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Authentic Leadership – To thine own self be true
What is authentic leadership?
The idea of authentic leadership has been around
for a long time, even if it was known by different
names until Bill George’s book ‘Authentic Leadership’
popularised the term out in 2003. Since then, the
term has become business jargon, often overused
and not well enough understood to be meaningful.
But there is something behind the jargon – ideas and
concepts that have been around for centuries that
can help leaders lead people by having a sense of
self-awareness, identity, honesty and passion.
We all have a different idea of what authentic
leadership is, based on our own knowledge and
“At its most basic level, authenticity means being
genuine – not a replica, not a copy or imitation.
In leadership being genuine implies that we are
embodying our true selves into our leadership role.
Being true to ourselves calls us to draw on the very
essence of our values, beliefs, principles, morals
and that all of these create our ‘guiding compass’
in the job. Not somebody else’s compass – our
own! Authentic leadership holds making the most
of our strengths, recognising and trading off our
weaknesses and taking full self-accountability for
the impact we have on others. What authentic
leadership is not about is adopting the styles or
traits of other leaders.”
– Steve Robinson
“Authentic leadership for me encompasses the
whole leader and a leader cannot be authentic just
some of the time or when times are buoyant. It is
about showing the behaviours of an authentic leader
all of the time and not just ‘in pockets’. An authentic
leader demonstrates their ability to exhibit the right
behaviours especially when needed in times of
change and challenge. A high level of self-awareness
is of paramount importance and the foundations
required for being an authentic leader. A leader
cannot be authentic with others if they do not
understand what this looks like for them.”
– Victoria O’Dea
“I had no idea that being your authentic self could make me as
rich as I’ve become.
If I had, I’d have done it a lot earlier.” –Oprah Winfrey
It’s amazing how many of us have two sides to our personality,
a ‘work me’ and a ‘home me’. At work,
we often try to come across a certain way, whether it’s to garner
more recognition or to fit in with our
managers and colleagues; we end up changing ourselves and
how we act. This is especially true in
leadership, where managers often feel pressure to fit their
personality to match their role. The problem
is that by ‘acting the role’ of leader, those around them often
feel like they’re being lied to or deceived.
Then leaders are stunned when their employees don’t like them,
don’t trust them and end up leaving.
But if individuals can remain authentic in their leadership
approach, they can bring their whole self to
work while still being effective, productive and inspiring
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Authentic Leadership – To thine own self be true
The key behaviours of an authentic
The central component of authentic leadership is
genuineness, which means every authentic leader
is different. However, there are several markers that
these leaders tend to share.
Authentic leaders:
• demonstrate behaviours which enable you to
trust in them all of the time
• take ownership when they have made a mistake
and share responsibility for any mistake
• show the necessary courage to push further up
the leadership chain, to question current status
quo or defend their people or processes
There is a perceived level of expectation around
what a great leader should do and how she/
he should behave. These expected norms can
create myths about leadership being inspirational,
exhibiting unrelenting confidence, having
unwavering decision making, showing unshakeable
self-belief and revealing no signs of personal
weakness. In authentic leadership, whilst some of
these may well help in the execution of the role, the
real test is somewhat more grounded.
Authentic leaders:
Continually commit to their own learning in
order to understand themselves as a person and
how they and others see the world
Deep self-awareness is the foundation here. And it
builds and grows – it’s a lifelong journey of learning
from experiences and being able to share these
along the way. They resonate with others by telling
stories of success and defeat, of good times and
tough times and of accomplishments and setbacks.
Truly knowing their values – who they are, what do
they believe in, what’s the right thing to do – for
the right reason and in the right way is often all that
leaders have to help navigate by when the deep mist
of uncertainty prevails.
Have an ability to get their ego out of the way -
they truly empower and develop others
‘Big ego leadership’ lies at the opposite end of
the continuum to authentic leadership. Authentic
leadership holds out the first and foremost principle,
‘it’s not about me’. It’s akin to the truly brilliant
magician who knows that he cannot cross over into
the world of magic until he puts everything else
aside and behind him – including his own desires
and needs – and focuses totally on bringing an
experience to the audience.
They influence and inspire others by revealing a
bit themselves
In being able to ‘lift their veil’ and reveal their true
selves, authentic leaders transfer humility, credibility
and trust to those around them. They generate
believability by being ‘human’. People follow them
not through the leader’s manipulation, carrot or
stick strategy, or through threats or even because
of their power or position – but through compelling
influence. Authentic leaders demonstrate some
vulnerability and at the same time fully understand
their genuine influential ‘edge’ with others.
Deliver great outcomes over longer periods of
In a world increasingly impatient for results and
demanding immediate outcomes, authentic
leadership is continuously tested. The pressures
of instant delivery versus longer-term desirable
outcomes are a true leadership tension in itself.
Authentic leaders though, know what they can and
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Authentic Leadership – To thine own self be true
How to be an authentic leader
An in-depth study by the Harvard Business
Review of effective leaders ranging in ages
from 23 to 93 found that there is no “cookie
cutter leader”. Every person interviewed had
a different idea of what an ideal leader looks
like, with each individual having a unique
combination of characteristics, traits, skills
and styles that led to their own success. The
one common theme was that all the leaders
were consciously or subconsciously taking in
their real-world experiences continuously, and
using those experiences to frame who they
were at their core. As a result, they found the
“purpose of their leadership and learned that
being authentic made them more effective”.
This study is one that we all can learn from,
whether we’re managing other people
professionally or not. That’s because the
study shows that leaders are not born leaders;
they become great leaders throughout the
course of their life by taking in experiences
and letting it guide them and their leadership
style. That is a tactic anyone can adopt well
before they reach managerial level, or even
before they enter the workforce.
The rampant pace of change in our world in
itself requires agility, flexibility and adaptability
of leadership styles and approaches to an ever-
changing landscape. Complexity will increase
around technical, economic, financial and social
issues in the world and when we add in the very
ethical, moral and consciousness testing dilemmas,
that complexity will be exacerbated.
