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Types of Self
  Practice Reading Review
Types of Self
               Since you control your thoughts and behaviors largely to the extent that you understand who you are, it's crucial to
develop heightened self-awareness. To better understand yourself, think of the self as divided into quadrants, each of which
contains a different self.

              Your Open Self. Your open self represents all the
information, behaviors, attitudes, feelings, desires, motivations, and ideas that characterize you. The type of information
included here might vary from your name and sex to your age, religious affiliation, and batting average. The size of your open
self changes depending on the situation and the individuals you are interacting with. Some people probably make you feel
comfortable and support you. To them, you would open yourself wide. To others you might prefer to have most of yourself closed
or unknown. Visualize the entire four areas as of constant size but each section as variable, sometimes small, sometimes large.
Note that a change in the open self area, or any area, will cause a change in the other areas. For example, your disclosure
enlarges your open self and shrinks your hidden self.

              Your Blind Self. Your blind self represents all the things about yourself that others know but of which you're
ignorant. These include, for example, your habit of rubbing your nose when you get angry, your defense mechanisms, and your
repressed experiences. Interpersonal communication depends on both parties sharing the same basic information about each
other. Where blind areas exist, communication will be more difficult. Yet blind areas always exist. You can shrink your blind
area, but you can never totally eliminate it.

               Your Hidden Self. Your hidden self contains all you know of yourself but that you keep to yourself. This area
includes all your successfully kept secrets. In any interaction, this area includes everything you have not revealed and perhaps
seek actively to conceal. When you move information from this area to the open area, for example telling someone a
secret, you're self-disclosing.

                Your Unknown Self. Your unknown self represents all the truth that exist but that neither you nor others know. We
infer the existence of this unknown self from dreams, psychological tests, or therapy. For example, through therapy you might
become aware of your need for acceptance and how this influences the way you allow people to take advantage of you. With this
insight, this information change weaknesses into strengths.

