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Macbeth’s Tragic Flaw Essay
Macbeth's tragic flaw is his ambition and it consequentially leads to his downfall and ultimate
demise. Macbeth is a tragic hero who is introduced in the the play as being well–liked and respected
by the general and the people. He brings his death upon himself from this tragic flaw. His strengths
turn into his weaknesses and his ambition drives him to the edge and sets himself up for his tragic
death. In the play, Macbeth possesses many strengths such as honor, respect, and he was viewed as
being courageous. Macbeth was given the title "Thane of Cawdor " because he used his strengths to
his advantage and was recognized for them. "For brave Macbeth–well he deserves that
name––Disdaining fortune, with his brandish'd steel, more content...
At this point, he has become very egotistical and has no clue where this new vision will lead him.
This new outlook and personality he acquires along with the witches prophecies lead to his fatal
downfall. The witches affect his perception by telling him what is going to happen in the future
and they make him paranoid. He is confused after hearing them call him the "Thane of Caldor"
and that he will soon be king. His trait of ambition in the beginning is his biggest weapon, but in
the end, it is his own worst enemy. The murder of Duncan triggers this reversal of this ambition
and leads to all the other murders in the story. Murder becomes the pistol to his holster and his
ambition is now focused on taking out whoever opposes him or anyone he sees as a threat to his
throne. Macbeth cannot be fully blamed for gaining this new ambition though, Lady Macbeth and
the witches contributed mightily to tainting his ambition. However, Lady Macbeth never blatantly
tells Macbeth to do anything he does, she strongly persuades and eventually talks him into doing
the things he does. She does call him out as a coward and questions his manhood and bravery.
This comes into play when Macbeth tells her he will not murder Duncan, she replies: "How tender
'tis to love the babe that milks me: I would, while it was smiling in my face, Have pluck'd my nipple
from his
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Macbeth's Tragic Flaw Essay
Every human being has a weakness and that weakness is pride. 'Whoever exalts himself shall be
humbled; and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted (Matthew 23:12, The Bible)'. Pride is a
natural flaw that most people do not realize. Some can control it, while others let their pride blind
them from logic and truth. Naturally, Macbeth has this attribute and he demonstrates it throughout
the play. Shakespeare purposely introduces Macbeth as a proud character. The witches' prophecies
give him his confidence. And as his confidence grows, so does his pride until it eventually consumes
his power–crazed mind.
Macbeth is introduced to the audience as a noble general and thane with quite a bit of power. This
can lead one to believe that he more content...
'Two truths are told/ As happy prologues to the swelling act/ Of the imperial theme (I.iii.127–129).
Macbeth enjoys the thought of perhaps becoming king in this quote. He is optimistic about the
witches' prophecies, and deep inside, he hopes that they will come true. The two truths are the
prophecies of becoming thane of Glamis and Cawdor. The word 'happy' reveals his excitement
about the possibility of being king; if one prophecy came true, why not the other? Macbeth is
especially influenced by the prophecies during the end of the play. '[...] for none of woman born
/ Shall harm Macbeth (IV.i.80–81)'. This prophecy causes Macbeth to think he is invincible. It
reinforces his confidence so that he is blinded from its true meaning. However, the prophecy is
confusing, since all humans are born from a mother, then logically, nohuman should be able to
defeat Macbeth. Therefore, it is understandable why Macbeth becomes extremely hubris following
this prophecy. The witches' gave Macbeth a nudge in the beginning and then pushed him to his death
in the end using the prophecies. Without the assurance of these prophecies, Macbeth would have
never acted on his ambition alone and there would be no play to analyze.
Since pride is in all human beings, does that make everyone weak? It is definitely one of man's
many weaknesses and for Macbeth, his tragic flaw. His pride combined with the witches' prophecies
and a few
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Romeo's Tragic Flaw
"For never was a story of more woe/ than this of Juliet and her Romeo" (5.3, 309–310). "Romeo and
Juliet" is seen as one of the greatest love stories of all time, and yet it possesses all the elements of
a Shakespearean tragedy embodied inside. Romeo is one example of a victim of great sorrow
caused by the untimely death of his friend's death. And his flaws also continually support the
development of the tragedy, as he painstakingly makes rash and premature decisions. But the most
influential element of the play is fate which is used predetermine the tragic ending. The play is a
mixture of the elements of death, fate and flaw; all converging to deliver the tragedy of "Romeo and
Juliet". Great sorrow and untimely death are elements that more content...
