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Effect Of Globalization On Indian Culture
Globalization's Destructive Effect on Indian Culture
Globalization has a big part to play internationally. In India, globalization has effected India's
culture in a number of ways. Not only in India, the intersection of world views and ideas have
caused a massive transformation of the life and living standard of people worldwide. Indian culture
is no piece to this transformation procedure. India has an interesting cultural background and their
culture is famous throughout the globe. Culture and traditions of any region on this Earth hold a
unique importance with regard to its individuality. This uniqueness has been bothered by
globalization. Globalization is very much definite when it hits a developing country like India.
The word 'Globalization' is self–explanatory. It is a global program for preserving evenness in the
lifestyle of the people all over the globe. Globalization is the result of the interchange of worldly
interpretations, opinions and the numerous features of the culture everywhere around the world. This
is the means for offering the international arena for combination of people from different sectors,
culture and dialects and learns to change and go forward socially without damaging and upsetting
each other's status.
The culture of every country does not only signify the culture and language of the region, but it
begins with the mentality and attitude of the living citizens. Indian culture is very rich with
admiration to its heritage, possessions, and
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Purnell Model: a View on Asian Indian Culture Values. Essay
In this paper I will be identifying beliefs and values common to my family of origin. I will be using
Purnell's Model of cultural competency and will explain the major assumptions of the model in
relevance to my culture. The purpose of this paper is to provide the reader with a quick overview of
the Asian Indian culture. One must be aware of their own culture and the culture of others in order to
offer competent and culturally sensitive care and understand how their cultural beliefs may affect
their health. (Leuning, Swiggum, Wiegert, and McCullough–Zander, 2002).
Introduction With the United States becoming increasingly diverse, healthcare professionals face a
multicultural clients and it ... Show more content on ...
I have lived in Waukesha, Milwaukee and my current residence is in Racine, Wisconsin. After my
bachelors I have been working as a registered nurse at a local nursing home. Communication: My
primary language is Punjabi, although I can speak Hindi and English fluently as well. Women do not
look into the eyes of men, which would imply romantic interest, and this is usually forbidden.
People from my culture will not usually look directly in the eyes of elders and authority figures.
This is supported by Purnell and Paulanka (2003), and they add that "direct eye contact with elders
and authority figures may be considered a sign of disrespect" Family Roles and Organization. Indian
families are considered to be a close knit family unit. The man (the father and/or husband) is always
considered the head of household. There is also a significant value placed on higher education and
success for their children. Workforce Issues: Traditionally, men will usually work and provide the
financial support and the women provide domestic care. In the recent years, as people are becoming
more educated and urbanized there has been a decline in this trend. Biocultural ecology. In the
Northern part of the country the general population has a fairer skin color when compared with
down South. Southern part of the country is closer to the equator which results in higher
temperatures and long sunny days, which
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A Traditional Indian Culture And American Culture
Identity and Names
The names we are given are essential in forming our identity. It is the way we are addressed by
everyone starting from birth. It is the beginning of how we define ourselves in our own terms `as a
result of growing up and experiencing life. In Indian culture, from The Namesake, the grandmother
chooses a good name for the child before they are born. Gogol was supposed to be a pet name only
used by family and close friends. For Gogol, his name highlights his differences to everyone else,
but more importantly, himself. He endures a consistent struggle with his two cultures throughout the
novel. He, as a young adult, is searching for acceptance of both his traditional Indian culture and
American culture. The Namesake, explores the theme of identity by examining the differences of
both cultures. He has two names and therefore two identities, Gogol and Nikhil, and throughout the
novel he looks for a way to incorporate them into one whole.
Naming a child following Bengali tradition is extremely different in comparison to American
culture. This highlights the importance of a child finding their own way in their own time, but also
allows the parents to choose the best name. When it comes to naming the child, that honor is given
to an elder relative. There are always two names that a Bengali child will have: a pet name and a
good name. In the case of Gogol the letter containing his names was never received and considered
lost. Therefore, his parents chose the name
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Flute In American Indian Culture
Because of the radical changes that the North American Indians underwent, the flute has held a
unique responsibility to their culture. Dislocation, diffusion, and acculturation forced its use to be
confined to particular aspects and events of their culture; consequently, numerous cultural qualities
disappeared, among them flute–lore – the "traditional beliefs, legends, customs, ceremonies, and
music centered around the flute". In many instances among the American Indian cultures the flute
possesses esoteric or supernatural powers; thus, both flute making as well as flute playing is
considered a specialized privilege. The secrecy surrounding the use of the flute forced a limited
access to both the study and the knowledge by outsiders; meaning, that the accounts and
descriptions by natives, even those within the same culture, are variable. Within the American
Indian culture there is a spectacular display of complexity in both their beliefs as well as their
mythology; in each tribe you can find a network of societies, each of which had a long tradition of
customs. ... Show more content on ...
Often folklorists and ethnographers use the terms: flute, flageolet, and whistle rather loosely and
interchangeably. Since the flute or transverse flute and the flageolet, a type of recorder, allocate
similar meanings and usage in American Indian Culture, they will be treated as one. For the purpose
of this paper, the term flute will be used in reference to the instrument in general. It is important to
note that the implications of the whistle are distinctively different from that of the flute and
flageolet; for this reason, research about the whistle and accounts of the rituals involving whistles
will not be included in this
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Indian Tradition Of Indi An Important Part Of Indian...
Gold has been an important part of India culture for much of it's history. It has had major influences
Indian Hindu weddings. Gold has been apart of Indian weddings for much of India's history. During
this time, the meaning of gold and what it symbolizes in the weddings as changed greatly
throughout India's long history. Today, gold is used to show status both in the community and the
household. It also symbolizes purity in the wedding, which reinforces the social status of the bride.
Gold wishes luck upon the couple so they will have a good marriage, which is essential to social
status in India. Since India has had such a long history with gold, many still believe that gold in
weddings is used for "traditional" purposes. It is still a wide–held belief that gold is used in the
wedding ceremony as a form of a dowry that the bride's family is giving to the groom's family.
Culture is constantly changing and the use of gold in India weddings an example of the constant flux
of culture. While gold is used in the ceremony for many reasons, it representing a dowry is just not
one of them. While dowries are still around in India today, the way the are handled and what is used
to pay them has changed from the "traditional" dowries, which were primarily completely made out
of gold. Rather gold is used in the wedding ceremony to show to the status, not only of each
individual but as their new status as a married couple, thus presenting them and their newly
combined statuses to society.
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How Did The French And Indian Culture Affect The Cherokee...
The Cherokee was one of the many native american tribes that was affected by the arrival of the
europeans and colonization. The Cherokee culture was a typical culture like any other native
american tribe. They spoke the language that is known as Tsalagi. They harvested beans, corn and
squash most commonly known to Cherokee as "The Three Sisters". They also had their own ways of
doing things such as their own philosophy and hunting style. The Cherokee philosophy is known as
"the right way" which is trying to find peace and harmony in every part of their life. Their hunting
weapons included blow guns, bow and arrows and spears, which is mostly weapons that can be
made instantly.When they hunt game and kill an animal they apologize to the animal's spirit that has
just been slain. The traditional Cherokee method of healing was also an important part of Cherokee
culture that involved more than just medicine but also traditional Cherokee rituals. The Cherokee's
culture was greatly affected by colonization because many of the important aspects of their culture
changed.This can be proven from an excerpt from which states"As British and
French colonial aspirations began to clash, the Cherokee became increasingly important as a buffer
and continued to alternate alliances between the two nations" This is explaining the spark of a war
that was known as the French and Indian war which defied the Cherokee philosophy
completely.Due to colonization the Cherokee were now
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As Aurobindo’S Magnificent Defence Of Indian Culture Matters
As Aurobindo's magnificent defence of Indian culture matters very much to us in another, much
more important respect also – it is the corner–stone of his criticism of the Western Civilization. It
could even be asserted that it is his incomparable mastery of India's great cultural, philosophical and
religious achievements – Vedas, Upanishads, religion, poetry, philosophy, painting, sculpture,
Ramayana and Mahabharata, all of which Archer rejects as a repulsive mass of unspeakable
barbarism in one wholesale condemnation, that enabled him to see the West for what it is –
aggressive, material, utilitarian, predatory, inhumanly selfish and unspiritual. One could not agree
more with Peter Heehs when he states, "this return to the religion of his ... Show more content on ...
The very purpose of the book thus inevitably leads him to make a detailed study of the West, its
values, its successes and failures, its chosen directions, its ruling passions and self–destructive
interests and impulses. His thorough study of the West, which involves understanding, mastering
and value–judging with high and rigorous standards, makes him question its very foundations –
science and reason, the so–called solid foundations. Sri Aurobindo shows how Archer, being a
rationalist through and through, identifies civilization with the cult and practice of the materialistic
reason because of which he denies India to be civilized, and declares her greatest past achievements
– the Upanishads, the Vedanta, Buddhism, Hinduism, ancient Indian art and poetry a mass of
barbarism, the vain production of a persistently barbaric mind. He also explains how
incomprehension of deeper things, along with distaste for them, is a rule with Archer, but
nevertheless takes pains to answer him, because, he finds in him a typical Westerner who, taking
advantage of the present material downfall of India and her prostrate condition, tries to persuade the
world that she had never any strength and virtue in her. Sri Aurobindo's The Foundations of Indian
Culture would be exceedingly rewarding
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American Indian Culture Article Review
Article Review: "Cultural Adaptation for Therapy with American Indians and Alaska Natives"
Reading Gary and Rose's article has been by far the most captivating. I purposely chose an article
that focuses on a culture that is the most unfamiliar to me. From thoroughly reading this article I
acquired knowledge about the American Indian and Alaska Natives cultures. I learned ways to
provide multicultural counseling by adapting techniques to match the American Indian and Alaska
Natives beliefs and values. These cultures value families. Gary and Rose discuss, in great detail, the
importance of family involvement with counseling these populations; thus, enhancing my
competency in becoming an effective multicultural counselor and my abilities to
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My Indian Culture : My Cultural Identity Is Creole
My cultural identity is Creole. It is combined from many descendants of European, Africans,
French, Spanish, and American Indians. The Indian Culture I have chosen is also very diverse. They
are combined with a composite mixture of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism religions.
Each has resulted into the exclusive – Indian Culture. Every religion in India has its own favorite
ingredients, flavorings, and cooking methods. Their use of creamy or dry sauces, spices, and curries
on both meats and vegetables creates a different blend of aromas that bring out the full flavor of the
ingredients that they use in their dishes. The recipe I chose is Prawn (Shrimp) Bhuna. I wanted to
make something that was easy as well as something I know my family would enjoy eating. Since in
the Creole culture, we mainly eat seafood, I thought this recipe was fitting to make. In preparing this
recipe, I found a grocery store that specializes in Indian Foods – Indo–Pak Super Market. There, I
could find all the ingredients that I needed as well as advice from the men and women of this
culture. They could advise me on how to properly prepare this dish so that it taste authentic and
scrumptious as to make this in a timely manner. After I got all the ingredients and advice that I
needed, it was time to cook. Prawn Bhuna is a fiery recipe that has subtle undertones. As stated,
prawns are what Americans call shrimp. The term Bhuna refers to the method of bringing out the
essential flavors with
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Comparing Culture In Where Worlds Collide And Indian Father's
Culture in definition is: "the beliefs, customs, arts, etc., of a particular society, group, place, or time"
(Merriam–Webster's Learner's Dictionary). Thus, based on these certain beliefs, customs, traditions,
and arts, a person's thoughts, ideas, and views can be greatly affected since they lived with a
lifestyle based around a specific culture. Therefore, it can be coherent that the culture of a person is
paramount to one's views of the world and of others as seen throughout many texts such as, "An
Indian Father's Pleas" by Robert Lake and "Where Worlds Collide" by Pico Iyer. To begin with, the
effect of culture on one's views of the world and of others can be seen throughout the essay, "And
Indian Father's Plea" by Robert Lake (Medicine ... Show more content on ...
