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Name of video:
Type 1 Diabetes PSA
Description of this scene:
Title Slide Screen: 1 of 35
Color/Type/Size of Font:
White/Futura/64 & 36
Actual text:
Type 1 Diabetes: The
balancing act
Screen size: 16:9
Redondo Beach Short
Transition to next clip: Cross Dissolve
Animation: Drifting effect
Audience Interaction: n/a
Video Storyboard
Name of video:
Type 1 Diabetes PSA
Description of this scene:
Section 1 heading Screen: 2 of 35
Color/Type/Size of Font:
White/Helvetica Neue/34
Actual text:
Diabetes in general
Screen size: 16:9
Transition to next clip: Cut to
Animation: Soft Edge effect
Audience Interaction: n/a
Video Storyboard
Name of video:
Type 1 Diabetes PSA
Description of this scene:
What is diabetes? Screen: 3 of 35
Color/Type/Size of Font:
Actual text:
a.k.a SUGAR
Screen size: 16:9
Diabetes occurs when the body
does not produce enough of the
hormone insulin or when the
body's cells cannot use insulin
properly. Insulin is produced in the
pancreas and regulates the body's
use of glucose. It helps sugar move
from the blood into cells to be
used for energy. Without insulin,
blood sugar builds up in the
bloodstream to dangerously high
Transition to next clip: Cut to
Animation: Gradient overlay
Audience Interaction: n/a
Video Storyboard
Name of video:
Type 1 Diabetes PSA
Description of this scene:
What is diabetes? Screen: 4 of 35
Color/Type/Size of Font:
Actual text:
• 7% of the U.S.
population has
diabetes: 21 million
• Type 1 Diabetes
• Type 2 Diabetes
• Gestational Diabetes
• Pre-diabetes
Screen size: 16:9
Diabetes is a lifelong condition
that requires medical treatment
and daily management. There are
different causes, different ages of
onset in people diagnosed, and
different treatment options.
Approximately 21 million people
in the United States or 7% of the
population have diabetes. If
diabetes is poorly managed, it
can affect other organs in the
body such as they eyes or
kidneys. Diabetes is the 6th
leading cause of death in the
United States. There are 4 types
of diabetes: Type 1 diabetes,
Type 2 diabetes, Gestational
diabetes, and Pre-diabetes.
Transition to next clip: Cut to
Animation: Gradient overlay
Audience Interaction: n/a
Video Storyboard
Name of video:
Type 1 Diabetes PSA
Description of this scene:
Various names for type 1 diabetes Screen: 5 of 35
Color/Type/Size of
Actual text:
Screen size: 16:9
For our purposes, we're
going to take a look at
Type 1 diabetes. You
may have heard it called
various names. Because
it usually is diagnosed in
childhood or
adolescence, you may
hear it referred to as
juvenile diabetes. Only
20 percent of type 1
patients are diagnosed
as adults. It is also called
diabetes because people
with the disease depend
on daily doses of insulin
to regulate their blood
sugar levels.
Transition to next clip: Cut to
Animation: n/a
Audience Interaction: n/a
Video Storyboard
Name of video:
Type 1 Diabetes PSA
Description of this scene:
How type 1 differs from other types of diabetes Screen: 6 of 35
Color/Type/Size of Font:
Actual text:
5 to 10% of ALL diabetes
Screen size: 16:9
So, just how does type 1 diabetes differ
from other types of diabetes? People with
Type 1 diabetes have high blood glucose
levels that result from a lack of insulin. The
disease develops over a short period of time
and can make a person sick very quickly.
Type I diabetes is a rare form of diabetes
and accounts for only 5 to 10 percent of all
diabetes cases. Type 2 diabetes is far more
common than type I diabetes, accounting
for about 90 percent of all cases. It is
sometimes referred to as adult-onset
diabetes and most likely occurs in adults
over age 40. It develops more slowly and is
associated with obesity or having a family
history of diabetes. People with type 2
diabetes are insulin-resistant rather than
insulin-dependent, meaning that their
bodies produce insulin but don’t use it
properly. Gestational diabetes can develop
in some pregnant women toward the end of
a pregnancy and goes away after the baby is
born. There is also condition known as Pre-
diabetes where people have a higher than
normal blood glucose level but not high
enough to be diagnosed as diabetes. People
with pre-diabetes and gestational diabetes
are at a higher risk to develop type 2
diabetes later in life.
Transition to next clip: Cut to
Animation: Gradient overlay
Audience Interaction: n/a
Video Storyboard
Name of video:
Type 1 Diabetes PSA
Description of this scene:
Section 2 heading Screen: 7 of 35
Color/Type/Size of Font:
White/Helvetica Neue/34
Actual text:
Diagnosis FAQs for type 1
Screen size: 16:9
Transition to next clip: Cut to
Animation: Soft Edge effect
Audience Interaction: n/a
Video Storyboard
Name of video:
Type 1 Diabetes PSA
Description of this scene:
Causes Screen: 8 of 35
Color/Type/Size of Font:
Actual text:
• Autoimmune disease
• Viral or environmental
Screen size: 16:9
Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune
disease. An autoimmune disease is
when the immune system attacks
the cells of healthy tissues and
organs. In type 1 diabetes, a
person's immune system attacks
the person's pancreas. The insulin-
producing cells of the pancreas get
destroyed and the body can no
longer make insulin. Insulin is the
hormone that helps cells in the
body absorb and use sugar for
energy. Without insulin, body cells
starve. Scientists do not yet know
why the body's immune system
suddenly gets confused and turns
on itself. The triggers of type 1
diabetes are thought to be either
viral or environmental.
