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To Kill A Mockingbird Narrative Voice
As a reader, it is important to be aware of the impact of the narrative voice in a text. Discuss in
relation to the narrative voice in 'To Kill a Mockingbird'.
There are three main voice in the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" Scout, Jean Louise Finch (Scouts
Adult) and Harper Lee, also there are two narratives of Boo Radley (Mental Health) and Tom
Robinson/ Ewells (Historical Racial/ Critical Lens) which are event that the voices all in some way
encounter and expresses in there points of views.
Scout Finch, who is five in the novel at the start and eight at the end of the novel is also known as
Jean Louise Finch at an older age, is presented as a first person narrator as well as a member of the
novel, In the first chapter the viewers can see
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A Rose For Emily Narrative Voice Analysis
A narrative voice is the heart of a story, it is the one that determines many important things about
what is happening and can even have the potential to convert the reader in protagonists of the story.
In this story "A Rose for Emily " by William Faulkner the narrative voice is causing confusion on
the reader because have many voices distilled into one . Many times, it seems that he/she knows
everything that is happening and that he was very close to the protagonist Emily and at other times
seems a complete stranger. It is not easy for the reader to determine the gender of the narrator, and
even to imagine it is extremely complex. Faulkner develop in this story is genre Gothic Fiction, whit
this unexpected narrator and whit ... Show more content on ...
It is a fact, that the narrator makes judgments both for and against the protagonist and also present
outsides observations when he stays "Alive, Miss Emily had been a tradition , a duty , and a care ; a
sort of hereditary obligation upon the town "(Faulkner,82) being this to emphasize the responsibility
that the people of the town felt whit her and stays also his point pf view in the situation . The
narrator is sympathetic to Miss Emily, never condemning her actions. Sometimes unabashedly and
sometimes grudgingly, the narrator admires her ability to use her aristocratic bearing in order to
vanquish the members of the city and an example is when she go to buy the arsenic and the druggist
ask her to tell him for what she is going to use it ,and she just look him eye to eye and the man go
and give her the arsenic without ask her anything else . As we could see it is hard to determine the
gender of the narrative voice because is talking as the people and never use a word for describe
himself . He uses the words "we" and "they" and changes it continuously because he does not want
to be involved in all the things the community did and he is blaming the community for Emily's
behavior. Faulkner uses the perfect kind of narrator for develop his genre , a mysterious and creepy
narrative voice to develop
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Kerry Howley's Narrative Voice
Narrative Voice I enjoyed the Craft talk with Kerry Howley on the role of the narrator as a character
in the story. It was particularly interesting to focus on the narrator and to actually get the chance to
develop the narrator as a character. She mentioned that often the narrator is the character that gets
the least amount of attention from the author, which seems bizarre. The narrator is the character with
which the entire narrative arc is seen. Intuitively you would think that this character would receive
the most attention from the author. The characteristics of the narrator can influence every detail of
the story. Kerry had us each think of an anecdote to share with a partner that would later be the basis
for the short stories we would
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Essay On Narrative Voice In A Woman Warrior And Things...
Not only is the narrator one of the first parts of a novel that a reader experiences, but it can change
completely how a reader experiences that novel. In both A Woman Warrior by Maxine Kingston, and
Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe, the narrative voice influences the narrators understanding of
the cultures of Maxine and Okonkwo, respectively. Kingston writes using the narrative voice of her
younger self, named Maxine and Achebe tells his story through an unnamed narrator who has
insight into multiple character's minds. Both Kingston and Achebe use language as a tool to allow
readers to get better acquainted with the cultures and traditions of the characters, and to also further
show the complexity of the purpose of silence. Maxine Kingston ... Show more content on ...
Achebe uses this technique as a way to show the importance of language between classes
throughout his novel. As the Igbo tribe is experiencing colonization and the intrusion of the Western
people, the narration shifts from a fully understood and accepted form of communication, to a
barrier that prevents the Western people from understanding the national that they have overrun. The
narrator speaks in a way that embraces Igbo culture and tradition, including stories and songs in
traditional Igbo, with a full understanding of the importance of language in this culture. However, as
the novel progresses, the view of the narrator slowly changes, coming to a apex in the very end of
the book as the District Commissioner notes that the story of Okonkwo could make for an
interesting paragraph in his upcoming book. The narrator, speaking through the mind of the District
Commissioner, is a much colder and aggressive voice than heard throughout the rest of the novel.
The District Commisioner's contemplation that the life of Okonkwo, a traditional and very religious
and symbolic character of the Igbo tribe, would only be worth a few sentences is Achebe's way of
showing that the Western culture is unable to understand and accept the culture of the Igbo
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Personal Narrative-Grounded In My Voice
At the start of the semester I had become more aware and grounded in my voice. In my everyday
life, I would notice if I was holding my breath. The reason for this was because over the summer I
had to stand–up to one of my shut–up judges, my dad. The incident was extremely emotional, and I
coped with it through the use of my actor training; instead of checking out and holding tension, I
chose to breathe deeply and stay grounded. This allowed me to speak up even when I was told to
shut–up. This awareness of breath was developed through necessity rather than choice. I had to be
strong. My strength didn't only come from being grounded in my breath, but it also came using
breathe to stay present in the room. The use of breath also allowed me to go into my body and
release the build–up of emotions. As a result of these experiences, my voice was able to drop more
consistently to my lower resonator rather than my typical chest voice.
The new drop in my voice had its own challenges as well. One, of course, was to avoid reverting
into old habits. When it comes to voice work, effort should be applied every day. Just because I was
breathing deep one day, doesn't mean I am allowed to stop the next day. Throughout this whole
semester, I've had to continuously be aware of my voice and breath. The interesting thing was that I
would be holding my ... Show more content on ...
I went from starting to bring breath into my body, to using that as a foundation for a more free and
clear voice. In order to reach my ideal voice, I need to work on the tension in my throat and to bring
the sound forward. While writing this new story of my voice, I felt a sense of pride. I am proud of
how far I have come, and where I'm headed. I can't wait for the next chapter in the story of my
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Personal Narrative: A Voice
The dance that was most aesthetically pleasing to me was the dance titled "A Voice." This dance had
a combination of both single–unit and multi–unit movements. It was very appealing to watch. It was
interesting to see how they originally started with two people dancing together, with one left out, to
a different combination, to a different one. This dance was the one that let me leave the whole show
with a smile. I could not believe the chemistry that all of the performers had during that dance. It
dragged me into the story that they were portraying. The performance had an aura that I just could
not get over. It was obviously the dance of the night for me. Out of all of the dances, Duende was
my second favorite dance. There was this essence about this dance that I thoroughly enjoyed. Even
though there was a mistake in the performance that I saw, where two of the performers accidently
ran into each other, this dance was still really pleasant to watch. Throughout the whole performance,
I kept expecting to see the performers start voguing. The way that the music sounded would go
perfectly with that style of dance. Another thing that I enjoyed about the performance was the ...
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Due to a poor night's sleep, I found myself growing tired after the intermission. I feel as if the
concert had more upbeat songs it would have helped me be more awake, so I could stay attentive for
the event. For example, if Noctambulation and An Unstable Nucleus were to switch places, it would
have helped me stay wider awake. That could have been just me. Other than that, I thought the
lighting seemed a little weird. I was fine with the spotlights that were given to people at certain
times. But the lights that were on the sides of the "stage" were somewhat distracting for me. Perhaps
if they were in the corners, instead of having the lights as they were (three on each side) it would
have created a different dynamic for the concert as a
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Personal Narrative: Finding My Voice
Finding My Voice
Many people never speak out about their abuser. They never find their voice, typically from fear and
the control of the abuser. Because of this, many abuse victims go years trapped in their abusive
homes. They go years trapped sometimes because they feel as though no one will help them, and
they have been told all the while by the abuser that they need the abuser to survive because they
would not be able to on their own. I happened to be one of these victims. For many years I was
controlled by my abuser through fear, and this fear hid my voice. Over this past summer, I found my
voice through courage that I had built up. I thankfully had help through my situation from close
friends and family members, unlike with some abuse
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Youthful Initiative: Narrative Voice and Characterization...
It is the rare person who cannot remember being dealt a great injustice as a child: one that felt
egregious in youth, but was revealed to be perhaps less so with time. This shift in perception is due
to the fact that children tend to see things in black and white. Therefore, a sign of nascent maturation
is an understanding of the incalculably vast grey scale that lies between the two absolutes. In
Maxine Clair's Rattlebone, the reader is privy to the thoughts of Irene Wilson thro ughout the stories
"Secret Love" and "October Brown". This youthful viewpoint is what allows the reader to glean an
understanding of not just Irene as an individual, but the nature of growing up into a world that is
unnervingly contrary to the simplistic one ... Show more content on ...
As a teacher, it is Brown's duty to first to be loyal to the children in her care. She breaks this
unspoken agreement when she endangers the unity of Irene's family by having an affair with her
student's father and so, in Irene's mind, must be removed from the role she dishonors.
The morally rigid model that Irene clings to in "Secret Love" and "October Brown" drives her
actions in both. In the first, Irene desperately tries to fill the role vacated by her mother, she makes
James's dinner and "[ladles] gravy over it just so", does dishes standing "up to [her] elbows in
dishwater": performing the traditional roles of a wife (131). Similarly, in "October Brown", she
takes advantage of being put in a position of power over Brown's career and lies, saying "Yes . . .
she did" when asked if Brown physically abused a student (19). (Here again is a certain amount of
composure in the face of potential emotional trauma: Irene is able to make this fictional claim in a
"level and clear" voice (19).) At the root of Irene's behavior is the desire to expunge aberrations
from a world she needs to believe is just. By using Irene as a first person narrator, Clair grants the
reader access to a more sophisticated perception of her stories: it is Irene's strongly contrasting sense
of fair and unfair that, when challenged, drives her to try and correct the imbalance. Pearlean
unjustly ostracizes James; Irene tries to take up the responsibilities she abandoned. October Brown
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The Narrative Voice in the Lovely Bones
In the novel The Lovely Bones (TLB) by Alice Sebold, the narrative voice is the key technique that
hooks the reader and compels him or her to turn over the page. While the author uses a number of
other literary techniques to draw the reader in, it is the narrator's voice that is this novel's most
interesting and appealing feature. The narrative voice in this novel is unique to other novels because
the narrator is a girl named Susie Salmon who is speaking from heaven. This is a distinctive point in
the novel because it gives us the story from the perspective from others and we experience themes in
the book that we never experienced before.
Firstly the narrator of the book TLB is a teenaged girl named Susie Salmon who has been raped at
murdered by a man named Mr. Harvey. Susie lived in a small American town and was killed in a
cornfield at the age of 14. We know that she is talking from the after–life because she tells us from
the first page "I was fourteen when I was murdered on December 6, 1973". She then starts to narrate
the novel from the afterlife. This perspective allows us this point of view to experience the narrator
and the people she is connected with in a way we have never touched upon before. Susie can tell the
mood of a person, what he/she is thinking at the time, what they are going to do next and it's
because of the way she can interpret the emotions of other people that makes the narrative voice of
this novel it's unique selling point
Secondly the narrator
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What Is The Narrative Voice In To Kill A Mockingbird
In the novel 'To Kill a Mockingbird' written by Harper Lee, evidential impact are put upon the
reader in various methods. The narrative voice in the story depicts how engaged the reader is
alongside of the story the interpreter chooses to support. In 'To Kill a Mockingbird' the narrator
adopts a first person coding alongside a degree of objectivity. Furthermore, the book contains a dual
plot–line; Jean Louise, whom is not only older Scout but young Scout too. Two distinct voices –
innocence whilst she was a child, in comparison to her adult form and its perspective. As it is written
in a female perspective, events may exaggerated – emotionally centered. Thus, generating the reader
to feel the narrator's experiences. Harper Lee chooses to write ... Show more content on ...
The overwhelming passing of time makes Scout see almost everything differently and in a more
mature manner. Thus, the impact would change as everyone of those characters would have different
perspectives. Additionally, as the narrator writes in first person, older Jean looks back and examines
her life when she was young – in a completely different perspective. While Harper Lee writes as
Scout, she demonstrates a child's perspective with innocence and truth. A child views the scenario's
without a bias impact on the story – thus developing the information to be as accurate as possible.
The storyline is told in retrospect putting together an unreliable story, however, leaving the essence
of it still present. Given limitations, it provides recounting events from childhood as an adulthood
with the exaggeration in expression regarding the storytellers feelings. Although quite a bit of the
story has been written in an unbiased fashion, some have been explicitly biased. Whilst Scout was a
child and she saw her father as a hero, claiming that "It was times like these when I thought my
father, who hated guns and had never been to any wars, was
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Narrative Voice In The Subway Poem
The narrative voice suggests that their mirth derives in part from their freedom to transgress
differences such as those between the segregated communities that characterize much of the city.
