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1. Management-meaning
Management is the process of designing and maintaining an environment in which individuals
working together in groups to accomplish selected aims efficiently.
2. Definitions
“Management is an art of knowing what do you want to do and then seeing that is is done in the
best and cheapest way.”
-F. W. Taylor
“To manage is to forecast, to plan, to organize, to command to co-ordinate and control.
-Henry Fayol
“Management is the creation and maintenance of internal environment is an enterprise where
individuals working in groups can perform efficiently and effectively toward the attainment of
group goals. It is an art of getting the work done through and with people in formally organized
- -Koontz And o’donnel
3. Management an Art
According to G. TERRY; Art is “Bringing about a desired result through the application of will
in any activity is called as an art,’ The emphasis is on applying skills with knowledge and
accomplishing an end through deliberate effort. Thus the function of the art is accomplishing
concrete ends efforts, results; predict situations that would not come about without the deliberate
effort, to secure them.
4. Management is a Science
Science has been defined as “body of systemized knowledge accumulated and accepted with
respect to the understanding of general tools concerning particular phenomenon subject or object
of study.
5. Management and Administration
 The Government often uses the word “Administrator” instead of “Manager” to handle and
manage its affairs. Administrators are to execute the broad policies laid down by the
Government. In Law, also, Administrators are appointed to look after the estate of a deceased
person. Management is normally used in business sphere.
 In view of the foregoing some view that administration is superior to management, while
few feel that administration is part of management and many others use both the terms
 The basic point of controversy between administration and management lies in the terms
of coverage of the activities of policy formulation and policy execution. Some call the policy
formulation as administration, others call it management. However, both are management
functions. Everyone performs all managerial functions; only relative importance of these
functions varies.
 However, Henry Fayol, one of the important early thinkers on management thought has
said “.. all undertakings require planning, organization, command, coordination and control and
in order to function properly, all must observe the same general principles. We are no longer
confronted with several administrative sciences but with one which can be applied equally well
to public and private affairs. Thus there is no difference between management and
6. What are the essential skills of Managers?
Skill refers to expertness, practical ability, or facility in an action or doing something.
The major skills required or expected out of managers are:-
• Technical skills – Pertaining to knowledge and proficiency in activities involving methods and
• Human skills – Ability to work effectively with other persons and to build up cooperative
group relations to accomplish organizational objectives;
• Conceptual skills – Ability to recognize significant elements in a situation; and to understand
the relationship among those elements; and
• Design skills – Ability to solve problems in ways that will benefit the enterprise.
7. Define Scientific Management.
Scientific management involves specific method of determination of facts through observation.
The concept of scientific management was introduced by Frederick Winslow Taylor in the USA
in the beginning of 20th century. It was further carried on by Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, Henry
Gantt, etc. It was concerned essentially with improving the operational efficiency at the shop
floor level.
“Scientific Management is concerned with knowing exactly what you want men to do and then
see in that they do it best and cheapest way”.
8. List the principles of Scientific Management.
Scientific management was introduced by F.W Taylor who is known as the Father of Scientific
Management. He adopted scientific methods to increase the productivity and greater efficiency
in production.
The principles of Scientific Management are:-
 Separation of planning and working
 Functional foremanship
 Job analyzers
- Time study
- Motion study
- Fatigue study
 Standardization
 Scientific selection of training
 Financial incentives and
 Economy and mental revolution.
9. What is the ‘Rule of the Thumb’?
Traditionally a rule was used in management that laid emphasis on estimation rather than
precision. Prior to scientific management, skilled craftsmen who had learned their jobs in lengthy
apprenticeships performed work. They made their own decisions about how their job was to be
performed. This is known as the ‘Rule of the thumb’.
It lays emphasis on estimating a situation’s solution. This rule was replaced by F.W Taylor’s rule
of Scientific Management.
10. List the contributions of Fayol towards Management.
Henry Fayol is a French industrialist whose contributions are termed as operational management
or administrative management. He followed ‘The Classical Approach’ to the evolution of
management thought. His contributions are given as follows:-
Grouping of activities of an industrial organization into six groups, namely- Technical,
commercial, financial, security, accounting and managerial;
Identified six types of qualities of a manager are- Physical, mental, moral,educational,
technical and experience;
Fourteen principles of Management namely- Division of Work, Authority and responsibility
and so on; and Five elements/functions of management- Planning, organizing, commanding,
coordinating and controlling.
11. What do you mean by ‘Scalar Chain’?
‘Scalar Chain’ is the number of different levels of authority through which decisions are passed
in the organization. It suggests that each communication going up or coming down must flow
through each position in the line of authority. The scalar chain of command of reporting
relationships from top executive to the ordinary shop operative or driver needs to be sensible,
clear and understood. The same levels of hierarchical positioned people in different departments
of an Organization communicate with each other by establishing a plank.
12. What do you mean by “Espirit de Corps”?
Henri Fayol emphasized the need for building and maintaining of harmony among the work
force, team work and sound interpersonal relationships which is ‘Esprit de corps’. It is one of the
14 principles of management laid by Fayol. It is a French word that means “Feelings of harmony
and union among personnel”. Union is strength is what this phrase directly implies. It
emphasizes that all employees should cooperate and coordinate with each other, which is very
essential for the organization’s growth.
13. What are the various levels of Management?
Management is the process of designing and maintaining an environment in which individuals
working together in groups effectively accomplish selected aims. The basic three levels of
management are:-
 Top level management (Features: Decision-making, Policy formulation, etc.
Positions held: Board of Directors, Managing Director, CEOs, COOs, etc.)
 Middle level management (Features: Staffing, Directing, etc.
Positions held: Finance manager, Marketing manager, Production manager, etc.)
 Low level management (Features: Implementing, Time scheduling, etc.
