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TWITTORIAL                                         Twitter-Fever!!
               updated October 2009

                                      VILLALOBOS                                                                       Twitter Icons from:

 A Beginner’s Guide To Using Twitter For Business                                                 What IS Twitter?
The next 5 pages are full of the things that       5.Be authentic. Even if you’re tweeting for
                                                                                                  Twitter is a cross between Facebook
I would have liked to know when I started            business, be a human being. Don’t            status updates, blogging & IM.
using Twitter. I hope it helps!!                     promote yourself or your business in
                                                     every tweet. Provide value in your field     Posts or “tweets” must be 140
First up: 10 tips to get you started                 of expertise.                                characters or fewer.
(assuming you’re already signed up).               6.No quid pro quo. Just because someone
                                                                                                  When you follow someone, their
                                                     follows you doesn’t mean you have to
                                                                                                  posts appear on your Twitter home
Top 10 Twitter Tips                                  follow them. How many conversations          page. When someone follows you,
                                                     can you realistically follow at once?        your posts appear on their page.
                                                   7.No shortcuts. Corollary to #6: Following
1.Follow the leaders. They’re clearly
                                                     random people so they’ll follow you          Most people who sign up for Twitter
  doing it right: a few to look at:
                                                     doesn’t work in the long run (people         quit after a few posts.
  @mashable, @cracked, @ijustine,
                                                     who follow thousands of people are
  @dooce.                                                                                         Lots of people would like to use
                                                     probably not really reading those
2.Learn the lingo. You only have 140                                                              Twitter, but aren’t quite sure how to
                                                     tweets).                                     do it right...
  characters, so twitter shorthand is
                                                   8.Follow people. Notwithstanding #6 &
  essential. See page 3 for some basics.
                                                     #7, When you follow people you’re            We’re hoping to remedy that here.
3.Deliver value. Educate, entertain or
                                                     truly interested in, you expose yourself     Our philosophy: listen, engage,
  inform. Answering the question, “what                                                           deliver value, be consistent, be
                                                     to a whole new group of potential
  are you doing right now” (the original                                                          patient.
  Twitter catch-phrase) is usually NOT all
                                                   9.Jump in! Go ahead and jump into              This tutorial ISN’T about scammy,
  that compelling.
                                                     conversations if and when it makes           spammy techniques designed to get
4.Start tweeting! The more you tweet
                                                     sense. If you contribute value, others       you 100,000 random followers in 3
  (good stuff, of course) the more
                                                     will appreciate it and may follow you.       weeks... we believe in quality,
  followers you’ll get. Trust me, it
                                                   10.Feed it. To keep your relationships         qualified, engaged communities
  happens. Focus on posts that people
                                                     alive, you’ve got to be consistent.          held together by common interest.
  will SHARE... That’s a great way to
                                                     Tweeting 5, 10 or 15 times a day is just
  build your following.                                                                           Deliver value, the followers follow.
                                                     fine... as long as people want to read
                                                     what you’re posting.
First                            Phase 1-                          Phase 2 -                               Phase 3 -
  Things                           Setup                             Manage                                  Grow

  First                            1. Choose a Name                  4. Get An App                           7. Tweet More
                                   Even if you’re posting as a       Now’s the time to download              Now that you’re monitoring

                                   company, it is good to “own       an application that will make           topics of interest, you’re
                                   your name” wherever you           managing Twitter easier. I              following some people, and
                                   can. Another idea is to use a     suggest starting with                   you’ve tweeted a few times,
                                   moniker that describes what       TweetDeck, Twhirl or my                 chances are you’ve got a few
                                   you do. I made a mistake on       favorite, Seesmic. Go to                followers. Tweet more often,
  Are you really really just       this one... I’m posting as,                      this will create some
  getting started? Step 1: Go to   @mivi, which is a nickname, or                      momentum. and sign up!     and means nothing to anyone. to
  Then keep reading...                                               download.

                                   2. Pimp Your Page                 5. Send Tweets!                         8. What to Tweet?
                                   Visit some people’s Twitter       Though few will likely see              Tweet things of VALUE to your
                                   pages and you’ll see some         them, having some tweets                audience. Rule of thumb:
                                   interesting designs. You can      early on will give people               entertain, educate or inform.
                                   get creative too... or at the     something to look at when you           Links are great! Use your
                                   very least, upload your photo.    follow them and they want to            app’s URL shortener to make
                                   Just click “Settings” in the      see who you are. Make sure              long web addresses shorter, or
                                   upper right and play around.      your tweets are consistent with         visit
                                                                     your “brand.”

