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Trade Unions in Australia
Decline In Union Membership In Australia TOPIC – The major issue tody facing the Australian
trade union movement has been the decline in union density. What have been the causes, and how
have the unions responded to the challenge. Figures released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics
(ABS) in 2000, show that the decline in Australian union membership continues, despite the efforts
of the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU), to stop the slide. The ABS reports that trade
union membership has dropped to 28 percent of the total workforce, compared to 1992, where there
was 40 percent. (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2000.) Previous ABS findings show that these
recent figures are part of a general trend, with no slight recovery ... Show more content on ...
The Accord, may have expanded the opportunities for individuals, both unionists and non–unionists
to benefit from the agreement (Deery et al, 2000). Another factor contributing to the decline in
unionisation rate is the changing attitudes towards unions. A number of writers have highlighted the
downward shift in community support for unions across the industrial world. In Australia, public
opinion polls show that unions are seen as being too powerful and unresponsive to members needs
(Deery et al, 2000). Such perceptions and beliefs have supported the decline. A survey carried out by
McNair Anderson Polling Agency and Sentry Holdings show that only 6 per cent of those surveyed
have confidence in unions, and more than 45 per cent of union members surveyed have 'hardly any'
confidence in union leaders. More and more Australians are refusing to join unions. There is the
feeling amongst employees that they are just no longer required. The tradition of being a unionist is
fading. Fewer fathers are encouraging their children to become members (Short, 1992). The role of
management in organisations has been another damaging factor to the decline. Job satisfaction,
whereby benefits are provided by the employers to keep the employees happy. The theory being that
content employees need not be
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Pros And Cons Of Trade Unions
A trade union is an organization consisting of members of various workers and union leaders, who
are united in the aim of protecting workers and preventing exploitations against these workers'
rights. Despite many trade unions being independent to any employer, trade unions try to develop
business relationships with employers, in order to achieve the best possible outcome to both the
employee and the employer. This relationship is commonly in the form of a partnership agreement
between the trade union and the employer. Trade unions not only ensure the protection of
employees' rights from employers, but they also have any others aims that they try to achieve with
every one of the employees part of their union. Trade unions can negotiate on the ... Show more
content on ...
Despite them operating in different sectors they embark on united campaigns and join in
demonstrations against amendments of the Labour Relations Act as well as all three of them being
registered with the International Trade Union Confederation.Established in 1985, The Congress of
South African Trade Unions (COSATU) is the biggest trade union in the South Africa. COSATU is a
non–racial union striving to achieve its many aims, which include works control, paid–up
membership and international worker solidarity while believing in the principles of "one industry,
one union" and "one country, one federation". COSATU is also in a tripartite alliance with the
African National Congress (ANC) and the South African Communist Party.Formed in 1997, The
Federation of Unions of South Africa (FEDUSA) is South Africa's second largest union following a
merger between the Federation of Civil Servants and the Federation of South African Labour
Unions. Consequently it has over 18 affiliates and is the biggest affiliate union in the public service.
In 1986, a merger of the Azanian Confederation of Trade Unions and the Council of Unions of
South Africa saw the formation of The National Council of Trade Unions (NACTU), which is South
Africa's third–largest federation. Its main aim is to unite workers and strives for a just society where
political power is controlled by the
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Trade Unions in Australia Essay
Table of contents Executive Summary.............................................................. Page 3
Introduction........................................................................Page 4 Benefits of joining a
union.......................................................Page 6 Membership declines and impact of
legislation..............................Page 7 Effect of Human Resources on Employees and Union
memberships...Page 9 Conclusion...........................................................................Page 10
References...........................................................................Page 11 Executive Summary: Since the
1980's trade union membership numbers have declined rapidly ( Balnave et al, 2007, pg 130). Once
upon a time it was quiet important for employees to be part of a union as it entitled them to have a
collective voice, and power to build a pleasurable workplace. There have been many factors that
have contributed to ... Show more content on ...
In late 2007, the labour government regained power of the federal parliament. From here the Rudd
government moved to create the 'Forward with Fairness' policy that still stands to date ( Cooper,
2008, pg 286). This was more beneficial for the unions. The unions however will remain tarnished
from Howard's workchoices for quiet sometime and must focus on recruiting new members
(Brigden, 2008, pg 365) if unions are going to remain within Australia. Human Resources practices
have also impacted on unions as managers within a workplace are encouraged to now work directly
with their employees, rather then including a third party such as a trade union ( Balnave et al, 2007,
pg 169). Because of this, trade union members will continue to decline Benefits of joining a union:
Joining a union can be extremely beneficial for its members. A union offers it's members the chance
to join a collective support rather then fight individually. It increases economic benefits, increases
productivity and workplace protection ( Balnave et al, 2007, pg 131). The culture of the workplace
may also influence ones decision to join a union. When faced with a problem it is a lot easier to
proceed to fight this problem if you are part of a collective rather then approach the problem as an
individual. In the case of trade unions, the
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The Trade Unions Affect The Productivity
However, even though the trade unions could be viewed as able to increase the inefficiency, some
experts argue that based on collective voice/institutional response view of unionism, the trade
unions could positively affect the productivity. Freeman and Medoff as cited in Bray, Waring and
Cooper (2011, p. 407) found that the trade unions could have had positive effects on productivity
and economic efficiency by collective voice/institutional response. This is emphasized when
employees are given an opportunity to grieve through a collective voice and being considered
properly by management, turnover rate will decrease, cooperation and employees' morale will also
increase, as employees' dissatisfaction are processed and addressed through trade unions effectively.
Its evidence has been shown by several studies which revealed that trade unions in Australia are
associated with reduction of turnover rates (Bray, Waring and Cooper 2011, p. 411). Moreover, the
collective voice/institutional response view of trade unions are also could force efficiency by "union
shock effect". Bray, Waring and Cooper (2011, p. 407) explain this by considering the presence of
trade unions which could be perceived as inefficiency in production, but it could force the
management to establish its learn and development activities in gaining the organisation's efficiency
such as by training, innovation or the best management practices. Phillips and Sheen as cited in
Bray, Waring and Cooper (2011, p. 411)
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Essay on Conservative Legislation and Trade Union Power
Conservative Legislation (during the 1980s and early 1990's) and Trade Union Power
Trade Unions can be defined as:
' Organisations of workers set up to improve the status, pay and conditions of employment of its
Salaman, 'Industrial Relations', P77
From the end of the second world war, and up until the 1970's trade unionism was continually
growing. By 1979, 57.3% of all people employed were members of trade unions.
Annual abstract Statistics, 1990, 'Industrial relations', M.P. Jackson, 1991, P57
'Trade unionism may be seen as a social response to industrialisation and capitalism'
Salaman, Industrial relations, P79
In the early days of trade unionism, there was a direct need for workers to be represented, in areas
such ... Show more content on ...
The government used monetary policy over demand management, and concentrated on the control
of the rate of interest in an attempt to stop low levels of unemployment causing inflation. The
government decided to use collective bargaining as a means of setting rates of pay for the first time,
the government no longer required Trade Unionists as negotiators of pay, because private
negotiating bodies were now used. It was now assumed that in the present economic climate, in
accordance with interest rates and government objectives that the price which was set would be
reasonable, and if not then the government assumed that the employers knew better, this being one
indication of Mrs Thatchers non–tolerance towards Trade Unions, also shown by Mrs Thatcher
passing control of pay structures to private bodies and employers. This attitude is very different to
the present day 'New' Labour government, who sees government interaction in the wage structure as
being very important. For example, the introduction of the National Minimum Wage.
In the past, previous governments have always placed great emphasis upon collectivism, yet,
Margaret Thatchers government saw the future as being more individual and made an attempt at
reducing/abolishing collectivist thinking. The government wanted people to think more individually.
Mrs Thatcher viewed that the collectivist way of thinking would get in the way of the
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The Organization Of Trade Unions
Introduction In a company the employers and employees, two basic elements are already able to
form an employment relationship: the employer purchases the labor from employees and pay them
reward, and the employees offer their labor to exchange for reward. The trade unions serve as the
third participant of this employment relation, and it keeps a direct relation with both the employees
and employers will exert a mediating function often between them. Generally, the emergence of
trade unions not only enriches the employment relation, but also plays an important role to in
creating a more health relation and maintains the stability of the relation. The radical purpose of the
existence of trade unions is to help guarantee the legal rights and welfare of employees. It can help
the employees to accomplish some works which are not easy to be done by employees themselves.
Since it is beneficial, it is supposed to see that many employees have make good utilization of it, but
quite a number of employees still lacks the awareness and skills of making response to trade unions
for employees. If they know that, their welfare will acquire greater extent of guarantee. Two theories
of employment relation In this essay, the employees are defined as the crowd of people that use their
labor to exchange for salary. One mainstream viewpoint views the employees as a kind of economic
men. (Kaufman, 2004) The action of employees is extremely rational and it assumes that all the
behaviors of
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Union Trade in Malaysia
RIGHTS OVERVIEW OF THE ISSUE Malaysia Airlines (MAS), a government linked company
continues to violate worker and trade union rights. Recently, MAS commenced disciplinary action
against Mohd Akram bin Osman, the Secretary General of the National Union of Flight Attendants
Malaysia (NUFAM), and 30 other NUFAM members. The show cause letter date on or about
14/2/2014 asked why disciplinary action should not be taken against them by reason of their
participation in an 'illegal' gathering on 27/11/2013 at the Ministry of Human Resources in
Putrajaya. The National Union of Flight Attendants Malaysia (NUFAM) is a registered trade union,
and it had sought recognition from ... Show more content on ...
Unions also offer their members legal representation. Normally this is to help people get financial
compensation for work–related injuries or to assist people who have to take their employer to court.
b. Negotiation Negotiation is where union representatives, discuss with management, the issues
which affect people working in an organization. There may be a difference of opinion between
management and union members. Trade unions negotiate with the employers to find out a solution
to these differences. Pay, working hours, holidays and changes to working practices are the sorts of
issues that are negotiated. c. Member service During the last few years, trade unions have increased
the range of services they offer their members. These include education and training, legal
assistance, legal discount and welfare benefits. TRADE UNION FROM THE EMPLOYEE
PERSPECTIVE a) Greater Bargaining power The individual employee possesses very little
bargaining power as compared to that of his employer. If the employee is not satisfied with the wage
and other conditions of employment, the employee can leave the job. It is not practicable to
continually resign from one job after another when dissatisfied. This imposes a great financial and
emotional burden upon the worker. The better course for him is to join a union that can take
concerted action against the employer. The threat or actuality of a strike by a union is a powerful
tool that often causes the employer
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The Role Of Trade Unions In The 19th Century
Divisions within trade unions were evidently an obstacle for Labour rights; however there were
various other factors which could be said to have played greater roles than the divisions. It is clear
that State & Federal Authorities, big business and employers and the perception of trade unions at
the time also contributed to the obstacles trade unions faced to achieve Labour rights. One obstacle
that was perhaps less significant than the divisions but played a part nonetheless was the perception
of "organised" labour at the end of the 19th Century. American society viewed trade unions as
violent and aggressive. This was due to the poor reputation they had created for themselves. A major
turning point which caused this reactionary ... Show more content on ...
Furthermore, the unions would have to change their "militant" ways otherwise they would continue
to be seen as aggressive and have alienated support which would act as an obstacle for unions
achieving any sort of labour rights. Between 1865 and the 1900's, Trade Unions and organised
labour were damaged by divisions and various conflicts happening within the unions. In the late
19th Century, a new wave of immigration meant cheaper labour for employers. The unions that
would strike or not work in an attempt to gain recognition lost this bargaining power as the
employers and owners of the businesses would simply employ the new immigrants who were
willing to work for less and most of the time, for longer. Immigration led to animosity and suspicion
from the older immigrants and workers who saw themselves as true Americans, which increased
racism and xenophobia within the workforces and unions as they were being divided due to race and
ethnic lives. An example of this was the discrimination faced by Chinese and Japanese workers.
These worked long hours and for little pay and many claimed that this was 'un–American' of them
and they made no attempt to conform to the American social norms at the time, many continuing to
wear traditional gowns and dresses from their native countries, and so by 1882, Chinese and
Japanese immigration was prohibited in America. The divisions were further exacerbated by the
black migration from the South. Trade Unions saw blacks and the
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Trade Union
Trade Union In Guyana Group Members  Sunil Goriah ..................12/0935/2499  Sachin
Ramsuran............ 12/0935/2357  Selwin Collier..................13/0935/2342 Presentation Outline 
Early attempts to form Trade Union  How Trade Union was born in Guyana  Effect of Trade
Union on Workers  The Enmore Strike What is Trade Unionism? Early Attempts to form
Trade Unions  There was basically four (4)early attempts of forming Trade Unions. These are: 
River captains  Laborers and Tradesmen in New Amsterdam  Carpenters  Civil Servants A
Journey to Show Why Mr.Critchlow is Termed as the Father of Trade Union How Did Trade
Union Come About?  When slavery was abolished in 1833 a number of slaves left the estates and
reside in ... Show more content on ...
There shall be such officers and clerks in the department of the chief Labour officer as may be
required. The deputy chief labour officer and assistant chief labour officer shall act as assistants
generally to the chief labour office in the performance of his duties Labour Laws cont'd
Conciliation Where a difference exists or is apprehended between an employer or any class of
employees, or between different classes of employees Regulation of wages Whenever the Minister
deems it expedient that steps should be taken to regulate the wages paid in any occupation in
Guyana or any part thereof he may appoint an Advisory Committee to investigate the conditions of
employment in such occupation and to make recommendations as to the minimum rates of wages
which should be payable.
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Trade Union In Malaysia
INTRODUCTION In the 20th century, trade unions is an important labour force through which
working people have a collective voice at work and an avenue to equality, fair treatment and
economic security. However, in the 21st century, it was argued that 'organised labour seems heading
for extinction' (The Economist, 21 September 2006) as cited in Schnabel (2012). It seems that trade
unions in various countries, including Malaysia, are slowly declining its density and membership.
Although trade union has always been the main social institutions in societies represent worker
interest, the decline in membership in many countries since the 1970's and its consequent weakening
of trade union is a serious threat to acceptable and fair working and ... Show more content on ...