The protagonists' hope is infectious, but the narrative voice, reflecting on the thoughts of other
passengers in the subway, remains aware of the risks of their self–proclaimed freedom, casting
doubts on their futures. Their laughter leads to jealousy in the other passengers as they think back to
their own youths and the privileges they have lacked. The narrator imagines another rider thinking
of these characters as "free loaders" (4); this rider is reassured by thinking that "life will get them
hard some time" (4). Such doubts resurface continually in
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Narrative Voice In The Awakening
In The Awakening, author Kate Chopin uses a narrative voice that shifts between the third person
limited, recounting Edna Pontellier's innermost thoughts and feelings and the third person
omniscient, that examines the perception of her by the people closest to her while she is absent, to
recount the tale of Edna Pontellier. Using these two alternating narrative voices allows for the
absence of Edna in certain scenes, this allows for the reader to experience her through the eyes of
the people around her, and ultimately gain a deeper, more comprehensive, understanding of the inner
and outer forces that shaped her perception of life and marriage.
The first example of this occurs early in the novel in a scene where Adele Ratignolle, one of Edna's
closest friends, requests of Robert Lebrun a favor, while the two of them walk alone she says, "I
only ask for one [favor]; let Mrs. Pontellier alone." Adele sees Edna as somewhat meek and
susceptible to Roberts advances. Robert's flirting with married women is a recurring theme at Grand
Isle, and is usually playful, not to be taken seriously. Although in this case, his opposition to Adele's
request, shows that he may ... Show more content on ...
As Mariequita grows jealous of how fondly Victor speaks of Edna, she begins to cry. Moments after
Robert cheers her up, without warning, Edna appears. At her appearance, the narrator tells us that
Mariequita "suspected a lovers rendezvous." Although, due to the fact that Victor seemed genuinely
surprised by her unexpected appearance, Mariequita's jealousy was replaced with intrigue towards
Edna, as she "contemplated with the greatest interest this woman....who had all the men in New
Orleans at her feet." Experiencing Edna through the lense of Victor and Mariequita, serves to deepen
one's understanding of how Edna was perceived by the people outside her immediate
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Narrative Voice In The Turn Of The Screw By Henry James
A simple fact of literature is that a story simply cannot be told without the presence of a nar–rator.
This textual voice literally narrates the story and therefore wields the power to influ–ence it in many
ways. Sometimes, it is not what the narrator reveals that is important, but what is left out. Writers
can use the different aspects of narration to make their point more efficiently and it is therefore an
obvious focus point when it comes to interpreting a text. Henry James' The Turn of the Screw has
for several reasons been in literary critics' spotlight and this essay focuses on the changes in
narrative voice taking place in the introduction along with the first three chapters of the story with
some final comments on their relation to ... Show more content on ...
We get no comments from the original narrative voice whatsoever and the story being told is left
solely to the reader to interpret since the whole novella ends inside the frame of the creepy story
being told. This leaves many questions unanswered and is unor–dinary for any novella at the very
least. The unsettling events of the tale, however, ask the obvious question of whether the reader can
truly trust the woman's letters as factual. Perhaps, she was merely imagining everything. The
possibility of an unstable mind cannot be left out and this damages her credibility as a narrator. In
addition, since the transcript of the story has travelled through several hands, it can have been
altered. This seems unlikely, though, since the transcript surely would have been affected by
Douglas' knowledge of both prior and sub–sequent events that would have given the story an almost
omniscient narrator which it far from has. It faithfully remains restricted to the governess' point of
view. She, however, tells the events as she recalls them, not as they occur, and even though the
original first person narrator seems to know the manuscript's recipient, we actually do not know
whether we can trust him either. Really, the novella as a whole taunts the reader with uncertainness
in both the story's events but also truly through its
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What Types Of Narratives/Voices Are Within The Movie?
Film Analysis Questions:
1)Is there a larger theme within the movie? Explain...
Various themes such as idealism, abandonment and violence and brought up throughout the film and
demonstrate a majority of plot surrounding the many controversial moments/scenarios. I go more
into this themes down below.
The narrator as well as Quijana both have split personalities which they rely upon for their idealistic
thinking which it portrayed in the overall motif of the film
Both Tyler and the narrator suffer and struggle to determine a purpose for themselves, also trying to
figure out their problems and why they don't fit in.
Violence within the movie can be seen as an overall negative to everyone and anyone whom ...
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This movie is seen to be wonky at some points and normal at times. As it isn't to far fetch for these
type of things to actually happen within the community and person to person. As these fight clubs
have gotten lots of attention in the media and are apparently a big thing in the southern states of
9) Discuss the nature of power/relationships within the film, between director/ film maker and
actions– why were they chosen?
The relationship between the characters and nature are seen to be very reluctant. As the characters
are very "to them self's" and are often trying to avoid other and tell lies to get out of of having to
communicate in details, their problems! The alter ego effect is evident to have been important
because it shows us both sides of good and evil within a regular human being. I think these
characters played their roles very well, and would not suggest anyone else to take their role(s).
10) Is the focus of the film properly contextualized? How might the film be better (historically,
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Essay on The Narrative Voice in Northanger Abbey by Jane...
Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen expresses the powerful narrative voice. The narrative voice that
she uses is different from other novels. Most authors try to hide their presence in their novels but
Jane Austen does not try to hide her presence. Her presence in the novel is so clear. For example,
"The advantages of natural folly in a beautiful girl have been already set forth by the capital pen of
sister author, and her treatment of the subject I will only add" (Austen 81). She tries not to trick her
reader as he/she reads the novel. Instead she informs the reader that the book itself is just a novel.
Her purpose is not to convince the reader and correct her story, but to understand the imperfection of
language because language does not ... Show more content on ...
She is telling him her version of the story, which then filtered through Lockwood's perspective.
Nelly is undependable narrator because she keeps important information about other characters and
events. Lockwood is also not a dependable narrator because he does not fully understands the
circumstance and might be misinterprets the stories that are told by Nelly.
In Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte uses Mr. Lockwood to show that language is not enough to tell
the truth and understand the other person. When Mr. Lockwood greets Heathcliff on their first
encounter, Lockwood misjudges Heathcliff. He writes, "Mr. Heathcliff and I are such a suitable pair
to divide the desolation between us" (Bronte 1). Also he describes Heathcliff as "a capital fellow"
(Bronte 1).
Bronte illustrates that the truth can be manipulated rather than fixed. And it can be manipulated by
depending on who is telling the story. She points out that language is manipulated by unreliable
people like Lockwood and Nelly. Jane Austen tries to make the reader doubt her stories so that they
do not act like Catherine how she makes mistakes about people and cannot distinguish between
fiction and real life. On the other hand, Bronte tries to make the reader to find and understand the
various truths and makes the reader doubt in both written and spoken words. Northanger Abbey by
Jane Austen and Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte analyze the language that fails to
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A Raisin The Sun And Willy Loman Compare And Contrast Essay
The striving for being rich and have a wealthy life has always been present in the American society.
Often living in a capitalistic society leads people to become greedy, and as a result many become too
materialistic. This may happen because of the challenge to pursue the American dream where most
of Americans are trying to fulfill it. Unfortunately, for most of people it is very difficult to acquire
this high status and to secure a spot in the upper–class society. Arthur Miller's, Death of a Salesman,
and Lorraine Hansberry's, A Raisin the Sun, are two plays that reveal two main characters: Willy
Loman and Walter Lee Young, characters that reflect typical features of the people who struggles to
achieve the American Dream. Although they may have common characteristics and share
similarities, they also have numerous issues and are very different, setting them apart from other
families and even each other. Therefore, the main focus of this paper will be to compare and put in
contrast these two great characters. In both plays, A Raisin the Sun and Death of a Salesman, the
father (Walter and Willy) is the main individual that holds his attention throughout the plays.
Because of their roles are often changing in the plays, Walter and Willy can be the protagonist and
the antagonist. That being said, they both have goals to possess their own business and to be their
own boss. They both strive to live wealthy. As Walter says "No...It was always money, Mama. We
just didn't know about it" (Hansberry). This reveals that Walter is more materialistic instead of
considering the feeling of his family.
Willy and Walter are very similar in many ways. For instance, they both are trying to be good
fathers. Walter's goal to get rich is influenced by his restless desire to offer to his family a better life:
"You tired, ain't you? Tired of everything. Me, the boy, the way we live–this beat–up hole–
everything. Ain't you?" (Discovering Literature, 1295). Meanwhile, the love that Willy has for his
sons is undeniable. Very often he would slip into the past before he drifted apart from his sons:
"Remarkable. Remember those days? The way Biff used to simonize that car? The dealer refused to
believe there was eighty thousand miles on
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Narrative Voice In Chronicle Of A Death Foretold
Gabriel Garcia–Marquez's Chronicle of a Death Foretold the concept of a community setting
strongly based upon traditional roots, and is capable to do so through a variety of characters all with
a displaced memory of a tragic event in the history of the small town. Each of these characters
displayed by Marquez is on a thin line of uprooting his or her destined religious system of faith. In
Chronicle of a Death Foretold, Marquez highlights the narrator's voice containing a tone of cultural
influence and societal imbalance because of the novel's non–chronological unraveling of events, it
becomes necessary for an objective outsider to notice the downfall of society by two conflicting
problems. The primary form of narrator's characterization, the reader possesses the capability to
analyze the related roles of characters within the novel as centered around the obligations of both
faith and family. Furthermore, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, through the deployment of magical realism,
allows these characters to become less superficial by nature of communicating a realistic perception
of events in the midst of a mundane society. This can be argued to be much less superficial than, if
the novel used ... Show more content on ...
From this, a former Columbian society, Chronicle of a Death Foretold, serves to emphasize a
reduced set of memories to one place and one period in society so as the give each character within
the novel a personalized response of how to answer a call of faith and morality, while also teaching
how respond to the exhausted demands of family. Columbia – The Society and Its Environments
relates the concepts of "Traditional elements of trust and mutual dependence among relatives no
matter how distant the relationship." This means that family is family and nothing will ever change
the unbreakable blood
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Compare and contrast the Frankenstein novel and...
Mary Shelley and Samuel Taylor Coleridge are two established writers of the Romantic era. Works
by both writers are unique in many ways. The profound influence of Coleridge's " The Rime of the
Ancyent Marinere" is reflected in Shelly's "Frankenstein" in terms of narrative structure, themes and
literary techniques. This essay will compare and contrast the "Frankenstein" extract and the poem,
"The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere" in three aspects, namely the narrating voice, the themes and
the literary techniques used.
In the "Frankenstein" passage, Victor's creation, the creature, is the narrator. Here, a framed
narrative is presented by the creature to allow his side of the story to be heard as he attempts to gain
self–definition and ... Show more content on ...
The creature begins as an innocent and lonely being who longs for love and compassion but realizes
that he will never be accepted by the community because of his abomination. He was first
abandoned by Victor, leaving him to fend for himself and later rejected again and again by the
community with anger, hatred and violence. Shelly uses this theme to reflect the shallowness of
society where social prejudice is founded on appearances and stress the idea of society's injustice
towards abnormalities. It can be understood that the monstrosity in the creature is a social product.
On the other hand, the mariner experiences solitude as part of his punishment for his sin. His
experience came about as a result of his impulsive act of killing the albatross. Unlike the creature
who has been unjustly subjected to isolation without a choice, the mariner has a choice. He could
have chosen not to kill the bird. In a way, his solitude is self induced.
With solitude comes sufferings and that leads us to another common theme of sufferings and impact.
In the extract, the creature laments that his sufferings came from the ill treatment he received from
human beings. His sufferings left a negative impact on his innocent soul as his hatred for his creator
and his species grew from this injustice which ultimately led him to "murder the lovely and the
helpless...strangle the innocent...grasp to death his throat..." (prose
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Narrative Voice In The Tell-Tale Heart By Edgar Allan Poe
The mark of a skilled writer is shown in their individuality, crafting a narrative voice that becomes
recognizable and, therefore, respected. The narrative voice of the story encompasses the author's
writing style, what techniques they use, and how their presentation of the story overall strengthens
the story. When writing, nearly each element–from the characters to the setting's influence–needs
some level of consideration on how it will play into the story. If there is a lack of nuance in the
writing, or if major aspects of the story are not fully established, it will fail to communicate the
author's themes to the audience in an effective way. In classic poetry and literature, Edgar Allan Poe
remains one of the most iconic writers. His works are known for their melancholy and macabre
narratives, often grotesque imagery, and how each explores thought–provoking themes in intense
ways; all of which are attributed to Poe's gothic narrative voice. For example, one of his most
noteworthy short stories, "The Tell–Tale Heart," chronicles the efforts of an undisclosed narrator
reflecting on his time ... Show more content on ...
In relation to "The Tell–Tale Heart," the narrator's characterization is the crux of the story, providing
much of the story's mood and how the themes are put into effect. His pride overwhelms him once
his confidence is diminished when the noises start, which may be in relation to the guilt that haunts
him, and he slowly crumbles over the weight of his own ego, admitting to his crime. The conclusion
of the story is fitting because it shows the dynamism of Poe's writing. His narrative voice
accomplishes developing most the story due to how significant of a role the narrator plays. It is this
expertise that shows that Poe has a handle on his craft unique to him, cementing his individuality in
the literary
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Romeo And Juliet Narrative Voice Essay
Consider the narrative voices in "Michelle" and in Romeo and Juliet Act 1, Scene 5, Lines 44–53. In
both cases, a male character is expressing his enthusiastic response of affection to a female
character. What do these sources––when considered together––say about how males first express
their romantic feelings. "Michelle" is written by John Lennon and Paul McCartney. "Michelle" is a
love ballad about a man who is expressing his feelings to a female, but has to speak another
language because, she does not speak English. Similarly, Romeo, in William Shakespeare's play
Romeo and Juliet, expresses his ardent emotions of affection upon laying his eyes on Juliet for the
first time. His admiration brims over and it exposes how he believes that Juliet is more alluring than
more luminous that ... Show more content on ...
