% In both instances, the vast majority of components (e.g. 20% displays, wireless cards and memory chips) are manufactured 15% in Japan, Taiwan and South Korea, before assembly is done 10% in China and the final products are exported to the West. 5% To measure the dependence of Emerging East Asian 0% es e an am sia ia ea nd or countries on Western markets, economists generally use the es in or iw la ay tN ap n pp K ai Ta al do ng Th e ili of M Vi In Si Ph p. countries’ export-to-GDP ratio. According to this measure, Re Indirect exports Direct exports Singapore, Malaysia and Vietnam indeed have a significant economic exposure to Western demand shocks, with Fi g . 9 - d i R ec t an d i n d i R ec t e xP o Rts to tH e us an d eu a s a s HaR e o F g d P, 20 07 © 2011 UHERO.Hawaii.EdU
  • 15. PREss VERsiOn - EmbaRGOEd Until 2:00am On dEcEmbER 2, 2011 asia-PaciFic FOREcast 11 dEcEmbER 2, 2011 for the U.S. and E.U. As a result, accounting for indirect All other expenses exports significantly increases the export-to-GDP ratio for Lodging some Emerging East Asian countries. For example, Taiwan’s combined exports to the U.S. and E.U. as a share of GDP Total Shopping rise by a full 9 percentage points (see Figure 9). Most other Total Transportation countries see their ratio increase by a more moderate 1-2%, Entertainment & Recreation while renowned final assembly hubs such as Indonesia and Viet Nam are relatively unaffected. Total Food and beverage Unless reforms in East Asia can rebalance growth GRAND TOTAL towards domestic demand, Emerging East Asia remains $0 $50 $100 $150 $200 $250 chained to business cycle movements in the West. This United States Korea Australia risk may even increase as more firms adopt Just-In-Time Fi g . 1 0 - vis ito R PeRso nal dai ly s Pen d i n g by MaR k e t (us $) production techniques to reduce their costs. As the Japanese spending levels. These visitors are much more likely, for earthquake/tsunami in March 2011 illustrated, lean example, to stay in hotels rather than time shares. They also supply chains and the absence of redundancy imply that a spend a lot more money shopping—upwards of two-and-a- breakdown in one part of the chain more quickly reverberate half times what visitors from North America spend each day throughout the entire chain, thus potentially speeding up (see Figure 10). For this reason, visitors from Asia and the contagion through global supply chains. Pacific are coveted by the visitor industry. Other parts of Asia that are gradually opening up to international travel are a potential boon to the state. Chinese Asia-Pacific Tourism Outlook Upbeat, With Caveats visitor arrivals in Hawaii grew almost 50% from 2009 to 2010 Andrew Kato, US Bureau of Labor Statistics *** while Korean arrivals expanded by nearly 60% (see Figure 11). High growth rates like these have been celebrated as Asia-Pacific tourism has been an important part of cause for excitement, but there are many reasons to be careful Hawaii tourism for many years. And with strong projected in setting expectations for growth over the long term. Let’s growth and increasing outward orientation, there is clearly take a look at the major market areas: the potential for further gains. There are also challenges that are sometimes overlooked in the rush of optimism about Japan these markets. Although economic conditions and the recent March The Asia-Pacific region is broadly divided into three earthquake and tsunami combined to dampen Japanese Major Market Area segments by the Hawaii Tourism tourism earlier this year, Japan remains the keystone of Authority (HTA): Japan, Other Asia, and Oceania. Asia-Pacific tourism in Hawaii. Younger Japanese appear Historically, 80 to 90 percent of Asia-Pacific visitors to to be travelling less and the overall population is beginning Hawaii hail from Japan. Visitors from the Asia-Pacific are to shrink, but tourism authorities around the globe are valuable for the Hawaii visitor industry because of their high pinning hopes for the wave of retirements coming among *** Andrew Kato wrote this article in his personal capacity. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this article are those of the author and the Japanese Baby Boom generation. This presents an do not necessarily represent the views of the Bureau of Labor Statistics or the U.S. government. © 2011 UHERO.Hawaii.EdU
