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February, 2024
It Starts Within
The Unspoken Secret
of Great Leaders
Beyond Inspira on
The Inner Work of
Unlocking True
Leadership by
Leading Yourself
Payal Nanjiani,
Globally Acclaimed
Leadership Expert,
Renowned Leadership
Speaker and
Top Execu ve Coach
Helping You
Discover the Leader Within You
world renowned execu ve coach
" leadership
is an inside , Says
world renowned execu ve coach
" leadership
is an inside , Says
n a world inundated with external pressures and
Iexpectations, the notion of leadership often conjures
images of commanding boardrooms, orchestrating
strategies, and navigating complex organizational
landscapes. However, according to world-renowned
executive coach, Payal Nanjiani, true leadership
transcends the external trappings of authority and instead
finds its roots within the depths of one's character, values,
and self-awareness. In her profound assertion, "True
leadership is an inside job," Payal challenges conventional
paradigms of leadership, inviting individuals to embark on
an introspective journey that illuminates the essence of
authentic leadership.
At the heart of Payal's philosophy lies the belief that
effective leadership emanates from a place of inner
alignment and integrity. It is not merely about assuming
positions of power or wielding influence over others, but
rather about cultivating a profound understanding of oneself
and aligning personal values with professional actions.
In today's fast-paced and ever-changing business landscape,
where external pressures often dictate decision-making
processes, Payal advocates for a return to the fundamentals
of leadership – self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and
Indeed, Payal's assertion underscores the transformative
power of inner leadership – the ability to lead oneself with
clarity, purpose, and conviction. As she aptly observes,
"Before one can lead others, one must first learn to lead
oneself." This profound insight challenges individuals to
embark on a journey of self-discovery, where they confront
their fears, acknowledge their strengths, and embrace their
vulnerabilities. Through this process of introspection and
self-reflection, leaders can cultivate a deeper sense of
authenticity and resilience, enabling them to navigate
challenges with grace and poise.
Moreover, Payal emphasizes the importance of fostering
meaningful connections and building trust-based
relationships as foundational elements of effective
leadership. In an era marked by digital connectivity and
virtual interactions, the human element of leadership often
takes a backseat to metrics and performance indicators.
However, Payal reminds us that true leadership is grounded
in empathy, compassion, and genuine human connection.
By prioritizing the well-being and growth of their teams,
leaders can create environments that foster collaboration,
innovation, and collective success.
In essence, Payal's assertion serves as a poignant reminder
that true leadership begins from within. It is not about the
titles we hold or the positions we occupy, but rather about
the impact we make and the lives we touch. As leaders, we
have a responsibility to lead with integrity, authenticity, and
humility – to inspire others through our words and actions,
and to leave a lasting legacy that transcends the confines of
the corporate world. In the words of Payal Nanjiani, "True
leadership is not about being in charge; it's about taking
care of those in your charge."
any people think of leadership as a collection of
Mexternal traits - charisma, booming voices, and
decisive pronouncements. However, the true
foundation of great leadership lies not in outward displays
of power, but in a leader's internal compass. In the ever-
evolving landscape of leadership theories and practices, one
fundamental truth often gets overshadowed: the essence of
great leadership begins within.
While external factors such as strategy, vision, and
execution play crucial roles in shaping leadership
effectiveness, the most profound impact often stems from a
leader's internal landscape – their character, values, and
self-awareness. It Starts Within:
The Unspoken Secret of Great Leaders delves into this
often-overlooked aspect, revealing the crucial qualities that
successful leaders cultivate within themselves.
The Unspoken Secret
At the heart of this unspoken secret lies the profound
realization that true leadership is not merely a position or a
title, but a deeply personal journey of growth and self-
discovery. Great leaders understand that before they can
inspire and influence others, they must first cultivate a deep
sense of self-awareness and authenticity. The argument is
that effective leadership hinges on a leader's self-awareness,
integrity, and emotional intelligence. These qualities act as
the bedrock upon which external actions are built. A leader
who understands their strengths and weaknesses can
leverage them to empower others.
The Unspoken
Secret of Great
4 |
Leaders with strong integrity inspire trust and loyalty,
fostering a positive team environment. Finally, emotional
intelligence allows leaders to navigate complex situations,
build rapport, and motivate their teams.
Self-awareness, often hailed as the cornerstone of effective
leadership, entails a keen understanding of one's strengths,
weaknesses, emotions, and motivations. Leaders who
possess high levels of self-awareness are better equipped to
navigate complex challenges, make sound decisions, and
build meaningful relationships with their teams. By
continuously seeking feedback, reflecting on their actions,
and embracing vulnerability, these leaders create
environments that foster trust, transparency, and
Moreover, great leaders are guided by a strong set of values
and principles that serve as their moral compass in times of
uncertainty and ambiguity. Whether it's integrity, empathy,
or resilience, these core values shape their decisions and
actions, anchoring them in authenticity and ethical
leadership. By staying true to their values, even in the face
of adversity, great leaders inspire trust and loyalty among
their teams, driving engagement and performance to new
Another vital aspect of the unspoken secret of great leaders
is the cultivation of a growth mindset – a belief in the
power of continuous learning and development. Rather
than resting on their laurels or succumbing to complacency,
great leaders embrace challenges as opportunities for
growth and innovation.
It Starts Within
5 |
They encourage experimentation, foster a culture of
curiosity, and champion a spirit of lifelong learning among
their teams, propelling their organizations forward in an
ever-changing world.
Furthermore, great leaders understand the importance of
self-care and well-being in sustaining their effectiveness
over the long term. They prioritize their physical, mental,
and emotional health, recognizing that resilience and
endurance are essential qualities in leadership. By
practicing mindfulness, setting boundaries, and nurturing
supportive relationships, these leaders cultivate the inner
strength and balance necessary to weather storms and lead
with clarity and purpose.
The Benefits of Looking Inward
Focusing on internal development offers several
Authenticity: Leaders who are true to themselves inspire
trust and authenticity in others.
Effective Communication: Self-aware leaders understand
the impact of their words and actions, leading to clearer and
more impactful communication.
Resilience: The inevitable challenges of leadership are
easier to weather with a strong internal foundation.
Empowerment: Leaders who prioritize self-development
are better equipped to empower and motivate their teams.
Developing Your Inner Leader
Here we outline practical steps for fostering these vital
qualities. Some potential areas of focus are:
Self-reflection: Regular reflection helps identify strengths,
weaknesses, and unconscious biases. Practices like
journaling or meditation can be valuable tools.
Values Clarification: Understanding one's core values
provides a guiding light for decision-making and behaviour.
Emotional Intelligence Training: Exercises and courses
can help leaders develop their ability to understand and
manage emotions, both in themselves and others.
Diving Inside Thyself
"It Starts Within" challenges the traditional view of
leadership, placing the emphasis on the leader's internal
world. By prioritizing self-awareness, integrity, and
emotional intelligence, leaders unlock their true potential to
inspire, empower, and achieve great things. This approach
to leadership fosters not just success, but also a more
positive and productive work environment for everyone.
Thus, the unspoken secret of great leaders lies not in their
external accomplishments or accolades, but in the depth of
their inner journey. By cultivating self-awareness,
embodying core values, fostering a growth mindset, and
prioritizing well-being, leaders can unlock their full
potential and inspire transformative change in themselves
and others. As the adage goes, true leadership begins
within – and it is from this internal wellspring that the most
profound and lasting impact emanates.