Perhaps all of us striving to be our unique, authentic
selves will create a collective array of authentic
perspectives, values and principles to complex
situations. The tensions and conflict here will be
vividly apparent but paradoxically this may also
give rise to the existence of the one last bastion of
stability – authenticity.
“Authenticity is the alignment of
head, mouth, heart, and feet -
thinking, saying, feeling, and doing
the same thing - consistently. This
builds trust, and followers love
leaders they can trust.”
– Lance Secretan
can’t settle or compromise on in the short term –
because it will impact on the longer-term outcome.
Authentic leaders have a ferocious tenacity on
the longer-term goals. They align their personal
values develop future leaders and build sustainable
successful organisations.
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Authentic Leadership – To thine own self be true
Steve Robinson,
CEO and Founder, Si Consulting Ltd
Steve is an experienced business
leader and consultant with a highly
diverse and successful background
in multi-disciplined leadership. As
owner and CEO of Si Consulting,
he works with leaders and teams
in developing and sustaining their
performance and impact. Steve adds a powerful mix
of useable and sustainable approaches that will see
individuals, teams and organisations achieving greater
Steve brings 25 years of first hand commercial experience,
including a Board appointment and senior positions with
Specsavers and Fitness First, built on the foundation of
a successful career in corporate finance and banking.
Steve is also a licensed practitioner of Insights Discovery,
a coach, group facilitator, trained trainer and speaker at
business events and seminars.
Victoria is a Client Relationship
Manager at Insights and manages
a wide range of accounts. Prior
to joining Insights Victoria had
10 years+ experience in Sales
and Learning and Development
within large FMCG Blue Chips
Organisations. Victoria prides herself on understanding
clients’ business needs and drivers, and developing
measurable solutions which help them provide the
required deliverables for the individuals, teams and
Victoria first got introduced to Insights in 1999 when
she was a delegate on an Insights Discovery Workshop
and received her first Insights Discovery Personal Profile.
It was at this moment that Victoria realised the true
potential that Discovery could bring for enhancing
relationships and in turn enhancing sales with clients.
This realisation soon evolved into a genuine passion
and enthusiasm for learning and development and
developing people in order to help them maximise their
Victoria O’Dea,
Client Relationship Manager, Insights
About the authors
26 / Journal of AHIMA August 11
Time to Lead
Leaders and Leadership, Building Trust
By Carolyn Valo, MS, RHIT, FAHIMA
TO LEAD IMPLIES many things—leading a project, a self-
aged or self-directed team activity, or becoming a department
director, manager, or supervisor, all the way to extending and
applying gained skills, advanced education, and experiential
learning to perhaps lead a large enterprise.
As a member of AHIMA, there are many tools, resources, and
learning opportunities available to each one of us, such as the
Leadership Academy, other related online education, the Body
of Knowledge, and the Communities of Practice, all of which
accessible from AHIMA’s Web site. Leadership, however, goes
beyond these notable educational tools and resources. AHIMA
and each component state association provide opportunities to
expand our learning around leading and serving in leadership
roles through volunteering.
Learning to become a leader goes beyond skill building and
experiential learning; for many, including me, networking
with our peers helps us identify role models and mentors with
leadership experience. Combined, these tools, resources, and
networking options can help provide pathways to becoming a
leader, if desired.
Inspiring Trust
Trust is a key imperative of leadership. In fact, trust and leader-
ship may even seem synonymous. As a leader, trust is at the
of effectively leading people, processes, tasks, or activities.
Leaders who inspire trust must gain trust as a first good step
in leadership. A high degree of trust between a leader and his
or her staff or among team members helps reach desired goals
or outcomes. Leaders who display or extend trust and demon-
strate active listening skills encourage open participation, mo-
tivate individuals, and more importantly, they inspire others to
demonstrate trust in team or project work.
Trust requires clarity (of goals and roles), confidence (in staff
and team members), consistency (in how processes are ap-
plied), and active listening skills in order to encourage all to
participate in tasks and activities. Trust helps foster common
understanding and collaboration, which leads to efficiently
reaching desired goals or the organization’s vision and mission.
As an example of how an HIM manager can inspire trust, as-
sume that a manager just learned accounts receivables, or AR
(days or dollars), are outside the target. The manager decides
to seek direct input from the staff that performs the day-to-day
functions related to AR.
When the manager takes, as a first step, engaging the staff
to problem-solve the missed AR target, the staff members feel
confident that the manager trusts in their knowledge, skills, and
ability and are more likely to be motivated to reach decisions
on how to realign and maintain the AR target. In addition, this
approach likely fosters open and active staff collaboration and
participation. In this example, inspired trust results in gained
trust, with staff taking ownership for monitoring and develop-
ing practices or processes related to maintaining the depart-
ment’s AR target.
As you explore becoming a leader or encouraging others to
lead, consider this statement on leadership skills: “Leadership
is not exerting power over others or exhorting them to follow
you. Rather, it results from your example of empowering others
to step up and lead. Leaders do that by learning to lead them-
selves, becoming self-aware and behaving authentically.”1
1. George, Bill. “Leadership Skills Start with Self-Awareness.”
Minneapolis Star Tribune, February 26, 2011. www.startri-
Trust helps foster common
understanding and collaboration,
which leads to efficiently reaching
desired goals or the organization’s
vision and mission.
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The Leadership Relationship. Part I:
Understanding Trust
Jo Manion, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN
LEADERSHIP EXISTS ONLY within the context
of a relationship. It is an intensely personal process
of relating to another person who, if influenced,
becomes a follower. If there are no followers, there
is no need for a leader. It makes sense, then, that
leadership is accomplished most effectively from
the base of a positive and healthy relationship
with others. And, in fact, without positive relation-
ship and people skills, it is very hard to be an effec-
tive leader.
This column is based on the premise that having
positive relationship skills is an essential compe-
tency for all nurse leaders. This is true whether
your followers are your patients, coworkers on
the committee you chair, or employees who report
to you. Of course, a toxic and punitive leadership
relationship can also influence the follower but
not in a positive way. Our focus is on healthy and
empowering partnerships with others to achieve
the key results needed in the department.