Even in the prologue the element of fate is subtly used when it states that "a pair of star crossed
lover take their lives" (prologue). "Star crossed" symbolises their belief in astrology and the fact
that their love will result in their own demise. Romeo also states before entering the Capulet ball
that "hanging in the stars" (1.4, 107) is the time of his "untimely death" (1.4, 111). He suggests
that entering the ball may result in his death, which has been predetermined in the stars. Romeo
also states that he has become "fortune's fool" (3.1, 133) when he realises that it was fate that
causes him to kill Tybalt. The belief of the characters in fate is used to foreshadow the tragic
ending of "Romeo and Juliet". The inclusion of fate is used to display the element of
foreshadowing to lead to the tragic finale of the play. The romantic story of "Romeo and Juliet"
has the all core features seen in a Shakespearean tragedy. Great sorrow and untimely death merge
and are mark the beginning of the tragedy, which is sparked by the death of Mercutio. They are
also used to expose Romeo's character flaws which ultimately leads to his demise. But the two
protagonist's belief in fate, which is hinted from the prologue, foreshadows the end. Ultimately, the
accumulation of the elements great sorrow, fate and character flaw gradually lead to the tragedy of
Shakespeare's "Romeo and
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Essay on Antigone
Antigone – The Tragic Flaw
Antigone, Sophocles' classical Greek tragedy, presents tragic flaw as the cause of the destruction of
Creon, the king of Thebes. This essay examines that flaw and the critical perspective on it.
Robert D. Murray, Jr. in "Thought and Structure in Sophoclean Tragedy" gives the perspective of
the Greek audience, and thereby the reason why there has to be a tragic flaw in Sophoclean tragedy:
"A Greek of the fifth century would, of course, have felt. . . . that moral instruction was a vital and
valuable function of tragic drama, in particular, and that the voice of the poet was the voice of
morality and wisdom as well as of beauty" (23).
In Antigone the new king, Creon, more content...
Ismene interacts with Antigone as a foil, demurring in the face of Creon's threat of stoning to death
as punishment for violators of his decree regarding Polynices. Antigone is a religious person who is
not afraid of death, and who respects the laws of the gods more than those of men:
Nay, be what thou wilt; but I will bury him: well for me to die in doing that. I
shall rest, a loved one with him whom I have loved, sinless in my crime; for I owe a longer
allegiance to the dead than to the living: in that world I shall abide for ever. But if thou wilt, be
guilty of dishonouring laws which the gods have established in honour.
Ismene is unmoved by the reasoning and sentiments of her sister: "I do them no dishonour; but to
defy the State,–I have no strength for that." Her conflict with her sister over the unlawful interment
is not a serious conflict for either of the sisters. Ismene, in parting, accuses Antigone of foolishness in
her bold plans: "Go, then, if thou must; and of this be sure,–that though thine errand is foolish, to thy
dear ones thou art truly dear." Ismene, one might say, is "humble and pious" to the king first and to
the gods secondly. Creon is introduced into the drama, the antithesis of humility and piety; he
replaces Eteocles as ruler in Thebes: "I now possess the throne and all its powers, by nearness of
kinship to
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Willy's Tragic Flaw
I believe that Willy's tragic flaw is his inability to gain satisfaction from his life. Willy chases
fantasy's instead of accepting what his life is. He is so delighted in his fantasy that he would do
anything to keep it. He is blinded to reality and cause his sons to be too. I see Willy's tragic flaw on
Act II. Biff realizes Willy's rejection to reality and says, "I realized what a ridiculous lie my whole
life has been." (Miller 1510). Willy has not only himself living in his fantasy world, but his family
too. The Catastrophe that befalls Willy is his decision to take his own life. Before he commits
suicide, he has an obsession with his seeds. "I've got to get some seeds. I've got to get some seeds,
right away. Nothing's planted. I don't
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Tragic Flaw In Macbeth
"Are you sane? / Where's the shame? /
A moment of time passes by / You cannot rewind /
Who's to blame, and where did it start? / Is there a cure for your sickness? / Have you no heart?"