Transition to next clip: Cut to
Animation: Gradient overlay
Audience Interaction: n/a
Video Storyboard
Name of video:
Type 1 Diabetes PSA
Description of this scene:
Risk factors Screen: 9 of 35
Color/Type/Size of Font:
Actual text:
Screen size: 16:9
Although the exact cause is still
unknown, there is thought to be
a genetic predisposition toward
the disease. Type 1 diabetes
primarily affects children,
adolescents, and young adults.
Approximately, 2 to 5 percent of
children whose mother or father
has type I diabetes will also
develop type I diabetes.
Caucasians, particularly people
of Swedish or Finnish descent
are at most risk of developing
type 1 diabetes.
Transition to next clip: Cut to
Animation: Ken Burns
Audience Interaction: n/a
Video Storyboard
Name of video:
Type 1 Diabetes PSA
Description of this scene:
Warning signs/symptoms Screen: 10 of 35
Color/Type/Size of
Actual text:
Screen size: 16:9
Many people are
unaware that they have
type 1 diabetes. The
disease is usually
discovered when there
are symptoms such as
extreme thirst, frequent
urination, a fruity taste
of the mouth, weakness,
fatigue, dizziness, weight
loss, blurred vision,
stomachaches, nausea,
or vomiting. Symptoms
may appear suddenly
but be prolonged.
Transition to next clip: Cut to
Animation: n/a
Audience Interaction: n/a
Video Storyboard
Name of video:
Type 1 Diabetes PSA
Description of this scene:
Warning signs/symptoms Screen: 11 of 35
Color/Type/Size of Font:
Actual text:
Screen size: 16:9
Diabetes must be confirmed with
a blood test. In the most common
test, a blood sample is drawn after
the patient has not had anything
to eat or drink for several hours. A
high blood glucose level confirms
that sugar is not being removed
from the blood. Because the
pancreas normally responds to a
rise in blood sugar by producing
more insulin, a high glucose level
several hours after eating
indicates insufficient insulin. The
diagnosis of diabetes is based on a
glucose tolerance test of 200 or
greater. Overnight fasting blood
glucose levels are diagnosed at
126 or greater.
Transition to next clip: Cut to
Animation: n/a
Audience Interaction: n/a
Video Storyboard
Name of video:
Type 1 Diabetes PSA
Description of this scene:
Warning signs/symptoms Screen: 12 of 35
Color/Type/Size of Font:
Actual text:
Screen size: 16:9
On average, normal blood glucose
levels should be around 100. The
presence of glucose in the urine is
another important indicator of
Transition to next clip: Cut to
Animation: n/a
Audience Interaction: n/a
Video Storyboard
Name of video:
Type 1 Diabetes PSA
Description of this scene:
Section 3 heading Screen: 13 of 35
Color/Type/Size of Font:
White/Helvetica Neue/34
Actual text:
Living with type 1 diabetes
Screen size: 16:9
Transition to next clip: Cut to
Animation: Soft Edge effect
Audience Interaction: n/a
Video Storyboard
Name of video:
Type 1 Diabetes PSA
Description of this scene:
Living with type 1 diabetes Screen: 14 of 35
Color/Type/Size of Font:
Actual text:
Screen size: 16:9
Although there is not yet a cure
for type 1 diabetes, people
diagnosed with the disease can
lead a long and satisfying life. They
must constantly manage their
diabetes with the right
combination of diet and insulin
doses to stay healthy.
Transition to next clip: Cut to
Animation: n/a
Audience Interaction: n/a
Video Storyboard
Name of video:
Type 1 Diabetes PSA
Description of this scene:
Living with type 1 diabetes Screen: 15 of 35
Color/Type/Size of Font:
Actual text:
Screen size: 16:9
If left unmanaged over time,
diabetes can lead to kidney failure,
blindness, nerve damage, heart
disease, and stroke.
Transition to next clip: Cut to
Animation: n/a
Audience Interaction: n/a
Video Storyboard
Name of video:
Type 1 Diabetes PSA
Description of this scene:
Insulin treatment options Screen: 16 of 35
Color/Type/Size of Font:
Actual text:
• Hypoglycemia
• Hyperglycemia
Screen size: 16:9
People with type I diabetes require
insulin to control their blood sugar
levels. After a blood sample is taken
and tested, it is determined whether
glucose levels are low or high. If
glucose levels are low, carbohydrates
should be ingested. If glucose levels
are high, insulin should be
administered into the body. Insulin
dosages are specific to each individual
and must be closely monitored. Too
much insulin in the body causes blood
sugar to drop too low and results in
hypoglycemica. This can cause people
to get shaky, break out into a sweat,
or even pass out. Not enough insulin
in the body makes blood sugar rise,
resulting in hyperglycemia.
Transition to next clip: Cut to
Animation: Gradient overlay
Audience Interaction: n/a
Video Storyboard
Name of video:
Type 1 Diabetes PSA
Description of this scene:
Insulin treatment options Screen: 17 of 35
Color/Type/Size of Font:
Actual text:
Screen size: 16:9
The goal is to maintain a balance
where blood sugar levels stay
within a person's target range.
Transition to next clip: Cut to
Animation: n/a
Audience Interaction: n/a
Video Storyboard
Name of video:
Type 1 Diabetes PSA
Description of this scene:
Insulin treatment options Screen: 18 of 35
Color/Type/Size of Font:
Actual text:
Screen size: 16:9
Insulin can be administered
through injections with a pen-like
device where patients can dial the
number of doses they need.