Over there is a block–long white limo, a Lincoln Continental, and, over there, a black Chevy Blazer
with Mexican Stickers all over its windows, being towed." (Iyer 62) Moreover, states, "The blue
skies and palm trees they saw on TV are scarcely visible from here: just an undifferentiated smoggy
haze, billboards advertising Nissan and Panasonic and Canon, and beyond those an endlessly
receding mass of grey streets. Overhead, they can see the all–too–familiar signs of Hilton and Hyatt
and Holiday Inn; in the distance, a sea of tract houses, mini–malls, and high rises." (Iyer 62) These
describe how the culture of the tourists or immigrants of the United States portrayed America in a
positive way, a place for opportunity, thus causing the travelers to deter their eyes from what is
really there and see only what they choose to see and what they choose to believe. Therefore, this
proves how the people's culture changed how they view certain things around the world which is
evident in this when people look away from reality and see only what they
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My Indian Culture
I am an Indian who was born and raised in America. This means that I have been affected by both
American and Indian cultures. One of the biggest lesson imparted on me from Indian culture was
about language. In Indian culture, a person shows respect to everyone. We call adults not related to
us uncle and auntie as a sign of respect towards our elders. We even call kids older than us Chetan
and Chachi in the part of India that my family comes from since they are technically our elders as
well. Since the use of expletives would be considered disrespectful, it was forbidden in my family.
In fact, when I was a kid, the word "stupid" was considered taboo. To the young me, saying "stupid"
would be the same as saying f***. I remember one time when I was really young, I was really mad.
It was so insignificant that I don't even remember what I got so angry over. So I said the word
"stupid" while my dad. It was one of the less wise decisions I made my life. Something you should
know about my dad is that he very strict and takes showing respect to everyone very seriously. So
when I said "stupid", he got really mad. He punished me by taking away my privileges like
watching TV which was already limited because my dad believed that I should only be studying on
school days. I was so sad when he limited my privileges that I even cried. From then on, I learned to
control my language for fear of losing those privileges. Even if those privileges were pretty trivial,
back then, those were
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Iriquois Indian Culture
What I learned most through Albany field trip is about history. First, we went to Iroquois Indian
Museum. I haven't studied Native American in my home country. One of the tribes is called Iriquois
Indian. When I looked around the museum, I thought its culture has some similarities with Japanese
culture for the following reasons. First, I was surprised that there were a lot of ornaments of turtle or
woman in the museum and there is a tale about woman and turtle. Japanese also respect the turtle
because it regards as a symbol of longevity. The ornament of woman represents for fertility. In the
tale that Iriquois people believe, they think the turtle helps skywoman, who fell from the sky, and
made the Earth. So women are powerful than men. As
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Indian American Culture
Culture has a significant role to play on one's life and defines the character of a person, so being
Indian–American, my world is split between two cultures, forcing me to play a dual role. For
instance, I spend half–day at school living as an American, and at home experience a true Indian
lifestyle. As an Indian in America, I face the world with self–identification issues, are open to a great
selection of opportunities, and have an impact on society from the moment I was born.
I grew up in a society where media has taken over the way children see the world. Wherever they
look, they see an ideal American lifestyle which their family differs from. In the United States, Miss
America is considered to be the beauty image of the nation. Our Indian community was recognized
when Nina Davuluri was crowned Miss America in the year 2014. In an interview with Fox News,
Davuluri stated, "Growing up as a girl, I imagined Miss America to always be the girl next door,"
with the intent to emphasize the cultural preferences seen within the United States and its impact on
the younger generation.
The differences in skin, eye, and hair color influences insecurities in an average Indian American.
Furthermore, Nina Davuluri conveys a negative connotation to her perspective as a young girl to
emphasize the idea that young Americans are brainwashed in a way to believe blond hair, white
skin, and blue eyes are ideal for beauty and social acceptance. I have seen many peers at school that
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Indian American Culture
The Asian Indian American (also known as Indo–Indians) community is a vast one that contribute to
more several facets of life in the United States. Some of these encompass the economic, political,
and social historical contributions of Indo–Indians to American society. Other aspects will include
the type of education levels, education system, and the role of education, as well as the constructs of
family and religion within the family and the effects of Asian Indian Americans on pop culture.
When comparing the Asian Indian American population, some can be seen as higher middle–class;
families that have economic stability, higher education, highly literate in English, as well as high
technical skills. "Indian immigrants tend to arrive in the United States with higher levels of
education and as native English speakers" (Schachter, 2014, pp. 5–6, para. 2). Some of the
professions they will include themselves are medical, technical, and legal. "The growth of Silicon
Valley's information technology industry furthered the increase of Asian Indian professionals in
Northern California" (Schaefer, 2015, p. 368, para. 7). However, there are some that are considered
lower middle–class; lower economic stability, median education level and minimal control of the
English language. "...displaying less facility with English, and the training they have tends to be less
easily adapted to the U.S. workforce. They are most likely to work in the service industries, usually
with members of their
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Indian Culture And How It Translates to America Essay
India is a captivating country full of humble traditions, lively festivals, and honest beliefs. With over
2 billion people, India has a vast array of religions and languages with Hindi being the most popular.
The Hindu culture is a culture of love, respect, honoring others and humbling one's own ego so that
the inner nature, which is naturally pure and modest, will shine forth (Mailerindia Infotek Limited).
Hindi is a kind and peaceful religion. It is only fitting to combine a temperate religion with a humble
society of people. Indians were raised to treat their elders with respect and to always be humble to
guests. Strangers will great you with the utmost benevolence and friends will invite you into their
home and make sure you are ... Show more content on ...
Patrons control their own temples and define what is considered proper (Henderson 30). This
religion is multifaceted and offers various ways to practice it yet many share the same basic beliefs.
There are always challenges when moving to a new country. Emigrants find that they not only have
to change their ways of living but they also have to find a way to continue to practice their beliefs in
their new home. "I went to school here, became Americanized," Fazel says, explaining that in recent
years he had started to engage in haram (prohibited) activities such as partying (Williams, DePaul).
When you are young you are more susceptible to have leeway on your current beliefs while trying to
have a good time. Even things like clothing can be influenced when coming to a new country.
Conservative women in India make sure to cover themselves up completely before going out in
public. Most India women in America dress don't dress as modestly and the Indian dress code is put
aside. Indian children that have grown up in America may find it hard not to give in to American
ways. Most Indian–American youth dress and act like Americans. And it is all of that which is put
into question and threated when immigrants leave one place for another (Marin 112). Nevertheless,
emigrants from India do attempt to stay true to their religion and they go to great lengths to practice
their religion. Worshipping is the most important part of Hindi culture
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Indian Culture And Food After Meeting An Indian Lady
Learning specific knowledge and understanding of other cultures was my major problem because it
is very difficult to learn and understand a new language. So in order for me to overcome these
challenges, I changed my perspective of that challenges itself. I started to encourage myself that I
am capable to learn more about other cultures. So I googled online search and watched different
video clips of the cultures of interest. Also, I spent more time with different people from different
cultures. I have realized that whenever I ask questions I was learning more. I have met most of the
goals that I have assigned myself to learn more about different culture. For instance, I have learned
more about Indian culture and food after meeting an Indian lady. I met her at the library one day. I
approached and I started a conversation. After I introduced myself and expressed my love of Indian
food and culture. Likely, she was very nice lady and our conversation lead us to compare our
cultures and traditions. I noticed that she was interested to hear my conversation, and we did not
interrupt each other's sentences. By the end of the conversation, I felt my confidence boosted
because I felt that I have learnt more about Indian culture. Most of feedbacks that my coach gave me
was helpful and based on how to become an effective communicator across other cultures. The most
helpful feedback was that I improved my communication since I was able to talk to a stranger and
ask questions
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30 Days: Outsourcing: American Culture Vs. Indian Culture
American and Indian culture are different in similar in many ways. In the video "30 Days:
Outsourcing" we got to follow a man Chris Jobin, into India and see firsthand just what living in
India is like. Upon arrival he starts to notice somethings are very different than what he is accustom
to, but there are also some that are very similar. One of the very first things he sees when he arrives
is all these new business buildings next to little shacks that people live in. Then when he gets to the
house he is staying at, the family meets him at the door and does some ritual on him. After his initial
first day, he notices that the main job in India, is the lowest job in America. Upon arrival to India,
one of the first things Chris sees is all
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Indian Culture in Punishment by Rabindranath Tagore Essay...
Indian Culture in Punishment by Rabindranath Tagore
Punishment, by Rabindranath Tagore, is a short story involving Indian culture and a dilemma for
two brothers. Dukhiram and Chidam slaved in the fields all day, as their wives would fight and
scream at each other at the house. One day the brothers came home to their wives with no food
awaiting them. Dukhiram, furious and enraged, asked his wife where the food was. Radha, his wife,
said sarcastically," Where is the food? You didn't give me anything to cook. Must I earn the money
myself to buy it?" (Punishment, pg.1451) After a hard days work, Dukhiram couldn't handle the
sarcasim. So he stabbed Radha in the head with his knife. In the mean while, Ramlochan, the pillar
of ... Show more content on ...
He concluded that the brothers were only trying to save Chandara. So she was sentenced to death by
The relationship between the story and Indian culture is very significant and evident in the writer's
story. One significant aspect of the story was the relationship between men and women. Indian
culture generally discriminates on women. India's main website said that young girls have it much
harder than boys, having to do much more chores and tasks, and the "discrimination doesn't end
with adulthood" (
This aspect of Indian culture was evident in this story through a few examples. First, the wives both
stayed home and cleaned the house, Radha looked after her son, and they cooked the food. They
were also treated inferior by their husbands. An example of this is when Dukiram comes home
demanding and expecting food from his wife. He treated her like he was the boss or as if he was
more important than her. Lastly, Chandara willingly accepts her husband's request to confess the
crime. This indicates that women back then viewed theirselves as being inferior to men because of
the way Indian culture taught them.
The other culturally significant part of the story had to do with family customs. "Family is important
in India, and it is what their lives are centered around" ( An example from the
story is when Chidam becomes very worried and scared when he realizes his brother will die for his
crime. He says to
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Chippewa Indian Culture
The clothing of the Chippewa Indians was oftentimes made of animal skin. The tendons were taken
from the animals and used as thread for the clothing that the Chippewa wore. The men wore a long
piece of animal skin or cloth between their legs and belted it at the hips. The flaps then covered the
front and behind of the men. Leggings were worn by both women and men and sometimes they
were covered with fancy fringe. The leggings were created from animal skin and therefore were
quite insulating during the cold winters. Women sometimes wore long skirts over the top of their
leggings. Women wore a thin blouse, basically like a poncho, that included a cut out at the neck for
the head to go through. Fancy aprons were worn on special occasions. The Chippewa men wore
headdresses made of stiff porcupine hair. These headdresses closely relate the Chippewa to the
Mohawk and Mohicans. Women kept their hair long in length and braided it, with pieces of cloth
and shells intermingled in them. Jewelry was something very important in the Chippewa culture.
They wore copper bracelets and beaded necklaces. Also important in the Chippewa society were
tribal tattoos and face paint. These distinct markings were used in times of war to differentiate
between tribes. ... Show more content on ...
The Chippewa believe that they were given a birch tree from the Wenebojo tribe as a gift. The bark
of the tree was then split into multiple pieces to use. In the springtime, the bark softens and is more
flexible, and the art can begin. The first form of art most common in the Chippewa tribe is called
mazinibaganjigan, or birch bark biting. They took a very thin piece of birch bark and bent it in half.
Then they used their teeth to bite intricate patterns into the wood. When they were finished, they
could unfold the bark and the pattern would be perfectly
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What Are Plains Indians Considered Plains Culture
The Sioux are considered Plains Indians part of the Great Plains Culture Area. But since they are in
distinctive areas, the lifeway's of the four branches are differed. The Teton gained stallions, took
after the incredible bison crowds, and lived in tipis. The lifestyle of the Yankton and Yanktonai got
to be like that of other Missouri River tribes, for example, the Mandan also, HIDATSA, other
Siouan–talking people groups. The Yankton and Yanktonai started using steeds in the 1700s and
furthermore chased wild ox likes the Teton, however they lived usually in perpetual towns of earth
cabins. They moreover kept on developing products. Subsequently, the Yankton and Yanktonai can
likewise be depicted as Prairie Indians. The Santee held huge numbers
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The Indians And European Cultures
In the Indians and European cultures, they both faced a certain backlash when it came to being able
to live with each other. For example, the Indians would offer an education in the way of living in
New England, but Massachusetts and Connecticut would make sure that the people that lived over
there would stay over there because they did not want the settlers to move over there. In contrast,
they both could have a cultural crossing successfully. For example, Europeans men lived with Indian
women and the French and English were good friends with the Indians. In this essay, Europeans and
Indians culture are divided, but together in terms of the nature of the borderlands, the appeal to the
Indian cultures that may have had for some Europeans, how most Europeans viewed Indians, the
way Indians treated captives and those who lived amongst them voluntarily, the role of trade and
economic exchange, the role of education, and finally the difference between the English and the
French settlers in their attitudes towards the indigenous peoples. Through all this, the essay will
explain what kind of people live in the Indian culture as well as compare all the descriptive
information that has been received.