The narrative voice in "Michelle" produces an insight into the male character's thoughts as he
conveys his emotions by saying," Sont les monts qui vont tres bien ensemble" ,(Doc. 1). The young
man's commentary communicates his emotion by saying in French that we would be good together,
when he says 'tres bien ensemble'. Similarly, in Shakespeare's play, Romeo depicts Juliet as," ...
Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear...", (Romeo and Juliet 1.5.47). Romeo is taking a deep
examination of his feelings and expressing them verbally when he say that even the Earth can not
contain such beauty and he also says that her beauty is so much that he should not sleep with her.
Romeo also depicts Juliet as true beauty when he exclaims,"For I ne'er saw true beauty till this
night", (1.5.53). Romeo is saying that all the women that he has ever slept with or have even seen,
Juliet has been the most exquisite and radiant of them
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Narrative Voice of Frederick Douglass
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass
The tone established in the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass is unusual in that from the
beginning to the end the focus has been shifted. In the beginning of the narrative Douglass seems to
fulfill every stereotypical slavery theme. He is a young black slave who at first cannot read and is
very naïve in understanding his situation. As a child put into slavery Douglass does not have the
knowledge to know about his surroundings and the world outside of slavery. In Douglass' narrative
the tone is first set as that of an observer, however finishing with his own personal accounts. When
first introduced to Douglass and his story, we find him to be a young slave boy filled with ... Show
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Douglass states "before narrating any of the peculiar circumstances, I deem it proper to make known
my intention not to state all the facts connected with the transaction." In doing so Douglass assumed
the narrative would lose the interest of its readers, however the mere thought of a slave man risking
his life for a chance to freedom is able to recapture the interest of any facts left out. In the
conclusion of the narrative Frederick Douglass contemplates escaping, weighing it against the idea
of leaving all of his friends. Douglass says, "I had a good number of warm–hearted friends in
Baltimore, –friends that I loved almost as I did my life, –and the thought of being separated from
them forever was painful beyond expression." Such a personal tone and accounts make the reader
truly see the change Douglass has gone through since the beginning of the narrative. The language
difference from the beginning up until the conclusion can be based solely on spirit and education.
From the start Douglass did not know much about anything and spoke like he should have, from a
child's view. This includes a child's inquisitiveness, demonstrated by his speaking of others more
than himself. As he grows and matures, and is even given the gift of an education the language
changes dramatically to that of an educated man. Speaking in an intellectual manner Douglass sees
that his ability to read and write has truly set him free. From the tone of a
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Use Of Narrative Voice In Atonement
'Narrative voice and points of view are indispensable parts of storytelling.' Explore the use of
narrative voice employed by the authors of Atonement and A Room with a View.
In the novel Atonement, the author Ian McEwan uses narrative voice to grasp the attention of the
reader whilst alternating points of view to create a diverse plot. He does this through the novel being
perceived as several narrators for us to then realise it's one voice. McEwan uses prolepsis to hint at
future events which he uses to intrude the story. In the same way, this is also an evident theme in
E.M Forster's a Room with a View. Similarly, to Atonement, A Room with a View has a thought–
provoking narrative viewpoint in the sense that it is a bildungsroman about Lucy Honeychurch.
Forster writes in an omniscient tone, which means that the characters are dictated to us his narration
and the character's dialogue; this debatably affects the reader's sympathy to the other characters in
the play like Cecil Vyse. Likewise, it is evident that authorial intrusion creates a high level of
authenticity to the story.
In Atonement, it is evident that the author Ian McEwan is trying to highlight the characters' inner
mental state, he does this by using the literacy device of prolepsis. McEwan steps back from the
original first person narrative to describe how Briony 'was struggling with the temptation to flounce
from the room'. He repeats this device throughout the novel, using metanarrative to build up tension.
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Narrative Voice In The Godfather
Mario Puzo was an American Screenwriter and Author who is best known for his Novel which was
later adapted into one of the most famous movie series of all times The Godfather.
Mario Puzo was born on October 15,1920 in an area of New York known as Hell's Kitchen. Mario's
Father was an illiterate and poor immigrant who abandoned Mario and his mother during Mario's
early teens as he was diagnosed with schizophrenia and was institutionalized.Mario's mother wanted
Mario to be a railroad clerk but Mario had took a liking to visiting the libraries and read different
works of literature.Later on Mario worked as a railroad switchboard attendant to support his family.
In a short span he was stationed to Germany and East India during the Second World War while
serving for the US Air Force.He worked as a Civilian Public relations man in Germany for the
United States of America's Air Force after the war ended.
After returning back to the United States from Germany Mario continued with his passion for
literature. He studied literature and creative writing the New School for Social Research and
Columbia University.
In 1946 Puzo married Erika Lina Broske whom he met in Germany. The couple together had two
daughters and ... Show more content on ...
The story is always told by someone outside the novel.For eg, Whether the main character happens
to be Jhonny Fontane or The Godfather's Son at the time or The Godfather himself, on page 183 he
greeted Jhonny Fontane with a surprised cry of delight.
"Sollozzo and Tattaglia let his hands go and only the strangler stayed with the victim,sinking to his
knees to follow Luca's body,drawing the cord so tight that it cut into the flesh of his neck and
disappeared.Luca's eyes bulged out of his head as if in the utmost surprise and this surprise was the
only humanity remaining on him."
Mario Puzo's most used theme was "loyality to your friends and family is one of the most important
things in
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What Is The Narrative Voice In The Great Gatsby
The comparison of narrative voices and protagonists in both 'The Great Gatsby' and 'Sonnets of the
Portuguese' reveals the universal value of love, yet its capacity is determined by context and value
systems. 'The Great Gatsby' and 'Sonnets of the Portuguese' depict the contrasting contexts of
Fitzgerald and Barrett–Browning.
The narrative voices makes this evident; both composers are parallels to the narrative voices within
the texts. Fitzgerald utilises Nick's controlled narrative voice to challenge and criticise his chaotic
and immoral society. This is evident in Chapter 1, when Nick states, "When I came back from the
East last autumn I felt that I wanted the world to be in uniform and at a sort of moral attention
forever". Fitzgerald is ... Show more content on ...
However, the contrasting contextual backgrounds of each of the composers influenced the texts
developments. Within 'The Great Gatsby', Fitzgerald portrays a post–war world in which value
systems have gone out of balance. He characterises protagonists such as Tom and Daisy to show the
lack of human decency in the materialistic period. Gatsby's death is meaningless to them, except as a
personal inconvenience and complication. Fitzgerald's employs Nick's voice once again to criticise
the immoral society, ". . . I began to have a feeling of defiance, of scornful solidarity between
Gatsby and me against them all." (9.20) Whilst Fitzgerald scorns the rejection of pre–war values and
perspectives, the 'Sonnets of the Portuguese', in comparison, is a celebration of moral abandonment
in Barrett–Browning's staid and conservative era. Barrett–Browning utilises her poems to make
personal commentary on the conservative Victorian period and perspectives of society. This is clear
within Sonnet XXII,"Let us stay Rather on earth, Beloved,–where the unfit Contrarious moods of
men recoil away, And isolate pure spirits". Barrett–Browning's scandalous elopement with Robert
undid the world by breaching social mores and challenged the suffocating values of her
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Narrative Voice In Lot's Wife
The depiction of the characters is a vital aspect of Szymborska's works. This is notable in the poems
'Lot's Wife' and 'The Terrorist, He's Watching' (see Appendix 1). This depiction of the characters is
influenced by many literary techniques, one being narrative voice. Narrative voice can be defined as
the 'eyes' the reader sees a story through. This is separated into three distinct types: first, second and
third person. First person is typically told from the perspective of the main character, second person
addresses the main character as 'you' and third person refers to the characters as he or she. Third
person can either be omniscient; knowing an unlimited amount of information about all characters,
events and conflicts in the story, or ... Show more content on ...
The poem commences with a third person narrative voice. This persona describes the terrorist as
enjoying the moment, 'The terrorist has already crossed the street. / The distance keeps him out of
danger, / and what a view – just like the movies:' (5–7). By describing the situation as movie–like, it
shows that the terrorist values his life over others as he situates himself at a distance where he can
observe safely. This idea is also expressed through the fact that the language is factual, observational
and unemotional, conveying the emotional detachment of the terrorist towards the pain and suffering
he will inflict. The use of language in this is vastly different to that of 'Lot's Wife' with the contrast
of emotional language and factual language. The descriptions of the individuals are detached with
mundane characteristics, such as the 'crummy gloves' (26), only being mentioned. This creates the
sense that these individuals are less important than him, showing that the terrorist looks down on
them. Throughout the piece, there is a sense of dramatic irony, with the terrorist knowing something
that the people entering and exiting the bar don't. This introduces the idea that the terrorist perceives
this situation as comedic. This idea is continued with the use of time intervals marking the
countdown of the detonation.
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Narrative Voice In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet
By examining the narrative voices in the two pieces of work, a male character revealing his
enthusiastic response of fondness for a female character. "Michelle" written by Sir Paul McCartney
as a love song released in 1966. Therefore it shows a love song about a man telling a woman the
love he has for her. Romeo & Juliet, a play written by William Shakespeare set in the 1300's. Romeo
sees Juliet during a royal party and suddenly becomes struck with aw in how beautiful she looks. In
behalf of what both these sources say about how males express their feelings, we are to understand
that when a man feels a strong sense of desire to someone else he intends to respond with words in a
way that his feelings are visible. The most compelling evidence
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Narrative Voices In Romeo And Juliet
Narrative voices are used to express romantic emotions towards female characters, and they first
express their emotions of attraction to that woman by use of meaningful words. "Michelle" is a song
written by John Lennon and performed by Paul McCartney. The song is about man that is trying to
express his affections to Michelle, who does not understand the same language. Therefore, he must
put the words he wants to express in a way she could comprehend. The Tragedy of Romeo and
Juliet, is a play that was written by William Shakespeare. This tragedy is about two young lovers
that are separated by a barrier that their families are sworn enemies. The character Romeo uses his
words to express his love towards Juliet, and many events in the
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Personal Narrative: My Voice
My voice as it is now/My voice as I would like it to be I notice many things about my voice.
Whether I talk with a vocal fry around my friends, which seems to be a California specialty, or in a
higher register with teachers, the placement of my voice constantly varies. I am aware that my
timbre is high and that my tone is bright, and, to state it plainly, I enjoy that. However, there are
aspects of my voice that I notice and dislike; my voice breaks between my lower and middle register
noticeably and gets tired quickly. When I sing I am most aware of my voice because I am
concentrating on so many different aspects of technique such as breathing, placement, and tone.
Singing only feels good to me when it is extremely resonant and focused, because that feels free but
controlled. I am also aware I have a lot of range left to conquer – I know I have notes in my whistle
tone register, but sometimes have trouble accessing them. When other people hear my voice, they
comment on its' bright tone, high pitch, and clear focus. However, they also comment on its' softness
because I struggle to increase volume while singing. In workshops, peers have commented on how
similar my head and chest voice sound. Teachers have expressed ... Show more content on ...
If swallowing wasn't a necessary function for living, I would love to permanently glue my larynx
down so singing would be easier. However, that is humanely impossible and I like to eat.
Additionally, if I could add warmth to my sound without adding weight or darkening my color, that
would be swell. I hope to one day completely blend my registers and have full access to my whistle
tones which are currently a little difficult to get to. Additionally, I hope to reach a point where I can
talk in a healthy manner that will not tire my voice. Other than those technicalities which can ideally
be fixed with hard work and vocal lessons, I actually love my voice for its unique tone and
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Narrative Voice In Romeo And Juliet
Male characters who serve as a narrative voice often express their love and affection through an
enthusiastic response towards a female. In the song, "Michelle", performed by Sir Paul McCartney,
the male narrative voice is proclaiming his love for a girl named Michelle through his words both in
French and English. Similarly, The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, a play written by William
Shakespeare, Romeo shows his enthusiasm upon catching sight of Juliet and expresses that he
believes that she is the most magnificent girl Romeo had ever met. Considering what both of these
sources say about how males reveal their emotions, it allows us to believe that when a man feels an
intense attraction towards a woman, they communicate their affection verbally ... Show more
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1.5. 52–53). Romeo in the quote conveys his emotions about Juliet by mentioning verbally that, that
night was the first time he had seen true beauty and that no one can compare to Juliet. Likewise, in
"Michelle," the narrator of the song sees the beauty of the woman he is discussing within the lyrics,
and acting upon this through words. The male narrator wants the woman he is talking to to know
something and expresses it by saying, "I will say the only words I know that You'll understand
Michelle, ma belle Sont les mots qui vont tres bien ensemble Tres bien ensemble ." (Doc 1). The
male character's choice of words in this part of the song is essential because he is communicating
that he needs Michelle to understand that he is inspired by her beauty and has a desire for her.
