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Debra Wahl
Electronic Media Management
Case Study #2
LifeStyle Traveling
Discover yourself in this world.
MissionStatement: LifeStyle Traveling will promote world exploration with heart and
purpose while also providing awareness of world issues, promoting the good, unveiling
the unknown, fulfilling hidden desires, promoting knowledge through personal curiosity
and inspiring discovery for all.
I. Executive Summary
New York, New York
New Network Development
Conducted by: Debra Wahl
November 14th, 2015
Upon creating a series of recommendations in hopes of the creation of a new network I
am proposing to you LifeStyle Traveling. LifeStyle Traveling will provide shows with
the following inspiration and motives:
 Traveling with kids
 Destinations for avid sports fans
 Most underrated vacation destinations
 Hidden and unknown travel destinations
 Budget traveling
 Reality TV shows on various aspects of traveling
 Documentaries on travel and various travel destinations.
The goal and purpose for the recommendations are to retain the current viewing audience
while also obtaining more viewership contributing to more viewing hours. These
recommendations include:
 Creatively inspire new viewing options that relate to current popular
 Provide valuable and quality shows.
 Deliver viewership wants and needs that were not requested by viewers
 Provide stimulating ideas and programming
 Acquire advertisers that compliment and correspond with programming.
 Gain brand awareness and publicity through current networks with appropriate
I plan to implement LifeStyle Traveling by pairing the audience’s current interest with
creative ways to pursue them among various places and cultures. There will be adequate
programming options for every member of the household and every interest and passion
that they posses. Initial trailers for the LifeStyle Traveling and shows that can be seen
the network will first start to be shown on current stations such as VHI, Showtime,
Nickelodeon, MTV and Logo. Advertising and partnership of the correct companies will
be essential to the financial success in the early stages of LifeStyle Traveling. I will
reach out to companies such as airlines, major hotel chains, travel booking websites,
credit card companies and also major cities and companies who want to promote travel to
their location through commercials just to name a few.
By creating LifeStyle Traveling I hope to bring more revenue to Viacom annually by
increased viewership, ratings and competitive advertising and sponsorship. I want to take
an already great service and improve on it and perfect it by adding complimentary
programming to enlighten, entertain, and please the viewers. Acknowledging their
current interest and building off of popular programming will only lead to more
successful ideas in the future.
Table of Contents:
II. Detailed Description of Network…………………………………………………..5-6
III. Market Strategy……………………………………………………………………6-7
IV. Competitive Analysis………………………………………………………………8
V. Design and Development Plan of Network………………………………………8-10
VI. The Financial Component………………………………………………………10-11
II. Detailed Description of Network
LifeStyle Traveling is a network created to take the interest, hobbies, passions,
fears, dreams and current lifestyle situations of the viewers and educate and promote
travel that is tailored specifically to them. LifeStyle Traveling will range from
individuals who want to travel on specific budgets and will range to elaborate and
luxurious vacations as well. There will be specific programming for viewers who have
an avid passion for sports and want to experience the same passion that other countries
have for their sport such as traveling to Dublin for a rugby match or visiting Australia for
one of a kind surfing. Programming for parents with kids of all ages will be available
highlighting the best kid friendly destinations and activities from infants to teenagers and
beyond. Couples romantic getaways and older demographics will also be targeted
highlighting more intimate offerings such as extended cruises to the Mediterranean, train
trips throughout Europe and private island getaways. There will be specific options for
daredevils that want to dive with the sharks in South Africa, hike Mt. Everest, go deep
sea fishing in Cabo and exploring ice caves in Patagonia. Historical presence plays a
huge role in the travel destination industry and the network will focus heavily on history.
Examples of historical destinations will
be; hiking Machu Picchu, exploring the
pyramids of Egypt, visiting Stave
Churches in Norway, Mayan ruins in
Mexico and walking along the Great Wall
of China to highlight a few examples.
In addition to providing great
ideas on destinations for anyone,
LifeStyle Traveling will also educate the
viewers and prepare them for the various
environments before they are submersed
in unknown cultures, this will be
considered the Health, Wellness and Awareness part of programming. The comfort and
safety of the viewers will be our main priority. We will make aware to them the
countries that are involved in any form of conflict, countries that have a current illness or
outbreak, destinations that do not welcome visitors, various plants and animals that can
be harmful and/or poisonous and places to avoid due to high crime and low security/less
attentive law enforcement and government protection. There will be specific
programming dedicated to customs, common courtesy, do’s and don’ts, language barrier
solutions, expectations the locals have for visitors, laws of the location, etc. Other safety
precaution programming will include all proper vaccinations needed for various
destinations as well as maintaining good health while visiting there.