There are few reasons that make the employees join a trade union, such as : a. Greater bargaining
power : Trade unions will improve workers bargaining power with the employers through
negotiations. Thus, a trade union is the best medium and most desirable to conduct bargaining on
behalf the employees. b. Minimize discrimination : Trough trade union negotiation will help to
minimize the management irrational or discrimination towards employees. A trade union can compel
the employers on policies for equality of treatment to workers in order to create a harmonies
workplace environment. c. Sense of security, belongingness and participation : A trade union can
suggest a security for workers to management of benefits towards workers such as retirement
benefits, hazards, accident, injury and illness. Another reasons of workers join a trade union because
of their co–worker, friends are a trade union members. d. Platform for self–expression and
betterment of relationship : A trade union is the best medium or a platform for expressing worker
view, ideas, dissatisfaction towards management. Through a trade union adjustment of differences
between workers and employees can be made by collective
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Trade Unions During The Industrial Revolution
Labor unions can be defined as organizations of similarly skilled or unskilled workers organized to
protect and improve the worker's collective interests within an organization or industry. Organized
labor unions grew out of the employees need for safer and better working conditions, better wages
and reasonable work hours.
Labor Unions otherwise called Trade Unions can have a tremendous effect on the employee–
employer relationship. Employers have different positions regarding labor unions. Some are
opposed to unions and resist organizing campaigns, some remain neutral others are pro–unions and
encourage the partnership. Environments where employers are opposed to unions and or where
active organizing campaigns exist can become hostile ... Show more content on ...
Early in my working career, I was a member of the National Organization of Industrial Trade Union.
I am qualified to give firsthand information of experiences in a union. After a couple years I was
voted to the role of factory shop steward. My experience and interactions within the union
environment seemed futile in creating real change. If something was not negotiated the employee
did not receive it. Outside of picking up a check, the union representatives showed little to no
interest in the day to day of the employees they represented, but rather, paid more attention to the
needs of the employer. When I was time to renew a contract the employees and company were at
opposing positions to the point of a stalemate leading into arbitration. The tension and hostility of
this toxic environment can take a tremendous toll on employees and the business. It is not
uncommon today to see companies close their doors a few years after a union is voted
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Evoulution of Trade Unions in the 21st Century
A trade union is defined by Smith (2008) as an independent self–regulating organization of workers
created to protect and advance the interests of its members through collective action. Trade unions
were of course very important once upon a time, but their job has been done. The age of mass
production is over. The new world is all about individual relationships, and unions will wither away.
"A glorious past perhaps, but no real future" says Jacob (2008). There was at least some evidence to
support that view. Union membership had fallen every year from its post war peak in 1980. The
government had cut unions almost entirely out of the political loop, and their electoral strategists
were still convinced that attacking unions was a vote ... Show more content on ...
Occasionally disagreements do occur, and in these cases the union may decide to take industrial
action. If the problem cannot be resolved amicably, the matter may go to an industrial tribunal. The
purpose of industrial tribunals is to make sure that employee and employers conform to employment
laws. They are made up of people outside the workplace who make a judgment about the case, based
on the employees and employers point of view. Cases that go to industrial tribunals are usually
about pay, unfair dismissal, redundancy or discrimination at work. The Advisory, Conciliation and
Arbitration Service (ACAS) is often used to help find a solution to a dispute, which is acceptable to
both sides. Its duty under the Employment Protection Act is to promote the improvement of
industrial relations and in particular to encourage the extension of collective bargaining and also to
develop collective bargaining machinery (Mclean, 2007). Its main functions are: advisory work,
collective conciliation, individual conciliation, arbitration, and extended investigation into industrial
relations problems. Individuals can be represented by trade unions when they encounter problems at
work. If an employee feels that they are being unfairly treated, he or she can ask the union
representative to help sort out the difficulty with the manager or employer. Apart from negotiation
and representation, many other benefits can be gained by joining
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Working In A Trade Union Essay
I am not a huge fan of unions myself. Part of it is because I am on the Human Resource
Management side of things. The other part of it has to do with the instability of it. Although I work
for a union, I have seen the process of going through a contract. A lot of the things we are fighting
for don't seem fair to us, because everyone always wants more. Employees want more money, more
free time, more chances of getting a promotion, amongst many other things. I believe that everyone
should work their hardest to move up in a company, regardless of seniority, age, race, ethnicity etc.
If you want something bad enough, you will work hard to achieve it. I feel that unions, although
sometimes are good, make it so that the employees protected by the union can get things handed to
them. Throughout my education I have been taught to treat employees fairly and to make sure you
aren't breaking any rules or laws, or to play favorites. Although generally easier said than done, it
can happen. Like I have previously stated, employers and managers are getting smarter, and learning
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When the labor movement first started, there were an infinite amount of problems in the world that
needed to be changed. Whether it be women working in the workplace, or amount of hours worked,
these things have all been addressed by the laws enforced throughout the years. Employees that
don't abide by these laws can be sued or shut down. There are other ways than having to go through
the National Labor Relations Board to be treated fairly in their jobs. OSHA has been put into play to
make sure that substances aren't being used or overly abused that can cause for sicknesses and
deaths later on down the road. There are multiple ways to make sure an employer is treating their
employee fairly that doesn't come out of a
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A Brief Note On Join A Trade Union
INDERPAL SINGH STUDENT ID S2938018 INTRODUCTION Recently completed a degree and
graduated from University? Found a new job and now confused on whether to join a Trade Union or
not? Are you aware of the advantages that arise from being part of this elite group? For some the
word Trade Union is unheard off. Well a Trade Union member has additional benefits which non
trade union members don't have. The first main benefit is Unions help protect employees from
unjust dismissal through collective bargaining agreements (Union ORG, 2015). Non Members can
be fired at will for almost any reason where to fire a union member there must be a solid reason.
Another major benefit of being part of a Union is having the collective power to go on strike (Union
ORG, 2015). Unions are there to voice the opinion of the workforce. In recent years workers have
declined the opportunity to become a member of Trade Unions. Trade Union members in their main
job has fallen from 43% to 18% for employees who were males and 35% to 18% for females (ABS,
2013). Today the discussion is that University Graduates should join a Union after getting their first
job to secure their future. SUPPORTING POINTS Trade Unions offer security, security for your
well being and the security of providing for your family. There have been many cases where
employees have been fired for unjust reason. The management cannot demote your from your
position without having
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Disadvantages Of Trade Unions
Unfair Dismissals According to Cant and Van Heerden (2015), the term unfair dismissals is only
used in respect of employees of an organisation, it is seen as the protection of employees from
unfairly being let go or dismissed. If an employee carries out a task that is set out by the LRA such
as a protected strike, they are protected from being unfairly dismissed and would be seen as
automatically unfair. Regardless of if the dismissal was fair or unfair, the dismissal still has to
follow a certain set of rules, the dismissal should be fair and should relate either to an employer's
failure to do the job specifications or relates to the employees lack of benefit to the organisation. An
employee who feels that they have been unfairly dismissed must take their issue to the CCMA
which was earlier discussed. If the dispute relates to an employee's misconduct or incapability's, the
dispute is then forwarded to arbitration. Advantages and Disadvantages of the LRA. Advantages:
Disadvantages: Lower turnover costs: According to Chron (2017), in the case of an employee
leaving an organisation, there are a lot of costs involved, those being training of new candidate and
filling the employees old position, according to Chron (2017), trade unions can help close this threat
because they encourage and instil management to employee communication which encourages the
employee to work on ways to improve the environment in which they work rather than leaving their
job and incurring the manager extra costs. According to Study Room (2017), there are many
disadvantages in the labour laws that ASouth Africa follow such as:  Employers may not just
dismiss employees at their own convenience, as stated earlier, certain procedures have to be
followed to retrench or dismiss an employee.  According to Study Room (2017), a lot of the
employers as well as the employees do not respect the act so it cannot be properly carried out in the
workplace respectfully. Higher Employee Productivity: According to Chron (2017), it is said that
employees who belong to a union work much harder and have higher productivity levels than those
who don't belong to a union.  According to Study Room (2017), employers basically cannot stop
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What are Trade Unions?
"Trade Unions are not merely economic actors: they are necessarily protagonists in the political
arena. Regulating the labour market is a question of power resources. Yet if Unions are inescapably
both economic and political actors, the relationship between the two is complex..." A trade Union as
defined by the Trade Union and Employers Organisation Act as an organisation the principle object
of which includes the regulation of relations between employees and employers or employers
organisations. Thus, its objective would necessarily be that of collective bargaining. Collective
bargaining deals with the balancing of divergent interests, these being those of the employer to
maximise profits and those of the employee of adequate ... Show more content on ...
I am of the opinion that political affiliation of Trade Unions diminishes the prospects of negotiating
in good faith where one party is in better footing than the other. Such good faith can be further
diluted by political ambitions to the detriment of workers. A classic example of this is the 2011
Public Service strike where the employer (government), instead of addressing the problems of the
day, abused their executive and legislative powers by mandating that some professions that were
involved in the strike be included as essential services. This can be interpreted as an order to prevent
the said employees from going on an otherwise lawful strike in the event of a deadlock. It is
submitted that the actions of the employer were more motivated by its objective to preserve its
political existence than by the endeavour to uphold workers' rights. So while section 48 of the
TUEOA provides that there is a duty to bargain in good faith , an employer whose opponent is
politically laced has no duty to yield to the demands of Trade Unions because of possible the
political animosity which is bound to be injurious to the labour force. Article 8 (1) (a) of the
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights provides that state parties to the
covenant undertake to ensure that trade unions function freely subject to no limitations other than
those prescribed by law and which are necessary in a democratic society in the interests on national
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Trade Union Federation Research Paper
The three trade union federations I chose are the three national labor organizations that developed
during WWI. They include the American Federation of Labor (AFL), Knights of Labor (KOL) and
the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). I will discuss the efficiency, equity and voice of these
trade union federations, along with the strategies and tactics and their success. KOL The first trade
union federation I'm going to discuss is the Knights of Labor. The KOL did not limit the geographic
location for membership. Power was a big part of the KOL. The members that they attracted could
include ones that were not satisfied with the new industrial revolution. Their goals they established
included changing the current labor–management relationship ... Show more content on ...
He did not agree with KOL's opinion on mutual agreements between employees and employers. He
thought that workers could only receive more benefits if capitalism kept growing. This could lead to
mutual interest over it, but not full complete agreements. The tactics of the AFL included economic
pressure tactics for collective bargaining efforts. In the AFL, strikes were considered a collective
bargaining tactic. Another tactic included the involvement in the political arena. The last tactic listed
was to improve the public status and reputation of the collective bargaining process and organized
labor. The organization of the AFL was based on decentralized authority and exclusive union
jurisdiction. They got rid of the one big union and moved on to one union representing each
recognizable skilled craft. This was a voluntary organization where craft unions dominated. Strikes
are viable and there was enhanced public status. They wanted to keep out foreigners, less skilled
blacks and females. Women would receive lower wages than the
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Trade Union Movement In Canada
"The trade union movement represents the organized economic power of the workers... It is in
reality the most potent and the most direct social insurance the workers can establish." Samuel
Gompers. A trade union is an organization of workers who have come together to achieve common
goals such as protecting the integrity of its trade, improving safety standards, achieving higher pay
and benefits such as health care and retirement, increasing the number of employees an employer
assigns to complete the work, and better working conditions. Unions are of a great benefit for
workers and communities as being in an union delivers better pay alongside benefits and a right to
fair treatment becomes enforce. Displayed by the Canadian Labour Congress's ... Show more
content on ...
Nonetheless, unions were not going to allow this for very long as the Toronto Typographical Union
demanded a nine hour workday from the city's publishers. Without a doubt, employers attempted to
deny any such thing from happening as they realized that they would end up losing money and as a
result, the printers walked off the job on March 25, 1872. Publishers were forced into hiring
replacement workers to continue their profits at the expense of human lives however, these strikes
had gained widespread support throughout the city and thus a crowd of 10,000 supporters showed
up for a rally at Queen's Park on April 15, 1872 despite knowing that their actions could have
serious legal consequences as union activity was criminal. This resulted in the strike committee
being arrested for criminal conspiracy done by no other than the Toronto Globe publisher George
Brown which only served to advocate support from those who were detained. Subsequently, Prime
Minister John A. Macdonald introduced the Trade Union Act on April 18, 1872, legalizing and
protecting unions. The strike in Toronto evolved into the "Nine–Hour Movement". Toronto printers
led to annual celebrations of Labour Day, celebrated today in communities across Canada every
year. Workers movements had begun to develop as early as the 1850's but it was the issue of
requiring a shorter workday that galvanized the movement and convinced more workers that joining
unions would change their lives for the better. After the tremendous effort and victory by Canadian
soldiers in World War I, they were brought back to an immense amount of unemployment and
inflation. The fearless war veterans could not get their once previously obtained jobs prior to the
war. Workers in various trades
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Trade Unions And The Workplace
Trade Unions are organisations and purpose is to look after employees in the workplace and protect
their rights. The way trade unions work, is that an employee needs to become a member of a specific
trade union, pays a fee to invest in the union's operations. In turn trade unions help employees with
things such as health and safety in the workplace, protection from discrimination, proper pay and
leave entitlements, making sure that the workers rights are protected etc. Unions also aim to protect
the interests of a union member for example, they commence campaigns and negotiations for
increased pay rates and they also try to improve working conditions such as health and safety.
Employees generally work in different jobs and industries so ... Show more content on ...
The rights of this casual worker were also broken which were Anti–Discrimination, Unfair
Dismissal which will all be addressed below. For the purpose of this report, only rights relating to
this case will be detailed below. NES RIGHTS: The National Employment Standards are ten rights
the employees are entitled to and they all apply to any worker in any job. The minimum NES rights
include provisions relating to the number of hours worked, such as the right to work no more than a
maximum weekly total of hours, and the right to request flexible working arrangements (including
variation of hours). Parental leave and Related Entitlements should be available to all non–casual
employees that have family responsibilities. Annual leave is another provision under the NES rights
to which all (non–casual) employees are entitled, and allows employees to take holidays. When an
employee is ill, or has family issues etc, Personal Carer 's and Compassionate leave entitles them to
take time off to deal with their problems. Community service leave includes employees such as
casual workers who can have leave for certain activities such as voluntary emergency management
activities and so forth. Public holidays are days were employees get to have a day from their work
and spend their own time with whatever they have. Long service leave is when workers get long
service leave after they
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Trade Union Act 1926
The Trade Unions Act, 1926 Introduction The object of Trade Unions Act, 1926 is to provide for
registration of Trade unions and to define law relating to registered trade unions in certain aspects.