  • 16. PREss VERsiOn - EmbaRGOEd Until 2:00am On dEcEmbER 2, 2011 asia-PaciFic FOREcast 12 dEcEmbER 2, 2011 booked tickets failed to receive visa approvals in time, is 180 emblematic of this longstanding problem. There does not 160 appear to be any solution on the horizon, and in any case this 140 is outside the control of the State to remedy. 120 Thousands Even when the visa issue is addressed, it is not clear 100 Hawaii will be a major beneficiary of Chinese travel. Data 80 60 from the China National Tourism Administration shows 40 that 91% of all “outbound” Chinese trips stay in Asia. And 20 Hawaii faces stiff competition from closer in locations with a 0 similar product mix, such as Hainan Island (The “Hawaii of 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 Oceania Korea China and Satellites China”) or the Maldives. Finally, there is uncertainty about Fi g . 1 1 - vi s ito R aR R ival s FRo M Ma J o R the extent to which Chinese travelers will favor Hawaii as a s ia- Paci Fi c MaR k e ts opposed to mainland US destinations, particularly relatively opportunity as these recent retirees are likely to remain active high-spending meeting and convention travelers. Despite and possess both the time and the financial resources needed these questions, as outbound Chinese travel increases, Hawaii to benefit Hawaii tourism. tourism stands to benefit. Other factors encouraging Japanese tourism recovery are lower oil prices and the resolution of the March crisis. Oil South Korea prices began falling, ironically, shortly after the earthquake The main challenge for the Korean market is one of and have led to reduced fuel surcharges in recent months. As scale. In 2010, there were 82,000 arrivals from South Korea noted above, TEPCO has announced the Fukushima Daiichi compared with Japan’s 1.24 million. With a population less plant might be shut down safely ahead of schedule, lifting than 40% that of Japan, in the near term it is not possible to another worry from the minds of potential Japanese travelers. ramp up inbound Korean tourism to replace the Japanese. Hawaii has already seen a recovery of Japanese travel to Direct airlift is rising, but it will take time to approach roughly the same level as a year ago. anything like the traffic built in the Japanese market over several decades. And, as Sang Hyop Lee has noted above, China the burden of an aging population will bear on Korean If China can make the move from saving to consumption growth and ability to travel in coming years. Therefore, the discussed above, its growing middle class presents clear appropriate way to view South Korea is as a high-growth opportunities for Hawaii. At the same time, barriers to supplemental market. Chinese travel to the US make China a tough nut to crack Nevertheless, there are reasons to think Hawaii has for Hawaii. The well-known difficulties in securing a visa to strong potential for further Korean growth. Koreans with enter the United States remained even in late 2011, and there children prefer closer destinations such as Australia or Pacific are few flights that directly connect Hawaii with Mainland islands, rather than longer haul trips to Europe or North China. China East Airlines’ recent postponement of direct America. This suggests an emphasis on family friendly tours flights from Shanghai, because nearly half the travelers who and attractions may be effective for growing Korean tourism. © 2011 UHERO.Hawaii.EdU
  • 17. PREss VERsiOn - EmbaRGOEd Until 2:00am On dEcEmbER 2, 2011 asia-PaciFic FOREcast 13 dEcEmbER 2, 2011 Experience dealing with Americans in their home country, is good reason for Hawaii to keep its eye on the Asia-Pacific relatively good English skills, and Hawaii’s perceived safety region in coming years. are also in our favor. So too is the interest of many Korean visitors in new experiences that enhance important notions of “well being” in health and happiness. Exposure to uniquely Thoughts on Policy Orientation For An Hawaiian attractions and activities, such as those featured Asia-Pacific Century on KBS’ Challenger contest television series this year, are Christopher Grandy, UH Public Administration excellent ways to showcase the state. The rapidly growing It is hard to imagine a region more likely to lead global young golfing population in Korea is also a good match for economic growth for the remainder of this century than Asia. the wide array of golf resources in Hawaii. Hawai‘i seems naturally poised to benefit