LifeStyle Traveling will be a good fit for Viacom because it will incorporate all
current viewers as well as attract a significant amount of new viewers. We will do this by
executing a network that provides quality programming through entertainment that is
targeted towards all components of demographics through specific segmentations.
LifeStyle Traveling will also promote the good of everything they broadcast in order to
build and maintain a positive and credible network that carries with it the Viacom name.
III. Market Strategy
We look into our most popular shows and analysis what makes them successful.
We will do this by number of viewers, ratings and the drive for advertisers to want their
positioning to take place during this particular time in programming. An example is the
show Couples Therapy on VH1 that is a reality show that dissects the problems real life
couples are having and attempt to mend the issues by offering advice and solutions. A
complimentary show to advertise during breaks of Couples Therapy would be a show that
can be seen on LifeStyle Traveling that promotes romantic getaways for couples and
advertisements for shows that are only for adults emphasizing key phrases such as “fall in
love again”, “turn your spark into fire” and “rediscover your love for one another”.
MTV is primarily targeted to a younger demographic with a tighter budget. During
various shows on MTV LifeStyle Traveling will promote shows such as spring break
getaways, themed cruises with celebrities/musicians/bands, how to make the most of
studying abroad, international housing exchange, best party destinations and also the best
way to financially package a vacation.
The main priority is for LifeStyle Traveling to begin promoting on Viacom
networks first in order to capture the attention of the current audience and retain their
loyalty. Additional promotion will take place on other networks that can easily relate to
our suggested programming such as the History Channel, Discovery Channel, National
Geographic, Home and Garden and the Food Network just to touch the surface. Since a
lot of household decisions are ultimately made by the head female of the household
various commercials and advertisements will be shown during daytime television which
is also less expensive than prime time positioning. However, creating the perfect
advertisement during select prime time programming will be a key role in the success of
capturing new audiences. With that being said highlighting the ultimate experience for
sports fans will be shown during a game on ESPN or another sports network. Also, a
family friendly vacation that offers more than a traditional trip to Disney World will be
shown during appropriate programming such as an ABC family movie or a popular show
such as The Voice.
In addition to commercials and advertising on various channels, print advertising
will be a huge component in the initial segmentation of introducing a new product into an
existing market. Print advertising for the
network featuring highlighted shows will be in
travel magazines, home and garden
magazines, national geographic, TIME
magazine and others. Smaller online
advertisements will be placed on travel
websites such as Expedia, sports websites that
promote large events such as the World Cup
and Olympics, and also newspapers ranging
from local to national such as the New York
Times and The Wall Street Journey. Banners on subways, light rails, city busses,
taxicabs and in airport terminals will also be present. Billboards in high traffic travel
cities such as Las Vegas, New York, Chicago and Miami will also be displayed in highly
populated parts of town.
Another important aspect of the marketing strategy we will focus on will be the
content of all of our programming. After a show the viewer should feel inspired,
motivated, eager and ambitious to pull out their luggage and dust off their passport. This
is not possible without the development of programming that will fill a need the viewer
was unaware that they had. In regards to dynamic programming LifeStyle Traveling must
provide characters, hosts and personalities for shows that are relatable and likeable by the
general public. Everyone is unique with their own personal story to tell, pairing a one of
a kind cast member to a creative and unique show is a winning combination that is
imperative to a successful show and network.
Viewer interaction will be highly encouraged through giveaways, contests and
submission of ideas. There will be a professional official website for LifeStyle Traveling
that will be easy to navigate through to view all the shows, the talent for the network,
upcoming projects, links to all advertised travel, behind the scenes clips, helpful links for
travelers before departing and printable safety information with traveling such as the
location and contact information for local hospitals, embassy’s and law enforcement
The purpose is to obtain viewers from all demographic categories. In order to
achieve this vision it is necessary for our advertisers to appeal to all demographics by
segmenting their products and services according to the targeted group that will be
viewing specific programming. This includes observing consumer behavior trends in the
market and applying research into the brand awareness of their good and services. For
example, a commercial for a rental car would not have as much value during
programming of cruise ships, but advertising a credit card with fraud protection and 24
hour customer service during a program that involves traveling internationally would be
useful and beneficial.