Transition to next clip: Cut to
Animation: n/a
Audience Interaction: n/a
Video Storyboard
Name of video:
Type 1 Diabetes PSA
Description of this scene:
Insulin treatment options Screen: 19 of 35
Color/Type/Size of Font:
Actual text:
Screen size: 16:9
Some patients opt to use an
insulin pump. Worn on a belt, this
small device attaches to a catheter
implanted into the abdomen and
is be programmed to deliver
insulin at a steady, exact rate.
Consult your doctor about the
best option for your lifestyle.
Transition to next clip: Cut to
Animation: n/a
Audience Interaction: n/a
Video Storyboard
Name of video:
Type 1 Diabetes PSA
Description of this scene:
Modifying your diet Screen: 20 of 35
Color/Type/Size of Font:
Actual text:
Screen size: 16:9
People with diabetes need to
closely monitor their intake of
carbohydrates and sugar. For
example, adults should limit meals
to a total of between 45 and 60
carbs and snacks to 15 carbs.
Meals should primarily consist of
non-starchy vegetables and
protein. A common rule of thumb
is called the “plate method” which
means ½ of your mealtime plate
should contain vegetables, ¼
should be meat and protein, and
the remaining ¼ can be starches
and whole grains. Fruits and dairy
can be add-ons to lunch or dinner,
be incorporated into breakfast, or
be eaten for snacks.
Transition to next clip: Cut to
Animation: n/a
Audience Interaction: n/a
Video Storyboard
Name of video:
Type 1 Diabetes PSA
Description of this scene:
Other ways to manage diabetes Screen: 21 of 35
Silk Orange
Color/Type/Size of Font:
Black/Gill Sans/32
Actual text:
Additional ways to help control
diabetes include regular exercise,
getting enough sleep, and
lowering stress.
Screen size: 16:9
Transition to next clip: Cut to
Animation: Zoom effect
Audience Interaction: n/a
Video Storyboard
Name of video:
Type 1 Diabetes PSA
Description of this scene:
Section 4 heading Screen: 22 of 35
Color/Type/Size of Font:
White/Helvetica Neue/34
Actual text:
Help and support
Screen size: 16:9
Transition to next clip: Cut to
Animation: Soft Edge effect
Audience Interaction: n/a
Video Storyboard
Name of video:
Type 1 Diabetes PSA
Description of this scene:
Seeing your doctor Screen: 23 of 35
Color/Type/Size of Font:
Actual text:
Screen size: 16:9
See your doctor immediately if
you think you might have
diabetes. You will eventually be
referred to an endocrinologist, a
doctor who specializes in disorders
of the pancreas. You will also meet
with a diabetes educator who will
provide information on meal-
planning and healthy lifestyle
Transition to next clip: Cut to
Animation: n/a
Audience Interaction: n/a
Video Storyboard
Name of video:
Type 1 Diabetes PSA
Description of this scene:
Seeing your doctor Screen: 24 of 35
Color/Type/Size of Font:
Actual text:
Screen size: 16:9
Shock and fear are common
responses to being diagnosed with
diabetes. Your life will forever
change but you will learn to adjust
quickly by keeping a positive
Transition to next clip: Cut to
Animation: n/a
Audience Interaction: n/a
Video Storyboard
Name of video:
Type 1 Diabetes PSA
Description of this scene:
Advocacy—promoting awareness Screen: 25 of 35
Color/Type/Size of Font:
Red and white/Helvetica
Actual text:
Support System
Screen size: 16:9
Transition to next clip: Cut to
Animation: Overlap effect
Audience Interaction: n/a
Video Storyboard
Name of video:
Type 1 Diabetes PSA
Description of this scene:
Advocacy—promoting awareness Screen: 26 of 35
Color/Type/Size of Font:
Actual text:
Screen size: 16:9
Remember, you are not alone.
There are many sources of support
in addition to your team of
Transition to next clip: Cut to
Animation: n/a
Audience Interaction: n/a
Video Storyboard
Name of video:
Type 1 Diabetes PSA
Description of this scene:
Advocacy—promoting awareness Screen: 27 of 35
Color/Type/Size of Font:
Actual text:
Screen size: 16:9
Organizations such as the
Juveline Diabetes Research
Foundation and the American
Diabetes Association have a
wealth of information on their
websites. The American
Diabetes Association sponsors
American Diabetes Month
during the month of November
to raise awareness.
Transition to next clip: Cut to
Animation: n/a
Audience Interaction: n/a
Video Storyboard
Name of video:
Type 1 Diabetes PSA
Description of this scene:
Advocacy—promoting awareness Screen: 28 of 35
Color/Type/Size of Font:
Actual text:
Screen size: 16:9
There is also a special day set
aside on November 14 for World
Diabetes Day.
Transition to next clip: Cut to
Animation: n/a
Audience Interaction: n/a
Video Storyboard
Name of video:
Type 1 Diabetes PSA
Description of this scene:
Advocacy—promoting awareness Screen: 29 of 35
Color/Type/Size of Font:
Actual text:
Screen size: 16:9
Spokespeople and celebrities with
Type 1 diabetes include rocker
Bret Michaels,
Transition to next clip: Cut to
Animation: n/a
Audience Interaction: n/a
Video Storyboard
Name of video:
Type 1 Diabetes PSA
Description of this scene:
Advocacy—promoting awareness Screen: 30 of 35
Color/Type/Size of Font:
Actual text:
Screen size: 16:9
pop star Nick Jonas of the Jonas
Transition to next clip: Cut to
Animation: n/a
Audience Interaction: n/a
Video Storyboard
Name of video:
Type 1 Diabetes PSA
Description of this scene:
Advocacy—promoting awareness Screen: 31 of 35
Color/Type/Size of Font:
Actual text:
Screen size: 16:9
and actress Halle Berry.