                                   3. Follow People                  6. Set Up Alerts                        9. Grow Your List
                                   In the upper right corner of      One great way to stay on top            One great way to get followed
                                   your personal Twitter home        of specific topics or trends is to      is to jump into conversations
                                   page, click “Find People.”        set up alerts. For example, I           that you can add value to.
                                   Look for me (@mivi) and other     get an email alert whenever             How? Click on the “reply”
                                   people you know who are           my name or company name is              button and type your message
                                   tweeting... or pick some celebs   mentioned in a tweet. Visit             after the @username. Send!
                                   in your industry so you can to set                Don’t go crazy, though, if all
                                   jump into good conversations.     this up. It’s very simple.              you ever do is reply, it will
                                                                                                             annoy your followers who
                                                                                                             won’t know what you’re
                                                                                                             talking about most of the time.

                                                                                                     What to Post On Twitter
                                              ranged from “10 times a day” to “200
How Much Is Too Much?                                                                                •    Links to great content
                                              times a day.”
                                                                                                     •    Retweet (RT) other people’s
If you’re sending valuable information,
                                              There really is no consensus on this one.                   posts (give credit!)
there’s (almost) no such thing as too
                                              Ultimately, how much you tweet really                  •    Tweets that ask questions
often. But it depends on your goals.
                                              depends on what you’re sending, and                    •    Entertaining thoughts &
Look at @mashable, he sends hundreds,         how much people want to read it.                            musings
if not thousands, of tweets a week. That                                                             •    Links to your blog posts
                                              Remember the mantra: “If they don’t
said, he’s probably not writing all of                                                               •    Mentions of other great
                                              LOVE it, It’s just SPAM” (@LisaDSparks).
them himself (he’s way too cute to spend                                                                  Twitterers (use the @-sign)
all that time in front of a computer... I                                                            •    Industry-specific knowledge
                                                                                                     •    Breaking news in your field
I’ve asked people and dug around for a                                                               •    Unique observations
better answer to this questions. But                                                                 •    Twit-pics of interesting things
opinions on “acceptable” tweeting levels                                                             •    Important, useful info
Some                   DAVE MATTHEWS
                                                        LISA D. SPARKS
                                                                                   RAINN WILSON
                                                                                                              TIM FERRISS
                         Musician                       Email Marketing Expert &   Actor (The Office)         Author of The Four-
  of                     3 following                    Small Business Guru        139 following              Hour Workweek
                         827,385 followers              128 following              1,548,646 followers        197 following

  my                     Weirdest tweet: “I know
                         chimps should not be
                                                        Most interesting tweet:
                                                                                   Most polemic (yet funny)
                                                                                   tweet: “Men are from
                                                                                                              Fave tweet: “Some
                         pets. I know I like cows       Frequently Asked           Mars, Women are from       products/companies
  faves                  and steak. I know that I       Question: When do I        Planet Koo Koo Bird.”      launched during
                         will die. I know I love my     send my email?                                        recessions: Monopoly,

  to                     family. I know You are
                         reading this”
                                                        Frequently Given Answer:
                                                        Tues. Wed. between 10
                                                                                                              Apple, Facebook, Clif Bar,
                                                                                                              Scrabble, KFC, Domino's
                                                        and 3. Best answer: ==>                               Pizza, FedEx, Microsoft...”
  follow...                                             see next tweet.

