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Group 6
What is
vs. Tribe
Tighten the tribe
What’s a Tribe??
A group of people
Connected to one another
Connected to a leader
Connected to an idea
Requirements of a Tribe
A shared interest
A way to communicate
• Joel Spolsky –Runs a small software company
• Passion- Talking about how a small software
company is run
• Writes blogs and books
• Extremely famous amongst software programmers,
has created tribe
Are Tribes Local?
Certainly not. Internet has removed all communication
Facebook, Ning, Meetup, Twitter, Squidoo, Basecamp new
channels of communication
• Jacqueline Novogratz – Founder, Acumen Fund
(Involving 20 countries)
• Inspiring entrepreneurs to create products/services to
enrich people
• Has a tribe of donors, employees, entrepreneurs and
The Opportunity and Belief
Tribes are everywhere
Inside and outside organizations, in public and private, in non-
profits and classrooms
Tribes are about belief in idea, in leaders and in the
It is about respect for the tribe
The Realizations
Working on stuff we believe in is much more
Factory centric model of producing things is no
longer profitable, we need change
Consumers are spending money on fashion, on
things that matter not on factory-produced
Need a
Need Heretics,
people who
challenge the
status quo
trouble makers
and change
They bring
solutions that
are simpler
and that
Elon Musk
Steve Jobs
Thomas Barnett
What does it take?
Empowering the tribe,
thus creating a
foundation for
people to
Inciting a
movement rather
than telling how
bring change
shared interest into
passionate goals
What Market Wants?Crowd vs. Tribe
• Crowd is tribe
without leader.
• There is no
within crowd.
• Most companies
target crowd.
• Smart companies
target tribe
• Market don’t want
boring, they want
remarkability, novelty
and style
• Market is bored with
yesterday and want
• Good enough was
past, today it has to be
great enough
Average is Mediocre
Do you have Fans?
• Someone who care deeply about
you and your work
• An artist need only thousand true
• Thousand is enough because they
form a tribe
• Don’t look for numbers, look for fans
with depth of commitment
• Hard to find and precious, need
generosity and bravery
Average is good in stable
The motto is to build reliability,
predictability, cut cost and make
Traditional marketer: standard
product for standard market
Average is mediocre for tribes
and is boring
No difference between average
and mediocre
Average is taken for granted
Twitter and Trust
The Status Quo
Initiative = Happiness
• Twitter build trust, slowly,
provide true fans
• Consistent touch with tribe
• Tighten the relationship
with followers
• Winners break status quo
• Inspire others to change the rules =>
• Changing status quo =>opportunity to
be remarkable
• Innovation is rewarded
• Creativity is fun
• Doing such work is engaging
• Making successful things=> Great way to
spend time
With enough leverage, you
can change the world
Status quo is in big trouble =>
King can not remain kind
Make something bigger than
yourself => People will follow
Scott Beale=> Innovator, Leader and
hence Impresario
Walked into deserted bar after
waiting for long to enter into Google
Tweeted about being in designated
Scores of people came
Deserted bar => Line at the door
People follow you if you earn
respect and permission of tribe
A Simple Example
A Brief History of The Factory
The Beginning
Factories are efficient
Good way to make profit
Measurable output, reduced
Stability and absence of
Government job in India: no
surprises and stable pay
NO motivation to make a
The End
Companies lost growth =>
Factory worker lost jobs
Absence of responsibility =>
illusion of deniability
Reap benefits => Imagine and
provide insights
Control what you do => Authority
over own time and efforts
Can’t achieve it in factory
Organizations vs. Factories
We need
organizations, we
don’t need
Ability to create
complex product
Provide muscle
and consistency
to get product
into market
Have scale to
care for large
Filled with smart ,
fast and flexible
people with a
Factories can
slow you down
Factories are
easy to outsource
Fear => Reason why not
all does innovation
Will to make ideas
happen is missing
Winning idea is the one
with most fearless heretic
mind behind it
The F Word
The Peter Principle
It All Falls Apart If ->
Fight Your Fear
• Fear is emotion => Very strong
• We are eagerly waiting to see an
fearless fail
• If you want to do something => Make
clear that world needs change
• Everything is ready for change =>
only fear is holding you back
• The one who is leading is fearful
• Many entrepreneur fail just because
of this
In hierarchy, every employee
tend to rise to his level of
Promoted until ends up in job that
one can’t handle
Can’t handle because one gets
paralysed with fear
Fear of Failure is Overrated
The IDEA Which Wins
It is an excuse
Organization bear failure and not you
We choose not be remarkable because we are worried about criticism
When others are criticized, we believe that same will happen to us
Constructive criticism is terrible, no one challenges it
Criticism is a proof that you are not boring
Weigh in the bad feeling of criticism and benefits from doing remarkable and
Find what can you create that critics with criticize because they are meant to
The Way to Lead!