IV: Competitive Analysis:
The main and toughest competition for LifeStyle Traveling is going to be the
Travel Channel. The Travel Channel is successful because it has no competition and it
has total control of the market. The Travel Channel is also creative because it has unique
programming such as Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmerman, Booze Traveller, Hotel
Impossible, Mystery at the Museum and Man vs. Food. These are all very popular
shows but also can be discouraging if viewed from an outside point of view. Bizarre
Foods can make the viewer question the presence of more normal food to that particular
culture and region, it can be a turn off to those without an adventurous palette. Hotel
Impossible can promote negative attention to hotels in popular destinations through the
exposure of health risk factors such as bed bugs, mold, fire equipment that doesn’t work,
etc. Mystery at the Museum often highlights and exposes the dark past and character of
specific locations leaving viewers with a negative view of the history. The Travel
Channel will be our “how to guide” for getting started, we will observe their best
programming and analysis it’s strengths and weakness in our internal development.
From there we will develop what our opportunities and threats are in the external
marketplace. We will recognize that shows where Anthony Bourdaine highlights, talks
about and provides coverage of less fortunate countries and their poverty get lower
ratings than his shows that spotlight destinations where the scenery is unlike anything
they can get at home accompanied by friendly and hospitable locals.
LifeStyle Traveling will also promote the good of all locations in order to
maintain positive relations with those nations for future business transactions. In order
to gain a competitive edge we will offer out of the box programming that has been unseen
before. This will include entire families swapping homes with different cultures who
have opposite lifestyles for a month in order to learn differences and overcome
challenges in foreign environments. Another example of competitive programming that
only LifeStyle Traveling will provide will be reality shows that are all about giving back
and helping. This will include following church groups that go on mission trips to build
houses for the less fortunate, doctors and nurses that travel abroad to aid in medical
treatment, activist that are fighting for the conservation of rainforest and animals near
extinction and groups that travel to countries after natural disasters to aid in all possible
ways like tsunami and volcanic disasters. LifeStyle Traveling will gain the image of
traveling with heart and purpose as well as for leisure reasons. LifeStyle Traveling will
differentiate themselves from The Travel Channel by providing awareness of world
issues, promoting the good, unveiling the hidden, fulfilling hidden desires, promoting
exploration through personal curiosity and inspiring discovery for all.
V: Designand Development Plan of the Network:
LifeStyle Traveling will create a logo that is unique to their brand and will also be
a symbol without words such as the Nike swoosh. This logo will become a symbol of
adventure and excitement. Southwest airlines has the tag phrase “We are now free to
move about the country”, LifeStyle Traveling will claim “Discover yourself in this
world”. Development will first begin with the casting of talent that is qualified and
skilled in many areas. The talent must have a genuine and attractive personality that
provides a sense of trust, comfort and
charm to the viewers. The talent is an
important component that will entice
the viewer and maintain their
continued viewership to our network.
The talent’s most important role will
be to tell the story of the destination,
the people and all details in between
and tempt the viewer with a hungry
appetite for more. The network will be
designed by scheduling appropriate
shows during their designated times
such as family oriented shows during
the day, couple and adult themed
shows later at night and documentaries during the day. There will be various themes
throughout the week as well for programming. Examples of the themes are:
Mapping history Mondays
Tropical Getaway Tuesdays
Wild Adventure Wednesday
Tour Guide Thursdays
Fearless Fridays
Sightseeing Saturdays
Sports Mania Sundays
Examples of various reality shows will be: (Shows yet to be properly named)
Historians revealing truths about historical figures that were previously unknown.
Archeologist discovering’s
Meeting cultures that are still practicing historical ways of living and are considered off
the grid.
Following the stories and journeys of 3 different characters who moved to another
Being paired with a tour guide for the day that does not speak your language. (Lots of
narrative voice overs in this show)
If your children were in charge of the vacation.
Best destinations for the adrenaline addict.
These programs are going to be the featured program of the evening and will be
viewed during the prime time
hours. They will promote a
different location every show
and provide numerous
activities, places to see and
suggest suitable
accommodations. In addition
to this set programming special
event coverage and event
specific shows will be available
to view for events such as
Mardi Gras, holiday seasons
around the world, The Olympic
Games and other major
sporting events, The Running
of the Bulls and other various festivals and events that take place internationally.