On Twitter, following strangers is cool, not creepy
                                                                                                   Twitter Shorthand
                                                                                                   - Use “4” instead of “for”
Basic Twitter Commands                            Twitter Lingo                                    - Replace two, to or too with “2”
(adapted from
                                                  Tweets — When you post to your Twitter           - Cut vowels & spaces wherever
                                                  account, what you wrote is a                       you can, i.e., cu2mrrw (see you
@username + message: Directs a tweet              “Tweet” (not a Twitter.” So you say, “I            tomorrow)
at that user, also your tweet is saved in         just tweeted that.”                              - Use & instead of “and”
their replies tab. Example: @aplusk:
Thanks for the info!                              DM — Means “direct message.” To                  - B/c = because
                                                  interact with someone privately, you can
D username + message: Sends user a                                                                 - BTW = by the way
                                                  DM them by simply placing a “d” at the
private message that goes to their                beginning of the message, plus their             - IMHO = In my humble opinion
device, and saves in their web archive.           username (no @-sign). People use DM
Example: d mivi will you grab me a                                                                 - W or w/ = with
                                                  as a verb, i.e., “DM me for more info.”
coffee while you’re there? This only                                                               - Tweetup = in-person meet up of
works if they’re following you.                   RT — Means “ReTweet.” When you RT,                 Twitter members
                                                  make sure you give credit (it’s proper
WHOIS + username: Retrieves profile               “twittiquette.”) How? First, copy the            - Ttyl = talk to you later
information for any public user on                tweet. Then in a new message or                  - Peeps = people
Twitter. Example: whois mivi.                     “tweetbox” type “RT” then type the
                                                  original poster’s @name, then paste the          - Tweeps = Twitter people
GET + username: Retrieves the latest
                                                  tweet. Voila!!
Twitter update posted by the person.
Example: get mivi.                                @ – The @-sign goes in front of every
NUDGE + username: Reminds someone to              user’s name, whether you’re writing to
                                                  them or writing about them.                      Why & How I Use Twitter
update. Example: nudge mivi.
                                                                                                   I use Twitter to drive traffic to my blog
STATS: Returns your number of followers,                                                           and my website. Ultimately my goal is
how many people you're following, and                                                              just to add to my audience since that’s
which words you're tracking.                                                                       how word spreads of my workshops
                                                                                                   and seminars. Then I use the content I
INVITE + phone number: Sends an text                                                               develop in those workshops and give it
message (SMS) to someone’s mobile                                                                  back to my audience through special
phone. Example: Invite 3055551212.                                                                 reports (like this one), newsletters and
                                                                                                   “how-to’s.” I post to Twitter to let
                                                                                                   people know when they can come and
                                                                                                   download something new. It’s a
                                                                                                   virtuous circle!
My Seesmic Desktop Application

Essential Twitter Tools
1. TweetDeck (or Twhirl)

These are free programs that you
download and install on your
computer to monitor Twitter more
easily and effectively than you
could from the web. I use
TweetDeck. It allows me to search
Twitter for specific keywords and
get updates in real time. It’s also a
great way to monitor specific
topics or even your own name or
brand. However, if you don’t want
to be constantly interrupted turn
off the alerts! Another
option is Twhirl:

2. Twitter Mobile App
                                          Above is a screenshot of my desktop application: Seesmic. This is what I use to tweet
TwitterFon is a great mobile app          and monitor my 3 twitter accounts (@mivi, @solopreneurspeaker and
for the iPhone. Simple, clean             @frizzytofabulous). As you can see, I keep several columns of searches going
interface & free. No iPhone? No           simultaneously to keep track of things that interest me – from “Miami workshops” and
problem. If you use a BlackBerry,         “Miami networking” to “Gossip Girl” and “Frizzy Hair.”
try TinyTwitter or TwitterBerry.
                                          I also keep track of things like my company name and specific conversations like
3. URL Shorteners                         “killerkaraoke” or “dblstandard.” This would be a lot harder to do if I were just using
                                          the web Twitter interface.
With only 140 characters, you
want to be as economical as you
can with your characters. To get
rid of long URLs that just eat up
                                                                                                An example. Let’s say someone @replies to
space, use or         @-Replies CONFUSION?                                  you by starting a message with
How? Visit or and paste in the                                                                 @yourusername. If you follow that person, that
long URL, the rest is self-               Probably one of the most confusing things on          message will show up in your main messages
explanatory. Then copy and paste          Twitter when you get started is the barrage of        window AND in your replies window. If you
the shortened URL into your               messages riddled with @somethings.                    don’t follow that person, it will only show up in
message. If you use TweetDeck,                                                                  your replies window.
Twhirl or Seesmic you don’t need          First: an @reply is a public message sent from
this, it’s integrated.                    one person to another. It’s different from            Now, if what’s annoying you is that you have
                                          regular updates because it has the @username          to see a million replies between other people,
                                          at the beginning of the tweet.                        who you don’t follow, and it’s confusing (like
4. TweetBeep                                                                                    reading the answer to a question you never
                                          If a message begins with @yourusername,               knew about), then you may need to make a
TweetBeep lets you track specific         Twitter collects it as a reply and posts it in your   quick change in your settings.
words and topics on Twitter. It           replies tab in the Twitter sidebar, or in the
notifies you by email whenever a          replies column on TweetDeck.                          What you’ll do in your web-based Twitter
specific word or phrase pops up in                                                              page ( is
a Tweet. For example, I’m notified        You can reply publicly to any update on               simply click settings, click “notices” and make
whenever my name or company               Twitter by using @username at the start of the        sure you’re not set to “all @ replies.”
name is mentioned. You can set up         post. You don’t have to be following someone
alerts that let you know hourly or        to reply to them, and they don’t have to be           I’ve got mine set to “@ replies to the people
daily about specific topics, in           following you to see the reply.                       I’m following” (which sometimes gets a little
specific geographic areas... even                                                               annoying too).
the attitude they’re sent in (positive,   You can see all of your replies in the “replies”
negative, or asking a question).          tab of your Twitter home page. I didn’t know          If you change the setting to “no @ replies,”
                                          about this tab for a couple of weeks, and             you’ll stop seeing them altogether. That said,
Visit and sign up.      when I went in there, I found a host of               some people don’t do this because they feel
It’s pretty self-explanatory.             unanswered messages to me!                            like they’re missing out. Test for yourself.
Why Use Twitter?
                                                                                             Besides “everyone’s
                                                                                             doing it” – what are
                                                                                             some good reasons to
                                                                                             use Twitter?