Why They Exist?
The Cult of Heretic
• Engaged, passionate and more
powerful than everyone else
• They challenge status quo
• They believe
Not for getting their statue built
They exist to help the tribe
Great leaders don’t want attention
they use it…..
To lead the tribe and not take from
• There is no right way
• Understand what is authentic
• Understand how to create a tribe
• Connect and inspire, DON’T
Leadership is Scarce
How to Tighten the Tribe?
Because not many are willing to go
through discomfort required to
Discomfort come from:
Standing in front of strangers
Proposing an idea which might fail
Challenging the status quo
Resisting the urge to settle
If there discomfort, leader is
required there
If you are feeling discomfort, you
are not reaching the leadership
Tighten the Tribe
Spread the word
to the
Spread the word
within the tribe
Blogging is
powerful, it
allows discussion
and knowledge
Use online
medium like
Facebook and
They are not
substitute for the
hard work and
• Don’t be tempted to make tribe bigger
• A tribe which communicate quickly is the one
which thrives
• Group creates a vacuum where everyone
is waiting for something to happen
• Figure out how to step into vacuum and
create motion
• Those who don’t do anything are afraid of
something that’s not out there
• Sometimes its good to set stage and step
• Backing off is not doing nothing, it is finding
right time to step in
• Doing nothing means hiding
• Leadership is a choice of not doing
• Participating isn’t Leading
Organization need people who
are eager to follow
Those who just mindlessly follow
let tribe down
They will not do local leadership
while interaction among members
They will not do a good job in
recruiting new members
Followers should be micro leaders
Lean in, Back Off But
Don’t do Nothing
Tribe of slightly crazy fitness fanatics
Get engaged in timed competitions on
Runs certification courses to recruit new
members, coordinated by Central website
CrossFit Tribe is STRONG and GETTING
laid by : Greg
Built the tribe from
Pushes the tribe to
their limit every day
Creates a friendly
environment among
the people
Leaderless tribe
Builds an ever growing database of real
world data
People support one another with
enthusiasm and comfort
type of
leadership :
Founders were
Leaders in a different
Gave the tribe the
tools to communicate
with each other
Made the tribe tighter
Leaning in or backing off, but NOT DOING
A Fundamentalist is a person who
considers whether a fact is
acceptable to his religion before
exploring it
A Curious person explores first
and then considers whether or
not to accept the ramifications
Curiosity is a key word.
It is the desire to understand, to try, to push
whatever is interesting
Curious people count.
They are the ones who lead the masses in the
middle who are stuck
Curiosity doesn’t happen overnight.
It’s a process which is built over years, which
distinguishes greatness from mediocrity
You don’t need a plurality or a
majority of people following you
All you need to do is motivate people
who choose to follow you
Through your actions as a leader, you
attract a tribe that wants to follow you
Ultimately, people are most easily led
where they wanted to go along
Al Gore led a tribe
whom they didn’t
even know.
He stated his
message and
people followed
Class with less number of students tend
to do better
Teacher has more time to
spend customizing the lesson to
each student
The Virtuous Cycle vs. the Exclusive Tribe
• Career cannot grow by going after most
•Growth happens when you aren’t like most
people; when you appeal to folks who aren’t
most people
Most people Don’t matter
so much
•No one anoints you as a leader
• Change isn’t made by asking permission
• Change is made by asking forgiveness
The Wrong Question?
•First thing : Individuals have far more power than
ever before
•Second thing : Keep faith; faith that failures won’t
destroy you and that it’s worth doing
The Two things you need
to know
The Balloon Factory And The Unicorn
The balloon factory represents the STATUS QUO.
And the unicorn represents the LEADER who can disrupt the normal
flow of work at the factory, because they want to create change.
Employees are afraid of change in their environment.
They are persistent and resistant.
Leaders are Generous
Leaders don’t look for
monetary benefits or status,
instead they get their
compensation from watching
the tribe THRIVE!!