Trade Union – Trade Union means any combination, whether temporary or permanent, formed
primarily for the purpose of regulating the relations between workmen and employers or between
workmen and workmen, or between employers and employers, or for imposing restrictive conditions
on the conduct of any trade or business. It includes federation of two or more trade unions.
[section2(h)]. Thus, technically, there can be 'union' of employers also, though, almost universally,
the term 'trade union' is associated with union of workmen or ... Show more content on ...
[section 18(1)]. Registration does not mean recognition – Registration and recognition of Union by
an employer are independent issues. Registration of Trade Union with Registrar has nothing to do
with its recognition in a particular factory/company. Recognition of Trade Union is generally a
matter of agreement between employer and trade union. In States like Maharashtra and Madhya
Pradesh, there are specific legal provisions for recognition of a trade union. Definition Section 1:
Short title, extent and commencement * It extends to the whole of India. Section 2: Definitions
Appropriate Government: For the trade unions whose objects are not confined to one state, the
appropriate government will be the Central Government, for others it'll be the State Government.
Trade dispute: It means any dispute between employers and, workmen or between workmen and
workmen, or between employers and employers which is connected with the employment, or non–
employment or the conditions of labour, of any person. Workmen: Means all persons employed in
trade or industry whether or not in the employment of the employer with whom the trade dispute
arises. Trade Union: It means combination whether temporary or permanent formed primarily for
the purpose of –regulating the relations –for imposing restrictive condition on the conduct of any
trade or business, –can be between workmen and employers or between workmen and workmen, or
between employers and
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National Trade Union Movement
Commonly, labor unions are related to large companies and giant organizations; however, most
owners of small business organizations find that unions are limited neither to the government sector
nor to corporate behemoths such as Boeing, General Motors and UPS. As analyzed by various
studies, labor unions remain less powerful than they were in past few decades. However, they
remain a significant component of the American business landscape, and most small businesses
depend on union employees for their daily activities. In fact, all owners of small businesses
organizations who employ workers possess a fundamental familiarity with the significances of the
United States labor laws, because they provide protections to union and nonunion ... Show more
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– Take action with one or more co–workers to improve their working conditions through among
others means, raising work–associated complaints directly with their employer or their employer or
the government agency a seeking assistance from a union In conclusion, the brief history of more
than one hundred years of the modern trade union movement can only touch the high spot of
practices and recognize the principal trends of a century of achievement in the United States. In such
history's condensation, episodes of significant and of high human drama should also be of
significance discussion far too briefly, or in some instances relegated to a mere mention. However,
the issue that is clearly evident is that the working individuals of America have experienced
unionization in struggle for achieving the benefits that they have accumulated during this century.
Improvements did not emerge in an easy way. In addition to this opinion, the National Labor
Relations Act guarantees the employees right to organize and bargain collectively with their
employers, and get involved in other protected concerted
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Impact of Global Competition on Trade Unions
To what extent does global competition undermine the power of trade unions? The development of
free–market economics has, since the 18th century, resulted in the spread of a set of ideas, creeds
and practices all over the developed and much of the developing world. Today, the globalisation of
trade, capital, technology and innovation has accelerated competitive conditions for businesses all
over the world. Globalisation may be defined as the opening of markets to the forces of
neoliberalism and capitalism; it is characterised by the free movement of people, talent, skills,
capital (intellectual, social and economic) across international borders. All kinds of barriers have
either been swept away, diffused or made obsolete by the forces of ... Show more content on ...
As global competition has intensified in the last thirty or so years, companies are increasingly
looking to cut costs through outsourcing business functions, units and operations. Cheaper labour
and business costs pull businesses away from developed economies to developing markets such as
China, India, Indonesia, Nigeria, and so on. Technological advancements also mean that businesses
need to operate 24/7, seven days a week and e–commerce is inevitable for any company that wants
to survive and thrive. The 'virtual' corporation (Davidow and Malone, 1993) has become common. It
is built on a global invisible network of relationships, suppliers, distributors and contractors, all
coordinated out of an office somewhere in the world. The human worker at the heart of such an
enterprise is in a very different position to someone working in a factory to company a hundred or
two hundred years ago. Stable relationships, hierarchical orders, lines of command, even the
predictable routines of work, rest, and so on have all but disappeared in the networked economy.
Outsourcing clearly affects workers whose jobs and pay rely on those functions which have now
been outsourced. Further, such developments negatively affect morale among workers who may still
have jobs in–house but who are nervous about whether they, too, face redundancy and reduced
hours and, therefore, reduced pay. Trade
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Strengths And Weaknesses Of Trade Unions
1. Introduction: Trade unions are associations of workers and are formed with the intention of
protecting the workers against exploitation of the employers and also to improve the workers'
conditions. (Chand) This includes making sure that workplaces are safe and that people's health is
not being put at risk through their jobs. There are many trade union organizations working for the
welfare of the workers. Manufacturing industry such as Honda Motor Co., Ltd a world's famous car
manufacturing company established in 1948 is also is facing trade union practices from its workers.
Some trade unions claim that Honda is unfairly treating their workers. Unite, Britain's largest union,
has told the car manufacturer based in Swindon it is 'treating ... Show more content on ...
Inter–union rivalry is mainly because of the multiplicity of unions which ultimately at the very root
of unionism, weakens the power of collective bargaining, and reduces the effectiveness of workers
in order to get their rights. Therefore, there should be ³One union in one Industry´. Practically in
every important industry, there exists parallel and competing unions, e.g. on the Indian Railways,
there are two parallel Federations ± the Indian RailwayFederation and Indian National Federation of
Railway–men. In the Textile Industry in Bombay, where there are two unions ± the Girni Kamgar
Union (controlled by the CPI) and the Restrain azdoor Sangh (controlled by the INTUC).As the
trade unions are functioning from the plant level, there is a chance that disagreement will arise on
democratic structure of trade union. Even the absence of any legal requirements in the greater part
of the country to recognize any union as the sole bargaining agent is a major factor which generates
the wide–spread and a bitter trade union rivalry. This problem may lead to Industrial Unrest, strikes,
gheraos etc in the organization.
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Are Trade Unions a "Thing of the Past"? Discuss the Pros...
"Historically, trade unions were a vital concomitant of the process of industrialization and political
liberalization in most countries. As their influence grew to unprecedented heights after the Second
World War, social theorists saw them as a key ingredient of the capitalist economy and social
democracy" (Gospel and Wood 2003, p.2). Throughout the years, trade union density and
membership in Britain, as well as the proportion of the workforce covered by collective bargaining,
have declined significantly. Nevertheless, trade unions have strongly influenced developments at the
national level, including minimum wage campaigns and union recognition procedures (Gospel and
Wood 2003, p.1). However, can unions still be "perceived as critical ... Show more content on ...
Consequently, unions suffered a collapse in union morale and limited resources prevented them
from recruiting new members or breaking into unrecognised sectors; member turnover has also
skyrocketed e.g. in USDAW about one–third left every year (Kessler and Bayliss 1998, p.178).
Jointly, the above factors have contributed to the reduction of: union membership and density,
influence on Government and in society, and bargaining power vis–à–vis employers (Kessler and
Bayliss 1998). Since 1990s union membership level fell below 10m, and since fell continuously,
never reaching those figures again (Brownlie 2012, p.22). By the time Labour returned after the
1997 election, membership had fallen to just 7.8m (Bryson and Forth 2010, p. 2) and "the landscape
of industrial relations had been transformed" (Gospel and Wood 2003, p. 3). Trade union
membership in the private sector fell by 450 thousand between 1999 and 2007; in the public sector it
increased and peaked at 4.11m in 2009 (Brownlie 2012). After the 2008–09 recession, private sector
membership increased by 43 thousand to 2.51m, while public sector membership fell by 186
thousand to 3.88m. Similarly, union membership density had declined between 1989 and 1998 from
38.8% to 29.9% (Bryson and Forth 2010, p.2), and fell to 26% in 2011 confirming the downward
trend (Brownlie
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Unions Of The 1872 Trade Union Act
Ever since the 1872 Trade Union Act, many labour unions were alienated because they were
categorized as a conspiracy against normal operations of business (Krahn, Hughes and Lowe 334).
This act was significant because it laid the constructs of unions that we have today. Unions enabled
workers for the first time to shed light on what was wrong, and and how they were able to improve
conditions in their workplace. Before unions, many employers took advantage of workers by
threatening their safety, and giving lower wages with longer hours because it was more profitable
for the employer. Workers would want to join unions, because they offered job security, better
wages, benefits and rights to the workers. The purposes of these unions are too provide workers with
a sense of not being alone, and being able to make a change. Workers tend to feel that they have no
control over their jobs, workers joined or formed unions to instigate a change which would increase
control between workers and corporations. One of the reason why unions are very important is
because unions promote job security. Job security is very important to an average Canadian because
it shows us the probability of a person becoming unemployed. If unions provide higher job security
it would allow people to have less concern from losing their job. If a person does lose their job for
whatever reason, unions usually have people in place to help you fight for that job back. With
unions better wages and benefits are
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Trade union decline in UK
Trade union is a form of organization where employees and leaders with common interests join in
order to promote and protect those interests. These collective organisations have the role to negotiate
with the employers the wages and the working conditions, they also help ease the relationships
between employers and employees by diminishing the conflict between them and act collectively
when it comes to implement the terms of collective bargaining. As Webbs shows, the trade unions
are 'a continuous association of wage–earners for the purpose of maintaining or improving the
conditions of their working lives'(Webb and Webb, 1920, 1). Because the employer has the power in
an organisation by having the authority to hire and fire people, the ... Show more content on ...
The first one is the fact that employees still need someone to fight for their rights and for their
economic existence while their existence will stimulate the management to be effective. The second
reason is the fact that because the organisations and the structure of the economy are changing
continuously, the labour needs to be organised, and the need for a workforce voice is needful
because the management, in the pursuit of being competitive and ethic, it may ignore the people's
issues. Unions need to retain their members and to attract new ones by making their presence to be
sought and by avoiding derecognition. Another study claimed that the recognition of the unions is a
hard goal to achieve and that the opposite of recognition contributed to the weakened unionisation
(Disney et al., 1994). What some have said, it is vital for unions if they want to survive, to take into
account the 'New Unionism' or 'New Realism' (Bassett, 1986; Roberts, 1987). Some supporters of
the 'new unionism' agreed with the fact that the management has the right to manage and that it
would be better for unions to have a good relationship with it in order to ensure that the maximum
level of efficiency is touched. From those few unions that deny the role of the management, there
are several agreeing with the fact that there are decisions of the management that are not in line with
their objectives and therefore they need to protect their members by using
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Trade Unions and the Industrial Revolution
Trade Unions had struggled to achieve the freedom to exist in the early stages of the industrial
revolution. Provide a critical account of their early developments, noting some of the major changes
in their formation and character. A trade union can be described as an organization of workers who
have banded together to achieve common goals in key areas and working conditions. They were
established around the early eighteenth century and membership was low and most were from
within crafting industries but as the success of trade unions became apparent, workers in other
industries began to see the benefits of unions to allow them to go from strength to strength and
establish themselves in a wider variety of sectors. However, up until the ... Show more content on ...
146). In 1851 the Amalgamated Society of Engineers was formed after sever local and sectional
engineering unions merged together (Blackboard, 2008). This society formed a new organisation of
trade unionism which was followed by Carpenters and Joiners and other trade unions. These unions
were "respected by employers because they hand money in the bank and prudence as their first
principle". They had a cautious industrial policy and used strikes as a last resort. (Derry and Jarman,
XXXX, p. 146). The new Liberal government headed by William Gladstone saw The Trade Union
Congress campaigning for the Minority Report, the campaign was successful and the 1871 Trade
Union Act was based largely on the Minority Report. This act secured the legal status of trade
unions. As a result of this legislation no trade union could be regarded as criminal because "in
restraint of trade"; trade union funds were protected. Although trade unions were pleased with this
act, they were less happy with the Criminal Law Amendment Act passed the same day that made
picketing illegal. Trade unions also went through many amalgamations and legal changes, for
example, until 1850, unions had been involved primarily in local affairs (with the exception of the
miners) but from the middle of the century, the growth of railways meant that communications were
easier and amalgamations began to take place. The engineering industry was in the lead and
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The Importance Of Trade Unions In Canada
Unions were a major turning point in Canada's labor industry since they were meant to put the
power of government behind the rights of the workers for them to bargain collectively with their
employees on matters like working conditions, wages, and working hours. Trade unions were
supposed to protect workers against arbitrary decisions like sudden wage cuts, layoffs and firing.
Trade unions were majorly meant to protect the interest of the workers. Employers, however, do not
like trade unions. In an economy that has a lot of uncertainty, employers want to have the flexibility
of cutting wages, hiring and firing and also adding extra hours to the workers when there is a need.
However, there is a decline in labor unions due to the current employment shift. There was a shift in
employment from industries that had high unionization rates like the manufacturing and
construction industries to occupations with lower unionization rates like retail trade and professional
services. Even though most of the things trade unions did like ensuring comfortable working
conditions have been enshrined in the law, trade unions are still crucial in ensuring workers are safe
in their workplace. Organized labor in Canada is now surviving and not thriving as in the past. With
the decline in trade unions, workers are now facing a hostile social and cultural climate which is
increasingly anti–union and it is driven by the interest of the employers (McCormick & Hyman
2013). Data from Statistics
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Trade Union Movement in India
5 Trade Union Development UNIT 4 TRADE UNION DEVELOPMENT and Functions AND
FUNCTIONS Objectives After going through this unit, you should be able to understand: l the
growth and development of trade unions in India, and l the functions and problems of trade unions.
Structure 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Origin and Growth of Trade Unions 4.3 Development of Trade
Unions in India 4.4 Indian Unions Today 4.5 The Trade Unions Act: Legal Framework for Trade
Unions 4.6 Functions of Trade Unions 4.7 Strengthening of Trade Unions 4.8 Summary 4.9 Self–
Assessment Questions 4.10 Further Readings Appendices 4.1 INTRODUCTION Trade Unions have
become an integral and powerful factor in the contemporary system of production and distribution
of goods and services. ... Show more content on ...