Moreover, upon noticing Juliet, Romeo realizes that she is different from other girls that has met and
done things with. Romeo remarks about Juliet, "Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear!" (1.5.
47). Until seeing Juliet, Romeo had been used to using girls, but after laying eyes on her, he
recognizes that she is worth much more than that and is inspired to change just for
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Narrative Voices in Shelley's Frankenstein and Fathers...
Narrative Voices in Shelley's Frankenstein and Fathers and Sons by Ivan Turgenev
I have chosen to compare the narrative voices of Frankenstein and
Fathers and Sons, as the perspectives in these two novels differ from one another. Frankenstein's
narrative voice contains tales of three characters within one narrative, none belonging directly to the
author, whereas the narrative voice of Fathers and Sons, is that of the author alone.
Examples I will be using are taken from 'The Realist Novel' (TRN), and from the novels of
Frankenstein (F) and Fathers and Sons (F&S).
Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein is an example of first– person narrative, with Walton describing
his encounters in letters to his sister Margaret, in ... Show more content on ...
(P53 F).
This novel also includes narrative perspectives that shape the fictional world in the realist novel
genre. Instances of this come from Victors childhood, which seemed idyllic, with his mother and
father devoted to him, 'the innocent and helpless creature bestowed on them by heaven' and 'I was so
guided by a silken cord that all seemed but one train of enjoyment to me' (P.33 F). And when the
monster is relating his tale to Victor, of how he learnt the basic principles of survival, stating 'when I
was oppressed by cold, I found fire' and
'searching in vain for a few acorns to assuage the pangs of hunger' and of his hideout 'I found it an
agreeable asylum from the snow and rain'. (P.99 F). This perspective is plausible, giving a romantic
feel to the novel, when 'Frankenstein's physical attempt to reconstruct the human frame serves as an
image for the goal of Romantic artists: the spiritual regeneration of man' (p.65 TRN). The pathos
generated by his tale is intensified by the monster being inspired and consoled by nature, as he
describes to Victor 'my senses were gratified and refreshed by a thousand scents of delight and a
thousand sights of beauty' with the onset of spring, (p.111 F). Also, 'thankfulness towards the
blessed sun, which bestowed such joy upon me' (p.134 F).
When the narrative perspective changes, we have a contrast to these joys as he is rejected as an 'ugly
detestable monster', at a
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Narrative Voice In Romeo And Juliet
The narrative voices of males in songs and literature express their feelings in an enthusiastic way.
The song "Michelle" is a song composed by songwriter Sir Paul McCartney. The song is about a
man trying to speak to a French woman he adores, but the French woman is believed to be unable to
understand English, so the man decides to speak a few words that she would be able to understand.
The play The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is a play written by William Shakespeare. In the play,
Romeo expresses an immense amount of enthusiasm the second he sees Juliet, telling the reader
about how he believed Juliet was far more beautiful than any other girl he had ever seen. Both of
these sources indicate that males are inspired to express their enthusiasm
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Narrative Voice Of The Yellow Wallpaper By Charlotte...
Charlotte Perkins Gilman aptly used narrative voice to shape the meaning of "The Yellow
Wallpaper," by writing a first–person narrative about a woman who slowly loses herself to madness.
This voice is one of a woman who may possibly have post–partum depression or some other form of
manic depression, and her unheard cries for help. She slowly draws within herself, and allows the
insanity to take over. Within the first few paragraphs we learn general characteristics about the
narrator: she is middle class, as indicated by the phrase "mere ordinary people" (354); we also learn
that she is married, suggested a statement about John laughing at her, something she says is only
expected in marriage. Though we are never given her name, these generic aspects just might be
more important to the progression of the story than her actual identity or personal history.
No longer distracted by trying to find clues in her past that may take away from the plot, we are able
to focus on the slow degeneration of a woman's mind through a journal she keeps. Narrative voice
continues to morph throughout the tale, and her level of sanity is directly related to her level of
reliability. The story continues through eleven different entries, each showcasing a deeper phase of
madness. Every time she returns to write again, her mental condition worsens, as well as her
reliability. By the final entry, we see she is somehow managing to journal while she has a full mental
breakdown–something that would not
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Fitzgerald's Use Of Narrative Voice In The Great Gatsby
How have writers used narrative voice and/or characterization to explore a social or intellectual
concern in the two works you have studied?
For ages, authors have strived to convey their interpretation of the social concerns and themes, using
the literary texts as a medium. Their texts were not only intended for conveying, but also to form the
basis for social and intellectual change. In 'Persepolis' by Marjane Satrapi and 'Great Gatsby' by F.
Scott Fitzgerald, these key concepts have been clearly addressed. 'Persepolis' is a graphic novel,
portraying the life of 'Marji' and how she experiences social changes around her in Iran. 'The Great
Gatsby' is a literary novel, set in the 1920's, reflects on the American society and social status ...
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Scott Fitzgerald has effectively used characterization and narrative voice to explore various social
concerns. The novel was produced during the 1920's, referred to as the roaring twenties or the jazz
age. The fruit of the economic boom also gave rise to many social issues which involve alcoholism,
class, and domestic violence. The class in that period was divided into the new money, old money
and no money. Fitzgerald very well integrated this social concern using characterization. Division of
the west egg, East egg and the valley of ashes symbolized this social concern. Also, Tom Buchanan
in the novel was characterized as an arrogant and hypocritical bully. People who have been brought
up rich are expected have characteristics similar to Tom. Another social problem was incomplete
and incompatible relationships among people. This was portrayed by the relationship between Daisy
and Tom. While Nick, the narrator, judges the life of Daisy and Tom based on their lavish house.
Yet, the narrator soon learns the imperfections in their life, portrayed by narrator voice such as
'Fragilely Bound' and 'French Widows'. Due to the economic boom, alcoholism was very prevalent
in that period. Fitzgerald uses a unique way of deriving this social problem. Nick, the narrator, came
to New York to earn money. However, his motifs were changed and he was shown to have been
severely influenced by alcoholism. He also received treatment to overcome this after Gatsby died.
Also, the narrator use
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Capote's Narrative Voice
Throughout the novel, Capote appoints several narrative voices. For example, in the first paragraph
within lines 1–12, Capote is speaking himself with the use of third person narration. During this
paragraph, he describes the setting of the novel and uses imagery to portray its scenery. Within his
description of Holcomb, Kansas, the town is perceived as quiet and lonesome, where nothing out of
the ordinary occurs. In this section he speaks in a calm tone, creating a calm setting, which is ironic
due to all of the chaos that arises in it. Another narrative voice, on page 66, is spoken by Alfred
Stoecklein, a man who lived close to the Clutter family. Within this passage, he is talking about how
terrifying it was to assimilate to the trauma that
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Personal Narrative: The Child With No Voice
The Child with no Voice William Glasser wrote, "What happened in the past that was painful has a
great deal to do with what we are today." When I was ten years old this single day seemed to recur
itself for weeks or months at a time. While this memory still haunts me it shows how far I have
come. It all started when my mentality was interrogated based on bullying and countless additional
things. I found myself in my room everyday 'til the blinding blue sky appeared until the last star
waved goodbye. Surrounded by four white walls were four neatly placed nineties band posters
accompanied by dim white LED lights. The room was filled with the scent of lavender that spewed
out of a short white humidifier. Looking at the desk the laptop remained ... Show more content on ...
I learned to live life to the fullest because you never know when it might end, and to not let fear or
people control the whole outcome of my day. Looking back on these events I can gladly say I am a
lot better because my parents got me help and I am very grateful. While things couldn't get better
they did, now I am attending my sixth school where I have excellent grades, and I have even started
eating normally, and finally started to managing my sleep. Days aren't always perfect but in time of
trouble we must find the beauty in our flaws and dream on because God has a
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Personal Narrative: Low Magical Voice
'He had a low magical voice so he attracted the people coming to him,' said Rob. Horio says: 'Not
necessarily, how about female hypnotists? not all the hypnotists are male with magical voice. There
was no keyword, may be I was wrong, perhaps a special frequency beyond the machine detection
invaded into human body to open to suggestions.' The video continues and John narrates: 'those who
refused to walk towards the man left quickly squeezing their heads, in other words they might have
headache too. The man stepped one step forward and airborne in the air, I turned my back and ran,
there might be something very wrong that was what I had in my mind. I shouted "Run", all the
people around me started to run too leaving the people behind who
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Essay on Narrative Voice in Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye
The narration of Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye is actually a compilation of many different voices.
The novel shifts between Claudia MacTeer's first person narrative and an omniscient narrator. At the
end of the novel, the omniscient voice and Claudia's narrative merge, and the reader realizes this is
an older Claudia looking back on her childhood (Peach 25). Morrison uses multiple narrators in
order to gain greater validity for her story. According to Philip Page, even though the voices are
divided, they combine to make a whole, and "this broader perspective also encompasses past and
present... as well as the future of the grown–up Claudia" (55).
The first segment of each of the seasonal sections in the novel begins with Claudia's ... Show more
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Obviously, this kind of judgment is far beyond the scope of a child.
The second voice in the novel, according to Peach, belongs to a black kinswoman who narrates the
sections introduced by excerpts from the primer (26). She is an omniscient narrator who is able to
provide a perspective that Claudia could not have given. She has access to information that involves
characters that are beyond Claudia's immediate range of experience (26). While Claudia's narration
is confined to the present and does not attempt to enter the minds or houses of the other characters,
the omniscient narrator moves freely into both of these areas (Bellamy 23). She takes the reader into
the Breedlove home in "Autumn" and into Geraldine's house in "Winter," and she enters the minds
and lives of Pauline and Cholly Breedlove and Soaphead Church in "Spring" and the mind of Pecola
in "Summer." In order to make her story more convincing to the reader, the omniscient narrator uses
firsthand sources, such as Pauline's fragmented monologues, Soaphead's letter to God, and Pecola's
internal dialogue with her imaginary friend. Thus, the reader can be sure of the accountability of the
narrator's story.
The third narrative voice appears in the introduction and in "Summer," the last section of the novel
(Philip Page 53). This narrator is an older Claudia who is "looking back and tracing the stages which
have led to her maturity of
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Narrative Voice In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men
In Of Mice and Men how does Steinbeck explore the importance of companionship through his use
of characterization and narrative voice?
Of Mice and Men is a novella written by John Steinbeck and was published in 1937. Steinbeck sets
his story in and around California, during the time period of the Great Depression. The novel is
centred around two itinerant farm workers George and Lennie who move from farm to farm, seeking
work. Steinnbeck explores the importance of companionship in his novella through his use of
characterization and narrative voice.
Steinbeck's characterization of George and Lennie mimics a father–son relationship, which can also
be expressed through the narrative voice. It is their relationship that the author uses to explore ...
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When Carlson tells Candy to shoot his dog, the technique of slowing down time is used to create a
nervous atmosphere. This can be shown by the descriptions "Candy threw his legs off his bunk. He
scratched the white stubble whiskers on his cheek nervously/ The skinner had been studying the old
dog with his calm eyes/ Candy looked for help from face to face. It was quite dark outside now" The
selected descriptions were narrated between dialogues, and by describing simple actions for an
extended amount of time it creates the illusion of time slowing down. This is used to show that
Candy is fearing for his dog and that there is a clear bond between them. Candy states that "'I'm so
used to him,' he said softly. 'I had him from a pup.'"(pg 46) Candy has had his dog since it was a
puppy, and after losing it Candy has no more relatives left. Because of this, he offers to help George
and Lennie achieve their near impossible dream, essentially meaning that he has nothing else to
lose. This can be supported by how Candy says "I'd make a will an' leave my share to you guys in
case I kick off, 'cause I ain't got no relatives nor nothing". Steinbeck shows the importance of
companionship through the bond between Candy and his
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Personal Narrative: My Voice
I believe from past performances my voice has become accustomed to holding deep tone notes. My
voice is comfortable hitting any low notes making it great for operatic pieces, pieces that require a
strong voice to get an emotion across, or generally any theatric role that requires the large, stoic kind
of character. Past instructors have also said I have a natural talent to sing along without getting
caught up in the melody of other instruments. My understanding is that beginners tend to sing at the
same tone as of the instruments in the accompaniment when they should be singing at a different
key, but my previous teachers and peers have said they've never seen me have this issue. Hearing
their praise made me happy, but I would like to expand my vocal range so I could hit higher notes
perhaps fitting an alto or maybe a soprano and give them something even more ... Show more
content on ...
People have always told me my voice was incredible and I should practice more operatic pieces.