Leaders lead the tribe
because of what they
feel they can do for
the tribe,
not because of what
the tribe can do
for them
Don’t forget the big mac and the microwave oven….
The status quo is more
threatened than ever..
Change the rules before
someone else does!!
Break the
rules and
invent a new
sandwich !!
Understand the
leverage available ,
go ahead and
change things…
You don’t need to risk
your fingers on a
Instead, you need to
have a persistent vision
to make change
You will realize that
impossible things
aren’t impossible any
longer !!
Fear, Faith And Religion
Faith is critical to all innovation. Without faith, it’s
suicidal to be a leader.
Religion, on the other hand, represents a strict set
of rules and encourages us to fit in, not to stand
Religion Works Great When It Amplifies Faith
Religion reinforces the STATUS
QUO, often at the expense of
Religion gives our faith a little
support when it needs it, it’s a
SORT OF MANTRA, a subtle, but
consistent reminder that belief is
okay, and that faith is the way to
get where you’re going.
Challenge religion and people wonder if
you’re challenging their faith
You can recognize the need for faith in your
idea, you can find the tribe you need to
support you, and
YES!! You can create a new religion around
your faith !!
Faith & Religion
Religion and faith
go together!!!
Religion reinforces
faith and we
can’t succeed
without it
• Faith is the cornerstone of humanity, we
can’t live without it…
while religion is just a set of invented
protocols, rules to live by
• Successful heretics create their own
Underdog Bravery
Leadership involves thinking and
acting like the underdog…That’s
because leaders work to change
If you’re not over the top, you’re not
going to have any chance at all of
making things happen!!
Easiest thing is : To react
Second easiest thing is :
To respond
But the
thing is : To
The Difference between Things that happen to You and Things you do
Sometimes, it makes more sense to
take the follow.
Leading when you don’t know where
to go, when you don’t have the
commitment or the passion, or worse of
all, when you can’t overcome your
fear---- that sort of leading is worse than
none at all.
Leaders don’t have
things happen to Them.
“The Age of Heretics”
When you DO things in the corporate world,
you may end up demoted, fired, disgraced and unhappy
Art Kleiner’s above said book talks about many such people
But the world belongs to such Heretics
Leaders go first and create changes
Over and over everyone is wrong – if you
believe that , then you are not everyone
Then you are right
We will see how
Why music industry fell into a crisis
It never had the
heretics they needed
They forgot to
embrace their tribe
So the best time to change your business model is when
you have momentum
Don’t panic if the new business model is not as ‘clean’ as
the old one
It is not about great ideas
It is about taking initiatives and making things happen
How to stop this?
Hiring and raising obedient people and giving them brain-dead jobs
And enough fear to keep them in line
All such organizations give jobs where they are managed by fear
They use fear as a motivation
How to solve Sheepwalking
•Give the problem a name, Sheepwalking
•That is done
•Realization that you can stop
•Comes from anyone who teaches or
•That is to cherish and reward non-sheep
Your Micromovement – 5 things to do
Publish a manifesto
Make it easy for your followers to connect with you
Make it easy for your followers to connect with one
Realize money is not the point of a movement
Track your progress
Your Micromovement – 6 Principles
Transparency really is your only option
Your movement needs to be bigger than you
Movements that grow, thrive
Movements are made most clear when compared to status
Exclude outsiders
Tearing others down is never helpful to a movement as building
your followers up
Every Tribe is a media channel
They are most effective media channel ever
They don’t do what you want, they do what they want
That is why joining and leading a tribe is such a
powerful marketing investment
How to be wrong
Steve jobs was wrong about Apple III, the Next computer, wrong about Newton
Insanely wrong
And the rest is neatly written down in history
Secret of leadership:
Do what you believe in
Paint a picture for the future
Go there
People will follow
Reactionary Tribe
Intend to change the world?
Never concentrate on changing the worldview of the majority
Opportunity is to carve out a new tribe
Yes it is OKAY to abandon the big, established Tribe
It is all a risk
That’s not true actually
It is a certainty that it is a risk
Things that happen are rarely good, because they disturb the status quo
Organizations that need innovation the most are the ones that do the most to stop
It is a paradox, once you realize it, it is a tremendous opportunity
The Posture of a leader
If you see my new product but don’t buy it, that’s my failure, not yours
If you attend my presentation and you are bored, that is my fault not yours
It might be tempting to blame others in your tribe who
are not working hard
But it is helpful to know that you have a choice when
you communicate
Switching tribes
People don’t like to switch
To switch sides is to admit we made a mistake
If you want people to switch to your tribe , don’t look for loyal followers
from another tribe
Don’t start with the leader
Start with those at the borders and work your way in
Change almost never fails because it’s
too early. It almost always fail because
it’s too late
The largest enemy of change
and leader is “ Not yet”
Understanding the trick
Leadership is very much an art,
one that’s accomplished only by
people with authentic generosity
and a visceral connection to their
Managers Vs. Leaders
Managers are
pessimists because
they have seen
future before and
they believe they
have already done it
as well as it can be
Writing songs that spread
Do they care?