It is this realisation that sowed the seeds of collective bargaining which later resulted in trade
unionism. The workers, working under a common employer, faced common problems and common
tasks. They developed common sentiments, and organised themselves into associations which could
meet the employers on a basis of equality. The inchoate labour organisations had to cross many
hurdles before they could develop into fullfledged stable trade unions. There were internal
dissentions, persistent and determined opposition from the employers, merciless persecution and
suppression by the state (For example, in England, France, Germany and the United States,
combinations of workmen per se were declared illegal), and the full–throated condemnation of trade
unionism by the advocates of free competition and laissez–faire. In spite of these efforts at
suppression, trade unions continued to grow, sometimes working underground and sometimes
openly. They continued to defy the laws prohibiting the combination of workmen (Combination
Acts of 1799 and 1800 in Great Britain, for example) and the judicial pronouncements (particularly,
the judgement in the Philadelphia Cordwainers Case of 1806 in the United States) against the
combinations of workmen. Under incessant pressures from the workers and their organisations, the
law and the attitude of the courts gradually came to be modified. The history of the trade union
movement everywhere is a history of blood,
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Trade Union Movement Pros And Cons
"The trade union movement represents the organized economic power of the workers... It is in
reality the most potent and the most direct social insurance the workers can establish." Samuel
Gompers. A trade union is an organization of workers who have come together to achieve common
goals such as protecting the integrity of its trade, improving safety standards, achieving higher pay
and many benefits. Unions are a great benefit for workers and communities as being in a union
delivers better pay alongside benefits and a right to fair treatment becomes enforced. Displayed by
the Canadian Labour Congress's UNION ADVANTAGE report, it shows that, on average, unionized
workers across Canada earned $5.28/hour more than non–union workers. Women with ... Show
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Industrial growth, the rising influence of "big business" and expanding government involvement in
the social and economic life of the country demanded a strong, unified voice for working Canadians,
which resulted in the creation of the Canadian Labour Congress in 1956 (Canadian Labour
Congress, 2015). Because of unions, public service workers in Canada have decent pay, benefits and
pensions, but they had to fight to win those gains. In 1965 the Canadian Union of Postal Workers
wanted the right to bargain collectively, the right to strike, higher wages and better management. To
achieve this they defied government policies and staged an illegal, countrywide strike which even to
this date is known one of the largest 'wildcat' strikes in Canada (Laidlaw & Curtis, 1986). Lasting
only two weeks they did accomplish their goal as collective bargaining rights were given to the
entire public service however, full justice was not yet achieved. Exploitation of workers, especially
immigrants was still running rampant in the 1960s as a plethora of workers barely earning enough to
support their families. Alongside this, they lived in constant angst of deportation while working in
very unsafe working conditions, however, due to the fact that many were unable to speak English,
they were unaware of any rights they did have. This changed when a horrific tragedy
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Trade Union Act
MEMBER OF THE EXECUTIVE ... Show more content on ...
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The Pros And Cons Of Trade Unions?
What are trade unions? We hear about them all the time and yet very few people know about them
and what they have to offer. A trade union, also known as a labour unions, are organizations of
workers who have chosen to unite together to be able to achieve common goals such as protecting
the integrity of its trade, achieving well deserved higher pay, increasing the number of employees an
employer hires and obtain better working conditions. Through its leadership, the trade union is able
to bargain with the employer on behalf of members and negotiate labour contracts with the
employer. The well known purpose of such associations is to maintain or improve the conditions of
their employment. This can include the negotiation of wages, work rules, ... Show more content on ...
In the face of continuing government intransigence, the two groups are now working closely
together in the vanguard of a broad coalition of forces seeking to introduce a multiparty system.
Together with the Swaziland National Association of Teachers, the SFL and SFTU agreed in March
to set up a Labour Coordinating Council with a joint national executive committee and secretariat to
further bind them together. The unions are also working with churches, banned political parties,
NGOs, human rights groups and even, on occasion, the employers' federation in a broad coalition to
demand change. Although Swaziland has banned political parties, the law does allow for labour to
organize and form unions. The country has ratified all eight International Labour Organization
conventions, and the workers have legal rights to collective bargaining and strikes. However, there
are restrictions – unions must represent 50 percent of employees in a work place to be automatically
recognized; if not recognition depends on the employer. Procedures for announcing a strike can last
up to 74 days, and voting procedures on strike action are complex, making legal strikes virtually
impossible to organize. There is legal redress at an Industrial Court, which is generally viewed as
effective and impartial by unions and
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Essay on The Development of Trade Unions for the Unskilled
The Development of Trade Unions for the Unskilled The 'new model unions' were for the skilled
workers and only covered a small section of the working class which meant a great mass of
unskilled and semi–skilled workers remained largely unorganised this was with exceptions of the
Miners' National Union and the Agricultural Labourers' Union. During the 1880s the unskilled
workers were organised into what is called 'new unionism'. These new unions' main features were
that they charged minimal subscriptions and adopted a much more militant stance towards the
employers; this meant that the unions were prepared to use the strike weapon to gain their
objectives. The new unions also did not seek to exclude ... Show more content on ...
The revival of socialism was also important to the development of trade unions for the unskilled as a
number of individual socialists inspired a number of the strikes which took place during the 1880s.
The successful strikes which took place in 1888–9 saw the turning point for the unskilled and semi–
skilled workers. In 1888 Annie Besant investigated the working conditions of female labour at
Bryant and May's factory in East London. Here she found low wages, girls suffering from
phosphorus poisoning and a harsh regime of rules and regulations. Mrs Besant organised The
Match–Makers Unions which came out on strike and eventually the girls won an increase in wages
and some of the rules were relaxed. This successful strike encouraged other unions to take on their
employers. In 1889 Will Thorne , a member of the Social Democratic Federation, assisted by
Eleanor Marx, formed the Gas workers' and General Labourers' Union. Thorne organised a strike at
the Becton Gas–works and demanded a change from two 12–hour shifts to three 8 hour shifts. The
employers agreed to the demand and an increase in wages. The summer of 1889 however saw the
greatest struggle. In London's dockland the dockers were being badly paid and demoralised until
Ben Tillett organised them into making a number of demands of the employers. Tillett prepared for a
long strike and was joined by
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The Union Of Korean Trade Unions
Gregory Baumanna Overview: In December 1996 and January 1997, there was a massive four week
nationwide strike in South Korea in protest against newly passed labor laws which gave employers
more power to lay off employees, made it easier to hire temporary/strike replacing workers and put
off allowing multiple unions to be formed at a given enterprise. This resulted in the mobilized three
million workers, which shut down auto/ship production, disrupted hospitals, subways and television.
The two main unions involved were the The Federation of Korean Trade Unions (FKTU) and the
Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (FCTU). This strike was notable due to its consistently high
levels of worker participation and high level of public support. Two ... Show more content on ...
Many companies attempted to institute practices that would allow for cost cutting such as reliance
on contract workers and part time workers, in addition to allowing for voluntary retirement and
adopting a no work no pay policy. These moves were actively opposed by labor groups and the need
for labor refom became clear. This belief also led to South Korea's New Korea Party (NKP) creating
the Labor–Managrement Relations Reform Committee (LMRRC) on May 9th of members of
various labor interist groups, university professors and lawmakers. Its 30 members held several
public hearings on the creation on new labor policies and created the New Labor Law. This new Labor
law was the result of a 1996 Changes would make it easier and legal for companies to lay off
workers, increase the legal work–week by 12 hours and allowing companies to modify working
hours, makes the use of scab labor during strikes legal and outlawing strike–pay.
http://www.hartford– Cause: Government says changes are
necessary to make South Korea "more competitive with other developing economies" that are
emerging as competitors to Korea. http://www.hartford– The
committees that had been created were unsuccessful in creating a new labor bill after six months of
hearing so the NKP decided to create a new secret committee to create the bill on December 3rd.
Then on
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Trade Union
Done by Michelle mboya year 11s WHAT IS A TRADE UNION? Trade unions are organizations
that represent people at work. They consist of workers and union leaders, united to promote and
protect their interests. Trade unions exist because an individual worker has very little power to
influence decisions that are made about his or her job. By joining together with other workers, there
is more chance of having a voice and influence. THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF TRADE UNIONS. *
CRAFT UNION: A union representing workers who share the same skill–set or who perform
identical tasks. * GENERAL UNION Is a trade union which represents workers from a variety of
trades and industries. They are often un–skilled but also include ... Show more content on ...
While some people have developed training skills to handle conflict, many people including very
senior leaders, dread conflict and will do almost anything to avoid it. Causes of conflict Every
employee has needs and certain expectations at work, and conflict could arise when people feel that
these are not being met or are being ignored. Conflict could be the result of: * poor management *
unfair treatment * unclear job roles * inadequate training * poor communication * poor work
environment * lack of equal opportunities * bullying and harassment * new changes to products,
organizational charts, appraisals or pay systems Other major causes include: * Personalities – the
'personality mix ' within a team can be upset when a new member of staff joins or if two colleagues
suddenly fall out. Individuals may also respond to difficult or challenging situations in an unhelpful
or unproductive way. * Needs and expectations – conflict at work can often be caused when
employers ignore the needs of employees or set unrealistic expectations. For example, arranging
hours that make it difficult for employees to carry out childcare responsibilities. * Values – most
people have very clear ideas about what they think is fair, and your organization's procedures and
policies must reflect this. For example,
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Collective Bargaining And The Intervention Of Trade Unions
Collective Bargaining and A Strong Role for Unions Is Not Constructive (Advantageous) to
Organisations in Today's Economic Conditions Trade unions in Australia emerged in 1850s when
industry had its first amazingly fast development. The aim of the unions is to unite all labors to
counter the excessive power of employers so that working conditions and wages can be promoted.
This aim now has been basically realized with the establishment of awards system which sets out the
rates of pay and terms of employment. On this basis, this essay will provide evidence on that
collective bargaining and the intervention of trade unions need to be cut down in order that
companies' cost can be reduced and specific circumstance can be catered to maximize ... Show more
content on ...
Pluralism lessens the managerial prerogative but cannot take individual differences into
consideration while unitarism is the contrary (Oram, 1984). In accordance with pluralism and
unitarism, there are two ways of negotiation between the employer and the employee which are
collective bargaining (between representatives of two parties) and individual bargaining (between
individual employee and the employer). In dealing with industry relations, trade unions are always
involved and collective bargaining is used while in human resource management (HRM) individual
bargaining is preferred (Guest, 1987). The role of trade unions is much related to the social
economic situation. Collective bargaining is especially useful in fiscal crisis as two sides through
negotiation can bring terms and strategies helpful for both (Lewin et al., 2011). However, when the
overall financial situation is strong, collective bargaining is more of a tool for employees' interest
than for mutual profit. According to the survey on Australian economy, its GDP growth rate is quite
stable. Australian GDP expanded 1.1 percent seasonally over previous three months, which is the
highest in the last seven quaters (TRADE ECONOMICS, 2014). Trade unions showed up when
workers were cruelly exploited at the start of the industrial
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The Essence of Registration of Trade Union in Nigeria
INTRODUCTION. In ordinary common usage, trade union is understood as the organization of
workers formed to protect the interests of its members. However, the legal definition as we shall see
shortly is not as expansive as that. In Nigeria the principal legislation regulating trade unionism
which is the Trade Union Act (the Act) requires that a trade union must be registered before it can
carry out any of the purposes for which it was established. The questions that naturally arise here are
how constitutional is the requirement for compulsory registration of a trade union before it can
lawfully carry out its functions? Can the Registrar of trade union refuse to grant an application for
registration? If yes, under what circumstance, and if ... Show more content on ...
Similarly, section 28 (2)(b) empowers the Registrar to refuse an alteration of the rules of a trade
union, if as a result of the alteration, the principal purpose of the union would cease to be that of
regulating the terms and conditions of employment of workers. Also, section1 (2) provides that the
fact that a combination has purposes or powers other than the purpose of regulating the terms and
conditions of employment of workers cannot prevent its registration as a trade union. The combined
effect of these sections is that a trade union may have other purposes but any other object or purpose
must be merely ancillary to the purpose of regulating the terms and conditions of employment of
workers. In Re Union of Ifelodun Timber Dealers and Allied Workers, the court after examining the
object of a combination that applied for registration as a trade union noted as follows: I can see
nothing in these object which, to use the words of the definition, regulates the relation between
workmen and masters or between workmen and workmen or between masters and masters. It seems
to me that the principal purpose of the association in so far as they may be extracted from the
unpublished objects are the protection and expansion of the timber trade and the welfare of all
persons, whether they be workmen or employers engaged in
... Get more on ...
The Development of Trade Unions in Britain Essay
The Development of Trade Unions in Britain There are many different factors as to why trade
unions developed so incredibly slowly in Britain. The problems started from the 1850s when New
Model Unions were introduced. The ASE (Amalgamated Society of Engineers) had been formed in
1851 and had become the inspiration for other unions in similar areas of craftsmanship to be formed.
Many people liked the idea of a union because it gave them certain protection like that of wages and
standards of living and benefits for ill and unemployed members and so joined a union which
appealed to them. One of the first setbacks which was unnoticed for some time was the fact that
these New Model Unions had entry ... Show more content on ...
Some unions experienced difficulties in regard to their funds being stolen by treasurers or members
and the realisation that their funds were not 100% legally protected because they were in 'restraint of
trade' which meant that funds were not protected by the Friendly Societies Act. Societies registered
under the Act were accused of 'acting too much like a union' and funds were not covered because
unions were liable to strike. On the plus side, the formation of the Royal Commission on Trade
Unions was set up in the late 60s which turned out to be a great advantage to Trade Unions because
of the Minority Report created by Frederic Harrison, Thomas Hughes and the Earl of Lichfield.
They argued that trade unions should be given privileged legal status and Harrison proposed several
changes to the law : 1) People who joined should not be liable for indictment for conspiracy unless
their actions would be criminal if committed by a single person; 2) The common law doctrine of
restraint of trade in its application to trade associations should be repealed; 3) That all legislation
dealing with specifically with the activities of employers or workmen should be repealed; 4) That all
trade unions should receive full and positive protection for their funds and other property. Funds
later became protected under the 1871 Trade Union Act which meant that court action could be used
if necessary.
... Get more on ...
Trade Union
NIGERIAN EXPERIENCE Charles N. Okolie Introduction It is a well known fact that the growth
and development of any nation depends on the structures it has carved out for itself. In Nigeria,
amidst the various arms of the government which has been working tirelessly to ensure the growth
and sustenance of the Nigerian state is the emergence of trade unions. The colonial influence in
Nigeria has left much to be desired. The emergence of these trade unions has become a desired form
of association in order to restore the dignity of professional workers and more so ensure greater
level of overall national output which is part of nation building. These unions operate on ... Show
more content on ...