While I appreciate classical and opera music, it has unfortunately cast me as the villain more times
than naught during auditions. I want to improve my ability to sing at higher tones for a better chance
to perhaps be cast as the protagonist once in a while as opposed to the antagonist in musicals. I also
hope to find ways to improve my fluidity of lyrics while singing. Sometimes when I hit certain notes
for certain words the word comes out awkward compared to the rest of the song, for example
imagine a grown man trying to sing a love song for the woman of his dreams but when he sings
"girl" it sounds like he hits puberty again and his voice cracks. It was a role from a past show but it
was still pretty embarrassing to stand on stage and let that happen in front of a test audience two
weeks from the first show. I'm hoping that with proper instruction I find ways to overcome straining
my voice to hit those notes with those kinds of
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To Kill A Mockingbird Narrative Voice

  • 1. To Kill A Mockingbird Narrative Voice As a reader, it is important to be aware of the impact of the narrative voice in a text. Discuss in relation to the narrative voice in 'To Kill a Mockingbird'. There are three main voice in the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" Scout, Jean Louise Finch (Scouts Adult) and Harper Lee, also there are two narratives of Boo Radley (Mental Health) and Tom Robinson/ Ewells (Historical Racial/ Critical Lens) which are event that the voices all in some way encounter and expresses in there points of views. Scout Finch, who is five in the novel at the start and eight at the end of the novel is also known as Jean Louise Finch at an older age, is presented as a first person narrator as well as a member of the novel, In the first chapter the viewers can see ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. A Rose For Emily Narrative Voice Analysis A narrative voice is the heart of a story, it is the one that determines many important things about what is happening and can even have the potential to convert the reader in protagonists of the story. In this story "A Rose for Emily " by William Faulkner the narrative voice is causing confusion on the reader because have many voices distilled into one . Many times, it seems that he/she knows everything that is happening and that he was very close to the protagonist Emily and at other times seems a complete stranger. It is not easy for the reader to determine the gender of the narrator, and even to imagine it is extremely complex. Faulkner develop in this story is genre Gothic Fiction, whit this unexpected narrator and whit ... Show more content on ... It is a fact, that the narrator makes judgments both for and against the protagonist and also present outsides observations when he stays "Alive, Miss Emily had been a tradition , a duty , and a care ; a sort of hereditary obligation upon the town "(Faulkner,82) being this to emphasize the responsibility that the people of the town felt whit her and stays also his point pf view in the situation . The narrator is sympathetic to Miss Emily, never condemning her actions. Sometimes unabashedly and sometimes grudgingly, the narrator admires her ability to use her aristocratic bearing in order to vanquish the members of the city and an example is when she go to buy the arsenic and the druggist ask her to tell him for what she is going to use it ,and she just look him eye to eye and the man go and give her the arsenic without ask her anything else . As we could see it is hard to determine the gender of the narrative voice because is talking as the people and never use a word for describe himself . He uses the words "we" and "they" and changes it continuously because he does not want to be involved in all the things the community did and he is blaming the community for Emily's behavior. Faulkner uses the perfect kind of narrator for develop his genre , a mysterious and creepy narrative voice to develop ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Kerry Howley's Narrative Voice Narrative Voice I enjoyed the Craft talk with Kerry Howley on the role of the narrator as a character in the story. It was particularly interesting to focus on the narrator and to actually get the chance to develop the narrator as a character. She mentioned that often the narrator is the character that gets the least amount of attention from the author, which seems bizarre. The narrator is the character with which the entire narrative arc is seen. Intuitively you would think that this character would receive the most attention from the author. The characteristics of the narrator can influence every detail of the story. Kerry had us each think of an anecdote to share with a partner that would later be the basis for the short stories we would ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Essay On Narrative Voice In A Woman Warrior And Things... Not only is the narrator one of the first parts of a novel that a reader experiences, but it can change completely how a reader experiences that novel. In both A Woman Warrior by Maxine Kingston, and Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe, the narrative voice influences the narrators understanding of the cultures of Maxine and Okonkwo, respectively. Kingston writes using the narrative voice of her younger self, named Maxine and Achebe tells his story through an unnamed narrator who has insight into multiple character's minds. Both Kingston and Achebe use language as a tool to allow readers to get better acquainted with the cultures and traditions of the characters, and to also further show the complexity of the purpose of silence. Maxine Kingston ... Show more content on ... Achebe uses this technique as a way to show the importance of language between classes throughout his novel. As the Igbo tribe is experiencing colonization and the intrusion of the Western people, the narration shifts from a fully understood and accepted form of communication, to a barrier that prevents the Western people from understanding the national that they have overrun. The narrator speaks in a way that embraces Igbo culture and tradition, including stories and songs in traditional Igbo, with a full understanding of the importance of language in this culture. However, as the novel progresses, the view of the narrator slowly changes, coming to a apex in the very end of the book as the District Commissioner notes that the story of Okonkwo could make for an interesting paragraph in his upcoming book. The narrator, speaking through the mind of the District Commissioner, is a much colder and aggressive voice than heard throughout the rest of the novel. The District Commisioner's contemplation that the life of Okonkwo, a traditional and very religious and symbolic character of the Igbo tribe, would only be worth a few sentences is Achebe's way of showing that the Western culture is unable to understand and accept the culture of the Igbo ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Personal Narrative-Grounded In My Voice At the start of the semester I had become more aware and grounded in my voice. In my everyday life, I would notice if I was holding my breath. The reason for this was because over the summer I had to stand–up to one of my shut–up judges, my dad. The incident was extremely emotional, and I coped with it through the use of my actor training; instead of checking out and holding tension, I chose to breathe deeply and stay grounded. This allowed me to speak up even when I was told to shut–up. This awareness of breath was developed through necessity rather than choice. I had to be strong. My strength didn't only come from being grounded in my breath, but it also came using breathe to stay present in the room. The use of breath also allowed me to go into my body and release the build–up of emotions. As a result of these experiences, my voice was able to drop more consistently to my lower resonator rather than my typical chest voice. The new drop in my voice had its own challenges as well. One, of course, was to avoid reverting into old habits. When it comes to voice work, effort should be applied every day. Just because I was breathing deep one day, doesn't mean I am allowed to stop the next day. Throughout this whole semester, I've had to continuously be aware of my voice and breath. The interesting thing was that I would be holding my ... Show more content on ... I went from starting to bring breath into my body, to using that as a foundation for a more free and clear voice. In order to reach my ideal voice, I need to work on the tension in my throat and to bring the sound forward. While writing this new story of my voice, I felt a sense of pride. I am proud of how far I have come, and where I'm headed. I can't wait for the next chapter in the story of my ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Personal Narrative: A Voice The dance that was most aesthetically pleasing to me was the dance titled "A Voice." This dance had a combination of both single–unit and multi–unit movements. It was very appealing to watch. It was interesting to see how they originally started with two people dancing together, with one left out, to a different combination, to a different one. This dance was the one that let me leave the whole show with a smile. I could not believe the chemistry that all of the performers had during that dance. It dragged me into the story that they were portraying. The performance had an aura that I just could not get over. It was obviously the dance of the night for me. Out of all of the dances, Duende was my second favorite dance. There was this essence about this dance that I thoroughly enjoyed. Even though there was a mistake in the performance that I saw, where two of the performers accidently ran into each other, this dance was still really pleasant to watch. Throughout the whole performance, I kept expecting to see the performers start voguing. The way that the music sounded would go perfectly with that style of dance. Another thing that I enjoyed about the performance was the ... Show more content on ... Due to a poor night's sleep, I found myself growing tired after the intermission. I feel as if the concert had more upbeat songs it would have helped me be more awake, so I could stay attentive for the event. For example, if Noctambulation and An Unstable Nucleus were to switch places, it would have helped me stay wider awake. That could have been just me. Other than that, I thought the lighting seemed a little weird. I was fine with the spotlights that were given to people at certain times. But the lights that were on the sides of the "stage" were somewhat distracting for me. Perhaps if they were in the corners, instead of having the lights as they were (three on each side) it would have created a different dynamic for the concert as a ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Personal Narrative: Finding My Voice Finding My Voice Many people never speak out about their abuser. They never find their voice, typically from fear and the control of the abuser. Because of this, many abuse victims go years trapped in their abusive homes. They go years trapped sometimes because they feel as though no one will help them, and they have been told all the while by the abuser that they need the abuser to survive because they would not be able to on their own. I happened to be one of these victims. For many years I was controlled by my abuser through fear, and this fear hid my voice. Over this past summer, I found my voice through courage that I had built up. I thankfully had help through my situation from close friends and family members, unlike with some abuse ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Youthful Initiative: Narrative Voice and Characterization... It is the rare person who cannot remember being dealt a great injustice as a child: one that felt egregious in youth, but was revealed to be perhaps less so with time. This shift in perception is due to the fact that children tend to see things in black and white. Therefore, a sign of nascent maturation is an understanding of the incalculably vast grey scale that lies between the two absolutes. In Maxine Clair's Rattlebone, the reader is privy to the thoughts of Irene Wilson thro ughout the stories "Secret Love" and "October Brown". This youthful viewpoint is what allows the reader to glean an understanding of not just Irene as an individual, but the nature of growing up into a world that is unnervingly contrary to the simplistic one ... Show more content on ... As a teacher, it is Brown's duty to first to be loyal to the children in her care. She breaks this unspoken agreement when she endangers the unity of Irene's family by having an affair with her student's father and so, in Irene's mind, must be removed from the role she dishonors. The morally rigid model that Irene clings to in "Secret Love" and "October Brown" drives her actions in both. In the first, Irene desperately tries to fill the role vacated by her mother, she makes James's dinner and "[ladles] gravy over it just so", does dishes standing "up to [her] elbows in dishwater": performing the traditional roles of a wife (131). Similarly, in "October Brown", she takes advantage of being put in a position of power over Brown's career and lies, saying "Yes . . . she did" when asked if Brown physically abused a student (19). (Here again is a certain amount of composure in the face of potential emotional trauma: Irene is able to make this fictional claim in a "level and clear" voice (19).) At the root of Irene's behavior is the desire to expunge aberrations from a world she needs to believe is just. By using Irene as a first person narrator, Clair grants the reader access to a more sophisticated perception of her stories: it is Irene's strongly contrasting sense of fair and unfair that, when challenged, drives her to try and correct the imbalance. Pearlean unjustly ostracizes James; Irene tries to take up the responsibilities she abandoned. October Brown ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. The Narrative Voice in the Lovely Bones In the novel The Lovely Bones (TLB) by Alice Sebold, the narrative voice is the key technique that hooks the reader and compels him or her to turn over the page. While the author uses a number of other literary techniques to draw the reader in, it is the narrator's voice that is this novel's most interesting and appealing feature. The narrative voice in this novel is unique to other novels because the narrator is a girl named Susie Salmon who is speaking from heaven. This is a distinctive point in the novel because it gives us the story from the perspective from others and we experience themes in the book that we never experienced before. Firstly the narrator of the book TLB is a teenaged girl named Susie Salmon who has been raped at murdered by a man named Mr. Harvey. Susie lived in a small American town and was killed in a cornfield at the age of 14. We know that she is talking from the after–life because she tells us from the first page "I was fourteen when I was murdered on December 6, 1973". She then starts to narrate the novel from the afterlife. This perspective allows us this point of view to experience the narrator and the people she is connected with in a way we have never touched upon before. Susie can tell the mood of a person, what he/she is thinking at the time, what they are going to do next and it's because of the way she can interpret the emotions of other people that makes the narrative voice of this novel it's unique selling point Secondly the narrator ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. What Is The Narrative Voice In To Kill A Mockingbird In the novel 'To Kill a Mockingbird' written by Harper Lee, evidential impact are put upon the reader in various methods. The narrative voice in the story depicts how engaged the reader is alongside of the story the interpreter chooses to support. In 'To Kill a Mockingbird' the narrator adopts a first person coding alongside a degree of objectivity. Furthermore, the book contains a dual plot–line; Jean Louise, whom is not only older Scout but young Scout too. Two distinct voices – innocence whilst she was a child, in comparison to her adult form and its perspective. As it is written in a female perspective, events may exaggerated – emotionally centered. Thus, generating the reader to feel the narrator's experiences. Harper Lee chooses to write ... Show more content on ... The overwhelming passing of time makes Scout see almost everything differently and in a more mature manner. Thus, the impact would change as everyone of those characters would have different perspectives. Additionally, as the narrator writes in first person, older Jean looks back and examines her life when she was young – in a completely different perspective. While Harper Lee writes as Scout, she demonstrates a child's perspective with innocence and truth. A child views the scenario's without a bias impact on the story – thus developing the information to be as accurate as possible. The storyline is told in retrospect putting together an unreliable story, however, leaving the essence of it still present. Given limitations, it provides recounting events from childhood as an adulthood with the exaggeration in expression regarding the storytellers feelings. Although quite a bit of the story has been written in an unbiased fashion, some have been explicitly biased. Whilst Scout was a child and she saw her father as a hero, claiming that "It was times like these when I thought my father, who hated guns and had never been to any wars, was ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Narrative Voice In The Subway Poem The narrative