This can be difficult news to hear for those who
aspire to lead, yet have few natural people skills,
or actual problems relating to other people. We
all know managers or supervisors who rely solely
on the legitimate authority of their position to
give direction and influence others. They expect
compliance to their directions simply because of
the positional authority they hold. Developing re-
lationships with others is not a priority for them,
and little care is taken to establish a positive rela-
tionship. It is seen as unnecessary or wasted
time. However, these leaders are unlikely to be as
Jo Manion, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN, is the Owner and Se-
nior Consultant, Manion & Associates, The Villages, FL.
Conflict of interest: None to report.
Address correspondence to Jo Manion, Manion & Associ-
ates, 873 Greenwich Place, The Villages, FL 32163; e-mail
address: [email protected]
� 2015 by American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses
Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing, Vol 30, No 2 (April), 2015:
pp 153-156
fully effective as they would be with positive inter-
personal skills.
Some fortunate people seem to have been born
with good people skills imbedded in their person-
ality. It is much easier for them to develop good re-
lationships with others. Other people feel good
about working with them, and they often establish
healthy and trusting relationships with others.
These individuals often move into leadership roles
(not necessarily management) as opportunities
If people skills are not as natural for you, do not
despair! This does not mean you are incapable of
becoming a good leader, but it does mean that
you will need to develop these skills. I once
worked with a nurse executive who had little to
no inherent people skills in her basic personality
makeup. However, she was a very effective nurse
leader. Over the years, she had developed and
honed her people skills to a fine degree. Relation-
ships took more energy on her part to maintain
because these skills did not come naturally to
her. However, because she was deliberate and
conscious about cultivating her leadership rela-
tionship with others she was an extremely effec-
tive and successful nurse leader.
To some of you, talking about relationships may
feel like going back to Psych 101 because it seems
so basic. However, every one of us would benefit
from consciously examining the quality of the rela-
tionships in our lives, both personal and profes-
sional. It is an aspect of our lives that has a
tremendous potential for creating great outcomes
or significant issues and difficulties! The first step
is to spend some time reflecting on and assessing
your relationships with others.
To do this in a meaningful way, you need clarity
about what a healthy relationship is. There are at
least four essential components that characterize
a positive and healthy relationship. The absence
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of any one of these elements damages a relation-
ship. The four are trust, respect, support, and
communication. This column explores the
concept of trust, and the next column will explore
the remaining three elements.
Trust is the foundation necessary for any relation-
ship to form and flourish. It is a necessary condi-
tion before a sense of connection can take place
between people. According to the dictionary, trust
means you can rely on the integrity, strength, or
ability of a person or thing. This confidence
implies that we trust because of good reasons, def-
inite evidence, or past experience. If a colleague
assures you that he will reciprocate with you for
future schedule changes if you change days off
with him this time, you trust that he will do so
because he has lived up to that promise in the
past. When a new nurse joins the staff, we trust
that she or he has the competence to do the job
for which she or he has been hired.
Trust is absolutely crucial in the leadership rela-
tionship. Without trust or confidence in the leader,
people will not follow. Confidence is a reliance and
dependence on the person to obtain the results
that will benefit everyone. The leader may be
very articulate, charismatic, and personally liked.
However, if there are no results or improvements
because of the leader’s efforts, trust wavers.
Warren Bennis, a noted leadership scholar, offers a
concrete and applicable framework for under-
standing trust within the context of the leadership
role. He believes there are three essential ingredi-
ents for trust to occur: competence, congruence,
and constancy. Consider these in your assessment
process to understand why you are experiencing
trust or mistrust from others.
Competence is the possession of a required skill,
knowledge, qualification, or capacity. As a leader,
this means you must have the skills and knowledge
required to do the job, whatever it is. Confidence
in the leader develops from working with that per-
son and seeing evidence of the leader’s past perfor-
mance demonstrating competence and ability.
Both skill and knowledge are included in this defi-
nition of competence. Knowledge alone is insuffi-
cient. For example, you may know that your
followers need accurate information and clear
communication. If you are not able to articulate
clearly, you can have the best intentions in the
world and yet your effectiveness will be reduced.
On the other hand, you may be an articulate and
charismatic leader able to communicate beauti-
fully with others, but if you are unable to back
up your rhetoric with performance and outcomes,
you will not have the trust of your followers.
Qualifications are an interesting factor in compe-
tence. For many nurses, there are very specific ex-
pected qualifications for the leader, and, if not
present, they will not follow that leader. For
example, most nurses would expect that the man-
ager in the department has a clinical rather than a
business background. Whether the actual qualifi-
cation prepares the individual for the role or not
is a moot point; to the follower, it is a critical issue
with significant repercussions. In one organization
I worked with recently, the nurse executive had
not attained her professional certification,
whereas many of her clinical directors had done
so. This individual was a very capable executive
and was producing solid results for the organiza-
tion. Most of the directors reporting to her recog-
nized and appreciated her skills and the results
they were able to attain together. However, one
of the clinical directors was absolutely adamant
that this nurse executive did NOT have the correct
qualifications for the position because she had not
yet achieved certification, and the clinical director
basically refused to follow the nurse executive’s
lead. She repeatedly engaged in behavior that sabo-
taged the leader. It became a very destructive situ-
ation within this leadership team and resulted in
the director’s resignation.
Capacity is another issue related to competence.
Many leaders today are overwhelmed with respon-
sibilities, overscheduled with meetings, and
fraught with frustration around navigating their
system to achieve meaningful results. Followers
see this, and it naturally raises questions of trust
in terms of whether the leader has the capacity
to handle the current situation. If there has been
frequent turnover of leaders, there is the added
worry: ‘‘How long will this leader stay? Can she/
he handle the stress of the job?’’ A leader who ap-
pears frazzled and out of control creates uneasy fol-
lowers. Inadequate capacity on the part of the
leader is not a personal incompetence to do the
work; however, it creates the same sense of
distrust that would result from the lack of skills
or knowledge.
So all these four aspects (skills, knowledge, qualifi-
cations, and capacity) influence a sense on the part
of the follower that the leader is competent to be
effective in their leadership role. It is possible for
the leader to overcome the mistrust of followers
by behaving in an obviously competent manner.