Transition to next clip: Cut to
Animation: n/a
Audience Interaction: n/a
Video Storyboard
Name of video:
Type 1 Diabetes PSA
Description of this scene:
Finding a cure Screen: 32 of 35
Color/Type/Size of Font:
Actual text:
Screen size: 16:9
Diabetes is a growing health
concern that is under constant
research. There is not yet a way to
prevent type 1 diabetes since its
causes are not yet fully known.
Scientists are busy researching its
causes as well as treatment
options such as pancreatic
transplantation, islet cell
transplantation, and gene therapy.
Transition to next clip: Cut to
Animation: n/a
Audience Interaction: n/a
Video Storyboard
Name of video:
Type 1 Diabetes PSA
Description of this scene:
Finding a cure Screen: 33 of 35
Color/Type/Size of Font:
Actual text:
Screen size: 16:9
You can do your part to help
scientific advancements. The
Juveline Diabetes Research
Foundation sponsors the annual
Walk to Cure Diabetes where
people can register for a
fundraising walk in their city or
donate money to a team of
Transition to next clip: Cut to
Animation: n/a
Audience Interaction: n/a
Video Storyboard
Name of video:
Type 1 Diabetes PSA
Description of this scene:
Finding a cure Screen: 34 of 35
Color/Type/Size of Font:
Actual text:
Screen size: 16:9
Get involved today to help find a
cure for type 1 diabetes!
Transition to next clip: Cross Dissolve
Animation: Ken Burns
Audience Interaction: n/a
Video Storyboard
Name of video:
Type 1 Diabetes PSA
Description of this scene:
Screen: 35 of
Color/Type/Size of Font:
White and red/Gill Sans/24, 18, & 14
Actual text:
PSA video produced by Sharon Matney
Helpful information:
American Diabetes Association
American Diabetes Month
JDRF Walk to Cure Diabetes
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International: FAQs
World Diabetes Day
Type 1 diabetes. Retrieved October 23, 2010, from Medline Plus
Screen size: 16:9
diabetes mellitus. (2010). In Compton's by Britannica. Retrieved October
21, 2010, from Encyclopædia Britannica Online School Edition
Images used:
What is Insulin?. [Diagram]. Retrieved October 23, 2010, from Learning
About Diabetes
Pancreas. [Diagram]. Retrieved October 21, 2010, from SIRS Discoverer
on the Web
Do Your Level Best: Start Controlling Your Blood Sugar Today.
[Photograph]. Retrieved October 23, 2010, from SIRS Discoverer on the
Brenner, Alexa: Wearing Insulin Pump. [Photograph]. Retrieved October
21, 2010, from SIRS Discoverer on the Web
caduceus. [Photograph]. Retrieved October 24, 2010, from
Encyclopædia Britannica Online School Edition
diabetes. [Photograph]. Retrieved October 22, 2010, from Encyclopædia
Britannica Online School Edition
Berry, Halle. [Photograph]. Retrieved October 23, 2010, from
Encyclopædia Britannica Online School Edition
Poison Performs In Concert In West Palm Beach, Florida . [Photograph].
Retrieved October 22, 2010, from Gale Biography in Context
Nick Jonas Poses Backstage At The GRAMMY Nomination Concert Live In
Los Angeles. [Photograph]. Retrieved October 22, 2010, from Gale
Biography in Context
My Plate Planner. [Diagram]. Retrieved October 23, 2010, from New
York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Video Contest Web Banner. [Photograph]. Retrieved October 24, 2010,
from American Diabetes Association
Be Different in this Forked Up World. [Photograph]. Retrieved October
23, 2010, from Flickr Creative Commons
Back to Work Learn. [Photograph]. Retrieved October 23, 2010, from
Flickr Creative Commons
Day 100 - Bam!. [Photograph]. Retrieved October 23, 2010, from Flickr
Creative Commons
The right balance. [Photograph]. Retrieved October 23, 2010, from Flickr
Creative Commons
Juvenile Diabetes Walk - 01. [Photograph]. Retrieved October 23, 2010,
from Flickr Creative Commons
Juvenile Diabetes Walk - 02. [Photograph]. Retrieved October 23, 2010,
from Flickr Creative Commons
Faces. [Photograph]. Retrieved October 23, 2010, from Flickr Creative
Happy Healthy Friday. [Photograph]. Retrieved October 23, 2010, from
Flickr Creative Commons
gingerbread-gooseberry. [Photograph]. Retrieved October 23, 2010,
from Flickr Creative Commons
Production date: October 2010
Transition to next clip: Fade to Black
Animation: Scrolling Credits effect
Audience Interaction: n/a

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Type1 diabetes psa_storyboard

  • 1. Video Storyboard Name of video: Type 1 Diabetes PSA Description of this scene: Title Slide Screen: 1 of 35 Background: Industrial Color/Type/Size of Font: White/Futura/64 & 36 Actual text: Type 1 Diabetes: The balancing act Screen size: 16:9 Narration: n/a Audio: Redondo Beach Short Transition to next clip: Cross Dissolve Animation: Drifting effect Audience Interaction: n/a
  • 2. Video Storyboard Name of video: Type 1 Diabetes PSA Description of this scene: Section 1 heading Screen: 2 of 35 Background: Black Color/Type/Size of Font: White/Helvetica Neue/34 Actual text: Diabetes in general Screen size: 16:9 Narration: n/a Audio: n/a Transition to next clip: Cut to Animation: Soft Edge effect Audience Interaction: n/a