(12 Stones, world so cold, antem for the under dog, wind up records, 2007)
The line above is from a song that I think would fit the character of Macbeth. In the the play the
audience gets to see if Macbeth is sane, his shame for his wrong doings, and the fact that he knows
what he is doing is wrong. In the play the viewers gets to see all the elements of a tragic hero, as
well as experience a sense of hope for Scotland.
Macbeth shows both the literal and metaphorical forms of nobility not just by birthright but also the
way he chooses to more content...
In act III Macbeth sends murderers after Banquo and his son "Whose execution takes your enemy
off, Grapples you to the heart and love of us, Who wear our health but sickly in his life, Which in
his death were perfect"(III.i.108–111), this is only one of Macbeth's downfalls. Another one of
Macbeth's downfalls is when he has Macduff's wife and son killed "The castle of Macduff I will
surprise, Seize upon Fife, give to th' edge o' th' sword His wife, his babes, and all unfortunate souls
That trace him in his line."(IV.i.157–160). One of Macbeth's punishments is when he starts seeing
what he believes to be Banquo's ghost" Prithee, see there! Behold! Look! Lo! How say you? Why,
what care I? If thou canst nod, speak too. If charnel houses and our graves must send Those that we
bury back, our monuments Shall be the maws of kites." (III.iv.68–70). Secondly his wife goes insane
and commits suicide by jumping off the castle wall "I have almost forgot the taste of fears. The
time has been my senses would have cooled To hear a night–shriek, and my fell of hair Would at a
dismal treatise rouse and stir As life were in 't. I have supped full with horrors. Direness, familiar to
my slaughterous thoughts Cannot once start me." (V.v.9–15). This is an example on an indirect
punishment. Macbeth's final punishment is when he is fighting with Macduff and is killed by him
"Despair thy charm, And let the angel whom thou still hast
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Willy Tragic Flaw
In conclusion, Willy is the main character of the play Death of a Salesman, and cannot be
classified as a tragic hero according to the aforementioned definition. He is not a man of great
nobility and honor. He is not highly ranked, but is 'somewhat' loved by his dysfunctional family.
Yet, he makes his own mistakes that cause his downfall, but not because of an outside force. In
addition, he does not face his destiny with courage and dignity rather self–pitying whimpers because
he committed suicide, as he realized the truth about his life and all the miseries and failures that his
life has resulted in. He made a few fatal decisions and was condemned to profound suffering
because of them. This play was a great story of the aging, failing salesman
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Essay on Othello's Tragic Flaw
Of Shakespeare's five greatest tragedies, Othello is by far the most passionate and gripping. It is a
tale of love, deception, evil, honesty, and virtue. Othello himself is set apart from other
Shakespearean tragic heroes by the absolute feeling of affection the audience feels for him even
unto the very end of the play. Any discerning reader painfully recognizes the virtue and goodness of
Othello throughout the entire play, in contrast to the general degeneration of character so typical of a
tragic hero. It is this complete pity that makes the death of Othello so tragic as the audience lends
their full hopeful support until the inevitable and unavoidable fall. The evil side of Othello's tragic
flaw came from without, in the form more content...