If they don’t care really
and deeply care –
then they can’t
possibly lead
Elements of leadership
Leadership challenge the status quo
Leaders have an extraordinary amount of curiosity about the world they are trying to change
Leaders create a culture around and their goal and involve others in that culture
Leaders use charisma to attract and motivate followers
Leaders commit to a vision and make decisions based on that commitment
Leaders communicate their vision of the future
Leaders connect their followers to one another
Ronald Reagan’s secret
Value what you hear, and then to
make a decision even it
contradicts the very people you
are listening to
Commitment is the key
Employees who are committed
to change and engaged in
making things happen are
happierand more
What is Hard?
Hard is breaking the rules
Hard is finding the faith to become a heretic
Hard is to lead a team
Hard is to push the innovation out the door into the world
The obligation: Don’t settle
to raise
the bar
to play
and to play it
better than
anyone has
any right to
believe is
Leaders create things that didn’t exist before
They do this by giving the tribe a vision of something that
could happen, but hasn’t yet
Leadership is now like that. No
one gives you permission or
approval or a permit to lead. You
can just do it. The only one who
can say no is you
Every tribe is
Every leader is
The very nature of
leadership is that
you’re not doing
what’s been done
If you were, you’d
be following, not
Recap : Main Lessons from the book
No Escape
• Seek
Create a
• Failure isn’t
Believe in
what you Do
• Create
Your Own

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  • 3. What’s a Tribe?? A group of people Connected to one another Connected to a leader Connected to an idea
  • 4. Requirements of a Tribe A shared interest A way to communicate • Joel Spolsky –Runs a small software company • Passion- Talking about how a small software company is run • Writes blogs and books • Extremely famous amongst software programmers, has created tribe
  • 5. Are Tribes Local? Certainly not. Internet has removed all communication barriers Facebook, Ning, Meetup, Twitter, Squidoo, Basecamp new channels of communication • Jacqueline Novogratz – Founder, Acumen Fund (Involving 20 countries) • Inspiring entrepreneurs to create products/services to enrich people • Has a tribe of donors, employees, entrepreneurs and supporters
  • 6. The Opportunity and Belief Tribes are everywhere Inside and outside organizations, in public and private, in non- profits and classrooms Tribes are about belief in idea, in leaders and in the community It is about respect for the tribe
  • 7. The Realizations Working on stuff we believe in is much more satisfying Factory centric model of producing things is no longer profitable, we need change Consumers are spending money on fashion, on things that matter not on factory-produced commodities
  • 8. OUTCOMES Need a change Need Heretics, people who challenge the status quo Marketplace rewards heretics, trouble makers and change agents They bring innovative solutions, solutions that are simpler and that matter
  • 9. LEADING FROM THE BOTTOM Elon Musk Steve Jobs Thomas Barnett
  • 10. What does it take? Empowering the tribe, thus creating a movement Establishing foundation for people to communicate Inciting a movement rather than telling how bring change Transforming shared interest into passionate goals
  • 11. What Market Wants?Crowd vs. Tribe • Crowd is tribe without leader. • There is no communication within crowd. • Most companies target crowd. • Smart companies target tribe • Market don’t want boring, they want remarkability, novelty and style • Market is bored with yesterday and want tomorrow • Good enough was past, today it has to be great enough
  • 12. Average is Mediocre Do you have Fans? • Someone who care deeply about you and your work • An artist need only thousand true fans • Thousand is enough because they form a tribe • Don’t look for numbers, look for fans with depth of commitment • Hard to find and precious, need generosity and bravery Average is good in stable environment The motto is to build reliability, predictability, cut cost and make profit Traditional marketer: standard product for standard market Average is mediocre for tribes and is boring No difference between average and mediocre Average is taken for granted
  • 13. Twitter and Trust The Status Quo Initiative = Happiness • Twitter build trust, slowly, provide true fans • Consistent touch with tribe • Tighten the relationship with followers • Winners break status quo • Inspire others to change the rules => Thrive • Changing status quo =>opportunity to be remarkable • Innovation is rewarded • Creativity is fun • Doing such work is engaging • Making successful things=> Great way to spend time