voice suggests that their mirth derives in part from their freedom to transgress differences such as those between the segregated communities that characterize much of the city. The protagonists' hope is infectious, but the narrative voice, reflecting on the thoughts of other passengers in the subway, remains aware of the risks of their self–proclaimed freedom, casting doubts on their futures. Their laughter leads to jealousy in the other passengers as they think back to their own youths and the privileges they have lacked. The narrator imagines another rider thinking of these characters as "free loaders" (4); this rider is reassured by thinking that "life will get them hard some time" (4). Such doubts resurface continually in ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Narrative Voice In The Awakening In The Awakening, author Kate Chopin uses a narrative voice that shifts between the third person limited, recounting Edna Pontellier's innermost thoughts and feelings and the third person omniscient, that examines the perception of her by the people closest to her while she is absent, to recount the tale of Edna Pontellier. Using these two alternating narrative voices allows for the absence of Edna in certain scenes, this allows for the reader to experience her through the eyes of the people around her, and ultimately gain a deeper, more comprehensive, understanding of the inner and outer forces that shaped her perception of life and marriage. The first example of this occurs early in the novel in a scene where Adele Ratignolle, one of Edna's closest friends, requests of Robert Lebrun a favor, while the two of them walk alone she says, "I only ask for one [favor]; let Mrs. Pontellier alone." Adele sees Edna as somewhat meek and susceptible to Roberts advances. Robert's flirting with married women is a recurring theme at Grand Isle, and is usually playful, not to be taken seriously. Although in this case, his opposition to Adele's request, shows that he may ... Show more content on ... As Mariequita grows jealous of how fondly Victor speaks of Edna, she begins to cry. Moments after Robert cheers her up, without warning, Edna appears. At her appearance, the narrator tells us that Mariequita "suspected a lovers rendezvous." Although, due to the fact that Victor seemed genuinely surprised by her unexpected appearance, Mariequita's jealousy was replaced with intrigue towards Edna, as she "contemplated with the greatest interest this woman....who had all the men in New Orleans at her feet." Experiencing Edna through the lense of Victor and Mariequita, serves to deepen one's understanding of how Edna was perceived by the people outside her immediate ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Narrative Voice In The Turn Of The Screw By Henry James A simple fact of literature is that a story simply cannot be told without the presence of a nar–rator. This textual voice literally narrates the story and therefore wields the power to influ–ence it in many ways. Sometimes, it is not what the narrator reveals that is important, but what is left out. Writers can use the different aspects of narration to make their point more efficiently and it is therefore an obvious focus point when it comes to interpreting a text. Henry James' The Turn of the Screw has for several reasons been in literary critics' spotlight and this essay focuses on the changes in narrative voice taking place in the introduction along with the first three chapters of the story with some final comments on their relation to ... Show more content on ... We get no comments from the original narrative voice whatsoever and the story being told is left solely to the reader to interpret since the whole novella ends inside the frame of the creepy story being told. This leaves many questions unanswered and is unor–dinary for any novella at the very least. The unsettling events of the tale, however, ask the obvious question of whether the reader can truly trust the woman's letters as factual. Perhaps, she was merely imagining everything. The possibility of an unstable mind cannot be left out and this damages her credibility as a narrator. In addition, since the transcript of the story has travelled through several hands, it can have been altered. This seems unlikely, though, since the transcript surely would have been affected by Douglas' knowledge of both prior and sub–sequent events that would have given the story an almost omniscient narrator which it far from has. It faithfully remains restricted to the governess' point of view. She, however, tells the events as she recalls them, not as they occur, and even though the original first person narrator seems to know the manuscript's recipient, we actually do not know whether we can trust him either. Really, the novella as a whole taunts the reader with uncertainness in both the story's events but also truly through its ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. What Types Of Narratives/Voices Are Within The Movie? Film Analysis Questions: 1)Is there a larger theme within the movie? Explain... Various themes such as idealism, abandonment and violence and brought up throughout the film and demonstrate a majority of plot surrounding the many controversial moments/scenarios. I go more into this themes down below. –Idealism The narrator as well as Quijana both have split personalities which they rely upon for their idealistic thinking which it portrayed in the overall motif of the film –Abandonment Both Tyler and the narrator suffer and struggle to determine a purpose for themselves, also trying to figure out their problems and why they don't fit in. –Violence Violence within the movie can be seen as an overall negative to everyone and anyone whom ... Show more content on ... Specify? This movie is seen to be wonky at some points and normal at times. As it isn't to far fetch for these type of things to actually happen within the community and person to person. As these fight clubs have gotten lots of attention in the media and are apparently a big thing in the southern states of America. 9) Discuss the nature of power/relationships within the film, between director/ film maker and actions– why were they chosen? The relationship between the characters and nature are seen to be very reluctant. As the characters are very "to them self's" and are often trying to avoid other and tell lies to get out of of having to communicate in details, their problems! The alter ego effect is evident to have been important because it shows us both sides of good and evil within a regular human being. I think these characters played their roles very well, and would not suggest anyone else to take their role(s). 10) Is the focus of the film properly contextualized? How might the film be better (historically, culturally,
  • 28. ... Get more on ...
  • 29.
  • 30. Essay on The Narrative Voice in Northanger Abbey by Jane... Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen expresses the powerful narrative voice. The narrative voice that she uses is different from other novels. Most authors try to hide their presence in their novels but Jane Austen does not try to hide her presence. Her presence in the novel is so clear. For example, "The advantages of natural folly in a beautiful girl have been already set forth by the capital pen of sister author, and her treatment of the subject I will only add" (Austen 81). She tries not to trick her reader as he/she reads the novel. Instead she informs the reader that the book itself is just a novel. Her purpose is not to convince the reader and correct her story, but to understand the imperfection of language because language does not ... Show more content on ... She is telling him her version of the story, which then filtered through Lockwood's perspective. Nelly is undependable narrator because she keeps important information about other characters and events. Lockwood is also not a dependable narrator because he does not fully understands the circumstance and might be misinterprets the stories that are told by Nelly. In Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte uses Mr. Lockwood to show that language is not enough to tell the truth and understand the other person. When Mr. Lockwood greets Heathcliff on their first encounter, Lockwood misjudges Heathcliff. He writes, "Mr. Heathcliff and I are such a suitable pair to divide the desolation between us" (Bronte 1). Also he describes Heathcliff as "a capital fellow" (Bronte 1). Bronte illustrates that the truth can be manipulated rather than fixed. And it can be manipulated by depending on who is telling the story. She points out that language is manipulated by unreliable people like Lockwood and Nelly. Jane Austen tries to make the reader doubt her stories so that they do not act like Catherine how she makes mistakes about people and cannot distinguish between fiction and real life. On the other hand, Bronte tries to make the reader to find and understand the various truths and makes the reader doubt in both written and spoken words. Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen and Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte analyze the language that fails to ... Get more on ...
  • 31.
  • 32. A Raisin The Sun And Willy Loman Compare And Contrast Essay The striving for being rich and have a wealthy life has always been present in the American society. Often living in a capitalistic society leads people to become greedy, and as a result many become too materialistic. This may happen because of the challenge to pursue the American dream where most of Americans are trying to fulfill it. Unfortunately, for most of people it is very difficult to acquire this high status and to secure a spot in the upper–class society. Arthur Miller's, Death of a Salesman, and Lorraine Hansberry's, A Raisin the Sun, are two plays that reveal two main characters: Willy Loman and Walter Lee Young, characters that reflect typical features of the people who struggles to achieve the American Dream. Although they may have common characteristics and share similarities, they also have numerous issues and are very different, setting them apart from other families and even each other. Therefore, the main focus of this paper will be to compare and put in contrast these two great characters. In both plays, A Raisin the Sun and Death of a Salesman, the father (Walter and Willy) is the main individual that holds his attention throughout the plays. Because of their roles are often changing in the plays, Walter and Willy can be the protagonist and the antagonist. That being said, they both have goals to possess their own business and to be their own boss. They both strive to live wealthy. As Walter says "No...It was always money, Mama. We just didn't know about it" (Hansberry). This reveals that Walter is more materialistic instead of considering the feeling of his family. Willy and Walter are very similar in many ways. For instance, they both are trying to be good fathers. Walter's goal to get rich is influenced by his restless desire to offer to his family a better life: "You tired, ain't you? Tired of everything. Me, the boy, the way we live–this beat–up hole– everything. Ain't you?" (Discovering Literature, 1295). Meanwhile, the love that Willy has for his sons is undeniable. Very often he would slip into the past before he drifted apart from his sons: "Remarkable. Remember those days? The way Biff used to simonize that car? The dealer refused to believe there was eighty thousand miles on ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Narrative Voice In Chronicle Of A Death Foretold Gabriel Garcia–Marquez's Chronicle of a Death Foretold the concept of a community setting strongly based upon traditional roots, and is capable to do so through a variety of characters all with a displaced memory of a tragic event in the history of the small town. Each of these characters displayed by Marquez is on a thin line of uprooting his or her destined religious system of faith. In Chronicle of a Death Foretold, Marquez highlights the narrator's voice containing a tone of cultural influence and societal imbalance because of the novel's non–chronological unraveling of events, it becomes necessary for an objective outsider to notice the downfall of society by two conflicting problems. The primary form of narrator's characterization, the reader possesses the capability to analyze the related roles of characters within the novel as centered around the obligations of both faith and family. Furthermore, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, through the deployment of magical realism, allows these characters to become less superficial by nature of communicating a realistic perception of events in the midst of a mundane society. This can be argued to be much less superficial than, if the novel used ... Show more content on ... From this, a former Columbian society, Chronicle of a Death Foretold, serves to emphasize a reduced set of memories to one place and one period in society so as the give each character within the novel a personalized response of how to answer a call of faith and morality, while also teaching how respond to the exhausted demands of family. Columbia – The Society and Its Environments relates the concepts of "Traditional elements of trust and mutual dependence among relatives no matter how distant the relationship." This means that family is family and nothing will ever change the unbreakable blood ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. Compare and contrast the Frankenstein novel and... Mary Shelley and Samuel Taylor Coleridge are two established writers of the Romantic era. Works by both writers are unique in many ways. The profound influence of Coleridge's " The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere" is reflected in Shelly's "Frankenstein" in terms of narrative structure, themes and literary techniques. This essay will compare and contrast the "Frankenstein" extract and the poem, "The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere" in three aspects, namely the narrating voice, the themes and the literary techniques used. In the "Frankenstein" passage, Victor's creation, the creature, is the narrator. Here, a framed narrative is presented by the creature to allow his side of the story to be heard as he attempts to gain self–definition and ... Show more content on ... The creature begins as an innocent and lonely being who longs for love and compassion but realizes that he will never be accepted by the community because of his abomination. He was first abandoned by Victor, leaving him to fend for himself and later rejected again and again by the community with anger, hatred and violence. Shelly uses this theme to reflect the shallowness of society where social prejudice is founded on appearances and stress the idea of society's injustice towards abnormalities. It can be understood that the monstrosity in the creature is a social product. On the other hand, the mariner experiences solitude as part of his punishment for his sin. His experience came about as a result of his impulsive act of killing the albatross. Unlike the creature who has been unjustly subjected to isolation without a choice, the mariner has a choice. He could have chosen not to kill the bird. In a way, his solitude is self induced. With solitude comes sufferings and that leads us to another common theme of sufferings and impact. In the extract, the creature laments that his sufferings came from the ill treatment he received from human beings. His sufferings left a negative impact on his innocent soul as his hatred for his creator and his species grew from this injustice which ultimately led him to "murder the lovely and the helpless...strangle the innocent...grasp to death his throat..." (prose ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Narrative Voice In The Tell-Tale Heart By Edgar Allan Poe The mark of a skilled writer is shown in their individuality, crafting a narrative voice that becomes recognizable and, therefore, respected. The narrative voice of the story encompasses the author's writing style, what techniques they use, and how their presentation of the story overall strengthens the story. When writing, nearly each element–from the characters to the setting's influence–needs some level of consideration on how it will play into the story. If there is a lack of nuance in the writing, or if major aspects of the story are not fully established, it will fail to communicate the author's themes to the audience in an effective way. In classic poetry and literature, Edgar Allan Poe remains one of the most iconic writers. His works are known for their melancholy and macabre narratives, often grotesque imagery, and how each explores thought–provoking themes in intense ways; all of which are attributed to Poe's gothic narrative voice. For example, one of his most noteworthy short stories, "The Tell–Tale Heart," chronicles the efforts of an undisclosed narrator reflecting on his time ... Show more content on ... In relation to "The Tell–Tale Heart," the narrator's characterization is the crux of the story, providing much of the story's mood and how the themes are put into effect. His pride overwhelms him once his confidence is diminished when the noises start, which may be in relation to the guilt that haunts him, and he slowly crumbles over the weight of his own ego, admitting to his crime. The conclusion of the story is fitting because it shows the dynamism of Poe's writing. His narrative voice accomplishes developing most the story due to how significant of a role the narrator plays. It is this expertise that shows that Poe has a handle on his craft unique to him, cementing his individuality in the literary ... Get more on ...
  • 39.