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You take yourself with you
everywhere: It means that if you
feel successful, you take success
with you everywhere, and if you
feel like a failure, you take
failure with you everywhere.
ave you ever wondered what the
Hreason is behind you becoming
less successful than you deserve
to be? Success is that oasis which keeps
eluding even the most talented, skilled,
experienced, worthy, and expert
Globally Acclaimed Leadership Expert,
Top Executive Coach and Author Payal
Nanjiani says, “Have you ever noticed
how some people are super successful at
The World Renowned Executive Coach
They generate ideas on the fly. They speak
confidently and are high achievers. They
build winning teams and seem to be born
leaders. Others crave joining their missions
and want to be around them.
What are the reasons that they are
successful and you are not? Payal says it is
because the prevailing myth is that success
comes from external factors. The truth is
that ‘Success is Within,
Helping You
Discover the Leader Within You
Payal Nanjiani,
Globally Acclaimed
Leadership Expert,
Renowned Leadership
Speaker and
Top Execu ve Coach . It can be achieved with speed
and serenity in any economy.
She adds, “As leaders, we have many goals. Our goals often go unrealized because of a lack of
self-awareness. To improve your chances of reaching your goals with speed and serenity, it is
imperative to stop and self-reflect at every step. During my training, seminars, and coaching, I
give ample time for people to self-reflect so that when they leave, they feel accomplished and
see their results manifesting.”
Meet Your Triumphant Self
Recognized by the media for her Success Within coaching, including The Times Group – ‘Most
Influential Leadership Speaker & Executive Coach,’ FOX 50 News Channel, USA, ‘For
Redefining Leadership,’ and New York’s Award-Winning Author, Payal is one of the world’s
few Indian-American globally acclaimed motivational leadership speaker, executive coach and
In her New York bestselling book, Success Is Within, Payal asks, ‘Are you where you want to
be in your career? Have you gained accomplishments yet are still full of stress and worry? Your
hard work is paying off. You are doing well in your field. You have skills and knowledge.
But even with this progress. You aren’t
where you want to be. Something is
standing between you and the next
level of achievement.’
Payal helps you transform your habits
to achieve unstoppable success. Being
an executive coach, Payal interacted
with professionals in Fortune 500
corporations, medium-sized
organizations, and small businesses
around the globe. Some professionals
long for success yet fail to achieve
what they want. Other leaders and
entrepreneurs can quickly build a
thriving business and move from one
success to the next.
How is that possible? What is missing?
“I’ve found that the secret lay in
successful leaders’minds,” says Payal,
who has become a business whisperer
who gives professionals vital strategies
to elevate their careers by transforming
their mindset. “I call my system of
leadership coaching ‘Success Is
Within, and provide techniques for
people to become the best versions of
themselves and achieve high levels of
success in their career,” she mentions,
adding that though you absolutely have
a positive purpose for achieving your
outcome, your mind, actions and
sentiments are often disturbed. A mind
that is filled with tension will create
poor results. “We want happiness and
great results, but we are full of
tension.” You take yourself with you
everywhere. This means that if you feel
successful, you take success with you
everywhere; if you feel like a failure,
you take failure with you everywhere.
If you carry negativity, you carry it
with you to your workplace. “It is on
each of us to create the work
environment we hope for.” It starts
with ‘you.’ Get ready to look within
and create a wave of change in your
results! “Let’s go for it,” says Payal,
whose trailblazing journey started with
a question: “What creates a gap
between where we are and where we
want to be?”
The Arch of Fulfillment
Reflecting on her journey, she says that
she never planned to become a globally
acclaimed leadership speaker and
author or, for that matter, an
entrepreneur. “Honestly, I didn’t know
what I wanted to do.”
Payal comes from a very loving family
where education is the highest priority.
And so, after completing her
undergrad, she went into the B-School-
not because she had a passion for it but
purely because she was seduced by the
culture and society of doing an MBA,
and then life was pretty set in terms of
career. So, she entered corporate
America, where she was swamped with
managing her work and living the so-
called ‘American Dream.’
“True leadership is an inside job," Says world renowned execu ve coach- Payal Nanjiani
I have now
dedicated most of
my resources, me,
exper se, and a
massive part of my
life here in India to
help leaders and
organiza ons grow,
transform, and
amplify India in the
field of leadership,
crea ng an
abundance of
leaders here.
When I hear stories of
people who have
become successful
using my ‘insider’
techniques and how
they have transformed
them into world-class
leaders, I feel inspired
to give and serve more.
But she felt fulfilled because of the
reality she saw around her. Despite the
available information and resources
and being in a land of opportunities,
most people struggled at work. A huge
gap existed between the ‘Successful
few’ and the ‘unsuccessful many’.
“That made me uneasy. When I look
back, I can say that uneasiness is good.
It changed the trajectory of my life and
brought me immense fulfilment.”
Payal left the comfort of her well-
settled corporate American life and
immersed herself in research to get to
the root of this gap. “My curiosity and
research helped me understand the
reason for this gap.” It formed the
springboard of Success Within
Leadership, a leadership concept that is
helping achieve high levels of success
in their careers.
Engage Your Leadership Power and
Potential for A More Significant
Payal has impacted more than a
million people’s lives today, so people
like you and millions of others inspire
her to move forward. “When I hear
stories of people who have become
successful using my ‘insider’
techniques and how it has transformed
them into world-class leaders, I feel
inspired to give more and serve more.
Nothing gives me greater joy,” shares
When you have a sense, it becomes
your north star, and you only work
towards making a difference in the
world. “The most important thing is the
‘insider’techniques I teach, which help
people know what it takes to succeed.
These are all based on the research my
team and I do on the psychology of
successful leaders and the brain’s
science. These ‘insider’techniques
help my clients understand themselves
and their environment to lead better,”
reveals Payal.
The leadership landscape is continually
evolving. When asked how she ensures
that her clients remain adaptable and
ahead of industry trends, providing
innovative solutions, Payal says that
one can’t help anyone much if they
haven’t kept up with self-development.
“I spend almost seventy per cent of my
time developing my skills and
knowledge to be valuable to my
Leadership is an Inside Job
Payal reiterates: ‘Leadership is an
inside job.’ What goes on within you is
what comes out of you. “Thus, I
introduced the concept of the Success
Within leadership approach,” which
became extremely popular in the
corporate world and for which she was
recognized in the media for redefining
leadership. “Success Within means that
each of us is born to be successful,
whatever is your definition of success.”
And you have to generate this from
within you. It means that you take
yourself everywhere. “In the business
world, we are taught that when you
feel there is no growth in your
organization, you have a demanding
boss, your team isn’t cooperative, or
the work environment is hostile, it is
time to pack your bags and leave. Find
a new company, a new boss, a new
environment. But we don’t realize that
everything around you might be new;
it’s the same old you with the same old
pattern of thinking and behaving.
Until you change, nothing changes.
Begin to lead the change. Don’t just
hop from one place to another. Learn
to grow to the fullest wherever you are
planted before you move into a new
Payal hosts a podcast show, ‘The Payal
Nanjiani Leadership Podcast.’ Sharing
the key takeaways from interacting
with so many influencers, Payal adds,
“I must say I’ve been blessed to
interact with these incredible
influencers worldwide who are willing
to openly share their experiences, their
pitfalls, and their stories on my
podcast to help millions of people who
follow my podcast to become
successful in their own lives and to
help them get a jumpstart in their
career which is possible only when you
stand on eh shoulders of these
successful leaders and see ahead.”