  • 14. With enough leverage, you can change the world Status quo is in big trouble => King can not remain kind Make something bigger than yourself => People will follow you Crowbars Scott Beale=> Innovator, Leader and hence Impresario Walked into deserted bar after waiting for long to enter into Google party Tweeted about being in designated place Scores of people came Deserted bar => Line at the door People follow you if you earn respect and permission of tribe A Simple Example
  • 15. A Brief History of The Factory The Beginning Factories are efficient Good way to make profit Measurable output, reduced cost Stability and absence of responsibility Government job in India: no surprises and stable pay NO motivation to make a difference The End Companies lost growth => Factory worker lost jobs Absence of responsibility => illusion of deniability Reap benefits => Imagine and provide insights Control what you do => Authority over own time and efforts Can’t achieve it in factory
  • 16. Organizations vs. Factories We need organizations, we don’t need factories Ability to create complex product Provide muscle and consistency to get product into market Have scale to care for large tribes Filled with smart , fast and flexible people with a mission Factories can slow you down Factories are easy to outsource Organizations require leadership Fear => Reason why not all does innovation Will to make ideas happen is missing Winning idea is the one with most fearless heretic mind behind it The F Word
  • 17. The Peter Principle Revisited It All Falls Apart If -> Fight Your Fear • Fear is emotion => Very strong • We are eagerly waiting to see an fearless fail • If you want to do something => Make clear that world needs change • Everything is ready for change => only fear is holding you back • The one who is leading is fearful • Many entrepreneur fail just because of this In hierarchy, every employee tend to rise to his level of incompetence Promoted until ends up in job that one can’t handle Can’t handle because one gets paralysed with fear
  • 18. Fear of Failure is Overrated The IDEA Which Wins It is an excuse Organization bear failure and not you We choose not be remarkable because we are worried about criticism When others are criticized, we believe that same will happen to us Constructive criticism is terrible, no one challenges it Criticism is a proof that you are not boring Weigh in the bad feeling of criticism and benefits from doing remarkable and decide Find what can you create that critics with criticize because they are meant to
  • 19. The Way to Lead! Why They Exist? The Cult of Heretic • Engaged, passionate and more powerful than everyone else • They challenge status quo • They believe Not for getting their statue built They exist to help the tribe Great leaders don’t want attention BUT they use it….. To lead the tribe and not take from tribe!! • There is no right way • Understand what is authentic leadership • Understand how to create a tribe • Connect and inspire, DON’T manage
  • 20. Leadership is Scarce How to Tighten the Tribe? Because not many are willing to go through discomfort required to lead Discomfort come from: Standing in front of strangers Proposing an idea which might fail Challenging the status quo Resisting the urge to settle If there discomfort, leader is required there If you are feeling discomfort, you are not reaching the leadership potential Tighten the Tribe Spread the word to the unreached Spread the word within the tribe Blogging is powerful, it allows discussion and knowledge sharing Use online medium like Twitter, Facebook and Basecamp They are not substitute for the hard work and generosity • Don’t be tempted to make tribe bigger • A tribe which communicate quickly is the one which thrives
  • 21. Followers • Group creates a vacuum where everyone is waiting for something to happen • Figure out how to step into vacuum and create motion • Those who don’t do anything are afraid of something that’s not out there • Sometimes its good to set stage and step back • Backing off is not doing nothing, it is finding right time to step in • Doing nothing means hiding • Leadership is a choice of not doing nothing • Participating isn’t Leading Organization need people who are eager to follow Those who just mindlessly follow let tribe down They will not do local leadership while interaction among members They will not do a good job in recruiting new members Followers should be micro leaders Lean in, Back Off But Don’t do Nothing
  • 22. CASE STUDIES Tribe of slightly crazy fitness fanatics Get engaged in timed competitions on websites Runs certification courses to recruit new members, coordinated by Central website CrossFit Tribe is STRONG and GETTING STRONGER!! Foundation laid by : Greg Glassman Built the tribe from scratch Pushes the tribe to their limit every day Creates a friendly environment among the people Leaderless tribe Builds an ever growing database of real world data People support one another with enthusiasm and comfort Different type of leadership : Founders were Leaders in a different way Gave the tribe the tools to communicate with each other Made the tribe tighter Leaning in or backing off, but NOT DOING NOTHING!!