  • 3. Video Storyboard Name of video: Type 1 Diabetes PSA Description of this scene: What is diabetes? Screen: 3 of 35 Background: Black Color/Type/Size of Font: Black/Futura/19.3 Actual text: a.k.a SUGAR Screen size: 16:9 Narration: Diabetes occurs when the body does not produce enough of the hormone insulin or when the body's cells cannot use insulin properly. Insulin is produced in the pancreas and regulates the body's use of glucose. It helps sugar move from the blood into cells to be used for energy. Without insulin, blood sugar builds up in the bloodstream to dangerously high levels. Audio: n/a Transition to next clip: Cut to Animation: Gradient overlay Audience Interaction: n/a
  • 4. Video Storyboard Name of video: Type 1 Diabetes PSA Description of this scene: What is diabetes? Screen: 4 of 35 Background: Black Color/Type/Size of Font: Black/Futura/19.3 Actual text: • 7% of the U.S. population has diabetes: 21 million people • Type 1 Diabetes • Type 2 Diabetes • Gestational Diabetes • Pre-diabetes Screen size: 16:9 Narration: Diabetes is a lifelong condition that requires medical treatment and daily management. There are different causes, different ages of onset in people diagnosed, and different treatment options. Approximately 21 million people in the United States or 7% of the population have diabetes. If diabetes is poorly managed, it can affect other organs in the body such as they eyes or kidneys. Diabetes is the 6th leading cause of death in the United States. There are 4 types of diabetes: Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, Gestational diabetes, and Pre-diabetes. Audio: n/a Transition to next clip: Cut to Animation: Gradient overlay Audience Interaction: n/a
  • 5. Video Storyboard Name of video: Type 1 Diabetes PSA Description of this scene: Various names for type 1 diabetes Screen: 5 of 35 Background: n/a Color/Type/Size of Font: n/a Actual text: n/a Screen size: 16:9 Narration: For our purposes, we're going to take a look at Type 1 diabetes. You may have heard it called various names. Because it usually is diagnosed in childhood or adolescence, you may hear it referred to as juvenile diabetes. Only 20 percent of type 1 patients are diagnosed as adults. It is also called insulin-dependent diabetes because people with the disease depend on daily doses of insulin to regulate their blood sugar levels. Audio: n/a Transition to next clip: Cut to Animation: n/a Audience Interaction: n/a
  • 6. Video Storyboard Name of video: Type 1 Diabetes PSA Description of this scene: How type 1 differs from other types of diabetes Screen: 6 of 35 Background: Black Color/Type/Size of Font: Black/Futura/19.3 Actual text: 5 to 10% of ALL diabetes cases Screen size: 16:9 Narration: So, just how does type 1 diabetes differ from other types of diabetes? People with Type 1 diabetes have high blood glucose levels that result from a lack of insulin. The disease develops over a short period of time and can make a person sick very quickly. Type I diabetes is a rare form of diabetes and accounts for only 5 to 10 percent of all diabetes cases. Type 2 diabetes is far more common than type I diabetes, accounting for about 90 percent of all cases. It is sometimes referred to as adult-onset diabetes and most likely occurs in adults over age 40. It develops more slowly and is associated with obesity or having a family history of diabetes. People with type 2 diabetes are insulin-resistant rather than insulin-dependent, meaning that their bodies produce insulin but don’t use it properly. Gestational diabetes can develop in some pregnant women toward the end of a pregnancy and goes away after the baby is born. There is also condition known as Pre- diabetes where people have a higher than normal blood glucose level but not high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes. People with pre-diabetes and gestational diabetes are at a higher risk to develop type 2 diabetes later in life. Audio: n/a Transition to next clip: Cut to Animation: Gradient overlay Audience Interaction: n/a
  • 7. Video Storyboard Name of video: Type 1 Diabetes PSA Description of this scene: Section 2 heading Screen: 7 of 35 Background: Black Color/Type/Size of Font: White/Helvetica Neue/34 Actual text: Diagnosis FAQs for type 1 Screen size: 16:9 Narration: n/a Audio: n/a Transition to next clip: Cut to Animation: Soft Edge effect Audience Interaction: n/a
  • 8. Video Storyboard Name of video: Type 1 Diabetes PSA Description of this scene: Causes Screen: 8 of 35 Background: Black Color/Type/Size of Font: Black/Futura/19.3 Actual text: • Autoimmune disease • Viral or environmental triggers Screen size: 16:9 Narration: Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease. An autoimmune disease is when the immune system attacks the cells of healthy tissues and organs. In type 1 diabetes, a person's immune system attacks the person's pancreas. The insulin- producing cells of the pancreas get destroyed and the body can no longer make insulin. Insulin is the hormone that helps cells in the body absorb and use sugar for energy. Without insulin, body cells starve. Scientists do not yet know why the body's immune system suddenly gets confused and turns on itself. The triggers of type 1 diabetes are thought to be either viral or environmental. Audio: n/a Transition to next clip: Cut to Animation: Gradient overlay Audience Interaction: n/a