Stating the Top Five lessons, Payal
says they include:
• Be clear about where you are
• Deliver more than expected.
• Solve bigger problems.
• Be courageous to think bold and
• Keep Moving- a rolling stone does
not gather moss.
Ready for Your Transformation?
The coaching process adopted by Payal
is completely different from that of
other coaches. “I don’t pay much
attention to what other coaches are
doing. But if I were to speak about my
coaching process, it’s a
transformational coaching program
that helps you develop your inner
leader and become the best version of
yourself. I work towards helping
Sharing the guiding philosophy that
made her one of the world’s best
leadership experts and executive
coaches, Payal says that when you see
yourself where you are not yet, you’ve
got to do something different to get
there. “I am constantly reinventing
myself to help me reach my true
purpose. I have a profound purpose to
help people in the corporate world
become the best version of themselves
and achieve success.”
For 21 years, I've been helping corporate America and
the Western world develop world-class leaders.
leaders bring about a massive
transformation in their thinking and
behaviours, which allows them to grow
and significantly impacts the
company’s bottom line. My job is to
help you engage your power and
potential for a more significant impact
while you make meaningful and lasting
changes yourself. It is crucial for me
that my clients improve their
performance and capabilities. An
effective coach is more than someone
who helps you master your skills. I aim
to help leaders maximize their
leadership potential, succeed in the
corporate world, and experience a
fulfilled career. And most importantly,
every change you bring in yourself
through my coaching is measurable.”
According to Payal, the profession of
executive coaching has taken over the
world, becoming a growing need
today. The whole profession of
coaching has evolved over the years.
Initially, when you think of coaches,
you would most likely think of sports.
But now, coaching has entered the
corporate world. Over the last two
decades, research has confirmed that
the No. 1 thing employees want from
their company is coaching. The desire
for personal growth and fulfilment is
even more important these days than it
has ever been.
Mid-managers are the most important
recipients of executive coaching as
their attitudes, efforts, and vision affect
the outcomes of the entire
organization. They need a coach to get
out of their echo chamber and help
them steer the ship. Most people in
their jobs get pushed from one role to
another, from one department to
another- and 75% get stuck in the mid-
level. The reason is- lack of vision. “In
my early career years, I reached the
middle-level role and hit a plateau,
too- simply because I didn’t know how
to maximize my leadership potential.
Many of us don’t realize that
leadership is not about skills.” After a
certain level, it’s about knowing what
behaviour changes to bring about and
how to change how you think and act.
This is what sets you apart in a nosy
corporate world.
A person at any level can get lost in the
weeds, but when a leader loses sight of
the big picture, it quickly demotivates
a team. When leaders work with
coaches, it allows them to talk through
their challenges with an outsider. In
having higher-level conversations,
coaches guide leaders toward
simplicity, lifting them out of the fog.
Realize Your Dreams
In her precious advice to our budding
business leaders of tomorrow, Payal
says that success never discriminates
between a man and a woman. Success
only demands commitment from you.
So when you have a dream or a
purpose in life you want to fulfil,
remember one thing: write your
dreams in pen and write your plans
to achieve them in pencil. This way,
you will be ready for any change. One
of the Bible’s most well-known and
quoted verses says, “For I know the
plans I have for you, declares the
“It’s a promise that even though things
might not make sense to us now and
life will throw curveballs at us,” God’s
plan is still good. So take care of
yourself––physically, emotionally,
financially, and spiritually. You can
only play your role and win the game if
you feel fit, stable, and nourished in all
dimensions of your life. “Many of us
must realize that leadership is not
about skills.” After a certain level, it’s
about knowing what behaviour
changes to bring about and how to
change how you think and act. This is
what sets you apart in a nosy corporate
Sharing the obstacles she faced in her
journey, Payal recalls the biggest
challenge for her was getting corporate
America to believe in her leadership
content. “You see, America is a place
where people from India are seen as
head-down, hardworking people with
an MBA or an IT degree.”
“When I first got started in this field of
leadership speaking, coaching, and
book writing, there weren’t women of
Indian descent in America that I was
aware of that was doing exactly what I
wanted to be doing.” It’s typically a
white male-dominated field. So there
wasn’t any role model or any guidance.
“I had to work a lot on myself, my
confidence, and shutting out all the
noise from outside while going inside
myself and getting the answers to who
I am.” Slowly and gradually, by 2017,
Payal was recognized as the only
woman of Indian descent to be a
leadership speaker and author in the
Executive Coaching in India
When probed about how is the training
and coaching industry different in India
from the US, Payal reveals that for
over 21 years, having coached and
trained leaders from corporate America
and companies in India, she has seen
that coaching is a very mature market
in the United States. Executive and
leadership coaching in India is still in
its infancy stage. Approximately 4,500
trained coaches across India and
several Indian and international
coaching courses are offered. Yet, the
quality of the coaches could be better.
Every second person says they are a
coach—adherence and expertise are
“For instance, I’ve encountered many
so-called business coaches and gurus
in India who aren’t good at what they
do.” They give you some techniques
and tools and then make you dependent
on them, where you spend thousands
of rupees but never get the results. In
addition, most organizations in India
invest in short-term training programs,
but too few persist with the long-term
commitment required to develop their
leaders. “In the United States, we focus
more on the long-term development of
leaders with the primary objective of
helping them reach their full
According to her, there are significant
challenges Indian companies and
individual leaders face regarding
coaching. Though the future of
coaching in India is bright, most
companies in India have yet to
embrace hiring a coach for their senior
leaders and executives.
Organizations in India mainly focus on
skill training for individual
contributors and new managers. And
then, based on their functional
expertise, these so-called ‘trained’
employees are often promoted to
managerial roles. And most of these
managers find leading themselves and
the people challenging. It is why most
managers fail.
There needs to be more help available
for senior leaders and executives. Most
of the content is for people either just
starting in a managerial position or
those wanting to get into an
administrative role.
Further, many leaders in India see
coaching as a ‘hush hush’ activity.
They feel that hiring a coach means
they (the leaders) have some problems.
Hiring a coach is considered a stigma.
Coaching means that you are investing
in your growth and progress. It means
you are willing to bring out the best in
yourself. It is not a remedial measure,
nor does it mean something’s wrong
with you.
The mission of Fostering Leadership
in India
This is why, Payal believes that
coaching and leadership training is
essential and the need of the hour in
India. The business world is going
through transformation and disruption.
Most of the leadership content out
there in the world today is outdated.
“The best example I can give you is
how the education system in India
focuses on churning out thousands of
MBAs and engineers each year who
work heads down in corporate
America, with only a few getting into
senior executive roles or becoming
Further, research stated that from 2000
to 2019, the United States had more
Fortune 500 companies than any other
country. In 2020, the U.S. was
surpassed by China, where 124
companies were reported, compared to
121 U.S. companies. India is not up on
that list.
This is mainly because Indian business
leaders have focused on developing
technology rather than on people who
can be business leaders. “We haven't
nourished their souls and spirits to be
industry winners.” Along with being
focused on the numbers, the top
management must be willing to step up
and help their people develop world-
class habits and behaviours that can go
a long way in growing the company.