Iago is a creature of a most deceptive and evil nature. He manipulates and controls the direction
and outcomes of the entire plot until the revelation of his wicked plan to all at the very end. By
putting on an act of honesty and earning the trust of those around him, he holds their fates in his
hands. No less is true of Othello. Iago spends the course of the play developing an honorable
reputation with him so that he might plant seeds of suspicion, doubt, and jealousy in the heart of
Othello. The audience cannot blame him for his trust in Iago for, "His opinion of Iago was the
opinion of practically everyone who knew him: and that opinion was that Iago was before all
things 'honest'." (Bradley) Othello, in his afore mentioned quality of judiciousness, seeks proof
out of Iago and questions him again and again. He wants to be certain of truth before taking rash
action. Iago, in his brilliant ability to control others, is able to give Othello false and deadly proof
in the form of deceived confessions from Cassio and by planting the infamous handkerchief into his
hands. Othello has more reason to put faith in a proven friend whom he knows well, than in his
newly wed bride. In spite of the complete mental breakdown we see in Othello as he is convinced of
Desdemona's unfaithfulness and Cassio's disrespect, we get a sense that by the end, Othello has his
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Tragic Flaws Of Othello Essay
Jealousy and Gullibility:
The Devastating Flaws of Othello
"The tragic flaw is the most important part of the hero and the events that occur in the work is a
reflection of that flaw." – Aristotle
The plot of William Shakespeare's Othello is a tale of love, jealousy, and betrayal; however, the
characters, themes, and attitudes of the works are different, with Shakespeare's play being a more
involved study of human nature and psychology. Othello is considered to be a prime example of
Aristotelian drama. It focuses upon a very small cast of characters, one of the smallest used in
Shakespeare. Also, it has few distractions from the main plot, and concentrates on just a few themes,
like jealousy. In Shakespeare's Othello, Othello is more content...
Shakespeare continues to portray Othello as a well–respected nobleman throughout his play, from
beginning to end. Shakespeare also shows a soft side when he displays Othello's love and
confidence in his wife Desdemona. Othello entrusts his wife to the care of another gentleman, as
he must go off to war in Cyprus. The entrusted man and his wife happen to be his good friend Iago
and his wife Emilia. His trustworthiness makes him a greatly respected person. Through nobility,
respect, love, and trust, Othello is considered to be an honorable and commendable man. However,
Othello's background is unsophisticated, and often affects his attitude. Othello is a person who is
innocent and base in nature. He was influenced by the way his life was going on. The people
around Othello also knew of his attitude. Iago is very quick to see this. In his first soliloquy, Iago
says, "the Moor is of a free and open nature that thinks men honest that but seem to be
so." (1:3:55:442–443) Iago knew of Othello's weakness. Othello's innocence and baseness
makes him susceptible to being undermined by people. Iago also reveals his plan to use the Moor's
gullibility against him.
Othello is clearly a person who believes appearances versus reality. When Othello was told about an
affair between Desdemona and Cassio, he
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Hamlets Tragic Flaw Essay
Hamlet’s Tragic Flaw It is better not to put off till tomorrow what you can do today. Many
consequences can arise when one procrastinates. An example of this is found in
Shakespeare’s Hamlet through the depiction of the central character. Although Hamlet is
characterized as daring, brave, loyal, and intelligent, he is overwhelmed by his own conscience. The
tragic hero is defined as one whose downfall is brought about due to their tragic flaw. Hamlet
’s inability to act on his father’s murder, his mother’s marriage, and his uncle
assuming of the thrown are all evidence of his tragic flaw of procrastination. “Revenge his
foul and most unnatural murder” demands the ghost in (Act I, more content...
While Hamlet is suppressing his feelings, he becomes more enraged at their attempts to calm him.
Gertrude is also aware of Hamlet’s feelings for Ophelia and uses this as an excuse for
Hamlet’s actions. Hamlet has ample time to confess the cause of his madness.
Unfortunately, Hamlet allows his mother to think he is madly in love rather than tell the truth.
After Hamlet delivers his play and sees guilt in his uncle, Gertrude sends for Hamlet. Instead of
doing physical damage to his mother, he insist on her confession. If not for Hamlet’s
procrastination, her confession could have taken place earlier in the play. This could save him
from a great deal of pain and leave his thoughts for other problems. Hamlet’s biggest
obstacle in avenging his father’s murder is Claudius being crowned king. With Claudius
being in such a powerful position, Hamlet has to be cautious in his actions. Hamlet not only has to
kill his father’s murderer, but the king as well. The church was against the wedding from
the start and would side with Hamlet. Instead of Hamlet denouncing his mother’s wedding
and the crowning of his uncle, he is silent. During the play, Claudius shouts "Give me some light.