               This four-part view of the self is particularly helpful in increasing your self-awareness. Self-awareness is crucial for
several reasons. Perhaps the most obviously, self-awareness will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses so that you can
capitalize on your strengths. More important, you can also direct your energies to correcting your weaknesses. (Devito, Joseph A.
2000. Messages: Building Interpersonal Communication Skills, 4th ed. pp. 42-43)
Paragraph One
        Since you control your thoughts and behaviors
largely to the extent that you understand who you
are, it's crucial to develop heightened self-
awareness. To better understand yourself, think of
the self as divided into quadrants, each of which
contains a different self.
Paragraph One
        Since you control your thoughts and behaviors
largely to the extent that you understand who you
are, it's crucial to develop heightened self-
awareness. To better understand yourself, think of
the self as divided into quadrants, each of which
contains a different self.
There are four types of self
Paragraph Two
        Your Open Self. Your open self represents all the
information, behaviors, attitudes, feelings, desires, motivations,
 and ideas that characterize you. The type of information
included here might vary from your name and sex to your
age, religious affiliation, and batting average. The size of your
open self changes depending on the situation and the individuals
you are interacting with. Some people probably make you feel
comfortable and support you. To them, you would open yourself
wide. To others you might prefer to have most of yourself closed
or unknown. Visualize the entire four areas as of constant size
but each section as variable, sometimes small, sometimes large.
Note that a change in the open self area, or any area, will cause
a change in the other areas. For example, your disclosure
enlarges your open self and shrinks your hidden self.
Paragraph Two
         Your Open Self. Your open self represents all the
information, behaviors, attitudes, feelings, desires, motivations,
and ideas that characterize you. The type of information
included here might vary from your name and sex to your age,
religious affiliation, and batting average. The size of your open
self changes depending on the situation and the individuals you
are interacting with. Some people probably make you feel
comfortable and support you. To them, you would open yourself
wide. To others you might prefer to have most of yourself closed
or unknown. Visualize the entire four areas as of constant size
but each section as variable, sometimes small, sometimes large.
Note that a change in the open self area, or any area, will cause
a change in the other areas. For example, your disclosure
enlarges your open self and shrinks your hidden self.
One type of self, your open self, is what others know about you.
Paragraph Three
       Your Blind Self. Your blind self represents all
the things about yourself that others know but of
which you're ignorant. These include, for example,
your habit of rubbing your nose when you get angry,
your defense mechanisms, and your repressed
experiences. Interpersonal communication depends
on both parties sharing the same basic information
about each other. Where blind areas exist,
communication will be more difficult. Yet blind areas
always exist. You can shrink your blind area, but you
can never totally eliminate it.
Paragraph Three
       Your Blind Self. Your blind self represents all
the things about yourself that others know but of
which you're ignorant. These include, for
example, your habit of rubbing your nose when you
get angry, your defense mechanisms, and your
repressed experiences. Interpersonal communication
depends on both parties sharing the same basic
information about each other. Where blind areas
exist, communication will be more difficult. Yet blind
areas always exist. You can shrink your blind
area, but you can never totally eliminate it.
Your blind self is what others know about you but you
don’t know.
Paragraph Four
       Your Hidden Self. Your hidden self contains all
you know of yourself but that you keep to yourself.
This area includes all your successfully kept secrets.
In any interaction, this area includes everything you
have not revealed and perhaps seek actively to
conceal. When you move information from this area
to the open area, for example telling someone a
secret, you're self-disclosing.
Paragraph Four
       Your Hidden Self. Your hidden self contains all
you know of yourself but that you keep to yourself.
This area includes all your successfully kept secrets.
In any interaction, this area includes everything you
have not revealed and perhaps seek actively to
conceal. When you move information from this area
to the open area, for example telling someone a
secret, you're self-disclosing.
Your hidden self is what only you know about yourself.
Paragraph Five
        Your Unknown Self. Your unknown self
represents all the truth that exist but that neither
you nor others know. We infer the existence of this
unknown self from dreams, psychological tests, or
therapy. For example, through therapy you might
become aware of your need for acceptance and how
this influences the way you allow people to take
advantage of you. With this insight, this information
change weaknesses into strengths.
Paragraph Five
        Your Unknown Self. Your unknown self
represents all the truth that exist but that neither
you nor others know. We infer the existence of this
unknown self from dreams, psychological tests, or
therapy. For example, through therapy you might
become aware of your need for acceptance and how
this influences the way you allow people to take
advantage of you. With this insight, this information
change weaknesses into strengths.
Your unknown self is what no one knows about you.
Paragraph Six
       This four-part view of the self is particularly
helpful in increasing your self-awareness. Self-
awareness is crucial for several reasons. Perhaps the
most obviously, self-awareness will help you identify
your strengths and weaknesses so that you can
capitalize on your strengths. More important, you can
also direct your energies to correcting your
weaknesses. (Devito, Joseph A. 2000. Messages:
Building Interpersonal Communication Skills, 4th ed.
pp. 42-43)
Paragraph Six
        This four-part view of the self is particularly
helpful in increasing your self-awareness. Self-awareness
is crucial for several reasons. Perhaps the most obviously,
self-awareness will help you identify your strengths and
weaknesses so that you can capitalize on your strengths.
More important, you can also direct your energies to
correcting your weaknesses. (Devito, Joseph A. 2000.
Messages: Building Interpersonal Communication Skills, 4th
ed. pp. 42-43)
Being aware of the four types of self can increase your self-
awareness and in turn help you to identify and capitalize on
your strengths and correct your weaknesses.
Which sentence best states the
main idea of this passage?
A. We all struggle with self-awareness and self

B. Self-awareness is essential to success.

C. It is important to understand yourself.

D. To better understand yourself, think of the self as
   divided into quadrants, each of which contains a
   different self and each of which affects the other.
Paragraph Summaries
1. There are four types of self

2. One type of self, your open self, is what others know
   about you.

3. Your blind self is what others know about you but you
   don’t know.

4. Your hidden self is what only you know about yourself.

5. Your unknown self is what no one knows about you.

6. Being aware of the four types of self can increase your
   self-awareness and in turn help you to identify and
   capitalize on your strengths and correct your
Which sentence best states the
main idea of this passage?
A. We all struggle with self-awareness and self

B. Self-awareness is essential to success.

C. It is important to understand yourself.

D. To better understand yourself, think of the self as
   divided into quadrants, each of which contains a
   different self and each of which affects the other.
Which sentence best states the
main idea of this passage?
A. We all struggle with self-awareness and self

B. Self-awareness is essential to success.

C. It is important to understand yourself.

D. To better understand yourself, think of the self as
   divided into quadrants, each of which contains a
   different self and each of which affects the other.
The overall pattern of
organization for this passage is
A. classification.
B. cause and effect.
C. time order.
D. spatial order.
MI: To better understand yourself, think of the self as divided
into quadrants, each of which contains a different self and each
of which affects the other.
The overall pattern of
organization for this passage is
A. classification.
B. cause and effect.
C. time order.
D. spatial order.
MI: To better understand yourself, think of the self as divided
into quadrants, each of which contains a different self and each
of which affects the other.
The primary purpose of this
passage is to
A. identify the different types of self in order to
   identify strengths and weaknesses.
B. contrast the inner self to the outer self.
C. discuss the causes of self-identity.
D. give the history of the development of the self.
MI: To better understand yourself, think of the self as divided
into quadrants, each of which contains a different self and each
of which affects the other.