Positions held: Supervisors, Foremen, etc.)
14. What are the functions of management?
“Management is the art of securing maximum results with minimum effort so as to secure
maximum prosperity and happiness for both employer and employee and give the public the best
possible service”.
The functions of Management are:
* Planning – conscious determination of future course of action.
* Organizing – process of dividing work into convenient tasks or duties.
* Staffing – manning of the various positions created by the organization.
* Directing – includes communicating, motivating and leading.
* Controlling – involves comparison of actual results with expected results as set by the planning
15. What is the classification of Business organizations?
A Business organization comes into existence when there are a number of persons in
communication and relationship to each other and are willing to contribute towards a common
objective. The classification of Business Organizations is:
* Sole proprietorship concern
* Partnership concern
* Joint Stock Companies
- Private Limited Company
- Public Limited Company
* Co-operative societies
* Public and Private Sector Companies.
16. Define ‘Sole proprietorship’.
A Business unit that is owned and controlled by a single individual is known as a sole trading or
sole proprietorship concern. He uses his own savings for running the business. The sole trader
makes all purchases and sells on his own and maintains all the accounts. He alone enjoys all the
profits and bears all the losses.
Ex: A Fancy store.
17. What do you mean by a ‘Partnership firm’?
A partnership is an association of two or more persons to carry on business and to share its profit
and losses. The relation of a partnership arises from contract. The maximum number of partners
is limited to 10 in the case of banking business and 20 in the case of other business.
Ex: Chand & Co.
18. What do you understand by the term ‘Joint Stock Company’?
“By a Company we mean an association of many persons who contribute money or money’s
worth to a common stock and employs it in some trade or business and also shares the profit and
loss as the case may be arising there from”.
There are two types of Joint stock companies:-
* Private Limited company – Ex: M/s Key Media Pvt. Ltd.
* Public Limited company – Ex: M/s Pearl credits Ltd.
19. Who is (i) an active partner (ii) a sleeping partner?
Active partner: Any partner who is authorized by others to manage the business is known as
active partner.
Sleeping partner: Any partner who does not express his intention to participate in the business
can be called as a sleeping partner. He will be just an investor who has a right to share profits.
20. What is a Co-operative Enterprise?
A Co-operative enterprise is a voluntary association of persons for mutual benefit and its aims
are accomplished through self-help and collective effort. It may be described as a protective
device used by the relatively less strong sections of society to safeguard their economic interests
in the face of exploitation by producers and sellers working solely for maximizing profits.
Ex: AAVIN Milk Federation Cooperative Society.
21. What is a Private limited company?
A Private limited company is a company which has a minimum paid up capital as may be
prescribed. It can be incorporated with just two persons. It can have a maximum of 50 members.
It cannot go in for a public issue. It restricts the transfer of its shares. It is particularly suitable for
industrial ventures which can get many concessions in respect of income tax.
Ex: M/s Key Media Pvt. Ltd.
22. What is a Public limited company?
A Public limited company should have a minimum of 7 members and the maximum limit is
unlimited. It can issue shares to the Public. The financial statement should be sent to all the
members and to the Registrar of Companies. The shares of a public limited company can be
transferred by the members to the others without any restriction by the company. Such transfers
are made through organized markets called ‘stock markets’ or ‘stock exchanges’.
Ex: M/s Pearl credits Ltd.
23. What is a Public sector Enterprise?
Public enterprise or State enterprise is an undertaking owned and controlled by the local or state
or central government. They are financed and managed by the government. They are started with
a service motive.
Ex: NLC Ltd.
24. What is a Public Corporation?
A Public corporation is an autonomous body corporate created by a special statute of a state or
central government. A public corporation is a separate legal entity created for a specific purpose.
Ex: LIC.
1. Define planning?
Planning is an intellectual process, the conscious determination of course of action,
the basing of decisions on purpose, facts and considered estimates – koontz.
2. List out the nature of planning?
1. Planning is an intellectual process.
2. Planning is a primary function
3. Planning is a continuous functions of management
4. Planning is an all managers function.
5. Planning is goal oriented.
6. Planning is future oriented.
7. Planning involves Decision making.
3. What is planning premises?
“Planning premises are defined as the anticipated environment in which plans are
expected to operate.
Types of planning premises.
1. Internal and External premises
2. Controllable and Uncontrollable premises.
3. Quantitative and Qualitative premises.
4. List out steps in planning?
1. Being aware of opportunity
2. Setting objectives (or) goals
3. Considering planning premises
4. Identifying Alternatives
5. Comparing alternative in light of goals sought
6. Choosing an alternative
7. Formulating supporting plans
8. Number zing plans by making Budgets.
5. List out types of planning?
1. Purpose
2. Objectives
3. Strategic
4. Policies
5. Procedures
6. Rules
7. Programs
8. Budgets
6. Define Objectives
Objectives (or) goals are the ends towards which activity is aimed.
7. List out types of objectives?
1. long term objectives
2. Short term objectives
3. Quantitative and objectives
4. verifiable and non verifiable objectives.
8. Define MBO: (Management by objective)
“Koontz and waiflike “
“MBO is a comprehensive manner and that is consciously directed toward the effective
and efficient achievement of organizational and individual objectives.
9. What are the limitations of MBO?
1. Failure to tech the philosophy of MBO
2. Failure to give guidance to goal setters
3. Difficulty of setting goals
4. Danger of inflexibility
5. Time Consuming.
10. What are the limitations of MBO?
Policies may be defined as guides to thinking and action of those who have to make
decision in the guess of accomplishment of the enterprise objective.
11.Types of policies:
1. Internal policies.
2. External policies
3. Appealed policies
4. Explicit policies
5. Implied policies
12. Define strategy:
Strategy is defined as “General programs of action and deployment of resources to attain
comprehensive objectives.”