The first organization that is known to have had an interest in trade union activities was the
mechanics mutual aid provident and mutual improvement association formed in July 1883. But the
first trade union that is characterized by wage employment was the Nigerian service union organized
in 1912. The union was more concerned with efficiency in the civil service and intensified
nationalization of the service than with hard core trade unionism. Some other ones 138 Charles N.
Okolie includes the railway workers union and the Nigerian union of teachers. Those who formed
the railway workers union were dissenters from the civil service union. The reason for this break
away of the railway workers to form the workers union was because they believed that the civil
service union was too soft spoken on fundamental issues and more so, the civil service union was
not responsive to the economic dictates of the period. More so because the new unions were made
up of skilled workers or artisans in various trade, they were placed on a strategic position and so a
strike by them could paralyse the economy. As an offspring of this association of skilled workers,
the NUT was formed. The reason for the formation was that the teachers were dissatisfied over
conditions of employment. The African leaders were not happy that the working conditions in the
mission schools were poorer than those of their contemporaries in the government owned
... Get more on ...

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Trade Unions In Australia

  • 1. Trade Unions in Australia Decline In Union Membership In Australia TOPIC – The major issue tody facing the Australian trade union movement has been the decline in union density. What have been the causes, and how have the unions responded to the challenge. Figures released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) in 2000, show that the decline in Australian union membership continues, despite the efforts of the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU), to stop the slide. The ABS reports that trade union membership has dropped to 28 percent of the total workforce, compared to 1992, where there was 40 percent. (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2000.) Previous ABS findings show that these recent figures are part of a general trend, with no slight recovery ... Show more content on ... The Accord, may have expanded the opportunities for individuals, both unionists and non–unionists to benefit from the agreement (Deery et al, 2000). Another factor contributing to the decline in unionisation rate is the changing attitudes towards unions. A number of writers have highlighted the downward shift in community support for unions across the industrial world. In Australia, public opinion polls show that unions are seen as being too powerful and unresponsive to members needs (Deery et al, 2000). Such perceptions and beliefs have supported the decline. A survey carried out by McNair Anderson Polling Agency and Sentry Holdings show that only 6 per cent of those surveyed have confidence in unions, and more than 45 per cent of union members surveyed have 'hardly any' confidence in union leaders. More and more Australians are refusing to join unions. There is the feeling amongst employees that they are just no longer required. The tradition of being a unionist is fading. Fewer fathers are encouraging their children to become members (Short, 1992). The role of management in organisations has been another damaging factor to the decline. Job satisfaction, whereby benefits are provided by the employers to keep the employees happy. The theory being that content employees need not be ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Pros And Cons Of Trade Unions A trade union is an organization consisting of members of various workers and union leaders, who are united in the aim of protecting workers and preventing exploitations against these workers' rights. Despite many trade unions being independent to any employer, trade unions try to develop business relationships with employers, in order to achieve the best possible outcome to both the employee and the employer. This relationship is commonly in the form of a partnership agreement between the trade union and the employer. Trade unions not only ensure the protection of employees' rights from employers, but they also have any others aims that they try to achieve with every one of the employees part of their union. Trade unions can negotiate on the ... Show more content on ... Despite them operating in different sectors they embark on united campaigns and join in demonstrations against amendments of the Labour Relations Act as well as all three of them being registered with the International Trade Union Confederation.Established in 1985, The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) is the biggest trade union in the South Africa. COSATU is a non–racial union striving to achieve its many aims, which include works control, paid–up membership and international worker solidarity while believing in the principles of "one industry, one union" and "one country, one federation". COSATU is also in a tripartite alliance with the African National Congress (ANC) and the South African Communist Party.Formed in 1997, The Federation of Unions of South Africa (FEDUSA) is South Africa's second largest union following a merger between the Federation of Civil Servants and the Federation of South African Labour Unions. Consequently it has over 18 affiliates and is the biggest affiliate union in the public service. In 1986, a merger of the Azanian Confederation of Trade Unions and the Council of Unions of South Africa saw the formation of The National Council of Trade Unions (NACTU), which is South Africa's third–largest federation. Its main aim is to unite workers and strives for a just society where political power is controlled by the ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Trade Unions in Australia Essay Table of contents Executive Summary.............................................................. Page 3 Introduction........................................................................Page 4 Benefits of joining a union.......................................................Page 6 Membership declines and impact of legislation..............................Page 7 Effect of Human Resources on Employees and Union memberships...Page 9 Conclusion...........................................................................Page 10 References...........................................................................Page 11 Executive Summary: Since the 1980's trade union membership numbers have declined rapidly ( Balnave et al, 2007, pg 130). Once upon a time it was quiet important for employees to be part of a union as it entitled them to have a collective voice, and power to build a pleasurable workplace. There have been many factors that have contributed to ... Show more content on ... In late 2007, the labour government regained power of the federal parliament. From here the Rudd government moved to create the 'Forward with Fairness' policy that still stands to date ( Cooper, 2008, pg 286). This was more beneficial for the unions. The unions however will remain tarnished from Howard's workchoices for quiet sometime and must focus on recruiting new members (Brigden, 2008, pg 365) if unions are going to remain within Australia. Human Resources practices have also impacted on unions as managers within a workplace are encouraged to now work directly with their employees, rather then including a third party such as a trade union ( Balnave et al, 2007, pg 169). Because of this, trade union members will continue to decline Benefits of joining a union: Joining a union can be extremely beneficial for its members. A union offers it's members the chance to join a collective support rather then fight individually. It increases economic benefits, increases productivity and workplace protection ( Balnave et al, 2007, pg 131). The culture of the workplace may also influence ones decision to join a union. When faced with a problem it is a lot easier to proceed to fight this problem if you are part of a collective rather then approach the problem as an individual. In the case of trade unions, the ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. The Trade Unions Affect The Productivity However, even though the trade unions could be viewed as able to increase the inefficiency, some experts argue that based on collective voice/institutional response view of unionism, the trade unions could positively affect the productivity. Freeman and Medoff as cited in Bray, Waring and Cooper (2011, p. 407) found that the trade unions could have had positive effects on productivity and economic efficiency by collective voice/institutional response. This is emphasized when employees are given an opportunity to grieve through a collective voice and being considered properly by management, turnover rate will decrease, cooperation and employees' morale will also increase, as employees' dissatisfaction are processed and addressed through trade unions effectively. Its evidence has been shown by several studies which revealed that trade unions in Australia are associated with reduction of turnover rates (Bray, Waring and Cooper 2011, p. 411). Moreover, the collective voice/institutional response view of trade unions are also could force efficiency by "union shock effect". Bray, Waring and Cooper (2011, p. 407) explain this by considering the presence of trade unions which could be perceived as inefficiency in production, but it could force the management to establish its learn and development activities in gaining the organisation's efficiency such as by training, innovation or the best management practices. Phillips and Sheen as cited in Bray, Waring and Cooper (2011, p. 411) ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Essay on Conservative Legislation and Trade Union Power Conservative Legislation (during the 1980s and early 1990's) and Trade Union Power Trade Unions can be defined as: ' Organisations of workers set up to improve the status, pay and conditions of employment of its members'. Salaman, 'Industrial Relations', P77 From the end of the second world war, and up until the 1970's trade unionism was continually growing. By 1979, 57.3% of all people employed were members of trade unions. Annual abstract Statistics, 1990, 'Industrial relations', M.P. Jackson, 1991, P57 'Trade unionism may be seen as a social response to industrialisation and capitalism' Salaman, Industrial relations, P79 In the early days of trade unionism, there was a direct need for workers to be represented, in areas such ... Show more content on ... The government used monetary policy over demand management, and concentrated on the control of the rate of interest in an attempt to stop low levels of unemployment causing inflation. The government decided to use collective bargaining as a means of setting rates of pay for the first time, the government no longer required Trade Unionists as negotiators of pay, because private negotiating bodies were now used. It was now assumed that in the present economic climate, in accordance with interest rates and government objectives that the price which was set would be reasonable, and if not then the government assumed that the employers knew better, this being one indication of Mrs Thatchers non–tolerance towards Trade Unions, also shown by Mrs Thatcher passing control of pay structures to private bodies and employers. This attitude is very different to the present day 'New' Labour government, who sees government interaction in the wage structure as being very important. For example, the introduction of the National Minimum Wage. In the past, previous governments have always placed great emphasis upon collectivism, yet, Margaret Thatchers government saw the future as being more individual and made an attempt at reducing/abolishing collectivist thinking. The government wanted people to think more individually. Mrs Thatcher viewed that the collectivist way of thinking would get in the way of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 11. The Organization Of Trade Unions Introduction In a company the employers and employees, two basic elements are already able to form an employment relationship: the employer purchases the labor from employees and pay them reward, and the employees offer their labor to exchange for reward. The trade unions serve as the third participant of this employment relation, and it keeps a direct relation with both the employees and employers will exert a mediating function often between them. Generally, the emergence of trade unions not only enriches the employment relation, but also plays an important role to in creating a more health relation and maintains the stability of the relation. The radical purpose of the existence of trade unions is to help guarantee the legal rights and welfare of employees. It can help the employees to accomplish some works which are not easy to be done by employees themselves. Since it is beneficial, it is supposed to see that many employees have make good utilization of it, but quite a number of employees still lacks the awareness and skills of making response to trade unions for employees. If they know that, their welfare will acquire greater extent of guarantee. Two theories of employment relation In this essay, the employees are defined as the crowd of people that use their labor to exchange for salary. One mainstream viewpoint views the employees as a kind of economic men. (Kaufman, 2004) The action of employees is extremely rational and it assumes that all the behaviors of ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Union Trade in Malaysia TRADE UNION MALAYSIAN AIRLINES MUST RESPECT TRADE UNION AND WORKER RIGHTS OVERVIEW OF THE ISSUE Malaysia Airlines (MAS), a government linked company continues to violate worker and trade union rights. Recently, MAS commenced disciplinary action against Mohd Akram bin Osman, the Secretary General of the National Union of Flight Attendants Malaysia (NUFAM), and 30 other NUFAM members. The show cause letter date on or about 14/2/2014 asked why disciplinary action should not be taken against them by reason of their participation in an 'illegal' gathering on 27/11/2013 at the Ministry of Human Resources in Putrajaya. The National Union of Flight Attendants Malaysia (NUFAM) is a registered trade union, and it had sought recognition from ... Show more content on ... Unions also offer their members legal representation. Normally this is to help people get financial compensation for work–related injuries or to assist people who have to take their employer to court. b. Negotiation Negotiation is where union representatives, discuss with management, the issues which affect people working in an organization. There may be a difference of opinion between management and union members. Trade unions negotiate with the employers to find out a solution to these differences. Pay, working hours, holidays and changes to working practices are the sorts of issues that are negotiated. c. Member service During the last few years, trade unions have increased the range of services they offer their members. These include education and training, legal assistance, legal discount and welfare benefits. TRADE UNION FROM THE EMPLOYEE PERSPECTIVE a) Greater Bargaining power The individual employee possesses very little bargaining power as compared to that of his employer. If the employee is not satisfied with the wage and other conditions of employment, the employee can leave the job. It is not practicable to continually resign from one job after another when dissatisfied. This imposes a great financial and emotional burden upon the worker. The better course for him is to join a union that can take concerted action against the employer. The threat or actuality of a strike by a union is a powerful tool that often causes the employer ... Get more on ...