V. The Financial Components:
Since LifeStyle Traveling is a new network that is being introduced to an already
existing market it will rely heavily on the advertising agreements and business
partnerships of businesses willing to promote themselves on the network. Various rates
will apply due to driving factors such as frequency of commercials, time in which they
are shown and programming during which they are viewed within. Initial promoting
within Viacom will promote awareness of the network, which will entice companies to
want to partner with our network and promote themselves. Same product companies will
be forced to compete against each other for exposure as well, examples are Visa,
MasterCard and American Express all wanting to promote during prime time shows.
Since there are only a certain number of positions the company with the biggest offering
will get first pick of open spaces for commercials.
Partnerships with brand specific companies will also take place in sponsorships.
This will include the talent on shows only wearing certain brand name items such as
North Face jackets, Oakley sunglasses, Nike athletic gear when exercising, Samsonite
travel bags, drinking Aquafina water on camera and only using Toyota as rental car
After an introductory amount of time payout from major cable companies will
take place and will reflect on the success of the network through viewership and ratings.
LifeStyle Traveling will only be available through purchasing a cable package through
your local cable provider. In order to protect the brand and to create a large community
of loyal customers no shows from LifeSyle Traveling will be available to stream online
or on platforms such as Hulu or Netflix.
In conclusion LifeStyle Traveling will be a very profitable fit for Viacom by
adding a network that is relative to the interest of its current viewers and it also versatile
to where it will attract and absorb new viewers. LifeStyle Traveling is also an
opportunity to extend opportunities out to new companies for advertising and promoting
with the advantage of offering competitive rates against The Travel Channel, which is the
main competition. LifeStyle Traveling will be credible in everything that is produced and
will provide a sense of accomplishment through the education and exploration of our
world and promoting the good that resides within it. LifeStyle Traveling will strive to
become the flagship network for Viacom generating brand awareness for Viacom as well
as excellent ratings by loyal and satisfied viewers. LifeStyle Traveling is a network for
the viewers inspiring them to take their place in our world much as LifeStyle Traveling
will be taking their place in world of media.
“To travel is to live.” Hans Christian Andersen
“Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.” Anonymous
“Investment in travel is an investment in yourself.” Matthew Karsten

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Travel Network

  • 1. Debra Wahl Electronic Media Management Case Study #2 LifeStyle Traveling Discover yourself in this world. MissionStatement: LifeStyle Traveling will promote world exploration with heart and purpose while also providing awareness of world issues, promoting the good, unveiling the unknown, fulfilling hidden desires, promoting knowledge through personal curiosity and inspiring discovery for all. I. Executive Summary
  • 2. 2 Viacom New York, New York New Network Development Conducted by: Debra Wahl November 14th, 2015 Introduction: Upon creating a series of recommendations in hopes of the creation of a new network I am proposing to you LifeStyle Traveling. LifeStyle Traveling will provide shows with the following inspiration and motives:  Traveling with kids  Destinations for avid sports fans  Most underrated vacation destinations  Hidden and unknown travel destinations  Budget traveling  Reality TV shows on various aspects of traveling  Documentaries on travel and various travel destinations. The goal and purpose for the recommendations are to retain the current viewing audience while also obtaining more viewership contributing to more viewing hours. These recommendations include:  Creatively inspire new viewing options that relate to current popular programming.  Provide valuable and quality shows.  Deliver viewership wants and needs that were not requested by viewers themselves.  Provide stimulating ideas and programming  Acquire advertisers that compliment and correspond with programming.  Gain brand awareness and publicity through current networks with appropriate pairings. Overview: I plan to implement LifeStyle Traveling by pairing the audience’s current interest with creative ways to pursue them among various places and cultures. There will be adequate programming options for every member of the household and every interest and passion that they posses. Initial trailers for the LifeStyle Traveling and shows that can be seen the network will first start to be shown on current stations such as VHI, Showtime, Nickelodeon, MTV and Logo. Advertising and partnership of the correct companies will be essential to the financial success in the early stages of LifeStyle Traveling. I will reach out to companies such as airlines, major hotel chains, travel booking websites, credit card companies and also major cities and companies who want to promote travel to their location through commercials just to name a few.