13. List out types of strategy
1. Corporate level strategy.
2. Business level strategy.
3. Functional level strategy.
14. What is planning premises?
The assumptions about future derived from forecasting and used in planning are Known as
planning premises.
15. Name the classification of planning premises?
1. Internal and external
2. Tangible and intangible premises.
3. Controllable and uncontrollable premises
16. Define decision and decision making.
A decision may be defined in terms of commitment of resources, raw materials,
machinery, finance, time effort etc. in a particular channel of thinking and action.
“Decision making is a process of selecting the best alternative course of action, from
among a number of alternative to achieve the enterprise goals.”
17. List out types of decision making.
1. Programmed and non programmed decisions
2. Major and minor decision.
3. Routine / Operational and strategic decisions.
4. Individual and group decision.
5. Organizational and personal decisions.
1. Define organizing.
Organizing is the process of identifying and grouping of activities required to attain the
objectives, delegating authority, creating responsibility and establishing relationships for the
people to work effectively.
2. What is meant by formal organization?
Formal organization means the intentional structure of roles in a formally organized
3. What is meant by informal organizational?
The functions of the executive, describe informal organization as any joint personal
activity without conscious joint purpose, even though contributing to joint Results.
4. Define functional Department.
Grouping activities in accordance with the functions of an enterprise, is known as
functional Departmentation.
5. State the problem with matrix management.
Because of the potential conflict, Managers may want to protect themselves against
blame by putting everything in writing, which increases administration cost.
Matrix organization requires many, time consuming meeting.
6. Write the guidelines for making matrix management effective.
 define the objectives of the project or task.
 Clarify the roles, Authorities and Responsibilities, of managers and team members.
 Ensure that influence is bases on knowledge and information, rather than on rank.
 Balance the power of functional and project managers.
 Select an experienced manager for the project who can provide leadership.
 Reward project managers and team members fairly.
7. What is meant by power?
Power a much broader concept than Authority, is the ability of individuals or groups to
induce or influence the beliefs or actions of other persons or groups.
8. Define Authority.
Authority in organization is the right in a position to exercise discretion in making
decisions affecting others. It is, of course, one type of power, but power in an organization
9. What is meant by coercive power?
Coercive power is still another type. Authority closely related to reward power and
normally arising from legitimate power, it is the power to punish, whether by firing a subordinate
or with holding a merit increases.
10. What is meant by scalar principle in organization?
A clearer the line of Authority from the ultimate management position in an enterprise to
every subordinate position, the clearer will be the responsibility for decision making and the
more effective will be organization communication.
11. List out the steps involved in organization process.
 Determination of activities
 Grouping of activities
 Assignment of Duties
 Delegation of authority
12. Mention the three categories of span of management.
 Direct single relationship
 Direct group relationships
 Cross relation
13. What are the types of departmentation?
a) Departmentation by numbers
b) Departmentation by time
c) Departmentation by Enterprise function
d) Departmentation by Territory or Geography
e) Departmentation by customers
f) Departmentation by Equipment or process
g) Departmentation by Product or service
14. Give a note departmentation by customers.
This type of departmentation is preferred when the needs of customers are different in nature.
Some big organisation is providing special services to different of customer.
15. Define authority.
Authority is the right to give orders and the power to exact obedience.
16. List out the sources of authority.
 Formal authority theory
 Acceptance authority theory
 Competence theory
17. What is line authority?
Line authority is the direct authority which a superior exercises over a number of subordinates to
carry out orders and instructions. In organisation process, authority is delegated to the
individuals to perform the activities.
18. What is staff authority?
The relationship between a staff manager and the line manager with whom he works depends in
part on the staff duties.
19. List the steps involved in process of delegation.
 Determination of result expected
 Assignment of duties
 Delegation of authority
 Creation of obligation or accountability
20. What are the steps to be followed in making staff works effective?
 Understanding authority relationship
 Making line listen to staff
 Keeping staff informed
 Requiring completed staff work
 Making staff work a way of organisational life
21. State the kinds of organizational charts.
i. Vertical chart
ii. Horizontal chart or left to right chart
iii. Circular chart or concentric chart
22. Define staffing.
Staffing is the part of the management process which is concerned with the
procurement utilization, maintenance and development of a large satisfied work force
on the organisation.
23. Write any two roles of staffing.
 Effective utilization of skills and potential of the work force
 Development and maintenance of quality of work life
24. What is job analysis?
Job analysis is a detailed study of a job to identify the skills, experience and aptitude required for
the job.
25. What is job design?
The job design is usually broad enough to accommodate people’s need and desires.
26. What is job rotation?
Job rotation refers in the movement of an employee from the job to another.
27. Define recruitment.
B.Flippo defined recruitment as “the process of searching for prospective employees and
simulating to apply for jobs in the organisation.
28. What is selection?
Selection is the process of finding out the most suitable candidate to the job out of the candidates
29. Write down the tests used in selection process.
 Aptitude test
 Intelligence test
 Psychomotor test
 Personality test
30. What is orientation?
Orientation refers to the activities involved in introducing the new employees to the organisation
and its policies, procedures, rules, and regulations.
31. What is performance appraisal?
Performance appraisal evaluates the performance of worker also his potential for development.
32. What are roles of manager?
 Inter-personal role
 Information role
 Decisional role
According to G. R. Terry - "Directing means moving to action and supplying simulative power
to a group of persons". Thus, the plan is put into operation through the organization by the
process of direction. Another term used to describe this function is "Activating".
In the words of G. R. Terry - "Activating means moving into action - supplying simulative
power to the group".
2. Creativity and innovation:
An important factor in managing people is creativity. a distinction. the term creativity
usually refers to the ability and power to develop new ideas.