P: classification
The primary purpose of this
passage is to
A. identify the different types of self in order to
   identify strengths and weaknesses.
B. contrast the inner self to the outer self.
C. discuss the causes of self-identity.
D. give the history of the development of the self.
MI: To better understand yourself, think of the self as divided
into quadrants, each of which contains a different self and each
of which affects the other.

P: classification
The tone of this passage is
A. indifferent
B. humorous
C. informal
D. objective
The tone of this passage is
A. indifferent
B. humorous
C. informal
D. objective
''To them, you would probably
open yourself wide." (line 10)
The above statement is a statement of
A. opinion
B. fact
''To them, you would probably
open yourself wide." (line 10)
The above statement is a statement of
A. opinion
B. fact
As used in the last paragraph
'capitalize' most nearly means
A. build
B. recognize
C. exploit
D. change
Perhaps the most obviously, self-awareness will help
you identify your strengths and weaknesses so that
you can capitalize on your strengths.
As used in the last paragraph
'capitalize' most nearly means
A. build
B. recognize
C. exploit
D. change
"When you move information from this area to the
open area, for example telling someone a secret,
you're self-disclosing." (line 25-26)

One conclusion that could be drawn from
paragraph 4, based on the above statement is that

A. self-disclosing shrinks your hidden self and enlarges
   your open self.

B. self-disclosing is an unhealthy and inappropriate

C. self-disclosing is a healthy and appropriate action.

D. self-disclosing, as in, say, the revealing of secrets is
"When you move information from this area to the
open area, for example telling someone a secret,
you're self-disclosing." (line 25-26)

One conclusion that could be drawn from
paragraph 4, based on the above statement is that

A. self-disclosing shrinks your hidden self and enlarges
   your open self.

B. self-disclosing is an unhealthy and inappropriate

C. self-disclosing is a healthy and appropriate action.

D. self-disclosing, as in, say, the revealing of secrets is
Remember in Paragraph Two:
“Note that a change in the open self area, or any
area, will cause a change in the other areas. For
example, your disclosure enlarges your open self and
shrinks your hidden self.”
"When you move information from this area to the
open area, for example telling someone a
secret, you're self-disclosing." (line 25-26)

One conclusion that could be drawn from
paragraph 4, based on the above statement is that

A. self-disclosing shrinks your hidden self and enlarges
   your open self.

B. self-disclosing is an unhealthy and inappropriate

C. self-disclosing is a healthy and appropriate action.

D. self-disclosing, as in, say, the revealing of secrets is
"You can shrink your blind area, but you can
never totally eliminate it." (line 20-21)

The relationship of the parts within the following
sentence is

A. Cause and effect

B. Statement and clarification

C. Contrast

D. Time order
"You can shrink your blind area, but you can
never totally eliminate it." (line 20-21)

The relationship of the parts within the following
sentence is

A. Cause and effect

B. Statement and clarification

C. Contrast

D. Time order
"Your blind self' is defined as
A. all the
   information, behaviors, attitudes, feelings, desires, an
   d motivations that characterize you.

B. all that you know about yourself but keep hidden from

C. all the things about yourself that others know but of
   which you are ignorant.

D. all that is known about you which neither you nor
   others know.
Paragraph Three
Your Blind Self. Your blind self represents all the things about
yourself that others know but of which you're ignorant. These
include, for example, your habit of rubbing your nose when you
get angry, your defense mechanisms, and your repressed
experiences. Interpersonal communication depends on both
parties sharing the same basic information about each other.
Where blind areas exist, communication will be more difficult.
Yet blind areas always exist. You can shrink your blind area, but
you can never totally eliminate it.

Your blind self is what others know about you but you
don’t know.
"Your blind self' is defined as
A. all the information, behaviors, attitudes, feelings,
   desires, and motivations that characterize you.