  • 3. 3 Conclusion: By creating LifeStyle Traveling I hope to bring more revenue to Viacom annually by increased viewership, ratings and competitive advertising and sponsorship. I want to take an already great service and improve on it and perfect it by adding complimentary programming to enlighten, entertain, and please the viewers. Acknowledging their current interest and building off of popular programming will only lead to more successful ideas in the future. Table of Contents:
  • 4. 4 II. Detailed Description of Network…………………………………………………..5-6 III. Market Strategy……………………………………………………………………6-7 IV. Competitive Analysis………………………………………………………………8 V. Design and Development Plan of Network………………………………………8-10 VI. The Financial Component………………………………………………………10-11 II. Detailed Description of Network
  • 5. 5 LifeStyle Traveling is a network created to take the interest, hobbies, passions, fears, dreams and current lifestyle situations of the viewers and educate and promote travel that is tailored specifically to them. LifeStyle Traveling will range from individuals who want to travel on specific budgets and will range to elaborate and luxurious vacations as well. There will be specific programming for viewers who have an avid passion for sports and want to experience the same passion that other countries have for their sport such as traveling to Dublin for a rugby match or visiting Australia for one of a kind surfing. Programming for parents with kids of all ages will be available highlighting the best kid friendly destinations and activities from infants to teenagers and beyond. Couples romantic getaways and older demographics will also be targeted highlighting more intimate offerings such as extended cruises to the Mediterranean, train trips throughout Europe and private island getaways. There will be specific options for daredevils that want to dive with the sharks in South Africa, hike Mt. Everest, go deep sea fishing in Cabo and exploring ice caves in Patagonia. Historical presence plays a huge role in the travel destination industry and the network will focus heavily on history. Examples of historical destinations will be; hiking Machu Picchu, exploring the pyramids of Egypt, visiting Stave Churches in Norway, Mayan ruins in Mexico and walking along the Great Wall of China to highlight a few examples. In addition to providing great ideas on destinations for anyone, LifeStyle Traveling will also educate the viewers and prepare them for the various environments before they are submersed in unknown cultures, this will be considered the Health, Wellness and Awareness part of programming. The comfort and safety of the viewers will be our main priority. We will make aware to them the countries that are involved in any form of conflict, countries that have a current illness or outbreak, destinations that do not welcome visitors, various plants and animals that can be harmful and/or poisonous and places to avoid due to high crime and low security/less attentive law enforcement and government protection. There will be specific programming dedicated to customs, common courtesy, do’s and don’ts, language barrier solutions, expectations the locals have for visitors, laws of the location, etc. Other safety precaution programming will include all proper vaccinations needed for various destinations as well as maintaining good health while visiting there. LifeStyle Traveling will be a good fit for Viacom because it will incorporate all current viewers as well as attract a significant amount of new viewers. We will do this by executing a network that provides quality programming through entertainment that is targeted towards all components of demographics through specific segmentations. LifeStyle Traveling will also promote the good of everything they broadcast in order to build and maintain a positive and credible network that carries with it the Viacom name.
  • 6. 6 III. Market Strategy We look into our most popular shows and analysis what makes them successful. We will do this by number of viewers, ratings and the drive for advertisers to want their positioning to take place during this particular time in programming. An example is the show Couples Therapy on VH1 that is a reality show that dissects the problems real life couples are having and attempt to mend the issues by offering advice and solutions. A complimentary show to advertise during breaks of Couples Therapy would be a show that can be seen on LifeStyle Traveling that promotes romantic getaways for couples and advertisements for shows that are only for adults emphasizing key phrases such as “fall in love again”, “turn your spark into fire” and “rediscover your love for one another”. MTV is primarily targeted to a younger demographic with a tighter budget. During various shows on MTV LifeStyle Traveling will promote shows such as spring break getaways, themed cruises with celebrities/musicians/bands, how to make the most of studying abroad, international housing exchange, best party destinations and also the best way to financially package a vacation. The main priority is for LifeStyle Traveling to begin promoting on Viacom networks first in order to capture the attention of the current audience and retain their loyalty. Additional promotion will take place on other networks that can easily relate to our suggested programming such as the History Channel, Discovery Channel, National Geographic, Home and Garden and the Food Network just to touch the surface. Since a lot of household decisions are ultimately made by the head female of the household various commercials and advertisements will be shown during daytime television which is also less expensive than prime time positioning. However, creating the perfect advertisement during select prime time programming will be a key role in the success of