Let us take for example the dynamics that occur
when a new and relatively young staff member is
asked to accept leadership for a key staff commit-
tee. There may be a healthy amount of skepticism
on the part of other staff members. The new leader
will be tested repeatedly but can overcome the
mistrust by being well prepared and skilled at man-
aging the committee meetings and by involving
and seeking input of those in the group. It may
be a difficult challenge for the new leader but is
certainly doable.
Congruence is the second element that creates a
sense of trust within a relationship. This means
that there is a consistency between the verbal
and written messages and the actual behavior of
the leader. When what a leader says is highly
congruent with her or his behavior, people
perceive the leader as honest and trustworthy. If
the leader says one thing and does another, the
result is an enormous credibility gap and trust is
severed. As a leader, your integrity and character
are critically important. Others do not necessarily
need to agree with everything you believe, but
they have to believe that you will be honest with
yourself and them as well. If you say you value
your people, you need to behave in a way that
demonstrates this value, otherwise you will lose
their trust.
One of the most serious problems with incon-
gruent behavior is that it is inadvertent and often
goes unrecognized. As a leader you do not intend
to behave in a way that contradicts your previous
messages, but it can happen. For example, perhaps
you have told your staff that you will involve them
in decisions that are made in the department. At
the next department meeting, you make an
announcement about the new parking policy. Sud-
denly you are faced with push back and angry
resistance from the staff. ‘‘You told us we were
going to be involved in making decisions in this
department, and now you’re telling us we need
to park where?’’ When you become aware that
you are being seen as incongruent, this is an oppor-
tunity for you to either clarify or apologize. So in
this example, you might say something like: ‘‘You
are right, I did tell you I would involve you in deci-
sions. However, I should have been clearer. I
meant that I would involve you in decisions that
are within our authority to make. The decisions
about parking are made by other people in this or-
ganization, not us.’’ So you have offered more
clarity. They still might not like the decision you
have announced, but they can clearly see it was
not your or their decision to make.
If, however, it is a decision where it would have
been reasonable to include them, you may need
to apologize. ‘‘I am sorry, and you are right. I am
so used to making these decisions that I didn’t
even think about asking you. Let’s back up and
take another look at the decision.’’ Although it is
uncomfortable to realize that you have been incon-
gruent, when people give you this feedback, see it
as a gift. It gives you the opportunity to address
their confusion. Otherwise, they will simply see
you as not being trustworthy, and it will damage
your leadership relationship.
If your relationship with your followers is not one
based on trust, when you behave incongruently
they may assume it was intentional on your part.
If you have a relationship built on solid trust, the
people you work with will tell you when you are
being incongruent because they trust that you
did not mean to contradict yourself.
Constancy is the third and final essential ingre-
dient of trust identified by Warren Bennis. It
implies that as a leader you are reliable, depend-
able, and consistent. If you make a promise or a
commitment, you follow through with it or you
immediately let the other person know why you
For many followers, constancy also implies avail-
ability and accessibility. We have all had the expe-
rience of working with someone who assures us
they will be available if we need help and then
cannot be found when needed. Tight work sched-
ules and overwhelming demands in the workplace
certainly reduce availability. However, an effective
leader has a way of being present for others, even if
it is for very short moments of time. Taking a
moment to really tune in and listen to an individ-
ual, stepping in and helping for a short time at a
critical point, and offering a reassuring presence
is very powerful in communicating availability.
Accessibility means other people know how to
find you and contact you if needed. Today’s work
world can be overwhelming with the constant de-
mands and rapidly unfolding situations. Our
improved communication technology assists in
increasing accessibility and creating more prob-
lems because of increased accessibility. Electronic
mail, instant messaging, and texting have all
increased our ease in being available to others
while also creating a sense of urgency and overload
that causes stress to skyrocket. I have colleagues
whom I text to tell them I have sent an e-mail
that they need to read!
Managing accessibility is a key competency for any
leader. Physical accessibility is important, and the
most effective leaders find a way to provide it
even in today’s overcharged world. Letting people
in the department know where you are and when
you will return is helpful if you attend many meet-
ings. Posting your schedule on the office door and
setting a specific time every day when you will be
available in the office are also helpful. Giving com-
mittee members your personal e-mail so they can
contact you with questions helps them feel like
you are accessible. Setting realistic boundaries
while maintaining a sense of accessibility for
others is a challenge, but effective leaders find a
way to do so. Although physical presence is most
powerful, even a short and quick response to a
text or e-mail can be reassuring to your follower
who has a question or is dealing with an issue.
Constancy in our behavior is also crucial, and it re-
fers to a stability of personal characteristics. A
leader who experiences extreme fluctuations of
mood, is quick to anger, or responds with knee-
jerk reactions has more trust issues with others.
Although none of us is completely predictable,
the less volatility in the leadership relationship,
the more likely trust will develop.
Trust is the first essential component in establish-
ing a positive and healthy relationship with others
from which you can effectively lead. To evaluate
the level of trust in your relationships with others,
ask yourself these questions:
1. Am I competent to do this work? Do others
see me as competent? Do they see me
achieve needed results? What has been my
track record? In what areas do I need to in-
crease my skills and/or knowledge? Do I
have the qualifications needed for the
work, or do any of my followers question
that I am qualified? Do I have the capacity
to do what is needed?
2. Am I congruent in what I say and what I do?
Do others see me as trustworthy? Where
have I been incongruent? Has anyone told
me that I have been incongruent? Would
they feel comfortable telling me so? Do I
invite this kind of feedback? How have I re-
sponded in the past to this feedback?
3. Am I seen as constant by others? Have I been
available for my followers or am I so busy
that I am exhausted by the time I return to
the department near the end of the day?
Do people say they have a hard time finding
me? Do I respond promptly to messages
from my followers? Am I so frazzled and over-
whelmed that listening to one more problem
will push me over the edge?