  • 23. CURIOSITY A Fundamentalist is a person who considers whether a fact is acceptable to his religion before exploring it A Curious person explores first and then considers whether or not to accept the ramifications Curiosity is a key word. It is the desire to understand, to try, to push whatever is interesting Curious people count. They are the ones who lead the masses in the middle who are stuck Curiosity doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a process which is built over years, which distinguishes greatness from mediocrity
  • 24. THE PLURALITY MYTH You don’t need a plurality or a majority of people following you YOU GET TO CHOOSE THE TRIBE YOU LEAD !! All you need to do is motivate people who choose to follow you Through your actions as a leader, you attract a tribe that wants to follow you Ultimately, people are most easily led where they wanted to go along Al Gore led a tribe whom they didn’t even know. He stated his message and people followed him.
  • 25. THE SCHOOLTEACHER EXPERIMENT Class with less number of students tend to do better Teacher has more time to spend customizing the lesson to each student
  • 26. The Virtuous Cycle vs. the Exclusive Tribe
  • 27. • Career cannot grow by going after most people •Growth happens when you aren’t like most people; when you appeal to folks who aren’t most people Most people Don’t matter so much •No one anoints you as a leader • Change isn’t made by asking permission • Change is made by asking forgiveness The Wrong Question? •First thing : Individuals have far more power than ever before •Second thing : Keep faith; faith that failures won’t destroy you and that it’s worth doing The Two things you need to know
  • 28. The Balloon Factory And The Unicorn The balloon factory represents the STATUS QUO. And the unicorn represents the LEADER who can disrupt the normal flow of work at the factory, because they want to create change. Employees are afraid of change in their environment. They are persistent and resistant.
  • 29. Leaders are Generous Leaders don’t look for monetary benefits or status, instead they get their compensation from watching the tribe THRIVE!! Leaders lead the tribe because of what they feel they can do for the tribe, not because of what the tribe can do for them
  • 30. Don’t forget the big mac and the microwave oven…. The status quo is more threatened than ever.. Change the rules before someone else does!! Break the rules and invent a new sandwich !! Understand the leverage available , go ahead and change things…
  • 31. CLIMBING ROCKS.. You don’t need to risk your fingers on a rock… Instead, you need to have a persistent vision to make change happen. You will realize that impossible things aren’t impossible any longer !!
  • 33. Fear, Faith And Religion Faith is critical to all innovation. Without faith, it’s suicidal to be a leader. Religion, on the other hand, represents a strict set of rules and encourages us to fit in, not to stand out.
  • 34. Religion Works Great When It Amplifies Faith Religion reinforces the STATUS QUO, often at the expense of faith!! Religion gives our faith a little support when it needs it, it’s a SORT OF MANTRA, a subtle, but consistent reminder that belief is okay, and that faith is the way to get where you’re going.
  • 35. Challenge religion and people wonder if you’re challenging their faith You can recognize the need for faith in your idea, you can find the tribe you need to support you, and YES!! You can create a new religion around your faith !! Faith & Religion Religion and faith go together!!! Religion reinforces faith and we can’t succeed without it • Faith is the cornerstone of humanity, we can’t live without it… while religion is just a set of invented protocols, rules to live by • Successful heretics create their own religions
  • 36. Over-the-top Underdog Bravery Leadership involves thinking and acting like the underdog…That’s because leaders work to change things. If you’re not over the top, you’re not going to have any chance at all of making things happen!!
  • 37. THE EASIEST THING Easiest thing is : To react Second easiest thing is : To respond But the Hardest thing is : To initiate
  • 38. The Difference between Things that happen to You and Things you do Sometimes, it makes more sense to take the follow. Leading when you don’t know where to go, when you don’t have the commitment or the passion, or worse of all, when you can’t overcome your fear---- that sort of leading is worse than none at all. Leaders don’t have things happen to Them. THEY DO THINGS!!