capturing new audiences. With that being said highlighting the ultimate experience for sports fans will be shown during a game on ESPN or another sports network. Also, a family friendly vacation that offers more than a traditional trip to Disney World will be shown during appropriate programming such as an ABC family movie or a popular show such as The Voice. In addition to commercials and advertising on various channels, print advertising will be a huge component in the initial segmentation of introducing a new product into an existing market. Print advertising for the network featuring highlighted shows will be in travel magazines, home and garden magazines, national geographic, TIME magazine and others. Smaller online advertisements will be placed on travel websites such as Expedia, sports websites that promote large events such as the World Cup and Olympics, and also newspapers ranging from local to national such as the New York
  • 7. 7 Times and The Wall Street Journey. Banners on subways, light rails, city busses, taxicabs and in airport terminals will also be present. Billboards in high traffic travel cities such as Las Vegas, New York, Chicago and Miami will also be displayed in highly populated parts of town. Another important aspect of the marketing strategy we will focus on will be the content of all of our programming. After a show the viewer should feel inspired, motivated, eager and ambitious to pull out their luggage and dust off their passport. This is not possible without the development of programming that will fill a need the viewer was unaware that they had. In regards to dynamic programming LifeStyle Traveling must provide characters, hosts and personalities for shows that are relatable and likeable by the general public. Everyone is unique with their own personal story to tell, pairing a one of a kind cast member to a creative and unique show is a winning combination that is imperative to a successful show and network. Viewer interaction will be highly encouraged through giveaways, contests and submission of ideas. There will be a professional official website for LifeStyle Traveling that will be easy to navigate through to view all the shows, the talent for the network, upcoming projects, links to all advertised travel, behind the scenes clips, helpful links for travelers before departing and printable safety information with traveling such as the location and contact information for local hospitals, embassy’s and law enforcement stations. The purpose is to obtain viewers from all demographic categories. In order to achieve this vision it is necessary for our advertisers to appeal to all demographics by segmenting their products and services according to the targeted group that will be viewing specific programming. This includes observing consumer behavior trends in the market and applying research into the brand awareness of their good and services. For example, a commercial for a rental car would not have as much value during programming of cruise ships, but advertising a credit card with fraud protection and 24 hour customer service during a program that involves traveling internationally would be useful and beneficial. IV: Competitive Analysis:
  • 8. 8 The main and toughest competition for LifeStyle Traveling is going to be the Travel Channel. The Travel Channel is successful because it has no competition and it has total control of the market. The Travel Channel is also creative because it has unique programming such as Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmerman, Booze Traveller, Hotel Impossible, Mystery at the Museum and Man vs. Food. These are all very popular shows but also can be discouraging if viewed from an outside point of view. Bizarre Foods can make the viewer question the presence of more normal food to that particular culture and region, it can be a turn off to those without an adventurous palette. Hotel Impossible can promote negative attention to hotels in popular destinations through the exposure of health risk factors such as bed bugs, mold, fire equipment that doesn’t work, etc. Mystery at the Museum often highlights and exposes the dark past and character of specific locations leaving viewers with a negative view of the history. The Travel Channel will be our “how to guide” for getting started, we will observe their best programming and analysis it’s strengths and weakness in our internal development. From there we will develop what our opportunities and threats are in the external marketplace. We will recognize that shows where Anthony Bourdaine highlights, talks about and provides coverage of less fortunate countries and their poverty get lower ratings than his shows that spotlight destinations where the scenery is unlike anything they can get at home accompanied by friendly and hospitable locals. LifeStyle Traveling will also promote the good of all locations in order to maintain positive relations with those nations for future business transactions. In order to gain a competitive edge we will offer out of the box programming that has been unseen before. This will include entire families swapping homes with different cultures who have opposite lifestyles for a month in order to learn differences and overcome challenges in foreign environments. Another example of competitive programming that only LifeStyle Traveling will provide will be reality shows that are all about giving back and helping. This will include following church groups that go on mission trips to build houses for the less fortunate, doctors and nurses that travel abroad to aid in medical treatment, activist that are fighting for the conservation of rainforest and animals near extinction and groups that travel to countries after natural disasters to aid in all possible ways like tsunami and volcanic disasters. LifeStyle Traveling will gain the image of traveling with heart and purpose as well as for leisure reasons. LifeStyle Traveling will differentiate themselves from The Travel Channel by providing awareness of world issues, promoting the good, unveiling the hidden, fulfilling hidden desires, promoting exploration through personal curiosity and inspiring discovery for all. V: Designand Development Plan of the Network: LifeStyle Traveling will create a logo that is unique to their brand and will also be a symbol without words such as the Nike swoosh. This logo will become a symbol of adventure and excitement. Southwest airlines has the tag phrase “We are now free to