The Indians and Europeans are divided, but together in terms of the nature of the borderlands. In
Dawnland Encounters, the author Colin G. Calloway uses William T Davis's journal to show how
the Indians and the Europeans crossed cultural boundaries. Davis wrote "On Dawnland
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The Indian Culture- Informative Speech
Lebanese American University
Byblos, Lebanon
Fundamentals of Oral Communication
Name: Amar Al Bakkar
ID#: 201101998
Email Address:
Tel: 03/925225
Instructor: Mrs. Therese Nasrallah
Date of Presentation: July 2, 2012
General Purpose: To inform
Specific purpose: To inform my audience about the Indian culture's diversity
Central Idea: India is a fascinating country with diverse traditions related to their language, their
costumes, and their cuisine.
Organization: Topical Order
Visual Aids: Power Point Presentation
Audience: University colleagues especially those interested in travelling or in improving their
knowledge about cultural diversity. ... Show more content on ...
3. there are 14 additional languages approved by the constitution 4. Each of which has its special
rules and alphabet. B) Second, there are more than 1000 minor languages 1. That change completely
from one village to another. C) Although having many languages has advantages such as
diversifying the Indian culture and enriching its heritage, the vice president of inda said it has
caused social tensions and hampered the economic prosperity. (Transition: Now that we know about
the languages in India, let's take a look over the Indian costumes) II. Indian men and women love to
wear their traditional clothes and accessories during festivals and occasions which are an integral
part of Indian life. A. Women wear a "Sari" which is a very long piece of colorful cloth they
wrapped around themselves. 1. Colors of saris are of great importance because each color has its
own symbol.For example: a. White was special for women of upper classes. However, today colors
have become more dominant, and white is only worn by widows. b. Red is associated with
marriages. It is a must in the closet of the bride c. The green color has Islamic connotations being
mostly worn by Muslim groups. d. Hindus avoided the blue color because the fermentation process
used to produce indigo
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Impact Of The British On Indian Business Culture
Global managers, and especially the Managing Director of JI (India), have to face several
challenges. These challenges are not clearly defined and different types of challenges, who typify
diverse cultural, political social systems, arise from a complex and dynamic world. "Cross–cultural
Leadership", "Ethical Leadership", and " Change Leadership" had been identified as the most
relevant ones concerning the case study.
In terms of increasing globalisation, there is the need and necessity for managers to be aware and –
more importantly– to understand different cultures and hence to be successful in world of high
cultural connection. Culture demonstrates shared values and attitudes. It cannot be only classified by
its geographical boundaries but also by a subcultural, e.g. gender, ethnic and an organisational
context and is influenced by historical, social and political issues (Cavusgil, Knight and
Riesenberger, 2008). The impact of the British on the Indian business culture is reflected in the
well– educated Indian bureaucracy and the fact that English is taught in schools. However, cultural
differences shouldn't be neglected. In this point managers should consider in which degree natural
culture contrast or is integrated in organisational culture and its impact on the previously mentioned
Based on Hofstede's five cultural dimensions, one of the most eminent studies on cross–cultural
leadership, overall cultural differences can be compared, especially in this
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Hockey: A Harmonious Indian Culture
Lacrosse was not the only indigenous stickball game that was being played at that point and time by
the American Indians when we had the European contact. This sport almost consisted of an almost
man sport, this sport is distinguished from others than American Indians. This game could be
consider hockey but just not on the ice so it would be considered field hockey but using the netted
racquet instead of solid which is used to pick the ball up off the ground than also is used to throw
and catch the ball off the ground and from there you have a good chance of scoring a point. In this
game the ball must not be touched by the hands at all. Apart from the recreational use of Lacrosse,
Lacrosse was more of a serious Indian cultural sport the
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Value Of Kinship In American And Indian Culture
The value of kinship, or family relations is slowly but still relevantly decreasing over the years. I
have a unique perspective of this situation due to the fact that I've experienced both the 'American'
and 'Indian' culture. This gives me more room to compare and contrast between the cultures to
identify the major changes and the effects of those changes. One major different I notice is that,
according to the "Kingship Interview" activity we did in class, it showed that it's less likely that kin
terms are used when describing close relatives that are both older than you or the near the same age
as you, like family friends or even neighbors. In my culture, it's rare to find people using first names
to call upon others, rather kin terms such as "Bhai (Brother), Kaka (Uncle), Kaki (Aunt)" even if
they share no biological relation with you.
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Indian Culture Batalla
Does the combination of two cultures result in an untidy system? The article "The problem of
National Culture" is an informative piece of writing which explains the emergence of two cultures.
In this article, Batalla was awfully skeptical about having robust order. The author was rather
antipathetic to "assimilation" into the spanish culture due to his belief of there being an unorderly
system. The author also argues about how the spaniards had subjugated most of the indian
population. The author later creates a theme; applying true culture results in an orderly system.
"The indian remained a shadowy presence who constituted a "problem", the only apparent solution
to which was assimilation."(1) This quote that Batalla argues is essentially an intro into the belief of
there being no "true" culture in a civilization if they are not ... Show more content on ...
Historical assimilation, in this context, meant becoming familiar with the habits of the spanish. The
indians essentially had to be socially accepted into the hispanic society. Assumptions of this topic
include the urban and physical change of the indians. Whether these conversions were fair or not,
batalla argues in his literature that they resulted in an unorderly system.
The authors approach to this topic is to elucidate the reader and inform them about the many beliefs
of indian assimilation into spanish culture. He is successful in this due to his word choice and
evidence that assimilation resulted in an unorderly system when attempting to converge two cultures
into one. Westernization is an idea that Batalla includes in his passage. He explains how the spanish
culture attempts to assimilate the indians into western culture. At the same time the indians will have
been conquered by the spaniards, but could not be perceived as spaniards. They will still always be
Indians. The author, with this, introduces the idea of there being a culture which is
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The Indian Culture in Slum dog Millionaire
Slum dog Millionaire: Indian Culture
I chose to learn a little bit more about Indian culture, and I thought Slum Dog Millionaire was a
great resource to do so. This movie depicts the story of 2 young Indian boys and their journey in life
through love, hardship, and culture. The story starts out with the two boy living a happy life with
their mother, but when their mother dies from the religious wars they are forced to learn to fend for
themselves. On their journey they let a little girl tag along on their journey. The movie depicts what
starts out to be a struggle to survive then they against all odds makes it out and make a name for
themselves by winning India's version of "Who wants to be a millionaire".
Starting to scavenge in the slums of India the movie shows us how different the culture of India is.
There are not many scenes in the movie where I am envious of people living in India. The culture of
India is very different then the culture that I am used to. If kids loose their parents in the war the
movie that would be made after their lives would not be near as exciting as this one. If this were to
happen in the United States we would more than likely put the kids in foster care and more than
likely end up in a nice home and that would be the end of the story. This really shows what kind of
infrastructure that India has.
The Indian culture is built on upon religion. Though the movie that I chose to watch was not directly
about religion it seemed that the camera could
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The Cultures Of The French And The Micmac Indians
When Europeans encountered the Native Americans, the encounter was fraught with difficulties for
both sides, for the Native Americans more so than the Europeans. Europeans conquered the Native
Americans, forced them into labor, and spread diseases which the Native Americans had no
resistance to. In addition to this the Europeans considered themselves superior to the Native
Americans. Despite this, the Europeans and Native Americans, both had things the other wanted and
so they often engaged in trade with each other. However, the Native Americans thought that, despite
not having the luxuries the Europeans had, they were better off than the Europeans. This sentiment
is exemplified in "Your People Live Only Upon Cod" by French priest Chrestian LeClerq who was
traveling with the Micmac Indians. It is a documented response by an unknown Micmac leader to
European, particularly French, claims of superiority. In analyzing this document, we will find that
the cultures of the French and the Micmac were vastly different. We will also discover what the
Micmac and the French thought of each other. To begin, we must first talk about the various
comparisons that the Micmac chief makes in "Your People Live Only Upon Cod". The first
comparison is that of the living arrangements and the differences between the French and the
Micmac when it came to this. According to the Micmac chief the French had"...houses of stone and
of wood which are tall and lofty...", but he questions why they need such
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Impact Of Westernisation On Indian Culture
Impact of westernisation on Indian Culture.
"If there is one place on the face of this Earth where all the dreams of the living men have found a
home from the very earliest days when Man began the dream of existence, its in India"
Happy morning guys this is Aatif, here with my second speech the topic which I have chosen for
today is Impact of Westernization on Indian Culture.
Indian Culture, which is one of the oldest & richest cultures, is nowadays posing a serious threat as
western culture is establishing its strong base in India and slowly and gradually wiping the Indian
culture. It had already made its presence in Metro's & now slowly heading towards other parts of
Westernization has greatly effected our traditions, customs, our family and our respect and love for
others. The concept of joint families is fastly decreasing every one wants to remain separated from
others. Nobody now bothers about others and only cares about himself which is totally contradictory
to our Indian culture which teaches to be apart of each other Joy's and Sorrows to celebrate the
moments together and share the grief together. Slowly all our values for which India has the pride is
vanishing & western culture is taking its place. People are blindly following the western culture
without knowing its ... Show more content on ...
Marriages are fastly breaking & our tolerance and patience has given the answer. In today's Scenario
were both husband & wife are working there is no one at home to look after them to inherit the basic
moral values in them, as our elders who gives these values to their grand children are not with them.
In To many cases it is not deliberate but in majority of cases the children prefers to remain away
from their parents which is very unfortunate. And the youngsters end up having anxiety, low self
esteem and a feeling of discrimination and loneliness which mostly results in getting them into bad
habits like Alcohol and drug
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American Indian Culture Case Study
Family and Social Issues within the American Indian and Cherokee Tribe Culture
Introduction Culture Vision is an online resource that provides healthcare professionals with
essential information about all ethnicities. As a healthcare professional, it is a priority for all patients
to receive essential care no matter their ethnicity. Culture Vision can help drive that care that may be
a different due to their culture and beliefs. In this paper, I am going to explore the family and social
issues of American Indian's that Culture Vision points out, as well as a peer–reviewed article that
focuses on the family and social issues with infants.
According to Culture Vision (2016), American Indian's social structure plays a huge role in ... Show
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The nurse is the patient's advocate and needs to understand what their hopes and wishes are for their
care to best guide the care that they or the healthcare provider may give. In regards to the American
Indian, specifically Cherokee culture, it is important for the nurse to have an understanding of the
family and social dynamics. Within the family and social dynamics, the nurse has the view of what
arrangements may need to be made. For example, the American Indian's are split into tribes and the
tribe is seen as a large extended family. If a nurse is taking care of an American Indian, he or she
will need to understand that there may be large masses of visitors. It is the right for the patient to
have visitors, but the nurse may need to intervene to suggest a limit of visitors at a time in the room
to prevent crowding. At a more sensitive topic, Cherokee women have different beliefs in caring for
their infants. The nurse should not be judgmental, but rather accept their motherly ways. The nurse
should not just completely ignore the mother and her infant's well being, but she should observe and
have a open conversation about how things are going that. Through conversation and observation,
the nurse can determine if something is abnormal and is causing harm to the infant. At that time, it
would be appropriate for the nurse to intervene in order to help promote
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The Disappearance of the Plains Indian culture Essay
The Disappearance of the Plains Indian culture
'It was the lack of buffalo that killed off the Plains Indian culture in the 20th century'. In some
respects this traditional historical statement is true; however, I believe that many views which
revisionist historians believe also contributed greatly to the disappearance of the Plains Indian
culture in the 20th century.