  • 40. Romeo And Juliet Narrative Voice Essay Consider the narrative voices in "Michelle" and in Romeo and Juliet Act 1, Scene 5, Lines 44–53. In both cases, a male character is expressing his enthusiastic response of affection to a female character. What do these sources––when considered together––say about how males first express their romantic feelings. "Michelle" is written by John Lennon and Paul McCartney. "Michelle" is a love ballad about a man who is expressing his feelings to a female, but has to speak another language because, she does not speak English. Similarly, Romeo, in William Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet, expresses his ardent emotions of affection upon laying his eyes on Juliet for the first time. His admiration brims over and it exposes how he believes that Juliet is more alluring than more luminous that ... Show more content on ... The narrative voice in "Michelle" produces an insight into the male character's thoughts as he conveys his emotions by saying," Sont les monts qui vont tres bien ensemble" ,(Doc. 1). The young man's commentary communicates his emotion by saying in French that we would be good together, when he says 'tres bien ensemble'. Similarly, in Shakespeare's play, Romeo depicts Juliet as," ... Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear...", (Romeo and Juliet 1.5.47). Romeo is taking a deep examination of his feelings and expressing them verbally when he say that even the Earth can not contain such beauty and he also says that her beauty is so much that he should not sleep with her. Romeo also depicts Juliet as true beauty when he exclaims,"For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night", (1.5.53). Romeo is saying that all the women that he has ever slept with or have even seen, Juliet has been the most exquisite and radiant of them ... Get more on ...
  • 41.
  • 42. Narrative Voice of Frederick Douglass Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass The tone established in the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass is unusual in that from the beginning to the end the focus has been shifted. In the beginning of the narrative Douglass seems to fulfill every stereotypical slavery theme. He is a young black slave who at first cannot read and is very naïve in understanding his situation. As a child put into slavery Douglass does not have the knowledge to know about his surroundings and the world outside of slavery. In Douglass' narrative the tone is first set as that of an observer, however finishing with his own personal accounts. When first introduced to Douglass and his story, we find him to be a young slave boy filled with ... Show more content on ... Douglass states "before narrating any of the peculiar circumstances, I deem it proper to make known my intention not to state all the facts connected with the transaction." In doing so Douglass assumed the narrative would lose the interest of its readers, however the mere thought of a slave man risking his life for a chance to freedom is able to recapture the interest of any facts left out. In the conclusion of the narrative Frederick Douglass contemplates escaping, weighing it against the idea of leaving all of his friends. Douglass says, "I had a good number of warm–hearted friends in Baltimore, –friends that I loved almost as I did my life, –and the thought of being separated from them forever was painful beyond expression." Such a personal tone and accounts make the reader truly see the change Douglass has gone through since the beginning of the narrative. The language difference from the beginning up until the conclusion can be based solely on spirit and education. From the start Douglass did not know much about anything and spoke like he should have, from a child's view. This includes a child's inquisitiveness, demonstrated by his speaking of others more than himself. As he grows and matures, and is even given the gift of an education the language changes dramatically to that of an educated man. Speaking in an intellectual manner Douglass sees that his ability to read and write has truly set him free. From the tone of a ... Get more on ...
  • 43.
  • 44. Use Of Narrative Voice In Atonement 'Narrative voice and points of view are indispensable parts of storytelling.' Explore the use of narrative voice employed by the authors of Atonement and A Room with a View. In the novel Atonement, the author Ian McEwan uses narrative voice to grasp the attention of the reader whilst alternating points of view to create a diverse plot. He does this through the novel being perceived as several narrators for us to then realise it's one voice. McEwan uses prolepsis to hint at future events which he uses to intrude the story. In the same way, this is also an evident theme in E.M Forster's a Room with a View. Similarly, to Atonement, A Room with a View has a thought– provoking narrative viewpoint in the sense that it is a bildungsroman about Lucy Honeychurch. Forster writes in an omniscient tone, which means that the characters are dictated to us his narration and the character's dialogue; this debatably affects the reader's sympathy to the other characters in the play like Cecil Vyse. Likewise, it is evident that authorial intrusion creates a high level of authenticity to the story. In Atonement, it is evident that the author Ian McEwan is trying to highlight the characters' inner mental state, he does this by using the literacy device of prolepsis. McEwan steps back from the original first person narrative to describe how Briony 'was struggling with the temptation to flounce from the room'. He repeats this device throughout the novel, using metanarrative to build up tension. ... Get more on ...
  • 45.
  • 46. Narrative Voice In The Godfather Introduction Mario Puzo was an American Screenwriter and Author who is best known for his Novel which was later adapted into one of the most famous movie series of all times The Godfather. Mario Puzo was born on October 15,1920 in an area of New York known as Hell's Kitchen. Mario's Father was an illiterate and poor immigrant who abandoned Mario and his mother during Mario's early teens as he was diagnosed with schizophrenia and was institutionalized.Mario's mother wanted Mario to be a railroad clerk but Mario had took a liking to visiting the libraries and read different works of literature.Later on Mario worked as a railroad switchboard attendant to support his family. In a short span he was stationed to Germany and East India during the Second World War while serving for the US Air Force.He worked as a Civilian Public relations man in Germany for the United States of America's Air Force after the war ended. After returning back to the United States from Germany Mario continued with his passion for literature. He studied literature and creative writing the New School for Social Research and Columbia University. In 1946 Puzo married Erika Lina Broske whom he met in Germany. The couple together had two daughters and ... Show more content on ... The story is always told by someone outside the novel.For eg, Whether the main character happens to be Jhonny Fontane or The Godfather's Son at the time or The Godfather himself, on page 183 he greeted Jhonny Fontane with a surprised cry of delight. "Sollozzo and Tattaglia let his hands go and only the strangler stayed with the victim,sinking to his knees to follow Luca's body,drawing the cord so tight that it cut into the flesh of his neck and disappeared.Luca's eyes bulged out of his head as if in the utmost surprise and this surprise was the only humanity remaining on him." Mario Puzo's most used theme was "loyality to your friends and family is one of the most important things in ... Get more on ...
  • 47.
  • 48. What Is The Narrative Voice In The Great Gatsby The comparison of narrative voices and protagonists in both 'The Great Gatsby' and 'Sonnets of the Portuguese' reveals the universal value of love, yet its capacity is determined by context and value systems. 'The Great Gatsby' and 'Sonnets of the Portuguese' depict the contrasting contexts of Fitzgerald and Barrett–Browning. The narrative voices makes this evident; both composers are parallels to the narrative voices within the texts. Fitzgerald utilises Nick's controlled narrative voice to challenge and criticise his chaotic and immoral society. This is evident in Chapter 1, when Nick states, "When I came back from the East last autumn I felt that I wanted the world to be in uniform and at a sort of moral attention forever". Fitzgerald is ... Show more content on ... However, the contrasting contextual backgrounds of each of the composers influenced the texts developments. Within 'The Great Gatsby', Fitzgerald portrays a post–war world in which value systems have gone out of balance. He characterises protagonists such as Tom and Daisy to show the lack of human decency in the materialistic period. Gatsby's death is meaningless to them, except as a personal inconvenience and complication. Fitzgerald's employs Nick's voice once again to criticise the immoral society, ". . . I began to have a feeling of defiance, of scornful solidarity between Gatsby and me against them all." (9.20) Whilst Fitzgerald scorns the rejection of pre–war values and perspectives, the 'Sonnets of the Portuguese', in comparison, is a celebration of moral abandonment in Barrett–Browning's staid and conservative era. Barrett–Browning utilises her poems to make personal commentary on the conservative Victorian period and perspectives of society. This is clear within Sonnet XXII,"Let us stay Rather on earth, Beloved,–where the unfit Contrarious moods of men recoil away, And isolate pure spirits". Barrett–Browning's scandalous elopement with Robert undid the world by breaching social mores and challenged the suffocating values of her ... Get more on ...
  • 49.
  • 50. Narrative Voice In Lot's Wife The depiction of the characters is a vital aspect of Szymborska's works. This is notable in the poems 'Lot's Wife' and 'The Terrorist, He's Watching' (see Appendix 1). This depiction of the characters is influenced by many literary techniques, one being narrative voice. Narrative voice can be defined as the 'eyes' the reader sees a story through. This is separated into three distinct types: first, second and third person. First person is typically told from the perspective of the main character, second person addresses the main character as 'you' and third person refers to the characters as he or she. Third person can either be omniscient; knowing an unlimited amount of information about all characters, events and conflicts in the story, or ... Show more content on ... The poem commences with a third person narrative voice. This persona describes the terrorist as enjoying the moment, 'The terrorist has already crossed the street. / The distance keeps him out of danger, / and what a view – just like the movies:' (5–7). By describing the situation as movie–like, it shows that the terrorist values his life over others as he situates himself at a distance where he can observe safely. This idea is also expressed through the fact that the language is factual, observational and unemotional, conveying the emotional detachment of the terrorist towards the pain and suffering he will inflict. The use of language in this is vastly different to that of 'Lot's Wife' with the contrast of emotional language and factual language. The descriptions of the individuals are detached with mundane characteristics, such as the 'crummy gloves' (26), only being mentioned. This creates the sense that these individuals are less important than him, showing that the terrorist looks down on them. Throughout the piece, there is a sense of dramatic irony, with the terrorist knowing something that the people entering and exiting the bar don't. This introduces the idea that the terrorist perceives this situation as comedic. This idea is continued with the use of time intervals marking the countdown of the detonation. ... Get more on ...
  • 51.
  • 52. Narrative Voice In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet By examining the narrative voices in the two pieces of work, a male character revealing his enthusiastic response of fondness for a female character. "Michelle" written by Sir Paul McCartney as a love song released in 1966. Therefore it shows a love song about a man telling a woman the love he has for her. Romeo & Juliet, a play written by William Shakespeare set in the 1300's. Romeo sees Juliet during a royal party and suddenly becomes struck with aw in how beautiful she looks. In behalf of what both these sources say about how males express their feelings, we are to understand that when a man feels a strong sense of desire to someone else he intends to respond with words in a way that his feelings are visible. The most compelling evidence ... Get more on ...
  • 53.
  • 54. Narrative Voices In Romeo And Juliet Narrative voices are used to express romantic emotions towards female characters, and they first express their emotions of attraction to that woman by use of meaningful words. "Michelle" is a song written by John Lennon and performed by Paul McCartney. The song is about man that is trying to express his affections to Michelle, who does not understand the same language. Therefore, he must put the words he wants to express in a way she could comprehend. The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, is a play that was written by William Shakespeare. This tragedy is about two young lovers that are separated by a barrier that their families are sworn enemies. The character Romeo uses his words to express his love towards Juliet, and many events in the ... Get more on ...
  • 55.
  • 56. Personal Narrative: My Voice My voice as it is now/My voice as I would like it to be I notice many things about my voice. Whether I talk with a vocal fry around my friends, which seems to be a California specialty, or in a higher register with teachers, the placement of my voice constantly varies. I am aware that my timbre is high and that my tone is bright, and, to state it plainly, I enjoy that. However, there are aspects of my voice that I notice and dislike; my voice breaks between my lower and middle register noticeably and gets tired quickly. When I sing I am most aware of my voice because I am concentrating on so many different aspects of technique such as breathing, placement, and tone. Singing only feels good to me when it is extremely resonant and focused, because that feels free but controlled. I am also aware I have a lot of range left to conquer – I know I have notes in my whistle tone register, but sometimes have trouble accessing them. When other people hear my voice, they comment on its' bright tone, high pitch, and clear focus. However, they also comment on its' softness because I struggle to increase volume while singing. In workshops, peers have commented on how similar my head and chest voice sound. Teachers have expressed ... Show more content on ... If swallowing wasn't a necessary function for living, I would love to permanently glue my larynx down so singing would be easier. However, that is humanely impossible and I like to eat. Additionally, if I could add warmth to my sound without adding weight or darkening my color, that would be swell. I hope to one day completely blend my registers and have full access to my whistle tones which are currently a little difficult to get to. Additionally, I hope to reach a point where I can talk in a healthy manner that will not tire my voice. Other than those technicalities which can ideally be fixed with hard work and vocal lessons, I actually love my voice for its unique tone and ... Get more on ...
  • 57.
  • 58. Narrative Voice In Romeo And Juliet Male characters who serve as a narrative voice often express their love and affection through an enthusiastic response towards a female. In the song, "Michelle", performed by Sir Paul McCartney, the male narrative voice is proclaiming his love for a girl named Michelle through his words both in French and English. Similarly, The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, a play written by William Shakespeare, Romeo shows his enthusiasm upon catching sight of Juliet and expresses that he believes that she is the most magnificent girl Romeo had ever met. Considering what both of these sources say about how males reveal their emotions, it allows us to believe that when a man feels an intense attraction towards a woman, they communicate their affection verbally ... Show more content on ... 1.5. 52–53). Romeo in the quote conveys his emotions about Juliet by mentioning verbally that, that night was the first time he had seen true beauty and that no one can compare to Juliet. Likewise, in "Michelle," the narrator of the song sees the beauty of the woman he is discussing within the lyrics, and acting upon this through words. The male narrator wants the woman he is talking to to know something and expresses it by saying, "I will say the only words I know that You'll understand Michelle, ma belle Sont les mots qui vont tres bien ensemble Tres bien ensemble ." (Doc 1). The male character's choice of words in this part of the song is essential because he is communicating that he needs Michelle to understand that he is inspired by her beauty and has a desire for her. Moreover, upon noticing Juliet, Romeo realizes that she is different from other girls that has met and done things with. Romeo remarks about Juliet, "Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear!" (1.5. 47). Until seeing Juliet, Romeo had been used to using girls, but after laying eyes on her, he recognizes that she is worth much more than that and is inspired to change just for ... Get more on ...