Innovation, on the other hand, usually means the use of these ideas. in an organization,
this can mean a new product a new service (or) a new way of doing things. it is implied that
organization not only generate new ideas but also translate them into practical application.
3. Innovation:
Peter Drucker suggest that innovation applies not only to high – tech companies but
equally to low – tech, established business. Worthwhile innovation is not a matter of sheer, it
requires systematic and rational work, well organized and managed for results.
4. Harmonizing objectives:
people do not work in isolation, rather they work to a great extent and enterprise
objectives. Unfortunately, these objectives are not always harmonious likewise, the goals of sub
– ordinates are not always the same as those of the superior, therefore, one of the most important
activities of managers is to harmonize, the needs of individuals with the demand of enterprise.
5. Define motivation :
Motivation is a set a of stimulating someone (or) oneself to get the desired course of action.
6. What are the factors affecting motivation?
i. Achievement, ii. Advancement, iii. Growth, iv. Recognition, v. Responsibility and
Authority in Relation to one’s job VI. Work itself.
7. State the theories of motivation.
1. Maslow’s hierarchy of need
2. Her berg’s motivation Hygiene theory
3. McClelland’s need theory
4. Equality theory
5. Vroom theory.
6. Expecting theory.
8. Explain Equality theory :
Equality is determined through the calculation of simple ratio
Outcomes by a person Outcomes by another person
Inputs by person Inputs by another person
9. What are the three dimensions of motivation?
a. Physical dimension
b. Social dimension
c. Psychic and ideological dimension.
10. Define Leadership :
Leadership is the ability of a manager to induce subordinates (followers) to work with
11. State the functions of leadership.
1. Integrating and directing, 2. Develops Team spirit, 3. Arbitration, 4. To develop
environment conductive to work, 5. Acts as healthy link between top management and the work
12. What is the theory of leadership?
1. The trait theory, 2. The follower’s theory, 3. The situational theory and, 4. The system
13. Define Communication :
Communication is the sum of all the things one person does when he wants to create
understanding in the mind of another. It is a bridge of meaning. It involves a systematic and
continuous process of telling, listening and understanding.
10. State the process of communication.
i. The sender, ii. Encoding, ii. The message, iv. The channel, v. Decoding, vi. The
receiver and, vii. Feedback.
14. What are the Barriers to communication :
1. Barriers in Organizational structure
2. Semantic barriers
3. difference in status (or) rank
4. Badly expensed message.
5. Faculty Translation.
15. State the types of communication :
1. Formal and information communication.
2. Oral and Written communication.
3. Upward, downward and lateral communication.
1. What is controlling?
The managerial function of controlling is the measurement and correction of performance in
order to make sure that that enterprise objective and the plans devised to attain them are
2. Write the process of controlling.
1. Establishing standards 2) Measuring performance against these standards. 3)Analyzing
the cause of deviations and 4) Correcting variations from standards and plan
3. What are the modern controlling Techniques?
 Management audit
 Return on investment
 PERT and CPM
4. How to measure the performance?
i)Income II) expenses iii) Inventory iv) Quality of the product
5. What are the characteristics of control?
 Control process is universal
 Control is continuous process
 Control is action based
 Control is forward looking.
6. What are the disadvantages of control?
 Control is expensive and time-consuming process.
 Human behaviour and employee morale also cannot be measured.
7. Give some critical point standards of control?
 Cost standards
 Revenue standards
 Goals standards
 Program standards.
8. What are the types of control?
 Feedback control
 Concurrent control
 Feed forward control
9. What is feedback control?
Feedback control is the process of adjusting future action on basis of information about past
10. What are the requirements for effective control?
 The control should be economical
 It must be simple
 It should be flexible
 It should be clear objectives
11. What are the modern techniques of control?
 Management audit
 Return on investment
 PERT and CPM
12. Define budgetary control?
According to J.Batty “a system which uses budgets as a means of planning and controlling all
aspects of producing and or selling commodities and services”.
13. Define budget?
According to J. Fred Meston “a budget is the expression of a firms plan is financial form for a
period of time in to the future”.
14. What are the limitations of Budgeting?
 Inaccuracy
 Expenditure
 Distortion of goals
15. What is Zero Base Budgets?
Initially the budget is designed from a Zero base the main element is ZBB is future objective
16. What are the steps involves in ZBB?
 Decision package
 Ranking
 Allocation of resources
17. What is Internal Audit?
Internal audit is done by an internal auditor who is an employee of the organisation. He examines
the objectives, policies, plans, procedures and performance of the management.
18. Define MIS
A system of obtaining abstracting, storing and analysing data to productions information for use
in planning, controlling and decision making by managers at the time they can most effectively
use it”
19. What are MIS Resources?
 To provide the information up to date
 To take effective decision making
 To provide the right information available in the right form at the right time
20. Define Productivity
Productivity is a measure of how much input is required to produce a given output the
ratio is called productivity.
21. What are the factors affecting productivity?
 Technology
 Human resources
 Government policy
 Machinery and equipment
 Skill of the worker
22. What is OR?
OR is an applied decision theory, which uses scientific, mathematical and logical means to take
23. Define Multinational Corporations.
An enterprise which own or control production or service facilities outside the country in which
they are based.
24. Write some advantages of MNC.
 MNC can promote quality product at lower cost.
 MNC leads to increase in production aggregate employment, exports and imports of the
required inputs.
 MNC is paying taxes their operations increase government revenues.
25. What are global theory of management?
 Situational and contingency approach.
 Motivation and leadership theory.
 Organisational behaviour.
26. Write some characteristics of Japanese management.
 Japanese management prefer to human resources than it financial resources.
 Japanese management favors job security.
 Japanese are more favour to cooperation and teamwork.
 Japanese management encourage the lower level employees’ participation.
27. Write some limitations of Japanese management.
 Decision making process is time-consuming process.