  • 9. 9 move about the country”, LifeStyle Traveling will claim “Discover yourself in this world”. Development will first begin with the casting of talent that is qualified and skilled in many areas. The talent must have a genuine and attractive personality that provides a sense of trust, comfort and charm to the viewers. The talent is an important component that will entice the viewer and maintain their continued viewership to our network. The talent’s most important role will be to tell the story of the destination, the people and all details in between and tempt the viewer with a hungry appetite for more. The network will be designed by scheduling appropriate shows during their designated times such as family oriented shows during the day, couple and adult themed shows later at night and documentaries during the day. There will be various themes throughout the week as well for programming. Examples of the themes are: Mapping history Mondays Tropical Getaway Tuesdays Wild Adventure Wednesday Tour Guide Thursdays Fearless Fridays Sightseeing Saturdays Sports Mania Sundays Examples of various reality shows will be: (Shows yet to be properly named) Historians revealing truths about historical figures that were previously unknown. Archeologist discovering’s Meeting cultures that are still practicing historical ways of living and are considered off the grid. Following the stories and journeys of 3 different characters who moved to another country. Being paired with a tour guide for the day that does not speak your language. (Lots of narrative voice overs in this show) If your children were in charge of the vacation. Best destinations for the adrenaline addict.
  • 10. 10 These programs are going to be the featured program of the evening and will be viewed during the prime time hours. They will promote a different location every show and provide numerous activities, places to see and suggest suitable accommodations. In addition to this set programming special event coverage and event specific shows will be available to view for events such as Mardi Gras, holiday seasons around the world, The Olympic Games and other major sporting events, The Running of the Bulls and other various festivals and events that take place internationally. V. The Financial Components: Since LifeStyle Traveling is a new network that is being introduced to an already existing market it will rely heavily on the advertising agreements and business partnerships of businesses willing to promote themselves on the network. Various rates will apply due to driving factors such as frequency of commercials, time in which they are shown and programming during which they are viewed within. Initial promoting within Viacom will promote awareness of the network, which will entice companies to want to partner with our network and promote themselves. Same product companies will be forced to compete against each other for exposure as well, examples are Visa, MasterCard and American Express all wanting to promote during prime time shows. Since there are only a certain number of positions the company with the biggest offering will get first pick of open spaces for commercials. Partnerships with brand specific companies will also take place in sponsorships. This will include the talent on shows only wearing certain brand name items such as North Face jackets, Oakley sunglasses, Nike athletic gear when exercising, Samsonite travel bags, drinking Aquafina water on camera and only using Toyota as rental car options. After an introductory amount of time payout from major cable companies will take place and will reflect on the success of the network through viewership and ratings. LifeStyle Traveling will only be available through purchasing a cable package through your local cable provider. In order to protect the brand and to create a large community of loyal customers no shows from LifeSyle Traveling will be available to stream online or on platforms such as Hulu or Netflix.
  • 11. 11 In conclusion LifeStyle Traveling will be a very profitable fit for Viacom by adding a network that is relative to the interest of its current viewers and it also versatile to where it will attract and absorb new viewers. LifeStyle Traveling is also an opportunity to extend opportunities out to new companies for advertising and promoting with the advantage of offering competitive rates against The Travel Channel, which is the main competition. LifeStyle Traveling will be credible in everything that is produced and will provide a sense of accomplishment through the education and exploration of our world and promoting the good that resides within it. LifeStyle Traveling will strive to become the flagship network for Viacom generating brand awareness for Viacom as well as excellent ratings by loyal and satisfied viewers. LifeStyle Traveling is a network for the viewers inspiring them to take their place in our world much as LifeStyle Traveling will be taking their place in world of media. “To travel is to live.” Hans Christian Andersen “Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.” Anonymous “Investment in travel is an investment in yourself.” Matthew Karsten