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  • 15. The Role Of Trade Unions In The 19th Century Divisions within trade unions were evidently an obstacle for Labour rights; however there were various other factors which could be said to have played greater roles than the divisions. It is clear that State & Federal Authorities, big business and employers and the perception of trade unions at the time also contributed to the obstacles trade unions faced to achieve Labour rights. One obstacle that was perhaps less significant than the divisions but played a part nonetheless was the perception of "organised" labour at the end of the 19th Century. American society viewed trade unions as violent and aggressive. This was due to the poor reputation they had created for themselves. A major turning point which caused this reactionary ... Show more content on ... Furthermore, the unions would have to change their "militant" ways otherwise they would continue to be seen as aggressive and have alienated support which would act as an obstacle for unions achieving any sort of labour rights. Between 1865 and the 1900's, Trade Unions and organised labour were damaged by divisions and various conflicts happening within the unions. In the late 19th Century, a new wave of immigration meant cheaper labour for employers. The unions that would strike or not work in an attempt to gain recognition lost this bargaining power as the employers and owners of the businesses would simply employ the new immigrants who were willing to work for less and most of the time, for longer. Immigration led to animosity and suspicion from the older immigrants and workers who saw themselves as true Americans, which increased racism and xenophobia within the workforces and unions as they were being divided due to race and ethnic lives. An example of this was the discrimination faced by Chinese and Japanese workers. These worked long hours and for little pay and many claimed that this was 'un–American' of them and they made no attempt to conform to the American social norms at the time, many continuing to wear traditional gowns and dresses from their native countries, and so by 1882, Chinese and Japanese immigration was prohibited in America. The divisions were further exacerbated by the black migration from the South. Trade Unions saw blacks and the ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Trade Union Trade Union In Guyana Group Members  Sunil Goriah ..................12/0935/2499  Sachin Ramsuran............ 12/0935/2357  Selwin Collier..................13/0935/2342 Presentation Outline  Early attempts to form Trade Union  How Trade Union was born in Guyana  Effect of Trade Union on Workers  The Enmore Strike What is Trade Unionism? Early Attempts to form Trade Unions  There was basically four (4)early attempts of forming Trade Unions. These are:  River captains  Laborers and Tradesmen in New Amsterdam  Carpenters  Civil Servants A Journey to Show Why Mr.Critchlow is Termed as the Father of Trade Union How Did Trade Union Come About?  When slavery was abolished in 1833 a number of slaves left the estates and reside in ... Show more content on ... There shall be such officers and clerks in the department of the chief Labour officer as may be required. The deputy chief labour officer and assistant chief labour officer shall act as assistants generally to the chief labour office in the performance of his duties Labour Laws cont'd Conciliation Where a difference exists or is apprehended between an employer or any class of employees, or between different classes of employees Regulation of wages Whenever the Minister deems it expedient that steps should be taken to regulate the wages paid in any occupation in Guyana or any part thereof he may appoint an Advisory Committee to investigate the conditions of employment in such occupation and to make recommendations as to the minimum rates of wages which should be payable. ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Trade Union In Malaysia INTRODUCTION In the 20th century, trade unions is an important labour force through which working people have a collective voice at work and an avenue to equality, fair treatment and economic security. However, in the 21st century, it was argued that 'organised labour seems heading for extinction' (The Economist, 21 September 2006) as cited in Schnabel (2012). It seems that trade unions in various countries, including Malaysia, are slowly declining its density and membership. Although trade union has always been the main social institutions in societies represent worker interest, the decline in membership in many countries since the 1970's and its consequent weakening of trade union is a serious threat to acceptable and fair working and ... Show more content on ... There are few reasons that make the employees join a trade union, such as : a. Greater bargaining power : Trade unions will improve workers bargaining power with the employers through negotiations. Thus, a trade union is the best medium and most desirable to conduct bargaining on behalf the employees. b. Minimize discrimination : Trough trade union negotiation will help to minimize the management irrational or discrimination towards employees. A trade union can compel the employers on policies for equality of treatment to workers in order to create a harmonies workplace environment. c. Sense of security, belongingness and participation : A trade union can suggest a security for workers to management of benefits towards workers such as retirement benefits, hazards, accident, injury and illness. Another reasons of workers join a trade union because of their co–worker, friends are a trade union members. d. Platform for self–expression and betterment of relationship : A trade union is the best medium or a platform for expressing worker view, ideas, dissatisfaction towards management. Through a trade union adjustment of differences between workers and employees can be made by collective ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Trade Unions During The Industrial Revolution Unions Labor unions can be defined as organizations of similarly skilled or unskilled workers organized to protect and improve the worker's collective interests within an organization or industry. Organized labor unions grew out of the employees need for safer and better working conditions, better wages and reasonable work hours. Labor Unions otherwise called Trade Unions can have a tremendous effect on the employee– employer relationship. Employers have different positions regarding labor unions. Some are opposed to unions and resist organizing campaigns, some remain neutral others are pro–unions and encourage the partnership. Environments where employers are opposed to unions and or where active organizing campaigns exist can become hostile ... Show more content on ... Early in my working career, I was a member of the National Organization of Industrial Trade Union. I am qualified to give firsthand information of experiences in a union. After a couple years I was voted to the role of factory shop steward. My experience and interactions within the union environment seemed futile in creating real change. If something was not negotiated the employee did not receive it. Outside of picking up a check, the union representatives showed little to no interest in the day to day of the employees they represented, but rather, paid more attention to the needs of the employer. When I was time to renew a contract the employees and company were at opposing positions to the point of a stalemate leading into arbitration. The tension and hostility of this toxic environment can take a tremendous toll on employees and the business. It is not uncommon today to see companies close their doors a few years after a union is voted ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Evoulution of Trade Unions in the 21st Century A trade union is defined by Smith (2008) as an independent self–regulating organization of workers created to protect and advance the interests of its members through collective action. Trade unions were of course very important once upon a time, but their job has been done. The age of mass production is over. The new world is all about individual relationships, and unions will wither away. "A glorious past perhaps, but no real future" says Jacob (2008). There was at least some evidence to support that view. Union membership had fallen every year from its post war peak in 1980. The government had cut unions almost entirely out of the political loop, and their electoral strategists were still convinced that attacking unions was a vote ... Show more content on ... Occasionally disagreements do occur, and in these cases the union may decide to take industrial action. If the problem cannot be resolved amicably, the matter may go to an industrial tribunal. The purpose of industrial tribunals is to make sure that employee and employers conform to employment laws. They are made up of people outside the workplace who make a judgment about the case, based on the employees and employers point of view. Cases that go to industrial tribunals are usually about pay, unfair dismissal, redundancy or discrimination at work. The Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) is often used to help find a solution to a dispute, which is acceptable to both sides. Its duty under the Employment Protection Act is to promote the improvement of industrial relations and in particular to encourage the extension of collective bargaining and also to develop collective bargaining machinery (Mclean, 2007). Its main functions are: advisory work, collective conciliation, individual conciliation, arbitration, and extended investigation into industrial relations problems. Individuals can be represented by trade unions when they encounter problems at work. If an employee feels that they are being unfairly treated, he or she can ask the union representative to help sort out the difficulty with the manager or employer. Apart from negotiation and representation, many other benefits can be gained by joining ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Working In A Trade Union Essay I am not a huge fan of unions myself. Part of it is because I am on the Human Resource Management side of things. The other part of it has to do with the instability of it. Although I work for a union, I have seen the process of going through a contract. A lot of the things we are fighting for don't seem fair to us, because everyone always wants more. Employees want more money, more free time, more chances of getting a promotion, amongst many other things. I believe that everyone should work their hardest to move up in a company, regardless of seniority, age, race, ethnicity etc. If you want something bad enough, you will work hard to achieve it. I feel that unions, although sometimes are good, make it so that the employees protected by the union can get things handed to them. Throughout my education I have been taught to treat employees fairly and to make sure you aren't breaking any rules or laws, or to play favorites. Although generally easier said than done, it can happen. Like I have previously stated, employers and managers are getting smarter, and learning ... Show more content on ... When the labor movement first started, there were an infinite amount of problems in the world that needed to be changed. Whether it be women working in the workplace, or amount of hours worked, these things have all been addressed by the laws enforced throughout the years. Employees that don't abide by these laws can be sued or shut down. There are other ways than having to go through the National Labor Relations Board to be treated fairly in their jobs. OSHA has been put into play to make sure that substances aren't being used or overly abused that can cause for sicknesses and deaths later on down the road. There are multiple ways to make sure an employer is treating their employee fairly that doesn't come out of a ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. A Brief Note On Join A Trade Union INDERPAL SINGH STUDENT ID S2938018 INTRODUCTION Recently completed a degree and graduated from University? Found a new job and now confused on whether to join a Trade Union or not? Are you aware of the advantages that arise from being part of this elite group? For some the word Trade Union is unheard off. Well a Trade Union member has additional benefits which non trade union members don't have. The first main benefit is Unions help protect employees from unjust dismissal through collective bargaining agreements (Union ORG, 2015). Non Members can be fired at will for almost any reason where to fire a union member there must be a solid reason. Another major benefit of being part of a Union is having the collective power to go on strike (Union ORG, 2015). Unions are there to voice the opinion of the workforce. In recent years workers have declined the opportunity to become a member of Trade Unions. Trade Union members in their main job has fallen from 43% to 18% for employees who were males and 35% to 18% for females (ABS, 2013). Today the discussion is that University Graduates should join a Union after getting their first job to secure their future. SUPPORTING POINTS Trade Unions offer security, security for your well being and the security of providing for your family. There have been many cases where employees have been fired for unjust reason. The management cannot demote your from your position without having ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Disadvantages Of Trade Unions Unfair Dismissals According to Cant and Van Heerden (2015), the term unfair dismissals is only used in respect of employees of an organisation, it is seen as the protection of employees from unfairly being let go or dismissed. If an employee carries out a task that is set out by the LRA such as a protected strike, they are protected from being unfairly dismissed and would be seen as automatically unfair. Regardless of if the dismissal was fair or unfair, the dismissal still has to follow a certain set of rules, the dismissal should be fair and should relate either to an employer's failure to do the job specifications or relates to the employees lack of benefit to the organisation. An employee who feels that they have been unfairly dismissed must take their issue to the CCMA which was earlier discussed. If the dispute relates to an employee's misconduct or incapability's, the dispute is then forwarded to arbitration. Advantages and Disadvantages of the LRA. Advantages: Disadvantages: Lower turnover costs: According to Chron (2017), in the case of an employee leaving an organisation, there are a lot of costs involved, those being training of new candidate and filling the employees old position, according to Chron (2017), trade unions can help close this threat because they encourage and instil management to employee communication which encourages the employee to work on ways to improve the environment in which they work rather than leaving their job and incurring the manager extra costs. According to Study Room (2017), there are many disadvantages in the labour laws that ASouth Africa follow such as:  Employers may not just dismiss employees at their own convenience, as stated earlier, certain procedures have to be followed to retrench or dismiss an employee.  According to Study Room (2017), a lot of the employers as well as the employees do not respect the act so it cannot be properly carried out in the workplace respectfully. Higher Employee Productivity: According to Chron (2017), it is said that employees who belong to a union work much harder and have higher productivity levels than those who don't belong to a union.  According to Study Room (2017), employers basically cannot stop strikes ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. What are Trade Unions? "Trade Unions are not merely economic actors: they are necessarily protagonists in the political arena. Regulating the labour market is a question of power resources. Yet if Unions are inescapably both economic and political actors, the relationship between the two is complex..." A trade Union as defined by the Trade Union and Employers Organisation Act as an organisation the principle object of which includes the regulation of relations between employees and employers or employers organisations. Thus, its objective would necessarily be that of collective bargaining. Collective bargaining deals with the balancing of divergent interests, these being those of the employer to maximise profits and those of the employee of adequate ... Show more content on ... I am of the opinion that political affiliation of Trade Unions diminishes the prospects of negotiating in good faith where one party is in better footing than the other. Such good faith can be further diluted by political ambitions to the detriment of workers. A classic example of this is the 2011 Public Service strike where the employer (government), instead of addressing the problems of the day, abused their executive and legislative powers by mandating that some professions that were involved in the strike be included as essential services. This can be interpreted as an order to prevent the said employees from going on an otherwise lawful strike in the event of a deadlock. It is submitted that the actions of the employer were more motivated by its objective to preserve its political existence than by the endeavour to uphold workers' rights. So while section 48 of the TUEOA provides that there is a duty to bargain in good faith , an employer whose opponent is politically laced has no duty to yield to the demands of Trade Unions because of possible the political animosity which is bound to be injurious to the labour force. Article 8 (1) (a) of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights provides that state parties to the covenant undertake to ensure that trade unions function freely subject to no limitations other than those prescribed by law and which are necessary in a democratic society in the interests on national ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Trade Union Federation Research Paper The three trade union federations I chose are the three national labor organizations that developed during WWI. They include the American Federation of Labor (AFL), Knights of Labor (KOL) and the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). I will discuss the efficiency, equity and voice of these trade union federations, along with the strategies and tactics and their success. KOL The first trade union federation I'm going to discuss is the Knights of Labor. The KOL did not limit the geographic location for membership. Power was a big part of the KOL. The members that they attracted could include ones that were not satisfied with the new industrial revolution. Their goals they established included changing the current labor–management relationship ... Show more content on ... He did not agree with KOL's opinion on mutual agreements between employees and employers. He thought that workers could only receive more benefits if capitalism kept growing. This could lead to mutual interest over it, but not full complete agreements. The tactics of the AFL included economic pressure tactics for collective bargaining efforts. In the AFL, strikes were considered a collective bargaining tactic. Another tactic included the involvement in the political arena. The last tactic listed was to improve the public status and reputation of the collective bargaining process and organized labor. The organization of the AFL was based on decentralized authority and exclusive union jurisdiction. They got rid of the one big union and moved on to one union representing each recognizable skilled craft. This was a voluntary organization where craft unions dominated. Strikes are viable and there was enhanced public status. They wanted to keep out foreigners, less skilled blacks and females. Women would receive lower wages than the ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Trade Union Movement In Canada "The trade union movement represents the organized economic power of the workers... It is in reality the most potent and the most direct social insurance the workers can establish." Samuel Gompers. A trade union is an organization of workers who have come together to achieve common goals such as protecting the integrity of its trade, improving safety standards, achieving higher pay and benefits such as health care and retirement, increasing the number of employees an employer assigns to complete the work, and better working conditions. Unions are of a great benefit for workers and communities as being in an union delivers better pay alongside benefits and a right to fair treatment becomes enforce. Displayed by the Canadian Labour Congress's ... Show more content on ... Nonetheless, unions were not going to allow this for very long as the Toronto Typographical Union demanded a nine hour workday from the city's publishers. Without a doubt, employers attempted to deny any such thing from happening as they realized that they would end up losing money and as a result, the printers walked off the job on March 25, 1872. Publishers were forced into hiring replacement workers to continue their profits at the expense of human lives however, these strikes had gained widespread support throughout the city and thus a crowd of 10,000 supporters showed up for a rally at Queen's Park on April 15, 1872 despite knowing that their actions could have serious legal consequences as union activity was criminal. This resulted in the strike committee being arrested for criminal conspiracy done by no other than the Toronto Globe publisher George Brown which only served to advocate support from those who were detained. Subsequently, Prime