Away" and Hamlet was sure of his uncle’s guilt (Act III, Scene 2, Line 152). This was the
perfect time for Hamlet to face Claudius. The king was in a venerable state and could have been
easily dethroned.
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Tragic Flaw Essay

  • 1. Macbeth’s Tragic Flaw Essay Macbeth's tragic flaw is his ambition and it consequentially leads to his downfall and ultimate demise. Macbeth is a tragic hero who is introduced in the the play as being well–liked and respected by the general and the people. He brings his death upon himself from this tragic flaw. His strengths turn into his weaknesses and his ambition drives him to the edge and sets himself up for his tragic death. In the play, Macbeth possesses many strengths such as honor, respect, and he was viewed as being courageous. Macbeth was given the title "Thane of Cawdor " because he used his strengths to his advantage and was recognized for them. "For brave Macbeth–well he deserves that name––Disdaining fortune, with his brandish'd steel, more content... At this point, he has become very egotistical and has no clue where this new vision will lead him. This new outlook and personality he acquires along with the witches prophecies lead to his fatal downfall. The witches affect his perception by telling him what is going to happen in the future and they make him paranoid. He is confused after hearing them call him the "Thane of Caldor" and that he will soon be king. His trait of ambition in the beginning is his biggest weapon, but in the end, it is his own worst enemy. The murder of Duncan triggers this reversal of this ambition and leads to all the other murders in the story. Murder becomes the pistol to his holster and his ambition is now focused on taking out whoever opposes him or anyone he sees as a threat to his throne. Macbeth cannot be fully blamed for gaining this new ambition though, Lady Macbeth and the witches contributed mightily to tainting his ambition. However, Lady Macbeth never blatantly tells Macbeth to do anything he does, she strongly persuades and eventually talks him into doing the things he does. She does call him out as a coward and questions his manhood and bravery. This comes into play when Macbeth tells her he will not murder Duncan, she replies: "How tender 'tis to love the babe that milks me: I would, while it was smiling in my face, Have pluck'd my nipple from his Get more content on
  • 2. Macbeth's Tragic Flaw Essay Every human being has a weakness and that weakness is pride. 'Whoever exalts himself shall be humbled; and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted (Matthew 23:12, The Bible)'. Pride is a natural flaw that most people do not realize. Some can control it, while others let their pride blind them from logic and truth. Naturally, Macbeth has this attribute and he demonstrates it throughout the play. Shakespeare purposely introduces Macbeth as a proud character. The witches' prophecies give him his confidence. And as his confidence grows, so does his pride until it eventually consumes his power–crazed mind. Macbeth is introduced to the audience as a noble general and thane with quite a bit of power. This can lead one to believe that he more content... 'Two truths are told/ As happy prologues to the swelling act/ Of the imperial theme (I.iii.127–129). Macbeth enjoys the thought of perhaps becoming king in this quote. He is optimistic about the witches' prophecies, and deep inside, he hopes that they will come true. The two truths are the prophecies of becoming thane of Glamis and Cawdor. The word 'happy' reveals his excitement about the possibility of being king; if one prophecy came true, why not the other? Macbeth is especially influenced by the prophecies during the end of the play. '[...] for none of woman born / Shall harm Macbeth (IV.i.80–81)'. This prophecy causes Macbeth to think he is invincible. It reinforces his confidence so that he is blinded from its true meaning. However, the prophecy is confusing, since all humans are born from a mother, then logically, nohuman should be able to defeat Macbeth. Therefore, it is understandable why Macbeth becomes extremely hubris following this prophecy. The witches' gave Macbeth a nudge in the beginning and then pushed him to his death in the end using the prophecies. Without the assurance of these prophecies, Macbeth would have never acted on his ambition alone and there would be no play to analyze. Since pride is in all human beings, does that make everyone weak? It is definitely one of man's many weaknesses and for Macbeth, his tragic flaw. His pride combined with the witches' prophecies and a few Get more content on