                                                                                             Connect & Network
                                                                                             Share knowledge, follow trends &
                                                                                             connect with people in your industry.
                                                                                             Follow people of note, then jump into
                                                                                             conversations when you have
                                                                                             something of value to add. Visit
                                                                                    for a directory of
                                                                                             people on Twitter, by industry.

                                                                                             Be Informad
    An example of a “hashtag.” #killerkaraoke will now be a tracked conversation             Stay apprised of what’s going on in
                                                                                             your industry. You can use twitter
                                                                                             search ( to
                                                                                             follow specific topics, or use
                                                                                    to set up alerts
                                            From now on, whenever anyone wants
Advanced Twitter: Hashtags                                                                   for when a specific word of phrase is
                                                                                             posted anywhere.
                                            to get in on the conversation, they
Getting annoyed trying to read tweets       should include the hashtag
                                                                                             Get Ideas
riddled with “#” signs? Those are           #killerkaraoke, so that their response will      By following the “gurus” in your
hashtags. Whenever you see a #              be tracked as part of the thread.                industry, you’ll probably get great
followed by a word, that means there is                                                      links to new, cutting edge ideas.
a thread that’s being tracked on Twitter    (Please feel free to tweet in on this one...
                                            It hasn’t really caught on, but I know it        Extend Your Reach
about that topic.                                                                            If you truly deliver value, chances are
                                            has potential! Not to mention I’m in a           people will link to you and RT you. The
For example, I recently introduced a        Total Eclipse of the Heart/Love Is A             scope of your reach will be broader.
subject about the best karaoke songs. I     Battlefield karaoke rut and could use
                                            some new songs – but please no I Will            Promote Yourself To A Narrow Target
tweeted a request for suggestions, and                                                       Once you’ve got a following of people
called the conversation #killerkaraoke.     Survive, thank you.)
                                                                                             who trust you, you can (with restraint)
                                                                                             promote products or services to them.
                                                                                             But bait-and-switch is no good... you
                                                                                             must continue to deliver value, or
                       Want More?
                                            How To Use Hashtags                              people will unfollow you.
                                            In order to create a hashtag like I did,
    I give away lots more great, free       first find the user @hashtag and follow
       info and resources. Sign up at:
                                            him (or her, or “it,” I guess).
                                            @hashtag will automatically follow you
                                                                                           Generate Leads on Twitter
      Looking for a fun, educational
  workshop, seminar or speaker? Let         back, and then every time it sees a “#”        Imagine if you could know, in real time,
           me know! Topics include:         in front of any word that you write, it will   when someone out there in your area
     networking (online & off) sales,       either start tracking that conversation if     needed your services. Well of course
         marketing & social media.                                                         you can! Using Advanced Twitter
                                            it’s new, or add that tweet to the existing
                                                                                           Search, you can search for specific
                                            tagged conversation.
   Email:                                                       phrases, and limit the search to your
      Twitter:                                                     geographic area.
                                            Hashtags have been how many people
                                            have spread the word about disasters           Any tweets that reference that subject
                                            and dangers. Promoting events and              will pop up. You can read them, and
                                            launches is another great use for              @reply with advice for someone who
                                            hashtags. You can find other uses and           you have good information for.
     Michelle Villalobos                    hashtag trends at
            Mivista, Inc.                         Just be careful to provide value.
 Coral Gables, FL 33134                                                                    Otherwise, you’re just
                                                                                           spamming people!