B. all that you know about yourself but keep hidden from

C. all the things about yourself that others know but of
   which you are ignorant.

D. all that is known about you which neither you nor
   others know.

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Types of self review

  • 1. Types of Self Practice Reading Review
  • 2. Types of Self Since you control your thoughts and behaviors largely to the extent that you understand who you are, it's crucial to develop heightened self-awareness. To better understand yourself, think of the self as divided into quadrants, each of which contains a different self. Your Open Self. Your open self represents all the information, behaviors, attitudes, feelings, desires, motivations, and ideas that characterize you. The type of information included here might vary from your name and sex to your age, religious affiliation, and batting average. The size of your open self changes depending on the situation and the individuals you are interacting with. Some people probably make you feel comfortable and support you. To them, you would open yourself wide. To others you might prefer to have most of yourself closed or unknown. Visualize the entire four areas as of constant size but each section as variable, sometimes small, sometimes large. Note that a change in the open self area, or any area, will cause a change in the other areas. For example, your disclosure enlarges your open self and shrinks your hidden self. Your Blind Self. Your blind self represents all the things about yourself that others know but of which you're ignorant. These include, for example, your habit of rubbing your nose when you get angry, your defense mechanisms, and your repressed experiences. Interpersonal communication depends on both parties sharing the same basic information about each other. Where blind areas exist, communication will be more difficult. Yet blind areas always exist. You can shrink your blind area, but you can never totally eliminate it. Your Hidden Self. Your hidden self contains all you know of yourself but that you keep to yourself. This area includes all your successfully kept secrets. In any interaction, this area includes everything you have not revealed and perhaps seek actively to conceal. When you move information from this area to the open area, for example telling someone a secret, you're self-disclosing. Your Unknown Self. Your unknown self represents all the truth that exist but that neither you nor others know. We infer the existence of this unknown self from dreams, psychological tests, or therapy. For example, through therapy you might become aware of your need for acceptance and how this influences the way you allow people to take advantage of you. With this insight, this information change weaknesses into strengths. This four-part view of the self is particularly helpful in increasing your self-awareness. Self-awareness is crucial for several reasons. Perhaps the most obviously, self-awareness will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses so that you can capitalize on your strengths. More important, you can also direct your energies to correcting your weaknesses. (Devito, Joseph A. 2000. Messages: Building Interpersonal Communication Skills, 4th ed. pp. 42-43)
  • 3. Paragraph One Since you control your thoughts and behaviors largely to the extent that you understand who you are, it's crucial to develop heightened self- awareness. To better understand yourself, think of the self as divided into quadrants, each of which contains a different self.
  • 4. Paragraph One Since you control your thoughts and behaviors largely to the extent that you understand who you are, it's crucial to develop heightened self- awareness. To better understand yourself, think of the self as divided into quadrants, each of which contains a different self. There are four types of self
  • 5. Paragraph Two Your Open Self. Your open self represents all the information, behaviors, attitudes, feelings, desires, motivations, and ideas that characterize you. The type of information included here might vary from your name and sex to your age, religious affiliation, and batting average. The size of your open self changes depending on the situation and the individuals you are interacting with. Some people probably make you feel comfortable and support you. To them, you would open yourself wide. To others you might prefer to have most of yourself closed or unknown. Visualize the entire four areas as of constant size but each section as variable, sometimes small, sometimes large. Note that a change in the open self area, or any area, will cause a change in the other areas. For example, your disclosure enlarges your open self and shrinks your hidden self.
  • 6. Paragraph Two Your Open Self. Your open self represents all the information, behaviors, attitudes, feelings, desires, motivations, and ideas that characterize you. The type of information included here might vary from your name and sex to your age, religious affiliation, and batting average. The size of your open self changes depending on the situation and the individuals you are interacting with. Some people probably make you feel comfortable and support you. To them, you would open yourself wide. To others you might prefer to have most of yourself closed or unknown. Visualize the entire four areas as of constant size but each section as variable, sometimes small, sometimes large. Note that a change in the open self area, or any area, will cause a change in the other areas. For example, your disclosure enlarges your open self and shrinks your hidden self. One type of self, your open self, is what others know about you.