  • 3. Romeo's Tragic Flaw "For never was a story of more woe/ than this of Juliet and her Romeo" (5.3, 309–310). "Romeo and Juliet" is seen as one of the greatest love stories of all time, and yet it possesses all the elements of a Shakespearean tragedy embodied inside. Romeo is one example of a victim of great sorrow caused by the untimely death of his friend's death. And his flaws also continually support the development of the tragedy, as he painstakingly makes rash and premature decisions. But the most influential element of the play is fate which is used predetermine the tragic ending. The play is a mixture of the elements of death, fate and flaw; all converging to deliver the tragedy of "Romeo and Juliet". Great sorrow and untimely death are elements that more content... Even in the prologue the element of fate is subtly used when it states that "a pair of star crossed lover take their lives" (prologue). "Star crossed" symbolises their belief in astrology and the fact that their love will result in their own demise. Romeo also states before entering the Capulet ball that "hanging in the stars" (1.4, 107) is the time of his "untimely death" (1.4, 111). He suggests that entering the ball may result in his death, which has been predetermined in the stars. Romeo also states that he has become "fortune's fool" (3.1, 133) when he realises that it was fate that causes him to kill Tybalt. The belief of the characters in fate is used to foreshadow the tragic ending of "Romeo and Juliet". The inclusion of fate is used to display the element of foreshadowing to lead to the tragic finale of the play. The romantic story of "Romeo and Juliet" has the all core features seen in a Shakespearean tragedy. Great sorrow and untimely death merge and are mark the beginning of the tragedy, which is sparked by the death of Mercutio. They are also used to expose Romeo's character flaws which ultimately leads to his demise. But the two protagonist's belief in fate, which is hinted from the prologue, foreshadows the end. Ultimately, the accumulation of the elements great sorrow, fate and character flaw gradually lead to the tragedy of Shakespeare's "Romeo and Get more content on
  • 4. Essay on Antigone Antigone – The Tragic Flaw Antigone, Sophocles' classical Greek tragedy, presents tragic flaw as the cause of the destruction of Creon, the king of Thebes. This essay examines that flaw and the critical perspective on it. Robert D. Murray, Jr. in "Thought and Structure in Sophoclean Tragedy" gives the perspective of the Greek audience, and thereby the reason why there has to be a tragic flaw in Sophoclean tragedy: "A Greek of the fifth century would, of course, have felt. . . . that moral instruction was a vital and valuable function of tragic drama, in particular, and that the voice of the poet was the voice of morality and wisdom as well as of beauty" (23). In Antigone the new king, Creon, more content... Ismene interacts with Antigone as a foil, demurring in the face of Creon's threat of stoning to death as punishment for violators of his decree regarding Polynices. Antigone is a religious person who is not afraid of death, and who respects the laws of the gods more than those of men: Nay, be what thou wilt; but I will bury him: well for me to die in doing that. I shall rest, a loved one with him whom I have loved, sinless in my crime; for I owe a longer allegiance to the dead than to the living: in that world I shall abide for ever. But if thou wilt, be guilty of dishonouring laws which the gods have established in honour. Ismene is unmoved by the reasoning and sentiments of her sister: "I do them no dishonour; but to defy the State,–I have no strength for that." Her conflict with her sister over the unlawful interment is not a serious conflict for either of the sisters. Ismene, in parting, accuses Antigone of foolishness in her bold plans: "Go, then, if thou must; and of this be sure,–that though thine errand is foolish, to thy dear ones thou art truly dear." Ismene, one might say, is "humble and pious" to the king first and to the gods secondly. Creon is introduced into the drama, the antithesis of humility and piety; he replaces Eteocles as ruler in Thebes: "I now possess the throne and all its powers, by nearness of kinship to Get more content on
  • 5. Willy's Tragic Flaw I believe that Willy's tragic flaw is his inability to gain satisfaction from his life. Willy chases fantasy's instead of accepting what his life is. He is so delighted in his fantasy that he would do anything to keep it. He is blinded to reality and cause his sons to be too. I see Willy's tragic flaw on Act II. Biff realizes Willy's rejection to reality and says, "I realized what a ridiculous lie my whole life has been." (Miller 1510). Willy has not only himself living in his fantasy world, but his family too. The Catastrophe that befalls Willy is his decision to take his own life. Before he commits suicide, he has an obsession with his seeds. "I've got to get some seeds. I've got to get some seeds, right away. Nothing's planted. I don't Get more content on