disproportionately from this development. Important to the degree to which Australia we benefit will be the decisions of Hawai‘i’s public policy A market sometimes overlooked when analyzing makers. One concern lies in misinterpreting the success of opportunities for Hawaii in the Asia-Pacific region comes Asian countries transitioning from developing to developed from the “Pacific” side in Oceania. Since 9/11, annual economies; a misinterpretation that could lead to wasting visitor arrivals from Australia have grown fairly steadily, public resources. Hawai‘i’s Asia-Pacific public policy more than doubling from 66,829 in 2001 to 143,742 in 2010 orientation should be highly engaged, conservative of public (see Figure 11). In many respects Australians are similar to resources, and facilitative of private business arrangements Koreans, with nearly identical average party sizes, propensity without trying to pick winners. to stay in hotels, and even daily spending patterns. It is a cliché, though no less true, that Hawai‘i’s history Australians provide additional diversification as they and culture have evolved with an Asia-Pacific focus that are much more likely to be repeat visitors who have been positions us well. Most of our population traces ancestry and to Hawaii before, and they are much more likely to be culture to migrants from the region, and our leaders have independent travelers not taking tours or packages. Roughly long sought to promote Hawai‘i as a bridge between Asia 20% of Korean visitors in 2009 and 2010 were repeat and the West. While Hawai‘i has not dominated the bridging visitors, but a little more than 40% of Australians were repeat function, that role has certainly shaped the state, making visitor in those years. Australia represents a reliable market us a relatively comfortable partner with expanding Asian with strong tastes for the natural and outdoor appeal of economies. Hawaii. At the same time Hawai‘i has some sad history in terms The major markets of the Asia-Pacific region show of developing economy-leading public projects. In our promise for the next decade as well as some clear challenges, eagerness to create job opportunities and to raise standards including population aging, local tourism competition, and, of living, we have spent resources on spaceports, establishing in the case of China, visa restrictions. Asia’s ace in the hole Honolulu as the “Geneva of the Pacific,” high-technology is rapid economic growth: this year the East Asian region is tax credits, and so on. While well intentioned, this desire to expanding at a greater-than-7% rate, compared with less than identify, and partner early with, the next “winner” has wasted 2% growth in North American. And the region will account effort and resources. for significant share of global growth in coming years. There Of course not all public economic development efforts © 2011 UHERO.Hawaii.EdU
  • 18. PREss VERsiOn - EmbaRGOEd Until 2:00am On dEcEmbER 2, 2011 asia-PaciFic FOREcast 14 dEcEmbER 2, 2011 fail, but those that succeed are more likely to involve a modest Thus, in Hawai‘i, calls for an Asian-like, state-led role for the public sector rather than leading the charge. economic strategy should be resisted to the extent they Public sector expenditures to protect our natural resources, involve using resources primarily for the benefit of one, or a to manage conflict among alternative uses of resources, and handful, of organizations. Hawai‘i citizens would be better to construct and maintain public infrastructure, are more served by a public policy orientation that looks for ways to likely to help Hawaii’s economy than plunking a large sum of facilitate private business without unduly favoring particular money on the next “big idea.” interests. Our governance arrangements should be as widely As (not “if ”) business activity picks up in the next few accommodating as possible, consistent with equitably sharing years, perhaps with heavy influence from Asian investment, the expenses of the public sector (i.e. no special tax breaks) we will see familiar pressure for government to be a and protecting our natural and built assets. “partner,” or “leader.” The Legislature will hear references We should orient ourselves with tax policies and a to “planting seeds,” moving the state to “critical mass,” regulatory framework that are generally neutral toward types being “proactive,” or some other