  • 7. Paragraph Three Your Blind Self. Your blind self represents all the things about yourself that others know but of which you're ignorant. These include, for example, your habit of rubbing your nose when you get angry, your defense mechanisms, and your repressed experiences. Interpersonal communication depends on both parties sharing the same basic information about each other. Where blind areas exist, communication will be more difficult. Yet blind areas always exist. You can shrink your blind area, but you can never totally eliminate it.
  • 8. Paragraph Three Your Blind Self. Your blind self represents all the things about yourself that others know but of which you're ignorant. These include, for example, your habit of rubbing your nose when you get angry, your defense mechanisms, and your repressed experiences. Interpersonal communication depends on both parties sharing the same basic information about each other. Where blind areas exist, communication will be more difficult. Yet blind areas always exist. You can shrink your blind area, but you can never totally eliminate it. Your blind self is what others know about you but you don’t know.
  • 9. Paragraph Four Your Hidden Self. Your hidden self contains all you know of yourself but that you keep to yourself. This area includes all your successfully kept secrets. In any interaction, this area includes everything you have not revealed and perhaps seek actively to conceal. When you move information from this area to the open area, for example telling someone a secret, you're self-disclosing.
  • 10. Paragraph Four Your Hidden Self. Your hidden self contains all you know of yourself but that you keep to yourself. This area includes all your successfully kept secrets. In any interaction, this area includes everything you have not revealed and perhaps seek actively to conceal. When you move information from this area to the open area, for example telling someone a secret, you're self-disclosing. Your hidden self is what only you know about yourself.
  • 11. Paragraph Five Your Unknown Self. Your unknown self represents all the truth that exist but that neither you nor others know. We infer the existence of this unknown self from dreams, psychological tests, or therapy. For example, through therapy you might become aware of your need for acceptance and how this influences the way you allow people to take advantage of you. With this insight, this information change weaknesses into strengths.
  • 12. Paragraph Five Your Unknown Self. Your unknown self represents all the truth that exist but that neither you nor others know. We infer the existence of this unknown self from dreams, psychological tests, or therapy. For example, through therapy you might become aware of your need for acceptance and how this influences the way you allow people to take advantage of you. With this insight, this information change weaknesses into strengths. Your unknown self is what no one knows about you.
  • 13. Paragraph Six This four-part view of the self is particularly helpful in increasing your self-awareness. Self- awareness is crucial for several reasons. Perhaps the most obviously, self-awareness will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses so that you can capitalize on your strengths. More important, you can also direct your energies to correcting your weaknesses. (Devito, Joseph A. 2000. Messages: Building Interpersonal Communication Skills, 4th ed. pp. 42-43)
  • 14. Paragraph Six This four-part view of the self is particularly helpful in increasing your self-awareness. Self-awareness is crucial for several reasons. Perhaps the most obviously, self-awareness will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses so that you can capitalize on your strengths. More important, you can also direct your energies to correcting your weaknesses. (Devito, Joseph A. 2000. Messages: Building Interpersonal Communication Skills, 4th ed. pp. 42-43) Being aware of the four types of self can increase your self- awareness and in turn help you to identify and capitalize on your strengths and correct your weaknesses.
  • 15. Which sentence best states the main idea of this passage? A. We all struggle with self-awareness and self acceptance. B. Self-awareness is essential to success. C. It is important to understand yourself. D. To better understand yourself, think of the self as divided into quadrants, each of which contains a different self and each of which affects the other.
  • 16. Paragraph Summaries 1. There are four types of self 2. One type of self, your open self, is what others know about you. 3. Your blind self is what others know about you but you don’t know. 4. Your hidden self is what only you know about yourself. 5. Your unknown self is what no one knows about you. 6. Being aware of the four types of self can increase your self-awareness and in turn help you to identify and capitalize on your strengths and correct your weaknesses.
  • 17. Which sentence best states the main idea of this passage? A. We all struggle with self-awareness and self acceptance. B. Self-awareness is essential to success. C. It is important to understand yourself. D. To better understand yourself, think of the self as divided into quadrants, each of which contains a different self and each of which affects the other.
  • 18. Which sentence best states the main idea of this passage? A. We all struggle with self-awareness and self acceptance. B. Self-awareness is essential to success. C. It is important to understand yourself. D. To better understand yourself, think of the self as divided into quadrants, each of which contains a different self and each of which affects the other.