Trust is the solid foundation in any relationship,
and without the trust of your followers, your abil-
ity to influence them in the direction needed is
significantly impaired. The next column explores
the remaining three essential elements of a healthy
relationship: respect, support, and communica-
tion. Although these concepts seem simplistic,
they have a tremendous impact on your leadership
The Leadership Relationship. Part I: Understanding TrustTrust

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  • 1. © The Insights Group Ltd, 2014. All rights reserved.1 Article Authentic Leadership – To thine own self be true What is authentic leadership? The idea of authentic leadership has been around for a long time, even if it was known by different names until Bill George’s book ‘Authentic Leadership’ popularised the term out in 2003. Since then, the term has become business jargon, often overused and not well enough understood to be meaningful. But there is something behind the jargon – ideas and concepts that have been around for centuries that can help leaders lead people by having a sense of self-awareness, identity, honesty and passion. We all have a different idea of what authentic leadership is, based on our own knowledge and experiences: “At its most basic level, authenticity means being genuine – not a replica, not a copy or imitation. In leadership being genuine implies that we are embodying our true selves into our leadership role. Being true to ourselves calls us to draw on the very essence of our values, beliefs, principles, morals and that all of these create our ‘guiding compass’ in the job. Not somebody else’s compass – our own! Authentic leadership holds making the most
  • 2. of our strengths, recognising and trading off our weaknesses and taking full self-accountability for the impact we have on others. What authentic leadership is not about is adopting the styles or traits of other leaders.” – Steve Robinson “Authentic leadership for me encompasses the whole leader and a leader cannot be authentic just some of the time or when times are buoyant. It is about showing the behaviours of an authentic leader all of the time and not just ‘in pockets’. An authentic leader demonstrates their ability to exhibit the right behaviours especially when needed in times of change and challenge. A high level of self-awareness is of paramount importance and the foundations required for being an authentic leader. A leader cannot be authentic with others if they do not understand what this looks like for them.” – Victoria O’Dea “I had no idea that being your authentic self could make me as rich as I’ve become. If I had, I’d have done it a lot earlier.” –Oprah Winfrey It’s amazing how many of us have two sides to our personality, a ‘work me’ and a ‘home me’. At work, we often try to come across a certain way, whether it’s to garner more recognition or to fit in with our managers and colleagues; we end up changing ourselves and how we act. This is especially true in leadership, where managers often feel pressure to fit their personality to match their role. The problem is that by ‘acting the role’ of leader, those around them often
  • 3. feel like they’re being lied to or deceived. Then leaders are stunned when their employees don’t like them, don’t trust them and end up leaving. But if individuals can remain authentic in their leadership approach, they can bring their whole self to work while still being effective, productive and inspiring leaders. © The Insights Group Ltd, 2014. All rights reserved.2 Article Authentic Leadership – To thine own self be true The key behaviours of an authentic leader The central component of authentic leadership is genuineness, which means every authentic leader is different. However, there are several markers that these leaders tend to share. Authentic leaders: • demonstrate behaviours which enable you to trust in them all of the time • take ownership when they have made a mistake and share responsibility for any mistake • show the necessary courage to push further up the leadership chain, to question current status quo or defend their people or processes
  • 4. There is a perceived level of expectation around what a great leader should do and how she/ he should behave. These expected norms can create myths about leadership being inspirational, exhibiting unrelenting confidence, having unwavering decision making, showing unshakeable self-belief and revealing no signs of personal weakness. In authentic leadership, whilst some of these may well help in the execution of the role, the real test is somewhat more grounded. Authentic leaders: Continually commit to their own learning in order to understand themselves as a person and how they and others see the world Deep self-awareness is the foundation here. And it builds and grows – it’s a lifelong journey of learning from experiences and being able to share these along the way. They resonate with others by telling stories of success and defeat, of good times and tough times and of accomplishments and setbacks. Truly knowing their values – who they are, what do they believe in, what’s the right thing to do – for the right reason and in the right way is often all that leaders have to help navigate by when the deep mist of uncertainty prevails. Have an ability to get their ego out of the way - they truly empower and develop others ‘Big ego leadership’ lies at the opposite end of the continuum to authentic leadership. Authentic leadership holds out the first and foremost principle, ‘it’s not about me’. It’s akin to the truly brilliant
  • 5. magician who knows that he cannot cross over into the world of magic until he puts everything else aside and behind him – including his own desires and needs – and focuses totally on bringing an experience to the audience. They influence and inspire others by revealing a bit themselves In being able to ‘lift their veil’ and reveal their true selves, authentic leaders transfer humility, credibility and trust to those around them. They generate believability by being ‘human’. People follow them not through the leader’s manipulation, carrot or stick strategy, or through threats or even because of their power or position – but through compelling influence. Authentic leaders demonstrate some vulnerability and at the same time fully understand their genuine influential ‘edge’ with others. Deliver great outcomes over longer periods of time In a world increasingly impatient for results and demanding immediate outcomes, authentic leadership is continuously tested. The pressures of instant delivery versus longer-term desirable outcomes are a true leadership tension in itself. Authentic leaders though, know what they can and © The Insights Group Ltd, 2014. All rights reserved.3 Article
  • 6. Authentic Leadership – To thine own self be true How to be an authentic leader An in-depth study by the Harvard Business Review of effective leaders ranging in ages from 23 to 93 found that there is no “cookie cutter leader”. Every person interviewed had a different idea of what an ideal leader looks like, with each individual having a unique combination of characteristics, traits, skills and styles that led to their own success. The one common theme was that all the leaders were consciously or subconsciously taking in their real-world experiences continuously, and using those experiences to frame who they were at their core. As a result, they found the “purpose of their leadership and learned that being authentic made them more effective”. This study is one that we all can learn from, whether we’re managing other people professionally or not. That’s because the study shows that leaders are not born leaders; they become great leaders throughout the course of their life by taking in experiences and letting it guide them and their leadership style. That is a tactic anyone can adopt well before they reach managerial level, or even before they enter the workforce. Conclusion The rampant pace of change in our world in itself requires agility, flexibility and adaptability of leadership styles and approaches to an ever-