clever-sounding term that of economic activity. We thereby position ourselves to take amounts to the public sector bearing financial risk for specific advantage of economic opportunity from whatever direction investors. it emerges. And we avoid the trap of having spent millions Such signals may come especially from Hawai‘i’s of dollars in one direction, only to find out one or two years potential Asian partners. Economic development models later that the future lies elsewhere. from China, Japan, and Korea give a greater role to the Hawai‘i leaders should neither pander to new, state than is typical of the West. As a recent example, “promising” business ventures nor be blithely uninterested. China has garnered attention for its public subsidy of solar A middle ground of engagement and sober assessment is energy capacity. Japan’s historic post-war, export-led growth likely to be the best approach. This will call for self-restraint model was strongly planned and directed. And Korea’s from enthusiasts of either the “public official” or “private government-backed promotion of electronic media has entrepreneur” variety. Enthusiasm is wonderful; but it should garnered global attention. be viewed with skepticism when it precedes a request for Yet the viability of state-led economic growth strategies significant public monies. may vary over the development life cycle. Developing Public policy should stick to the basics: Attending to economies may grow rapidly via state-directed investments our infrastructure needs, making sure that our tax system in particular industries or clusters. As they join the ranks adequately funds important public expenditures without of developed economies, the pace of economic growth skewing economic incentives, and maintaining our regulatory usually slows and the previous success of state-directed environment to be appropriate to the challenges of emerging activity wanes. Ultimately, the global frontiers of knowledge, economic directions. technology, and management innovation bind, and progress If we somehow manage to achieve this balance in public comes more slowly. At this point, the risk of poor resource policy orientation, Hawai‘i will be well placed to benefit decisions from state actors rises because the sources of future from an impending wave from Asia and the Pacific, or from growth are much less obvious. whatever quarter opportunity comes. © 2011 UHERO.Hawaii.EdU
  • 19. PREss VERsiOn - EmbaRGOEd Until 2:00am On dEcEmbER 2, 2011 asia-PaciFic FOREcast 15 dEcEmbER 2, 2011 Asia-Pacific Prospects: The Short and the Long View It is a common, but no less accurate, observation that we are living in exceptional times. We are pressed by exceptional challenges, of population pressure, environmental distress and political upheaval. But we are also living in a period of exceptional accomplishment: the richest period the world has ever seen, where economic progress is lifting millions out of abject poverty. Growth poles have shifted away from the West to dynamic countries of the East. But this can sometimes be overstated. Much of the world’s wealth and technological innovation remains centered in Europe and North America, and high-growth emerging regions may soon include Eastern Europe, Latin America, and even Africa. Assessing prospects for the future requires a broad view. It is therefore possible to overestimate the importance of the Asia-Pacific region. But not for Hawaii. As these essays make clear, Hawaii today is tied up with Asia and the Pacific. If one folds into this definition (as we have) the Pacific Americas, then our prospects are absolutely dominated by what happens in this region in the future. In the near term, Asia and Oceania are providing important support as North America falters. They will be key engines of future growth. Our contributors have highlighted this potential as well as some of the key challenges they face, and some of the ways that they will affect Hawaii and Hawaii policymaking in years to come. Overall, this is a positive message, but one that does not shy away from some uncomfortable truths. A natural question is this: What does Hawaii need to do to take advantage of the Asia-Pacific Century? While there is uncertainty about what is coming, some implications seem clear. One is that the countries from which our visitors come and the nature of those visitors—they will be older and probably richer—is likely to evolve