Additionally, leadership is often a very
lonely role. All leaders today need a
quiet space to reflect with someone
who knows what they are doing. “So, if
we don't focus on good coaching for
our leaders now, we will soon be left
An Ever-Advancing Vision
Finally, when asked about the future,
her vision, and how she aspires to
continue significantly impacting global
leadership, Payal says, “Thank you for
this question. It's very close to my
heart. For 21 years, I've been helping
corporate America and the Western
world develop world-class leaders.
Every time I would travel to India, I
noticed one big problem -that
Corporates in India were still
following the concept of trained
leaders- where leadership is based on
position titles where there is much
focus on skillsets. India is recognized
for churning out MBAs and engineers
rather than leaders.”
“I unite my vision with India's Prime
Minister Narendra Modi's vision of
India being a developed country. That's
what I have come down to India for. A
massive chunk of the economic growth
of a nation comes from the
organization and its people. I have
seen that India has excellent talent,
rich talent, and a considerable
workforce. When this workforce
develops itself as a world-class leader,
it significantly impacts the
organization's growth. When the
organization grows, it highly affects
the economic development of a
“I feel honoured that I am now
associating myself with numerous
organizations and many people here in
India, helping maximum people to
develop a leadership mindset, inspiring
people to believe that their innate
quality is to lead and to succeed,
regardless of their title, irrespective of
their circumstances and for this I feel
blessed that now I have you know, it's
like a mission for me. I have now
dedicated most of my resources, time,
knowledge, expertise, and a massive
part of my life here in India to help
leaders and organizations grow,
transform, and amplify India in the
field of leadership, creating an
enormous abundance of leaders here.”
Meet the Indian-American Top
Executive Coach Payal Nanjiani,
who is transforming leadership
training and coaching in India.
Recognized by the TIMES Group as
the most influential leadership
speaker and executive coach, Payal
Nanjiani is an Indian-American
globally acclaimed leadership expert,
executive coach, and author.
With a mission to humanize leadership,
Payal has popularized the concept of
Success Within Leadership with the
primary focus on leaders making
sustainable changes in their thinking,
behaviours, and actions.
She has spent over two decades
helping leaders achieve a massive
leadership breakthrough, reach their
next level, and achieve extraordinary
success for themselves and the
For the last 21 years, Payal has been a
highly sought-after leadership speaker
for organizations and conferences that
have chosen Payal for their most
important events.
As an Executive Coach, she has
coached some of the world's leading
CEOs, Government Officials, and
executives to become ICONIC leaders
in their fields and get to the next level.
Maximizing Your Leadership
In 2019, she launched The Payal
Nanjiani Leadership Podcast to help
people believe in their innate qualities
to lead and succeed. The podcast, rated
in the top 10% globally, features some
of the world's most prominent leaders,
spiritual gurus, and CEOs.
A New York award-winning author,
Payal's books help you be a peak
performer and reach your next level.
Payal Nanjiani has a big vision for
India, bringing about a leadership
transformation in the youth and
corporate India so that India is
recognized in the field of leadership.
“This is just the beginning of
something big in India. I envision a
world where high-performing,
successful and impactful leaders are
plenty—not rare.,” concludes Payal.
“Ready for Your Transformation?”
If yes, then get in touch with Payal, by
, or contacting her at 9481250530.
The Payal Nanjiani
Leadership Podcast, rated
in the top 10% globally,
features some of the
world's most prominent
leaders, spiritual gurus
and CEOs.
any leadership theories focus on inspiring
Mothers, crafting motivational speeches, and
wielding charisma. "Beyond Inspiration:
The Inner Work of Unlocking True Leadership by Leading
Yourself" takes a different approach. It delves into the
crucial, yet often neglected, concept of self-leadership – the
foundation upon which all effective leadership is built.
In the realm of leadership, there's often a focus on external
factors – strategies, tactics, and charismatic personalities.
However, the true essence of leadership lies not in these
outward manifestations, but in the inner journey of
The Inner Work of
True Leadership
by Leading Yourself
Beyond Inspiration
18 |
self-discovery, growth, and mastery. True leadership
begins with leading oneself – a process that requires
introspection, self-awareness, and a commitment to
continuous improvement.
The Power of Self-Leadership
At its core, true leadership is about more than just inspiring
others; it's about embodying values, principles, and a vision
that inspire others to follow. This level of authenticity and
influence cannot be achieved without first mastering
oneself. This inner work involves confronting fears, biases,
and limiting beliefs, and cultivating the qualities of
19 |
resilience, empathy, and integrity that define great leaders.
The theory argues that true leadership starts with leading
oneself. This means developing self-awareness, mastering
your emotions, and cultivating a strong work ethic. A
leader who struggles to manage their own time, emotions,
or self-doubt will struggle to inspire and guide others.
Self-awareness is a foundational pillar of leading oneself
and, subsequently, others. It involves understanding one's
strengths, weaknesses, values, and motivations. By gaining
clarity about who they are and what they stand for, leaders
can make more informed decisions, navigate challenges
with grace, and build stronger relationships with their
teams. Self-awareness also enables leaders to recognize
and manage their emotions effectively, fostering a positive
and empowering work environment.
The Inner Work
Leading oneself also entails embracing vulnerability and
embracing the discomfort of growth. Great leaders
understand that growth and development often occur
outside of one's comfort zone. By challenging themselves
to stretch beyond their perceived limits, leaders can unlock
new levels of potential and inspire others to do the same.
This willingness to take risks and persevere in the face of
adversity sets the stage for transformative leadership.
"Beyond Inspiration" explores the key aspects of self-
leadership, such as:
Self-Awareness: Understanding your strengths and
weaknesses, triggers, and communication style.
Emotional Intelligence: The ability to manage your own
emotions and effectively navigate the emotions of others.
Self-discipline: Maintaining focus, managing time
effectively, and following through on commitments.
Growth Mindset: Embracing challenges, seeing setbacks as
opportunities to learn, and continually seeking
Furthermore, leading oneself involves cultivating a growth
mindset – a belief in the power of learning, resilience, and
adaptability. Rather than viewing setbacks as failures, great
leaders see them as opportunities for growth and
improvement. They encourage experimentation, innovation,
and continuous learning within their organizations,
fostering a culture of creativity and agility that drives
success in a rapidly changing world.
Benefits of Leading Yourself
In addition to personal growth, true leadership also
encompasses a commitment to the well-being and
development of others. Great leaders understand that their
success is intrinsically tied to the success of their teams. By
nurturing a culture of trust, collaboration, and
empowerment, leaders can unleash the collective potential
of their organizations and achieve extraordinary results.
This servant leadership approach not only drives
performance but also fosters a sense of purpose and
fulfilment among team members. The theory explores the
practical benefits of mastering self-leadership:
Increased Effectiveness: Leaders who are self-aware and
disciplined make better decisions and inspire confidence in
their team.
Improved Communication: Leaders who understand their
emotions and those of others can communicate more
effectively and build stronger relationships.
20 |
Enhanced Emotional Intelligence: Leaders who manage
their own emotions well create a more positive and
productive work environment.
Deeper Trust: When leaders demonstrate self-discipline
and integrity, they earn the trust and respect of their team.
Unlocking Your Leadership Potential
True leadership is a journey of self-discovery, growth, and
mastery that begins from within. By leading oneself with
authenticity, self-awareness, and a growth mindset, leaders
can unlock their full potential and inspire others to do the
same. Beyond inspiration lies the profound impact of inner
work in cultivating true leadership – a journey that
transcends the individual and transforms organizations and
communities for the better. It offers practical strategies for
developing self-leadership skills. Here are some potential
areas of focus:
Self-Assessment Tools: Personality and leadership
assessments can provide valuable insights into your
strengths and blind spots.