 Promotion policy is not encourage outstanding younger employee.
28. Write some characteristics of German management.
 German management is autocratic.
 Labour suggestions also accepted.
 Managerial decisions are taken by the executive committee consultation With labour

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  • 1. UNIT-I 1. Management-meaning Management is the process of designing and maintaining an environment in which individuals working together in groups to accomplish selected aims efficiently. 2. Definitions “Management is an art of knowing what do you want to do and then seeing that is is done in the best and cheapest way.” -F. W. Taylor “To manage is to forecast, to plan, to organize, to command to co-ordinate and control. -Henry Fayol “Management is the creation and maintenance of internal environment is an enterprise where individuals working in groups can perform efficiently and effectively toward the attainment of group goals. It is an art of getting the work done through and with people in formally organized groups.” - -Koontz And o’donnel 3. Management an Art According to G. TERRY; Art is “Bringing about a desired result through the application of will in any activity is called as an art,’ The emphasis is on applying skills with knowledge and accomplishing an end through deliberate effort. Thus the function of the art is accomplishing concrete ends efforts, results; predict situations that would not come about without the deliberate effort, to secure them. 4. Management is a Science Science has been defined as “body of systemized knowledge accumulated and accepted with respect to the understanding of general tools concerning particular phenomenon subject or object of study. 5. Management and Administration  The Government often uses the word “Administrator” instead of “Manager” to handle and manage its affairs. Administrators are to execute the broad policies laid down by the Government. In Law, also, Administrators are appointed to look after the estate of a deceased person. Management is normally used in business sphere.  In view of the foregoing some view that administration is superior to management, while few feel that administration is part of management and many others use both the terms synonymously.  The basic point of controversy between administration and management lies in the terms of coverage of the activities of policy formulation and policy execution. Some call the policy formulation as administration, others call it management. However, both are management functions. Everyone performs all managerial functions; only relative importance of these functions varies.  However, Henry Fayol, one of the important early thinkers on management thought has said “.. all undertakings require planning, organization, command, coordination and control and in order to function properly, all must observe the same general principles. We are no longer confronted with several administrative sciences but with one which can be applied equally well to public and private affairs. Thus there is no difference between management and administration.
  • 2. 6. What are the essential skills of Managers? Skill refers to expertness, practical ability, or facility in an action or doing something. The major skills required or expected out of managers are:- • Technical skills – Pertaining to knowledge and proficiency in activities involving methods and procedures; • Human skills – Ability to work effectively with other persons and to build up cooperative group relations to accomplish organizational objectives; • Conceptual skills – Ability to recognize significant elements in a situation; and to understand the relationship among those elements; and • Design skills – Ability to solve problems in ways that will benefit the enterprise. 7. Define Scientific Management. Scientific management involves specific method of determination of facts through observation. The concept of scientific management was introduced by Frederick Winslow Taylor in the USA in the beginning of 20th century. It was further carried on by Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, Henry Gantt, etc. It was concerned essentially with improving the operational efficiency at the shop floor level. “Scientific Management is concerned with knowing exactly what you want men to do and then see in that they do it best and cheapest way”. 8. List the principles of Scientific Management. Scientific management was introduced by F.W Taylor who is known as the Father of Scientific Management. He adopted scientific methods to increase the productivity and greater efficiency in production. The principles of Scientific Management are:-  Separation of planning and working  Functional foremanship  Job analyzers - Time study - Motion study - Fatigue study  Standardization  Scientific selection of training  Financial incentives and  Economy and mental revolution. 9. What is the ‘Rule of the Thumb’? Traditionally a rule was used in management that laid emphasis on estimation rather than precision. Prior to scientific management, skilled craftsmen who had learned their jobs in lengthy apprenticeships performed work. They made their own decisions about how their job was to be performed. This is known as the ‘Rule of the thumb’. It lays emphasis on estimating a situation’s solution. This rule was replaced by F.W Taylor’s rule of Scientific Management.
  • 3. 10. List the contributions of Fayol towards Management. Henry Fayol is a French industrialist whose contributions are termed as operational management or administrative management. He followed ‘The Classical Approach’ to the evolution of management thought. His contributions are given as follows:- Grouping of activities of an industrial organization into six groups, namely- Technical, commercial, financial, security, accounting and managerial; Identified six types of qualities of a manager are- Physical, mental, moral,educational, technical and experience; Fourteen principles of Management namely- Division of Work, Authority and responsibility and so on; and Five elements/functions of management- Planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling. 11. What do you mean by ‘Scalar Chain’? ‘Scalar Chain’ is the number of different levels of authority through which decisions are passed in the organization. It suggests that each communication going up or coming down must flow through each position in the line of authority. The scalar chain of command of reporting relationships from top executive to the ordinary shop operative or driver needs to be sensible, clear and understood. The same levels of hierarchical positioned people in different departments of an Organization communicate with each other by establishing a plank. 12. What do you mean by “Espirit de Corps”? Henri Fayol emphasized the need for building and maintaining of harmony among the work force, team work and sound interpersonal relationships which is ‘Esprit de corps’. It is one of the 14 principles of management laid by Fayol. It is a French word that means “Feelings of harmony and union among personnel”. Union is strength is what this phrase directly implies. It emphasizes that all employees should cooperate and coordinate with each other, which is very essential for the organization’s growth. 13. What are the various levels of Management? Management is the process of designing and maintaining an environment in which individuals working together in groups effectively accomplish selected aims. The basic three levels of management are:-  Top level management (Features: Decision-making, Policy formulation, etc. Positions held: Board of Directors, Managing Director, CEOs, COOs, etc.)  Middle level management (Features: Staffing, Directing, etc. Positions held: Finance manager, Marketing manager, Production manager, etc.)  Low level management (Features: Implementing, Time scheduling, etc. Positions held: Supervisors, Foremen, etc.) 14. What are the functions of management? “Management is the art of securing maximum results with minimum effort so as to secure maximum prosperity and happiness for both employer and employee and give the public the best possible service”. The functions of Management are: * Planning – conscious determination of future course of action. * Organizing – process of dividing work into convenient tasks or duties.