The traditional historian's view that the lack of buffalo did contribute severely to the Plains Indian
culture is true, because their lives revolved around and depended on the buffalo. As source 2 shows
the Indians used the buffalo for everything from tools and food storage to shoes and actual food, but
then the white settlers ... Show more content on ...
However then in the late 1830's an awful Small Pox epidemic wiped out nearly 4/5 of the Indian
population of North America. We know from the video we studied in class that after this outbreak,
the white settlers who had gradually been taking the Indians land for years began stealing and
dividing up even more of the land whilst leaving the Indians even less land or space, those that
would not give up their land were killed or captured, the movement of the white settlers going west
angered the Indians and the Indians began to fight back. The white settlers' discovery of gold, also
angered the Plains Indians, as this was another thing that went against the Indians beliefs because as
it says above they didn't believe the land should be cut up, and that was exactly what gold mining
was, hacking the land to bits for a few lumps of golden rock. This created more conflict between the
Plains Indians and the white settlers, and more and more Indians were being wiped out all over
North America because they had less weapons, horses and men than the white settlers who were just
going into the villages, killing the
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The Fundamental Issues Within The Romanian And Indian Culture
In this essay I will analyse the fundamental issues within the Romanian and Indian culture,
progressing then to understand the leadership that each culture creates and attracts. I will also
present a set of potential solutions for each of them individually, and for working together, as well as
make comparisons between my findings and Hofstede's.
Leadership in Romania is built upon the belief in a higher ordeal, therefore either on religion, or a
feeling of servitude towards God, or for the benefit of culture. The leadership that appeals to people
and motivates them to do more and be proactive, is the one that appeals to their inner sense of duty.
If that is lacking, the only second best option within the national Romanian culture is the military
leadership style. The later we have seen enforced for the past decades, and is defined by an
enforcement of power; this is at the other end of the spectrum to the desired assuming of power and
responsibility that duty is defined by, and Romanians so desire (Hurduzeu, 2015).
Regarding the above mentioned as true, there are two major solutions for bringing positive change
in Romania. People either learn how to draw their sense of purpose from their ongoing daily
activities, – becoming leaders in their daily endeavours –, and therefore live and act in a way that
reflects their sense and need of duty – or they wait for a national leader to instill this sense into
them. This polarity of choice is described by our intermediate
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American Indian Culture Research Paper
Health Promotion Among American Indian/Alaskan Native Culture Renee R. Trent
Grand Canyon University: NRS–429VN August 13, 2016
Plz review..... if you feel like you have a better "way to say something" please feel free to make
The American Indian/Alaskan Native people have a heritage that is rich in culture and history rich in
conflict, strife, and triumph (, n.d.). The American Indian/Alaskan Native have come a
long way compared to their ancestors, however, the culture continues to struggle today with
disparities such as poverty, poor health, demographic and social challenges, and a severely limited
health care system due in part by lack of funding for health ... Show more content on ...
Department of Health and Human Services, 2014–2015). It may be all encompassing, not just one's
own physical body, it is holistic in nature (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2014–
2015). The foundation of their concepts are" living in a harmonious balance and harmony of spirit,
mind, body, and environment" (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2014–2015). The
cultural values, beliefs, and practices of the AI/AN, influence health care practices within their
community. For example, healing is sacred work, the spiritual aspect of the individual needs to be
considered to be effective. Contemporary Indians might use "white man's medicine" to treat "white
man's disease" such as diabetes, cancer, and gallbladder disease and "native medicine" was used to
treat "native problems" such as pain, family relationship issues, mental illness and alcoholism aka
"sickness of the spirit" (Alvord, 1997; Hendrix, 1999). Many Western medicines were based on
Indian herbal medications. For instance, aspirin is derived from willow bark (Alvord, 1997;
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The Indian Culture Essay examples
A culture where guests are treated as gods, family members live under the same household until
death, and have the belief that gods and spirits play the significant role in determining their life all
refer to the same topic, the Indian culture; a rich and diverse culture which is very unique in many
ways. This culture includes the qualities of various other cultures and it results into a modern and
acceptable tradition. Respecting elders, honouring heroes, cherishing love, and following traditions
make up the major components of the Indian culture and its followers. Many people believe that this
particular culture has a great impact on their everyday lives and are proud to be included in the
significant customs. In the novel, Clear Light ... Show more content on ...
When her parents died, they left her with a burden of responsibilities that involved raising the
children and taking on the role of a mother. Bim is left to take care of her smallest and mentally
challenged brother, Baba. When Baba was younger, the parents would constantly go to clubs and out
for drinks, leaving the responsibility of raising the unfortunate child to Bim. The two siblings
established a special bond with each other and trusted each other more and more each day. When the
second oldest child, Raja fell ill because of tuberculosis, Bim was accountable of helping him regain
back his normal health. Upon these responsibilities was a very important one, Bim had to earn
money for the family and she knew that it involved educating herself to become a teacher, a job that
was seemed appropriate for women.
"For all father cared, I could have grown up illiterate and cooked for my living, or swept. So I had to
teach myself history, and teach myself to teach." (155)
Since men of the house are the providers to the family, their death can have a huge impact on the
family. This terrible incident challenged Bim and the rest of the family members to live their life
without coming to a point of bankruptcy. Bim's responsibility increased when her sister, Tara
married and moved out of the house, leaving Bim with the burden of taking care of her brothers'
needs, daily chores, and paying for the rents and groceries. Responsibility can affect us and our lives
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Differences Between American Culture And Indian Culture
Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, defined by everything
from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts. The cultures around the world are
very different and very much the alike at the same time. On the other hand, some similarities also lie
between two nations. While the culture of America is a mixture of different cultures, the Indian
culture is unique and has its own values. There are many types of differences lies between American
culture and Indian culture in terms of Religions, Languages, Rituals and Cuisines. Religious is a set
of common beliefs and practices generally held by a group of people that is usually separated by
rituals and religious laws. There are so many cultures within each country. India is one of the most
religiously diverse country in the world with one of the most deeply religious societies and cultures.
Religion plays a central and definitive role in the life of many of its people. The religions that
originated in the Indian subcontinents are Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism and
Christianity. The most of India 's population is Hindu which contributes towards the 70% of the
population. Hinduism is one of the oldest religions in the world. It was developed about 5000 years
ago. Hinduism is a colorful religion with a lot of rituals. People who follow this religion believe in a
lot of Gods and Goddesses. About 12% of India 's population is Islam. This is a religion which was
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Biological Variation In American Indian Culture Essay
The use of a traditional healers prior to making healthcare decisions may slow interventions, but it is
also a necessary component of Indian culture. Lomay and Hinkebein (2006) write, "From a
pragmatic prospective, this might mean allowing time for the Navajo patient and his or her family to
consult with a traditional healer prior to pursuing a more mainstream course of treatment" (p. 39).
By giving the individual time, you are allowing them to reach a sense of "balance" that main in fact
improve therapeutic outcomes (Lomay & Hinkebein, 2006).
Biological Variations in the American Indian Culture The American Indian biological variation is
one that includes high incidence of diabetes and alcoholism. One of the most startling statistics is ...
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Pregnancy and birth within the culture is considered very important. Sam D. Gill (1983) author of
Native American Traditions writes, "although it is not often the occasion for large formal public
ritual, the prenatal period and the event of birth are religiously important for most Native American
peoples" (p. 86). In fact, this event is so important, that when individuals speak about themselves
they often begin with their birth (Gill, 1983). The first nursing implication can be drawn from the
previous statistic of American Indian hospitalizations due to deliveries and complications of
pregnancy. The nurse must assess the individual's biologic variations that could impede on their
pregnancy. An example of an intervention of this is screening for gestational diabetes. Doing so may
help lower pregnancy complications and hospitalizations related to this. Another nursing implication
is the idea of environment. It is very common for American Indian women to take exceptional care
of themselves during pregnancy. Gill (1983) writes of this phenomenon saying, "often the prenatal
period is one during which the expectant mother is heavy–laden with restrictions and special
observations" (p. 86). This may include having special dietary restrictions, prayers, or rituals before
during, and after
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Southern Plains American Indian Culture
American Indian music has, throughout the history of the native people, been a major part in the life
of a tribe's cultural expression. The Southern Plains American Indians have learned, from their
ancestors/elders, the delicate rhythmic communication as youth, and have carried the expression
throughout their lives. The songs of the Southern Plains American Indians represent their artistic
language as a diminishing minority group. Through song, American Indians communicate their
beliefs and values as a distinct society. American Indians use equipment such as drums, vocals, and
dance during the performance of their, often, monophonic language with a rare heterophony texture.
Their music describes as well as represents their wants and needs as ... Show more content on ...
According to Rose, within the Native American music, "No harmony is ever incorporated, although
sometimes many people sing at once, and other times the vocals are solo. The Native American
vocals are passionate, used to invoke spirits, ask for rain or healing, or are used to heal the sick."
Like Rose, Native American Music – The Beating of Native Drums and Flutes, agrees that the
"Native American Indians worshipped the spirits of the animals, the sun, the moon and the stars and
everything else that they could not explain. The songs they sang and danced to were meant to honor
these spirits as stated but many of their traditional celebrations would also have re–enactments of
these stories, where members of the tribe would dress up and perform ceremonial dances to the gods
while they would re–enact tribal myths." As made aware through thr exploration of what the music
is, the representation is lost through study and inappropriate understanding due to westernized
intuition. I believe we find that appropriate explanation is lost to those who have become
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Indian Culture And Tradition Of Punjab
Indian restaurant I wish to start my own Indian restaurant in Invercargill. . I want to serve north
Indian food in my restaurant in which people can get north Indian food taste. North Indian curries
usually have thick, moderately spicy and creamy gravies. I want to make the mini Punjab in my
restaurant like people can see the culture and tradition of they can feel pure Punjab in
New Zealand. Once you enter, some people will perform Bhangra for you, and then a Stage show
Performing Bhangra, and kind of small Punjabi village out there. I want to make about the scenario
of villages of Punjab of several decades ago. North Indian curries have thick, spicy and creamy
gravies.. The use of dried fruits and nuts is common in every day foods. Usage of dairy products like
milk, cottage cheese, ghee (clarified butter) and yoghurt plays an important role in cooking of sweet
dishes. We seems to prefer Indian bread over rice, if the rich variety is anything to go by. We will
make tandoori roti and naans (bread made in a clay tandoori oven), stuffed paranthas (Indian bread
with different kind of vegetarian and non–vegetarian fillings) and kulchas (bread made from
fermented dough).we can also permote rice biryanis and pulaos. Vegetable oils like sunflower and
canola. Mustard oil is rarely used and only in some states of the region. We will buy all our spices
whole and grind them because a lot of prepacked stuff has fillers in it .some of the spices in some of
the dishes need to
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The Importance Of The Indian Culture In Todd's 'Outsourced'
Clarissa Williams
Professor Mareneck
June 16,2017
Throughout the scenes in the movie "Outsourced" Todd wasn't being the best towards the workers.