Mindfulness Practices: Techniques like meditation and
journaling can help cultivate self-awareness and emotional
Mentorship: Finding a mentor who embodies strong self-
leadership can provide guidance and support.
The ‘Beyond Inspiration’ theory encourages you to look
beyond external techniques and charismatic leadership
styles. It emphasizes the importance of self-leadership –
mastering your inner world to unlock your true leadership
potential. By prioritizing self-awareness, discipline, and
emotional intelligence, you can become a more effective
leader, inspire trust, and build a successful team. This
approach creates a path for not only achieving goals, but
fostering a positive and thriving work environment for
everyone involved.
Stay in touch.
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world renowned execu ve coach
" leadership
is an inside , Says

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  • 1. February, 2024 It Starts Within The Unspoken Secret of Great Leaders I N D I A W RLD Beyond Inspira on The Inner Work of Unlocking True Leadership by Leading Yourself Payal Nanjiani, CEO, Globally Acclaimed Leadership Expert, Renowned Leadership Speaker and Top Execu ve Coach Helping You Discover the Leader Within You Payal Nanjiani Payal Nanjiani world renowned execu ve coach " leadership is an inside , Says True " job
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  • 3. Payal Nanjiani world renowned execu ve coach " leadership is an inside , Says True " job
  • 4. n a world inundated with external pressures and Iexpectations, the notion of leadership often conjures images of commanding boardrooms, orchestrating strategies, and navigating complex organizational landscapes. However, according to world-renowned executive coach, Payal Nanjiani, true leadership transcends the external trappings of authority and instead finds its roots within the depths of one's character, values, and self-awareness. In her profound assertion, "True leadership is an inside job," Payal challenges conventional paradigms of leadership, inviting individuals to embark on an introspective journey that illuminates the essence of authentic leadership. At the heart of Payal's philosophy lies the belief that effective leadership emanates from a place of inner alignment and integrity. It is not merely about assuming positions of power or wielding influence over others, but rather about cultivating a profound understanding of oneself and aligning personal values with professional actions. Discovering theTrue LeaderWithin
  • 5. Editor’s Note In today's fast-paced and ever-changing business landscape, where external pressures often dictate decision-making processes, Payal advocates for a return to the fundamentals of leadership – self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and authenticity. Indeed, Payal's assertion underscores the transformative power of inner leadership – the ability to lead oneself with clarity, purpose, and conviction. As she aptly observes, "Before one can lead others, one must first learn to lead oneself." This profound insight challenges individuals to embark on a journey of self-discovery, where they confront their fears, acknowledge their strengths, and embrace their vulnerabilities. Through this process of introspection and self-reflection, leaders can cultivate a deeper sense of authenticity and resilience, enabling them to navigate challenges with grace and poise. Moreover, Payal emphasizes the importance of fostering meaningful connections and building trust-based relationships as foundational elements of effective leadership. In an era marked by digital connectivity and virtual interactions, the human element of leadership often takes a backseat to metrics and performance indicators. However, Payal reminds us that true leadership is grounded in empathy, compassion, and genuine human connection. By prioritizing the well-being and growth of their teams, leaders can create environments that foster collaboration, innovation, and collective success. In essence, Payal's assertion serves as a poignant reminder that true leadership begins from within. It is not about the titles we hold or the positions we occupy, but rather about the impact we make and the lives we touch. As leaders, we have a responsibility to lead with integrity, authenticity, and humility – to inspire others through our words and actions, and to leave a lasting legacy that transcends the confines of the corporate world. In the words of Payal Nanjiani, "True leadership is not about being in charge; it's about taking care of those in your charge."
  • 6. any people think of leadership as a collection of Mexternal traits - charisma, booming voices, and decisive pronouncements. However, the true foundation of great leadership lies not in outward displays of power, but in a leader's internal compass. In the ever- evolving landscape of leadership theories and practices, one fundamental truth often gets overshadowed: the essence of great leadership begins within. While external factors such as strategy, vision, and execution play crucial roles in shaping leadership effectiveness, the most profound impact often stems from a leader's internal landscape – their character, values, and self-awareness. It Starts Within: The Unspoken Secret of Great Leaders delves into this often-overlooked aspect, revealing the crucial qualities that successful leaders cultivate within themselves. The Unspoken Secret At the heart of this unspoken secret lies the profound realization that true leadership is not merely a position or a title, but a deeply personal journey of growth and self- discovery. Great leaders understand that before they can inspire and influence others, they must first cultivate a deep sense of self-awareness and authenticity. The argument is that effective leadership hinges on a leader's self-awareness, integrity, and emotional intelligence. These qualities act as the bedrock upon which external actions are built. A leader who understands their strengths and weaknesses can leverage them to empower others. The Unspoken Secret of Great Leaders 4 | Leaders with strong integrity inspire trust and loyalty, fostering a positive team environment. Finally, emotional intelligence allows leaders to navigate complex situations, build rapport, and motivate their teams. Self-awareness, often hailed as the cornerstone of effective leadership, entails a keen understanding of one's strengths, weaknesses, emotions, and motivations. Leaders who possess high levels of self-awareness are better equipped to navigate complex challenges, make sound decisions, and build meaningful relationships with their teams. By continuously seeking feedback, reflecting on their actions, and embracing vulnerability, these leaders create environments that foster trust, transparency, and collaboration. Moreover, great leaders are guided by a strong set of values and principles that serve as their moral compass in times of uncertainty and ambiguity. Whether it's integrity, empathy, or resilience, these core values shape their decisions and actions, anchoring them in authenticity and ethical leadership. By staying true to their values, even in the face of adversity, great leaders inspire trust and loyalty among their teams, driving engagement and performance to new heights. Another vital aspect of the unspoken secret of great leaders is the cultivation of a growth mindset – a belief in the power of continuous learning and development. Rather than resting on their laurels or succumbing to complacency, great leaders embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and innovation. It Starts Within
  • 8. They encourage experimentation, foster a culture of curiosity, and champion a spirit of lifelong learning among their teams, propelling their organizations forward in an ever-changing world. Furthermore, great leaders understand the importance of self-care and well-being in sustaining their effectiveness over the long term. They prioritize their physical, mental, and emotional health, recognizing that resilience and endurance are essential qualities in leadership. By practicing mindfulness, setting boundaries, and nurturing supportive relationships, these leaders cultivate the inner strength and balance necessary to weather storms and lead with clarity and purpose. The Benefits of Looking Inward Focusing on internal development offers several advantages: Authenticity: Leaders who are true to themselves inspire trust and authenticity in others. Effective Communication: Self-aware leaders understand the impact of their words and actions, leading to clearer and more impactful communication. Resilience: The inevitable challenges of leadership are easier to weather with a strong internal foundation. Empowerment: Leaders who prioritize self-development are better equipped to empower and motivate their teams. Developing Your Inner Leader Here we outline practical steps for fostering these vital qualities. Some potential areas of focus are: Self-reflection: Regular reflection helps identify strengths, weaknesses, and unconscious biases. Practices like journaling or meditation can be valuable tools. Values Clarification: Understanding one's core values provides a guiding light for decision-making and behaviour. Emotional Intelligence Training: Exercises and courses can help leaders develop their ability to understand and manage emotions, both in themselves and others. Diving Inside Thyself "It Starts Within" challenges the traditional view of leadership, placing the emphasis on the leader's internal world. By prioritizing self-awareness, integrity, and emotional intelligence, leaders unlock their true potential to inspire, empower, and achieve great things. This approach to leadership fosters not just success, but also a more positive and productive work environment for everyone. Thus, the unspoken secret of great leaders lies not in their external accomplishments or accolades, but in the depth of their inner journey. By cultivating self-awareness, embodying core values, fostering a growth mindset, and prioritizing well-being, leaders can unlock their full potential and inspire transformative change in themselves and others. As the adage goes, true leadership begins within – and it is from this internal wellspring that the most profound and lasting impact emanates. 6 |
  • 9.