Minister John A. Macdonald introduced the Trade Union Act on April 18, 1872, legalizing and protecting unions. The strike in Toronto evolved into the "Nine–Hour Movement". Toronto printers led to annual celebrations of Labour Day, celebrated today in communities across Canada every year. Workers movements had begun to develop as early as the 1850's but it was the issue of requiring a shorter workday that galvanized the movement and convinced more workers that joining unions would change their lives for the better. After the tremendous effort and victory by Canadian soldiers in World War I, they were brought back to an immense amount of unemployment and inflation. The fearless war veterans could not get their once previously obtained jobs prior to the war. Workers in various trades ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Trade Unions And The Workplace Trade Unions are organisations and purpose is to look after employees in the workplace and protect their rights. The way trade unions work, is that an employee needs to become a member of a specific trade union, pays a fee to invest in the union's operations. In turn trade unions help employees with things such as health and safety in the workplace, protection from discrimination, proper pay and leave entitlements, making sure that the workers rights are protected etc. Unions also aim to protect the interests of a union member for example, they commence campaigns and negotiations for increased pay rates and they also try to improve working conditions such as health and safety. Employees generally work in different jobs and industries so ... Show more content on ... The rights of this casual worker were also broken which were Anti–Discrimination, Unfair Dismissal which will all be addressed below. For the purpose of this report, only rights relating to this case will be detailed below. NES RIGHTS: The National Employment Standards are ten rights the employees are entitled to and they all apply to any worker in any job. The minimum NES rights include provisions relating to the number of hours worked, such as the right to work no more than a maximum weekly total of hours, and the right to request flexible working arrangements (including variation of hours). Parental leave and Related Entitlements should be available to all non–casual employees that have family responsibilities. Annual leave is another provision under the NES rights to which all (non–casual) employees are entitled, and allows employees to take holidays. When an employee is ill, or has family issues etc, Personal Carer 's and Compassionate leave entitles them to take time off to deal with their problems. Community service leave includes employees such as casual workers who can have leave for certain activities such as voluntary emergency management activities and so forth. Public holidays are days were employees get to have a day from their work and spend their own time with whatever they have. Long service leave is when workers get long service leave after they ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Trade Union Act 1926 The Trade Unions Act, 1926 Introduction The object of Trade Unions Act, 1926 is to provide for registration of Trade unions and to define law relating to registered trade unions in certain aspects. Trade Union – Trade Union means any combination, whether temporary or permanent, formed primarily for the purpose of regulating the relations between workmen and employers or between workmen and workmen, or between employers and employers, or for imposing restrictive conditions on the conduct of any trade or business. It includes federation of two or more trade unions. [section2(h)]. Thus, technically, there can be 'union' of employers also, though, almost universally, the term 'trade union' is associated with union of workmen or ... Show more content on ... [section 18(1)]. Registration does not mean recognition – Registration and recognition of Union by an employer are independent issues. Registration of Trade Union with Registrar has nothing to do with its recognition in a particular factory/company. Recognition of Trade Union is generally a matter of agreement between employer and trade union. In States like Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh, there are specific legal provisions for recognition of a trade union. Definition Section 1: Short title, extent and commencement * It extends to the whole of India. Section 2: Definitions Appropriate Government: For the trade unions whose objects are not confined to one state, the appropriate government will be the Central Government, for others it'll be the State Government. Trade dispute: It means any dispute between employers and, workmen or between workmen and workmen, or between employers and employers which is connected with the employment, or non– employment or the conditions of labour, of any person. Workmen: Means all persons employed in trade or industry whether or not in the employment of the employer with whom the trade dispute arises. Trade Union: It means combination whether temporary or permanent formed primarily for the purpose of –regulating the relations –for imposing restrictive condition on the conduct of any trade or business, –can be between workmen and employers or between workmen and workmen, or between employers and ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. National Trade Union Movement Introduction Commonly, labor unions are related to large companies and giant organizations; however, most owners of small business organizations find that unions are limited neither to the government sector nor to corporate behemoths such as Boeing, General Motors and UPS. As analyzed by various studies, labor unions remain less powerful than they were in past few decades. However, they remain a significant component of the American business landscape, and most small businesses depend on union employees for their daily activities. In fact, all owners of small businesses organizations who employ workers possess a fundamental familiarity with the significances of the United States labor laws, because they provide protections to union and nonunion ... Show more content on ... – Take action with one or more co–workers to improve their working conditions through among others means, raising work–associated complaints directly with their employer or their employer or the government agency a seeking assistance from a union In conclusion, the brief history of more than one hundred years of the modern trade union movement can only touch the high spot of practices and recognize the principal trends of a century of achievement in the United States. In such history's condensation, episodes of significant and of high human drama should also be of significance discussion far too briefly, or in some instances relegated to a mere mention. However, the issue that is clearly evident is that the working individuals of America have experienced unionization in struggle for achieving the benefits that they have accumulated during this century. Improvements did not emerge in an easy way. In addition to this opinion, the National Labor Relations Act guarantees the employees right to organize and bargain collectively with their employers, and get involved in other protected concerted ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Impact of Global Competition on Trade Unions To what extent does global competition undermine the power of trade unions? The development of free–market economics has, since the 18th century, resulted in the spread of a set of ideas, creeds and practices all over the developed and much of the developing world. Today, the globalisation of trade, capital, technology and innovation has accelerated competitive conditions for businesses all over the world. Globalisation may be defined as the opening of markets to the forces of neoliberalism and capitalism; it is characterised by the free movement of people, talent, skills, capital (intellectual, social and economic) across international borders. All kinds of barriers have either been swept away, diffused or made obsolete by the forces of ... Show more content on ... As global competition has intensified in the last thirty or so years, companies are increasingly looking to cut costs through outsourcing business functions, units and operations. Cheaper labour and business costs pull businesses away from developed economies to developing markets such as China, India, Indonesia, Nigeria, and so on. Technological advancements also mean that businesses need to operate 24/7, seven days a week and e–commerce is inevitable for any company that wants to survive and thrive. The 'virtual' corporation (Davidow and Malone, 1993) has become common. It is built on a global invisible network of relationships, suppliers, distributors and contractors, all coordinated out of an office somewhere in the world. The human worker at the heart of such an enterprise is in a very different position to someone working in a factory to company a hundred or two hundred years ago. Stable relationships, hierarchical orders, lines of command, even the predictable routines of work, rest, and so on have all but disappeared in the networked economy. Outsourcing clearly affects workers whose jobs and pay rely on those functions which have now been outsourced. Further, such developments negatively affect morale among workers who may still have jobs in–house but who are nervous about whether they, too, face redundancy and reduced hours and, therefore, reduced pay. Trade ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Strengths And Weaknesses Of Trade Unions 1. Introduction: Trade unions are associations of workers and are formed with the intention of protecting the workers against exploitation of the employers and also to improve the workers' conditions. (Chand) This includes making sure that workplaces are safe and that people's health is not being put at risk through their jobs. There are many trade union organizations working for the welfare of the workers. Manufacturing industry such as Honda Motor Co., Ltd a world's famous car manufacturing company established in 1948 is also is facing trade union practices from its workers. Some trade unions claim that Honda is unfairly treating their workers. Unite, Britain's largest union, has told the car manufacturer based in Swindon it is 'treating ... Show more content on ... Inter–union rivalry is mainly because of the multiplicity of unions which ultimately at the very root of unionism, weakens the power of collective bargaining, and reduces the effectiveness of workers in order to get their rights. Therefore, there should be ³One union in one Industry´. Practically in every important industry, there exists parallel and competing unions, e.g. on the Indian Railways, there are two parallel Federations ± the Indian RailwayFederation and Indian National Federation of Railway–men. In the Textile Industry in Bombay, where there are two unions ± the Girni Kamgar Union (controlled by the CPI) and the Restrain azdoor Sangh (controlled by the INTUC).As the trade unions are functioning from the plant level, there is a chance that disagreement will arise on democratic structure of trade union. Even the absence of any legal requirements in the greater part of the country to recognize any union as the sole bargaining agent is a major factor which generates the wide–spread and a bitter trade union rivalry. This problem may lead to Industrial Unrest, strikes, gheraos etc in the organization. ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Are Trade Unions a "Thing of the Past"? Discuss the Pros... "Historically, trade unions were a vital concomitant of the process of industrialization and political liberalization in most countries. As their influence grew to unprecedented heights after the Second World War, social theorists saw them as a key ingredient of the capitalist economy and social democracy" (Gospel and Wood 2003, p.2). Throughout the years, trade union density and membership in Britain, as well as the proportion of the workforce covered by collective bargaining, have declined significantly. Nevertheless, trade unions have strongly influenced developments at the national level, including minimum wage campaigns and union recognition procedures (Gospel and Wood 2003, p.1). However, can unions still be "perceived as critical ... Show more content on ... Consequently, unions suffered a collapse in union morale and limited resources prevented them from recruiting new members or breaking into unrecognised sectors; member turnover has also skyrocketed e.g. in USDAW about one–third left every year (Kessler and Bayliss 1998, p.178). Jointly, the above factors have contributed to the reduction of: union membership and density, influence on Government and in society, and bargaining power vis–à–vis employers (Kessler and Bayliss 1998). Since 1990s union membership level fell below 10m, and since fell continuously, never reaching those figures again (Brownlie 2012, p.22). By the time Labour returned after the 1997 election, membership had fallen to just 7.8m (Bryson and Forth 2010, p. 2) and "the landscape of industrial relations had been transformed" (Gospel and Wood 2003, p. 3). Trade union membership in the private sector fell by 450 thousand between 1999 and 2007; in the public sector it increased and peaked at 4.11m in 2009 (Brownlie 2012). After the 2008–09 recession, private sector membership increased by 43 thousand to 2.51m, while public sector membership fell by 186 thousand to 3.88m. Similarly, union membership density had declined between 1989 and 1998 from 38.8% to 29.9% (Bryson and Forth 2010, p.2), and fell to 26% in 2011 confirming the downward trend (Brownlie ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Unions Of The 1872 Trade Union Act Ever since the 1872 Trade Union Act, many labour unions were alienated because they were categorized as a conspiracy against normal operations of business (Krahn, Hughes and Lowe 334). This act was significant because it laid the constructs of unions that we have today. Unions enabled workers for the first time to shed light on what was wrong, and and how they were able to improve conditions in their workplace. Before unions, many employers took advantage of workers by threatening their safety, and giving lower wages with longer hours because it was more profitable for the employer. Workers would want to join unions, because they offered job security, better wages, benefits and rights to the workers. The purposes of these unions are too provide workers with a sense of not being alone, and being able to make a change. Workers tend to feel that they have no control over their jobs, workers joined or formed unions to instigate a change which would increase control between workers and corporations. One of the reason why unions are very important is because unions promote job security. Job security is very important to an average Canadian because it shows us the probability of a person becoming unemployed. If unions provide higher job security it would allow people to have less concern from losing their job. If a person does lose their job for whatever reason, unions usually have people in place to help you fight for that job back. With unions better wages and benefits are ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Trade union decline in UK Trade union is a form of organization where employees and leaders with common interests join in order to promote and protect those interests. These collective organisations have the role to negotiate with the employers the wages and the working conditions, they also help ease the relationships between employers and employees by diminishing the conflict between them and act collectively when it comes to implement the terms of collective bargaining. As Webbs shows, the trade unions are 'a continuous association of wage–earners for the purpose of maintaining or improving the conditions of their working lives'(Webb and Webb, 1920, 1). Because the employer has the power in an organisation by having the authority to hire and fire people, the ... Show more content on ... The first one is the fact that employees still need someone to fight for their rights and for their economic existence while their existence will stimulate the management to be effective. The second reason is the fact that because the organisations and the structure of the economy are changing continuously, the labour needs to be organised, and the need for a workforce voice is needful because the management, in the pursuit of being competitive and ethic, it may ignore the people's issues. Unions need to retain their members and to attract new ones by making their presence to be sought and by avoiding derecognition. Another study claimed that the recognition of the unions is a hard goal to achieve and that the opposite of recognition contributed to the weakened unionisation (Disney et al., 1994). What some have said, it is vital for unions if they want to survive, to take into account the 'New Unionism' or 'New Realism' (Bassett, 1986; Roberts, 1987). Some supporters of the 'new unionism' agreed with the fact that the management has the right to manage and that it would be better for unions to have a good relationship with it in order to ensure that the maximum level of efficiency is touched. From those few unions that deny the role of the management, there are several agreeing with the fact that there are decisions of the management that are not in line with their objectives and therefore they need to protect their members by using ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Trade Unions and the Industrial Revolution Trade Unions had struggled to achieve the freedom to exist in the early stages of the industrial revolution. Provide a critical account of their early developments, noting some of the major changes in their formation and character. A trade union can be described as an organization of workers who have banded together to achieve common goals in key areas and working conditions. They were established around the early eighteenth century and membership was low and most were from within crafting industries but as the success of trade unions became apparent, workers in other industries began to see the benefits of unions to allow them to go from strength to strength and establish themselves in a wider variety of sectors. However, up until the ... Show more content on ... 146). In 1851 the Amalgamated Society of Engineers was formed after sever local and sectional engineering unions merged together (Blackboard, 2008). This society formed a new organisation of trade unionism which was followed by Carpenters and Joiners and other trade unions. These unions were "respected by employers because they hand money in the bank and prudence as their first principle". They had a cautious industrial policy and used strikes as a last resort. (Derry and Jarman, XXXX, p. 146). The new Liberal government headed by William Gladstone saw The Trade Union Congress campaigning for the Minority Report, the campaign was successful and the 1871 Trade Union Act was based largely on the Minority Report. This act secured the legal status of trade unions. As a result of this legislation no trade union could be regarded as criminal because "in restraint of trade"; trade union funds were protected. Although trade unions were pleased with this act, they were less happy with the Criminal Law Amendment Act passed the same day that made picketing illegal. Trade unions also went through many amalgamations and legal changes, for example, until 1850, unions had been involved primarily in local affairs (with the exception of the miners) but from the middle of the century, the growth of railways meant that communications were easier and amalgamations began to take place. The engineering industry was in the lead and ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. The Importance Of Trade Unions In Canada Unions were a major turning point in Canada's labor industry since they were meant to put the power of government behind the rights of the workers for them to bargain collectively with their employees on matters like working conditions, wages, and working hours. Trade unions were supposed to protect workers against arbitrary decisions like sudden wage cuts, layoffs and firing. Trade unions were majorly meant to protect the interest of the workers. Employers, however, do not like trade unions. In an economy that has a lot of uncertainty, employers want to have the flexibility of cutting wages, hiring and firing and also adding extra hours to the workers when there is a need. However, there is a decline in labor unions due to the current employment shift. There was a shift in employment from industries that had high unionization rates like the manufacturing and construction industries to occupations with lower unionization rates like retail trade and professional services. Even though most of the things trade unions did like ensuring comfortable working conditions have been enshrined in the law, trade unions are still crucial in ensuring workers are safe in their workplace. Organized labor in Canada is now surviving and not thriving as in the past. With the decline in trade unions, workers are now facing a hostile social and cultural climate which is increasingly anti–union and it is driven by the interest of the employers (McCormick & Hyman 2013). Data from Statistics ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Trade Union Movement in India 5 Trade Union Development UNIT 4 TRADE UNION DEVELOPMENT and Functions AND FUNCTIONS Objectives After going through this unit, you should be able to understand: l the growth and development of trade unions in India, and l the functions and problems of trade unions. Structure 