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It's not who you know… it's who knows you (and what GOOGLE says about you!)
It's not who you know… it's who knows you (and what GOOGLE says about you!)It's not who you know… it's who knows you (and what GOOGLE says about you!)
It's not who you know… it's who knows you (and what GOOGLE says about you!)
Michelle Villalobos
"Shameless Self-Promotion" - Michelle Villalobos presentation at NAWBO
"Shameless Self-Promotion" - Michelle Villalobos presentation at NAWBO"Shameless Self-Promotion" - Michelle Villalobos presentation at NAWBO
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Michelle Villalobos
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Michelle Villalobos
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Michelle Villalobos
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Michelle Villalobos
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Michelle Villalobos
"You The (Online) Brand" by Michelle Villalobos, delivered at the Women's Suc...
"You The (Online) Brand" by Michelle Villalobos, delivered at the Women's Suc..."You The (Online) Brand" by Michelle Villalobos, delivered at the Women's Suc...
"You The (Online) Brand" by Michelle Villalobos, delivered at the Women's Suc...
Michelle Villalobos
Communicate Powerfully Onstage, In Person & Over The Phone - Michelle Villalo...
Communicate Powerfully Onstage, In Person & Over The Phone - Michelle Villalo...Communicate Powerfully Onstage, In Person & Over The Phone - Michelle Villalo...
Communicate Powerfully Onstage, In Person & Over The Phone - Michelle Villalo...
Michelle Villalobos
Communicate POWERFULLY Onstage - Michelle Villalobos Presentation to The Miam...
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Michelle Villalobos
Networking ROCKS Pinecrest Business Association - Michelle Villalobos
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Michelle Villalobos
You: The Online Brand For STUDENTS - Michelle Villalobos Presentation to Univ...
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Michelle Villalobos
5 Steps To Own Your Name & Niche - Michelle Villalobos presents at BizBash Expo
5 Steps To Own Your Name & Niche - Michelle Villalobos presents at BizBash Expo5 Steps To Own Your Name & Niche - Michelle Villalobos presents at BizBash Expo
5 Steps To Own Your Name & Niche - Michelle Villalobos presents at BizBash Expo
Michelle Villalobos
"Communicate Powerfully - Get What You Want (Without Turning People Off)" - M...
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"Communicate Powerfully - Get What You Want (Without Turning People Off)" - M...
Michelle Villalobos
"You: The Online Brand – For College Students" - Presented at Florida Interna...
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Michelle Villalobos
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Michelle Villalobos
"Networking ROCKS! It's Not Who You Know... It's Who Knows YOU" – Michelle Vi...
"Networking ROCKS! It's Not Who You Know... It's Who Knows YOU" – Michelle Vi..."Networking ROCKS! It's Not Who You Know... It's Who Knows YOU" – Michelle Vi...
"Networking ROCKS! It's Not Who You Know... It's Who Knows YOU" – Michelle Vi...
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"Twittorial" For Beginners - By Personal Brand Strategist, Michelle Villalobos