  • 10. You take yourself with you everywhere: It means that if you feel successful, you take success with you everywhere, and if you feel like a failure, you take failure with you everywhere. ave you ever wondered what the Hreason is behind you becoming less successful than you deserve to be? Success is that oasis which keeps eluding even the most talented, skilled, experienced, worthy, and expert individuals. Globally Acclaimed Leadership Expert, Top Executive Coach and Author Payal Nanjiani says, “Have you ever noticed how some people are super successful at work?” The World Renowned Executive Coach They generate ideas on the fly. They speak confidently and are high achievers. They build winning teams and seem to be born leaders. Others crave joining their missions and want to be around them. What are the reasons that they are successful and you are not? Payal says it is because the prevailing myth is that success comes from external factors. The truth is that ‘Success is Within, Helping You Discover the Leader Within You Payal Nanjiani
  • 11. Payal Nanjiani, CEO, Globally Acclaimed Leadership Expert, Renowned Leadership Speaker and Top Execu ve Coach
  • 12. . It can be achieved with speed and serenity in any economy. She adds, “As leaders, we have many goals. Our goals often go unrealized because of a lack of self-awareness. To improve your chances of reaching your goals with speed and serenity, it is imperative to stop and self-reflect at every step. During my training, seminars, and coaching, I give ample time for people to self-reflect so that when they leave, they feel accomplished and see their results manifesting.” Meet Your Triumphant Self Recognized by the media for her Success Within coaching, including The Times Group – ‘Most Influential Leadership Speaker & Executive Coach,’ FOX 50 News Channel, USA, ‘For Redefining Leadership,’ and New York’s Award-Winning Author, Payal is one of the world’s few Indian-American globally acclaimed motivational leadership speaker, executive coach and Author. In her New York bestselling book, Success Is Within, Payal asks, ‘Are you where you want to be in your career? Have you gained accomplishments yet are still full of stress and worry? Your hard work is paying off. You are doing well in your field. You have skills and knowledge.
  • 13. But even with this progress. You aren’t where you want to be. Something is standing between you and the next level of achievement.’ Payal helps you transform your habits to achieve unstoppable success. Being an executive coach, Payal interacted with professionals in Fortune 500 corporations, medium-sized organizations, and small businesses around the globe. Some professionals long for success yet fail to achieve what they want. Other leaders and entrepreneurs can quickly build a thriving business and move from one success to the next. How is that possible? What is missing? “I’ve found that the secret lay in successful leaders’minds,” says Payal, who has become a business whisperer who gives professionals vital strategies to elevate their careers by transforming their mindset. “I call my system of leadership coaching ‘Success Is Within, and provide techniques for people to become the best versions of themselves and achieve high levels of success in their career,” she mentions, adding that though you absolutely have a positive purpose for achieving your outcome, your mind, actions and sentiments are often disturbed. A mind that is filled with tension will create poor results. “We want happiness and great results, but we are full of tension.” You take yourself with you everywhere. This means that if you feel successful, you take success with you everywhere; if you feel like a failure, you take failure with you everywhere. If you carry negativity, you carry it with you to your workplace. “It is on each of us to create the work environment we hope for.” It starts with ‘you.’ Get ready to look within and create a wave of change in your results! “Let’s go for it,” says Payal, whose trailblazing journey started with a question: “What creates a gap between where we are and where we want to be?” The Arch of Fulfillment Reflecting on her journey, she says that she never planned to become a globally acclaimed leadership speaker and author or, for that matter, an entrepreneur. “Honestly, I didn’t know what I wanted to do.” Payal comes from a very loving family where education is the highest priority. And so, after completing her undergrad, she went into the B-School- not because she had a passion for it but purely because she was seduced by the culture and society of doing an MBA, and then life was pretty set in terms of career. So, she entered corporate America, where she was swamped with managing her work and living the so- called ‘American Dream.’ “True leadership is an inside job," Says world renowned execu ve coach- Payal Nanjiani I have now dedicated most of my resources, me, knowledge, exper se, and a massive part of my life here in India to help leaders and organiza ons grow, transform, and amplify India in the field of leadership, crea ng an enormous abundance of leaders here.
  • 14. When I hear stories of people who have become successful using my ‘insider’ techniques and how they have transformed them into world-class leaders, I feel inspired to give and serve more. But she felt fulfilled because of the reality she saw around her. Despite the available information and resources and being in a land of opportunities, most people struggled at work. A huge gap existed between the ‘Successful few’ and the ‘unsuccessful many’. “That made me uneasy. When I look back, I can say that uneasiness is good. It changed the trajectory of my life and brought me immense fulfilment.” Payal left the comfort of her well- settled corporate American life and immersed herself in research to get to the root of this gap. “My curiosity and research helped me understand the reason for this gap.” It formed the springboard of Success Within Leadership, a leadership concept that is helping achieve high levels of success in their careers. Engage Your Leadership Power and Potential for A More Significant Impact Payal has impacted more than a million people’s lives today, so people like you and millions of others inspire her to move forward. “When I hear stories of people who have become successful using my ‘insider’ techniques and how it has transformed them into world-class leaders, I feel inspired to give more and serve more. Nothing gives me greater joy,” shares Payal.
  • 15. When you have a sense, it becomes your north star, and you only work towards making a difference in the world. “The most important thing is the ‘insider’techniques I teach, which help people know what it takes to succeed. These are all based on the research my team and I do on the psychology of successful leaders and the brain’s science. These ‘insider’techniques help my clients understand themselves and their environment to lead better,” reveals Payal. The leadership landscape is continually evolving. When asked how she ensures that her clients remain adaptable and ahead of industry trends, providing innovative solutions, Payal says that one can’t help anyone much if they haven’t kept up with self-development. “I spend almost seventy per cent of my time developing my skills and knowledge to be valuable to my clients.” Leadership is an Inside Job Payal reiterates: ‘Leadership is an inside job.’ What goes on within you is what comes out of you. “Thus, I introduced the concept of the Success Within leadership approach,” which became extremely popular in the corporate world and for which she was recognized in the media for redefining leadership. “Success Within means that each of us is born to be successful, whatever is your definition of success.” And you have to generate this from within you. It means that you take yourself everywhere. “In the business world, we are taught that when you feel there is no growth in your organization, you have a demanding boss, your team isn’t cooperative, or the work environment is hostile, it is time to pack your bags and leave. Find a new company, a new boss, a new environment. But we don’t realize that everything around you might be new; it’s the same old you with the same old pattern of thinking and behaving. Until you change, nothing changes. Begin to lead the change. Don’t just hop from one place to another. Learn to grow to the fullest wherever you are planted before you move into a new workspace.” Payal hosts a podcast show, ‘The Payal Nanjiani Leadership Podcast.’ Sharing the key takeaways from interacting with so many influencers, Payal adds, “I must say I’ve been blessed to interact with these incredible influencers worldwide who are willing to openly share their experiences, their pitfalls, and their stories on my podcast to help millions of people who follow my podcast to become successful in their own lives and to help them get a jumpstart in their career which is possible only when you stand on eh shoulders of these successful leaders and see ahead.” Stating the Top Five lessons, Payal says they include: • Be clear about where you are going. • Deliver more than expected. • Solve bigger problems. • Be courageous to think bold and big. • Keep Moving- a rolling stone does not gather moss. Ready for Your Transformation? The coaching process adopted by Payal is completely different from that of other coaches. “I don’t pay much attention to what other coaches are doing. But if I were to speak about my coaching process, it’s a transformational coaching program that helps you develop your inner leader and become the best version of yourself. I work towards helping Sharing the guiding philosophy that made her one of the world’s best leadership experts and executive coaches, Payal says that when you see yourself where you are not yet, you’ve got to do something different to get there. “I am constantly reinventing myself to help me reach my true purpose. I have a profound purpose to help people in the corporate world become the best version of themselves and achieve success.”