considerably in coming decades. There will likely be more heterogeneity in the visitor mix, which should be welcome after a period of excessive reliance on the US and Japanese markets. Visitor related companies will need to think about how to market appropriately and to shape the services they offer, and how to be flexible as markets change. From the public policy perspective, the question is what does government need to do to provide an environment in which tourism, but also other industries, can thrive as Asia and the Pacific grow. Besides tourism, what other industries have the most potential? Will it be energy technology? Health care? Education? The answer is that it is impossible to know. As Chris Grandy has pointed out above, governments are bad at picking winners. So rather than potentially squandering public money on targeted incentives, governments should focus on those things that are necessary for all businesses to be successful. One clear priority is to invest in basic infrastructure needed for private sector success. Hawaii has woefully underinvested in physical infrastructure for the past two decades, and most would agree we have underinvested in human capital as well. Addressing these problems will be expensive, and so we need to look carefully at state and local budgets to make sure we are using revenues efficiently and in a way that does not overly burden businesses and taxpayers. If we get that right, we will be well positioned to take advantage of whatever opportunities present themselves. We are thankful for the contributions of a panel of outstanding scholars. We think their expertise provides a rich and informative view of issues coming down the pike. And, that they reflect the richness of expertise that we have at the University of Hawaii, at UHERO, and among our far-flung alumni, colleagues, and friends. Mahalo. © 2011 UHERO.Hawaii.EdU
  • 20. PREss VERsiOn - EmbaRGOEd Until 2:00am On dEcEmbER 2, 2011 asia-PaciFic FOREcast 16 dEcEmbER 2, 2011 Growth Rates of Real Gross Domestic Product 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 North America United States -0.3 -3.5 3.0 1.6 1.6 2.4 Canada 0.7 -2.8 3.2 2.2 1.9 2.6 Asia and Oceania Developed Japan -1.2 -6.3 4.0 -0.4 2.2 2.0 Australia 2.4 1.4 2.5 0.5 2.8 2.6 New Zealand -0.7 0.0 2.5 1.4 2.5 3.0 East and Southeast Asia 6.4 5.1 9.2 7.3 6.8 6.9 China 9.6 9.2 10.3 9.3 8.7 8.5 Hong Kong 2.3 -2.7 7.0 5.0 4.1 4.5 Indonesia 5.0 4.6 6.1 6.4 6.0 6.3 Republic of Korea 2.3 0.3 6.2 3.9 3.6 4.0 Malaysia 4.7 -1.7 7.2 4.6 4.4 5.0 Philippines 4.2 1.2 7.6 4.3 4.4 4.9 Singapore 1.5 -0.8 14.5 5.0 4.0 4.5 Taiwan 0.7 -1.9 10.8 4.6 3.9 4.3 Thailand 2.5 -2.3 7.8 3.5 3.9 4.2 Vietnam 6.3 5.3 6.8 5.8 6.0 6.3 Gross World Product 1.5 -2.3 4.0 2.8 2.6 3.3 Source: UHERO. Forecasts other than for U.S. and Japan taken from United Nations LINK Global Economic Outlook, October 2011. Figures for 2011 - 2013 are forecasts. Gross World Product is calculated at 2005 prices and exchange rates. © 2011 UHERO.Hawaii.EdU
  • 21.
  • 22. uHero tHANKs tHe followiNg sPoNsors: KawEKi‘U - tHE tOPmOst sUmmit The Bank of Hawaii KilOHana - a lOOKOUt, HiGH POint Hawaii Electric Light Company. Inc. Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc. Maui Electric Company, Ltd. County of Kaua‘i Office of Economic Development Kamehameha Schools Matson Navigation Company KUaHiwi - a HiGH Hill, mOUntain American Savings Bank Central Pacific Bank Hau‘oli Mau Loa Hawaii Foreign-Trade Zone Kaiser Permanente Hawaii The Nature Conservancy, Hawaii Program Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii Authority The Pacific Resource Partnership Servco Pacific Inc. Kulia I Ka Nu‘u (literally “Strive for the summit”) is the value of achievement, those who pursue personal excellence. This was the motto of Hawai‘i’s Queen Kapi‘olani. Sponsors help UHERO to continually reach for excellence as the premier organization dedicated to economic research relevant to Hawai‘i and the Asia- Pacific region. The UHERO Forecast Project is a community-sponsored research program of the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. The Forecast Project provides the Hawai‘i community with analysis on economic, demographic, and business trends in the State and the Asia-Pacific region. All sponsors receive the full schedule of UHERO reports, as well as other benefits that vary with the level of financial commitment. For sponsorship information, browse to