He was being rude and unfair towards the workers. He wasn't being understanding because he didn't
see the importance of the Indian culture and how it works, which is nurturing because he didn't any
better he didn't know the history of it. Towards the end of the movie Todd realized that the Indian
culture was a much enriched happy culture. Just like in women at work: intercultural complexities
are too dynamic to succeed globally women are treated differently because of their gender instead of
their skills. In countries like India, japan, Southern Europe, The Middle East, Asia, a women's body
language and communication style can come off as submissive and dominant. According to cross–
cultural competence: engage people from any culture by Louise Rasmussen; her and her colleagues
had came up with 12 principles to help people deal with cross–cultural competence. Outsourced was
about a man named Todd Anderson who discovered that his company is getting outsourced meaning
his job is based off outside work. Which led Todd's boss sending him to India to train and maintain
his part in Mumbai. Todd didn't want to go to Indian but, his boss was telling him that he would lose
his stock options which made him have no other choice but to go to India. When Todd first got to
India he didn't understand how to get around and what they were saying around him. When he got to
the call center all the workers had a hard time understanding the American customers and that
frustrated Todd even more. In order for him to go back home he had to get the MPI (minutes per
incident) under six minutes which wasn't easy for him but then he started to see that it was going
down but very slowly. Todd started having meetings with the workers to help them understand what
they were selling and why how they were selling the stuff. In all the meeting there was one person
who really caught his eye and her name is Asha. She really took charge of everything as far as
helping out when everybody needed to be helped with the American customers. Towards the middle
of the movie Todd started to realize how
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Effect Of Globalization On Indian Culture

  • 1. Effect Of Globalization On Indian Culture Globalization's Destructive Effect on Indian Culture Globalization has a big part to play internationally. In India, globalization has effected India's culture in a number of ways. Not only in India, the intersection of world views and ideas have caused a massive transformation of the life and living standard of people worldwide. Indian culture is no piece to this transformation procedure. India has an interesting cultural background and their culture is famous throughout the globe. Culture and traditions of any region on this Earth hold a unique importance with regard to its individuality. This uniqueness has been bothered by globalization. Globalization is very much definite when it hits a developing country like India. The word 'Globalization' is self–explanatory. It is a global program for preserving evenness in the lifestyle of the people all over the globe. Globalization is the result of the interchange of worldly interpretations, opinions and the numerous features of the culture everywhere around the world. This is the means for offering the international arena for combination of people from different sectors, culture and dialects and learns to change and go forward socially without damaging and upsetting each other's status. The culture of every country does not only signify the culture and language of the region, but it begins with the mentality and attitude of the living citizens. Indian culture is very rich with admiration to its heritage, possessions, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Purnell Model: a View on Asian Indian Culture Values. Essay Abstract In this paper I will be identifying beliefs and values common to my family of origin. I will be using Purnell's Model of cultural competency and will explain the major assumptions of the model in relevance to my culture. The purpose of this paper is to provide the reader with a quick overview of the Asian Indian culture. One must be aware of their own culture and the culture of others in order to offer competent and culturally sensitive care and understand how their cultural beliefs may affect their health. (Leuning, Swiggum, Wiegert, and McCullough–Zander, 2002). Introduction With the United States becoming increasingly diverse, healthcare professionals face a multicultural clients and it ... Show more content on ... I have lived in Waukesha, Milwaukee and my current residence is in Racine, Wisconsin. After my bachelors I have been working as a registered nurse at a local nursing home. Communication: My primary language is Punjabi, although I can speak Hindi and English fluently as well. Women do not look into the eyes of men, which would imply romantic interest, and this is usually forbidden. People from my culture will not usually look directly in the eyes of elders and authority figures. This is supported by Purnell and Paulanka (2003), and they add that "direct eye contact with elders and authority figures may be considered a sign of disrespect" Family Roles and Organization. Indian families are considered to be a close knit family unit. The man (the father and/or husband) is always considered the head of household. There is also a significant value placed on higher education and success for their children. Workforce Issues: Traditionally, men will usually work and provide the financial support and the women provide domestic care. In the recent years, as people are becoming more educated and urbanized there has been a decline in this trend. Biocultural ecology. In the Northern part of the country the general population has a fairer skin color when compared with down South. Southern part of the country is closer to the equator which results in higher temperatures and long sunny days, which ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. A Traditional Indian Culture And American Culture Identity and Names The names we are given are essential in forming our identity. It is the way we are addressed by everyone starting from birth. It is the beginning of how we define ourselves in our own terms `as a result of growing up and experiencing life. In Indian culture, from The Namesake, the grandmother chooses a good name for the child before they are born. Gogol was supposed to be a pet name only used by family and close friends. For Gogol, his name highlights his differences to everyone else, but more importantly, himself. He endures a consistent struggle with his two cultures throughout the novel. He, as a young adult, is searching for acceptance of both his traditional Indian culture and American culture. The Namesake, explores the theme of identity by examining the differences of both cultures. He has two names and therefore two identities, Gogol and Nikhil, and throughout the novel he looks for a way to incorporate them into one whole. Naming a child following Bengali tradition is extremely different in comparison to American culture. This highlights the importance of a child finding their own way in their own time, but also allows the parents to choose the best name. When it comes to naming the child, that honor is given to an elder relative. There are always two names that a Bengali child will have: a pet name and a good name. In the case of Gogol the letter containing his names was never received and considered lost. Therefore, his parents chose the name ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Flute In American Indian Culture Because of the radical changes that the North American Indians underwent, the flute has held a unique responsibility to their culture. Dislocation, diffusion, and acculturation forced its use to be confined to particular aspects and events of their culture; consequently, numerous cultural qualities disappeared, among them flute–lore – the "traditional beliefs, legends, customs, ceremonies, and music centered around the flute". In many instances among the American Indian cultures the flute possesses esoteric or supernatural powers; thus, both flute making as well as flute playing is considered a specialized privilege. The secrecy surrounding the use of the flute forced a limited access to both the study and the knowledge by outsiders; meaning, that the accounts and descriptions by natives, even those within the same culture, are variable. Within the American Indian culture there is a spectacular display of complexity in both their beliefs as well as their mythology; in each tribe you can find a network of societies, each of which had a long tradition of customs. ... Show more content on ... Often folklorists and ethnographers use the terms: flute, flageolet, and whistle rather loosely and interchangeably. Since the flute or transverse flute and the flageolet, a type of recorder, allocate similar meanings and usage in American Indian Culture, they will be treated as one. For the purpose of this paper, the term flute will be used in reference to the instrument in general. It is important to note that the implications of the whistle are distinctively different from that of the flute and flageolet; for this reason, research about the whistle and accounts of the rituals involving whistles will not be included in this ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Indian Tradition Of Indi An Important Part Of Indian... Gold has been an important part of India culture for much of it's history. It has had major influences Indian Hindu weddings. Gold has been apart of Indian weddings for much of India's history. During this time, the meaning of gold and what it symbolizes in the weddings as changed greatly throughout India's long history. Today, gold is used to show status both in the community and the household. It also symbolizes purity in the wedding, which reinforces the social status of the bride. Gold wishes luck upon the couple so they will have a good marriage, which is essential to social status in India. Since India has had such a long history with gold, many still believe that gold in weddings is used for "traditional" purposes. It is still a wide–held belief that gold is used in the wedding ceremony as a form of a dowry that the bride's family is giving to the groom's family. Culture is constantly changing and the use of gold in India weddings an example of the constant flux of culture. While gold is used in the ceremony for many reasons, it representing a dowry is just not one of them. While dowries are still around in India today, the way the are handled and what is used to pay them has changed from the "traditional" dowries, which were primarily completely made out of gold. Rather gold is used in the wedding ceremony to show to the status, not only of each individual but as their new status as a married couple, thus presenting them and their newly combined statuses to society. ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. How Did The French And Indian Culture Affect The Cherokee... The Cherokee was one of the many native american tribes that was affected by the arrival of the europeans and colonization. The Cherokee culture was a typical culture like any other native american tribe. They spoke the language that is known as Tsalagi. They harvested beans, corn and squash most commonly known to Cherokee as "The Three Sisters". They also had their own ways of doing things such as their own philosophy and hunting style. The Cherokee philosophy is known as "the right way" which is trying to find peace and harmony in every part of their life. Their hunting weapons included blow guns, bow and arrows and spears, which is mostly weapons that can be made instantly.When they hunt game and kill an animal they apologize to the animal's spirit that has just been slain. The traditional Cherokee method of healing was also an important part of Cherokee culture that involved more than just medicine but also traditional Cherokee rituals. The Cherokee's culture was greatly affected by colonization because many of the important aspects of their culture changed.This can be proven from an excerpt from which states"As British and French colonial aspirations began to clash, the Cherokee became increasingly important as a buffer and continued to alternate alliances between the two nations" This is explaining the spark of a war that was known as the French and Indian war which defied the Cherokee philosophy completely.Due to colonization the Cherokee were now ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. As Aurobindo’S Magnificent Defence Of Indian Culture Matters As Aurobindo's magnificent defence of Indian culture matters very much to us in another, much more important respect also – it is the corner–stone of his criticism of the Western Civilization. It could even be asserted that it is his incomparable mastery of India's great cultural, philosophical and religious achievements – Vedas, Upanishads, religion, poetry, philosophy, painting, sculpture, Ramayana and Mahabharata, all of which Archer rejects as a repulsive mass of unspeakable barbarism in one wholesale condemnation, that enabled him to see the West for what it is – aggressive, material, utilitarian, predatory, inhumanly selfish and unspiritual. One could not agree more with Peter Heehs when he states, "this return to the religion of his ... Show more content on ... The very purpose of the book thus inevitably leads him to make a detailed study of the West, its values, its successes and failures, its chosen directions, its ruling passions and self–destructive interests and impulses. His thorough study of the West, which involves understanding, mastering and value–judging with high and rigorous standards, makes him question its very foundations – science and reason, the so–called solid foundations. Sri Aurobindo shows how Archer, being a rationalist through and through, identifies civilization with the cult and practice of the materialistic reason because of which he denies India to be civilized, and declares her greatest past achievements – the Upanishads, the Vedanta, Buddhism, Hinduism, ancient Indian art and poetry a mass of barbarism, the vain production of a persistently barbaric mind. He also explains how incomprehension of deeper things, along with distaste for them, is a rule with Archer, but nevertheless takes pains to answer him, because, he finds in him a typical Westerner who, taking advantage of the present material downfall of India and her prostrate condition, tries to persuade the world that she had never any strength and virtue in her. Sri Aurobindo's The Foundations of Indian Culture would be exceedingly rewarding ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. American Indian Culture Article Review Article Review: "Cultural Adaptation for Therapy with American Indians and Alaska Natives" Reading Gary and Rose's article has been by far the most captivating. I purposely chose an article that focuses on a culture that is the most unfamiliar to me. From thoroughly reading this article I acquired knowledge about the American Indian and Alaska Natives cultures. I learned ways to provide multicultural counseling by adapting techniques to match the American Indian and Alaska Natives beliefs and values. These cultures value families. Gary and Rose discuss, in great detail, the importance of family involvement with counseling these populations; thus, enhancing my competency in becoming an effective multicultural counselor and my abilities to ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. My Indian Culture : My Cultural Identity Is Creole My cultural identity is Creole. It is combined from many descendants of European, Africans, French, Spanish, and American Indians. The Indian Culture I have chosen is also very diverse. They are combined with a composite mixture of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism religions. Each has resulted into the exclusive – Indian Culture. Every religion in India has its own favorite ingredients, flavorings, and cooking methods. Their use of creamy or dry sauces, spices, and curries on both meats and vegetables creates a different blend of aromas that bring out the full flavor of the ingredients that they use in their dishes. The recipe I chose is Prawn (Shrimp) Bhuna. I wanted to make something that was easy as well as something I know my family would enjoy eating. Since in the Creole culture, we mainly eat seafood, I thought this recipe was fitting to make. In preparing this recipe, I found a grocery store that specializes in Indian Foods – Indo–Pak Super Market. There, I could find all the ingredients that I needed as well as advice from the men and women of this culture. They could advise me on how to properly prepare this dish so that it taste authentic and scrumptious as to make this in a timely manner. After I got all the ingredients and advice that I needed, it was time to cook. Prawn Bhuna is a fiery recipe that has subtle undertones. As stated, prawns are what Americans call shrimp. The term Bhuna refers to the method of bringing out the essential flavors with ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Comparing Culture In Where Worlds Collide And Indian Father's Culture in definition is: "the beliefs, customs, arts, etc., of a particular society, group, place, or time" (Merriam–Webster's Learner's Dictionary). Thus, based on these certain beliefs, customs, traditions, and arts, a person's thoughts, ideas, and views can be greatly affected since they lived with a lifestyle based around a specific culture. Therefore, it can be coherent that the culture of a person is paramount to one's views of the world and of others as seen throughout many texts such as, "An Indian Father's Pleas" by Robert Lake and "Where Worlds Collide" by Pico Iyer. To begin with, the effect of culture on one's views of the world and of others can be seen throughout the essay, "And Indian Father's Plea" by Robert Lake (Medicine ... Show more content on ... Over there is a block–long white limo, a Lincoln Continental, and, over there, a black Chevy Blazer with Mexican Stickers all over its windows, being towed." (Iyer 62) Moreover, states, "The blue skies and palm trees they saw on TV are scarcely visible from here: just an undifferentiated smoggy haze, billboards advertising Nissan and Panasonic and Canon, and beyond those an endlessly receding mass of grey streets. Overhead, they can see the all–too–familiar signs of Hilton and Hyatt and Holiday Inn; in the distance, a sea of tract houses, mini–malls, and high rises." (Iyer 62) These describe how the culture of the tourists or immigrants of the United States portrayed America in a positive way, a place for opportunity, thus causing the travelers to deter their eyes from what is really there and see only what they choose to see and what they choose to believe. Therefore, this proves how the people's culture changed how they view certain things around the world which is evident