  • 7. changing landscape. Complexity will increase around technical, economic, financial and social issues in the world and when we add in the very ethical, moral and consciousness testing dilemmas, that complexity will be exacerbated. Perhaps all of us striving to be our unique, authentic selves will create a collective array of authentic perspectives, values and principles to complex situations. The tensions and conflict here will be vividly apparent but paradoxically this may also give rise to the existence of the one last bastion of stability – authenticity. “Authenticity is the alignment of head, mouth, heart, and feet - thinking, saying, feeling, and doing the same thing - consistently. This builds trust, and followers love leaders they can trust.” – Lance Secretan can’t settle or compromise on in the short term – because it will impact on the longer-term outcome. Authentic leaders have a ferocious tenacity on the longer-term goals. They align their personal values develop future leaders and build sustainable successful organisations. © The Insights Group Ltd, 2014. All rights reserved.4 Article
  • 8. Authentic Leadership – To thine own self be true Steve Robinson, CEO and Founder, Si Consulting Ltd Steve is an experienced business leader and consultant with a highly diverse and successful background in multi-disciplined leadership. As owner and CEO of Si Consulting, he works with leaders and teams in developing and sustaining their performance and impact. Steve adds a powerful mix of useable and sustainable approaches that will see individuals, teams and organisations achieving greater performance. Steve brings 25 years of first hand commercial experience, including a Board appointment and senior positions with Specsavers and Fitness First, built on the foundation of a successful career in corporate finance and banking. Steve is also a licensed practitioner of Insights Discovery, a coach, group facilitator, trained trainer and speaker at business events and seminars. Victoria is a Client Relationship Manager at Insights and manages a wide range of accounts. Prior to joining Insights Victoria had 10 years+ experience in Sales and Learning and Development within large FMCG Blue Chips Organisations. Victoria prides herself on understanding clients’ business needs and drivers, and developing
  • 9. measurable solutions which help them provide the required deliverables for the individuals, teams and organisation. Victoria first got introduced to Insights in 1999 when she was a delegate on an Insights Discovery Workshop and received her first Insights Discovery Personal Profile. It was at this moment that Victoria realised the true potential that Discovery could bring for enhancing relationships and in turn enhancing sales with clients. This realisation soon evolved into a genuine passion and enthusiasm for learning and development and developing people in order to help them maximise their potential. Victoria O’Dea, Client Relationship Manager, Insights About the authors 26 / Journal of AHIMA August 11 Time to Lead Leaders and Leadership, Building Trust By Carolyn Valo, MS, RHIT, FAHIMA TO LEAD IMPLIES many things—leading a project, a self- man- aged or self-directed team activity, or becoming a department director, manager, or supervisor, all the way to extending and applying gained skills, advanced education, and experiential learning to perhaps lead a large enterprise.
  • 10. As a member of AHIMA, there are many tools, resources, and learning opportunities available to each one of us, such as the Leadership Academy, other related online education, the Body of Knowledge, and the Communities of Practice, all of which are accessible from AHIMA’s Web site. Leadership, however, goes beyond these notable educational tools and resources. AHIMA and each component state association provide opportunities to expand our learning around leading and serving in leadership roles through volunteering. Learning to become a leader goes beyond skill building and experiential learning; for many, including me, networking with our peers helps us identify role models and mentors with leadership experience. Combined, these tools, resources, and networking options can help provide pathways to becoming a leader, if desired. Inspiring Trust Trust is a key imperative of leadership. In fact, trust and leader- ship may even seem synonymous. As a leader, trust is at the core of effectively leading people, processes, tasks, or activities. Leaders who inspire trust must gain trust as a first good step in leadership. A high degree of trust between a leader and his or her staff or among team members helps reach desired goals or outcomes. Leaders who display or extend trust and demon- strate active listening skills encourage open participation, mo- tivate individuals, and more importantly, they inspire others to demonstrate trust in team or project work. Trust requires clarity (of goals and roles), confidence (in staff and team members), consistency (in how processes are ap- plied), and active listening skills in order to encourage all to
  • 11. participate in tasks and activities. Trust helps foster common understanding and collaboration, which leads to efficiently reaching desired goals or the organization’s vision and mission. As an example of how an HIM manager can inspire trust, as- sume that a manager just learned accounts receivables, or AR (days or dollars), are outside the target. The manager decides to seek direct input from the staff that performs the day-to-day functions related to AR. When the manager takes, as a first step, engaging the staff to problem-solve the missed AR target, the staff members feel confident that the manager trusts in their knowledge, skills, and ability and are more likely to be motivated to reach decisions on how to realign and maintain the AR target. In addition, this approach likely fosters open and active staff collaboration and participation. In this example, inspired trust results in gained trust, with staff taking ownership for monitoring and develop- ing practices or processes related to maintaining the depart- ment’s AR target. As you explore becoming a leader or encouraging others to lead, consider this statement on leadership skills: “Leadership is not exerting power over others or exhorting them to follow you. Rather, it results from your example of empowering others to step up and lead. Leaders do that by learning to lead them- selves, becoming self-aware and behaving authentically.”1 Note 1. George, Bill. “Leadership Skills Start with Self-Awareness.” Minneapolis Star Tribune, February 26, 2011. www.startri-
  • 12. Trust helps foster common understanding and collaboration, which leads to efficiently reaching desired goals or the organization’s vision and mission. Copyright of Journal of AHIMA is the property of American Health Information Management Association and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. LEADERSHIP/MANAGEMENT The Leadership Relationship. Part I: Understanding Trust Jo Manion, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN LEADERSHIP EXISTS ONLY within the context of a relationship. It is an intensely personal process of relating to another person who, if influenced, becomes a follower. If there are no followers, there is no need for a leader. It makes sense, then, that leadership is accomplished most effectively from the base of a positive and healthy relationship
  • 13. with others. And, in fact, without positive relation- ship and people skills, it is very hard to be an effec- tive leader. This column is based on the premise that having positive relationship skills is an essential compe- tency for all nurse leaders. This is true whether your followers are your patients, coworkers on the committee you chair, or employees who report to you. Of course, a toxic and punitive leadership relationship can also influence the follower but not in a positive way. Our focus is on healthy and empowering partnerships with others to achieve the key results needed in the department. This can be difficult news to hear for those who aspire to lead, yet have few natural people skills, or actual problems relating to other people. We all know managers or supervisors who rely solely on the legitimate authority of their position to