  • 1. TWITTORIAL Twitter-Fever!! updated October 2009 by MICHELLE VILLALOBOS Twitter Icons from: (@MIVI) A Beginner’s Guide To Using Twitter For Business What IS Twitter? The next 5 pages are full of the things that 5.Be authentic. Even if you’re tweeting for Twitter is a cross between Facebook I would have liked to know when I started business, be a human being. Don’t status updates, blogging & IM. using Twitter. I hope it helps!! promote yourself or your business in every tweet. Provide value in your field Posts or “tweets” must be 140 First up: 10 tips to get you started of expertise. characters or fewer. (assuming you’re already signed up). 6.No quid pro quo. Just because someone When you follow someone, their follows you doesn’t mean you have to posts appear on your Twitter home Top 10 Twitter Tips follow them. How many conversations page. When someone follows you, can you realistically follow at once? your posts appear on their page. 7.No shortcuts. Corollary to #6: Following 1.Follow the leaders. They’re clearly random people so they’ll follow you Most people who sign up for Twitter doing it right: a few to look at: doesn’t work in the long run (people quit after a few posts. @mashable, @cracked, @ijustine, who follow thousands of people are @dooce. Lots of people would like to use probably not really reading those 2.Learn the lingo. You only have 140 Twitter, but aren’t quite sure how to tweets). do it right... characters, so twitter shorthand is 8.Follow people. Notwithstanding #6 & essential. See page 3 for some basics. #7, When you follow people you’re We’re hoping to remedy that here. 3.Deliver value. Educate, entertain or truly interested in, you expose yourself Our philosophy: listen, engage, inform. Answering the question, “what deliver value, be consistent, be to a whole new group of potential are you doing right now” (the original patient. followers. Twitter catch-phrase) is usually NOT all 9.Jump in! Go ahead and jump into This tutorial ISN’T about scammy, that compelling. conversations if and when it makes spammy techniques designed to get 4.Start tweeting! The more you tweet sense. If you contribute value, others you 100,000 random followers in 3 (good stuff, of course) the more will appreciate it and may follow you. weeks... we believe in quality, followers you’ll get. Trust me, it 10.Feed it. To keep your relationships qualified, engaged communities happens. Focus on posts that people alive, you’ve got to be consistent. held together by common interest. will SHARE... That’s a great way to Tweeting 5, 10 or 15 times a day is just build your following. Deliver value, the followers follow. fine... as long as people want to read what you’re posting.
  • 2. First Phase 1- Phase 2 - Phase 3 - Things Setup Manage Grow First 1. Choose a Name 4. Get An App 7. Tweet More Even if you’re posting as a Now’s the time to download Now that you’re monitoring TWITTER 101 company, it is good to “own an application that will make topics of interest, you’re your name” wherever you managing Twitter easier. I following some people, and can. Another idea is to use a suggest starting with you’ve tweeted a few times, moniker that describes what TweetDeck, Twhirl or my chances are you’ve got a few you do. I made a mistake on favorite, Seesmic. Go to followers. Tweet more often, Are you really really just this one... I’m posting as, this will create some getting started? Step 1: Go to @mivi, which is a nickname, or momentum. and sign up! and means nothing to anyone. to Then keep reading... download. 2. Pimp Your Page 5. Send Tweets! 8. What to Tweet? Visit some people’s Twitter Though few will likely see Tweet things of VALUE to your pages and you’ll see some them, having some tweets audience. Rule of thumb: interesting designs. You can early on will give people entertain, educate or inform. get creative too... or at the something to look at when you Links are great! Use your very least, upload your photo. follow them and they want to app’s URL shortener to make Just click “Settings” in the see who you are. Make sure long web addresses shorter, or upper right and play around. your tweets are consistent with visit your “brand.” 3. Follow People 6. Set Up Alerts 9. Grow Your List In the upper right corner of One great way to stay on top One great way to get followed your personal Twitter home of specific topics or trends is to is to jump into conversations page, click “Find People.” set up alerts. For example, I that you can add value to. Look for me (@mivi) and other get an email alert whenever How? Click on the “reply” people you know who are my name or company name is button and type your message tweeting... or pick some celebs mentioned in a tweet. Visit after the @username. Send! in your industry so you can to set Don’t go crazy, though, if all jump into good conversations. this up. It’s very simple. you ever do is reply, it will annoy your followers who won’t know what you’re talking about most of the time. What to Post On Twitter ranged from “10 times a day” to “200 How Much Is Too Much? • Links to great content times a day.” • Retweet (RT) other people’s If you’re sending valuable information, There really is no consensus on this one. posts (give credit!) there’s (almost) no such thing as too Ultimately, how much you tweet really • Tweets that ask questions often. But it depends on your goals. depends on what you’re sending, and • Entertaining thoughts & Look at @mashable, he sends hundreds, how much people want to read it. musings if not thousands, of tweets a week. That • Links to your blog posts Remember the mantra: “If they don’t said, he’s probably not writing all of • Mentions of other great LOVE it, It’s just SPAM” (@LisaDSparks). them himself (he’s way too cute to spend Twitterers (use the @-sign) all that time in front of a computer... I • Industry-specific knowledge think.) • Breaking news in your field I’ve asked people and dug around for a • Unique observations better answer to this questions. But • Twit-pics of interesting things opinions on “acceptable” tweeting levels • Important, useful info