  • 4. * Staffing – manning of the various positions created by the organization. * Directing – includes communicating, motivating and leading. * Controlling – involves comparison of actual results with expected results as set by the planning process. 15. What is the classification of Business organizations? A Business organization comes into existence when there are a number of persons in communication and relationship to each other and are willing to contribute towards a common objective. The classification of Business Organizations is: * Sole proprietorship concern * Partnership concern * Joint Stock Companies - Private Limited Company - Public Limited Company * Co-operative societies * Public and Private Sector Companies. 16. Define ‘Sole proprietorship’. A Business unit that is owned and controlled by a single individual is known as a sole trading or sole proprietorship concern. He uses his own savings for running the business. The sole trader makes all purchases and sells on his own and maintains all the accounts. He alone enjoys all the profits and bears all the losses. Ex: A Fancy store. 17. What do you mean by a ‘Partnership firm’? A partnership is an association of two or more persons to carry on business and to share its profit and losses. The relation of a partnership arises from contract. The maximum number of partners is limited to 10 in the case of banking business and 20 in the case of other business. Ex: Chand & Co. 18. What do you understand by the term ‘Joint Stock Company’? “By a Company we mean an association of many persons who contribute money or money’s worth to a common stock and employs it in some trade or business and also shares the profit and loss as the case may be arising there from”. There are two types of Joint stock companies:- * Private Limited company – Ex: M/s Key Media Pvt. Ltd. * Public Limited company – Ex: M/s Pearl credits Ltd. 19. Who is (i) an active partner (ii) a sleeping partner? Active partner: Any partner who is authorized by others to manage the business is known as active partner. Sleeping partner: Any partner who does not express his intention to participate in the business can be called as a sleeping partner. He will be just an investor who has a right to share profits.
  • 5. 20. What is a Co-operative Enterprise? A Co-operative enterprise is a voluntary association of persons for mutual benefit and its aims are accomplished through self-help and collective effort. It may be described as a protective device used by the relatively less strong sections of society to safeguard their economic interests in the face of exploitation by producers and sellers working solely for maximizing profits. Ex: AAVIN Milk Federation Cooperative Society. 21. What is a Private limited company? A Private limited company is a company which has a minimum paid up capital as may be prescribed. It can be incorporated with just two persons. It can have a maximum of 50 members. It cannot go in for a public issue. It restricts the transfer of its shares. It is particularly suitable for industrial ventures which can get many concessions in respect of income tax. Ex: M/s Key Media Pvt. Ltd. 22. What is a Public limited company? A Public limited company should have a minimum of 7 members and the maximum limit is unlimited. It can issue shares to the Public. The financial statement should be sent to all the members and to the Registrar of Companies. The shares of a public limited company can be transferred by the members to the others without any restriction by the company. Such transfers are made through organized markets called ‘stock markets’ or ‘stock exchanges’. Ex: M/s Pearl credits Ltd. 23. What is a Public sector Enterprise? Public enterprise or State enterprise is an undertaking owned and controlled by the local or state or central government. They are financed and managed by the government. They are started with a service motive. Ex: NLC Ltd. 24. What is a Public Corporation? A Public corporation is an autonomous body corporate created by a special statute of a state or central government. A public corporation is a separate legal entity created for a specific purpose. Ex: LIC. UNIT-II 1. Define planning? Planning is an intellectual process, the conscious determination of course of action, the basing of decisions on purpose, facts and considered estimates – koontz. 2. List out the nature of planning? 1. Planning is an intellectual process. 2. Planning is a primary function 3. Planning is a continuous functions of management 4. Planning is an all managers function. 5. Planning is goal oriented. 6. Planning is future oriented. 7. Planning involves Decision making.
  • 6. 3. What is planning premises? “Planning premises are defined as the anticipated environment in which plans are expected to operate. Types of planning premises. 1. Internal and External premises 2. Controllable and Uncontrollable premises. 3. Quantitative and Qualitative premises. 4. List out steps in planning? 1. Being aware of opportunity 2. Setting objectives (or) goals 3. Considering planning premises 4. Identifying Alternatives 5. Comparing alternative in light of goals sought 6. Choosing an alternative 7. Formulating supporting plans 8. Number zing plans by making Budgets. 5. List out types of planning? 1. Purpose 2. Objectives 3. Strategic 4. Policies 5. Procedures 6. Rules 7. Programs 8. Budgets 6. Define Objectives Objectives (or) goals are the ends towards which activity is aimed. 7. List out types of objectives? 1. long term objectives 2. Short term objectives 3. Quantitative and objectives 4. verifiable and non verifiable objectives. 8. Define MBO: (Management by objective) “Koontz and waiflike “ “MBO is a comprehensive manner and that is consciously directed toward the effective and efficient achievement of organizational and individual objectives. 9. What are the limitations of MBO? 1. Failure to tech the philosophy of MBO 2. Failure to give guidance to goal setters 3. Difficulty of setting goals
  • 7. 4. Danger of inflexibility 5. Time Consuming. 10. What are the limitations of MBO? Policies may be defined as guides to thinking and action of those who have to make decision in the guess of accomplishment of the enterprise objective. 11.Types of policies: 1. Internal policies. 2. External policies 3. Appealed policies 4. Explicit policies 5. Implied policies 12. Define strategy: Strategy is defined as “General programs of action and deployment of resources to attain comprehensive objectives.” 13. List out types of strategy 1. Corporate level strategy. 2. Business level strategy. 3. Functional level strategy. 14. What is planning premises? The assumptions about future derived from forecasting and used in planning are Known as planning premises. 15. Name the classification of planning premises? 1. Internal and external 2. Tangible and intangible premises. 3. Controllable and uncontrollable premises 16. Define decision and decision making. A decision may be defined in terms of commitment of resources, raw materials, machinery, finance, time effort etc. in a particular channel of thinking and action. “Decision making is a process of selecting the best alternative course of action, from among a number of alternative to achieve the enterprise goals.” 17. List out types of decision making. 1. Programmed and non programmed decisions 2. Major and minor decision. 3. Routine / Operational and strategic decisions. 4. Individual and group decision. 5. Organizational and personal decisions.