  • 16. For 21 years, I've been helping corporate America and the Western world develop world-class leaders.
  • 17. leaders bring about a massive transformation in their thinking and behaviours, which allows them to grow and significantly impacts the company’s bottom line. My job is to help you engage your power and potential for a more significant impact while you make meaningful and lasting changes yourself. It is crucial for me that my clients improve their performance and capabilities. An effective coach is more than someone who helps you master your skills. I aim to help leaders maximize their leadership potential, succeed in the corporate world, and experience a fulfilled career. And most importantly, every change you bring in yourself through my coaching is measurable.” According to Payal, the profession of executive coaching has taken over the world, becoming a growing need today. The whole profession of coaching has evolved over the years. Initially, when you think of coaches, you would most likely think of sports. But now, coaching has entered the corporate world. Over the last two decades, research has confirmed that the No. 1 thing employees want from their company is coaching. The desire for personal growth and fulfilment is even more important these days than it has ever been. Mid-managers are the most important recipients of executive coaching as their attitudes, efforts, and vision affect the outcomes of the entire organization. They need a coach to get out of their echo chamber and help them steer the ship. Most people in their jobs get pushed from one role to another, from one department to another- and 75% get stuck in the mid- level. The reason is- lack of vision. “In my early career years, I reached the middle-level role and hit a plateau, too- simply because I didn’t know how to maximize my leadership potential. Many of us don’t realize that leadership is not about skills.” After a certain level, it’s about knowing what behaviour changes to bring about and how to change how you think and act. This is what sets you apart in a nosy corporate world. A person at any level can get lost in the weeds, but when a leader loses sight of the big picture, it quickly demotivates a team. When leaders work with coaches, it allows them to talk through their challenges with an outsider. In having higher-level conversations, coaches guide leaders toward simplicity, lifting them out of the fog. Realize Your Dreams In her precious advice to our budding business leaders of tomorrow, Payal says that success never discriminates between a man and a woman. Success only demands commitment from you. So when you have a dream or a purpose in life you want to fulfil, remember one thing: write your dreams in pen and write your plans to achieve them in pencil. This way, you will be ready for any change. One of the Bible’s most well-known and quoted verses says, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord!” “It’s a promise that even though things might not make sense to us now and life will throw curveballs at us,” God’s plan is still good. So take care of yourself––physically, emotionally, financially, and spiritually. You can only play your role and win the game if you feel fit, stable, and nourished in all dimensions of your life. “Many of us must realize that leadership is not about skills.” After a certain level, it’s about knowing what behaviour changes to bring about and how to change how you think and act. This is what sets you apart in a nosy corporate world. Sharing the obstacles she faced in her journey, Payal recalls the biggest challenge for her was getting corporate America to believe in her leadership content. “You see, America is a place where people from India are seen as head-down, hardworking people with an MBA or an IT degree.” “When I first got started in this field of leadership speaking, coaching, and book writing, there weren’t women of Indian descent in America that I was aware of that was doing exactly what I wanted to be doing.” It’s typically a white male-dominated field. So there wasn’t any role model or any guidance. “I had to work a lot on myself, my confidence, and shutting out all the noise from outside while going inside myself and getting the answers to who I am.” Slowly and gradually, by 2017, Payal was recognized as the only woman of Indian descent to be a leadership speaker and author in the USA. Executive Coaching in India When probed about how is the training and coaching industry different in India from the US, Payal reveals that for over 21 years, having coached and trained leaders from corporate America and companies in India, she has seen that coaching is a very mature market in the United States. Executive and leadership coaching in India is still in its infancy stage. Approximately 4,500 trained coaches across India and several Indian and international coaching courses are offered. Yet, the quality of the coaches could be better. Every second person says they are a coach—adherence and expertise are lacking.
  • 18. “For instance, I’ve encountered many so-called business coaches and gurus in India who aren’t good at what they do.” They give you some techniques and tools and then make you dependent on them, where you spend thousands of rupees but never get the results. In addition, most organizations in India invest in short-term training programs, but too few persist with the long-term commitment required to develop their leaders. “In the United States, we focus more on the long-term development of leaders with the primary objective of helping them reach their full potential.” According to her, there are significant challenges Indian companies and individual leaders face regarding coaching. Though the future of coaching in India is bright, most companies in India have yet to embrace hiring a coach for their senior leaders and executives. Organizations in India mainly focus on skill training for individual contributors and new managers. And then, based on their functional expertise, these so-called ‘trained’ employees are often promoted to managerial roles. And most of these managers find leading themselves and the people challenging. It is why most managers fail. There needs to be more help available for senior leaders and executives. Most of the content is for people either just starting in a managerial position or those wanting to get into an administrative role. Further, many leaders in India see coaching as a ‘hush hush’ activity. They feel that hiring a coach means they (the leaders) have some problems. Hiring a coach is considered a stigma. Coaching means that you are investing in your growth and progress. It means you are willing to bring out the best in yourself. It is not a remedial measure, nor does it mean something’s wrong with you. The mission of Fostering Leadership in India This is why, Payal believes that coaching and leadership training is essential and the need of the hour in India. The business world is going through transformation and disruption. Most of the leadership content out there in the world today is outdated. “The best example I can give you is how the education system in India focuses on churning out thousands of MBAs and engineers each year who work heads down in corporate America, with only a few getting into senior executive roles or becoming CEO.” Further, research stated that from 2000 to 2019, the United States had more Fortune 500 companies than any other country. In 2020, the U.S. was surpassed by China, where 124 companies were reported, compared to 121 U.S. companies. India is not up on that list. This is mainly because Indian business leaders have focused on developing technology rather than on people who can be business leaders. “We haven't nourished their souls and spirits to be industry winners.” Along with being focused on the numbers, the top management must be willing to step up and help their people develop world- class habits and behaviours that can go a long way in growing the company. Additionally, leadership is often a very lonely role. All leaders today need a quiet space to reflect with someone who knows what they are doing. “So, if we don't focus on good coaching for our leaders now, we will soon be left behind.”