  • 9. Video Storyboard Name of video: Type 1 Diabetes PSA Description of this scene: Risk factors Screen: 9 of 35 Background: n/a Color/Type/Size of Font: n/a Actual text: n/a Screen size: 16:9 Narration: Although the exact cause is still unknown, there is thought to be a genetic predisposition toward the disease. Type 1 diabetes primarily affects children, adolescents, and young adults. Approximately, 2 to 5 percent of children whose mother or father has type I diabetes will also develop type I diabetes. Caucasians, particularly people of Swedish or Finnish descent are at most risk of developing type 1 diabetes. Audio: n/a Transition to next clip: Cut to Animation: Ken Burns Audience Interaction: n/a
  • 10. Video Storyboard Name of video: Type 1 Diabetes PSA Description of this scene: Warning signs/symptoms Screen: 10 of 35 Background: n/a Color/Type/Size of Font: n/a Actual text: n/a Screen size: 16:9 Narration: Many people are unaware that they have type 1 diabetes. The disease is usually discovered when there are symptoms such as extreme thirst, frequent urination, a fruity taste of the mouth, weakness, fatigue, dizziness, weight loss, blurred vision, stomachaches, nausea, or vomiting. Symptoms may appear suddenly but be prolonged. Audio: n/a Transition to next clip: Cut to Animation: n/a Audience Interaction: n/a
  • 11. Video Storyboard Name of video: Type 1 Diabetes PSA Description of this scene: Warning signs/symptoms Screen: 11 of 35 Background: Black Color/Type/Size of Font: n/a Actual text: n/a Screen size: 16:9 Narration: Diabetes must be confirmed with a blood test. In the most common test, a blood sample is drawn after the patient has not had anything to eat or drink for several hours. A high blood glucose level confirms that sugar is not being removed from the blood. Because the pancreas normally responds to a rise in blood sugar by producing more insulin, a high glucose level several hours after eating indicates insufficient insulin. The diagnosis of diabetes is based on a glucose tolerance test of 200 or greater. Overnight fasting blood glucose levels are diagnosed at 126 or greater. Audio: n/a Transition to next clip: Cut to Animation: n/a Audience Interaction: n/a
  • 12. Video Storyboard Name of video: Type 1 Diabetes PSA Description of this scene: Warning signs/symptoms Screen: 12 of 35 Background: Black Color/Type/Size of Font: n/a Actual text: n/a Screen size: 16:9 Narration: On average, normal blood glucose levels should be around 100. The presence of glucose in the urine is another important indicator of diabetes. Audio: n/a Transition to next clip: Cut to Animation: n/a Audience Interaction: n/a
  • 13. Video Storyboard Name of video: Type 1 Diabetes PSA Description of this scene: Section 3 heading Screen: 13 of 35 Background: Black Color/Type/Size of Font: White/Helvetica Neue/34 Actual text: Living with type 1 diabetes Screen size: 16:9 Narration: n/a Audio: n/a Transition to next clip: Cut to Animation: Soft Edge effect Audience Interaction: n/a
  • 14. Video Storyboard Name of video: Type 1 Diabetes PSA Description of this scene: Living with type 1 diabetes Screen: 14 of 35 Background: Black Color/Type/Size of Font: n/a Actual text: n/a Screen size: 16:9 Narration: Although there is not yet a cure for type 1 diabetes, people diagnosed with the disease can lead a long and satisfying life. They must constantly manage their diabetes with the right combination of diet and insulin doses to stay healthy. Audio: n/a Transition to next clip: Cut to Animation: n/a Audience Interaction: n/a
  • 15. Video Storyboard Name of video: Type 1 Diabetes PSA Description of this scene: Living with type 1 diabetes Screen: 15 of 35 Background: Black Color/Type/Size of Font: n/a Actual text: n/a Screen size: 16:9 Narration: If left unmanaged over time, diabetes can lead to kidney failure, blindness, nerve damage, heart disease, and stroke. Audio: n/a Transition to next clip: Cut to Animation: n/a Audience Interaction: n/a
  • 16. Video Storyboard Name of video: Type 1 Diabetes PSA Description of this scene: Insulin treatment options Screen: 16 of 35 Background: Black Color/Type/Size of Font: Red/Futura/19.3 Actual text: • Hypoglycemia • Hyperglycemia Screen size: 16:9 Narration: People with type I diabetes require insulin to control their blood sugar levels. After a blood sample is taken and tested, it is determined whether glucose levels are low or high. If glucose levels are low, carbohydrates should be ingested. If glucose levels are high, insulin should be administered into the body. Insulin dosages are specific to each individual and must be closely monitored. Too much insulin in the body causes blood sugar to drop too low and results in hypoglycemica. This can cause people to get shaky, break out into a sweat, or even pass out. Not enough insulin in the body makes blood sugar rise, resulting in hyperglycemia. Audio: n/a Transition to next clip: Cut to Animation: Gradient overlay Audience Interaction: n/a
  • 17. Video Storyboard Name of video: Type 1 Diabetes PSA Description of this scene: Insulin treatment options Screen: 17 of 35 Background: Black Color/Type/Size of Font: n/a Actual text: n/a Screen size: 16:9 Narration: The goal is to maintain a balance where blood sugar levels stay within a person's target range. Audio: n/a Transition to next clip: Cut to Animation: n/a Audience Interaction: n/a
  • 18. Video Storyboard Name of video: Type 1 Diabetes PSA Description of this scene: Insulin treatment options Screen: 18 of 35 Background: Black Color/Type/Size of Font: n/a Actual text: n/a Screen size: 16:9 Narration: Insulin can be administered through injections with a pen-like device where patients can dial the number of doses they need. Audio: n/a Transition to next clip: Cut to Animation: n/a Audience Interaction: n/a