  • 3. Some DAVE MATTHEWS @DaveJMatthews LISA D. SPARKS @LisaDSparks RAINN WILSON @rainnwilson TIM FERRISS @timferriss Musician Email Marketing Expert & Actor (The Office) Author of The Four- of 3 following Small Business Guru 139 following Hour Workweek 827,385 followers 128 following 1,548,646 followers 197 following my Weirdest tweet: “I know chimps should not be 337 followers Most interesting tweet: Most polemic (yet funny) tweet: “Men are from 60,999 followers Fave tweet: “Some pets. I know I like cows Frequently Asked Mars, Women are from products/companies faves and steak. I know that I Question: When do I Planet Koo Koo Bird.” launched during will die. I know I love my send my email? recessions: Monopoly, to family. I know You are reading this” Frequently Given Answer: Tues. Wed. between 10 Apple, Facebook, Clif Bar, Scrabble, KFC, Domino's and 3. Best answer: ==> Pizza, FedEx, Microsoft...” follow... see next tweet. On Twitter, following strangers is cool, not creepy Twitter Shorthand - Use “4” instead of “for” Basic Twitter Commands Twitter Lingo - Replace two, to or too with “2” (adapted from Tweets — When you post to your Twitter - Cut vowels & spaces wherever account, what you wrote is a you can, i.e., cu2mrrw (see you @username + message: Directs a tweet “Tweet” (not a Twitter.” So you say, “I tomorrow) at that user, also your tweet is saved in just tweeted that.” - Use & instead of “and” their replies tab. Example: @aplusk: Thanks for the info! DM — Means “direct message.” To - B/c = because interact with someone privately, you can D username + message: Sends user a - BTW = by the way DM them by simply placing a “d” at the private message that goes to their beginning of the message, plus their - IMHO = In my humble opinion device, and saves in their web archive. username (no @-sign). People use DM Example: d mivi will you grab me a - W or w/ = with as a verb, i.e., “DM me for more info.” coffee while you’re there? This only - Tweetup = in-person meet up of works if they’re following you. RT — Means “ReTweet.” When you RT, Twitter members make sure you give credit (it’s proper WHOIS + username: Retrieves profile “twittiquette.”) How? First, copy the - Ttyl = talk to you later information for any public user on tweet. Then in a new message or - Peeps = people Twitter. Example: whois mivi. “tweetbox” type “RT” then type the original poster’s @name, then paste the - Tweeps = Twitter people GET + username: Retrieves the latest tweet. Voila!! Twitter update posted by the person. Example: get mivi. @ – The @-sign goes in front of every NUDGE + username: Reminds someone to user’s name, whether you’re writing to them or writing about them. Why & How I Use Twitter update. Example: nudge mivi. I use Twitter to drive traffic to my blog STATS: Returns your number of followers, and my website. Ultimately my goal is how many people you're following, and just to add to my audience since that’s which words you're tracking. how word spreads of my workshops and seminars. Then I use the content I INVITE + phone number: Sends an text develop in those workshops and give it message (SMS) to someone’s mobile back to my audience through special phone. Example: Invite 3055551212. reports (like this one), newsletters and “how-to’s.” I post to Twitter to let people know when they can come and download something new. It’s a virtuous circle!
  • 4. My Seesmic Desktop Application Essential Twitter Tools 1. TweetDeck (or Twhirl) These are free programs that you download and install on your computer to monitor Twitter more easily and effectively than you could from the web. I use TweetDeck. It allows me to search Twitter for specific keywords and get updates in real time. It’s also a great way to monitor specific topics or even your own name or brand. However, if you don’t want to be constantly interrupted turn off the alerts! Another option is Twhirl: 2. Twitter Mobile App Above is a screenshot of my desktop application: Seesmic. This is what I use to tweet TwitterFon is a great mobile app and monitor my 3 twitter accounts (@mivi, @solopreneurspeaker and for the iPhone. Simple, clean @frizzytofabulous). As you can see, I keep several columns of searches going interface & free. No iPhone? No simultaneously to keep track of things that interest me – from “Miami workshops” and problem. If you use a BlackBerry, “Miami networking” to “Gossip Girl” and “Frizzy Hair.” try TinyTwitter or TwitterBerry. I also keep track of things like my company name and specific conversations like 3. URL Shorteners “killerkaraoke” or “dblstandard.” This would be a lot harder to do if I were just using the web Twitter interface. With only 140 characters, you want to be as economical as you can with your characters. To get rid of long URLs that just eat up An example. Let’s say someone @replies to space, use or @-Replies CONFUSION? you by starting a message with How? Visit or and paste in the @yourusername. If you follow that person, that long URL, the rest is self- Probably one of