  • 14. give direction and influence others. They expect compliance to their directions simply because of the positional authority they hold. Developing re- lationships with others is not a priority for them, and little care is taken to establish a positive rela- tionship. It is seen as unnecessary or wasted time. However, these leaders are unlikely to be as Jo Manion, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN, is the Owner and Se- nior Consultant, Manion & Associates, The Villages, FL. Conflict of interest: None to report. Address correspondence to Jo Manion, Manion & Associ- ates, 873 Greenwich Place, The Villages, FL 32163; e-mail address: [email protected] � 2015 by American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses 1089-9472/$36.00 Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing, Vol 30, No 2 (April), 2015: pp 153-156 fully effective as they would be with positive inter- personal skills. Some fortunate people seem to have been born
  • 15. with good people skills imbedded in their person- ality. It is much easier for them to develop good re- lationships with others. Other people feel good about working with them, and they often establish healthy and trusting relationships with others. These individuals often move into leadership roles (not necessarily management) as opportunities arise. If people skills are not as natural for you, do not despair! This does not mean you are incapable of becoming a good leader, but it does mean that you will need to develop these skills. I once worked with a nurse executive who had little to no inherent people skills in her basic personality makeup. However, she was a very effective nurse leader. Over the years, she had developed and honed her people skills to a fine degree. Relation- ships took more energy on her part to maintain because these skills did not come naturally to
  • 16. her. However, because she was deliberate and conscious about cultivating her leadership rela- tionship with others she was an extremely effec- tive and successful nurse leader. To some of you, talking about relationships may feel like going back to Psych 101 because it seems so basic. However, every one of us would benefit from consciously examining the quality of the rela- tionships in our lives, both personal and profes- sional. It is an aspect of our lives that has a tremendous potential for creating great outcomes or significant issues and difficulties! The first step is to spend some time reflecting on and assessing your relationships with others. To do this in a meaningful way, you need clarity about what a healthy relationship is. There are at least four essential components that characterize a positive and healthy relationship. The absence 153
  • 17. Delta:1_given name mailto:[email protected] 154 JO MANION of any one of these elements damages a relation- ship. The four are trust, respect, support, and communication. This column explores the concept of trust, and the next column will explore the remaining three elements. Trust Trust is the foundation necessary for any relation- ship to form and flourish. It is a necessary condi- tion before a sense of connection can take place between people. According to the dictionary, trust means you can rely on the integrity, strength, or ability of a person or thing. This confidence implies that we trust because of good reasons, def- inite evidence, or past experience. If a colleague assures you that he will reciprocate with you for future schedule changes if you change days off
  • 18. with him this time, you trust that he will do so because he has lived up to that promise in the past. When a new nurse joins the staff, we trust that she or he has the competence to do the job for which she or he has been hired. Trust is absolutely crucial in the leadership rela- tionship. Without trust or confidence in the leader, people will not follow. Confidence is a reliance and dependence on the person to obtain the results that will benefit everyone. The leader may be very articulate, charismatic, and personally liked. However, if there are no results or improvements because of the leader’s efforts, trust wavers. Warren Bennis, a noted leadership scholar, offers a concrete and applicable framework for under- standing trust within the context of the leadership role. He believes there are three essential ingredi- ents for trust to occur: competence, congruence, and constancy. Consider these in your assessment
  • 19. process to understand why you are experiencing trust or mistrust from others. Competence is the possession of a required skill, knowledge, qualification, or capacity. As a leader, this means you must have the skills and knowledge required to do the job, whatever it is. Confidence in the leader develops from working with that per- son and seeing evidence of the leader’s past perfor- mance demonstrating competence and ability. Both skill and knowledge are included in this defi- nition of competence. Knowledge alone is insuffi- cient. For example, you may know that your followers need accurate information and clear communication. If you are not able to articulate clearly, you can have the best intentions in the world and yet your effectiveness will be reduced. On the other hand, you may be an articulate and charismatic leader able to communicate beauti- fully with others, but if you are unable to back up your rhetoric with performance and outcomes,
  • 20. you will not have the trust of your followers. Qualifications are an interesting factor in compe- tence. For many nurses, there are very specific ex- pected qualifications for the leader, and, if not present, they will not follow that leader. For example, most nurses would expect that the man- ager in the department has a clinical rather than a business background. Whether the actual qualifi- cation prepares the individual for the role or not is a moot point; to the follower, it is a critical issue with significant repercussions. In one organization I worked with recently, the nurse executive had not attained her professional certification, whereas many of her clinical directors had done so. This individual was a very capable executive and was producing solid results for the organiza- tion. Most of the directors reporting to her recog- nized and appreciated her skills and the results they were able to attain together. However, one
  • 21. of the clinical directors was absolutely adamant that this nurse executive did NOT have the correct qualifications for the position because she had not yet achieved certification, and the clinical director basically refused to follow the nurse executive’s lead. She repeatedly engaged in behavior that sabo- taged the leader. It became a very destructive situ- ation within this leadership team and resulted in the director’s resignation. Capacity is another issue related to competence. Many leaders today are overwhelmed with respon- sibilities, overscheduled with meetings, and fraught with frustration around navigating their system to achieve meaningful results. Followers see this, and it naturally raises questions of trust in terms of whether the leader has the capacity to handle the current situation. If there has been frequent turnover of leaders, there is the added worry: ‘‘How long will this leader stay? Can she/
  • 22. he handle the stress of the job?’’ A leader who ap- pears frazzled and out of control creates uneasy fol- lowers. Inadequate capacity on the part of the leader is not a personal incompetence to do the LEADERSHIP/MANAGEMENT 155 work; however, it creates the same sense of distrust that would result from the lack of skills or knowledge. So all these four aspects (skills, knowledge, qualifi- cations, and capacity) influence a sense on the part of the follower that the leader is competent to be effective in their leadership role. It is possible for the leader to overcome the mistrust of followers by behaving in an obviously competent manner. Let us take for example the dynamics that occur when a new and relatively young staff member is asked to accept leadership for a key staff commit- tee. There may be a healthy amount of skepticism