  • 19. Video Storyboard Name of video: Type 1 Diabetes PSA Description of this scene: Insulin treatment options Screen: 19 of 35 Background: Black Color/Type/Size of Font: n/a Actual text: n/a Screen size: 16:9 Narration: Some patients opt to use an insulin pump. Worn on a belt, this small device attaches to a catheter implanted into the abdomen and is be programmed to deliver insulin at a steady, exact rate. Consult your doctor about the best option for your lifestyle. Audio: n/a Transition to next clip: Cut to Animation: n/a Audience Interaction: n/a
  • 20. Video Storyboard Name of video: Type 1 Diabetes PSA Description of this scene: Modifying your diet Screen: 20 of 35 Background: Black Color/Type/Size of Font: n/a Actual text: n/a Screen size: 16:9 Narration: People with diabetes need to closely monitor their intake of carbohydrates and sugar. For example, adults should limit meals to a total of between 45 and 60 carbs and snacks to 15 carbs. Meals should primarily consist of non-starchy vegetables and protein. A common rule of thumb is called the “plate method” which means ½ of your mealtime plate should contain vegetables, ¼ should be meat and protein, and the remaining ¼ can be starches and whole grains. Fruits and dairy can be add-ons to lunch or dinner, be incorporated into breakfast, or be eaten for snacks. Audio: n/a Transition to next clip: Cut to Animation: n/a Audience Interaction: n/a
  • 21. Video Storyboard Name of video: Type 1 Diabetes PSA Description of this scene: Other ways to manage diabetes Screen: 21 of 35 Background: Silk Orange Color/Type/Size of Font: Black/Gill Sans/32 Actual text: Additional ways to help control diabetes include regular exercise, getting enough sleep, and lowering stress. Screen size: 16:9 Narration: n/a Audio: n/a Transition to next clip: Cut to Animation: Zoom effect Audience Interaction: n/a
  • 22. Video Storyboard Name of video: Type 1 Diabetes PSA Description of this scene: Section 4 heading Screen: 22 of 35 Background: Black Color/Type/Size of Font: White/Helvetica Neue/34 Actual text: Help and support Screen size: 16:9 Narration: n/a Audio: n/a Transition to next clip: Cut to Animation: Soft Edge effect Audience Interaction: n/a
  • 23. Video Storyboard Name of video: Type 1 Diabetes PSA Description of this scene: Seeing your doctor Screen: 23 of 35 Background: Black Color/Type/Size of Font: n/a Actual text: n/a Screen size: 16:9 Narration: See your doctor immediately if you think you might have diabetes. You will eventually be referred to an endocrinologist, a doctor who specializes in disorders of the pancreas. You will also meet with a diabetes educator who will provide information on meal- planning and healthy lifestyle choices. Audio: n/a Transition to next clip: Cut to Animation: n/a Audience Interaction: n/a
  • 24. Video Storyboard Name of video: Type 1 Diabetes PSA Description of this scene: Seeing your doctor Screen: 24 of 35 Background: Black Color/Type/Size of Font: n/a Actual text: n/a Screen size: 16:9 Narration: Shock and fear are common responses to being diagnosed with diabetes. Your life will forever change but you will learn to adjust quickly by keeping a positive attitude. Audio: n/a Transition to next clip: Cut to Animation: n/a Audience Interaction: n/a
  • 25. Video Storyboard Name of video: Type 1 Diabetes PSA Description of this scene: Advocacy—promoting awareness Screen: 25 of 35 Background: Blue Color/Type/Size of Font: Red and white/Helvetica Neue/35 Actual text: Support System Screen size: 16:9 Narration: n/a Audio: n/a Transition to next clip: Cut to Animation: Overlap effect Audience Interaction: n/a
  • 26. Video Storyboard Name of video: Type 1 Diabetes PSA Description of this scene: Advocacy—promoting awareness Screen: 26 of 35 Background: Black Color/Type/Size of Font: n/a Actual text: n/a Screen size: 16:9 Narration: Remember, you are not alone. There are many sources of support in addition to your team of doctors. Audio: n/a Transition to next clip: Cut to Animation: n/a Audience Interaction: n/a
  • 27. Video Storyboard Name of video: Type 1 Diabetes PSA Description of this scene: Advocacy—promoting awareness Screen: 27 of 35 Background: Black Color/Type/Size of Font: n/a Actual text: n/a Screen size: 16:9 Narration: Organizations such as the Juveline Diabetes Research Foundation and the American Diabetes Association have a wealth of information on their websites. The American Diabetes Association sponsors American Diabetes Month during the month of November to raise awareness. Audio: n/a Transition to next clip: Cut to Animation: n/a Audience Interaction: n/a
  • 28. Video Storyboard Name of video: Type 1 Diabetes PSA Description of this scene: Advocacy—promoting awareness Screen: 28 of 35 Background: Black Color/Type/Size of Font: n/a Actual text: n/a Screen size: 16:9 Narration: There is also a special day set aside on November 14 for World Diabetes Day. Audio: n/a Transition to next clip: Cut to Animation: n/a Audience Interaction: n/a