the most confusing things on message will show up in your main messages explanatory. Then copy and paste Twitter when you get started is the barrage of window AND in your replies window. If you the shortened URL into your messages riddled with @somethings. don’t follow that person, it will only show up in message. If you use TweetDeck, your replies window. Twhirl or Seesmic you don’t need First: an @reply is a public message sent from this, it’s integrated. one person to another. It’s different from Now, if what’s annoying you is that you have regular updates because it has the @username to see a million replies between other people, at the beginning of the tweet. who you don’t follow, and it’s confusing (like 4. TweetBeep reading the answer to a question you never If a message begins with @yourusername, knew about), then you may need to make a TweetBeep lets you track specific Twitter collects it as a reply and posts it in your quick change in your settings. words and topics on Twitter. It replies tab in the Twitter sidebar, or in the notifies you by email whenever a replies column on TweetDeck. What you’ll do in your web-based Twitter specific word or phrase pops up in page ( is a Tweet. For example, I’m notified You can reply publicly to any update on simply click settings, click “notices” and make whenever my name or company Twitter by using @username at the start of the sure you’re not set to “all @ replies.” name is mentioned. You can set up post. You don’t have to be following someone alerts that let you know hourly or to reply to them, and they don’t have to be I’ve got mine set to “@ replies to the people daily about specific topics, in following you to see the reply. I’m following” (which sometimes gets a little specific geographic areas... even annoying too). the attitude they’re sent in (positive, You can see all of your replies in the “replies” negative, or asking a question). tab of your Twitter home page. I didn’t know If you change the setting to “no @ replies,” about this tab for a couple of weeks, and you’ll stop seeing them altogether. That said, Visit and sign up. when I went in there, I found a host of some people don’t do this because they feel It’s pretty self-explanatory. unanswered messages to me! like they’re missing out. Test for yourself.
  • 5. Why Use Twitter? Besides “everyone’s doing it” – what are some good reasons to use Twitter? Connect & Network Share knowledge, follow trends & connect with people in your industry. Follow people of note, then jump into conversations when you have something of value to add. Visit for a directory of people on Twitter, by industry. Be Informad An example of a “hashtag.” #killerkaraoke will now be a tracked conversation Stay apprised of what’s going on in your industry. You can use twitter search ( to follow specific topics, or use to set up alerts From now on, whenever anyone wants Advanced Twitter: Hashtags for when a specific word of phrase is posted anywhere. to get in on the conversation, they Getting annoyed trying to read tweets should include the hashtag Get Ideas riddled with “#” signs? Those are #killerkaraoke, so that their response will By following the “gurus” in your hashtags. Whenever you see a # be tracked as part of the thread. industry, you’ll probably get great followed by a word, that means there is links to new, cutting edge ideas. a thread that’s being tracked on Twitter (Please feel free to tweet in on this one... It hasn’t really caught on, but I know it Extend Your Reach about that topic. If you truly deliver value, chances are has potential! Not to mention I’m in a people will link to you and RT you. The For example, I recently introduced a Total Eclipse of the Heart/Love Is A scope of your reach will be broader. subject about the best karaoke songs. I Battlefield karaoke rut and could use some new songs – but please no I Will Promote Yourself To A Narrow Target tweeted a request for suggestions, and Once you’ve got a following of people called the conversation #killerkaraoke. Survive, thank you.) who trust you, you can (with restraint) promote products or services to them. But bait-and-switch is no good... you must continue to deliver value, or Want More? How To Use Hashtags people will unfollow you. In order to create a hashtag like I did, I give away lots more great, free first find the user @hashtag and follow info and resources. Sign up at: him (or her, or “it,” I guess). @hashtag will automatically follow you Generate Leads on Twitter Looking for a fun, educational workshop, seminar or speaker? Let back, and then every time it sees a “#” Imagine if you could know, in real time, me know! Topics include: in front of any word that you write, it will when someone out there in your area networking (online & off) sales, either start tracking that conversation if needed your services. Well of course marketing & social media. you can! Using Advanced Twitter it’s new, or add that tweet to the existing Search, you can search for specific tagged conversation. Email: phrases, and limit the search to your Twitter: geographic area. Hashtags have been how many people have spread the word about disasters Any tweets that reference that subject and dangers. Promoting events and will pop up. You can read them, and launches is another great use for @reply with advice for someone who hashtags. You can find other uses and you have good information for. Michelle Villalobos hashtag trends at Mivista, Inc. Just be careful to provide value. Coral Gables, FL 33134 Otherwise, you’re just spamming people!