in this when people look away from reality and see only what they ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. My Indian Culture I am an Indian who was born and raised in America. This means that I have been affected by both American and Indian cultures. One of the biggest lesson imparted on me from Indian culture was about language. In Indian culture, a person shows respect to everyone. We call adults not related to us uncle and auntie as a sign of respect towards our elders. We even call kids older than us Chetan and Chachi in the part of India that my family comes from since they are technically our elders as well. Since the use of expletives would be considered disrespectful, it was forbidden in my family. In fact, when I was a kid, the word "stupid" was considered taboo. To the young me, saying "stupid" would be the same as saying f***. I remember one time when I was really young, I was really mad. It was so insignificant that I don't even remember what I got so angry over. So I said the word "stupid" while my dad. It was one of the less wise decisions I made my life. Something you should know about my dad is that he very strict and takes showing respect to everyone very seriously. So when I said "stupid", he got really mad. He punished me by taking away my privileges like watching TV which was already limited because my dad believed that I should only be studying on school days. I was so sad when he limited my privileges that I even cried. From then on, I learned to control my language for fear of losing those privileges. Even if those privileges were pretty trivial, back then, those were ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Iriquois Indian Culture What I learned most through Albany field trip is about history. First, we went to Iroquois Indian Museum. I haven't studied Native American in my home country. One of the tribes is called Iriquois Indian. When I looked around the museum, I thought its culture has some similarities with Japanese culture for the following reasons. First, I was surprised that there were a lot of ornaments of turtle or woman in the museum and there is a tale about woman and turtle. Japanese also respect the turtle because it regards as a symbol of longevity. The ornament of woman represents for fertility. In the tale that Iriquois people believe, they think the turtle helps skywoman, who fell from the sky, and made the Earth. So women are powerful than men. As ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Indian American Culture Culture has a significant role to play on one's life and defines the character of a person, so being Indian–American, my world is split between two cultures, forcing me to play a dual role. For instance, I spend half–day at school living as an American, and at home experience a true Indian lifestyle. As an Indian in America, I face the world with self–identification issues, are open to a great selection of opportunities, and have an impact on society from the moment I was born. I grew up in a society where media has taken over the way children see the world. Wherever they look, they see an ideal American lifestyle which their family differs from. In the United States, Miss America is considered to be the beauty image of the nation. Our Indian community was recognized when Nina Davuluri was crowned Miss America in the year 2014. In an interview with Fox News, Davuluri stated, "Growing up as a girl, I imagined Miss America to always be the girl next door," with the intent to emphasize the cultural preferences seen within the United States and its impact on the younger generation. The differences in skin, eye, and hair color influences insecurities in an average Indian American. Furthermore, Nina Davuluri conveys a negative connotation to her perspective as a young girl to emphasize the idea that young Americans are brainwashed in a way to believe blond hair, white skin, and blue eyes are ideal for beauty and social acceptance. I have seen many peers at school that conceal ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Indian American Culture The Asian Indian American (also known as Indo–Indians) community is a vast one that contribute to more several facets of life in the United States. Some of these encompass the economic, political, and social historical contributions of Indo–Indians to American society. Other aspects will include the type of education levels, education system, and the role of education, as well as the constructs of family and religion within the family and the effects of Asian Indian Americans on pop culture. When comparing the Asian Indian American population, some can be seen as higher middle–class; families that have economic stability, higher education, highly literate in English, as well as high technical skills. "Indian immigrants tend to arrive in the United States with higher levels of education and as native English speakers" (Schachter, 2014, pp. 5–6, para. 2). Some of the professions they will include themselves are medical, technical, and legal. "The growth of Silicon Valley's information technology industry furthered the increase of Asian Indian professionals in Northern California" (Schaefer, 2015, p. 368, para. 7). However, there are some that are considered lower middle–class; lower economic stability, median education level and minimal control of the English language. "...displaying less facility with English, and the training they have tends to be less easily adapted to the U.S. workforce. They are most likely to work in the service industries, usually with members of their ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Indian Culture And How It Translates to America Essay India is a captivating country full of humble traditions, lively festivals, and honest beliefs. With over 2 billion people, India has a vast array of religions and languages with Hindi being the most popular. The Hindu culture is a culture of love, respect, honoring others and humbling one's own ego so that the inner nature, which is naturally pure and modest, will shine forth (Mailerindia Infotek Limited). Hindi is a kind and peaceful religion. It is only fitting to combine a temperate religion with a humble society of people. Indians were raised to treat their elders with respect and to always be humble to guests. Strangers will great you with the utmost benevolence and friends will invite you into their home and make sure you are ... Show more content on ... Patrons control their own temples and define what is considered proper (Henderson 30). This religion is multifaceted and offers various ways to practice it yet many share the same basic beliefs. There are always challenges when moving to a new country. Emigrants find that they not only have to change their ways of living but they also have to find a way to continue to practice their beliefs in their new home. "I went to school here, became Americanized," Fazel says, explaining that in recent years he had started to engage in haram (prohibited) activities such as partying (Williams, DePaul). When you are young you are more susceptible to have leeway on your current beliefs while trying to have a good time. Even things like clothing can be influenced when coming to a new country. Conservative women in India make sure to cover themselves up completely before going out in public. Most India women in America dress don't dress as modestly and the Indian dress code is put aside. Indian children that have grown up in America may find it hard not to give in to American ways. Most Indian–American youth dress and act like Americans. And it is all of that which is put into question and threated when immigrants leave one place for another (Marin 112). Nevertheless, emigrants from India do attempt to stay true to their religion and they go to great lengths to practice their religion. Worshipping is the most important part of Hindi culture ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Indian Culture And Food After Meeting An Indian Lady Learning specific knowledge and understanding of other cultures was my major problem because it is very difficult to learn and understand a new language. So in order for me to overcome these challenges, I changed my perspective of that challenges itself. I started to encourage myself that I am capable to learn more about other cultures. So I googled online search and watched different video clips of the cultures of interest. Also, I spent more time with different people from different cultures. I have realized that whenever I ask questions I was learning more. I have met most of the goals that I have assigned myself to learn more about different culture. For instance, I have learned more about Indian culture and food after meeting an Indian lady. I met her at the library one day. I approached and I started a conversation. After I introduced myself and expressed my love of Indian food and culture. Likely, she was very nice lady and our conversation lead us to compare our cultures and traditions. I noticed that she was interested to hear my conversation, and we did not interrupt each other's sentences. By the end of the conversation, I felt my confidence boosted because I felt that I have learnt more about Indian culture. Most of feedbacks that my coach gave me was helpful and based on how to become an effective communicator across other cultures. The most helpful feedback was that I improved my communication since I was able to talk to a stranger and ask questions ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. 30 Days: Outsourcing: American Culture Vs. Indian Culture American and Indian culture are different in similar in many ways. In the video "30 Days: Outsourcing" we got to follow a man Chris Jobin, into India and see firsthand just what living in India is like. Upon arrival he starts to notice somethings are very different than what he is accustom to, but there are also some that are very similar. One of the very first things he sees when he arrives is all these new business buildings next to little shacks that people live in. Then when he gets to the house he is staying at, the family meets him at the door and does some ritual on him. After his initial first day, he notices that the main job in India, is the lowest job in America. Upon arrival to India, one of the first things Chris sees is all ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Indian Culture in Punishment by Rabindranath Tagore Essay... Indian Culture in Punishment by Rabindranath Tagore Punishment, by Rabindranath Tagore, is a short story involving Indian culture and a dilemma for two brothers. Dukhiram and Chidam slaved in the fields all day, as their wives would fight and scream at each other at the house. One day the brothers came home to their wives with no food awaiting them. Dukhiram, furious and enraged, asked his wife where the food was. Radha, his wife, said sarcastically," Where is the food? You didn't give me anything to cook. Must I earn the money myself to buy it?" (Punishment, pg.1451) After a hard days work, Dukhiram couldn't handle the sarcasim. So he stabbed Radha in the head with his knife. In the mean while, Ramlochan, the pillar of ... Show more content on ... He concluded that the brothers were only trying to save Chandara. So she was sentenced to death by hanging. The relationship between the story and Indian culture is very significant and evident in the writer's story. One significant aspect of the story was the relationship between men and women. Indian culture generally discriminates on women. India's main website said that young girls have it much harder than boys, having to do much more chores and tasks, and the "discrimination doesn't end with adulthood" ( This aspect of Indian culture was evident in this story through a few examples. First, the wives both stayed home and cleaned the house, Radha looked after her son, and they cooked the food. They were also treated inferior by their husbands. An example of this is when Dukiram comes home demanding and expecting food from his wife. He treated her like he was the boss or as if he was more important than her. Lastly, Chandara willingly accepts her husband's request to confess the crime. This indicates that women back then viewed theirselves as being inferior to men because of the way Indian culture taught them. The other culturally significant part of the story had to do with family customs. "Family is important in India, and it is what their lives are centered around" ( An example from the story is when Chidam becomes very worried and scared when he realizes his brother will die for his crime. He says to ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Chippewa Indian Culture The clothing of the Chippewa Indians was oftentimes made of animal skin. The tendons were taken from the animals and used as thread for the clothing that the Chippewa wore. The men wore a long piece of animal skin or cloth between their legs and belted it at the hips. The flaps then covered the front and behind of the men. Leggings were worn by both women and men and sometimes they were covered with fancy fringe. The leggings were created from animal skin and therefore were quite insulating during the cold winters. Women sometimes wore long skirts over the top of their leggings. Women wore a thin blouse, basically like a poncho, that included a cut out at the neck for the head to go through. Fancy aprons were worn on special occasions. The Chippewa men wore headdresses made of stiff porcupine hair. These headdresses closely relate the Chippewa to the Mohawk and Mohicans. Women kept their hair long in length and braided it, with pieces of cloth and shells intermingled in them. Jewelry was something very important in the Chippewa culture. They wore copper bracelets and beaded necklaces. Also important in the Chippewa society were tribal tattoos and face paint. These distinct markings were used in times of war to differentiate between tribes. ... Show more content on ... The Chippewa believe that they were given a birch tree from the Wenebojo tribe as a gift. The bark of the tree was then split into multiple pieces to use. In the springtime, the bark softens and is more flexible, and the art can begin. The first form of art most common in the Chippewa tribe is called mazinibaganjigan, or birch bark biting. They took a very thin piece of birch bark and bent it in half. Then they used their teeth to bite intricate patterns into the wood. When they were finished, they could unfold the bark and the pattern would be perfectly ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. What Are Plains Indians Considered Plains Culture The Sioux are considered Plains Indians part of the Great Plains Culture Area. But since they are in distinctive areas, the lifeway's of the four branches are differed. The Teton gained stallions, took after the incredible bison crowds, and lived in tipis. The lifestyle of the Yankton and Yanktonai got to be like that of other Missouri River tribes, for example, the Mandan also, HIDATSA, other Siouan–talking people groups. The Yankton and Yanktonai started using steeds in the 1700s and furthermore chased wild ox likes the Teton, however they lived usually in perpetual towns of earth cabins. They moreover kept on developing products. Subsequently, the Yankton and Yanktonai can likewise be depicted as Prairie Indians. The Santee held huge numbers ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. The Indians And European Cultures In the Indians and European cultures, they both faced a certain backlash when it came to being able to live with each other. For example, the Indians would offer an education in the way of living in New England, but Massachusetts and Connecticut would make sure that the people that lived over there would stay over there because they did not want the settlers to move over there. In contrast, they both could have a cultural crossing successfully. For example, Europeans men lived with Indian women and the French and English were good friends with the Indians. In this essay, Europeans and Indians culture are divided, but together in terms of the nature of the borderlands, the appeal to the Indian cultures that may have had for some Europeans, how most Europeans viewed Indians, the way Indians treated captives and those who lived amongst them voluntarily, the role of trade and economic exchange, the role of education, and finally the difference between the English and the French settlers in their attitudes towards the indigenous peoples. Through all this, the essay will explain what kind of people live in the Indian culture as well as compare all the descriptive information that has been received. The Indians and Europeans are divided, but together in terms of the nature of the borderlands. In Dawnland Encounters, the author Colin G. Calloway uses William T Davis's journal to show how the Indians and the Europeans crossed cultural boundaries. Davis wrote "On Dawnland ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. The Indian Culture- Informative Speech Lebanese American University Byblos, Lebanon Fundamentals of Oral Communication Name: Amar Al Bakkar ID#: 201101998 Email Address: Tel: 03/925225 Instructor: Mrs. Therese Nasrallah Date of Presentation: July 2, 2012 General Purpose: To inform Specific purpose: To inform my audience about the Indian culture's diversity Central Idea: India is a fascinating country with diverse traditions related to their language, their costumes, and their cuisine. Organization: Topical Order Visual Aids: Power Point Presentation Audience: University colleagues especially those interested in travelling or in improving their knowledge about cultural diversity. ... Show more content on ... 3. there are 14 additional languages approved by the constitution 4. Each of which has its special rules and alphabet. B) Second, there are more than 1000 minor languages 1. That change completely from one village to another. C) Although having many languages has advantages such as diversifying the Indian culture and enriching its heritage, the vice president of inda said it has caused social tensions and hampered the economic prosperity. (Transition: Now that we know about the languages in India, let's take a look over the Indian costumes) II. Indian men and women love to wear their traditional clothes and accessories during festivals and occasions which are an integral part of Indian life. A. Women wear a "Sari" which is a very long piece of colorful cloth they wrapped around themselves. 1. Colors of saris are of great importance because each color has its
  • 86. own symbol.For example: a. White was special for women of upper classes. However, today colors have become more dominant, and white is only worn by widows. b. Red is associated with marriages. It is a must in the closet of the bride c. The green color has Islamic connotations being mostly worn by Muslim groups. d. Hindus avoided the blue color because the fermentation process used to produce indigo ... Get more on ...