  • 19. An Ever-Advancing Vision Finally, when asked about the future, her vision, and how she aspires to continue significantly impacting global leadership, Payal says, “Thank you for this question. It's very close to my heart. For 21 years, I've been helping corporate America and the Western world develop world-class leaders. Every time I would travel to India, I noticed one big problem -that Corporates in India were still following the concept of trained leaders- where leadership is based on position titles where there is much focus on skillsets. India is recognized for churning out MBAs and engineers rather than leaders.” “I unite my vision with India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi's vision of India being a developed country. That's what I have come down to India for. A massive chunk of the economic growth of a nation comes from the organization and its people. I have seen that India has excellent talent, rich talent, and a considerable workforce. When this workforce develops itself as a world-class leader, it significantly impacts the organization's growth. When the organization grows, it highly affects the economic development of a country.” “I feel honoured that I am now associating myself with numerous organizations and many people here in India, helping maximum people to develop a leadership mindset, inspiring people to believe that their innate quality is to lead and to succeed, regardless of their title, irrespective of their circumstances and for this I feel blessed that now I have you know, it's like a mission for me. I have now dedicated most of my resources, time, knowledge, expertise, and a massive part of my life here in India to help leaders and organizations grow, transform, and amplify India in the field of leadership, creating an enormous abundance of leaders here.” Meet the Indian-American Top Executive Coach Payal Nanjiani, who is transforming leadership training and coaching in India. Recognized by the TIMES Group as the most influential leadership speaker and executive coach, Payal Nanjiani is an Indian-American globally acclaimed leadership expert, executive coach, and author. With a mission to humanize leadership, Payal has popularized the concept of Success Within Leadership with the primary focus on leaders making sustainable changes in their thinking, behaviours, and actions. She has spent over two decades helping leaders achieve a massive leadership breakthrough, reach their next level, and achieve extraordinary success for themselves and the organization. For the last 21 years, Payal has been a highly sought-after leadership speaker for organizations and conferences that have chosen Payal for their most important events. As an Executive Coach, she has coached some of the world's leading CEOs, Government Officials, and executives to become ICONIC leaders in their fields and get to the next level. Maximizing Your Leadership Potential In 2019, she launched The Payal Nanjiani Leadership Podcast to help people believe in their innate qualities to lead and succeed. The podcast, rated in the top 10% globally, features some of the world's most prominent leaders, spiritual gurus, and CEOs. A New York award-winning author, Payal's books help you be a peak performer and reach your next level. Payal Nanjiani has a big vision for India, bringing about a leadership transformation in the youth and corporate India so that India is recognized in the field of leadership. “This is just the beginning of something big in India. I envision a world where high-performing, successful and impactful leaders are plenty—not rare.,” concludes Payal. “Ready for Your Transformation?” If yes, then get in touch with Payal, by clicking , or contacting her at 9481250530. The Payal Nanjiani Leadership Podcast, rated in the top 10% globally, features some of the world's most prominent leaders, spiritual gurus and CEOs.
  • 20. any leadership theories focus on inspiring Mothers, crafting motivational speeches, and wielding charisma. "Beyond Inspiration: The Inner Work of Unlocking True Leadership by Leading Yourself" takes a different approach. It delves into the crucial, yet often neglected, concept of self-leadership – the foundation upon which all effective leadership is built. In the realm of leadership, there's often a focus on external factors – strategies, tactics, and charismatic personalities. However, the true essence of leadership lies not in these outward manifestations, but in the inner journey of The Inner Work of Unlocking True Leadership by Leading Yourself Beyond Inspiration 18 | self-discovery, growth, and mastery. True leadership begins with leading oneself – a process that requires introspection, self-awareness, and a commitment to continuous improvement. The Power of Self-Leadership At its core, true leadership is about more than just inspiring others; it's about embodying values, principles, and a vision that inspire others to follow. This level of authenticity and influence cannot be achieved without first mastering oneself. This inner work involves confronting fears, biases, and limiting beliefs, and cultivating the qualities of
  • 21. 19 | resilience, empathy, and integrity that define great leaders. The theory argues that true leadership starts with leading oneself. This means developing self-awareness, mastering your emotions, and cultivating a strong work ethic. A leader who struggles to manage their own time, emotions, or self-doubt will struggle to inspire and guide others. Self-awareness is a foundational pillar of leading oneself and, subsequently, others. It involves understanding one's strengths, weaknesses, values, and motivations. By gaining clarity about who they are and what they stand for, leaders can make more informed decisions, navigate challenges with grace, and build stronger relationships with their teams. Self-awareness also enables leaders to recognize and manage their emotions effectively, fostering a positive and empowering work environment. The Inner Work Leading oneself also entails embracing vulnerability and embracing the discomfort of growth. Great leaders understand that growth and development often occur outside of one's comfort zone. By challenging themselves to stretch beyond their perceived limits, leaders can unlock new levels of potential and inspire others to do the same. This willingness to take risks and persevere in the face of adversity sets the stage for transformative leadership.
  • 22. "Beyond Inspiration" explores the key aspects of self- leadership, such as: Self-Awareness: Understanding your strengths and weaknesses, triggers, and communication style. Emotional Intelligence: The ability to manage your own emotions and effectively navigate the emotions of others. Self-discipline: Maintaining focus, managing time effectively, and following through on commitments. Growth Mindset: Embracing challenges, seeing setbacks as opportunities to learn, and continually seeking improvement. Furthermore, leading oneself involves cultivating a growth mindset – a belief in the power of learning, resilience, and adaptability. Rather than viewing setbacks as failures, great leaders see them as opportunities for growth and improvement. They encourage experimentation, innovation, and continuous learning within their organizations, fostering a culture of creativity and agility that drives success in a rapidly changing world. Benefits of Leading Yourself In addition to personal growth, true leadership also encompasses a commitment to the well-being and development of others. Great leaders understand that their success is intrinsically tied to the success of their teams. By nurturing a culture of trust, collaboration, and empowerment, leaders can unleash the collective potential of their organizations and achieve extraordinary results. This servant leadership approach not only drives performance but also fosters a sense of purpose and fulfilment among team members. The theory explores the practical benefits of mastering self-leadership: Increased Effectiveness: Leaders who are self-aware and disciplined make better decisions and inspire confidence in their team. Improved Communication: Leaders who understand their emotions and those of others can communicate more effectively and build stronger relationships. 20 | Enhanced Emotional Intelligence: Leaders who manage their own emotions well create a more positive and productive work environment. Deeper Trust: When leaders demonstrate self-discipline and integrity, they earn the trust and respect of their team. Unlocking Your Leadership Potential True leadership is a journey of self-discovery, growth, and mastery that begins from within. By leading oneself with authenticity, self-awareness, and a growth mindset, leaders can unlock their full potential and inspire others to do the same. Beyond inspiration lies the profound impact of inner work in cultivating true leadership – a journey that transcends the individual and transforms organizations and communities for the better. It offers practical strategies for developing self-leadership skills. Here are some potential areas of focus: Self-Assessment Tools: Personality and leadership assessments can provide valuable insights into your strengths and blind spots. Mindfulness Practices: Techniques like meditation and journaling can help cultivate self-awareness and emotional regulation. Mentorship: Finding a mentor who embodies strong self- leadership can provide guidance and support. The ‘Beyond Inspiration’ theory encourages you to look beyond external techniques and charismatic leadership styles. It emphasizes the importance of self-leadership – mastering your inner world to unlock your true leadership potential. By prioritizing self-awareness, discipline, and emotional intelligence, you can become a more effective leader, inspire trust, and build a successful team. This approach creates a path for not only achieving goals, but fostering a positive and thriving work environment for everyone involved.
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  • 27. Payal Nanjiani world renowned execu ve coach " leadership is an inside , Says True " job