  • 59.
  • 60. Narrative Voices in Shelley's Frankenstein and Fathers... Narrative Voices in Shelley's Frankenstein and Fathers and Sons by Ivan Turgenev I have chosen to compare the narrative voices of Frankenstein and Fathers and Sons, as the perspectives in these two novels differ from one another. Frankenstein's narrative voice contains tales of three characters within one narrative, none belonging directly to the author, whereas the narrative voice of Fathers and Sons, is that of the author alone. Examples I will be using are taken from 'The Realist Novel' (TRN), and from the novels of Frankenstein (F) and Fathers and Sons (F&S). Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein is an example of first– person narrative, with Walton describing his encounters in letters to his sister Margaret, in ... Show more content on ... (P53 F). This novel also includes narrative perspectives that shape the fictional world in the realist novel genre. Instances of this come from Victors childhood, which seemed idyllic, with his mother and father devoted to him, 'the innocent and helpless creature bestowed on them by heaven' and 'I was so guided by a silken cord that all seemed but one train of enjoyment to me' (P.33 F). And when the monster is relating his tale to Victor, of how he learnt the basic principles of survival, stating 'when I was oppressed by cold, I found fire' and 'searching in vain for a few acorns to assuage the pangs of hunger' and of his hideout 'I found it an agreeable asylum from the snow and rain'. (P.99 F). This perspective is plausible, giving a romantic feel to the novel, when 'Frankenstein's physical attempt to reconstruct the human frame serves as an image for the goal of Romantic artists: the spiritual regeneration of man' (p.65 TRN). The pathos generated by his tale is intensified by the monster being inspired and consoled by nature, as he describes to Victor 'my senses were gratified and refreshed by a thousand scents of delight and a thousand sights of beauty' with the onset of spring, (p.111 F). Also, 'thankfulness towards the blessed sun, which bestowed such joy upon me' (p.134 F). When the narrative perspective changes, we have a contrast to these joys as he is rejected as an 'ugly detestable monster', at a ... Get more on ...
  • 61.
  • 62. Narrative Voice In Romeo And Juliet The narrative voices of males in songs and literature express their feelings in an enthusiastic way. The song "Michelle" is a song composed by songwriter Sir Paul McCartney. The song is about a man trying to speak to a French woman he adores, but the French woman is believed to be unable to understand English, so the man decides to speak a few words that she would be able to understand. The play The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is a play written by William Shakespeare. In the play, Romeo expresses an immense amount of enthusiasm the second he sees Juliet, telling the reader about how he believed Juliet was far more beautiful than any other girl he had ever seen. Both of these sources indicate that males are inspired to express their enthusiasm ... Get more on ...
  • 63.
  • 64. Narrative Voice Of The Yellow Wallpaper By Charlotte... Charlotte Perkins Gilman aptly used narrative voice to shape the meaning of "The Yellow Wallpaper," by writing a first–person narrative about a woman who slowly loses herself to madness. This voice is one of a woman who may possibly have post–partum depression or some other form of manic depression, and her unheard cries for help. She slowly draws within herself, and allows the insanity to take over. Within the first few paragraphs we learn general characteristics about the narrator: she is middle class, as indicated by the phrase "mere ordinary people" (354); we also learn that she is married, suggested a statement about John laughing at her, something she says is only expected in marriage. Though we are never given her name, these generic aspects just might be more important to the progression of the story than her actual identity or personal history. No longer distracted by trying to find clues in her past that may take away from the plot, we are able to focus on the slow degeneration of a woman's mind through a journal she keeps. Narrative voice continues to morph throughout the tale, and her level of sanity is directly related to her level of reliability. The story continues through eleven different entries, each showcasing a deeper phase of madness. Every time she returns to write again, her mental condition worsens, as well as her reliability. By the final entry, we see she is somehow managing to journal while she has a full mental breakdown–something that would not ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Fitzgerald's Use Of Narrative Voice In The Great Gatsby How have writers used narrative voice and/or characterization to explore a social or intellectual concern in the two works you have studied? For ages, authors have strived to convey their interpretation of the social concerns and themes, using the literary texts as a medium. Their texts were not only intended for conveying, but also to form the basis for social and intellectual change. In 'Persepolis' by Marjane Satrapi and 'Great Gatsby' by F. Scott Fitzgerald, these key concepts have been clearly addressed. 'Persepolis' is a graphic novel, portraying the life of 'Marji' and how she experiences social changes around her in Iran. 'The Great Gatsby' is a literary novel, set in the 1920's, reflects on the American society and social status ... Show more content on ... Scott Fitzgerald has effectively used characterization and narrative voice to explore various social concerns. The novel was produced during the 1920's, referred to as the roaring twenties or the jazz age. The fruit of the economic boom also gave rise to many social issues which involve alcoholism, class, and domestic violence. The class in that period was divided into the new money, old money and no money. Fitzgerald very well integrated this social concern using characterization. Division of the west egg, East egg and the valley of ashes symbolized this social concern. Also, Tom Buchanan in the novel was characterized as an arrogant and hypocritical bully. People who have been brought up rich are expected have characteristics similar to Tom. Another social problem was incomplete and incompatible relationships among people. This was portrayed by the relationship between Daisy and Tom. While Nick, the narrator, judges the life of Daisy and Tom based on their lavish house. Yet, the narrator soon learns the imperfections in their life, portrayed by narrator voice such as 'Fragilely Bound' and 'French Widows'. Due to the economic boom, alcoholism was very prevalent in that period. Fitzgerald uses a unique way of deriving this social problem. Nick, the narrator, came to New York to earn money. However, his motifs were changed and he was shown to have been severely influenced by alcoholism. He also received treatment to overcome this after Gatsby died. Also, the narrator use ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Capote's Narrative Voice Throughout the novel, Capote appoints several narrative voices. For example, in the first paragraph within lines 1–12, Capote is speaking himself with the use of third person narration. During this paragraph, he describes the setting of the novel and uses imagery to portray its scenery. Within his description of Holcomb, Kansas, the town is perceived as quiet and lonesome, where nothing out of the ordinary occurs. In this section he speaks in a calm tone, creating a calm setting, which is ironic due to all of the chaos that arises in it. Another narrative voice, on page 66, is spoken by Alfred Stoecklein, a man who lived close to the Clutter family. Within this passage, he is talking about how terrifying it was to assimilate to the trauma that ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Personal Narrative: The Child With No Voice The Child with no Voice William Glasser wrote, "What happened in the past that was painful has a great deal to do with what we are today." When I was ten years old this single day seemed to recur itself for weeks or months at a time. While this memory still haunts me it shows how far I have come. It all started when my mentality was interrogated based on bullying and countless additional things. I found myself in my room everyday 'til the blinding blue sky appeared until the last star waved goodbye. Surrounded by four white walls were four neatly placed nineties band posters accompanied by dim white LED lights. The room was filled with the scent of lavender that spewed out of a short white humidifier. Looking at the desk the laptop remained ... Show more content on ... I learned to live life to the fullest because you never know when it might end, and to not let fear or people control the whole outcome of my day. Looking back on these events I can gladly say I am a lot better because my parents got me help and I am very grateful. While things couldn't get better they did, now I am attending my sixth school where I have excellent grades, and I have even started eating normally, and finally started to managing my sleep. Days aren't always perfect but in time of trouble we must find the beauty in our flaws and dream on because God has a ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Personal Narrative: Low Magical Voice 'He had a low magical voice so he attracted the people coming to him,' said Rob. Horio says: 'Not necessarily, how about female hypnotists? not all the hypnotists are male with magical voice. There was no keyword, may be I was wrong, perhaps a special frequency beyond the machine detection invaded into human body to open to suggestions.' The video continues and John narrates: 'those who refused to walk towards the man left quickly squeezing their heads, in other words they might have headache too. The man stepped one step forward and airborne in the air, I turned my back and ran, there might be something very wrong that was what I had in my mind. I shouted "Run", all the people around me started to run too leaving the people behind who ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Essay on Narrative Voice in Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye The narration of Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye is actually a compilation of many different voices. The novel shifts between Claudia MacTeer's first person narrative and an omniscient narrator. At the end of the novel, the omniscient voice and Claudia's narrative merge, and the reader realizes this is an older Claudia looking back on her childhood (Peach 25). Morrison uses multiple narrators in order to gain greater validity for her story. According to Philip Page, even though the voices are divided, they combine to make a whole, and "this broader perspective also encompasses past and present... as well as the future of the grown–up Claudia" (55). The first segment of each of the seasonal sections in the novel begins with Claudia's ... Show more content on ... Obviously, this kind of judgment is far beyond the scope of a child. The second voice in the novel, according to Peach, belongs to a black kinswoman who narrates the sections introduced by excerpts from the primer (26). She is an omniscient narrator who is able to provide a perspective that Claudia could not have given. She has access to information that involves characters that are beyond Claudia's immediate range of experience (26). While Claudia's narration is confined to the present and does not attempt to enter the minds or houses of the other characters, the omniscient narrator moves freely into both of these areas (Bellamy 23). She takes the reader into the Breedlove home in "Autumn" and into Geraldine's house in "Winter," and she enters the minds and lives of Pauline and Cholly Breedlove and Soaphead Church in "Spring" and the mind of Pecola in "Summer." In order to make her story more convincing to the reader, the omniscient narrator uses firsthand sources, such as Pauline's fragmented monologues, Soaphead's letter to God, and Pecola's internal dialogue with her imaginary friend. Thus, the reader can be sure of the accountability of the narrator's story. The third narrative voice appears in the introduction and in "Summer," the last section of the novel (Philip Page 53). This narrator is an older Claudia who is "looking back and tracing the stages which have led to her maturity of ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Narrative Voice In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men In Of Mice and Men how does Steinbeck explore the importance of companionship through his use of characterization and narrative voice? Of Mice and Men is a novella written by John Steinbeck and was published in 1937. Steinbeck sets his story in and around California, during the time period of the Great Depression. The novel is centred around two itinerant farm workers George and Lennie who move from farm to farm, seeking work. Steinnbeck explores the importance of companionship in his novella through his use of characterization and narrative voice. Steinbeck's characterization of George and Lennie mimics a father–son relationship, which can also be expressed through the narrative voice. It is their relationship that the author uses to explore ... Show more content on ... When Carlson tells Candy to shoot his dog, the technique of slowing down time is used to create a nervous atmosphere. This can be shown by the descriptions "Candy threw his legs off his bunk. He scratched the white stubble whiskers on his cheek nervously/ The skinner had been studying the old dog with his calm eyes/ Candy looked for help from face to face. It was quite dark outside now" The selected descriptions were narrated between dialogues, and by describing simple actions for an extended amount of time it creates the illusion of time slowing down. This is used to show that Candy is fearing for his dog and that there is a clear bond between them. Candy states that "'I'm so used to him,' he said softly. 'I had him from a pup.'"(pg 46) Candy has had his dog since it was a puppy, and after losing it Candy has no more relatives left. Because of this, he offers to help George and Lennie achieve their near impossible dream, essentially meaning that he has nothing else to lose. This can be supported by how Candy says "I'd make a will an' leave my share to you guys in case I kick off, 'cause I ain't got no relatives nor nothing". Steinbeck shows the importance of companionship through the bond between Candy and his ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Personal Narrative: My Voice I believe from past performances my voice has become accustomed to holding deep tone notes. My voice is comfortable hitting any low notes making it great for operatic pieces, pieces that require a strong voice to get an emotion across, or generally any theatric role that requires the large, stoic kind of character. Past instructors have also said I have a natural talent to sing along without getting caught up in the melody of other instruments. My understanding is that beginners tend to sing at the same tone as of the instruments in the accompaniment when they should be singing at a different key, but my previous teachers and peers have said they've never seen me have this issue. Hearing their praise made me happy, but I would like to expand my vocal range so I could hit higher notes perhaps fitting an alto or maybe a soprano and give them something even more ... Show more content on ... People have always told me my voice was incredible and I should practice more operatic pieces. While I appreciate classical and opera music, it has unfortunately cast me as the villain more times than naught during auditions. I want to improve my ability to sing at higher tones for a better chance to perhaps be cast as the protagonist once in a while as opposed to the antagonist in musicals. I also hope to find ways to improve my fluidity of lyrics while singing. Sometimes when I hit certain notes for certain words the word comes out awkward compared to the rest of the song, for example imagine a grown man trying to sing a love song for the woman of his dreams but when he sings "girl" it sounds like he hits puberty again and his voice cracks. It was a role from a past show but it was still pretty embarrassing to stand on stage and let that happen in front of a test audience two weeks from the first show. I'm hoping that with proper instruction I find ways to overcome straining my voice to hit those notes with those kinds of ... Get more on ...