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Origin and Growth of Trade Unions 4.3 Development of Trade Unions in India 4.4 Indian Unions Today 4.5 The Trade Unions Act: Legal Framework for Trade Unions 4.6 Functions of Trade Unions 4.7 Strengthening of Trade Unions 4.8 Summary 4.9 Self– Assessment Questions 4.10 Further Readings Appendices 4.1 INTRODUCTION Trade Unions have become an integral and powerful factor in the contemporary system of production and distribution of goods and services. ... Show more content on ... It is this realisation that sowed the seeds of collective bargaining which later resulted in trade unionism. The workers, working under a common employer, faced common problems and common tasks. They developed common sentiments, and organised themselves into associations which could meet the employers on a basis of equality. The inchoate labour organisations had to cross many hurdles before they could develop into fullfledged stable trade unions. There were internal dissentions, persistent and determined opposition from the employers, merciless persecution and suppression by the state (For example, in England, France, Germany and the United States, combinations of workmen per se were declared illegal), and the full–throated condemnation of trade unionism by the advocates of free competition and laissez–faire. In spite of these efforts at suppression, trade unions continued to grow, sometimes working underground and sometimes openly. They continued to defy the laws prohibiting the combination of workmen (Combination Acts of 1799 and 1800 in Great Britain, for example) and the judicial pronouncements (particularly, the judgement in the Philadelphia Cordwainers Case of 1806 in the United States) against the combinations of workmen. Under incessant pressures from the workers and their organisations, the law and the attitude of the courts gradually came to be modified. The history of the trade union movement everywhere is a history of blood, ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Trade Union Movement Pros And Cons "The trade union movement represents the organized economic power of the workers... It is in reality the most potent and the most direct social insurance the workers can establish." Samuel Gompers. A trade union is an organization of workers who have come together to achieve common goals such as protecting the integrity of its trade, improving safety standards, achieving higher pay and many benefits. Unions are a great benefit for workers and communities as being in a union delivers better pay alongside benefits and a right to fair treatment becomes enforced. Displayed by the Canadian Labour Congress's UNION ADVANTAGE report, it shows that, on average, unionized workers across Canada earned $5.28/hour more than non–union workers. Women with ... Show more content on ... Industrial growth, the rising influence of "big business" and expanding government involvement in the social and economic life of the country demanded a strong, unified voice for working Canadians, which resulted in the creation of the Canadian Labour Congress in 1956 (Canadian Labour Congress, 2015). Because of unions, public service workers in Canada have decent pay, benefits and pensions, but they had to fight to win those gains. In 1965 the Canadian Union of Postal Workers wanted the right to bargain collectively, the right to strike, higher wages and better management. To achieve this they defied government policies and staged an illegal, countrywide strike which even to this date is known one of the largest 'wildcat' strikes in Canada (Laidlaw & Curtis, 1986). Lasting only two weeks they did accomplish their goal as collective bargaining rights were given to the entire public service however, full justice was not yet achieved. Exploitation of workers, especially immigrants was still running rampant in the 1960s as a plethora of workers barely earning enough to support their families. Alongside this, they lived in constant angst of deportation while working in very unsafe working conditions, however, due to the fact that many were unable to speak English, they were unaware of any rights they did have. This changed when a horrific tragedy ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. The Pros And Cons Of Trade Unions? What are trade unions? We hear about them all the time and yet very few people know about them and what they have to offer. A trade union, also known as a labour unions, are organizations of workers who have chosen to unite together to be able to achieve common goals such as protecting the integrity of its trade, achieving well deserved higher pay, increasing the number of employees an employer hires and obtain better working conditions. Through its leadership, the trade union is able to bargain with the employer on behalf of members and negotiate labour contracts with the employer. The well known purpose of such associations is to maintain or improve the conditions of their employment. This can include the negotiation of wages, work rules, ... Show more content on ... In the face of continuing government intransigence, the two groups are now working closely together in the vanguard of a broad coalition of forces seeking to introduce a multiparty system. Together with the Swaziland National Association of Teachers, the SFL and SFTU agreed in March to set up a Labour Coordinating Council with a joint national executive committee and secretariat to further bind them together. The unions are also working with churches, banned political parties, NGOs, human rights groups and even, on occasion, the employers' federation in a broad coalition to demand change. Although Swaziland has banned political parties, the law does allow for labour to organize and form unions. The country has ratified all eight International Labour Organization conventions, and the workers have legal rights to collective bargaining and strikes. However, there are restrictions – unions must represent 50 percent of employees in a work place to be automatically recognized; if not recognition depends on the employer. Procedures for announcing a strike can last up to 74 days, and voting procedures on strike action are complex, making legal strikes virtually impossible to organize. There is legal redress at an Industrial Court, which is generally viewed as effective and impartial by unions and ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Essay on The Development of Trade Unions for the Unskilled The Development of Trade Unions for the Unskilled The 'new model unions' were for the skilled workers and only covered a small section of the working class which meant a great mass of unskilled and semi–skilled workers remained largely unorganised this was with exceptions of the Miners' National Union and the Agricultural Labourers' Union. During the 1880s the unskilled workers were organised into what is called 'new unionism'. These new unions' main features were that they charged minimal subscriptions and adopted a much more militant stance towards the employers; this meant that the unions were prepared to use the strike weapon to gain their objectives. The new unions also did not seek to exclude ... Show more content on ... The revival of socialism was also important to the development of trade unions for the unskilled as a number of individual socialists inspired a number of the strikes which took place during the 1880s. The successful strikes which took place in 1888–9 saw the turning point for the unskilled and semi– skilled workers. In 1888 Annie Besant investigated the working conditions of female labour at Bryant and May's factory in East London. Here she found low wages, girls suffering from phosphorus poisoning and a harsh regime of rules and regulations. Mrs Besant organised The Match–Makers Unions which came out on strike and eventually the girls won an increase in wages and some of the rules were relaxed. This successful strike encouraged other unions to take on their employers. In 1889 Will Thorne , a member of the Social Democratic Federation, assisted by Eleanor Marx, formed the Gas workers' and General Labourers' Union. Thorne organised a strike at the Becton Gas–works and demanded a change from two 12–hour shifts to three 8 hour shifts. The employers agreed to the demand and an increase in wages. The summer of 1889 however saw the greatest struggle. In London's dockland the dockers were being badly paid and demoralised until Ben Tillett organised them into making a number of demands of the employers. Tillett prepared for a long strike and was joined by ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. The Union Of Korean Trade Unions Gregory Baumanna Overview: In December 1996 and January 1997, there was a massive four week nationwide strike in South Korea in protest against newly passed labor laws which gave employers more power to lay off employees, made it easier to hire temporary/strike replacing workers and put off allowing multiple unions to be formed at a given enterprise. This resulted in the mobilized three million workers, which shut down auto/ship production, disrupted hospitals, subways and television. The two main unions involved were the The Federation of Korean Trade Unions (FKTU) and the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (FCTU). This strike was notable due to its consistently high levels of worker participation and high level of public support. Two ... Show more content on ... Many companies attempted to institute practices that would allow for cost cutting such as reliance on contract workers and part time workers, in addition to allowing for voluntary retirement and adopting a no work no pay policy. These moves were actively opposed by labor groups and the need for labor refom became clear. This belief also led to South Korea's New Korea Party (NKP) creating the Labor–Managrement Relations Reform Committee (LMRRC) on May 9th of members of various labor interist groups, university professors and lawmakers. Its 30 members held several public hearings on the creation on new labor policies and created the New Labor Law. This new Labor law was the result of a 1996 Changes would make it easier and legal for companies to lay off workers, increase the legal work–week by 12 hours and allowing companies to modify working hours, makes the use of scab labor during strikes legal and outlawing strike–pay. http://www.hartford– Cause: Government says changes are necessary to make South Korea "more competitive with other developing economies" that are emerging as competitors to Korea. http://www.hartford– The committees that had been created were unsuccessful in creating a new labor bill after six months of hearing so the NKP decided to create a new secret committee to create the bill on December 3rd. Then on ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Trade Union Done by Michelle mboya year 11s WHAT IS A TRADE UNION? Trade unions are organizations that represent people at work. They consist of workers and union leaders, united to promote and protect their interests. Trade unions exist because an individual worker has very little power to influence decisions that are made about his or her job. By joining together with other workers, there is more chance of having a voice and influence. THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF TRADE UNIONS. * CRAFT UNION: A union representing workers who share the same skill–set or who perform identical tasks. * GENERAL UNION Is a trade union which represents workers from a variety of trades and industries. They are often un–skilled but also include ... Show more content on ... While some people have developed training skills to handle conflict, many people including very senior leaders, dread conflict and will do almost anything to avoid it. Causes of conflict Every employee has needs and certain expectations at work, and conflict could arise when people feel that these are not being met or are being ignored. Conflict could be the result of: * poor management * unfair treatment * unclear job roles * inadequate training * poor communication * poor work environment * lack of equal opportunities * bullying and harassment * new changes to products, organizational charts, appraisals or pay systems Other major causes include: * Personalities – the 'personality mix ' within a team can be upset when a new member of staff joins or if two colleagues suddenly fall out. Individuals may also respond to difficult or challenging situations in an unhelpful or unproductive way. * Needs and expectations – conflict at work can often be caused when employers ignore the needs of employees or set unrealistic expectations. For example, arranging hours that make it difficult for employees to carry out childcare responsibilities. * Values – most people have very clear ideas about what they think is fair, and your organization's procedures and policies must reflect this. For example, ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Collective Bargaining And The Intervention Of Trade Unions Collective Bargaining and A Strong Role for Unions Is Not Constructive (Advantageous) to Organisations in Today's Economic Conditions Trade unions in Australia emerged in 1850s when industry had its first amazingly fast development. The aim of the unions is to unite all labors to counter the excessive power of employers so that working conditions and wages can be promoted. This aim now has been basically realized with the establishment of awards system which sets out the rates of pay and terms of employment. On this basis, this essay will provide evidence on that collective bargaining and the intervention of trade unions need to be cut down in order that companies' cost can be reduced and specific circumstance can be catered to maximize ... Show more content on ... Pluralism lessens the managerial prerogative but cannot take individual differences into consideration while unitarism is the contrary (Oram, 1984). In accordance with pluralism and unitarism, there are two ways of negotiation between the employer and the employee which are collective bargaining (between representatives of two parties) and individual bargaining (between individual employee and the employer). In dealing with industry relations, trade unions are always involved and collective bargaining is used while in human resource management (HRM) individual bargaining is preferred (Guest, 1987). The role of trade unions is much related to the social economic situation. Collective bargaining is especially useful in fiscal crisis as two sides through negotiation can bring terms and strategies helpful for both (Lewin et al., 2011). However, when the overall financial situation is strong, collective bargaining is more of a tool for employees' interest than for mutual profit. According to the survey on Australian economy, its GDP growth rate is quite stable. Australian GDP expanded 1.1 percent seasonally over previous three months, which is the highest in the last seven quaters (TRADE ECONOMICS, 2014). Trade unions showed up when workers were cruelly exploited at the start of the industrial ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. The Essence of Registration of Trade Union in Nigeria INTRODUCTION. In ordinary common usage, trade union is understood as the organization of workers formed to protect the interests of its members. However, the legal definition as we shall see shortly is not as expansive as that. In Nigeria the principal legislation regulating trade unionism which is the Trade Union Act (the Act) requires that a trade union must be registered before it can carry out any of the purposes for which it was established. The questions that naturally arise here are how constitutional is the requirement for compulsory registration of a trade union before it can lawfully carry out its functions? Can the Registrar of trade union refuse to grant an application for registration? If yes, under what circumstance, and if ... Show more content on ... Similarly, section 28 (2)(b) empowers the Registrar to refuse an alteration of the rules of a trade union, if as a result of the alteration, the principal purpose of the union would cease to be that of regulating the terms and conditions of employment of workers. Also, section1 (2) provides that the fact that a combination has purposes or powers other than the purpose of regulating the terms and conditions of employment of workers cannot prevent its registration as a trade union. The combined effect of these sections is that a trade union may have other purposes but any other object or purpose must be merely ancillary to the purpose of regulating the terms and conditions of employment of workers. In Re Union of Ifelodun Timber Dealers and Allied Workers, the court after examining the object of a combination that applied for registration as a trade union noted as follows: I can see nothing in these object which, to use the words of the definition, regulates the relation between workmen and masters or between workmen and workmen or between masters and masters. It seems to me that the principal purpose of the association in so far as they may be extracted from the unpublished objects are the protection and expansion of the timber trade and the welfare of all persons, whether they be workmen or employers engaged in ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. The Development of Trade Unions in Britain Essay The Development of Trade Unions in Britain There are many different factors as to why trade unions developed so incredibly slowly in Britain. The problems started from the 1850s when New Model Unions were introduced. The ASE (Amalgamated Society of Engineers) had been formed in 1851 and had become the inspiration for other unions in similar areas of craftsmanship to be formed. Many people liked the idea of a union because it gave them certain protection like that of wages and standards of living and benefits for ill and unemployed members and so joined a union which appealed to them. One of the first setbacks which was unnoticed for some time was the fact that these New Model Unions had entry ... Show more content on ... Some unions experienced difficulties in regard to their funds being stolen by treasurers or members and the realisation that their funds were not 100% legally protected because they were in 'restraint of trade' which meant that funds were not protected by the Friendly Societies Act. Societies registered under the Act were accused of 'acting too much like a union' and funds were not covered because unions were liable to strike. On the plus side, the formation of the Royal Commission on Trade Unions was set up in the late 60s which turned out to be a great advantage to Trade Unions because of the Minority Report created by Frederic Harrison, Thomas Hughes and the Earl of Lichfield. They argued that trade unions should be given privileged legal status and Harrison proposed several changes to the law : 1) People who joined should not be liable for indictment for conspiracy unless their actions would be criminal if committed by a single person; 2) The common law doctrine of restraint of trade in its application to trade associations should be repealed; 3) That all legislation dealing with specifically with the activities of employers or workmen should be repealed; 4) That all trade unions should receive full and positive protection for their funds and other property. Funds later became protected under the 1871 Trade Union Act which meant that court action could be used if necessary. ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Trade Union TRADE UNIONISM, COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AND NATION BUILDING: THE NIGERIAN EXPERIENCE Charles N. Okolie Introduction It is a well known fact that the growth and development of any nation depends on the structures it has carved out for itself. In Nigeria, amidst the various arms of the government which has been working tirelessly to ensure the growth and sustenance of the Nigerian state is the emergence of trade unions. The colonial influence in Nigeria has left much to be desired. The emergence of these trade unions has become a desired form of association in order to restore the dignity of professional workers and more so ensure greater level of overall national output which is part of nation building. These unions operate on ... Show more content on ... The first organization that is known to have had an interest in trade union activities was the mechanics mutual aid provident and mutual improvement association formed in July 1883. But the first trade union that is characterized by wage employment was the Nigerian service union organized in 1912. The union was more concerned with efficiency in the civil service and intensified nationalization of the service than with hard core trade unionism. Some other ones 138 Charles N. Okolie includes the railway workers union and the Nigerian union of teachers. Those who formed the railway workers union were dissenters from the civil service union. The reason for this break away of the railway workers to form the workers union was because they believed that the civil service union was too soft spoken on fundamental issues and more so, the civil service union was not responsive to the economic dictates of the period. More so because the new unions were made up of skilled workers or artisans in various trade, they were placed on a strategic position and so a strike by them could paralyse the economy. As an offspring of this association of skilled workers, the NUT was formed. The reason for the formation was that the teachers were dissatisfied over conditions of employment. The African leaders were not happy that the working conditions in the mission schools were poorer than those of their contemporaries in the government owned ... Get more on ...