  • 23. on the part of other staff members. The new leader will be tested repeatedly but can overcome the mistrust by being well prepared and skilled at man- aging the committee meetings and by involving and seeking input of those in the group. It may be a difficult challenge for the new leader but is certainly doable. Congruence is the second element that creates a sense of trust within a relationship. This means that there is a consistency between the verbal and written messages and the actual behavior of the leader. When what a leader says is highly congruent with her or his behavior, people perceive the leader as honest and trustworthy. If the leader says one thing and does another, the result is an enormous credibility gap and trust is severed. As a leader, your integrity and character are critically important. Others do not necessarily need to agree with everything you believe, but
  • 24. they have to believe that you will be honest with yourself and them as well. If you say you value your people, you need to behave in a way that demonstrates this value, otherwise you will lose their trust. One of the most serious problems with incon- gruent behavior is that it is inadvertent and often goes unrecognized. As a leader you do not intend to behave in a way that contradicts your previous messages, but it can happen. For example, perhaps you have told your staff that you will involve them in decisions that are made in the department. At the next department meeting, you make an announcement about the new parking policy. Sud- denly you are faced with push back and angry resistance from the staff. ‘‘You told us we were going to be involved in making decisions in this department, and now you’re telling us we need to park where?’’ When you become aware that
  • 25. you are being seen as incongruent, this is an oppor- tunity for you to either clarify or apologize. So in this example, you might say something like: ‘‘You are right, I did tell you I would involve you in deci- sions. However, I should have been clearer. I meant that I would involve you in decisions that are within our authority to make. The decisions about parking are made by other people in this or- ganization, not us.’’ So you have offered more clarity. They still might not like the decision you have announced, but they can clearly see it was not your or their decision to make. If, however, it is a decision where it would have been reasonable to include them, you may need to apologize. ‘‘I am sorry, and you are right. I am so used to making these decisions that I didn’t even think about asking you. Let’s back up and take another look at the decision.’’ Although it is uncomfortable to realize that you have been incon- gruent, when people give you this feedback, see it
  • 26. as a gift. It gives you the opportunity to address their confusion. Otherwise, they will simply see you as not being trustworthy, and it will damage your leadership relationship. If your relationship with your followers is not one based on trust, when you behave incongruently they may assume it was intentional on your part. If you have a relationship built on solid trust, the people you work with will tell you when you are being incongruent because they trust that you did not mean to contradict yourself. Constancy is the third and final essential ingre- dient of trust identified by Warren Bennis. It implies that as a leader you are reliable, depend- able, and consistent. If you make a promise or a commitment, you follow through with it or you immediately let the other person know why you cannot. For many followers, constancy also implies avail-
  • 27. ability and accessibility. We have all had the expe- rience of working with someone who assures us they will be available if we need help and then cannot be found when needed. Tight work sched- ules and overwhelming demands in the workplace certainly reduce availability. However, an effective leader has a way of being present for others, even if 156 JO MANION it is for very short moments of time. Taking a moment to really tune in and listen to an individ- ual, stepping in and helping for a short time at a critical point, and offering a reassuring presence is very powerful in communicating availability. Accessibility means other people know how to find you and contact you if needed. Today’s work world can be overwhelming with the constant de- mands and rapidly unfolding situations. Our improved communication technology assists in
  • 28. increasing accessibility and creating more prob- lems because of increased accessibility. Electronic mail, instant messaging, and texting have all increased our ease in being available to others while also creating a sense of urgency and overload that causes stress to skyrocket. I have colleagues whom I text to tell them I have sent an e-mail that they need to read! Managing accessibility is a key competency for any leader. Physical accessibility is important, and the most effective leaders find a way to provide it even in today’s overcharged world. Letting people in the department know where you are and when you will return is helpful if you attend many meet- ings. Posting your schedule on the office door and setting a specific time every day when you will be available in the office are also helpful. Giving com- mittee members your personal e-mail so they can contact you with questions helps them feel like
  • 29. you are accessible. Setting realistic boundaries while maintaining a sense of accessibility for others is a challenge, but effective leaders find a way to do so. Although physical presence is most powerful, even a short and quick response to a text or e-mail can be reassuring to your follower who has a question or is dealing with an issue. Constancy in our behavior is also crucial, and it re- fers to a stability of personal characteristics. A leader who experiences extreme fluctuations of mood, is quick to anger, or responds with knee- jerk reactions has more trust issues with others. Although none of us is completely predictable, the less volatility in the leadership relationship, the more likely trust will develop. Trust is the first essential component in establish- ing a positive and healthy relationship with others from which you can effectively lead. To evaluate the level of trust in your relationships with others, ask yourself these questions:
  • 30. 1. Am I competent to do this work? Do others see me as competent? Do they see me achieve needed results? What has been my track record? In what areas do I need to in- crease my skills and/or knowledge? Do I have the qualifications needed for the work, or do any of my followers question that I am qualified? Do I have the capacity to do what is needed? 2. Am I congruent in what I say and what I do? Do others see me as trustworthy? Where have I been incongruent? Has anyone told me that I have been incongruent? Would they feel comfortable telling me so? Do I invite this kind of feedback? How have I re- sponded in the past to this feedback? 3. Am I seen as constant by others? Have I been available for my followers or am I so busy that I am exhausted by the time I return to
  • 31. the department near the end of the day? Do people say they have a hard time finding me? Do I respond promptly to messages from my followers? Am I so frazzled and over- whelmed that listening to one more problem will push me over the edge? Trust is the solid foundation in any relationship, and without the trust of your followers, your abil- ity to influence them in the direction needed is significantly impaired. The next column explores the remaining three essential elements of a healthy relationship: respect, support, and communica- tion. Although these concepts seem simplistic, they have a tremendous impact on your leadership effectiveness. The Leadership Relationship. Part I: Understanding TrustTrust