  • 19. The overall pattern of organization for this passage is A. classification. B. cause and effect. C. time order. D. spatial order. MI: To better understand yourself, think of the self as divided into quadrants, each of which contains a different self and each of which affects the other.
  • 20. The overall pattern of organization for this passage is A. classification. B. cause and effect. C. time order. D. spatial order. MI: To better understand yourself, think of the self as divided into quadrants, each of which contains a different self and each of which affects the other.
  • 21. The primary purpose of this passage is to A. identify the different types of self in order to identify strengths and weaknesses. B. contrast the inner self to the outer self. C. discuss the causes of self-identity. D. give the history of the development of the self. MI: To better understand yourself, think of the self as divided into quadrants, each of which contains a different self and each of which affects the other. P: classification
  • 22. The primary purpose of this passage is to A. identify the different types of self in order to identify strengths and weaknesses. B. contrast the inner self to the outer self. C. discuss the causes of self-identity. D. give the history of the development of the self. MI: To better understand yourself, think of the self as divided into quadrants, each of which contains a different self and each of which affects the other. P: classification
  • 23. The tone of this passage is A. indifferent B. humorous C. informal D. objective
  • 24. The tone of this passage is A. indifferent B. humorous C. informal D. objective
  • 25. ''To them, you would probably open yourself wide." (line 10) The above statement is a statement of A. opinion B. fact
  • 26. ''To them, you would probably open yourself wide." (line 10) The above statement is a statement of A. opinion B. fact
  • 27. As used in the last paragraph 'capitalize' most nearly means A. build B. recognize C. exploit D. change Perhaps the most obviously, self-awareness will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses so that you can capitalize on your strengths.
  • 28. As used in the last paragraph 'capitalize' most nearly means A. build B. recognize C. exploit D. change
  • 29. "When you move information from this area to the open area, for example telling someone a secret, you're self-disclosing." (line 25-26) One conclusion that could be drawn from paragraph 4, based on the above statement is that A. self-disclosing shrinks your hidden self and enlarges your open self. B. self-disclosing is an unhealthy and inappropriate action. C. self-disclosing is a healthy and appropriate action. D. self-disclosing, as in, say, the revealing of secrets is unavoidable.
  • 30. "When you move information from this area to the open area, for example telling someone a secret, you're self-disclosing." (line 25-26) One conclusion that could be drawn from paragraph 4, based on the above statement is that A. self-disclosing shrinks your hidden self and enlarges your open self. B. self-disclosing is an unhealthy and inappropriate action. C. self-disclosing is a healthy and appropriate action. D. self-disclosing, as in, say, the revealing of secrets is unavoidable.
  • 31. Remember in Paragraph Two: “Note that a change in the open self area, or any area, will cause a change in the other areas. For example, your disclosure enlarges your open self and shrinks your hidden self.”
  • 32. "When you move information from this area to the open area, for example telling someone a secret, you're self-disclosing." (line 25-26) One conclusion that could be drawn from paragraph 4, based on the above statement is that A. self-disclosing shrinks your hidden self and enlarges your open self. B. self-disclosing is an unhealthy and inappropriate action. C. self-disclosing is a healthy and appropriate action. D. self-disclosing, as in, say, the revealing of secrets is unavoidable.
  • 33. "You can shrink your blind area, but you can never totally eliminate it." (line 20-21) The relationship of the parts within the following sentence is A. Cause and effect B. Statement and clarification C. Contrast D. Time order
  • 34. "You can shrink your blind area, but you can never totally eliminate it." (line 20-21) The relationship of the parts within the following sentence is A. Cause and effect B. Statement and clarification C. Contrast D. Time order
  • 35. "Your blind self' is defined as A. all the information, behaviors, attitudes, feelings, desires, an d motivations that characterize you. B. all that you know about yourself but keep hidden from yourself. C. all the things about yourself that others know but of which you are ignorant. D. all that is known about you which neither you nor others know.
  • 36. Paragraph Three Your Blind Self. Your blind self represents all the things about yourself that others know but of which you're ignorant. These include, for example, your habit of rubbing your nose when you get angry, your defense mechanisms, and your repressed experiences. Interpersonal communication depends on both parties sharing the same basic information about each other. Where blind areas exist, communication will be more difficult. Yet blind areas always exist. You can shrink your blind area, but you can never totally eliminate it. Your blind self is what others know about you but you don’t know.
  • 37. "Your blind self' is defined as A. all the information, behaviors, attitudes, feelings, desires, and motivations that characterize you. B. all that you know about yourself but keep hidden from yourself. C. all the things about yourself that others know but of which you are ignorant. D. all that is known about you which neither you nor others know.