  • 8. UNIT-III 1. Define organizing. Organizing is the process of identifying and grouping of activities required to attain the objectives, delegating authority, creating responsibility and establishing relationships for the people to work effectively. 2. What is meant by formal organization? Formal organization means the intentional structure of roles in a formally organized enterprise. 3. What is meant by informal organizational? The functions of the executive, describe informal organization as any joint personal activity without conscious joint purpose, even though contributing to joint Results. 4. Define functional Department. Grouping activities in accordance with the functions of an enterprise, is known as functional Departmentation. 5. State the problem with matrix management. Because of the potential conflict, Managers may want to protect themselves against blame by putting everything in writing, which increases administration cost. Matrix organization requires many, time consuming meeting. 6. Write the guidelines for making matrix management effective.  define the objectives of the project or task.  Clarify the roles, Authorities and Responsibilities, of managers and team members.  Ensure that influence is bases on knowledge and information, rather than on rank.  Balance the power of functional and project managers.  Select an experienced manager for the project who can provide leadership.  Reward project managers and team members fairly. 7. What is meant by power? Power a much broader concept than Authority, is the ability of individuals or groups to induce or influence the beliefs or actions of other persons or groups. 8. Define Authority. Authority in organization is the right in a position to exercise discretion in making decisions affecting others. It is, of course, one type of power, but power in an organization setting. 9. What is meant by coercive power? Coercive power is still another type. Authority closely related to reward power and normally arising from legitimate power, it is the power to punish, whether by firing a subordinate or with holding a merit increases.
  • 9. 10. What is meant by scalar principle in organization? A clearer the line of Authority from the ultimate management position in an enterprise to every subordinate position, the clearer will be the responsibility for decision making and the more effective will be organization communication. 11. List out the steps involved in organization process.  Determination of activities  Grouping of activities  Assignment of Duties  Delegation of authority 12. Mention the three categories of span of management.  Direct single relationship  Direct group relationships  Cross relation 13. What are the types of departmentation? a) Departmentation by numbers b) Departmentation by time c) Departmentation by Enterprise function d) Departmentation by Territory or Geography e) Departmentation by customers f) Departmentation by Equipment or process g) Departmentation by Product or service h) 14. Give a note departmentation by customers. This type of departmentation is preferred when the needs of customers are different in nature. Some big organisation is providing special services to different of customer. 15. Define authority. Authority is the right to give orders and the power to exact obedience. 16. List out the sources of authority.  Formal authority theory  Acceptance authority theory  Competence theory  17. What is line authority? Line authority is the direct authority which a superior exercises over a number of subordinates to carry out orders and instructions. In organisation process, authority is delegated to the individuals to perform the activities. 18. What is staff authority? The relationship between a staff manager and the line manager with whom he works depends in part on the staff duties.
  • 10. 19. List the steps involved in process of delegation.  Determination of result expected  Assignment of duties  Delegation of authority  Creation of obligation or accountability 20. What are the steps to be followed in making staff works effective?  Understanding authority relationship  Making line listen to staff  Keeping staff informed  Requiring completed staff work  Making staff work a way of organisational life 21. State the kinds of organizational charts. i. Vertical chart ii. Horizontal chart or left to right chart iii. Circular chart or concentric chart 22. Define staffing. Staffing is the part of the management process which is concerned with the procurement utilization, maintenance and development of a large satisfied work force on the organisation. 23. Write any two roles of staffing.  Effective utilization of skills and potential of the work force  Development and maintenance of quality of work life 24. What is job analysis? Job analysis is a detailed study of a job to identify the skills, experience and aptitude required for the job. 25. What is job design? The job design is usually broad enough to accommodate people’s need and desires. 26. What is job rotation? Job rotation refers in the movement of an employee from the job to another. 27. Define recruitment. B.Flippo defined recruitment as “the process of searching for prospective employees and simulating to apply for jobs in the organisation. 28. What is selection? Selection is the process of finding out the most suitable candidate to the job out of the candidates attracted.
  • 11. 29. Write down the tests used in selection process.  Aptitude test  Intelligence test  Psychomotor test  Personality test 30. What is orientation? Orientation refers to the activities involved in introducing the new employees to the organisation and its policies, procedures, rules, and regulations. 31. What is performance appraisal? Performance appraisal evaluates the performance of worker also his potential for development. 32. What are roles of manager?  Inter-personal role  Information role  Decisional role UNIT-IV 1.Directing According to G. R. Terry - "Directing means moving to action and supplying simulative power to a group of persons". Thus, the plan is put into operation through the organization by the process of direction. Another term used to describe this function is "Activating". In the words of G. R. Terry - "Activating means moving into action - supplying simulative power to the group". 2. Creativity and innovation: An important factor in managing people is creativity. a distinction. the term creativity usually refers to the ability and power to develop new ideas. Innovation, on the other hand, usually means the use of these ideas. in an organization, this can mean a new product a new service (or) a new way of doing things. it is implied that organization not only generate new ideas but also translate them into practical application. 3. Innovation: Peter Drucker suggest that innovation applies not only to high – tech companies but equally to low – tech, established business. Worthwhile innovation is not a matter of sheer, it requires systematic and rational work, well organized and managed for results. 4. Harmonizing objectives: people do not work in isolation, rather they work to a great extent and enterprise objectives. Unfortunately, these objectives are not always harmonious likewise, the goals of sub – ordinates are not always the same as those of the superior, therefore, one of the most important activities of managers is to harmonize, the needs of individuals with the demand of enterprise.