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  • 90. Impact Of The British On Indian Business Culture Global managers, and especially the Managing Director of JI (India), have to face several challenges. These challenges are not clearly defined and different types of challenges, who typify diverse cultural, political social systems, arise from a complex and dynamic world. "Cross–cultural Leadership", "Ethical Leadership", and " Change Leadership" had been identified as the most relevant ones concerning the case study. In terms of increasing globalisation, there is the need and necessity for managers to be aware and – more importantly– to understand different cultures and hence to be successful in world of high cultural connection. Culture demonstrates shared values and attitudes. It cannot be only classified by its geographical boundaries but also by a subcultural, e.g. gender, ethnic and an organisational context and is influenced by historical, social and political issues (Cavusgil, Knight and Riesenberger, 2008). The impact of the British on the Indian business culture is reflected in the well– educated Indian bureaucracy and the fact that English is taught in schools. However, cultural differences shouldn't be neglected. In this point managers should consider in which degree natural culture contrast or is integrated in organisational culture and its impact on the previously mentioned challenges. Based on Hofstede's five cultural dimensions, one of the most eminent studies on cross–cultural leadership, overall cultural differences can be compared, especially in this ... Get more on ...
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  • 94. Hockey: A Harmonious Indian Culture Lacrosse was not the only indigenous stickball game that was being played at that point and time by the American Indians when we had the European contact. This sport almost consisted of an almost man sport, this sport is distinguished from others than American Indians. This game could be consider hockey but just not on the ice so it would be considered field hockey but using the netted racquet instead of solid which is used to pick the ball up off the ground than also is used to throw and catch the ball off the ground and from there you have a good chance of scoring a point. In this game the ball must not be touched by the hands at all. Apart from the recreational use of Lacrosse, Lacrosse was more of a serious Indian cultural sport the ... Get more on ...
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  • 98. Value Of Kinship In American And Indian Culture The value of kinship, or family relations is slowly but still relevantly decreasing over the years. I have a unique perspective of this situation due to the fact that I've experienced both the 'American' and 'Indian' culture. This gives me more room to compare and contrast between the cultures to identify the major changes and the effects of those changes. One major different I notice is that, according to the "Kingship Interview" activity we did in class, it showed that it's less likely that kin terms are used when describing close relatives that are both older than you or the near the same age as you, like family friends or even neighbors. In my culture, it's rare to find people using first names to call upon others, rather kin terms such as "Bhai (Brother), Kaka (Uncle), Kaki (Aunt)" even if they share no biological relation with you. ... Get more on ...
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  • 102. Indian Culture Batalla Does the combination of two cultures result in an untidy system? The article "The problem of National Culture" is an informative piece of writing which explains the emergence of two cultures. In this article, Batalla was awfully skeptical about having robust order. The author was rather antipathetic to "assimilation" into the spanish culture due to his belief of there being an unorderly system. The author also argues about how the spaniards had subjugated most of the indian population. The author later creates a theme; applying true culture results in an orderly system. "The indian remained a shadowy presence who constituted a "problem", the only apparent solution to which was assimilation."(1) This quote that Batalla argues is essentially an intro into the belief of there being no "true" culture in a civilization if they are not ... Show more content on ... Historical assimilation, in this context, meant becoming familiar with the habits of the spanish. The indians essentially had to be socially accepted into the hispanic society. Assumptions of this topic include the urban and physical change of the indians. Whether these conversions were fair or not, batalla argues in his literature that they resulted in an unorderly system. The authors approach to this topic is to elucidate the reader and inform them about the many beliefs of indian assimilation into spanish culture. He is successful in this due to his word choice and evidence that assimilation resulted in an unorderly system when attempting to converge two cultures into one. Westernization is an idea that Batalla includes in his passage. He explains how the spanish culture attempts to assimilate the indians into western culture. At the same time the indians will have been conquered by the spaniards, but could not be perceived as spaniards. They will still always be Indians. The author, with this, introduces the idea of there being a culture which is ... Get more on ...
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  • 106. The Indian Culture in Slum dog Millionaire Slum dog Millionaire: Indian Culture I chose to learn a little bit more about Indian culture, and I thought Slum Dog Millionaire was a great resource to do so. This movie depicts the story of 2 young Indian boys and their journey in life through love, hardship, and culture. The story starts out with the two boy living a happy life with their mother, but when their mother dies from the religious wars they are forced to learn to fend for themselves. On their journey they let a little girl tag along on their journey. The movie depicts what starts out to be a struggle to survive then they against all odds makes it out and make a name for themselves by winning India's version of "Who wants to be a millionaire". Starting to scavenge in the slums of India the movie shows us how different the culture of India is. There are not many scenes in the movie where I am envious of people living in India. The culture of India is very different then the culture that I am used to. If kids loose their parents in the war the movie that would be made after their lives would not be near as exciting as this one. If this were to happen in the United States we would more than likely put the kids in foster care and more than likely end up in a nice home and that would be the end of the story. This really shows what kind of infrastructure that India has. The Indian culture is built on upon religion. Though the movie that I chose to watch was not directly about religion it seemed that the camera could ... Get more on ...
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  • 110. The Cultures Of The French And The Micmac Indians When Europeans encountered the Native Americans, the encounter was fraught with difficulties for both sides, for the Native Americans more so than the Europeans. Europeans conquered the Native Americans, forced them into labor, and spread diseases which the Native Americans had no resistance to. In addition to this the Europeans considered themselves superior to the Native Americans. Despite this, the Europeans and Native Americans, both had things the other wanted and so they often engaged in trade with each other. However, the Native Americans thought that, despite not having the luxuries the Europeans had, they were better off than the Europeans. This sentiment is exemplified in "Your People Live Only Upon Cod" by French priest Chrestian LeClerq who was traveling with the Micmac Indians. It is a documented response by an unknown Micmac leader to European, particularly French, claims of superiority. In analyzing this document, we will find that the cultures of the French and the Micmac were vastly different. We will also discover what the Micmac and the French thought of each other. To begin, we must first talk about the various comparisons that the Micmac chief makes in "Your People Live Only Upon Cod". The first comparison is that of the living arrangements and the differences between the French and the Micmac when it came to this. According to the Micmac chief the French had"...houses of stone and of wood which are tall and lofty...", but he questions why they need such ... Get more on ...
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  • 114. Impact Of Westernisation On Indian Culture Impact of westernisation on Indian Culture. "If there is one place on the face of this Earth where all the dreams of the living men have found a home from the very earliest days when Man began the dream of existence, its in India" Happy morning guys this is Aatif, here with my second speech the topic which I have chosen for today is Impact of Westernization on Indian Culture. Indian Culture, which is one of the oldest & richest cultures, is nowadays posing a serious threat as western culture is establishing its strong base in India and slowly and gradually wiping the Indian culture. It had already made its presence in Metro's & now slowly heading towards other parts of India. Westernization has greatly effected our traditions, customs, our family and our respect and love for others. The concept of joint families is fastly decreasing every one wants to remain separated from others. Nobody now bothers about others and only cares about himself which is totally contradictory to our Indian culture which teaches to be apart of each other Joy's and Sorrows to celebrate the moments together and share the grief together. Slowly all our values for which India has the pride is vanishing & western culture is taking its place. People are blindly following the western culture without knowing its ... Show more content on ... Marriages are fastly breaking & our tolerance and patience has given the answer. In today's Scenario were both husband & wife are working there is no one at home to look after them to inherit the basic moral values in them, as our elders who gives these values to their grand children are not with them. In To many cases it is not deliberate but in majority of cases the children prefers to remain away from their parents which is very unfortunate. And the youngsters end up having anxiety, low self esteem and a feeling of discrimination and loneliness which mostly results in getting them into bad habits like Alcohol and drug ... Get more on ...
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  • 118. American Indian Culture Case Study Family and Social Issues within the American Indian and Cherokee Tribe Culture Introduction Culture Vision is an online resource that provides healthcare professionals with essential information about all ethnicities. As a healthcare professional, it is a priority for all patients to receive essential care no matter their ethnicity. Culture Vision can help drive that care that may be a different due to their culture and beliefs. In this paper, I am going to explore the family and social issues of American Indian's that Culture Vision points out, as well as a peer–reviewed article that focuses on the family and social issues with infants. Summary According to Culture Vision (2016), American Indian's social structure plays a huge role in ... Show more content on ... The nurse is the patient's advocate and needs to understand what their hopes and wishes are for their care to best guide the care that they or the healthcare provider may give. In regards to the American Indian, specifically Cherokee culture, it is important for the nurse to have an understanding of the family and social dynamics. Within the family and social dynamics, the nurse has the view of what arrangements may need to be made. For example, the American Indian's are split into tribes and the tribe is seen as a large extended family. If a nurse is taking care of an American Indian, he or she will need to understand that there may be large masses of visitors. It is the right for the patient to have visitors, but the nurse may need to intervene to suggest a limit of visitors at a time in the room to prevent crowding. At a more sensitive topic, Cherokee women have different beliefs in caring for their infants. The nurse should not be judgmental, but rather accept their motherly ways. The nurse should not just completely ignore the mother and her infant's well being, but she should observe and have a open conversation about how things are going that. Through conversation and observation, the nurse can determine if something is abnormal and is causing harm to the infant. At that time, it would be appropriate for the nurse to intervene in order to help promote ... Get more on ...