  • 39. “The Age of Heretics” When you DO things in the corporate world, you may end up demoted, fired, disgraced and unhappy Art Kleiner’s above said book talks about many such people But the world belongs to such Heretics Leaders go first and create changes Over and over everyone is wrong – if you believe that , then you are not everyone Then you are right We will see how
  • 40. Why music industry fell into a crisis It never had the heretics they needed They forgot to embrace their tribe
  • 41. So the best time to change your business model is when you have momentum Don’t panic if the new business model is not as ‘clean’ as the old one It is not about great ideas It is about taking initiatives and making things happen
  • 42. Sheepwalking How to stop this? Hiring and raising obedient people and giving them brain-dead jobs And enough fear to keep them in line All such organizations give jobs where they are managed by fear They use fear as a motivation
  • 43. How to solve Sheepwalking •Give the problem a name, Sheepwalking •That is done Step One •Realization that you can stop Sheepwalking Step Two •Comes from anyone who teaches or hires. •That is to cherish and reward non-sheep behavior Step Three
  • 44. Your Micromovement – 5 things to do Publish a manifesto Make it easy for your followers to connect with you Make it easy for your followers to connect with one another Realize money is not the point of a movement Track your progress
  • 45. Your Micromovement – 6 Principles Transparency really is your only option Your movement needs to be bigger than you Movements that grow, thrive Movements are made most clear when compared to status quo Exclude outsiders Tearing others down is never helpful to a movement as building your followers up
  • 46. Every Tribe is a media channel They are most effective media channel ever They don’t do what you want, they do what they want That is why joining and leading a tribe is such a powerful marketing investment
  • 47. How to be wrong Steve jobs was wrong about Apple III, the Next computer, wrong about Newton Insanely wrong And the rest is neatly written down in history Secret of leadership: Do what you believe in Paint a picture for the future Go there People will follow
  • 48. Reactionary Tribe Intend to change the world? Never concentrate on changing the worldview of the majority Opportunity is to carve out a new tribe Yes it is OKAY to abandon the big, established Tribe It is all a risk Always That’s not true actually It is a certainty that it is a risk
  • 49. Initiative Things that happen are rarely good, because they disturb the status quo Organizations that need innovation the most are the ones that do the most to stop it It is a paradox, once you realize it, it is a tremendous opportunity
  • 50. The Posture of a leader If you see my new product but don’t buy it, that’s my failure, not yours If you attend my presentation and you are bored, that is my fault not yours It might be tempting to blame others in your tribe who are not working hard But it is helpful to know that you have a choice when you communicate
  • 51. Switching tribes People don’t like to switch To switch sides is to admit we made a mistake If you want people to switch to your tribe , don’t look for loyal followers from another tribe Don’t start with the leader Start with those at the borders and work your way in
  • 52. Change almost never fails because it’s too early. It almost always fail because it’s too late The largest enemy of change and leader is “ Not yet”
  • 53. Understanding the trick Leadership is very much an art, one that’s accomplished only by people with authentic generosity and a visceral connection to their tribe
  • 54. Managers Vs. Leaders Leaders have hope Managers are pessimists because they have seen future before and they believe they have already done it as well as it can be done
  • 56. Do they care? If they don’t care really and deeply care – then they can’t possibly lead
  • 57. Elements of leadership Leadership challenge the status quo Leaders have an extraordinary amount of curiosity about the world they are trying to change Leaders create a culture around and their goal and involve others in that culture Leaders use charisma to attract and motivate followers Leaders commit to a vision and make decisions based on that commitment Leaders communicate their vision of the future Leaders connect their followers to one another
  • 58. Ronald Reagan’s secret Value what you hear, and then to make a decision even it contradicts the very people you are listening to
  • 59. Commitment is the key Employees who are committed to change and engaged in making things happen are happierand more productive
  • 60. What is Hard? Hard is breaking the rules Hard is finding the faith to become a heretic Hard is to lead a team Hard is to push the innovation out the door into the world
  • 61. The obligation: Don’t settle Wehaveobligationto change the rules Wehaveobligationto to raise the bar Wehaveobligationto to play a different game Wehaveobligationto and to play it better than anyone has any right to believe is possible
  • 62. Imagination Leaders create things that didn’t exist before They do this by giving the tribe a vision of something that could happen, but hasn’t yet
  • 63. Leadership is now like that. No one gives you permission or approval or a permit to lead. You can just do it. The only one who can say no is you
  • 64. Every tribe is different Every leader is different The very nature of leadership is that you’re not doing what’s been done before If you were, you’d be following, not leading
  • 65. Recap : Main Lessons from the book No Escape • Seek Criticism and persist Create a Movement • Failure isn’t fatal Believe in what you Do • Create Your Own Religion