  • 6. Tragic Flaw In Macbeth "Are you sane? / Where's the shame? / A moment of time passes by / You cannot rewind / Who's to blame, and where did it start? / Is there a cure for your sickness? / Have you no heart?" (12 Stones, world so cold, antem for the under dog, wind up records, 2007) The line above is from a song that I think would fit the character of Macbeth. In the the play the audience gets to see if Macbeth is sane, his shame for his wrong doings, and the fact that he knows what he is doing is wrong. In the play the viewers gets to see all the elements of a tragic hero, as well as experience a sense of hope for Scotland. Macbeth shows both the literal and metaphorical forms of nobility not just by birthright but also the way he chooses to more content... In act III Macbeth sends murderers after Banquo and his son "Whose execution takes your enemy off, Grapples you to the heart and love of us, Who wear our health but sickly in his life, Which in his death were perfect"(III.i.108–111), this is only one of Macbeth's downfalls. Another one of Macbeth's downfalls is when he has Macduff's wife and son killed "The castle of Macduff I will surprise, Seize upon Fife, give to th' edge o' th' sword His wife, his babes, and all unfortunate souls That trace him in his line."(IV.i.157–160). One of Macbeth's punishments is when he starts seeing what he believes to be Banquo's ghost" Prithee, see there! Behold! Look! Lo! How say you? Why, what care I? If thou canst nod, speak too. If charnel houses and our graves must send Those that we bury back, our monuments Shall be the maws of kites." (III.iv.68–70). Secondly his wife goes insane and commits suicide by jumping off the castle wall "I have almost forgot the taste of fears. The time has been my senses would have cooled To hear a night–shriek, and my fell of hair Would at a dismal treatise rouse and stir As life were in 't. I have supped full with horrors. Direness, familiar to my slaughterous thoughts Cannot once start me." (V.v.9–15). This is an example on an indirect punishment. Macbeth's final punishment is when he is fighting with Macduff and is killed by him "Despair thy charm, And let the angel whom thou still hast Get more content on
  • 7. Willy Tragic Flaw In conclusion, Willy is the main character of the play Death of a Salesman, and cannot be classified as a tragic hero according to the aforementioned definition. He is not a man of great nobility and honor. He is not highly ranked, but is 'somewhat' loved by his dysfunctional family. Yet, he makes his own mistakes that cause his downfall, but not because of an outside force. In addition, he does not face his destiny with courage and dignity rather self–pitying whimpers because he committed suicide, as he realized the truth about his life and all the miseries and failures that his life has resulted in. He made a few fatal decisions and was condemned to profound suffering because of them. This play was a great story of the aging, failing salesman Get more content on
  • 8. Essay on Othello's Tragic Flaw Of Shakespeare's five greatest tragedies, Othello is by far the most passionate and gripping. It is a tale of love, deception, evil, honesty, and virtue. Othello himself is set apart from other Shakespearean tragic heroes by the absolute feeling of affection the audience feels for him even unto the very end of the play. Any discerning reader painfully recognizes the virtue and goodness of Othello throughout the entire play, in contrast to the general degeneration of character so typical of a tragic hero. It is this complete pity that makes the death of Othello so tragic as the audience lends their full hopeful support until the inevitable and unavoidable fall. The evil side of Othello's tragic flaw came from without, in the form more content... Iago is a creature of a most deceptive and evil nature. He manipulates and controls the direction and outcomes of the entire plot until the revelation of his wicked plan to all at the very end. By putting on an act of honesty and earning the trust of those around him, he holds their fates in his hands. No less is true of Othello. Iago spends the course of the play developing an honorable reputation with him so that he might plant seeds of suspicion, doubt, and jealousy in the heart of Othello. The audience cannot blame him for his trust in Iago for, "His opinion of Iago was the opinion of practically everyone who knew him: and that opinion was that Iago was before all things 'honest'." (Bradley) Othello, in his afore mentioned quality of judiciousness, seeks proof out of Iago and questions him again and again. He wants to be certain of truth before taking rash action. Iago, in his brilliant ability to control others, is able to give Othello false and deadly proof in the form of deceived confessions from Cassio and by planting the infamous handkerchief into his hands. Othello has more reason to put faith in a proven friend whom he knows well, than in his newly wed bride. In spite of the complete mental breakdown we see in Othello as he is convinced of Desdemona's unfaithfulness and Cassio's disrespect, we get a sense that by the end, Othello has his emotions Get more content on