  • 12. 5. Define motivation : Motivation is a set a of stimulating someone (or) oneself to get the desired course of action. 6. What are the factors affecting motivation? i. Achievement, ii. Advancement, iii. Growth, iv. Recognition, v. Responsibility and Authority in Relation to one’s job VI. Work itself. 7. State the theories of motivation. 1. Maslow’s hierarchy of need 2. Her berg’s motivation Hygiene theory 3. McClelland’s need theory 4. Equality theory 5. Vroom theory. 6. Expecting theory. 8. Explain Equality theory : Equality is determined through the calculation of simple ratio Outcomes by a person Outcomes by another person Inputs by person Inputs by another person 9. What are the three dimensions of motivation? a. Physical dimension b. Social dimension c. Psychic and ideological dimension. 10. Define Leadership : Leadership is the ability of a manager to induce subordinates (followers) to work with confidence. 11. State the functions of leadership. 1. Integrating and directing, 2. Develops Team spirit, 3. Arbitration, 4. To develop environment conductive to work, 5. Acts as healthy link between top management and the work group. 12. What is the theory of leadership? 1. The trait theory, 2. The follower’s theory, 3. The situational theory and, 4. The system theory. 13. Define Communication : Communication is the sum of all the things one person does when he wants to create understanding in the mind of another. It is a bridge of meaning. It involves a systematic and continuous process of telling, listening and understanding.
  • 13. 10. State the process of communication. i. The sender, ii. Encoding, ii. The message, iv. The channel, v. Decoding, vi. The receiver and, vii. Feedback. 14. What are the Barriers to communication : 1. Barriers in Organizational structure 2. Semantic barriers 3. difference in status (or) rank 4. Badly expensed message. 5. Faculty Translation. 15. State the types of communication : 1. Formal and information communication. 2. Oral and Written communication. 3. Upward, downward and lateral communication. UNIT- V 1. What is controlling? The managerial function of controlling is the measurement and correction of performance in order to make sure that that enterprise objective and the plans devised to attain them are accomplished. 2. Write the process of controlling. 1. Establishing standards 2) Measuring performance against these standards. 3)Analyzing the cause of deviations and 4) Correcting variations from standards and plan 3. What are the modern controlling Techniques?  Management audit  Return on investment  PERT and CPM 4. How to measure the performance? i)Income II) expenses iii) Inventory iv) Quality of the product 5. What are the characteristics of control?  Control process is universal  Control is continuous process  Control is action based  Control is forward looking. 6. What are the disadvantages of control?  Control is expensive and time-consuming process.  Human behaviour and employee morale also cannot be measured. 7. Give some critical point standards of control?  Cost standards  Revenue standards  Goals standards  Program standards. 8. What are the types of control?  Feedback control
  • 14.  Concurrent control  Feed forward control 9. What is feedback control? Feedback control is the process of adjusting future action on basis of information about past performance. 10. What are the requirements for effective control?  The control should be economical  It must be simple  It should be flexible  It should be clear objectives 11. What are the modern techniques of control?  Management audit  Return on investment  PERT and CPM 12. Define budgetary control? According to J.Batty “a system which uses budgets as a means of planning and controlling all aspects of producing and or selling commodities and services”. 13. Define budget? According to J. Fred Meston “a budget is the expression of a firms plan is financial form for a period of time in to the future”. 14. What are the limitations of Budgeting?  Inaccuracy  Expenditure  Distortion of goals 15. What is Zero Base Budgets? Initially the budget is designed from a Zero base the main element is ZBB is future objective orientation. 16. What are the steps involves in ZBB?  Decision package  Ranking  Allocation of resources 17. What is Internal Audit? Internal audit is done by an internal auditor who is an employee of the organisation. He examines the objectives, policies, plans, procedures and performance of the management. 18. Define MIS A system of obtaining abstracting, storing and analysing data to productions information for use in planning, controlling and decision making by managers at the time they can most effectively use it”
  • 15. 19. What are MIS Resources?  To provide the information up to date  To take effective decision making  To provide the right information available in the right form at the right time 20. Define Productivity Productivity is a measure of how much input is required to produce a given output the ratio is called productivity. 21. What are the factors affecting productivity?  Technology  Human resources  Government policy  Machinery and equipment  Skill of the worker 22. What is OR? OR is an applied decision theory, which uses scientific, mathematical and logical means to take decisions. 23. Define Multinational Corporations. An enterprise which own or control production or service facilities outside the country in which they are based. 24. Write some advantages of MNC.  MNC can promote quality product at lower cost.  MNC leads to increase in production aggregate employment, exports and imports of the required inputs.  MNC is paying taxes their operations increase government revenues. 25. What are global theory of management?  Situational and contingency approach.  Motivation and leadership theory.  Organisational behaviour. 26. Write some characteristics of Japanese management.  Japanese management prefer to human resources than it financial resources.  Japanese management favors job security.  Japanese are more favour to cooperation and teamwork.  Japanese management encourage the lower level employees’ participation. 27. Write some limitations of Japanese management.  Decision making process is time-consuming process.  Promotion policy is not encourage outstanding younger employee. 28. Write some characteristics of German management.  German management is autocratic.  Labour suggestions also accepted.  Managerial decisions are taken by the executive committee consultation With labour direction.