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  • 122. The Disappearance of the Plains Indian culture Essay The Disappearance of the Plains Indian culture 'It was the lack of buffalo that killed off the Plains Indian culture in the 20th century'. In some respects this traditional historical statement is true; however, I believe that many views which revisionist historians believe also contributed greatly to the disappearance of the Plains Indian culture in the 20th century. The traditional historian's view that the lack of buffalo did contribute severely to the Plains Indian culture is true, because their lives revolved around and depended on the buffalo. As source 2 shows the Indians used the buffalo for everything from tools and food storage to shoes and actual food, but then the white settlers ... Show more content on ... However then in the late 1830's an awful Small Pox epidemic wiped out nearly 4/5 of the Indian population of North America. We know from the video we studied in class that after this outbreak, the white settlers who had gradually been taking the Indians land for years began stealing and dividing up even more of the land whilst leaving the Indians even less land or space, those that would not give up their land were killed or captured, the movement of the white settlers going west angered the Indians and the Indians began to fight back. The white settlers' discovery of gold, also angered the Plains Indians, as this was another thing that went against the Indians beliefs because as it says above they didn't believe the land should be cut up, and that was exactly what gold mining was, hacking the land to bits for a few lumps of golden rock. This created more conflict between the Plains Indians and the white settlers, and more and more Indians were being wiped out all over North America because they had less weapons, horses and men than the white settlers who were just going into the villages, killing the ... Get more on ...
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  • 126. The Fundamental Issues Within The Romanian And Indian Culture In this essay I will analyse the fundamental issues within the Romanian and Indian culture, progressing then to understand the leadership that each culture creates and attracts. I will also present a set of potential solutions for each of them individually, and for working together, as well as make comparisons between my findings and Hofstede's. Leadership in Romania is built upon the belief in a higher ordeal, therefore either on religion, or a feeling of servitude towards God, or for the benefit of culture. The leadership that appeals to people and motivates them to do more and be proactive, is the one that appeals to their inner sense of duty. If that is lacking, the only second best option within the national Romanian culture is the military leadership style. The later we have seen enforced for the past decades, and is defined by an enforcement of power; this is at the other end of the spectrum to the desired assuming of power and responsibility that duty is defined by, and Romanians so desire (Hurduzeu, 2015). Regarding the above mentioned as true, there are two major solutions for bringing positive change in Romania. People either learn how to draw their sense of purpose from their ongoing daily activities, – becoming leaders in their daily endeavours –, and therefore live and act in a way that reflects their sense and need of duty – or they wait for a national leader to instill this sense into them. This polarity of choice is described by our intermediate ... Get more on ...
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  • 130. American Indian Culture Research Paper Health Promotion Among American Indian/Alaskan Native Culture Renee R. Trent Grand Canyon University: NRS–429VN August 13, 2016 Babe, Plz review..... if you feel like you have a better "way to say something" please feel free to make corrections The American Indian/Alaskan Native people have a heritage that is rich in culture and history rich in conflict, strife, and triumph (, n.d.). The American Indian/Alaskan Native have come a long way compared to their ancestors, however, the culture continues to struggle today with disparities such as poverty, poor health, demographic and social challenges, and a severely limited health care system due in part by lack of funding for health ... Show more content on ... Department of Health and Human Services, 2014–2015). It may be all encompassing, not just one's own physical body, it is holistic in nature (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2014– 2015). The foundation of their concepts are" living in a harmonious balance and harmony of spirit, mind, body, and environment" (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2014–2015). The cultural values, beliefs, and practices of the AI/AN, influence health care practices within their community. For example, healing is sacred work, the spiritual aspect of the individual needs to be considered to be effective. Contemporary Indians might use "white man's medicine" to treat "white man's disease" such as diabetes, cancer, and gallbladder disease and "native medicine" was used to treat "native problems" such as pain, family relationship issues, mental illness and alcoholism aka "sickness of the spirit" (Alvord, 1997; Hendrix, 1999). Many Western medicines were based on Indian herbal medications. For instance, aspirin is derived from willow bark (Alvord, 1997; Hendrix, ... Get more on ...
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  • 134. The Indian Culture Essay examples A culture where guests are treated as gods, family members live under the same household until death, and have the belief that gods and spirits play the significant role in determining their life all refer to the same topic, the Indian culture; a rich and diverse culture which is very unique in many ways. This culture includes the qualities of various other cultures and it results into a modern and acceptable tradition. Respecting elders, honouring heroes, cherishing love, and following traditions make up the major components of the Indian culture and its followers. Many people believe that this particular culture has a great impact on their everyday lives and are proud to be included in the significant customs. In the novel, Clear Light ... Show more content on ... When her parents died, they left her with a burden of responsibilities that involved raising the children and taking on the role of a mother. Bim is left to take care of her smallest and mentally challenged brother, Baba. When Baba was younger, the parents would constantly go to clubs and out for drinks, leaving the responsibility of raising the unfortunate child to Bim. The two siblings established a special bond with each other and trusted each other more and more each day. When the second oldest child, Raja fell ill because of tuberculosis, Bim was accountable of helping him regain back his normal health. Upon these responsibilities was a very important one, Bim had to earn money for the family and she knew that it involved educating herself to become a teacher, a job that was seemed appropriate for women. "For all father cared, I could have grown up illiterate and cooked for my living, or swept. So I had to teach myself history, and teach myself to teach." (155) Since men of the house are the providers to the family, their death can have a huge impact on the family. This terrible incident challenged Bim and the rest of the family members to live their life without coming to a point of bankruptcy. Bim's responsibility increased when her sister, Tara married and moved out of the house, leaving Bim with the burden of taking care of her brothers' needs, daily chores, and paying for the rents and groceries. Responsibility can affect us and our lives ... Get more on ...
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  • 138. Differences Between American Culture And Indian Culture Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, defined by everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts. The cultures around the world are very different and very much the alike at the same time. On the other hand, some similarities also lie between two nations. While the culture of America is a mixture of different cultures, the Indian culture is unique and has its own values. There are many types of differences lies between American culture and Indian culture in terms of Religions, Languages, Rituals and Cuisines. Religious is a set of common beliefs and practices generally held by a group of people that is usually separated by rituals and religious laws. There are so many cultures within each country. India is one of the most religiously diverse country in the world with one of the most deeply religious societies and cultures. Religion plays a central and definitive role in the life of many of its people. The religions that originated in the Indian subcontinents are Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism and Christianity. The most of India 's population is Hindu which contributes towards the 70% of the population. Hinduism is one of the oldest religions in the world. It was developed about 5000 years ago. Hinduism is a colorful religion with a lot of rituals. People who follow this religion believe in a lot of Gods and Goddesses. About 12% of India 's population is Islam. This is a religion which was not ... Get more on ...
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  • 142. Biological Variation In American Indian Culture Essay The use of a traditional healers prior to making healthcare decisions may slow interventions, but it is also a necessary component of Indian culture. Lomay and Hinkebein (2006) write, "From a pragmatic prospective, this might mean allowing time for the Navajo patient and his or her family to consult with a traditional healer prior to pursuing a more mainstream course of treatment" (p. 39). By giving the individual time, you are allowing them to reach a sense of "balance" that main in fact improve therapeutic outcomes (Lomay & Hinkebein, 2006). Biological Variations in the American Indian Culture The American Indian biological variation is one that includes high incidence of diabetes and alcoholism. One of the most startling statistics is ... Show more content on ... Pregnancy and birth within the culture is considered very important. Sam D. Gill (1983) author of Native American Traditions writes, "although it is not often the occasion for large formal public ritual, the prenatal period and the event of birth are religiously important for most Native American peoples" (p. 86). In fact, this event is so important, that when individuals speak about themselves they often begin with their birth (Gill, 1983). The first nursing implication can be drawn from the previous statistic of American Indian hospitalizations due to deliveries and complications of pregnancy. The nurse must assess the individual's biologic variations that could impede on their pregnancy. An example of an intervention of this is screening for gestational diabetes. Doing so may help lower pregnancy complications and hospitalizations related to this. Another nursing implication is the idea of environment. It is very common for American Indian women to take exceptional care of themselves during pregnancy. Gill (1983) writes of this phenomenon saying, "often the prenatal period is one during which the expectant mother is heavy–laden with restrictions and special observations" (p. 86). This may include having special dietary restrictions, prayers, or rituals before during, and after ... Get more on ...
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  • 146. Southern Plains American Indian Culture American Indian music has, throughout the history of the native people, been a major part in the life of a tribe's cultural expression. The Southern Plains American Indians have learned, from their ancestors/elders, the delicate rhythmic communication as youth, and have carried the expression throughout their lives. The songs of the Southern Plains American Indians represent their artistic language as a diminishing minority group. Through song, American Indians communicate their beliefs and values as a distinct society. American Indians use equipment such as drums, vocals, and dance during the performance of their, often, monophonic language with a rare heterophony texture. Their music describes as well as represents their wants and needs as ... Show more content on ... According to Rose, within the Native American music, "No harmony is ever incorporated, although sometimes many people sing at once, and other times the vocals are solo. The Native American vocals are passionate, used to invoke spirits, ask for rain or healing, or are used to heal the sick." Like Rose, Native American Music – The Beating of Native Drums and Flutes, agrees that the "Native American Indians worshipped the spirits of the animals, the sun, the moon and the stars and everything else that they could not explain. The songs they sang and danced to were meant to honor these spirits as stated but many of their traditional celebrations would also have re–enactments of these stories, where members of the tribe would dress up and perform ceremonial dances to the gods while they would re–enact tribal myths." As made aware through thr exploration of what the music is, the representation is lost through study and inappropriate understanding due to westernized intuition. I believe we find that appropriate explanation is lost to those who have become ... Get more on ...
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  • 150. Indian Culture And Tradition Of Punjab Indian restaurant I wish to start my own Indian restaurant in Invercargill. . I want to serve north Indian food in my restaurant in which people can get north Indian food taste. North Indian curries usually have thick, moderately spicy and creamy gravies. I want to make the mini Punjab in my restaurant like people can see the culture and tradition of they can feel pure Punjab in New Zealand. Once you enter, some people will perform Bhangra for you, and then a Stage show Performing Bhangra, and kind of small Punjabi village out there. I want to make about the scenario of villages of Punjab of several decades ago. North Indian curries have thick, spicy and creamy gravies.. The use of dried fruits and nuts is common in every day foods. Usage of dairy products like milk, cottage cheese, ghee (clarified butter) and yoghurt plays an important role in cooking of sweet dishes. We seems to prefer Indian bread over rice, if the rich variety is anything to go by. We will make tandoori roti and naans (bread made in a clay tandoori oven), stuffed paranthas (Indian bread with different kind of vegetarian and non–vegetarian fillings) and kulchas (bread made from fermented dough).we can also permote rice biryanis and pulaos. Vegetable oils like sunflower and canola. Mustard oil is rarely used and only in some states of the region. We will buy all our spices whole and grind them because a lot of prepacked stuff has fillers in it .some of the spices in some of the dishes need to ... Get more on ...
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  • 154. The Importance Of The Indian Culture In Todd's 'Outsourced' Clarissa Williams Professor Mareneck COMM 11 June 16,2017 Throughout the scenes in the movie "Outsourced" Todd wasn't being the best towards the workers. He was being rude and unfair towards the workers. He wasn't being understanding because he didn't see the importance of the Indian culture and how it works, which is nurturing because he didn't any better he didn't know the history of it. Towards the end of the movie Todd realized that the Indian culture was a much enriched happy culture. Just like in women at work: intercultural complexities are too dynamic to succeed globally women are treated differently because of their gender instead of their skills. In countries like India, japan, Southern Europe, The Middle East, Asia, a women's body language and communication style can come off as submissive and dominant. According to cross– cultural competence: engage people from any culture by Louise Rasmussen; her and her colleagues had came up with 12 principles to help people deal with cross–cultural competence. Outsourced was about a man named Todd Anderson who discovered that his company is getting outsourced meaning his job is based off outside work. Which led Todd's boss sending him to India to train and maintain his part in Mumbai. Todd didn't want to go to Indian but, his boss was telling him that he would lose his stock options which made him have no other choice but to go to India. When Todd first got to India he didn't understand how to get around and what they were saying around him. When he got to the call center all the workers had a hard time understanding the American customers and that frustrated Todd even more. In order for him to go back home he had to get the MPI (minutes per incident) under six minutes which wasn't easy for him but then he started to see that it was going down but very slowly. Todd started having meetings with the workers to help them understand what they were selling and why how they were selling the stuff. In all the meeting there was one person who really caught his eye and her name is Asha. She really took charge of everything as far as helping out when everybody needed to be helped with the American customers. Towards the middle of the movie Todd started to realize how ... Get more on ...