  • 9. Tragic Flaws Of Othello Essay Jealousy and Gullibility: The Devastating Flaws of Othello "The tragic flaw is the most important part of the hero and the events that occur in the work is a reflection of that flaw." – Aristotle The plot of William Shakespeare's Othello is a tale of love, jealousy, and betrayal; however, the characters, themes, and attitudes of the works are different, with Shakespeare's play being a more involved study of human nature and psychology. Othello is considered to be a prime example of Aristotelian drama. It focuses upon a very small cast of characters, one of the smallest used in Shakespeare. Also, it has few distractions from the main plot, and concentrates on just a few themes, like jealousy. In Shakespeare's Othello, Othello is more content... Shakespeare continues to portray Othello as a well–respected nobleman throughout his play, from beginning to end. Shakespeare also shows a soft side when he displays Othello's love and confidence in his wife Desdemona. Othello entrusts his wife to the care of another gentleman, as he must go off to war in Cyprus. The entrusted man and his wife happen to be his good friend Iago and his wife Emilia. His trustworthiness makes him a greatly respected person. Through nobility, respect, love, and trust, Othello is considered to be an honorable and commendable man. However, Othello's background is unsophisticated, and often affects his attitude. Othello is a person who is innocent and base in nature. He was influenced by the way his life was going on. The people around Othello also knew of his attitude. Iago is very quick to see this. In his first soliloquy, Iago says, "the Moor is of a free and open nature that thinks men honest that but seem to be so." (1:3:55:442–443) Iago knew of Othello's weakness. Othello's innocence and baseness makes him susceptible to being undermined by people. Iago also reveals his plan to use the Moor's gullibility against him. Othello is clearly a person who believes appearances versus reality. When Othello was told about an affair between Desdemona and Cassio, he Get more content on
  • 10. Hamlets Tragic Flaw Essay Hamlet’s Tragic Flaw It is better not to put off till tomorrow what you can do today. Many consequences can arise when one procrastinates. An example of this is found in Shakespeare’s Hamlet through the depiction of the central character. Although Hamlet is characterized as daring, brave, loyal, and intelligent, he is overwhelmed by his own conscience. The tragic hero is defined as one whose downfall is brought about due to their tragic flaw. Hamlet ’s inability to act on his father’s murder, his mother’s marriage, and his uncle assuming of the thrown are all evidence of his tragic flaw of procrastination. “Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder” demands the ghost in (Act I, more content... While Hamlet is suppressing his feelings, he becomes more enraged at their attempts to calm him. Gertrude is also aware of Hamlet’s feelings for Ophelia and uses this as an excuse for Hamlet’s actions. Hamlet has ample time to confess the cause of his madness. Unfortunately, Hamlet allows his mother to think he is madly in love rather than tell the truth. After Hamlet delivers his play and sees guilt in his uncle, Gertrude sends for Hamlet. Instead of doing physical damage to his mother, he insist on her confession. If not for Hamlet’s procrastination, her confession could have taken place earlier in the play. This could save him from a great deal of pain and leave his thoughts for other problems. Hamlet’s biggest obstacle in avenging his father’s murder is Claudius being crowned king. With Claudius being in such a powerful position, Hamlet has to be cautious in his actions. Hamlet not only has to kill his father’s murderer, but the king as well. The church was against the wedding from the start and would side with Hamlet. Instead of Hamlet denouncing his mother’s wedding and the crowning of his uncle, he is silent. During the play, Claudius shouts "Give me some light. Away" and Hamlet was sure of his uncle’s guilt (Act III, Scene 2, Line 152). This was the perfect time for Hamlet to face Claudius. The king was in a venerable state and could have been easily dethroned. Get more content on