  • 29. Video Storyboard Name of video: Type 1 Diabetes PSA Description of this scene: Advocacy—promoting awareness Screen: 29 of 35 Background: Black Color/Type/Size of Font: n/a Actual text: n/a Screen size: 16:9 Narration: Spokespeople and celebrities with Type 1 diabetes include rocker Bret Michaels, Audio: n/a Transition to next clip: Cut to Animation: n/a Audience Interaction: n/a
  • 30. Video Storyboard Name of video: Type 1 Diabetes PSA Description of this scene: Advocacy—promoting awareness Screen: 30 of 35 Background: Black Color/Type/Size of Font: n/a Actual text: n/a Screen size: 16:9 Narration: pop star Nick Jonas of the Jonas Brothers, Audio: n/a Transition to next clip: Cut to Animation: n/a Audience Interaction: n/a
  • 31. Video Storyboard Name of video: Type 1 Diabetes PSA Description of this scene: Advocacy—promoting awareness Screen: 31 of 35 Background: Black Color/Type/Size of Font: n/a Actual text: n/a Screen size: 16:9 Narration: and actress Halle Berry. Audio: n/a Transition to next clip: Cut to Animation: n/a Audience Interaction: n/a
  • 32. Video Storyboard Name of video: Type 1 Diabetes PSA Description of this scene: Finding a cure Screen: 32 of 35 Background: Black Color/Type/Size of Font: n/a Actual text: n/a Screen size: 16:9 Narration: Diabetes is a growing health concern that is under constant research. There is not yet a way to prevent type 1 diabetes since its causes are not yet fully known. Scientists are busy researching its causes as well as treatment options such as pancreatic transplantation, islet cell transplantation, and gene therapy. Audio: n/a Transition to next clip: Cut to Animation: n/a Audience Interaction: n/a
  • 33. Video Storyboard Name of video: Type 1 Diabetes PSA Description of this scene: Finding a cure Screen: 33 of 35 Background: Black Color/Type/Size of Font: n/a Actual text: n/a Screen size: 16:9 Narration: You can do your part to help scientific advancements. The Juveline Diabetes Research Foundation sponsors the annual Walk to Cure Diabetes where people can register for a fundraising walk in their city or donate money to a team of walkers. Audio: n/a Transition to next clip: Cut to Animation: n/a Audience Interaction: n/a
  • 34. Video Storyboard Name of video: Type 1 Diabetes PSA Description of this scene: Finding a cure Screen: 34 of 35 Background: n/a Color/Type/Size of Font: n/a Actual text: n/a Screen size: 16:9 Narration: Get involved today to help find a cure for type 1 diabetes! Audio: n/a Transition to next clip: Cross Dissolve Animation: Ken Burns Audience Interaction: n/a
  • 35. Video Storyboard Name of video: Type 1 Diabetes PSA Description of this scene: Credits Screen: 35 of 35 Background: Black Color/Type/Size of Font: White and red/Gill Sans/24, 18, & 14 Actual text: PSA video produced by Sharon Matney Helpful information: American Diabetes Association American Diabetes Month diabetes-month/ JDRF Walk to Cure Diabetes Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International: FAQs World Diabetes Day Type 1 diabetes. Retrieved October 23, 2010, from Medline Plus Screen size: 16:9 Narration: n/a Audio: Pendulum
  • 36. diabetes mellitus. (2010). In Compton's by Britannica. Retrieved October 21, 2010, from Encyclopædia Britannica Online School Edition Images used: What is Insulin?. [Diagram]. Retrieved October 23, 2010, from Learning About Diabetes Pancreas. [Diagram]. Retrieved October 21, 2010, from SIRS Discoverer on the Web Do Your Level Best: Start Controlling Your Blood Sugar Today. [Photograph]. Retrieved October 23, 2010, from SIRS Discoverer on the Web Brenner, Alexa: Wearing Insulin Pump. [Photograph]. Retrieved October 21, 2010, from SIRS Discoverer on the Web caduceus. [Photograph]. Retrieved October 24, 2010, from Encyclopædia Britannica Online School Edition diabetes. [Photograph]. Retrieved October 22, 2010, from Encyclopædia Britannica Online School Edition Berry, Halle. [Photograph]. Retrieved October 23, 2010, from Encyclopædia Britannica Online School Edition
  • 37. Poison Performs In Concert In West Palm Beach, Florida . [Photograph]. Retrieved October 22, 2010, from Gale Biography in Context Nick Jonas Poses Backstage At The GRAMMY Nomination Concert Live In Los Angeles. [Photograph]. Retrieved October 22, 2010, from Gale Biography in Context My Plate Planner. [Diagram]. Retrieved October 23, 2010, from New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene planner-13.pdf Video Contest Web Banner. [Photograph]. Retrieved October 24, 2010, from American Diabetes Association diabetes-month/ Be Different in this Forked Up World. [Photograph]. Retrieved October 23, 2010, from Flickr Creative Commons Back to Work Learn. [Photograph]. Retrieved October 23, 2010, from Flickr Creative Commons Day 100 - Bam!. [Photograph]. Retrieved October 23, 2010, from Flickr Creative Commons The right balance. [Photograph]. Retrieved October 23, 2010, from Flickr Creative Commons
  • 38. Juvenile Diabetes Walk - 01. [Photograph]. Retrieved October 23, 2010, from Flickr Creative Commons Juvenile Diabetes Walk - 02. [Photograph]. Retrieved October 23, 2010, from Flickr Creative Commons Faces. [Photograph]. Retrieved October 23, 2010, from Flickr Creative Commons Happy Healthy Friday. [Photograph]. Retrieved October 23, 2010, from Flickr Creative Commons gingerbread-gooseberry. [Photograph]. Retrieved October 23, 2010, from Flickr Creative Commons Production date: October 2010 Transition to next clip: Fade to Black Animation: Scrolling Credits effect Audience Interaction: n/a